Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 19, 1858, Image 3

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    Jwcign An
tunEB Bits later rnoM elropu.
The Cunard Bteamship Asia arrived at New
York yesterday, with Liverpool datca to the
29tliult. . . j .
The steamer Borussia arrived at Bremen
on the 20th nit. ..... ,
The fleot chnrged with the laying dowo or
the Atlantic cable was expocted to oil on
the experimental trip the day the Asia tail-
CThe Ilonse of Commons re-assembled on
Friday Lord John Russell condemned
briffi speech which Mr. Disraeli had been
mak ng to his constituents, during the recess
,..?!. i,. rut an imputation on the late
love Toment, and said that the country was
wUhin a few hours of war when the present
The DuTo of Almeda is epoken of a. (Jon-
5he8 Turlag Urg. force, at B-
8 The returns of the British exports since
Apr 7th ho Wling off of one-half ft mil.
iton pounds sterling as compared with last
yTbe recipient of the Victoria medal of the
Geographical Society Is Alexander Dallas
Bfttt:rtomnri "oulh9 state, that the
Nit ra andTgamemmoo are lying withm
two hundred yards of each other. 1 he cable
on each Bhip is connected and telegraph
neieagei are sent through the whole length
of the Atlantic cable iu the most perfect man-
CCIt is stated that ft conference between the
lords and Commons has ended id the former
agreeing to the principal of the right or the
Sews to seats in parliament and the result
will be that Duron Rothschild will take his
Beat in the House of Commons.
The newspaper accoants ubiserts that Lord
Elgin had declared himself roady to employ
force to penetrate to rekin.
The journals express uujju m
would be early taken.
St John, N. F. June 12, 4 o'clock, A. M.
the Canadian Company's screw steamship
Nova Scotian, Captain McMasters, has pass
eJ Cape Race on her first voyage to Quebec.
She has 291 passengers.
In the ITouso of Lords, on the 31at ult.,
the order of the day was to consider the rea
eons of the House of Commons for disagree
IDE ta the amendmets of the former House to
tba Oaths bill. The question to insist on
the amendments, after discussion, was put
and carried without a division.
Lord Stanley has been appointed to the
India Board, and Sir, Bulwer Lytton Coloni
al Secretary. , .
In the llouso of Commons, on the itta in
etant, MrfcLyudsay, asked the Government if
it was true that the United States vessels in
the Havana or Western coast of Africa trade
had been fired iuto, boarded searched or do
tained by British cruisers, and il so, by what
authority, or under whose instructions did
the commanded of those ships, so uct.
Mr Fitzgerald said that the Government
had no official information on the subject,
but he had reason to believe tho reports had
been exaggerated. They were as auxioas as
the American Government to avoid all cause
of complaint, end strict orders had been issued
to the officers on the station to be especially
cautious. ... ..
The Niagara and Agamemnon with the
telegraph cable on board, sailed from t ly
mouth Sotfod on Saturday evening, for the
west coast of America.
Three Days Later fhom Ecnore.
Return of the Telegraph FltttSuccus of
the Experiments.
Halifax, June 15.
The Roval Mail steamship Kuropa, Cant.
1 eitch, from Liverpool, at 10 o'clock on tho
afternoon of the 5th inst., arrived here at
half-past 12 o'clock this afternoon.
Ou the 3d, in the House of Commons, the
Atluutic Telegraph Company's bill was read
a third time aud passed, as was also the
property qualification bill.
Mr Roebuck gave notice that he should
Fhortly call attention to the whole subject of
the liudsou Bay Company.
Mr. HorsruU asked whether the Govern
ment had any information of the arrest or
Capt. JudkinB, of the Persia, at New York.
Mr. Wilson also asked whether there were
any objections to lay on tbo table the cor
re'poudenca between the British Government
und that of the United States respecting the
slavo trado.
Mr. Seymonr Fitzgerald replied That the
government had received no official lulorma
tir.n if tba nrreRt or Cant. Judkios. V ith
regaidtotbo other question, the American
Government had made grave charges against
curtain British officers ; but no official oc
coi t had been received from these oflicerB.
He could only say that, if occurrences such
as those complaiuod of bad occurred, they
would be viewed with the deepest regret by
the government, and immediate explanation
given. The fullest information should be
laid berore Parliament as early as possible.
In tho meautimo, he had only to add, that
orders bad been sent out to the officers in
command or the squadron in the Cuban wa
ters, to make every iuquiry into the subject,
duU that the greatest caution and forbearance
should be exercised toward vessels bearing
the American Qag.
Tho London Times, in a leader on the
searching of American vessels, reiterated its
objections against the policy of maintaining
a squadron which has proven so ineffectual
for the end in view. It says, "Whatever the
tight of the case, and however far Americans
way be ready to go at present In compliance,
for peace'B sake, we cannot but look forward
to a duy when it will be more disagreeable,
and at the time more unnecessary for the
Americans to Bubmit, and a still greater let
down for our own pride to give way." Alter
passing some cenBure upon the apathy of the
American Government in the suppression of
the slave trade, it concludes as follows :
"We do not compel ber to the virtue she
haB not ; before very long the mere at to nipt
must bring on a fearful war. Is there do
such thing as giving np a crusade, which be
gan with being optioual, and is found to be
ineffectual? Is nothing to be surrendered,
except after the loss of 30,000 lives on both
Bides and thirty millions of money T Is there
do other use, equally benevolent, to which we
could put the half million and valuable lives
annually sunk in these squadrons T"
In tho city article of the Times, some re
flections are made ou the same subject, and
it is asked whether, supposing America un
willing to fiud ships for the suppression of
the slave trade, there might cot be an agree,
ment for one or two American officers to be
received as permanent guests on board Bri
tish vessels, while servicg on each duties,
apd all searches to be couducted under the
auspices of such American officers!
The Daily News' editorial on the iama
subject, regards the affair aa a disagreeable
one : bet thinks it premature to iumo at
conclusions without hearing both siks of the
question. It discredits the reporti made by
some of the American captains.
