j 0 c i v g LUNATIC VI.JKQE3. MiMr, wli.i t'ui nUno ri;(h, of 7YtVn. is nmv in t'le'spwl- : nrl Tus-hip A; A few toy omi-fi lie v.T,.!e Hit fu!l Win:i vw U'S iin.Wcm Ibcm to u friend in J -Jelo, win hiul !!i.-n, in-crlcl in tU HtmU ; Crjii.' : ri.ilr jpliar-. ami King, rH'ilt.iirrri l.itiiMB VIiif;, Al.itei'.h! unci t( inpr ; Wr.n, fi.itn mini i nmiti:r ;'"'" C 'riTu-ioii i j j. iofus,ii. I auglinig nn n .;tJ tr iti urn, J othorvn ni.-l chine men,. Vrcfliliiii. prayict Jii'litii;", -:.jic In car r.ii:tufi- n J-.,l:l9 cf cur..'.c iu te inr, 1.1lJ;1 hvT. :;g'it nt.rhf;;f i.i'r, I)mv ft t. l;crc us or?y :t); o ; Hi;.. jvir-itsMes, co sVrrt CVf ih?r-'!9-;(i:'lo I"-.'...!, AC fi.r v.r.jf.-iry Mt.li "f j'uKice, Uri.-.h.s r! Men "f ell .i ni'jii f plili:, Drinking, iJiiiiKii.p. bz we-iyltlJ, JI.'illuoiMifoil j.J..j.!cr. J.nurUiu J Me-1. Hello ! Cnuuiics North Oliio, Kni'liiFkf, ClcvalmiJ, '.Mod Pel id J-ihit Jtn.iUeij iier.', yonkiiw Loi'jiiti!' clan' Mir ;:niL , s", Uring Vui un ;unl tile Vm. Let Incm liuu'V whnr ln?y wjII, (fill IF J.il'll Mill .l;u-k is (Jtfl, Here we mnke, rnon I, mie, mii kj.i. Clothe, fed, rf'Vfci'-; P'rr ir IYI t.--'ki 1" fit' Suite to f v( t)ic l.'il 0,'n.ll' Il)5;i:ie A H J'l III. THE LIOIT AND THE SKUNK. A MiEAM. 1 m't n lion in inv nruli. ('I'wns on a dreary autumn ! "lYliopivc me (ho allerimtivu. iM.) i o either rnn or flight. 1 darn not turn upon tlie trnclc, 1 (luro not think to inn nwny, For fear tlin lion at my brxck, Would teizc mo as Lis prey. So summoning a fearless air, Though all my soul was full ill of rnKlit, J soul nuto the forest kinr? .' "I will uot run, but fight." We fought, mid, as tliu f iton deemed, 1 eonquorcil, in tho bloody fray, For f non the lion at my (Vet A lifoiciS carcass lay. A litllo tltiitili was ptnuiinj by, And notPd what the lion spoke ; An J whpn ho saw tho lion die, The lion's tracks ho took. He used the lion's very speech. For stretching to his utmost height, Ho gave rno the nhertiati ,'o To either run or P.Hit. I saw he was p-cpared to fling Fresh odors from his bushy tail, And k';e'V tlio:e odors very soon, 'y nostrils would assail. So, commenoii-g ajhumble uir, 'I'honyh all niy SjuI was free Lorn flight, J said to the dirty kurd;, "1 11 run but will not ?,." J10RAT.. As years, begin to chill my blood, 1 rather aii would doubt toy sputik, an icr a moment cnucrtauo To fight a l.nmaa skunk. fanners' 5)cp.u'lmcnt H i : ;i thf (.Jut ii. .tut r .-h 'Vn'-'i rrej.ii TilASPLATIJUG THEEH. The proper way to rt-tr.ovo a lice, v.-htthor 1'irge or smuii is to c -nijit nco nt r. point Mi'li rieiitly di'.laut liom ti.i st m. to include tho filjioUi c.vtiL'Uiitii'S of tho T'lOl?, and to I'oiiuw lioin o), U eiiig tliom crufully lum tf.M foil, mid pre-e; ving the libvratud rnU f: oin dijing or Khiivid'ng unrinj tlio npratiLH. There is no occasion todiv. t the loots ol'i veiy pur- j 1 it'll' (.1 so, I, mil r'-tii no i,.oiu than will ad mit of speedy and ready iv".'j;ul. A nd as it ii impo?.--iblo even with tho mo. t careful iiian ipulution, to ; avo (; .Lo loots, the branches tliould be er.rrc:.i.oml,:.g!y reduced. It is an axi 3iii, 1 b. !ii r, with Fiench cultivaturs lint a tree ourht mako all it:- ;uwtli where it is planifd, and it is generally conceded tout they uro not duli'.'ieut tuber in thu Fcieueo or prac tice ofaborticulturo. All newly-tranf iiianted trees icquiie inoic or le:.s piuninir. lnexpo riuncfed planters usually opjiosed to pruning, which frequently leads lo failures. 1'niuii.g ji greatly objected to, from a fear ofde:Uroy i:ig tho chttracterihtic beauty and habit of growth. A tdiili'ul i iii.cr wil'l enhance, ra ther than destroy symotry of fomi. Ncwly-plauled l ices, after commencing an apparently active growth, will oftentimes sud denly wither and die. Tho reuso-u is bimply this. The sap existing in the tteo was suiii cic-nt to develop the buds, but as soon us leaves wore formed, they acted as so many pnmpa in drawn, j up the eap, to supply evaporation horn their iui faces. Thcdemuii'd being greater than the supply, (owing to the root reduction) the plant must tuccuuib. 'J'o oqualizo their conditions, the leuvo bhould have been diminished, that i-, the branches pruned. Want of leisure at pri;ent, prevents nie from treating so fully on tho theory of this tubject u.i 1 anticipated when 1 sent iry for nu r article. The tamo ercuse must be my apology for the uel-jy of this. 1 may r.-ii r to it aia. Wii.mam .j.u'M.i-.ii.i. 'u';,((i.'io(C April, lti, lsoij. Top 1 'resting Meadow Lands Los long been recommended in our columns as a certain wean : to prolong a full crop of gvas to an nhnost indelinile ju'iiod. Jo portions cl ChesU-r ami llulawaru counties, wo huveseen lnoado.v land iu grass, without disturbance, us we vi re ussun J for lil'ly years ; ami the on hi top clro'sing they ever received was a little lime thirty bushels to the ucre about very two years. We have ourselves top dressed timothy in the spring, followed by u couj le of bushels of plaster to the acre, which gnve us a full yield of grass for Foven yours, whi i: the natural grasses asserted their super i ri'y. We think it good policy to follow top-dressing with plaster it protects the nminouia iu tho manure, giving the soil ull tho nanurial alilucnce, in uddition to its own other anti-septic qualities, so valuable, espec ially iu dry teusons. Jl.i l. Tin: CuinkskSi-OaII Cask. Wo have said veiy little about our old favorite, for tho hist foupbj of mouths, IhiuLing that ull our read fis bad become iieifectly familliur with its Ei at value ith its modi) of cultivation und w.th tho manner of manufacturing thu nioluoces, Bi.d many of them with the BiiL-ur i. W W take it for ,;l anted that the gener nl lariner w.ll sow hU ,lUarll.r of an ,ro nt ut ! , i L r 'U "",u the crI' be t t L r''. i bo wills tocruKhthe he ir in nT'""? l,,iCeH' kcttlcS i 1 lit , 1 l ,U'ftU lh" "'"'seB, with tho the mo I Ii1'!1'1'8! n",Ui" l't Ull t H I cuu J'iie It hi-, l.eou gaij with iiiluTe that tlionoa lolnijii ef birds w ar. owl, tho uiost solemn ol Mfc" !'u a"s. if tuta solemn Cf utn Ti.avtiso I.oci pt Sn-D. T-. 