csstonal ITclus. tSSIOMAL PROCEEDINGS. WiiniNOToM, Jane 7. Mr. Mallory (Florida,) from tha mittea, reported no araendmant traction often now steam aloopa tely, five of twelve feet draft of . of fourteen foet, and one paddlo mer or eight feet draft, at an eg wost of 81,200,000. mr. Hale (N. H.) moved to strike oot tie )r of fourteen feet draft, leaving the otbera. Mr. Hell (Tenn.) supported tbe proposal ud made tome happily sarcastic remarks, sking where were tbe war spirit who exci ?d ua to much a few days ago? Where was 3e Senator from Oeorgia (Mr. Toombs) who anted a war with England these ten years astt Where tbe Senator from Illinois (Mr. uuglas) whose bill to clothe tbe President itb extraordinary rowers lies on tbe tablet here the senator from New Hampshire (Mr .ale) who conld not agree with tbe wise and ioderate councils of tbe Chairman of tbe omuittee on Foreign Affairs (Mr. Mason)? hose war spirits have loft no margin for any aulteman following in their wake, except to salve that the 1 resident shall give orders r the capture of the whole British Navy. is (Mr. Dell's) course is to prepare gradu ly and silently for a contest with that great id erropant power; but never to use bra id o. Mr- Brown (Miss.) also urged the present crease of tbe navy. Bold words, such as id been used, require to be followed by bold eds. New is the time to increase our ships 'inn the credit of tbe country is good, for in war with England we tnnst borrow at ten twenty per cent, lie would have voted r twenty additional ships instead of ten, for Ihough he did not seek war, he would be ill prepared to muiutaio the honor of the untry. Mr. Toombs, of Ga., replied in the same ain as used in bis former speech, that tbe litcd Stales could whip the world. Mr. Hammond, of S. C, did not entertain 3 as a war measure, but as a measure indis nsably necessary for our interest as a m ca re indispensably necessary for our interest a great commercial nation. Referring to ! tone of recent speeches, he said, we can t build a navy, liko Alladin's palace, iu a ;lit. You cannot raise ships by resolutions Congress. To raise nn army, you have but light the Cres from hilltop to hilltop, but i construction, equipment and training of iavy is a work of time. Looking at other jntries, we Bud tbe deficiency of our navy, n pared with our commerce. Denmark, eeden and other small States, have navies ml or superior. Every stump orator in i country insists on our taking Cuba and tint; out Spain ; yet Spain had a larger Ha itian ours, llo Mr. Ilsmmondj feels se insulls in the Gulf as if stricken in the e. Ho could not be content wilh a mere ilogy, and hoped that the force in the Uulf I, either wild or wilbout orders, capture or k one of the ouenuiug vessels, uut tuoso lition sloops are not as a measure of war b great Britain, lie would meet that is when it comes. ilr. Douglas, of Illinois, considered that v should tirst decide what we aro going to respecting these British outrages before ing wtiat we will do wiin me rsuvy. Are .Senate willing to-confer power ou the Ex tivo to avenge and repel outrages by re iug, as bis bill now on tho table does, tbe r'.b Eastern boundary act of 18119 T If they ready to meet the question of the British .icsiion, do it on its own merits, without i lay in" it wilh resolutions respecting tbo btrul American Republics. Every enemy the face of the earlh is defied by Ihe corn ice's resolutions, except one and she the t. Because Great Hritaiu has committed at outrages against us, therefore we will j around and whip Mexico, Nicaragua, ita Hica, or punish the Chiuese,. We have u told that we will aveuge these insults ;a we get ready, but wbeu can we be rca to repel on insult except when it is given? ise repeated outrages by different ships different officers, iu various parts of the fare not accidental, but tho result of or i from (J re at Briluin. If wo are to sub , say no more ; but if we are not to sub to iusult, thru vote the bill conferring tbe vtr on tbe l'residdut. Mr. Douglas re veil tbe circumstances of the boundary dis e, showing tbo unanimity with which Con ;s then acted and which ho now called on n to emu Into. Ir. Mallory (l'la.) protested against hav tbis measure regarded as a war measure, .as recommended by the Secretary of the .-y before these outrages were committed. Mallory reiteraied the sentiments he ex :sed in u former speech respecting tbe og ssion?. Ir. Kennedy (Md.,) took the same course Mr. Hammond, and also pointed out tbe inceless condition of the Atlantic soabourd made a forcible speech, asking tbe Sen to pause before plunging into a war which ild be a war of extermination of one or other power. He coucluded by moving nty sloops iu stead of ten. Ir. Seward (N. Y.) explained his course he recent war debate. He was not one buse who was willing to indicate that any donation could be given short of a total ndonunent of tbe right of police on the s, and be bad so expressed it in bis re iks. Ho had no idea that the British Go uiuent will sustain or sanction its exercise, hey uo, then is tho time to meet and re ss tbutn. The Senator from Illinois has le au attempt, by his bill, to anticipate a ly from Great Britain, but tbe country I Congresi is against that proposal, and it been laid on the table. He (Mr. Seward) I wished, wilh the contrary view, to exteud session till the explanations can be had the country pat in an aggressive attitude, eud be. These ten sloops cannot be ta i as a war measure. They add but one id red guus to tbe Navy, lie agreed wilh i Senator from Georgia, that the cooutry s never in a better attitude