Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 24, 1858, Image 3

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    Coiujnsstoitiil tlcfos.
WABHiHoiojf. ADril 10. 1839.
IIodsb, Tho Ilouso took tip the private
Mr. Clioemnn, of North Carolina. In ro.
Bponding to 6 former remark of Mr. Loiter,
of Ohio, explained that be left tbo Whiff
1 1 . 1 . r?
iJBiiy umcuuso 11 Dojame aoouiionizeu, eod
siuce then bad found Captain Ryndors to bo
an noooraoie man, wno bad been badr slan
dered. Mr. Giddings. of Ohio, said ha recollected
the time when Mr. Clingman and liimsolf
Mood nue toy eicle, and added that bis leaving
the party was ior the party's pood.
Mr. Clingman replied that the gentleman's
party bad been beaten ever since be (Mr. C.)
iad left it. Their vote on the Crittenden
lubstituto was t good proof of their peni-
'J'be colloquy between these gentlemen
reated much merriment. Adjourned.
Washinotok, April 17.
Ssjtatb. -Tho PaciGo railroad bill was
kOD up. . , . .
Mr. Benjamin, of Louisiana, considered it
ivious that Congress cannot agree on any
ute with diminished treasury loans and
ospective expenses, he could not believo
M Senators i.-nngine they can pass the bill,
j would therefore move as a test vote, that
j further consideration of the bill be post-
icd until Deeembar next.
lr Gwin said that ho woold consider such
ote as an indicatioti that the Aduiiutstra
1 does not intend tu Jve any aid to eon
t the Atlautic with IhP Pncific, and as a
otiori of all the pledges u"fl 856.
Ir. Johnson, of Arkansas', said that tho
it of sectiouulinm was so strong that there
0 hope of a route offering justice to the
th ; he would therefore vote for '.lib' mo
to postpone.
r. Houston, of Tcsnn, moved that the
jrn terminus be in, opposite
iphis. lie spoke iu favor of the LI Faso
nroilorick, of California, reminded tlie
inietrntion opponents of the bill that the
of California was given to Mr. Buchanan
c fuith of a Pacific railroad. As to tho
mo southern routo, we might as well
a railroad to the moon, inasmuch as it
cost cquil to carry it from the south
iforuia to dan Francisco.
Iversou, of Georgia, was in favor of
ustruction of the railroad, and believed
constitutional to make s'ich a contract,
ivcimncut now pnys a million and three
d thousand dollars annually for carry
) mails from the Atlantic to the Pacif
ius, before thirty years it will have
ed at the present rates, fifty millions
irs; while the railroad will cost only
five millions, which is the most eco-
I the Seuato and the country can
verson tber. esplaiuod his plan, which
II voted down. It was a compromise
Uig Sioux being on a parallel with
, the middle of the lino being within
h of St. Louis, and the southern line
tho Kio Grande, somewhere at
rqoe, and might conduct with the
nes ; thus giving a connection with
lili oad systems of the country. But strength of thcuorth offered
;ht chance of justice to the southern
to would vote for the postponemeut
I until December.
reen, of Missouri, did not like to
issuo raised on Ibis question of north
I, for the reasou that if the road be
II, it will bo for the interest of all.
ved iu justice though the heavens
can have but oue road, benco the
ute offers, most nearly, equal justice
th and the south. Tho course of
line is comparatively unimportant
iblic interests, but the locntiou of
i is important. This bill locates
n turmiuus at Sou I'raucisco, but
jating margin for the eastern ter
uo reasou that no eastern terminus
1 because by naming aDy particular
e would lose voted, and hazzurd
tho bill'. While he wished to co
tho great work of connection with
i bo could not do it with this sup
hich was virtually a fraud. If we
San Francisco as the western ter
liould also deeignato tho eastern,
oil, of M issaohnselts, said that
nt of the Stato of Massachusetts
unanimity in favor of the Paeific
nd he would say she bad nothing
onal fooling that bad been repre
c people of Massachusetts are a
and manufacturing people, and in
best route, north or south j for,
fay, it will most benefit them,
d "vote to postpono the bill for
that we have nothing yet to oct
igly upon. There is a diversity
n the country. The work is a
undertaking, every dollar spent
30 sunk, and it will not pay for
t such a road will bind tbe coun
bence wo can afford to sink tbe
Railroads are necessities, but
sxpeuded therein docs not re
ino hundred millions have been
ailroads, and to-day they are
ree hundred and fifty millions,
e increased the wealth of the
-eds of millions. The treasury
1 no conditiou to undertake this
great national work. We are
Kith expenditures greater than
of our history. Our duty is
lusbaud the resources of tho
are bardly out ef ft great
immerce and manufactures are
1 there is no capital to iuvest.
lelieve either the northern or
aliat would be induced to iu
;0 organization or a company
he hands of boukrupt bucks,
il and political irresponsible
character, who will damn tho
VLcs the government nnd
out or debt, we ma; tuen nod
italists to uudertake tbe work,
3 magnitude of the enterprise.
bad witnessed with deep
itious of a defeat of tbe Pa
bis session. All the Presi
tos were pledged to it. It
3tily question iu the last cam
here was universal unanimity,
lat a measure so long before
uld be made the subject of
nt. If the bill is not the
mode, let it be modified, let
real object of connecting the
with the Pacific. 'i'L'O void
dy giveu the bill tbe most
tion, and it is tbe best bill
e subject. The bill is fair
It bxea tbe termini ana
n of tho route to capital-
put their money in it for
u Fraucisco is the great
ific commerce, and no eyi
unless it reaches there,
ado the terminus. At to
essentia! that it should be
navigable waters of the
'aso is a thousand miles in
ins: a railroad to reach it.
n to Mr. Iversoo'a route,
fixing any point it would
of tbe measure. For a
ero route, bis opinion was
irtbern and tbe Alberqoer
. hat if there be one road
st indioates, that shall be
od centra of th tepublio
great national measure
for th country, and tha
rived at that point ben
rest demands it.
I wat icto a lecgtiecsd
disquisition, showing the probable traffic ad
vantages of tbo various descriptions of goods,
saying that while we are all anxious for Cuba,
when she can ba obtained legitimately, and
for Central America on account of the ex
tension of commerce they would induce, their
whole commerce was but a fraction of the
mighty traffic of India and China, that by
this route would be poured into the lap of
the Mississippi. The vote to postpone the
bill till December, he regarded es a test,
whether tbe subject sball be kept open till
the next Presidential election. He was in
favor of tho present Administration redeem
ing its pledges, & leave the next, which ever it
might be, to redeem its own. In conclusion,
he regarded the presort as an auspicious
time to undertake the Work. The country is
through the crisis, and a political stagnation
offers a favorable opportunity to unito to
carry It through. The north must lean a
littlo, and the south, also, to meet half way
and have it done. The road would cause no
immediate drain on tbe treasury ; the wholo
amount would not equal this littlo Mormon
war; while, if there was n war with a Euro
pean power, it would save the cost twenty
times. Moreover, the principle involved is
quite constitutional, and is the same as is
involved in every mail contract. lie regard
ed it as a wise measure, dictated by overy
consideration of policy, and as a peace meas
ure for preventing war, besides beiDg eco
nomical iu the postal service. lie hoped it
would not be postponed.
From tlie N. Y. Tribune.
