4 ft 1 r g JOHN RAN DOLtl. t 1. 1. wm rrir.K. 0 Motlif-r Frth ! upon thy lap Thy weary onr receiving, And o'er them, silent as t dream, Thy irra?y mantle weaving Told softly to iliy long enibrare That henrt so wirn nd broken, And cool if pulse or fire beneath Thy shadows old and broken. Mint onl from Mm the bitter worl 1, Am! serpent his of ecoriiiiir;; Nor fct the storms of yesterday Disturb hi quiet morning, . Bmatli rver him lorjreifulnes Of' all save doeda o( kindness, And save o mile f grateful eye. . 1're-fiJown bit lida in blindness. There where with living ear mid eye, He heard Pat.im.ic's fl.iwitig, And through Uia tall ancestral trcea Saw Autumu'a sunset glowing, Iii? rlccps jlill looking to the west, beneath the (lark wood shadow, A a if licelill Would see thn aim fink down on wave and nicidnw. Bard, saga and tiihunc! in himself All moods of mind contrasting The leiid.'rent wail of human woe, The fcorn like lightning blusting; The pathos which fiotn rival eye I'nwilliiiS tears could lummou, The stinging taunt, the fiery burit Of hatred scarcely liutnun ! Mirth sparkling like a diamond-shower, ! From lipa of life long tadncss; Clear picturing of majestic thought Upon a ground of madness ; And over all, romance, and aong A classic beauty throwing. And laurcll'd Clio at Ida sido Her storied pages showing- Who ever read The Castaway, or the Jackdaw in the Steeple, (to which tho dying Webster added a new fume.) without thinking of what thai last stanza ao well en pressed (t Kai.dolph! Too honest or too prouJ to feign A love he neor rjhcrihed. Beyond Virginia's border line Ilia patriotism perished, 'While others bailee) in distant skies Our eagle's dusky pinion, He only saw the mountain bird ftoop o'er bis Old Dominion ! The last verse may not he absolutely true, but it is bcauli'ul writing; one may say as Coleridge d ies of Ariosto-"! would rather praise hu poetry than Ins poem. 1 he ne&t verse ts fine : Still through each rhange of fortune strange, liack'd nerve and brain all burning, His loving fuith in mother-land Knew never shade of turning: By HrHuin's lakea, by Neva's wave; W hutever sktr was o'er him, II o heard her rivers' rushing sound, Her blue peaks rose befoie him. Of course, John G. Whitlicr would not ho John O. Whiuier, if he did nut say something about slavery here; and so he docs. Ho speaks of Randolph patriarchal manner of holding slaves wbile he kept, His reverence for the human and, No hunter of God' outraged poor His Roanoke valley entered ; No trader in the inula of men A cross his threshold ventured. tuners' jipcparlmcnt. American Wines. The Missouri Wine Company Iia3 offered premiums for samples of tho best pure native. wines of this country, of tbo vintage of 1857. The rapid progress which wino culture is ma king in this country is ono of the best guaran tees against the serious evils of intemperance, ' and this progress cannot fail, ero long, to give cheap vines. American champaijno is gradu ally obtaining the reputation of being the purest effervescing wine in the world, and if, &3 Mr. Longworth says, we havo five thous and variolic of native grapes all of them freo from tho oidium, or grapa disease which is spreading over every corner of Kuropo it will be seen that the Weit has in reserve an enormous Geld of productiveness to full back on, as population grows dense, and prolitabla investment for capital is reqnired. Thoro is an absurd idea prevalent that wine cannot be profitably raised in this country; that labor is too dear, and F.uropcan opposi lion too great. On tho contrary, wine raising is at this instant tho most profitable branch of agruculture in America. It will pay from ono to three hundred dollars an acre, yielding a higher profit on capital, skill aud labor in vokted, than any other planting. Tho wines which can bo most easily raised are, like those of Uerniany, light and very innocuous. Wo often hoar it said that there U no drunkenness la Franco, but drunkeness is eyou rarer among tho wine-drinking Ger mans of tho Ithino-Gau. I;iobig, the grout chemist, declare, that these people, far from being injured hv their wine, owe to it tho health fo? which they oro to famous, thera being no place in tho woild whero there is so little demand for apothecaries' wares. I5ut the reader will reooliect that these wines are vorj different from those of othsr nations, be ing no more intexkating to lliosa familiar with tlinin thau common claret. Vrhen attention is moro gcnorolly devoted to wiuo-culture, wo shall probably see wine as cheap hero as cldor, and Rtrychniue whis koy and fighting brandy at a discount. Ex cessive use of ardent spirits is a great causo of national suffering, and anything which will do away with it, or modify it, can hardly fail to be regarded as a blejsing. A Fun; TIIIKCS WHICH EVKRBODT Ol'CrrT TO Kvow. A quart of peas, sown In a shall box fifteen inches wide by eighteen long, at any time of the year, anj est o!T when about four or fivo inches high, and boiled like ppinarh, with little suit, makes a most delicious dish. The tojis of Jerusalem artichokes, cnt off about six Inches long, and boiled like other greens, make a capital dish, which partakes, in some dogreo, of the Haver of the root. Hull ed waUr-cr. s also makes a wholesome and dtdieious dih. It mitft not, homcver. ba over boiled ; for impaired constitutions, it Is iuvuhublj. la Apiil and May, luto potatoes shuuld always, bo peeled sumo ten or twelve hours, ami n,.eptj in cold spring water before they ur cooked. This is a preat iinprovo niunt , it nmkes the potato nearly al good as those dug )n October. The proper way to make a eup of good tea, is a matter of soma iniporUnce. Tho pUn which I hv prac- or vueso twelve months a tl,i Th then?. '8,at nC8 fl"cJ UP wilh totting wt.ter; J lV5?ad f iUl P1' R,,J ' llow: thai Bki o.S?lt0!