for war than tv, be it either of offence or aggression. e began the revolution without either ar- or uuvy, commenced the last war with a al revenue of sixteen millions, while to-day can have eighty. We have all the ele cts of diifeuce, and no longer have that ikuess that invites insult, but national iracter for honor and moderation ; commit ; no injustice, and submitting to no wrong Urongtr than were Caesar's legions on tbe in of Pbarsalia, or than a navy that wonld 'er the German ocean. tr. Cameron (IV) Mr. Ilayne (3. C.) and is made remarks, when Mr. U ale's amend- at was lost yeas 22, nays 41. Ir. U ale further amended the bill, so as .ppropriate 8300,000 for the machinery of tuip rrauanu. &lr. Cliugman (X. C.) added an amend ment, to build ten gunboats. Mr. Wilson (Mass ) would vote for a small annual increase of the Navy. "A good deal hud been said now, as was said before former wars, about our weakness for a war with En. gland, but England has given a guarantee of peace, lsusmucn as sue bas a territory to tbe north of as, containing three thousand square miles, with only three millions of people - . which in six mouths would be ours, lie cal- ' ed on tbe country to use these sloops to pre eut tbe slave trade. Tbt resolutions aimed painst tbe poor weak Central American 'ute were a dishonor to the American ,ime. Mr. Mason ( Va.) said that the country will iderstand that the Senator from Massacbu- is hat one tense of honor, and tbe commit . of Foreign Relations another. The mo tions were intended to preserve tbe peace, d tbe honour of the country is interested in nr'io; it 1 be course tsken by tbt 6o- tor from Illinois jeopardizes the peace, and With it, the honor of the country. Mr. Donglas made a long response, using strong war language. Ue taid, a war with England must decide, not only the right of search on tea, bnt her right to tread the soil of American continent. Mr. Devil (Mitt.) replied to Mr. Douglas, saying that, he (Mr. Davis) never belongs to tbe war party in time of peace, nor to the peace party in time of war. A long discussion ensued, respecting the gunboats, after which, Mr. Olingman'i gun boat amendment was lost. Yeas 12, nays 84. Mr. Green (Mo.) offered an amendment, that in case of the flagrant commission of outrages by other powers on the commerce or the citizens of the United States, and for the speedy redress of such wrongs, tbe Pre sident be empowered to grant letters of mar que and reprisals, to continue in force till the meeting of Congress. Mr. Trumbull entered lis protest against deputiog to tbe President the war-waking powers vested by the constitution of Con gress. Mr. Green's motion was then lost Yeas 6 nays 40. The yeas were Messrs. Brown, Douglas, Green, Johnson (Tenn.) Pugh and Hire. The absentees were Messrs. Bates, Clark, Clay, Durkee. Foote, Gunn, Hammond, Har lan, Havne, Jones, Seward. Shields. Slidell. Semner, Thompson, (N. J.) Thompson, (Lou) and Wade. Tbe original amendment for ten sloops was then voted on and lost yeas 20, nays 24. Various unimportant amendments were adopted, and that to float the Franklin lost. Mr. Mallory ogam ronewed as an amend ment, his proposition to construct fire screw steam sloops and one paddle-wheel steamer, at a cost of $1,200,000, which was carried, jens 18, nays 17. Mr. emteuden oiiorod a resolution for the naming of the steamships of tho navy, of for ty guus, after the States ; steamers of twen ty guns after the towns and cities ; and under twenty, as the President may direct. Agreed to, and the bill was then passed. The Army Appropriation Bill was then ta ken np, when the Senate adjourned. New Advertisements. CAME ts the premises of the subscriber, on the 25th ult., a stray mare, 8 or 10 years old, about medium site. Sho is full footed, gal led on each tide of tbe breast, an J in color a dark brown, legs, mine and tail black. The owner ia requested to come forward, prove property, pay char get and take her away. WILLIAM WEITZEL. Lower Augusta, May 28lh, 18f8. NOTICE. TV'uTICE ia hereby given that the undersigned have purchased the following articles, sold at Constable's sale, as the property of J. M. Haughton, of Point township, iSorthumbcrland county, and that they have loaned the same to him until they .see proper to have it removed, namely : One Cow, Two Stioata, Two Stoves, O110 Bureau, Eight Chairs, Two Beds and Bed ding, 200 lbs. Bacon, One Clock. JOHNSON & CO. Toiut township, May 22d, 18S8. 4t NOTICE. To the Supervisors and Overseen of the Poor of Upper Augusta, and others interested. TTOlI are hereby requested to meet the un dcrbianed, Auditors for said township, at the Commissioner' office, in Sunburv, on Monday, the 7tu day 01 June, lor the purpose 01 settling the accounts of said township. All persons indebted or having claims on said township are hereby notified to attend at the above time and place. HAKMArS CAM 1' 13 ELL, 1 tflLAS WOLVEIITON, Auditors. ISAAC CAMPBELL. ) t'pper Augusta tp., May 22d, 1858 3t NOTICE. rMIE account of Alexander Jordan, Epq. - Trustee of John P. Hclfcnstein and wife-DcnjaiL-in I'altrn and wile, William Atwatcr and wife and -dJi'lia Helfenstcin, has been filed iu the Court of Common Pleas of ISorthuinber' land county, and will be presented to the said court on the first Monday of August next, fur continuation. DANIEL BECKLEY, Proth'y. Protliouotary's Office, ) Suubury, May 22, 185831 j "SHERIFF'S SALE. " By virtue of a certain writ of Vt.v. Exruxts to me directed will be exposed to public Bale, at the Public House of Wm. M. Weaver in Sliamo kintown, Coal township, Northumberland county, Pa., on