-- - V 4 " -f - REMARKS OF n. C M. UTRAf D, OF B t'lIV YLKILL. On tht Dill authorizing tht tale of the remain der ofth Stale improvements to the Sund ry and Lric liui'iroad Company, Ut. Spcmkor. It was my intention until a few minute! npo, to have given my reasous raoro fully, why 1 favor tbe enlo of the im provements to tho Sunbnry and trio railrcsd tcmpany, bcin? admonished that tlio timo Is prec:otis, tea friends of 1bo niensnre depirin to a point or twro which ffects the interest of a yerr largo majority of Ilia Htato, ami 1o mv mind, Philadelphia in .particular. It in a fuJt that since tht reciprocity troaty between England and tho United Slsteii, and thd completion of the Pennsylvania Central railroad, New York finds herself in a ''tight place,:" a portion of tho Inko trade finding it way to tho Atlantic through tlia St Lawrence whilst anollirr portion of the same trade, composed chiefly of flour, pork, beef and (Train, reaches Philadelphia on the Pennsylvania Central. So much. Imvi iHua tixtv or,ireinfTita a yoio to no taKen to Ufiy, in conforpictJCC of nlccled it.jtirio u-dy the trade of New York, that this, I shall be brief ; xvliat I will fav, shall ' n'u ercdildy infnrmad, she Ik nt this time r-tniff- contain no statistical statement, nor. will I re-i fiinR to extricate herself imm the dilemma. Mi peat much, if any. of what tbo rirnntg has al ready so eloquently heard, from Senators on both sides of tho question. I agree i:i tho main with tho?n Senators who have taken tho affirmative ride of this quottkn, simply, bo enure ! am convinced that n largo majority ol the per tile favor the sale of tho remainder of cor State improvements; the piineiplc J . . points to nrrrwigo boinp, how moth ought j " , 'ley to nnng i anil who ought to be the pur- j 'rcporl"iw- ef thn N. V. Tribuna l tub laat camsas Kcrjvn m coionr WAPniNoTOrr, April 53. 12 P. L Tho Kansas Cotiesrenoe ("nuim'tteo mot at H o'clock this morning. Mews. Hunter, (Jrecn, Seward and Howard, woro fre-M, and Messrs. Knglish and Stephens nbsetil. As majority ol the, Honre Committee was without a quorum. 'J he Committee are t till in gossion. Tbo Administration claim ten to fifteen majority In the IIouso for Koglieti' J VlocU A. M., the bill. Fourteen of the Douglas men are against l'crly, to wit i it. No vote will probably be taken to-day, Ail ihst ceitn'tt as alter thn report of tho Committee, th,. ! in Point New dverttsetnenta. Eli Y virtue of an alias writ of Lmot T. i tin U-mid xut of tho Court of Common Picas of Northumberland county to me directed, will bcetpcied to I'tthlit Palest tho public house of Peter Hannclnmrt, in the borongh of Northumberland. Norlhiltnberlti" county, on SAl'l'l!l)(V tbe 22d day of .WAY next, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following detcribeJ mal pro. TricM Eedrxed to fJdt tho Timea ! (LAT3 W1IITK OWaII.) Race, t'trttt about Third. I'hU.uMjMa. flTJK Htopfitm OX th rdsTt wtll-hnnwn m.tillith J merit being thtiakful Or llrf xcry UT-ritl pMtr'-tuipc b inrl i!p.nthiiD th pn yur. nlit ihi nu-ihrd "f ia rirmiMg their fttcrl', in1 ihc ft-Uie thut thv mtt mil pio portd tj nororrmid Uo trwm il (Hn.rwl with cull Junnir tli Wliitti niuhtlin tliv)t.uv hiif-, bcn th-Y.l.'ti-ly reiKivntr.l. I nprit-rmenia iiihJc ami eil.er tatn.aiK al t.mrl In C4tiiti'tnilai ion. We ro d. tfrniinefl to nVvotp n"r wti.lp npnti m tu t'Urmriw nnil llallar iniri trr.ct, ptrcs er pfrccl el Unit, aliall bo ullo to Qit'efcncial aainifadion. ti.wnahir, Norfh.nnl.erl and blliios i PTnvnn fmda hcmrlf mnat unexpectedly in. I am further : printing of the bill, which as vet has only beeu I ""'"? bmind-d and di?cribcd .at lo iow-b, to TFrtMr -?l -y, P-r .y inforrntd that there is a move en too, there now, ! m iM'fcri.,t. rill ho insisted n. j - S 'h7i' TZl'7 E S ' VIZS&ZZ fZJn'XZ ui: iM.jti.1 iii niiicu n io cupel a loan on uie cren- . . i nc upmrnniee nave ri eeii nun . r , ' , , ,. , , i", " ! . I prrciie.i o a w uiTroaii, iiicnir u . j i-niM-Jci, FARMERS OK PHNNs YI,V A NI ATTENTION ! Yen can ;'rN?" V'-nrn-lv. wi'!i t h.'fwut .:jn.ir' korkan.l hiio cntiftl free of all cherees. Nolh- niff in tny opinion would ptoto morn lenrlicinl to Pliiladi.iphij, mid tho intertcrrst ol a mainritv citizens or J cn:isvlvimia. ih.in tho comple tion of ihe Sunharv and Kr!c Mad. 1 wan some. chaser? As to the price named tho bill, lean I ?mn n" t"u u . thB hatow from oo no sorinus objection!', shnped as it now is. ! ' ul:ui,,l,1,u lMers. M nn.il nnJ Marfellca.) by an amendment, which in tun event ,.r pnr. 1 p,uso P"". f 1,10 I rr"!t f' 1 rt.ur, fmm i. Km.l,.,. .t ' believe Ihty aland m their e.vn li.ht a to tlio .i, c.;; i, . : ' i cu it of Hie Plnth! !, li,lrti I.. ...;.l i trill rnnni-t In ,(.,.. I.:.t. I Pfrche by taxation. Iur li.c purpoae eftleelnrinn the New to be submitted is declared to bo nn amend. ''l""" A ,J"'J', imh ,Jo,:,r ? i Went, 94 i pliiu. April 10, IF.09.. moot of tho ordinnnco udented bv tho I.e. compion convention. perches to a,,.,; I'thciv by lartd. M. ofJ.me. J k'l' I IT, XVTH AtJl.lV. ivav, riiuth 1C 210 perches to .1 . . .1 l... I ..II .l nf I'li.Iln ! tl.-L- ' S ,. i l. 'll0," . Cot.forence-MefMS. f ,, ,,,; Unt.li.il.i 1S4 i.ra. and in ,.,..,,,,.!,,. ,.U,V.1U uibM.nung. i.o reau n ((t .,,,, ,,P M,11P trnct of land which Imuvj LlHou.Favmp Fpeoch in support of the j . 1:kl,rl ;oM col,ve,ed to Job:, Wil report, utiil moved that il be limited, and us- , a , 1 n ...,.. nr v.lii.li nr- ' I J II ?(UIII1II.J .I'-'UI !.! - cleared -wIhtoj eled n two-story fiamr lor ono o 'cluck to-mrmw. .(-... " i ciiii uH iitrrt n inn niiiCiTK nii.1 u imv it n .mi nt tn.i ( i .. . - . . . i - j . . - IS10 ttato 13 to receivo peventy-nvo per cent i. 7 i.,;. .1.. . . 