(' From Ihe New linden Chronicle. OKOW vs KFiITT. rhe"Sonlliren"cmo down like Kite on hit ,,J the'ch-ML followed to ec tlie affray I And le ci-'d wiili an i-alh, while he shook like a mouse. . , hat business hnvo you on tlii side of the he-ue ! TV,. ,r,-.ke r. Growl"! en ay m' '""'fis (He In w 1ii:n a t'lillv. and thought b"n n "0: ."v -!-M. I'll Maintain, in this hn!l of the free. To ' "-lien phase. n,,J wheirvcr I he!' Wr .'i'- '..cm '" Kcilt, "hy the answer oii rii:t!o I'' f,;. Grow, ug ii" co.,I!v--"I meant what I said. 1 in :-o '.?e unlike ttie polite "Mr. Guppy." Kent sni .! -von're a Black Kepulican poppy Vonvered Grow, with tlio words and the spunk of the Iree. No i'iiM-1 ti e!ave cracks I8'" ,,ver lnc ! ,. a'.i! Vulval. i in" Keitt "We'll bc about that, A i If sj'tw "l O.-ow' thrMt. liko a wild moun tain cat. Jn-t l"-n ci-meri "stunner' 1. i:fi'h hi hTl car. Ar.d ' ti e gentleman from Sjuth Carolina" felt oncer ; ..... i'mi" rri'd that "stunner was planted by t l.-.i -.v f B..t "Chivalry" fancies l.e just "stubbed li'n toe.' )' T'icii on rushed the fo'.ith.in a terrible plifiht Anion ru-bed the .North, to '-back up tlio Vi.sii.i l -r.i. .,! mi"' like n fi-r-flv in June: iiii.i "ortuhl up a ftniic-wari'dj-ittoot: l" Ohio ' Wu 1. 1 'iminil. n ii. I it KPcimd t-ry plant "friend Crow would -hit him .! i:i was there, sti Iking rut tyht and -nf reason t ore ft j irlh a -'terrible di" :'.!' l it the N T!,... vi';i f""l' a "n.ri.h ei'l "oil went a wig; T; i n . -Ji'i 'I 'd a a'.iont and u cut r r.v,r. .':.:i t ( wig "ii replaced with 1 bark bide be. 0 '(' i A id i'i North, looUins on n.i 1 erjoy'ne; the ri,?. Vii..it,M 'he Ik-jJ was turned 'round ei weil as t'lC WIS. Now. pra- U restored; to, when Confess ad join::, And the "rn.-i.th.-r" to S.iat'i Carolina rotcrr.s ; Ills fiic;..!-; ::tay declare "hi" !. h't all wits"- That "Norlln riirt" 1,'ivc him "panicular fil ;" Y.-t we'll h ' p that thclndi'. s, f.ir(rfi?ttr.g tl"- lii-w, W!!! jjrcjrnt hii.i a c uie.aiid ihcu -hir.a" up .ii toe. Svlisccilancous. Advt'Titagcs of Tcrnporanca. golomoit tells thai the gl.mr.n t Ln.1l come t y.t v 'ity ; w irns na to ho nut atnoii( ri itins i of fl-i.1i, n'li'. '"''II I'i'lii ns put a knife to Mir ihiouls if l.e mvii civen to appetite. l thor :v h-i-f ilespiratc rcmniy ; L'.nl l'yrf-n once in! J a companion Mt if BOirt- ilr in w.in'n'. dictate to tin just how ihim Ii we pitht. to fint. it would put nu end to half the ini-ot-i'S of the race. Joiiathuii l'dwnrda we Boe ntinrr in hi? tfiury: "I lii'd th -t I ennnot be convic-ed, in th-j time cf online, t!'"1 to cut mora would be to exceed tl.c bouuus of tempi rancc, thmtph 1 h..ve h id two ycurb' experience of tbc liko rvi ytt three minutes nfter I have done, I am J. ;..re.. of it. lut yt-t uiitin I or-cat, t "hall ho fOtnewlv.t faint if T leave -'-.B I have finished, I am csa ees, a id so it i; from lime rved that more really en it is according to 'h-rwisu. ve' nfg tt mv catii . worth u Abern ed his lU be corM go. ppon threo Oil;.. thro liin.-s a da; wa.er. On b;s',.. Lis flesh and inin.. Marion and his mini liotit with tio food but sweei. , hut wat. r und r.o shelter bnt the sky. "Besides brown bread, the lir.'ok boatmen subsist almost .ulaly on their native fruits, figs grapes ai..l r iisi.is. They ore rr.ost nibble c tive, graceful, c! eerful, and even tho merry neople in worlu.'" Grant Thornburn attributes bis cheerful old ago to the fact that ho "never eat enougb." art! thuasands of his countrymen are wearing i cut their bodies not so much by the excess of business or multiplicity of carer, as by tba overwork they crowJ upon tceui in U.gestiu? ! surplus and unnecessary fucd. Sporting News. We ptrreivj from our spotting exchanges that Mr. 'i'..v liiii.tcK does not propose remaining content with his Ces.irewith victory, but intends J ienc .vin.7 hU campaign against the livers of the E i.slisli terf unriiig the cofning srmracr. He I tin pure lived 'Ch-ir'cslon," one of the best, if not il.c licit horses on the AmciUMii turf, and chipped htm to England, ard would alo ho : sent over "Bonnie Lassie." a marc thai was never ! yil bjaten, a;:.l t'ie lcst three year old in A me- rios, hut that she injured one cf her fore lejs a ! i'ew i iv inre, ill her tl iL'e, and had to be put ! out of tiainir.g ccn-rqucnce. -Charltston" has i wo:i sera;- half a Jjzen races, keaiiiij the beat I horcc in the cou.itry, and if he u.eets with na I ac iJent durtj; hs vovaie, and is tint affected by an.iis mil Bliecieu i.y , .1 , . , ,,- , , tut chuii.t'" on Ins arrivji in Liiglanu, v e may e;:- pert tj l.car id liu fa.lv inain'.uiiiing tha l.ih re- intul..i..r the l.i-h rv ; pjiaii.i.i lie w.:n fjr himself here as a first ela-s Mi' horse, under ail circumstances aid nt ad di tai ces. He is lour yiars old, in color a ihnk bi. :nl is bv the reuoivi.oj '-Sovereiau," whose i stock is Icc-j:si:: tr so f in!H in Atmrici. ,'ilr. j 'feu bro- , with t.'hailcMon," will h..vc sis horses in England, n.t -I'rioress." '-Uab Inn," 1 a thite year uid, by " two jcar - oi.js, -li...h:.." aud WiW.i, jin," loth i i Derby , f-r 1 s:0. un-lbrtd in this euuut.-y, and Charles- ; t in." He baa i.ot cutired his hors for any of tho Sir. i.; ran s, but douUltx their name will! appear among the nitrtcs fur ths sainmer and fall contests. A CnwutLiMS An-Aia. l).,utcnco'cl.-icU yesterday uLivnoou. a youiiir woman uppar 0 uly of (j'cntuu desc r,!, pn. ceeded to'tho bro'.i-i's ilixd of .Mr. li.ilip Howard, on W.iliiiu ttieel, ubcvo '1 hi.d, a.nl ntki d L r a CfcttaiO ybutiff mar.. Ha made bis aprieu.-ante iu a lew in.'.iuent.'. 