Tuesday tbe loth day of JUAB, 1858, the following described property, viz t All the defendrnt'a interest being the surface right of and in all that certain piece or parcel uf land, situate in Coal township, Northumberland county, bounded and described as fullows: Be ginning at a post five hundred and twenty feet, south 8eJ degrees 22 minutes cast from a post on the eastern line of a tract of land surveyed in the name of Samuel Clurk, which said last mentioned post is one hundred and fifteen feet, north one degree and 38 minutes east from the point where the eastern hue ol said tract of land in the name ofSamuel Clark intersects the centre line of the U ranch Hail UoafJ to Big Mountain; thence from the first mentioned post, south 88 dcgrees 22 minutes east 480 fret to a post; thence south 1 degree and 38 minutes west 2721 feet to a post ; thence north 88 degrees and S3 minutes west 480 feet to a post; thence rorth 1 degree and 38 minutes east 2721 feet the place of be ginning. Containing three acres, strict measure. Seized taken in execution and to be sold aa the. property of William Atwater, William Fa gely, Charles B. Ehrhart, Joseph Zucrn, Jonas Cilgcr and Daniel Yost, Trustees of the cilia tnokin Collegiate Institute. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Sunbury, ) M ay 1H58. SHERIFF'S SALE. DY virtue and in pursuance of a decree of the Court of Cemmon Fleaa'of Northumber land county, will be eiposed to Public Sale, on the premises in Delaware township in said coun ty, on THCKSDAY the 17th day of JUNE next, at 1 o'clock P. M., the following described real estate to wit: A certain Frame FLOCK ING MILL, with five acres of Land covered with water appurtenant thereto, situate in Dels ware township, Northumberland county, and bounded on the north, south and east by land late of Isaac Vincent, deceased, and on the west by a public road. Also, one acre of land appur tenant, bounded by lands late of David Watson, dec d on Hie west, and by a public road on tbe north. Being the estate of the heirs of Isaac Vincent, deceased, and Maria Vincent, and will be sold agreeably lo the conditions and order of our said Court of Common Picas thereupon, wbicn will be made known onthe day of sale. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. blierifTs Office, Sunbury, i May lo, Ig58. 3STOXICI3 IS hereby given by the undersigned that - the 1 rva.urer of the Common Schools, will meet the undersigned Auditors at the Commis sioners' uffice, in Banbury, on Tuesday, the btb of June, for the purpose of settling bia account. All persons indebted or having claims, are hereby notified to attend at the time and place above mentioned. n a km a UAMriiKLL. BII.A8 WOLVERTON, ISAAC CAMPBELL. May S2d, i 858. 31 CATJTIOIT. NOTICE ia hereby given that my wife, Mary Flacberty, has left my bed and board with out just cause. I therefore, hereby notify all persona not to trust said Mary Flacberty on my account, aa I will pay no debts contracted by he unites compelled by law. MICHAEL FLACHKRTY. Tra-emn, May SiJ, I5ss.3i - L.' J L ii i ii - NOTICE. THE undersigned hiving been appointed Au ditor by the Orphans' Court or Northumber land county, to apportion and distribute the assets In the hands of George Seller, Executor of Jacob Oroh, deceasod, to and among the partfcs enti tled thereto, will attend to the duties of his said appointment at his office in the Borough of Sunbu ry, on Monday the 14th day of June, next at 10 o'clock, A. M. All persons interested will tike notice. A. J. ROCKEFELLER, Auditor. 8unbury, Msy 9, 1858. 8L NOTICE. ALL persona indebted to the subscriber en note or book account, are requested te make im mediate payment, as they will save costs. P. W. GRAY. Sunbury, May S3, 186881 State of the Farmer' Bank of Schuylkill County, on Thursday Horning:, June 3rd, 1853. CAPITAL 100,000. ASSETS. Dilla discount) and loam, ... Heat Kslnto, - Gold and Silver Coin, . . Put by other llnnks, . SJI,64 67 Notes of other Bauts, 1,46s (10 9IA.291 00 iMoo oo t'S,Sl n 8.19 57 4'i LIABILITIES. Due to Depositors, t51,(ll 7 " " Other Hanka, 8 3(14 ofl " " Commonwealth, 1,769 IS Notes In circulation, 115, SiO IK) - IM,S5 3d I certify tha aluve statement to Ix correct, aa token from the books of the bank. J W. CAKE. Caaliier. Sworn una subscribed before me, I J scos It us, J. r. June 5, 1SSS State of the Bank of Northumberland June 3d, 1858. LIABILITIES. Capital Stook, 300,000 00 Notea ia circulation, .... las. I 'JO 87 Profit and Loaa, - 8,017 IS Dividenda uiipa.d, 1,406 70 Discounts, Interest and Exchange, 1,9)1 SS Due other Banks, .... 8,903 59 Dapositors, 68,003 51 ew.ttts 41 ASSETS. Bills Discounted k Ians - (274,731 4S Pennsylvania Suite 6 per cent Stock- . 31,719 12 Bank of Noithuiuberlaud Stock, ifiX 00 Other Stocks, .... 1,&0 OU Itcal Enatr, 8,(K)9 M Protest account and Curreut ciueiise, 1,217 97 Due by City Banks, ... . 30,501 99 Country Banks, f,l!0 11 Notes of other Banks, Sl.tilO 00 Cash items, .... a 65 Spceie in Vaults, .... 