The same paper draws a contrast between
the serf emancipation policy of Russia and
tie slave policy of America, and Incident! j
reviews the career of i'ourgueoeffaud EJward
Everett, upon the latter of whom it casts
ome bitter reflections.
The London Post thinks that, if Injury has
been sustained, England cannot refuse the
reparation demanded by Secretary Cats, and
calls for such forbearance In the matter com
plained of as will not endanger the friendly
relations between the two countries.
The London Star thinks the dancer la Im
minent, unless tbe British government recede
from its untenable position.
Tbe Atlantic telegraph fleet relumed to
Plymouth from their experimental trip, on
the 3d inst. Tho experiments in paying out
and hauling fn the cable in water nearly two
miles deep and much deeper than it is any
where between Ireland and Newfoundland,
was entirely successful, and tbe new ma
chinery is pronounced porfect. The opera
tion of splicing the two ends was perfected
four times, and tbe cable was payed out at
me rate oi seven to eigbt knots an uour.
The expedition will finally start from Ply
mouth on the 9th or 10th of June.
On tbe 29th nit., Professor Hughes worked
with his Printing Telegraph machines
through 3000 miles of cable, at tbe rate of
thirty-two words per minute. Professor
Wbitebouso worked at the rate of nineteen
words in eighteen minutes, and Mr. Thomp
son was unable to work at all.
The government has chartered twenty ad
ditional ships to convey troops to India.
Twenty-five thousand troops are to be sent
to India immediately.
A rumor of another attempted assassina
tion ot tho Emperor at Fontainblcou, arose
from the arrest of some Itulians, the Sardin
iun Government having given notice that
parties were coming to Paris from Rome
for a criminal purpose.
It was rumored, but considered improba
ble, that Pelissier had been recalled for tho
courtesies to the Doc d'Aumule.
California $fctos,
The U. S. mail steamship Star of the
West, A. G. Gray, Esq., commander, from
Anpiuwall, arrived at New York on Satur
day. (From the Alta California ot May 12th.)
The Frazer river emigration continues
The steamer Commodore, Capt. Staples,
sailed on the 11th of May, with 500 passen
gers, making in all 1,025 who have left this
State for the North.
There is every assurance of one of the
greatest grain crops this year ever yot bar
vested in California.
Mr. B. E. Doyle has Bhown ns a fine spec
imen of coarse placer gold token from a new
field at the Picache, 45 miles southeast of
the Pimo Villages. He also informs us that
at tho Canada d'Oro, eight miles from Tuc
son, old coyote diggings have been recently
explored more than 150 feet into tho moun
tain side, aud more than 45 cents to the pan
of dirt was obtained, but that the miners
were compelled to dcBist from tho great
number of rattlesnakes with which the holes
were filled. Gold fields have also been dis
covered 50 miles east of Tueson.
Governor Wainwright is putting np smelt
ing furnaces near San Javier, and reports
good prospects.
There was quite an excitement in town on
Sunday evening last, on the occasion of tho
arrival from tbe Gadsden Purchaso, of six
eight-mule teams loaded with silver ore, from
the Heintzleman mine. This is the first
cargo. They have out at tho mine some 70
tons, averaging $1000 per ton, and about
18 tons, worth from three to four thousand
dollars per toB, is now lying at Fort Yuma,
waiting shipment.
Tho Indians at the Dalles have again cam
menced to murder, rob and plunder the in
habitants. It is said that two men, who were
on the way to the mines, had been murdered
by Kamiakin's band of Indians. Col. Step,
toe, at tho latest dates we have from Walla
Walla, was on the point of starting with a
detachment of United States troops in pur
suit of the murderers.
The eteamer Panama, dpt. Dall, arrived
from Puget Souud, at 5 o'clock, Monday
From an extra from tho Tuget Sound
Herald office, of May 11th, we have the fol
lowing news :
By the arrival at this place, this morniug,
of the steamer Sea Bird, Capt. Connor, from
Bollingham Bay, we have later and very im
portant intelligence from the Thompson's
and Frazer's river gold mines, which will be
found in detail below. A miner, at or near
the fork of Thompson's river, writes to a
friend at Seattle that he is making $35 a
day. We learn from Samuel McCaw, Esq ,
who came passenger iu the Sea Bird, and
who recently left Fort Yale, that miners in
that locality are making from $8 to $16 per
day each. Some 60 or more are at work a
few miles above lort Yale. Mr. McCaw
ascended the river some twenty miles above
Fort Yale, and assures us that the dieeiucs
are rich along the whole of .thot distauce j
me raiues yieiuing an average ot not less than
12 per day each man. Tho cold is found on
ana wiinin six inencs ol tbe snrface. Mr
McCaw brings fifty ounces of the eold with
him, the largest pieces of which are worth $3
or S-L He received this in trade with the
Indians. The Indiana ore friendly, and will
continue bo as long as they remain unmo
lested. Tbe Hudson Bay Co.'s officials are
said to be very accommodating, and furnish
every fucility to miners to reach their desti.
natiooB, witb a view to promoting lmmiirra
tion. Tbe water in Frazer's river has risen
upwards of tweuty feet within tho past fort
night, and at last accounts was steadily rising
at tue rate or two leet per day. Tbe new
town of "Schome" had been laid oot, and lots
were taken up quite rapiuly by business men
from various parts of tbe Sound. Schome is
about one mile south of Whatcom.
New Advertisements.
Dissolution & Co-partnership.
r"MIE firm of Shepherd and Hcwett, CoafOpe
berland County, Pa., being thia day (June 1st,
1K5S,) dissolved by mutual consent, the business
will be hencetorth carried on by James M. Shep
herd and John McKarland, under the firm name
of Shepherd V McFarland. who will pay all
claims against and receive ill accounts due to the
late firm.
JAMES M. SHEPHERD, Sunbury, Pa.,
CHARLES HEWETT, fchamokin, Pa.,
JOHN M'FARLAND, Pine Grove, Pa.
Sunbury, June 13, 1558.
