1 sessional IJctos. "WAsniNOTON, May, 30. (Senate TLo Bcontn resolution for eye ing session na adopted. Mr Houston. (Texas, mada an ineffectual Item pi to take op tlie Mexican Protectorate Botulinn. The Dritish Aggression resolution was the Ukpn up Mr. Toombs (Oft.) repented, as Cn Sntar ay that he wanted the British ships snitsed. ho resolutions reported by the Committee n Foreiitn Affairs worn cot worth the paper lipy were written on. Mr. Hnmsiond (S. C.l dissgreed with the cnalor from Georgia. He (Mr. H.) was not dlliiijr to bo smuggled into a war by an .meudment to amendments. If t ho British cts are belligerent, let us throw with all due .otemnity the bloody spear. If wo must have var after a dignified consideration. A war villi England will be the moat momentious .vent that has happened in the post three enturies perhaps in ell time past But, per japs, hostilities with England are, sooner or atur, ineveutable, and when they come he julievod Eogland will be rushing on to her fate. Let us avail ourselves of the chance illorded by these resolutions to avoid, until, it be forced on us, an event which, whenever it oceurs, will change the phraso of human affair. Mr. Crittonden of Kentucky also spoke in a conservative tone, advising that no action should be rashly taken, but that we proceed with firm, determined, but cautious steps. Tim resolution! reported by the Committoo on Foreign Affairs are sufficient to express the sentiments of tho American people, and it is unworthy of both such great nations to in dulgo in quarrelsome words and quarrelsome actions. Let England be informed that we require reparation, and, if it be refused, we have then a right to stand on our own -ground. Ho agreed with tho Senator from (Jeorgia, Mr. Toombs.) that we cannel assent to dis cuss the right of visitatiou or search. It would be unworthy this (Joverntncnt to en ter into any dUoussion on that subject. We luivo to deal with tho acts only, and require England to disavow them and forebear. Mr. Wilson, of Massachucelts, said ho had reconsidered his amendment, and wos of tho opinion that it was not in order, inasmuch as it proposed to confer power on tho President by the vote of one House only, lie there fore withdrew it. Hut he expressed the hope that oiders hud been given to Biuke or cap ture the offending ships. Mr. Mallory, of Florida, moved a joint re solution, that the President be authorized to arrest tliu outrage, at once. Further debate was postponed, on tho spo ci;d order, the miscellaneous appropriation lull coining up. The items of tho bill wero discussed till tix o'clock, when tho Senate adjourned. lloi-sF. On motion of Mr Marshall (ky.) the memorial of the artists of the United Slates, praying for the establishment or an Art Commission, was referred to a select committee. On motion of Mr Ritchie (Fa) the House took up the Senate joint resolutions for the adjustment or the present difficulties with l'uragutiy. Ho said that from tho importance of the subject, it should be disposed or in ouo way or another. The proposition has the unanimous recommendation of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Mr. Letcher (Va.) moved to strike out so much as r.uthorized tho President to use such naval forces in his judgment wero deemed necessary. Mr. Kitchie replied that the icsolutions thus altered would bo worthless and tho whole subject had hetter ba given altogether. Mr Crawford (Oa) asked to oiler an amend ment authorizing the President te uso such forces as in his judgment were deemed tie ir, nrntert American Commerce in the'tiulf of Mexico from the interference of liritiHh cruisers. Mr Kitchie objectoi, because it was not germain to the preceding question. Tho at tacks on the oier v ucu m-iunou Mr Letcher objected, because the Con stitution gave the power to Congress to ie. elare war and it could not transturred to the resident. If there was a necossity for war, it was for Congress to take tho responsibility aud furnish means for its successful proseeu lion. He acknowledged the wrong done by Paraguay, but ha was for proceeding in a eon Btitutinnal manner for the adjustment of the difficulties. Mr Kitchie replied that what the 1 rosi dent would do, would bn by tho authority of CoiiTess. It was thought that the exhibi tion!' a Tew small vessels would effect the settlement of Hie difficulties and thero would 'woti'.J !" no occasion actuully to uso force which would not bo dono except iu case of necessity. Mr. Crawford wished to know why they J. .mill onl? seek redress of Paraguay for firing on the Wutcr Witch, while thero were j twenty seven cases of American vessels over- j hauled by the Uritish cruisers. I Mr Davis (Miss.l said that members were j declaring war against Paraguay, but making no provisions of men or money. A voice We'll do that ul'terwards. The resolutions wero then passed yeas j 115, nays 79. Tho House went into Committee of tho Whole on the State or the Union. , The supplemental Indian Appropriation bill was taken up and subsoqneutly passed. Mr Smith of Virginia mado a speech hi defence of his former position on tho Kansus question, in connection with the courso of the Democratic portion orthe Illinois delega. tion, complaining that Mr. Marshall ol'llliuois had perverted his remarks. Mr. Marshall disavowed any personal feel ing ou tho occasion to which allusion had been made, but reiterated his defence of Mr. Douglas and the Illinois delegation, whom ho said, Mr Smith had assailled. He alluded to the latter as having sought affiliation with the dark lautern party and with reading gar bled extracts from Ulack Republican papers. Mr Smith denied that he ever departed from any principle of the Democratic party, as Mr Marshal! hud done. Mr Marshall replied that what be did on tha Kansas and other questions wos dictated by his own judgaient. Ho