; - -" ' -v j - - - --(,. -i-n v ; , - y --'""-( cononBssioriAL procebbinqs. Wasuinotc, April 27. SwutB.Tbe tnorulng hour having et Jjired, the special order, thoOoufcrence Com tmtUo KeporL then camo up. Mr. Critlen. wiiiooa vub uoor. u earn that tho ofTer muds by the Committee of Conference on the substitute presented ia merely equivalent to btibe of the publio lands, to accept the Loeomptoti Constitution. 11 went on to sny mm me conierence substitute is a poor, and imperfect bill adopted by tha House. After defining his position for adhering to w uiiu-nueu oiii aoopieu ty the House, in preference to tlia Conference substitute now offered, ho invited the Senate impartially, to do justice, without recrimination, and without sectional preferences. lteferring to the geographical position of xvemucay, ne pointed out her interests as peculiarly in fuvor of the maintenance of the L'nion, and of the preservation of cordiality among nil sections. lie concluded with an earnest appeal to all parties and sections to respect tne mngoibcent proportions and des tiny of tbis Union, which already i9 recog rtir.ud as among the great powers. But sbe will soon be recognized as the greatest, if we avoid sectional Btrifo and petty causes of di vision. The speech of Mr. Crittenden was listened to with attention by n crowded house. Mr. Unntcr, of Virginia, made an able Argument, replying seriatim to Mr. Cfitten ileu's poiuts. . To throw back the people of Kansas into a teriitorial condition would pro duce a truce ef three or four years, which truce might be improved into a permanent peace, end this distracting question pass out ,of the Federal politics, thereby giving time to uttend to the great objects, moral aud po litical, which address themselves to our slteu tioo. Mr. Collamer, of Vermont, took the floor aud madd an old-fashiooedKousns speech. Mr. Hale discussed the merits of the Con ference substitute, saying that, by no possi bility, could Kansas come into the Union under that substitute, except as a slave eHiitu, and the substitute offers a premium of five millions for her to come as a slave Mate. -Mr. Hale then went into severe comments on the I'rrsidout, saying that there exists no real equality that r resident Buchanan jjave away, by a single dash of his pen, an island, (Vancouver.) occupying the same iinportont posit ion to the Pacific that Cuba (which he wants to buy for two hundred millions,) does to the Atlantic. Qur right to Vancouver was undeniable, but it is situated in a latitude where it could not be made a slavo State, whereas, Cuba can. .,. . Mr. Vde, of Ohio,, strongly censured the action of the committee as humiliating to the (South, and utterly repugnant to the North. Ho spoke for more than an hour, using forci blu terms in condemnation of thu Executive', which he characterized as corrupt. Mr. U men, of Mo, replied in defence of tho Kxecutive, ond said that Mr. Wade, in describing it as "corrupt," ucted as the slan derer of the Kxecutive. He "ls.0 said that tho assertion of Mr. Crittenden, '.hat the AdmiuiMralion having abundoned their posi tion by submitting Lecompton to the people, jj not true. Mr. Crittenden took exception to the emphasis with which Mr. Urccu used the words "not true." Some verbal sparring ensued, in which Mr. Cresu likened Mr. ..Clittendi-n to a. "Ken tucky climber." a phrase which M r, Critten den professci iiiinself unable to comprehend. After a few words, in which Mr. Critton don had palpably the best of it, Mr. Green resumed his speech, disclaiming the charge that the lunds donated by the Kansas bill were in the nuture of a bribe. Mr. Seward moved to adjourn. Cries of "I.efs go on." Mr. Hunter, (Va.) said thst ho had no ob jection, if the depute would finish to-morrow. Mr. rieward said he was debating in good luitli, uud if the subject could be reached to-lun.-ryw, be would close; if not, bo would m t. Bat he did cot admit the light of the .majority to impose contracts on the debate. Mr. Iverson called for a vote on the motion o adjoura. Negatived yoas 22. nays 23. Mr. Beward then moved that the subject be postponed as a special order till to-morrow afternoon. After a protracted discussion, the Senate agreed to thu motion. Adjourned. N'ashingtox, April 29. Mr. Marshall (Kv.l then cot the tloor. 'He rose for the first time siuce the subject 'of Kansas had been introduced, to open his .nnnth in rul iiinn to it. Tho report was the .nriirinnl fruit uf the Kansas Nebraska., bill. That had the face of. Janus., .and, this .boars the. impress of its origin. AVbat a spectacle ia nresented to the American people, when their representatives are engoged on measures the authors of which do not, and catiuot agree ou iu meaning, whether or uot it submits the 'l.eeomnton Constitution to the people ! One uf the managers, the gentleman from Georgia .Mr. Stephens) yesterday ueciareo me pnu " i.-nle cf nun. submission : while another, the genllemau from Indiana fVr. EngWKtt) main uiued thut the Constitution ia to be submit ' ted. Mr. Iinslish wanted to know ou what, au thority Mr. Marshall made that statement.- lie called on him to nametne time ami piace, Mr. Marshall replied that it was an iofer ence drawn from his (Mr. English's) remarks and asked him whether he ousiiertoop tuo re port or the committee in the same way that Mr. Stephens did, namely that the Consti tution was not to be submitted. (Excessive laughter. . ; , . Mr. English replied, the bill was drawn up in good English, laugliter, aiid he supposed that that tho gentleman was competent to judga the meaning of the words of the bill. . Mr. Maishall respouded thut if that was all the answer Mr. English had to give, he was willing it should go out to the country with tho declaration that the authors of the report were divided as to its meaning. When Mr. Cox was speaking, this morning, be was re minded of the old hymn "'.Vhy hiiald we mourn departed friends, Or shake '. death's alarms ? ' T;s but tkt voic of pey iiuikU To Uu him to iu arias." f Excessive laughter. 