cgislafik lftos I '.lXHVaiA LEOISLATt'RE. Uarrissubo, April 15, 1803. U.v tit Tho Conference oo the Liqoor ) ill reported the bill ubtauti15y it passed the If j.ia ail the Senato amendments bay been et.-iol.en out. . Vein1 jswj o"' S?""-y "nd.i:"t Eadroan flSill.-TUt bill for the sole or the i -i t" ;! to the Smeary sod bna ml t'JaA Oor..,.iy being tie regular order, kas toUnuponaniml reading Mr. llariio f ... Ire position in fnvor of the bill. JIers. traub and Laibavh apsigned titiir .11 iurv-tLi..? against it. The ,-i -loii wta tin-') ewlli'd and sustained- yeas ia, 'r',f -9 U. Th bill was the'.l passed lually ' If, nav 14 "3 follow l Veva Messrs. Baldwin, Brewer, oHey, Pp-i:-?, l'Mfii. Grcirg, IlartU, I gram, Mvor. Uandall, Uuthcriord, Schell, fcfc.ielt, bimoCVr, Souther, Steele, Struub out W il- "m',rAii-Vitf.r5. Bell, Buckalew.Craig' C-v .veil, Ely, Evans. Filler, (iaEZainKnox' Laubach, MarseHs, Milier, Turney, . nghf Tha S'-nnte tbon adjourned till afirnoon. Afternoon Session. Tho bill to estuct tha power of Courts in cbunging thinames of corporations, was passed cu eccon read. "'ft? Militia Bill was called npl Cen, letter,'d the Committee or tbo bole, u.i J thei, laid over. ' The Su-luri and Erie Bill 1 liewnond. r.,-uts of tho btcuto to tho Suubury id bill, ;r tbo salo of the Canals cume t. Tbe bili'bis now passed both Houses, id goes n the Governor for approval. Aourned till Monday afternoon. Friday, April 16358. Sr. ate. Evening Session. SAIJt OF THE RTATB CANAtR. Th bill for tlio i'ilo of Hie StatCanuls being in order, i Hr. Wiiliina stated the reay which r-'ionld ultimately decide his vt. nod be weald (peak with more courtesy tas action rf the llousu than one Senat "ad done. Ha considered that bill uiucb rofetablo than tba (.tie CVrd by thenor from Columbia. (Mr. Bnekalow.) " "t refer purtiolarly to dollars and ls "9 'o tho vast benefit ia Its results'"' western conntrv. 'i'ho proposition b-" Senate involved twa questions " shall bo the purehuser, and what sli be the price? The firpt question would rtA who shall be tha purchaser ? he would I fearlessly and boldly tho Sunbury and 'i Railroad, be. ctsso it wc-ild couiplut, toad eecond to pone iu tha Sule. On tho other haod, tTiH prcssiiteJ to tha Senate by the eo4, authorized a foreign corporation to'rchase tho canals, and pvon cc'ir.o into cute anl niskn rail-r"-ds. The ono woubring no improve ment nut even ope si"? le firm, while i ' I thn n:!;er Rtaid on barren ana wild country, as it was stypy !ie opponents of the Ho-a bill but rciwreil ol them, is it ft barren soil? is barren of minerals? they were uteluUcrUt they said, "barren of people." J thcy rig"', and l. -n for makinz Wilderness smile with farmers, their wives hildren with wheat t carpeted uieadon3. and corn field?, und o are uo.vjlo ti tor in liia able 6 w tbe learned isena- and must conclude with the remark tl. o venerable senator produced unansw -nts in favor mry and or the liouso iv T.ria Railroad tl' .te Canals. ' hed in fu' I, ' VennsvWaot; Ver on Ooijm?0""' iiiwi oa TVaHee. mor- i- ki- -v- - iuio 1 to have c for several 5 S5 Yr-'reEsed wueb more r, i rTa. V". Ptnate and Jlo n-yr.a'.e ua. - , , tiereaucr. Tuf.T:. .t.s nnl reaului.y . fnencs m i" . 7l i' - w,W Ms morning, vims, jary -r.J Kris bill, t " . paFi( F.,U r.hraseoloey of ti9 t that, i-;.;,l,umoorlanl mg 'outia 1j. North Uranctt transferred if V""r tha public wcrhs.- t ,od With the ""fghanD. division UiU gr H f0aV.y beter to J ecotive. n look- of the State oVerU bill, detected v m. -y- culled the attention ( W BroeJ in this fact, and they ai ,rry. V. v ol ..ltcriug the phrajeo f y- and hSdingT 1 oppose a joint resolution 6me readiocf. equal ;. nass the tseuaio . U it is which the lion 1T . dona it is confident. - ff, liT. Tb, bill before the '' MUo 1 .' Whilst I am "ll0' fot the aboli- induced a bt - ellouse f t,nu 01 ll w; - f . .t i me Ut'"' " 9'ta,WBK!S Jul?. takeo up M'l V"" witU them. U was xa J, .1Rlller, and rtrouch at once, an.idj.lonU oiia R eries of That ingnv . - !lo one Initrpoiing h tiot.wUlbeecocarre'i 'u Thus u.ost -bichthe i aia . A ! h .1 rtir DT lii Cooiuramai"UT"r " inrlff and ardenty oe" 1 tutertaiood that liia lite mignt oe cf I'eunsylvBDia bv to"B IJJwaseoon discovered that the gir4. J .lem bad received mu6t