- '' result is, i the tea re w ud Tan an ih.Vruele"u" d.Ko:e.r.-lhc;''' tr"vh, much 1 tbao under the oU ud IT'" lu tbii Jauk3 CuTuiLL.I nn5":cou"Utt Practice.-l i .. . vi in i n A sua hanna C asiiKiim.n Pierre Jehu F, V kjient. The b,.,.i.i. . . al Comnanv hVJ" Tr1. Bul- CboLa.L t. -iCrT. ' ' l""t to . cutur.i d .v. turn oenent ofered. How Cieim 8k: Now We have fontd no more a:icerul mods of (owing closer, or clover and Timothy, upon winter grain, tbn to chooao ft (till morning, when the grouttd ia a little froisen, and scatter the seed broadcast: Kfnllnin the open frost-crack", and when thawing take place, Is beautifully ana uni formly covered near the surface and is almost sure to eerminnle. A good crop or clover, thus sowed, acts partly as a mulch to the grain roots, yield a supply of Fa!! food, and is most ndiiiirnhlp to be turned under when "kneo liiph" tho next year, as one of the best manures that can be applied to any soil. .Itficricnn Agriculturist, April. Tun Gi:k t STBAvrn I-r.viATA!i. FrQ'n an article in the London Times w learn the progress that is making Infilling the) Levia than for Fe.i. Thecnut of completing her fit tings; estimated ot $500,000 and the time four months or to the end of July. No less tlmii Ion nnch"rs are required to hold the monster vessel at her present moorings five at the stem and five at the ptern, and each wilb longlhs of caldd nttnehed varying from 40 to 1C0 fathom. Tbero are to bo six masts in nil, three R'l'tare rigged and Ihreo rigged with roje end oft snilK. All these masts will bo composed of nlhtes of wronrht iron ono inch iu thickness and riveted together in tho same manner as the sides of the ship, or a sieam boiler of iho stronacstdescvintion. They will vary in height from 130 to 170 feet from the k'oel to tho truck teach will bo three feet four inches diameter at the deck, nud each will weigh from ;t0 to 40 tons, exclusive of varus ecu r ezmir. lucu matt rests in a square column of plate-iron, which reaches direct from the keel to tho upper deck and is riveted nud hunt into all of tho successive decks thicuh which it passes, lu case of its ever becoming necessary to cut away the masts, ot tho base of them nil at about llirce feet above tho deck, will bo fixed a peculiar eppartus, which, working by inuans of a pow erful screw, is made to compress two sides of tho mast together in such a manner as to com pletely crush them iu immediately, aii mo main and topmost yards of the square-rigged masts will be also of iron pbites. The main yard will bo 130 feet long, or about 40 feet longer than the main yard of tho largest line-of-battle ships, about four times the strength of any main yard yet constructed, and several tons lighter than if it was made of wood as is usually the caso. Senator Siraub voted to sell the State canals to the Sunbury aud lirio liailroad Company. He gave good roasons fur voting iu fuvor 'of the bill, lie said Schuylkill coun ty lay on the direct line of the road from the Wctt. Io a short timo all tho lumber and timber iu this county must come from that region, without which the mines of Schuylkill in a few years, must in a measure, be aban doned, iron being too expeusivo for mining purposes. The price of provisions, moreover, was higher in his district than in any other loculity in tho Uuited States, and tho com pletion of the road would'rednce their cost, lie further stated that the reciprocity treaty with England, and the large amount of busi ness drawn off by the Pennsylvania Jtuilroad was ruinous to New York, as it carried tho Canada lake trade down tho St. Lawrence and the Western business to Philadelphia. She is struggling to meet the anticipated completion of tho Sunbury and Erie Railroad, by a move which is being made to dcclaro the New York and Erie liailroad free of toll. A Pioneer Treaciier. Tho Kev. Tetor Cartwright, the old Western pioneer, is a del egate from Sangamon county, III., to the De mocratic State Conventior. The correspon dent of the St. Louis Republican thus writes of him : "This Peter Cartwright is none other than the celebrated old pioneer preacher, whose name is as familiar ull over the country as 'household words ; the same man whose au tobiography has been sold all over the country by thousauds. We saw the old gentleman this afternoon in the county Convention. lie looks hale and hearty, and na if ho would live a hundred years longer. He is certainly a very remarkable man in his woy. Wo he lieve bo is bow nearlyeighty years old. He will ba greeted by b'uudreds of old friends when the State Convention meets, for he is well acqnaintcd all ever tho State. A good story was told about the old gentleman du ring his attendance on tbo Methodist Con ference, which met in one of tho Eastern cities a few years eiuce. He put up at ono of the largo hotels, and at night was shown his room, which happened to be quite high up in the building, and accessible by a long winding staircase. After reaching his room he halloed in a load voice, BuCuciout to arouse the immate of the hotel, after this manner: 'Landlord, I gay, landlord, bring me a hatchet. Upon the landlord making bis appearance and inquiring what he wanted with the hatchet-, bring me a hatchet,' said the old preacher, 'I want to blaze the way so that I may be able to Cud my way down when I want to." Dri'doed too Mircn. l)t. O. W. Holmes, better known as the funny man, in his recent raludictory addresses to the medical gradu ates of Harvard University, gives them the following good advice : "Willi