1 Mr. Lawrence immediately responded " WpiU tlx lamp bold out to Lam, Ths vilest inner may return." (laughter 1 Mr. Marshall. That maybe tie geutla- ' nan epitaph. " . Mr. Cox Where is tho party to which yon invited at T Was it the "Black Republican ' or the American party t Mr. Marshall replied, the American party. Mr. Cox The compromise, asoow offered, is a just one. We compromised as our fa thers who framed the Constitution did. 1 made a concession, but when I ana tbe sub . ,nr I. will not run after the shadow. M. Marshall, rasuminff said that be was not here to impugn the motives or challenge hi. nnaition. lie had. from the time the re- . nf th r-nmniittao came in. the matter ..n.Mu.iiii Jlaaustained the re . ti.. vmh ht that eould be obtained iode'r the eircnmsUnoes, bot 6if Hot Uj that r .t . hie haat aie tatflt. . . ... M.,.k.M kl!ead thai this report tub- stanti'ally eubmitted the CorisUtotion. to, the V nr Kansas. He objaoted Tola ui iub wwii' ' : , i- j t, the roannir of its eobmissioo. and blw4 . . ia .oiot the, BPrjsoaition with the e'nd.tion attached to it. Alf, ?o the North. .11. .aid. -..HP k' .f -tie wits Nnrtnern man,- no r". . . 1 T "... u it , IU would har. the "oVTn: emiUe. l.M on the tab... and eatftnir committee of eoofertmce Pp"t? .ink. out the disabling wptioo, M tt would come near econgh to the Criltendoo-Mont- k-mubfy amenament Tor bim to Tote lor it. tie mado allusion to the position of the Re publican party on the latter measure, when Mr. Sherman, of Ohio, said that ho agreed with every sentiment that Mr". Marshall had tittered. The Republican voted for it with their eye. open. They distinctly nnderstood that certain gentlemen from the free State. pieogea their fulth and honor that they only wanted a plain, honeft and stralght-fcrward uj'i'uiiuiiiiy 10 ena me question. Mr. Giddings, of Ohio, laid that be ws. abont the last to agroe to the Urittondem Montgomery amendment, and ha umrna thn gentleman that his only inducement to go for v was, mat ne unucrstoyd that every gentle man belongiug to the Donglas wing stood pledged to be his co-workers, and stand by them to the last. Wbrn Mr. Giddings had finished his re marks, he was se'zed with a fainting Dt, aud was conducted from ha Hall but he soon re covered aud returned to bis seat. THE FENNSYI.V4KM HFATOR. ON rRI uav LAST. (Cprreepondenr of Die Pails'trlpM Evrniiif BulMI ) Wamiinuton, April 30th. Gov. Seward made an eloquent speech this afternoon, in the Senate, and which tho Telegraph hascte this carried on its, wings. A little incident, how ever transpired, which does Mot probably ap pear in the report. While Seward was speaking nn irruption of ItHpre?entativea burst into the Senate Cham ber and a good tleul of talking and hand-shaking took place between them and Senators. Mr. Biulcr could not contain the clad news his visitors had brought, and therefore in terrupted Seward to toll him that the Con ference Compromise hod passed the House. Seward was not stunned by the information but went on tul ho had said his say. Uprose then Mr. Cameron and remarked that although it was well known that he, Cnmoron. bad little oteithor tasto or anility for speech-making, he could not but express his astonishment at his colleague's vivacity and readiness to proclaim the Lecompton tri umph. A good deal of noise prevailed in the hall at the time, but your correspondent un derstood Mr. Cameron to say that until Big ler sat In that house, he had always professed to bo free Stato, and it was hard to see what bad produced bis conversion, especially as nine-tenths of his constituents were opposed to the course be is now pursuing. Moreover Pennsylvania wonld never have given her vote either to Buchanan or to Bigler, bad sbe not thought they were pledged to freo Kansas. Mr. Bigler, with a heightened eolor in his countenance, took the Door, but the Admin istration men were palpably unwilling to let him speak ; and so he sat down, without fur ther manifestation than a few inaudible words. Then came the vote and tho triumphant ma jority of nine. The rest is histoiy. W. SISUl'LAIt l'HUSeKVATIUM OF TIIEIIOMA ,, . , FARTF.S. , Trobubiy no Tamily in all Europe has en countered as many personal dangers a) that of the Konapartes. The elder Napoleon es caped unharmed from fifty pitched buttles and from dangers innumerable on other occasions. His brothers also were .often in imminent peril, yet .not. one .ever, reccjved a mortal wound. The present Napoleon has escaped several attempted assassinations. The late assault upou him remarkably reFembles that upon his .uncle .by means of the infernal ma chine. . The following account of the event, by Hazlitl. mnv interest onr readers : "Un the evening of Uclouer iu, ibuu, uona parte had aerued to go to the Opera House, (than in the Kue, Hichelieu.l hut afterwards, being lutigued or unwell, cnangea ill. mino, and wished to stay at home. Josephino and some others then with him, urged him to gn, and came to a couch where ho had fullen asleep, wakened him and told him the btitir of performance was near. Une (lady prouubly,) brought bim his hat, another bis sword. He wus in a manner forced into his carriage, where he again full asleep, and was dreaming he said afterward of. passing tPu Tsglimetito, wheu all on a sudden he awoke amid noise and flame! He had passed this river .in .great j peril, by torchlight, three or four years befoie w hen hia carriage was set afloat by the stream aud the flasher of fire, and sadden ligtning up of the vehicle now, through the explosion of what appeared te be an ordinary 1'urisisu water-court, no doubt produced the coinci dence iu bis dream. "The circumstances wore these : Such a cart but bearing a barrol of gunpowder, with the other iinplunents of destruction as described above, had been placed by two of the conspi rators (Carbon aud St. Itegent) ot the corner of tho narrow Rue St Nicalse, aud near tho northern gate, or the Tuilleries, iu such a man ner as to intercept the carriage. St Regent fired the match to time ; but the coachee dri ving fait, passed the machiuo a second or two before it weut off, nnd thus unconsciously suved bis master. The explosion was terri ble. It reached tho horse of the farthest body-guard, shattered the carriage wiudows, killed eight, aud wounded twenty-eight per sons Jiiicladicg ,St, Regcut bimseir,) and damaged muny bouse.. The report was heard for several miles. round Paris. Bonaparte immediately exclamed to Lames aud Bcs sres w.ho jvero in the, coach, ,"'o ore b.lown np," They would have st.onped k, but he chose to drivo on, and arrived in safety at the opera, where the noise bed been .heard,, and caused great agitation ; but the First Consul's calm looks reassured the audience,, and