11 1 iu in ureu wcehP, 10 givo licie to consiiier nr.i..rii Bmi . ,vrii f watcr, Seised laker on the sum realized ; when tkesamo amounls to ni'Te thiin thr. o and a half millions, prei ctis to the insertion i.f this amendment, and ouo exempting tho SUto from all liability as eiKkrscr, 1 would not have voted for the bill. f tho svdo bu fiir, and the conditions carrind out hu pood faith, on the part of tho purchas er or purchnsers, 1 can see no substantial rea- not credit them ; but that some of them arc sj no one pouhti. A gentleman borer a-jaint the the bill lor the inle ol'tlie main lino lat ffswinn, and who was polled on the subject, acknowledg ed that abaut .-..0n (to ue hi.i own words,) "wan oniiually filolen'' on a Hin;!e division. It was then and ia now universally acknowledged that ever since tin! coiiinieiireineiit of tho public works a siicties of baud end corrui ti 'n tmoo No diminiiiiru il the Slate tue pn. -.positiuti, and to tuku the icntc of tbe j Xeeution. and to be sold as the property Cf tu. hi, m.un u, ; John William -tainin. .Mr. 1 toward spoke 111 fat or cf postponing t J A M KS VANI'YKE, Shci.C. loriwowe .ts. 1 w,,:fr r.nv. Suntnitr. A ninthm to postpone till tho 6eco;id Men day in May was adopted by a vote ofjeaa lu nays 10."). i-.'iwiiit. The I.ecomploni'.'.'u ore thunder struck by their defeat to day, 'i'he Vduiiui::. t ration was perfectly confident of success. Messrs. Ctibh. Itrown, '1 'buinp' 1:11 and olln r I' it,'..;l if.t.(.ra nurii t,r..c.il . n fli., fl, . '?, on the contrary, the 1 ...:, o-tk'cir f;iml;ie!f j ,b ' eal'.-. v ' to .piil .11:1, ibiia. j Ti -p' A "".-t-i: t . . ' Tin vn.i viffin.t f.i T.'i.iVin- ?n V ' 1'JjJNI-idYIiVANIA AViHiii WUilliH. Xt. TU .lrci St. let. S'Xond Third, N. IlKI.T.li: T'i. 12 A". -.','( fl.iUtd.-1jM 1. ltiU.O-.Ki I'jied Applet, y.'.'iitj hu-btls Pea Nets. f'LU b itrola 0'ie-11 Apjles, !"(I0 Ivjts (IraiiRfs, -'b.1 boxes l.em o.s, f.wa b.:s!-.e'i r.if-it -e-i, l.lib'.l bvbel : IJliatl', I ui! I'i.'k. a. Also l;.n!:i, I'iT, l'r;.rt, hi tore or d for i!e 1st tl.e !owit no . .;ril ll. 1 i y vmminteu pure, wliirn lini. in s,i,.,., ,.K,,t ti(. Jws y I T il-e punt t''V' n Yihii t,,iv.- I'lt'lXi.MAb I 1 e. J' r,.-v. N.v V..k, l',-.a t'enrsjlvania Apiienltuf.-.l - uri m.J nine 1n..m by l!in I'lesid.ifit jf Ibi. I..jittl rvil-:.i. en b.s l.artii ;i ii t.'ie J'ub'ic (Ir.'unds, m V.'atMif iuii, i. u,iui if X. 1 "die. Trj. J A. P. It,t, I Ci ramrciW J'-jw tttxv J I. It- f-ii'it-T It,.!,prts, 1 r.. Miner, uf Cnrc lulanil, Nvw 1 .1 y CliinY.uk, Tb'a Mult .tit, Iq , C-i.n.n N..t , Ji nrn'a Kni;!it, Mr. I'lrlJ, ,vlr AlKin-..u, ui.il Vj v. J.-'in !!. t;.i I .N-!v .1.- Ml. V r;y r ifl 1 ps eli.-.V't-.t in ; . I.'i' if .M "leiif iim-.v in I , T'."iili,ii. i:t it iie; i.i'.,'i.- il - liill.l by -.tiCbll.t; . It In ..; I to tb H,e er.- . (,,., vv ).,. kf ,,, i-n-l. a '!...:.,..; ii., v l I I.....' I I'l ir ieleitti.ee !.., , ... . 'I . .... ,., , ,t ; r , ,.( . n i h it.c.' I r l'e.,lit..'. nt. I. or :t-t rl'.'i - :. r. .-. will I..." h.i.A l.i.ii t'mfi t.i : If... ,. l.,e- . xpense. SS-i" ((: in fi'i-.V l.j Mt r i; . r .pli.i:..-1 1 l.i.r.. , li-.ne ...,;,r,, A lln'l j.'.ei 1 i tlu i -, lf A ltl:ili:i.lSSfrV t'i ! !...; .Mi iiiK..j, i;. ,rrr rg'Hl. sii! -orilerfl risi'irtf"" inlorm th nil 1 '.'eiii''e t'.n! 1',. f v .' Jt US et f; V nil ,1) eemrieticed tiic ii.-iow l.urir. 1. 1 tue J .-.! I.I,,,.-, ,M.,:-.U ferjijsir.'. : ' V.'r;'( in n: j,i,!g in tl eir nn- of t be done jitompDv atnl iieatte en ' ( nuet,(n ternn. ' t 'I T.M i' NT f j I'tbrua-y 13, r :s. vv. N"l'i:i Thirty The. Kai'.rnrv! :'!. V,, ,:. , Pail P.ciid. Per I'.ir'.hir ri-tf IUA T. V.VviV: 5?'-' i'y.l've.-.iUi s;,, i -;, 'i .i I ... LI u '' A t 'il ; Si;; i. II .eil . 1 1 i v ii:.N r ! r: .si i:r I'.iT 55 Un. I i i r it i . i i t". ! I a.. 1 . 4'..: trier. IV t irv Z I srn, vt'liv anv oi.o in favor of tbo salp, ouaht vo onjeci iu iut ij.n ur.uer consideration, or . tbeni ha existed. . iii i'i:.. i ii i re i ii n.uicaieii. , ,iebt has or ever will, without di-piMinq ef ,,u ' ...u iiy.iui u, i. j ii -i-iji, t mi jjri, Yemenis, t ike place 13 till ooay, nave, 10 my niitui, a direct pecu- 1 prospect is that o lor iiiniy interest, in prciorrmrr tn Minliury mm them, the n. firiom binines. ef sinkirj deeper I f!i rnmnan v. tti nn v ol hnr na Mirrli'i -.i., ; .. ..i .1.1 . .1. . . r .t. w. 1 1 1 j ..... .w 1 , nun mi 111 Lfi't nit; ia invciB i'l u:b" c .kit win . . . . siJOuill tbe bill pass, receive tl.o ciguatura of I rontim.o. Since tho s.le of' the main line, the 1,Io?s,f H'T't-'f," 'Hvis thai, the Locompton t ho eiovenirr. aud tho party just named be- 1 taxes have been reduced .me-sixth, and next year j v'llU" UU'. 1 ",lra 13 lurn,'(i Tflticu como tho purees-r, it will, in my opinion. 1 they may be iHI further tedueed. Kntcttaiiiin? j ''r"'',' N,U':i;;l'!'- l' " "; " n 1 Ml', -) lefiuit in immense Talua to the miners of. the views expresj.id, I will vote (r the bill heloie i lm'" ,', :, !,, . r , '!c '-li'lcrtli (Ala.) I. i. "tt: i ::u.i:i . iji;; Wit fiu ie.-s tile e.pcc'i'il Inuinpn. Mere ni.e.i'n 1 m.'n never waliied out ef tho Hall of t'.ie ehuvlUi'il ccviu'v. Most devo.itl". do 1 be- ; tlie Simu.Ic, and if it he an err.-r, it is one uf tin leve, that tho couijilctior. (.f the Sunbnry and ; bead ai.J not ol' llm hcari. l.i-w. road, will benelit tlial lnteresbmore tunii lny improvement now contemplated, any nart of tl.is glorious Union. A sir.le Kr.'.'. ..I'a few mile? only, of thn chain cf railroads .('tween Pottsvilio and Sunbury, will c.nn lulo the connection. Wo have p;isod this ession, two bills authorizing the buildinj; of; linU. to wit : from tho western terminus f tlio Xhtirnnk in road. NorthtitnbeilaiuJ conn. v, t-i a point at or neur AiUuml, hcluiylhil! : exhibitin? bis pcvlihr povers in tl.iss Capacity '-, ,rtv " , t-efora the Queen, tho rdttec Conceit, thf -I predict that in lcfS than Princess Koynl, the PriutO i? t '. 