? ( WHIIN I AM OLD. Vt Ncn I amoks-antl, O Nv tern till life's S'vect morning yield tu iivm, A: :1 u.H'ii't treed", fft.iil enruett agltt He "tuilcd hi Ihc s.leinn irirlit- Till I k weil Will win m life when I c.d. Wlifi I on oil Hil 1'rerriy eMrih Vil l.'Se f 'I ' us v itc if north - The stre-imi mil have mi miJ.-iteue Uf niluf no! !) tight llinr own ; .a.i:d .; liinj't sw-'-'t puwerin dm ioIo.J I t icy chanr;- when I iitu ; I. Wli-ti I am old I rVull in tcue T, !e.!, with rloiv- is my i ,.. l.ni ' : i. lit lt !Vi va'ii e oi ir.i.j lilliif. slid 'VS'l, .hi"", t-i .'l! it-; : tv t .f v. nn.l tlr.' U co.J Y.Yl ( I'i'.rci tut- p wM - v, t;;-n 1 r.ni o i. W',-:i I u'ti .v t. nr" au'ii lrf t i.I t- v . ! VI l i:- -.r'l., t ! r i lo.c C'f e'se. tlo-ir !. '.;-) Yfl.'.t, r- s.f.1. 1 i j . ; : l.'.c.r S int. r.::'e '.v.t.i '.i it. , :.l ,I:UT. ', U-.l w.:l :. : 1, ive AUVf .'. t: a! - v,Vi. 1 13, . J 'I. W I .V:. , lt l.i;t,el 1 J ri.uisoJIy w'ei ca t-.i:;t.l li;c.u' Th-mii? thorn fn vatui ! i:n:!t I '.f.t ni.-.rHs i! e I'lirinislup i f i r.t : ' i' .viu le so ta.t to have I? ?iu c-.JJ nt itionre to in? when 1 am i t Vh-n 1 .im X ', - C) ,.iv it ;eilrt 1-iko i J l.iiuejr .f iltei.trs, To I ietarc in prophetic rl.) n.e 1'hat ilini, nit itistant, siavt.iwy tin.- . .i dittu.t tl at it t?nr. o'er Ui I Tvcn tl S5j "When I ;,iU uli.'' Wt.'-. 1 ntn olj rerh.ipi e :e t.cn I efn'.t V ni:s9-t :i?m hrui.ts ot n-i; t-erhip mv ilwtllipj will I.m f-.'uijil Ceneath the preen rni'l QiiiiM intiiiil, RIy name by stranger h.iiivU enro'.lt i Arr'i. the ilcaii c:t 1 cm oM. Ere t &m rl ' thjl time ii uiw, K.T ynuth tits Ugl.tly on tr.y tn.w i My liriitsnrs ftim, tinJ nuong. m.il fie?. Life i.ai a thaisaud charms for me ; Charms that will thr.it liiSucucs h.-UV Wi;bm rry heart ere I an. clJ Er I am cU-0 1. 1 mc f ive My life to !edn.i. g U v to t'.vv ! Then l.n ! I rr.ef. with wi'.l.nj l.eart Aa early "ui!:tn.-i:i to fief art, f: flr.i! my lenjilwatJ dnyj c.i.s.-led iiy Ojd's svrtet peace wneu I um t:j. Jauncr department. Training Elackborric3. Hovev in tho April number of hi M.iga tiiioofflorticultr.ro, h?.a n pood citielu oti blackberry culture, in which lie recommends the horizontal tra:u!ng of bluckberry stolks as being not only r.i Jro conJjcivo to produc tivcncM, but. aa affordiiig much better cenve Dieneo for plc'iinj; tlio fruit nhen t'po. II who have cult vatej or observed tV.e tutnrr.1 habitt o.' tbo blackberry know tlat, nlthongb tlio root r.ppoars to be'prcnniul, the plant in fu:t biennial j that the s'.oik grows or.o year, bc;r3 fruit tlio noxt, an l dies. He would for ir.stacco take tlirac tlir.t prow last year nnJ this Epring beud (hem down horizon tally end tic them to etakos. Tlie?ow;ll bear this season, la tho monntimo let tho younp iboots that start up this fjning grow up atraipht perparntory tobvir.g tied dowu hori zontally next spring. Tho following sre Li directions iu the nrtl clo referred to : "The ii', ants should be eight or ten feet npirt. When they have attained sufficient strength to throw op for vigorous shoots these piiould bo cut into l:iur f:vo feet nud trained (horizontally) in the spring to stout stake?. Their horizontal position oc.isr-.i every rye to break ntid produce an uhundtneo cr fruit! "Durin;: the s the r.cv grov.th or bearing wc 1 fi r the tif-.t jeer occupies the centre, onJ V. to way inti tT t-.-s w.th the gathering of tho ui-trivs. Jf Iks canes crow too tall and In o.er from .hcir we.iht, the tops may be pir.thi-a cil'et the btiglit of Hve cr six feet, by which ncain; they becomu Htrongcr. Ouiy four shoots should be allowcJ to grow annually ; ull the others beiii cut away or dog lip ; II iqiberries may bo tr.iined i'u the same tsuy." "lino Cholera." Ir. (leorgo Sutton, of Anrorii, lnd , has contribi-.ted tho results of u Boiies of valuable observations on the epido. mi: disease whi.h bus prevailed so cMensively among hrg for the two last 5-oasens. It appears from tho investigatiotis that the I'iseaje. in question hits been developed almost cotoir.poraaeontsly at several different Inc.ili ties, tin 1 that, when produceJ, it teemed to ppreed by contagion ficm one drove or f.irm to n'lotlit.r. If diseased hogs nra placed among those that lire healthy, the latter aro commonly attacked by the malady in u period varying ,'Vom thittefli to C.veiity days, i'n.'ii, Bg.".i:i, whoa lii-allhy lioas are plucud in u pi-n ti'lj -ini!! one whme disea.-ied lio;;s niv kept, tha diio.nj ii o il nu 1 C i.ed li tbe.n. Jt nomt, alio that healthy hoj;s w.i) uop.irc tho uitil.ioy in i':c.:t:oii if tin y uie placed in u ei: whic.ih.id pi n vioii.-ly b'; n . i d by liue that were diieused. The.-e iire the reftilH of several euivfnl ul. sei vaticus and cxperimenN, mad,! at the ill', liih-ry of iho Messrs. U roofs, i t At;urn. It follous from this, that the ilnea.-e may be prevented by e.icu fanner keepi.i;; his Iiogs )a au inelo.-i.re to arranged liiat i'my eanuet c iii e tie.ir tV i.! ol iitiuther Lner, 'I he in-terpo-JtiMi 1 1' u fei.co L- r.ot eno ieh , s .me Ji:-tai.ee ri i.-.l iuU-rvi tie. As to l!;- e.jtnre of tho d'i-eafe, ii may be r '.r l-.d s i j,, :tter:;eltl..d beyi-ud uli .b.utii tu". .i i-; :).,'. cV.i.'iri. Niiaiernai exiuiii,.i lio;i-. ttiV- hu.-n inatie, iVmn which i:. ii)ipear thal ll.e live i. e couiis csvr.liail v in u d.f. f,i.-e iii!l4tifeit;..i: uttiuking vario'n pa;l.s uf the body tsi'iletimfs Ihe liuir.L' of the intes litn'?, ntul tiici. proiincm Iioiiraic: tiiichutges Bjiiu'tiuies l' o mucus inembninne f t ,:n:.vh. uf '. .: n p: i il acinr' Votni! inj li.i.cs tiut . f i',:c iijm.-.i lir iln,: ol the ; o!i'i i ais:r" prc.M .firry ml d.ih.-ultv of th- Uriutliini', uud ocj;uii.uli tl,.' tniic is swollen -r to. tiujc.i. cr !'.:..,!:,; is eMBCtivele ir.3ai.it-l. In , sticil.ihe t,...et?c uppeuu t0 rvfeniMe t-ry.- v. ...v toinut: sunj- Ct i,tn in. the man r.i.rt.1 i's proi'iigaiMi, r.ud the organ it at- , t.ti.K. l! ii!