i now, from Uuli f. contrdictory nnd factory. Is to the raal intention of the oos The Nw York Timet pablishei omng from Fort Bridger, April 3th. le Gilbert, Eq. loft Sao Francisco, Ua a on tbo 9th tiny of March, and arrited t Lake City on the evening of the 2d. ' April. In hi passage through the on RoUlotnenU, he was kindly received itertaincd. Th people wrt allprepa- 0 leave the Valley. On his way up to ty, he fonnd the rood lined with families g 8oulb among whom, neat Provo City, '. Drigham Young and Ilebtr C Kimball vr families, lirighnm himseir, howe itsoqnently returned to the city, arri here the evening following Mr. O. arU Ho also passed a large number of wag oing up from the Southern settlements ist the brethom residing in the Northern tnenti to move. current report was that they vert all e to the White Mountain in the South, rn part of the Territory on the western ftbeUrent Desert. The women and en wore to move immediately, whilst all !hting men were to remain at a rear I. The families 'were starting at the rom two to three hundred wagons a day. 9 mass of the people, however, are not ible to this movement, although they repariag to participate in it, end are stly wishing that the army may eoter the ' before they start. They are beginin eu their eyes somewhat to the deception 1 has been practiced upon their,, finding instead of the Lord fightine for tbem, as mm preached last fall, and destroying enemies by cold and starvation and" the ins bocoming a battle axe in their hands rercome all adversaries, they now see our army has passed the winter more ortobly than they have, that tho Indians early all against tbem, and they have act staring them in the face that they o be surrounded no every side and forced '.rrcuder. nd yet, so closely are they bound togeth o completely are their hubits of implicit ience nud subjection to their leaders, they dare not take the least step or muke east effort ; towards throwing off, them 's, the yoke of oppression which goads i. They simply rest content in the hope desire that the United States army will trrive in time to relieve thorn, iiey have Dot planted any crops of impor e this Spring, und have not, as is usual, .is season, commenced making and plan their gardens, but iu stead, are packing nd boxing up the provisions Which lliey on hand, and which they estimate to be ) than ouu year's supply ill wheal and hn foundation's of the Temple hove been fully covered Un and protected. .ie Sunday before Nir. Gilbert's arrival, ;ham preached a most abusive and trea .Vlo sermon against llh'e President and United Slates Government. This sermon not been -published in the Desert iVtw but printed in a pamphlet form uuJ distribute liroughout the settlements, u his woy up, Mr. Gilbert passed and .ud the scene of the massacre of the Cali ia uinigrunls. las fall. He says the ground rewen with humab skulls and bones of all s, whilst the place was covered iu every ction with locks and tressos of women's . The sight of these relics of the most linan and barbarous massacre than can 'ouud on the pages of our country's history truly sickning, causing a cold shudder to i tl r u j hi he whole frame; and yet on b a spot tho Mormon guide jocularly re bed thut this would be n "excellent place a dentist's shop. lr. Gilbert was much surprised to find rn arrival in that city that they were making parations there for the expected arrival ol vei'uor Gumming. A room had been pre ed expressly, and teas in rediness fur him. .) Governor' did not start from here until 5th instant, lirigham did not object to . Gilbert's coming through to our camp, , refused to allow a gentleman travling h him to leave tho city. lr. GilLort left the city on the Clh instant J met Governor Gumming on thecvening of i 7th iust, in Echo Cunou about forty i miles from tho city, be was escorted by a ird of some thirty picked men who had ju sent by lirigham to meet him, nnd who ro piyiiig him every attention in their pow Llo expected to reach the city this eve ig, nnd will no doubt meet with a Haltering .eption. Much may be accomplished by this visit the Gov. rnor. The road from here to the city is compara bly free from snow. Thbre is n body ofBome five or six bun od Mormons on the road, these are well juiitcd on fui-. animanls, but they in . fact nstitute ulmost the only available force tlio Mornions and it is certaiuly the only liable force which they havo. 15rigiiain how says that if wo will permit m and his people to move from the valley imolested, ho will immediately move but if 3 persist in following and disturbing him he ill "send ua all to hell ucross lots." Urluhaiij acknowledges having taken all ioks, pupers, maps, ic, from the office of the ,. i:..i.fal of Utah, but says he did no in dcr li preserve ih'eiti, els tie did not deem the rsoii letl in charge oi tnem ojoim "u Tll. . . . Dr. Forney, Superintendent of Indian affuirs ft hrre on the 7th instant for Bear Kiver. to iit the hand of Indians no carfiped on that etion. '.,'. Ph. .vMlnff utetiout to the Doctor s departure en Simond. the chief of thee Indians, came ito camp, with 130 of his warriors, to escort and rolect the Doctor on his trip. Hen appears to be erfeclly friendly and satisfied, and we re now iclined to believe tLat he ireany irmniuiuju ' .h. i:..vriitnrnt. He informed u that a ombined party of llonnack and Shoehonce In ians had attacked tho Mormon aettlemenU at Salmon River, in Oregon, and killed a Urge nuui ,er of persons ; that this had troubled and enraged i.. i..rn,nn. hnvond measure, for they now de- tare that the United States is aetting the Indians .n to them. Simond also heard that Orapeen a Jtah Chief, who has been baptised int the Mor- i,.,rh had informed Drieliam that Fintick , Hub Chief, who has always been opiiosed to he Mormon, was rawing a party to steal all the Mormon homes and cattle. Tho St. Louis Democrat has the follow x unecial messenger arrived yesterday from lamp Scott, bringing the important nes bal Gov. t'ommiog bad entered Suit Lake Jity without troops, and that his authority ... i i... r.iiu ronncnized bv the Mormon )Qicials. He brings dates to April 10. ot ,uly was no resistance offered, but none was .,,,.nlatd. Driehsm Young was tome as i child The Saints hud no mission or ven : r,m tha Lord to deliver to tb( aeople. Simple Got. Gumming enured the -iiy of the Temple, and the Temple itself, ind Mormonistn uoweu iu u Of course the troops were in readiness to set and this the Danitei knew full well. ... t:i.i, that Gov. Gumming was bitten, on the Wtb of March, to the right arm. by dog that was aopposed to he wad. The dog attacked several and was finally killed. The Governor wat quite fearful and distressed about th. matter. '1 he army are living quite comfortably on rationa of thir tun ounce, of flour and two pound, of bad beef, and bad enough to keep them comforta. bly till the lit of Juoe, n. Th. kAltf Tm PnTr.AOELPIlU laaoeui. """J of O W F. Oy-.to wb. .hot trsM end then allien uimsaii iu -i - h, rbiladeIpbia,oo Thursday of last week w as taken to Boston io the early part of the Tvetk. LiMie Marshall, tb. cans. oT tb. ttugfdy ba. aufficieutly recovered to be re nioted to the residence of Itr pareut. at I.jBn, Vtu. isTEncvrma mist vtxn "K,I oic aiAjon GFxiirn l iprnstFon HIAZKR SMITH. ' i , The whole community will be shocked to Pw orihe death ofOen. Fersifor Smith, of IQS United Btntpa Arm hnn.m.nj.. r i. ... 