1 from tint r.'n.f T..'.K ) ! Ttir AMIRISA.t HOKSi: T.V.MKH AT I C1 ItT On Saturday .Mr. Itarey an American, now . on a visit to this country, whose t!ill in ta- miiig tho horsH and coip!ete'y snbjectii:;; him j however wild vicious, or inactractuble, to his ; v.ill and rr.asifry, U bepinniiis to ottrnct pub- : attention, wis nirorded an oppsrtnmty ol ; : iiiul llnl nnd I r;ppe (l.a..l 'n cc.abl nut 1 dnvi ii or pressed ibto eauctioimig Mr. l'.:il j Isih s cctttrtvanct. t An epi'odo on the fli.or showed the cc''e. ment u:uoii the Siuitheiu members, Mr. , '1'rippi! exj biined his iea-..iis l.r wli: fur a : pOftponemeiil i:i opposition In the i:t .t T- I : . v i'i mi par.y in e. ntaii.y uini ;'C!..-.''i'.' fperr !;, vindicating his personal inil'.'peiuience. Mr! Hill wished to itial.0 a siunl.tr txnlat Mtiun. alao ol t iecri;i:i, ol.j. i:icd. iti.j'iirt J H;ll, turninj t.j- (itpp isil J!riuJ Street, lI;t!;itlcliI:tn. fCt i:'"i:.S, Ki.hili . Pcrcciip, Woven ire of all it sfn t am) widths, with all kinds of pl.'in nn il t'sii.y wire work. 7Aavy Twiiled X'irc f r Sr-jrl, Cntihi rs ; l eal. Solid and tira vet IVriTiis : Paper M ukcr'ii Wire ; l'vli-i ih r and Pandy Help, coveted in lha best manin r; Wire nnd Wi:. Pencinrr. A veiy superior auiclii uf A'avy Founder r-M ic. .Ih l.u.J.i ui' J-en f)ir Wire Mrivm. P.lVI.H, Wl.UiliV, Ph'lad.lp'i.'j. April 17, ISPS etni. nottrje: II so, in i- 1 I A 1 L to sen this paper by tl.e nul.-cri", rr . I.. t;ie Pn;l'c .'. r. i. r. l.:r- h i::, Ii.". J:. r.UKiliT .-ON srxr,r;:r. n.i.. P r.Wi", receive.!, end are new o; rt.i t a Hre V ! . ' .- tf ..1 to i:. i MlllVl I i,( the. Stockholder i v.,tt.. foul R!i, Hail p. ad Coir ef the T-c- oinr r i i v . w ui W he'. I e.t the i'irrd llonso in Philadelphia, i :i Ti;t:lAV, llih MAV. nrosimo. at thven '; rt.iii tl.t ir ' ."prio;; -Iit!., einb, ncii. r.rv: a:id .'e ;iraMe ( t'oot!', t.'a!ieoeH and Pre i (i::!.-,!rioi.i of tbe bite.t ai v e, Muslins of all 'juniities and j ri ces, K. Jciins, Linen Cheek--, nnd a i hoiec si lec tion ef III. ie;; and Pone; I .'-isi-netes, new s:ies. (Jrocerie-: of nil kinds. V. e re.-pei tf .liy iir.iie n n iiKpc '"i..!! ;c mr t In id '. W COl NTitV ri;nlrc2 v.ai.'.r l it cx ri..il,L;e et the l.i i'.ie ;t marlu t i. "'-.:. Aptil I". : tu t. .! i v i ; .' l.v ir.. i v. I I. w ...... .. . I iic-W Cir I'.V-IlH i.:.h.: S;.r:l i i.i : M.r', .i ll.. I-.. u fry : i r.i. I'l.o: .. : i'. . I.-i.mH, !.!. ,.' A fi. e.. I'm.! . i'l I'.-T ; r; it ..t!..;., .,-... v..i Air 1 f ! r- -ti:.'.,t ',M;--"I I KM- N.-f i'a ' ana: ror. SAL :v:v. l Ap'il 17, i-.".". M. .peukcr- n years l.cm to tiny, unless an aveiiuo o.i ;)e.ii;d to tho w cherts fnresU, the cjn.l mines ' ! a i-reat measuro, in rJehiijlliill county, mi: it ' uandoned. This, to many, may appear l"i;u- ' il:ve, but previous to clutinir liutse few re-j i .ub?, 1 will famish my reason for tajing . A great deal has been Kuid nbwt thn j orthlessness of thn barren wilds (,f Wir!"ri5 iMiiisj Ivauia ; that no poud could pcr.-iibly deiiv.'.l to the public by tho completion : 1' i is jireat and magnilicciit enterprise. To Is opinion 1 CLter my protest. The history every wild sput ill Pennsylvania, cr any i. r State, niter being riached by the im-ovi-meut of camds or railroad?, or bcth. nlnulicts tho opiuicn so palpably, ih.'.t 1 usider it too simple to offer any remarks in utradiclion. Great as bus been the ini ovciueut in the Wes. so fur as a ciiiit'e 1 1 r. t y is concerned, t-ehuv wt exceeded in improvemerits tho West ur as a single county is conccrr.od. Scl :yl. has cijUalled. if not exceeded in improve nts any other in the commonwealth, if not '.bo L tilled ttittes oust oft!)!' mountain.;, retrospective View but for a few years vill ivo this. If I am ri frM in t.ietnory, the nr.i'niU c a ti it 1 was finished about If 'JO; Crt eetiius I have been able t.i find mi ird, was taliun in 1 5-10 Schuy Hull then tained 20,000 thousand inhabitants ; in i, ClI.'iKl, nn iiicreaiu cf 1 00 per CL-nt., iu yjars. About the year the prest- :tof the c.iiial, for the first thro noticed coal tiado in his report, in which he :hat coil would probably bcc. :ne in time .:eni r,f cctijiderubl.t ccnj-ecjucr.ee ta the j trado on tho canal, tin re l.-iviri: that. Kiil l.ttS nUillll.'d, ' ol ules Alfred, and other members of the iioy.ii i.mi i!y with the lailies of tho Court, and niest of' tl:o foreirpi Princes nnd distinguished visitors now in London, iueludiiifr Prince PrcdetioU William of Prussia, the Pi 'iico of Prussia, ; and a large nnd distiniiibl.ed company. i To sh'jw that Mr. Jlariy'f power lift a : tiling personal to himself, ho has, sii. c o his exhibition of it at Winsor commnnicuted the secret of it to Major-General Sir Uichurd Airey, Lord Alfred 1'aeet, and Colonel Hood under tin; most strinjrct.t (.blijralions cf conr:.e hat they will not diiclusit it to olhi rs ; and Lord Al.'rr-d Puctt. who is now as uiuclt a horse tamer as Mr. lUry, on Saturday (javo n caccessful cxeiiiptiilcatiun if his sd.iil bi fore Her Jliijesty, the Prince Consort, and their ii tip i. -t visitors taking f.jr his subject a bcmiti ful dapple pri-y ponv belniieimr bo tho Prince Lord lllicu was nlono with tun led C.artrell tursui Lis l.e in at: iii r. is Jo'.ireravey.ii'.l i xe! iluifd 11 him wiiii ureal f:irv. tnr, and Gar're'.i if Lraveya.iis but M r. Gai trell ' W bo objects ward l;i:.i. -1 obi.ct."r..p,ied C.artndl tarit:i Lis head I'l U Verv hull" hi' ra i ir 1 le Will r.-..t... ,1 t .,,! , t merely paid "We tsiil talk cl'ewiii r-'." 'J'hu pealve? felled ttpott tha Arms to Conduct I! ill to his Eua w.'.s soon ri'stored in the Hall. .Mr. Stephens, who prides hlini-lf tpo:i his f.iln'e.;s nid neirtecv f itt.;,.;i 1. I, ... i..l or ealv in dwbut.i to di", wa'.:.i .li 'teri.ed hv 1 I ) Viw'" V ,!; b:i, !.'::::; to time to v. i k liv I in J.. JOHNS0. cir.or.cii: hill, m n r! ; ":" y- t 1- NOTICE. 