-u li icir.bk-3 eiy t-luselv liie I cp.E.K.t,- ..::...; ..fettle. It) x it w i-i-ee lolls, US Will (hc rt'eUltS llf Soil..! 11 eri- , limits eh ck h .vc Locu nunlo it; tnis .liitu on ' hogs, und .u L-jtopu i n cutllu we would ud- vino fanrcii, en mo f,.;t tl..j,cjr(,,iCe c.f Uie o :r.iw to u.uke iio cT iiniiiaiic uci.l, ursei.ie. or lue suipb'-tc of iron as a prevei.tulive. Ol thu inur.at.c mid, a fall grown In.g sheulj gel I about 15 draps, laigelv tillul. d w.th water. I rU'.y, or one taeulielU cf a grain it m.-onic Iauo u day ; or 5 graius of tho eulph.te uf iron Iricu a day- huso uieuns, with e.irerul seper.t.mt uf tlu diseased fibin thu heal :hy ' ui'.unals, have proved very 6,'rvieeabU in pre'- i v.nt.ng tho spread of murrain in cattle, und I u iar us inoy uuvb neeo tried, ecjually t hen. inaa iu arresting tha ep.domic among hug, vZouiiii''c Jounml. 'b editor uf tho Amherst X. 11. Cabinet be has never had to good potatoos as the years, una ue nsenbca bis auecesa tu ervaoce ot the following points : tnge oi seea. uur sued was all pro- n a uibtauce. iDg ou ligLt iuslaaj of a heavy, wot mauuring aod teoding. 'aelinc aorj lata digL-in.T. rr mctTing Potatoes and row. A writer In tlio London Agricultural CuMtte relates the following carious c.vperirocut wor Ji the attention of agriculturist! t "1 tried n curious) experiment with a Tow potatoes this iocson. Tttrlre months rinse 1 saw u let tor from n furnicr itating the great success that had attenJed an experiment the writer had innjti the prcvic.n season. It ccusis'i'.) in inserting a pea '" taen potato set mill plant tig the potato in liio usual way. Tim result, ho stated, was n y it-Id of prns oud a splendid nop of potatoes. I'ut the most imporlnht result was the entire freedom of tln potatoes .o tri'attd from any disease, nhilo those pi iiitetl in thfl tif! ttfly in tin' i f:i'i'.e tic J wrff cMetifively drteriorutl'd. 1 j wp le.l, , t'nij flnl'.Miu'iit'to try tho exprri-i mo t on :i :ii;il! .-piilo in my own "nnleii this 1 '"Jt,.!!. I pl in i ii iml i, iite Ir.ilt ti perk, only tii'lv K-f, in I'.ihi.i, enitin;; n u-ieu cut ol i'ulIi mi piitiinjr a pea lirmly in. '1'ho peas Kiw l!i.iiiri-in'd we'. I uinl List week 1 Oujt 'he pol.iit if. 1 'in.y Hi'io pnrt'eet'y frwfroin I'll t .i:it or spt t'k ol din-a mid very fine nnd I ' r ; i while in tl;o nunc hi d close o thorn was ntiotlicr lnt lulled in tl.o nine old stylo, nearly t.:ili' t f wl.li li wi re rotten. 1 leave your r.ido t lritw tlieii o-.va eoncliisions." JONES HOUSE. VSI I SS (Oniei.V, rroprlelor. j; n n i i; tit t.; , r., . y.VW AM S rUtHT.t,. recently free- I l ttilvi:.!- Mtw JU.m:, m linn uUtrif i'n.,ja I Hi)! l" i'ti 'MibtV , t;:Uffl ill's t::ci.: tT t ft in ul v:tri hv the undTneiicJ, lie -ii ft I'ni'itiu th iitumitin if his Ttiruiirr t tUiVt 'l.iiir' niinuMity, thtifto. tit v t' 1 1. 1 Kamirt-tl uu'it T-fty rt rn the ! I ln ;:!(. n lr i .titfr.tt rrotiiir . tl the ( i'y, Mn'l Pit"!) -two l"t'H Tfoiit fu , il cum, .t Kui Ij yru c Kttravtive ua vc'A 1 :ip if,it'i ir to Hit::ircT a. , IK' Cfcuii'tiJ! nrt if :uie n, w!! I'ntil.i'.rd, nr.U ' with U;tr. - q num'ifr wi'h pnnijcfting iluiir ina biu llit-m Vt'i y U itrud:. tr fiiini.t K. i 'ihe H.n.a ihc n-iit;t,.-.l (nn nht at tv Hiaters; nnd j every tr; ikrn iriij.i vrnrut. in f;tct, r:a t fn rtititd, that i inrv t.';i.''i(.c to t!.L' i-a:V;-, cimiu'i tl, and h.'H'i'inejts ol tin V:M I-i:.ny, !ht r. t .re. rout rjn' thai Ihf J..fa ; I II.irtt-'M.as lnjni nia.S: j-iMifi-t in nil itfl rippcinttnt-nm ; I ttiat cfich i!r;'nrtinr l.s ltTi pl:iiii in ehmi;? l-!xpc-! nf..-' t! am i'oiiunrtt'nt IVis n tu rvcry particuiar ! liitr f yi:;:n H-hicli i, n -ptt-d ly ihe l'r -nc!oi. will nil rd j tit tl.t'-e win i::ny i:n!io it tttfit i-tii. ft preul il'crce I t..f cinl'-it flu nay UuLuu:ii-at an fciimlur t't it bit aliment i in t h i Siil. ' 'i'j s-eurt th'ff uiii'rb!o rcr.'lt, lie l;a fvninhci.. i!io J r!:c rii.-rt'e I'nvntc I'arl m. ChnmSfi, lnniiiK i R.tom. Ac vitht:it.rc:y M-:V FIRM ; nnd !m ( tor Sai t il. lrr.-.T p H.utir.. l:t nr,d CJd liaihs. Ai. Tlte Culinfiiy jirfurunt'i; nuJ. l'tnmp Itoom wi.l rtcrive j ll. Mp.-i:il nTtv.iti:1!! tM rrvpiieit-r, whifli he trnnte, mil t-e a f Luli'ient 'U irtntft Out t'wtct w ill t Bivited. Af'.r retuniiii; liis hrfiitf-!t itnuVf to hi U friendi . ft-jii pT.ruii", t"'.r t'.e )ir:i'T.'Uj jmr-'naec to I nip extrmlrd ( l.i l.i.'t :i! ',( t.Vvt'i.y Jloust1.'1 nnd nlsii to Ills friemli ; M.-l jki'ii nf i.i ii.r "L'.'lutnt'.n (l.usr,f' C'ripe f'nnil. during : of e. ut :!.i --Ji'. ! SIU)l! wi-.r.t.s rovr.it i.y. I.:,!u:ii so. i .;$ Cra. i ANALYSIS OF LYON 3 CATAWBA BRANDY BY A. A. II AYES, M. D., .li.'iit(T to tit State of MatHK liufftls. (ii :.-LH.ir. ( 'ii -n iCTi n. A lifcht yellowU'.i 1 rinvn colored ?; iiit, bavin? n liusr.it, t ocu when evaporated t'tom clean linen it left no oil er offensive matter. Anrihzedforvolulile .ir.il fix ed dri'j-!). of which no traces ef any kind were ! found. I: color it proved t:i he due to u eulored resin an extract derived fn.ni wood. In evcrv tesj eet it is a pure spirituous lifjnor. T'iie fi;icra!'.ce cr bouquet which it pes-siecs can be inf lated , and it then appears unlike that from Cognac lirandy or Wine, being a fruity es sence resulting from a peculiar f riueutation i4 Catawba p.nd Isabella tirapef, Ciiimical CiiAB.icTrn. l.CPO parts in vol ume of this spiiit contains at GO dep. F. 461 S- 10 par's ot pure ulcohol, besides the fragrant oil. 1,0 10 parts of the rpirit atl'urd S3 parts of a strong Solution of the oil which charactcmcs this Uran Jy ; the spirit 'eft, after removing the oil, is pure and odorless, and in all its qualities a perfect spi rit not subject to charge. One I. 8. gallon of thi Brandy at Cfl deg. F. contains, besides the spirit nnd oil, only 210 gr. of matter composed ofevtract of fruit, gtun, and colored renin from wood. .Bostc.s. January 13, 18SS, Ih. CC'XE, Mate limpector of Ohio, anil Dr. Ja. Jl. Chilton. Chemist, of .New York, both pronounce this to be pure Urandy, and free from al! adulteration. For Medicinal purposes Lyon's Catawba Bran dy ln no rival, and has long been needed to an :;erici!j tho poisonous compounds sold under the lie Uie of lirandy. As a beverage, the pure arliclo U nlt.igoih.cr superior, and a sovereign suro reme dy for Dyspepsia. Flatulency,, Low ISpirit, l.an ru ir, (Jeneral Debility, ! c. cVc. Also, KSIllil.llY'S S'l'll.I. AND SPAIliv t.IMS CI! A Ml'Ali.Ml.Thr.