1. iT. witbi'S to 1m informed oftl.? beM. mrlliod of prepar ing black locust seed to cause them lo vege tate readily. Tho best, treatment of locupt feed lo iiiMiro a ppeo'iy germination la to pnther tho seed ns eonii aa ripo in tho Fall, tdiell them and put thorn in ft box of sntid keep the sand moi.-4 and espofed to thfl woalh rr until Sprinsr then eirt tho pand out, and plant in April, about tho usual timo of plant iiifT corn. W hen feed arn not procured in time to adopt this method, tnfce thorn ot the proper timo ofplantinp, pourliot (not boiling) water on them ; let them stand in the water in a warm place for several days changing tho water every second day, when pome olthe Feed will become considerably swollen ; thefe should be puked out and planted (let tho others remain in the water until the shell ne comes foaked and the kernel swollen, and I plant as before. With this treatment uic) will 'tow ft' re.'uliiv as Jliuian corn, j ih IliTt'in usiiFery n'af, putting tho seed six in' ht s npaif, iiinl the rows four feet as under, end tmn-pl.ii.ttl.c ',r-t or second Spring fol !,",;:. it. jm." i y 1 'ormtr. f'-.vic, ';"- ;'i.i l; . 1 is a very common f.ti.t f.oc amor..1? our I'm siers to row clover-seed m enily in tho 'sprinvf a' possibl". even upon jlilit bodies of snow, without cither rolling or light 1, arrowing afterwards, and tho teed rarely fails from producing uil tliut was expec ted of it. Latterly the Fame couso is being pursued in the sowing of Tlmothy-sced, th.it is no after-wnik and it proves to be equally efficient. No harrowing, brushing, or rolling being necessary. Uov to Coot, Watkr. If it i3 desired to cool water for liriukirg in warm weather, and ire cannot bo obtained for this purpose, let it bo kept in an ungluzcd earthenware pitcher wrapt eronnd with two or threo folds of coarse cotton cloth kejjt constantly wet. Tlie theory rf cooling water iu this manner is the nbscrptinn of heat from it, by tho evapo ration of the moisture in thu cotton cloth expansion products cold, compression heat. Iv o.nomv or CAnrETs. To preserve ex pensive carpets, it is well to completely cover tho floor beneath them with drugget, cr coarse matting, which is a much better plan than to spread a layer of straw botween the floor and carpet ; tho straw (besides the difficulty of spreading it perfectly smooth and even) accumulating much dust that works up through the carpet. How to Stop Bi.oop. Take tho fine dust oT teas, or tho scrapings of the inside of tanned leather, and bind it close upon the wound, mid the blood will soon cease to llow. These articles are at all times accessible acd easy to bo obtained. tl'bcrlianciOii A Strange Story From Italy. A letter from Home, in The. I'v.ris (.'nicer contains the following extraordinary tale : "J n tho Cathedral of Vellctri, near Rome, was an image, of the Virgin, nearly covered with gold, land decked out with necklaces, rings and jewelry, ajd it was held in great vernation by tho people. In the Holy Week it was according te custom, Fcrecned from view by a curtain and on Jloly Thursday sonic person contrived to steal it. On Good t rulay tlie aiclipnest ot llio Cathedral re ceived a note thus conceived : '1 tho under signed, know the thief, and the spot in which is deposited the image of the Madonna, and 1 will make revelations on threo conditions impunity for myself, tho release of my brother who is to be condemned to death and a pen sion of 10 crowns a month. Yknuktta." The nrchpriest, having ascertained thut tho imago really had been taken abstracted, com muuicated the strange epistle to the delegate, Moosignor Giordani. Instead 'of scckiug ot oueo lor the writer of the letter this dig nitary applied to Homo for orders and the Pope, fearing the total loss of tho imago, nud tho effect Ihut would be produced amoung tho people, directed that the first condition oftlio bandit should be accepted, but that thu other two Lhould bo rejected. Vendetta haviiu' loured this rcscdutiou spread among tho peojde of Velletri the news of the robbery of tho imago, w hieh the clergy ol the cathedral had kept secret, and ho wrote to tho clergy that he would be content with inipuuily for luinse'it and wuu 1W crowns paid uown. Uu Saturday the people went en imu.e to the chinch and waited with anxiety for the arri val of that part of the service iu which tho crucifixes and images are uncovered, but the veil which had covered the image of the Ma donna was not removed. On Sunday thu people again Went to tho church, but ns the imago was uot displayed they became excited and murmured and at length some v( tlicui got on tho altar and tore dow n the curtain. J'ho lumor was then bpread by friends of Vendet ta that it wo the Jesuits who had stolen the Madonna, and tho excited people, believing the falsehood, broke into the convent occupi ed by the Jesuits which is aeljacent to the ca thedral, ni: d with cries of" La Madonna no stra! completely sacked it, and illtreatcd tho reverend fathers. .Shortly alter the suffragan bishop ascended the pulpit and exhorted tho people who remained in the church to bo calm but they would not listen to him. There is no garrison except 111 or VI veterans in the town, so that no opposition could bo mado to the mob. When the bishop descended from the pulpit a scarcely crediblo scene occurred tho brigand Vendetta, armed with a poignurd ascended it, nod thus addressed the peopie. l'.e patient ! 