1 1 c , nnJ it:t-ut-order i iival l ih cii 'ii f.. a Presided an I rec'.'.'s of lite Tn vor5on Cj.;la-;d Ih.i! I: i anv, v .;l '. e hi Id at the tJirird Pi.lla Ulphi i. f.;i Tu.-iJay, lltli May, i'oll eje.i ft o:t IV. to 1 o'cleck. V. M. liv ord'N p. i. joiiNo:;. . April 17, in7 riM.cTr-'i.i.v ;i,.-c ii'STi his ft.rr.'!. :.;:. 'ih'i. ih t-.' iiith.iry, ... I b.u . p. i e l : ?. ii.'c... c. in .l!'..! el s-prit... i t:." Ili. i-l: ai '! t.'-.t' tr;re-.-t en me--. I i t. r1! ;.;::-i A; id l"'i. - ly - -i l.. '! nt y.v. ', ..o 1' ;;... ., tt.i s-ri --t.) rriiv.r V, i!,e pi.'. 1 l.e has r. .".I .w d'llr? p". his Ti n". i..ii:!.'i..;.' l e::.i;.b s !.il;l l J S. J i. .v f c. ii. l e.-i ..it i Hr.V.el O'afi. , t:.;e i.on: b. auli. r OP. TX a re n i I, r ... - p. fl 1 t'ne r- i3 CF T.P... A. A. Ii :i Ai- ..I or-. .1. '1 I ..ly si in t:,.' .'. :, to the i very .ir.-ii.i: i::i t'." N'-r IT0.r, f. .;i)T rr: w v.... v.. s., rr.-:. i.l. la:. flieuMve nv.tte: . Il niOi! cr I ,!. Ac. I. II: ... one 1 . P.I .U ( '. V . .1, IV;., N In rlit'J. . M in ii ' tl: ; bCIiC."i. I.A.U'IliC- i f. : e- ': c.ii-' lid. V ;' i'l T 11- ' . i-I.iti. r,ic. t :1 i i '.Y t:me el ti.i il. I. . it t ? J p : '!'. Il h v.-.l ,1 , .;, II '! t sir, this ur.f xpr-ctcd defeat o his vexation he rent led to ti compel an iidjournmeiit and pa tip.Jli leit'JC tlio voi to T!u Pep public basir iibers ;c oi to rcc:n.-;di ry i. i,lp.':.c. Ucar.s, u :;,.. jS rc.-iale 1 th, the burv. !.! 1 y the i s:-mis on tl.e - NOTICE. able inlo.'.!i;tj i.f coui.te, tbt-.t on t:t : f ai will ' Ci'imtiksioiiei uf aiJ t ear.:;-at r.ei's l tliice in the borough ,-.i s.jr: ."th, VMh and Stltli ii;t..- (April . riii.i; .-.I T. rriii.N'. A N .' i C. : Ii e t i.Ml'i -iiT.VI ! Mil 1.1 N! Ii: " til ; -.t: - t" :: C P ! N ! "l" t.li" I' 11 vf P until the d-'V was c.h .-,1. l.t "o oti -t it h Iho iiioliuu 1 j Mijouni pofy for a few irint::e3 in th. ii:id i n the n Jrr.iscion cf the roys tros'.i'.i'.e Oil the cronrul. -with nl. ..'j!1 a f.".v hundred tons ti'ai.r. r.rtc-1 mllli. ri-j'V thu quantity has rutl up to 111:1. o Col. Peler Pralh y, de.-'d, ,;f ffchuylkill e.i;s tho hiiiirr of cor.eeivirjj this great tiUr.viiilre.'s project. II.) was wlut is cab u "self-r.udu man," a p:-.. tical aud farsee- tia'.e :tn.in, a 111.1:1, too, of sterling iiile,;ri-iiof.vilhst.ind.i'-j ;l.is, ho at that time lli . -.iliuiated that n canal, built exc Insivcly trainpertirg lumber aud miTchu.dlze, i 1 i:i a fow yi ars after completion, hu uii-d iii'itner uiid an cntirn difttiront purpose. ..-..d of lumber bein convoyed down, we. s Leon compeSled to carry up the tiebuyl cj:i il, lumber and timber f.r the List til er twenty yenrs in ?:'e .1 rj'i an tit : it. Let -. i-t i-lati: that fi-.".' re.iiaii-s nn olior ;:i-.iu than wcsUt-ird from nhenc- tchii) 1 obtain a H-:p;dy of pre. iuusuiid r ot:f able ai ticl. 'S,--! iuil.er lan.id cor.ve ' to tho min.T evei at this Jay, are more. blu than csai lands. : Sped. : --No man, utiic:s jirnftic.-iHy con .it si:h niini.-ip, rpc rations, can Ihrin ai y pti. :i ul llie i;u'.h:tus'iihle qtnnlily of timber f.our, i;r;.;n, pa:k tni bi" f, coini'i'iicd i.i ; i.c i.1 a mine waire four or five hundred ;v; men art cmil.iyfd much le.-t the . used in tha coal re:;i ins. I'j.ou tha coin a of the S:il ufy and Prie ih-anld thusa ar rind their way 15 .'ichnv h.:!l which Ibcbcve -nvitalily inMst, in tl c event of the c.-.iuple. il !ho contc:::pIateil rjad if n.i, ilien g) j of provision shtppc 1 at the likei for the nay find their way into that cnuV.y. ll's,i i 1 1 e would b'l one bundled miles nearer tic if ni-'-rhit than Philad.Ij-hia. oylki'il ii not an agricultural cour.'.y--tr.d nee of the m.-jor parti in of l.ci citijns .!tetice, being llm mir.inr; anj duiivenns ...'.cite c.'a!. 1 lie refctj't uu.-ents to this, u: '.ittTille, at all ttrr.es, brings a price i sevrnty-tivo to one dollar per hir" I, a:.d , nh- if i;ra.i, por!: and ba' f, from i ijht"en ! my-live pet cent, l.tlnr than ot 'niladcl- 1 To equalize the prices of provisions, with I t Philadelphia, wjuid equal if not exceed I ,'jtj thu people, the annual amount of and r-'.'utt taxes. Tail would bo a great age ti the. trade . f t'.n county, an l a g !- ! i the pocr and laboring pauses, 'l'hccaina I oilance ii the supply if lumber and li::i- j :it a bri. f period an the mountain and of Schuylkill weic clvcrcd v.iih doncfar- ' timber; at this time you see Lilt a bancn- 1 vo liie lauiel or fern biuh. An I 1 repeat less an openin; be made to a cjiintiy from j . a supply nt timber can bo obtninctl, I see r project lha:i ruin lo tho coal mines of nil unless tnc prolits here, as in I n ridinir scboo d j'arty it wad his lord.-hii sitl.io', ccrossii-'j: tt, Iiutidlint; its f.-et and legs rcftlinr on its hiiui.cl.L-s, mid in ali rcp. ct i ! treetinjj it in a manner proving i'.s cjiiphtc . suHjectioti to Lim. ! That over, .Mr. II trey appeared v.j'.h a black liorsc from A ndcrMm's in P.caddiiy, i.h , run (cry over which ho showed i:: a varietf ( f . . ways. PiacitiiT himself at ono end i.f the ; ridinjf-shcol he called to the ntrimal, which he j bad left at the other, nnd it immediately ran tcreil toivtuds him in a playful mnnner. It lay dor. n nt his bidding or followed bint like a dr. round the hii.iii.t:'. When down a p'ar.'; was laid tipi n its ilioulder?. up which i I.md Alfred Pii'rt ran a whrclbarra-.v. . Finally, when llm horse h-.d repaired hie legs , I he was mounted by Mr. ll.in y, who s at on : ! the utiiiii'tis cr.tppcr with his bad; to tho ' : head, beating a ili'jm and rr.u i.li.,' n whip ' over him, this treatment res'ilting in neither I motion nor four on tbo part of the hoi.