44,050 65 4-27,163 41 I Certify that the altove exhibit of the nQaiisof the Bank of NotlhumberUmd is just and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. n. I'lui-.r-1 , msuier. Sworn and subscribed before u.e. (SiljiiB,!) JOHN CA1E. J. P. June5, 1859. LANDHCTBS' Agricultural Warehouse and Soed Store, . Xos. 21 and 23 South Cth street, between Mar. let 0iul Chcsnut streets, Philadilphia. YS always open to the inspection of every one interested in Farming or Gardening, The subscribers therefore invite Ihe public generally to call and examine the large and well selocted stock of Agricultural Implements and Machinery, great variety of Horticultural tools. Warranted Harden and Flower Meeds. Grass and Field Seeds ol the most Reliable Quality, which they offer for sale at the lowest cash prices, wholesale or retail. Tbe agricultural implements sold by us are mostly manufactured at our steam works, Hrislol, Pa. Having fitted op this establishment without reirard to expense, with the most complete ma chinery for the manufacture of various kinds of agricultural implements, we are prepared to sup ply all articles in this line of Ihe very best quality, Landreth's Warranted Garden Seeds havi been beforo the public for upwards of sixty years; tht ir wide-spread popularity and the increasing demand from year to year are the lest eviJeuces of their superiority over all others, fjf Country merchants can be supplied with seeds in papers, or in bulk, on the most liberul terms. Blonmsdale, near Bristol, Pa., our garden seed grounds, contains three hundred and seventy acres, and is the lamest establishment of its I ind in the world. V. l.ANDKETH At HON, Noa. 21 and 23 South Sixth St., Phtladelnhia. Landreth'a Kural Register and Almanac for 185$, containing a monthly Calender fur tho arm, Uarucn and Greenhouse, cx be uu naTis upon personal or prepaid a plication. I'niladclphla, May 22d, I8b8. u the Court or f'umnioii I'lca of !YortliMiiibcrlanil count)'. Martin Weaver, vs No. 39 August Term A. D. 1858. William McCarty and William Shannon 4 Ita' Breve de Partitions chel his wife. Facicnda. NOTICE. To William McCarty, and William Shannon nd Rachel bis wife. kou are hereby notified, that in pursuance of the above writ, to me d. reeled, an Inquisition will be held upon the pre. mises described in said writ, to wit : A certain tract or piece of land, situate in Coal township, containing 70 acres, or theieabouts, bounded by and, now or late, of Ludwig Uass, Martin Uass, ohn Urady and others, on 1 ueskay the 50th day of July next, al 10 o clock A. M . of said day for the purpose of making partition of or to value and appraise the same. At which time aed place you may attend il you think paper. JAMES V.MNUYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, riunbary. ) May 15th, 1858. ( Eatate of William Ilartholoinew, deceased. Daniel Bloom, Attorney') Writ of Partition and in lacl lor liavi i uloom, valuation returnable va to August Term, A. Tha Widow and Heirs D. 1853. of Wra. Bartholomew, deceased. TVJOTICE is hereby given to the heirs of Wm. Dartholomcw late of Lower Augusta town ship, Northumberland county, deceased, that by virtue of the above writ, to me directed, an in quest will be held at the lale residence of said deceased, on Monday tbe I4tn day ol June next, 1 10 o clock A. M , for the purpose of making Par tition of or to value and appraise the Real Estate of said deceased. At which time and place you may attend ll you Hunk proper. JAMEa VAIUXlk, Hnena. Sherin s Office, Sunbury, i May lain, 1B5S. Report of the Auditors of Northumberland County for, 1857. George Bright Esquire, Treasurer in ac count, irtfA (As County of Northumberland, from the first day of January, A. D , 1857, to the last day of December of the same year, Ootn days enciuuea. DR. To balance doe County ai per Anditor'i Henort. 108 C3 uutstanding couuty tax for 1856 ana previoue yeari, 12,114 97 Errors in Duplicates. 40 97 uutunaing to tsamuel Ilalei for overpayment of taxes, M Jacob Gar mon, ' Cash received on unseated lauds for 1856 4 '67, Caih or Jaa. Beard, Jury funds, Cash for rent of public buildings and other aources, Cash received for military pnrpo- 3 33 1 38 413 73 . 80 00 47 55 ten for 1S55 "66. nn " " 1357, 26 00 Amount of County tax assessed forl8f7, - 17,600 61 $30,389 87 CB. Dy amount of outstanding taxei for 1857, and previous years, (13,905 81 Exonerations allowed collectors, 1,420 CG Commission, " " 937 80 Paid on Commissioners' Orders, 13,300 GO Commission allowed Treasurer on $13,300 CO, at 2 cts, 332 fiO Treasurer's service for county, 73 Counterfeit money, 5 00 Balance due Conntyvfrom Treasn er, (since paid) 486 22 $30,389 37 Oeorge Bright Esq , 7Yoasurerof Shrthumber land County, in account with the same, re specting State lax on real and personal. DH. To balance due os per Auditors' Report for 1856, $1,033 81 Ontetanding State tax ns per Au ditors' Report or 1856. 7.503 05 State tax assessed Tor 1857, 17,198 40 Cash received on unseated lands for 1355 end '50, 109 73 Errors in duplicate for 1856, 73 20 Interest on outstanding tax, 19 19 Three copies of Laws, 1 50 $25,938 93 CR. By cash paid Stale Treasurer, as per receipt dated Feb. 7, 185". $1,033 81 " n July 8, '57, 3,059 84 " " July 22, '57, 5 per cent, abatement on State tax, , Faid State Treasurer, Sept. 2, 1857, " " Jan. 7, '58, " F. Bucher, for over paid State tax, as per Auditor General's order, dated March 11. 1857, Exonerations allowed collectors for 1857 and previous, Commissions, Outstanding State tax for 1857 and previous, Treasurer's commission on $16,- 956 94 at 1 per ccut. Dulonr 3 due commonwealth, 9,686 38 509 81 550 3(1 1,299 33 276 24 1,191 50 1,550 11 5,745 55 169 57 866 37 $25,938 93 Tavern, Distilless and Hating House Licenses. DR. To amount of Tavern licenses granted by the Court of Quar ter Sessions for 1857, $1,275 00 Store licenses grauted in 1657, 250 00 Brewers " ' DO 00 Billiard tables and places of a- musement, CO 00 Retailers licenses for 1857, 997 50 Eatiug bouses, Rentauranls, A.C. 180 00 $2,812 50 CR. Cash paid State Treasurer us per receipt anted July 8, ISjI SI, ill id Cash paid Stato lieusurer, Jan. 7, 1858, Cash paid John Robins for pub 8G0 60 lishing Mercantile Appraisers list, C. O. Bachman, " 13 00 13 00 63 50 127 45 10 00 Exonerations allowed, Treasurer's commission on $2,749 at 5 percent. Balance due last year, 2,813 50 Ailitia Fines. I) IX. To amount of laid fiues outstand ing for 1656 and previons, $1,201 77 1,053 00 178 51 18 77 $2,452 03 Amount assessed for 13D7, Hulauce due in 1650, Error in duplicate, CK. I3y amount of said fiues uncollec ted lor i8.o and previous, ct.lt Kxonoratioua allowed collectors, 423 50 Commissions " " 33 13 Amotiut paid County Commis sioners for time occupied in mil itary business in lboO, 2f 00 Cash paid Stale Treasurer, Jan. 7, i:.. 