never liked to see Mr. Smith attempt to road men out of the Democratic party. Mr. Morris, of Illinois, said that Mr. Smith's object to day was to assail and as perse the rupiitatiou of Douglas, "whose shoes ho (Mr. Smith,) was unworthy to unloose." Mr. Smith 1 will not staud such offensive language. Mr. Morris Just as you please. The Chairman (.Mr. Bocock) reminded Mr. Morris that personal remarks could not be in dulged in. Mr. Morris resumed, producing an affidavit from a constituent who was prsent at a cer tain private conversation in Mr. Morris' room at the cominencement of the session, to show that Mr. Smith had made au nntruu state ment concerning it. He charged Mr. Smith with having been elected on the Know Noth ing ticket, aud offered evidence of the fact. Tiiis was the man who undertook to read Coveruor Wise, Senator Douglas and other Democrats out of the party. Mr. Smith wished to reply, but various ob jections were made. Mr. Stanton of Ohio said that Mr. Smith had occupied au hour. This subject ouht not to nave neea introduced Dure to-day. The House ought to proceed to business. The Indian Deficiency Appropriation Bill was considered and then laid aside to be re ported to the House. Tho bill making appropriations fortheiup port of three Regiments of Volunteers was then taken on. Mr. J. GUucy Jouea (Pa) soul that one or iU;e regis, eats wis needed ia a-.' m-t fjr Jho protection of the frontier of Texas. Ito had kept bock this billj till' now in order, if possible, to get information from Utah to justify the F.xecntivo in dispensing with llio other two. He was sorry to assert that no such reliable intelligence bad reached Wash ington. They may bo wanted, but will not be called out unless it becomes absolutely ne cessary to enforco tho law. Mr. Cochran gave notice that ho would at t. e earliest opportunity, press tho River liar bor Hilts. Mr. Jones, in response to a question by Mr Oilman, said ho was satisfied, though no offi cial Information of tho fact had been received that Col. Kane had rondo a proposition to Governor Cumming. who had gono to Utah, for tho purpose of hearing what Brighnm Young had to say. From that timo do in. telligence had reached Washington. An amendment to the bill was made, pro viding that if one or both of tho regiments for Utah or the Frontiers service bo dispens ed with the money appraprirted for their sup port shall revert to the treasury, and not bo used for any other purpose. New Advertisements. In llie Court or Common Pirns or Northumberland County. Martin Weaver, " No. 39 August Term vt A. D. 18.ri8. William MrCarty ind V William Shannon fc Ifa- Breve de Partitionc chel his wife. J Facienda. NOTICE. To William McCarty, and William Shannon and Rachel his wife. Vou arc hereby notified, that in pursuance of the above writ, to me di rected, an Inquisition will be held upon the pre mises described in said writ, to wit : A certain tract or piece of land, situate in Coal township, containing 70 acres, or tltei cannula, bounded by land, now or late, of l.udwig Unas, Martin (iass, John Brady and others, on Tueskay the 50th day of July next, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day for the purpose of making partition of er to value and appraise the name. At which time aed pluce kj ou may attend if you think paper. JAMES VAMDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Sunhury. ) May 15th, 18.18. I Estate of William Ilartholomcw, deceased. Daniel Bloom, Attorney ) Writ of Partition and in fact for Davi I Bloom, valuatiot. returnable vg to August Term, A. 2'he Widow and Heirs f I). 1858. of Win. barlholonicw, deceased. TVO'IICE is hereby given to the heirs of Wm. ' llnrlholomew late of Lower Augusta town ship, Northumberland county, deceased, that by virtue of the above writ, to me directsc, an in quest will be held at the late residence of said j deceased, on Monday the 14th day of June next, j 10 o'clock A. M , for the purpose of making Par- I tilion of or to value and appraise the Keal Estate 1 of said deceased. At which time and place you may attend if vou think proper. "JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff a Oflice, Sunbury, May 15lh, 158. ORPHANS' COURT SALE,' N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to Public Salo, on Saturday, the 5th day of June, next, at the Court House, in the Uurough of Sunbury, the fallowing described Heal Estate to wit : Tho undivided 0110 half part of a certain right or reservation to wit : The right to all the Stone and the Quarry or Quarries on the follow ing tract of land, situate in Upper Augusta town ship, county aforesaid, adjoining lands of John Smith, (icorgc Stiitio and others, containing twenty-one acres, strict measure. Late tho es tate of Henry llaiinabach, dee'd. Sale to com mence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when terms of sale w ill be made known by JOKL YVOlF, Adm'r. By order of tho Court, I C. BOYD PC USE I,, Clk. O. V. Sunbury, May 15th, .858. j t U. persons indebted to the subscriber are re quested to call and settle their accounts. Those attending to this notice will nave cost. IIC AT. CLEMENT. Sunbury, May 8, 18.18. " ORPHANS' COURT SALE7 N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Com' of Northumberland coiiulv, will he exposed to Public Sale, at the house of John Biugainan, iu (icorgctown, Northumberland county, afore said, on Tuesday, the 22d day of June, next, tho following described Iteal Estate to wit : Two certain LOTS OU PIECES OF GKOl'ND, sit uate in Georgetown, aforesaid, open onc'of which there is a Dwelling House, &c. Late tho estate of Jacob Strieker, late of Dauphin county, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.t of said dav, when the terms of salo will bo made known by JACOB ST1UCKER, Adm'r. llv order of the Court, " C. IJOYI) PCIiSEK, Clk. (. C. f- Sunbury, May 15th, IP58. J Terms $200 cash, and tho balance on the first day ef April, 185'J, when a deed will be made, &LC. May 15, 1858.ts. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! 'TMIE subscribers respectfully announce to theii friends and tho public in general that they have received at their .Store, in Upper Augusta township. Northumberland county, Pa., at Kline's (irove, their Sluing nml Summer Goods, and opened to the public, a full assortment of Merchandize, io , consisting in part ot Cloths, black and fancv Cassiinercs, Checks, Kentucky Joans, together with a general variety of Spring and bummer lioodi, adapted to all grades cf persons. Beaot Mauk Ciariiixii very cheap. Ladies' Dress Goods, Summer Shawls, (iinghams Challi Dclains, Ducals, Robes A'Quil lea, Calicoes, Black Silks, Ac. Also, a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines, Groceries, Ac. A now supply of Hardware, Qucensware, Wooden ware, Arc. A large assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Caps, Fish and Salt. And all goods usually kept in a country store Our display is unsurpassed. The above named stock of goods will be sold at prices to suit the times for CASH or in exchange for country pro duce at the market price. Anp shall bo happy to meet our fiicnds and the patrons of our establishment, and sell them goods at such prices as cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. Thankful fur past favors we hope by strict at tention to merit a continuance of the same. J. V. &. I. r. KLINE. Kline's Grove, Pa , May 15th, 1858. Report of the Auditors of Northumberland County lor, 1857. Gear at Briqhl Lsquire, J reasurer in ac count, with the Luunty oj Aorlliumwnana, from the Jirst day of January, A. V , 1857, fo the last day oj December uj the same year, both dayt encluded. DR. To balance doe County as per Auditor'. Heport, $103 C3 Outstanding county tux for 185G and previous years, 12,114 91 Errors in Duplicates, 40 07 Hufundiog to Samuel Hales fur Overpayment of taxes, 3 33 " Jacob Gannon, " 1 35 Cash received ou uuseated lands for 16R6 & '57, 413 73 Cash of Jas. Beard, Jury funds, B0 00 Caah for rent of public buildings and other sources, 47 55 Cash received for military purpo- m for li:j k 6, 52 00 1B57, id 00 Amount of County tax assessed for 18,07, $30,389 37 cn. By amount of outstanding taxes for 1857, and previous years, $ 1 3,905 84 l?xoneralions allowed collectors, !,4'20 C6 Commission, " " 937 80 I'oid on Commissioners' Orders, 13,300 CO Commission allowed I reasurer on 813,300 CO, at 2 cts, Treasurer's service for county, Counterfeit money, lialanco due County from Treasn- cr, (since paid) 332 r.o 75 5 00 4S6 22 S30.3E9 37 George Ttright Esq., Treasurer of Kortfatmler land County, in account with (he same, re flecting State lax on real and personal. DR. To balance due as per Auditors' Report for 1656, $1,033 81 Outstanding State tax as per Au ditors' Kcport or 185C, 7,503 05 State tax assessed for 1657, 17,198 10 Cash received on unseated lands for 1S55 and '50, ' 109 78 Errors in duplicate for 1350, 73 20 Interest on outstanding tax, 19 19 Tbreo copies of Laws, 1 50 $25,938 93 CIl. Dy cash paid Stato Treasurer, as per receipt dulod Feb. 7, 1857. $1,033 81 " July 8, "57, 3,059 84 " July' 22, '57, 9,080 38 5 per cent, abatement on State tax, 509 81 Paid Stato Treasurer, Set. 2, 1857, 550 30 " " Jan. 7, '58, 1, .'9 33 " F. Pucher, for over poid State tax, as per Auditor (jieneral's order, dated March 11, 1857, 27C 24 Exonerations allowed collectors for 1857 and previous, 1,191 50 Commissions, 1,550 14 Outstanding Stato lax for 1857 and previous, 0,715 55 Treasurer's commission on $1C,- 156 94 at 1 percent. 109 57 liahiueo due commonwealth, 860 37 $25.9.18 93 'J'tirern, TJiflillas ami foiling House I.iceiiecf. DR. To amount of Tavern licenses granted by tho Court or Quar ter Sossious for 1 6157, $1,275 00 Store liccusus granted in 1S57, 250 00 Drewers " " 50 00 Dilliard tables and places of a- niusemetit, 00 00 Retuilers licenses for 1857, 997 50 Luting houses, Restaurants, Ac. 180 00 '2.S12 50 cn. Cash paid Stuto Treasurer as per receipt dated July 8, 1857 $1,714 75 Cash paid State Treasurer, Jan. 7, 1858, Cash paid John Robins for pub lishing Mercantile Appraiser's list, ' C. O. Duchman, " Exonerations allowed, Treasurer's commission on $2,719 ut 5 percent. 860 60 13 00 13 00 03 50 127 45 10 00 Daluuce due last year, $2,613 50 Militia Fines. DR. To amount of said Cues outstand ing for 1856 and previous, Amount assessed for 1857, Balance due in 1650, Error in duplicate, $1,201 77 1,053 00 178 51 18 77 $2,452 05 CR. By amount of said Cues uncollec ted for IgjO and previous, Exonerations allowed collectors, 4-'.s 33 Commissions " " Amount paid County Commis sioners for time occupied iu mil itary business in 1856, Cash paid Stato Treasurer, Jan. 7, 185, Paid Treas. National Cuards, for 1850, " " 1857, " Shamokin (jnnrds fur If 55, ' Duppinvillo Cavalry, 1654, " North'd Troop, '50, " J. 11 Zimmerman, Rrigado Inspector for 1857, " Assessors for lists of delin quent militia, Commissions allowed Treasurer, Depreciated funds, lialunce due coaimonweultb. 26 00 250 00 75 00 75 (10 50 00 50 00 0 00 51 00 40 C 5 211 Ki'pcndilurf and receipts of Xorthumlerland Comity, from the Jirxt day of January, A. ., 18.r)7, to the last day of December of the same year, both days included. Northumberland County DR. to the following Items. To 132 Orders issued by the com missioners fur view- Octstaxiiiso Taxks kor Years. Collectors' Names. 