1 - ...... j , vvMuiauuf, v luv expedition to Utah. This unexpected event occurred at Fort Leavenworth, in Kansas, UBiUrv one o ciocic, on Monday thorn ing laSt. t'le 17tti inst.. nnd hnvn nn h.rti cularg beyond those contnined in brief tele- grapn oespstctiesrrom St. Louts. ;. Uen. Smith wa. a worthy son br refinsyl vsnia. havinr bi-sn hnrn in ihi. ber, lfe98, so that he t?ss in the frOth year of "b. ui was a son Jonathan Smith, for mer Gnehier of the Bank of Pennsylvania, and afterwards Cashier nf ih lln.i.ii Mi.iu. J onatban Smith, whose father held an impor- "ii puouo onice in Uhealer county under the Colonial Govieoment, came to I'hiladolphia, during tha last century. The maternal grand father of Qen. Smith was Peraifor Kjac.r hn was a Lieutenant Colonel io tho Kevolmtm ary Army. After Koincr throuch a colleiriate run... graduating at Princeton, the subject of this Ghaenccy, Esq. Upon hi admission to nrao lice be removed to ;6w Orleans, where he resided, engaged in the duties of hi. profes sion, until tt.e period of the Florida war, """""" oiuuieorea lor service there, and server gallantly during two campaigns under General Gaines. It was here that his milita ry talent was brovght to the knowledge of Gen. Taylor, and it was upon his recommen- uanon tuai me Governor or Louisiana gave to bim the command of the Louisiana volun teers for service in the war with Mexico. He served under General Taylor iu the campaign of tho Kio Grande. In May 1346, while in Mexico, he was ap pointed Colonel of the Killo Ueciment. that was raised for the war, and far his services at me siego and capture or Monterey he was brevetled lirigader General. He was subse quently ordered to join General Scott, and commanded a brigade on the memorable uiarch from Vera Cruz to the City of Mexico taking a prominent part in tho most impor tant battles. At Contreras, he rendered efficient Bervice, General Scott, in his official report, stating that be ''closely directed the whole attack in front with his habitual coolness and ability." At Chapultepec also he was prominently en gaged, us also in tbo U nut struggle at the city gates. Geu. Scott, in his reference to the Helen Gate affair, again describes General Smith as "cool, unemburussed and ready," and theso were distinguished traits of his military character. After the war was over, General Smith, who had been (.romotcd to the rank of Major UenerM by brevet, for his services ut Contre ras, Wt3 ordered to California, to the com mand of the Military Department. Subse quently he held a similar command in Texas. In lb? 6 he wns ordered to Kansas', where he has remained in command until quite recent ly, when he was appointed to th'a command of tho expedition to Utah. General Smith has suffered siuco his ser vice in Texas, with Chronic diarrhoea, and it is probable that this Was the cause of his death'. He leaves a widow, hut milv nm con !r. Howard Smith, cT New Orleans the child or his first marriage. A brother and other relatives rcsido io this citv. The coun try loses an able and callant officer by this unexpected event, anil a large circle or rela tives ana acquaintances will morn me loss of a valuod and excellent friend, and most wor thy gentleman. Vhila. 1-ke. Uultetin. (CurrriHiii(!riKvenf t!lt New York Trib'iii ) THE GOLU MINES OF IOWA Wasiiinuton, Thursday, Slay 20, 1 358. I'lie discovery of cold in Iowa appears lb bo causing a good deal of excitement in the West, and is likely, if it proves to be a reali ty uud no delusion, to loud to great results, not only from its possible addition to the metallic wealth of the country; but from its iulluence on the streams or emigration. The Lturcnport (Iowa) State JJeniocrut says that the first discovery or gold was made ut St. Charier, Madison County, some time du ring the pust Autumn. A mun at work building a mill-dam picked up some small lumps or yellow ore from among the looso eurth, and carried them home for the amuse ment of his children. Near the close of the inter, some returned Culiforuiuns chunced to stop at tbo house, nnd, seeing t lie lumps. ronounccd them to be cold. Otic of the lumps wus sent to Cincinnati for examina tion, with a request that if it was found to be worth anything, the value should be returned in mol!cy. The result was the return of S'2j us tlib worth of the lump of gold. 1 lie discovery wus at once made known, and large numbers are now ehgaged in dig ging ror gold, with prollts varying, according to the inlorination ol Ihe state JMmocrat, from two to twenty-five dollara a day. Gold has since been found in Lee, Warren, Clark, liooue, Des .Moines; 1 oik, Lnion, Story and Johnson counties. Statements that cold has beeu discovered in various pldccS bave ap peered in The luwa City Jleporter, The Bur limjlon Oazette, The Keok uk Post. Des Moines Journal, lioonsboro .eic. II w'ersr! 21adi. souian, and many other Iowa papers. The Madisofiimi says that a lump of cold has been fouud worlh $200. Several hundred men are at work in tho diggings, and new adventurers ofe duily flocking in. Various retuined Cn'ifomiuns, conversant with gold mining, bave visited tha diggings nbd pro nounced a favorable opinion upon the-n. X rivale letters Iron) Iowa recently received here corroborate these accounts. J. L. Cur tis, Kq., of Keokuk, writing to his uncle, tho llou. S. K. Curtis. M. C.. under date of May 0, says; ''Gold is now being discovered fery plentifully!! spme of ,the back counties. mere is considerable excitement und u good many are going from here. Souie specimens are now in this place. ,T(iey go frptn here by boat to Fort Des Moines. 