Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 05, 1858, Image 2

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    California Xfcfo
$1,571,991 4") in Trensme.
The United States Mail steamship Moses
Taylor, John McOowan, Kpq., Commander,
from Aspinwall, May 21, 6 1. M., with Culi
lamia mail?, passengers and treasure, per
1. M. S. 8. Ce.'s steamer, Sonoro, from Kan
Francisce, May 7th, arrived at New York on
(Fiotn the Aim California of May Gil:.)
(VMM Any or Tim foiitnicht's nf.w.s.
The Legislature adjourned on tho 2Clh
tilt., after enacting a number of important
Col. Fremont arrived in Hear Vulley,
Mariposa comity, imthulClh nit., and was
welcomed by all with tho pre.itct-t rejoicing.
Public respect was shown by tho lighting ol
hnfro bon li res on .Mount llullion, and the
firing of quii-kriilver flasks heavily charged
with powder, ill lieu or a cannon. Festivities
were kept up until a late hour.
Thero is much excitement in tho valleys of
Plumas county on account of a rumor that
tho Indian tribes in thut vicinity have ban
Led themselves together for the purnoso of
making war on tho whites. The Indians
havo taken somo stock, and tho whites nr
preparing to light them. It is said that tho
Indians have been much abueed by unprinci
pled whito men, who have tuken their sqnaws,
and troatcd them in a brutal manner.
llipe strawberries, uow petatoep, green
peas, and asparagus aro in tho market.
(Corrcspoit.lcnec of Ihc Alia California.)
Los Ancrlor,' April 2U. I.-jS.
Thero is some very interesting news from
Utah. It comes through a party arrived at
San lternardiuo in bucksklu drusscR, on the
JOth iust. In the parly were Messrs. I,
Clark, 1. Storks, Joo Matthews and others,
recent residents of San Bernardino, and sov
cral old residents of Suit Lako.
Col. Katie, who appears to be acting aa
Commissioner, with powers to treat, after
a conferenco with Jirighain Young, had gone
to Camp Scott, ns Fort liridgcr is uow
called, llwus believed thut tlio movements
which followed were tho results of his con
ferences with tho conflicting parties. 15rig
hnm Young has issued a circular to all his
followers, commanding them not to fight, nor
oven oppose tho army of (Jen. Johnston, and
that as tho army advances, they rctiro from
tho uorthorn to tho southern counties, llo
commands Ins people to avoid nil contact
with tho soldiers, as it is not good for them
to meet. With their wives, their littlo ones
and their herds, they are to vacato tho coun
try of Salt Lake, including tho city, which is
to bo given up to the use of the soldiers, who
are thero ordered to erect a military post.
This circular was seen and read by these
gentlemen, but they did not bring ono of
them on. When they left the movemcut hnd
already begun, and they assert that by this
timo tho city is vacated, and the army of
Licuoral Cunimings is in occupation. All
thoughts of war or of fighting aro abandoned,
and it is believed that peace will prevail
from this timo fuqjb. There no longer exists
among thorn any iutention of destroying their
property or leaving it, believing that Tor all
losses they sustain in consequence of the oc
cupation by tho troops, they will have a claim
upon tho Government. The retiring popula
tion aro to form colonies in tho south, upon
tho Colorado, the Mohave, and in tho valleys
of tho Sierra Nevada. Many of thoso who
left San Bernardino wero badly treated in
Suit Lake, because they "came from hell."
It is said that tho peoplo have censed to uso
sugar, tea, codec, and other articles which
aro considered tniiippcnsalile in housekeeping,
beennso these things aro not to bo hud.
There is also said to bo a scarcity of materiul
for women's clothing, and many of them go
dressed in pants and coats. The people of
tho southern settlements are almost in open
rebellion against tho Church. They aro
taxod so enormously for tho support of their
nrmy that their substance is nearly eaten up.
The tax amounts to 'S.i per cent, of their
wholo property. Theso facts aro discredited
from the fact that they coma through Mor
mons. Tho next two weeks will verify or
disprove them.
We have dates from Portland to tho 10th
Tho National Federal or F.ugeno city wing
cf the lemocratic party met in State con
vention nt F.ugeno city on tho Hth ult.. oud
nominated tho following ticket for State
officers :
For Congressman, Jas. K. Kelly; Gov
ernor, K. M. liarnum ; Secretary of State,
K. A. llico ; Stato treasurer, J. 1,. liruin
ley ; Stato Printer, James O'Meara.
The Indians at the mouth of ltoguo river
ninrdered a young white man, named Stephen
Taylor, and the whites aro determined to
punish them j so wo may look for a littlo
war. Thero aro only 40 warriors in ttio of
fending tribe, but il is feared that they will
bo joined by fugitives from tho Umpqua re
servation. (l'roni the Panama Star anil Herald, of May IS.)
Almost Another JSomhurdment of Orcytntrn
Attempted Capture uf t!,e Mayor by Colonel
Kinney and his Parly Mure I'nited States
Interference Capture ttnd lianiyhmcnt of
Col. Kinney ttnd his Purees,
Tho Uritish steamer Trent, just arrived
from Greytowu, reports thut ou 'Jr'ith April
Col. Kinney, with men armed to the teeth,
hauled down tho Mosquito Hag, hoisted in its ,
ttoad the Nicaruguau colors, forced his way
into the Mayor's house and forcibly dragged j
him out as a prisoner. The wero up
in unns directly, and a messago was sent to !
Copt. Kounedy, of the Jamestown, for as
sistance, who came ou shore immediately,
with an armed boat's crew. Mr. Cailos Te
nia:!, iu'.riuing to support Kinney and guin
the cuppoit of the Jamestown, stated that he
was the representative of the Nicaraguau
k'overuinclit, and had been informed by them
thut tint tieaty between tho I'nited States
nud Nicaragua had been rutilicd, and that
they wero ut all hazards to hoiit the ling of
tho above country in Sun Juan. Cnfoitu-
iiutcly he had to cat his own words, for Mr.
