At DEATH OF A-nKVOLOTIONARV HEROINE' Wt'hav read the following from H'he lionet daU Democrat, published in Wyn County, VenBylvania, with the most live; interest nd yrt it to our readers entire t . In Fcbraory Inst we chronicled the death ot Mr. Michael Grennell of Clinton Township at the advanced ago 'of one hundred and .six years. To-day we bare to record the decease of Mrs. Sarah Benjamin, in Mount Fleasaot Township, on the 20th instant, at the still greater longevity of one hundred and fourteen years, five months, and three days. Her maiden name was Sarah Mathews, and she was born in Uoshen, Orange, County, N. Y.,on the 17th of November 1743. She pas thrice married. Her first husband was Mr. William Reed. He served in the Revolution ary struggle, and died of a wound received in Virgiuia. Her second husband was Mr. Aaron Osborne of Goshen, N. Y. He also was in the army tT Vbe Revolution, but sur vived the war. Her last husband wa's Mr. John Beniamin with whom she settled in Mount Pleosat in 1812. He died four-years afterward. Khe had five children, the youngest of whom is 70 years old. She has left four generations of descendents. From her youth until past' forty years of nfee she Was in the midst of the rough and .stirring scenes of border warfare or of tha llevolu tionarv struggle. Her temperament was such that she could not bo an idle spectator of events. She entered deeply in all these vicissitudes. Up to the latest period of her life she distinctly recollected the family of M r. .Uroadhead, whoso sons, in 1753, boldly resis ted a party of two hundred Indiana making a fort of their boubp. She was in the viciuity of Minisik when Brant an Indian chief led a tiarty of Indians and Tories through that set tlement, scalping the inhabitants and burning the houses. . After the second marriage, she accompaning her husband in the army. Du ring marches she made herself useful in pre paring food, and when in quarters engnged in sewing for the officers and men. .She was however ready for any service which circum stances seemed to require. When the army was engaged in embarking some heavy ord Dance at Kiogsbridgo on the Hudson, osten sibly to attack New York, then in the hands of the enemy it was necessary ti do it in the night, and to place sentries around, lest they should be observes or iaseu ny suipnao. Her husband having been placed as a sentinel eho took his station, with overcoat and gun, that bo might help to load the heavy artillery. Boon Washington came rouud to examiuo the outposts, and detecting something unusual iu her appearance, Dtked, "Who placed you Acre?" She promptly repljt: J. iu her charac teristic way, "Them who hud a right, to Sir." He, apparently pleased with her independent und patriotic spirit, passed. She accompan ied the army with her buibaud to the boutb, ami was present at tho siege of Yprktowo and the surrender of Cornwullis. l'unngthe buttle she was busy in carrying water to the thirsty and relieving the wuiits or the suffer. ua. When passing where the bullets of the enemy were flying, she met Washington, who said ' Young woman are you "uol ufruid of tho bullets t" She pleasantly answered, The bullets will never cheat the gallows." She possessed extraordinary energy, even iu her extreme ago aud would relate tho events or her early days with all the vivacity of youth. Up almost to the pcriod,.cf her death she exercised herseir in cardinr; aud spinning. The Oneness and uniformity of her yarn was n wonder and admiration. She visited her friends on foot, muking long walks, ami when the used a carriage disdained to bo helped tb enter it. Two or three years ago she remark ed that she had nover been sick but once. She tLuu sent for a physician, who lea her some medicines. Alter ho had gone, she (lot likilig the smell or it, "threw the dirty stuff iuto the Tire and then bad to pay lor it." The simplicity of her life was peculiar. Tor some time past sho has been regarded as a sort of curiosity on account or her :reHL ugo and vivid recollectiou of events long past. Many visitors called upon her, and were al ways received with cheeifullness, and went away surprised aud delighted with her (low of geuiul humor combined with rare physical ac tivity. She was iudeed a liuk connecting the present with ages past and gone. 1'or a jieriod she was ready and cheerfully waiting to depart, and her end was calm and peaceful. A Queer Cask. Mr George Krwin is a man of litigious disposition, and never so hap py as when getting up the preliminaries of a suit at law. luthe Court of Quarter Sessions 'the other day, before Judge Ludlow, he ap peared to prosecute a charge made by him ugaiost a Mr. John. 11. 1'urdy of having sold policies on a lottery drawn in Maryland. The indictment also, charged the defendant, "with divers other evil disposed psrsous, as yet unknown, with unlawfully Biid wickedly conspiring, combiuing, f onfederating and agreeing together uuluwiully, und. wickedly contriving and iuteuding to acquire unjust lucre to themselves, to bi-1,1 anu expose ior saio within the city and county of l'hiladelphia, und to cause and procure to be sole, and ex posed for sale therein certuin lottery tickets r policies, to be drawn iu said State of Mary land, to. tb.evil. and pernicious example of ull other persona In like case ollending. The trial or this case used up a whole day, and two. lawyer's.. Krwin in his evidence, ulleg'cj that he bad spent much money in lot tery policies, and that the defendant had ad mitted to bun. that ha (I'urdy) was the agent in this city for certain parties in Baltimore who were ioterusted in the sale of lottery po. licies. The witness, upon being pressed, was unable to give any evidence more positive aud decided than this to sustain his charge. The defence produced a number of witness, who testified that the defendant was engaged iu a regular and respectable business, .