-o nines arc made iu the neighborhood ol Cincinnati, nnd are guar anticd to l e the pine juice of the Or.ipv, und arc emiueiitly calcr.laled lor invalids nnd persons who require a gentle stimulant, and for saerainen- 1 tal purpose!. I lit til price $.1 per bolltc. A liberal dit j count made ti the tradn. De tiers will phase I tend llo-ir orders to the sole agent for Norlhum- ! belaud comity ; JOHN F. C A SLOW, lrussi"t, Milt Jii, Pa. i Fei rtrary, CO, IS.'iH. 3m. j j si . s 7 bx i:T t's H), j ATTORNEY LA.W, t'jjife in Miu l.tt uyybsite the Cuurt llausr, j SUN3UttY, FA. J C'oliretions made and l'rofes-ii nal I?uine j tnirally attctided to i'romptly and Caie,fully. I'llilAUCLPntl ll li li. fix is : i liuliitt iV Fainhoriic, Dichl iV Wertf, Djvis S; Ithnev, F. 'J'j loi & Co. ; Sui.buiy, June CO, 1PJ7. ' 51'I.T. CU.NCEN J IIA'ITID LYE OK SA. : 1 I'ti.Ml lUli, lor tale at FI.sJltlK'S Drui i Wtnre. Fiii e 20 cts. ; I I 45UMV.IHK, of !1 kinds and endlc.s i 11 variety. UKIUHT S. ' S'aubury, Pee. St!, ISC 7. ; ' j"M(VS sj f a!l kinds. etoekiiigs. I'tillurs, Sua- j i punier-, Hock Milts. Handkerchiefs und j an endless aticty td' llohitiv und Nnlions. ! ; .Suuluiry, Dec. .;, '&7. liltltillT & SON. qpjUAUTUTI, 1HSKSS tJOOliS, including G 23 I'lKiired and l'i.iin Merinos, ill. Scotch l'lrtid-i. Xilk rili i pcJ IVplins, L'a.hiurre, 'I'renton I'l iiJ, l.'ml.er hhadi s, fancy arid I'hiin iJtT.aines Valencia. I'aramvtte t'loth, Ac., just received .rid for Kule by LiatiHT & SON. ."i.nbury. Dec. "r.,'57. U'AI.I. TAi'I-R, Window hhadea. Floor, " Uarii.ige, und Tulle Uil Cloths, Cocoa Mattsan.l asoptriur ciliclc l-'ruj-'ncsi. Dec -0, le.'.V. lUiKill 1' & .SON. (i;(J VAIiUSC.i:i'i:TINi;,iiiibruc!iigWo(d li.jruin, C'olloii, and a superior a' tide ' f IIii.; Ciirj i l, .Manufaclursd tl home, fur sulu at rices to mil iht: times. lire. '.'P.V.. HKinilT A MiS. oOl) SA( h! A'-T-hi-st 'jualily, beat qual il , lur-e sacks, (.lid fur k..!e ul the lowest jure ciol.loirv, liincnirA: to.. IVc. 2ft, 1?S7. pi.iliT MONAIts, Tooth ut.d Iluir liruthe u!l i;uu!tiu, a miV onauli y f, by ,. , A.W. FlfciiLU. H'sroli It. .7. Jttgasl.frc'1, llt-rrinrj and Hhad, whoksile i?a.orieUil. Now is tho lime to purchase luh. as we are enabled to oflcr Ihtm at a lower pnc Ih.n jo,, can purchase them in the Spring. rMinbuiy, IW. y.a, -67. UltlGII T it. SON. It ENS, Cedar, Hollow nJ Glasswar. coiualmng every thins uaeful .n.l m''"1!- lt UKIGHT&bON. ' bunbury, December SO, 1857. Pfir?x0yE.0IL tu' "u-Ce-twoai.. at 7t) and OJJ centa just received by ir . .. A' H'' M'HLT. Hatch p. '!. MOI?EY CAN BE SAVED BY PURCHASING AT THE 3?8?&aa mm mint Q9osts BNBUHY, NOTRIItJMBEHLAND COUNTY, TA.. Wo hare juM received and are now opening a large and cli ice selected stock of WINTER GOODS, comprising an emllrsa variety, and will positively sell our entire stock al PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. We return our tinccro thanks tj tho public fur our incccasing patronage, aiul nhall endeavor to merit a continuance of tho same. s;. v. EiencaiT n.'. iirrot;NTity rnooircE wanted at tiieiuuhest pkices, Hunlmry, December 10, 1808. LANCASTER COLLIERY FOR SALE. Important to C'onl Oprrntui'8. 'O'll E undersigned I.fw.e. tf (he "I.ancasler Colliery," near Shnmnkin, Nortliunilierlaiid coui.ty, 1'eiiiisvlv.iui.i, vvi-hing to retire from the l'iniiif fi, otl'er lor sale the l.ejse and fixture of "aid Colliery, on satisfactory tcrnn. 'i'his Colliery hun been in operation bince lH.'jt, and ha been Ruci-PB.'1ful beyond expectation. The t'oal i a superior articles lor all uses to which Anthracite inapplied, mid a good market has been established, whieli coo be much extended. The Ilreuker and Fixtures are of tlio very bent char acter oud will recommend themselves to persons acquaint! d wi:h Ihc hoiness. 1 lie l.rase runs to January 1, 1 ! , and la a fUvorablg one for the operator. For further inforniation apply at tho Colliery in person, or by letter to Stumokiu, F. O., Nor thumberland county, Pennsylvania. COCHKA.N, 1'EAt.E eV CO. February 0, l8fiH.tf VALUABLE REAL ESTATE m OKKKIlMl AT pkivatb sale. HK subucriber oilers at private sale, a cer tain lot or piece of land, situate in Lower Augusta township, ;ort!iuinlicrland county, about 8 miles belotv Hnnliury, bounded on the west by the river Susquehanna, on the south by land ol Ocorgc S'eiler, on the cast by land ol Wm. Kroh, and on the north by land of Wm. II. Jones, containing Acres und 18 pen ljes, all of which is cleared and in a very high stale of cultivation. The Northern Central Kail F!;ad passes through the tract, and is also bound on the e ist hy the Main Itoad leading from Suubory to Ilairibburg, which together, with the Ilivcr upon the west, and the fertility ol the soil makes it a very piensaiu aim uesira ble situation. A I.S'O; another certain Tract of Land, situate in said township, adjoining lands of William Kroh, on the south, the heirs uf Ko'oert and Ar thur Auchmutv ; on tho cast Win. V. S'ilver wood, and a public road on the north, and Win ll. Jones on the west, containing 9:J Acres 151 perches strict measure. j4bout 00 acres of which aic. cleared, and in a high state of cultivation and the residue ni ).