V a tlx SOLOMON AND THE BOWER, mM TU OKP.M&N OF aiCKKKT. In open field King Pi.lomon Kciicalh Ihc sky arts up bis throne j I'lo sees a sower walking, sowing, C'n every side the sceil-cuin throwing "Whnt doll tliou llicro?" exclaimed lb King, The Riou.iA here nn no harvest hring ; Drmic ill fioin inch unwise leuiiininp, Twou'it get no cr.'p that's vvrth the winning.'' The r .v.ver heais: his arm he sinss, And di uUl'iil he -mids still nml Ihinks, Thill goes he forward, st: Ji.! mid steady, l ot the wife King this answer ready. "I've nothing else hul tins one fiiM ; I'm wat-hM it, lnlwicd it, slid ti!ld j What further lue of pausing nuessing ! The e.ia t'fm me j fiora Uod the lilt-sune. " Jfavmcv5f gcpavlnunt. propagation: of risn. The Vresideot cf tho American Instiluto I.'ew-Yoik, hitulv read a lengthy paper upon tl.o (subject or ui LiiU-ial piopn,'atiu:i of lish. n answer too i-uet'tiuti belaid : The propo i;iion that 1 mailo last jour to the LrgtElu tute was thutif aluw was passed lo pi-i.tert Beod 1 would ftocL tbo waters cf tha State with salmon. Ho ulso stated : ! hnvo eight ponds upon rnv farm stocked with furly-fivo lunda of lish among which 1 have cno ponJ of trout. They grew more rapidly in a pond where, well fed ttiau in stream. 1 have also eome i j a cask nud they are bo tamo that they will conio to me at the souuu of a bell and eat from nty hand. There ia no reason why tish prowing cannot bo mmlo profitable. My gold fish nre very p-cntlo and lourishicff, but are not rs- leomcd for foiU. They are however very ' O! nainental. 1 have one pntul devott u to pihe, which are r.xtnnn.'ly voracious, but have, become Ciiito iiocik. They pair almut tho lirst of April, and ilep-.'Sit tln-ir epgs, and never look niter them until their yourg are hatchoil, when tho old piUu devour their own ofl'sprinp. Thoir favorite food is frog?. J think a Email nYti-pou.l wcutd produce- a greater profit than n ton acre Held well cultivated. Tho yellow peic'.i ic tils-ij ti !?flod fish, nnd docs well iu my poiiJs. iSoniutiints porch dio from burstiug their bladdori iu (shallow water in warm wea ther. The striped ba.cs I hive also succeeded in growing in fresh water to advantage, notwith standing it is n sea fish, 'l'ho common chad is thy m?l interesting of all toy fish. They epawn about 4."i.0t)0 eggs, each, and would multiply to a great extent if not destroyed. I succeeded in growing thad in fresh water, and h:ve had them to grow fivo or six pounds in a single year. A f-had cats by succor and uevvr bites at a heck. 1 huVi aljo a variety c f fish from tho great lakes, nil of which arc in a nourishing condi tion. 1 deposited in one pond 11000 eel?, mid have succeeded in raising them by feeding them with tialt, as they are only found natu rally in situations where they have access to the ocean. 1 am satisfied tliut tho eel is uoviporotis, iiotwithj-tndiug tho coutrary opin ion has oiuu been advancod. The seuie. ol'mnell iu fii.li is generally very strong, an J tho sefo of hearing is ulso well developod. The sight is also vury keen in EOiuo species, though they cannot' see in turbid water. Tho sucker is acutely sensible to touch. Their tas to is the least delicate of any of the senses, sinco some of them devour food indiscriminately without regard to quali ty. Fell for fool are, ulays in the finest condition when full ol'ejgs. After spawuing, they deteriorate very rap idly. Fish food is proved to bo tiutritious find wh 'lesonie by the hoalthy condition of fjs'-ieraien'a families. I have not been able to couie:'icate cod fish in fresh water ponds. 1 iuleud however, to continue experiments. It is an interesting fact that the common school fund of Massachusetts owes its orgiu ti cod-fishery." 1 expect to bo able to domes ticate the tench the physician fish of tho race lis i-'itnu serving to ileal wounds in other npec.es. There is no dilliculty of transporting li-h ova from ono part of tho country to an another, nor in hatching tho young fUh. T.-iintactioiiM of the American Innlitale. To the foregoing we would add tha follow ing from tho London Athencum : Tiio experiment made by the-Emperor of the French to stock the waters of St. Cloud with trout hatched artificially, has met with con.pleto success. Trout twelve months old ara eiht inches long, and weigh from 2$ to '.' ounces. Their vuluo in 1'nris market Would be from 20 to 2j conts. The tront 'S3 months old are from 19 to 20 inches long, and would sell at from CO cents to $120. Jt is farther stated that the waters at St. Cloud woie never inhabited by any i-pedeB of sal rii.V i'u'if. Tho trcut tire extremely numerous an 1 proiniso to yield highly productive letiirns in a coniracreia' tjuinl of view. The principal object of the V. ., peror is to ascertain whether the production offish liy artificial means is more proll.tablo lliun the cultivation of tho lar.J, uUiiijj tho same superficial area iu both t';:S03. " el:," his honor, to nn old negro who lir.d 'ton hauled up Or iteuling a pulh t, "what have you to eay lor yourself?" "XumV but (lis, boss' 1 was cray us a bedbug when I tola dut ar' pullet, cos 1 might huvo stole a t-tf rooster, and nobber done it. lat shows clusively d-.it 1 was laboriu' under de delirium tioi'unJ'is." ToK kkp Dm. .U, from Ckm.''.Su Hcnnet, m i!10 (, clii,-ut,.r, who is doubt 03 a t.dy wil or daughter, ijivcs tho follow '"ff'ons to keep dust, Ac., from cream : r..V' i ritan! lo"B c,:ouS1' ,0 '""ke hoops f,.r'm ii l,"u,,l'u(f P "I milk-pans, f rm the hoops and stretch over them some th.uco onstul, that will not stop clrculo Hon of tho n,r, but will keep out the (lies and m .h. cool, luy tl,e3u co .us over the Pins uad they save the cream a, clear as can ' rrCVs? ih;u- "TOM.-The follow-ng I'l.icd of coding old potaloosat this teZ v?11.? 