18.11, John ISingeman, ';VI, William 13. Irwin,' '51, Martin liachman, " Joseph hckbert, '55, A. J. Courad, " John Simpson, " Joseph Kckbert, " James Lynn, T'C, C'yrennes Domboy, " Jacob It. Clark, " Joseph llopeudoebler, " Samuel StuhlnecUer, " Jacob Bloom, " Peter I'ursel, " M. 11. Manly, 'j7, Klias Kiseuhart, " William rardoe, John Doyer, " Cyrennes Uomboy, " Samuel Stahlnccker, " Joseph Uopendoebler, " (ieorge A. Keelor, Jacob Miller, " llonry V. Simpson, ' Jacob Stamm, " Henry Haas, " Solomou Hillman, " Anthony Ucduspey, " Peter Kriss, " Klias Shaffer, " Jacob It. Cltttk, " Jacob (larman, ' Daniel Waganer, " Peter Still, ' " William Johnson, 11 Samuel Hales, " Jacob Lckniac, Those marked with a have since paid paid in part. We, the undesigned, Auditor uf Nor-' thumberland couuty, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do certify that in pursu ance of the 4th section of "an Act entitled an Act regulating counties and townships," passed the 15th day of April, 1834, we met at the Commissioners' Office, in the borough of Sunbury, oa the 4.1b day of January, A. D.', 1858, and adjourned from time to time, and did audit, adjust and settle tbe several accounts required of nt, ecreeably to tbe inff and surveying ronds. $280 00 43 " for building and repai ring bridges. 1.C07 05 2 " Repairing County F.n- ginn, C3 00 3 " District Attorney W. L.Scott, 172 00 CS " Assessors' pay, f.09 39 07 " Oonstablea" " 303 88 4 " Prothnnotary's Tees, J. Deord, .".SO 00 20 " Jurors' pay, 2.310 02 8 " Printing, 270 (10 30 " Commoow'th cost. 203 90 10 " Clerk's pay, tor '56, O. Martin, 1 . . 112 0G 18 11 .1 J- m part, r,o CI " IWectlon expenses, GG3 17i 3 " Refunding overpayment x of tax, 20 " Public ISuildings. i " Road tax on unseated lauds, 1 " School " " 13 " Damages fot roads, 39 " Fox Scabs. 0 85 217 135 416 73 07 74 30 74 01 09 1 " For Diedieat attendance iu prison, 1 5 10 " Stationary, 251 1 " Sheriffs fees, 223 Commissioners' pny, 2" P. Renn. 145 4 " C. Hottcnstcin. 114 5 " F. Huas, 207 12 " Incidental exnensos, 127 00 39 42 50 00 00 89 2 " Attorneys for County Pleasants & Comiy, 100 00 8 " Fnol, 28 50 0 " Coroner's Inquests, 04 38 4 " Special end County Auditors, IOC 00 1 " Agricult'l Society, 100 00 13 " Court Crier's pay, 112 50 1 " Penitentiary, 312 (G 020 Amonnting to $10,527 51 Amount of orders paid paid in '57, and issued in '50 and previous years, 2,773 00 Treosarer's percentage, 332 50 Depreciated money, 5 00 Treasurer's service for county, 75 $3,111 31 Xuittuiiihrihirul County CR. ly the fMoitintj Hcciftn. 15y balunco duo county as per Re port of '50, ash received from Collectors on real and personal, " from unseated lands, for county, road V school, " Jury funds, reut, A-c, " Hales and Carman, " for books, stationary, aud time fur military pur poses, '55 olid '50, " " " '57, $103 02. 13,392 71 413 72 127 55 4 09 52 00 20 00 $14,125 30 Amount of expenditures for tho year 1857, 10.527 51 Amount of cash received above expenditures for the year '57, $3,597 Amount of orders paid in '57, and issued iu '50 and previous years, 3,111 70 lialanco in hands of Treasurer on Jan. 1, 1858, $486 45 Jury funiU remaining unpaid, lor the year'b Plaintiff. lhffmdanls. Ceddis k Marsh vs William Caul. $4 Commonwealth vs 1). Conrad, 4 0. Adams' adm'r vs Ira T. Clement, 4 J. H. Vincent vs O. Hons, 4 S. NcsjbiU vs H. P. fchollor's admr. 4 Reynold et nl vs same 4 Frick vs Lelund, 4 liowen and Murr vs S. and P. R. Co. 4 William Heitzman vs J. Hillbish, 4 R. D. Saxton vs J. Simpson, 4 Commonwealth vs Ueluspey, 4 " vs Vangaskin, 4 Ron-en & Gosh vs S. T. McCormick, 4 Frifer vs Snlshucb, 4 Clement vs Vonguskio, 4 Hnrner vs Harner, 4 Kissinger vs Stamm, 4 Clement va Noyes, 4 Savage vs Smith, 4 Mourey vs Hell & Lewis, 4 llu ou 00 00 00 00 (HI 00 00 00 00 eO 00 Northumberland County R. and CR. on Jan uary st ISiiS. nn. To amount of orders unpaid for thu year '53, '..6 & '57. $103 10 To amouut of orders for the yeors prior to 1855, ns is shown in tho order book and not cancelled, 357 CI 8520 71 Uncancelled orders, Jan. 1, '59, cn. I5y balanco due G. Bright Troa s 11 re r, Jury futids uncolIccUd, Outstanding taxes uncollected, $186 -15 f?0 00 13,905 e l 1,171 cO Unseated lands, estimated, IJaVunco of Jacob Youifr, lato Treasurer, ns repotted by Spe cial Auditors. Halunco of V. Hucher, lato Trea surer, as reported by tUa Spe cial Auditors, 1,178 r.oo 00 lue county on Jan. 1. 18.i8, 17,:i22 150 1S57, and Trkviops Years. Townships. State. County. Militia. Lower Mahauoy. 0 00 Delaware, 203 91 82 LI M ;0 Lower Mahanoy, 41 50 Milton, SI2 50 Z.erbe, 10 42 tCbilisquacpie, t4.T2 2G 1 101 031 42 10 tMiltun, fl70 11 C'J 7tj" 2$ 98 Sliamokiu, 172 90 Delaware, 4 00 Lower Augusta, fi 50 Milton, Id 00 Lewis, 5 90 23 73 18 00 Northumberland, 118 40 90 90 23 50 Sunbury, t279 90 f304 58 30 50 y.eibe, 175 38 80 53 27 55 Coal, 100 00 tKOO 00 73 50 Cbilisqiiatpjc, t478 71 H.102 02 25 5 Cameron, 13ti 85 t22G 55 15 50 Delaware, t700 92 tl.526 83 71 50 Lewis, 4442 91 tL04C 21 39 50 Milton, 231 98 t507 31 51 00 Mt. Carmel, tl'J3 24 f384 01 23 00 Point, 521 32 t806.10 31 50 Sunbury, 320 79 881 83 71 00 Turbst, 490 84 1 1.092 76 38 00 Upper Mahanoy, 89 20 562 70 27 00 Washington, 35 88 217 00 28 00 .erbe, t341 92 . 1 131 84 28 50 Jackson. tl80 50 12 50 Jordan, 212 26 Lower Augusta, t512 9.1 40 50 Lower Mahanoy, t621 45 53 50 Litlla Mahanoy, tU2 23 12 50 Northumberland, t43! 