Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 22, 1858, Image 2

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    IllUIII.U 1 HOiVI tTAII.
Col. Kane, the Peace Xegntiatur Governor
Cummin g in Suit l.alc City.
Ht. Lot'i, Mny 1". The following addi
tiutinl particulars rrom Utub have been de
rived by tlio Jlrpublican from Mr. Garish,
who left Camp Scott April 12th. Wbilo his
iufonnntion does not fully corroborate the
news already given, it loaves no room to
queBtion lbs fact that Governor dimming
bad enterod Suit Lake City.
Col. Thomas L. Kane, who was f cot oat n
Ponce Commissioner via. California, arrived
nt Salt I.oko on the 2oth of lobrunry, and
remained there eight days. He then pro
ceeded to Camp Scott, and while there fre
quently passed from tbe Camp to a placo of
conference with the loading Mormons outside.
In ptirsuunco of the negotiations there eutered
into, Governor dimming left Cump Scott on
the 6th of April and was met by a gentleman
on the 9tb, when two days travel from the
city. Ht wus accompanied by Col. Kano,
aud was escorted by Messrs I'oitor, Rock
well, Egan and others, Mormons. The arri
val of the Governor at the city wus anticipa
ted on the 11th, and handsome apartments
bad been provided for bis reception.
A gentleman who is well informed in rela
tion to tbo Mormons, and who bad just
arrived from Suit Lake, told the Jlrpublican
informant, that tbe general furling in the
city W33 in favor of peace, and only a portion
of the leaders wero advocating resistance.
Tbo Ecouting parly in cburgo of 15. F.
rickling, about v. hose safety oppreheusions
Lad been foil, bud returned to cump.
The Provision trains for Cuuip Scott loft
Tort Laramie on tno 21th or Aprd, and Col.
Hoffman was to leave tlio nest day.
Captain Maury, with hU Uaiu of horses
nnd mules, and about 3000 sheep, was beard
from on tho Cherokee trail, liOO uii'.es couth
of Fort Laramie. Ho bad not been joined
by tho troops detailed by General Garland,
but was waiting their nrrivul. Wbcu beard
from bis progress was very Blow, but ho
would reach Camp Scott, by tho 20lb of
M nv.
Tho mail party experienced heavy rams
cast of Fort Lamarie, and the roads were iu
u wi etched condition.
Messrs. Towel and McCulloogh, tbo Utah
Peace Commissioners were met ou tho Ctb
of Mny, twenty miles from Fort lCcurncy.
Salt Lauk Cm v to be nde a Military Dk-
Washington, May 18 The government
intends keeping a huge military forco'in Salt
Lake Valley and will mako Suit Lake City o
depot of stores, equipments, ect.
Liven if tho late Utah intelligence prove
true the supply trains will be pushed on and
communication established and maintained
between Fort Leavenworth and Salt Lake
m u. .' . ' 11 - - - - -
A lrutal Tragedy in Franklin f'ptare.
A great excitement was yesterday created
i tho neighborhood of Sixth and Viuo streets
vmTl.irVtintiifr "r'lVinr frW.NrtjJ
SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1858.
II. 13. M ASSEIt, Editor and Proprietor.
To AnvTBTiiiV--The circulation of the fiiiilniry
AmiTKim tlic different towns nn the Piminohnniin
I nntcxcperfod ifeqwilled lijr any p;et published in North
ern Pnnsvtvann.
Democratic Stito Nominations.
ron jfuiiKTip Tifi:"if ph 7:mF: court T,
WM. A. Iom i:n, I'hilnrtelphln.
WKSTl-UY FltOST, Fnyelte UBir-
by n fatal tragedy which took placo in Frank
lin Square, at ten o'clock in tbo morning, in
full view of merry groups of children, nnd per
sons who were saunlcriug beneath tbe shade
trees. Tho tragedy was enacted almost bo
ncath tho spray of the beautiful fountain
which adorns tho centre of the Park, It re
sulted in tho fcuicide of a man and tbe wound-
inz uf a women, both results being oceom
plished by a revolving piitol iu tbo bauds of
the lormer.
To go back to the beginning of the story,
wi first introduco n vouiik man, named Geo.
P. L Goodwin wo3 23 Years of ace, a barber
by trado. llo came from Boston Massachu
set!?, where bo wus raised, llo lias n moth
er, and also a wife and two children, who re
Ride nt No. S' west Cedar street, in that city
Of bis further antecedents we know nothing,
except that, two years ago, bo came to flnl
ndclphia, and obtained employment with Mr.
ollard, a highly respectable perrwuicr, in
Chesnut street, opposite tho State House.
Goodwin brought with him a handsome,
showy looking female, now '2i years of oge,
whom bo represented ns his wile. This per
son, it has been ascertained, is named Anna
Gurland, and was brought up at Lynn, Mass.
Of their previous history, or how they came
together, uotbing is known, as it was suspec
ted, until recently, that tho relation existing
between the parties tvu3 other than legiti
uiale. Tho following id a condensed statement of
the fact3 from tho Heading Ga:c!t'.
The Philadelphia papers of the Mlh ins-t. con
tain the particulars of u frightful troqedy, which
was enacted kii Thursday morning in Frankliu
Square. (icori:e F. (iood'.vm, a barber, in ihc
employ ol K. Dollard, in Chestnut street, oppo
site tne State Hou.-e, who hiid been living for
peine time with a woniun named Lizie Marshall,
Mtpiniited to murder the latter by thooting her
willi h pistol. He then turned the weapon upon
hiui-t'll, and discharged a fatal shot through bis
heart. The nietched man died in the course of
half u ii hour, but the wounds of the woman, al
though of a ery serious character, are not likely
to terminate her life. Jealousy was the cause of
thin tcriille dee J. It appears that '-Livie," whose
real naino is Anna Gaiiand, had recently taken
up with a man named Samuel W. Kandull, and
icfiiacd to live wiili Goodwin any longer. This
drove him l desperation, and under pretmro of
taking final have of the woman, ho obtained her
consent to meet hi in in the Surjare.with Kand-ill,
to pay a few parting words; but it turned out
that the interview was sought for the express
purpose of t..'.in her life and his own. Goodwin
was 'J years ol ap. He was rabed in Boston,
Mass. lie has a mother, and also a wife and
two chil rcn, who resiile at No. C2 West (Vdur
street, in that city. He ca.uc to Philadelphia
about two years a 150, nnd brought wilh him this
"Liizie Marshall," a handsome, showy woman,
now 24 years old, whom he represented us his
wife. It bus been time iisi-eitaineJ that she wus
brought up in Lynn, Mass. Of their previous
history, or how they came together, nothing is
known, as it was not suspected, until recently,
that the relation existing between the parlies was
other than legitimate, itandull, who supplanted
Lioodwin in the allec-thins of Lizio, is the acnt
of a. New York Jewelry Manufactory.