A T meeting of the Board of School Directors
of the borouah of Bunburv. held in th Srrinnl
Houne on Wednesday Eveniug, 3d iiut., it was
ucsoLVLD, i nat the names of all those owing
hool Tax for 1856. exonerated in th (at
book, now in the hands of Jared Brosioue, who
shall refuse or neglect to pay said Tax to the
Decretory oi tne Uoard, by the 1 9th of June.insL,
shall be published in the Bdubury papers.
Auverusea uy oraer oi tue Board,
r W.GRAY, BecV.
Bunbury.Jone 11, 1868. 2t
ITOTICE is hereby given that William Wit.
IJj son, of Noihumberlend,has Bold and trans
ferred to me all his iisht title) and inUraat in two
fields of OATS in tba Ground, and also all the
tiUKN, n tha place occupied by Tbomaa J
NonhumbatlanJ, May 31, USf je 3t
YVE have received cur NEW GOODS forth
trade, and respectfully invite all
the world aud the relief mankiud to CalI ad
Peoplo who would ei-imomree end save tbeir
dimes w ill do well to call and toe how very cheap
goods can be had, and should they not conclude
to purchase from us, they will be more conver
sant aa to the actual value of all klnda of Goods.
2'hcre are a great many reasons why people
should closely examine our Block, and while ilia
clearly demonstrated that the "obvious meaning
and importa" of this multitude of reasons refers
directly to the BEAUTY OK TEXTURE, and
cheapness in price of goods, it will at the same
strike the mind of the observing
that a state of things combining a great and di
versified supply, with low prices, must brini
about a "consummation devoutly to be wished
in making the POOU MAK RICH, and tho rich
man opulent
And although wo may digress, vet permit ua
to add that nothing would afford a better ground
work for a summer evening's entertainment, than
lor the kind mother who is prcsuuied to have ex
amined our stock, to gather her little (lock around
her, and tell them of BRIGHT & SON'S beau
tiful goods, the handsome Silks from Franco and
Italy, the Ribbons and Laces from Lyons, tbe
Merinos from France, the prints from Manchester,
the Linens and I. awns from Glasgow and Dub
lin, and a thousand things of great beauty and
utility. But to be a little moro practical, wo
will state for the good of the country, the rising
generation, and the full grown, more in detail,
the gooda we retail, in very largo or smaller
slices, at very greatly reduced prices ! and though
we may regret we said it, we'll sell our goods on
six months credit, at the end of which the pcoplo
"flush," will come and pay us with a rush, for
none can feel unconcerned about a debt so
fully earned, as to be guilty of procrastination,
to the hazard of their reputation.
Then Gentlemen and Ladies fair, hearken, if
you've the time to spare, and hear of New Gooda
rich and rare, received and being opened.
2Tirro'a brown, and black and blue, Yea Clothi
of almost every hue.
We've got just what you need, of mixed and
striped "first rate" Tweed, for those exposed or
named as sick, we've Cassimcres both strong and
thick! for those who by fashion think to win,
we have the beautiful French Doeskin an ar
ticle, wc do expect, sir, can't he excelled in point
of Texture.
Silks and good black Satins, of every variety ol
patterns, for weddings, parties, or the street,' for
gentlemen married, or less decreet, whom we
will furnish from Hat to Hoot, with a cheap ami
charming wedding suit.
llut Ladies ! pardon this dereliction, and do
not deem this all a fiction, for surely wo are
bound to sny, we love to turn from grave to pay,
from dull old bachelors, dreadful drones, whom
fashionablo cticjuetto disowns, who, in a word,
arc sluggish w ithl, in human huppiness, neo
phytes. Gentlemen, we bid you ail adieu the
Ladies are waiting for something NEW;
Cashmeres Delaines Silks
lieregc Debeges Robes
Ginghams Lawns Challes
Tissues ChinUca riaida
of every pattern, and latest styles, so rich that
that they excite a smile suited for Ladies of
Doubtful age, as well for those who would Es-
kcioE pretty for the maid becoming for the mo-
uier, and on, red cheap to the one or the other.
Ribbons embracing one bundled pieces, beautiful
Belts suited for "Neices," Ginghams, solid, plaid
and stripes assorted, and "Aquilla Robes" just
imported. And the undersigned with modesty
reverts, to corded flounced and steel hooped
Skirts and well reconciled we trust the ladiea
facea, will gaze wilh fond delight upon our hand
some Laces Insertings, Edgings, of Jaconett
and SwisH, affording beauty to thoso who otter
bliss! three hundred pieces of good pattern
Prints, and very handsome styles of new French
Chintz, white, mixed, aud brown Cotton Hose,
much cheaper than some people would suppose.
Spool Cotton, Tapes. Pin, Buttons, and NeJles
in profusion : Bobbin, Cord, Bonnet WireJaJiid
blond Illusion. Then come one, come all, you'll
find ua very handy, in showing each the '-modus
operandi" of buying and scllinj: cheap.
Sunbury, June 12, 1858.
(Formerly Kline's lluul.)
It. G.UETZUL,, l'roirictor.
one of the lurgnt and brat (urntlied il'Hels on
X the Vct Bianch. It ia knitted iu tlic l)uitine mtt
ill the town, (it being the only Hotel iu Market Square )
The proprietor determined, to une every exertion to
mute hid house one ol the Lcttl in tue btnte ; nml it -'tiers
rare inducement! for pertoui vh tprnd a short lime in
one of the mt-tt pieutunl towiu in central rciuwylvunia.
Chargei very modertite.
Lewitburg, June Vt, 1958.
OF LANCASTER City, late of Philadelphia, where
be hiia been in successful practice fur a number of
yean, received his education at the beat Medical Collrge
in the United Stules, and had the expeiieuce and pructjee
in the dilfeieiit llotpituls for several yeai. a member of
the Analytical Medical Institute of New Yot If, and lute
Medical Surgeon of the United hUUes Navy, now (-fltrs
himself to the publie to attend any professional cu Is.