81 21 00 Dnsh, 217 21 21 50 ShamoVin, t34fi 95 63 00 Upper Augusta, t518 19 2150 5,745 55 $13,005 84 1,121 65 iu full j and those marked with a t uae siuce . thereto, according to the best ol our judg ment aud ability. And wa do further cetlfy that upon a due examination of tbe expenso book of tbe county tbe indebtedness of tbe same yet unpaid iu orders is 620 71 J. I witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands aud seals this 27lb day of January, 1858. w. t. ronsYTH. ABM. SH I PM AN, O. P. PATTON, L. S.l L. 8.1 LsS.J rafale of Aiigustu Huey, dee'd. John Hucy, 1 Writ of Partition and value vs tion isaued out of the Or , The widow and phnm' Court of Northum heirs of Augustus berland county, leturnsbla Ifuey, deceased. to August Term A D, 18.ri8. Nolico ia hereby given to the heirs and legal representatives of said Augustus Huey, late of Hltamokin township, Northumberland county, deceased, tkat by virtue of the above Writ t J nio directed, an iiuiueat will hi held at the 'Into resi dence cf said deceased, -on Tuesday thcBih day of Juno next, at 10 o'rlick, A. M., for the pur pose of making partition of, or to value and ap praise the Heul Estate of said, deceased, to wit : of, or certain tract or piece uf land, situute in Sha mokin township, aforesaid, adjoining lands of Samuel Furman, Ephraim K. Miller, John Mor gan, Com ad Vcoger's heirs and others, contain ing about 207 acres, more or lets, on which arc rreetcd a two story Brick House, n lug lloutc, a Burn, outbuildings, Ac, ubout 100 acres of which said lain! are Lleuicd. Also, of another icrUm tract ol land in same towmhip, adjoining lauds of 6'airucl Moore, Samuel Say res, Aimer Tharp John Duukellicrger and others, containing st out 100 acies, about 50 of which aro cleared. At which time and place you may attend, if you think proper. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Oifice, Sunbury, May-H, 1808 J WASl-l-ACTl'IIKII II T join o . m 1: aii & soxs, rjlllE oldest Eleclro Plater in the United States, manufactures of every variety of Cooda plated with pure silver, AiLatu, Brittania and Steele. Tea Setts, Cms, Waiters, Casters, Cake Bas kets, Pitcher, Goblets, Communion r'crvice, Spoons, Forks, Knives, Ac. All goods warrant ed as represented. North East corner 9th and Chesnut street. Philadelphia, Pcniia. May 8, 1K53 1y SUNBURY STEAM I'EHItY AND TO WIN O BOAT COMPANY. rpiiA VELl.EliS and others are respectfully informed that the autmeriber l:ua established a STEAM l'EKKY over the Susquehanna, at Sunhury. That a lare, safe and commodious steamboat will run rii;olarly and promptly, ut all boors during the day, to carry fool passenger as well as veb.cles, Ac, between Sunbury and the lauding on the opposite side of the river, both ways, or to and fi 0111 Sunbury. The steamboat wilt run from Market Street Wharf, and will carry passengers to and from the Packet morning and evening. The Steam Ferry now all'ords not only a safe and convenient transit over the Sus quehanna, but also a pleasant and agreeable ride. IUA T. CLEMENT, Proprietor. Anhiii.w HotlVEII, Clip. bill. Sunbury, May 1, 1S58. AduiiaaUlratoi-M Notice. ?tt7 9TICE is hereby given that lettcra of nd ministration have been granted to tho sot scriber on the estate of John Craves, late of Zerbc to vnship, Northumberland county, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them d .ly authenticated for settlement. llEL IJEN KLLNU, Adm'r. Trevorton, May 8, 1858 tit 4 LL persons indebted to James Heard, late Prolhonotary of Noilhumberland county, for fees. ite.. are rcaacsted to mako immediate pay- i ment, and thus save cost and further trouble, as all ...rnnt.t r-tiinmin3 llnllau,. wl I lie Waccd 111 .1 1 r - c-nr.iU.ti., i.v,1,.,nt a the hands of a Justice for collection. 1 ay mints cm, ho mane eitncr 10 tlie auoscuoet or iu j. o. UearJ, at hia afliew. JAMES BEARD. Sunbury, March S7, 18.r8. f SPUING AND SUMMER MILLINER'S" GOODS. B Inn .11. lilMKler, respeoilolly nn- S nanincea. that she has iust returned from ; tliu city witli a new, cheap and elegant assort- ment of Spring and Summer Millinery Goods, Consisting of new pattern lionnots, Straws Bimpfjtnd Fancy Hontieta, also Rililions, T rs aud Kuiicy Trimmings, Ladles Dress Caps, &e., all of which will lie sold cheap. llonnets of every descrij tioiia iiiaJa to or ! r. Old honueta bluaciied anJ paavd in the bast manner. Thatdiful for past patronage, sle solicits a con tinuance of th same. Store iu Pawn Street, 2nd door below tin Hail Koad. iSuu'.urv, April 17th, 185tJ. in NOTICE, account of Paul Ainmcrinaii, riIIE account ot Paul Ainmcrinaii, l.s . - Trustee of Mary Wolverl.ui (a limntit) has been filed iu iho (,'onrt of Coniiaxu 1'lca of Northumberland eounly, and will lio presented to the suid court on the first Monday of August, next, for confirmation. DANIEL DECKI.EY.Prolh'y. Protbonotary'a Office, i Suuburv, May 22, 1858. Hi i FOR SALE OR REJJT- pl E larijo double fiamc house in tbe Uurough A of Northumberland, belonging to the estate of C. H. Kay, deceased. Thin is a very desirable residence,' beautifully situated on the. North Branch of the Susquehanna, with a largo garden, Carriage House, Stable Ac., belonging to it Tcrnia moderate Enquire of C. W. Scates, Williamsport, or D. brautigam, Esq., Northum berland. March 27. 1858. GEORGE HILL, TTOUTEY AT L-V77, ESl'ECTFLLLY informs the public und bis friends generally, that he has removed tn Kiinhurv. and haa oneucd a law olnre at Ins residence, iu Market square. Ilia acquaintance with tho Engliih and Herman enables hiui to transact businesa iu both languages. April 10, 1H58. ly Estate of PATRICK HUGHES, deceased ") Writ of Partition and Michael llughts valuation issued out of vs the Orphan' Court of The hcira of Tatiick Nortbunibctl'd county, Hughes, dee'd. I returnable to August I Term, A. D., 1858. OTICE is heiebyj given to the beira and ' legal repreaentativea of said Patrick llughca, late of Zerl-e township, Nortbuinberlaud co-. ntv, deceased, that by virtue of the above writ, to un directed, an inquest will be heldnt the late resi deuco of said Patrick Hughes, deceased, in tbe town of Trevorton, in Zerbo township, aforcaaid, on Tuesday, the SVId day of June, next, nt 0 o'clock, A. M., for the purpose of making Parti tion of, or to value and appraise the Real Estate uf said deceased to wit; Uf u certain lot or piece of land, ailuale in the t 11 of Trevorton, alora aid. containing 25 feet iu front and Hi feet deep, frontiiiR 011 SbamuUin street, adjoining lots of Tbemaa liiley on tlie vt est, anu 011 mo nasi of Uelrick. At which lime and place you may attend if you think proper. J A M ES V A N DYKE, cherill'. Sherifl'' Oflice, buubury, 1 Jifay 15th. lSftH. Washington house; . A.COVEKT, l'ropriftor. SUNBURY, VJV., riifE propiictor respectfully informs hia friends A and the public generally, that he is repairing and renovating the " Wasbiugtsn House," so as to entertain both trunsieatand permanent visitora in a suitable and comlorUUlc manner. Thankful lor the patronago extended to hi father, be resH-etfully solicit the continuance of tliosame. 