1 , understand they find gold within live mile, or the fort. the bizh water id tbo rivers operates airaiust tbo miners." , ., The lion. David Hilbouiu, late Mayor of Keokuk, writes to Gen. H. T. Heid. under date of Keokuk, May 10 ; "The discovery or gold in several of tho counties bordering on the De. Moines is beginning to create ex citement. Specimens are brought here daily by reliable men, who have either guthered it themselves or purchased it of the miners, so that there is no longei any doubt that gold ha. been fouud in considerable quantities. The noarest diggings to Keokuk are distant about 80 miles, llouts !6ave here almost every day loaded with passengers for the mines. Kli McMillan has a nephew at the mines who writes that be is averaging ubout SJ.i a day. Several merchants here havo re ceived letters from their customers, confirm ing the reports." The correspondent of the New York Times rays. Last week, about 2,000 negroes were landed on the north coast, betweeu Havana and Babia Honda. Two of the vessels were American and one Spanish. The schooner Wintermoycb, or New York, lauded 4.r0. Oue Of the ves e's a Spanish baik, which landed 900., wa. round ailrilt and brought in to this DOft by a Spanish cru ser. The car goes belong to Messrs Sama, Pedro Lacoste, and other, of Guinea' ren6wn, but a. they form a part of Concha'. Kitchen Cabinet, it is unreasonable to suppose that any of the negroes will be seized by the authorities, un less the English Abolitionist poper. open fires agaio on the honest and u right Marquis of Havana. 1 am personally acquainted with . ..nilnman of this cit who nurcbased one hundred at Dania Honda, and who brought ii.mnkia eountrv .eat near Havana' for .neealatioD'. This cannot be done without (,. bnnledera of the authorities, let IDem ... .h.t thv nlease in defence of their con ,Wi If a man cunnot ride bis owo horse io l;. .n.min Hiibout takibtf out separate passport for him, it is still mors difficult to L-rf . hnndrad wild ceffrocs over the rosds without deutticd by the country police New Advertisements. 3H2SHXW3 SALES. 1Y virtue of a certain writ Testatum Vanni MM, tioki ExroKii lo me directed will be ex. posed lo Public Hslo at Ihe Public House of V. A. Covert, in Die borough of 8unbury, Northuwi. berland county, IV, on MONDAY, the Tih day of JUNE, 1 858, the following property M wit i All that certain trad or piore of tinxJ, tthuwto in Point tswnihip, NorthumhtrUhd, county, bounded and described as follow Ueginning at a corner now in North fart branch of the Kiver 8uauuehaiins, originally a. ,ack oak corner of this tract and lands nov belonging lo tha Estate of bboneeter Gremogh, deceased, but now gone; thence by land U aaid Kbeneezer Grecnough'a estate, north Valrty-aeven degrees and S 5 minute weit CJ perches to a post and stoxr's i thence ner 29 degrees and 15 minutes, es XI J-IO perches to a post and stones ; thence by the aame north S degrees and 46 minutes west 73 perches to a post and stones ; thence by the same, north 6 degrees and 51 mmut'cs west 134 perches to a post and stones ; thence north 74 degrees and f.4 minute east 81 jl-10 perches to a hickory sprout an J itonci; thence by the same and lands now oi late of Sharpies Taylor, south 88 degrees and SO minutes eaat 134 6-10 perches to a chetwut oak stump ; thenre by land or now or late M. J. Kiddle, south 33 degrees and thirty minutes, weat 52 perches to a post and stones; Ihstice by the same south 17 degrees and 30 minutes eaat 33 8-10 perches tj a corner iu the North Uranch Canal ; thence south 39 degrees and 30 minutes weat 97 1-10 parches to a poat on the river bank, and thence by Ihe river, south 36 degiees aud 3fl minutes weat 3'i perches to the place or begin ning, containing 154 acres and 142 perches strict measure be the same more or loss. About CO acres or which are cleared, and whereon are erec ted a large Anthracite lUunt Furiince and Canting Houae, called the "Chulaaky Fur nace," a block of 13 rick Dwelling House consis ting of twelve tenements, five frame dwelling housea, a store house, office, grain house, large stabling, outbuildinga, Ac. Also, I. poll all the defendant's intcreat, bring the undivided one-third part of a certain otber tract or piece of land, situate in the same town ahip, and adjoining the above described tract, and described aa follows : Urgiiining at a hickory sprout and stones a corner or the above described tract and land of M. J. Diddle; thence by lliddlr's land north 73 degrees and 41 minutes cast 1 1CJ perches to a whitcoak ; thence by same south 62 degrees and 2 minutes east 21 perches to a white, oak ; thence by Ihe same, this and the three next courses, south 65 degrees and 5 minutes cast ;I2 8-10 perches to a whiteoak ; thenre south forty degrees and fifty minutes west, 119 810 perches to a pin stump and post; thence south 10 degrees 60 minutes west, 20 7-10 perches to a pine stump and post ; thence south 33 degrees and 30 minutes west 20 7-10 perches to a ches nut oak stump, a corner or the above described tract; and thence ly the same, north 28 degrees and 20 minutes wt 131 6 10 porches to the place or beginning. Containing 70 acres and 54 perches strict measure, be the same more or less, being timber laud (and being the same premises which Sharpies Taylor, and Samuel P. Huey, and their respective wives, by Deed dated the 25th day of July, A. D. 1H4H, Hccorded in the l.ccurdern Office of NorlhumlK-rland county, in Deed book K. K. page )3U granted and convpy- ed uito Sahiucl K. Wood, defendant in fee ) To gether with th ore rights thereunto belonging, and th B'.enm Engine erected in said Furnace, and the all Machinery and apparatus connected therewith necessnry for or incident to the anielt iiip of Ireii Ore, &c. Seized taken in execution and tD be sold aa the property of Samuel It Wood. ALSO : By virtue of a certain wiil of Vk,. Ktraxis, to me directed will lie expored lo public sale, at the Public House of W'm. M. Weaver in fclinino kiutown, Coal towriship, Northumberland county, l'a., on Tueaday the,, loth day of JUNK, 18f8, the following described property, viz: All thedel'endent' int'ei est being the surface right or and iiall that 'certain piece cr parcel. nf land, situate in Coal township, Northumberland county, bounded and described as follows: lie ginning at a post live hundred and twenty fret, south 88 degrees 22 minute east Irom a post on the eastern line of a tract of land surveyed in the name of Samuel Clark, which said last mentioned post is one hundred and fifteen feet, north one degree and 84 minutes east froi1 the point where the eastern line of said tract of land in the name ufSamuel Clark intersects the centre line of the 13 r j lull I nil Itoad to I3ig Mountain I thence from tho first riicntioned post, south 88 degrcrs 22 minutes vast 480 feet to a post; thence south 1 degree and 38 minutes west 272 feet to a post ; thence north 88 degrees dm) 22 minutes west 480 feet to a post; lliehbe I orth I degree and 36 minutes east 272) feet the place of be ginning. Containing three acres, strict measure. Seized taken in eiecition and to be sold a the property of William Atwaler, William Fa gely, Charles S. Ehrhart, Joseph Zuerti, Jonas Gilger and DSniel Yot, Trustees of the Sha- mokin Collegiate Institute. JAM ES VANDYKE, Sheriff. Shentl a Dince, ouubury, May 22, 1858. SHERIFF'S SALE. 1? Y virtue knd in pursuance of decree of the Court of Csmmoii Plea of Northumber land county, Will be exposed to Public Sale, on' the premise in Delaware township Hi said coun ty, on THURSDAY the 17th day of JUNE next, at 1 o'clock P. M., tho following described real estate to wit: A certain Frafnis, FLOUR ING MILL, with five acre of Land covered with water appurtenant thereto, situate in Dela ware township, Northumberland county, ar.d bounded on the north, south and cast by land late of Isaac Vincent, deceased, and on the west by public toa j. Also, one acre of land appur tenant, bounded by lands late of David Watson, dee'd on Ihe West, and by a public road on the north, lieing Ihe estate of the heirs of Isaac Vincent, deceased and Maria Vincent, and will be sold agreeably to the conditions and order of our said Court of Common Pleas llieieupon, which will be maJe known onthe day of sale. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, ) May I ft, 1B5S. J NOTICE IS hereby given by the undersigned that the Treasurer of the Common Schools, will meet the undersigned Auditor at the Commis sioner office, in Sunbury, on I ursday, the 8ih of June, for the purpose of settling his account All persons indebted or having claims, are hereby notified to attend at the time anil place above mentioned. IlAKMAN' CAMl'DEI.L, SILAS WOLVERTON, ISAAC CAMPBELL. May 22d, '.858. ut CAUTION. NOTICfe is herehy given that my wife, Mary Flacherly, lis left my tied and board with out just cause. I therefore, hereby notify all persons not to trust said Mary Flachrrty on my account, as I will pay no debts contracted by her unless compelled bv law. MICHAEL FLACHEUTy. Trevorton, May Sd, 1858. 3t In (lie Court of Common riva of Aorlnumbcriaud t oiiuly. Marlln Weaver, "I No. 39 August Term A. D. 18.8. William McCarty snd William Shannon A lis- I Brv de ritilione chel his wife. J Facicuda. NOTICE. To William McCarty, snd William Shannon and Rachel bis wifu. You sre hereby notified, that in fiursusnc of the soot writ, lo m di rected, at: Inquisition will ba held upon the pr. pniae described in said writ, to wit : A certain tract or fifec of Und, situat i(i Coal tpwnship, containing 70 acre, or theieaboota, bounded by land, now or lata, of Ludwig Gaaa, Martin (Jass, John Brady and others, on Tuestay th SOtb day of July next, til 10 o'clock A. M. of said day fur th purpos of making partition of or to aluj nd sppraise the same. At which tim ted plac you may attend if you think paper.. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. FherifTs ofne, Sunbury. Msy 18th, I8S8. J SILVER rLATED-WAHE-. ( sr Aver actors n nr JOHN b. M KAI Sl SONS, vpii G oldest Electro Mater in the United State. manufacture of every variety of. Goods plated with pure silver, Albsts, Crittania and Steel (..,. Tea Setts, Urns, Waller, Casters, Cake Pas kets, Pitchers, Goblets, Communion .Fcrvico, Spoons, Forks, JCnives, &c. All goods warrant ed as represented. ... North East corner 6th and Chesnut street, -i - Philadelphia, Tenna. May 8, 1858 ly r-r -"'in ; llato of William IlarlUolctncvr, -deceased. Daniel Bloom, Attorney Writ of.Partilion and in fact for Davi 1 liloojr., valuahoi. returnable vs The Widew and Heir or Wm. Bartholomew, deceased. . ; , .. to August Term, A. D. 1858. NOT ICE. is hereby given lo the heirs or Wm. Uarthotomew late of I,twrr Augusta town ship, Northtimbelnnd ,couhty deceased, that by virtue of the above writ, to me diwclei.', en in quest will beheld at Ihe late residence (if aid deceased, on Monday the 14th day of June nett, 1 0 o'clock A. M , for the purpose or making par tition or or to value and apprqise. the liesl state or said deceased. At which timo and place you may attend if you think proper. J A MIC VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Hunbury, ) May I5lh, 1658. J . NEW GOODS I NEW GOODS ! rpHE subscribers respectfully announce to theii friends and tie public in genera) that they have received at their Store, in Upper Augusta township. Northumberland county , l'a., at Kline' Grove, their . . i Spring: anl SMirinter fJoo'ts, and opened to the public a full assortment r f Merchandize, Ac , consisting in part ol Cloths, black and fancv Caasimercs, Checks, Kentucky Joans, together with a general variety or Spring and Summer Goods, adapted to all grades cl persons. Re a n i .Made Cltiiixo very cheap. Ladies' Dress Goods, Summer Shawls, Ginghams Challi Dclains, Dueals, iiobos A'ljuil lea', Calicoes, I) lack Silka, A c. Also, a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines, Grocerica, & c, A new supply of Hardware, Quccnsware, Wooden ware, Ac. .,..-,'; A large assortment of BrOTS and SHOES, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and drt. Kihii and Salt. And all goods usually kept in a country sloro Our display is unsurpassed. Tho above named stock of goods will be sold at prices- to. suit the times for CASH or in exchange for country pro duce at the market price. Anp shall be happy to meet our friends anJ the patrons of our establishment, and sell them goods at such prices as cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. Thankful far past lavors we hope by strict at tention to merit a continuance of Ihe same. J. F. A. I. 1'. KLINE. Kline's Grove, Pa , May 15th, 1858. ORPIIAXS' COURT SALE.' . IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Couit of Northumberland cnuiitv, will he exposed to Public Sale, at the house of John llingsman, in Georgetown, Northumberland county, afore said, on Tuesday, the 22d dav of Jiiiij, next, the following described Iteal Estate to wit : Two certain LOTS Oil PIECES) OF GKOI'ND, sit uato in Georgetown, aforesaid, u;cn onc'of which there is a Dwelling House, &c. Late the estate of Jacob Strieker, laic of Dauphin county, iecV. Sale to commence at lo o'clock, A. M., of said day, when the terms of sile will b made known by JACOU STKICKEH, Adin'r. l)y order of the Court, 1 C. liOYD PUISEK, Clk. O. C. y Hunbury,. May 15th, 1858. J Terms $20U cash, and the balance on the first day of April, 1859, when a deed will Le made, &e. . May 15, 1858. ts. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. I N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court "- of Northumberland county, will be rxpoaed to Public Sale, on Saturday, the 5lll day of June, next, at the Court House, in the llornugh of Sunbury, the following described Real Estate to wit: The undivided one half part of a certain right or reservation to wit: The right to all the Slone and the Quarry or Quarries on ll.c follow in? tract of land, situate in Upper Augusta town ship, county aloresaid, adjoining lands of John Smith, George Stiine. and others, containing tweiilv-onc acres, strict measure. Late the es tate of Henry Hannabach, doe'd. Sale to com mence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when terms of sale w ill be made known bv . JOEL WOLF, AJm'r. IJy order or the Court, 'J C. UOYD PUIlsEL, Clk. O. C. Sunbury, May 15th, .858. j 4 LL persons indebted to the quested to call and setle I subscriber are re' their accounts. Those attending to this no'.ice will sM'ncota. I II AT. CLEMENT. Sunbury, May 8, 1858 Kaliite of AuKiiHtiiii. Slury, dcc'tl. John Huey, " Writ of Farlitioij and. valua vi tion issued out of the Or The. widow and V phans' Court of Northuni Ijeirsof Augustus berland county, lelurnahle 1 1 uey, deceased, j to August Term A D, 1S5S. Notice is hereby given to the heirs and legal representatives of aaid Augustus Huey, late of Shamokin . tow ilship, JSortbuniberlantl county, deceased, that by virluo of the above Wiit to me directed, an inquest will be held at tha late resi dence of said deceased, on Tuesday the 8ih day of June next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., for the pur pose of making partition of, or to value arid ap praise the Iteal F'tate of said, deceased, lo wit : of, or ceriain tiact or piece of land, situate in ISha mokin township, aforesaid, adjoining lands of Samuel Furman, Kphraim K. Miller, John Mor gan, ConiaJ Yeager' heirs and othera, contain inff about ''.r1 acres.' more or lea. on which are erected a two story Brick I louse, a log House, a Darn, outbuildings, A.C., about 1SU acres ol winch said laml aie tlearrd. Also, of another certain tract of land in same lowiiohip, adjoiimig Ixmls of iruel Moore, Samuel Sayres, Aimer Tharp John Dunketlicrger and others, coiitaiuin; about 1 00 acres, .about SU of which are cleared. At which lime and pluca you may attend, if you think proper. , JAMES VANDYKE, .Shcri.-T. Sheriff" Olfiee, Sunbury, i May , 1658. $ SUNBUHY STEAM TERRY AND TOWING BOAT COMPANY. , rpffAVELLEIlS and other re respectfully - informed that the subscriber has established a STEAM FEUliY over the Susquehanna, at Sunbury. That a large, safe and commodious steamboat will run rtfjularly and promptly, at all houis during the dsj, to carry foot paweogers as well ss veh.clcs, Ac, between Sui.huiy and llie landing on Ihe opposite side of the liver, both ways, or to and from Sunbury. The steamboat will run from Market Street Wharf, and will carry passengers lo and from the 1'acket morning and evening. I lie steam rrrry now anoras noi only a safe and ronvenieut transit over ihe Sns uchanna, but also a pleasant and agreeable ride. lilA T. tlitiMt.v 1, rroprutor. Asuriw Hooviu, ('a p. sin. Sunbury, May 1, 1863. Aduilulitrator's) Alotlce. mjOTICE is hereby iven tht letter of ad- IV uiiuistralion have been granted lo. the subj acriber on th esute of John brave, late ol erln tonshio. Norlhuuiberland county, deceased. All peraona indebted to aaid eatale will please .mak inamediat paymfnt, and.lboa havinj rlaim lo prent them djry .ntinlicaled for settlement. ItfcUBEN KLINK, Adru'r. Trtiortcn, Msy H, lti 61 NEW MILLINERY GOODS- flMIK subscriber respectfully inform Ihn c:ti JL tens or Sunbury and vkiniiy, that she ha removed Iter store lo Ihe liotrtse Of Solomon II . Boycr opposite Weaver' Hotel, where she has opened a new supply of MILLINEllY AND FANCY DRY GOODS; of the latest and most fashionable style, which she will sell at reasonable price SARAH M.UtTZ. Sunbury, April 21, Igf'S. 41 NOTICE. A M. person indebted to James Kesri, late . Prothpnolsry of Noithtnnberlaiidcounty, for fees, &c, are requested to mato immediate pay ment, and. thus save cost end further lronhl, as all accounts remaining unpaid will be placed in the hands, ef Justice for collection. Payments ran .be made either to the subscriber or to J. H. Heard, at his oflice. . . , JAMES 15EAIO. Sunbury, March 27, 1858 tf S1MUNO AND SUMMEll IVIILHNEPS.V GOODS. Mil M. I.. Cninxlcr, rrspeetfully an nounces, that she has just returned I'roin th city with a new, cheap and elegant Sasort mcnt of ... Spring and Summer Millinery Good, Consisting of, new. pattern Ilonnets, straws Gimps aud Fancy Ilonnets, ajao ItiblHins, Flowers and Fancy Trimmings, Ladies Dress Caps, Ac, all of whirh. will be sold cheap. Ilonnets or every descriptions made t. order. Old bonnet bleached and pressed in tha best manner. , Thankful for past palroiiagc, she solicits a con tinuance of the same. . . , Store l?l Fawn Street, 2nd door below the Kail Roait. . .. . , Sun'iurv, April Utli, 1853. 2m$ NOTICE. T HE account of Paul Ammerman. Es.i.. Truslen iif Mary. Wclvertnn.fa, lunatje has been filed ill the Court of Common Picas of Northumberland county, and will be presented to the sajd court on the first Monday of August, next, fur confirmation. .. L)ANIi;i. lif.Ckl.lil, froth y. rrolhonotary a llflice, Sunbury, May 22, 185 FOR SALE OR RENT. 1"WIB larijc double fianio house In Ihe Borough of Northumberland, belonging to the estate of C. II. Kay, deceased. This is a very desirable residence, beautifully situated on the North ltraneh of the Susquehanna, with a Inrgo garden. Carriage Ilouse, Stablo Ac., belonging to. il. Terms moderate Fnquire of C". W. Shales, Williamsport, or D. Drautigain, Fsq., Northum berland. March 27. 1853. . GEORGE HILL, 2.TTOP.1TET AT LAV". 8TJNBUBV, FA., ESPECTFL'M.Y informs the public and , his friend generally, that he has removed lo Sunbury, and hart opened a law oliirc at his residence, in Market square. . Ilia acquaintance wilh the F.nt;U;h and C-ermDn cuaUis him o transact business in both language!. April 10, I8.-)H. ly , -VIIKKLHK & WILSON MANTJFACTTXHIN'a- CO'3 FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. HK iiimnimom favnr wltich hut Htletutetl ih intrniuc- tioji i'l Whkklkr V Win tti rtoi ly rrwtnK Mn- cuiiir, i uIiKifiil evlilti.ue f lis jxcfiicm e. It i nrt! It u now to uy, '1m: tln ubuIuI luDiriiiiic-nt ia bccumiiie a ilotnetuc nistilittin ; Ihr lact if reomzt d ty its vnrcrrii. ( lul ubo in tti u s.ino nl I-uitiMit.s ttt ''Verv itnk in hie. i tlniie wli ttiive lut ertu rtfrai'isnl in mi avi.tiihki tluMi.t-'vf I f tt udvan'nges, it in;iy nu! In nniim to r-jy, Uiru i'f i.ttl ityuiuiu pfi-t i in ti be-StOveti, a isuc.m w :i!r-iMiy imilnftd. 'J lie tti hent tt'B'm ny in conMmitly pflVrcd. en finning the vrrdut which han given Ihn iiit-truuiriit j wm '.met i 'Uvra'i a repuiutu ii. tint, lintt mccially Hint ai'mi nhty ituipuu to tin ii.'ni p?r- ' feet vp.ua o:i e cry kind if niittctial; o:k), Invinp l-eu ) &uljLTt1 to j three yrtirs' tct l" the int rt fceuching . cliuntrlei l? ruimliec, !intl in va'i us buinelits "I .Munu I fnrture. with diftiiituiushrd stiecess, it is Ieli?vtr4l tlmt in .11 tl.. .,r .k ..I..I. r-.,.,..-ii .... ,...n.,.l.l -...I ..r....t...,.l ' Se'.Vlll' Macllllle. II c ul;i.t t. a'i..iirlml III ej.ee lltiu-e Ainollll tle llli.l'ianu-n u.rvamaif.-s it v.ssesses usi b.i otlieis, raac bo named Ihe lnlknwiii 1 1. Irk siniplteily ul C'liiicriiclicii. anil c; -nserjuriit fiv-i-il.tlinr.iin deranai-nieal ami net-il .it" reimirn J. Its uai-xaiuplvit rapitltlv and case .