We are clad to see the announcement
made by air. Cameron, in tbo Senate, on
Wednesday, from tho Committee on Print
ing, that "no more picture books are to bo
allowed." We exposed one of the "picture
book" transactions the other day. We al
lade to tbe third volume of Reports on the
Pacific Railroad, which was composed almost
entirely of "pictures" of extravagant cost
and useless character. We refer to the sub-
ject again to show some of tho expenses in
Retail of gotting up this work, nn account of
wbu & we havo procured from oflicial sor.reos.
It exhibits a shameful abuse of authority
lodged id .'ho War Department by Congrcs?,
to prosecute surveys with a view to discover
the most prac.'cal)lo railroad routo across
the coutinent. Tu'' last Administration was
guilty of o fraud on tu." Treasury in incurring
theso wholly unauthorii.'.'u' expenses. We
bee cnblio atteution to then;.- that tbe Excc-
ulive Departments mav
. . , j , . , .
IK'parttnoms may unu'orsianu mat
though they may prosecute favon plans or
vilnnrlpr in ffpcrpl. fnr n wIiiIa nt. fh.' nubile
. ... .-. , " I
a wtiile at tno puo.ic
expense, yet exposure is sure to follow. Tbe
whole of tho following charges, be it remem
bered, are for Work ou the Pacific Railroad
Report, which was totally outside of its
objects, had not the least legitimate connec
tion with it, and is in every respect totally
View ,
Tren, , ,
Fishes arri Rfpti'o,
ei.8!!5 Pi.nRrimH, fr,r,3
B!!,ySU Cuts,
13,i?G Komilll, 4t5
U.SOI Motses anil Liverworts, 631
3$5!i tlluttrniimn, 401
8,94:5 Tlatca, n,l'J
3.S33 Mai'i, 11,5'Jti
4iO Total) SlutJ.iU
Here, it will be seen, is over oue hundred
thousand dollars thrown away on this Pacific
Kailroad Report, yielding no advantage
whatever to tbe enterprise, and intimating
the manner iu which we may expect the
work will be douo, iu caso the job of building
the road should ever bo devolved upon the
In connection with this subject, wo will
allude here to an extravagance in the print
ing department of the Patent Office Reports,
which, for tbo sake of the generally meritori
ous character of those publications, we trust
may be abated. Wo refer to tho useless
practice of furniehing costly illustrations of
animals and fruits iu the Agricultural De
partment. In tho Mechanical Reports, illus
trations aro absolutely necessary ; but in tho
Agricultural Department they cost a good
deal more than they aro worth. Wo are glad
to know that this extravagance is likely to
be reformed in tho future. By way of illus
tration, wo will snv that, for lithographing
and printing in colors a single ex for the
1 alont CUico Keport, wo tiud the sum ol
tt'10,57G paid to Wagner fe McGuigun, For
a simitar service lor one Dull, luo sum 01
S10,r)7G was paid ; for a cow the sum of 7,
500, and for ouo horse the sum of "iiio.OVC.
now i;ncle sAAi's money r.ors.
Among the "contingent expenses" cf tho
National House of Representatives for 1S57,
may bo found charged tho following articles :
Kuivca, 4.179, ",f?! HOI Iiikttaiidp
fcciii'Ti, C09 Til runcy, VM M
Candles, 1,1'Of M' nrnpiT I, Yta w
I'roiwllinc reiiclls, 01W uu
II? 4'i
Two flaps, e0 CO
M 00
S-.S 40
s;. on
M 00
l ou
UrrsBing cases, ww 9"
Dilor cubfi ' HI "
Cifai cuset !
Lauirs' reticules,
Alliums, plain intj
Vesta taper boxes,
Card cases, .
r.nglish trovV CftieSj
English despatch
117 6o;i ut,
Sli uo Kmiuh,
,07 t3 Pump,
tt eo t.set
S32 00 (.adieu1
t Oul nines.
31? W)
817 GO
70 00
to 00
101 1X1
TU fiolHearl shop'iig tub-
10 bli lets,
177 no Hucktkin purses,
15S OUjl'orket,
Lttdics Companion,
7J u.'i
If there be not ten thousand seven hundred
and sixty-two dollars aud ninety-seven cent9
expetided for crinoline in the contingents or
the House in 1558, (says an exchange psper,)
let us livo in hope, and believe that with the
progress of Coleridgian art, in the year J859
or 1SC0 that sum may be laid out by members
Tor the beauliflcution or their wives' and
daughters' npparcl. Certainly, the appropri
ations should not stop with albums, reticules,
shopping-tablets, porte-monnaius, etc., but
should, with spherical sublimity, rise to tbe
adornment of the ontire-feminine person, giv
ing it (at the public expense) that circular
glory which rivals both the nimbus of tbe
dawu and tho tracks or the midnight stars.
Coriespondence of the Phila. Ledger.
Washington, April 1C, 1858.
Rumors are again iu circulation that Presi
dent will del'ore the close of the session, send
to Congress a message on the subject ( nr
relations with Spain. Thoro i -u9 gr0u'nd for
the supposition that the, Presideot wishes, nt
this time, to orJS0 au occasion for a quarrel
with Spain, with a view to seize upon Cuba.
Tbe report is not true that the Spanish Gov
ernment has brought forward in the Cortes a
law for tbe abolition of slavery in tbe Spanish
Colonies. Such a measure could bardly be
voluntarily adopted by the Spanish Govern
mentat a time, too, when tbe Island is tran
quil, and when tbo Govornmeut is drawing
from it a rich revenue.
If tho Spanish Government should under
take to re-esUblish dominion in Mexico,
iu.'OUgh Santa Anna, that would makes cose
upon which tbo President would call upon
Congress for power to interfere. Were then
the neutrality laws suspended, our people
would nock to tbe theatre ot the contlict, and
the war would soon bo turned against Cuba.
K.nitti.s'O Maouinls. A few days since we
bad an opportunity or witnessing the opera
tion of knitting stockings by machinery. The
machine is a singular contrivance, but per
forms its work well. A single thread ma
chine is capable of knitting from 4 to 6 pairs
or men s socks per oay, wnnst a aouoiv or
treble thread machine will increase its capac
ity in like croDortion. Mr. Joseph llollen
of Cambria county is tbe inventor aad pat
entee. He is a poor man, and has lately bad
hia property destroyed by fire. CUarJitlil
Towosaod, th supposed rebber and burglar
whose trial has excited much interest in Can
ada, and who was acquitted, hat been re-arrested,
for the murder of a man named Nellii.
A witness against him wai nearly beiteo to
death op Thurtday nitt.
77m St. Lonit Dtmncrat publishes the fol
lowing txiracis irom a tetter written by Col.
Bentou a few days before he died. It relates
to the great Work to which ho was devoting
me iosi days 01 his lire i
The 6th volume is Issued and brings down
the abridgement to the end or Mr. Monroe's
urst Administration fl9n. Tim Til,
is printed and in tho binder's hands (soon for
doliverv). and Willr-nmnintn Mr .TM,n 1 ,,!-.
"uiuiiiiBirauon; i lie Btti Volume is
In the press, and will come doep Into Gen
Jackson's Administration 80 that as you see
so far as the public and the publishers aro
concerned, tha o-rerit work ia 1,
But as it concerns myself, 1 am far ahead or
ma press, and, In Tact, almost through. 1
gave out publickly that 1 will be douo in two
months, but thut was to allow a margin for
accidents and mistakes. I expect to be dono
in less than one month being now employed
on tbe great compromise session of 1849-DO.