(tele graphing ; that be bore an excellent charac ter i and moreover, that they would not be Have Krwin upon bia oath. The counsel for the defendant made a strong tneech, contending that the prosecution was a black-mailing operation throughout, and that the sola object of the prosecution was to extort money. The jury without leaving the box, rendered a verdict of "Not guilty the prosecutor to pay the costs." . .. A few more such verdicts will probably cure Mr. Krwin of bis ability, if not of his taste for litigation. People of similar dis positions will please notice. Shad. According to the report of Mr. Terley, of the New Brunswick fisheries, the shad makes its appeurauce in Savauuah and Charleston in January, New York in the latter part of March, Boston at the latter part of April, and in the bay of l'undy about the middle of May. The first fish which ar rive, ascend the river St. John to spawu, and then proceed up the bay of Fondy to their fa . vorite grounds, to fatten upon shrimp aud khad worm." Of the sea shad, none are so fine as those taken at the bead of the buy of Fuody. The shad is but rarely seeu on the A tlaulic coast of Nova Scotia. It is found in the gulf of St. Lawrence, but not north of the Miramichi. After tbesbad get very fat in the bay of Fundy they leave in October or November, aad they have been seen in large schools southeast ol cape Sable, steering to the southward, probably to enter again upon or southern coast or Savannah, from whence tboy teach the mouth of the Delaware about the first of March reaching here from the 10th to the 17th of the month. There was a "marriage in high life" in Warren county, North Carolina, on the 4th Mr. Graeo. eoa of Geo. T. J. Green, late of Texas, to Miss EUerv, daughter of Gen O.'s lady by a former husband. Tbe bride is an heiress, and ber Wealth is compu Ud at Ulllbltwo hundreds thousand dollars. Tbey went aa far as l'etersbure. on their way l buropa. where tbey will irtobttbly eptutl A Ram Tihci of Gossir.--The Washing ton correspondent of the New York Express relates the particulars of a love affair, which bat created no little excitement in tie diplo matic and fashionable circles of the national Capitol. It appears that an. attmch of tha Spanish Embassy bag long been an ardent aamirer oi the. only daughter of a retired ban ker of Washington, bat the prudent father, not relishing the idea, of such an alliance ior bis daughter, forebade the . Spanish cavalier his house. The cavalier wrote the banker a Challenge, but could find no one to deliver it : "On Tuesday night last the banker was di ning with Mr. Slidell, who occupies the next bouse ,tO bis own on Lafayette square While partaking of Mr. Slidell's hospitality, bis servant came in and informed him tbat two persons were hanging about bis bouse in a sus picions manuer. The banker, whom we Call Mr. C, requested bis friend, Seuator, Bright, who was of the parly, to accompany him, and proceeded with tbat gentleman to his own residence. As be entered the hall, he met 1) is daughter in the hall, and proceeded to the picture gallery, which was lighted only by the ball lamp which shone through the door way, he found a man snugly ensconced under the piunoforte. .Soizing bim bythecoHor, he uraggcu iijtu lorm bis bluing place, And, dis covered bim to be no less a personage than the Spanish attache. He dircovered that tho aforesaid Spaniard was aimed with a six-barreled jovolver, which be took from bim, and then kicked bim incontinently into the street As be opened the door for this purpose, bo discovered another person oflhe sumu "tribo" lurking about the entrance." Another letter in the same paper says that the young lady, afraid that her lover would shoot her futher, took advantage of her fathqrs absence at the dinner above men tioned, and requested him by note to come and see her, for the purpose of explanation. A challenge has since been sent and refused by the father. The Secretary now hesitates, it is said, What to do whether to shoot or what. The diplomatic corps are said to sym. paihizo With the Spaniard, almost unanimously- Two Cuu.bitEN Froze! to Death in an Oi'E.v Boat on Lake in.nebaoo. A most lamentable occurrence transpired here last Thursday evening. Two children of Martin Kalor, living in the r ourth Ward, near toe lake shore, perished' from exposure to tho weather in a small boat on Lake Winnebago. The circumstances, as we are informed, are asotlows. The children one a girl of thir teen, and tho otter a boy or ten years appli ed late in the afternoon of Thursday last to Mr. Evans for the loan of bia boat, for the purpose of fishing in the bay a short distance from Mr. Evan's bouse. Upon beiug refused t'ley procured a small scow boat that was lying oa the beach near by, in which they paddled out into the bay. There was a strong breeze blowing at the time, which soon in creased tea gale, and blew the scow far cut iuto the lake. Mr. Evans says that when his utteution was first called to the dam erous position of the children, they had drifted a mile or more from the shore, and belore he could provide any means to rescue them, the boat had disappeared from sight. The wind blew furiously and the night was bitter cold. Evan's bay ia a mile and a half from the inha bited portion of the city, and nothing of this dreadful affair was known to our citizens un til noon. the. next day, when measures were promptly tcken to recover the children if pos sible. A large sail-boat was manned and started off. It returned on Sunday without any tidings of the boat or children. The gen eral opinion was that the boat had swamped, aud that tho children were drowned. Tho search was however, continued, and on Sun day afternoon the boat was discovered on the Calumet shoro of the lake, nearly opposite this place. It was half filled with water, aud in it were the dead bodies of two children. They had frozen to death. The boy had ta ken off his coat and given it to 1) is sister to shield her from the cold, for the garment was found upon her body. This affecting incident alone reveals without further detuil the hor rible situation of the poor children before death put an end to their sufferings, The bodies were brought over to this city aud buried on Mouday. It is stated that at the time tho scow drifted out. of the bey, it was seen by several persons, who watched it until it disappeared ; and who, either from stupi dity or indifference, neglected to give the alurm, or to thko any steps towurd rescuing tho children, until it was too late. We have not been able to ascertain, positively, whether this statement is true or not, and we there fore refruin from giving publicity to ony of the rumors which have been current in regard to this port or the occurrence. Oshkoth Wis. Courier, April. 28. Til' .New M ii.itia Law .One of the acts of the lust Legislature was to pass a milita lull which we fiud put into the following con densed form by . the Heading Democrat : "Its provisions require every able bodied man, between the ages or eighteen aud forty five years, with some specified exceptions, to bo subject to military duty. He is to pro vide himself with the necessary .equipments under the peoulty of a Gne of one dollar for non-nerformauce, if a resident of tho rural districts and ono dollar and fifty cents if living in a city the fund thus raised to be appropriated to the support of the "eulisted and equipped" milita men. The milita en rolments entirely dispensed with, and ull volunteer companies parading, are allowed for every persou on parade each day, uot ex ceeding six times during the veer, one dollar and fifty ceuta per diem out of the fund. In addition to this, the cummauding officer of a regiment may order put the companies com posing it for an encampment parade, not ex ceeqing six nays, once during eucu year. 1 Dose provisions are intended as an incuce nieni 10 youeg men wno desire to gum a knowledge of military duty, but cannot afford to lose the time which gratuitous parades neces8aiily require. 