regard to the administering of drug3 as a part of your medical treatment, the golden rule is, be sparing. Msny reme dies you givo would niuke a well person so ill that ho would send for you at once, if he had taken one of jour doses accidentally. It ii not quite fair to givo such things to a sick man, nnicss it is clear that they will do moro good than the Tciy considerable barm vnu know they will cause. Be Tery gracious with children especially. I have men old men shiver at the recollection of the rhubarb and jalap of infancy. Yon may depend upon it, tuat ban tne success or uomcrpathy is due to tho Bwect pnaco it has brought into the nursery. Between the gurgling down of loathsome mixtures and the saccharins deli quescence of a minute globul, what tender mother could for a moment hesitate V Duff GRrax'g Opinion of LKrnui-Tny T am now an old man ; I have seen mnch of tho maJuess of party leaders, but I have seen oothiug in all my experience which so forci bly illustrato, the force of this saying or Pishon l?utler, (that nations like individuals go mad,) as tho proceeding of the South ou tho Kansas question Is thero do member from the Soith who has intelligence to see this question in its defer, mity, ith the independence to speak, and lae nerve to act, as a represcntat'Tu of au iutelli- gent, patriotic, and honored constituency should act, and in his place, denounce the til. tuy toipg. "Let one single hch toned Southern man. who feels that it will di?gruce him, arid bis constituents, for him as their rt-prescntalive, to be a party to the frauds and violence which have become the mailers now in Usna in the lvuuos question, rise in his place and do. nouuee the in, as an honorable man should do aud seperatc himself from the iuiquity. If one such thera be, ha may save the South from utter dUgrac.' Washington Slate i. Mrs. Crown apparently died at Chlcaro. aud was laid cot, but while ono of lierdaugb tees was sobbing over tba corpse, it moved aud the eyes opened aha was taken from uer couin ana is recovering her health. - Miii Ridgway, the wealthy Philadelphia heiress, who resides iu Pari, has or is about to ba married to M. Oauay, a Frencbmaa. ' An attempt was mad last weak to burn 17t e"' tr,k" of MeL" Co., !. tB,?? 7U incendiariel were Gred .ft bUb.:,i:bmM ,Dd Mr- but MONEY CAN BE SAVED W . MPQ . 1KB ff&BQB-; QSML . ' eTTltfBTJIVy, NOTRHUMBBRLAND COUNTY, FA. We have just received and ara now opening a large and choice selceted stock of WINTER GOODS, comprising an endless variety, and Will positively aell our entire stock at PRICES TO SUIT THE TXXttES. Wo return our sincere thanks to the publi for oar inceeaaing patronage, and iaall endeavor to merit a continuance of tho same, 1 K. T. II II I GIST A. Sfi. tUTCOUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED AT THE HIGHEST TRICES. tSonhury, December 19, 1859. LANCASTER COLLIERY FOR SALE. Important to t'oal Operators. rMIE undor-ngned Lessee of the "Lancaster Colliery," near f-hamokin, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, wi-l,ing to retire from the business, offer for sale the Lease and Fixtures of snid Colliery, on satisfactoiy term. This Colliery has been in operation since 18.'i4, and has been sncrcssliil beyond expectation. The Coal is a superior nrticlce for all use to which Anthracite isapplied, and a good market has been established, which can be much extended. The Breaker and Pixturca are of the very heat char acter and will recommend themselves lo persona acquainted wilh the business. The Lease runs to January 1, 1RM, and is a favorable one for the operator. For further information apply at the Colliery in person, or by letter to Hmmokin, P. O., Nor thumberland countv, Pennsylvania. COCHKAM, TEALE &CO. February 0, 18.18. tf VALUABLE REAL ESTATE OKJ'KRF.l AT PKIVATB BALE. rfJHK subscriber oiler at private aale, a cer U. tain lot or piece of laud, situate in Lower Augusta township, Northumberland county, about 8 miles Wlow Sunbury, hounded on the west by the river Susquehanna, on the south by land ol t?corgc Seilcr.on the east by land of Wm. Kroh, and on the north by land of Wm. R. Jones, containing II Acre and 18 perrhe, all of which is cleared and in a very high state of cultivation. The Northern Central Kail Road passes throuch tho tract, and I also hound on tho dat by the Main Road leading from Sunbery to llairirliurg, which together, wilh the River upon the west, and the fertility of the soil makes it a very pleasant and desira ble situation. ALSO; another certain Tract of Laud, situate in said township, adjoining lands of William Kroh, on the south, the heir of Robert and Ar thur Auchmuty ; on the cast Wm. V. SSilvcr wood, and a public road on the north, and Wm It. Jones on the west, containing !I3 Acres 121 perches strict measure, ytliout 60 acres of which aie cleared, and ill a high state of cultivation and the residue nnst excellent land for cultiva tion, but is now covered with excellent timber, and if purchased soon, the purrhaser can get a large quantity of Railroad Ties on the same. This tract is alo well watered, having several fine springs upon it, and every field enn be wa tered thereby. An indisputable title will be given and terms of sale reasonable. WILMAM R.JONES. Lower Augusta tp., January 2, 1857. tf FEBRUARY 20, 1858. To-; JUST received l y liailrcad another choice and desirable good consisting of Fancy Delanes new styles, Black and lot in par Fancy Silks Ueauliful Madder Prints at G, 8 and 9 cents per yard Persian Debego 12 J cents Plain Delanes l"i cents 36 inches wide unbleached Muslin 6 cents Also 1300 yards Muslin dif ferent widths and qualities French Cloths, Cas siineres, Satinett, Kentucky Jean Ac, at exceed ingly low prices And we call particular alien tion to our S'toch of Fresh Groceries, feeling as sured that their quality and our price will render entire satisfaction come one: come: all! Eiaminfl our goods and learn our prices, our stock presents a large and varied assortment, en abling purchasers to mako a good selection to the best advantage. GREAT BABQAINS, In consequnce of the advanced state of the Win ter, we will commence frcm this dale lo si ll our entire stork of Ready Made Clothing Blankets, Vititcr Hosiery, and a very nico assortment of J.adics bhuwls at greatly reduced prices iow ia the time lo secure good bargains. A I'INNY SAVI.D IS A I'KNNV HARM-ID. E. V. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, February 20, 1858. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. riIIE subscribers, Executor of the estate o JL Henry Masser, tlcc'd., ofl'er nt private aale the following property vn: A large two atorj frame dwelling house, together with about 50 ACRES OF LAND, Piluato in Lower Augusta township adjoining lauds of Daniel Kaufman and others now iu the occupancy of John It. Kaufman aa a atore and dwelling. Tho house is new and the location a good one for business. Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONE LAND, in said township on the river about 5 miles be low Sunhu.y, adjoining lands of J. T. M'Pherson and others, containing, about 80 acres. The Foil ia productive and contains limestone and other minerals. Also a tract of Laud, containing about 35 acres on the hill, about two m iles below Sunbury, adjoining lands of the hell of the late John Conrad and oilier. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. II. II. MASSKK, ) P. B. MASSE R, Executer. FltANCIS HCCHER. ) Sunbury, January 19,1656 if Farmrrg I.ooK Io Your Interest. ZLIlvrjE 1 LIME 1 1 'jiHE sudscrilwr respectfully inforrus the far mers and the public generally, that he has leased the lime kilns of Ira T- Clement in Sun bury, and that be lias alwaya on band. and is ready to supply a good quality of lime to all who may want for building or fanning purpose. Helms also a kiln at Keefer' crossing 5 mile from Sunbury, or two from Snvdertown. PS All kind or Country Produce taken iu exchange. c t GEO. W. STR01I. Sunbury, Dee. SS, 1857. HOVER'S LIG.ULD HAIR LYE. Ths testitnoryof -I'mf. Ilmilli and Dr rtiluclle h.viui prevuiuHy been publislml, the folluwing is now added : From rw. MeCMlSKKV, formerly Professor 4 'Thsnry and Frauln-e of .VUd.ciiM, in Ihe Female Medical Collrsi i f rrnu.ylviuiis, nul lute fcofruur of 8uieiv iu Uia Anwricau Culirgetif M1icih, 4e. ... , I'litLsnateiiu, Nov. 87th, IS6. iiiiTi 'f.'vJ .f- I,ov'-A "' of y.Hir UOUID 11AIU V h will conviiicu the mM skoptieal, Ibal it isa S4F, ri.snAXT, uud arsicicuius prt-tiaraiino. Unlike liwijpy others, it lus in severul imuiirr, proved servioeslils ni ihe core of snue euuuieout rrupluus on the lieud und I luive un ht-vitutiou in cmuiiienJuijr K Ui luus reuiuiinc S ii h an npphral ..ui. Very ic.iwllally, J. P. X. MeCU IPKEV, M.D., 4;.i Kac til., obov 13th. HOVF.IfS WRITINO INK, ic-hli,ig IIOVKR S WHITINU FMHI), and IIOVKK-S l.iJKl!lUl.K INKS still nuiiuuim liieii high cluwueist, winch hnsalwut sdis? tinguislied Uinu, ami ths extmiaivs deonud lirai ereuUxl lus continued iiiiiiittrrtupted until ihe pieseiit. ' Orders addressed to the Manufactory, No. 410 RACE street, above Founh, (old No. 144.) Philadelphia, will receiveprompt attention, by JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer. December 25, 1857. April 5, '67, ch. 1O0O ll of Carpet Raga YVANTED at the store of E. V. Bright & " " fc'on, who ara constantly receiving a fresh eupply of floods, luua ollering to the publie th largest and moat desirable assortment. July II. 1857. IJATCHOULY, JOCKEY CLUB, SPRING FLOWERS, 4eN of lh beat quality a frh supply just receiJ and fur l at the Drug Store of . A. VV, VlSHER. Suubury, Ai'f. 1, 18S7" PURCHASING AT THE WE STILL SURVIVE THE CKISIS NOTWITHSTANDING the astonishing quan titv of Good that I brought into town last Spring, I succeeded in selling them all out ex cept what I gave away, and had to hurry to the eily, for a new lot, in order that my customers might not be put to the inconvonience of buying at other stores, where they would be chaiged killing price. Profiting by past experience, I have juat brought on Twice as Many Goods, and! have now the largest and CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT ever offered within hearing if this place. I am bound to sell CHEArEIt TIIAN EVER, before. I need not say cheaper than my neigh bor; for that i no longer a disputed fact. 1 am now ready to deal out goods twenty hour out of twenty-four Sunday excepted at lower prices than any person dare ask lot. Just call for any thing you want. I am deter mined to SLTPLY ALL DEMANDS ; that may be made, reasonable or unreasonable. Call soon, the rush is tremendous. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Dec 50, 185'?. ly 1357. FALL & WINTER GOODS ! 1858. -A.T JP. -W. GKR-A.-5T' 3 VANCY DRY GOOD STORE, Market Square, Sunbury. TVOW received and will continue to receive ' the largest and best selected Stock of Black Cluthi, Cassimerci, Cattinett and Vesting, jr. An assortment of Dress Goods, viz: Fancy printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, De Lain' Uareges, Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapacaa, Drcs Silks, Oinyhams, &c. LINEN AND WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet ing, i'illowcaseing, Ac. Dress Trimmings iu Great Variety. Boots and Shoe Hats and Caps, Hardware, Cedarware, Groceries, Queensware bai.1 anu riMl.Uheese, Urackera, Kegars, Tobacco, Snuff, Ac., an assorsmcnt of other Goods too tedious to mcnlioh Feeling grateful for past favor we beg leave to arr.