TtKi.ioiot'8 Notice. Service will bo bold
in the German Iteformed Church, in this
place, by the J'ev. J. W. Stcinmotz, to-morrow-
(Sunduy) evening ut 7 o'clock.
Krt.toous Notickh. 1'ivino servico will be
bold in St. Marks Episcopal Church on Sun
day next in the morning and evpning nt the
osnal hours, nnd in St. Marks Northumber
land, in the aftorooon at 3 o'clock.
C-yFuR Kk.nt. A bouse in Market street.
Apply at this office.
tJIT We are indebted to tho publishers for
a copy of "Tlio Song of fho Sewing Machine."
New song dedicated to tho Wheeler & Wilson
Sewing Machine Company. The Kords by
George P. Morris, and the music by "Watson.
Hisronr of Hakrisbuko. Friend lierg
ner, of the daily 'Iclcgraj h, proposes to pub
lish, by subscription, a history of Hurrisburg,
ou or about tbo Cist of July next. Judging
from tho table ofjcontenls, wo Lave no donbt
it will be a work interesting, not only to
Daupbiu but the adjoining and other couuties.
C$" Tho transfer of the public works to tha
Sunbury &, L'rie railroad, took place on tbo
llth. Jos. DieQcnbacb has been appointed
Supervisor, in place of Wm. Elliott, on the
Susquehanna division.
C5 TtiEvor.Tox. Wo are pleased to learn
that matters bavo been satisfactorily arranged
and active operations Lave been commenced
by tbo Trevorton Coal ond Railroad Co.
Or Mr. Diddlo, President of tbe Sha-
tnokiu Valley and Pottsville road, was in
town on Wednosday, on business relating to
the proposed connection of tlio road nith the
Northern Central.
We refer our readers to a communication
from a correspondent at Solinsgrove, who
furnishes an interesting account of the pro
ceedings in relation to the establishment of a
Missionary Institute and Female College at
that place. Wt have only to say that our
correspondent is a gentleman whose position
and connection with tbe contemplated insti
tution is such, that be is enabled to speak
knowingly upon the subject. lie refers, and
very justly too, with pride, to tbo enterprise
and liberality of the citizens of Selinsgrove
in this uidertnking. It is ludeed most com
mendable, and wo trust the example may not
be witbont its good effects, aud stimulate
other towns in thoir efforts at improvement.
Tbe '-luxury of doing good" is moro real then
imaginary. These who are ambitious of a
posthumous reputation, and give only after
death compels them to relinquish their grasp
ou all earthly treasures, are certainly less wise
than be who contributes while living, and
who is thus not only ablo to witness the
proper application of bis funds, but ran enjoy
tbe fruits of bis liberality.
Death of Gfn. Fkjisifkr Smith. A
telegraphio despatch from Fort Leavenworth
announces tho death of Gen. Persifor F.
Smilh, commander in chief of tho nrmy in
Utah. Gen. Smith was a native of Philadel
phia. IjT We stated that Geo. F. Miller, Fsq.,
paid 21,000 for tbe Moore farm, near Lew
isburg. Tho amount paid was S-3,000.
C3" Uokoluu Li.kction. On Monday last
George Harrison aud "Win. Hoover were
elected Supervisors, nnd Wm. A. Prunor
and Michael Young, Assessors.
Ci" The Nkws fbom Utah, is of a most
interesting character. Hrigham Young Las
backed down from the blustering position be
bad taken, nnd the nrmy in Utah will have
no fighting to do. Thomas L. Kane, referred
to in tlio dispatches, is a son of Judge Katie,
and brother of Dr. Kane, tho Artie navigator,
lie has been a good deal among the Mor
mons, and is hold in great esteem among tho
leaders. It is to bo regretted that his scivi
ccs, ns a pacificator, wore not secured some
months sooner.
M. Pettfngh.l & C ., advertising
agents, of New York, are high y commended
by eomo of our cotcmporaries for their
promptness and honorable dealiDg. If no
cessary we eould ndd our testimony, but wo
prctumo this opinion is general among tho
Rival Atlantic Tr.i.Ec.r.Ariiij. Tho mono
ply which will be held by the owners o( the
greot Atlantic telegraph, if tho project suc
ceeds, hai ttimulaU'4 thel'ormatiou of unotber
company, which, the London Globe Buys, is
woiLiug in secre t but actively fur tho laying
down of another telegraph from llostou to the
Azores, and from thu Azores to Lisbon, u
route quite as practicable. Lisbon is au in
stantaneous connection with all the capitals
of Liiiopojust as much us Tie Irish port ut
which tho Northern cable will slop j so that
it will possess exactly thu sumo udvantages
as the other. Tho government of Portugal
has given to tho promoters of tLo lino all thu
necessary concussions for lauding cable ou
their territories.