'J'ho good fathers are innocent. It is 1 who stole tho Madonna. Eut 1 will only restore it when tho Government, to whom I grant a delay till "Monday evening, Ehall l ave consented to tho compact 1 Lava pro posed to it. Eo calm, therefore, and tdiout no nioro. 1 warn you iu conclusion, that my companions ore armed us well as 1. Whut followed that hnranguo wo have uot jet leurn cd ; but a deputation ol the Municipality and Chapter of Vellctri have arrived here, und have had an interview with tho Pope. Orders have been icsued to dispatch a troop of gen damn s on horseback and a company of .Swiss jiifai.tiiny Vellotn to establish order." Mr.llloI'ISTi IN K.N'S.S AND Nl'-IIKASITA Tho third annual conference oftbo Methodist Kpiseopul Church in lsnntaa nnd Nebraska, was In Id ut Topeka from the 15th to the 10th of April lii.-liop Janes prcsidiujr. The churches returned 1,8'J3 menibera in Kansas ond 77 in Nebraska un iucreitso of more than half in 18o7. There lire ;",!) local preach ers in the two territories, l'orty-ono itiner unt preaelo ia were Btutioned iu Kuusaa und twenty iu Nobraska, for the present your. Komo musical publisher or teacher, Vince wroto or said "that tho nrt cf playing oil tho violin requited, the nieett perception, and tho most delicate Bcnsibility of any nrt of the known world." Home country editor, in com menting on it says : "The art of publishing a country nev.?puper and making it pay, beats thu art of iiddling higher than a kite." "Mr. 0 recti, when you said thero was too much Amc-riouu caplo in tho Fpeakor's dis course, did you mean tint it was a talon-ted production, und to what claws of the epeeeb did you especially refer ?" (iiion X i:vs. Tbe Huntingdon, fi'.obe says 'J'ho miners on li road Top have again gone to work in good earnest, and roal is begming to como down in InroB quantities which will enable shippeis to fill their coutract3. Ilur riA.urj 'Jityi iij h. Oeu'l Cuibing has donated a square of lund wottb Ivso thousand dollars, fci a ui-Ai Lpi3 iopal CLurli in A'titl.ii'tuu 1. C. MONEY CAN BE SAVED BY PURCHASING AT THE . x. ZmZZ now oMnina large and choice selected stock of WINTER PRICES TO SUIT TUB TIXVXCS. VTt rrturn eur sincere thanks lo the public for our inrcoasing patronage, end shall endeavor to merit . continuance of the same. & nrcouNTuv pnot)i;cE wanted at the highest rmcEu. tSuiilmry, IVccmber Ifl, 18.r)S. LANCASTER COLLIERY FOR SALE. lnioi lant e Vanl OjioraJois. riH E inderrii(fiicd Lessees of the "Lancaster Colliery," near Hhaniokin, Northunihcilnnd county, reniifylvAnis, wi-hing to retire from the business, oiler for sale the Lease and Fixtures of said t'olliery, nil sutisfietoiy terms. This Colliery has been in operation sinro 18o4, and has been sueresslul beyond expectation. The Coal is a superior nrt'u leu for all uses to w hich Anthracite isapplied, and a good market has been established, which run be much extended. The Breaker and Fitur tire of ihe rry beat ch ir ai ler and will lecominend thenrehes. to pe.tons BCiiaintid Willi the hur-iuess. The Lease runs to January 1, ISfit, urn i a favorable one for the operator. For further information apply at the Colliery in person, or by letter to Shamokin, 1'. O., ior tUuaibeihmd county, Pennsylvania. COC1IKAN, I'EALE & CO. February fi, 1858, tf VALUAELE REAL ESTATE OlTF.IIKIl AT P1UVATE SALE. rjfV'lv subscriber oilers at private sale, a cer tl tain lot or piece nf land, situate, in Lower Augusta township, Northumberland county, about miles hi low iSunbury, bounded on the west by the liver .Siiscpiehanun, on the south by land oi (ieoige Keiler, on the east by land ol Wm. Kroh, and on the north by land of Win. U. .tones, containing G Acres and IS perc hes, all of which is cleared und in a very high state ol cultivation. J nc lortncrii t cntral nail i Head Masses through the tract, and is also bound on the cast by the Main Koad leading from Suiiliurv to llairishorg, which together, with the liiver upon the west, and th fertility I of the soil makes it a very pleasant and desira ble situation. AI.SU); another certain Tract of Land, situate in said township, adjoining lnnds of William Kroh, on tho south, the heirs of ltnbcrt nod Ar thur Auchmuty ; on the cafit Wm. V. SSilvcr woiid, and a public road on the north, and Win It. Jones on the west, containing 03 Acres 121 perches strict measure, tbout fit) acres of which aie cleared, and ill a high state nf cultivation and the residue most excellent land for cultiva tion, but is now covered with excellent timber, and if pun based soon, the purrhascr can get a large quantity of Hailroad Ties on the same. This tract is also well watered, having several line springs upon it, and every field can be wa tered thcrebv. An indisputable title will be given and terms of sale reasonable. WILLIAM H. JONES. Lower Augusta tp., January 2, I8.V1. tf FEBRUARY 20, 1858. JUST Tcccivcd by Kailrrnd another lot o choice nnd desirable poods consisting in par of Fancy Detunes new styles, J! lark and Fancy Wlks Ueautiful Madder Prints at fi, 8 and 9 cents per yard Persian Delu ge 124 cents Plain Debutes 12J cents SO inches wide unbleached Mu-lin C' cents Al.