-e. j j Ono of the fine stnd of cream colored horses 1 i bL'loi.p-;;-.;; to Her Maj.'bly was next subi cled ' ti the manipulation of Mr. It.irey, with a:i ; e.i't.illy jiiccesr.f'il and anrpiisinj r.fnit pa fur 1 as I-iyinpf tin; i'.r.inml which is mi entire hois-, ; , down was cnucerni d ami laudling him all. I over with the m't i-'ciTect frfdor.i thn hurso tamer n L '.'rcming it ilesiinhlo, on so r.hort , , c:i i..'C!::iair.lan;.', to curry thn fen'.ill trity to the i xtent i f opetiii,- an nii.br. ll.i in his face ; or tiio crachin ? a whip, or lieatin,? a di n;: over Li.ti. p.'t-idei thn frequent display lo s;,:ii! vicious pre.per.sties, th:.i pa; titular uiti- : mal f." Lite hasr.c.-er piTmilt. d a;;y tee In' ride h'i;:, bit l.o allowed M r. P.a.- y to mount him wi'.l.c tit (.ffcrinpr I'm lean re.-.ls'.ai.ce.-- With this e:hibitiin termlii.!'.i.i, u;ei tl.o . Q :e. ii ar.d i'-:.r iiiiiotrlous visitor?, by ivhoin ii was" wilM-s.-ed with the most evident token.) ! of interest and wonder, took their departure, j It o:i;',ht t.j be seated tii.it S.r K.Vi.nrd . Air.-y. J .md Alfred Pa;;, t, nnd Ci lorn I iioo.l to each ef whom Mr. Ilarey has c-rnmnnieati'd ( h.s r-ecrnt. nr3 undcrstOi d tn i!eclaru that then; is iiith.Di: in thj tr;r.tn:!-nt in t !. snalliirt d.'L'reu p.tiofi:! ;.r improper towards the l.ntca r.i." jecled to it, or which .voiihi of I fend tl.e su.-ov, 'tibilites ofa bystander sin... ' lively alive lo anything pai '. lUins in tht least of craelty to a dumb animal. 'I ll' y nlso a- i sut that it toiiti .Is of n'i tr.ckcry c f at y dc ?rriptioii, nor of thu usij of uny ilr aL, (r meb ' r,:. ic. or ctber Fii:jiliu iiillucr.ee vhaU'tr. y. r. K-ircy. s theory is that hithci'ta all cur tr-'al:m-nt of litis .colno r.eiinai at least in tin- pr, -liu.innry slaves of breik.re. ur.d so firtb- has procco.ifd on ideas cf l.i-J nitcre al; ...'ether erroneous and cruel, and 1 ecu in variably characterized by unnecessary vio lence, which bus worked tl;o ihirpiay of rc; if. taiice ami othi r kindred qualities on his pftrt a:id so tho evil has been perpetuated. Tho prinoiplo on which Mr. P.arcy poes, on tlje oilier hand, is one of extreme kindness und tenderness toward? tho animal, tlu object b..iiiL' to convince him that man is t.i3 natural m aster ami friend and to elicit, his con'.iileiico t'iii V it A S. it by thi.-i'r ns it it II 3 .Mr. l-.i.Etl.fb s l:tiv bet ;i mod. lied to dy a:id Ircm hour to hour. As fin;, rc-cite l, it ii very dllTereut from what m..s two oaj : li.'t) weru ct ti i r..i:..su lo sup; ert l-.'itir: ..,: a vn.-i oi t iiat wiul.i -i:.t mo wi,o u;;ucd to e-j f.r it li probably ut'cliiiu to vtle fir presented. T.':: rLi-'iisiir.i i s o? Sniu.-T.ii'c.i, t, Ls. ;m -.uix5 Li.iiir Mhx KiLLKi'. A corn spou dciit o! the llotoii T'-iiri.'crij.t, vnit.B Irciii iiehoitepol, March 1. Eavs : "Tho t v'itibt'.clls strewn about the city do rinji tLo s-":sro are still c!oii:tr th: wotk of death. No less thuti tij-ht i!i ii-hs, ! think, hate been caused by OJCplo.-i.ms of these mis silos filico my nriivul, hardily a year sivce. Only a few days ujo, tno o,imeii i.i-!.)i:,nr to the llnplish fteami-r ''ih.;. route,' eamo on iliL'ra near our shipyard, and fern few trinjites we;o conversin;r with Mr. Cowen. They then flartcd lor a walk to tho Ihtdati, rjiiitii near ear rcsi Jnce, and on reaehine; the breast work. oTio of them picked up nn i-.vplade.l du-toiiiit-itf .shell ir.tenuirij to hu p it as a relire bat ti mi liter it r-.t'uer heavy; threw it down, v.-bei. it in. -tun Ik explidedand hilled blin, al ii- mill The re-whecee loitS.) lor the J urpose cf nctiiy irg n:i-ta!es in i:iiy of the .Wes-micn:, i( any, fur toe pre-e:.l year. ' I.ojc to'.- t'.-i.is rtnl l.otgol;.'; vu tlie -." .h and CametJii, l.it!l-Mah'..sfty, Jach.o.i. I'pper Au.cUi.la. I. j cr Mahonoy, Point, W ahi; !on, Milt. .n hor:iu;;h ; en the 2,Sth, Zerbc, Jl.r.lin, Northtim'. i ;1 in I l-i.ro-ii;li, 1). hiwaie, I'm but, Mt. Cam.cl, Lew is, Mcl-lwensville h-jrc-iah ; ea lite I'.' h, Co-.!. I.ewr Mahonoy, Cl',ilh--.p.n;pi.', -"-lian.uhin, it'sh, J.owir Augusta, f-juliuty bo '. i.iUith. ( MAS H (3TT K N.u '.''1 N E, FKMIjKKICK StMlllhKNT. Cotnrnis.-i.ifcmis Otlh-. ) L'on:ri.iT;ivir.c.s. Sunbury, A ul IT, 'i.o Ne-tl. .-,! i I ST.'N, is;.': : i A :-.. t ft n.o'iVl:!.': March f ' J nt. ! I Jv. Ijiii- u.ij liiu. n I'i .:-aluit IT in c T.t : 3 ; i 1'C V?.'I-ri ?.-t'T : -t t bi.: a 1 1:.- 'jjiKirop :i..t ;i .?T' ". !v- vN al!-. A C.-.r 'HI ViiM. Al V ' Struts. I--.,',.-ti e l.uien . I I'll i:t .kit i-.viti t-i ili '.:if i- intiij .i-.is 'it, i P.rsti;ss L.wi '. VMS. S. t: I.', f.iet i t cue- TTOTICE. IN the mallei cf tho setllciiient nf ihe os':.if cf I.ml.vi. A P'let-j; r, !c-cared, late of Cbtlh-.-ia-q.ie tiiwu'diip, Norlhlimbcrland co.n.ty. "VO'l'ICK is hcichy given that the wi.hr.v -L''' and rrV t of said deceased, ha.; :i.-i!h her lection ol tlio rrsonal property of sai l i!i::.l:J, sfco.-ilinr; o ll.c act of Anccmbly, inu.le end jroiidci lor in fiutii cases, which will b.' j. re sented t t!. Orphans' Court for npprosal on M.jie.iav, tin- 5m! e iv i f Aupiist uevt. JU.S.Ni::;Ui r. Administrator, thamoli'ii township, Aj.ril 17, 1 80S. Jt -la t. r re; ! I: e IV I ex. I w C.ee vi:t lo PKHS'i:.. : . M..VV l i'l -' VI'KM-'iilVt r.ll..'l.ria. I b w . 'I "I - : .in;.- . IV !..n. i -i -1.;'' . -s - ' I c -'. int. I s r,i-:.M:i:.. i.i.v. ::1 fnr l!:c t'te- . e.l' I : I ... i I i-i . r 1' r t . i !.- I. iiit t '; 'U ft '. f : ' 'i nt re H i:', rs.v ' 1 '... 1'iT.i: ..i in .ft -.; l.ie t . .-....' . it t.iie.;.- N :'." 'i .. e-, nu.:at l..'v.i.'- - . n i i:ii:mis , :n. I Si I ,!,,,. t,. -- H I ' Pit 1 ' iJi-'JjTJi r l -r n .- pii.1 pubiie .-, i i r rto.l rciicv.i:,;.'' the --'.'ii- t i i i.tcitali: I . ih ;i . i.P:e;:t :.:ei ; it: a si::table at ! - .1.i."-,tal le r. 'J'l:-.ni.:"i;! f- r tl ... ; a'r.-Vi-e father, lie re. .,-. ;v sjli.