1D ISuiivel, acting Consul, und lately appoint
ed Minuter to I'uri by the Nicariiguun gov.
fcrnnieiit, produced his papers of olEce and
proved that the treaty was not ratified, and
that Mr. Thomas dared not show his luce in
that country, Laving been outlawed for being
tin officer in Waller's- aiuiy. Nothing was
li ft to be dune, therefore, as tho citizens of
Oreytoivu insisted upon taking kimiey and
).i3 banJ prisoners oil to the Jamestown,
from thence to bo tent up in tho Uritish
itoainoi' tit Aspinwall, which was done. The
Colonel ui.'d his puity arrived at Aspinwall.
SiMji tut CiMAM"s The Heading I'cn.
l.u htcr Elates that, in tho bi ginuing of List
week, a lady living at the lower end of Sixth
sticot, went with her child, three years old,
nu a visit to tho houo of a neighbor, in which
a child was lying ill with reailet lever. She
pei mitted her child to approach thu child lay
in a dvin condition ; when, sd to relate, the
funnel -child petlWlly well before was instant
ly soiled with violent vomiting, and iu leu
Louis aftc-twaids was a corpse.
Senator Douglas, when asked whether Le
couuted the cost of the journey he bad com
menced iu the l.ecouip'.oii business, replied :
"Yes, I Lava tuken a through ticket and
cheeked all my baggage." Wbou reminded
by the President, iu a conversation of the fate
lit corUin rebel under Jatksous admiuistra
lion, ha significantly retort-' : "Jdcison is
G-TJNjBTm-X", TP A..
' SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 1858.
II. B. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor.
To A DvrimsKttv- -The circulation of tha Sunbury
American among the different towns on the Susquehanna
a not nxcfcctvd ifcjiiattcd l.y any paper published in Noilh
ern Pciuisvlvnmn.
Dcrnocratio Stato Nominations,
ion .ifi)iii: i if thu iifiiiiMK covnT,
AV.y. A. PORTER, rMlnil-li.liln.
WMTLtV KRUST, Fnypltfl County.
rjy Fob KtixT. A house in Market street
Apply at this office
rort Sai.k. Apply at this
CS? Thero will bo no tcrvico in tho Kpis
copal Churches of this placo and Northum
berland, ou Sunday nest.
t$ 'I'm: Wkathkb and tiik Citorp. It
has rained more or less for the last forty days.
The effect upon tho crops, thus fur, has not
been serious, though nut without somo injury.
A few days of clear, bright and balmy wea
ther, havo already quickened and invigorated
every thing in the vegetable world, and put
w hpo into the hearts of farmers.
An attempt was made to set on fire the
building occupied by us eg the office of the
American, ou Wednesday last. At half-past
6, A. M., a hand camo into the office and
smelling something liko burning paper, ran
up to tho third story, and discovered the
filos and back numbers of our papers, at tho
head of tho stairs, on fire. There was, pro
bably, fiOO weight of paper tied up in rolls,
somo of them wrapped iu coarse paper, on
lire, which was fortunately extinguished by
tho timely application of several buckets of
water, although tho flames had already
reached the ceiling.
Tho floor, under tho pile of popcrs, in two
largo spots, was charred to the depth of one
half of an inch. Several broken matches were
found on the floor, and tho mark of a match
on the wall. The fire was evidently placed
under the rolls, but being tied up burnt slow
ly, and mostly ou tho edges. Five minutes
more would have enveloped the wholo mass
in flames. The deed was evidently dono not
moro than a half Lour previous. Thero nro
strong suspicious circumstuuccs aud some
clue has been obtained, in regard to the
perpetrator of tho incendiarism, which aro
not yet fully developed.
O Tiik Siniruv Ulahus. Tho new Ar
tillery company started at this place, under
the above title, held a meeting on Wedues.
day evening, in tho Court House and elected
tho following officers viz :
Gon. Jno. K. Clement, Captain.
Win K. Martz, First Lieut.
Win. A. Pruuer, " '
M. L. Shindel, 2nd
Tho election of officers was unanimous, with
the exception of second Lieutenant, for w hich
office thero were five candidates. , Mr. Shin
dul was elected on the fifth ballot.
Nkw Store Goons. We call the at.
lentionofnur readers to the advertisement
of F. Y. Bright Jfc Son, who have just receiv
ed a very largo and elegant stock of goods.
M r. Bright is ono of our most indufutigable
morchuuts and business men. He does busi
ness ou the progressive principles of the pre
sent age, und discards tho old fogyism of for
mer days, when merchants shut themselves
up liko snails iu their shells, aud did not
deign to let the public know what they hud or :
what they were doing.
Ci" Our landlords aro busy iu improving
their hotels iusido aud out. Mr. Leiser, the
proprietor of the Lawrence House, is uow
painting the outside of his building und oth
erwise improving it. The interior has all
been paint eol and remodeled. Mr. Covert,
tho proprietor ofthp Washington House, has
i nearly completed tho addition mado to his
! hotel, which will add much to tho convenience
; aud comfort or his guests.
CJ" Tun Nkw Miutaiiy Law. Estimating
the number o( infantry, artillery and cavalry
at 30,000, a low estimate, and allowing the full
number six parades per uunuin, ut S'liO per
day, thu expense Tor this item alouo will be
$270,000. Now if we estimate the number of
persons liablo to military duty ut 400,000,
under the new law, the revcuue at 50 ceuts
each would amount to 200,000, leaving a
deGcit of $70,000.
Ci" A very dangerous counterfeit on the
York Bank, Pa., of tho denomination of Tcu
Dollars, has mado its appearance. Some of
tho judges h.ivo baen deceived by them.
The .Srur advises its patrons to keep a sharp
look out for notes of this description, especi
ally when ottered by strangers. We hope our
readers will have their eyes about them when
notes of this description are tendered to them.
Tbcte coulerfeits uiuy be of the old plato,
but us we have seen lie description of them
we cannot tell.
t5" Pu-Nio Paktv. The scholars and
teuchers connected with thu public schools,
iu this place, ou Thuuday last, enjoyed them
selves iu a pleasant pie-uio party, ou Shamo
Liu Llaud, uow the property of Joseph
Weilel, bet iui this place aud Norlhutn
berluiid. TLo day was pleasuul and agreea
ble. We observed I ho procession as it crossed
Maiktt strut, under tbo dircctiou of Mr
Powell, tho principal teacher in our public
tchuols whose merits aud qualifications, as au
iubtruclor of youth, are generally admitted.