-ro our old friends and the public that no '.lit in our part shall be waaling to merit a cov. nuance of our patronage, country produce taken in exchange at the highest market price. P.W.GRAY. Sunbury, Dee. 13 1807. tf A VALUABLE FARM AT SALE. PRIVATE riiHE subscriber will sell at private sale X FA KM, situate in I'oint township, Nor thumberland county, about 3 miles from th borough of Northumberland, on the Danville road, adjoining lands of J. C, Horton, Jamea Nesbit, Chas. Farka and the north branch of the river Susquehanna containing 75 to 100 Acres, to suit purchaser. The land is in a good state of cultivation. I he improvements consist of large frame HOUSE, well finished ; a Spring House, built over a never-failing Spring close to the house, a Bank Barn and other outbuild tngs. An Oichard with young and choice fruit trees. The above tract will re sold on reasonable terms and an indisputable title given. Posses sion given on the first day of April next. For further particulara inquire of the subscri ber, residing oo,the adjoining faim. JAMES NESBIT. Point township, January S3, 1858. tf TJOUNTV ORDERS. Ceunty order, taken e eash for goods, and on note or book ac- count by E. Y. UKIfillT 4 SON. Nov. 29, ifir.H. pORT and MADERIA WINES, Schiedam Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry and Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes at March 14, '57. A. V. FISH KR. 'C'ishing Tack!e - ton and Linen Lie Red Cork, Grass, Cot- Fes, Out Line. Sea Grass by the yard, Snoods, Flics, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, Rods, A.C., for sale by March 4 1, '57. A. W. FISH ER. T)eaIy.maIe Clotlilnfr. Peter Sham, Whippoorwill Bangnpa, Moliair Raglane, French Cloth and flack Union Coats, including e nice assortment for Hoys. Pant, Vests and Monkey Jackets-, all sites and prices. Sunbury. Dec. 2G, 157. 11 WIGHT SON. mUARE and Long Broche Shawls; also, Watervliet, Bay State, Waterloo, and Blan ket, Shawls, latest stylea, all qualities and prices'. Dec. 30,1857. BRIGHT & SON. P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, JlSTlf'i: OP THE PEACE, Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Pullie School House. All business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writing done. Sunbury, April 25. 1857. tf Kew Drugs, 1'aluts, &c. NEW eupply ef Prug. Painta. Oil, Fluid, ic, just received and fur sale by A A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, May 3, 1657. ANU WARRANTS. Tha highest price -"wlll be given for Land Warrant by th ub- crihei. H. B MASSEK. P ATENT BRITTANIA 8TOPPERS fo B MASSER. bar bottle for sale by H. Sunbury, July 19, I85B. C?tationery. A . large supply of fancy Not Paper and Envclopea, ilourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, Pen, Ink, Sand, ice., at March 14. '57. A. W. FISHKR'8. rpobaCOO aud Ecgars 20,000 Imported Segar of various brand. . Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and Co cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S. Sunbury, March 14, 1857, A. 3. ROCKEFELLER ttonun nt jCacu, Prtellce ia North umbcrland and adjoininr Counties. .' Sunbury, November tl, 1857. tf wuoLiani id Retail BOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S.t, bovt Chtsnnt, PhPa. BOOTS, 8bo, Gaiter, e., prompUy msd to order in the very beat atyla, and of tb best material. Philadelphia, May I, l57. ALMONDS, RAISON8, FIGS, LEM0N8. &e., 4c, juat received a fresh aiippl and for aala at tha Confectionary (tore of M.CtiEARHART. Sunbury, My 16, 1857. Pain Itatsfilic d t F E P It O LONGED. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS To suff.'r ths pains and penalties of sickness whea lli certain mains of can i accessible lo all, Is nosiliva n,..i..... 'i ha vMrttsble remedy, acting powerfully upon the causes of fliienno in sll Ihe Hauls, nerves, and tissues of Ihe bintr, exilel the morbid and poisonous matter from Us Inrking plnces in the system, eleanta and puiily eveiy secretion, rebuild the shorltreil constitution, rrstors th vifrnr slid virility ol In enlrruiea irsme, ami una w pro long llie IUI DryoiMI lis uiuin-.y . Mn.lJOPIS HKL.1 un ihi.iui In ! nnnrtrr of the alobei amoiur all tintlons, civil ized and WlVUgS IlieiS Sic Uiru wim riiai mill uiivw ,, ....rrsn. Tliev are advertised lu every printed Ian. aunge, and wherecver commerce has penetrated, tliey art ill continual aemaiiu. A I.I, 1NTEP.NAI. DISKASF.9 ViaM in ihnr urtirm. Dt'tnensin, Liver Complaint. Af fections of ths lloweis, the Kidneys, the Nerves, Ihe l ..,,, ih Thiont and the Uniin. Unit Imv previously defied ull humnn skill and all other remedies, nie elpedlf liouily andiiifalibly cum! ny mis nil-conquering medicine rn ti-npn ihe nntient are reduced lo lh last decree of feebleness, they rnny be reciienited liy the resistlei tome and alternative properties in iiom.wo) rina, FKMALKS OF AM. AGF.P, Prom whatever variety of tlif nhineiifl peculiar to their sex they rnny lie sunVrins:, rnny rely with entire eonfidsnee on llie flleei nl mis DireilgllllllK, ibviviiir, cmic uu uu mtxlutt remedy. Jlollowau's Pills areth lest remedy known tr tne tcoria jot me juuvmnrj uisetise.