the piece (Uay den's Creation) weut ou." , OO.YKRN lilt, WALK tns LETTER. , Governor Walker, in his. recent letter to Messers. Cox and Lawrcnco, said that tho Conference bill,, as interpreted by him, was i cecise conformity with his views and course not only iii Kansas, but sisce bis re turn ; aud in following the patu where bis ut v and bis conscience bade bim, he must import it,. "If he adds, "the xsdious Le compton Coobtitqtion, born in fraud and bap- set ui perjury, will be puleateu by an over helming vote of the people of Kiusus, thu. emonstratiug by a practical result, the truth of my interpretation that this bill does in fact submit the constitution , to popular suffrage for ratification or rejectiou, which is II 1 bave required. tin sucn a mil, ana uch a decision of that people coder, it, no formidable effort will ever be again mad to withhold from the people of inchoate States vole for 6r against t.uacauon or rjei.uu of their State Constitution, and tne oiigar. chive doctrine of constitutional Miveroiguty will be abandoned. Sometime since we met in the Hartford Courant with an anecdote to the effect that a rctueo tnercnanv in iubv iuj had rccaived one hundred and fifty dollars from New York, forwarded anonymously, for. the purpose or making restitution for an era. bezzlemeni comrameu mug u't. same g entlemap, we are told, who waa in be- w .... i . i. l siness some tnirty years, ano wnu naa jruuu- bly had in his employ more tnan one nnnurea Clerks, has, on several occasions, received similar enclosure.; at onetime as ntpa a sum as three hundred dollar. " It Is gratifying to reflect that if there are many employee, who are rneaji enough to .tea), there are also some who bave the grace to relund in alter years, when experience ha taught tbem tbe infamy wbteb lollows tbe discovery oi sucu aeeaa. . There are many who think that the world, a they vulgarly term humanity, ia nothing but wickedness, and tbat experience in it only harden the heart. Tbe boat proof to tbe contrary U shown in inch restitutions a. the above. . . Coal Banna Bcannn. We have Just 1 m.rl iW the Coal Breaker of Mr CHA.i.sa Miu-BB, near Min.rsville, on Tuesday night i.., ntirl consumed. . This ia we be lieve one of the inoit Talnab.le Coal operation iathe County, It it enrooted to f ff 0 incode,ryv . TntOanAT Clock' a BTnn,n "Tha priests and mfljtary have retired, and I am now sitting in a chair focir-g the gigantic clock froro the bpltom to the top not less than oue hundred feet and ahent thirty feet wide and fifteen deep.' Around me ate many strangers, waiting to see tie working of tbi. clock as it strikes the hour of noiSn. Every eye i. upon tbe clock. It now want, five minutes of twelve. The clock has struck, and tbe peoplo are gone, except a few whom tho sexton or head man with a wand and sword is conducting round the building. The clock has struck in this way ; the dial is some 20 feet from the floor, on eaoh side of which is a cherub, or liUla boy with a mallet, and over the dial I. e small bell. Tbe cherub on the left strikes the firot qnnrter, tlrnt on the right the second quarter. Some fifty feet over tbe dial, ia a large niche, is a hige figure of Time a bell In his left a scythe in his right hand. In front stands a figure of a young man with a mallet, who strikes tbe third quarter, on tbe bell in the hand of Titie, and than turns and glides, with a slow step, round behind Time comes out nn old man, with a niA'.let, and places himself in front of bim. ... . ., As tbe liour or twelve comes, tno oiu man raises his mallet, and deliberately strikes twelve times on the belt, that echoes through the buildinr, and is heard all round tho region of the church. The old man glides slowly behind Father Time and the yonng man comes on readily to perform bis part, as the. time comes round again. Soon as the old man has struck twelve uud disappeared, anplher-set of machinery is put in motion some twenty feet higher still. It is thus ; there Is a high cross with the Image of Christ on it. The instant twelve briB struck, one of the apostles walks out from behind, comes in frbnt, turns facing the cross, bows, and walks on around to his place. As he docs so, another comes out iu front, turns, bows and passes in. So twelve apostles, figures as large as life, walk round bow nnd pass on. As the lust appears, an enormons cock, perched on tbe pinnaclo of the clock, slowly flaps its wings, stretches forth its neck, aud crows three times, so loud as to be beard outside the church to some distance, and so naturally as to be mistaken for a real cock. Then oil is silent as death. No wonder this clock is the admiration of Europe. It was made in 1571, and has per formed these mechanical wonders ever since, except about fifty years, when it stood out of repair. Short Won. In our last issue we gave tho particulats of the arrest, on the previous Pridny night and Saturday morning, of Thom as Richurds, David Morgan and Tv'm. Pater son, for passing counterfeit money. On the succeeding Tuesday they were culled np fur trial aud a posponemeot granted till Thursday morning they all plead guilty, ou Friday morning received sentence of three years aach to the esstern penitcntary, and on Friday night started far their future quarters, where they were safely lodged about noon on Satur day. Thos, within tho short space of one week they committed the offence, were arrest ed, convicted, conveyed two hundred miles to tbe State prison, and commenced the expia tion of the sentence for their crime. Wil liamsport is a bad locality for practicing pranks with bogus money. No less than sev en men, ell strangers, or cnmpnrlively so, have beau condemned in our courts, since the commencement of the present year, for (but oBcuso. Lycoming Gazette. A man in Kentucky, killed a,-cow a few days since, in whose stomach were found a large brass ring, a hair-pic, and a quantity of books and eyes. '.'Brindle" bad probably swallowed the milk maid. New Advertisements. THE NONPARF.lBk OF THE MAOAZ1NK9. CTAIVUFORO Ut fEI.ISSKIl, Itarc jW ooininanccd to publish aa Lntarged tteries of I.ITTELL'3 LIVING A(JE : ' A.rerlwtjcsl of Irujr established reputationl'ai"higa timed character, eonipt iiin the most vuiuable pmericlii.iis uf the ma(ei-4iiiutioi Kur'tpe (from -the Kitglikli Reviews andMngttzliiet.) This truly vn'.