'cm atuitin r pan f tlu fci'm.', acd the fetnaie, without any farther cer.unou" coi.imetKvd CuWaliiinilns him sonr.d 1.', Jut iislba blows wereutMijitof.iii thick bdJ fajt one or two j prous in tlio i nice in tetfered anil Hopped her. She appeared to bn pirfeelly cot I auJ t'eteruiiucd. On nti- r u' from the nPice bhe proceed; d to the se .tore cn Third stree't, above Walnut and d a young ge,.tle:tien there to wrap the .k!a up. II asked her if she was going -e ,t on any person, to which .htf reel ed gar stot a-k C-iusb to use it on any person, ":. that sue lust ImJ uono so. In uuswer to to -thet questiou, bho responded tb:t th'j man vbiiuhhe had Hogged had scnudalized her cLuiicter, and the present advco'.uie was the only resource at ber command to bare any thing like redress. She appeared quite calm though it was evident that the exertion of a f. w moments before caused quite a glow of the rose ot beauty to mantU her cheek. Her ti"porlu tit la the segnr storo was that of b ay, aad :ir kittdiy thiukinjr tba attendant lot wrappi,,,, up the cowskio, took her depar ture, aod the next moment was weudinir her w..j through the buy throcg suTLirdstreot. 'fatly Atiii, 1'iit first duilv air.!. .... I- l-iA - -i .1 . -....c in ii. rSMSIisnu. ..:.. s . V': isW rir aaV i '-,1,bc''',tl0u "'ictt ' WnifKRr Koot. Boma timo ago, I wrote yon that there was such a thing in this coun try as a ''whiskey root,-' you believed. I now tke my revenge by rending you the specimen. It in whut tho Indians coll "Hic-oke. It grows in Southern Texas, on tho range of tbe antl hilla bordering on the Itio Oiande, onj in gravel, annily foil. The Indians eat it for its cxhilerating cUVct t n the system, producing precisely the same ns alcoholic drinks. It is f liced, as ycu would a cucumber, and these small pieces chewed, and in uhout tbe time ns comfortably tight cock-tailt", would "stir the diviuily" within yon, this indicates itself; only its effects are whnt 1 might term it little k a v-o-r-l-i-n-g, giving rather a wilder scope to imtigitinlioti and actions. It can be sliced and dried, uml iu this way the Indians pro servo it, then pnrtb and sci ved it up as coffeo or tea. !t i evidently nf cactus spines, aud it r.'E.:h)bI.'a that inino than any other plant. I huve never seen this particular root mention ed in any woik.uml believe these and speci men ! f cut Ihe editor of the .Southern Cul tivator- lo bo the only specimens sent from the Shite. 1 wish you would have these ana Ijited, iitnl publish the result. Texas Cor .Vtw Ui U ins I'ictitjunc. Navii-atiSo tub At.t. Considerable ex citement whs created in Columbia county, Arkansas on the 1 -lib nit., by the sudden up poaranco of ii geuius, named lien. Johnson, from llarru-uii conrjty, Mo., in a balloon to which thirly wild geese were harnessed. He sai'l ho had been travelling in mid-heaven fur luarly forty eight hours, and thonghl ilinbout timo to come down lor "tonder. I ho ttory reads liLe u hoax, but it is tcstilisd to as tiuth by respectable witnesses, A fr-'UI,T. IvSTRl MKVT OF ToRTt'RK. llaV6 o-.tr lady readers ever reflected upon tho fuel that so small un instrument as a sewing ueudlo has deslreycil moro !ive., and cuused more siiilerm?, t han the sword. It is true, how ever, as tho mortality among sctnistieies every where ntli tls und our only wonder is, that parents wili pwvent their daughters to grow i!) slaves to the needle, while tho (jito vun .V J.ki:ii jjewinsf Macbines will do better and more beautiful sewing than can bo done oy baud. I he time is cuiuing wlien tlio pa rert who cm.senU to havo Wu daughteis con tinue I a-r'-H-uin. will legutJud as wautiug in u.Tection for timin. M af m An F.An.K Oiri.S rort Camforma. Mi:. fc-AiiAii Pei.i.ktt, tho refurmer, lias turned t:p cyain i she proposes to lorwaid to Cali'Vriiiu a consignment of five thousand inurt'taguftMo girl frojsi t'.iu New llngland .States. They r.re. to be consigned to thu va rious divisions of the Sotis of Tcmpi'innce, who ari to provide for their wants husbands included. jiimorcus. Ynnkee Courtship. Yai.kee courtship iu the country, is a " pe culiar institution," and tho parties ut first sight are ns shy as rabbits. Sally generally bits in the chimney corner, beside thn dye-pot knitting stockings, urn) Jonathan sits in the opposite corner eating npph-6 snappitlg ft seed occasionally at his sweetheart, and looking at the. pictures in the fire. Thus they wili s.i and say " nothing hardly " until late in the evening, and Jonathan thinks it time to go home, when be will put on bis bat aud depart with soma such reninik us this : " Well, ftall I guess I'd better be getting along. It's hog killing' to-morrow, end I've ot to be up right mart airly." 'Oo(.d'riight. Jonathan ; call agin," is the response ofSaily ; und sh(? puts up her knit ting work and goes to bed. " Hit," says. Toshnrt ( her name is Mehit ul1f, but we call her Hit for shortness, ) ufter sittins up with her till near midnight without vord. "1 "on t know much about cf, you'll just step behind the nthin , " otd Hit stepped, cue day, iu the old chaise, with side, Jonatbon, after going about - without speaking, ventured a side a.id observing that Sully, rvercome by teat, was apparently" asleep, be became nturesonie. Her bead gently ret lined on side, and her pouting red lips wero just parted sufficient to show a giimpes of the pear ly gutes within. Jonathan's heart went pit apat. The temptation was too great. Sully would never know anything about it ; so leaning toward her, he stole from those beaa lilul portals some of their nectar. Sally w as not " flumuxed" a bit, and Jonathan venlar td Spain and again, until she awoke, when, stretching her arms, nnd giving a yawn, she broKe the s:lence witu : Jonathan, what air- you a doin' on !"' ' Nothing, hardly,'' responded Jonathan, " 1 know you