11,0 v"ar is iceouiniotided bv Mrs II -v " ., o J-jveport Illinois. Jt is excellent I aad now is tha tnnp to try it: "I para tho potatoes about an hour before o, ing. and then soak th.-m in cold vtuler u-i-tt ;ey are to bo cooked. The water must b bodm- beforn they are put in, n,j a illUu H 'poured off, then tho kettle or pot is ,,!.j on tho stove, with tho lid removed, to' ullow t jo moisture to evaporate. 45y this method o. cooking potatoes 1 have never railed to render thorn dry and mealy." Fr-ipr. roT.Tori.-IIow few cooks knnw luw to Try potatoes I ' hero is co letter di-h ut breukrast, or even dinnr r, when there is a beer.ti-.ik on the board. To fry the pet Ho properly, they should bo pared, sliced length ttifco the thickness of au eighth of an inch, dropped into a pin containing hot fat, turned ff'Mjueutly, nicely browned all over, but never turned. A little fluur dredged over thorn is excellent. I.isip On. Stai:.. To remove lamp oil irom cotton and wooltn goods, rub in thor ongUly with the hand some clean, fresh lard : Ii t it remai for three or Oar hours, then p. ply sort roap, and iu warm watr. This can Im depended on. BOOK BINDING. ri'llK iiiTirri,ier,h(iviii5 lfuhl tlie Hhutny tale of Ptc J phen I) n-1 J.yinan II. Vilm, of Milu, mm mWi-U t-i ittnine minurior implrmcnls, nnil hnving ?cuicd Ihe nperintcndiK-erf Mr. II. K DOWMNU, who htm for t:i yciirn Itccii employed in ono tif tho trit Uiittlrrin in riiiltutrlphin, nml ctunci with the firkt recent imnUutioui for m try uly find wnipclency, me now ptej mcil tu D I N D OK RK-DIKD Books, ramphlcts, Magazines, Kews paper?. Music, &c. &c, m cvrrv Kj k- tliiiml. Work 11111 y either Nmnd of hnlf btuiiul. ni Cull'. Komi, Tnrkry Mornrro, Hhecp, 01 other l.nitluT. or Mintlm of vtiruuti rnlors nnl ornnmeutctl with Mml'le Ynivr of ilnlcrnit figure. IukUa nml colors. tltl MtUc rihI other liooltior Tnpeis which it t le-nirt-il to pren rve n" ir tncrinl in a lunnly, cun be 11 mile niorc rnrc by the Ilimlei'iBkill. IT- Hlmik Jlt cks. Hil lrp. llinn mul Trnyer Pooki, P,l( kct lvxk. Alhuiti. Di iri.-n, r . 1,1: 1 t l,lU;l) WITH (JtH.I) in Irgil'lr nni) tinnlile chnrui'tiTlt to order. Ml Sir rtHTKI.H)s, Ac. nimlf to unit rnrtnmcfi. A K'ihJ Hhi'lrry litm l"hi l-er n dcsiritl in this vicinity, Mini vp can thflrcl 'tp rrnpei ti'iilly olicit the pul.he piiirnimfrc, trnetiup thM it will he nnlim-nt to icjmy the full 1 v uj i(i 1 1 u. 1 v ' in. i"i'm, Boei , ntin win kiik'ii 1111 rprjiining tn ncy, we fhiillrxptct TAV ON ))KMVr.KY oi till w tk.) We intern! Ln elmro in dirntp, roiifM.u Mr find tini!"'!!! prict-, on I lie "hive nml ,el Lice" prin ciple in id hope t" niuke it a pet tnniient bnrincu. tM.ti'c 111 the centirr of M;irlo-t S.-iimrc. nrth iitlc itoim! M.tiy. nMc'ininjr the 4nirmitilc" and Telegraph olikts, thipl dKT (i-m tin' t'"fii oiI'h c. WOUPr.N A COKNKMUS.lWrg. ITexiit K. poWNiNu, A-jont. Lew 'it-hfirfr. Mnj 15, ly STORE. TlIISSLOITiSA SMIS!sI,i;l,re!Iprclfi.lly in furiiis the e.iti?n of Trcvorlcn and sur- r-)iiinliii(r county, Ihnt fbe hn opened n new Mere nl .Millinery and Fancy (lomjn, at Trcver tuniii MniiiHiUin street, nearly opposite Knouse's Tavern, where all kinds rf Dotuicts nnd Fancy tioodfl can he had lit the lowest term. Drcsg mnVing nl9 attended to ix tin best manner nnd hilest ttvlf. April 2S, lK.IS. tf JONES HOUSE. WKM.S tOVKai.Y, Tioprlelor. Cur. of Mark et Street .V Mtn l tl Square, 11 A It It i 9 llf o , PA. rrtllS Xr.W AMI i:i.l-.H ANTIIOTKI, rcccnlly crre J. Inl I.)-Hip Mrssia JdNCS, in Iliinislmre, I'n.. Imv mir In-i ll li nsiV ..r ii ti rln of veuis liv Hie inulrrsiriwil, lie t:4:i-s llus inelli-xl of f-illnifr Ihe uttcntii.ii of his former pillions, nml Ihc tinetlliiiKcuminuiiity. Ilivrrlo. Ihivinc n fr. nl i f nnc hilmlml nml I'urlr firt ml tlie pliliripiil street nl Ihe eltv, mid 1- ifty-tu-i, peel Front oil Mnckel 4u:ire. it c-nnunt tail lo prove Mtruetive ns well ns inviting tn strangers. Tho Ch:iiiil.i'is nre of fine size, well veiUitatcil, nnc lirjliti-il with Cum n mlinl.pr Willi eoillieeliiig iloors luu kine Ihcin very il-viMUe i,r fninilies. The Hulls nro w-unnril tliroiiKhont ly He-ntrrs; nnd every iivmi-rn iinpinveniriil, in fact, tins lieen milled, thai mny r nuluce to the s-ilcty, coinli it, und lisopiness of the gile!s. isit-'rs mny, therefore, rest nssureil, thnt tlie '-Jones House'1 has been m-i-le perfeet in nil us npp liiitiiients tlialrnellitepnrliiii.nl Ins l.een plm-eil in eliume i'f l-'.xpe-tieneeil uml Coinpetent lVis-ins llitil in every parlii-iilnr the sveIi-ih h-hieli has ml iptni liy the I'roprirtni, willnlf.nl to ih-.ise wlio ni;iy neike It their hoine. us ureal a ili-cree of romfoit ns may licehlainedut any similar establishment in tho Sta'c. To secure this ilesiinbli' result, he has fumislieil Ihe I'ul.llo anil I'livate I'nvale I'nrlors. rimnilieis, Dining Room. Ac., with en'irelv WAV FI'IIM Tt'liK ; uml also arrunceil witlnn the binUlii 5. n fine Harbors Silo.-n, t)ys terSuloon, l)reillR Koon." Hot nml CM llalhs, As. The Cnlnmry Depiirtmep' ami Dining Hoom will receive the especial nllenli 111 01 ll.e Proprietor, wlneli he trusts, will he n sullk-ient cnaruntet that nil lastes will be suited. After relnrnini; his heartfelt thanks to his old friends und patrons, for the gem-rons patrontie so Iomr extended to hlin ut the "Covcrly House." and nine to his friends nnd patrons ut the "I'oluiub.n House," Cape Island, dnrinp Ihe season of IVV,, be lespect fully solicits a cunluiuance of it ut the "JON KS IIUI I'.." wki.i.3covi;ui.v. January 3", 1SS9 Gmos. ANALYSIS OF LYONS CATAWBA BRANDY BY A. A.HAYEs, M. D., Assaycr to the Stutc of Masstu httfctts. CIknf.hai. CitAnACTEn. A light ycllowisb brown-colored pr-irit, bavin-; a Irasrnnt dot when evaporated from c lean linen it left no oil or ulli'iisivc matter. Analyzed fur volatile- and fix ed drugs, of n hich no traces of any kind were found. Iu color is proved to bo due to a colored resin an rxtraet