11 r will take charge ol the "Wash ington House" on the first day of Apiil, neat. He will have an Omnibus running lo the different Kailroad Depot for the accommodation .....,.. f. ul churg. X. C'OVEHT. STRING .ARRANGEMENT. LACKAWANNA &EL00MSB70 E.R. VFPOI'.WNn aupofioT rneilitiea for tntve) to r'ew Yolk, I'rutndrlph a, andilieNorth and Vct,bv on. iiocliuin si Hcrmton with tins trsins of ttieiithivt-are lckflw-nmifl and Wcsum ltni!r-.ed Cimpnny i also for Irnt-el Hnath ami Wrsiover Hie Cnttau-issu, Wiliiaiotpori and line Itiiliosd and connK-ting Irsins . (JOINC NOIITIT. N. Y. A-'iiano- PVil'.Va Mail. Jalim. Mitt 00 a m. :i 1 0 r.i.r- CIS rl.i It !') do 6 M A !l 2 do fl in ! a .15 d 1 in it. 3 5 do 7 3S A t 4 or, da 7 M do 4 1! 1)0 8 10 do 4 !W do B .10 do 4 !5 do 6 So d fi I'D ilo 8 15 da H M do l.eava Ittijif rt, Itlmim, !' . . I.iinu Hinge, lltnvirk, lioacli llnvfn, J-t'ili rniivi-, fiii'kfciiiiniy, l!uiil"ck's Creek, Ve6tal-.tlCuke) riymuntlt, Arrive ut U!iif45Um, 1.CIVO K;iiuii, V)uiaaiii, Wtsi 1'iiutcu, 0 00 dj 6 HO ia t) us n .in H f j to 10 10 10 1(1 -li) 1 IS r M. 10 do 3 v.r, 6 bO S CO a w n 10 G J'l (i y do d.i do do d.i d.i f.. l.'Kjkawiilllia, S 45 0 Wl 1 ;ij liirv-rllo, Arii-e ut Penult. in, 10 3" do 3 U 1t Tim Ni v York Mail Tnmi coiinr.jts Willi llic 1;;iilss gnilli; l-lfint, on i). I.. A. V. Riiillimd. Aiiive in New oik 7 lr V. M. do l'lillud'.-lpliia, l.v ('aliiilcll &. Amli'iy ltiiilrdli.l, f C 1'. M. ram ( ttuferl to New York W m. Baig!igeelieek. cd t!irimi;li. 'i'lie tiir.iinrnn.tiilioii Trnin Notlli, r"nii-i-t nt S'Tiint-'ii Willi tlic Lxjinsa Tram West, 011 tlie U. L. &. V. ttwl road. liOINO SOUTH. Hula. ACT'iminii' M:ill d.ith'll fi on A.M. It .'w A. M N Y. Mint, no p.m. l.-avo f iiioit'.n. film A.M. It. 'Hi AM 4 I'ayliirvii;-?, P 10 do ll..f. ri. 'I in ! I. nrkiiw'iuiiiii, t) Wl d 1-ifiOM. 4 an do Pitisi.'ii, b Wl do W 1.1 I' M. 4 :.' do ivu l'iiist..n, h Xi do i-j :iu du 1 :ii d.j Wy-.iiiii.K, H in do la In do 4 to di Allivo lit Kiiii!!..iii, !' I") do 1 W ito 5 tiD do Kiii'-ji-m, 10 'I" il l "" I" PIvhTmiIi, 10 'l do f I "' do Niiiilicoke. 11 H" do O to do II1111I, .!:, l.Vk, II I'i il 1 1 ' do Wili-ksliinnv, 11 I'i do V -."l do II. n. li liriivr, II no du " 40 d-i Munch llavea 13 l' do 7 Vi du llcrwi. k. 1-! in P. M. H 15 d I ami: Itldge, i :iu do 1 i do r.s-.r, Vi 10 do ti I'I do llli.ln, IJ iO do . ' ,Z do Airivcd at It.ipirt, 1 M do 0 I', do 'I'lo- IMiilii.trlplna Mni! TiuiliRi'inr oiilh, roiui'ii-lH Willi tlie Mail Trinii nt Knppil, "ii"tr lsl ut I InP.M.lur Clltliiwips.1, Port .Jllnt-in, PoltHVHle liisidinir, A'.' , nniv nip nt Plnlntl'ili'liri, nt aa P. M AIo witti Mult Truin Roiinj Wi-st nl .'I o'clock P. M. tor Dunvulu, .Miltun, .Man cy, WilliainHjiint ni'd I-lliiu 1 n . Pselipcrs by tlie 4 o'clock P. M. Trnm (ri'iii; South enn take Hie It oVIurk P. M. Kxpiefs Irinti for I'.tmiru mid Hie West, or l.Hlpe nl lllouinslung tintl Hike tlie I o' clock A. M. Trnin poiag l'.ast, urrivms al Plnltnliitpeia or U.iriislniii! at La noon F. J. .HAVF.WVOKTH Snperliiteitdciit. Mxrch U. (!in WllKKLKIl V- WILSON r-iAwurAOTTjniNO- cos FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. rMIK luinimuoiit. favor wliii-h hnsnttcndedil-.e introdnc X tion of WiiEKLKlt ,V W'ir.soN'B Family Sewing M:i- ! ciiiiic, is sinh.-ient cvidunce of ils excellence. H j,.a, .,,, eav ,-nt tlll ,, n.strauieni ia t.ec, 11 is nced- oiiiitn: a iivlutsi'-.fc insuiioooii ; tin, furl is lucoeinzcd hv ils bucci-fi.. fill est: in llioa sands ot Funiilii-s in uvury rank in I.IV-. To tli' .se wlio have Inliierto rcfiuiuwl from avniluip lin-tiisulvt-s of its uilvunlu.'s, it m:iy nol t.c uiniss In tay, that lis util ity is not a irulilcin to be Solved, bul a sia-ct-i.s nlrcndy rcnlitd. The lii.L.ivsl tcsttriony is constantly ollcri.l.u. n littauti: lln- vcidicl wli'.'-h ana given tins in trn ment so vri.ie and cnviat.lr n rcpntHlion. Tl.is Mneliine is ctaii'titcd on a principle entirely origi nal, l.atini; speenilly 11. id ::diiii:itliiy ndiptcd tothe nioi-.t per. f-et work on even kui l of iniiteriiil ; and, liacinir ln-en Ull.jerled ton Ihree yenrs' test of the inota si.'.neliin eliaraelel liy l'ninilies, itn.l in various liiaii, lu s of .Mnnu fncture, Willi dlifineiiislu'd saeetss, it is lielt.-ved that in nil thf lii-Mt poin'.s rt-t;uii'ile to a c 'niplele nnd practical r-e.vlin; Machine, it camlet be appn aet.cd in exccllcnco. Aln')iiell nndouhled advanlug.'B It iHibseGtics ovvst a.l others, may hit named the followii : ; I. It Fiinptielty of eoiiHUltetion. 11:. .1 C'-'llse'inciit lice, doln from iSeritn:-. ui'.-nl and need 01 repairs -J. Its iint-xampli-.l rapid.!, u,.u cana id" ooerei.-a. 3 lis noi:-i:ki-H nloviinent 1. 'i h.i jrrrnt vanety ut purMiyn to ehiii it can h fr p!ie,., wlueli can he achieved l.y no I'iLc. linilium'-tft ineani. And, .1. Tlie pieo iiinieiit I.eauty and dtif.hi't! y ;.f the work "1 lind your .Machine i.ivatualile I I:-..-- ' -' l It a year, and 11 has neer been ontof urder. Tha s itch veiv dn ruble, and can lie adapted lo line or eoarne materials innch tunc, futine fintl pnf Otic if yi-ur Mitcliiiu-M tisrti id my t'tilhei V tsiliuly ; flii'tthcT ll: tin' 1c niPclr M uf ;i (ic.i.T ; Hiui oiht-rn lv v:niiih iiii inii-. 'I'Id- njinu-'iia ci ill! 'ill wilu that I have just rxpressal-'' Mia A:ma Ceri llit.-liii-. 