aire, neow, for 1 can feel it jest as plain as day. ml, rf you den t like it. ' ears Jona. than. " I gue?3 I won't tech you ngin." " Wall neow," replied Sally, ' I didn't speak as to that ; I was only thinking bow sly you wasubcout it, that's all." It is supposed thre was a motnul adjust ment of diilicullies " all reonnd." M. C. .who took part in the U imnn re volution, and who is now an employee of tho Credit Mobilier of Paris, was summoned tba other day to the office of the Procur. ur Gen eral, aod asked if bo had knowu Orsini. "l knew hii'i very well by reputation, replied M. C , "but 1 have never to my knowledge seen him, though we may have met in the Roman Constttuteut Assembly." "That's wnoT, urfimsaiu, replied me i recureur lieu .,, . ,.. , , . ... .,., i,..,. n.i i uj, ur ins iiciiiiin ir?9 ttl' "HlllfU 1UU i .. m 1 . . ' r '-u.ui. n-p.ieu mm ,ie was readv to accept tho mission if tbey would show him tho will. "The will we cannot give you," said the Procnreiir General, ' the law not nduiiitins: those who aro condemned to death to make a will, but I undertake to nc ipiaiut yon with his last wishes." M. C went at ur.co Madamu Orsini, who is at Paris with her two young children, and offerej his service to that lady. Madame Orsini, who has been living iu Italy, had not seeo ber husband fur three yeais. An I rich timgirtrote, lir.vinr; occasion ts write the word " ufage," contrived to spell it without using a lingla Utter of tho original ' word ; his improved orthography was youtitcJi. i Vt.eu some remarks were made u similar facts, ho averred that nobody could spell with I pus made from the quills of Irish geese. j " George," said a young lady, " there's nothing interesting in the paper to-dav, is ( there ?'' "No, love, but 1 hope there wiil be j mie day, wln u wa shall both bo interested." I The young lady blamed, aud of course said "For shame. Gecree " A few d tys since, a pious ild lady, prepa. t;o io Kiiurrn, was seen io take a wr''sn" "' n ""ty f, p"'d r?,m. '",r tr"uk' ,"PP' U' .f" M. " ' P0'""1' Ln'?,T 1 '"N'1 "? "".. tbat it ! 'L y 'n, h"r d?v,,,l,.'i' " f"r ' .ere the treasure is. there will th heart !., BlkJ." Mrs. Partington has seen an article in the papers headed "Conspiracy to Murder Pill " Mrs. P. wants to know who Dill is. She ul ways understood the conspiracy was to murder Nap , not bill, aad she canuot make it out at all. "Doctor," said a de'parirg pit'ent to his physician. "I i n iu a dreadful state ; I tan neither lay nor set ; what shall 1 do ?" "Why tben," replied tbe Hoclor, vt-rj gravely, " I think you bad better roost." 'Ob pruy let aie liav my way this time," aid a yruicr gentleman tj bi lady-luve. en, nlie, i ciippose 1 must thtu r nee, I but "u kr'ow married, I j shall slwojs tavo Il'i.'. of tny own." MONEY CAN BE SAVED BY PURCHASING AT THE r3"rjlsJX3"un"sr, NOBTIHJMBBRLA.ND ootjt-tt-2-, &a.. We have Just roceiveJ and are now opening large and choice sclc sled alotk of WINTER OOOlS, compriing an endless variety, and will positively sell out entire stock at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. We return onr sincere thanks to the public for our inceeasing patronage, and shall endeavor to merit a continuance of the same. 1:. y 11 11 14 ibt Si sex. fiT COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED AT THE HIU1IE3T TRICES. " Sunbuty, December 19, 1S5S. LANCASTER COLLIERY FOR SALE. Important to C oal Operators. fBMIK undersigned Lessees of the "Lancaster Colliery," near Shamnkin, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, wishing to retire from the business, offer fur sale the Lease and Fixtures of said Colliery, on satisfnetmy terms. This Colliery has been in operation since lB.'il, and has Ifi-n successful beyond expectation. The Coal is a superior articles for all uses to which Anthracite is applied, and a good market has been cstablii-hcd. which can lie much extended. The Ureaker and Fixtures are of the very best char acter and will recommend themselves to persons aripiaintid with the hiieincss. The Lease runs to January 1, 13U, and is a favnruhle one for the operator. For further information apply at thn Colliery in person, or by letter to Shamokin, P. O., Nor thumberland county, Pennsylvania. CliCHKA.N, PEALE & CO. February 0, 18AR. tf VALUAELE REAL ESTATE OlTF.nKD AT PBIVAlDE SALE. rSHll subscriber oll'irs at private sale, a cer B. tain lot or piece of laud, situate in Lower A ucusta township, Northumberland county, about 8 miles below 8unliury, hounded on the west by the river (Susquehanna, on the south by land ol Ceorge feilcr, on the cast by land of Wm. Kroh, and on the north by land of Wm. l(. Jones, containing li Acres and 18 perches, all of which is cleared and in n very hih state of cultivation. The Northern Central Kail luiail passes thrnuch the tract, and U also bound on the est by the Muin I'oad leading from Munhcry to Hairishorg, which together, with the liivcr upon the went, and the fertility of the soil makeB it a very pleasant and desira ble situation. A l.!SOt another c-r'ni'i Tract of Land, situate in said township, adjoining lands of William Kroh, on the sonih, the heirs of Kn'ncrt and Ar thur A uchinutv ; on the east Wm. V. silver- wood, and a public rond on the north, and Win I!. Jones on the we at. roe'iiiniuz 93 Acres 121 perches strict measure. .About 60 acre of which aio cleared, and ill a high state of cultivation and iho residue most excellent land for cultiva tion. IimI i now covered w ith excellent timber, and if purchased soon, the purrhas. r csn get a large quantity of Uniiroad Ties on the same. 