-t excellent land for cultiva tion, but is now covered with excellent timber, and if purchased soon, the purrha Tcr can gel a l.irje quantity of ltailroad Tics on the sumc. This tract is also well waterid, having several fine springs upon it, nnd every field van be wa tered thcrt bv. An indisputable title will be given and terms of sale reasonable. WILLIAM K. JM.NES. Lower AugiiHta to., January 2, 1 857. tf (TiOfli' ofi,n-"li-vj 1 j1 t'ST rcceivtd 1 v l'ailrcad another lot o ehoice and desirub'e euods consistinc in par of Fancy Delsiies new si les, Ulack and Fancy tfill:s Ueaiitilul Madder i'rints at G, 8 and 'J cents per yard Persian I'eb.'go 13) cents l'lain Delaries i-J cents U0 inches wide unbleached Muslin fij cents Also 1300 yards Muslin dif ferent widths and qualities French Cloths, Cas simercs, trjlatinelt, Kentucky Jean .Vc, at exceed ingly low prices And we coli particular atten tion to our 6-lock of Fresh Groceries, feeling its sured that their quality and our price will render entire satisfaction comn oris cqkih aw F.sarnine our tends and learn our prices, our stock presents a large and varied assortment, en abling purchasers to nmko a good selection tu the best advantage. GREAT BARGAINS, In const qunce of the advanced state of the Win ter, wc will commence Ircm this date to sell our entire stock of Heady .Made Clolhine; Blankets, Winter Hosiery, uud a very nice assortment of Ladies Shawl at greatly reduced prices Now is the time to secure good Imriruins. A PINNY S.W KIMS A P1:NSY l-AHNf.D. 11. V. 15KK.HT & WON. ivaiibury, February 20, 18SS. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOB, SALE. riHE subscribers, Fxecutors of the estate o A Henry Masser, dee'd., oiler at private sale the following property viz: A large twa story framo dwelling house, together with about 50 ACKESOF J.AND, Situate iu Lower Augusta tumiship adjoining lands of llunicl Kaufman and ethers now in the occupancy of John It. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The house isnew'und the location a good one for business. , Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONE LAN I), ill said township on the river about ft miles be low i'uiibu. y, adjoining lai. ils of J. T M'l"T.;on and others, coi.tuiuiiiK, about ill) acres. The soil is productive and contains limcatoue and other minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing ho. t 1)5 acres on the hill, about two miles ijclow .Vuubury. adjoining lands of ihe hciis of the late John Conr.ul and ethers. 'There is, on this tract, a un ill orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars applv ta the subscribers. II. 11. MASS LI?,' ) F. II. MASsr.U. F.xeculors. FKANCLS lirCHER. S Sunbury, January 19, lSjfi. tf fi'arnici.'s I.ocK to Yutir Interest1. 1 LIME 1 1 fJMlE audscriber rcsperlfully informs ihe far mers and the public generally, that he has leased the lime l.ilus of Ira '!'. Clement in Sun bury, uud lliut he has ilas on hand. uud is ready lo supply a good quulity of lime to all who in n v waul for building or fanning pui poM-s. ilehas ulsn a kiln at Keefer'a erussing 5 miles from Sunbury, or two from t"in dcrtown. r7 All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange. r;i:o. w. stroh. Sunbury, Dec. 2S, 1S.'.7. HOVERS LIQUID HAIR LYE. The O'.Miinot y of Tiof. Iloolh Bad lir MiimMe having prcvioiikly been pubh.hi-il. the iolUiwuit; is now milled from l'i"f. M.-rl.tlKl'.Y, iurulcily l''of'For ol Theory mill I'vuciii-e oi .Ku;ctne III l!n- I'cinj'.o Mrtlirul I'ollre .1 I'l-n.isi K :oita. end lale 1'iol.ki.or ,, feuigeiy tu Itie Atlitru-iiii I. o!;ryj ol Medicine, A e : riULADt-Ll'itlA, Nov.'JTlli, Mil. Jiuiilll V.. tllMsk A tn.il oi youi l.k(lll) HA1U li E will conviik-e the un-t f keptii al, ll.at it isu SIS, Ktt-.IANT, Ulld Ltt'lCAClOC p. . j,.. ial iolt. L'liiike in o.y otliu.s, it lias in sever..! niyr.'.ucrs proved svivieeabie in tbe cre of s-ine viitaneouf eruprions on the head, tn-.d t tiHVe ho lK-sitaTi ji. iu eomiliruding it t ) tlti&j rcijcii lng s ir-h an ai!icat,oii. Very rt-sueclitilly, J I'. X MeCUifKKY, M I) , 4".1. Have 11., ub .v 131 b. ItriVKK'S WltlTINO INKS, lin-lulni" IlllVCli'S tVlil llMi I I. I ID, und HtrVI'.lt'rt l LKl.llll.K INKS, still iilaiiilain Iheu l.ish eliuiactet, which t.iia ulwa los linguiklitd llieni, and the extenhive dem:iiid firl e.eated, has continued cniuleti iificd until the ptesviit. Orders addressed lo tho Manufactory, No. 4 Hi RACE stiett, above Fourth, (old No. 144.) Philadelphia, will recaiveprompt attention, by JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer. December 85, 18.'7 April 85, '57, ch. lOOO Ibu of Carpet tte "1VTANTED at the stor. of K. V. Urit-ht & " Son, who are constantly receiving a fresh aupply of tiooda, thus oll'eriiig lo the public the largest and moat desirable assortment. July 11. 1857. OATCHOLLV, JOCKEY CLUB, 8PRINO 1. FLOWERS, 4c, of the best quality j a fresh aupply just received and for sale at the Drug 8ior. of A. W. FWIIER. cmibiiry. Ae;. I, 1SS7 WE STILL SURVIVE THE CRISIS yoTWrnLSTANI)INGthcatonihingqiian ' titv offioods that I brought into town last Spring, I succeeded in selling them all out ex cept what I gave away, and had to hurry to the city, for a new lot, in order that my customers might not be put to the inconvenience of buying at other stores, whero they would be chaiged killing prices. Profiting by past experience,! have just brought on Twice as Many Goods, and I have , low the largest and CHEATEST ASiSOK'i'M.SNT ever offered within hearing of this place. I am bound to sell CHEAPER THAN EVEH, before. I need not say cheaper than my neigh bors; for that is no longer a disputed fact. I am now ruadv to deal nut Roods twenty hourioiitof twenty-four SunJays excepted al lower prices than any person dare ask tor. Just call for any thing you want. 1 am titter mined to fcl ITLY ALL DEMANDS that may be made, reasonable or unreasonable. Call soon, as the rush is Irememious. IRA T. CLEMENT. S'unbury, Dec 26, 1857. ly isTtTfall & "winter GooilTTisi UP. "W. GRAY'S FANCY DRY GOOD STORE, Market Square, Sunbury. JOW received und will continue to receive -t-l the largest und best selected Stock of UU::-k