( oi'eialioir. ;l IIS miivuli-s-f m.-veiiieiil 4. '1'i.e erejl v-atictVAil parpusc t'i wliieli It eaa lie an plieu, wlni'll eau be 'achieved b)' no other mccaainiill liHUMB. And. -. 5. Tim pre-er.llnenl licainv uml .durability ef tlio Worlt "1 Ibid yi.trr .Mai'lii.iu invaluable I have nm-il il a year. nnd it lias never been ..ut i.l' .inter. 'I'lin atiteh is vei v du rable, und can be ad ipled to line or carps in.n -rislp. It v'.ir!:H with ta lapl'bly i'l' a d.'Zfli air i.f hand ; save much tune, latiyne and epejise, t irie iH' j.air Mat'biiii-s is used ia luy I'sther's liucily ; unntlii-r in llie lii .os.-l,i .'cl a sister ; ami ntl.ers bv vsruius fn.auls.. .'I'lie ipiiii.tis ul' all ace rd with tluil 1 iiave just exprrsiT.!.'' Alii Ainu C.na Kiteliie. "There is nutotie Pi-winf Machine ; and thai is W'hee lei and Wilson's. "Judge Mciga,ol the American li.kll lllle. ''The Sewinri Mneliiae pureliased nf y.o has been wh' il ly serviceable " Itev Or Satiitirl trii;..od. ,o luiiuly can sib.rd lo do wai.i.ul it. UiMMi.M or tu Xtw Yo:ii Par.!!. .Ve prefsr '.hem fur tsiuily une. Tiit.-iiis. Tliey uie Ihe lavurit -s I'.ir fmnilies Titn-i, Are Willi. ul u rival. Sseienlilie Aliierieuu. Works iwire uutlutm'y tt.au Uie liand-llrni'it. llo the work of ten nrdniury sewers Jmir Ceiil. Lquat to lime seaiutrtPfccs. ll.iine Jnuru..l 'I'HK lliai'lu.ie. for lan.ily use. Advneute .V J-iurniil. Most h..n.rab!e to Ameiliiiil eenm lnileii-ni!t-iit. We eanit..t limiinue Miiytliiua inure pen'eel k-Auugei.sl. Will give rutins aalisl'aeln.i. Observer. The bvsl ever niveti'-ed. Ctirisuau lii'iuiier. - l Injoukiiift i.ir .tlie liesl.nee lln-se K.isimiiLr. I Ai'inirab!i-. a-'i'pled fui :'uinily o:ie.7-'l.r.. in !e. In.lisp. ssi.bh; in every laiui'y The I'reorl.er ' We praise ll Willi rnlliiiai-.sin Clirislwn li.tc'.l r;i-uji r. ; Wnrlhy of the highest awanl Sabbath Itee irder. A iK-ueiseli.in ol ti e a(e-'ituiniu'a Mucnziue. ! Mi4;tcul in i-perutuin. Alls. r-''.ep:ici:s' M, i.lli.y. H.-ioud all ituestk'il, Ihe nan hines l.il'e llbi.trate.l. The SHU h eauii.it be uiimvrle.l Am Agrirullu.isl. 'I'iiey niaiito.ui the pre-eminence Kxprees. Saves the lime and luallh 1 1 ten vv.'ii.i'ii Wu'er Cure. . , Our li-useti'!d is iu eestin-i.l with n lVlltl'sSptill ( f apply Ihe fhi 'liable world ltaily Kfwi. Ar..r....imeii!lv silneri.. Uube' 'int..r. I ll.r . I I'll 1 ll..lleh"ld f ls J'Uriml.- ' l i. rival!..,! iu every una it v - l1 iv Hn 'k. I'letly, useful, Hiacical - 1-esbe's Ijuaelln. . i Have no equal fur luiiulv use Musical W..ri.. . A triumph 1. 1 llieeleinie.il senilis N. Y J ninsl. j Combine every requirement. Finally Mueault. Vustty super;..r ion l oineis ii.r.t-ii . t We cauiiut lire in lis pruise New Vnlki f. j For further paliculars apj.ly to IL II. Masser, , Sunburv, l'a., agei'it of the uianufaclurer, who I will supply machine at the manufacturers' , prices. funbary, May 15, I95S. tf Ertate of P AT WCK HUGHES, decsased , I Wrr. ol rarinion ami Michail llugncs vuioa.io.i ..r.. ..... ... ; ts thel'rphan Lourl of The heir, of Patrick Nortliumherl d county., Hushes, oec o. retus ..... . t j leiiii, -v . i j NOTICE is herbv; eiven to the heira and - legnl representative of said I'alrick lluirhes, late of ZetU township, Norlhuuiberland couily, deeeiwed, that, by'viilueof thuabute writ, to me directed, an inque'at will be held at the late re denc. of .aid I'.Uick lluii'.ica. deceswd, m llie town of Trevorton, jn Zerbe township, a.orcsaid, on Tuesday. Ihe Sad day of June, neat, at '0 o'clock, A. M., for the purpose of making Furti limi of, or to vsluo and a'piaiie the Leal Eslutft ufsaid deteased to wit: Of a ee.Um lot or piece of land, aituatoin the town of Tievorton, store-, said, containing' 85 feet in front and ISj feet deep, fronlin on fchanioklu rlrcel, adjoining lots of Thamas Hitry on the West, and mi Ihe East f Ueliick. At which lime and plac you msy attend if you think proper. 7 JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. therifTsCfric, Hunbury, ) May if, left- J triers Reduced to Suit the Times ! V? ."V (nis wmra swah 1 llace Street above Third, I'hiladeldiin. 'I'IK rriNaicti'ia nf llie stvivs wr-ll-hnnm-ii rstsblisli J nontlMHiijr ttisnkrtil lot tha very IiIvtsI fiatf-smci- lw. st.iwwl tip'Si Uk-iii ths nt yenr, uikn tins nitliM in ei foriiiinjdirirrrleis o-.O 1hi piM 1'it t!.iy sir still pn iri d i S'-rommnd i'o Ihrm li fur irril with n ttl. LhiiIcs; iSs Wintor tn mllis tlich sishaali'rM tiir .-icS-lf rciliivalnl, tTr.i.ivrmetiVsniaAii an1 oHirf est n-ivc hi tntlms In CM.tetnplali in. tVo aio rlHrnmci! t., ilrvMn onr wt"it sttrnti.,i to liilainrst and ctTiMur tnilsrlves Willi U'f r Hindi HI tl it we shall In able lo give eaiMul muXi-tinn Sllll'.s A. HTUV1T, ilscc itiruc1, ali'ivn l liii l. , TIlllMS -l r, prr ilar N. H Cnriiaerii will atwajsl In tmiitiiirss tonnvi-v Pasianirsra In nud l"iom Sicamtim ljaduigi ami Itailrmi D'T"t" . h . I'hibxMpliia, April 10, Ifud :i I'll! IT, Rt'TH A.ilJ lKOVISIOS, N. HKLI.INtiH, Ao. 12 Xoi th U'han-rs, I'lihuli tphia. lOtt.Coo lt.s. D.ied Appier, r.,ort) l-uela Pea N ulr, CHO barrels (ireeu Applrs, 600 bosea t)ranr?cs, .00 boxes l.einol s, 2,0110 bushels Potiilocs, 1,1100 Uisbels PaaiuV, KM) Joi. Pickle, Also liaisin. I igs. Prunes, dec, in stoic aid for sale nt the lowest prices. April 10, lfior ly E. Y. JJllKiliT & .SON, '&'i:xDM:y, VST A VI." . I .. .1 :- .... . .......... ..... .,. .,. . .... . , mm Snriliff stock, eir.bracl.ie new anil i rirahle. ' Dress Goods, Calicoes end Dress (iinKhams ol j the latest style. Muslins of. till iiunlitjea, and pri ces, K. Jeans 1 'it'eli Chceka, nnd a rSoire selec tion of Dlai S and Fancy Cnssimenrs, now styles, (iioceiles of all kinds. We respectfully invite an inspection of our (ioods... I"?' COUNTKY PKt)l)LCH wanted in ex change at the hiu'.iusl market price. April 10, I9.r.8. OABD. A Cash Ui.pinkss Kxci.isivr.i.v. j Cll1Ani.i:S.l)AMr, S. P.. Comer ef llinlillM.".! Aldi j J Streets, rht'-i't-'lphin. liu'iirnis I. is i.l.l ru?t(,;i:rrs, nni ' Itic buyers nf IIUV UM( iIS l.l'.MiH A I.I.V, 1l.nt he is ! initkiua: extra i-xi-rli'ins l.ir t In- ir.SOf".it.'ii .'I his I.i.miii-sb i llie ei.iniiie' sitri.n,-niul in nrth-r l. rint.l.- hnn l.i pni.-lniM. I C'viils lor CASii, a. 1. 1 s.-!t tlivtii id l!.e m.-.vckt maiirkt i eKlcKs, hit tins il.'rult-il hi G?H nt Ahr r):itlest posnilila j nitvmice I?" Fun CASiH-:x"r.l:slvFl.Y . f H.! hr. a n-ditcril iho pm-.j i.t' tn'.it of tin. Ijooiis in tiorr, and has now open inai.y ii:v lio.um. riiauililo tor llie j SCA9I., to wiiicli wiil he raaile ilaily iiililtli.