'I Lis tract is also well watered, havim; several line springs upon it, ami every field ran he wa tered thereby. An indisputable title will be given and terms of sale reasonable. WILLIAM K. JONES. Lower Augusta tp., January 2, 18fi7. tf FEBRUARY 20, 1858. JUST received ly Pailriad another lot o choice and desirable goods consisting in par of Fancy Hclnnes new- styles, 1J luck and Fnncy Silks beautiful Madder Prints at 0,8 and 9 cents per yard Pe.sian Dcbege 12 ce nts Plain Delaees 12 J cents 36 inches wide unbleached M uslin C cents Also 1300 yards Muslin dif ferent widths and qualities French Cloths, Cas. s'uneres, Satinett, Keniuck y Jean Vc. at excecd incly low prices And we call particular atlen lion to our Slock of Fresh Groceries, feeling as sured that their quality and our price wiil render j entire satisfaction COME ONE COME ALL ! Exnmiii our goods and learn our prices, our stock presents a large and varied assortment, en ah'.in:; purchasers to make a good selection to the best advantage. GREAT B.A.RGkA.IXtfS, In ronsequnce of the advanced state of the Win ter, wo will commence from this date to sell our entire stock of Ready Made Clothing Blankets, W inter Hosiery, and a very nice assortment of Ladies Shawls at greatly reduced prices Now is the time to secure good bargains. A 1-E.NNV SAVI'OH A IXN.NY KARNF.P. E. V. BRIGHT ii. SON. Sunbury, February 20, 185S. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. TI'xHE subscribers, Execntors of the estate o l Henry Masser, dee'd., oiler at private sale the following property viz: A large two story frame dwelling house, together with about fiO ACRES OF LAND, Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John K. Kaufman as a store aud dwelling;. The house is new and the location a good one for businesK. Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONE LAND, in said township on the river about 5 miles be- low .Sunl'U.y, adjoining lands of J. T. M'Pberson and others, containing, about 90 acres. The soil is productive and contains limestone ar.d other minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing about 35 acres cm the hill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining lands of the heiis of tho late John Conrad and others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply totfio subscribers. H.I1. MASSKK, ) P. B. MASSER, SExecutars. FRANCIS UCCIIER. ) Sunbury, January 19, 18.")C tf Farmer I.ooh to Tour Intercut. LICT3 1 LIjVEE 1 1 fjp HE sudscriher respectfully informs the far - mers and the public generally, that he has leased the lime kilns of Ira T Clement in Sun bury, nnd that he has tlways on hand, and is ready to supply a good quality of lime to alhvhn may want for building or farming purposes. He, lias ul.o a kiln at Heeler's crossings miles from unbuiy, or two from Snvdertown. fK" All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange. CEO. W. STROM. iSunhury, Dec. 28, 1807. HWER's'uaUIDAljTDYE. Tlie tMiiinui y of Pi..f. lWh und Ur llriui-klr haying previously tea pulihmiril, the Mlotviu; is now mliltil : From I'ri'f .MeCUlSKEV. I'r.rineily P-ofeinr of Throrv and 1'iaelii-e of Medicine in the Female Me.lu-ul l'!r"e if l'eiins Ivanu., und lule I'o.fesAor ol bmgeiy m ifie American I'ullegeef Meilii-litr. Ae. : I liiL.DiLl'ini, Nov. 47th, Ireifj. Mr. Jorru F.. Hovis A uial of y.m I.1QI II) IIA1U bW. wlllcniviiiee llie in.Hil skeptical, that 11 isu Are, klljant, anil tsficAcioes preisirtuiou. Vulike many iilheri, it lias in severul insUiuces proveil seivieeahle in ihc cure of s.'ine cuunieour eruious isi the heaj, und 1 have nt. hesitation in cuiumcndiiig it to those reijuirina I ii-h un application. Veiyiespectfully, J.F.X McCI.OSKEY, M.D., 474 Kaee M , atsivs 13th. IIOVHK'S WRITINO INKS, I net o.l i i - HDVKR-S WHITING FI.LIU. und IIUVKR rllMlKI.IHI.i; l.NKS, till in.iiiiiiuii il.cii Linn elmmeier, which Inn always dis luiKUitliril Ihcni, und the eitensive deinand Urwl crested, luistmitiiiued uiimteriupled until the present. Orders addressed Iu the Manufactory, No. 4 IU RACE street, above Fourth, (old No. H4.) Philadelphia, will receiveprompt attention, by JOSEPH E. HOVER. Manufacturer. December 2 18f7 April , '67, cb. lOOO Iba ol Cur.tet llagr "tVANTED at the store ..f E. Y. Bright A " iSon. who are constantly receiving fresh supply of Goods, thus olVe,iiig uthe public the largest and most desirable sssorla.ent. Julv II. 1857. i jATCHOCLV, JOCKEY CLUH, SPUING I FLOWERS, Ac., of the best quality j a fresh supply just received and for sale at the Drug htore of A. W, PISIIL'U. Sunltirv. Aug. 1, 1807. WE STILL SURVIVE THE CRISIS NOTWITHSTANDING the astonishing quan titv of Goods that I brought into town last Snrina-.I succeeded in selling them all out ex cept wliat I gave away, ond had to hurry to the city, for a new lot, in order that my customers might not be put to the inconvonience of buying at other stores, where they would be chaiged killing prices. Profiting by past experience, I have just brought on Twice as Many Goods, and I have now the larerest and CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT ever offered within hearing jf this place. I em bound to sell CHEAPER THAN EVER, before. I need not say cheaper than my neigh bors ; for that is no longer a disputed fart. I am now ready to deal out goods twenty hours out of twenty-four Sundays excepted at lower prices than any person dare ask lor. Just call for any thing you want. I am deter mined to SUPPLY ALL DEMANDS that may be made, reasonable or unreasonable, ('all soon, as the rush is Iremendous. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunhury, Dec 20, I8o7 ly 1857- FALLoVINTER GOODS ! 1358 A-T T. "W. GRAY'S FANCY DRY GOOD STORE, I Market Square, Sunbury. 