The purest medicines alwas on band direct from the
best Lu bora tone ol our country, and the Uutaniral Gar
dens of the world. No patent medicine preset ibed or re
commended. Medicines used only which will not break
down the constitution, but will leimvute the rystcm fiom
all injuries it has sustained from mineral medicines. Chro
nic and difficult d meases must be treated upon auulytical
principles, which it to know and us certain what disease
is. Its nature and chamber ieu,uire a knowledge ot the
chemical constituents of every solid und fluid of the human
body; the changes those solids and fluids are capable cf
undergoing. To know what medicines to employ to cura
diseases requires a knowledge of the chemictil constituents
of all agents employed in medicine ; and if we ai in pos
session of this kuowlddge, it is possible tocute any disease
n.i matter of how long standingand leave the patient
in a healthy and perfectly cured condition.
Melancholy, Aberration, .t that suits of alienation and
weakness of the mind which renders persons incapable of
enjoying the pleasures or performing the duties of life; Dys
pepsia ; that distressing disease and fell destroyer of health
and happiness, undermining the constitution, and yearly
carry inc thousaiide to untimely craves, can most emphati
cally he cured. Rheumatism, in any form or condition,
chronic or acute, warranted t-urublej Kpilepsy oi fail 1115
sickness; all chronic and stubborn cases of Female ill
seaees radically removed ; tSult Khcuin, and every descrip
tion of ulcerations, Piles aud Scrofulous Disetbes, which
have baffled all previous medical skill can be cured Ly my
treatment, when the constitution is not exliuuited.
do say oil diseases (yes, Consumption) can be cured.
ty Cancer cured without the knife.
1 will remain in my office on Wednesdays and Satcs
hats, from 9 o'clock A. M , t 3 P M , to accommodate
patients fiom s distance, and consult lis the English and
German languages. Will make visits to any distance if
required. May b sddicssed by letter, Fulton Square,
Lancaster cay, I 'a.
June 5, lr8.0m
People's One Price Store.
HAVE received their large and choice select
ed stock of
Composed of an endless variety, and to wliifh
they respectfully invite tbe attention of the pub.
lie feeling assured that their large assortment
and great variety of all kinds of Good combined
with the eiccedingly low pi ices which they are
determined ta sell at, will render entire satisfac
tion. KB" COUNTRY PRODUCB wanted in ex
change at the very highest market pricea.
June 6, 1858.
I AND WARRANTS. The highest price
will be given fur Land Warraata by the sub-
lAMBUtba premises of the subscriber, on
J the S&th all., stray mare, S or 10 year a
old. about medium sire. . fcha is full footed, gal.
led on each aide of the breaat, and In color dark
brown, lega, mane and tail black. The owner ia
requested to come forward, prove Property, pay
charges end Uke ber away.
Lewet Aogueta, May SSih, lift.
Agricultural Warehouse and Seed
' Storo,
tfoa. 21 and 23 South Clh ttrett, between Mar
let and Chcsnut etreetn, Philadelphia,
8 always open to the inspection of every one
interested in Farming or Gardening, The
fubscribere therefore invito the public generally
to call and examine tlio large and well selected
stock of Agricultural Implements and Machinery,
great variety of Horticultural tools. Warranted
Harden and Flower Seeds. Grase and Field
Seeds of the most Reliable Quality, which they
ofiiir fir sale at the lowest cash pricea, wholcsalo
or retail,
Tho agricultural implements sold by us are
mostly manufactured at our ateam worka,
Uristel, ra.
Having fitted up this establishment without
regard to expense, with the most complete in a
chinery for the manufacture of various kinds of
agricultural implements, vte are prepared to sup
ply all articles in this line of tho very best quality.
Landreth'a Warranted Garden Seeds have
been before the public for upwards of sixty years;
thrir wide-spread popularity and tho increasing
demand from year to year arc the best evidences
of their superiority over all others,
rV" Country merchants can be supplied with
seeds in papers, or in bulk, on tho most liberal
term a.
Bloomsdale, near Bristol, Ta., our garden seed
grounds, contains three hundred and seventy
acros, and is the largest establishment of its ' ind
in the world. V. LANDKETH & SON,
Nos. 21 and S3 South Sixth Ht., l'liiladclphia.
I.andreth'a Rural Register and Almanac for
1N5P, containing a monthly Calender for tho
Farm, Gaidei and Greenhouse, cah bk iiab
oiiatis upon personal or prepaid application.
Philadelphia, May 22d, 1858.
In tlio Court of Common Picas or
lYorllaiimbcrlaml county.
Martin Weaver,
William McCarty. and
Willinm Shannon &' Ra
chel his wifo.
No. 39 August Term
A. L. 18SS.
Breve de rartitiono
To William McCarty. and William Shannon
and Rachel his wifo. You are hereby notiticd,
that in pursuance of the above writ, to me di
rected, an Inquisition will be held upon the pre
mises described in said writ, to wit : A certain
tract or piece of land, situate iu Coal township,
containing 70 acres, or thcicabouts, bounded hy
land, now or late, of Ludwig (iass, tarlin Gass,
John Brady and others, on Tuesday the 20th
dny of July next, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day
for the purpose of making partition of or to value
and appraise the same. At which time aed placo
you mav attend if you think paper.
Sheriff s office, Sunbury. 1
May ISth, 1R5S. f
A I.I. persons indebted to Jamee Beard, Lite
Prothonotary of Northumberland county, for
fee., Ac, are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and thus save cost and further troublo, as
all accounts remaining unpaid will be placed in
the hands of a Justice for collection. Payments
can be made either to the subscriber or to J. S.
Beard, at his office.
Buiibury, March 27, 18.S8. tf
SF LUN G "an d" s U M ME II
Miss N. TL. OllsiHler, respectfully an
nounces, that she lias just returned from
Ilia city with a new, cheap and elegant assort
ment of
Spring and Summer Millinery Goods,
Consisting of new pattern Bonnets, Straws
Gimps and Fancy Bonnets, also Ribbons, Flowers
and Fancy Triminii e, Ladies Dress Cups, eVc,
all of which will be solJ cheap.
Bonnets of every descriptions mado to order.
Old bonnets bleached and pressed in the best
Thankful for past patronage, abe solicits a con-
inuance of the same.