He and I appear as antagonists with respoct
to these measures'; but tbe antogonism was
as to the form, and not as tho objects of tho
measures. He wished the whole of the meas
ures to bo contained in one genoral compro
mise bill; 1 wanted the same mcosnres, (or
tbe most of thorn, and their objects). Tho
omnibus bill mis-carried, but the measures
passed separately, and were just as strong on
tho statute book, in separato acts, as they
Would havo been in a geueral one. Tbo an
tagonism then was as to farm and not as to
measmes, nnd onded in the establishment of
the same measures, and in tho accomplishment
of the same object namtflv. t, nnnWfniinn nf
the rmj.,- Tha nh.i.ln.l ,l..t.AnM -I.-!..
,7 . Sr' "v w,iugvu uvuuLtg mil huuw
an mis, and that there was a real crisis at
tho time "a crisis big with the fate of Home"
its pacification worthy of the lust efforts of
Clay, oud in accomplishing which hia ardent
patriotism, bis devotion to the Uuion, his dis
regard of self his courageous Bell'-relianco, all
appeared iu their mid-day force and splendor.
It was not the blaze of tho setting sun, but
tho noonday blaze of that great luminary. In
these Hashes of courage nnd patriotism always
struck out when the Union was struck nt, he
seemed to mo to be tho impersonation of
vnio.v, and ready to be laid as a victim on its
"This being the state and condition of the
work so far advanced as to enable the public
to judge its character which judgment has,
iu fuel been most favorable and ulso to see
the near completion of tho work, I feel justi
fied iu exrin-ssitig tho belief that I have ren
dered accessible (and 1 hope attractive) to
the wholo reading community tho history or
;q which it grew aud or the spirit in which it
iiiuiivil Vll IU.O UIIU ill lUt? Blunt.
was ndiiuiiistered, carrying tho noble vessel
safely trough every danger Tor near seventy
years. 1 I'uve made all the knowledge ac
cessible to ovary reading man, and knowledge
is power 1 especially political power 1 and
necessary to uilorti public mau's life, as to
cuaolo him to logisluto beneficially for the
country and avoid tho mistakes and errors
which often mortify himself. That Is Ono ob
ject of the abridgement, and a high oue, but
not the highest. Tho highest lies among the
most exalted of human uclion 1 among the ob
jects which would reconcile a distracted Union
by showing the examples of moderation, bf
juftico, of condition of defense, which joined
us together aud kept ns together. The
abridged debutes will abound with such exam
ples, and from men of such noble character
as will comuiuud veueratiou aud im.tation.
TEitKSTiNo Tests. The following tests made
impartially and with good apparttns, furnish
much interesting information ; for at this time
not only all tbe large cities in the United
States, containing ten thousand inhabitants,
including many lesser towns, are lighted with
illuminating gus manufactured from coal
Tho consumption of coal, therefore, iu tho
supply of this ono brunch of manufacture,
which is daily exhausted and daily renewed,
in quantities oT cubic I'eet numbered by mil
lie ns requiring, in the process, amounts of
coal numbered by thousands of tons, is a sub
ject ukin to tho larger interests of the country
und oue which very naturally elicits the nicest
March -(J, 1855. Tested Eve pounds of
Pittsburg Coal which gave 18 cubic feet of
gas of goud illuminating power.
May 2, ISij. Tested b'vo pouds of Pic
tou coals procured from city gas works, ut
request of , which gave 10 cubic feet of
gas j coko inferior.
1'ivo pouuJs or Euglish Cannel Coals,
which guvo 20 feut of brilliant illumiuating
May 15, 1S23. Five pounds of Coals from
liolliduv-bburg, I'u., obtaining 20 cubic feet or
gas of good illuminating power, and u large
bulk of coko.
Five pounds of Pennsylvania Cauncl Coal
which gave l'J feet of gas of good illuminating
power ; Cuke oluiost worthless.
June 5, 1S06. Five pounds of Clover Hill
Coals, mean of three trials gave 1G feet ; cuke
medium quulity.
Juuu 11. rive pounds iairinouut Coal
gave 1G feet gas; coke nl fair quality.
Five pounds Alleghany Coals gave Id feet
of gas illuminating power, mr Jium ; with large
amount of inferior coke.
Five pounds of Coal from Chatam coauty,
North Carolina, gave 20.-1 cubic feet of gus of
good illuminating power, coke appears olgood
quulity. (120 pouuds of these Coals weru
tested by J. K. Birch of Brooklyn ; result
412 cubic feet of gas.)
June 25. Five pounds of Pittsburg Coals
gavo 19.2 feet of gas of good illumination.
August 3, 1855. Five pounds of Coals
from Cape Breton gave 20 feet of good illo
miuatiug gas ; coke medium.
Sept. n, 1855. Five pounds of Furrands
villo Coals gave 17 feet, with an inferior
Sept. 17, 1855. Five pounds of New Cas
tle Cannel Coals gave 20 feet of gas.
April 1, 1856. Five pouuds of Virginia
Coals gave 13.5 feet of gus of fair quulity;
coke very like Allegheny.
A pril 1, 185'). Five pounds, o' Creek
'Joiis gavo 'i feet o( gas of low illuminating
r,-- -..
April 1, 165C Five pounds of Coal from
Broad Top Mountain, sent by , gave 22
feet gas of fair illuminating power; coke ap
pears good.
Feb. 20, 1857. Five pounds of Pennsylva
nia Cannel Coals, and got 18 feet of good il
luminating gas ; coke very poor,
Feb. 21, 1857 Five pounds from the line
of Wiiiiamsport and Eluiira Railroad, Lycoin
iug county, Pa., which gave 16 1-2 cubic feet
of gas of tolerably fair illuminating power.
Philadelphia llailroad Hegister.
Artificial Propagation or Fisu. The
London Athenseum of March 13th, says:
"Tbe experiment made by order of tbe Kmne
ror or the French, to stock tbe waters at St.
Cloud with trout hatched artificially, has mot
with complete success. The trout 12 mouths
old are 20 centimetres (8 inches) loug, and
weigb Irom IS to bo grammes (2 J to H ounces.
There value in the Paris markets would be
from one frauc to one franc and a quarter.
Tbe trout 33 months old are from 48 to SO
centimetres (19 to 20 inches) long, weigh from
75 to 1170 grammes (21 to 41 ounces,) and
would sell from 3 to 6 francs.
GovsRKoa Thomas Foito.of Ohio, long
known a powerful political ipeakar, has
been conyerted in tha revival. On Wednes
day laBt be appeared at th uuion prayer
meeting ia Columbus, and made a sUtemtot
which is reported at follows: lie remarked
that for long years the world had been his,
master ; for it he bad lived, to it he bad given
bis strength and heart. But bow be bad cho
sen another aDd better masUr, 4b Lord
Jesus Christ. 11 spoke with humility of hit
unwortbiceM, tsd ucrtbM 01 bop tUiiv.
tici wholly to tb f rto of God.
On last Monday oveninp, th cftizens of
idis pmco ana vicinity met in the Lutheran
wnurcn ior the purpose of further dolibora.
ting upon matters relativcto the Missionary
iDsinuio. which, in all probability, may be lo
cated in Selin's Grove. Upon the house hav
ing been called to order. Col. II. (). Kvnr no.
miuated A. C.Simpson, Ksq., as President of
uu iriueunrj.
Vk!f, PREsmpTs Messrs. John App, Is
rnel Gutelitis, William Colsher, and Joseph
KErnKTAniM Messrs. W. E VagAtlsellcr
and Goo. Schnure, Ksq.