-i's tl liicsaine. !. v i'l I ;'-.e cl'.arci nij;t 'ii llon-e" . n t.te I'r t day I le vvi'i h.iVe nn I t;i;iiil es dif'i'erent Ih.'ilrc.i ! 1. of i'ussi-tlge.C, IrvC ei' cb... w. Inf .r.i.s l.ii I. at l.e is r. ;. ,1.1 HoUi'-e," ! i .n::i;ici.t i i- el... n in- (.'( '. c -. .ia::';... -, Vll, ::t ,: c d ire I ;.- :i-: .1 r. of A run: t;.e I., l ;:-n-e -. : : n. vt. le l': 1 r .ii. t::. ; r: l IV .:,: el a for the iiceo.'niuo.lali.t , -1, A. COVilliT. t-'iinbmv. . i,. i r Un it I .. -. : ir.-. , l ' l.iNr.:--., ' nt- r.ti'v p i lit. i 1 mci.l Ii FEE"1) ; INilllMilli enllv ma.le an et, most tervi:-p tue i;ia.i in. to liie lioiiv coiiitib tely cutting ofX hit rijfht le?. mams were bruiie'.t to nur yard, they were buried. Hi, companion willi a flight scratch npi.ti the hip f.-llon ins d.iv two P.nssiatis wero si 'uilar mati'n r, w h.le Oil til. Kiihd in a and hiiialv ret'arti. t r. Hnrev tionr-als to what b culls "thn intellect and offetiions of I c" i.ot appear to luvo been well pre the horse." and states that this is the f ecr.-t of i dicated, for a Lioard of Public Works Would all his sucee33. lie is a elichtlv mado man I bu able t nccompihsli but l;ttlo with their about thirty years of are, thu eon of n Ptoek j i irrner anu nrceiier oi iior.-es, who liven in 1 ra'ialm county in tho Statu nf Ohio, and is Eitr.tc of Lemuel Itoadarae!, dsceass'd. ' TJ" ' i-i '" " ' y Kivi'" '''at loiters f A,i I JN miuistiation. oil t!;e estate of Lemuel . KoiidaMnel, latcof Shamohintowii, Norliiuiniier lai.il county, deceavc I. 1iti l ecn Riantcd lo l!;e , Liiescriecr. A il pei sons iniiel.u.l !j :n.i cslste , will p!e:c make immediate payment, anil those raving 'Ijrns piest-nt them duly aulhenticatcd h - 1 - I 1" ii . r , J ..il 'i'l .. t.,,.1, i ., .. i.;..i. .i... . ....... ..!i. . rtc.i, ii. i i.e iuis i.i . nil .1 i lie toiiO'li-siOii ignited lha powder of the shell is u i-ur.o:is iitlair, being a Binall eipiilateral cross, with n capsulo at each point, and four little hammers held by a human hair. A sudden jcr bn.il.s tiic hair, cans'iiR tho hammer to Eltihe the end which explodes. After the shells uro charged, thu locks nro inclosed in a copper I'jbc. iiiiil ii.s.irtod within tho holu of the shell, upon which u ping is placed. '1 he thi lls, thus prepared, ofu pluccd in a box of tho s..o of an orJiiiary chronnint-ter box, which, I", r F.ifiity, re.'Jit bo handled ' this biilo up, iv.th cure." tAN.lt. E3VISI ,HiCl lSIH.Mi 'TSrt.r In con.er letii'.-of tho pas:;!igc cf a residu. i tion, bj both li'i.ilativj br.iiiihep, fei l.-idilino i tha puymetil of any money to them for the , pi jiivulioii of repairs and other work, after ; the pa-.:.:-,; , of the. b.U for tit." sale of the Stnte ' Car.uis to thu tMitihury und Lrle Ilaihr ud, tbo . Canal Cuuimisfciuiiers have tikeii umbra. re, and UavegictMi notice that they will cease to f xc rcif ? ct.'.n l over said works their hands ' bw-i( ci.ipiiuiiC.iliy tied. Tho Company to ! v.hom the ". ikj l.avu btin transferred are , mining utraojenienu Lr tho proj-.ct:on and ! coiiiplelliii ..f all t.eci.'t'r.ry repaiis, and for: the fuccsssfiil operation of theso important I improvements. The defeat of the b, II for thai aboliliou of thu Cjnal Heard, therefore, wiilj bo productive of no food to ivhuse pectinhit y j iiiloresls were thus bought to Le cared for; I and Mr. IlriHAi.i:w't advocacy ofn neces.-liy J for tho eor.liiinaiicc of tho Canal Commission- -The sitht.ri' cr will stiriid at the house of P. N. I.i-ke, P-.j , ,.r that purpose on -Situr-day, June f.tli, next. MAKY ANN !! ). 1 ARM EL, Adm'iriv. Iiaiiokin, Apr I 17, I 5. Ot , Adminiitnitor a Kot'.cc. i 'V'OTiCK in hereby Riven that letter i cf A i- ' ' minis rahon have been pruntc lo the sub scriber on the esive of Mary C'o..k, late of Point ' toivntbip, Nerlluimlcilaiid county, deceasid. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imiiif i'.iate p lyiueiit and thoco having claims to present them for sv ttleinent. W.M.1I. WAPI.F.S, Adui'r. Northumbrrland, April 17, 1HS fit I : c .". r 11 IK -r i 'Or Y , re t in his itore roo::i and hits ins', recti a fr?-!i supply ef Plour and Peed, Vmnic.il, c iliH stnek consisis of Corn a.:d Pic, C.trn and Da's, .and Corn CHOP. II. bed Corn Mi-.il r-.-i.l riitckwh'-at F'ottr in sai-b.i, ml of which will In :.l h,.v res c.--:t. Also, the P. t a,u Chcajt. t asso.-tii.ent cf riour iu this Mstlei, from PI VP to sI'.VLIN lXh.I.AP.S per I'.arrel, a-'Ciodmo lo ipe.li'y. .-II':-, a lot ef I'iour iu s;teks at very low nl-i, '1 h--1 sob.--i i.' rr jj-i res bi.i cu--:.iin.-p -. li:.;t his arrantteuiciits fir c'.tlr... V.'e-iein I'l.otr nnnhle him lo i;ivo liuin Idler t . i i.-l"tie-lti -n er v!cr 1 ar-aii:-. than cm le ,i.l.i:...l eNev.he;e llcin' tl.anki'.d h.r ) ..ft pati.ii-e to ini-ril and contiue tj riccive tl.w 1.. public tei.e.allv. C. O. L A MaiVet fc.p..-e, f March Sil, ltiis.- I 'i : it ;: 1 1 it :r s'ii..i.-; . :; A. X. '1- , ? :: .- :. . l 1 r -it I sm i :.;:. Tv:iip. iht.-.i and cil 'lids p. -dry i tttiiv on In; .1 pi d f n si.le i ri-r-f VI- t.0.i.'.'r. A X. . a::. i !i i ; ir.c.lf the -t:i iuii.n.s c I name t.;' 'l-amiy. As : is .til .,;el:ier silli'-.-i- r. a i t' for i'-ys.f.- .it, Vi. t.:, , ! :;o. r lieeer ii i J.-Piltt . A .-. o. - , A':e-, L -M! l.PV'.s .il'l.'.f j I.INli CP A. M !' A ( iN II i b.r , i l l':e i .'I -iiV.-.'tiii'O.l of .'i .-.-it c; , .iiii.ij to i-e t'K- onto jiv.: " i' -.l , i ...I . ".'.'v i.ilcni ti -i .. .- i:.-- l.e lii" l.tl-np-l ...ni.t ic'.ett c:.i tit. ir .. - .1 .ud Colo 'M, ins I. a- tr. . tJ th; t'.Yi.---. -.nt. M-b I tr !:tii:l I ! : P. PAP! JOITSS jIXO-Cj S.J. .?.s 11 1 l V; i tiiv AD!! C v'P-.l I fe ll A It K . n J. . .. . c. f.ii .'.) I.: , be hop. t.i' I a t 'I". P.N. 8 r ii i x a a jl Ji a ; o i: m ;; t . SLl3'v tACKAWA H A & ZLU'jjliZVL" R.Zl i "Y v. I.nesr.i . -,. ,-t i i6r have dcVr.uli.r ' ii. i; m llt i t t ' ' lh:s notice l- reiliit ..eaiii :i : " r C.'