'Tiuti 1 lMt ((ir Scwiii;; Msicliiut; ; mi'l llint is V1k ! mi' W itjon').': Jmlyc MfiH, i t' Uic Aniericmi lush- lii'.v n uS'wiii,' Mncliin' pi:'!i'!si'tNif yon In.-1 -ecu li '.- !y iTVlc-:ili!n "--lli'V lr .miri I )hp'iul. .'jUu:itly can ;!i. rd t i tlu without it. (nsi".a ov ins Nrw VtK rni:s i. We prt fr ilftn fur i;iinily hm;. TuImhc TJ.cy iifu tli- t';ivnt's for iiui!ics 'ruiic.1, Arc wiih' Ut u ri ci.-ntilic Amcnonii. Winks more luiifv'tmly tl-.ni the Jiaiul Ucr,'l. )o ilit work of Ivti ortluuiy nrwcrd J"iir t'nijj. r'tjtiiit In nuiii ecinutrrssfM. Homo Jonriinl 'i nn iiiai'hnif, for family use. AiiYoente A .'oiini'il. tMowt houornblt' to Anicrk'tiii pt'inutf lin'cptnlciit. cJiniitiL iiiuiiui! iinyihiiip more perfect liwuiclibt. Will give fiilirc satisfaction. ( biirvcr. Thir l".'Rl t'VtT iiiVi'iilt J. Chi ixtiuu ImpiinT. In lookup im the liet, ct tliese l'.xiiriiincr. Ai'.niiriii'ly ml iptrdfor f;i;mly umv-i'hr uik. I M1 isi eligible 111 t-vcry luunlv 'J'lic I'rcachrr. W'e praise it with cntlintiiinnu (.'hnstKii Intf llit-ucrr. Worthy of the lii;;lifit uwanl Salii'ath litroitlcr. A l.uiieiritMioji of i!ie ar- i'litiium's .M.iajnc. Miij'ttai in opci:itii'H. Mm. Steplm' Mdtiilily. H-ypin! till qiitt!"n, thti iiucliinca I.itc llln&itatol. 'I'hv ititi-h can 1 it l Liu unr.iveic J Am AiictiUmil. 'I'lifV inaint.iiu the pitvciiHiiciiL'ff I'.xpttts. Suvl'i tiie 1 iitu a;ul luallli ( f ten wi'im-n. Walcr rare. ( inr It um lio!il is 111 ecstai-it-ft with it. I'oilti'j Spii .1. Supply thi" l'afchi"iiah!e world.-Daily Nowm. Art-prf-t'iniiiL-iiily tipcnui. Ladicx ' intm. 4 ne ff 0111 liiaselul.l t; h!s I'. S- Joiintal. I'r.rivallfil iucvi'ty qua ity. lay iltiok. I'ltliy.UM'fiil, inupu-al.- l.ealic'f fJiiZi-'tif. Uuvej iu i-qual im laimlv utju Muexal Hi! l A tiiuuiph ot nii'clianu'n! y-nins N. Jintinl. Comhiiiu every retpiircinfitt. I'dniily Mnp.i.inc. .tstly Huprrtor to all olhei (iltlfn In.r. W'e laaiKit tire in UK pnn?c New oki f. Tor further particulars apply tti II. IJ. Masisrr. Sunliurv, Ta., agent of the nianiifulirrr, wlio will Mipp')' maclitnca at thu jijaiuitafturiT' prires. limitary, May IO-S. if Friers Reduced to Suit ti Times ! vt ''r.'-r (I.UK Willi U VVA.) ANii-c Street ohore Third, I'hiladi'phi. IMIK rioprn'1'iia ( I he no.ivn w,-ll.kii.iwii ct(ul.lii 1 iu ul litmu tliniikliil.'l' ll.c vci l.Vrnl iviti'i'ii:.,!!. t.i twtil upon tlit-iu lliu vil yi-ur, l.il.ft tins intitliiKl ii in iViriiinic lln ir iiil-ikIi u.J the pttl'ii.' nml llicy are till pic mr.tl lo ii,-i-iiiiii:iHlat,. liit-iil 11 liivnluil w illi ;i cull. iurrii' tint W'llHul lll'illllm I lie In'UM- li m lice llior.iuiiii ly rt-iiiivatci, initiruvcnifiitii inailc nn.t witter txlciisn t nl lenitiouii m coiiltMnpUlimi- We uro ili-li-iDiincil to ili'V.'U- nnr vvlu.lp jiMi-niioii lo I'UsinacH nml il.ittr iHiratlvt k wi h llic ixnviclioii itul vi a liuil tic- utile to give currul saliil:u-l I n - MDI.S k froVKft, Uii-.-c Slut l, :tl ir 1 tout. TKR.MS S1 n, r rl.iv N.ll. I'uri mutn will ulv.i 11 le in rrriilnif s l,irlivrv 1 rnKcntici'M lo uml Hum Sruaiuiuiit IaihIiik unii R.nlii-.! I Depot. ' 1. 4 S. 1 rinludclpliiM, April 10, l.-,3 -3lil ; ruiir, svrs a.i iiiovisios, N. HHLl.lNt.', -Vy. 12 Xorlh H'Am-i-M, rhiludeh hi.i. 100,000 IU. Dried Apple, 3,000 bushels I'ea N ut. 600 barrels (Jrecu Apples, t'iflO boxes Oranges, S00 li nes I.cinoi.a, ,000 bushels Potatoes, 1,000 buabel It sans, 100 doi. I'icklca, Alo ltaUina, l"iga. Prunes, Ac, in tc-ra and foraale at the towest prices. April 10, lS5t ly C'cutro Turnpike Itoal. r1HR FlocUhol Jcrs aie hereby notified that an X election for officer to serve for the riisuiii. year will be held at ihe house of t S. Urown in Ilia Borough of Northumberland, on Monday the 7lli day ot JT'XE next, between tha hour ot I') o'clock A. M., aud 3 o'clock P. M. JOH. H. PitlESTI.KV, Tre.'t. forlhuiiiberfaoJ, May I, IS&S U l AKMLns 01' PENNSYLVANIA ATTEHTION I 'Yim can enyplv - ynora-dvea vvi'h t;tieoiieal Wsrar'-i, n arraiiKsl ptira, which lus Ik on in a itc talnl iik'Hi Ndw Svm-y fur the I nal feven Vrin thry liaro meivcd 111 1 MI'l.dMA.i M Few icrarf, H'vr Y11I1, titlnwam, mid Peniir)tvamn Af-ri-iiltnral t xMetP a, -nd l ave twa ie. l,y Hie Pruu i.-nl of (lie t'nl'i l dun s, on lm Garden in" on it.c Pnbi-e tironnda at Vaahingtcn, V. t" , and Vy Un lodowlag fjciitlcutvn viz." T TK-ko, Es. 1 A P. Ijial.ei, ClABiSJBoa-'1 N .'-".. I I, lle.-.-pr ) Henat if lfo!-ertf, 1 Y'm .IMder, of C? UlwiA, N"" i'i i Chac York, Tii- Mntf.ir:!, toirdcn N i, IJ-. Hirni..'Pf tvinm, Mr. Field, ,lr Atkirnon, and l.'" 1 Jotmcin, a'l 11: Ne.w Jersey Ihey Fay it is the chenrcst Bud most reii iT-ie Manure now in t'ae, being p.'fii.fli:e-.i aed ircpl.ifc tl land by enriciiiiif. tiie i..i. It is suited to'the vji;oi;icr ; i: j-:,tl t.iuec in-,, Potato, a, Crnsf, Micat, ri'it. Ke. iv nrloaiOf a rite, K. i n m y New Ituef 01 Philad'a. Ba-i.ic or reiVi i-,ee to nay poid Hrtiau in Ptinade.i 1.1a r.r in 'a e:.lntl t"r PriKitier. (it fun Murk'il rales here, your orders v.ul t.e lilltd u.,d Shipped to you, tiecof Caillige exp. ne. fciV L'ctry ai tide told ly me IJ GudrantcjdJ Saper l'"s,.l.uta n Lune, WO CO a t . If mo riiwui,tc, f3u C'J a Atnerima l'tuil.ier, t---5 IV' a rv a h.krix i;-pit nciENT for an ac.i l 01- OltDL.NU RUAI CA.- I' Pice II one Dual, .ViO bureis inw rua-l",) at $" 00 1 bin rel or jfU'., a ton. ruminate, No. t ("Q0 barrcb now ready.) at il lu e I 11 I urn 1 I .mil fin slat No. I 1 C00 barrels, al Slj to Si nliH.'el Pot Ash, Oil biurets I'eraviiin, Puliigoliln slid Chili.nl U I- A M (I OLOK01". A. I.ElNAt . PioptiRtor No. 31 foutli rr.ONTPircot, Vhil.idelphia City, I'm. tir viii,i;sai.i: ui;ai.ei! au.owlu a i.di r.iiAi, i)isi:or.N r. P.'iiiphiets can be had on arpUcation to my OiT.ec, or of my Aki nta. Murch i:i, IM9 DmO.Hlw. A (.'ash Bi'sixr.ss KxcrvpivEt.vi ( i1A!tl.l AI)AM!, H. 1'. Cerner ef F.ijtUOi ami Aich J Streela, I'hiUdtlpliia. ini'nntis his old customers, 1111 1 the Olivers nf 1'ltY (JOCIIS GI'.M'.UAI.I.Y, that he la tinikitiir extra exettiona for the prosecution of his binmes, the eolnini; aniaoii, nnd in erdrr In ennlile him to piner.