-o 130(1 yards Muslin dif ferent widths and qualities French Cloths, Cas simcres, fc'ulinott, Kentucky Jean Ac, nt exceed ingly low prices And we call particular attcn tioli to our Stock of Fresh Groceries, feeling as sured that their quality and our price w ill render cntiie satisfaction COBZE ONE COMB ALL! Examine our goods nnd learn our prices, our fctock presents a large and varie l assortment, en abling purchasers to make a goad selection to the best advantage. QBEAT iByvncTKrs, Iu consequnce of the uihuliccd stale of the Win ter, we will commence from thin dale to sell our rniirc stock of Keady Made Clothing IJIaiikcK Winter Hosiery, and a very nice assortment of Ludics Shawls ut gicatly reduced prices Now is the time to secure irood bargains. A 1'IN.NV iS.WT.I) IS A lTANY KArtNT.P. E. Y. BR'CHT 6r hiO.N. Sunburv, February 20, ISSrf. VALUAELE PltOFEHTYFOR SALE. rjll K mibscriliers, Lxccntors of the c.-tulo o JL Hcurv Masser, dee'd., oiler at private sale the fiilliming jiroerty viz : A larjre tvv story frame dwelling bouse, together with ubeut .1(1 At 'UEiS OK LAND, Situate in Lower Auin.sta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occii)ancy of John It. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The bouse is new und the location a good one for business. AUoaTUACT (F LIMESTONE LAND, in said township on Ihe river about 5 miles be low .Vunhu.y, adjoining lands of .1. T. MTherson and others, containing, about U0 acres. The soil is productive and contains limestone and other minerals. Also a trait of Land, containing about :ir acres on the bill, about two miles below .Suulmry, adjoinimr binds of the bcii.i of the late John t-'unrad and others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For fuilhcr paniciihirs apply t the subscribers. 11. 11. MAS-shU, ) H. 1). MASSKH, Executors. ruA.Ncrs un.-iiEK.J tSunbury, January 19, lSoti. if rarnicisj I.ooU to Your Intercut. LIME I LIME 1 1 'IP HE sudscriber respectfully informs the far iners and the public generally, that he has leased Ihe lime kilns of Ira T. Clement in Sun bury, and that be has always on band, and is ready to supply a good j utility of lime to ull who may want for building or farming purposes. Helms ulso a kiln al Reefer's crossings mile! from Sunbury, or two from Snvdertown, t ir-" All Kinds of Country l'roduce tuken in exchange. CEO. W. STROII. Sunbury, Dec. 2B, lfl."7. HOVEKS LIQUID HAIR DYE. The teslimory of I'lof. Booth anil llr. UiimUc having pnviousl) been publishiil, thu following is now ad, led : Pi .in Pmf. Mi Cl.driWIIV, fi.rnti'ily Proo-smr of Theorv unit Praetii'u ol Mi-tlii-.iie in the I't-ninle .Medical Collide (f Pfiuinylviinia, uml laO: I'ioiVm, or ol aiuigcry iu ttie Alutricun CouVgcuf Mi-ilii'uie, .V.C. : PltlLAlKl.I III, Nov. SJlh, l-'i6. Ma. .lof:rn K. I1oiek a uml of y,.r I.liji:iD H.MK l I-: will coiiviiicc Ihe tnott aLepliuil, that il lan -v if" r:i.kUANT, uiul efshaciois prt-jiuruiiou. t'nlike UK.ny ulhers, it has In several liuit.inci-s provr.1 set vil-eulilu ill the cure of some cuuiiieoiu en.iplions on the ticail, and I have no hesiuoion in couilurndoig it to those rcioinui; s jch uu ap'iliL'uii -ii. Very rc.-jiectiully, J. F. X. MeCLOCKEV, M.D , 4T.) lime tt -, alnve lUlh. HOVKH'S WRITINO INKS, ineludiug HOVI-H'S wiuti.nu ri. lid, uml iio i;it siMJi:i.iiii.i: inks, ttll iiia;iilaiu their lugh eliiiriieter, which has slwuys dis liiiBUitlied them, anil ihe extensive deuiaiul lirst created, has eontiuuid uiinitcri uplt j until the pivurut. Orders addressed to the Manufactory, No. 416 RACE street, above Fourth, (old No. 144,) Philadelphia, will receiveprompt attention, by JOSEPH K. HOVER, Manufacturer. December 25. 1SS7 April 25, '67, eh. 1O0O lbs of t'ai iK't llnss TYTA?TEn Rt 1,10 B,ore of V. Bright & ' iSon, who are constantly receiving a fresh supply of (ioods, thus offering to the publio the largest and most desirublo assortment. July II. 1857. pATCHOl'LY, JOCKEY CLLU, SPRING 1 FLOWERS, Ac, of the host quality a freh supply juot received and for sale at the Drug fc-toie of A. W, FISHER, fcunbuiy, Afj. I, 1SC7 WE STILL SURVIVE THE CRISIS NOTWITHSTANDING the astonishing quan ' titv ol fioods that I brought into town last Spring, I succeeded in selling them nil out ex cept what I gave nway, and bad to hurry to the city, for a in w lot, in order that my customers mislit not be put to the inconvenience of buying nt other stores, where they would be chaigcd killing prices. Profiting by past experience, I hac just brought on Twice as Many Goods, and I hfive now the largest and CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT ever ottered within hearing af this place. I am bound to tell CHEAi'SIt TIUiN EVBn, tie lore. I need not say cheaper than my neigh bors; for thut is no longer a disputed fact. I am now ready to denl out goods twenty hours out of twenty-four Sundays excepted at low er prices than any person daro ask lor. Just call for any thing you want. 1 am deter mined to SLTPLY ALL DEMANDS that may be made, reasonable or unreasonable. Call soon, as tho rush is tremendous. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Dec 2fi, 1837. ly 1857. FALL & WINTER GOODS ! 1858. -A.T I?. GRAY'S FANCY DRY GOOD STORE, Market Square, Suntmry. JVOW received and will continue to receive ' the largest und best selected Stock of H'ack Clutlis, Cussimeres, Cassinctts and Vesting., .ye. An assortment of Dress Goods, viz: Fancy printed Calicos.Chillies, printed Lawns, De Lain" Unreges, Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapacas, Dress Silks, Ginghams, &c. LINEN AND WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet ing, Pillowcascing, &c. Dress Trimmings in Great Variety, Hoots nnd Shoes Hats and Caps, Hardware, Cedarwarc, Grorcries, Uucenswnre S ALT and FISH, Cheese, Crackers, Segars, Tobacco, SnulT, Ac, an nssorsment of other Goods too tedious to mention. Feeling grateful for past favor we beg leave to r-'"c our old friends and the public that no 1 ft , ; jn our part shall be wanting to lnrrit a coi.