1 he new law will suit tho citizen soldiers very well, and go far to increase the military spirit throughout the State." All the lock lenders on the Canal be tween Pittsburg und Johustowu have, been discharged and watchman appointed in their stead. It will be the duty of the latter to pass over their respective divisions at least once a day and. see that tbe locks are kept iu good order, and that the "leveU" are uot al lowed to ran "dry" or "run over." Each watchman will have about four or five miles under bis charge. This change virtually makes the boatmen their own lock tenders. llanhburg 'Jlegraph. Tue Coal Tbadr. The quantity Gent by Railroad this week isSO.'JOs (J4 tous by Ca ual 32,510 15 for the week C2.805 10 tons. The shipments show a decline of 4,435 tons siuce last week. 1 be trade is very dull, duller than usual, and many of the Colleries are only working with a small force, others part of tbe time, aud several are standing idio. J rites remain without cbunge prime Coal pays a small profit, and tbe other kinds are already so low tbat prices cannot go to a lower poiui wuuout eutailinir roio on tue producers. Mintrt Journal. A Fir.iiT with Grarshoi'I'Kks. The Gon zales (Texat) Inquirer has an amusing account of tbe invasion of that city by grasshoppers, and tbe attempt of tbe citizens to repel the luvauurs ; 'Everybody turned out men, women and children, white and black everybody, with fire and sword, brushes and brooms, blankbts and buckets, carried on tbe deadly conflict, but to no avail, the hoppers bopped on, aud, tbe defending forces were obliged to beat an" ioglorious retreat, leaving tbe barbarians in possession of tbe conquered city." The meanest man !o the country is decided to ba John Augustus Washington, the huck ster of tb tousb vf Wasbnagtoo. OOISIP,. The marriage of young llutcbioson, of the American India Rubber Shoe Manufacturing the danghter of the Duchess of Montgomery and Luzemboorg, has made a rood deal or talk In the aristocratic circles .of France. They do not deny that Mr, Hutch ison is an elegant and accomplished young man, or tbat be bas not an immense fortune In hand and prospective i ;tbey, deem it a me salliance, which throws stain upon one of the Oldest and mnatllnnnrilil nomas nf Vranna But this world is growiog wonderfully "realist" In the presence of money, and -since the par ties are both human hpino-a hnth roanoMnhla educated, and accomplished, and withal en- leriain areai love lor each other, w hero's the harm f Titles am hprnniin hut films tliinnt in. the heart of this tiinotnenUi ronton, nf progress and good seuse. , u..- A Texas naner savs tho, vonnrs Indies 1 hprn. about a are making groat ravages ou the grape vines, taking them for hoops. New Advertisements. VHEELEU i WILSON MANTJFACTTJHINO CO S FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. 'Pill-; uiiftnimiiui fnvor wliich attended tlie introdnc X tlimol Whbklee Wilsos'i 1'niuily Stuine Ma. elnnc, ii sufficient evidence of its excellence. It ih npwl Icbsiuiw to tnvs that this useful iustruinpiit is bccomine a donieslfe niemullon : the fuct is recognized by its urci-n- iui use in moil Rinds oi r amines in every rnilK III me. in lh"se who hve hitherto refrained from nvflilini! themselves in us auvamiigi-B, it mny nut tie iiuiish to Kiy, that its util ity is not a pri'lilein tu be solved, but .a success ulready realized. The Inchest testtnnny in constantly ollcrcd, con firming the verdict whtrh has given this instrument so tA-ide mill envinlik' a reputation. . i . This Miivhiiie is conceived on a p-tnclple enlirely ordi nal, heiuc specially and admirably adrpu- i to the most per. Icct work on, every kind of luatcriul ; and, having l.eru subjected to a threa )eiirs1 test of die scinching character by Families, und ill various brunches of Mnnu fucture, with distinguiilied success, it is lielieved ttint in all the great points requiiile to a complete mid prnrttcal Se ving Mnchine, it cannot be approached In excellence Among tbe undoubted advuutjcea it possesses uvei nil others, may be named the following ; 1. Its simplicity of rousruclion, und consequent free dom from derangement and need of repairs tf. Its unexampled rapidity und euse uf opeialion. 3 Its noiseless movement, ' 4- The great variety of purpose to which it nn b? np pliet., which can be achieved by no other mechanical means. Ami, ti. I he pre-eminent ner-ity and durability or the work. "I find your Machine iuviilu:ible I have t'Hed it a year, ami it has never been out nf order. The stitch is ve du rable, and can be adapted to fine or coarse inateriuls. It works with the rapidity of a dozen pair of hands ; saves much time, fatigue ami expense. Une of your Machines is used in mv father s rutuilv : another iu the household of a sister; ami others by various friends. The opinions of nil accord with that i have jusl expressed. "Mrs Anna uora itltcnie. I'here is but one Sewinc Machine : and that is Whee- lei and Wilson's "Judge Meigs, of the American Insti tute 'The Pewine Machine mtrctiriBed of you has been wV.! ly serviceable " Itev. lr. fttmnel r k.,. ;uiaiiiiiy can altord to uu without it. OriMoxs or th New Yokx 1'xks. 'Ve prefsr them for lamily use. Tribune They ate the favorite for fainiltt-s Times, Are without a rival. -N-lentlhc American. Works more uuifotmly than the hand llerajd. Do the work of ten ordinal)- scweis J,ir Com. Kquul to lime seumtresses. Home Journ.d Tax machine, for lamily use. Advocate A: Journal. Most honorable to American geunis Independent. n e cannot imagine anytniug more pcrlecl l-.vangt:ist. Will give entire satisfaction. Oliserver. The b?-it ver invented. Christian lunuiier. Ill looking for the best, sec these Kxillinuer. Auinirumy adapted jr latuily use. Chronicle. Indispensable in every family. The Preacher. We praise it with euthusnisin -Christian Intelligencer. WorUiy of the highest u-.vaid. fahlKittt Recorder. benefaction ol thence I'utlinm's Magazine. Miiuuut in operation. Mrs. r.telllells, Mottthlv. llcyotid all question, the nm'-hmcs l.ile Illustrated. I The stitch cannot be unraveled. Am Agncuttui 1st. j Tbey maintain the pre-elllliieiice. Kxpress. (Saves the time -and health of ten women. Water Curs. Our household hi iiiecstucicswith it. INirtei't Spirit. j Supply the fathiotiuhle world Ilaily News. Are pre-eminently s'lpcrioi. Indies' isiior. One of our household gists t'. 