-iH. j Cars will he -to aceonnn slnle l-'Jt IK.N LIS ami Pijiit ' PrtHSONr ariirrnllv. as hrretofore'. I XE1V lilUS til unit". Sll A Wl.f", l.l.N F.N S, nnd FL ll.NISIIINO liixilis enii-rnlly. Pilrehnprrs w ill find emit ailviuilurr in i;iviijr sn rinly . rail, the m.lt . Ih-imi; "the nunl.le sixprni-e is Ortlt-r than lite slow slll!!ihir." The siruntion ts rrntrnl, nml llie toi e .vtvi liyiit. J Miir.-h lii. JmJjW. PL0UR AND FEED ! ' S P K I N O A IX li A N tJ E M E N T. j rPlIE subscriber has recently inado an enlarge- . - mcnt in his store room nnd has just received : a fre-h supply of Flour nnd Foed, Cnmnieal, oVc ; His strfcU consists of Corn and live, Com and , Oab., and Corn CHOP, llolied Com Meal and lliirkwheat l'iour in sacks, all of which will be ! sold low FOU CASH. , I Also, the Uest n"J f'V.i, ;.pr it eportpitit of ; Flour in i!.is. Mc.rl.et, fro'n FIVE '.o SEVEN ! DO..LAKS pt'r llarrel, accordin). lo quality i .;U),a lul of Flour in sacks at very low rates. ! The subscriber asuiP's !vs cuUnni is, that his , arrangements for getting Weslcrti l'iour enable him lo give them bolirr f'it'atic or Ittur Lar- guins than cut. Lo Hlt:iiiuil i-IscviIht v. licint; thntiKfut for past pairoiiiii:?, he linprit to incril and OMitiue to rcttivo the favor of the j public generally. j C. O. H.WfcN. MaiUet tC.iaio, hunbury, MiintSO, 1803.- SPUING A 11 11 A N G 12 M K X T . LACKAWANNA &LL00MS,3UIIG it.R. Al'FORlUNi. auierj.ir fac.lities fir linvtl to nv Yoik, rtnliid.-l.li a, and the Nortli r nil Weal.lir con. nn-n.'iifl nr iTiuilcii v tl'i I'lv-lroiiiB of the iJi-IJWaia ll.-kawanna and Wt'i.tcrn Haili.'inl C-. i.;inv ; nl.i f.-l trneel ff. -tit !i end West uver llie Catl.'nei.su, vi:!iaiurvTl undone Kuiiiusd and CL.iin.'ciin iran.s Ctll.SO .NOKTIl. rv. Y. Ai-e.nim - I'liiir. l'a. ! .Mal. du.li. .Mail ! fl en AM. 1 III I' M- ' li d . 3 '.'il H , Si u I V. li i I -ra v J Ituprrt, lilcim. lpy, l.lair Kir, lUrwirk. Ili-.ii h Ibivrn, Hriii-h lili.vr, r'nieWkliiaiiy, G In ti.i 7 10 l' . 7 !1S Hi 7 .HI ;,- I I'l ,! H III (li. r all d- I) l i i ' j f 3 i'j I :m :i s 4 f'l 4 i 4 :it 4 i5 A 111 n i .I i d.. d i d.i .!.. II uuli - ii,.-,,,,!,,.' Arrive at ln ht, i-vo ' i;,, ,',, 11 ' s at il. f as II .'Vi 'i M 10 Ml lo in lu -.J i io r : in J i -J :,i V !.'. S .';ll 5 :.s S 4i o I I tl to In d . do d . d I W. 1'itm. n, I I'lttMi'll. i vi.n.iuir, I .u.-ki. wanna, i'a l.irvrllc, Arrive at SScrauli'tl, 111 Sll dn 3 15 t!.i . P 30 d- 'ihe New' Y.uk Mall Tram eiaiuec'.a .:h l!iv i.X; rt't:s ' g.nnit Mart. I) 1.. .V W. l'a !n. -d. ! Aiiive in New Ymk 3 l.i I1. M. il.i l'li!!Bilelp!iia, by Cuiiul-.-ii Jt Ainb"V Uailrimd, P M. I'are fn .u lluj erl to New Yoik fc'tl CO. 13.icssec'ieck I ed llir.uicli. j ' 'i he ni eiinitniKlaliiin Tinin Ni-rlli, e.iniir.'ls at IS.mnti.li . Willi llie l'.S;.rrb Tiuln 'eit, uu llie tl. L. ei W. Hail r.ad. ... GOING f Ol TH rhila. Mail ' P li A. M. b III il.i S VO d i Awnn'i. ilutl..l li :m A M II 4.1 il l li no M. 1J 15 P M. !- :i'i d.i I'J 4U do 1 00 do N. Y. Mail. l.cr.co i-iinit'.ii, Tii I a ville, Lackawanna, PltlSl.M, West I'llUtnll, Wyi-uiii p, Ainve sl .'ilU'St''!!, I .cave Knie.li..i, i'lyiu uuli, Naiuie.4,14, lltiiil.v-k's C.'k, Sliiekciiinuy, Ueaeli I irnve. Heath llaveu It. rwiek, I. line illib-e, K:r, 111. I .III, Aiiived at llnpert, 4 in. I in 4 ill 4 : u 1 a 4 to M. dn d.i f ill 6 M il .l.i do 40 Ki 0 00 il . JO do M II: in n II li i II S II to II Ml I'J Ul I'J till1 t -J :tn I J 40 I'J iu rt il. do IS l (i.f ll... . v. d di f. !SJ b. ll I'l II Ml 1 11 V 40 5i ( I.". H 4.'. V i0 V li d il.i d.i (l.i d i il.. d i il . I d i 00 ikl 0 IS il T. e I'iul. .li .:ii! Train . i;(h. tf.iirrm with tlte Mm! Ti:i;ii tu litii rti, k,'..n K ;ut t l it" P M. i..r I'ii'.liiwitfuj, I'.trl t'lmt -ii, l'..tlh i. It IU'.miiiij, f , iiruv-i.:- :.t l"Sil:iiU'l(n. t.t H :: I'. M An vnh M:ii 'Inmi p.. hit Vft ai .T iYI-.. k IV M. ur L)aaviltf. Mttl-ui, ,Mua- ruKftfiif rn by Hit-4 1. M.'l'ra; ! .m ti'h ' ran IjiLi llie 11 V1 V. M J.xii ta Him !.t ' K'tuint n m) till! WML 'i lotV' m' lii "-tr'-li irj; ( Itltr !f.e I (i. ok -v A. M . Traiii .ii(t I ami, n(tt mi; I or ', Il.triuluiifc- ul li lit'.:. .J. I-.'.Wl'WVirltTII M.wi h in, 1 ft a Hiipfiintiif ti-. w a shin r, ton hou.se; I V. .l.fVEiB6'E.rrrrii'tor, ' r 111! K prop, if tor respectful!)' informs hi-. IVi.'iiils ; . und the public i;ei.eiull.v. tliat he i.-; rep iiriii j and reiuivaiiiig the- "SVa-liiiitcii llo'j'je," sous 1 1 entertain butli trnusienl uml perinsncnt titilors ; in a suitable and comfortable manner. Tbun'J'iil lor the jiairoiinge. extended to Lis father, he rospertfully oli"is the co"timiani e nl ) i lliesaiiie. lie will take iharco ol Itii' "W aIl- . ( Iou jgov" ,!, flrM ,1.,.. f ,.Mj ,,,.xl. ilc , ..,ve an IWi'bus rt tinii. lo the ul,,;.r,.ltl :ai!roo Depot for the accoinm.vlahoii ol l'M.tiilsers, free ot tliirft, V. A. COY EH r. H-uubury, March SO, .i,- NETT CASH DEV GOODS HOUSE. IE" tirr.MN1; ok ipi;iu i;ooiisj.i FVIIK I.AVUrt.l.. Fointlii Aivh fts.'rtnlad'a. arc auw oUeni. a tub sio-k ol New Goods for Spring of IS'S ! FASIIINAB!.KfclKINU OIKJIH, liLACK tll.Uti, IM to 30 li.el.es wi.'.', siiTiiiu llress 4i t.'s. Niw r'tvli-s, Hiswis, hi all III Newesl Htj li a, llnl.sli, i-'reuch and Atiie.iesii t l.iu'.itcf, r'ul stock ui lioiaesiic U'snIs. l-'uil M .-ck of Murop'.-an tlo. 0s. N 11. Haraalus iu ISeus inslile Ooed. daily recelvei! frutn lliu Abe l lll.NH ol N, w Verk and I'luhulclphia. I' H MI.IKillAN T!. are iuvited lu exaiiui thcte 'I liH.MS Nttl Cash and low prices riiiuullhij, Mulch 13, leui.--3tu3w, BKOWN'S and Bieit'.g'a FiK'e of ISinT and Husband's Vrtneua ai Match U, '57. " FlHFR S FAKMEKf" OF PENNSYLVANIA ATIL-KTir.i; ! V'i'i r.m s irj.'y )"i'-lv- with rti-H' Mairir , """liH I 'lre, wi s h l,nc Ik en In SUC! -n ill ! ill .New J.irfv ( ll,r il r..n Vnin- tin ) l ave rr.niri- Hi i IHII.'lalASi.l Tlw Jnr-v,l.v V Ik, l)ihvre,nlhl rcl..i: lvnem A(jt..ilt.,M H.vn t'c, nlul hay-- lrti nn I I f I' r Troi li i, I .. t;,n !,u, J . en In, (,a rl(n ii I "U till; I'.ll.h . i:r 'llnn Vsslitu,;t n, l C , Dl.'l .y tlo f Imiv. iii' Cit-nt.'cir i-ii i 7 ! . -, rj ) . . J I, Ite-v., I ' Smut t,il ,it( Wm Mi,(, r, ( . Ijj,,. New Jrs.- tin Viitk, I I7i l.l .. I'm . Cn..lrn ft J . ft. llrf.. Hn ,y;r r-..l, Air A'I iismii, nn,) t u ! i.. n, nl ) Jcisei th ".- a... It I. .1,., 4tm .. I.M. I Mnmiie n ,- to I .-, inviiu...! i: ! lrr.n.. inc tin Isi.iP,). riiriehmg Hit.- ve! It is an.irtlti.Uir Vsream er'r .m niitcl-. n,, ri.if-, iim, Wlieat, Unit. Ac. I:. IK-..4U K a ( ! k, i li a, v f.ew .(!, ) i,l I'J.ilsJ'a !lai, i t n fei. i.r e in Sii, coi o1 ll n! in I'lo ide nliis i.r in rx vliinKs l..r I'i.hIi:;-!., a :,u Mn!iLl r.i'.rt tiere, ynur "riltrs v.-ill li. Iiluo u,id .lipped t-tjess, I'rre ot,t:Uigo upeiur C-" ''. nrtirlc . r,'i by ne is Ouarantredjft f iper PSmi; Imit n( l.imc," (-10 0(1 a ton. Ilonf I'lnvjihair, t:i.ilOn Aiiitiii in l',lilii-ii, v'.1tla " rr a UAiiitr.i, i.