- nuance of our patronage. Country produce taken in exchange at the lushest murket price. T. W.GRAY. 8iinluiry,Dcc. 12 1SS7. tf A VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. fjlTE subscriber will sell at private sale a -I- KAIi.M, situate in Point township, Nor thumberland county, about 3 miles from the borourrb of Northumberland, on the Danville road, adjoining lands of J. (,', ilorton, James Nesbit, Chas. Parks and the north branch of the river Susipichnnna containing 75 to 1C0 Acres, to suit purchasers. Tluj land is iu a good state of cultivation. I lie improvements consist of a lar'O frame HOl'ME, well finished ; a Spring House, built over a never-failing spring close to the bouse, a Hank liain and oiher outbuild ings. An Oichard with young and choice fruit tiees. The above tract will be sold on reasonable terms and an indisputable title given. Tosscs bion given on the lirst day of April next. 1'or further particulars inquire of the subscri ber, residing on the adjoining faun. JAJIKS NESIilT. Point town.diip, January i!:i, 1S5H. tf BOUNTY ORDERS. County orders taken as cash for goods, and on note or book ac count by E. Y. URIUH I' 4 SO. Nov. 2, Ifl.'iO. B'JtiRT and MAUEKIA WINES, Schi. Jani - Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, blackberry m.l Lavender brandies for medicinal purpo-i s at March 11, '57. A. V. Fl.-HER. i fishing Tacklo. Red Cork, ton and Linen Lines, Out Lin ont, lirnss, Lot- ines, Sea (irass by the yard, Snoods, Flies, Kirby, Limerici! and Carlisle Hooks, Rods, iVc, for sale bv March 4 1. '57. A. W. FISH ER. eI.v.male Clotllht?. Peter feham, " Whippoorwill Hangups, Mohair Kaglane, French Cloth and Zilack Cnion Coats, including a nice assortment for Hoys. I'unts, Vests and Monkey Jackets, all sizes and prices. Sunbury, Dec. 20, '37. UI(iHT4 SOX. (Jl'ARE and Long Broche Shawls; also, atervliet, Bay State, Waterloo, und Blan ket, Shawls, latest styles, all qualities and prices. Dee. 26, 1857. BRIUHT A- SON. P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, JI STH II OF THU PEACE, STjrrri3Trpi-5r, rvv. Ojjice in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Puhlic School House. All business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writings done. Sunbury, April 25. 1857. tf New Di-uxm, Paint), &.c. NEW supply ef Drugs, Paints. Oils, Fluid, &c, just received and for sale by A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, May 5, 1357 ANB WARRANTS. The highest price -will be given for Land Warrants by the sub cribei. H. 11 MASSER. "J A TENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS fo bar bottles tor sale liy H. B MASSER. Sunbury, July 19. 18.16. stationery. A large supply of fancy .Note Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Puper, Pens, Ink, Sand, eve, at March 14, '.r7. A. W. FISHER'S. r"IVbacCO and Segars 20,0U Imported Segars of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S. Sunbury, March 14. 1857, a. J- rtoWcWiIlfv SUtovncn at i'aiu, Practices in Northumberland and adjoining Counties. Sunbury, November 21, 1857. tf C. BEITEEP.T'3 WIIOLSSALI AID RtTAll BOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S.t, abort Chesnnt, l'ltil'a. BOOTS, Shoei, Gaiters, &e., promptly made to order iu the very best style, and of the best material. Philadelphia, May 9, 1857. A LMONDS, RAISONS, FIGS, LEMONS. " &c, Ac, just received! fresh aupply and fur sal at the Confectionary store of M. C. GEARHART. Sunbury, May 16, IS07. laln Ilaiiiftlicd t 1 F li V II O L O N O E D , HOLLOWAY'S PILLS To Buffer tlit pains nnd penalties of girkncm whfti the rcrtmn menus of euro ute arrrniiMf In nil, is ntwinve ninilni'Mi. The verlable remctlv, noting powerfully upon the cniiffrBnf diFctifc in nil llic Hniilp, ncrvrs, nnd tinimes of the hotly, tsiU'l the morbid nnd poinoni matter from its lurking' plars in Hip nystrm, clc.inpe nnd purif y evciy ewrction. relmild the utmrterMd ci!iFlitiitin, rrsiore the viijnr nnn virility of the tnlrelited frnmc, and tend to pro long Itl'e lar beyond its oidinmy hmn. MILLIONS RELY ON TIJLM ! In pvrry (junrtrr of the plohe, nmonpr nil nntioud, civil ized und wjV'iga these Pillx nvc usett wtth t'fiiul nnd unva rying etu'crss. Th yure advertised in tvery pTintcd Inn p'linge, nnd wliTeever comineice hun penetrated, they ore lti continual demand. ALL INTCUVAL risKAns Yield to tli!ir notion, Dpepii, Liver Ci-mphint, Af fections of the Hwei9. the Kidneys, tin; Nervrs. t he Luncs, Mio Thrcut nnd the llrnin, that have previHi'y dehed nil lnimin BkiH ami nil other rfin;edic. nre rspili t.ouciy amimfnlii'iv rnrrd !v tins n!!-oonqnering medicine HOi'M.Y IMiOS I ItATH'N Kvrn when the ;ttitii'(t nrc reduced to the hist nVfrrec r feeoleucps, th'-y mny bn rt'cn,r.nt''d by t)i p-fcuUttf Wnic oiidaiternati'vc properties ni Huilcnvtiy Piii. FEMALF.3 OK ALL AGLS, From whntever voricty f the ni!r.ints pliar to their Bex they nviy be snffHring, tnny rely with entire ronkdtive on the elluet of this Strengtlnng, (eviving, Safe nnd na med into remedy. Ilolhways Pills are tit best remedy Inown in the world for the following disease: AFthmn, Fever nnd Atnic Stone nnd Grnvel Howel Complaints Female CumpluintB Sce.nulrny Pymp Coughs Iltindaehps Inwnrd Wenknrps Colds IndigeBtioit Liver CnniplnintB CheHt Di senses Influenza Lownceawf Spirits C'tRlivenees Inllamnntion Files Dyspepsia Venereal Affections Diarho-a Worms, of nil kinds UropBy FV CAUTIOX ! None nrc gnutme nnlcss th words "H'dlowny, New York nnd London," nrc discernible b ns n wnler-inark in every leaf ol" the lwn-k of directions nronnd each put or box ; the name tuny be plainly seen by holding the ienf to the light A handVome reward will le given to nny one rendering such information ns nmy lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medicines or vending the sunic, Knowing tlicm lobe spurious. Sold ot the Manufactories of Professor IIolt.oway 0 .Maiden Irfine, New York, find 'Jit Strand. Londnn, by nil respectable linnrcists aud healers iu Medicine tlirouuh out the l.'nilcd States, and the civilized world, in boxes, nt Qr cents. 