The proposed party Lad been contemplated
more than a month biuce, but the incessant
and copious shoneis of May did iiol afford
single day Gt for tho occasion. The cheerful
and bappy races of the children, oi they
passed, iudicated that they anticipated a vust
luud of happiness and amusement during the
day's proceedings. Such is youth au6! the
happy renieiubraucc. of youthful days. -
We attended the lotting of tho uiiGuishcd
work of tho Suubury and Krie Railroad, be
tween Williamsport and Lock Haven. We
left homo on Monday, tho last day of May,
and the last of tho ''rainy season," at half
past eight A. M., and arrived at Williams
port at a quarter past ten having tra
veled the 40 miles in less time than it would
take to tel! a long yarn. At cloven we em
barked on ono of tho pockets, Captain Leb.
man, Master, bound to Lock Haven. The
enterprising proprietors, Messrs. Kder and
White, run two packets, one leaving Wil
liamsport at 11 A. M., after the arrival of tho
Sunbury and Frio cars, and the other at 7,
after tho arrival of the evening trail from
Snubury. Returning they leave Lock Ha
ven at 9 in the morning and at 7 in the eve
ning, arriving at Williamsport uptime for tho
morning train to Sunbury. The boat had a
full load, many of them cont ractors nnd would
be contractors at the letting. With good
music and an obliging captain, the company
had a merry time. Arriving at Lock Haven
at 6 P. M., we obtained quarters at the
Fallon House, now kept by Mr. Lebo. This
Hotel is a fino structure built of brick, plas
tered to imitate brown stone, with one wing
back, and possesses most of tho modern
conveniences. It is a structure highly cred
itable to tho enterprise and spirit of the citi
zeus of Lock Haven. Its entiro cost was
about $32,000. It was afterwards sold on
mechanic's lions for about half that sum, and
bought for C. and J. Fallon, of Philadelphia.
The house was full aud overflowing, as were
all of Hotels on the occasion.
Lock Haven is handsomely located on tho
West bank of tho river. It contains ou en
terprising population, strongly stimulated by
a Yaukeo infusion from the EaBtera States
who have located there aud entered into the
lumber business. A number of handsome
residences havo been erected that would do
no discredit to our cities. Among these is
that of Gen. Jackman, to whose tact and
skillful management, as a member or tho last
Legislature, tho frionds of tho Sunbury aud
Krie are greatly indebted. . The General's re
sidence is not made for himself exclusively A
for others to look at, but enables him to extcud
his hospitalities to bis numerous friends and
acquaintances. It was fifteen years since wo
last visited Lock Haven, and we were agree
ably surprised at its improvements. In six
or cignt months tho railroad will then be com
pleted to that place, and we will be but a few
hours distant from this place.
Wo left at 7 in the eveuintr, arrived at
Williamsport at 1 j A. Al., took tho cars at :
5, and beforo 7 were at home iu timo for !
About two hundred bids were received. ;
Tho allotments will bo declared at Philadel
phia, next week.
There is not ono among our readers who
will not be gratified to witness tho noble po
sition assumed by Judgle Douglas, iu refer
ence to the recent outrages that have been
committed by the British war steamers upon
our merchant vessels. TLo following is an
extract of his speech delivered in tho Senato
of tho United States on Saturday last :
Mr. Douglas (Illinois) asked what good
does it do to resolve that this search is a
belligerent act? The American people and
Congress kuow thut it is. England was in
formed forty years ago, aud has violated our
rights thirty-three times within tho past Tour
weeks. He commonded aud admired the
promptness with which tho President has
sent a forco to the Gulf, but thut force was
only np to the point of preventing. Do you
suppose thut an opportunity will ever bo
found to prevent search, unless a ship of war
bo sent to accompany every merchant vessel?
Tho Senator from New Yoik was wrong iu
saying thut the force despatched to the Gulf
would siuk tho Britiuh cruisers. The British
there have three guns to our one. It is
bruve, at least, to think that our ono will
sink their three. Mr. Dnuelus recommended
another course. Let a ship of war, say the
ii tiinitn, go i mi win iruca oi me oryx or cue
Jiuzzaril, lollow ber up, capture her, nud
bring her into ou American port, and it will
then be limit to muko explanations. It hug
land avows the cruisers' acts, it becomes an
international qnestion. If she disavows them
it only remains for us to say what puuish
ment we shull inflict on those luwless persons
who have perpetrated these outrages. Tho
President having gono us fur as ho can go,
let him have at onco such powers as are ne
cessary to protect the flag and inaintaiu the
rights of citizens at home and abroad. He
had no Tear or tho abuse or such power by
the present Executive, or uoy thut follow
ti" Skari'IMNg Axiwiican Vkssui.s. There
is at preseut much excitement iiyelation to
tho search of American vessels by tho Brit,
isb cruiser on the high seas. The Southern
members in Congrees especially, talk of war
and vengeance. Tho Governmeat has ul rea
dy sunt despatches to England iu relation to
the i'ltult to tho American flag. Tbo Brit
ish assert thut they only overhauled some
thirty vessels engaged iu the Slave trade, and
sailing under the Amcricau flag.
OTA Jiuoe Fauai.yskd. The llou Abra
ham S. Wilson, President Judge of the
L'uiou county judicial district, was struck
with paralysis, in Washington City, on tho
ISth ult. Ho hud entirely lost Lis speech
aud tho use of his right arm. Ho was brought
to his homo iu Lewistwoo, and has since beeu
improving uuder the care of his family und
his physician. He prebided at the Suyder
couuty court lust week for severul days.
gjr Henry A. Aulhouy, the editor of the
Providence Journal, bus been beeu elected.
by the Rhodo Island Legislature, a member
of tho United States Seuutu Tor six years.