2'M 00 Paid Treas. National Guards, for 1850, 75 00 " 1857, 75 00 Shamokin (Juards for 1855, CO 00 Doppinville Cavalry, 1834, 50 00 North'd Troop, '5C, 50 00 J. II. Zimmerman, Urigado Inspector for 1857, 31 00 Assessors for Jista of delin quent militia, 40 81 Commissions allowed Treasurer, 6 011 Deepreciatud funds, 5 00 Balance due commonwealth. 21107 S2.452 05 Expenditures and receipts of Northumberland ttm i, Jrom the Jirst day of January, A. J)., 1857, to the last day of December of the same year, both days included. Northumberland County Dll. to the following Items. To 132 Orders issued by the com missioners for view- Oi'Tstasuinq Taxes kor Years. Collectors' Names. 1851, 53, 54, 55, John Bi a go tnau, William B. Irwin, Martin Bachman, Joseph Eckbert, A. J. Conrad, John Simpson, Joseph Eckbert, James Lynn, Cyrennes Bomboy, Jacob li. Clark, Joseph llogendocbler, Samuel Slablnecker, Jacob Bloom, Peter Pursel, M. II. Manly, Elias Eisenbart, William I'ardoe, John Boyer, Cyrennes Bomboy, Samuel Stablnecker, Joseph llogendoebler, (Jeorge A. Keuler, Jacob Miller, Henry V. Simpson, Jacob Stamm, Henry Haas, Solomon Billman, Anthony Guluspey, Peter Krise, Elias Sbafl'er, Jacob U. Clark, Jacob Uarmao, Daniel Wagaoer, Peter Still, William Johnson, Samuel Hales, Jacob Eckuiac, 56, 57, Thoie marked with tv bave since paid paid in part. We. tbe undersized, Auditors of Nor thumberland county, ia tbe Commonwealth of renoiylrania, do ccRTirr that in pursu ance of the 4ih tectioo of "an Act eutitled I an Act regulating countie and townships," passed tbe loin day 01 April, lCiit, we met 1 at tha ConnnUeionera' Oflice, in the borough of Sunbury, on tbe 4lb day of Jeauary, A. v., teat), and adjourned irotn time to time, and did audit, adjust and settle the several accounts required of os. agreeably to the tame acta of Assembly, aud supplement! Ing and surveying roads, 43 V fur building and repai $280 00 1.G07 65 3 00 172 00 609 39 363 83 380 00 2,340 62 270 00 203 90 142 90 39-1 52 GG3 171 ring bridges, " Repairing County En dine. " District Attorney W. L. Scott, Assessors' pay, " Constables' " " Prothonotary't fees, 2 3 ca 67 4 o. ueara, . 20 " Jurors' pay, 8 Printing, 36 " Commouw'th costs, 10 " Clerk's pay, for '66, O. Martin, ) . 19 i 57 'O Pt, CI " Election expenses, 3 " Refunding overpayment of tax, 20 " Public Buildings, 4 " Road tax on unseated lands, 1 " School " " 13 " Damages for road?, 39 " Fox Scalps, 1 " For medical attendance In prison, 16 " Stationary, 1 " Sheriff's fees, Commissioners' pay, 2 " 1. Bonn, 4 " C. Hottenstein, 5 " F. Haas, 12 " Incidental expenses, 2 " Attorneys for County, Pleasants & Comly, 8 " Fuel, 6 " Coroner's Inquests, 4 " Speciul and County Auditors, I " Agricult'l Society, 13 " Court Crier's pay, 1 " Penitentiary, 6 73 95 57 217 7t 135 30 416 74 61 C9 IS 00 251 39 223 42 145 50 114 00 207 00 127 89 100 00 28 50 Gl 38 106 00 100 00 112 50 312 06 020 Amounting to $10,527 51 Amount of orders paid puid in '57, and issued in '56 and previous years, Treasurer's percentage, Depreciated monpy, Treasurer's service for couuty, 2,773 33'J 5 $3,111 31 Xorthumbtrland County Cft. ly the following Itecipts. By balance duo county as per Re port of '56, $108 Cash received from Collectors on real and personal, 13,392 G3 71 " from unseated lands, Tor county, road & school, " Jury funds, rent, Ac. , " Hales and (larman, " for books, stationary, and time for military pur poses, '53 and '56, " " " '57, 413 127 4 52 00 'JO 00 SU.125 30 Amount nf expenditures for tho jt-ar 1S57, 10.D27 54 Amount of cash rcceivo-d nbovo expenditures for the year '57, $3,507 70 Amount of orders paid in '57, and issued iu 'j'j and previous years, 3,111 31 Balacco in hands of Treasurer on Jan. 1, 185S, $4SG 45 Jury funds remaining unpaid, tor the year'b't Plaintiff's. Defendants. Geddis X Marsh vs William Caul. $1 00 Commonwealth vs D. Conrad, U. Adams' adm'r vs Ira T. Clomcut, J. II. Vincent vs (I. Haas, S. Nesbitt vs II. V. Shelter's admr. Reynold et al vs samo Frick vs Lelund, liowen and Marr vs S. and P. R. Co. William lleitzman ve J. Ilillbisb, li. D. Saxton vs J. Simpson, Commonwealth vs Gcluspey, " vs VatiRaskin, Uoken & Gosh vs S. T. McCormick, Frifer vs Sulnhuch, Clement vs Vangaskiu, lluruer vs Uaiuer, Kissinger vs Stamtn, Clement vs Noyes, Suvugu vs Smith, Jdourey vs Bull A: Lewis, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 60 00 Northumberland County DP. and CR. on Jan vary 1st 1858. VIX. To amount of orders unpaid for the year '55, '56 i '37. 