.t- '1 tnr i.ti .ih i.f (5... du. li.v Co nh-, lir.-il.f, I!;ll 1! '. .. ...I i-... c. ii..!s ii: .il.d nil Roods U.-Uuilv k Pt it .'etirv tis ol .j tilt:. ic tbe I tisi;:.-. , w . di-p ; - ! c:i :'. .. . f tioiiihi en or bif -re oi si day ol' March, l-'", to.: t -r.-on cr pc wb-liiii to eiui.arh in the. .i--ii.cs:i on fsv.i le::ia. 't l.e ..ituathm ... i - ..I i ;ic I'-r di-ii evli'iisive n,erci;i..le ir.nl.-. Pot f.i.i IJ.ie -. I-1 - .lp:.i-,s apt ii-ir. I'.-'.vo.. . is, A t-'. 'e. w e t'' 1 I dldllN . I'l. . .itcam berbv THi: Stockholders of ihe Shamokin Kerry nnd ITowboat Compniiv, arc nutlftcd, ll.tit ail i leclii.il w.il be held at llin oli'ti-e of the Ceinpany. in the horocsh i.f ,fc-'unbi5y, on M.ji:J.iv, the ;U day of May next, to choone five Uirectors to berve t.ic rniiin: year. 11KNKY l.'UN.NPP, Sec'y. Sun'.mry, ,;pril II, Ihrw. r-'t rc Iloor.i in Market s'.revt, jrm;i!v u j.iiil by P. W. tiray. Apply to thecx- ccutoia of II. Manser, deceased. April 17 lKfiS. y..J Knc liuiii- tv. Kit... 1.1 ' I.ti . l-ti. ! a " I S' -l . t II A i'l Wi ii I W.-l eler 'iu ami ' :u.'. 1 nlMi :v Y. Mail. 6 ft. A 3 , i. f -.'!'. !...- f.-r '. ' N n i- 'i t .i-1; .a i. . I.t... i ....I ( i. t.a- l i.tfn'i is-, el. I It HI. 4 MHl'l it. A.- .tic" C.ti.::. M Mi: .- a (.r,. r uu.iri ts t.ii-in J. P. A, Pa, I'. :-ru,- i-.-i -.Mtai'v ep I v mail. I.' P. K I.I.N P.. O h, i--.'. .1. c. A occi uld adbrdthc use of iron instead ol wood i '""- "-. " " ' ' , """u V I'V"; I ,y prcdic.onn be reahd, then without I .'""t p miles fron, Columbus, tho capita j .r.i.. a... . .. i j o 'bathtalo. Y e believe that b.r Richard i.iciicn ni mi: ciii.oury una j.rni laiiroau, t . In , , ', .i,.,,, .1,,. c, ,, i . .i...,. : ,:... I Airev and Lord Alfred Ferret have been to- p hu uisiaiii oi (iiit4 im avi J f if mv I hands thus murlu I, to ke.-p them out of tLo treabury. liuri isburtj Tclt yraj h. n that I once knew a paper ininufacturer . A piirittr 3mo jcars Tjo bavins ct- hh s'oik, was camp- lied to ttop iinuui; r be wrole a letter to the manufacturer ;om he obtained bif paper ordciimi a new 10 m icuer no icisiveu tlie IuIIohiii 'i'""". ) .u, inija i.iiuuilt i n't inako paper. Send money and I'll ifcr." Siibsoquently, the printer iut:r i", scciiiij tho volumo cf buainria matuit ied. Althoujh our case mud beHited .iflcrcnt sllll, after we are out of timber itni will be tho came m that of paper, V'e may answer, that we have coal, bu y or litnlwr. We cn't get coal or mom at tinihar givo in timber, anj wo 11 sen inJ money. Not a pound of ivul cad r-d, (unleea tha coal aeama ot veins are ,i:lar) after tho openir.j, wilnoul tlio une , plank, &c enlwr In confining myelf exclusively jrei" of top! f Wchujrlkill ounty ,re ao far done, you may coniidn me tical snd wliith ; IwiU tbcrcfor. rftr Northumberland Bridga Company. , I A ''b clion f..r i fTuers of the Northumberland j I P iid::c Company, ta serve for one j car, will j le held i.t the house of Mrs. IJurr, in Norihmn- j ! bcrhind, on MNDAY. Ihe ::d day of May nctt. I I Tbe election will open at 1 o'clock, P. M., and close ut i o'clock, P. M. The books and ac I counts of tho compiny will be submitted to tho , ! stockholder for their inspection, ut the same ' ; time a:.J plt.ee. I i 1).' lilt A LTIUAM, President. I April 10. ISAsT 4t ; Ofllco qf Bhainokin Valley .and Totts- j i itille Kailroad Company. ' 30'J Walnut .irect. . I nii'i.Ain:i.viiiA. Arrii 7th. in..?. A MPETLNG cf the St nkhohl.Vi) ( f : e Sh.i- ; i :iK'kiu Vulley and PolUville Pailrnnd Company I iill i,a 1,-1.1 i.i ui ... ... - . 1. . .. . 1 innners winin tno last six or bi ven jeais. p.c-u.o voilhucic-u ou t .luoi.tu , oJi,ee 0f ,i13 Company, in this city, for the elcc Tliero nro Cfty thousand skinned carcasses of prinoiplo and has li) feet stroke. 1 bo bteam , ti,)n f a President and .ix Manacers to serve 1..V.....0. iir ( boileis Culb. -3.1 111 Ol-.i'tteter. I Ii.: Nrw CoSmsii I't Mi'i.-.o L.iiiNB. Mr. Con. W. rr'r.yd.-r of l ottvillo recently turned out of lii-i i stub'.Uhmoiit, a lurpe aod fiipciior Cor mth Steam Kneiac of DUO burse never to be quested to inrpirio iuto and report epe-n tho , used at the HeeUschervillo Colliery of Mr. L. system of treatment adopted by Mr. Ilurcy ; Bordu. H was put in operation on Monday jn the iuterert cf tho (,'ororBtneut. i last, und performed to tbo satisfaction of all j imerecicii. . fpsuiy uumner ol gcuueincti Tun R.rr.iT Tkapk in Bkgivm. Tt is ul-1 were pre:ert 83 guests of Mr. JJoniu, who d.s- mo t nicroitiblo to wnat a deprcooi lmpor- pi.iyeu mucu cuu-iesy uuu gcuerosiiy ir. tncir , it. !.:.. i.. t- lo .1 il .till ( -v'b 1 let , - ili C' ". h' ii. i.e. i.., r .ii Ct I'l; in .nth. It j . Att.vt; ut ICf .'-:. ,., i"1 M lb- I.e.iv? ; K 1 1 ; u ii 9 ?1 '' i i ll i ... -K. 0 in .1 . ' '.'. :l l'e.l-t a, !l .lo j l-it-.t ti, le tj .! . ' t.ili-kuw.lili 1" IL rt ' j l.o . r-.r. .-, IU VJ -i 1 ! Ai i .1 e i.1 Se.i. -1.. , t .i t.n i! i '1 i.e - V 't's M oi 'rrii. 1 s, 1. ii Ctis". ...i D I.. W Itni .l.ii.'c ii: Nov V.'ik ? Ii I' .1 ' rio.j.i'. !, :.iJ, ! v l ji s -J-l I'. M. I :;r -1" in Ktit-r. to N-.'.v . ixl II. r. nrO;. 'J i ..- ii-. . ...uiiiii'-liilion Triiia N wi.it li.it i.. rcas 'I'lani IVt.I, r aJ. .-f.5 It .5.,.l ? io r-.. nv:r:sio:i '":rc'.:-rt. v.zczr, rtii, i HlU'.'t .v.. .-. a: hi.;. , H 5 it 1 . p. p.;:,. iiii ..t.inllv . ! 11.il lVl.il, c.-..'. '-h, i;..,-. I'lits, - i.'"-..i i.''i i .n.i i Plrl, I Pill. I Pa:os ati , A c. I I. Pin'.r.Ac. ii -.M 5 .Jo ti III et. jr. rnd ITniTt-s t a' JXA'iJ -1', J li. IiP-- -ilC'l I'l I.I.V ;,: ,rms Ih, .1 15 ,1 . -i . .- : ; ..i,l. ...ui.a .V; Anil- ik-i'leo. 1 :fc tin C 1 1 i: . -JllCllli f.. citu-m. ..fSiut'-iit .v: I t' ' -t. v,;'" renerally.tbat he h-s -lwU 111" sttop i.ecnp'e.l be IJ.i tl.t :i Peck. Hie do..' ens-, i I si Ph- pt.