" Store iu Fawn Street, 2nd door below the Rail
Sunurv, April 17ih, 1858. 2m$
"SfHE large flotililo frume house in the Borough
- of Northumberland, belonging to the estate of
C. II. Kay, deceased. This ia a very desirable
residence, beautifully situated on the North
Branch of tho Susquehanna, wilh a large garden,
Carriage House, Stable &.C., belonging to it.
Teruia moderate. Enquire of C. W. Scutes,
Williamsport, or D. Brauligam, Esq., Northum
berland. March 27. 1858.
lYKOWN'S and Breiniis's Essence of Ginger
" and Husband's Magnesia at
March 14, "57. FISHER'8.
RESPECTFULLY' informs the public and
his friends goncrully, that ho has removed
to Sunbury, end has opened a law ollice at his
residence, in Market square. His acquaintance
wilh the English and German enables him to
transact business in both language.
April 10, 1858. ly .
'"P HE subscribers respectfully announce to theii
friends and the public in general thai they
have received at their Store, in I'ppor Augusta
township. Northumberland county, Pa., at Kline's
Grove, their
Spring nml Summer Goods,
and opened to the public a full assortment of
Merch'ndizo, &C , consisting in part ol Cloths,
black and fancv Cassimeres, Checks, Kentucky
Joans, together with a general variety of Spring
and Summer Gooda, adapted to all grades cf
Rkadt Midi Clotuiko very cheap.
Ladies' Dress Goods, Summer Shawls, Ginghams
Challi Dclaius, Durals, Robes A'Cjuil
les, Calicoes, Black Silks, Ac.
Also, a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines,
Groceries, &c,
A new supply of Hardware, Quccnswarc,
Wooden ware, &c.
A large assortment of BOOTS and SHOES,
uiuble for Men, Women and Children.
HiTS and Crs. Fish and 8ilt.
And all goods usually kept in a country store.
Our display is unsurpassed. The above named
stock of gooda will be aold at prices to suit the
limes for CASH or in exchange for country pro
duce at the market price.
Anp shall be happy to meet our friends and
the patrons of our establishment, and sell them
goods at such prices ae cannot fail to give entire
Thankful far past favors we hope ly strict at
tention to merit a continuance of the same.
J. F. cV I. P. KLINE.
Kline'e Grove, Fa., May 16th, 1858.
Report of tbe Auditors of Northumberland
County for, 1857.
George Bright Etptire, Treasurer in ac
count, teith the County of Northumberland,
from the first day of January, A. i , 1857,
to the last day of December of the tame
year, both days encluded.
to balance due County at per
Auditor's Report, $108 63
Outstanding connty tux for 1856
and previous years, 12,114 97
Errors in Duplicates, 49 07
Rufunding to Samuel llalei for
overpayment of Uxes, 3 83
" Jacob Garmon, " 1 30
Cash received on unseated lands
for 1856 t '57, 413 73
Caih of Jas. Beard, Jury funds, 0 00
Cash for rent of publio buildings
and other sonrces, ' 47 55
Cash received for military porpo
et for 1865 h '56, 52 OA
" " 65T, 38 00
Amount of Count tax assessed
for 18f)7, - 17,500 84
f30,389 37
By amount of outstanding taxos
for 1857, and previons yeuts, $13,D05 81
Kxonerations allowed collectors, . 1,420 (16
Commission, " " 9;i7 gr)
Paid on Commissioners' Orders, 13,300 CO
Commission allowed Trensurer oa
13,300 60, at cts, 332 50
Treasurer's service for county, 75
Counterfeit money, 0 00
llulntice duo Coonly.frotu Troasa
er, (since paid) 430 22
$30,359 37
George Bright Kf., IVea&urer of Northumber
land Cuunly, in uccount with the same, re
specting State iax on rcul and personal.
To balance duo as per Auditors'
Report for 1856, 81,033 81
Outstanding Statu tax as per Au
ditors' Keport of 185G. 7,503 05
State tax assessed for 1857, 17,193 40
Cash received on unseated lands
for 1855 and 'f.G, 109 7&
Errors in duplicata for 185(5, 73 20
Interest on outataudiug tuji, 19 19
Tbreo copies of Laws, 1 50
$25,938 93
By cash paid State Treasurer, as
per rccoipt dated Fob. 7,
1357. $1,033 81
" " July 8, '57, 3,059 84
" July 22, '57, 9,080' 38
5 per coot, abatement on-State
tax, 509 81
Faid State Treasurer, Sept. 2,
1857, 550 30
" Jan. 7, '58, 1,299 33
" F. liucher, for over paid
State tax, as fer Auditor
Gonoml's order, dated March
11, 1857, 27f 24
lixonerations allowed collectors
for 1857 and previous, 1.191 50
Commissions, 1,550 14
Outstanding Stale tax for 1857
aud previous, 5,715 55
Treasurer's commission on $16,-
956 94 at 1 percent. 109 57
Baluuee due commonwealth, b'Gti 37
$25,933 93
7'ut'er;i, Distillcss and Eatinj House Licenses
To amount of Tavern licenses
granted by tho Court of (Quar
ter Sessions for 1857, $ 1,275 00
Storo licenses granted in 1S57, 250 00
Brewers " " 50 00
liilliurd tables and placos of a-
musenient, CO 00
Hotailers licenses for 1857, 997 50
Kuiiug hcuses, Uustauruntf, &c. 180 00
$2,812 50
Cash paid State Treasurer oa per
receipt dutod July 8, 1857 $1,714 75
Cash paid Stato Treasurer, Jan.
7, 1858, 8C0 80
Cash paid John llobins for pub
lishing Mercantile Appraiser's
list, 13 00
' C. O. Baehmao, " 13 00
Exonerations allowed, C3 50
Treasurer's commission on $2,749
at 5 percent. 127 45
Baluuee due last year, 10 00
$2,813 50
Militia Fines.