6JI cents, nnd !"l each. IW Theri8 a considerable Buving by taking the larger sizes. N. IL Direntions for tlie guidance of patients in every disorder nre affixed to earh box. October J7, IS5V. Jyca EARTHEHWARB- THE subscriber respectfully informs the citi zens of iSunbury and the public generally, that he has commenced the manufacture of all kinds ef K A UT n EN VCA It E, at bis manufactory in 'Whortleberry Street, one square east of the Kivcr. Ho has engaged the services of Mr. Hirer, and you can therefore depend on having a good article. The public are respectfully invited to call. All orders from a distance will be promptly attended to. P. M.SIIINDEL. Sunburv, Feb. 2, 18.1(1. tf X. S. LAHREXfE'S NEW Paper. Frintcrs' Card and Envelope WAREHOUSE, jYo. -105 Commerce Street, PtiilaiUlyliia. Cush buvcrs will find it for their interest to call. Janunry 1C, 1853. 6mos. Mraw-Cuitc-r. TIIIE subscriber has been appointed Agent for I Messrs (ieddes A Marsh of Lewisburg, for the sale of their iStraw, Hay & Corn-Fodder I ut tor. This Cutter is the best iu use. Farmers and others are recpectfully requested to call and examine for themsolv es. P. B. MASSER. Sunbury December 2C, 18o7. tf DEISI TISTBY UKOltUE KKXX, 1 NNOl'NC'ESto the citizens of Sunbury and vicintv, that he has opened an office in Sun bury, above) H. J. Wolverton's office opposite I.'. Weavers Hotel, wlicro ho is prepared to attend to all kinds of work belonging lo the profession, in the latest and most unproved style. All work well done and warranted. December 1 3, 1 856. THE LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT I N T II P. CITY OF II A 1. T I M O It V. "ITATIIIOT'S finy Street IVarrronui Sns U.1 111 Hint '-M .Norm ijny street, near ravette, ttnlliinore where is kept atwavs un hand, or made to order, every slyteof French TETE-A-TETKS, iu Flush, Hair, Cloth or llrocntelie. French Full PlntT end Medallion Tarler Arm Chairs 111 Plush, Hair, Cloth or llroeulelle. Freni-h Full rinil'Cinvcd Patio Chairs in sets, wilh Plush, Hair, Cloth or llrocateile. SOFAS- Half French Spring Mitlmpnny mjil 'Walnut Parlor Clmiri, in llmr, Clatti nmt I'liuh. Hocking Chuiri varum ittsigus, in Hair, Cloih and riiisli. ttuifPprinfif Iunc;ei n larpe naeortmrnt nlvni en (mini, or un pattern muuteor covered with any gmxls to urucr. CHAMBER SUITS.' lnMuhirany or Walnut, comnlcte, from &35 un. Ciiiw Chain and HtH-kni tin. the largest assortment ready i nude in any out ho u feu in Ihe L'utitU Suites Horn f lJ u dttzen np. U tr Htxtiu, OiTice nnrl Dining Chain, in Oak, Walnut or Miihognny, with Cane, WikxI ur fltullid Statit.- an nflitinent cniniacnig over au uozr-il. Wimm) aeat Chum und tklleei and R taking Chairs over 1U0 dt'Zfii. Gilt ami l'lain Frame IrokiiiP'. Olansfs, of every variety Ail ftlliUI K'l 131'UB, 11U1I V1IU 11 USA 1 IUI ti:ilW( ? A. M ATI HOT. Nob. 51 and S3 N Gay st , near Fayette it , Uultuuoie August l,lso7. iy Citrate of Magnesia OR TASTELESS SALTS. riWIS preparation i reccm mended as an ex cellent laxative and purgative. It operates mildly, is entirely Iree Irom any unpleasant taste reaenthling lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold by A. v. rliSiiER. Sunbury. March 4 1856, PHILIP H. PTJP.D7. WUOLESALI AND BETAlt Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. E. cor, irofnuf anil Water Streets, PHILADELrillA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest pricei. October 4, 850 tf COLD rEN8 with and without case., f M very tuperior quality, just received. Also fresh supply of Writing Fluid, fsr lals U.H. MA6SEK. Siuihury, Pet. S7, 18SC- JURE OLIVE OIL for t.bl. use, two size at 37 J and C8J cents just received b A. w. niiu.rt, March 1.V5H. fxtrrittthei furxitttreii TUB LAK0E8T BTOfJK EVEK OFFERED IN SUNBURY. Fnsblenublc, Cheap nnd Useful MT1HE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet A and Chair Manufnrturer in Sunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, AC, embrace KVf.RY VARIETY, ISEFIL AND ORKA MENTAL in housekeeping. It ia unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in his line can be had at moderate prices, Chenp for Cash, or Ceunlry Pioducetakcn in exchange. Establishment South East Corner of Marlei Square. jF These knowing themselves indebted to tin subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Sunburv, April 4, 1857. tf NWAKRANGMENl J'resh Arrival of DRUGS, TAINTS, OILS, &c. riHE undersigned isvinj taken the stnre for JL merly kept by William A. Uruncr, is now ready to fill orders and prescriptions at a mo ments notice. Hi lias a large and will selected stock of fresh and pure ERUGS, CHEMICAL, Dyp-slufTs, Oil, Paints, Glass, Tutty, and all kinds of Patent Medicines. FRLTT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported Segars of the rhoicpst brands. Fancy Notions' toilet articles, and Per fumery of all kinds. Tettli and Hair ilrushes of every variety. Camphine and Fluid ahcayi on land. Customers will find his stork complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to cnu mernte, and all sold at moderate prices. llcinember the place, naxt door lo E. Y. Bright'! Mainmotk btore. A. W. FISIIER. Sunbury, March 14, 1857. TMt Pin U fnr trorflP,i.. pmia ii l I'rfrty Fr!i Sbit. Il require no Wm, Potit n'l ofin ! ill in ftny otlivr Cn vvr tiTiil... All rut' cf Wx nnrl rmsl ra AmlnllT dmavraAalil nd wortUln in unsline. ut pmPminK tills HTtlrl VU9 rMh'lr', tM InvfintT niiaiiftnir fhe wM in fin InfuHiM, filinj-le, K$J tud Rikri l yrormi of HurttiPlir 1 P--ltinr. Tft'ltJHl intrl4i tn tl.c .a'i nf lnfarlrr Cat: trv tr. flrirrint tll uriirlp hy fnl-tt ftf.tfm-rtK ; l.nt Ail tr enti .tc fttitl iTftiil Dtiia ho hnve eiainiuBd it iaj l witifol ti rmut. II ii nTrai N'.l In koor m11 flTtltti nut Tin tofmMn m niivt-w. i ry ii. Htm in un rhf wnurt n iijtir n th fdtilt f ltt Cnn tin moiiHT will l rpriiiide-d Trie lfl t ir l'ltrrt nnnHnlti-rnlpeT Tftii: (5ntn tilffprvht frnni Ihp otToriftlrn on bv otlicru. 