On taking the chair, Col. Simpson, addres
sed the meeting, setting forth the advantages
that would accrue to Selin's Grove, its vicini
ty, and tho whole county, by having this con
templated Institution located at this place.
The Rev. Dr. Kurtz, of Baltimore, the ori
ginal projector of this School was present and
delivered an address, explaining in a very lu
cid manner the nnturo of this institution, aud
the plan upon Which it is to be founded and
carried on. He also expressed n strong con
viction that Selin'3 Grovo would ultimately
bo the successful candidate. Tho committee
having the power to determine nuon the lo.
cation, will meet, in Unltimoro. on the first
-Monday in May. whpn they will finally decide
where tho School shall be located. Of all
tho candidates in the Geld, nono bns uo librr.
ally subscribed as Selin's Grovo.
The citizens of this place havo subscribed
over $22,000, which certainly indicates that
they ore iu earnest ; and we hope they may
not be disappointed by hearing news contra
ry to their expectations. Selin's Grove
John Jones Moore, the "respectable looking
scamp who was arrested several days ego ut
Ashland, Vn..(say the Petersburg Kxpress,
in company with Win. Jacksou, a slave be
longing to Mrs. Frank Weston, of Charleston
S. C, whom he had abducted per the under
ground, passed through this city on Wednes
day evening, en route tor Charleston, in tbe
custody orthe police officers from that city.
The noble Greeleyito was chained by the
wrist to bis too confiding friend, Bill, who
couldn't help blowing on bitii at Ashland, and
presented nn appearance or tho most object
shame the human countennnco can be capable
of expressing. It was a most appropriate
method of securing tho scoundrel. Ho wos
caught taking the slave to tho north, now it
was rice vena, and the slave was taking him
to the south. Richmond South.
Uumarkadi.e SlotlT. Descent nf a P,olt of
Fire. The Journal states that whilo tho
New York and Worcester train was passing
Nattick on Wednesday morning, a lial! of
lightoniusraslurceas the two fists or a man
desendfd, ran along the tolcgraph wire, and
exploded with a report as loud as a cannon.
The wiro was consumed, and thu posts within
a space oT half a milo where shriverud from
top to bottom. The passengers on the train
were greatly alarmed, as the ball or fire was
all the time in sight, and the explosion secra
ed as ir beneath tho cars. Had the train been
under tho wiro, it must hava been struck.
New Advertisements;
IN the matter or the settlement of ill's cst.ite of
Ludwick l'lleefter, li-ceii8ed, late of Chllisqua
quo township, Aortliuinberhiml county.
TOTK.'E is hereby given that thu widow
and relict of said deceased, lias ina Jo her se
lection of the personal properly of said deceased,
according to the act ol" Assembly, made und
provided Tor in such casi-s, which will te pre
vented to tlie Orphans' UcUrt for approval ou
Monday, the 2nd day of August next'.
JOS. NESIUT, Administrator.
Shomokin township, April 17, 185S. 3t
Estate of Lemuel Eoadarmel, deceased
1V70'fICE is hereby given, that btters of Ad- !
J ministration, on the estate of Lemuel j
lioadurinel, latent !Sliainoki:ilovni Northuuilier- I
lam! county, deceased, have l,een granted lo tho
subscriber. All persons indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment, and lhoe
having claims present ihcm duly authenticated
(or settlement.
N. 1). The subscriber will attend at the houso
of D. N. I.nUe, Ei., for that purpose on Satur
day, Julie Sih, next.
thnmokin, April 17, 1H5S. 6t
Administrator's Notice.
'JV'OTIC'E is hereby given that letters of Ad
' minis-ration have been granted to the sub
scriber on the estate of Mary Cook, late of Point
township, Northumberland county, deceased.
All persons indebted to suiJ eslato will ilease
make immediate payment ami those having claims
to present them for settlement.
WM.H. WAPLES, Adm'r.
Northumberland, April 17, ltio . Ot
THE- Stockholders of the Shamokin Steam
Kerry and 2owboat Company, ere hereby
notified, that an election will le held at the office
of the Company, in the borough of Stinbury, on
Monday, the 3d day of Maf next, to choose five
Directors to serve the ensuing year.
Eunbnry, pril 11, 1858
riHK btore Itooin in Market street, formerly
X occupied by P. W. Gray. Apply to ihe ex
ecutors of II. Masser; deceased.
April 17 1858.
Northumberland Bridge Company.
AN election for officers of the Northumberland
H ridge Company, to serve Tor one, year, will
be held at the house or Mrs. urT( Northum
berland, on MOND .Yt ,he Sd day of May next.
The election opfn j viock, P. M., and
at 4 o'clock, P. M. The books and ac
counts of the company will be submitted to the
stockholders for their Inspection, at tlie same
time and place.
D BR ACTIO AM, IWesldent.
April 10, 18587 4t
Dissolution of Partnership,
"jVOTICE is hereby given that the partnership
' lately subsisting lielween 3. A. l)ergslreser
and John Hull, trading under the firm of Uerg
stresser &. Hull, has been this day dissolved by
mutual consent. All debts due to the said part
nership are to be paid, and those due from the
same discharged by John Hull, Who continues
in business at Ihe old stand.
Lower Augusta tp., April 10, 1858. St
Office of Shamoltin Valley and Potts
ville Railroad Company.
S09 Walnut street.
PHILADELPHIA, April 7th, 1868.
A MEETING of the Stockholders of th Sha
mokin Valley and Pottsville llailroad Company
will be held on 3d May, at 12 o'ciock, at the
office of the Company, in this city, for the elec
tion of President nd six Managers, to serve
for ene year. .
Acting Secretary.
April 10, 18158. 4t
A I.L person indebted to James Beard, late
Prothonotary of Noithumberland county, for
fees, it., are requested lo make immediate pay
ment, and thus save coat and further trouble, as
all account! remaining unpaid will be placed iu
tbe bands of a Justice for collection. Payments
can be made either te the subscriber or te J. 8.
Beard, at his office.
Bunbury, March 17, 1R?.8 tf
lBOWN'S end Breinlg'e Esseuc of Ginger
" A RasUad's Magnesia t
HrcblVT. ruHER-a.
PricM Reduced to Suit the Times !
liace Street above Third, Philadelphia.
Al'MK Prnptlolor of Ike nbnve well-known eetnlilisli.
1 nient Ijciiior lliiinkl'ttl fur tlie very lilwrul palroimB? I
Jlowei upnii tim tlie past year, takn tliis mcihinl nf in
forming their friends and the public that they ire still pre
pim d t i Hodimmmlntn them if favored with a call.
During the Winter months the house linn hem Ihormnh
y renovated, Improvements mtde and sitlier extensive at-
VVo nra rtrtermiiutl to devote our wliolR attention to
i'i,'?ii"i"" ?',' nu"lwi with tlm conviction that wo
stun bo able to give general stisfncti..ii.
' blDI'.S k STOVI.R,
TI-nMS.-s, a, per day "b"TS ThM'
N. It. Canines will nUvnvs lie In roadiness to envrv
L" pnt?" ' "1 frum S,,;",nt,oul landings and llailroad
I'liilndclpliia, April 10, tpW.-3m 4 S'
rut IT, AxHASiluTrTisibx?.
Xo. 12 Xjrth Wharves, I'hi'adttphia.