-juble pollution stands unrivalled both (ot the sterling excelleuce of its bteraturc, ami the ultra cheapness .1 which it is offered. A U who would aomUnrpiofit wilh pleasure ia their reading, will find iu Little's Living Age their wishes fully attained. There is no oilier publieaiivu in the k oiW that alTords so choice and attractive a variety of really food rendine;. as this periodical, and hi addition to this lact, it furnishes over one-third inure in quantity than any oilier work lbs yeiuly issue being 4 ISO poses for only W perannuin. The new KNLAacBD bsuiss commenced Apul U, and oBets a fond oppuituuily for persons to subsmbe b r it No Magazine can approach this as to its intrinsic literary vnlue, lor it ha the very erea of all good Ihirgi: it is otii thk bust and cuaarast kxii'Dicai. la Tas woels ! . Try a number 12 cents. This work has received the universal approval of the Tress, and also of muny ef our mi'st eminent men, inclu ding rresident Adams, Ch'U!Ce!l-r Kent, Justice $torv, II ui. Geo. Uuncroft, Hon. U. Ticknor, W II. i'rescoit, Hon. J II. Raymond. Uishon A. Potter. Itev. l)r. lie- thune, Rev. Albert Uurnes, Ac. RKCKNT EDITORIAL NOTICKS Ths T.iviao Aoi la altogether nnappraehable in vrilue and interest, as a repioduction of the most alegaul perb u icul literature of thu dsv 'Churchman. I know of no periodical in this cenutiy, or iu Kngbnid which affords so comprehensive add an anlinaiiriory nu idea of the literature, politics, and science of the limes, as this rightly named I.ivinit Aoa J O Whiuler. Both for present interest aud paruianeat value, it bears the pn'm.V'jist Boston Ledger It will furnish -iMtsleiiab!esulslitute in a housckoUl for many cxpeusiva vulaines. Salem Omnia. "A Work of Remarkable Merit," now ready. I r VHB INTBBPHETrH: A TALE OF THK RUSSIAN WAR Br Marva MU.V1LU. 6ro. SOcta. . Ofla of the plrpaantcat. Novele we bava seen ft many a day : ItsteaeHnfia thoroughly healthy a.td Lvudu Lilcraiy Oazetta. . II (o ins Mtii er mat ).' 1'enrls of TliOuglid . Tteligious sr.d Philt sophlral, gathered from old Authors. ibino M'jeltn, red edges, 3a ceuia Uulforin wilh "Taa Words of Jeaut.o c. l(A choice and savory collection cf the bast thought of the bt-sl and gnretcel witters of the olden time. It is ths comnilHiion of one who hns,read mueh in encieiii Jora. nnd iu whose judicious seleelituis the most fastidious Usie baa bean eousulled." Hume Jountab. ...,. TITE LITTLE CHUKCH WBBART. . Bvit. M, I'aiker. 6 miniature volumes. On the SOth of May. J , May 1, 1S5S. 1m . MILLIHERY AND FANCY GOODS. MISS RKBKCCA 1). QUINN resnectfiilly inform ber friends and customers that aha baa just received and opened a new assort ment of Millinery ane rancy uoous at nsr ciore in Water street, Sunbury. ' r Produce of all kinds taken in exebenge Sunbunr, May 1. 1858 3t, NEW MIIXINEEY GOODS.; . riHE subscriber reaped fully .informs the c'ti JL sens of Sunbury and vicinity, that she has removed her sfora So tbe house of Solomon I). Hover opposite Weaver' Hotel, where she has npeiied a new supply of ... MILLINERY AND FANCY DBY GOODS, of the latest and moat fashionable style, which sbe will sell at reasonable price. BAJtH MARTZ. Sunbury, April t4, lg58, 4t SUNBURY FLOUR AND FEED STORE. GOOD TIMES XT HANU.- CON'S Fl.t ON'STANTL CHEAPER and BETTER OCR can be taught FOR CA8H of V. HAVEN in Market Bouare Bunburv, than ran txwsibly be hsd at any other place in town, It is unracesaary to aay tliat Uooc I lour, can l got from ire West and North cheaper than from any other quarter at the present time. The sub scriber having made the beat possible arrange ments for gct'ing this I lour, la piepared to give satisfaction to ail wbe favor bim with a call.- Price range from $5 to 96,75 par barrel accord ing te puality. , Chop reed of ell kind constant ly on band. N. B. No Pennsylvania Flaur veill compete witn bis. The pno may ba the same, but the quality is quite inferior, a all teaUfv tbat try both .: m .1, . , . auwa. . ne cau ana examine tor aouraej . .. . . CO. HAVEN, ' " 6PRINO AND SUMMER MILLINERY GOODS. IfllMM, IV Guiftler raepectfully an 1.1 JL nounces, that she has jnt returned from th city-wlHt a new, ebeap an. elegant assort ment of Spring and Summer Millinery Goods, ' Cenaiatine; of new pattern Bonneta, Straw, Gimps and Panry Ttonnets, aire Kibbona, Flowers, and Fancy Triinuilnge, Ladies Dreet Cape, &., all of which will be aold cheap. Bonneta of every deacrititiona made to order. Old bonneta bleached and pressed in Ilia beat manner. Thankful for past patronage, she solicita e con tinuance of tho same. t . , ' Store tn Fawn Street, tnd daor below the Kail Road. . . , . :. , . BunSotv, April 17th, 1658. 8rh$ On Wednesdoy. May 6th. IS58. ' At to o'due , A. M..' , WlLI, BE EOI.D AT PUBLIC SALE, At tbe Cjaiitrr Wa Rooaa, No. 41! Wl.- Ki;T Street, 1'hiladelpbia, . .jThe entire Stock of New and Elegant, Furni ture, comprising all the usual aaeortraeril in Rosewood, Walnut and Mahogany. . This stock was manufactured by T. P. Sher borne tt Sqna, expressly for Kctai! Hales, and ia gliatautesS to be of the best materials and work manship. ' '! ' 1 ha well known reputation ot this houaa, who have occupied the above stand for the last twenty Years, is an assurance that the goods are all they ate represented to be. Purchasers from a1 distance ran . nave their goods packed un the premises, If deatred. 8A1.E rr ilKMrl UKr 10 close a partner hip account. - i April 21, 153. St. SHERIFF'S SALE. . ... BY virtue of au.slias writ cf.I.tvini Fa cias issued vtit of the tourt pf Common I'leas of Northumberland county to m diverted, will be exposed to rttldic ifM tt the public house of Teler llanaelmin, in the borough of Northumberland, Northumberland county, On SATTK1M Y tho CJd day of MAY nest. at. ID . o'clock A. M., tho following describod real pro perty, to wit: i; All that certain tract, .!.rre oV parcel of land, situate in I'oiut township, Northumberland county, bounded and described -as fojlows, to wit i llegiuning nt a post, thence by land lata of John Cowden, Nurlh 40 degrees, East, 210 perches to a whiteoak, thence by land late of William A. Lloyd, North 50 degree West, 94) port-be to a ot ; thence by lands late of Jamra Kay, south 40 degree west, SlOt perches to three post ; thence by land late of Philip Prick; south 60 degrees east 94 J perches to the plao of beginning. Uunleining 124 acres and 2d perches, (it being the same tract of land which tieorge Kckert sold aud conveyed to John Wil Ham iS'turmn.) ilbout 1 15 acres of which are cleared whereon are erected a two-s'ory frame houso, alj story log house, and barn part log, orchard and a well of water, dee. Seized taken in execution, and to be aold a the property of John William Stamm. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff oflice, Sunbury, April X4lb, 1858. PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WORKS. .Vo. 220 .4rcA St. let. Second j- Third, (Onpusils Bread Street, riilladelplila. EIVES, Kiddle, Screens. Woven Wirepf all meshes and width, with all kind of plain and fancy wire work. .Heavy Twilled Wire for Kpaik Uatcher ; Coal, Snd and Gra vcl Hereon; Paper Maker's Wire ; Cyleider and Dandy Rolls, covered in the bet manner; Wire and jTjre Fencing. A very superior aiticle of Teavy Founder Seivcs. -Ill kinds of Iron Ore Wire Seive. ' V UIYLISS, & DjIKBY. Philadelplia, Aaiil 17, 1838 elm. NOTIOE. . A MEE'l INO of the Stockholders of tho Tre vorton L'ohI and Rail Road Ucirijwny, will be held at ths (ii'rard Mouse in Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, 1 1th MA X, proximo, at eleven 'clock. ..By Uriler, i F. L. JOHNSON, Soc'y. April 17, 1858. 'IM1E anuual F.lecti'un for a President and Di- .rectors of ilia '1'revocton C'oul aod Rail lloti Com4any, will lie held at tlia Oirard House, in Philadelphia, on Tuesday, 1 1th" May, 1858. Poll open from 1 to I o'clock. P. M. liy order, '.' F. I.. JOHNSON. Sec'y. April 17, 18-8. NOTICE. IN the matter of the settlement of the estate of I.udnick 1'fleeger, deceased, Inte of Chllisqua que towuship, Northuniberland county. .; JOTICE i hereby given that the Widow and relict of said deceased, ha made her se lection of the personal property of said deceased, according to the act of Assembly, made and provided Jur in such cases, vhich wil) hs pre sented to the Orphans' Court for approval on Monday, the 2nd day of August next. JOS. NESlilT, Adininiatrator. . Shaiuokin township, April 17, IS0H. 31 Estate of Lemuel Roadarmel, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, that Utter of Ad--.ministration, cn the estate of Lemuel Koadarmel, latcnf Shamokintowu, Northumber land eounty, deceased, have been granted te the subactiber. All personi indebted to' said estate will please make immediate payment, and-those having-elaiins present inrm duly auiuen.icaisu for settlement ' " ' N. II. 'l bs subscrilier will atu-nd at tne house of. D N. Lake, Esq., for that purpose on baWr- ay, June 6lh, next. ' -. , , . r: MARY ANN ItOADARMEL, Adm'lrix. Shamokin, April 17, 1853. Gt . , Artoinutjrfttor' Notice. , i VO'IU'E is hereby given that letter or Ad ' minis riion have been granted to the 'sub scriber on the esia e of Mary Cook, lata of. Point towuahip, Norlhumbciiand county, deceased. All peraona indebted to ' mid estate vti'.l please make immediate payment and thoae having claims to prearut Uiein for settlement. - wm.1I. VA l.rS, Adm r. Nortbuiriberlaiid, April IT, 18 j .tit i - -.', , , "''por"bent7'i rpHE fc'tor Room In Market atieet, formerly X oerupied by P. W. Uray. Apply to tbaex ecutora of H. Maaaer, deceased. April 17 Ibfib. ... Northumberland Bridgo Company. 4 IV rlr.-liim fur nflicera of the Northumlrland II ridge Company, lo scrv for one year, will be held at tho house of Mrs. Utifr, in Northum berland, on MisXDA V..the 3d day of May next. Tbe election will open at 1 o clock, 1'. M., ami close at o'clock,, f. M- Tho hooka and ac count of Ihe company will be submitted to tha stockholders for their inspection, at the same lime and place. ...... , - ,,- - i.' auA U J lUAjn, j-iesiiient. ApriMO; lSftsT 4t Offlosi of Shamokln Valley and rbtta- Tille HfturOad Company,. " "1 t f4 f ; j '' '09 Walnut street. , . JMniADELPHIA April tth, 168. , A MEETING of the Stockbuldara of the Sha r)tokin Valley and Pottrville Railroad Company wilr tw bald on 3d May, at It e'eioek,' et tbe oflice af tbe Company, iu this city, for (be elec tion of e FreMdeul and ai Manager, to serve fisrenevear. ...... EDWIN MIDDLETON. Jr., - Acting SactaUry. . AprU 10, 18&8.--U ; . . ; .; " TROWNS and Breinie'a Eance of Cing . and lliMbaad's Maraaata at - I . ' ' 1 Mere. W'Mf FIBftER't Pricee Seduced to ftnlt the Times I . (LTJWm swak.) Rac Street abw nird, Philadelphia. frtlB PiPtnietors of the above well-known eatahMi 1 mentbetii thankful for the vetv lihyral" nalronaee tut stowed upon n tha the past yenr, tiiKn Itlis method ol In- Rirmlna their frli rlrtids and the pollh that they are still pia iHcKlute.Uiem if bivored wilh a cull. Vlittj. m....lV. ,1 i. L - . . L . pana tw e.euroi I reanyated, tmpnrvemenla made and ether extensive al- uuring tt,. wtiite, m.niths thehmiee hna heea thrfeoueh- tciiiiiiin in eoiiietnpmtKni. Ws am detimined to devote our whoU attention to I "" fl"d ""Msr ourselvw with the convictioii that we eholl he able to give general Batifnctln. ' 8IDKS ft 8TOVF.lt, V.. . Itae eilroat, abuv Third. TFrtM? St U per day ' ' N. U. Cnriiagei will always bt In readiness to eoeivey I anengers to and from rtean.lnml lAiidiuss and Itaitmad uepots. 8. 8. I'hllsdelphul. April 0, t5S, Mti i I', t A.l IMf.UVlSIO.liS. 7?. HKLLINUS, Vo. 12 tV(S tl'iorver, Philadelphia. 100,000 lb. Dried Appla. S.0O0 bushels Pea Nuts, 6i0 barrel Green Apple, 600 boxes Onuses, SOU boxe l.eiiim s, I.OHO bushel Potatoes, 1,000 bushel Daaaa, tOO do. Pickle, ... f. ..... .... Also Itaisina. Fisa. Prunes. &c in store ai d for sale at the lowest prices. April 10. 18Sr It READER 1 Do yon Intend to Embark in to Business t If so, DON'T FAIL to see advertisement in this psjtcr by the aubscribcra headed "A Card to the Public." J.F. & I. F. KLINE. Klino's Grove, Pa., March 13, 1858 tf E. Y. BRIGHT & SON, SUXBVIIY, CX .... . HAVH receded, and are ii-w opening their , Spring stuck, embracinn new and desirtble Dress (iooda, Cnlirovs and Dies Uinghama ol the latest style. Muslins of all qualities and pri ce, K Jaain, Linen Check, and a choice Selec tion oflJJac; and Panry Caaaimere. new sljlcs. Groceries of all kind.. We respectfully invite an inspection of our (iuod. ' CF" COUNTRY PUODUCU wanted in ex change St thehiehest mnrki:t prices. April 10, I85. .. JOSlt iTOlTSS & SOITS, B15 CUeuiiit Plreet, n'jove Kightli, (lite uf ,Na. 45 Svut 'Second Street,) PTIlUftFLHi! A, tov e:vmo tiikis PPRINO IMPORTATION OF ail.i: AND MILI.INKHY GOODS - . ?oii8ifli.iig in fiirt of Tecy Ilniinrt nnd Cup HiWsom, ( Saiin mid Tulkuif Htbliiiim, Oma Je Nuj.U'i. (Uiat-o ami riiUii,) Murrrlim-B and Florence, If lack Modev, Kneliah Crupea, Mo'line ond HliiRton I jrn, ft.' Atrt. a full aiarttttnentofFRMaNCH A.I) AMKRICAN Fl.OWK.t3 Alurch 20, 16.W. 8mia - A Casu Hifi.nkss Kxrt.'