-I l?linel 1 ker shop when- i,e is repitcd to t,.rn c.-t w,. in bis line f himi-.i s i-q-.tal lo.:i -- t..j,;,. , sec. an e. t'.ie e.ini.l: v. II -h rs pr. .-h.-IcJ ai.d ,.ll !,,t, 's r- .b.ce taken in'i.i.il. t Huii'iti-v, M.i.ch 0, ; -t... iy y.j' i"ORr-;i:v t ia Marl,: . r :' sv-i.'ir.r. y 'oiiect..-.i. re o e a-ul i : .. - !; it: -in., o to . r. mpily : X. A. . ll Pi -rlh, t- Mtt: on n. i- D. ir:.-Scc.it..-.. "'i .-i: s .,it -ti ! I. t. '.V. t.a... i !Xii fOUT'iP lntwetj 'Kir, I hve no monry, tar; o ' taneo this branch of trado lias otUiued in i entei tainment. Tho oo-rino is direct octiiijr, merit ore wiy lunusanu BMiitietj earcuncia ei i i........v u.iv, ..uo tuui these a mm. -ild exported weekly to 'iik;lond cylinder lias u diameter of hi more thr.n twn and half millions uniiually . snjiplied with steam from six where they find a ready market as articles ot ; loci lonf anu: Jt luetics foo l, while it ii Jiflicuit ta sell them in l'luu. di-rs ut twoiity-Qvo cents apicco. Tbe prepa. ration ami coloriurf of the shins' givvs cm. ployuu nt, in Ghent alone, to more than two thoiu.aiid workmen, and, siuce tho business sprug up a few years ago, the export of these skins to America, Krauce and ltuosia has be come very considerable C"nariiiio mast be tbo swamps of Florida, which are said to be capable of producing five hundred bushels of frogs to lbs acre, with alUja:,ri tnovgk fortncnj. enuiuo connects directly with, and drives two polo pumps, both the sutno lift, 1!0 inches di ameter und having 10 feet stroke. Tha columns of the pumps, are of tho same diatne-' ter, and urn each 1'ii) feet in length from the Bump to tbo delivery. Tho weight cf water in thu two columns will almost reach U'd.bOti lbs. I'he two pumps are capable o( throwing 3l!C U. H gallous at each stroko, and may bo run from C to 8 strokes per miuute, although on the occasion alluded to they mado bat S tlrokts, with aftout 40 lbj. of itvaia to tbe stnar iOi.b. ' one yeKt. EDWIN M1DDI.ETON. Jr., Acting ISecritary. Apiil 10, 18.18. 4t NOTICE. AM. persons iudibtcd tj James nejr.Vlatc Prothonoltry ofNoilhiiiiilwrlandcoiiniy, for fees, Ac, are requested to make immediats pay ment, and thus save coat and further trouble, as all account remaining unpaid will be placed in the b nuja of a Justice for collection. Paynmnts cuu be made nrit to the subscriber or tu J. H. beard, at his eliics. JAMES BEARD PuDtury, Much 87, 18.-8 - tf bill St-tiii I .it, T.i, I rv. ie, I :iei..'tvi.:.:.a, J'.'.t.t ii. V is! I'.iui.-n, Wri.it,-, Airo c it iliiii;l -tl, l.i'.llC Kin tf. riiii...it-i, N .!,:..-. ke, lim.-.. k t Ci k Mneii' l.lilit) , H4-i..- l,i,..e, liiiicli lltivtti ti.-iwn-k, 1 .1110 fl. '(JC, liV't, Iil.-i.nl, Atril-ld ut itni. Vl.titl. Ma. I e AM. t. e-i :;.) i- in 9 00 A..'C- n;;ao. .I-i 1 1 it i I is. A t I I I.i ilo 1 J (v M. 1.' I'. 1- M. It! IU do 1.' 4.) ri ui Jj ? V 111., I. r.i- i 4 1" ,' . I e ,! , 4 ;o .'.! I :;.. 1 I ' f-'.'.L-0-.i"r.:. w?;; i.opha mus. i.i-ii. 'Wf rn ' roiilldill: !.!'.' of ten ill ."' l is toe .- ti7 'oa c '. c in!-.-, I'tii tb? liliiiiciy tn ; P..iv .-It: -'.ui t !;-.-., ;i.! c, I V Co- ll.l Jo ill ll.l VI tl lit .'i'l 11 'ij II li 11 ! 11 WI 1 IKl ie io p. m I .' ao do i.. i t di U to Jj t ru iii .lu .1 . l-J .ie S. il I. I .i 6 HI (I i.o 7 to 7 4,1 7 b I.i 4r! il In 5 la 3 tr Tli-t lvl.i!!i.l. h'b a .M ill " :;i.a,-i tr. ' ( Hit. c itneu v.ttt ll.e Mail 'l'-Hiti u' Itni ft. t tee Vail lil I li. i. ftl.i, , I'ulliiwiirid, l'i rt t'liu..i, I 'on si i tie If t-u.linc, ft e , iii i ie. iu(r nt I'iiiU.I. l.U.a, ul b JJ I'. M As.iv.tti MhiI T.-jhi g .ini; W'efct ul 1 eVto. k I. M. I..r i'aiiville, M.ll..i, Mm,, cy. Vcliainr- rl ai.l I'laiiia I'us.n.iieri l.y tli... 4 ..'ct - ek r. M Tra'a pen T . m'n Can tui tits 11 Ci-'rk I'. .M. lii.iirl timti T- i I". intra tail the Vi-"t. or li.t1n.c al li.Oi .i..l,u. ae.l lukfl lin- c.'. cl cU A. M. Trum p.'iiig Kit!, uni.ti. u; iJi.iacit.a ot UnriUbtir nt ii uisti F.J.U-AVI N'WORTII . . .'o,ii)i IS, ItVt Ptrtvsluiinutut. Tavern, ivb"ie i.i! hi:' li rf i;.,,,i (io.-d can I e I-.id :t t'rr I. wet I Dress ins'-tea itli i utici.J .1 manner and latt t tve. UAp.il -.v.. h.J,-'i and -tyAi.!. p.'.rrtt. v,indo-.v ,;..-.,. pu..,'. Csrri. ice, nnd Tu', . j t li CJ n'ts, (.'..col .... i .ua-n ai.j npi rt . r ai Pec 2d, I-i.'iV. 'C I'm;-: lit.!! r ( Tii: i i ii:i -:i i i il ki l ke:; ' lit I T V I''. ,i-h.-. ;, Ih mi ! iC. h-t-v, 1 . a- i -.t: .'.ir. Co, i.-' I )fi.-i: i nNcp -. ; r.;r n. ! ' VVni.fer ! l-'.-re. 1 .; -e Vil ct :. -- j fj .1 '.- A., ' " j 1 Ml. 11!'.. I .uobuo". I'r, t-r-r. i- In- ! '-i of -.'I I.I. .'-. - ' !-:::- " li-: !,.-. Pn.k ' :';. .-I :t i-'ie .i ; 1 1;. I . ai :etv i i" 1.'.-.'.' '.ei r- ::.-i.ry. 1 '; -. i, ' I'll P' i o i i-i "'':,:---i i i-au.v : ; ... . , ,;'; Mi., e p.,, ! 1 t.'e'-.-' . s. '-- I..' IV,'-' -. C . i'i,.id. I'-!'..-.-ha. b ie I : -i .. I .'c:. ': . l'i'. i-.ietic le '-, I ,:,.l -V PI" ci.i or,, Pee. Jt . ? 'i i . ; a... i e' j- , V ' Vi iJi'taii.mj ..... .t iSO V AHlis I'A l! PI1TJ t:..-n.rr.cU-.K .-.-It-er ii, Cjit.-.n, nnd a su.cuer f..tn of IW Ca-;'-. v.ttu,; al p:i.-e to suit the li': Hec. ;ti, ':y .ilaf, l i'li. ie mt l evi rv iiiica un.rtil B".'iCi r ,'er Ilh .so.. cii.r.J ut botii.-, f. r si lilt I lii ul' -o. !i-..-f, li, t.'.ll.IllliO 300 SA''K;st;-4'l '''.,':i lutdi'.y, Lit nui.l ity, laige sacks, and f. r t- i'c i.t tbe loww.t f'sure- I'.rilUlli'i frOW " fm.biiry. Dee, Sfl, IS.1.'. :., , ewr. v. D. c. .1 ICS Up. ri I ' i.-''ei..' "i p;.:.:iiT tA Ceol ol.'. -c 1'Oil 32i.r. on 1-hun 1 P:;:-v. Ait V.- 'I JUK I' MO..!!. T.-o-h ued J'lir I'ru.he I all qualities, anil unv t;us:.ti-v, ...r sa; j Mai.h U, 'ST I c.pti;!; ui.ivi. iu. f. it it.'t c'td j 'itta- 4U1 'M. Vt' . . . T:t ai'.l i:. s V'e ;, ;'.-.. -UN.