To amount of said linos outstand
ing Tor 1856 aad previous, $1,201 77
Amount assessed for lb57, 1,053 00
Balance due iu 185G, 178 51
Error iu duplicate, 18 77
$2,152 05
By amount of said fines uncollec
ted for 1 850 and previous, $1,121 55
Exonurations allowed collectors, 423 50
Commissions " " 33 13
Auiouut paid County Commis
sioners for lime occupied io mil
itary business in 185G, 2G 00
Cash paid Stato Treasurer, Jan.
7, 1856, 250 00
Faid Treas. National Guards, for
1S5G, 75 00
" 1S57, 75 00
" Shamokin Guards for 1855, 50 00
" Deppinvillo Cavalry, lyjl, 50 00
" Xorth'd Troop, '50, 50 00
" J. II Zimmerman, Brigade
Inspector for 1857, 31 00
" Assessors for lists of doliu-
tiuoiit militia, 40 84
Commissions allowed Treasurer, G 96
Deepreciutod funds, 5 00
Balance due commonwealth. 211 07
$2,452 05
Expenditures and receipts of Northumberland
County, from the Jirst day of January, A.
J)., B857, to the last day of December of the
same year, both days included.
Northumberland County DIl. to the following
To 132 Orders Issued by tbe com
missioners for view-
Ol'tstandinu Taxks for
Collectors' Names.
John HiriRortian,
S'illiara 11. Irwio,
Martin llacliman,
Jo6cpli Kckbert,
A, J. Conrad,
John Simpson,
Joseph Kckbert,
James Lynn,
C'yrennes llomboy,
Jacob It. Clai'k,
Joseph HogenJoebior,
Samuel iStablnucker,
Jacob lilooin,
Peler I'ursel,
M. 11. Manly,
Klias Kiseuhart,
William Tardou,
John Uoyer,
Cyrennes Uomboy,
Bamuel HtahlnecUer,
Joseph llogendocbier,
lleorge A. ICeoler,
Jacob Miller,
Henry V. Simpson,
Jacob Stauiii),
Henry Haas,
Solomon llillman,
Anthony Ueluspey,
l'cter Kries,
Elms Shaffer,
Jacob H. Clark,
Jacob Uurmun,
Daniel Waganer,
l'cter Still,
William Johnson,
Samuel Hales,
Jacob Hvkmac,
Lower Mabanoy.
Lower Mahauoy,
Lower Augusta,
Mt. Cannel,
Upper Mahanoy,
Lower Angusta,
Lower Mahanoy,
Little Mahanoy,
Upper Augusta,
Those marked wilh a lave since paid
paid iu part.
We, tho undersigned, Auditors of Nor-
tbumberland county, in tue tommonweallli
of Pennsylvania, do certift that in pursu
ance of tbe 4lh,suciion of ''an Act entitled
an Act regulating countiea' and townships,
passed the 15th da; or April, 1634, we met
at the CooiuiissionerV OOice, in the borough
or Sunbury, on the 4th day of January, A.
1)., 1858, and adjourned from time to time,
and did audit, adjust and settle tbe several
accounts required cf ne, agreeably to tbe
suuie acts of Assembly, and supplement
280 00
1,607 C5
63 00
172 00
509 39
1163 88
380 00
2.340 024
270 00
208 1)0
142 9G
391 52
CC3 17.)
45 " for building and repai.
ring bridges,
2 " llepairing County En-
3 " District Attorney W.
L. Scott,
C8 " Assessors' pay,
67 " Constables' "
4 " Prothonotary's
i. tseora,
20 " Jurors' pay,
8 " Printing.
36 " Commoiiw'th costs,
10 " Clerk's pay, for '5G,
(J. Martin, ) . .
18 i. -;-,7 t in part,
CI ' Election expenses,
3 " Uefundiug overpayment
of tax,
20 " I'ublic Buildings,
4 " Uoad lax on unseated
1 " School " "
13 " Damages for roads,
39 " Fox Scalps,
1 " For medical attendance
in prison,
16 " Stationary,
1 ShorilTs fees,
Commissioners' pay,
2 " F. Bonn,
4 ' V. llottenbteio,
5 " V. Haas,
12 " Incidental expenses,
2 " Attorneys for Couuly,
Pleasants & Corn) v,
8 " Fuel,
6 " Coroner's Inquests,
4 " Special and County
1 " Agricult'l Society,
13 " Court Crier's pay,
1 " Penitentiary,
01 69
100 00
28 58
64 33
I OB 00
100 00
112 50
312 nG
Amounting to $10,527 54
Amount of orders paid paid in '57,
and issued ia '56 and previous
Treasurer's percentage,
Depreciated money,
Treasurer's service for connly,
$3,111 31
Northumberland County Cli. by the following
By balance duo county as per Re
port of '56,
Cash received from Collectors on
real and personal,
" from unseated lutids, for
county, road & school,
' Jury fuuds, rent, &e.,
" Hales and Garman,
" for books, stationary, and
time for military pur
poses, '55 and '56,
Ir.g end
2,773 0G
332 50
5 00
$103 C3
13,392 71
413 72
ft7 55
4 69
14,123 30
Amount of expenditures for tho
year 1807, 10,527 54
Amount of cash received above
expenditures for the yonr '57, $3,597
Amount of orders paid in '57, and
issued iu '06 and previous years, 3,111 31
Balance In hands of Treasurer ou
Jan. 1, 1858, $486 45
Jury funds remaining unpaid, for the year '57
Plaintiffs. Defendants.
Geddis & Marsh ts William Caul, $4 00
Commonwealth vs D. Conrad, 4 00
G. Adams' adm'r vs Ira T. Clement, 4 00
J. II. Viucent vs G. Haas, 4 00
S. Nesbitt vs II. P. Shelter's admr. 4 00
Reynold ct al vs stfmo 4 00
Prick ts Leland, 4
Bowon and Marr vs S. and V. R. Oo. 4
William lleitzman vs J. llillbish, 4
It. D. Saxton vs J. Simpson, 4
Commonwealth vs Gelaspey, 4
" vs Vangaskin, 4
Bofcen A Gosh vs S. T. McCormick, 4
Prirer vs Sulshuch, 4
Clement vs Vangaskin, 4
llarner vs Ilarner, 4
Kissinger vs Stamm, 4
Clemeut vs Noyes, 4
Savng vs Smith, 4
Mourey vs Bell & Lewis, 4
80 00
Northumberland County DR. and CR. on Jan
uary 1st 1858.