51C3 10 To amount of orders for tho years prior to lb55, as is shonn iu the order book aud not cancelled, 357 CI Uncancelled orders, Jan. 1, '58, CK. By balance due G. Bright Trea surer, Jury funds uncollected, Outstanding tnxus uncollected, Unseated lauds, estimated, Balance of Jucob Young, lute Treasurer, as reported by Spe cial Auditors, Buluuce of V. Bucb?r, lute Trea surer, as reported by the Spe cial Auditors, $520 71 48G 42 bl) 00 13,005 61 1,171 bO 1,178 500 00 Due county on Jan. 1, 1839, $17,322 3C 1857, and 1'bkviois Y la iis. Townships. Statu. County. Lower Muhuuoy. Delawure, 253 91 62 13 Lower Mahauoy, Milton, Zerbe, tChilisqnatiue, 432 2C tlOl 0.1 tMilton, tl70 11 ti9 7b Sbamokiu, 172 9C Delaware, Lower Augusta, Milton, Lewis, 5 90 23 73 Northumberland, 118 40 Si'j 90 Sunbury, f279 90 t304 58 Zerbe, 175 38 fr-9 55 Coal, 109 00 tSOO 00 Chilisquarpie, t478 71 U.102 C2 Cameron, 13t5 85 t2Jt! 55 Delaware, t700 92 fl,526 83 Lewie, 442 91 fl.040 21 Milton, 234 98 1..G7 31 Mt. Carmel, tl93 24 f3s4 CI Point, 621 32 t80(5 19 Sunbury, 329 79 881 83 Turbut, 1!I0 84 1 1,092 76 Upper Mabanoy, 89 20 502 76 W ashington, 35 88 217 09 Zerbe, f34l 92 43l 84 Jackson, f!89 56 Jordan, 212 26 Lower Augusta, 512 95 Lower Mabanoy, tl'21 43 Little Mahaony, fU2 23 Northumberland, HM 81 Kusb, 217 21 Shamokin, fiilti 1j5 Upper Aognela, f5l8 19 Militia. f C 1)11 59 50 41 50 32 50 19 42 42 10 28 98 4 00 b 50 16 00 18 00 23 50 39 50 27 55 73 50 15 71 50 50 51 00 23 00 31 50 71 is 27 28 2S 12 40 53 12 21 21 C3 21 .J5,iia 55 813.005 81 $1,121 iu full ; and thoso marked with a t have aince thereto, according to the beat ol our iudc ment aud ability. And we do further cetify that nuon a due examination of the exueose book of the county the indebtedness of tame yet unpaid in orders is 85'JO 71 1 1 wilues whereof we bave hereunto set oar hand and seals this 27tb day of Jaunary. mat. T. POnSYTH. AltM. blill'MAN, O. T. 1'AHON, L. S li, 8. I.. H. Adintnlntiator'H Kotlce. NOTICE is hereby given Ihal letters or ad ministration have been- eranted to the sub scriber on tha estate of John Graves, lato of Zrrbe to vnablp, Northumberland county, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate will please mane immediate payment, and those, having claims to preeont them dity authenticated for oltloment. HEl'HEN KMME, Adm'r. Trevotton, May 8, 1688. 6t NOTICE. ALL persona indebted to James Dcard, late Prothonotary of Notthumlierland county, fot fees, Sic, are requested to make immediate pay ment, and thus save cost and lurthrr trouble, as all accounts remaining unpaid will be placed in the hands of a Justice for collection. Payments can be made either to the subscriber or te J. . Beard, at his office. JAMES BEAI1D. Suubury, March 97, 1858 tf MILLINERS GOODS. Mhn SI. l. CiHSNlcr, respectfully on nounces, that she has just returned from the city with a new, cheap and elegant assort ment of Spring and Bummer Millinery Goods, Consisting of new pattern Bonnets, Straws Gimps and Fancy Honnets, also Kibbons, Flowers and Fancy Trimmings, Ladies Dress Caps, See., all of which will be sold cheap. Bonnets of every descriptions made to order. Old bonnets bleached and pressed in the best manner. Thankful for past patronage, she solicits a con tinuance of tho same. ' Store in Fawn Street, 2nd door below the Rail Koad. Sun'.urv, April 17lh, 1858. 2in'S "" NOTICE. rJvIIE account of Paul Animerrnan, r.'rj.. - Trustee of Mary Wolvertoti (a lunatic) has been filed in tho Court of Common Pica ol Northumberland county, and will be presentcj to the said court on tha first Monday ol August, next, fur confirmation. DAMKL BECKLEY, Proth'y. Prothonotary's OHicc, Sunbury, May 23, 1S58. at t F0H SALE OR RENT. Til E large double frame house in the Borough of Northumberland, belonging to tho estate of C. H. Kay, deceased. This is a very desirable residence beautifully siluatd uii the North Branch of the Susquehanna, with a largo garden, Carriage House, Stable cVe., belonging to it. Terms moderate Enquire of U. W. Scales, Williamsport, or 1). Brautigm, Esq., Northum berland. March 27. IS59. GEORGE TIILL, AT LAV. aUNBTJRY, PA., r.ri'CTFl'l.l.V informs the p:blie and bis trirmis generally, mai r.c naa removes to Kunbury, and has opened a law olbce at liis rrsidente, in Market fqiiare. His acquaintance with the Engli-ih and I'crmon enables him to transact business in both langanis. April 10, I8S8. ly Estate of PATRICK deceased "I Writ of Partition and Michael Hughes J valuation issued out of va ( the Orphans' Court of Tbe heirs of Tatrick Northuinberl'd county, II ughrs, dee'd. I rcturnaMo to August J Term, A. D., 1858. .V OTICE ia hcrebyj given to the heirs and 1 legal representatives of said Patrick Hughes, lato of Zerbc township, Northumberland county, deceased, that liyjvirtucof tho above writ, to roc .llmrtroV an iiioiiL-st will be held at the l.ilc resi dence of said Patrick Hughes, deceased, in tlie town of Trcvorton, in .erbe township, aiurrsanl, on Tuesday, the 22d day of June, next, nt '0 o'clock, A. M., fur the purpose nf making Parti tion of, or to value aud ap;iraise the Real Lstate uf said deceased to wit: Of a certain lot or piece i.f land, situate in the town of Trcvorton, afore said, containing 23 feet iu front and 1 23 fret deep, fronting on Shainukiu street, adjoining lots of Thsmas Rilry on the Wist, and in the East of Di'tiick. At which time and placo you may attcml if you think prop, r. JAMES VANDYKE, Shrriif. Sheriffs Oflicc, Sunbury, 1 May lSth, lK."a. WASHINGTON IIOUSEJ W. A. COVERT, rropriclor. fciXJXJiixJinTir, pa., rlIIE prtipiietur respectfully informs his IVkhuIh and the puhlie eoneruliy. Ihal he is ropiiriiic; and renovatiud the "'iVashiuiiton llouso," sn to entertain both transient and ierinniieiit vimIois in a suitulile and coinfirUble manner. 