8. Joururo. rnrivalled in eveiy quu'ity. Day Book. I'letty, useful, magical.- lei!ie's Oazetta llaVs an equnl for funuly use Musical World A triumph of mechanie-al genius N. Y. Journal Combine every requirement. Family Magazine. Vastly superior to ull ollreta tioklen Prize. We csuuut tire in its praise New Yorker. For further particulars apply to H. I). Masscr, Sunburv, IV, agent of the manufacturer, who will supply machines at the manufacturers' prices. Sunbury, May 15, 1853. tf Estate of Augustus) lltiey, dee d. John Hucy, Writ of Partition and valua vs tion issued out of the Or The widow and ) phuna' Court of Norlhum hciiaof Augustus I berland county, returnable Huey, deceased, j o August Term A D, 1858. Notice io hereby given tu tho heirs and lcf-al representatives of said Augustus Huey, late of tSlisniokm township, Northumberland county, deceased, that by virtue oflhe above Writ to me directed, an inquest will be held at tho late resi dence of saial deceased, on Monday Hit; ill day of June next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., for tho pur pose of making partition of, or to value and ap praise (he Keal instate of said, deceased, to wit : of, or certain tract or piece of land, situate in Kha mokin. township, aforesaid, adjoining lands of Samuel r'urmau, Kphraitn K. MilUr,Johii Mur gan.Comad Veager's beirs and others, contain ing about !C7 acres, more or leu, on which are erected a two story Brick House, a tg House, a Uarn,oulbuiidings, 4c, about 150 acres of which said land are cleared. Also, of another .i-rtaiti tract of land in same township, adjoining lands of i'arrucl Moore, Samuel fay res, Abner Tharp John Dunkelberger and others, containing about 100 acres, about 50 of which are cleared. At which time and place you may attend, if you lliink proper. . , . .:. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff's OlHce, Suubury, i May H, 1858. J SUNBURY STEAM FERRY AND TOWING BOAT COMPANY. rpHAVEU.EKS and others arc, respectfully l informed that the subscriber has established a STEAM FEKHY over the Susquehanna, at Sunbury. That a large, cafe and commodious steamboat will run regularly and promptly, at all hours during tho dy, to carry foot passengers as well as veh.clcs, Ac., between Sunbury and the landing on the opposite side of the river, both ways, or lo and from Sunbury. The steamboat will run from Market Street Wharf, and will carry passengers to and from the l'ackct morning and evening. The Steam Ferry now affords nut only a safe and convenient transit over tho Sus quehanna, bul.also a pleasant and agreeable ride. IRA T. CLEMENT, 1'roprklor. Axnutw Hoovlii, Cap.ain. Sunbury, May 1, 1858. TO BUILDERS.' IJROPOSALS will be received at Even's Khool House, in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county, on Saturday the iilid day of May next, at 1 o'clock P. M., lor the buil ding of a IJKICK b(-'HUOL HOUSE, 22 by 28 All material to be aunulied bv the builder All information csu be ohltiued previous to the Icltiui;, of lieni. Hoover or . JOHN F. KLINE. & ec,y. l'p. Augusts, May 1, 1858. at Adiiilul.trutoi' Aoticc. I OTIC E u hereby given ihat If t ten of ad- 1 mitltMtratii-in haws kan ,i.A it,. ... L - ssi B1LS01J t IUva scriber on the estate of John Graves, late of Zerbe w.nsuip, Northumberland county, deceased. AU persona iodeblesLtA said estate will please make HUUiediale payment, and iImk Laving claims lo present tbeui djy authenticated for settlement, KEUUEN KLINE, Adm'r. I revorton, May 8, 186S 6l PLOUK just received and for ale at the Bunbury riour Blot, i May th, CO. HAVEN. SUNBURY FLOUR AND FEEL STORE. GOOD TIMES AT HAND. . CONSTANTLY CHEAPER end BETTEr, FI.OUR can be bought FOK UA8H of U. O. HAVEN in Market Pqutire Sunburv, than ran possibfy be had at any other place ii town. It ia imrecetsnry to say that tJood Flour can bt got from tre Went and North cheaper than from any other quarter at tho present time. The sub scriber having made the beat passible arrange ments for getting this Flour, is pif pared to Rive satisfaction to all who favor him with a call.- Prices range from 85 to $6,73 per barrel accord ing It) ptiality. Chop Feed of ell kind constant ly on hand.. ... . ., .. i N. D. Ne Tcnntylvania Flour will compete with his. The price may to the same, hut the quality is quite inferior, as all les'.ify that try both kinds. Please call and examine lor yourselves, i . CO. HAVEN. Hunfmry, April SI, 1858. Centre Turnpike ltoad. rilHE stockholders are hereby notified that an A election fur officers In serve for the ensuing, year will be hold at the house of ('. H. Drown in the Borough nf Northumberland, on Monday the 7th day ot JUNE next, hrtwten the hours ot 1" o'clock A. M., and 3 o'clock P. M.1 JOH.R. PRIESTLEY, Pres't. Northumberland, May 1, 1858. 4t -MLLINERYA 6oD3 . MISS RKCECCA I). yi'INN respectfully informs her friends and customer that she has just received and opened a new assort ment of Millinery ane Fancy Goods at her Store in Water street, Snnbiiryj ti? Produce of all kinds taken in exchange Sunbury, May 1. 18.r8 3t. NEW MILLINERY G00I). fPIIK subscriber respectfully informs the c:li JL ten of Sunbury and vicinity, that she has removed her store lo the house of SMnmrnr H. Iloyer opposite Weaver' Hotel, where she has opened a new supply of MILLINERY AND FANCY DRY (iOODi?, of. the latest and most fashionablu style, which she will sell at reasonable price. SAW A II MARTZ. Sunbury, April 21, 1h58. It THE NONPAREIL Ol' Tilt: MA0AZINK9. ST4MFOnU &. EI,lSSKn, Have just commenced to publish an KulaigeJ Series of UTt'EI.I.'S LIVING AUK: A Perioilicnt of long estublisbed reputation, and liicti toned cbaractei,compiising the most vaiuable productions of the lunstei-ininils ot Kurne (from the Kuelisli Iteviews and M.'igttzines.) This truly vuluable publication suinds unrivalled both for the sterling excellency of its literature, and the ultra cheapness ut which it is oTered. All who would combine ptoiit with plensure iu theii rending, will find in Lllt'e's Living Age their wishes fully nttained. There Is no cither publication in the world tbat all'ords so choice and attractive a vuriety of reiHy g'HHl re inline:, us tins periodical, nud In addition to this fact, it furnishes over one-thira mors in ijuanlity lliatl any other work the yeatly issue lieiug 4 I6u paces for only &tl per annum. The new KxLARC.sri Skriks commenced Apnl 3, and oirei s r good' oppoi tuuiLy lor persons lo subscribe for it No .Miigiizin1? can approach this as to its intrinsic literary value, lor u has the very crea of all g-iod thli4ts: it is HOT 11 THE 1 Kt ND CltKA TKST PERIODICAL IN TI: S WORLD ! 