To amount of orders unpaid for
tbo year '55, '30 & '57. $IC3 10
To amount of orders for the yoars
prior to 1855, as is shown in the
order book aud uot cancelled,
Uncancelled orders, Jan. 1, '58,
By balanco duo G. Bright Trea
surer, Jury funds uncollected,
Outstanding taxes uncollected,
Uuseatud lands, cstimnted,
Balance of Jacob Young, late
Treasurer, as reported by Spe
cial Auditors,
Balance of F. Bnclisr, lato Trea
surer, as reported by the Spe
cial Auditors,
$486 45
80 00
13.905 84
1,171 80
500 00
Pa county ob Jan. 1, 18!)S. $?17.322 3G
1857, and 1revious Years.
2?3 01
P2 13
$ 6 0(1
59 50
14 50
32 50
19 42
42 10
28 98
4 00
h 50
16 00
15 00
23 50
30 50
27 55
73 50
25 50
1 101 03
69 78
357 CI
$520 71
172 96
S 90 23 73
118 40 90 90
1279 fiG 1301 S3
17a 3 69 55
10D 00 tBOO (10
t!7S 71 tl.U2 fi2
loti P5 226 55
700 02 1.526 &3
U2 91 1,U6 21
234 98 567 34
103 21 384 61
621 82 80G t9
320 70 t-3
100 81 11,092 76
89 20 562 76
35 88 217 00
341 92 431 84
189 56
212 26
512 95
021 45
142 28
431 SI
"217 24
316 95
518 19
15 50
71 50
30 50
51 00
23 00
31 50
71 00
Srt Oil
27 Od
2 00
2S 50
12 50
40 50
53 50
12 50
21 00
21 50
f3 00
21 50
5,745 55
fl3,C05 81 $1,121 65
hi full i and those marked with a have since
thereto, according to the best ol our judg
ment and ability. And we do further cvlify
that upon a due examinstion of the expense
book of the county the indebtedness of tbe
samo yet unpaid in orders is $620 71$.
1 witness whereof we have hereunto set
our bands aud seals this 27th day of January,
1 HA.
AUM. eillPMAN, L. S.
V. P. P ATI ON, L. H.
Estate of PATRICK HUGHES, decease i
Writ of Partition and
The heirs of Patrick
Hughes, dee'd.
valuation issued out r.f
'lie Orphans' Court of
Northumlicrl'd county,
rcttiriiabiv to Auguit
Term, A. 1 1858.
IVOTICE is hereby gi
li'gn representatives of
ven to the heiis and
representatives of raid Patrick Hup bra.
lato of Zerbe townships Northumberland county;
deceased, that hy'virtuoof lhoal:ob writ, to mo
directed, an inquest will be held nt the lift" resi
dence of said Patrick Hughes, deceased, in the
town of Trcvorton, in Zcibc township, afnrenaid,
on Tuesday, tbe 8Jd dny of June, next, nt '0
o clock, A. M., for the purpose of miking Tiir'.i
tion of, or to .alue and appraise the Rcul EattiM
of snid deceased to wit! Of a certain lot or pirir
of land, nituatein the town cf Trcvorton, nfore
said. contoinliig fcet t fr01,i n1( )25 M
deep, fionting on Shamokin street, adjoining lot
of Theme Kiley on the West, and ia Die Kaut
of-, Uetrick. At which time and place you
may attend if ynu think proper.
SkenfTa Office, Sunbury, I
MHV16th, 1H!. '
fplirc unanimotm favor vhich hns tittendt-d tSA mtt'i'
1 tion of Wukkleb A. Wu.n.iV lwrtuily Wewini; ,Ma
fhine, it 8:;(ii'iftit evidence nf its cxeeitancs. It if u?rM.
if.tH now In iiiy, thift Hi s uiclut iiiKtrnneiit n iev!t.i;iT u
d "iiiffiir iiuimuiioii : t lie (act m m.wriii.-ti iv itn bihWi-k.
lul us! in thou mnd.iol" Faunl d in every innk in l.fe. 1
thou, who have hitherto rclfinuwl from aviiilmg Hi- priw
nf itn wUvuitnci'g, it may not be nu;if to say, Unit Mb iii.:
Ity is not u probl.-in to be solved, but a i-itcc- win:...?
milizcd. The holiest trutinony is ccnidtitiy nfll-tnl, c. u
firming the verrtirt which has given this imtmrut-ut
wide tiiult'iix mhli a refutation.
Tins Machine is conruiVMl on n print Iple eniirrly pr.i
ual, tiviiiir. specially mid mimirubly ftdtpteU n ilic n-iiiu p- r
fet'i work on vvery kind of material; mid, havu.p h
subject '.'d ton three yearn test or tie n..-st .M-Hn-hinr;
charactei by 1'ninilirw, and in va'inu.-t luauehtis of M:t:,u
taeture, with distinguished success, it is U-Iicvt.d that in
ail the pri'dt points nquifcite fu a onip'.fie and prin'tiri.!
Sewing Machine, it cannot l e approached in r-xi-ence
Among the undoubted advauuu'ts it ih:.-sikl'r nvur u!l
others, mav he imnr d the follow uie;
1. Its simphdty of cuV.ructiort, uuJ c.ttscqaw.t Tec
doni from derangement and need of repairs
2. It unexampled rapidity and eate of ojff!D!f'.i.
3 ItfinouelciiH movement.
4. The ereat vaitety of purpose to which it can be njv
pliuCa, which cnii be achieved by no other mechanical
mcimn. Arid,
5. The pre-rmiricnt beauty and durability of t!.e work.
"I find your Machine invaluable I have used il i mt,
and it has uever been out of order. Tho B'.iteli 13 veiy du
rable, and can be adapted to fine rr e .mt-e niiiieiials. It
works wilh the rapidity of a dozen jnir - f ; rave
much t'in tatigne and expense. One H" .-ur M;. !;i,ts
is used in my father's family ; aaothci in the Idlm-Im M of
a sister ; and others hv various friends. Tne opinions of
nil accord with that 1 have iijst expressed.' Mis Ai.t.a
Ora Kitclne.