He was formerly Governor or Rhode lslund
Slate, aud is au Aiucricun-Republican
Cir Our young friend or the Lycoming
Cazttlc is pitching into somo of Lis cotcwpo
rurics, Tor advertising tLc beginning of some
talcs, published iu tho New York Ledger,
among the reading matter. Although, per
haps, not wholly unobjectionable, we, never
thelcss, thiuk them less exceptional titan
some or tha raucy advertisement that ap
pear regularly iu the columns or the Qautte.
(3 Tho report of the County Auditors
will be round iu our columns this week. This
is a docuuient in which we are all more or
less interested.
t- A desperate battle took place to
Northern Ttxai between Captain Ford'a
Raugers, and a tody ot Cauianche ludiuns,
Seventy su Indium were killed iu a runutog
light of C wiles.
Ths Pittsburg Dtiyatch, of tha 20th nit.,
contains some suggestions which aro worthy
of the consideration of some of the very wise
railroad men of Philadelphia :
An effort is now making in tho New York
market to eOect a tale or SG0O.O00 or the 7
per cent, bonds of the Kast Pennsylvania
Bailroad Company an improvement extend
ing from Ilarrisburg, by way of the Lebanon
Valley Railroad, to Heading a road now in
successful operation thenco by a railroad
which is in course of construction, nnd which
the Bale of the bonds mentioned will enable
the company to complete, from Marlstown
to Allentown, a distance of only fifteen miles;
then, by tho Lehigh Valley Hailroad to
Easton, and the New Jersey Central Kail
road to Elizabeth, a connection is formed,
either by steamboat or the New Jersey Bail
road, to Jersey City, with New York.
We announced, a few days Biuce, that Gov
ernor Packer Lad signed the bill potted at
the last session of tho Legislature, rcgulutiug
the rate of interest which may be charged
within this Commonwealth. The Ilarrisburg
Herald, tho official paper of the Stato Gov
ernment, gives tho following as the only cor
rect copy of the bill yet published.
An Act Regulating the Rule of Interest.
Section 1. Be it enacted by tho Seuuto
and House of Representatives of tho Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania iu Genoral As
sembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the
authority of tho eome, That the lawful rate
of interest for the loau or use of money iu all
cases where no express contract sh.ill havo
been made for a less rate, shall bo six per
cent, per annum, aud llio lirst aud second
sections of tho act passed second March,
one thousund scvuu hundred and twenty
three, entitled, "an act to reduce the interest
or money from eight to six per cent, per an
num," be and the same is hereby repealed-
Section 2. That when a rate or interest for
the loan or uso or money excoeding that es
tablished by law shall have been reserved or
contracted for, the borrower or debtor shuli
not be required to pay to tho creditor the
excess over tho legal rate, and it shall be
lawful for such borrower or debtor, at his
opinion, to return and deduct such excess
from the amount of uny such debt ; and in all
cases where any borrower or debtor shall
heretofore or hereufter have voluntarily paid
thu whole debt or sum louned, together with
interest exceeding the lawful rate, no action
to recover back any such excess shall be
sustained in any court of this Commonwealth
unless the same shall have been commenced
within six months oftvr tho time of such pay
mcnt. Provided always, That nothing in this
act shall affect the holders of negotiable pa
per taken bona lido iu tho usuul courso of
business, O. Nhi.son Smith,
Speaker Pio tern., House of Representa
tives. Wm. H.,
Spoaken of the Senate.
A ithovf.p, Tho twenty-eighth day of May,
A. D. one thousand eight Hundred und bfly-
Wm. F. Packeb.
I. O. ok O. F. Tho following gonflemen
were duly installed officers of the Grunrf Lodge
of Pennsylvania for the ensuing year at tho
recent sessions of the Lodge held in Philadel
phia, viz :
M. W. G. Master E. Wildman, or No. 5,
R. W. G. D. Master Henry Lambert, No.
17", Pittsburg.
R. W. (J. Wardeu J. A. Simpson, No.
110, Philadelphia.
It. W. G. Secretary William Curtis, No.
2, Philadelphia.
R.'W. G. Treasurers M. Richards Mucklo
No. 40, Philadelphia.
R. W. . Rep. to G. L. U. S. J. J. Liutz,
No. 107, Erie.
Tho newly installed officors of the Grand
Kucamprucut of Pennsylvania, are us fol
lows :
M. W. Grand Patriarch Charles Kockors
perger. Al. E. Grand High Priest Willian Mors
lander. R. W. Grand Seuior Wardou William II.
R. V. Graud Junior Warden William F.
R. W. Grand Scribe William Curtis.
R. W. Grand Treasurer Henry Simmons.
G. I. Sentinel N. B. Arcbumbault.
G. O. Sentinel George C. Hoster.
R. W. G. Representative L. C. Zimmer
man. ". . " . til . ..4
j GMcfllUiigS (fllltoriol (tub
Deaths in Ealtimore last week, 65.
l'opulaticu or I'biludelphiu, 020,1100.
Tho constitution or Oregon disfranchises all
The population or the city or New York is
estimated ul 2,000.
The Wisconsin Legislature arc about-to
restore tho death peuulty.
The I.eeitdaluro or Oregon, at its last ses
sion, divorced sixty couples.
The grusshoppeia or the West are said to
bo ou their way to tho Middlo States.
CJueen Victoria entered upon the fortieth
year ot bur existence ou huuuuy lust.
Lady 1'ruuklin. widow or '.ho celebrated
Arctic uavigator, is at present in Algiers.
rj-i"The track. layers on the Northern Cen-
tral Railroad aie prosecuting their work with
great vigor. It possible thu entire track will
be luid by Saturday evening or aotnclitue
Saturday night.
Ton thousand copies or Ileury Ward
lleecher's "Lift) Thoughts" have already beeu
"Mother what makes the ocean get angry?"
"lieeuuso it bus beeu crossed to ofteu uiy
An adjourned court foa Snyder couuty, will
be held, coninieucing ou thu 23d or August,
and to continue ouo week.
Lieuteuuut I. S. Waterbury received his
commission Irom uov. 1 acker, as Touuaco
Ageul on the l'enusylvauia Railroad.