Had Wkatiikr. There has been a series
of very unpleasant storms lutoly. Much
clothing went through a coarse of in'voluulary
spongieg, and it looks censidurably the worse
tor the bard usage. We have but little
sympathy for its wearer's for the simple fact
that it is abont time that they were getting
their new Spring garments, and because such
splondid suits for gentlemen and youths can
be procured, at a reasonable cost at the Brown
Stone Clothing Hall of Kockhill Aj Wilson,
Nos. C03 sod C05 Chesnut street aboveSixth
How to marrv a Planlalinn ne two. A
book has just been published in New Orleans
euuiieu -now to get a rich wife, which ton
tains a list of the uaines of all rich marriage
able and gentlemen in Louiuna and
tee adjoining States, wivh tbe amount of rhino
p.'U.nrJ by each.
l"5 The SumrME Court, at Harrioburg,
having affirmed the proceedings of tho court
below, in tbe case of Clark, convicted at
Danvillo for tho murder of his wife, nothing
now is wanting but the warrant of tho Gov
einor, fixing the day of execution. Judge
Woodward, who delivered tho opinion of tbo
Supremo Court, fully sustains Judge Jordan
Tho trial of Mrs. Twigg?, the alleged accom
p'.ice, was commenced at Danvillo, on Tues
day. Kdward II. Bald)-, Esq., is bcrcounsol.
C The case of M rs. Twiggs, tried at Dan
ville, as an accomplice of Clark, for murder
of bis wife, was submitted to the jury on Wed
nesday. Thursday afternoon, tho jury found a
verdict of "Guilty 0 murder in the Jirtt de
rsT Credit. Several agricultural articles
ernearod in our coluuius last week without
credit, which appeared originally in tho Ger-
icantown 'JUegriyih. In spiteof orders theso
omissions sometimes do occur. As wo extract
so many good things from the Telegraph, the
compositor, perhaps, thought an occasional
omission of no consequence.
15?' Ttkonk and Lock IIiti s IiiiLiuuu.
On the evening of the 24th ult. a large and rn.
thutiastic meeting was held at Bellefonte for the
purpose of taking measures for the completion of
this road. Addressee were made by Judge Hale,
Hon. A. G. Curtin, Dr. Wiu. Underwood, Presi
dent of tbe road, E. lilanchard, Esq.. and others.
Dr. Underwood stated that certain reliable parlies
propossd furnishing two hundred thousand dol
lars. providing a like sum be raised along the lino
of tbe road, making about fifty thousand dollars
to be raised by Centre county, which the meeting
authorize" him to inform said parties that Centre
county would do. The Western Division, or
that part from Tyrone to Uellefoiile, is nearly
tT Tho boatmen of this place, on Satur
dav last, struck for highor wages. They do-
mand, they say, the rates agreed on at the
opening of the navigation. On Monday last
they anchored a boat in front of one of the
wharves, to preveat a boutmau loading at the
reduced rates. The result was something of
a row, and ended in some half dozen boatmen
and others being bouud over, by Esq. Lazs
rns to answer.
Every mail from the southwest brings us
melancholy tidiugs of tho overflows on the
Mississippi river.
Tho inundations of tbo Nile bavo always
been n blessing to the dwellers in its vicinity as
they lerlalizo the soil and enablo the cultiva
tors to roar crops which, otherwifo they
could 'uot. The overflows of tho Mississippi
are, on tho contrary, regarded as a devasta
ting evil. Many sugar and cotton plantations
arc ruined by by them, Louses are swept away
cuttle, nogs, and oilier live stock are drown
ed, and crops are destroyed. Tbe most feur
lul danger ol all lies 111 too prouablo breeding
of malarious disease. Whenever the spriug
freshets bring such terrible crevasses as at
present, tho people feel lively apprehensions
that upon their subsidence tbe pestilential
inarch left behind in the overflowed districts
will induce an occravutiou of the usual sum
mcr epidemical diseases. They have had
such awful experience of yellow fever in New
Orleans, that they aro keenly alive to the
possibilities of its return or aggravation in
auy omercency that happens to arise. It is
truo that opiuions difl'ur among the medical
authorities ot that city as to wbclber tue epi
demic is fostered or produced by the influence
of tho swampy regions, yet the popular mind
regards with suspicious dread theinundations
and oven couples them with probable yellow
Just above New Orleans thcro Ls been
going on for some time a great breach called
the Dull crevasso. One of the swamp com
missioners wasot tbo last accounts endeavor-
ine to stop it aud tho Deo supposes that he
will "resort to bis accustomed practice
draina'o, and will use new breaches for the
purpose one to drain tbe water on abovo
nnd the other to lead it off below, so that bo
can cctlfairly at work at tbe crevasse itself.
Ibis excessively ingenious plan Miows bow
little is really known in that quarter of the
most cllectual mode 01 stoppinc sucu brcacnoe
Tho receding of tbe water genorally does the
work betore those who undertake it.
The size of these openings may be judged
by the dimensions of that at 1 oint Lookout
whuro tbo water is running through rapidly
to tho depth of six or eight feet, aud a mile
iu width. Should this breach continue it will
submergo all the low country from Lake
Providence down to tlio lower panslics. An
other at Lane's Landing, sixty miles above
icksburg, is doing uumenso damage, in
Madison Parish, La., the breaks are too nu
merous aud extensive to render it possiblo to
close any of them, end tho wholo regiou is a
porfect sea. In liolivar nnd Washington
counties, Mississippi, some of tho worst breuks
hare occurred, aud theilamage is incalculable.
1 he upper portion ol ( arrol parish, 1-a.. and
the lower portion ofArkunsas bavo suffered
considerably. At Kentucky JJend, tne river
has mode n'r.ew cut off lor itself which is
thought a crent improvement. It is two
hundred yards wide, with a deep channel.
We cuu only convey an idee, of tbe niisckief
done by saying, that nearly one-fourth of tbo
land oil the Mississippi, from A rknusas down
to its mouth boa beeu overflowed.
(Olccininga (ftiitorial anil Sclcctcli. 1
Deaths in Baltimore last week 91.
Hard to pass counterfeit money.
Ditto a lager beor saloon, by some.
Looks well the growing groin in this
Cool and wet the weather during the past
few days.
Tho Palo Alto and Pottsville Rolling Mills
are now working.
Wm. Mullcr, alios Otto, woe hung at
Wilkcs-Rarre on the 30th ult.
Gen. Comoufort, tho exiled President of
Mexico, bos arrived in New York.
Tho totnl number of emigrants into tbe
United States last year was 271,.r)61.
When yon are a whistling in a printing of
fice', ond they soy "louder," don't you do It.
Threo thousand school bouses have been
built in Illinois since January 1st 18o0.