Civths, Cussimcres, Cassinctts anil Vesting., jr. An assortment of Dress Goods, vii: Fancy printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, De Lain Uareges, Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapacas, Drcs. silks, Ginghams, &c. LINEN AND WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet ing, Pillowcuscing, Ac. Dress Trimmings in Great Vuriety. lluots und Shoes Hats and Cups, Hardware, Ctdai r. are, Groceries, CJuccnsware SALT and FIS'H, Cheese, Crackers, Kegurs, Tobacco, Snuff, Ac , an assortment of other G . oi!s too tedious to mention. Feeling grateful for past favor we beg leave to a.sv'e our old friends und the public that no all , on our part shall he wanting to merit a coi.. Nuance of our patronage. country produce taken in exchange at the highest market price. F. W, GRAY. Sunbury, Dec. 12 1657. If A VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. ripil E subscriber w ill sell ot private ruin a JL FARM, situate in Point township, Nor thumberland county, about 3 miles from the borough ol Northumberland, on tho Danville road, adjoining lands of J. C, Horton, James Nesbtt, Chan. Parks und the norlh branch of tho river Susquehanna containing 70 to 100 Acres, to suit purchases. The land is in a good ttato of cultivation. '1 he improvements consist of a Inrgo f.amu HOl.'sE, well lii.uhed ; a Spring House, built over a never-failing Soring close to the house, a bank barn and other outbuild ings. Al) Oichard with young and choice fruit trees. The above tract will le sold on reasonable terms and an indisputable title given. Posses sion given on the first day of April next. For further particulars inquiie of the subscri ber, residing on the adjoining film. JAMES NESlilT. Point township. January 2:1, 15S tf C10UNTY ORDERS County orders taken ' as cash for foods, and on note or book ac count by E. V. BRIGHT c, SON. Nov. sn. tN.sn. J JO RT and MADERIA W1NF.S, Schiedam Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, Illackbcrry ind Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes at March l l, '57. A. V. USHER. JiBhinj? Tackle. Red Cork, lirsse. Cot-- ton and Linen Lij.cs, tint Lines, Sea (iiass by the yard, .Snoods, Fliei, Kirby, Limerick and t'arlile Hooks, lio ls, oic, for sale by March A. V. FISHER. e;tl) .naclc tiollll it ff Piter Miam, Whippoorwill Hangups, Mohair Kaular.e, l'i mil Cloth and Zi'luck I'nion Cuats, including a nice assortment far Hey s. IVnls, ests anJ Motikev lackets, ail sues und prices. Sunlmrv, Dec. 20, '.')7. U.VH.U IW SON. St'l'AIIE and Long lirorhe Shawls; ulso, atcrvr.ct, Uay Sla'.e, atcrloo, and Hl.m- , Let. Shawl, latest stales, ull .,11'tliiiea i.n.l ri.es. Dee. 'Hi, IU57. Illiltiti T A MlN. P. MELANCHTON SIIINDEL. j i s t m i: o p t ii ii i i; a c k', 5XJIsTa3TJIlV, FA. Ojjire in Deer Street, immediately opposite the l'uhlic Scliuvl JIjusc. All business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writings done. Sunbury, April 25. Ic57. tf .Yew IM-ii. Paints), &c. NEW supply of Drugs, Paints. Oils, Fluid, &c, just received und for sale by A. W. riSllLK. Sunbury, May 2, 1857. LAND WARRANTS. The highest p will be given for Land Warrants by tho s nee by tho sub- cribei H. It MASSER. LATENT lilllTTANIA STOPPERS' fo bar bottles tor sale hy 11. R MASSER. Sunbury, July 19. ISMi. Ititationery. A largo supply of fancy Xo!e ' Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, Pens, Ink, Sand, Ac, at March 14.,57. A. W. FISHER'S. 'pobQCCO Ol d ScgflrS. VO.llOO Imported Segars of various bruiids. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S. Sunbury, March 14. I857. ttovnen nt Caw, Practices in Northumberland and sujuiuiiij Counties. Sunbury, November SI, 1857. tf cYsElTSEFaT'S wsoiisui amd Retail BOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S.t, above Cltexnnt, J'hil'a. H OOT8, Shoes, Gaiters, Ac, promptly niuda si Jl lo order in tbe very best style, and of th. best material. Philadelphia, May 9, 1857 4 LMONDS, BAI80N8, FIU3, LEMONS, 'e.i Ac., just received a fresh supply anal for sale al the Confectionary store of M. C. UEARHART. Sunbury, May 10. 1 SS if. - WAONDERFUL COINCIDENCE. Al! Nation oft; the samo Mind! HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT. The anniversary f the introduction of Hnllowny'i Ointmrnt ought to lc jubilee Toiever. It hng anvrd ctiunttt-M multiiudn from diBfiptirement, panityolion, tnutilniitm, np-mv nnd death. ft:irtiiic frum the turfnea to 1 which it it applird, lti healing lulm findi its way through every coat nip nnd ligament of the body, to the vciy iurce and basis of ul) mi pi ive, u!cermi, tiiniirous, ant! cance roun duenscs. It diitiiiRuishen the fvhiile principle that f tods them, and the out ward symptoms fade, h rut, find pasn awuy with a rapidity incredible to those who have not witnessed it. scnort'Lous f.iuttios and ulcers. The poison of scrofula has never been neutralized or expelled by any of the remedies of the phorumcorwria The 'le tint (dote to tins virulent and destructive fitment is Hillnvuy's Ointment. Majfiidie ft Urudir, the great French and Knplish surgeons, &j tin deny or dispute th'S great luct. 'k lierc is no lurm "I scrofula that may nut be cunlrutled andemed by this bulsinnic remedy. UANCJ:KS ANDTIMOK9. The asiife or caustic may remove a cancer or tumor, hut the aecds of the terrible cxcreccence remain in the blood, and it Is soon reproduced iu n worse form than befure. Ilolluwuy'fi Ointment, on the countrary, peno trutes into the circnlntion. and pervades every infected vesicle, and ki le thediveaeu by dustu)Hig the CJirustve pdiiciplo that generated and sustains it. INFLAMMATIONS OF THE SKINS. All rathe s und ordinary eruptions, ns well ns Erysipelas, Acne, Kinpworm, Onbunclcs, icald Hend,talt Rheum, I.cpMsy. Trickly Ifcnt, Ate., ate tcmovid by a few busk npptitutiuns uf the Ointment. ACCIDENTAL INJURIES, WOUND!, Sprains, Bruises, SeaMe and Burns arc immediately relieved bv in application. The inflamma tion quickly cutm'dca, "fever and luckjaw ate prevented, and undera persuwt-iing use vf the pfcparati'Jii, the pro. ceus of healing is soon accompln.ud. Both the Ointment and Pilh should le wed n the following cases : tluiiinm Eumlxigo Sure Legs dwelled Glands Bums Mercurial Sore Hrentts ttiff Joints Chopped Hands Kritptions iore Iliads Ulcere Chilbiaina Files Sore Throats Veuerral ! jres Fietulas Khcuniutism Sores of all Wounds uf all Gout htlt Itheuin kinds kinds Skin Diacusva Sprains Pea ids ty CAUTION ! None arc genuine unsa th words 'U'.