Twenty llostcn nierchnuts have civcu
Moyor Tieinuun of New York City, a car
riage aud horses, in appreciation ol his char
acter. My character," said un uldcrnian, who had
cleared nimsell irom a charge ol bribery; -my
character, sir, is like my boots all the brigh
ter lor blucaiug."
John Pean is enjoying "his own Mary Ann'
in New York, while the "stern parieut" has
gone to Europe, leaving them aol a single
"red." John U inarkor at the Custom
House, at 50 a month.
SiTitKMB CotbT. This body, which has
been iu session at Ilarrisburg for the lust
fortnight, adjourned on tu 25th ult. until
the 14th ol July. Many important decisious
nave beeu giveu during tboir session.
I'be damage by the Crevasse, two miles
abort New Orleaus, is estimated t 5,000,
000. Sevorul sugar plantations tru iu such
a condition that uo crops can be expected
irom ineui lor two seasons to come.
515" The Hartford Cowrauc says a dictionary
is soon to bo published which will coutain
ten tbousaud more words tbuo any of its
pr" The Carlisle Democrat says i On Sat
urday last a fight took place between two
butchers, named John It. Noble aud James
Moody. In the affray Noble bit off a greater
part oi Mouay s ear.
6JT Cokchess John Foley, Esq., of Pan
ville, has beeu named as the opposition can
A Kim.ed. A letter from
tho Keniinolo agency, went of Arkansas, soys
that "tho Creeks hato killed tho notorious
Indian, Yohi, who has murdered so many per
sona during the last few months. Thoy shot
him three times."
Met tin fi of the Kansas Commisionerf T.lcc
tion Day frcdA Rumored Rattle.
LiiATCNWortTU, May, 26. Tho Board of
Commissioners appointed under tho Act of
Congress of Moyllb, was convenod at Le
enmpton May 21th. Present J. W. Den
ver, Governor : Hugh I . WaUh. Secretary j
C. W. Babeock, Preidcnt or tho Council ;
Georgo W. Dcshler, Speaker or the House,
aud Win. lloir, District Attorney. The
members of tho Board woro sworn in by
Judgs Ccato. Tbo Commissioners organiz
ed electing Governor Dcuver President aud
Hugh S. Welsh, Secretary.
A commiltco of three was appointed by tho
Chair to prepare the programme Tor conduc
ting tho clocliou provided for by tho Kansas
bill, to report at tho next nicttiug, to take
place on the 31st inst.
Ou motion or K. W. Babeock, it was unani
mously agreed that tho eluctiou ordered by
the Act of Congress shall take place on the
first Monday of August next. Adjourued.
Governor Denver, arrived Lore this evo
in ii p.
Rumors are iu circulation, of a battle hav
ing taken placo on the Southern border, be
tween the Pico Sluto force nud a party of
Misseuriaus, iu which twenty-one wero killed
and eleven wounded. Tho news is not con
sidered authentic.
linpurtnnt Rutiiur.
Washington, May 31.
It is understood that a Special Messenger
has been dospached to day by Lord Napier
with instructions to tho British Admiral in
command of tho North American fleet, which
are to bo di liucrcd to him wherever ho may
be round. Tho messenger will first proceed
to Halifax. The tenor or instructions is uot
Loril Napier DisimtiU to I he 111 lllili Admiral.
Wakhincto.n, Juno 1. Lord Nupier has
desired that his despatch to Admiral Stew
art, commanding thu British squadron iu tho
Gulf, 6cot from Washington yesterday, bo
forwarded from Halifax by a special steamer
to Bermuda. He had advised tho Admiral
to order the discontinuance or tho visitation
or American vessels, pending the instructions
or Her Majesty's Government.
Tkr Kouu Troubles Vn, liko Preparations.
Sr. Lot-is, May 31. Thirty boxes or mus
kets have been shipped Troiii Jefferson City
to the border counties, in charge oT (Quarter
master General Hackney and luspector Gen
eral Blakey, with the confessed design of re
pelling the invasion or Missouri by marauding
bands from Kansas. It is probablo that the
militia in soma or the Western counties will
be culled out.
Tarnailo In Illinois 1 iitrni I'rrsoiit Killol.
Monmouth, III.. May 31. A terrible tor
nado passed over Ellison, about twelve miles
south or this place, last night. Every house
was blown down ; fifteen persons were killed,
and several others mtafiy injured. Tho vil
lages contained f00 iuhuriitaats, and the re
port says that none escaped injury. No par
ticulars have been received. The excitement
iu tho vicinity is intense.
Ah Intlinu Jlattli.
Chicago, June 1. Thu St. Paul papers oT
Saturday contain accounts or a fight between
a band or fifty Sioux Indians, encamped near
Shakapee, and two hundred Chippewas. The
battle resulted in favor or tho Sioux. Four
of thu Chippewas wero killed aud six danger
ously wounded. Two of tho Sioux were
killed und twelve wounded.
AMirrlemt IHonilnation.
Sr. Lous, Juno 1. Tho American Con
vention assembled hero yesterday, and nomi
nated Judge II. R. Gamble to represent the
St. Louis District in Congress. Judge Gam
ble has not yet signified his acceptance of the
Sailing f he Wabash for J.imnlra.
Nhw Yciiik, Juno 1. The U. S. steam
frigate Wabash sailed this foreuoau for Ja
maica. Import aitt Rumor.
The Ti an.'it Route in Poscessitm of Knyland
and 1'rance.
Washington, Juno 2.
It is reported here this afternoon, that England
and France have succeeded in obtaining control
uf the Nicarayuau Transit route through the ex
ertions uf their respective agents in Central
A nterica.
A gold medal has been presented to Mr.
Crow, of Pennsylvania, by the Keystone
Club of Kausas, upon which is tho inscrip
tion, "l-'irst blow for Freedom."
I'se the Oj iiaenated Rittcrs, and you will
havo no cause to complain of lussiludo debili
ty, or uny of these complaints inseparable
rrom our Spring weather. They are regular
ly prescribed by some ol our most emineut
physicians, in cases ofludigestiou of Oyspep-
l.s-AiiiiKTii.v. The iuaugnratiou of Lord
Mucauluy as High Steward of the ISoroueh
of Cambridge, England took plucu May 11th.