derived from wood. In every respect it is a ptiro spirituous liquor. The fragrance or bompiet which it potseesc can ho isolated , and it then appears unlike that from Cognac llraudy or Wine, being a fruity es sence resulting from n peculiar ft riiiunlalion of Catawba and Isuhelta tirapes. Chemical Ciiaiiaci lii. 1,000 parts in vol ume of this spirit contains at CO deg F. 4G1 2 10 parts of pure ulrohol, besides the fragrant oil. 1,0 '10 parts of the spirit alTord 83 parts of a strong solution of the oil which characterizes this Bran dy ; the spirit 'eft, after removing the oil, is pure and odorless, and in all its qualities a perfect spi rit not subject to charge. One U. S. gallon of this liramly at GO cleg. F. contains, besides Ihe spirit and oil, only 20 grs. of inattrr composed of extract of fruit, gum, and colored resin from wood. Jostox, January 25, 1858, Dr. COA'E, State Inspector of Ohio, and Dr. Jus. 11. Chillon. Chemist, of!S'ew York, both pronounce this lo be pure Hrandy, and fiee from all adulteration. For Medicinal pnrposrs Lyon' Catawba liran dy has no rival, and has long been needed to su persede the poisonous compounds sold tinder the name of lliandy. As a beverage, the pure article is altogether superior, and a sovereign sure reme dy fir Dyspepsia, Flatulency,, I.otv Spirits, Lan guor, tieneral Debility, iVc. fee. Also. KSHKl.DY'iS tsTIM, AXD SPAKK I.IXU CH A M PA (iX K. These wines arc made in Ihe neighborhood of Cinciuiiuti, and nre guar antied to be the pure juice of the Urapv, and are eminently rulenluted lor invalids and persons w ho require a gentle stimtikint, and for sacramcu tul purposes. Ketail price $1 2.r per bottle. A liberal dis count muJe to the trade. Dealers will please send their orders to the solo agent for Noilbum Urlaud county JOHX F. OA SLOW, Druggist, Millon, Pa. February, 20, 1S58 Um. JOiiX N. fiSRA It B), ATTORNEY AT LAW, OjfU'e in Market it., o;tuite the Court Iluusc, BUNBUHY, FA, Collections made and Professional Dusiiicss generally attended to Promptly and Carefully. Piiii.aiif.li'iiia, If irr.iiE.vcF. : Hullitt 4 Fuirthorne, Diehl A Werlz, Davis it Diruey, F. Tyloi & Co. Kunbury, June 20, lf.r)7. PIKE CONCENTRATED I.YK OPv SA- PONIF1KK for sale at FISHKK'S Drug Store. Price 20 els. g a iitiHt aim:, oi - variety. oHI kinds and endless IlKKillTd SN. Hunbury, Dec. SO, Jf,..7. "jjlovfsj of all kinds, MorLingR, Collars, Sus XM pcn.lers, lluek Mitts. Handkerchief and an endless variity of HoHerv and Notions. Sunbury, Vvc.''M,,7. Uli It; U T 4 SsUN. SEACTll'I.L 1jKIS GOODS, including B Fin ii nil and Plain Merinos. CSilkar. Scotch rinid. .Silk Striped Poplins, Cashmere, Trenton I'laid, l.'m'icr Khades, Fancy and Plain Dt I.uine N'alencia. i arainetti) t loth, Ac., just received anil for sale by Hunburv, Dee. 2li, UKIGliT &. ON. '57. or,T MOXAIES, Tooth and Hair llrnshe all iiualitii'i, uud any uuanli v, for sale by MS-,,M.,,- A.W.FLSHEK. fir. Novv isiheti,.,. lo purrh... r ish, .. w, ,re enabled to offer them , , Io"" ince than o ran pur, has. tnprn h h. 8nr ng hunbury, Dee. an, -57. IiKIUlir& SON A I'F-KXS, CcJu,, Hollow containing everything uwful anJ Glassware mental. orna, BKir;nr& tON. unbury, December 80, 1857. at 3rJ and C2J cent jual received by March IVM. A. W. HbHEB. FOR SALE. flood secondhand Buggy, oflice. Apply at Ibis MONEY CAN BE SAVED BY PURCHASING AT THE BUNBUHY, 3TOTIltItJlvI33Enr.A.NE) COUNTT, FA. We have just received and are now opening a large nnd chnice solrc'.cd stock of V1NTER O'OOUS, comprising an endless variety, and will posititcly sell our entire stock at PRICES TO SUIT TUB TIMES. We return our sincere thanks to the public for our incceasing patronage, ami shall endeavor to merit a continuance of the same. b:. y. iiuKiir.v son. tCOUNTKY PRODUCE WANTED AT THE UIUUKST THICES, Munbury, December 19, 1858. LANCASTER COLLIERY FOR SALE. Important to Coal Operators. flMlE undersigned Lessees of Ihe "Lancaster Colliery," near SShamoliin, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, wi-hing lo retire from Ihe business, offer for sale the Lease and Fixtures of snid Colliery, on satisfactoiy terms. This Colliery has been in operation since 1834, and has been successful beyond expectation. The Conl is a superior articles for all uses to which Anthracite isnpplicd, and a good market has been established, which can be much extended. The Ureaker and Fixtures arc of tho very best char acter and will recommend themselves tn persons acijuaintrd with the business. The Lease runs to January 1, 1 8 fi 4 , and is a favorable one for the operator. For further information apply at the Colliery iu person, or by letter to liamokin, P. ()., Nor thumberland county, Pennsylvania. COCHKAN, PUALE oV CO. February R, 1858. tf VALUABLE REAL ESTATE OFKEItRD AT PHIVATE SALE. VI H subscriber oilers at private sale, a cer tain lot or niece of land, situate in Lower Augusta township, INortliumlicrhind county, about 8 miles below ftunhury, bounded on the west by the river .Susiuchaiina, on the south by bind ot George Seilcr, on the cast by land ol m. Kroh, and on the north by land of Wm. XI. Jones, containing B Acrea and IS perches, all of which is cleared and in a very high stute of cultivation. The Northern Central Kail Road passes through the tract, and is also bound on the east by the Muin lioad leading from Sunbury to Hairisburg, which together, with the River upon the west, and the fertility of the soil makes it a very pleasant and desira ble situation. A LSO; another certain Tract of Land, situate in snid township, adjoining binds of William Kroh, on the south, the heirs of Knbert and Ar thur Aitehniuty ; on tho cast Win. V. silver wood, and a public road on the north, and Wm It. Jones on the west, containing tu Acres ixi perches strict measure. 