'rhiiWfiil lnr Ihe fialronaire extended tu father, be respectfully sulii its the contimimne the same. Ilr will lake rharue ol Hip ' iiigton House" on the fust i.iy of Apiil, 11c it. lie will have an Omnibus running to the different liuilroad DepoU frr the accoiiiinfdalion of Passengers, fiee of charge. V. A. CU rJlil'. Punbury, March 20, 1S5M, NEW GOODS ! NEW GOOES ! npiIK sul.acril.crs respectfully announce to lli. i. -- fi if nils and the public in general that they have received at their Store, in Upper Auijusla . . v .-.1 i 1 a.,.ni.i 1Q at I.' litiu'a township. Northumberland count), 1 a., at Kline s (irove, their Kni'lll" mill Slimmer COOdS. pi IUB HUU BUUIimruuuus, and opened to the puMic a full assortment of Merch.udixe, &c , consisting in part ot (Moths, ,,. . s. , . si t black and funcv Casbiincrrtf, Cliotks, Kentucky Jt'ans, togetlier Willi a geiicrui iantiy 01 rurnn and Summer Goods, adapted to all grades cf persons. ' Hunt Mine Clotiiiso ety cheap. j Ladies' Dress Oods, Summer Shawls, (iini;hanis J t'halli Delains, llucals, Holn's A'yuil- les. Calicoes, Black Silka, Ac. j Also, a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines, . Groceries, Ac. j A new supply of Hardware, Queeneware, ; WooJcn ware, ic. ! A large ussortir.ei.l of BOOTS and SHOtW, , suil.U'le fur .Men, Women and Children. I IIats and C.WS. Fish und Siir. j And all goods usually kept iu a country stoit- . Our display is unsurpassed. The aboe named ! stock of goods will le sold at prices to suit the 1 times for CAII .r in exchange for country pio duce at the market price. , Anp shall be happy to meet our fiicm's a 11 J the patrons of ur rstablisbuient, and sell tin 111 50 50 50 goods at such prices as cannot fail lo gite entire salislailion. Tlianklnl fur past favors we hope by strict lit- I tculiou to merit a continuance nf the same. J. V. A I. Y. KU.NK. Kline's Grove, Pa , May 15th, i'jA. 00 00 00 00 50 50 50 50 50 00 50 A LI, persons indebted lo the subicuber an- re' ipiesltd tu call and settle their accounts. Those attending to this notice will save costs. UUT. CLEMENT. Sunbury, May 8, ISfttl IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan." Cuui' i ,he iauaiiia on the opposite siilo of tbe rir, bot!i of Northumberland county, will be expostd r ,., , fr, Sunhurv. Tha ate.niilK.at 00 50 to Public Bale, at the houae of John Iting&man, in Georgetown, Northumberland county, afore said, on Tuesday, the !2d day of June, next, the following described Iteal Esta'e to wit : Two certain LOTS UU PIECES OF GEO CM), sit uate Iu Georgetown, aforeaaid, upen onc'ol which there is a Dwelling House, Ac. Late the estate of Jacob Strieker, late of Dauphin county, dee'd. Hale lo commence at to o'clock, A. M., of said day, when the terms of sale will be maJe known by JACOB STKICKKK, Adm'r. By order of the Court, C. BOVD Pt'liSEK, Clk. O. C. ) 55 the Sunbury, May lSth, 1;S. J T.. m. .'2ll(l .Ah. ml Il.e buli.Ii. a ull iba day of April, 18iV, whan a deed will be ic. May IS, ISS8.-W. STRING All ItANOEMKN T' LACKAWANNA & BLOOM BUIld R.ft, AfFOUPINfl superior fncrlrtioa for travel to New Yoik, l'hila lflpii a, and the North and W.m,lT on liections at rVrsnton with tbe irsins ol' MjeMwi taeVnwanim and Western Kuilroad ComriiTiy i also fnf travel Sooth arid West over Ihe Caltau-istu, Wil!iili;sfJtl and trie Hailioaii and ooimacling trains OOINO NORTH. N. y. Awvmm FVjid'a. Leava Rupert, doom, Kepy, I.irne rtids, Berwick, llrnuh Havn, llench (tinve, Shickslininy, ilunkrrk'eCriTk, Nnnlicoke, Tlj nouth, A rive at Kini stoit, a tve Kinrt toil, Wyo(.mir, Went Pulsion, Pitlston, Lackawanna, Taylnrvrllc, Arrive al Mail. djtl.1i. Ms. I. e no a.m. mr r. e is do a ) do e o ( a a.5 dn 9 40 do S .-IA (ki 7 10 d-i AS ti 7 33 do 4 0 do 7 SO th 1 IS d 8 10 di 4 30 d- 41 do 4 IVi di tj su d i S Ol tl 9 13 & S W if) a M io 9 30 dJ .15 P 611 I itf 10 (HI lit 10 10 30 do do do do lo do 1 I". r. M. i in do S 31 60 5 M e ii a hi C lit) do do ,I- .l.i d t so 9 : i 4.1 3 W do do do do eVnintoti, 10 in do 3 IS do .10 dj The New York Marl Train connect wilh tbe LsplcPS gohitr Knst, on D. I.. At W. Itiitlrnad. Anive in New York 7 15 IV M. do Prriluddihia, by Cuiiidcn & Amlioy Railtoti, 6 an V. M. Ksre from Hnpert to New York gfl 00. Baggage check. fd throtich. The iiironimoilnllon Trnin North, comioetnt P -rintott with tho Impress Train West, uu il.e O. I.. 4. W. I!ail r md. GOING SOVTII riois. Mini 8 110 A. M. Aee"inml i! tit.'n It 30 A. M II 4.1 d) IS 110 M. 1J l.i V M. N V Mill' 4 0u l'.,-.f . l.envtt ferant.'n, Taylorvillr, l.nekiiwuiinH, 1'itlRtCMI, West I'ittslnn, Wyomiiit;, Arrive nt rii'cstou, l.enve Kuiirstoii, IMinulh, NiOll ift.k, Hltllloek'tl C'l'k, r1liirk'liiniiv, l:c:irh (irove. Iluirh lluvt-ll IJei u ick, 1 .line Hidi', r.s-,v, . Wo mi, Arrived at f 111 d 4 10 do S IfO do (lo do do 4 SO ii 1 R ln 8 3.1 8 40 4 do do dj Ii 30 d ) 4 .'IS I to W 10 d,. 9 00 1I0 1 W (J..- S tfl do 10 111 10 ro 11 as 11 la II I.) II CU l 'i Ml do d. ill d.i dn 9 tfl 0 Ift i III C Oi 7 '!0 7 4i 7 a c n i 45 0 (0 15 in d-i ill d 1! . di di d 1I..1 d j do I -j 10 P. M. ia uo d 1J Hi d li SO do Kiipeit, U4I 1!) 3 15 Tl:e PbiM-lphm Mril Train lolnrr r-"tli, rorii" tlic .Mail Trim at ltupert, fii'S l'l I I" I' M r,,n.,u.,i. I'ojl riinl.ll. Pollsvllle llendnu', A. 11' inn nt IMiilndei.lii i, nt So IV M. Alsiv.-itri M-, B.m. Vfi t a oYlork V. M. for Dutivn.e, ..li t I Tr.,111 1, Mua- cy. Villi:iii.p;.'rt rii'd I'.lninn. p.........M l,y llie 4 oVI.'rk P. M. Train v'1.111.: Sou:! ran tiikrii-e II oVlock P. M r.xpiess tt.11.1 f..i K'm.r mid tlio Wesl.or 1 K!iieat lilooinslinrir and lute Hie I o' lock A. M . Ti tin ffiiiig Knst, arriving at Plii!jdrli.cm u """U",r Bl 14 F. J. LEAVr.NWOHTtr Matlh IS, 1 '. fn;iih,li .l-lO. viiT:L:Li-:r. & vilon KAT-TIrAOTUnl'NG COS FAMILY SEWIXG MACHINES r a 'III : nun I. lion ol' IIK tlnnninioiu favor ilii-.