1 VOW received and will continue to receive - ' the largest and best selected Stock of : Jlluck Cluthf, Cassimeres, Costinclts ami I 1 Vs'iW, .ye. An assortment of Dress Goods, viz: Fancy printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, Da Lain llareges. Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapacas, Dress Silks, Ginghams, &c. LINEN AND WHITE GOODS. ' Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet ! itig, Pillowcaseing, eve. Dress Trimmings in Great Variety. : Hoots and Sliors Hats and ('tips, Hardware, CeJarware, Groceries, Queensware SALT and FISH, Cheese, Crackers. Vegars, Tobacco. Snuff, Ac , an assorsment of other Goods too tedious to mention. Feeling grateful for past favor we beg leave to !!' -C our old friends and the public that no l in our part shall be wanting to merits coi nuance of our patronage. i oiintry produce taken in exchange at the highest market price. P. W.GRAY. Sunbury, Dec. 12 18.r7. tf A VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. flHE subscriber will sell at private sale a L FARM, situate iu Point township, Nor thumberland county, uhout 3 miles from the horouah of Northumberland, on the Danville road, adjoiniii!! lands of J. C, Horton, James Neshit, Chas. Parka and the north branch of Ihe river Susquehanna containing 75 to 100 Acres, to suit purchasers. ' The land is iu a good state of cultivation. The improvements consist of a l.,ri;e frame HOl.'SE, well fiui-licd ; a Spring House, built over a never-failing spring close to the house, a linnk barn aud oilier outbuild i.igs. An U. chard with young anil chutce Iruit trees. 1 he above tract will be sold on reasonable terms and an indisputable title given. Posses sion given on the first dav of April next. For further particulars inquire of the tubscri ber, residing on the adjoining fat in. JAMES NESBIT. Point township, January 3:1, IK58. tf "lOL'NTY ORDERS. County orders taken v as casli for gooJs, aud on nutc or book count by E. Y. BRIGHT i SDN Nov. s. l.'.fi. IJORTand MADEKIA WINES, SchieJam Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry mil Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes at March l l, a7. A. V. FISHER. Iishing Tackle. Red Cork, Grass, Cot ton and Linen Lines, Out Lines, Sea Grass by the yard, Snoods, Flics, Kirhy, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, Rods, Ac, for sale by March 41. '57. A. '. FIsHE-R. ioalj .made C'lOllllnsr. Peter Sham Whippoorwill Uangups, Mohair Raalanc, French Cloth and i'lack t'nion Coats, including a nice assurtment fur Keys. Pants, Vests and Monkey Jackets, all sizes and prices. Sunbury, Dec. 26, '57. B A'IGHT 4 SON (sJQI ARE and Long Broche Shawls; also, WatcrThet, Bay State, Waterloo, and Blan kct, Shawls, latest styles, all qualities and prices. Uec. ti. !Ho7. URIGHT & SON. P. MELANCHT0N SHINDEL. Jl STICK or TIIK I'llACC, STJISTBTJ-R-X', FJY. Office in Uetr Street, immediately ojpvtite the Fublic School House. All business promptly attended to. Monies collected snd all ordinury w ritings dune. Sunbury, April M5. 1857. tf ftcw Ortigsj, I;iintH, &.c. NEW supply nf Ihugs, Paints. Oils, Fluid, &c, just received and for sale by A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, May S, 1HS7. AND WARRANTS. The highest" price -"will be given for Land Warrants by the sub. cribei H. B MASSER. A TENT BRITTANIA bar bottles for sale by STOPPERS fo B MASSER. H. Sunbury, July 19. Irlftfi. stationery .- t-3 Paper and -A large supply of fancy Note aper anil Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Puper. Pens. Ink, Sand, Ac, at March 14. 'S7. A. W. FIsHF.R'S. rpobaCCO and Sogars- 20,000 Imported - Segars of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S. Bunbury, March 14. 1S.S7. A. J. ''"ROCKEFELLER Vttornen nt Can), Practices in Northumberland and adjoinin Counties. Sunbury, November 11, 1857.. tf WUOIISAIS AID RlTAIl BOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S.t, above Chemnt, Phtfa. BOOTS, Shoes, Gaiters, ic, promptly made to order iu the erjr best style, and of the best material. Philadelphia, May 9, 1857.. A LMONDS. RAISON8. FIGS, LEMONS. Ac, tVc., just received a freah supply and for sale at the Confectionary store of M. C. GEARHART. Stmbtiry, May t6, 1857a Vain Itanished t 1 F B rilOLONaB HOLLOWAY'S PILLS T suffer the pains anJ penalties of sickiie's when the eettnin means ol cure aic accessible to all, i positive madness. The vegetiil.t remedy, nctinar powerfully upon the pauses of disease in all the fluids, nerves, and tissues of the boily, exdVI the inorlud nuit poisonous matter from its lurking places in the system, cleume and pin if y eveiy secretion, rebuild the shnrtercd ei'i.slilulioil, lestore tha vinor niuf virility ot the enfeebled frame, aa4 lend to pro. long Hie lur neyoun us onunaiy iimn. MILLIONS RELY ON THF.M! In every quarter of the etobe, amonu nil notions, civil l"dn.l saviiRe these Pills are used with equal and nnva ryins su. cess. They are advertised in every printed Ian cunge. nnd whereever commerce has penetrated, they are in continual demond. ALL INTERNAL PISEABF.S Yield toth'tr netion, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Af fections of the Roweis, the Kidneys, the serves, me ! Thrni.t sod the Brain, that have previously de bed nil hiimnn skill and nil other remedies; are expedi. tiouslv and inlnbblv cured bv this uii-eonqorriiig iiicuicino BODILY rftOMTHATIll.N Tven when Ihe nntients are reduced to the lost decree of feebleness, they mny I reeuM-riited by the resistless tonic and alternative properties of llollowsy's Fills. KF. MALES OF ALL Al.r.s, From whntever vnriety of the ailments psculior to their sex they mnv be sulTeriiiR. mny rely with entire confidence un tbe effect of tins Streiigihing , leviving, Pale and im mediate remedy. Hallway Fills art th htrt remedy