- Asthms. Fever Slid Am Ptone and Cmvel Il.iwel Coirfnia'iii's Female Cuinnloints feeondaiy Symp- CniiKhs Headaches Inwurd Weakness Colds linl'eestisn l.irer Complaints Chest Diseases liifliiensa liwiiessof Si Spirits Costivenees Inriutmn:ir?nn Pitts t)yspeisia Vencrrnl AftVetiuna Worms, vt sll Kinds Diariicea Dropsy rss tf? A UTinv t Vnn, sr viiutti un ess the reordf lliillou-av. New Yurk Slid lmdnli." are dlsccriiiV a ss s wnler-inwk in every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box ; fhe some mny be plainly seen by holdin the leaf to the lirlit A handsome reward will be aiven to nny fine rendering such information as rnsy Iciul i the n to the di-tet tiuii of any pnrtr or parties counterfeiting the medicines or vending the same, si snowing thera to be spurious. M at the Manufactories of Professor Hoi.lowav 0 Mniden l-niie, New York, nud 914 Stmnd. I-niulon, by nil resprctable pruegists aud lleatrrs iu Mclicine liiroajrli-' nul the Uniteii S-luu-s, nd the civilized world, in boxes, at 95 cents. e-j cents, and gl each. IV luersisa coiwmerauia ssvitig uy using tu wivr Size N. n. Directions for His riil'lnnea of pa'ienta in every disorder are nflixr-d to each box. October 17, WS?. lyca THE auWriber respectfully in'orm the citi zens of Sunbury and th public generally, that he ha commenced the manufacture wf all kinda of EARTHENWARE, at hia manufactory in Whortleberry Street, one square east of the River. H has engaged the aervicca of Mr. llinp. and you can therefore depend on having a good article. The public are respertfully invited to call. All ordcra from a distance will be promptly attended to. P. M. SHINDEL. Sunbury, Feb. 2, 18.ri6. tf IV. S. HW ULM E 8 NEW Paper, Printers' Card and Envelope WAREHOUSE, No. 405 Commerce Street, Philadelphia. Cash stivers will find it for their interest lo call. January 16, 1858. 6mo. Sf raw-Cut I ci. fllHE subscriber has been appointed Agent for L Messrs Gcddes & Marsh of Lewisburg, for the sale of their Straw, Hay & Corn-Fodder Cut ter. This Cutter is the best ia use. Farmers and others are respectfully requested to call and examine Tor themselves. P. B. MASSER. Sunbury December 2C, 1857. tf IDE JM TISTR"Y I GEORGE RENN, - t A NNOUKCES to the citizen ef Sunbury and -Lm- vicinty, that he ha opened an office in Sun bury, above H. J. Wulrcrtoti' office opposite C Weaver'a Hotel, where he U prepared to attend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession in the latest and most improved style. All work well done and warrant December 13, 1850. the: r,.UGE$T ESTABLISHMENT IN 7HKCITV UP BALTIMORE. MATHIOT'S Oajr Street AVarerooms Nos 113 aiid !t4icib Guy street, near Fayette, jlalnmore : wtiere is kept always hm Itond, or marie lo older, every style of French TE A-TUTES, in flush, Iluir, Cloth or Hriieutalle. French Full BlufT and Mednllion Parlsr Arm Chairs, In I'lush, llsir, Cloth or Jiniealelle. Freiirh FutlStulTCiiivcU Parlor Chairs iu sets, wilh Plutb, Uair, CluUi or Uroculcllo. SOFAS JlHlf Trench Spring Mahnfany and Walnal Tarlof Clinus, in Hnir, Cloth and IMukIi. Itorkiiig Chairs various designs, in Hair, Cloth nud Plush. rjttirTSprinf Tongcs a large assortment alivaya en hand, oc an) pattern made or covered with any gouds to order. CHAMBER. STJITS.' tiiMahngany or Walnut, complete, from 63S ap. Cans Cluurs aud Knckiug do. tha brgcsi assortment ready made in any 011 hous in the United Slates Crura tl'j a dozen up. liar Room, Oriiea and Dining Chairs, in Oak, Walnut or Mahogany, with Caue, Wood or Sluticd Scats. sia assurlinent einliiaciuf over 50 dozen. Wood seat Chairs aud Settees aud Rocking Chaira. over lot) dse. (Jilt and Puiin Frftms Looking Glasses, of every variety. All killils of iJeds. Hair sud llusk Mutllnssrs. A. MATHIOT. No. 93 and 31 N. Gay st , near Fayette at , Baltimor. August, l47-l y Citrate of Magnesia . TA8TELE 88 SALTS. FTiHI3 preparation ia recommended a an ex--"- cellent laxative and purgative. It operate mildly , is entirely free from any unpleasant last resembling lcmwuade in flavor, prepared and sold Uy A, W. FISHER. Suirbury, March 4 1856. PHILIPS. PTODT.- WHOLISlla D BITill, . Oroeery, Wine and Liquor St.re, & E. cor. Walnvt and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly lupplied at th lowest price, October 4, 1866. tf G1 OLD PENS with and without caw, a I very auparior quality, juat received. Also a fra eupply of Writing Fluid, for aale by H. U, MASSER, Sunbury, Dee. 7, 1856- Iff at kerel, Herring and Hhed, wholes lie IT 1 or retail. Now is the lima to purchase Fish, a w ara enabled to offer them al a lower prioa than you can purchase thera In tha Spring. Senbury, Dee. 1, '37. BRIGHT 8(5N. FURNITURE! FUR5ITUREU THE LARGEST 8TOCK EVER OFFERED IN eUNBUBT. . : Fashionable, Cheap nnd tscful THE mibecriber, long elblihi a a Cabinet andCbair Manufacturer in 8unbury, thank ful for past favor, solicit a eontinoance of the public patronage. Hi atock of Cabinet-Ware, Uhaira, dC i embrace ' BVr.RV VARIETY, USEFUL AND OBRA- lENTAt, in housekeeping. It is unnecessary t murtie rate, a anythinc that mar be required in hi line can b had at moderate price, Cheap for Lean, or Country Produce'taken -in exchange. catabiianment South East Corner of Market Square. ItT These knowing themselve indebted to tile subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Sunburv, April 4, 1857. tf NEWAKRANOEMENX 1 Fresh Arrival of DRUGS, FAINTS, OILS, &c, mHE undersiuned having taken the (tore for JL merly kept by Villim A. Tlruner, i now ready to ell order end prescription at a mo ment notice. He ha a large and well selected lock of fresh and pure DRUGS, CHEMICAL, Dve-stuffs, Oil, Psinta, Class, Putty, and all kind of Patent Medicine. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported Segars of th choicest brands. I ancy Notions' toilet articles, and Per furriery of all kinds. Tooth and Hair Brushes of every variety. Camphine anil Fluid altcays on hand. Customer will find hi stock complete, com prising many articles it i impossible her to enu merate, and all sold at moderate prices. Remember the place, next door to E. Y Bright' Mammoth Store. A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, March H, 1857. w a) pernor. 