Tub Time To advertise is tho present!
tho proper medium, the Susbcry American-
N. Mover bos contracted to erect a lock
up for the Doroogh of Soliusgroce, for $100,
There are twelve hundred applications for
single lieutenaucyin the army now vacaut.
Why do people coll for a piece of string;
and did anybody over bear a person calliug
for a wholo ouo f
Dyron once said : "I am convinced mon do
more barm to themselves than the devil can
do thorn."
In Switzerland no less than twenty thou
sand women earn a fair livelihood by making
Mianesota was organized as a Stale some
six mouths ago, but has just been admit
ted into the Uuion.
Tho number of foreigners reaching the
United States, in the last fifteen years, is
nearly four millions.
An editor ont West says, "if time is mon
ey," he would like to exchange a little of bis
for the "hard."
C3- Car Factory. Mr. E. Y. Blight is
erecting a building for a Car Factory lb feet
wide and 100 feet long adjoining bis Machine
Shop and Foundry, lid is also fitting op a
building for making boilers and is adding
other improvements to bis establishment.
We are pleased to see these indications of a
revival of business. Mr. Bright is one of our
most euterprisiug citizens, aud we may add, a
successful business man.
In pursuance of public notice the Commis
sioners appointed by an act of tno Legislature,
entitled "au Act for tho Erection or a Mouu
mcut to the Memory of Citizeus of Pennsyl
vania who were slaiu or lost thoir lives in the
late War with Mexico," met nt tbo Executive
Chamber, in Horrioburg, atl! o'clock P. M.ou
Thursday, the lath day of May. lfc'iS. Mem
bers present His Excellency Win. F Packer
Col. Johu W Geary, Gen. Thomas J Power,
Gen. Edwin C Wilson, Col. Highand Cuulter,
Hon. Geo. W Smith, Gun. Edward C. Wil
liams, Col. Isaac Wuterbury, Maj. D M'Der
niot, and Maj. Johu Drady.
Ou motion of Geu. E. C. Williams it was
Ji'esolcul, That for the porinanent organiza
tion of this Hoard. His Excellency Wm. F.
Packer, be elected President, aud Col John
W. Geary Secretary.
On motion of Gun. Power.
Jicsoh-ed, That this IJcurd will receive plans
end specilicalions fur the erection of a monu
ment to the memory of citizens of Pennsylva
nia, who were sluiu or lost their lives iu the
late War with Mexico, to bo erected on some
suitable spot on the public grounds at llar
risburg, to bo selected by tbe commissioners,
and that a premium of two hundred dollurs
may be awarded for the plan which may be
adopted- The cost of the monument not to
exceed the sum or thirty thousand dollars.
Plans, specifications aud estimates to be ad
dressed to tbo Governor, at Uarrisburg, on or
before the first day of July next.
!csthal, That seoled proposals will be re
ceived at the Executive Chamber ot Harris-
burg up to 12, o'clock M., of tbe 4th day of
August next, for the erection of a monument
for the purposes above indicated.
Jiesoh eit, That the Secretary be directed to
publish tbe necessary notices for plans, let
tings Ac.
Itnulced, That we adjourn to meet at 10
o'clock A.M.J uly 1st, at the Executive office
Jxo. W. Gearv, Sunlatg.
TukCoal Tradk. Theqnontity sent by
Ruilroud this week is 33,811 07 tons by Ca
nal 19,521 06 for the week 63,332 13 tons.
As compared with last week tbe shipments
exhibit a decline of 0,473 06, which is owing
mainly, to the position which tho boatmen
have taken. It is almost unnecessary to
state that tho Trade is still very much do.
prossed, involving in tbe depression every
branch of business dependent upon its pros
perity. Miners' Jonrnal,
A Crash. On Friday last, the large
weight attacked the tbe town clock, in the
steeple of tbe Presbyterian Church, in this
place, weighing 600 lbs. fell to tbo floor of
tbe basement. Miltonian.
The actual number of miles of telegraph in
tho United States at the present time is at
least 8'J,3'J2 miles.
Sunk A Canal boat containing about
2,"00 bushels of corn was sunk at the Muucy
Dam on tbo 14th iust.
"Squibbs" "wonts to know" if doctors, by
looking at tbe tongue of a wagon, can tell
what ails it.
Edward Everett's first attempt at public
speaking when quite a child, was on address
on the death ol ashington.
Cost of the Des Jardines Disaster. This
railway accident has cost the Great Western
railway over 105,000.
Over $l,.r00 from Kittening, have been in
vested in New York lottery and gift enter
prise swindles within a year.
Advertising Those that advertise exten
sively always sell tbe most goods, and conse
quently can uuord to sell them cheapest.
Mrs. Ridgway, tho wealthy Philadelphia
heiress, who resides in Paris, has or is about
to bo married to M, Ganay, a Freuchinau.
The work at the HoosacTuunel is now vig
orously prosecuted, and full gangs of workmen
are engaged on the both sides or thu moun
tain. Tho Rritish Standard states that the in
come to bo announced at tbe Dritisb and
Foreign Dible Society's May meeting is
Last Monday evening, a committee was i
formed to report a Constitution, for a j
Young Men's Cbristiou Association for Lew
isburg. The New York Xews learns that Mrs.
Cunningham has recoivod from its mother
aud takes full charge of the celebrated "bo
gus baby."
Iu the committee on the factory bill, a wit
ness was asked, "When do your girls marry?"
He replied, "Whenever they can meet with a
Tho cost of transporting a barrel of flour
for tbe use of tbe United States urmy in Utub
will be it is officially stated, between forty and
fifty dollars.
In Franklin county, Maine, distant about
six miles from Portland, tbo enow lay a foot
deep last week, and farmers came to the court
bouse in their sleighs.
General Peter Skcn Smith, formerly of
Philadelphia and an officer in the United
States army, died suddenly at Springfield,
Muss., ou tbe t'th inst.
Tho New York Herald makes a rtatetuent
of tho number of arms purchased by our gov
eruiueut of Col. Colt, shnwiug that he has re
ceived therefrom S -155,000.