1 li hnrtlini: i -ti (in tntlrelv i:m .!n. Rp-fcet pnrWilr Still, nnd tnaaot icrlncii ir t.r,4 r.hL t'lire limn ffuitkot Wi.ul.1 .lo on nny oilier run- The ninfiiir b )nrr nr.iih Ifl ft.lmit fn!l-ltrr1 Mnck. I'tistrx il no La-irl nh.nl it In rfrUiriril! tlia li'ititent.; It Ud.ft t.ftnl.rclTof Tin. t ! I T" Tinei.'n of Soul to l.ft! pi ol lif Uil for Three 'fir!, fiii. i j)o9 wttu hiiv tried tliein win UN i LlBKIt A L rif 'Of NT TO TH Ii TR ADE. j( V- T.TTTiT.fiW flAK Tf St IClnc St., . V Sept. 10. !? -. NEW CONFECTIONARY WHOLESALE AND EETAIL. M. C. GE AKII ART, HAS just received a new anil excellent nnsort inent of good at hit (Jonfectioiinry and Fruit More iu MAKKKT STKCKT, Sunburv, where he manufactures and keeps on hand, at nil times, the most chnica Confectionary, A.C., Wholesale nud Kctail, nt Philadelphia priced. Among hia stock of Confectionarius, may l found : French SorstJ, liiirned A I mum! J, Cn-im White, ' I .em mi " Vainiin, Cainm-m ijeciett. LiquorH'e nnnanns, Oum Drop?, nil lti mitt n scent, I.nve lrniip, Mint frnp, reil and white, Jelly Cukes, I'tnit ln'S, Slick Cumltt-a, ef nil aeenti Ktwk Cmuty, Aim ud Ciuuly, FRUIT. CitionJi, rurnintR diieJ, A liuttuutf, Rflisor.P, Nuts m( n!l kinds LEMON SYltUP of a superior quality, hy tho single or dozen. A iuperior quality of tScars nnd Tobacco, and a variety of Confectionariea, fruit, &c, all of which is oficred cheap at wholesale or retail. ICE CBEAM He has opened an Ice Cream Saleon, and will at all times he ready to serve his customers with Ice Cream. Sunbury, May 21, 1 8. 17. ly SALAMANDER TIRE THIEF-PROOF SAFES. The largest assortment in Ihe United States. Warranted t be equal to any now made, and will be sold on as Good Terms, as can be obtain ed from any other house in the Country, at EVANS & WATSii.V.s 2G South 4th fetrcet, Philadelphia. Truth is Mighty, and Must Prevail. Report of the Committee appointed to superin tend the Burning tf the Iron Safes, at Head ing, February 27, 18.1". Riupixo, March 4. The undersigned, member! of the committee. do re."pcctl'ully report, that we saw the two Safes originally agreed upon by r arrels & Herring and Evans & Watson, placed side by side in a fur nace, viz: The Safe inuse by tho Paymaster of tho J In la Jel .Ina and Reading Railroad Compa ny, in hia office at Reading, manufactured by L'arrels & Herring, and the Safe in use by II. A. Lantz, in his store, manufactured by Evans iVr utbon, and put iu books and papers precisely alike. The fire wis started at 8J o'clock, A. M.,nnd kept up until feur cords of green hickory, two curds dry oak and hall chesnut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the superin tendence ot tbe subscribers, members of the Com mittee. The Sal'ea were then cooled off with water, after w hich they were opened, and the books and papers taken out by the Committee and sent to ii. A. Lantz's store for public exam ined and marked by the Committee. The hooks and papers tuken from the Safe manufactured iy Parrels Jr Herring were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than those tuken Irom Lvans o: atson s Safe. e believe tbe above to have been a fair and impartial trial of the respective qualities ufhoth Pales. JACOU H. DYSIiETJ, DANIEL S. lll'XTl'l! Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincide with the above statement ,f il.. condition of the paper and books tuken out of mo respective osles. G. A. NICOLLS, II. H. M UHLKNBERG, J AM KS.M1L HOLLAND. March 81, 857 AMERICAN HOUSE, "WILLIAMSrORT, VA .1. II. liULTOX, Proprietor. Ja8. T. Ham., Ass't. Sept. 13, ltjSG. tf ITrCUtll Ciolll, Fancy and Flain Ci ' mere, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, Silk, Sv tiu and Silk Velvet Vesting!, Troy Salinett and the very largest and cheapest assortment of Men' Wear suitable for rold weather. 11RIGI1T ii SON. Sunbury, Dec. 86, 57 OOTS & SHOES for Meu, Women and Children, a large stock, comprising Men's Water Proof Kipp and Calf skin Roots, Pro lans, Moroeeo, Km and Calfskin Shoes, Gaiters ",.d Gum Shoe. B RIGHT & SO. Sunbury. 1W 26, irfT. IIERIIING S SArjJ. THE RECENT TRIALS .1 Kcdiii(t huve-endoripd tli Dimmit or pulilie opinion, and rnntnue.! the vrrdict of more limn uuoi dental fires, pn.vinjt eoncliitivty thnt "Herring's" tlieouiv HrVi.: that will not bura. txtraet fioin Iht OoaimHtM'i Roiwrt on the Trial of It,,., s.. at Heading i ' On the iMtti of Febrsnrv all the members of Iht Com miner met to witness the thtfn sad books and pirs, (placed in them) an were perfectly Kitihcd that all was rijrht. The day following, thi burning took ptece. nndsr the superinionrlense of the Committee. After a fair and impartial tunning; for five hours, the fi,fe or Alcrv. Kvnns A AVatsfni wns first opciiedfthe Safe beinjr on flu inside, nnd ihe contents partially consumed, while lbs am tents in the fnfe of Messrs. Fnrrels t Jteriing weie in f ood condition, nnd no fire Inside," lending, March 2, 1S57. (Signed,) H. V. fT.t.IX. ) r.N. COLKMAN, Joommitlee. A. II PK A COCK. ) And eidnr?sd tyovcr 09 of the hest men nf Reading. TheshoveSsfceenn I Inspected at 34 Walnut Street, where the public can satisfy themselves of the crcot enp ri Tity of