-llowuy, New York and Indon,11 are discernible as as a water-mark in every leal uf the book of directions around eucii poi or dox ; itie name may tie piamiy seen ny holding the leaf to the light A handsome reward w ill be given to any r-ne rendering such information ns may lt:id lt the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the mudicmei or vending the same, knowing them tube spurious. t S.-ld at the Manufactories of Professor HplloWav 0 .Maiden I-aue, New Vurk, and .M4 Strand. Unidon, by all rfspectuble Druggista uud Dealers in Medicine through uut the United SbiLes, and the civilized world, in boxes, at 2ft rents, ti.'i cents, and f I each. CV Tucrtis a considerable saving by taking the larger N. B. Directions for the puutance ft patients in every cieortitr are aii:.ttHi to eocti uux. October (7, 15?. I yea THE subscriber respectfully tn'orms the citi . xens of Sunbury and the public generally, that he has commenced tho manufacture uf all kinds of KAIUIIENWAKK, at his manufactory in Whortleberry Stteet, one squaro cast of the River. Ha has rngagcJ tha services of Mr. Hi nr. and you can therefore depend on having n good article. The pub.ic are respectfully invited to call. All orders from a distance will bo promptly attended to. r. M.SHINDEL. Sunbury, Feb. J. 18.Sfl.-tf K. H. liAWtlErVi H'S NEW Paper. Printers' Cnrd and Envelope WAREHOUSE, .Ye. -105 Commerce Street, I'hittulelphia. Cjta buvers will Cud it for their interest tc call. January IB, 1858 6moe. Straw-Cultcr. riHIE subscriber has been appointed Agent for 1 Messrs Geddes A Marsh of Lewisburg, for the sale uf their Straw, liny &. Corn-Fodder Cut ter. This Cutter is the best in use. Farmers und others are respectfully requested to call and er. ulninc for theniseles. P. 11. MASSER. Sunbury December 2C, 1S57. tf (iKOlUiE HKNX, ! t NN OUNCES to the citizens of Sunbury and vicinty, that he has opened an office in Sun- bury, above 11. J. Wnlverlon's oflice opposite C. Weavers Hotel, where ho is prepared to attend to all kinds uf work belonging to the profession, iu the latest and most improved sljle. All work well done and warranted. December 13, I85G. I nr. Ltn.vi ESTABLISHMENT I N i" HEfilTY OF BALT1.MORI!. M ATMUH S finy Street A'orrrooin Kos unci 25 Ntiilli Gay atreet, near Fayette, Baltimore vviiticii kepi aUvavi on liamt, or injile M cmler, every tvleut" French Tt TU- A-TKTlCtf, in JMuih, llmr, Cluth r .'rufiitflie. French Full Stuff and Meitnllioii Tarlof Arm Chairs, in iMjih, Hair, Clotli or Brocuteile. French Full Stuff Cm ved Fartur Chain in ictf, with Tlubh, lluir, Cloth or Urocatrlle. SOFAS Hn!f rrrnrh Hprina; Mahfaiiy nud Walnut Tarlor Ch.ura, in Hair, Cloth and IMum. U u king Chaiia varioue dealgnt, in Hair, Cloth and Pliuh. Kluff Sniinf Iungea a l:irpe aaaortiurnt aluaa cn hand, or n pattern inadoor covered with any gootla to order. CHAMBBR SUITS InJMahngany or Walnut, completer, from fc35 up. (.'hue Cliatfi und Hocking di. tha largest auortment reily mu-ie in any out house in lha L'mttJ &utea (row 91 j u il zeii up. IJnr Kot-m, i),1-o and Dining Ch.iira, in Oak, Wnlnut ur Mahi-gmiy, with Cane, Wood or Stuffed Seata. an OK iilinent rmbi aring over 50 dozen. Wo J ift Chaiit and Betteea and Rorking Chaira over 100 dozen. Uilt nuil I'Ihiii Frame 1Kik.inf (1!aiisea, f eveiy variety. All kitiJa uf lledn, II .ur and Iluik Mttititutura A. MATHIOT. Not 11 and N. Gay at , uear Fayeltv at , Ua'timura August 1, 1857. )y Citrate of Magnesia OK TASTELESaJ SALTS, THIS preparation ia recommended aa an ex cellent laxative and purgative. It operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and aold by A.W. FISHER. Sunbury, March 4 1856. -.-crybp ; I' ViaiV S l-i lsi ' - PHILIP H. PTJP.D7. WHOLESAII IIS (1T11L Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. E. cor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS anil families will be promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4, 1866. If GOLD PENS with and without cases, ef a very superior quality, just received. AUo a fresh aupply of Writing Fluid, for aale y H. li. MAS9ER. Sojiburr, Dec. 57. li!6- FPRKITTTRE 1 rTONITXTRK THE LARGEST STOCK EVEP1 OFFERED IN BUNBURY. Fasblonable, Cheap and Cscful THE tuWriber, long established a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer In Sunbury. thank ful for past favors, tolicita a continuance of tha public patronage. Hie flock of Cabinet-Ware, Chaire, 4 c, embraces Err.av VASitrTi ttrtt and orna- aE7?TAL in housekeeping. It is uHiieCMnarj to enume rate, as anything that may be rtiJ,iTf, in ! lino can bo had at moderate price. Cheap for Cosh, or Country TroducVtaken in exchange. Establishment South East Corner cf Market Square (7 Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber wuuld oblige him by making pay incnt. SEBASTIAN HAITT. Sunburv, April 4, 1(157. tf NEW ARRANGEMENT 1 I resh Arrival of DUUOS, PAINTS, OILS, ice. riHE undersigned raving tuken the store for. JL merlv kept by William A. Mruner, is now ready to till orders and prescriptions at a mo ment notice. Ma has a large and wall selected stock of fresh and pure DRUGS, CHEMICAL, Dye-stuffs, Oil, Taints, Olios, 1'utty, and all kinds of Patent Medicines. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported 8cgars of th choicest brands. Fancy Notions' toilet articles, and Per fumery of all kinds. Tooth and Hair brushes of every variety. Ctimphine and Fluid alwayl on hand. Customers will And his stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to cnu mcrate, and all sold at moderate prices. Remember the place, next door to E. i -I! right's Mammoth Store. A. W. FISHER. Sunbuiy, March 14, 1657. Till PaB m turn m4!-. W.s.v . . lo a i Nfrtctl F'M. atnu. ll TMuifin no wi,6oMrr Mi ir.el thus art? tthr Cn vr iBTfiTiteiJ. All kniila bt Was iai Cmtal sr stiuaUjr to. e rouble rii worhleMtii ! nff Ii- VtM-t Hnp thU stlcl ttfc.S WjVU, V rnvvttt -t ha.lBZm Ihm aval' In an lnfklLhla. Slmnlst. tax. sxr.i Hm'H i rO'M of !(' fuavl 9:inaT ugr.'rvriaxia U.Utn ol UtnelH tsHl 4 tiUfte bd racticAl ua t k taT MamiMU II tmv 111 v witvul ft:. ie airrrvui. i tv ii, not to .l whrit latlai I '. frx.t .4 lia l'.. St.. win p.fa.Ul Tb ikikd ti To- UnlWritM TbW' Cum, I 41 5 r- ist from tha aaTnalv ais ntid I t .iLr. TLr Soli j la naj as autiraW tw rnan. ifa Qaakat t-erisxtly Mil), aod tvoa?t nnnr or i tn .ul, ui f-.f-a (.tun rnskfjia w.mltl .to no r i o har fan- 1 T OTMrln la Urx-a enrvkrh to avlit it a fn!!-alMl rnS. Vhsis is naLaad kh-u! tt ! tl taricrata lLa ti rauUTttm ; U I in t arrt r'y of T.a. I v vVaV;:! il po cO.er c, A LlUi.l! Tt-1 vru-f ft aluli: bMit o4 U. ImI fir TIimoj a '-, aw..i ui aa irjj piit MH iheu " l. 5 i OH l AL DISCOUNT Ti T1IL TltiPE. na. LUDLOW CAN CO. Hit Uluc et-, .-x. 9cit.IS, fH7. NEW CONFECTIOiSTABY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. OEAIUIA11T, 1 Ji AS just received a new and excellent assort inent cf irooJs ul his Confectienarv and Fruit Stora in M A HKBT STREET, Sunbury, whero he manufactures end keeps on hand, at all times, the most clnice Confectionary, Ac, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among his stock of C'onlcclicnalics, inay be fou.-.d : French Seer-its, Gum Preps, all kinds of scent, liurued Almonds, Isivc Drops, t'renin White, Mini Drops, red and white, ' Iieinoa Jelly Cukes, 1 Kose. I'mil Uriois, " Vanilla. Slick Candles, ol all scents Common Sectets. Itoclt Candy, Liquorice, A'mond Canity, PEUIT. Itoimnas, ir tinea, luLei, I'ici, i Currant dried. Ciuoi.t. I Alinjiuii, niieriui, Nut pfn'l kiua LEMON SYltUl of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Segara and Tobacco, and a variety ol Confectionnries, fruit, ice, all of which is offered cheap at vvholrsalo or retail. ICS CREAM. He has also opened an co Cream Saloon, and will at all trues be ready to serve his customers with Ice Cream. Sunbury, May 21, 1SS7. ly SALAMANDER FIRE THIEF-PROOF SAFES. The largest assortment iu the l.'nited States. Warranted ta le eciual to any now made, and will be sold on as Good Terms, as can be obtain ed from any other house in Ihe Country, at EVANS &. WATSON'S 2S South 4lh Street, Philadelphia. Truth is Mighty, and Must Prevail. J!)ortoJ' the Cmnmiltet appointed to superin tend the Burning o f the ron Safes, at lieud ing, lbruary 27, 1857. Ki cDi.to, March 4. The undersigned, members of Ihe committee, do rc?pecliully report, that we saw the two Safes origiuully agreed upon by Furrels cV Herring and Evans & Watson, placed sid by side iu a fur nace, viz: Thebaic inusc by the Paymaster of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Compa ny, in his ollice at Reading, manufactured by l'arrels dir. Herring, and the Safe in use by 11. A. Lantt, in his store, manufactured by Evans & Watson, and put in books and papers precisely alike. The fire was started at 6J o'clock, A. M.,nd kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and halfchesnut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the superin tendence of the subscribers, members of the Com mittee. The Safes were then cooled off with water, after which they were opened, and the booka and papers taken out by the Committee and sent to 11. A. Latin's store for public exam ined and marked by the Committee. The books and papers taken from the Sale manufactured by Farrels a Herring were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than those taken from Evans & Watson's Safe. We believe the above to have been a fair and impartial trial of the respective qualities of both Sale a. JACOD H.DYSHEfi, DANIEL S. HUNTER. Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincide with the above statement of the condition of Ihe papers and books taken out of the respective Kales. O. A. NICOLI.a, 11. H. MUHLENBERG, JAMES MI1.I10LLAND. March 31, 857 AMERICAN HOUSE, WILLIAMSrORT, TA., r 3 l,' K,'-TO., Proprietor. Jab. T. Hall, Ass't. Sept. 13, lfj36. tf STIreuch Tlotll. Fancy and Plain Cassi ; mere, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, Silk, Sa tin and Silk Velvet Ve.linga, Troy Satinetl and th. ery largest and cheapest assortment ol Men Wear suitable for cold weather. , URICJIIT 4 SON. Sunbury, Dec S, '57. H0.?.?.8. & SH0ES fl" Men J " Children, a large stock, comprising Men'a ater Proof Kit1) and Calf akin Uoota, Br gana, Moroeeo, Kid and Calf akin Shoes, (Jailers aisd Uum Shoes. UR1UHT& S(. frml-nre, Dee. Stf, U37. iiehrxncs safc. TUB ACKNOWrJXQICD OIIAMPIOM 1 1 1TIB RECENT TRIALS at Rroitlns navenifntird the (nrreM of puhlie njiftiicn, and eouftined the rcidii t d( mere than wo jp, flentnl fires, proving; x liclnslver ISut "Heirlriis" is the only SAFE thftt will not burn. Eitrnet fiom ihe Committee's Repott on the Trial of Iron Bursa at Heading i 'On theMth of Fchriisry all the members of the Com mlttee mtt to witness the ufet alil tmoldi ntul pnpjs (plueed In them) and were perfectly enti.linl ihnt all yfai right. The d.tv folk.winiTi the bnraina tiKk flare, under the superintendence f 11' Committee. After a fair bihI Impartiul burning for five hours, t,ie Sifo of Menrs. Evans at Watson was first 0id,tlie Snle being on Vit inside, and the contents portiully entisunieil, while Uie aun leuts in the Safe of Meisrs. Parrels & Herring wvie m good oondition, and no fire inside." h'-ading, March 1, IP57. (Signed,) H.F.rCt.lX, 