Northern New York is not as cold os it is
gouerully supposed to be. A men in Platls
burgh, made forty barrels of wiue last season
from grapes, raspberries, Ac.
Tbe Allegheny Valley Railroad Company
advertise for the grading, ma6oory aud bridg
ing of that road between Kittauing and the
mouth of the Mahoning.
Miss Mary Gulp, a bealifuland accomplish
ed young lady, much, esteemed was drowned
last week iu the Little Chiques at Mount
Joy, Lancaster county, Pa.
Near the West Branch weuever saw Wheat
look butter iu May than it does now. Ou the
lands further buck it is not in ult cases so
uniformly good. Ltuinlurg Chronicle.
The citizens of Western Texas have come
to the conclusion that eating bread is all hab
it, and accordingly have ignored its use, aud
live wholly on good boef and coffee.
A luuatic once informed his physician, who
was classifying cases of insanity, that bad lost
his wits by watching a politician, w hoso course
was so crooked thut it turned his brain.
tot til Sunbury A moticsrt.
Missionary Instimt and Busquehan
im Female College, at Selinsgrove,
Mo v.ntToB It Is donbtlejs a matter of
interest to tbe readors or your excellent pa
(. to learn thnt institutions tr learning,
. . . . . .1 ! ...4 1. ...... I r.
under me name rooto ursiituuivu,
located in your neighboring town. These
Institutions are under tbe direction ana con
trol of tbe Evangelical Lutheran Church.
The idea or a Missionary Institute similar to
the seminary for missionaries, located at
Dasle, Switzerland, has long boen favorably
entertained by Rev. Dr. U. Kurtz and others
nf tbe Lutheran Church. After mature con
sideration and considerable discussion of this
uhiect in tbe Lutheran Obserisr and other
church papers, Dr. Kurtz, formerly editor or
the Observer, came to the conclusion tnat
such an institution was a dosidoratum of 1m
nortanca to the church, of which he is a mem
bet and minister: and having come to this
conclusion, be set himself to work to realize
that idea and to embody bis lavorite scheme
bv establishing such an institution in the
United States. In due time a board of man
ogers was organized preliminaries were
settled some mency was contributed toward
this object some donations were made
step by step tho enterprize advanced until
on the 3d of tho present month, (May) at a
meeting of tbe board of managers, bold in the
city of Daltimore, Md., it was resolved, in
view of tbe favorable proposal presented by
tbe citizens pf Selinsgrove, Pa., a proposal
which offered (?15,012) fifteen thousand nnd
twelve dollars for tbe location ol tho institu
tion that the "Missionary Institute be loco
ted in Sulinpgrove. l a.
Tbe Missionary Institute, at now designed
embraces two departments a theological and
cluisical. Tbo theological is 'designed to
prepare msn of respectable ability and attain
ments, who may be somewhat advanced in
life, for the ministry, without necessitating
them to pass through tbe curriculum of on
entire collegiate education
The classical deportmout connected thero-
with is designed to give students a respects
ble business education, and to prepare young
men lor the junior and senior classes in
Tbe board of managers of tbe Institute, as
it is now constituted, consists of tbe following
persons: Keverends lr. Kurtz, ot J.fnltimore.
H. Zniiiler, V G. Erlenmeyer. J. G. Anspnch
and D. 11. Focht, of tbe central synod of
I ennsylvania, Keverenns e. Domer, 1 . Doro
and C. C. Culler, of East Pennsylvania
synod. Laymen as fellows : A. C Simpson
Esq., Messrs. George Schnnre, John App,
W. F. Wagonseller, U. A. Moycr, Leonord
App, Jt. K. Kilter and lionjanuu benocb
1 be olucers ot the board, as elected, are
Dr. KURTZ, President,
Rev. n. Zeiclir,
On Sunday last, by P. M. Shindel Esq,,
Mr. J out ah IUnrv to Mlsa Sarah Otto, all
of this place. -
Vice Presidents.
In this nines, on the 13th inst.. at the resi
dence of Mr. Samuel Dossier, Mrs. MARY
FETERY, oged 85 years and 4 months.
In Lewisburg, on the 7th inst., after a long
and severe illness, Mrs. MARGARET wile
of John W alls bsq., and daughter of the late
Geo. Abbot Green, aged 4u years.
In I.ewisburg, 7th inst., HENRY II ESS,
aged 62 years. Ho settled in Lewisburg,
from his native swnzerianu odouv me yeor
In Reaver Tp. Snyder co., lltb nit., JA
COB KELLER, aged 66 years.
In West Beaver, 13th ult.. DEWALD
STEIN IN OER, aged 85 years.
In Derry Tp. llth nit., JOHN BLEE Jr.
aged about 33 years.
In Danville, 22d ult., LEWIS KAUF
MAN, aged 40 years.
In Muucy, 5th inst, JAMES FOWLER,
aged 76 years.
In Madison Tp. 3d inst, DAVID MAS
TERS, in 76lh year.
In Lewis township on tho Bd inst., JACOB
JARRETT, aged 51 years, 1 month and 21
Ia Tnrbutville, on the 5th of April, Mrs.
ANN 13 A UK, wife of Wm. Dorr, oged 77
In Milton, on Saturday last, LIZZIE,
daughter of Copt. J. M. Huff, aged about 8
In Selitifgrove, on tho 2!Uh nit., after n
lingering ilfnese, WM. RYERs, in his 63d
In Danville, on Monday morning, May 10th
at 2 o'clock, Christiana M. daugthor of Dr.
Wm. II. and Mary Magill, oged 17 years.
Wheat, Jl 40a 1 60 JJutlrr, . . 20
Kye, . . 75 Eggs, 10
Corn, .... f0 Tallow, - - 12
Oats' 7 Lard, ... 12
Duekwhcat, - 62 Pork, 8
Potatoes, 50 liecswax, 24
New Advertisements.
4 I.I, persons indebted to the subscriber on note
or book account, are requested ts make im
mediate payments, as they will save costs.