4bout f0 acres of which ! aie cleared, and in a high state of cultivation and the residue most excellent land for cultiva tion, but is now covered with excellent timber, and if purchased soon, the puribaser can get a large quantity of Kuilroad Ties on the same. This tract is also well watered, having several fine springs upon it, nnd every field con be wa tered thereby. An indisputable title will be given and terms of sale reasonable. WILLIAM R. JONKS. Lower Augusta tp., January 2, 1H57. tf FRI)RY20, 1858. GS?SiP1.:Hj JL'ST received 1 y Pailrcad another lot o choice and dcsiruble poods consisting in pnr of Fancy Debutes new styles. Block and Fancy Silks Beautiful Madder Piinls at G, 8 nnd 9 cents per yard Persian Debego 15 cents Plain Delanes cents HO inches wide unbleached Muslin CJ cents Ah-o 1300 yards Muslin dif ferent w idths and iualuie French C loths, Cas simores, Siitinett, Kenlucliy Jean Arc., at exceed ingly low prices And we call particular alien tioti to our .""'lock of Fresh Groceries, feeling as sured that their quality and our price wilt render entire satisfaction COMB ONE COIVIE ALL Examine our goods and learn our price, our stock presents a large and varied assortment, en abling purchasers to make a good selection to the best advantage. GREAT BABGAINS, In conscquncc of Ihe advanced state of tho Win ter, we will commence from this date to sell our entire stork of Keady Made Clothing Illankets, Winter Hosiery, and a very nice assortment of i.adics Shawls at greatly reduced prices Now is the time to secure good bargains. A I'IN.NV SAVr.U IS A I'KXXY F.AIINF.D. E. Y. WUK.IIT & SOX. Sunbury, February 30, 18.1S. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. FjHE subscribers, Executors of the estate o JL Henry Masser, dee'd., oiler nt private sale the following properly viz: A large tws Uory frame dwelling house, together with about f.O ACRES OF LAND, Situate in Lower Augimla township adjoining lands of Duniol Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John Ii. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The house is new and the location a good one for business. Also a Tit ACT OF MMESTONK LAND, in said township on the river about 5 miles be low iSunbu. y, adjoining landsof .1. T. M'Phcrson and others, conluining, about 90 acres. The soil is productive and contains limestone ar.d other minerals. Also a trait of Land, containing about US acres on the bill, about two tuWta below 5'nnhurj-, adjoining lands of tho licit of Ihe late John Conrad and others. There is, on this tract, a email orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. H. II. MASS Kit, ) P. 11. MASSEH, Kxccutors. FKAXCIS UCCHEK. ) Sunbury, January 19, 1856. if farmers) Look lo Tour lntorcKt. 'T'HE sudxeriber respectfully informs the far J- mers and the public generally, that ho has leased the lime kilns of Ira T. Clement in Sun bury, and that he has always on hand, and is ready to supply a good quality of lime lo all who may want for building or (arming purposes. Heha also a kiln at Kcefer's crossing 5 mile from Sunbury, or two from Snvdertown. fa All kinds of Country Produce taken iu exchange. GEO. W. STHOII. Sunbury, Dec. 56, 1857. HOVERS LIQUID HAIR DYE. The testnnory of I'lof. Il-iolti nml Dr. Hriiickle having previously been published, Ihe following is now added : From l'l.if. McCI.OSKKY, fi.rmci ly l'-niVm .r ol 'l iieory uml Fruclii'v of .Mcilienie in the Fem.-ilu Medical I'olit-go if ri'iiiisylviinia, nnd lule 1'ioiessor of hiiiigrry in tli Anii-riL-uii Culligeof Medicine, Ac. : I'lllLSUICLI'HIA, Nov. ItTth. 1S.VI. Ma. Josril :. II-ois A Inal of youl l.UjLilU HAIR UVi; will convince the most skeptical, tliut It isu SAIf, ELRUANT, Ulld K-S'UAC-OL- prt-Uiruliou. I'llllk many others, it has 111 several instances proved serviceable in llie cure of a ane cutaneous eruptions on the heud. mid I have no besilatioii iu commending it to those requiring sicli an application. Very ruspneliully, i. V. X McCl.f IHKI'.V, M P., 47S Rucet.,abive l.ltli. iiovfr's wnrrixo inks, including imvciifi W liri'l.Mi FI.L III, anil lIOVF.ll'rilNDI-.I.IHI.I-'. INKS, still iimiutuin then IiikIi cauriu-ler, which hns nlvas dis tluguisheii them, unit Ihe extensive donuind lirst ciuitod, lias continued uniulrri uptcil until the piusciit. Orders addressed lo the Manufactory, No. HI 6 RACE tret, abova Fourth, (old No. 144,) Philadelphia, will receivoprompt attention, by JOSEPH E. HOVEK. Manufacturer. December 25, 1S57. April 85, '57, ch. louo ba of Carpet Hatra ANTED at the store of K. V. blight & &on, who are constantly receiving a freb supply of Good, thus ofli-ring lo the public Uia largest and most deirhle assortment. July 1 1. 1857. PATCHOULY, JOCKEY CI.UU, bPHIXO FLOW tKS, tie., of tha quality t fresh supply just received and for sal at tha Drug Bioia of A. W, FISHER, fiauhuty, Aeg. 1, 1857 WE STILL SURVIVE THE CRISIS NOTWITHSTANDING the astonishing quan titv orOuotls that I brought into town last Sorinrr. I succeeded in selling them nil out ex cept what I gave away, and hod to hurry to the city, for a new lot, in order thot my customers might not be put lo the inconvoniencc of buying at oilier stores, where they would be cliaigeii killing prices. Profiting by past experience, I have just brought on Twice as Many Goods, and I have now the largest end CHEArF.ST ASSOKTMEXT ever oflered within hearing of this place. I am bound to sell CHEAPER THAN EVER before. I need not say cheaper than my neigh bors ; for that is no longer a disputed fact. I am now ready to deal out goods twenty hours out of twenty-four Sundays excepted at lower prices than any person dare ask lor, Just call for any thing you want. I am deter mined to SL'Pn.Y ALL DEMANDS that may be made, reasonable or unreasonable. Call soon, as the rush is Iremendous. IRA T. CLEMENT. SunMiry, Dec 26, 1857. ly 1857. FALL & WINTER GOODS ! 1858. -A.T IP. W. GKR-A.