.'i-'ivri.V.' ' CrlARLKS ADAMS, S. K. Comer v( Kiplilh and Arch ritreeta, Plnl-idelphia, informs his old customers, and the Imyer. ..f DRY GOODS liKM'.M AI.I.Y, that he la making extra excrtiona for the prosecution of hia business the online; season, and in iirder to evnble him to pmclinM ttowds lor" cash, nnd sell litem nt llie lowk.t hakkkt raicirs, ha hs decided to sell at the .ainnlU-st poabihle adinice (7 For Cash Kxclcivklt ! ) He has reduced the pi ice of must of the tioodft in Ptme, and bia now ojhui iiuiuy Naiv ttiioln., smlable for the seAso. r.) which will tw made dxily additi'Jinr. Cure w ill l to oceiunui alaie FKIKM and Plain l'i:i(.-ONS eenerully, us heretolore. NKW DfiKfS 6lK)lJSi, SIIAWI.?, LINENS, and FL'RNISIII.NO GOODS i-eiiernlly. ... Purcliaaera wiU find ftreal advantage in giving an early call, the mottii being Vlhv.iiiiiihie sivneuce ia better than the slow shilling. M The situation is central, and the store well lighted. March 27, IDiS. 3in3j w. . FLOUU : AND FEED! ' ' T SPRING- A U 11 A N O Ii M.E N T. rPIIE subjcriber has rccfntly made rrti enlarge - mcnt in hia s'.ore room and ha jurt received a fre-li tupplv of Floor and Feei, C'ornincaH Ac Hia stack Consists of Corn and Rye, Corn and Oats, and Corn CHOI', bolted Corn Meal and Uuckwhcat Flour in sack, alt of which will be sold low FOK CA11. ' f Also, the He.it and Cheapest assortment of . Flour In' this Market, from. FIVE to HEVEN ! D"--LAR3 per Uarrcl, according to quality !Uo, a lot of Flour in sucks at very low rat's. The subscriber assures hi customers (lint hi arnugemens for getting Weslern'TluOr enable bim to give them better sutisiactinn or better bar gains than can be attained eltewhare.' Heitig -thankful (Br- past paUonafte, be hopes to merit and eonliue ts receive the farcr of the public generally. 'CO. HAYI5N.1 , Market tjijuare, Sunbury, March 20, 1858. 3 P KI N GA U K A N G EMMT. .. . mm -: LA CHAW ANN A & BLOOM SBURG E.R. AFFOltlUNO superior fu.-lhlits f-r trat'il tn New Yulk, Philudelph a, undtheN'irih anJ '., br eon liecti"s at .w.ernli.ii wilh the trjius of the lirluwjin frkawanna and Veitein Hailr.md Cnmpaiy ; a!n f r traenl ShiiS ai d V,sl over the Catlawiimi, V:ilianipurt and Krie Ra.iioad and ciiiHcting trauia ( OOIXO NoltTII. r Ii. V. . Mail. 0 OU A M. Accommo dation. Philad'a. M...I 3 to r V- I'avs rtuui4, Ul.um, Kapr. l.uue Kioje, rlcrwit-s, lleach Haven, Heuch Glove, -Shirksliinii), . lliiiilivk'sCrerk, West .Nn!ilicike, Plyiiluulb, . -Arrive at Krngslim, Ixive . hringsuin, Wyuininj," Wisi Pins'.un, PlllAl.lll, lckawnnua, 'fuylor'tlle, ' 'Arrive at SIS do 3 X do e t S 40 1 111 1 is V SO ft 10 e tu s 4U 8 15 t 3 35 9 Si i t.S 4 1) 4 ao 4 65 s on d do do do do do do di dj d- d) da d., do d.. do so dj 0 39 do S T) do B 55 9 511 9 SS te oo 10 IU lu 40 t 4S F. M S 35 3.60 55 e 9b e ij e,a i 10 J.i t 50 f 30 a is 3 UO Scnintnn, 10 30 do 3 IS d S 30 da' The Nrw York MhII Train connects with ths Kxnress going Fast, oa I) I.. Je W. Kailrtaid. Arrive n. New Yuik 1 16 P. M. ' ' do Pbiladeluhia, hy CUin.dcii tt Ainboy Railroad,. E !!0 P. M. Fure from Rupert to Ne.v York 4 00. Ouggage cheek ed through,. . The u'CiniriiNlaSloH Train North, connects at 5cmitn with the Kxnrcs Train West, on the 1). L 4 V. Ua'.l road. CQl.NGSOVTII . ' Piiila. Acconimo- NY. I cove rcrantuii, Taytureillei tickuwanua, . 1'illilwl, .. Wrat I'lUem, Wfoiuiit,', Arrive at Ail'glKMI, l.r.tra -Kingtlem, PljrnitHlth, Nujiiiake, lliiiihK-k'a Cr'k, miu-Sahitiny,. M:.il dnti.iii Muil. S OU A. M. II 30 A t OeP.H. K III (lo 11-43 (1). 4 in 4.(0 4 so ) 35 1 te. d . do du do it g vo 6 aa 6 3j do d. OU M. ll IS P ft 11 SJ do ' ill o oo 10 4 1U 511 11 US II 16 11. 41 tl 60 1-J 00 do It to. do. I 00 do d. do h. do do do da . d ' ' 00 do 3.00 15 S 40 e 6o J 0 40 M 8 15 e 4 j 10 t 13 Ileat-U Uruve, lleaeti Iluwu U.:wK-k, I'J 10 V M. l.inie UioVe, UM U 40 UM do du dy F.snjr , liiiioin. Arrived at RuiMrt,' ' ''" ' teo-'dd - 15 do The Philadelphia Muil Train goinr South, enniu-ets with tha Mail Train at Rupert, oiiiTJtist at 1 111 F. M. for Catluwisaa, Port Clialou, PoiojvlUa Heudinx, frc., arriv. log ut Philadelphia, at a (5 P. M. Also with Mail Tram goiiw WaiM 30'eloek P. M. fqi Ueavilie, MiUon, Muu ev. Wdlhamrnorl and Kluiiia. . . . Fussetifars ny tae 4 utiei r. m. train going mmiu can lake Mo II u'ckic I,ni, Express vuiu loi j.ianra and the nest, m loJ.-e at UkiMmhure and take the I o' clock A. SI. Train going fcaM, arriving at PiuladelK:ie or .Urgattsat. f j f March IJ, 1658 r Buparfuteuaent ' ' . NOTIOE. VI. L peraona indebted to' Jataea Beard, lata ProthoiioUry oj" Northumberland county, for fees, Ae.. era raqasts te snake Immediate pay tnanl, and thus aava coat and further trouble, as .11 account remaining unpaid will be placed' in tha hand of a Josrir for collection. Pay mania 1 can bo mad either to tbe eubaenber er to t. 8. I Bavi. e hia eatiee. HUrS VtRAKTI. b7. Ji jener-tr . FARMERS OF PENNSYLVANIA ' ' ATTEKTIOH I Ynat eaa npplr yorarlea with Cbrmtea! Wannrea, wnrranted purs, which aae hean in aucmeiui a. ;u ,sw Jnraejr fiv the bast eeven VcIiUiey have, received the Dli'lAJMAS. f Few Jersey, New Y..i, Dehcuare, and Pennsylvania Agricultural ticieuea, find Irnva bau used by the President of th United guira, on Ins Umd 'n and un the PuMio Grounds at Washlnlon, V. C , and b Ui following Gentlemen Via I , Z. lka, Eh . ' ; ' A. P. Lasher, CLABUsSoao' New Jersey, J. L liajves, , . rirnator H.ilnrH, I Wm. Miller, of Cape Tntond, New Jersey. Cbns York, ',.. i Tho Mulf-rd, Km, Camden N.J, lr . Homes, Dr. Knight, Mr. Fiejj, .Ut Atkinsoti, aud Levi Johnson,' all of New JurseV hey say it ia th chea'pes. and mnnt rt-linbie Mnnnie nuw in tse, tHing. permanent and nnprnving tha land by cnrichtue aba BkiI. It ia siiililln Uie vuiiousur'.a you raise Cirn, Polatv. a, Grass, WhiM, Oats, Ac. liy en lusmg a Check, ou any New Jaiscy ur PhUnd'a. Bnnk t.r lererum-e t- aay cood Iltniae in riiiaulejii:a uiti elrmge fur Pnalue, ut fuir Mnrket rAtes here,.Yoururdeie .will li filled and Shipped to you, fie of Cartage expenee. UT Every article told ly mc 1?uarttntcedJ Huper Pbi'Sptitta ef Lira, I0 00 a Ion. Hon Phosuhai,-' ... , tw ou a " t. American Fetiilorar, a 01 ' " CT A IIARREf. IS SPFFICIENT FOR AN ACRE OF GROUND DitUAt) CAST. Par B.Mic last, TCX turrets how ready,) at S-5 00 per bairelor ttlS, a t.4i. ' I'inji.ie'.te, No. 1 (300 barrels now ready J at 81 to U a barrel . lAind Planet No 11 000 barrels, at IJ to CO abaml Put Ash, 60 barrcla I'sruvw, PaiKg'Jtn and Cbilifln 0 V A N O , CKOKGB A. I FINAtJ. Proprietor. Ne. 91 fouth ritONTStreit, Philmlelpbia City, Pa (W IIOI.FSALE DEA1XR8 ALLOWED A LID- KHAL DISCOUNT. tV Pamphlets oan bskaj on a; plication to my Off.ce, or ,'f my Aeanit. March 13, IK38 3m50w. ( 'i "NETT CA8H DRY GOODS HOUSE. If tiPJ.NINC OF 8PH1NG GOODWJ F.YRF ft LANDFLL, F urth k Arch Sts, Faded1, are aw ottering a full aio-k of , New Gooth for Spring of 1858 1 FASIIIONAnLF ?PKING GOODf, BLACK BIl.K.