Sunbury, May 22, 1858. 3t
C2T I.ctuerax Synod. Tho East Pennsyl
vania Synod of the Lutheran Church, w'ill
hold its annual session at Eastou, commen
cing on tho 20th day of this month. The
Synod is composed of about one hundred Min
isters, and about on equal number of lay dele
gates. C2-" Divipknds. The Bank of Danville
has declared a dividend of 4 per cent., Bank
of Northumberland, 3 per cent., Lewisburg
Bank, 3 per cent., and tho Lock Haven
Bank, 4 per cent., for tbe lust six mouths.
CJf F bices of LiMiiEB. The Wrigbtsvil!e
Star says, the proprietors of one Saw Mill iu
that place, purchased during this Spring ui
to this time, about eighty rafts of timber,
nearly all pino, at lets than oue third tho
price paid lor tne article last season.
The Harrisbuig 7'elegravh says that hopes
are entertained or Charles Pernio II oil man's
recovery Troni insanity. Mr, Hoffman is au
inmate of tho State Luuatic Asylum at liar-risburg.
Thomas J. Keenan, Esq., formerly Editor
of the FitUbui g Uuion, has beeu appointed
1 roiuonotory 01 me supremo uourt, lor tbo
estern District, vice A. B. M'Caluiout re
A duel came off at bebenectady, recently,
between two exquisites. They fought with
lucifer matches, en tho tow-path, Ouo of
tbe parties was slightly killed, and the other
mortally tngbtened.
Clifford Tomroy of rottBville, lias received
a patent for a cast iron pipe chilled inside,
for the purpose of conveying fluids impregna
ted with, or containing substances which soon
destroy iron pipes which are not so chilled
The coiuago of the United States Mint in
Philadelphia for the month of April, was
$1,000,290 in gold, principally in double ea
gles ; $354,000 in silver, wholly in half and
quarter dollar pieces, and fci AUUJ in cents,
Rev. Benj. T. Croncb, of the Methodist
faith, died at Satillo, Ky., 00 Monday. IN
died on bil knees,
Rev. S. Domkr, I
A. C. Simeon, Esq., Cor. Secretary
Mr. Jamks K. Davis, Treasurer.
The board of mnnncers have taken mens
nres to put the Inetitute into operation as
soon as possible. It is designed to open tbe
classical department during the early part of
the summer, and tbe theological department
in the coming autumn. Measures have also
been adopted to erect a port or the buildings
during the present summer and fall.
Students desiring to enter tho theological
department are requested to roport thom
selves by letter to tbe Corresponding Secre-
tary as Boon as they mny see proper, anonid
a sufficient nnmbcr report themselves soon,
measures mny be taken to begin instruction
in this department even before tho winter
term would bo oppned. Rev. Dr. B. Kurtz
has been elected Superintendent of tho Mis
sionary Institute.
The citizens of Solinsgrove, however, did
still more than secure the location of the
Missionary Institute end classical male
school. At the instance of Dr. Kurtz they
resolved, nud went vigoronsly to work to es
tablish a Female College in their midst To
accomplish this desirablo object, and as an
evidence of their interest iu the subject or
education as it respects both their sons and
daughters, they subscribed between seven
and eight thousand dollars toward the erec
tion of a building for a Female Collego
making tho sum total of their subscriptions
fur the various departments of education pro
posed to them, upwards ot twenty-two thousand
dollars ($22,510.) Where ia thero a town
of equal size that would have done more than
this t W here is the place, all things consid
ered, to enuul even what has here been
pledged for the establishment ond support of
these institutions f We point, thercloro, with
no ordiuary degreo of saliolaction, to beiius
grovo as on example of educational appropri
ation and liberality that is seldom equalled
and scarcely evor excelled.
A board of managers has been appointed
for the college, and preparations ere on foot
to open the college soon. Measures have
been token to secure a college charter at an
early period, nnd tho enterprise will be ad
vanced as rapidly os practicability will allow.
At a moutinc; 01 tbe board ol Directors
last week it was on motion unanimously re
solved that tbe name and titlo of this institu
tion shall be "The Susiucliaiiiia Female Col
lege of the Kcangclical Lutheran Church."
It wss at the sume timo resolved to open a
correspondence with a distinguished gentle
man whose name was proposed by a leading
member ot (he board, with a view 01 secunug
him as the principal of the college. It is
understood that there is a probability of bis
accepting the position offered him, "el if so,
tbe citizens of the Susquehanna valley AS
well as tho citizens of Selinsgrove, may con
gratulate themselves upon so important an
eveut, for this gentleman is second to none
in the United States in the prolossion to
which he has devoted bis talents. An expe
rience of years in teaching, both in colleges
lor males ana lomalos, having during this
period acquired a high reputation tor effi
ciency, gives us every assuranse that tbe
Susquehanna 1-emalo Collego, under ins di
rection and control, will eoou tako a high
rank among the kindrod institutions of tho
But, Mr. Editor, lest I should bo too
lengthy in this communication, 1 will close
for the preseut,
Something more may bo communicated in
tbe future as to the progress of these institu
tions. Very respectfully yours,
rHE account of Alexander Jordan, Esq.,
Trustee of John P. Hclfenstcin and wife,
Henjamin ratten and wife, William Atwater
and wife and jldelia llelfeiistcin, has been filed
in the Court of Common TIcm of Northumber
land county, and will be presented to tho said
court on the first Monday of August next, for
rrotnonotory s uniee, 1
3 3t J
Sunbury, May 22, 1858-
THE account of Paul Animorinan, Eq..
Trustee of Mnry Wolvrrton (a lunatic) has
been filed in tbe Court of Commen Pleas of
Northumberland county, ond will be presented
to tbe said court on the first Monday of August,
next, for confirmation.
Prothonotary's Office, 1
Sunbury, May 23, 1858. 3t i
'JV'llTICF. is hereby givfn that the undersigned
' have purchased the following articles, sold
at Constable's sale, as the property of J. M.
Haughton, of Point township, Northumberland
county, and that they have loaned the same to
hun until they ere proper to have it removed,
namsly : ne Cow, Two Shoats, Two Stovps,
One llurrait. Eight Chairs, Two EtJ and IltJ
ding, S00 lbs. Bacon, Ono Clock.
Point township, May 22d, 1858. 4t
To the Supervisors and Overseers of the Poor
of Upper Augusta, and ethers interested.