-ST'S FANCY DRY GOOD STORE, Market Square, Sunbury. IVOW received and will continue to receive ' ihe largest and best selected Stock of lMmk Cloths, Cussimcres, Cursinettt and Vvf tings, frc. An assortment of Dress Goods, viz: Fancy printed Caliros, Chillies, printed Lawns, De Lain' llareges, Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapacas, Dress bints, tuniiams, inc. LINEN AXD WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet- nig, i'lllowcaseing, &c. Dress Trimmings in Great Variety. Hoots and Shoes Hatsand Caps, Hardware, Cedarware, Groceries, Ouccnsware SALT and FISH, Cheese, Crackers, h'egars, Tobacco, Snull', &c, an assorsment of other Goods too tedious to incnlioh. Feeling grateful for past favor we beg leave to ec-" e our old friends and the public that no lit in our part shall be wauling to merit a cot., nuance of our patronage. country produce taken in exchange at the highest market price. P. W.GRAY. Sunbury, Dec. 13 1857. tf A VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. TIJIE subscriber will sell at privnte sale a JL FARM, situate in Point township, Nor thumberland county, about i) miles from the borough of Northumberland, on the Danville road, adjoining lands of J. C, Horton, James Nesbit, Chas. Park and the north branch of the river Susipiehanna containing 75 to 100 Acre, to suit purchasers. The land is in a good stato of cultivation. The improvements consist of a large frame HOUSE, well finished; a Spring House, built over a never-failing Spring close to the house, a llank llarn and oilier outbuild mgs. An Oichard with young and choice fruit tree. The above tract will Ha sold on reasonable terms and an indisputable tide given. Posses sion given on the first day of April next. For further particular inquire of the f ubsrri bcr, residing on the adjoining fuim. JAMES NESBIT. Point township, January 2:1, 1M59. tf PJOUNTY ORDERS County orders taken as cash for goods, and on note or book ac count by B. Y. UKIGHT If SON. Nov. 29, 185B. ioRTand M ADEIilA W'INEsi' ScbTeda7n - Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, llluekberry mil Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes at March H,'57. A. V. FislIER. lushing Tackle.-- ton and Linen Lii Red Cork, Grass, Cot- iiies, Out Lines. Sea Grass by the yard, Snoods, Flies, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, Rods, &c, for sale by March 4 1, '57. A. W. FISHER. )eai!y.iiia(c CloUlIllfr. Peter fehuin, Whippoorwill Hangups, Mohair Raglane, French Cloth and XJlack Union Coats, including a nice assortment for Ilcy. Pants, Vest and Monkey Jacket, all sizes nnd prices. Sunbury, Dec. 20, '57. Di'IUHTiJ SON. CJtiCAliE and Long Ilrochc Shawls; also, Walervliet, Uay State, Waterloo, and blan ket, Shaw-Is, latest styles, all qualities and prices. Dec. 20, 1M57. BKiGHT & SON. P. MELANCHTON SHINBEL, Jl STICi: OF THE PEACE, sxjisrETjrtY, Office in Deer .Street, immediately opposite the l'uhlic School House. All business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writing done. Sunbury, April 25. 1857. tf Kew m-iigg, FaliitN, &c. NEW upply of Drugs, Paint. Oil, Fluid, &c, just received and for sal by A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, May 2, 1857. AND WARRANTS. The highest price -will be given for Land Warrants by Ihe sub cribei. !. II MASSER. "JATENT URITTANIA STOPPERS fo bar bottles lor eale by H. B MASSER. Sunbury, July 19, 1R5R. tationory. A large aupply of fancy Note J'aper uud Envelope, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paiier, Pen, Ink, Sand, Ac, at March 14, 57. A. V. FISHER'S. 'pobacco and Scgars 20,()00 Imported A Segar of various brand. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S, ftunhury, March 14, 1 857, A. J JlOCKKFELLKil 5Uton.cn nt 1'atu, Practice iu Northumberland and adjoinin, Counties. Hunbury, November Jl, 1857.- tf ' C BElTZEPaT'S U HOLBiALB HD KkTAIL BOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S.t, aboi Ckesnnt, PkiVa. BOOTS, tiho, G.iier. kc promptly made to order in tb very beet el vie. end of the kt material, ' Philadelphia, May 9, 1857. A LMQNU8, UAI80N8, FIGS, LEMONS. iut received a freh enpply and for sale at the Coufecliunary etore of , M. C. tiEAliHART. Hunlmry.Mey Mi, 1837,- Pnln IJailicl t LIFE PROLONGED, HOLLOW AY'S PILLS To siirfrr tbt pains nml penalties of sickness when the rertum menus of core ni sccessible to nil, is positive madness. The vegetable remedy, ctmf powerfully upon the en uses of disrssc in sll the Hnids, nerves, and tissues of the tsdy, exdel the morbid and poisonous mutter Irom 1- i..rifM nlscps i the svstetn. demise nnd puiifv every secretion, iclmill tlie shnrtcred constitution, lestore Hi vigor nnd virility ol the cntecliien Ironic, una leuu 10 pro. long lile I tit beyond its oidinniy liims. MILLIONS RELY ON TIIF.M! In every quarter of the globe, sinong nil nations, civil ized and savage these Tills are usi-d with eipml nnd otivs .,, .,.. Thevnre advertised in every printed Inn- gunge, nnd wherecver cummcice hnspcuclniled, they are in continual tiemnnu. ALL IStKBNAI. DIPKASKS Vi.M m iheir netion. Uvsnensin. Liver Complaint, Af fections of tlie Iloweis, the Kidneys, the Nerires, the 1,-ings. the Thiont ond the llrnin, thai linve previously d lied all human skill null nil oilier rcmeuics, nie rsii-tu. tiously nildiufnliWy cured by this nll-eonquerilig medicine ' itniili.V PROSTRATION Kven when the patients am reiluced lo Ihe Inst degree of feebleness, they mny be recuerated by the resistless imtcaiitlullcrnniiveproperiicsoi iiu"w") -1-r.M.II.KS OF AM. AGF.S, From whatever variety or the nihnents peculiar to their s n they mny be snflering, mny rely with entire confideiii e oa tlie ellect oi tins cirengiunig, icvivinx, "'cm"""' nicdiiite remetty. Hotloiray's Pills are th htst rented ; known tn the world Jor the Jotlou-mg disease: Asthma. Fever nnd Asue Stone and Grovel H nvelComiilaintsFemnle