-srKpiin:.y'r Kort as ai-isp OK lililll'M) lilttMt) ( Air. I'mr l!,.ns Dn.t, (uj birtels nw rwi'lv.) nl tl m i tMiircl or $:).',. n t-.n. r..eHu'll.., ,N,i. 1 ba--U n w rssJ-. ,1 nt J to pi a barrel iMii Plaitui No I I era) lwrr-.-l, at 91 t 6J a'.a-ri' r i A ili. Ml tiiirn ;s Voruviaii, J'jt.ijt.itua anil rl.iti'in li 1' A N . bl:t.ll!bK A. I F.I.N AT. Pii.;iili-tT V.i. t!l PouO, FliONTft'ert, riuMel,.l.ia city, I'j. r- wihim:i.i.i; ui;ai.i:iis ai.i.owkd a . I'M M. MM OI NI . IV t'aniililrisriui liciaj on ni rl.rali 'li lo my Oifi-.-p, Mll,..,, ,., ,h.3 3Vjn.,.. SADLERY AND HARNESS MAKING rJHE subscribers reapeclfulU. inform the ri'.i- ji-ns oi i-iinouiy aim vinntty tlal lliey havo coinmuiieril tho above business a few di.ornbnve tho Post Office, Market Square, Hunbury, Pa. Work of all kinds in their lino of business will be il.mc promptly and lu ntlv on the most rra wimble terms. " CLEMENT &. OYSTE't. Februa y lit, lr. S30,00b CHOSS-TIEa 1TAN"1'EI) Thirty 'J'housand Cross Ties, or ' ' lvailrond Sills for the Northern Cenli.ii Hail Kcad. For further pailieulnrs apply to. iiia I . ci,i;.Mi;.M-, Coi tractor. Sun! ury, December 'Zd, IK.'iT. tf Market Street, Sunbury Pa. I rH!'; snlxcriber r.espfctfullv infurms the oiii I Jens of Sunbiit v, and the public tnu iailv. that he has purchased, and will take p.wesniiin I in the above. well known stand on ihe 1st of ! Aptil next, furtrerly kept by M13. ''!iornp?..ri. , That be will put tbo same in complete repair. j In addition he v ill provide a conveyance to rnrrv I passencerH tonnil from the dilTerent Hailroad dr. ! pots, nnd will leave no elbtrls untried lo ren.Vr I his hotel a desirable stopping .I i.-e for euesls un.l I travelers. JOHN I.EI-KR, February SO, 1 .-. FLOUR. REDUCED To ?."5 .50 Per ES.H-B-el. flHE subscril er r,espcct:'uily iuf,H-ms the cin A zens of Sunbury and ieinily tlial lie has ju,t rtcehed e supply of FLOCK, which he is oil, rmat at wholesale or r-'.ail from .'jiS 40, pG 3ij in C 8T' .er l'arrcl. He. also sells sonic as low as 70 eM. tier Oeartcr, ail of which lie WAii- I I! A NTS to hctionl. ('AMJl.lf.'i Inr sale, wliolcsulc or retail. ThanUltil lor pat pulroiiace he hoj.ea to con tinue t merit the same. lilVU HIM A CALL! M. f. (,;i:ai;i!.p.t. Xif-rUn l , t'utibury. Fa. February 27, 1 !?.')'!. sunburyTlouk and feedstoee. (iOOD TIMES AT II A.N U. ONsrANTLV CHilA l'KK and BETTKR Fl.tM.'K ran jo 'iought FlJK CASH of V. O. IIAVICN in Market !Sunro Soul ui v, than can possibly be hud at any other l.iee in tow n. It is uni ecciisnrv to say that tj'oo.'. Flour cull ba got fro:-.i t! o W ect and Nuith chraprr than from any ollirr quarter at the present lime. The sub scribe! havn 3 in ado iho lest possible arrange ment for gei'ini? this Flour, i.s picpaici! to una Mitiitacl'.oii to all who favor him v, ith a cu'.l. 1'iices r.mc.c from to 'jii.75 (r barrel accor.l-in,- lo pualH y. Chop Feed of all l.in,! constant iy nil hand. N. H. .No I'cnnsylvania Flour will c-ompcto with his. The price may be :'. rair, but .jualny is .pif c iiifnior. us all W.ify that try lul.i km.ls. I'leasc cull and e.'.uniii.c lor ) oiiim'Ivc.. C. O. H.WLN. riunb'jry. April Cl, lS.r;. Ct-utic lliiuii!iv tiutid. rijt!!!'! t-toikholdcra arc hereby notiiej that an JL eiiction lor otiiccrs to serve fur Uie ensuing jcar will be held al the homo of C. is Drown in the ll.irough of Northumberland, on Monday ttvi Till day ut J I'M E. next, between the hours or I'l o'lb.c'i A. M., and 3 o'clock 1. M. JOS. II. FH1KSTLEY, Tre.'t. N itliiiinVerianil, May I, 1S5S It - -iaiai F.t:i " "' HQ Oil BINDING. r I 'It K su! senbeis, havitlK liotiht lliu Hindi ry lute ol le I tihrn IK and l.yiuau it. Wilt n, nl Miiiou. and n.Mcd t i it some nnprri.T i:nileuieiili, and Imviu st-euiett the sn; tlintriult :i.'t of Mr. II K DllW'MMi, who has I r tisi yrars been i iiii.l.. ul ill one of tbt I..-SI lbndiTis in I'lnl:i.l.'iih:a, ui' l clues with the first reotniiHiiuatlous a liitei'ty and c. atipelciiey, nie now pie, urcd tu u i n li o li r. t: a l , i) Eooks, PBmphleta, Matfazines, llews papers, Music, tic, !cc, in evety fvlr ib-sired. Work in-y either U.uu.l or l.nlf b.iiiu.l.iu tVl, It. inn, Turkey .M. r.K-e... Mii-ei, oi otiitr Leiili-jr, .r Musi n if vri.."l C"ior nud .'iii:i:uriiliil w.lh Mail '. I'ai.cr of difffrent licures, .Idles iin.'. e.-liui lll.l ll'l'l.s am' i.th.-r B..ksur ruiiis wLi'l It is dr sired lo ... s.i as iLi'lii'irinl in u laiui!;,eau Le liuiJu iii":r s.-i-ure by the Hinder ' skill. I IV lla ik It. oks, Bibles, llMnn ant Prayer ., Pocket lionks. Albums, Ulan.s.Ae , I.KITKIIKU Wl 1 11 litll.ll ill le'.ijf and dnr ible eiiaraelvrs, l.iooler M I'SIC I'' 'li t'Ft tl.lt IS. Ac., iinMe I., s nl ec.s'.mers. A eNil IliLidi-ry lias lon.i bci-n desir.-d in HiIk vit-uuti , and u-c cm Ui-rt'lolc inn ii-iel-'e.'.' solicil the j.ub.io i.ulr..i.;ice. ir-islinj! It ii l will be i in'itiit Io i-' tie . ull. uud nsi. IV i'i nl. t '!. n.-k. io 1. 1 w Tkinen I.! ' ri. .nn. is iii inev. v.i sb.ib e;..i l l'A "N Hi: 1 .1 V I II Y ol j ) e Oil. n-: .i tS ire lii '..'-l-ee. li :.- iiri.i . on toe "! v :-.'"l l..-t l.-Ce" rriu- bi.-au-' .1 i.l I .... - iiri . t on toe "! .-I..I.- and h..;.v lu ni.il.i: It a in-pe c til..'.- tu Lie ei'ii'.iT oi Mar'.,--! S .i.-.r... I.- rill si 'e " e ti.l ; sr. n. a.i..!nuia t!ie'l'hrBili b:M and 'l'eitii,.i i'".--", llurd d i.T lr .iu ll. l'..e 1. ;!.,e tlllllt:: & l llilNUI.U'5, l'r..,i r. . llw.iY V.. ll.ixvslsj. Aneiil. l.Ui.l.bjUT, Mr l.i, I 'i? ' I ' i Saddle nntl narncsB I.T.ikor. IIKIMRY II ALTP1, JR. s ,f ltr.s'KC'I'l'l l.l.V i.iforms t! c : 'vSC' X citizens ol Suiil uiv un.l ihe pub I J .f;;'-":-ilit- generally, that he l a l,.k,u HlKl1 th ! oc'cti ii j l y lJii.ht i.n.l lleck, one ilnur east ol !' I'r.upt's Cabinet M.i ' ker hop where l-s is picp ticd lo turn cut v. oil. : in his lino of business equal to anv liunlc i i l! ia section if tl.o country, Oijcr promptly Cai'. u : le.l an 1 ull kinds of produce taken in Exi lian;, e I SSunliury. March SO, ln.'iS. ly '.i " -c-';r'-;' it'f''i" ' "r' M'J-t'SA.w.. 6TOHIJ. IvS LOl'l-A tlllss.4:i,',r.. eilli.'!y ii . f ims the citizens ol Trevurlnii ti..l -i..- rouiiilini; county, that she opi ned a new , store oLMillinery aud Fancy (lOoils, at Tretoi- ton in .c'haiiiokin street, nearly opposite Knoiiac's, j Tavern, where all kiiuia of Uoimets yd Fancy ( (io.uls can l e had at the lowest ter.ns. I Urcis nn'uu also attended to i t li e lr.' ' manner and latei.t stvlo. j Apijl VS. M:it tf UUtill tll l, V'ictoiincs, tljicta Caps, Woo! , Hoods, Comforts, Ca.'hli'cre Hcan's, l.s.i.b lljui.tl.tis, Ac. 11 UK.HT J, SON. Sunbury, V).. 20, f7. FEIIC Store Hoc in in Jfaiket sttovt, A.nur:y, 1 o vupif I by W. liiay. A ppiy to the ex ecutor of il. klasiier, deceased. A pi 11 17 l-l. i .(Too.'ee(ojJ hmd uuctf). Apjly al 'hi trtr.i.