'Iy a nuni'ier I'J cents. Tins work- has received the universal approval oflhe Tress, and ulno of many of most eminent men, inclu ding President Adams. Chancellor Kent, Justice Story, l!"ii. Uco Ibiucroft, lion. ti. Ticknor, V. II. I'rescott, Hon. J II. Hiivmoud, llishop A. i'ot'.er, Hcv. Dr. II c tliuuc, Rev. Albertjluriies. die. , . RECHNT LUITORIAI. NOVICHS The T.'.visu Acr is nltopether unapproachable ill value ami iule-est, us a repiiHluciion of the most elegant peril d ical literature of tbe dav Chnrchman- I know of no penodicnl in tlur. cc intrv, or in Kuginnd which utrords so comprehensive add so s-itissactory an idea of the literature, politics, and science of the tunes, os tin rightly named I.ivi5rr. Auk I ti. Vhillier. Ilotb lor present interest nud pennaiient value, it bears the palm. Kasl Boston Ledger It will furnish a most dcsunhlc substitute in a household for many expensive volumes. Salem liczctte. "A Work of Remarkable Merit," now ready. TUB INTERPRETER: A TALL OF TI1K RUSSIAN WAR. Ht Major Melville, fevo. 50 els. -One of the pleasantest Novels we have seen for many n day : its teiicliing is thoroughly healthy and gooi.M lu, ilon Literary Gazette. II (ort ths aunt ot mv ) ;; - l'enrh o r T ii o u k h t ! Religious and Phil'ieophicnl. gathered from old Authors. lnv. Muslin, red edges, ecculs L'uiloriu with "The Words of Jesus.11 Arc. 'A choice and savory collection ef t1! best th'mcht of the best and greatest Winers of the olden time. It is the Compilation of one who bas read niiicli iu ancient Jore. nr.d iu whose judicious selections the most fastidious tLsle has been consulted.' Home Journal. TIIE LIUTLE CnURCn LIBRARY. Bv J. M. Parker. 0 iiiiui.iture volumes. On the 20th of Mny. " .May 1,1' 5'.'. tin - SrRING AXD SUMMER MILLINERY GOODS. Inn M. I i ussier, respectfully an nounces, that she has just relumed from ths city with a new, cheap and elegant assort ment of . t SprLng and Summer Millinery Gooth, Conaialiy; of new pattern llonnctH, Straws, tiiinpsand fancy lloiuietti, akio Ribbons, Flowers, and Fancy 'J'riiniuinrjs, Ladies Dress Caps, &c, all of which will he sold cheap. Bonnets of every descriptions made to or.lvr. Old bonnets bleached and pressed in the t:-3t manner. ' .' .. Thankful for past pctronago, she solicits a cor. inuanee of the-same More in Fawn Street, 2nd Jaor below the Kail Road. Sun'iurv, April 17th, 1858. 2m$ SHEtllFF'S SALE. KY virtue of an alias writ of Llvahi Fi nis issued out ol the Court of Common I'leus of Nor thumberland caunty to me directed, will beeipoaed to i'tihlic bale at the public house of Ti ter Ilanselman, in tho borough of Northumberland, Northumberland county, on SATl.KD.1Y the 22d day of MAY next, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following described real pro pcrty, to wit i , . -i All that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate in Point township, 'urthuinbcrlaud county, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Detuning at a post, thence by Und lute of John Cowden, North 40 degrees. East, 810 perches to a wliiteouk, thence Ly land lato of William A. Lloyd, North .Vi degrees West, tMJ perches lo a iiost ; thence by lands late of James Kay, south 40 degrees west, 210 perches to three poets j thence by land late of Philip Frick; south 60 degrees east 94 perches to the placo of beginning. Containing 124 aires and 2R perches, (it being the same tract of land which George Eikert sold and conveyed to John Wil liam tanim.) - Mbout 115 arres of which are cleared whvroun aro erected a two story frame house, a 1J story log house, and barn putt log, orchard and a well of water, otc. Seized taken in execution, and lo lie sold as the property of Jotin v imam Mamm. JAMES V A N DY it E, fchoi iiT. Kheritra odice, Suubury, ) April 24th, 185B. ) Estate of Lemuel Roadarmcl, deceased, IOTICE is hereby given, that biters of Ad l mitiUtration, ou the of Lemuel IToadarmel, lateof eihiwookinlown, Northumlier land county, deceased, have been granted to the ubscriuvr. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make Immediate payment, and thoe having claims present llieui duly authenticated for KctUeiiietil. . B. The subscriber will attend at-thc house of D In. Laka, Esq., lor that purpose on Satur day, June Sth, next. MAIiV ANN- KOADAil.MEL, AJm'trix. Phamokin, April 17, 1858. ft Adminiitrator'i Notice. . TV'OTICE ia hereby . given that . letters of Ad v miniairgUoit, have baeu. granu-d to the aub aciiber.on' the esta'e of Mary Cook, late of Point township, Northumberland county, deceased. All persona indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment and those having claims to present them for settlement WM.II. WAPLES. Adm'r. .t'eribunibcrland, April 17, 185 . Gt Prices Reduced to Suit the Times I . (i.ti wBtTa swia.) Race Street abmv Thirst, Phifadtfphia. fprtK Prnptlelcrs rf trie aWe we It-It now estnhhsn 1 ment litinff thankful for the very linrrnl pntrnnnpe he Jtowed upon them the pssc year, lake this metSpil of in rormlng their friends and ifib pufclio thai llie y are still pre pnri d tn sccommnrtiite them t fnvoted with e cull. Darinu the Winter months ttie house his been tbormiih ly renovate J, Improvements made ami iiffici extensive al leralions bt eoiitrm tarloil. We are rlrteimined to cvoto not. whole attention lo business sinr llntlar oursebefl with the convktiylt that we shall be able to give seiieral satisfaction. tIDKS A 9TOVEP?,' Race Struct, above Third. TKRM3.-S1 SSperditT N. U. Can iuges will nlwnys be in readiness to convey Passengers to and from Steamboat ljuidiiigi and Kailroad Depots. S. 4 8. I'hiladetphia. April 10. 1?59 3m i' uii', nyr axu imiuv isiox s, . , N. I) KI.LINOS, . 2o. 12 Xorth Wkarvti, Philadelphia. 100.000 lbs. Dried Apples, 3.1100 bushels Pea Nuts. 600 darrein (rren Appleo, , lillO boxen Oranges, "Oil borej Lcrrroris, 2,000 bushel i Pntaloc, 1.000 busheln Iiaans, 1 00 dor.. Pickle, ... AIo Hif'is, Figs, Priiiios, tic, in atoro ard for snip at the lowest prices. April 10, I85H ly K. i"71Tiu U Hl& SUN , . xr.xintr, pa., TIAYK rrrrived, and are now opening their Spring Mnck, embracing new and desirable Dresa Honda, Calicoes and Dress (iinghftins ol tho latest style. Muslins of all tj'jnlilies and pri ces, K. Jeans, Linen Chcckn, end a choice selec tion of UlarM and Fancy Cassinieres, new styles. Groceries of all kin In. Wo respectfully invite an inspection of our Goods. COUNTRY PRODrCR wan'.sl in ex chnnga r.t ihehicltest market price. April 10, ISAR. . - A Cash IU'sinfs3 Kxn.isivKi.v. (-HAn'.r.HAD.XMS, H. V. Crnerof Kiehthand Atch J Streets, Vlio idelphia. lntornis Ins old costotuers, and the buyers of !)HY GDI HIS liKM'.Il At.l.Y, Hint hcis inukiiig extra excitions for the prosecution of hishiiflines the coining: season, and in order to eunhle him to pmchafie goods for cash, and sell them Bt the I.HWK.4T mahh.:t ratCKS, he has decided tu sell at the smallest nossiMe advance ry I-'on Cakii I'.x:-LrsivKi,T ! He Ids icditred the price i' moi-t of tlic Uoodfl U' ?ltote, and has now open many New lioon, suitable for the bkabox. to which will be made daily - Cure will be to iiecotnin state FHIKNDS and Tlain PI'.IISO.NS (enerallv, as herel .f.'