1 P.N COI.KMAN, SCommiilee A. H. PKACOCR. A And ei by over 50 of the heat men of nrudtag. The above Pa 'r"c,n he inspected si U Walnnt mtrtt, where the public C." "tielV them.elTe. , nf the grent ,p. rior.iv of the llrrln' 1 Ve''F'?ASn, defeated and used up "iiisia.. .'rn - ,r S!nwndet llnllrj- & Herring-, 31 Walnut St., Philuda. Only makers in this State of Herring's Patent ChanirM, Sufis. Thenttempt m.ide bv other pnrtica to bolMer up hs reputation ol a Sufe which has failed so ntuiillr n acci dental fires in Philadelphia, (Ranateml Pluck.) by takini; one out of an stent's store, (H. A. I. and.) made doul! thickness, (eifferent from those they sell) to "burn up1 out of llVrrins's (Imlfns Duel.) has met with ils true re, ward. Herring's Safe enuM not be burnt, proving eonclu sivelv that the only reliable Safe now made is"llerring'a' of winch over 15,0110 are now in actual nse. and met than 400 have been tried by fire without a single lost. rhila.,Jun 20, 1M7. If. ISAAC M. WILKEKSON, MANUFACT "UT E OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. SoftiA, lilssiiis) nnd Louugcs Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards. SOFA, BRKAKPAKT AM) UIM.NG TABLES and also VENETIAN ULINDSt, equal to Phii0. delphiu manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and i.rieo CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES. In short, every article in this line of his business. rpilE subscriber respectfully calls the attentioi A of the public to his large and splendid as sortment of every quality and price of . aiHAET-WAItli which cannot fail to recommend itself toevcrv enr who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made tip of the best stock lobe had in tho city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and li e subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. He also manufacture all kinds and oualitirs CHAIRS, ncluding varieties never before to he had ir Sunbury, such as Mauogxkt. Buck Wxlmt j AMI Cl-IILKll Mini GlDllUM ; 1MB WlNlison I CHAIRS, u riNtr Pixto Stools, which are j of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled j by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. ! Tho subscriber is determined that there shull he no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can bo entertained, boul the quality and finish of his ware nnd hairs. j hesc articles will l e disposed of on aa good ten. as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun Iryp eoduce taken iu payment for work. ! , UNDERTAKING II a v in c nrovid.d J a handsome Hiaiisk, be is now prepared for Lndcrlaliing, and attending funerals, m this vi cinity, or at any convenient distance from thie place . The Were Rotm is in Fawn Street, be ow Weaver's Hotel. lie has also purchased the right of manufac turing and selling in Northumberland county, Gould's patent Excilfoir Spring Hid, which he will furnith at reasonable rates. Springs put i.i old bedstead for three dollars. IS.4AC M. WILKERSON. Sunbury, April 18,1857 tf. FURNITURE FOLISH. S. H AE'S Premium J'nlfnt V, ,.... ! k ,1 ; Polish This polish is highly valuable for rcio j ling the pol:h on ull kinds of Furniture, Class, ; Carriage Bodies, Hir Cloth, Jtc. Ala", for re ! moving spots, hiding scratches, &c, Ac. War- ranted to dry immediately and retain ils gloss. Price 50 cts. per bottle. " Sold by A. W. FISHER. March .'4, 1857. S.Ull'Lt 11. OHYVIG, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on South Seccnd, near Market Street. LE WIS BURG, PA. Practices in the Counties of Union, Northum berland and Montour. All PiiorrssioNAL ltcsiNEse entrusted to h's t are whl rcceivo prompt and fs thful utter., tion. October 3, is57.iv white iioiisE hotel. POTTsVILl.E, PA. fF"K subscriber respectfully announces to his "Id frientls and the public, that he has 'uken that o'.ii and well known establishment, tho Whito ;irorso II?tel. At the corner of Centre and Muhantogo sts., ii. the I)oro:!'!i of Potlaville. 'The houte has re cenlly been very much enlarged rrnd others ire improved, rendering it quite aa comfortable any other Hotel in Schuylkill county while the stables are larije, in good condition", and at tend by careful, attentive, ptuilent hostlers. To travellers and others who may Hop at his house, he premises everj attention calculated to render them comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. FEGER. April 6, 185- if ST 4 I F VV.iTk II 1 41 jYi.iTv! CtlKAP WATC11I AND JEWEI.RV. WU'Iterf JLtH Nn,B':7A-. he .i-ii...(,,ii . ',, ""ehesund Jewell j Store UH , v- ' NorlL N-eond Street, Comer of Quarry, Philideiuhia uimuelun uo.u ..cvri uienes, lull J Uold l.i iune, 18 caret. led, Vj caret eases, ?-i.rt Silver Lever, full jewelled, Silver Lepine, jewels, Superior Quarliers, Gold Spectacles, Fine Silver do., Gold UracclelP, Lvdy's Gold Pencils, Silver Tea Spooes, set, Uold I'eus, with Pencil undHiiver lio U it I'J ti !i cr ? or 1 t M i I oe 8 is lliilil r,ne.i Uli...in ......... ...' . . 1 t'C i e.. patVu isrizx v , All good, wartauted tu le hat rhey are soUl lor tiT On hand Mne O ldh.LVS.!;er,'Le,Vad'LenY,;e. still lower than the aUive prices Lepme. I'lliludelphui, Ocloher u, Ibj7 lSV HENRY EONNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAV7 Ojfice opposite the Court House, " Sunbury, Northumberland Ceunty Pa. rrempt attention to busir.es in adioinina .ounlii's. ' s DANVILLE HOTEL." rEE3sr, jr., Market Street, Danville, Pa, rilHISiaoneofthe largest and most coromo. X ilmua hotels in the interior of Pennsvlv.ni. with all the modern conveniences. " Danvilled, tScpt. Si, 1855. HI.ANK Parchment Paper Decda and hUnk Mortgagee, Honda, Execution., Summon. 4e.. for sale b IL B. MAfeSKN. Sunbury ,Airi 6. 1858 STOVES- jOR SALE an excellent eeconsl-hand Ceok r. D'v l0X'' 11,0 IM,lerl Cylinder Coal 8to.ee. Enquir. al thie otlire. WW S'V-Vi;Kt.ATCHE8 A fcw double ca. tnglwh SUver W.tche. for sale at vUy . Wunbure. April t,. .li; a PCI