"Th.;re n but '-ne Pewinc Machine ; pud tint is Wli's
lei und WiUou'b." Judge Meij;". ot the American Insti
tute. 'The Sewing Machine pufrlmedof v-n faai Wen w!i !
ly serviceable Ilev. Lr. Suinnel OmihI.
Nufuuuly can uiford tf do without it.
Oi'imons of TitsNrw YonxpRiiM,
We prefsr thein for lauiily uc. Tribune
They aie the fayntes for families Timed,
Are without a rival. 5ieittiue American.
Works more unifotmly than the hand Herald.
Do the work often ordinary seweis J.jiit CVm.
I'qual to nine a en in tr esse. Home Jouinl
Tub machine, for faintly use. Advocate iV JnoinnJ.
Most honorable t" American gennis hide pi adent.
We cannot imagine anything more perfect Evaiige!",et
Will fijvc entire satisfaction. Observer.
The best ever invented. Christian Inquirer.
In looking fnr the best, see these Kxannner.
Admirably adapted fur family usi f'hroniete.
Indispensable jn every family. Tne Preacher
We praise it wilh enthusiasm. Christ in lutcllirenccf
Worthy of the highest uwaid. fabbutii (teeorde'r.
A benefaction of the au.Putnum' Mayazino.
Map, it at in operation. Mrs. Stephens' Monthly.
Beyond all question, the ma'-hints Life Illustrated.
The stitch cannot be unraveled. Am. Afincultu! ist.
They maintain the preeminence. Kjcptoi s.
Saves the time and health i f ten wonv n Water Cnr4
Supply the fashionable world. Daily News.
00 Arepre-einineutly superior. Ladies1 Visit r.
r jne 01 our nouseno;a goes i.. 5. Joittaut,
j l.'nrivalled in every qua'ity. Day Cook,
j 1'ietty, useful, musical. Leslies' Guz-ilta.
I Have no equal for family use Muncnl Woril
j A triumph of mechanical genius N. Y. Journal
Combine every requirement. Putnily Majizme
Vastly superior to nil oiheis Golden Prize.
We cannot tiie in its praise New Yorker.
For further parttr.ulars apply to H. B. NT-im-v,
Sutiburv, J'a., agnt of Ihu manutdcturrr, wh'
will supply machines tt the mai.ufcturera'
Sunbnrv, May 15, 1P53. tf
.1 O II IV O . !I C A B & SOAK,
fFMlE ohlest Elcclro Plater in the United Slates,
-I- manufactures of eery variety of tiood.i
plated with pure silver, Al'jata, Brittauia bdJ
Tea Setts, Urns, Waiters, Cintcrs, Cake bas
kets, Pitchers, Uohlcts, Communion i'rrvice,
Spoons, Forks, Knives, &r. All goods warrant
ed as represented.
North East corutr 9th and riie.niit tireet.
Philadelphia, Penns.
May 8, 1858. ly
TRAVELLERS and otlie.s aro respectfully
inf ifined that tlio suWiil cr has et-ih!ijhd
a 8TEAM FEKKY over t!ie usquc!uiiiia, ut
Sunbury. That a huge, s;-.fc alu! cmiiinodiou-i
steanibost will run regularly and promptly. Ht
all hours duilng tlio day, 10 rnrry font pacnf rs
as .voII as vthicles, 4c., bftwj-en iSuilury and
ihe landing Oil the opposile fide uf Hie liver, liuth
v.ays, or to anJ from Sunbury, '1'hn steamlwt
will run from Market Strrrl Wharf, and wiil
carry passengers to and from the Packet murnii;
and evening. The Steam Ferry now all'irds not
only a safe and convenient transit over the (
((uehanna, tut also a pleasant and acreeablt: rh'rf.
IRA T. (M.E.MENTi Pruprutor.
Asr.niw Hoovin, L'upiain.
r?uiiturY, May I, 1H5H.
iS pursuance of an order of ihe Oi phana' Court
of Northumberland emmtv, will be exposed
to Public Sale, at the lieuse of Juhu liiiigaumn,
in Georgetown, Nnrlhurliberlaiid county, afore
said, on TuckI iv, the 2id day of June, next, the
following described Keal Lst.i'e ta v, it ': Two
uate in Georgetown, aforesaid, open one' of whi.-ii
there ia a Dwelling House, tVc. Late the et.i:e
of Jacob Snicker, late uf Dauphin couniy, di .-'d.
Sale to commence at to oVIurk, A. M., of aid
day, when the terms of sals Vtill he rfcade known
by JACOII S I'Kit. iCKR, Ad.u r.
Bv orJor of the Court, 1
U. ISO YD 1'UKSEK, Clk. l. C. J
Suriliury, May 15th, Irt.'.s. J
Terms ij.200 cah, and the balance on tho first
day of April, 1609, wburi a deed will U ma.:",
May IS, 1E58 ta.
w a sn "fifGi" ci" no uTe;"
V. .M'OVERT, IM opritlor.
rHF propiietor respectfully informs his friend.'
A and the public generally", that he is repairini!
and renovating the ' Wellington House," so us
to entertain both transient and permanent tisiton
in a suitable aud comfortable manner.
- Thankful lor ihe natronogn extended la Li
father, he respectfully solicits the continuance f
thesame. ll will take charge ol the "lVtdli.
iiiRlon House" on the lirsl day of April, next.
Hp will have an Omnibus rDnniiiK ,J l''8
ditVerent Railroad Hepoia for Ihe accouunodalioii
of Paskenirers, fiee of charge.
Suribmv, March 20, 1S6S,--
,, .
rpHE tor Room la Mailtl Strtkt, foriatrly
X occupied hy P, W. Gray. Applv to lhn
eeutors of II. M.nwir, deceaked.
April IT l'.8.