100.000 Ilia. Dried Apple,
3,000 bushels Tea Nuts,
COO barrels Green Apples,
fU0 boxea Oritngc8,
St'O bnxL-s l.cnioi s,
8.U00 bushel. I'otatoei,
1,000 husliclf Baans,
100 do. Tickles.
Also Kni.iiiis. Fins. Prunes A i'r. .,.. ... .1
for sale nt the lowest prices.
April 10, I sr.-. ly
Do you intend to Embark in to Business ?
If so, DON T FA II, to sei ndvcrtiJinncnt in
this paper by the subnet iticrs headed '.V Card to
tho l'uulie."
.... . i.F.&t. r. RUNE,
hlme s Grove, Ta., March :i, 1 80S. If
s r:Bunr, pa.,
WJAVK received, nnd are now opening their
(Spring stuck, cmlira-riiin new aud desirable
Dress (Jootls, Calicoes and Dress Ginghams ol
tho latest ftyle, Muslins of all qualities and pri
ces, K. Jeans, Linen Checks, and a choice selec
tion of UlacS and Fancy Cnssimeres, newMylcs.
Groceries of all kinds. We refpectfully invite
an inspfciinn nfotir Goods.
ty COUNTRY PRODUCn wanted in ex
change at the highest market prices.
Apiil 1(1. l8.r,H.
E.SPECTI'LM.Y informs the p'ublic and
menus generally, tliat ho lias remove,!
to Sunbury, and has opened a law oflico at bis
residence, in Market square. His acquaintance
with the EhglUh and (ierman enables him to
transact business in both languages.
April 10, I8.'i8. ly
6uo Chi-snutPtieet, above tijlitli, (late .f X. 45 S.jstli
Sccim.l Street,) HllLAUKl.phlA,
Al:B now KEeKIVINO TllKin
srr.i.vo importation of
OnnEisiii'.j; lii pnrt of
Fnney lir-nuot nnd Cjp Rihlions,
S-nlin nnd Tn.TfUis UiMhiiis,
Or" ile Naples, (Olm-e mid Plain,)
Mjri'i-linrs und Florcncts.
lllm-k Modt-j,
l-nvlish Crapes,
Mulnie and Illusion !.a'?ea, elr.
Als.1. ii full assortment ofl ttENCl! AND AVKRICAX
Miirch li55. fiinos
A Cash Husixess Kxci.fsivKi.r.
r,IR!','n,A,,);"',S' S- ,:- Corner of l-i,;!,,!, mid Aieh
.J Mretts, riiil nli'lphin, iniorins his old ciieioinerr, nnd
1 'Ji.M.ii.M.n , in;,! he is I
IhakliiK i-itru exertions lor Ilie pro3eeull.,n of his business I
the coming scnsoil, nnd in order to eindile him to pun-h:io I lor rMi, mid sell llinn ot tlie LOWMT MlBKET I
I'Rlrli In. !.. ,l.u,,,l.l ... 1, n. .i I
. .. , .'. ti ,o i,c,i ui mi.' 1111:111081 pouihle
ndl'Hllc-e f OK (JAM! F.AL'LeslVKLV ! .J
lie has ledneed the piit- ol' m,,ft of tl",u Gir-ds in Store
ond lias miw open many Nfiv UoniM. suiuible for the
season, lo wiiicu will he made daily i. Iditi ,ns
nrii.v- lu: ''!, "m'""" ''"e FHiUXl'S am! Ttain
ri.IISO.SS eenrrnlK, ns lien-l 'lore.
M:v )I,-is ikious, si VI.P LINFNS ...t
Kl KMMIIMi Gouuseinerii'ly. ' Ijl-I-:SS' nB''
l'lirchnsers will find rjim: ndvunltir;" in Rivinis nn surly
call, Ihe in 'llo living "ihe minhle sispmco is better tlmn
thu si-w shilling."
The siti.n.ioii is eeutrr.:. nn J the st,ire well lighted.
Muri-h T, li ;i;n.';jvv.
rPllE sub-criber has recently niaile au enlarge-
ment in his store room and has just received
a fre'h supply of Flour and l-'ced, Cnmmeal, Ac
His stuck consists of Corn and live, Corn and
Oat?, and Com CHUP. Hotted Corn Meal and
Ditckwhcnt Flour in sacks, all of which will la
sold low 1'OU CASH.
Also, the Ue4 and Cheapest assortment of
Flour in this Market, from FIVE to SEVEN
DDI-LA KS per Itnrrcl, accordinp lo quality
.-llao, a lot of Flour in sack at very low rat- s.
The subscriber assures bis customers, that his
arrangements for gelling Western Flour enable
him lo give them belter satisfaction or better bar
gains tli.iu can be attained elsewhere.
Ueiinr tliuiikful for pat patronage, he hopes
to nn-rit aud contiui-to recej-'-c the favor cf the j
public generally. I
C. 0. HAVEN. I
Market Square, Sunbury, I
March 20, 185$. i
S r 111 KG A 11 11 A K Q E M E N 'F.
AFFOIIDINCI superior fncihties for trnvt-l to New I
Yuik, Philndelpli n, nndthrXorlh mui est, by c,k-
neetions at '.-noiton with the trains of thy 1
.acknivtiiiliu and efttelll Cuilroa-t Comp:i"v ; alio f,"
Ua! Soutn and West nver Ihe Cm'-Swissa, VVilliai,llno;',
andLrie Haiiioad anil cjnv.'etu; triiini
cyiivG orTH.
- N. Y. Aceoinui'V r'uliKi'a
l-tc-r Mail. ikmon. Mud
Rupert, 00 A.M. 3 Ml P.M.
Ill mm, t IS di ito do
F.snv. 6 25 dj '.1 2j d i
;i sj
-j ,ij
J Si
4 O.i
4 15
4 ao
4 61
5 00
6 IU
a so
d i
l.iiue Ridee. 8 id do 'J ,lj do I
iierwiek, ' 10 do
Deacli Haven, 1 rlo
Bcaeh Uiuve, 7 6U Uo
t-liiekbliiniiy, 6 IU il
Hmil'iek'sCieelt, 8 40 do
WeslNuntlcoke, B 4U dj
Plyinoiith, 15 du
Arrive at
Kingston, ( 3U ilu
Leave . . . .
Kingiiim, M t 1 P M.
Wyiimuw, 60 do IU do
West Pittston, 9 65 do i 2U Uo
Pulsion, 10 no do S -'iO Uo
tacke.wanr.aj t'J IU do 8 S do
J'nlorvrllu, 10 aj do 3 00 do
Arrive al
Sinniton. 10 3tl do 3 IS in
t CO Uo
The Nrw York Mull Train connects with tl,e Kxpress
goini; Kast, on D !.. W. lti..!ioud.
Arrive in New Yoik 7 15 P. M
Uo Philadelphia, by t'ani'.len & Amhoy,
6 Wr.Jil. . , I
Faro from Ruperl tu Sew Yotlt 60 W). B.icsge check- i
ed through. j
Th uecoinm'idation Train North, connec's at Rerunton
uoh tl... I'TnrHii 'I'iniii West, on the 1). 1. A W l!tu:. I
8 IK) A. M.
b ID do
Accommo- N. Y
dnlioii Mini.