Innwn in the world for the following ttisetite: Asthma, Fever ami Ague ftone and Orsvel Bowel Complaints Femnle romploints Sceniidniy Symn t'onghs lleniluchcs Inward raknefS i -.,,. Indieestion Liver Complnints Chest Diseases lnilurnzu Lovntsf!pirils Cnslivenets Inflanimntion I lies Dyspepsia Venereal Afleetiuns Dinrlnea Worms, of all kinds Drossy ItT CAL'TIOX ! None nre genuine nnlest ti e words "lli.ll.iyvny. New York nnd Isustoii," ore discernible ns as a wiiler-timrk in every leal nf the book of directions nrouiid each pot or b"X i tbe same may be plainly seen ly holding tbe leaf to the light A hninliine reward will i.M mv...., io miv nue ruiiderniff such informntiou ns nmy lead to the detection of any party ot parties counterfeiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing theiii to be s.uirioes. old nt tbe Manufnrtntlea of Professor lloM-oWAT fit Miiiden Line, New York, nnd alt Mrnnd. London, by nil rH,wcoilile Uruncists und Dealers iu Medicine tliroiich- illt llie t ililed Stuns, and the civilized world, ill Is.xcs, nt J.'i cents. CJJ cents, nnd Sl each. IV There is a considerable saving by taking the larger 1IZ.1 N. B. Directions f.r the gtiidanea of patients la every disi.rdcr ore nftixed to encti hoi. October 17, li-a?. lyca. Tllli Mltt-IAT ESTABLISHMENT I N T II K I I' Y O F HA 1. T IMOBE, A T A Til HIT'S ;ay Street Warrronm os W.I .y 1 ond o.j North tluy slreet, ileal l-'ovette, Diit'.imore where is kept ulwnvs on htiiid. or nrule to order, every slyleof KreneU TKTK-A-TKTl, iu Plush, Hair, Cloth or Hroentelle. rrciieh Full PtnfT and Meitnllioa Parlor Arm Cliuirs, in Plush. Iluir, floih or llfH-iileiie. I'rrneh FuilStutl "Curved Parlor Chairs in nets, with fluth, Hair, Chita or Hrocatciie. SOFAS' Half French Spring Mahognny and Walnut Parlor Cliuirs. in Hair, C'lolh and Plush. Hocking Chairs various designs, in Hair, Cloth and Plush. SturTSpiing lounges a large assortment attvais en hand, or an) pattern made or covered wiui any goisls to orster. C II A II B B It STJZT8.' IiiJMnh'rniiy or Walnut, complete, from 835 up. Cnne Cliuirs and Hocking do. the largest a.nrtnienl remly itiuile in any one house in trie t'uited Slates fraui li a d"en up. Mar Kis.in, iiitiee and Dining Chairs, in Oak, Walnut or MulesTany, with Cane. Wood or Stuffed Scut.- un assortment einbitieuig over 6ft dozen. Wood seal Chans and Settees and Itockiiie Chairs. over IOU d-'7.en. U lit mid Pliiin Frame Tvoklni' O lasses, of eveiy vnriety. All kinds of lleds, Hair and Husk Mattinsses A. MATI1IOT. N"s. ii and ' N. Gay st , near Fayette St., liaitunora A'lfiut I, H-S7. ly BARTHEHWABB- " flHE subscriber respectfully in'orms the citi-1- lens of Sunbury and the public generally, that he has commenced the manufacture of all kinds f EARTHENtVARE, at his manufactory in Whortleberry Street, one square east of the River. Hs has engaged the services of Mr. llisr, and you can therefore depend on hating a good article. The public are respectfully invited to call. AJI orders from a distance will be promptly attended to. F. M.SHINDEL. Sutihery, Feb. 5, 1858. tf .. S. LWRECE'8 NEW Paper, Printers' Card and Envelope WAREHOUSE, Ao. 405 Commerce Street, Philadelphia. Cash buyers will find it for their interest to call. January 16, 1858. 6mos. Str:nv-CuUer. rpillE subscriber haa been appointed Agent for 1 Messrs Geddes & Marsh of I.ewisburg, for the sale of their Straw, Hay 3c Corn-Fodder Cut ter. This Cutter ia the best in use. Farmers and others are respectfully requested to call and examine lor tuemseives. P. B. MASSER. Sunhury December 2C, 1857. tf T3EIM TISTRY GEORGE REXK, 1 NNOL'NCEs to the citizens of Sunbury and vicinty, that he has opened an office in Sun bury, above H. J. Wulverton s ofltce opposite C. Weaver's Hotel, waere lis is prepared to attend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession, in the lutest and most improved style. All work well done and warranted. December 13, 1856 Citrate of Magnesia OR TASTELESS 8ALTS. HTMIIS preparation is recommended as an St. -- cellrnt laxative and purgative. It operates mildly, is entirety free from any unpleasant tast resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold y A.W.FISHER. Sunbury, March 4 1856. PHILIP H. PTODT. WHOLES.,! SD aXTlll Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, 5. E. cor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DE4LERS and families will be fromptly supplied at tbe lowest price. October 4. 1866. tf GOLD PENS with aad without ess, f ( ery superior quality, just receive!. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, far sal b7 H. H. MA88ER. Sunhury. Dee. 7. Iltf Masjkerel, Herring ar.d 6hsd, whole lis or retail. Now is th time to purchase Fish, as w aro nsbUd to oflat- tbsm at lower price than you can purrhta them in th Spring. BtinlTiry, !;. , 97. BRIGHT! 80f. el jrlf'JTaiaJl THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN BUNBURV. t'asblonable, Clic-np nnd Vaeful rilHE sulwcriber, long established as a Cabinet JL and Chair Manufacturer in Hunhurv. thank fill for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, Vc., embraces EVERY VARIETY, tSEPIL AND OR HA niEMTAL in housekecpiag. It is unnecessary to enume rate, aa anything that may be required in bis line csn be had at moderate prices, Cheap for Cash, or Ceuntry Produce'taken in exchange. Establishment 6'onM Kant Corner of Market Square. I tT Thase knowing themselves indebted te tba subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN HAL'PT. Sunburv, April 4, 1857. if new A.rti-twisjoEiviEisrx i l'rtth Arrival nf DUUQS, PAINTS, OILS.tc, riHE undersignod Saving taken the store for JL merly kept by William A. Hruner, is now ready to fill orders end prescriptions at a mo. ments notice. He lies a large and well selected stock of fresh snd pure DRUGS, CHEMICAL, Dye-stuffs, Oil, Paints, Glass, Putty, aad all kinds of Patent Medicines. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported Segara of the choicest brands, fancy Notions' toilet articles, and Per fumery of all kinds. Tooth and Hair Brushes of every variety. Camphint and Fluid alu ayt en hand. Customers will find his stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to enu mcrate, and all sold at moderate prices. Remember the place, next door to E. Y Dright's Mammoth Store. A. W. riSUEK. Sunbuty, March 14, 1S57. TV, r.B I. fn. nUM.. n: V.. ...V'.. . f I las psrltetlT rr,,l, i.b llwnmlU,.U'l. ftl,,.. r Cin.nl. Mil, InttsntlT, ! 1, imtrs sstl'v wsl.4 and opani.i uisb ssy Hh da ,tl,,nl.J. All kib.U of Wm ul emal Sr. eoasll dusgTHsblt and worth lM, In MSline In rrMi'r Ilili srli.l. to tts ssSlle, IV IksI.t clislltSrt the wnrld tn as In'sliihl., Smipl., Ksr Sfid .... , v, n.rir,it,,i n.,'in. PS'lt,., i,it,Mt is ,h. n' Inf.rlor Csn, s trv in lsrirsuni tl.i. arti.lc by fslM (Ut.m.nl. ; bnt s.l M .utlrte snd ..ra.iisal Ma .ho ha.s tismiasd a ,s U i. wtm-oi s fault. I II ii .srfsotn.t in k.n all srtirlt, pnt sp sa-nrdla; I 0 Jir,.liua 1'rr it. snd in si! ,., wb.'t s fa-tlun. Iter fsu:t bf tl. I S'i th. nvn. .ill b rtfiin.l.! IT1.S ps.fc.t 1, r-a d-aduiwrnlns Tu,u'M Gam, dirf.ri ul from 0 off,n,l. on nard ty r-th.r.. Thn Srs'ing u on so mUml raw .lan .1h Oual Ut.p lrl.o. ttl. and sssot .rrtae. or i ,st, a, PMr Clum r"b.lli ...aid o no noy t.rl'in- TSn ot'Oninz k larrn snoach to a-la-it a fall-.lid toncb. v1i,m i. an L.nd an ut it to ilrtoriorsto llto tb.rotitsut. ; I, i, m,K nnn-rly or T:a. Tl'l l'riori-U or soohn? Snj rt.-oj tbsla.t forTarat' 1 r.art. sc i ta.as .ho Sato Irif l ta:s .111 sat 1 Boxcar I noa. I A LIUKKAL PttTOfNT TO THE TSaD tcS LUDLOW CAN CO. SS Ulae tit., H.V. fept. 19. li-ST. NEW CONFECTIONABY WHOLESALE AND EETAIL. M. C. GEARHART, HAS just received s new and excellent assort ment of goods at his Confectionary and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunburv, where he manufactures and keeps on hand, at all times, the most choice Confectionary, Ac, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among his stock of Confcctioiiaries, may bs found : French Secrets, Gum Drops, all kinds af scant, love Drops, Mint Drops, red and white, Jelly Cakes, Fruit Drops, Stick Cmiittes, f a" sends Rock Candy. Almond Candy, FRUIT. Prunes, Figs, Citrons. Uurned Almonds, Cream White, " Ii.i.m Kose. Vanilla, Common Secrets. Liquor ice, Pananss, Dates. Currants dried, Almimus, Raisons, Nuts ef all kinds LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or doitn. A superior quality of Segara and Tobacco, and a variety of Confrrtinnaries, fruit, Ac, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. ICE CREAM. He lias aha opened an fee Cream Saleon, and will at all times be ready to serve his customers with Ice Cream. Sunbury, May SI, 1SS7. ly SALAMANDER FIES miEr-PEobp SAFES. The largest assortment in fhs United Slates. Warranted ta be equal to any now made, and will be sold on as Good Terms, as can be obtain ed from any ether house in the Country, at EVANS i WATSON'S 16 South 4th Street, Philadelphia. Truth is Mighty, and Must Prevail. Report ef the Committee appointed to tupitr in tend the Burning of the Iron Safes, at Read ing, February 27, 1S57. RsiDiso, March 4. The undersigned, members of the committee, do respectfully report, that we saw the two Sales oTiginally agreed upon by Farrels & Herring snd Evans ii Watson, placed side by side in a fur nace, Tin The Safe inusebytho Paymaster of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Compa ny, in his otfice at Reading, mmnfactored by Farrels A Herring, and the Safs in use by H. A. Lantx, in his store, manufactured by Evana A Wataon, and put in books and papers precisely alike. The fire was started at 6 o'clock, A. M.,and kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and half chesnut tap wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the superin tendence of the subscribers, members of the Com mittee. The Safes were then cooled off with water, after which they weie opened, aud the booka and papers taken out by th Committee and sent to H. A. Lantz's store for public exam ined and marked by th Com mitte. The books and papers taken from the Safe manufactured oy Farrela ir Herring were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more titan those taken Irom Evans & atson s bale. W believe the above to have been a fair and impartial trial of the respective qualities ef both Safes. JACOB H. DYSHER, DANIEL S. HUNTER. Hating been absent during th burning, w fully coincide with the above statement of the condition of th papers and books taken out of tn respecltv Salts. a. A. NICCLLS, H. H. ML'HLENBERO, JAMES MILHOLLAND. March Jl, 857. AMERICAN IIOUSE, WJLLIAMSPORT, PA., J. II. HELTOX. Proprietor. Jaj. T. Hall, Ass't. 8ept. 13, 1856. tf French ClOtb. Fancy and Plain Cassi mere, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, Silk, Sa tin and Silk Velvet Vestings, Troy Satinetl and th very largest and cheapest assortmsnt of Men' Wear suitabls for cold weather. BRIGHT A BON. 8unburr, Dec S6, '37. BOOTS A SHOES for Msn,' Womsn acj Children, a large stock, eo mprising Mn's Water Proof Kipp and Clf skio Boots, Bro isaa, Moro, Kid and Calfskin 8ho, Gaiter aad Gum Sbo. BRIGHT A SO V. fiunlniry, Pe, JfST. A A HERUINa'S SAFS. i n Acnrowi.F.rjeK CHAMPION 1 1 tiir rf.cent trial t Beading havs endorsed the eimtn of pubba opinion, and cotifiruvd the verdict ol more Usui S) jen dentol fires, proving toiirhistvelv i"m - nemiig s" is