-1i linsiiltciKlirdllni illtlo-!:'r. WitKKMirt .V Wilson's Fumily SewinT ,VU- cl.lne, is surBi'ient evidence of iis eicerlenee. It is necl less now to say. Unit this usefal inslruinvnt is K'001111114 doiiinPlic jiisttlutiun : Ihe fact is recuntzed dy its iiH'ie.is till use in thou Knnds of Kumilies in every rank in life. 7'o thoso who hive liitberto 1 efraiuel from itvarlniK ttirmstlves of its uilviintairi'S, it may uut Le snii.is to suy, ilint Us util ity ia not a prolilcin lo lie fciilveil, but a success slreailjr rrulizeil. The lii'-lu-st tesimony is constantiv cllcred, con- j rrauzeil. i lie lib-iu-st tesimony is constantly cncrrd.coii lirming; the verdict vthicli has given tins lu-.lrii iKii.Si wute niuierivitiiiiL a riiiiiiiuoil. This Machine is conceived on a principle entirely oriui il, liuina siicciiilty and adtniinhly ailriled to Ihe must per fect work on every kind of mute-rial ; and, huvmir beta sulijertrd to u three ytiirV test or the Heuirtiii. chnractui by KauiiJion, nud in various braii'-lics cf Mau luctmc, vHU1Hsli1.5umhetl uwcfc. it ia Whevt-1 tli.it u all the grcnt points requisite tou complete ami iTncutvi Sew 1 nil Mitciiim.', il c untut be approuciieii in ei c'lotu c. Aiikhi;.: tic unJouIitct! ailvJUi.itT'K it srt stea over u others, liittv immed Ihe iuU' nijr ; 1. litt biinplicity of cuiiBUiu'ttcm, uud cuiiscquent t'toc duiit fnuii tiuranpt mei.t niid lit'ed of rrKiirn -2. li uiiexn(n(.ltil rupiditv uud euw of opciation. lu noiM '.ex Hit Vfinent. 1. Tiie Krrat vaiifty tt purpnjie Ut wluc't it "a:i he nt I lirH4. v. lnr'i (ni be achieved by in einrr uiccliuni j1 UifUllH. A int, i. lue iic-..niiti''it b'.Miity md ilurnbili y of the wo'Ii, ll timl ynor f:u'bne invuluitble I buvi u - it a ytar, ftntl It ha never bcrri out of iidfr. The n'he'i is vtiy du rable, uinl t un tie ml i;tcJ to hue or omrfu nuitt-rinis. It work with the mpulity of n t'or.en pntr . f imm'i i mvca much tune, futiffim and expfhse. One of yur Macliiiife is uat;d in n;- niihera fiim.ly ; tni'.lht r 111 l!" housth', ot" fciFf.-r: mi-! liil.fth l.vvailo'is i,it-ii(ls. Tre oiniiitinB uf nit nor t ! with tlmt I hnvo jut exprwafd.11 Mis Ai.im us t-'orn Uiicliic. Heine. m mA NVlUoiril....jujas .u v,f uu American I,..u. tm,-. his i i-'l'iu: Sfu'inj M trhi'ie piiri'liuFeii yrn r.as been w h1!. of I ' ' y"! ''.lo.'' Ui-v. Dr. sSiiiii.h ! O. j; it.il. 1.- ...I....I i. .(. iftld.nl! il af-h- ' lll..,lv.......M.V.11.Pn... ! j I 'Vs jirfl'si them (t lamily life Tril iis. Tllt-y sis the l;iv trill: t"ir I'nilu ics Tunc.", Are'w illiout a n.iil S iPiililiC AnnT.Liri W'nik ruiir unift'tiiily tlmu lliu liaurl llstn:l. I 1-. the work often onliiiary sewcis J.iir C.nn. I l.inal to nine seatntrrsse. Home J-uni.il I 'I'us liiui uii.r, lur I'jiinly use. Auvoe:ite if Jour:;r.!. M.iM lioior:ilil'.' 10 Aui.-'rlenil i;-iin ! iudjt-iul.-iit. e.ionot imagiiis aaylhiiift ir.'iru per!"eet Lviiichst. Will ijive entire ntisiacli" !. tiljM'rver. ! , A.lnnrai ly iHhirt.tirVan I i.e utit ever luvcnleil. Chris' laa liuiaorr. see lliise rxau.i.it-r. imily use. t:'irnu-!a. I lmlis,wiiai.lc ia every immiy. Tha I'na.-her i W e nPltc il Willi Chlhusiasni I'hrisitjii l ilt!: ci necr j Wi, ( l uwalU.S;ll,!ull, 1 A l.eiielaction of tliene. I'nluan.'s Maaine. : M iS'ial in oi.erution.-Mrs. sieph.ns' i; mliiy. Beyond aU iiestin. me machine..-l,i.o li!ustrte.l. The Sliteh e;nlli.it t:u u::riHe.l .ui Aeuci..lui.t Tl.y ma.maia the rrenii.ones -t:xim I tl.r lime nud litaltn ti ten w rii ;.ir Cur: , lluf horn-hiM m t -btacirv w.ih it.Kiiti'tr; nit. up.uv in i:inii"iiLiie wnr'n. umiy r-,vfc. Arelire-einliieii'.lv supefl .l. ljuhe inti r. Oiieofinu li us.li id if-ils i.. S.J annul. I'linvuHeti in every tjiu Ity. ll iy lli...h. Iietly. nhefnl. ineieul Leslie's GixZ-.'U.'. lluvv ii'i trjaul lnr I'aimlv use. Mnsii'al ' iV! A tiinii -.li . iiiecliante.'il )teiiiii .V Y J.rfi: . t'omh.i.e. r e.iy retjuiremeiit I at'sily l:ifi ,ic Vuslly taiperi'ir to sll olheis I i .(1en I'n We cannot tire ill its pruise New orktv. I'or furtln r pariienlais apply to H. H. Mss er. Sunburv, l'a., aient of the i iaimlacturct, h will supply mucbiucs at tho mauufjc'.urei pricea. bntibury, May lu, ltia. if EILVZn. PLATED-VAIIB ' siiMi'uii utii 11 r JOHN O..ME1H& SO, rt 1111' ol.kst V'lcciro 1'li.ti r in tbe United .stcs, - niauiifacturcs of cery variety of (iumtj dated Willi pure silver, Albata, l!ritlai.i bt.:e:j. Tea Sells, L'ins, Waiters, Casters, Cuk," Has- keia, l'itihrrs, Goblet-., Communion frt-rtiei. j spoons, TotVa, Knives, tic. All guods warrant- ; ed as represented. 1 1 J N'.'iih Hast corner Oih a. I Clie-nut :-!'ert. I I'l.iiaJ'.-lj iiia, renin. I May 8, 158. ly ; EV1EUEYSTEAI.I 1'Er.TlY Ai D TOWIKO BOAT COMPANY. rpRAVKLLUBS and others aie repccifu!:y inf .rnied ibat the subscriber has eljl .l-!iej a bTLlAM FKHHV over the leuMpiifhauna, at i aun'uury. That a lar;;e, sale and eoutinotiious steauiiioBt will run regnluily sua promptly, ai all hours Juiinri the day, to carry footpasseiigera H Un n. ....Ii...l..a A... t.iueeii oiii.urv and will run from Market tstrcct Whatf, and will carry passengers to and from the Packet morning and evening. The Steam ferry now affords n.'l only a safe and convenient transit over the tSu quchanua, but also a pleasant uiul agreeable ride. IHA T. CLEMENT, Proprietor. Akpiisw IIi.ovim, Cap, ain. ciunbury, May I, 1858. FOR KENT. rpHK Ptore Koi.m in Market alrest, formerly A occupied hj P. W. Gray. A pply lo the ex ecutont of II. Masjer, dtH'sseJ. flisl I ' made, lk'0V.N'S and Dn h.n's DsmsiJ ol li'iufai I and Kusliun.l's Mui.eiasl M'h 14,'AT. t'lll Tli nl