II 30 A. M 4 Q t'.AI
11 41 do 4 111 do
l-i V'l M 4 lii) do
U IS P M. 4 :.0 do
U 3u d', 1 oS do
1J 40 do 4 4u do
t OU do 6 W) i:i
8 Ik) no
e Id do
e 4o do
6 50 Uo
7 SO do
7 40 do
7 hi j!n
8 IS do
8 45 do
0 .0 do
a IS dj
9 IS do
'J'uyturx ille,
West Pittston,
Arrive at
Hanloek's Cr'k,
lleueli Orovs,
Hstii-h llavsu
Lima KiU'S,
Arrived at
rs TO
H 53
e 40
t U do
10 40
10 60
11 C.1
11 IS
II 4a
II 50
1-1 to V. M
li 30 da
"1 40 rto
IK iO Uo
t 00 do
Th Philsdelphia Mail Tiain joins Boiith, eoiinecu xvitli
Mill Tram l Kupcrt, going .li"t t I I'M'. M.fif
iniratl-l.ik.Ucliihia.siSiiSr' M. Also wuli Ma.l I rm ,
Jo. "s; Wss el 3 CeUK'k V. Al. Ua luuvili, Wilton, -i Jn
ev XVilliaiiispoil and Kliniia. . ,
'paM.r. lih.4..,.W'liP. M.Trsm ( South
en Hike the II o'clock Y. M Impress train lu. l-.lin.rsj
nd he Wm. or ludse at Ukwuislui.f snd take ihe 4 o -'lock
A. M. Tmiiigonif Toisi, ai.ivmg ut t'UilaUelpeitt or
JUn-tsjr, U ua. y. LE.VVKN WOftTII
Martk 13,! .
i. p,i c liiiinn, iieauiiin, d., aniv-
Yon can Supply yourselves with Chtmlral Manure?,
warranted purs, which kis Iwcn in suencmiul use in New
Jorsi-y for the nnst tevrn Yeiiix they Imve revived lii
DII'l.OMAS i,f l ew Jersey, New Vi ik, Delimare, nnd
I'Mlhfyllrlnlll Agnrllltur-il H,.'ieties, nial have hern nsi-.
by the rrrsident of the Unit'! r)tuUa, on his Ounlen and
on the 1'ulilic Grounds at Washingtvu, til C , uod by Uin
Iu, lowing Ueiillamen vlti
7,. Ickc, Ksq.
A. I'. Larher, i CttT.uuttio' .Vtv 3nrv.
J.L Itcoves,
Pcnatnr II il.ctts, I
Win. Miller, of Onpe trJjnt, .tew luttf.
Chas 'urk,
Thos Muli'ont, t'srj , Camden N.J, Pi. Denies, IV.
Kniglit, Mr. l-'ield, ,vir Atkinson, and Luvi Jnlinaon, nil t.f
New Jersey they say it is the clifict nnd mint r;lia!;c
Mnnure now in lc, lieinit ternmiifiit and iniprovina; tlis
land by enrii'hliiu: the soil. ' It is suited to tin; vnri"ur, cro; a
yu r:iie Corn, I'oUloes, lins, Wlicni. liuis, I'f
enclosing a l'ln:clc. on any .New Jumi y or I'hiliid' l. Klilil:
or leferoiife to tiny go'ifi Iloiuo in rinludc.plii:l or in ex
ehanxe for 1'roilni-c, at fair .Market rales here, v. 'ir nrdnrs
win oo niicu end cuiippetl to you, rice ol t-urtnpu expense.
t& Every article sold ly ne is'j
Ujper Phosiihnte of I.mio,
.-t.. I ,l' 'Hiniuipf
c . I 1,11
rt lizer. ij o a "
Ture Hone Dust, (.',nu birrcls now roii'l ,) at 00 prr
Inn,;! -ir SW, a ,.n.
Poudutli-, N'u. 1
a bairul
OVO lnrrc!s JV tniy,) ot SI lo 3
ljin.1 Planer No. I I in tarn-is, at 911 t ) tt alarrcl
I'.'t Ash. AO barrels
1 Vru
:i. I'aug'jiiiu uiH Ci ilil
il:tiK(.E A. I.KIVAf.
li oi'i itt -r.
No. SI Jouth FftONTSireut, 1 -!i -i.1-r.,.li:. i CL, I n
ry v.-i;oi rt.i: f:.u;i;s ai.i.c.vj:d
Kit A I. ilSl.orN T.
Ir rumpiitets can be !mj on
or of niv Affim.
Muri li ISi-"ir.Jiti.
s(--pli?atijii to my OtTke,
KYHK ,V I.AMiKI.I,. Fnb i. Arch Sis. PI dud's ,
are now crlcring a I uil st i-k i. f
New Goods for Spring of 1638 !
Ill.ACK SI1.KS, 4 to no ini-hcs wide,
fprinff l)ri'S rioil, New Suits,
Shawls, in nil the Newnt Mile-.
Uriiish, Freneli mui Ainerienii chintz?,
Kul. stork of Domestic tiooiK
Full Stock nf Fiiropnun Dune's.
N. II rturiiriins in Seat-triiiMe (l.vrt. dsilv reeciv-eil from
tlie AUCTIONS or New Virk nnd I'liilativipiim.
1'. S MKIICillANTS, ure invited to exmiiini) t'.ic St"
TI'.RMS Net! and low prices.
l'liillidelphia, Muteh IS, ItSt. iu,'xv.
pilE larc double frame heme 111 Ihe Soroush
-- of Northumberland, belunirihg to the estate of
C. H. Kay, decensed. This is a very difsirnblo
residence, beautifully aituated oil tbr- N'oMh
Uraiuli of the Susquehanna, wi;h a large earden,
Carriage House, Stahle &.c, beioiigina; to it.
Terms moderate. Enquire of C, V. S-catcs,
VVilliamspoit, or D. litnutiyam, Esq., Northum
berland. March ST. 1853.
'BMIE Public Pchools of the borourjli ef Nor-
thumberland, will be let on Saturday the
Siih fust. All persons wirliinrj tr applv r.s
'i 'cachers arc rniucatcil lo meet the llire .-lois on
Ihut day at 3 o'clock, P. V., at the Centre School
Ey orde- of the bcmJ,
JOS. 1'. TUSTIN, fiec'y.
Northuir.bcrland, April B, IS"iS. 3t
"wa Jiu ii ( t 6 "iv "n 6 u s"k1
XV. A.COVI2IIT, lrcprrc(or,
STTJSTJB tyii-y-, T?V.,
npiIE propiictor respectfully informs bis friends
and Ihe pnblin e;enernlly. that he is repairing
and renovating tho "Washington House," s ne
to entertain both transient and permanent visitors
in a suitable and Comfortable manner.
Thankful for tbe iiatronaae extended to hi
father, he respectfully tolicils the continuance of
the same; li.- will take charge ol the" Wash
ington House" on the lirr t day of Apiil, next.
He will have an Omiiihi's running to the
difi'ercnt Hailrontl Depot for the accoinmodaliuii
of Passengers, free ol charge.
Y. A. covnuT.
Sunbury, March SO, 18o;i,-
1miu1it1.II ami Dj.a
134 South H7ini-i-t, Pl.Hr.dt'.j..;-.!,
Ashton and Sinr Mills Dirv aseorte3 s:jrio.
slant!)- on bund ai.d fir sale i.i lo.s lo suit
N. Lt. Orders soliiited;
March 13, l5t. Cm
A i'arri lo (he
K l: A D ! HEAD!!
ii' u Hi lie.
KUiii'g Gruce, couut:: Pa.