-, tr m nnbea wids, S-ru.g Dress ti-wds. New l"tks, , Sha-A is, in all the Newest Styles, Bluish, Freneh and Amencun CbintX!), fill, stock of Duintslic Quods, l'uil Fttickof Faropean Go"ds. N B Burvams :n Setisnnablc Onr.j. daily rrceii'sd fr job tie AUC TIONS of New Vera and Phdadelfiliia P 8 SIKIIUI1AMS, are iuvit.nl to xamii.e lbs 9t'j TK.lt MS Nelt Cash and iow pneee. Philadelphia, March 1.1, K-i9.-0n.Jw. .FOR SALE OR RENT. THE Isrrje double flame house in Ihe Dorough of Northumberland, belonging tn the estate of C II. Kay, deeeaaed. Thia Is a very deoirable residence, beautifully situated on the North l) ranch of the Susquehanna, wilh a large garden, Carriage House, Stable &e., belonging to it. Terrna taodcrale. Enquire of C.-W. Mcates, Wilihmsriort, or D. Iirautiam, Esq., Northum berland. March ST. 1R5. ! GEOBGE niLIi, ATTOR1TE7 " AT LAV", ESPECTFULLY informg lhe public and 1ij friend eenerally. that he hut removed to Sunbury,' and ha opened i law office af hia reVldcSc'e,' in.Mnrket square. Hi arqu1ntance wiili the' English and Cerman enables bim to transact 'business in both language. April topless. 1. - . . WASHINGTON HOUSE!. IV. A. COVEBT; Proprietor, rlIIE proptietor respectfully inform bis friends and the public generally, that bo is repairing and renovating the "Washington .House," so a to entertain both transient ah-.Dpefrbsn.ert vUitpr in a suitable and comfortable manner. , Thankful for the patronage extended to hi futher, be respectfully solicits the continuance of Oiesume. ' He will take charge ' ol the Wash ington House" on tile first duy of April, nc'it. He will have 'an Omnibus running to tbe diflerent Railroad Depots for the accommodation of Passengers, free of charge. ' : ' ' " ' ' . ' Vf. A. COYERT. eil'tihury, March SO, 1868, ALEXANDER KUIir NroRTta aku WfuuiuriLa DiALta is sAlt, 1 'ACTrargj. ,. ' IZ South Wharvti, Philadelphia', r.--' ASHTON. FINE. LIVERPOOL GROUND, Ajil.ton and Star Mill Dairy assorted aiiea, con stantly on band and for sale in iota to suit tbe trade. ' ' N..B. Orders aolb-ited. March 13, 1858. 6m 1 A Vara to the I'tiblic. : HEAD! READ!' READ!!! J. F. Sc I. P. KLINE, iMBROHANTS, Kline's drove, Northumberland county, P, Tf E have determined from' ffte' publication of thu notice to fell at greatly redurcd prices for CAS1I our stork of Goods, comprising Dry (IocJh, Grocerica, Hsrd'Varo', Qneenswire, Dootstrrd Shoes, lints and Caps, Medicines, &e.. and all gd usually kepf in a country tore. Ucing dVsirouS of quilting the business wt will disticse of Our stock of Gocds on or before the 31 at day of March, 18'8, to A person or persons v-irtmig to eniiwrk in the luisiuraa on favorable terms. 1 ha situation is a goo-J one for do'.rlj an extensive mercantile trade i'tt further particular call personally upon tha subscribers, or address Hiein by imail; - J. t . & 1. r. Kf.INE. Kline's Grove, Fa., February 6th, 1958. . Fr a. c. crmaaaocon.: Isaac c. rxASsoa CHESEBTtOVGII & PFiARSON, Commissiou Merchants and Dealers in nsii, cheese axu ritovisiots, jNo. 6, iV. II ater tt., 3 ror atuvt Market, , PHILADELPHIA, . - BE sve' eonstanily on band ah'aisnrtment of If Dried add PU-klcd Fish, &C-, &c Mackerel, - Codfith, I Lard, Shoulders, Salmon, I Utef, I Hams, I Cheese, Shad, Fork, Side, butlcr.&e. Feb. S7, 1858 3m w. Baddle and Harness Malter. nEJixme" iiaupt, ait. F KCSi'EU'l Fl'LLV informs the K, allien of Kunburv and the puU :Vj A n. ii .1,.1.. i... . , C5 e, the shop occuiiied bv Uriitht and Ueck, one uoor east ol a t'Sdpta labinet Ma ker shop where he is prepared to turn out work in b'p tin of, business equal lo any maJe in'this section "of the country. Order promptly execu ted and all kinds ot produce taken in txctiang Sunbury, .March 20, 1858. Iy STORE.'. " ' ' 1 ' MISSLOl'litV 6HI3SI.i:R.rtpeciru1!y In f.iruW the citizens of 1 revortou and aur- rounding county, that the has opened a new store of Millinery snd I ar.cy l.orx.'s, at 1 revnr ton In Shainokin slice!, 'nearly opposite Knouae'a Taverni where all kind of lionnet and Fancy fjoods can t e had at IU lowe.l term. ' Vies rnakjng also attended to in jh best manuer and latest stjb. April S$, 18D8, tf 4 WALL FAPFR, Window Shades. Floor, Carriage, 'and Table Oil Cloths, CVoa MatUandaiuperiof article os; DrW-jjest. ' Dec 36, 1857. . BRI011T &, HON.. (ton yAKl)SC'ARFETINti,nabracing Wo.,1 WV? -tngraia, Cotton, and a euperios artiai of Bjff etpat, Manufsetur.d At bonis, for sale at prices "to suit lb tiroes. Iw. 26. '07. , B.KinHr&yox, Ofin BACKS bA LT. best, queJity.i beat qual yr ,rg, sack, end for sale attb lowest Haura-' . BRlGtir IWK, ejui.bury. Dee. tU, U57., UOKT MONAlEBiTootb and Hair Bruake - all aualiuce, ena any quaau y, nv ua wy i . , ' A.W, FMHUL Maryil lT77 r. JADLERY AND HARNESS MAKIF piIE subaerilH.r.tMpnctfullv inform (he ( sen of Hunbiiry and vicinity that UieV eom.nenced Ihe ah-,ve bulne.. . frw doeiW vv i 0I? 0i',c' Ms'kelSqtiar-, IKunbury. Work of all kind, in their line of buaii.eTa be done promptly snrt neatlv oft the ihnt' sonsble term.. CLEMENT dr. CVSTEIl Febrtia y 13,1858. , .WANTED Thirty Thou,nd Cro..Tic. ol lNiin . , tflll,fof Nerthern Centruh bi Read. ' Fi r farther pitrticulars apply lo IR.VT. Cl.EMENTi Co. tractor. Suntury, Uccemiwr , 1 95T-lf ' Market Strpt, Sunbury Fa. rpiil. tfberili,T tesptfully Informs the citi 'that f'3",,':'y'J- the public generally. .I,.BTr'- Will take ,Kae,on rt ths abotS we t kneiw. T .1 hlL'mT:.l Kfrflj Thompson. J hat he will fut the aarha in eornplete repair -. In addition hevedl