.rr. NKW DIIKSS OtKUIS, fllAWLP, UM'.NS, and Ft ItMSIIIMI (it)Hllt rnemlly. l'lirehaseis will find ctc.'it advautntre in givine: an early call, the motto being nimble sivpellce la better than tile slow shlllnift.o The sitiistiou is central, and the store well l.'ghlcd. March 47, 1SW 3in? w. FLOUR AND FEED 1 SPRING A I! It A N (i E M E N T. rPHE subscribor has recently made an rnlarge ment iu his store room and has just received a freh supply of Flour end Feci, Curnmeal, Ac Ilia stock consists of Com 'id Itye, Corn and Oats, and Corn (11(11. liolted Corn Meal and lluckwheat I'lnur in sucks, all of which will be sold low FOK CASH. Also, the Best and Cheapest assortment of Flour in this Market, from FIVE to SEVEN DOt-LAKS per Llarrcl, according Jo iu:tltty Uso, a lot rf Flcur in sacks at very low rates. 'J 'lie subscriber assures his cuilou'era, thut his arrangement for getting Western Hour enable him to give them better satisfaction or better bar gains than can te attained elsewhere lleitir; thankftll for past patronage, he hopes lo merit and coutiue to receive ths I jvor uf the public generally. C. O. HAVEN. 1 Market Square, Sunbury, March 20, 1858. s r in x (Tar ka XNTnAfErT LACKAWANNA & BLOOM SBURQ R.R. Al'KOHMlNr, superior faciUies for trnvel to ew Voik, I'hiladclph a, and the North and West, bv con. ncctmns at S-nmloa with the iriiius ol tin' iel.itaie Iickawanua and Wefilv-n Itailroud Coinii.v : ntno travel South aud West over the I'ntlim usa, V:!liain!iKiit and Kne Hailumd and connecting trams GOING NtHtTII. N. V. .ccommo. l'liilad'a Mao. daliou. .Mail Leave Rupert, liliiom, rispy, I. Hue Ridge, Iterwick, Ile?,cll Haven, Kea-h tiiove, a on A M. 3 10 1' M- (I IS d. 'J Jo do J M do 'J d o 3 Vi do 4 1 15 do i; do ( 40 do 7 10 do 7 35 i i 7 5U do 8 I'l do 4 15 d i 30 do 4 AS do SCI d . i iO d i T-tiicsslilnnv, llunl. cVtf-icik, 9 40 do West NuutiO'kc, t d Plym null, 9 13 do Arrive ut Kinitston, 0 10 do s ;0 Jo Leave Itipitstoii, 0 35 do 1 l.i P M. 5M do Wyoming, fl 511 do Ul do ."1 ,t(, West I'ltutoii, 9 65 do tf. fi) do ft 55 d 1 Plttst on, 10 00 do S :io , . C Ull do Lackawanna, 111 10 do 'J 45 do 6 lo do T.ivlorvrllc, 111 SO do 3 IMJ do 6 o jtl ' Arrive at "eriintoi;, 13 50 do 3 15 do A .10 do The New Yor': Mail Tnnu Connects v;.;h the Ll press gome Lnft.ou D L. W. ItaOrou!. , Arrive 111 New Voik 7 15 P. M". do Philadelphia, by I'ain.lcu i A:n'.oy Rmlioa I, e an P M. Fate flora Rupert to New Yolk Sti 00. llaic.-ge cluck ed itir.mpli. The ac 'orvmodatioll Train North, conneets ut Sersnton with the L'xpress Tiaia West, 0:1 the D. I. A. W. I'.uii road. CiOiNO SOPTli P'lla. Accommo K Y Lc-.vs r!a;l dition ' M;"t. Scmiiioii. film A.M. I13HAM I ln')l. Tuylorville, t lu do II 45 do 4 U do l.nckawuiuia, b JU do l-J no M. 4 00 do PitlHon, S 30 do 1JI5P y. 1 :,u d i West Pittstolt, 8 35 la 31) do I 3', do Wyoming. 40. u 40 . 4 10 do Amcaut K!::?'lon, 9 VO do 1 CO i t S M do Leave Kincston, in 10 do 6 on o . I'lymouth, HI M do 5 do Vinticke, ' II 65 do fi 40 do llilnlock'a Cr'k, II 15 do (J 50 do Shicksinuny, II 15 do 7 an do Pi.ic 1 lirove, 1150 do t III ,1., Ileach ll.'ivtu Pi bO do 7 5.S J(, llerwiek, li 10 P M. fc is do Lime Uldge, IT oil do H 15 d i I'soy, Ii IU d . (I 111 ,l Moom, IS 50 do u lj Jo Arrived ut R'.'pert, I CO do 9 5 d 1 The Philadelphia Mail Tltaln go. nr. Siuth, connects with '.he Mail Train at H upeil, pom: Lust ut 1 111 P.M. tor itattavvissa, Port Clinton, PottHvnle lit.ulinp, Ac , S11V injf at Philadelphia, at V.i P. M. Also with Mail Train (Mine West Bt 3 olo.k P. M. lor Uauville, .Miltoi:, M uu -cy, Wilhaiiisporl and F.I11.1111. ' Pussciiucrs by the 1 o'clock P. M.Tram co;ng '.V1.1H1 can take the II oYKick P. M l'xpress Irtini foi lllmiru uud the halite at HIiKUiikliiirK and take lite 1 o' clock A. M . Train (joint; Last, urnviiig at Pliiladelpeiu or llaiilftljurg ut ia 1HH111. F. J. I.KAVr'XWOHTII March 13. IV,a dm . Siiprflnteii.leiit. NOTICE. ' LI. persona indelted to James Heard, lute : Prothonoiary uf Noithumberlandcounty, for J lees, c., a e requested to ::iaV:o itnirediate fay. ment, end thus save osl end further trouble, as ull accounts remaining unpaid will bo placed in the hands of a Justice for eullectioii. t'aymrnis can be made either tu the subscriber or to J. iS. Ueard, at hie otiice. " JAML'S BE A IC). Kuidiury, March 27, IfiSS tf PENNSYLVANIA WIRE "woitks", iYo. 2'iC Arch In. Second Third, (Opposite Prccd Street, I'lllludclplitK. CK1 K)', liiddlca, Screens, Woven Wire of all ineahea and widths, with all Winds of plain and fancy wire woik. ZVcax y '('willed Wire or t-'park Catchers; Coal, kauj and Or a vel iicreens ; I'aper Makoi's Wire ; Cyloriier and Dandy Itolls, covered in the best manner; Wire and Wire Fencing. Avery superior tide of eavyfounJera' e!cives. AW kinds of Iron tire Wire Meives. IMYLIHvS, Sc D.1KI1V. Philadelphia, April 17, ISS8 elm. FOR RENT TIHK 8 tore Room in Market street, formerly J. occupied by V. W. (Iray. A pply ',o the ex ecutors of II. Masser, deceased. April 17 I8AH. B IIOWN'8 and Breinig' Essence ol tiingei and Husband's .Mac t r , . March M, '67. . ftUnn b. FAR.MEIIH OK PENNSYLVANIA ATTENTION I Yoa mn supply yourselves with Chemionl Manures, warranted pnre, which has been In successful use In Melv Jersey for the past fcVvcn Venrr Ihey have received tin MI'l.flM AS of 1'ew Jersey, New Yolk, rieUiwnrc, and I'eliusylraiiia Agricultural r? melics, and hare hesii used ly'the President of the United Mates, on his OnnliHt and on the I'ubha Urnunds at Washington, 1). C , and ly the foUouiitig Uenlleinca vir : Z. lcke, Ksq. ) A P. lusher, V Ctiaxasaoao' New Jersey. i I Reeves, ) , Hcnstor Huberts, W'm. Miller, of Cane Island, New Jersey. ClinsYork, I Th's Mulford, IJsr), Tamden N.J,' !t. Bcrnes, Pr. Knight, Mr. Field, ,lr Atkinson, and lvi Johnson, allot New Jersey they say it is the cheapest and most reliable Mnuuie now iu t'se, being permanent nnd improving the land by enriching the soil Tt Is fcttc lo the various cro s you raise Corn, Potatoes, Urass, Wh-wl, Uats, Ac. lly enclosing a C heck, on any New Jcisey ot Pliilnd'a Hank or tefe-Biiee to aay ivid House In Philnde.phia or in ex change for Ptiwluee, ut luir Market rales lier,-your orders will tsxfillod aud,Hliippd to you, fiee of Carina expense Vfff'L'i-cry articlt old by i'ie t'.t L!uaraiicel,$t Super Phosphaic of Lima, SI0 Is I a ton. Bone I'hospbute, J:hl Oil a ' American Fertilizer,.