11 rmh ft la mm s.K u. .. mik. t Ciraftii InatftntlT, nd b mors Uy Mlrl n4 prH UtB amy thr i;n w-r imf-vU'l. All kiKda f W ud rvnrai are) axjuaily dtat,rbl auul worth Wo in m).. Ib prfMB.iy.lhU artirl totfci wiWI. firrLr rtpi 1 prax-w ot Ift-iMlirftl )ia?. .wt rirurel.iUiltarfcl y fU BUimM.bt but all tr uunt tid ornclieal turn ho ante MaitiUitrJ tttmj n m wnyew TUI. It la w Miritnl- J to kco a irilrt. rtrt bp icrtnt Bd1rrti(v. Try it. )od fn ll i-mm whr 11 failtir-1) 510 Tnn 01 hi i-,n thw bjhn,) wm b rfiindttl mn ft re an irutnih rreMiv ft ml.. -1 h aaiin kftiti Mtiriy bw tln. tne nwlti mya laruti y !uil, Bri rKanot Krlt(r at iraa ., ac Far (rm araikala w.ohIsI dai anw oiriar ( Thtoi-atiinr hi lraa) anmih M rlmtt fU aia t 1Bb. nmbaoUiiab-il It tn dttoriorita laW bntntai h Um.ilDtrr)y ef Tib. Tbtarloc.it'r Haahot ftiia t ftd tl.tlcat forThrM A fan. Mil tat m witu Uwd Uiktm will ua flari alhr Pan. A LIBKKaI DTK-OUKT TO Till. TB ADR. Pept. 13, If 57. newoonfectionary WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARIIART, HAS just received new and excellent assort ment of good at hi Confectionary and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunbury, where he manufacture and keep on hand, at all time, the most choice Confectionary, &c, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among hi stock of Conlectionarics, may be found : French Secret. Gum Drops, sll kinds of scent, Bunted Almonds, l,ove Dtops, Cream Whits, Mint Ur.ipt, red and white, ' Lemon Jelly Cskrs, Rnse, Fruit Props, Vanilla, Stick CandtM, el bS scents Common Pccrcta. Rock Candy, Liauorice, A Intend Candy. FRUIT. Tfnnanas, Dnt.s, Currants dried, Almeuds, Rsisons, Trunes, F'?s, Citrons, Nuts of sll kinds -XKilOX SYRUP -of a (uperior quality, by the eingle or dozen. A euperior quality of. Segar and Tobacco, and variety of Confectinnarie, fruit, Ac, all of which ia otle.red cheap at wholesale or retail. ICE CREAM. He has afs opened an fee Cream Saloon, and will at all time be ready to serve his customers with Ice Cream. Sunbury, May 81, 1857 ly SALAMANDER FIRE THIEF-PROOF SAFES. The largest assortment in lh Uni'.ed'f-'tates. Warranted ta be equal to any now made, anil will be told on a Good re r ins, as can be obtain ed from any other house in the Country, at EVANS &. WATSON'S 56 South 4th Street, Philadelphia. Truti is Mighty, and Must Prevail. Report of the Committee appointed to superin tend the Burning of the Iron Safes, at Read ing, February 21, lSjf. Rkjwixo, March 4. The undersigned, mCmCer of the committee, do respectfully report, that we aaw the two Safes originally agreed upon by Farrels & Herring and Evan & Watson, placed siJe by side in a fur nace, vix: The Safe inuse by th Paymaster ef the Philadelphia and Reading Ruilroad Compa ny, in hi office at Reading, manufactured by Farrela & Herring, and the Safe in use by 11. A. Lantz, in bi store, manufactured by Kvana 6t Watson, and put in book and paper precisely alike: The fire waa started at 6 o'clock, A. M.,and kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cord dry oak and half chesnut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the superin tendence of the subscribers, members of the Com mittee. The Safe were then cooled oil with water, after which they were opened, and the book end paper taken out by tha Committee and aent lo H. A. Land' atore for publie exam ined and marked by the Committee. The book and papers taken from the Safe manufactured oy Farrels 4 Herring were in our juJgruent, damaged fully fifteen per eeut. more than those taken from Evan & Watson's Safe. Wa believe the above to have been a fair and impartial trial of the respective qualities of both Safe. JACOB H.DYSHJ?, DANIEL S. HUNTER. Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincide with tha above statement of the condition of the paper and book taken out of th respective Safes. O. A. NICOLI.S, Ii. II. MUHLENBERG, JAMES MILHOLLAND. March 21, 57 AMERICAN HOUSE, . - WILLIAMSPOllT, PA., J. II. HELTON, Proprietor. Ja. T. llALU Ass t. Sept. 13, 1856 tf Irencll C loth, Fancy and Plaia Catsi- mere, Tweeds, Kentucky Jean, Silk, Sa tin and Silk VcKtl Vostings, Troy Satiuelt and tha very largest and cheapest eaaortment ol Mea'a Wear suitable for cold weather, BRIGHT it SON. Synbury, Dee. t, '67. T00T8 & SHOES for Men, Woman aud Children, a large atock, comprising Men' Water Proof Kipp and Calf akin Boot, Bre gans, Moroeeo, Kid and Calf akia Shoe, Gaiter and Uum She, . , BRIGHT 6Q. Sunbury, Dc. S9, U67, t i HERRING'S SAFE. - THE ACKNOWr.l-.ncilcr) OK A.XvrXPXOM' 1 ! THE RF.CF.NT TTIUIJ at Rondinf have endorsed ths earrsat of putTis opinion, snd ennurtned th venUet of mors thna Kill arci deatal Ares, proving eoiiclnaivety tliat llerrins's" it the only SAFE that will nnl hern. Extrant fiom the Committee's Report on lh Trial of I ma Psfcs at Heading 1 .'. 