Lord Jiucou ana Uliver Lrouiiuell liuvo been
ainuug his predecessors in the oflice. Lord
Mucuuly will probably, lor the future, get his
best suits at the llrown Stone Clothing Hall
of Uockhill & Wilson, No. OIK! and 005
Chestnut street above Sixth. Tho same es
tablishment has a spondid stock of clothing
ou baud suitable tor the youud Muculeos, or
other youths.
Jullowuy'i Pills. The stomach, in some ot
its diseased conditions, turns the rood it re
ceives to poison. It supplies tho veins with
a fiery principle which creates iullamniation.
Tbo liver sympathises with it, and produces
: 1 I : t .. it .i 1 .1 : . -
UC11U U1IU. 1 IUUI ll'dUlb UlUt
rlucs, dysentery iullanimution of the bowels
congestion of the brain, afloctious or tho
throat and lungs, and numerless external dis
orders. Yet there is uothing easier than to
relieve a disordered stomach and restore the
digestive powers to perfect health aud vigor.
Holloway s Fills act upon all the machinery
employed iu that wonderful chemical process
by which aliuieut is changed into blood. A
course of this preparation is u radicul care Tor
indegestiou and all the disorders or the bowels
to w hich it leads.
Many cases of Hysentery, in its most se
vere form have beeu cured by the application
of Ha Yall'sUalvanic Oil. Cholera Morbus
and all diseases of the bowels are relieved in
short time, by a few drops of O'alranic Oil.
Aoixta roa Du V all's Galvanic Oil Friline
Grain, A. W. Fisher, W. W tinier, C. Wenk, II. D
Aluiit, ltergsticaiici A 11 till.
CllOt 11 & ll.iHER'S
4?4 unoADWAV.Ntw venn.
I it" These Midline are now justly admitted
to be the beat in use for Family Sewing, a new
strong, and elastic stilch, which will not lip,
even if eyery fourth stilch le cut. Circulars
sent on application by letter.
Agent Wanted.
In tbis place, on Tuesday, the 2olb iuit.,
by Y. M. Kbindcl, Esq., Mr. Alexander
Cassvt to Miss EuzaSETH UorrMiv. all or
tun place.
ITU ton RRWAfin wilt I paid fof any Medicine
thai Will eel I'RATT ft HUTCHIin'S MAGIC OIL
Cnr iiq f, Hiiwliiff dined?: Rhctimatinn, Neumhrta,
fpliml AfTeetloii, Contrneled Jomte, CI. olio Paint, I'aina
In the nt Uiiek, llomliiiihe, TixHWhe, Ppininn,
Thmnt, Cuta, llniiaea, Hum, nnd all rlttcnara uf the akin
Mnaelea nnil the t.lnnda. None genuine without the aig
nnture of I'btt HiiTcllra atlaelied to eoeli 1ll.el.
rrincinl min e, S06 Wmhiiicton atreet, Uruoklrn, New
York. rVil.t l,y
Albert W. FUlieiDiupRiit, Market atrert, Sunbury,
TIiLs is to certify, that I Lavo made
bnt one application of the Magic Oil on my
finger, which havo been drawn from contrac
tion of the cords, brought on by rheumatism.
It was of seventeen months standing, and I
now entirely cured. I cheerfully recommend
it to all afflicted likewise.
Ilarrisburg, 72 Locust street.
July 25, 1657. Iy.
On tho 30th ult, hr tha Rev. Jacob 1:
Wampole, Samiti. M artz, to Catharine Ann I
llauisii, both ol Sliamokin lownsnip.
In Danville, on Friday night last, about 12
o'clock, W11.1.IA.M Kitchen, Esq, agod nbout
70 years.
In Shnmokin, on tho 2Gth ult, Marv only
daughter of Frederick and Rebecca Dipner,
aged 2 months and 9 days.
In Sliamokin, on the -1th ult. RurunN son
of Adam aud Elizabeth Adams, nged about
1 year.
Sfet pitlici
Philadelphia Market.
May 13,lfi:iS.
(jitAi.v. Tho receipts of Wheat continue
ipiito large, though tho murket is inactive
Good red is held ut $1 00 a $1 10, and 1 20
a $1 l.i for good white. Rye is steody at
70 cents. Corn is scarce, nnd light sales
aro making nt OOaOl cents. Outs nro in de
mnnd nt 35 ceuts.
Wheat, $1 4(l 50 Butler, - $ 20
live, .... 75 Eges, ... 10
Corn, .... 50 Tallow, ... 12
Oats 37 l.ard, ... 12
Uuikwhcat, . - 02 Pork, .... 8
Potatoes, 50 Uecswax, St
New Advertisements.
i.i:ai:n the list ok pricks at tiik
People's One Price Store.
a i:urRy, pa.,
1.VI3 received their large and choice nelert-
ed stock of
Composed of an endless variety, and to which
they respectfully invite the attention of the pub
lic feelinn assured thut their Inrc assortment
and great variety of all kinds of Goods combined
with the eiceediiiRly low pi tree which they are
determined to sell at, will render entire satisfac
tion. ITT COFXTRT rilODl-CR wanted in ex
change at the very highest market prices.
June 5, 1 858.
CAMKtxthc premises of tho sub.-rii!rr, on
tlu 25th ult., a stray maro, 8 or 10 years
old, about medium size. She is full footed, gul
led on each Nile uf the breast, and in color a dink
brown, legs, inane and tail black. The owner is
requested to come forward, prove property, pay
charges and take her away.
Lower Augusta, May 28th, 1S5H.
State of the Farmers' Bank of Schuylkill
County, ou Thursday Morning-, June
3rd, 1858.
IliMi dovrimt. J awl loans,
sn'i.-jii o: !
6-j..iiD ;u
! item i.muii. ....
liolil anil Silver Coin,
Due by other Jliiuks,
Note of o.het UuuU,
gtll.'-i-l S7
l,HW IK)
41.310 57 la!i.