- ' CM a " ry a HAniii:i.'tsr.iTHciiiNT for an ache OF OIMIUMJ HltUAD CAHT Ture T'onf Dust, rm birrcls now ready.) at 9-'t 00 per tsirrcl or SII'S, a ton. I'oudiulte, No. 1 (500 Uirrels now rendy,) at S'J to ! J a barrel Ijitid Plalter No. I I UOUtsirrcH, nt flj to oburrc' Pot Ash, fill hnrr, Is Peruvian, Patngoiila and rhi'iiitt O I' A N ) . UKOKlii: A. I.r.lNAf. Ptopil.toT. No. SI South Fr.ONTStre.t. Pl.ihi'tel, luu City. Pa. r?- wiioi.phaij; di:ai.i:p.s ali'dwi u a i.ih Fit At, IHm il N T. fe Pamphlets cun be had on uf pliration to my Ofve, or of rry Aseuts Manh l:.', IfW -Sllifll-.v. JCH1T GTC1TE & SOUS, tfd5 Chesn'aP'.rcel, above Ktrlith, 'Inte- f No .14 South Second Street,) PIIII.AlFI.PilIA, ap a now nrxsiviMi inittK SPItlNn IMPORTATION OP SILK. AND MILl.INKUY GOODS Consisiing in purl of Pilncy rjonnet and Tap ttibbotis, Sutin unit Tiilletns It.bli.ins, tiros de Naples. (Ulsre nnd Pla.n,) larci linea und Florences, ln, k .M.kUh, iluelish Crt!,.cs. Mulinu and f lliifutt Ijilea, -t. Also, n full assortment of Fltl.NCIl AND AMI'.KICAN FI.OWF.U3 March tit), IMS. Smos NETT CASH DRY GOODS HOUSE. tV OPF.NINC OF SPRING t:nol)S!.l KYUE f.ANDl:!.!., Fourth A; Arth Sto. Philad'a , are now ollcrmg a lull sloikof New Goods for Spring of 1858 ' FASIIIONAni.F. SPHtNO OOOI)t, III.ACK SII.KS, 1M to 30 niches wide, Spring Dress Goods, New Styles, Shawls, in all the Newest Style, 1 , French and American .'hi.ilzcs, Fill, stock of Domer.tic Llood?, Full Stock tif Kiiropeun Goods. N It. Ilarpiiusin slensonalile O'hil. daily receivsd from the At'CTKINS of New Yelk and Philadelphia P S "NlKlltillAN TS. are invited to examine the Sloe TKfi.,I! Nett Cash and iow prices Plit:dclplua, Match 13, l-.'.S 3ni3w. FOR SALE OR RENT. " 1IIE large double frame house in the Borough -- of Northumberland, belonging to the estate of C. II. Kay, dcceafcil. This is a very desirable residence, beautifully situated on the North Ur.'tnch of the Susiiuelttnm, with a large garden, Carriage House, S'.able Ac, belonging to it. Terms moderate. Enquire of C. W'. Sestet, Williamsport, or D. Urautigam, Est., NoriUum berinnd. March 27. ,Hj59. Gi;OGfl IIILIi, ATTCH1TET AT LAV. SUNBURY, 3? A.., RJJRPECTc'L LLY informs the public and W frien benerally, that he has removed to Sunbary, and has opened a law oflire at his residence, in Market square. Ilia acquaintance with the English and (ierman enables him to transact business in both languages. April 10, 18..8. ly Xv AS II IN (.To'v'iio use; XX. A. I OVi:T, rropritlor, npil R proptietor rtwpectliilly informs his friends end the-pjblic generally, tluat he is repniring ind renovating the Washington H iuse' Boas to entertain both transient and permanent visitors in a suitable and comfortable manner. Thankful for the ;iutronage extended to his father, ho respectfully volir.irn the continuance of tlioaame. He will tulic churgo o! the "Waiih ini;ton House" on the lirst day of April, next. He will bare rr Omnibus running to tho dill'ereiit Kailrnad Depots for the acccmrr.odaliou of 1'usscngers, free of cha'pi'. v. a. covin; r. Ptinbury, March 50, 1S5S, iMronTEtt aru Wiiolisalk H.ali.h i. S A. L T , '3 !3l .''oti( H'tdtt'ts, Philadelphia, Pi. ASHTO.N FIND. LIVKIU'OOL (iliOCND. Asbton and Star Mills Dairy assorted sizes, con stantly on hand ard for sale in lots to suit the trade. N. U. Orders solicited. March 13, 1858. fini a c. eiiEsEFRornit ' iaac c. r-E.u;;.:; cHEsrBaorjGii & pfarson, Commission Merchants and Dealers in risn, m:i:si: am ritoriMONS, .Vo. 5, .V. ll'ticr 3 ihors aloes MarUt, I'lIILADCLrillA, ave constuntly on hand an ni-.-orlmcnt of Dried and I'icklvd Kish, &c, c. .Mackerel, Salmon, Shad, Codlish, Lard, .Shoulders, Uei-f, Hatti, Cheese, Turk, iirs, Duttcr,c. Feb. 27, 185S. 3in.w Saddle and Harness Maker KElSrnY HAUPT, jn. KKSi'EC TFI'LLY informs the &f??$ citiiens of iSunburv and the pub. 'J-iyie generally, that he bus taken sutfui '- the shop occtip:ed bv Ilriirht and Heck, one door cast ol l'c.upt's Cabinet M i ker shop where ho is prepared to turn out wo.V in his line of business c jual to any made ir ihi 4 section of the country. Orders proinpllv ted and all kitnls nf produce. Ukeu in xr',,allgo tSuubury, March "0, IS.iH. ly BTOJ-'.E. AIIsSLOClSA SHrLtfR.rcs.cctlVJv.iii. forma the citiicrs ot Trevorlon at .1 s'tr rounding county, that she has opened a new store of Millinery ami fancy (Joiulu, at Ttevor Inn in i'hainokiii si ,cet, nearly oj.p.n ire Knouse'a Tavern, where ll kinds of Hotnieta and Fancy (Joods can bo nacl at the lowwl trriii.. Dress m'.Kiiig also HttenJ tJ in the best manner nd latest stvlo. S9, 1HSS. tf , VIVA LI. TATKR, Vinduw Shades. Floor, ' v cr':age, and 'J'able Oil Cloths, Cocoa Malts -nsVa supt nor ailicli-og liruest. ' Dec 2;. 1.S7. lllilUllf 4 SON. 9S0 VA If DS CA KPKTINC', nibracing Wool lucrum, ro'.toti, aud a superior a'licle of Rug Carpet. Manufactured at home, fur sale at tirices to suit the times, ' Due. 20. 'fi7. URir.;i r a o.m "TWi ACKH MALT. Isfst quality, best p.tul 4ly, large sacks, and for sale ut the frve?t figure- Milt-ill T Jt SON. eiunbury, Dec. 26, ISS7. noKT MONAIL'S, Tooth and Hair ltmshe A all qualities, and any quanti v, for sulo by a.v. nsiitit. March 14, .7. m 9 at kei tl, Herring and (Shad, w holes i! f J. or retail. Now ia the lims ,Ul purchaaa Fib, at we are euabltd to otter them at a lower price than you rari purrhaso them in tha Spring. ei)t;'ury. Die. '.6, 07. VHWlll' & HOS. SADLERY AND HARNESS MKIN0 fJIlB itibscrilssra wspwtfullv inform the citi ions of ."tinbury and vicinity that they have commenced tho above business a few dorscbova tho 1'oBt OfTicV, Matkct Sqlmrei Sunbury, l'a. Work of af! kinds in thcir lino of hupincaa will be done, promptly end neatlv mi Ihn niot res. sonahla terms. CLEMENT & OY3TER. February 13, 18S9. . . - drt.oa6-Tir;fci ANTED Thirty Thousand Cross Ties, or Itailroad Rills for the Northern Central Rail Road. Ff r ftirthvr pnrticulara apply to- IRA T. CLEMENT, Cortracloi. ' Sunbury, December 2B, 1857 tf r7:r rpr. '. c?.Tfr? r-' vr" : r v-1 - Market Street. Sunbury Pa. THK subscriber respectfully informs the ci'.i r.ena ef ritinbitry, and the public gcneralP'. that he lino purchased, and will' tike iei?.iior, in thoi above well known stand on thu 1st of April next, formerly kept by Mrs. Thompson. That he will put the same in complete icpair. In addition he will provide a conveyance to carry passengers to and from the dilVerenl Ifnilroad de pots, u till will leave no effrrU untried to render his hotel c desirable stopping pls"e for Bursts and travelers. JOHN LEISKlt, February 20, lRo8. FLOUR REDUCED - t TO .l I9 1'?r Blarrtl TlllIK subscriber respectfully informs the- rilf jl zetis of 8uuburv and vicinity that he has jnt received a supply of FLOI'li, which he is olli ritir; at wholesale or retail, from 5 40. 