-ikn u.n!s lor cash, und sell them nt llic iuM'kvi uiist rnn:KS, he bus decided to sell at the smallest p bflii l ndvnnce l'f 1'on Cash l'.xr;l.CRlVKI,v 1 .1 lie hue m dnced the price of must of the fiends ia Stole, nnd lias now open manv NKWliootis. snituble. for the attains, to which will be made daily additions. earn w ill bo to nccoinm rials FKIKND3 oi,d riant PI '.ltso.NS olrsll , as heretofore. NIAV l)Hl;SS (.OlIDtl. PIIAU'I.P, l.l.N'l.NS, and Ft IIMS1IINO WiiiliS ceiicnoly. Pnrehnseis v-ill lind incut ndvnnluce in givints nil cielv enll. the m 'tto beini; "ihv nnniile aiVieaeo is better tl.an tie- alow shi.line. " Tlie situation is centra!, anil the sl-re we!! lil.tid March -J?, lrji. 3ai.'liw. . FL0UR AND FEEbT S P R I N ti A R II A N O E M V. N T. TH E aubseribcr baa recently made an enlaryc - ment in bis siorc room and has just received a fresh inpplv of Flour and I'ccd, (.'ornineal, iS;c. Ilia 8tck consists of Corn and Hyc, Oorn and Outs, nnd Corn CHOP, liolted Corn Meal and liuckwheat Flour in sacks, all of which will bo sold low I-'OU CASH. Also, the IScst and Cheapest assortment of Flour in this Market, from FIVE to SEVEN DOi-LAKS per Uarrel, arcordiup to rpiality. Uso, a lot of Flour in sacks at very low rafs. The subscriber oasurea ht customers, that his arrangements for potting Western Flour enable him lo give them better satisfaction or better bar gains than can be attained elsewhere. Doinc; thankful lor past patronage, he hopes to nieiit and contiue to receive thu favor of llio public generally. 1 CO. HAVEN. Market Square, Sunbury, March 20, 18..8. SADLER Y AND HARNESS MAKING riMlE sulitcribers respectfully inform the cili--- zena of Sunbury and vicinity that they have eomnienced the above business a lew aloor.-ebovo the Post Ollice, Matket SStiuare, Sunbury, Pa. Work of all kinds in their line, of business will be done promptly and neatlv on the most rea sunallo terms. CLEMENT & OYSTER. February LI, 1858, aoooo "cross-ties lUrANTED Thirty Thousand Crosa Tien, er Kailrond Sills fur tho Northern Central Rail Rijad. For further particulars apply to USA T. CLEMENT, Cor tractor. Sunl ury, December 26, 1857. tf Market Street, Gunbury Ta. ilHK, subscriber respectfully il. forma the riti ! lens of Siinbury, and the public gauerally, j ;hat he ban ptirchaJid. and will tako po'tesai in in the ebove wc'l known str.tid on thu 1st v'i j April next, formerly kept 1 Mra. Tii-nvson.- - I bat be will p it t'.e 'M..u in cumi !eu repair It ! T,, n.t.liii.iii lu. will Tin-iili' il rtiliV.-v:i nr.. In r.nii pasaengem to and from tlie dillirenl liuilroad de pots, and will leave no cll'irts tintiii,! toren.'ir his hotel a desirable otopi'ini; pbieo d r eni-ts und travelers. Ji'II.N l.tilsKl!, rebruarv ISoS. TO 10 Per flunrrc!- f Yli LI sub: cril'-.r rcsiiccllnlly inf.-n.u t'ie eili A t.e ns of Sunbury and vicinity ' 1 ' in baajnt.t received 11 ini j'l'ly ot 1 l.OL 1!, w r I. I i ia ol 1 1 11114 at wholesale or retail fron it .1 u t. w a-i .. A U- ti 87 per Uarrel. He also -ii-il-s n. 'i0 rls. per quarter, all ol" which 1 HANTS to be ttoii.l. ("ANDLIiti lor sale, wholesale or n: -u Thankful for pat patronage bo hop.- t.i . -.: lillue lo merit the tame. lUVii Ill.M A CAI.I. M. C. .ir.AUlI.VU !'. AiarUet St , ISunluiy, Pa. IVbruaryt?, I'irt. SUNBURY FLO URAND FEED STOKE. (i(Jt)U '1'IMES AT II A.N I'. Cit..NS7'AN'l'I.Y CIIEA l'KK and Ul'.TTER ' l l.()i:i can bo Houglit 1'Olt CASH of C. (J. II A V EM in Market Pi'iiaro bunburv, than 1 au possibly bo had at any oilier place in towr. It is utu cicsary to say tlu'. (iood 1'lour can Lo got from t! e West and Moith cheaper than fiom wry oilier quarter at the present time. The sub scriber having made the bent possible mraiigi--inent for gcltinK this 1'lour, is piepand to f;uo salislactiou to all who favor him with 11 ca b- -Piiccs rauc,e from ii'o lo if i,7 0 per l and accord int; to pnality. Chop l'ecd of uil kind constant ly on baud. M. I). Xe rciinsylvania I'lour wiil comprtn with his. The price may b the some, but t!io puality is iptite infciior. as all te'.ify that try boib liind.i. l'lcase cull and examine lor yourselves. C. O. HAVEN. Sunbury, April 31, 18Jd. " NET! ' CASH DRY GO JPsllOUSE. IV UlTStMS ll' H'U'.NO HOODS j K.YItr. l.ANDI'.LI., 1'i.Hilli Arcli tin t'bil-ort a , tile now cUcilii u lull sUi-:k-i ' New Goods for Spring; of 1058 ' K.Sllli)N VUl.K si'KIMi (ii'i'l'S, Hl..l'K Sit. IvS, 'il 1,1 :il liiitu-s wut, S rinir Drvm t.ols. New ls SI. awn, 111 all llie Newe! bl ier, Hutiiti, l'reiieti and Anierienii Clni.leP, I'ul s'i'iU Ml IVmcHllc (j.i -,t. I'ii. I bul. ul" I'liropi-un Uo '.i". It -.-K:iie:lius ill VXlia- 'lulliie I iiV 'tl. tllulj iftiiivil l.i'tTi ll.e Al 1: TI. l.N! "I Vc.i- Ve.-k uiuiriiiluJelpliia. P. S Ml. IHilt A.N IS, nrc nil-Jed to eiaimin- tlicl-.- 'I l-:it.MS .Nti I'liili and low puce. I'liiSntU l..a, M.tictl to, lc-jt. wiliJvv. HacMlo ttrid Ilarneas Maker. irJEJNTltY 11-A.TjrT, jr. KESiJEC 1 KLLIA mtonna tho citizen el Sunbury and the pub lic generally, that he haa tuken the shop occupied by H tight and lleck, one door east ot S. Haupl a Cabinet Ma ker shop where he is prepared to turn cut worU in his hue of business equal to any made hi tins section of the country. Orders promptly execu ted and all kinds of produce taken 1.1 E-tchango funbuiy, March SB, IB58. ly FOR ZFl-ETsTT. flHK ftnre Itoom in Market street, forinciW A occupied by f. W. Ciay. Apply lo lbs va eculor ol II. Massi-r, deceased. A pill 1 7 Id-'n. IJKOWN'S und Uremia's seiire ol'OiHgsr I and Husband's Maonesiuat MurctiM07. FISHER I same acts of Assembly, and jppleents