XT'E have riniiied fiom the jn 'IicKiou of i
' ' this notice lo sell ,-.t enatly reJuer J , ioc- i
for CAM! our dock of tio di., c.niipti.-inK- '
Dry (jooil.-., l.'roeerics. Hcrdwite, lueens'.varc, j
Hoots on o Mines, Hats and Cnjw, Medicines, &
and nil goods usually kept in a country store..
lleb'f- desirous of quillilo; ihe loi-ine-s we will
dispose of our slo -l. i f tJouds on u l-lTora irii?
a 1 st day of . March, lS.'ifc, to a pcr:0u ut pfrwris
wn-hitifj to emliark in the In-'nesi on favor-.ble
terms. The siinalieu i ,, fic0,5 one for doing an
extensive niercanlib trailc,
roiloriiiet .juiculars rail personally
'he subs-;ii-.ers. or ai!dic.-j tin :n i.v mail.
.1. P. A l.'r. KI.INE.
Klinn's. Grove, Pa , Ctb, 1S.'8
c. e. CUbskauocw:i. Isaac c. cmus.'N
ciiEStcEnotrcii u psAitsoisr,
Comtnissioa Merclitints and Dalevs in
So. 5, S. Witter st., li .n uLifc Ifjrtut,
E TJ rive ronstuntly on baud nn 3ortnunt of
H i lrird u..d PukleJ Fifh, Ac, ir.
Mackerel, Codfish, l.anl,
Salmon, llecf, liaim,
Shad, Poik, Sid. ii,
Feb. S7, li.'i-J. om.w.
Biiddle and
Ilaraona Maker.
ltrs.-KC rPlil.l.V informs Ihe I
KS5V ix li moerall. ,l, -il .. 1,. . 1..'.. !
. . xx emzeii.s ui minnirv nmi I ie ,,,.
. rj-. - . miij , .... i, no ...n. n i
"y t-i the shtiu occupied bv Dnilit and
lietk, one door ra-t ot s I'aupt's Cal-inei .Ma. '
ker shop w here he is prep mil to turn ci:t whA j
in his line of Lu-ineu eoual to any i.n.'.i' iu ihu !
section of the country, Orders pr omptly exrcU-
led and all kinds of produce taken in Kichaiio
hunhury, Maich -li, Itios. ly
r vr
'i -j? "' r ,'
H!SS!.OriSA MllISSl.i:.reanrctfutlv in.
forms tbe cilirens !' Trexorloit and sur-
rounding county, lb. it tho has j, i iieil a nexv
tore (f Millinery and 1'nncv tio.n.'s, at 'Prexor
ton in Sbaiiioain slriet, nearly u po-ile Knousc's
Tavern, where ull kinds if P. iii ets and Fancy
tionds can be bud ut the lowest terms.
Ureas making also attended to i t the brsl
inuiiner and lal. i-1 Hvlc.
April 25, l5i. it PAPE15. x li.d.iw Sbn.les. Floor,
Carriage, and 'i'Mo Oil Cloths, Cocoa
Malts ami a superior article on I. : unrest,
Dec 20, 18i7. DKItill l' & SON.
O tQ YAKDS C A H PETI N G ,c.u b. ucin g W oi 1
Iiigiate, Coiinii, and u supeiior anicls
of !ag Carpet, Munufaelursd ut home, for sale
at pi ices to suit the times,
IVc. S6,'ft7. WRIGHT & HON
800 SA S " nuuluy, best ..uul
ily, Urf sacks snd fur sale nl the lowest
llbltill T & bON.
bunbury, Dee.
IB, 1SS7.
I JUitT MONAlEs, Tooili and Hair Ifru.hs
all qualities, auj aoiy ousjiti y, lor tat l y
K. V. M'SBKtt
IIIK iuVseriUta r.-i,,.il. ii " .,1
- i i'"o iiiioiiii 1,111.
- lens tif.Sl ,, ...i ..i... .,. . ., A -U
... . , , J "i.i vin.ii' mui l if y t v
C'llllu, llr.v! Il, .,1 , . . . ' I"'
V w ef all klt.da in t,nlr ir. , f Juinr,f,'
be done uiuiniitlv mJ aiu ,t. ..
.omiUut.,,,, CI.EMUia'&OYSTrV
relirui y tj, 1351?,
V ArEl)Thirly Thnunj twr,,,.
.. ''"'!""' H.Is lor ll,0 iSoiH.nrn f.
If oil Hem.'.
iNnit n,n r ..... . i
r or h-tuw r.urt,ciilrsnW !y tr
Sutihury, I'cccmLcr CJG,-! H jr. tf
. 1 ,ii,ri 1. , , ( i
-01 tiacti,'.
MaiLet Ctveet, Siabm ? 7'-..
-I ... - i) 1
r7ili; rp,-Cl.rul'y ji,!.t.i.a t!:o niU
j ,i at
ten nf l.uinli'iiv, .mil tj.f ptiliji,: prucr;:
IlO llM Mlicllj.r.,!. unit ulil l.L,. .-.."."'
, in .1.,' .,,. ,.
rn 1101:. lormtriy kc
, ,. . . - ' Ol
1 'l'la '" will I til th. i T,
'n roil'.l'li p ir
I.. . ir.: I ;t, .. , .
i'p nr.
111 uiuiiuou no v.-'ii i luvn.i- :i eoiivc ;i:e f,, r
,im,oiilc'S t" and .'roni l!;n ililli-rent ifji!r,i;,J
pots mui uili K.ivc nn lil'.a, i t'-ii j ( , rei ,r
i.i.i hottl a desi ruble lrJf-l:iR '.ire f ir 'lie,,;
travelers. JtlJIN Lri'i;i: '
Fehntarv TO, I ' " ''
J 0
-1 Fen i'nrrrl.
V. n subsrrilior n-rpr i lf'i.l ' y i.if, r-;n c,.;.
Zens of fifiihmy and vi,;i;,i:v ir,t )H has j.jst
ric-:,-.;,, a Mtppiy ol l- l.dt I!, nl,,,;, j.e ;
at wholvaale or r-.tjil liom -5 id. i-'-i
A V t j
b'W Srt
ii ST per Barrel. lit also Fills ,(n:,e n
?0 ct i. per quarter, ail of which Le
HANTS to be Good.
.CANPI.KS fur u!e. ivhol.F.ibi tt mt.i!.
'J backfill for pat patnuiajc !:t liupc.i to (on
tinue to meiitte r.jme.
(.ilVJi HIM A CAM,!
M. c. t.i:. idTAiri .
Market St , Sunbury,
rebrt,ity27, lij.
A. A. II A YES, M. V.,
Asiaifir to tho State nff.fusxai1?: usci:t
Glmeihl Ciumcrrrt. A light jeilowiilj
I'rnwn-colnred spirit, haviti n fraiirniit uJ, i ;
when eviporated from i-lcsn linen it no o, r
oll'eiiHve inatter. Anul zed for VuUtilo and iix
ed drufs, of which ;.o truces cf nliy kind wtro
found. Ju color is prove J to be iluj to a colorod
resin an extract derived from Wood.
In every- respect it is a pura ppiritunus liqii?.
The frogrance or bouquet which it po.ics?c
ran bo isciated, and il then appears unblte thai
from Cognac Lirandy or Wine, bcii.g a fruity e-,
sence resulting from a peculiar fermentation of nnd ls:ilic!!.i Crapes.