the "Herring'! Patent Chnmpinn," over the defeated and used up "inside Iron boor Salmander." Italley & Herring, 34 Walnut St., FhilaJa. Onlv makers in this Stat! of Herring's Patent Chsmsmr' Safes. The attempt made by other forties to holster up th fepntn'ion of a siftfe which has failed in signally ii neei dental fires in Philadelphia, (RnriFf "n.l I'laek.) by titkini, one out of sn scent's store, (H. A. I.anfz.) innde doubli. thickness. (eifTerent from tliose they sell) to "bum up' one ofHeriine's (half as thick) has met wilh its true ie wnrd. Herring's Pafc could not be burnt, proving roneln sivelv that the oniv reliable Safe now mnde is "JI orr iny -of which over Is.iiOO ore now in actual nse, and iw than SIK1 hnve been tried by fir! without a !ingle loss. Phils., June 20, 17. iy. ISAAC M. MANUPACTTJPEOP FURNITURE AND C1IAIR& Of the moat Fashionable Style. Sofas, Divans mil Louu?rrKi Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, r SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to IUii!a- ilelphia manufacture. BEIiSTEADS, of cvpry pattern atnl rrica CUPBOARDS. WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of hia 'T'HE eubacritier respectfully calls the attentisi ol the public to Ina large and splendid -anrtment of every quality nd price of . CAIII.ET-WAK which fnnot fail to reiommend itself toevcry ene who will examine it, on account of its dmalilp workmanship and splendid finish, mad up of the licst stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and tlie suliscribcr is determined to keep up with tlie many improvements winch are constantly hcine made. He of else manufacture all kinds and qualities CIIAIIIS, ilriuding varieties never licfore to he had ir Sunbury, such as Mamocany, Black Walkct amii (.'t'liLEn Maple UnnriAS ; in Wisnsnn CHAIRS, ami KAScr Tiao Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Citirs or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse fur persons to purchano furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained tiout the quality and finish of his ware and W hairs. ' hese articles will be disposed of on as rooi! ten, as they can be purchased 1 1 cwhere. Coun tryp ooduce taken in pavnient fur work. x UNDERTAKING. Having provided a handsome IIkaiise, he is now preparrd for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity, or at any convenient distance from this place . The Ware Rotm is iri Fawn etreet, lo ew Weaver'! Hotel. He has also purchased tbe riij'.it of manufM"- tnriujanu selling in Northumberland countT, Gould's patent Excelsoir Spring lied, which l.e Springs put in will lurnirli at nasonahie rates, old bedstead for three dollars. IK.4AC M. VILKERsON Sunbury, April IS, 1857. tf. FURNITURE POLISH. S. R A7"S P remium Patent Kunmel Furniture Polish. This polish is highly valuable for resto ring tlie pnli.-h on all kinds of Furniture, filafM, Carriage Hodies, Ikir Cloth, tvc. Also, for re moving spots, hiding scratches, & c., A c. War- ranted to dry immediately and retain its gloss. Price 50 cts. per bottle. Sold by A. V. FISIIER. March 14, 1857. Sim ML II. GRWIG, ATTORNEY AT r-A."W, OJ!ce on Smith Secnd, near Marlet Street, L K WISDUR, PA. Practices in the Counties of Union, Northum berhind and Muntnur. All 1'norKssioNAL Hisisrss entrusted to his care will receive prompt and fa'thful atten tion. October 3, 1857. ly WHITE HOUSE HOTEL. POTTsVILLE, PA. PHE subscriber respectfully announces to his eld friends and Ihe public, that he has taken that old and well known establishment, the White ;iIorsa Ilotel. At the corner of Centre and Mahantogo sts,, in th Borough of Pottsville. The house has re cently been very much enlarged and otherwise improved, rendering it quite ns comfortable us any ether Hotel in Schuylkill county while the stables are large, in good cenditien, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and others wh may stop at his house, he promises every attention calculated U render them comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. FKGER. April 5, 185f-. tf ST.lt ITER & II lHl-i:l . CHHAP WATCHES AND JKWKUtV. V,!.f"',';SAI-1': AXDUKTAII..ntihe '-I'IhM all-lies ami Ji-vt.!iy St.iri-' , 1 1 ,i i,i . North Second Street, Comer ol'Uunirv. l'i,i!:i.l, !, i'.ii (Suld Lever Wntt-lins, full i Icil, 1? caret eaecs. -.'c f"1 u.iiu j.t-pute, 1. caret, filvi-r l.cver. full jewelled, Silver l.epiue. jewels, Superior (Juurners, t.olil Sieetueles, Fine Sileer di., (iiilil Urneelt'ls, Lvil) 's Uolil Pencils, Silver Tea sonnies, set. Gold Pen, with I'eaeil iMit? ! (i.ud Finger lll'i 3T,t els l I'-'l els , piilenl l.unel 9.') SI I'" 1J I'.i .i j.. t l. V e 1 ,v t In 1 l ' (.1 1 ii r'" it" vcr ho'diT. i fc.-U; W'alch fisi;srs. el her urt k-U-j hi i-ivi., Ail goHis warranted to l.e hat t ST.V1 ri'DH II .Mil rv. i' tn limiil snnie Oi!-l nnd ilv'er Lever.nisil l.ri'im Hill Inwer Hum Ihe ah.ivr pneei l'hilailel,liia, Deti-her 1", 1-57 lvV HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 0cc oppositt thi Court Hjusc, Sunhury, Noi'thumberland Couuty Pa. Prempt attention to business in aJjoinin; Ceumics. DANVILLE nOTEL. JOHN DEEN, JK., Market Street, DanvUU, Pa, T HIS is on of the largest and most commc dious hotel! in tbe interior of reuiisylvani it haa been recently fitted up, in excellent stjh wilh all the modern conveniences. Panvilled, Sept. 82, 1855. OLANK Parchment Paper Deed and Mai: Mortgages, Uonds, Execution, Sumuier. Ac, f.r saleb 11. 13. MASsKK. Sunbury. Apr! 30, 1856 STOVES- lOR SALE an excellent second-hand Ce -- ing Stove, also several CvlinJer Ca 8toes Emjuir at thii oflice. CILVER WATCHES A few double , EnglUh Silver Watches, for sal at very 1. price by M. U MAb&'K. Uiibury, Ajuil 13, 1856. ')