8 37 to 0 H7 .J per liiirrel. He also boIIs some as low as 70 cts. per quarter, all of which he WAL It A NTS to Se (.owl. CANDLKS for sale, wholesale or retail. Thankful for past patronage he hope to con tinue to merit tbe same. (JIVE HIM A CALL! M. C. (.'LAUIl AliT. Market h't , Sunbury, l'a. February 27, 135. ANALYSIS OF LYON S CATAWBA BRANDY BY A. A. H AYES, M. D.. Assayer to the State of Massachusetts. litjmt CiiAttACTr.n. A light yellowish brown-colored spirit, having a fragrant odor ; when evaporated from clean linen it left no oil or offensive matter. Analyzed fov vrtlatiM ind fix ed drugs, of which no traces of any kind wcrn found. Its color is proved to be due to a Morel rcain an extract derived from wood. 7 n every respect it is a pure spirituous liquor. The fragrance or bouquet which it possesses can be isolated. and it then appears unlike that ! from Cognac IS randy or Wine, being a fruity es. sence resulting from a peculiar fi rmcntotion ut 1 Catawba and Isabella (.rapes. Culmical CiiAitACTLit. 1,(1(0 parts in vol ! timo of Ibis spirit contains at CO deg F. 461 2- 10 parts of pure ulcohul, besides the fragrant oil. ; 1,0 10 pnrls of the cptrit atlurd S3 arts of a strong : solution of the oil which characterizes this Uran' dy ; the spirit 'eft, ufler removing the oil, is pure and odorless, and fn rl! ils qualities a s.i I rit not subject' tc charge. One I.'. gallon of ! th'.s Brand ai CO deg. F. contains, besnies th . npirit and oil, only S'Jti gr.i. of matter composed ; of extract of fri'it, cum, and colored resin fr-:n j wood. ' ' I PoiToy, January 2.1, 185S, i ' Dr. COX E, State Inspector of Ch'o. nJ fit. ' Jaa. A', Chilton. Chemitt, of.r-w Vo-I-, both pronounce tins to be pure lirandy. aud free from all a-Itil lei at icn. Fot Medieinnl pnrposes Lyon's Catjwlm Uraii dy has no rival, and has Ioiilj been needed to su persede the poisonous compounds sold under Ihn namo of Hrundy. As 4 beverage, the pure article is nltorrether atiperinr. ard a so- ereigu sure reme dy for Il, Flatulency,, Low Spirits, I. an gilor, (Seneral Dcbiltlv, 4-c. Vr. Also, KslIKLBY'i STH 1. AND SPA RK LINti CHAMPAGNE. These wines arc unto in the nrighborhaxt of Cincinnati, and are guar antied to In tho tiro juice of the Orapv, and am cniiuen(ly CRlrnleted for invalids and persons who require a gentle stimulant, and for sacramen ts! purposes. Kctail price $1 2.' per bottlo. A libeTal ,ii count made tu the trade. Dealers will pleaso send their orders to the solo agent lor Northuru berlsiid comity JOHN F. CASI.OW, Druggist, Milton, l'a. February, 20, IS.18 3m. J CD ISTE Sii O TJ S E i. M KLl.s OVERLY, rromictoi - Cor. af Market Street & Mr.rlit Kpiwe, II A H R i SB V P. O , PA. qilllH NKW ANU KLEGAM UOTi:!., recuntly rc X le,l hy the Messrs Ju.l:s, in ilan ihliurg. l'a , ins: hceu Icusci' lor a term of yciu. bv tin- uudciBujii-j l.-i tiikea tins nictliod ol culling tbe ultciition of ui, :,.ni.-r pair jus, ana tht tiavclluui coiniiiuinlv. tl.cieto. Having u tioitl of one iiumlretl nnd l .rty flut on the rniii.i(.ai street ol the city, and 1- utj-uvo i'.-n yt. t Muiket !",uare, it ciuuiol lull to prove attra.-tive us t.l as itr.itir lo slrutigers. The Chiiiuliein urc of fine size, tt; vcntilatcl, au! bclite.1 with Oac u uuinU.r with conm-cimg j.Kjrs uiu kica lliiiii very desirable for fuilii.ic. The Hulls ure warmed throughout bv lljalera: lo 1 every modern liuplovciucnt, in met, has i.c u udded, tl. it may conduce to the sululy, cululorl, uud lianpiiiess ol' the fitfils. Visitors may, tlienforc, rut uuut t-.l, ' tluit tbe '-Joins House'' bas been made perftct in all its .h,:iitnieuts that each de,uituieiit bus been t'i"vd in 'Ji;t'.,e , f l:,-e. riei.ced and I'oulocUaT. I'eis jiis ihul in c: rry purlin. :.,r the ustciil a-liieh has adopted hy the I'roprietm, will all id to t ii--,- v.lio may m,ke u ihcir home, it fi eat a ;i,c oi c-oiil'. 1 1 us nuy l-io'ituiucd ul uu" i.inilai fLiL:o;..ioul in the Strite. To sciire this itcsiioble r-!- '!: he tins furiLshnl tl.t Public anil. I'nvalu Private l' rimnili.-is, I'n ii. Kooni Ac. Willi entirely NF.W Ft UNIII III', a' . arra:it-,d wittliii the l.ui';. li line l:nl-rs u. O- ter l viii, Llres.Mic! Itoon.. Hot nn.i I'. 'd l.,t!,s. Vlr: Cuunary llcplt.ner ainl lliniri: Kooin ci In. r. r the especial at.; i; ol tl,e IV. uj o-to'i. wioe.i i. 'is. I will le a fcC.thcient cu;irantet lh.,t n'.l tnKtcs wi'l lc,,iit-il Alter reHirnui? his heurtlelt lliioiks to Ion ,,'d : and pr:troii5, for the cencrous ,:,tro' 'U' so !., .,'-i l'"l L iui.-. ut the -'Ciiveily House. 'i sjul u -o to im. an. I ftttroi at the 'I'oluinli.u House," i ,,,.,. ' .l. 'o ' the Ht .is 'II I'l .vV. he lespecn'iUlv s, ;,t,i i.'.iti.u;.",, l of II ut Hie t'Ju.MS HUl'Si: .' vr.!.t S''' i ki.v 'antiary 30, liOinos J ohVn. ui: it i), ATTORNEY JT I.AW. i 'Jfice i'l MacLit it. ,;,... Cvurt, i suNnuiiv, PA, I f Jollec tions made and l'n.l. siot.ul I! r.-nerally altcnded lo Promptly and Caiefullj. ' ruiL ipili uu I!.riuKrr : Uullr'.t i Fafnhonie, Dicld Wsnz, Duiti A l!ir;.ey, F. '1'j I..; 4c t'o. Kunbury, Jiino 20, !P.ri7. I3L'ki: coxcenti; atkd or I 1 POMFir.Ii, for sale at M-U f K .-S : Store. Price 20 cts. l.-.L II lltl Alti:, ol a!! ' varietv. Ui in,! (.ru1 cinlless :k;h : f sh.n. Sunbury , Dec. 20, IRiT. lOTCS of all kind', Sto. lii'js. Collars. S1:s ciider:i, Uurlc Mitts, llaitilki-rrliiefs and an endless variety of llosiorv nnd Notions . Sunbury, Dec. 2B, '67. lii;'''A SON. tm 1 I TKAl:Tin-:i. SRRss (TfiODs, inr'adint 1 UP Figured and Plain Merinos. KilU, Sc-otil 1'l.inia, .''ilk Slriped IVlJiiis, Cai-hinere, 'J'rentan Plaid, I'mber Shades, Fancy and Pl.1iu.D1 Lanier Valencia, i'liramctto Clolhi Ac. iv 1 ric ned and for mth by UKlUllT i SON . Muntury, Dec. 26, 67. al'KKXS, Cedar, Hollow and (lawarf containing everything useful and orna mtritiul. URKJII TSi SON. Sunbury, December Sit, 1K57. . j llfOU'llt N, 'ict t incs, tl(ra Caps, Wool . 1 Hoods, Cuililurtu, Cusllmrri. Sctir Is. I -an, I- 1 Gauntlelts, Ac. Ulillill I' d t-V'.N. j Simbury, Dec. 2ft, '67. iOH bAAJk., V' (loot) f c:i J-Nan j E oKi'ca. '-at,'.'. Apply st u,;. at 7J and CUJ cents just received by Myelins. AW. FISHER.-