TOU are hereby requested to meet the tin-
JL dcrfigned, Auditors fur said township, at the
Commissioners' ofiice, in Punburv, on Monday,
the 7th day of June, for tho purposo of settling
the accounts of said township.
All persons inilcblfd or having claims on faid
township are hereby notified to sttend at the
above time and place.
11 ARMAN CAMPfiiai,, )
8II.AS H. WOM'EUTUN, S Auditors.
Upper Augusta tp., May 22J, 18.'). 3t
Aericultural Warehouse) and Bocd
Xos. 21 and 23 South Cth street, li ticcen Mar
ket ind Chesnut streets, Philadelphia.
IS always open to the inspection of every one
interested in Farming or (iardening. The
subscribers therefore invite the public generally
to call and examine the large and well selected
stock of Agricultural Implements and Machinery,
great variety of Horticultural tools. Warranted
liarden and Flower Seeds, tirass and Field
Seeds ol the most Reliable Quality, which they
pfler for sale it the lowest cash prices, wholesale
or ret:J- , , , ,
The agru'L'ltural implements sold by us are
mostly manufactured at our steam works,
Bristel, Pa.
Having fitted up this eslabilcbmcnt without
regard to expense, with the most complete ma
chinery for the manufacture of various kioJ of
agricultural implements, we are prepared to sup
ply all articles in this line of the very best quality.
Landreth's Warranted Garden Seeds have
been beforo the public for upwards of sixty years;
their wide-spread popularity and tlie increasing
demand from year to year are the best evidences
of their superiority over all others,
r? Country merchants can be supplied with
seeds in papers, or in bulk, on the most liberal
Bloomedale, nsar Bristol, Pa., our garden seed
grounds, contains three hundred and seventy
acres, and is the largest establishment of its V in J
in the world. V. LAN DUETT! & SuN.
Nos. 21 and 23 South Sixth ?t., rinlalelnhia.
Landreth's Rural Register and Almanac for
1 oi, containing a monthly Calender for tho
Farm, Gardes and Greenhouse, cis br bad
otiiTis upon personal or prepaid application.
Philadelphia, May t?d, 1858.
KY virtue of a certain writ Testatum Vnini
rioHt ExroAS to me directed will be ri
posed to Public Rale at tbe Public House or W.
A. Covert, In the borough or Sunbury, Northum
berland county, Ta., on MONDAY, the 7th Osy
or JUNE, 1868, the following property to wit r
All that certain tractor piece of land, situate
in Point lewnship, Northumberland county.
1 J-l .1 .1 :i 1 r,t ... J '
uouuoeu diiu uencriocu ns louowa : ueginning at
corner now in North East Branch of the River
Susquehanna, originally a black oak corner of
Ibis tract and lands now belonging to tbe cstalo
of Ebencczcr Grcenougb, deceased, but now gone;
thence by land or laid Ebeneezer Grcenough'i
estate, north thirty-seven degrees and 45 minutes
west CO perches to a post and atones t thcreo
nerth 29 degrees and 15 minutes, east 31 1-10
perches to a post and stones ; thence by the same
north 3 degrees and 45 minutes west 73 perches
to a post and stones; thence by the same, north
6 degrees and 64 minutes west 134 perches to a
post and stones ; thence north 74 degrees and r4
minutes east 81 3-10 perches to a hickory sprout
anj stones; thence by the same and lands now
ot late of Sharplcss Taylor, south 28 degrees and
20 minutes east 134 6-10 perches to a chesnut
oak stump ; thence by land or now or late M. J.
Biddle, south 33 degrees and thirty minutes, west
53 perches to a post and atones; thence by the
same south 17 degree and 30 minutes east
33 1-10 perches tj a corner in the North Branch
C.nal ; thence south 30 degrees and 30 minutes
west 7 1-10 perches to a post on the river bank,
and thence by tbo river, south 36 degrees and
30 minutes west 2 perches to the place ol begin
ning, containing 154 tfcrcs and 142 perches strict
measure be the same Riore or less. Aboul Q0
acres of which are cleared, and whereon arc erec
ted a largo iiitlirntitc li'aM furnace
and Casting House, called tbe "Cbulasky Fur
nace," a block of Brick Dwelling Houses consis
ting of twelve tenements, five frame dwelling
houses, a store house, olTicc, grain house, large
stabling, outbuildings, Ac.
Also, I'pon all the defendant's interest, bring
the undivided one third part of a cerlain other
tract or piece of land, situate iu the same town
ship, and adjoining the above described tract, and
described as follows: Beginning at a hickory
sprout and stones a corner of the above described
tract and bind of M. J. Biddle; thence by Biddle's
land north 73 degrees and 4 1 minutes eatt 1 1 C
perches to a whitcoak ; thence by same south Ci
degrees and 2 minutes east 2 1 perches to a white,
oak ; thence by the same, this and the three next
courses, south 6ft degrees and 5 minutes i-nt
32 8-10 perches to a wbiteoak; thence south
forty degrees and fifty minutes west, 119 8-10
perches to a pine stump and pout; thence south
19 degrees 60 minutes west, 30 7-10 perches to
a line stump and post ; thence south 3J degrees
and 30 minutes west 20 7-10 perches to a ches
nut oak stump, a corner of tbe abovo described
tract; and thence ty the same, north 23 degrees
and 20 minutes west 131 8 10 perches to the
place of beginning. Containing 70 acres and S i
perches strict measure, be tbe same more or less,
being timber land (and being the same premises
which Bbarplcsg Taylor, and Samuel 1. Hucy,
and their respective wives, by Deed dated the
amli day of July, A. 1). 1K45, Recorded in tbo
Recorders Uliicc of Northumberland county, in
Heed Book E. E. page 180 granted and convey
ed unto Samuel R. Wood, defendant in fee.) To
gether with the oro rights thereunto belonging,
and the Steam Engine erected in said Furiiaco,
aud tho all Machinery and apparatus conuccteJ
therewith necessary for or incident to the smelt
ing of Iron Cre, &c. Seized taken in execution
and to be sold as tbe property !' Samuel it
By viitue of a certain writ of Yi. Exmxis,
to mo directed will be exposed to puhlic sale, at
the Public House of Wm. M. Weaver in Sliaino
kintown, Coal township, Northumberland county,
Pa., on Tuesday the 15th day of JUNE, 18fH,
ilia following (Inscribed property, viz :
All the defendent's interest being the surfare
right of and in all that certain piece or parcel of
laud, situate in Coal township, Northumberland
county, bounded and described as follows : Be
ginning at a post five hundred and twenty feet,
south 88 degrees 23 minutes east Irom a post on
the eastern line of a tract of land surveyed iu the
name of Samuel Clark, which said last mentioned
post is one hundred and fifteen feet, north one
degree and JS minutes east from the point where
tbe eastern line of said tract of land in tho name
ol'Saniucl Clark intersects tbo centre line of the
Branch Rail Uoarl to Big Mountain ; thence fioin
the first mentioned pot, south 88 (Icgrees 22
minutes east 480 feet to a post; thence south
1 degree and 38 minutes west 27IJ feet to a
post ; thence north 88 degrtcs and "2 minutes
west 490 feet to a post; thence rorth 1 degree
and minutes east 2721 feet the place of be
ginning. Containing three acres, strict measure.