'On ih Urlih of Ffhrnsrv alt ths msmtiers oilhs?r,m. mlltee met to witness lh safes and books and rPr, (placed in them) si,d were perrecuy santiica (hut sll was right. The dsy rollcrwins;, th bnrning umli place, ander the snperimendenee of the Committee. After fair and Impartial horning for five boars, the Haft of JUrssrs. F.Mni Watson was first opened, ths Safe helng on A, inside, smt the cmtents partially ernisomed, while the emt tent in the Safe of Messrs. parrels Herring wsia ia rood condition, ana no nre intius." T. 1 11 L i ,UM nmiii,mu , , IBiaueaj ii.r.rr.n.i. P.N CUI.F.MAN, Cornmit(ee. A.H.l'F.ACOCK. Anrl endnrsed Lv firtr SO of th hest men of Rcariisr. The above 9afes can tie Inspected at 34 W'slmil flrrrrl. where lh public eaa satisfy Uiemtclves i.f ihe great nip, riorily nf the 'HeniiHi's Pntent Champinn,"' rivrr the defeatad and used up "inside Iron Door Sulmsnder.' Ilallcy & Herring, 31 Walnut St.. Phlhuta. Only mskers in this Stsle of Herring's Pstenl Chamitinn ' Bnfrs. ' The attempt made bv other parties to Imlnter np tha repntatkm ol a fafe which has failed tn rignnlly ii seci te,itnl fires in Philadelphia, (Rmisteiid PInck.) hy tnkinr one out of sn stent's store, (H A. Ijinli.) msde dVubl. inicsnrm, (cmerent Irom tlKife thev sell) tn 'hum up' one of Herring's (half as thick) lira si met with its true re ward. Herring's Sofs could lint lie burnt, proving enncln tivelv that the only reliahlc rafe now madi- i-rr iic of trhj'h over lS,isi sre mnv in sctuul ae. snd mor' m.m j,m nnve nrrn rrira uy nrs WllllOllt a Sll!E e I'M Pbila.,JnneSO, 147. be. ISAAC JU. WILKKHSON, MANXTFAOT Tjpe CP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Sofa., Dlvana and Lou 11 (res Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, 'SOFA, BREAKFAST AXD DINING TABLES and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, or evry pattern and price CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TARLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. rTHE attb-cnwr rcryrelfulty calls the attentioi - of the public to bis large and splendid as sortment of every quality and price of . CAI.rUT-lV,BtE which rannot fall to recommend itself toevery ene who will examine it, on account' of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, ma'Je. up of the best atock to bo had in the ciiy. No ellort i spared in the manufacture of his ware, and lb subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvement which are constantly being made. He alss manufacture all kinds and qrs'itie CHAIRS, nclutling varieties never before to I s had ir. Sunbury, such asM iuooIf lint a Walxut nCrsuiiMinidutiixi ami Wrxiison CHAIICS, 111 FAMtr Piavo ,-Stoiu.s, which arc of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled l-y none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall lie no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained bout Ilia rpalily and fiuieli of his waro and ' V Sair. " heae articles will he disposed of on as f-nod ten. as they can be purchased elsewhere. (Jouii tryp eoduce taken in iinvaieut fur work. UNDERTAKING Having provider' a huiltUnme Hkausk, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi ciuily, or at any convenient dittance from this plate , The Wore Rocm is in Fawn Street, be ow Weaver' Hotel. He has alse purchased the right of manufac turing and selling in Northumberland countv. Gould's patent Excelsoir Spring Hetl, which lie will furnish at rr asennble rates. Springs put in ' old bedstead for three dollars. I-MAC M. WILKIIKSOX. ' Sunbury, April 18, 1857. tf. FURNITURE T0LISH. S. RAITS Premium Patent Enamel Furniture" Polish This polish is highly valuable for rett.i' ring the polish en all kind of Furniture, Glass, Carriage Bodies, II. ir Cloth, ic. AIa, for re moving spot, hiding eratchc, Ac, Ac War ranted to dry immediately and retain it gloss. ' Price 60 cte. per bottle. Sold by A. V. FISHER. March )4, 1857. SiMl'IX II. UltUlU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on South Second, near Marltl Street, LEWISBURG, PA. Practices In the Counlie of Union, Norlhum bcrland and Montour. All PitOFESnaRAt Hrsixis entrusted to hi ere will reccirc prompt and fa thful atten tion. October 3, 1857. ly WHITE HOUSE HOTEL. POTTSVILLE; PA. rXMIE subscriber respectfully aniinunces to his eld friends sad the public, tliathc has taken that old and well known establishment, the Whita jriorse Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mohantogo sis., in Ihe Borough of Poltsville. The house has re cently been very much enlarged and oihcria improved, rendering it quite aa comfortable as any other Hotel in Schuylkill county while the stable ar large, in good cocdition, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and other who may stop at his house, he promises every attention calculated to reader them comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. FEGER. April 5, 185.- tf stai'kTkii &ir.ih7.W. CHEAP WATCI1KS AND JF.WKI.ItY. Ty-JOl.E9AI.E AND RETAIL, at the "riiiMelphw. a,,.l.a "tch"'"' Jewell More" rta. UA (did No. W) North Second sxreet, Comer of quarry, I'hllutlclnl.ui. !imri"h: ru" 1 M l " ". IfilU t.eiae, 18 caret, 91011 tverlver, full jewelled, , , Silver Lenin, jewels, 1 y Superior luaiiiers, - ' Onki Spteueles. i ! Ptilvee do., - I J f.'iM Bracelets, I l.dy'sli..ld I'eneilt, f J Silver Tra S(i.iocs, met, I UoU 1'r.is, with I'encil su: g,vcr h,,i,cr , O-11I utter Kings STJ e lo9iu. Wmlch Gltnc, u lil els , patent f,l, l,tt ,e, w , ulhef ,rljf , pjopu,,,,,, iwuui ,u vm wnsi iney are soul lor. , ,"?T 0n l!",,d nm 0oW "d s,ly" i-vers sad Lepu'n till lower than Ihe above rurirea Philadelphia, OeUiher 10, IS5T !vV K'rirvti'ii L u , n . , ,, JLEKRY DONSEI. ATTORNEY AT LAW 0$ic opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. rrampi attention to business in adjoinii: .ountiea. DAMVILLE HOTEL. JOHN BEEN, JR Market Street, Danville, Pa, riIIIS is an of tha lar.t ,A A 6iV" hteU '? ,h iu,e,io,r of P'onsvlvar ,rZ "a p, In eicelleat My w..., . iU moaern convenience, Danvilled, rVs.it. 8S, 1855. 11 LANK Parchmant Paper Dead tll(i Uu , Mortgage. Bonus, Execution, Kumrao fo' MlVk . M 1L II. MASSKK Sunbury, Apri It, 1858 STOVES- F0? ,AJ'E ! eeeond-kaad C Ing Stoves al Mveral Cylinder C otosa. Enquire at thia oftce. . glLVER WATCH EaWA uTTZtTe laglulk SUvwr WaUoas, Ux salaotw buubury, A Pil lt, it. . V j ' ; - .