l oninkiiiits Secolldniy Symp- Uouglis lli-nduches Inward W cakuess Colds Indigestion Liver Complaints Chest Diseases liiflneii7a lnvncssuf Sninls Innaimnatlon 1'llcs Venercnl Affections Worms, of nil kinds Ditirliipn Dropsy W CA VTKIN yone nre genuine nnlen lit- wonls 'Ilolluwtiy, Nrw York nnd IsOikIii," ere diwermMe in os a v:ilrTniark in every leaf of the bnk of dirrtims an m nd rucli pot or box ; the name limy he plnmly seen by hi'klnift the leaf lo the light A hniutuKine Tewnrrt will Ims given to any one rondmnjr such information ns mny lead to tlie detection of any pjirty or parties coimterfeiltPR the medicines or vending the snine, knowing them tube spurious. Stdd at the Mnnnfactorles of ProfegforHoLLoWAY 0 Mniden Inne, New York, and 211 Stnind. Iomlon, hy oil respertnttle Irurpists nuu Penkrs in Aiedinue lhroiiih out the I'nitfd Uttci, and the rivilized world, in boiw at tf.S eents.84 cents, and 91 each. (7 There is a considerable saving ly taking the larger SIZtfl N. n. Pireti-nit fiir the guidance of patients in erery disorder are ntiixni to earn box. October 17, iM". lyco EAOTHBB WAKE-" " THE ubcriber respectfully informs the citi Tens of Sunbury and tha public generally that he ba commenced the manufacture of all kind af KAUTHKXWARE, at bis manufactory in Whortleberry Blreet, one square east of the ltiver. He lias engaged the services of Mr. Ilisr, and you can therefore depend on having a good article. The pub.ic arc respectfully invited to call. All orders from a distance will be promptly attended to. T. M.SHINDEI Sunbury, Feb. 2, 1856. tf N. S. LAWREME'S NEW Paper, Printer' Card and Envelope warehouse, Am. 405 Commerce Street, Philadelphia. Cash buvcrs will find it for their interest to call. January 16, 18S8. fimos. Mr.iw-Cuftci'. flHE subscriber ha been appointed Agent for - Messrs Cieddes & Marsh of I.ewisburg, for the sale of their ftraw, Huy A Corn-Fodder Cut ter. This Cutter is the best in use. Farmers and others are respectfully requested to call and examine for themselves. P. 11. MASSE It. Sunbury December 2G, 1857. tf DENTISTRY (IKOIUJK HENX, NNOUNCKSto the citizen of Sunbury and vicinty, that be has opened an oflice iu Sun bury, above It. J. Wolvcrton's oflice opposite C. Weaver's Hotel, wiere he i prepared to attend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession, in the latest and most improved style. All work well done and warranted. December 13, 185G. THE iYBUsi:vr ESTABLISHMENT IN T II E CITY OK UAL I I .M ORE, MATIIIOT'S Ony Strarl VVarrrnnms Kns .1 aiul 45 Noith tjay street, neur Fayette, Multunore : wliero is kept nlwuvs on htimi. or inntle t.i onlrr, every style of FrnieU TK're-A-TUTKS, in Plush, lluir, Clutli or Hrorutelle. French Full Stuff anil Mrdullioii rnrloi Arm Chairs, in Plush, Hair, Clolh or Ikiiralrlle. Frent-h Full Siuil '.'ai vei Parlor Chairs lit sets, with IMusli, Hair, Clolb or llroeulelle. BOFAI. Half FreHch Srina; Mahopniy and Walnut Tarlor Clmirs, In Hair, Cloth ami Plush. KiH kiug Chans various designs, in lluir Clutli and Flush. Buill prinf Iiunges s Inrpe nssortineul alwats en hand, or an) puttcrii nude or covered with any gomls to order. OHAMBBB SUITS.' I iMahogany or Walnut, roniilete, from CM up. Cane Chairs and Korkuis; do. the largest assortment ready mude in any one bouse in Ihe Tinted butcs Innn $lll a dozen up. liar Itoom, Ortire and Dininc Chairs, in Onk, Wulnul or Mnhogauy, Willi Cane, WiknI or slulled eieats. utl asaoilmeol euihiucing overSudueii. WihhI seat Cliuus and beltees and Rix king Chairs -over 10U dozen. Oilt and Plain Frame TxMkiuf Olasses.of eveiy variety. All kinds of ileds, Hair and llus MatttiisMS. A. MATIIUlT. No. S3 and N G.iy at , near Favett at , Ualtiiuore. August I, lBi7. ly Citrate of -Magnesia OR TASTKLE88 8AI.T8. '11113 preparation is recommended a an ex cellent laxative and purgative. It oierate mildly, ia entirely free from any unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and aold by A. W. FISHER. Hunbury, March 4 1836. PHILIP H. PTODT. WHOLklALI 111 atTsll Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, 5. U. cor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and faniiliea will be promptly uj'ftii-ti . tup iuni puce. October 4, 1856 t OLD PENS with and without case, af a XM ery superior quality, just received. Alan fre.li supply of Writing Kluid, fer aal by. . ji. MASSER. Sunbury, IW 7. 1858- YY"ALL FA PER, Window Shade. Floor, Carriage, and Table Oil Cloth. Cocoa Matts and a superior article ng Drug jest. Deo se, mar. BKIuhp ao.. FURNITTIEE1 PTTENITURE ! ! THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN BCNDURY. Fnftlilonnble, Cbcalt and lucful THE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank fttl for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. Ilia atork of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, 4c., embrace EVERY VARIETY, t'SEFtL AND ORNA. ft.EMTAL in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in bis line can ba had at moderate prices, Cheap for Cash, or Country Producctakcn in exchange. establishment South East Corner of ifarket Square. t7 Those knowing themselves indebted to tha subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN 1IAUPT. Sunbury, April 4, 1867. tf NEWARRANOEMENT 1 l'resh Arrival of DRUGS, TAINTS, OILS, &c. PI11IE undersigned having taken the stare for Jl merly kept by William A. llruner, is now ready to fill orders and prescription at a mo ments notice. H ha a large and well selected lock of fresh and pure DRUGS, CHEMICAL, Dye-stuffs, Oil, Paints, Glass, Putty, and all kinds of Patent Medicines. naiT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported Segar of the choicest brand. Fancy Notion' toilet article, and Per fumery of all kind. Tootb and Hair 1! rushes of every variety. Camphine and Fluid always on land. Customer will find hi stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to cnu morale, and all sold at moderate prices. licmembcr the place, next door to E. Y. Drigbt' Mammoth Store. A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, March 14, 1857. Tfilirn h for aNMf.i,. Tm.tm. Vratj.htM A. rffet1y Frwh (MM. It rauirl no Wi, MAT . ""-n., i-mAMiT, ani u mora muj ieii n.li pJa l thtn njr olh.r Cnn vtr InvsMittMl . All inaa ot vtsiiaitiil foment ar equally dURifrteftlla nd wortMmi tn alintr. In irrMnti..t O.la urtifU ti tti vnWt, t. InrrntT eutaiM.nK.a m wnrtil in m InUlliblr, Sltni.lf, Kiit tutl KM'iJ ITtffa of llri..lil N-alii.e Taii-oa intri,i fn th psv nt infrt.r Cunt mny try tu dtrt'rttatttftrriM f fftU tUtttnonb ; t"it nil c ana rril mn Wlto IftDUMt n ifcf tt If Traiilrl tt tsvn all asrtlrloa ntit an iManlUii tp dirrlitj. Try It, and In All rats vVrf a faiJwr. trnLt u I'nr Undu lts-miad Tnilfl. Gain, dilTrreut frmilis rtfmiiiT tM uaad br f.t).n. i nt M-Hiing tj r-n an nMrly nw plan. Oit natfcvt inyt iwriartiY nn, aad r An not mtIc or ri tut, Pnr ltn snakaU w..nld on any ottir t'tn- Th orwrtinit I. nrta onrititTh In ahi.ft a fn1!-irf fakck. 'Tirra ! nn Lend ahivl It to dr-Wlorat tha tbri routnifi , Ii mair Dtuly of Tin. , t r ian.u. in m wno bar Wiaa llMin will BM oinr ransj. L1UKRAL mvorST TO THE TRADB. LUDLOW CAN CO. U lilncKt., M.I. Sept. 19.1857 NEW CONFECTIOKARY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARIIART. HAS just received a new and excellent assort- ' ment of goods at hi Confectionary and : Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunburv, where he manufacture and keep on hand, at j all times, the most choice Confectionary, &c., I Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. j Among his stock of L'onlectionarics, may b i found : I French Secrets, Cum flrops, all kinds of srent, ! Htirned Alinoudi, ltve Droits, Cream While, Mint limps, reil and white, l.riiiim riiy Hurl, 1 Hose. Flint Drops, o Vanilla, ft irk Candles, ol all scents Common Secietl. Itork Camly, l.iquoiiee, A Imond Candy, FRUIT. Hmian.il, I'ruiirf, Dutrs, Currniiti diieri, Citmnv, Almoiuls, Raitons, Nutf f all kintU LEMON SYkUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A su)ierior quolity of Segar and Tobacco, and a variety of Coulectionarics, fruit, &c, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. IOB CREAM. He has also opened an fee Cream Saloon, and will at all time lie ready to serve hi customer with Ice Cream. Sunbury, May 24, 1857. ly SALAMANDER FIRE " THIEF-PE00F SAFES. The largest assortment in th Cnitcd State. Warranted la ba equal to any now made, and will be sold on as Good Terms, as can be obtain ed from any other house in the Country, at EVANS & WATSON'S 26 South 4 th Street, I'hiladelyhU. a Truth is Mighty, and Mast Prevail. Report of the Committee appointed to superin tend the llurninri of the Iron Safes, at Read imj, February 1857. Kf.aDisu, March 4. Th undersigneJ, member of the committee, do respectfully report, that we saw the two Safes originally agreed upon by Farrel & Herring and Evans & Watson, placed aid by aide iu a fur nace, viz: The Safe iuuse by tha Paymaster ef the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Compa ny, in hi ollice at Reading, manufactured by l'arrcl t Herring, and the Safe in use hy H. A. I.anlz, in hi store, manufactured by Evans A Wataon, and put in books and paper precisely alike. The fire was started at 8 o'clock, A. M.,and kept up until four cord of green hickory, two cord dry oak and halfchesnut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the superin tend ence of the eubscribers, member of the Com mittee. The Safe wero then cooled off with water, after which they were opened, and the booka and paper taken out by the Committee and sent to H. A. I.anli's store for public exam ined and marked by Ihe Committee. The book and paper taken from tha Safe manufactured by Farrel 4 Herring were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than those taken from Evan & Watson' Safe. We believe the above to have been a fair and impartial trial of the respective qualiliea of both Sale. JACOB H. DYSHEt, DANIEL S. HUNTER. Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincide with the above statement of the condition of the paper and book taken out of the respective Sale. J. A. MCCI.LS, H. II. Ml lll.KNBERG, JA.MKS MILHOLLAND, March 21, 857 ,1lt'milllOIII, r,nfy ,nJ riainCassj. Jt mere, iw'j,, Kentuckv Jeans, hilk, St. tm and ', Velvet Vesting, troy batmen ,nd tha very target and cheapest asaorttuent ol Men' Wear tuitabl foi cold weather. BRIGHT & SON. Bunhury, Dec. 26, 'ST. 100T8 tV SHOE8 for Men, Women and Children, a large clock, eompri.ing Men's Water Proof Kipp and Calf skin Boot, Bro gans, Moroeeo, Kid aud Calf alilo 8hoca, Gaiter anu uuru Olioe. UK1GHT(V0 Huuburcv lec S6, 1857, 9S0 YAIU8CA'lPE'nNa,embracliitV Ingrain, Cotton, and a aunarior of R.g Carpet. Manufactured al ho, f ," c at price, to suit th lime. for M' A HERRING'S SAF THK ACKNOWf.KDl OHAMPI03 TIIR HF.CfcNT TRIALS mt Rearlinc hnve rndoTitd the cnrrenC of pnMic opinion and cnn firm ti (lie teMttct uf more than 2(0 ifci dentnt fire, provinr eciictotivl'ty thnt lleirinu t" it the only SAV K thot rill not burn. Extract fioin tlie Commlttfr't Report n the Trial of Iron fcufrt at Heading i 'On the 20tn of fefrnnfy alt the m mlera of the Com mittee met to wititent the Pafee and hooka ar.d j aper, (f.lnred in them) and were perfectly Riti-fied Ihnt cil wna right. The dny foltowin, the burning took pine, under the superintendence of the Committee. After n fair and impartial hurtling for five houra, the Hnfe of Mrtnrn. Kvima A Wataon wni fir it opened, the Bnfe beii.g on'fire inaide, nnd the content pnrtiallv eoninmed. while the ... teuta in the Jnfe of Mfwn. Karrela k Herring weie in eotxt condition, and no lire iniide." KMining, March 8, 