prev.rl. . konveyanL Tfatrt paasemjor. to and from the diflereiit It.ilrn. iM,,n, mita will leave no Tebru.ry SO, 1853 LLISfcK, FLOUR IIBDUCED"" :..?' ' il 40 lcr Mnrrcl. rpHE subscrilwr regretfully Informs At tin'. Jl tensofednbury and vicim'tv that he has just received a supp.y of TLOfK, wJUch he Is off, rinS at wholesale or retail from 5 40, 0 3?1 i, B K7 J per Barrel. He'nl.o Sells some as low a, 1 . JiCVlfJor,7'' elI'of wl'ic WAR n A n I n o be Good. CANDLKS for ale, vibt-lesalc or retail. ' Thankful for part patronage be hone to eon, tmue to merit the same. OIVE USl A CALL! ' .. M.C.CEARHAI5T. ' ' Ksrket tit., Sunbury, P. FeL.rjiyS7, 1958. ' ANALYSIS OF LYOJT'S CATAWBA BRANDY BY: A. A. HAYES, M. D., Aitayer to tU Stati.of Mana:hisMts. Gexiral Cuaacts. iA lirjht . yellowial) brown eolored spirit, having a fragrant odoi ; when evaporntcd from clean linen it left no oil or ollensive matter. Analjzed for volatile and fix ed drugs, of which no traces of any kind weni found. Its color is f'oxti to be due to a colored reiin an extract de'ived froni wood. In every rospoct it in s pure spirituous liijnor.' The fragrance or bouquet which it possoteca can bs iselated', and it then appears unlike that from Cognac Urandy or Wine, being a fruity es sence rcaulting from a peculiar fcimontation of Catawba and Lubclla Urspes, CitE.iticAt, CiuRAt-TCn. 1,000 part in vol ume of this spirit contains at '60 de. F. 401 S 19 parts of pure ulcohol, besides the friTint oil. I.0 IK parfc of the spirit afford K3 parts of a strong eolation of the oil which characterizes tlii limn dy ; the spirit 'eft, after rewOving the oil, is j ura and odorieea, and 111 all iu.'iuulilics a perf.ctapi rit not subject to charge. Ore L'. S. jjiilon or thia Uranuy at HO deg. F. 'contains, besides tha spirit and oil,.'onty SJJ grs. of matter cohipose-1 df extract of fruit, pum, and. colored reciu from woed. Z'ostos, Jantfary 25, 195S, Dr. CO.XE, State Inspector of OLio, and Dr. Ja- K.;Chillon. Cfiemiat, of New York, botli prononnce thl t) be pnrc JJrandy, aod free from all'adultcr'atiun. For Medicinal purposes Lyon's Catawba Bran dy ha no rival, and has lung been needed to su persede ilia ponouon compounds sold under tiio name of Hramly. At a beverage, the puto srliile is hltfigetlier superior, and a sovereigu aure reme dy fjr Dyrpcpsia, Flatuiepcy Low. Spirits, Lan. guor, General Debility, iVc. &c. Also, l-;rsilP,LJJ'S STII.I. AND SPARK. LING CHAMPAGNE. Tl .cue wines are rusds iu the Neighborhood' of Cincinnati,' uild are guar antied to be the pore juice of the Orapv, and are eiaiufBlly calculated for invalids' aiid "persona who rcquiro agenda stimulant, nd fur sacramsn tal porpoiieBj Retail price $ I itt per bottle. A liberal . d'uv count made td ' the trade. Dealera ' will please end their orderalo th.0 sole agent for Nuiahum-- Derlana comity . . JOHN F. CASLOW, Dru?;ist, Milton, Ta. February, 50, 1858 Sm. JONES HOUSE. WELLS- t'OVCRLY, IToprlctor. C'T. f Market Street . Marl et Sntare, U A a R i 8 B V It G , P A . rpIIIS NEW AND F.I.KGANTHOTKL, recent!)- eree JL led b7 the Mesira JONKS, III HarlLLur- IN., hav ing been lease.' lor a. term of l cats l.y the undersigi.eo, Lu Uk this metliiHl of Billing the lUirnti.iit i f his former patr..ns, and t. it tlnvelling cimiuiunity, thereto. , lluving a fruul u" one hundred niti i..riy feet nn tho piiiu-ijialJiraei nt the c::y, and Tiny-two Feet Front i-. Alntk't ii-;ure, it Cuimol fail to prove oltre-.!ive as tll aa invitina to sirunrjeaa, ...... Tlia ChaniU rs ur .f fine size, well veutilatel, and lighted wilh Uus u i!4i:-her Willi cjiinectii g d.K.n u.a kuir; Uitm very de.iru!-le for fumiiiea. The ilutla re wanned u)pvj;h..ut by Heaters; ni.J ever)-ni kierminplovenieilt, in lact, hoi Uiu anltlrtl, th.it may enndre to tlia aal'ety, oomloit, and b iprvntu rf K.o- gUCAl. , ' Vlaitor may, therefore, .rest nssuied, il.at the 'J. nca I.oune ' lias tieen made pciie -t in uli igs apn.:uiinci.ta that each tleaartnient has been pluod in chaise f Fpe rieiued aud Competent Persons liwt in every puriK-.il:.r Ihe syulclii a hidi h: adopted l.v the l'r...r.to.-, will ell r. tii ttv.se who may n-.alis their h.nne. jrs;.i a ! of coaifntt as may leoLunnedai unysinubr estnbuthi.:it in the Siaie. Toseeuu lhis desiisbls reault, he has fumi.ln-'l the Publicans Pnvata Private Pnrl..rs. Clinmhis, Dnnnif Roon1Ju;.,vilheiiiirely.EV FU'RMTL'KUi and nuw arranged within tue.-lmiUir4'. a hnc LiiImi Sui-n, Oja tur Si.locii. J)reisiiijs Rooia, Hoi and d!d Ikitl.e. As. The Culinury Deiirlinua' and liming R.kiiu wu. ipeove the es.wc-uil alleulion ol tke Prnprict'.r, which ha bust;, will lie a aulliiieiit gnaraiilrc thai all tastes will he s..iu-.l. Alter returniug his iicailftlt tlianks to hie nl.! frier. I and patrons, for the generons pnir.nre tn l.a-c eslcnd -d k hlin at tha"Coverly House," jaud also t" ( fil.-iJi snd palrmisal the "Coluinb.s llmirr," C;r luaiut. I'.ani-g the seus.Sn of ISf.5, he respeiUu!,' si hciis a cont.iiam.ee of a at.xha "JONES Uot'iSK." WKI.LS COVUtLY. Januarr SO, 1848. fmn. . .1on. rrr.Aitn, ATTORNEY AJT ' Ojjict in Macket oyfivs'ite the Court House, SCNBTJHt, TA. .' Collections mad and Prufeiuional BuKinew generally ettciidod U Troinptly aud Carefully. rniitrjELraii liiritiPxcr : Bullitt 4 f airlhorne, . Diehl 0 Wertx, Uavi 4 Cirney, ' F, Tyloi V Co. ftuubury, June pO, 16T. p V feFZ' JXES T B a fs ii" i.V r. o if s.v- ...FON1F1ER, for. aale at FJiSJIER'S V.ug Store. rriceSO eta. ,. . . 4KITAUU f all kind and enjlcs variety. V " ' E RIGHT i 6N. . Sunbury , Dec. JO, 1 8C7, gloves of all kind, SSoclin'e. Collars, f os pendcr', . Buck Mttta. llahukrrch!cis and an trtdless1 variety rf ll'?ir'y aud Notions. - Sunbury, Dee. J8, '67. BRIGHT & IsOX. EAUTIFLL DRFSS COOLS. i.. lAiJ.ng Figured and i'liiil Merinos. Sill. Soctch I'laids, .Silt Striped Foplifis, Cashmere, Trenton l lano, Vmber 81ade,.l ancy aiid Flam Uil.a'ii.-s Valencia, l'arau.ett Cloth, &e., jost rivei'-ci and for silo by URIUHT dc c0.v Sunbury, Dee. 88, 7, , I! ! ! f .1 - .L'KKNS, Cedar, Holliiw.sud GUsswarc, coutaioini; cverytbins useful and orn nieutal. " LRfOHrjceOA. Punburv, Deccnibet Jfl, X857. ., IllaroIoflfSl. Victor?!;, Opera Caps, Wool " Hood, Cbmfqr'.s, Cashmere Sca:h'p Lamb Oauntleita, die. BRIGHT fO. Sunbury, De S,87. FOE SALE. A Good seeoadrband Buggy. oAica.. Apply at thia, IprRE OLIVE OIL'.SW ;tale, -' Wm' "