Due to rteporltiTS, - . - g,",l,cr, 07
" " CMher Hanks, - . tf:(rt -Jii
" " Counnoiiwetillri, I .TlVi 15
Nitca in ciicuLuhmi, - - Ui-.-JjO fin
SUI.'.'IS -M
I eertify the Hlve sliitruient M tie rnrrret, as lak
from the tjooks of the Hank.
1- V. CAKK, Callner.
Svvoin and iiliflciitied liefore rue, )
Ia(i line, J. I'. )
June 5,1 M
State of the Bank of Northumberland
June 3d, 1858.
Cnpllut Pl'fk, ..... SdO.OOO 00
Notes in eiieulation, - 13.S.1JU S7
Pri'lil and Lom, t-,017 10
Dividends uuiKiiil, . l,!tt TO
Diseoilula, Interest nnd I'.xduiugc, . . 1,601
Due other Hunks, .... 0,'.'!3 59
" lU'poaitnri, .... C,( 51
tl-jr,10-i 11
e-M,731 15
31,719 Ii
- 4, NO 00
.009 H . l
1.317 P7
31i.ini OS
e,l!9 II
JI.6I0 (HI
41,050 W
Hills Dipfvmuted & Iiana
Pepuivlvutiiu Plate 5 per cent Stoek-
Hunk of Noithuinberlaiul Stock,
Oiher Stotka,
lteal l'.itatc, -
1'rolest uecounl und Current expi-UBe.
I 1W lv f'.lv ItniiLa . - -
" ' Country Uanki, -Noteaof
other Hanki,
I C'utli ilenia, - -
teeie in Vaults,
Pr7,16e 41
I Certify that the above exhibit of the uiluiia of the
Hank of .Vilhuinterlaud is just and true to the beat of my
knowledge aud belief.
J II. rRU'STLEY, Cuihier.
8voru and subscritcd before u.e.
(iSued) JOHN CAKE. . P.
June S, 1?58
Dr. W. II. M ill l .lOlt,
OV City, late of Philadelphia, where
lie hus beeu iu succvBAiut priicticc far u miinhei iif
) tars, received bis etlucalion ut the best Mcdicttl College
Iu the t'uiled plates, aud bad the expvlieiicc aud pructice
in the diiteieiii Uospiuils lor scveiul ycnis, a uieuibcr of
Hie Auulticui Medical luiutiita oi Kcw Voik.audluie
tiui;coiiof ihc L'mled rtalcs Navy, now olltrt-liiuisrll to
the public to attend any roleioual calls.
I he purest incdiciiica alwuvs on baud direct from the
best tilioiaiorie. ol our eouuiiy,Hiid the ILitanicul (jai
dciuol the world. Nit palaot liicdicin preset tbed or le
couuiieitdcd. Ittedtciiics anett only wbicti will not break
down the constitution, but will icuovat the a) stem iioiu
all injulics it has Kustained Irom nuueiul inediciucs. Chut
me and dinVult diwusca must be treuted upai aiutlytieul
pilliciples, which is to know aud as certain what disease
is Its nature and diameter leqnire a knowledge ol Hie
ebenucal cunslltuciits ol every solid aud iuulof ihc huaiau
body ; the cluinpoA those aolida aud aluuta are capable W
undcliJoln. Tuklluw what liiediciuea to eaiploy to eui
diseuics ruiuircsa kHowlede of iheeheiiuealcoiistitueui
ol all agents einplo) ed in medicine j and if we ara iu no,
session ul this kuow kldgc, it is Misaibl locuie any disease
no niulter ol bow km( ataiidiug and leav the nutieut
in a hcalihv and nericctly curad condiiion.
Melancholy, Aberiaiiou, vt ilia l state of alienation and
wcaknessol tha mind which ItnJeis persons im-aiwble of
enjoying ilieplcuiuresufiieirorinin the dulieaofiiie- ttvs
pepsia j that distreasina disease aiul ft II deal roysf o( iiealt h
and uappiucss, underiuiumg the couatituUiHi, and vawlv
carrying Ih.nisande to uutuuely gi.vcs, can moat eiaphatt.
eally be cured. Hheuniatum, i.. any form or .Hnljitou.
chronic r acute, warranted capable : oi ulluil
sickness; all clirouie and stubborn cases of Fssua'a lii.
seases radically removed ; ball, and every deaerin.
Iionot ulcaiatioiui, Piles and Seruloua Uiauata, which
have battled aU pravioua uitdical akiU can k cmed by uiy
Iteaiinant, when Ilia tsuiiaututioti u mH exhausted
I do any all diseases (yes, Cmumi motion) cua be cured.
IT" Cancer cured without lbs knit.
1 will lemaui la uiy urhes on Wkdmsbavs and Iatvi
rs. flora o'ekvk A. M , t 3 P. M , lu aiMwmaMxIai
uucnis now a aistauca, and eoiisua hi lha fcinjlish aud
(jermau Uuiiusgts. Will luak aisiu t any dutanc If
required. Slay be addressed by Irtlct, t'ultoit feuoair,
Laucastcr city. Pa.
Juuti, uai-e.u
Agricultural Warch
Am. 21 and 23 South (,th
nrf Chclnxit streets. Philad
nlwoya ntirn to the I
intrrealcd in Forming ,.r r:..i.
auliacriltera therefore invite tho public
to call and examine the largo and wc
etock of Agricultural Implements and t,
grrat variety of llorticult rnl tooU y
(iarden and flower rerda Grans ,
t?ed ol tho moat Itrliahle Q.ialitv, w
offer for tale at the lowcat cash i.rirea
or retail. 1 '
Tho sgricultnrnl implements told 1
mostly manufactured nt our iean
Urialol, Pa.
Having find llp ntabliihmeni
reffard to expense, with tho most comi
chinery for the manufacture of v.,:...
j scrtcultural implements, we are prep,,.