Cio.Mic.if. totAiui'i j:i- l,C(li part in vo'.i
tunc of Ibis spiiit coiitaiiiK at CO deg F. -IfJl S
10!., nf pure ulciihol, !ipsi,!r.-i tfie fra-ratit uili
1,0)1) parts if ths ioiiiit allbrd parts nf a htroii
S ilulioii nf the oil which characterises this Llrani
d ; the spirit 'eft, abef reittovinir tho oil, is pura
and odorless, and in all iis i,u:i!ilii'i; a period h.i
ril not sitl ject to charge. One L'. Rulion of
l! i- llranuy al till deg. P. contuint, besides the
spirit anil oil, oniy SVMgrs. cf mailer composed
ot extract of fruit, uui, and colored resin frjia
flaa-roy, , January 25, lSS,
l'r. CU.VE, Ntate inspector cf Ohio, and Vr.
Jas. li. Chilton. Uhcmisl, of New Voilt, l.clh
protionucu this iO be pure llidiidy, and free fiom
all ndulleiation.
For pnrD3sr I.vou's Catawlis Drn:-..
. dy hni no rival, tiu.l mis Inno teen moded lo i,m
j pvriede t!;e poisonous cOinpoiind.-, sold tinder the
' name of Orat.dy. As tlie pure nrtic'o
! is altogether superior. ;d a iiv.criii;ti wt f
I t!v fjr llVSIH'lii:! ) !.,lol.,-..,' , ..' '.
gitor, IJel.iliiv, i' c. "ut
Also. l;sl!i:i.PV:s j-:-,
I.INU c;i.mi'au.i:.
ill the neighl'O: hood of I ' .. r.
untied to be tlie ,,,
i..ijii, Pi
- ..A.'
cr-s-, - " i'tiiur
.V, FvaW.iU
o:r:l .l.r... Si.iM-c-
11 a it it , s l '. i: i; . p
NIT XV a.NI) i:i.l OAN D'-l'l ' -.
X t-d h
i:i!r been 1
t ill -h.s
" M JO.MIS. i.i H:.,,,,,
, i' ii-r a t'-rni ; ; ,-.Ur ' ,. ,
r': o.I ... .;. .v. .,':.
pmi ...i., j,.d in, I,,,,,;. ,. .
II jcoii.' :i li , t t".o. -.-,,i ' ..
pr.lK-.p .. ;ii I'll tlieeitv, and 1 s-t.t ire. ii cm. ;'u,, . . .,
as .tun,.' iu,. ,.,s
'C'i..- C.ron:irrx ,'ire f ,;,. r.;;
i-h -,1 v.. Hi ';JSa, i,..r
k.:.-iiein ery d n. r,,r uu,
. 1',',!' :,r, v.ntiu.,1 t.-. ;u
ci en ,,,.,.1...,, .,,.,,,,., j,,..,,,, ;
I' j,' c. ,!.!, l.'0 lo l,e Aul'el V. ''i " i
M I'e.'l I
It rai i.-.
j 41 oro .:.a-
ir-l'.-i nnd
: l II !.'"l, t,.-t
p; la- Sa 1.1" t..o
.aoct I.)'
t. I '.,
-it; nnd 'i
Visiton, inn lh, tr.,r,.. r,.r ,v,;i-, 1 i
lic'IIM;' i..:s iei o n't- M" : -it , ;
tlu' i-i.'h ii 'i niliiii'-'l has rxea u .' . .
-C.I '
H'.lI l-oi.:pi',',,t Pc:"-!! s-'l: r i;,
in S'hii-li l:-..i aii. i'".i: !- ilj- 'i .or
V. r.- i, Mu i,,
rtoi, xvij
lo Hi s ; u i. i in:
- l nil . t ..a ;;i;
i.i;o.u u men- iioinc, -j ' -j,
Lcol)'.:i.r..; ;.t .my vuulU
in l!." -.i:i;.
To secure this
I'.ililie nnd Pi i'.':i
Ito n. ... v. itii i
'or.!:-.-,..! xv -1. - ii t
dr:::iri- re'lilt.
u I'liial.- I'll-1
i.l.i'.l;. Ni;v.' r :
ll- lei- flll'i,:..'
, Cll'lll'l,-! l
' y. l ri i; '-. : a-,.
ii fn
i. Di
s-u.-r 1...0111,
-uvi .' .j rs iths. ,xs
'"ir i; v-v. u
",H Hi of the I
ii to. :r ,11-ri-
d I
! :il'
) Wl!l?-I
A:'nr tvti'ri.un
a. i.i lairoii.i. f.,r .
tw h.:.i nl the '.'
ui-.l vi't"iis n. II'
Uir. s,".ii ,n ,,' is
; tn-l, ', ,
i. to his
J 1 1 .
h ihi
.r..' ii.',',',;,
'I tl !ll '.'I 1
, l.fl i,'t'i,t'ri
'"(',' r i;'- P. in !. ''in ir
if. l.i-ii- a loiciou u. fc
oi ii i :nc jom iiui m:
tanu'in-'ii. 1; fiinos.
.rSII. . EI-:.4EC19,
i f.jjU-c in Mnrhxt St., o; ,"-.i. ,- the '. w.-tr .'i.
euKBvav, fa,
Collcriloiis mail and Prc-fcsi:.iidl I'ii-'i '.
generally allcndcd to liilnplly and Can ful'y.
r,unm.r en Ui.i ii, km k :
Hullitt iV Ftirihorne, 1 .! ! ii erli,
LUvih i P'irney, l'. 'i'jloi ii. Co.
Sunhuiy, June CO, l,"i7.
pt;in: eoNt'KNTP. TKsr m s.v".
1 i'O.MFIUIl.for tale at FI.-lii:i:'s I.'rc.
iStore. Price 20 els.
i B2
tltlt V lltt:, of all kind-, nil i i:hi
i a x
arulv. iiP.KiUTii Sii.N.
."jiibnry, Dec. 2'J, ISC i.
I T1 tV? of alt kinds M:-!ilf?.i. foliate, u-
pemlers, Huck Mi'.ts ibii.,il;i rehi. N and
an t'lnlless variety nl llosn rx nnd .Xoit. i s
.s-unhury. Uec.'2li,'.- (. lililli M'1' Ux f-n.V.
fltEAL' l'lI' l I. DUESS liOOi-Smbiouii;
j Figured and I'lain Merinos. t 'iU: S.-..I. ,'i
Pi.ii.U. V.l'a Stiiiii-d Ponliiis. i;n-lir.i. ii'. i tenUii
j I'laiJ, C.ii''ai.ct ui..l l'l io I). Lain.
Valencia. Parameltu CioU;, A.-.. i"- lec-ix. d
'and f..r sale by Uli'C!'. I .v oU.x.
j Siinbiiry, Dec. S
i x TL Kl-Nsi, Cei
Slinbiiry, llec. 2fi, J.".
XT LKLNtS, Cedar, Hollow and i-n-xare,
H-' containing evcrxibiinr ufelul and oni'i
menful. FlliniXT&iO.N.
Siinl.urv, T)ectuber 2". Io0.
ItlCOlclffsl, Victor iuee. Opera Caps, Wool
Hoods, Cuniforl, C.ishniere Stalls, Fo.iil.
Cauntletts, Ac. , UiUUHT ir bON.
Sunbury, lec. 26, '67.
rcr. sale.
A f!ojJ second-hands 1167
iWiice. Aj ply at th e
Pl.'RE CLIVF. OIL for tsl K. uie. mo size
at 37 o! CSj ceixU )Uf lecved ty
A. V,' fiilU
' faiiL tl, '