1H57. (SiRued.) H. K. FKI.IX, P.N COI.KMAV, Committee. A. II. PEACOCK. And endorsed hvover 50 of the heat men of RroHin TheaboTeHalpacaii be innprcleil at 34 Wulnul Street, where the pnhlic ran aatiiify themielvet of the grout iupa riority of the "Ilerring'i Patent Chnmpion,1' over the defeatud and uaed up "intide Iron Door Sulmundcr." Rallejr & Herring, 34 Walnut St., Phihuta. Only makera in tliia State of Her ring's Patent C'liniiipji Thpattrmpt made liy othrr (inrties to lslstrr up tli rsputntimi of a Siifr which Ims Tailed so siinnlly ir nrei ilenlnl fires ill PliilMelpliia, (Itsn.lpud Plack,) hy Inkms one out of an aient 'a store, (II A. 1 jsntz,) mude d.uhl thirkness. (eifferent from those they sell) to --hurii one of llemna's (hnlfns Ihiek) has met wild its true re wanl. llerritiK's Piife could ih1 lie burnt, proving rnelu' aivelv th:il the only reliable Safe now made iakllerriite's' of which over 15,0IK1 are now in actual use, and muf than doo have hcen trieil hy fire witliottt a sinirle sss Pl.iln.,Juns 20, 1J7. K. MANtJFAOT XJF E OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Sofa, Dlvana and I.ouugc Bureans, Secretaries, Sideboards, 'SOFA, BREAKFAST AMI DIXING TABLES ami also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Mii!a- Oclphio manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern anJ price CUTBOAUDS, WOKK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. '"PHE subscriber respectfully calls the attentisi -- of the public to Ins large and splendid as sortment of every qoality anJ'price of CAniA'ET-IVAItE which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery ene who will eiamine it, on account of it durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort js spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with tha many improvements which are constantly being made. He alsa manufacture all kinds and qualities CHAIRS, neludiiifr vnrtrties never before to be had ir. Suiilowy, such as KI auooari , Iii.ieK Wjikct ami CriiLF.n MirLii (Juki ian ; isn Wikiisob ClIAIK, ixn rjrcT I'iano Stools, which are of the latest styles, ami warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. Th subscriber i determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained bout the quality and finUh of his waTo and I 'luirs. ' hesc articles will he disposed of on a good ten. as they can be purchased elsewhere. Ceun tryp oducc taken in payment for work. x UNDERTAKING Having provided a huiidsome llr. Anst, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity , or at any convenient distance from this place ( The Ware. Boom is in Fawn Street, be ow Weaver' Hotel. lie has also purchased the riht of manufac turing and selling in Northumberland county. Gould's patent Excelsoir Spring lied, which he will furnish at reasonable rates. Springs put in old bedstead for three dollars. IS.4AC M. WILKERSON. Sunbury, April 18,1857 tf. FUENIIURE POLISH. S. BAi"S Premium Patent Knamel Furniture Polish. This) polish is highly valuable for reslo ring the polish on nil kinds of Furniture, Glass, Carriage BodicB, Hair Cloth, Ac. Also, for re moving spots, hiding scratches, &c, A c. War ranted to dry immediately and retain its (jloss. Price 50 cts. per bottle. Sold by A. V. FISHER. March )4, 1857. Siiirti, ii. omvi, ATTORNEY A.T L-A.W, (?lce on South Second, near Market Street, LE WISBl'RG, PA. Practices in the Counties of tnibn, Northum berland and Montour. All PvorcsstoNAL Bcsixr.ss entrnsted to h; eare will receive prompt and fj tliful atlirn tion. October 3, 1857. ly WHITE HORSE HOTEL. TOTTSVILLE, PA. WIIE subscriber respectfully announces ta his eld fiicntls and the public, that h ha taken that oid and well known establishment, tha Whits ;norse Hotel. At th earner of Centre and Mahantogo sts., in the Borough of Pottsville. The house has re cently been very much enlarged and otherwise improved, rendering it quite aa comfortable a any other Hotel in Schuylkill county while the stables are large, in good condition, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hoallrrs. To traveller and other who may stop at hi house, he promises every attention calculated tc render them comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. FEGKR. April 5, 185f- if UTAH 1'IEB & HAIIXEyT- CHEAP WATCHi:s AND JEWELRY W!v';f?AUA ANBRKFAII,, at the "Phihulelp!,,. utches and Jeweliy ISft.re" rso. Mf .V,,.1 Q(j,, North Second S"trcet. Coiner of quarry, Philadelphia, (old Iver Waiehes, full J led, le caret cases q Pf). Cold lupine, 18 caret, ' "t nf filler lver, full jewelled, j ( 8ilver Lepnte, jewels, f ao Superior leathers, Y Gold Spectacles, y (M '.'",!! 'lvr','h 1 50- Gold liracelels, l.vd's Gold t'eneils, i po Silver Tea Sssies, set, 5 no Gold IVus, with Pencil and Silver holder, 1 on. Gold Flutter Hlngs3:, cts to 8W; Watch Gissaea. plain f-'l els , palent 18, I.u let 85 ! other articles in proporl'on. Ad goods wuriaulod to be what thev aie auld for. ,. STAl FFEK A IIARI EY. Iv On ham! aomu Oohl and Silver Levers a sd Leinnrs still lower than tha aliove pneca Thlladclphui, OcU'her 10, Ib57 lyeW HENEY D0NNEL, " ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ojfice opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Noitbumberland County Pa. Prampt attention to business in adjoiaing DANVILLE HOTEL JOHN DEEN, JB., Market Street, Danville, Pa, TIHIS is on of th largest and most common l dious hotel in tha interior of Pennsylvania it ba been recently tilted up, in excellent style, with all th modern conveniences. Panvilled, Sept. 22, 1865. 1JLANK Pardimenl Paper Decda aniliblank - Mortgage, Bond. ExecuUona, Sununona ic. forsul.b H. B. MA6Sk. Sunbury ,Apri 56. 185f)-j STOVES" j tota. Enqeir. al biJ- I . . .ii,l. case CJILVEB WATCHES. a m a Englad. ilr Watchea, p, lire 6. 67. n lMr? 11- . . . f utitsi hm - - . -, -., "uni i fcfiv r -v L r .. . w I pjfj I I