I ply all articlca in this line of the very bea
Mntlrcthi Warranted Garden Set
been before the public for upwards of ,jx
their wide-spread ropulnnty and the ir.
demand from year to year are the best c
of their superiority over all other,
tV Country merchants can he tupiili
aeeda in papers, or in hulk, on the nj0
Bloomsdale, near Dristol, Pa., our gar,
grounds, contains three hundred and
acres, aud is the larRcst establishment of
in the world. D. LA.NUKETH & i
Noa. 21 and 23 South Sixth St., Plrtlm
I.nndrcth' Rural Register and Alma
1B6S, containing a monthly Calender
Farm, Gaidei and Greenhouse, ctx i
(.iiatis upon personal or prepaid aipliial
Philadelphia, .May 22d, 1858.
jyuTICK is hereby Riven that the undei
have purchased the following article,
at Constable' ale, as the properlv of
Houghton, of Point township, IS'orthuml'
county, and that they have loaned the sa
him until they see proper to have it rn
namely : Ono Cow, Two Shoats, Two Sr
One Iiuteau, Eight (,'haire, Two Beds an(
ding, 200 lbs. bacon, Ono Clock.
roint township, May 22d, 1658 4t
To the Supervisors and Overseers of the
of I'jiper Augusta, and others interettt
TOlj are hereby requested to meet th
dcrsigned, Auditors far said township, t
Commissioners' oftice, in riunburv, on Mm
the 7th day of June, for Ihc purpose ut t-et
the accounts of snid township.
All persons indebted or haiiig clainw on
township arc hereby notified to attend fit
above time and place.
RAHMAN CAM 111 EI. I., )
l.'pper Augusta tp., May 22d, 185S 3t
TIIIE undersigned having been appointed
A ditor by tho Orphan' Court or IWthuir.l
land county, to apportion and distribute the as. )
i the hnuils of George fc'ei'er, Executor of Ja
Oroh, deceased, to and among the parties ei
tied thereto, will attend to the duties of his s
appointment at his ofhee in the Uorough ol Sun
ry, on Monday the Ulh day of June, next
10 o'clock, A. M. All persons interested
t tl,c notice.
Sunbary, May 29, 1S5K. :!t.
parsons indebted to the subscriber on tu
mediate, payment, as they will save cost--.
Sunbury, May 22, 1858. St
'IIin account of A lei under Jordan, K,,
Trustee of John P. Helt'eiistein nnd win
Henjairin l'attrn und wife, William Atwui,
and w ife and delia llelfenatvin, bus been file
ill the Court of Common Pleas of .Nortliumher
land county, and will he presented to the naii
eourt on (he first Monday of August next, In
1AN1 III. I'.KCKLEY, Troth y.
rrothonotnry's Office-, )
iSr.nbiiry, May '-'.', lS"t! 3t J
Uy ti?tue of a certain writ of Vt.x. Exrnstr,
to me directed will be ex pored to imlilie sale, at
tuc ruMic House ol M in. M . Weaver in ihaiuo
kiiilown, (.'oal township, Northumberland couniv,
I'a., on Tuesday the loth day of JIM:, IH.Vs,
the follow in)! dcrihed propeity, viz:
All the defeinlent'a inteicKt beitnr the nirlace
rijjl't of and in all thut ceilain piece or parcel of
land, situate iu Coal township, NorthuiiiheiianJ
county, bounded aud described as follows : Uc
giliniug at a poM five hundred and twenty feet,
south 8tf degree 2" minutes east Irom a post on
the eastern line of a tract ol land surveyed in the
name of Samuel Clark, which said hint mentioned
poet is one hundred and fifteen feet, north one
degree and 89 minutes east front the point where
Ihc eastern line of r,'id tract of land in the name
ol Samuel Clark intersects the centre line of the
1) ranch Kail Koad to Big Muuutain ; thence fiom
the first mentioned post, south H8 Megrees
minutes east 480 feet to a post; thence south
I degree and 38 minutes west 27ii feet to a
post; thence north 88 degrees and 22 minutes
west 481) feet to a post ; thence i orth 1 degree
and 3t; minute cast 272J feet the place of be
ginning. Containing three acres, strict measure.
Seized taken in execution and to tcr sold a
the property of William Atwuter, William Ka
gely, Charles S. Khrhurt, Joseph Zurrn, Jonas
Uilger and Daniel Yost, Trustee of the Slia
mokin Collegiate Institute.
J A M KS V A N D Y K L Sheriff.
Sheriff'a Office, Sunbury, )
I Y virtue and in pursuance of a decree of tho
-1 Court of Cmiuion Picas of IVorlhumbcr
land county, will he exposed to Public fait', ou
the premises in Delaware township in said coun
ty, on THLTtSDAY the Uth day ol JI NU
next, at I o'clock I'. M., the following described
real estate to wit: A certain Frame FLOCK
ING MILL, with five acre of Land covered
with water appurtenant thereto, situate in Dela
ware lownahip, Northumberland caunty, ai d
hounded on the north, outh and east by land
late ol Isaac Vincent, deceased, and on the tun
by a public road. Also, one nne of laud appur
tenant, bounded by Und late of David W alson,
dee'd ou the wct, and by a public road on the
north. Doing the estate of the heirs of Isaac
Vincent, deceased and Maria Vincent, and will
be told agreeably to the condiiion and oid. r of
our caid Court ol Common Pica thereupon,
which will be rnaJe known ontlie day of sale.
JAMES VANDYKE, thcrill".
anerill'i Office, Sunbury, ;
-May is, 1S58.
IS hereby given by the undersigned
the Treasurer of the Common echools,
meet the undersigned Auditor at the Coinmis.
ioner' effice, iu Sutihury, on Tuesday, the Stti
of Juue, for the purpose of settling hi account.
Al! persons indebted or having claim, are hereby
notified to attend at the time and place above
nteulioned. HA KM AN CAMTUELL,
May S2d, '.658.-31
m.TfiTirE ia herein B-ivsil thai my t
Flichertv, ha lelt a bed nd board with
out iut eauae. I therelore, Isereby iiolily all
peraons not to Itust said Mary Flatherty on my
account, a I will pay no debla eoiilracted by her
utiles compelled bv law. ......
Twtorton, May S'M, I!8.-3t