tha only BAKE that will no! hum. F.xlrocl funn tha Committer's Repor. on the Trial p Iron tSifea at Rending t ''On the 9Cth of February all the memlwrs of lh n,- mitte met to witness the 8afet and books snd nnnv. (lilnced in them) snd 1 ere perfectly satisfied that all wis right. The day fallowing, th burning took place, urate the superintendence of the Committee. After a fsir surf imparl isl burning fi.r five hours, Uie Hiife of Messrs Evnns A Watson was first opened, the Safe being on fir inside, and the contents partially consumed, while th .av teuts in tha ttafe of Messrs. FarrslsA: llrrruif w r- v..ll'., HIU IIU 1.IC 11ISIUS." leading, March 2, IS',7. (Signed,) II F. FELIX. ) P.N COI.KMA.V, (coraaJ'tas A. II PEACOCK. And endorsed try over 60 of the best men of Rer.disc The alive Stfes can lie insnccted nt at tv.h , h7?J where the public nn snlisl v tln-msrlves of the grent siipe riority of the "Herruu's Potent Cbumrion," over is defeated and used up "inside Iron Door Hslmander." I! all-? & Herring-, 34 Walnut St.. Vhilnn Only makers In this Slate of llsrring s Tatfiit Chamsua Safes. e The attempt made by other partes to l.!!itfr ,t,. rsputntinn of a Phife which lias failed so sismsHv ii scci denlHl hres in Philadelphia, (Ranstend PLick.) by tnkuir ..ur .nu in nu nirciirs store, (If A. I-nntz ) msdr dnuhi thickness. (eitTerent from thnsr t'acv sell) tu "burn up' one f Herring's (Imlins Ihiek) Ims met with its true rs' ward. Ilerrms i Pnfe cmld not 1 barm, prnvinf onclu. sivclv tint the only reliable fnfe now rm-V is"llrrrinr's'. ... ........ ulc now ,i, neui.ii usr. aim rovr than ?iO hove been tried by fire without a single l"ss hi in,, ti une ',, i?ai. sy . ISAAC M. WILKEKSOX. manupact rrr-E of FURNITURE AND CIUIRt Of the most Fashionable Style. Solas), an and I.oiiiigp Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards. SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DIMMJ TABLES and also VENETIAN BLINDS, epiat to Phil delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and pri CUPBOARDS. WORK AND CANDLE. STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short,every article ,n this line of his busin, 'TMIE subscriber respectfully calls the attent of the public to his large and splendid sortment of every quality am price of . C A HI HT.WA II E which cannot fail to recommend itself tocvery who will examine it, on account of its dur workmanship and splendid finish, made up of best stock to be had in the city. No elfo spared in the manufacture of his ware, am subscriber is determined to keep up with many improvements wnuu ars constantly 1 made. He also manufacture all kinds sad que of C1IAIKS. ncluding vsrieties never before to be h Sunbury, such as Minor,;, Put x W, Ct tiLsn Mitar. Guf.c m ; isu i CHAIRS, mi nsir I'urro Srcot.s, wh of the latest styles, an-! wavenied to be c by none manufactured in ihe ( iticsor cl-c The subscriber is dt-terminn.l tliat Ihe: he no excuse fur persons to purchase furni the cities, as every confidence ran he enu bout the quality and ftrtinh of his ?w V hairs. ' hesc articles will be disposed cf on : ten. us they can be purchased elsewhere trvp aji'nice taker, in payment for wmV I ' N D E RT A KINO. Uav-cg a haiidsoine lli:iusi . ;e is nw prej.; I'lulertaking, and attemltng fun.-rnls, in cinily, or at any contenferY. distance f piace . TheWare Room is in Fawn f ow Weaver's Hotel. He has also purchased the righl of turing and selling in No'tiiiiii t'erlsiu Gould's patent Excelsoir Spring Bed, will furnish at reasonable rates. Sprii old bedstead for three dollars. Is.tAC M. WILKE Sunbury, April 18, 19,',7. tf. FURNITURE POLISH S. RAE'S Premium Patent Ename Polish. This polish is highly valua! ring the polish en all kinds of Furni Cariiags Hodies, H.ir Cloth, ir. moving spots, hiding scratches. Ac, ranted to dry inimMiiately und retain Price 60 cts. per bottle. Sold bv A. W. 1 March H, 185?. S t.MI'LL Ut. OR1VI ATTORNEY AT X Ojjice on South Second, near M: L E W I S B I' R 0 , r , Prsctices in the Counties of L'nif berlund snd Montour. All l'aoressio)ii. Bcsisrss Ins rsre will recent prompt and I lion. Octeher 3, 18.17. If W1I1TK HORSE IK POTTSVILLE. P. THEsufcacriber respectfully snt eld friends snd the publrc, th that old snd well known establish White JITorsa Ho At ths carrier of Centra and Ms the Borough ef Poltsvillf. Ths cently been very much enlarged improved, rendering it quite as sny ether Hotel in Scheyfti" ihe stables are large. In good ro tend by careful, aitentits, prude To travellers and others wha house, hs promises every attent, render them comfortabls snd sa JOS April 5, IBS'- tf STAl FI KIt &IIA CHF.AP tVATCIIF.S AND tTHflLKSALE AND RK.TAIL, ? Watches and Jewell) Store' : Niirthtecoiiit!tii'ei, Coiner ol tijir Sold Uver Watches, foil J led, ' (f.'ld Lepitie, 1 caret, Silver Lever, full eutiltd, Silver Lepuie, jrwt.s, siu.erii.r Qaariiers, C"ld !iH-i UlC't S, Kme Silver do , Geld BrsctVis, I. yd) 's Gold t'ciici't, Silver Tea Srsnjes, set, li.iid Pens, wuh Pencil amtSilvrr h Hold Finger Hli'SsStj CIS to tfsl 121 els , patent ISJ, I u let i1.". : o:in Au s Kxlt warranted to be whm tin KI'Al f v' On hand some (ild nmi 154 an 1 11 lower than the a!H;ye prices r-hilade.phia, llrli'hcr 10, 57- HENRY DO ATTORNEY . " Oj?ic eppositi the I Sunbury, Northumber" Prompt attention te bu Counties. DANVILLE JOHN DEI Jlfcirit-r Street, D THIS ia ens of th larg dioua hotels in th in it bas been recently fitted with all th modern eonvei Danvilled, Sept. 22, 18: BLANK Parchment P Mortgages, Bonds, 1 Ac, fer sal b Sunbury A pri 26. 18! PIOKSALE axcll JT ing 8uv, also i Sto. Enquire at this SILVER WATCHEf English Sileor Watt tea by tnr.VoTy, Apr?, II. II r-.fi:i'iw ki'.fl mm?