Seized taken in execution and to be sold as
the propeity of William Atwater, William Fa
gely, Chnilcs IS. Ehrhart, Joseph Zuorn, Jonas
Gilgrr and l'aniel Yost, Trustees of the Sba-
mokin Collegiate institute.
SbcrilTs Oflico, Sunbury,
May 22, Ui8.
I V These Machines are now justly admitted
to be the best in use for Family Sew ing, a new
strong, and elastic stitch, which will not tin,
even if eyery fourth stitch be cut. Circulars
sent on application by letter.
Agents Wautcd.
Will remove all pain from Burns and Scalds
in from 10 to 20 ruinates by making a free
oppheation to the parts affected. Painful
C t 11- -,i
oores anu swelling) win oe relieved iu a
short time by the ust of this Oil.
Awns rr- do Vita's Galvanic Oit Frilin h
Graut, A. W. Fiaher, W. Vimr, C. Weus, 11.0
mmu, porgtueiisei it lluu.
Many who suffer from Headache and JWr
vous Debility ere not aware that tbe real
cause, in most instances, it a deranged state
or the stomach and digestive functions. Tbe
Oxygenated Bitten tire peculiarly adapted
to lue car cf thM symptoms.
INo. 39 A ugust Term
A. D. 1858.
In the Court of Common Pica of
Northumberland County,
Martin Weaver,
William McCartv and V
William Shannon & Ra- j Breve de Partitione
chel his wife. J t acionda,
To William McCartv. and William Shannon
and Rachel bis wife. You are hereby notified,
that in pursuance of the above writ, to me di
rected, an Inquisition will be held upou tho pre
mises described in said writ, to wit J A cerlain
tract or piece of land, situate in Coal township,
containing 70 acres, or theieabouts, bounded by
land, now or late, of Ludwig Cats, Martin Gass,
John Brady and others, on Tueskay tbe 20ib
day of July next, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day
for the purpose of making partition ef or to value
and appraise the came. At which time atd place
you may attend if vou think paper.
SharilTs'cffic'e, sunbury. 1
M Ida, 18.
BY virtue and in pursuance of a decree of the
Court of (.'amnion Pleas of Northiuiiber
land county, will be exposed to Public Sale, on
the premises in Delaware township in said coun
ty, on TH L'RSDAY the 17th day of JUNE
next, at 1 o'clock P. M., tho following described
real estate to wit: A certain Frame FI.OL'R
l.NU MILL, with live acres of Land covered
wilh waler appurtenant thereto, situate in Dela
ware township, Northumberland county, ar.d
bounded on tbe north, south and east by bird
lato of Isaac Vincent, deceased, and on the we.-t
by a public road. Also, one acre of land appur
tenant, bounded by lands late of David Watson,
dee'd on the west, and by a public road on the
north. Being the estate of the heirs of l-aac
Vincent, deceased, and Maria Vincent, and will
be sold agreeably to the conditions and order of
our said Court ol Common Picas thereupon,
which will be made 'known onthe dav of sale.
Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, )
May IS. 1S.")8. S
IS hereby riven by the undersigned
the Treasurer of the Common Schools, w ill
meet the undersigned Auditors at the Commis
sievicra' ofiice, in Sunbury, on Tuesday, the Sili
June, for the purpose of settling his account.
Ml pe."ons indebted or having claims, are lure'. y
notified to attend at the time Ue a'011'
mentioned. HARM AN CAma.L.
May 22d, '.6n8. 3t
TOTICE is hereby given that my wile, .vary
Flacherty, has lell my bed and eoaru wun
mii. I there ore. nereey innnj
persons not to trust said Mary Flacherty on inv
account, as I will pay no debts contracted by her
Trevorton, May 2iJ, 1858. 3t
Estate of PATRICK HUGHES, deceased
Writ ol rartiiion nu
Michael Hughes
The heirs of '.Patrick
Hughes, dee'd.
valuation issued ont l
the Orphans' Court ol
Northuniberi'J county
returuullo to Angus
Term, A. D., 185S.
VOTICE is herebvj given to tbe heirs an.
;esal representatives of said Patrick Hughes
late of Eerlm township, Northumberland co :utv
deceased, that byVirtueof the above writ, to m
directed, an inquest will be helJ at the late res,
dence or said Patrick Hughes. deceasfJ, vi Ih
town or Trevorton, in Zerbe township, aforcsai.
on Tuesday, the 22d day of June, next, nt
o'clock, A.'M-, for the purpose of making 1 art
tion of, or to value auJ apprais the Real Eii
of said deceased to wit: Of a certain lot or p.o
of land, aituatein the town of Trevorton, afor
said, containiuir f"t in front and 125 fe
deep, fronting on Shamnkin street, If
of Theinaa Hilry on the West, and on the Hi
of Detrick. At which time en-J place y
may ltud if you think proper.
f hsrifTs Office, Sunbury,
My 1Mb, 16$. j