inevitably . w.,.,,-i.a,,a 1 r M At HIM I lA" I Jl arribbubo, . ....1 .truck ! v --- - - - I , eretiou r "Ca Vra,uted. uoiober of licenses . r ... r.immiUee or fjouiereo i , tljB i0rrowiog merooers or uis Tbeiiportcr ths Cyromi bolb Uousa f;, iritt!iioct unclouded, aod Lis o the Liquor bin w" i0thate l.pny change that wag awailiag this oroB. d tdogW. .s b.tAn-l",,,, ,8nd earoeBt. qaor law is gtveu u.";.tu i0ue of Henre- '"" t;l.j-P"T.iL the irZZtl.comnlalnB that J&dte oxi baving sold Luelf many yean SWL- .W!tf complained of to by tbe Computet of TUt s0l0, of ,h. .wil" he ne restored. tDuer THE AMERICAN. j-wTet LiEtwTTu iwpirVfNPitNery STJ2M33TJ IV, PA. SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1853 n. B. MA3SER, Editor and Proprietor. To AovMTinM -The citculntlon of th Sanbury American mn.:ng the JilTrrcnt toxrni on the Saffioehnn I not exceeded ifequalled by any pnp't pulilnhedin North era Peuntylvaiun. wi mm wm wwwwwwwrWEwwwi Democratic Stato Kominations. Full Jt'DGE OF Till-. fit'l'RF.MF. COURT, AVM A. POUTER, riilUdrlphla. FOH CANAL C0MMl?3Io:EH, Wt.iLEV FROST, Fsyette tountr. Tub roAL trade exhibits some signs of revival in this place, but oar operators are not yet under full headway. CT The steamboats, the "Ira T. Clement" nnJ the "Susquehanna," hare commenced operations in towing and ferrying on the Sueqnehnnnn. A (team ferry at this place is a most important matter to our citizens ana ought to be BUFtained and encouraged by every one who has an interest iu the prosper ity if tho town. Gas ! Si-xufRY. Propositions hare been made by a lesponsible party, which will, most prob&b'y, eventuate in tho erection of gas works in this place. A charter for this purpose was obtained during the session of 185", by Major Zimmerman. 53? The Snyder County Journal has ben removed from Middloburg to Seliosgrove, certainly a more flourishing place, and with fairer prospects of advancement. , nr SriAMOKiN Joun.vAt.. Onr olJ friend, John Bobbins, formerly of the Miltonian, and later tf the Milton Farmers' Journal, im& itsuud a prospectus for the publication of a paper, with the above title, at Shamokio. m- National Foundry. Tho subject of the location of a national foundry lias again disturbed the equanimity of a number of our cotomporaries, who all claim their respective locations as the best. They have, no doubt- all of tbem important advantages, but when the committco once see tho very superior advantages of this place, the game will be up with them all. CJ3"Kafivo Season. The Sueqnehanna U in fine rafting order, and a great number of rafts are parsing down the river. Persons go over to tha echnte daily to witness the exciting scene of the passage or rafts through. 55" TriE Experiences or Susan Cuahk. We commence this week the publication of this exc"ent and popular tale, which will b ' in -jeeessive nn""" 'til announce the tbe sale of tbe ' lies been finally ..e main line, the ..ce, will admit that ou, and iu the end State cans pasted. 1-"'. opposition, c the measure ,. iv cniieCt loathe state. We, at r,,b lell't, WOO k H.""'-'" .n f tho roadthose along Vie line, ougn 0.u6 ' . . . rul .nd comrlain because tiiR i ii rii iu uv " iimb ". " . was .g oti,w, an appropnauou wuicn fU this section if the state. )!e - f Tl of Lock Hureu had a great . t0 the and m- .. 3 tiuie of 1 n the receipt of a telegraph despatching tie passage of the bill 'or tbe ,l' State cauals to tbe Sunbory i Erie A committee was appoint ed to g Jackinan, tbe member Iiom CUotoaJ reception. The General onl r'.cWySQCU a manifestation. Tb tha Her. Dadley a. lyng. who terribly lacertxed by being ftCCiAight iu acorn shelling machine wbiV ui otne day Previoui to bi deatl a deep and monrMul seosa tjo0 numerous friends. Tbe Xorth n-'uesday esys : jy A. Tyso. uur readers are pofthe terrible accident which fihi,.ctloD. j d M tit) ol r. lyng, aitue Degimuj; vi u?g hwQ I tmputaiioo i-fbis right arm at tax py 1 ,Z jjnt. After this operation. ttuaua tuo necessity wuiiD n iu- LSr - ? I 0 ltta . .Y.l i I . 1B Villi WIIU lUO WOIIM VOifc. ..-iv.M bit CbrUtiao callicj. He ex a onend two o'clock, yesterday, April U OUt tut fC ,:., f..lle cnmnlalnB Vs to X ing sold her public improve and subtu. jeft ia ie except tbe uapitoi iu.. y ..,, , . i. .i1 .. ths TIIK NEW LIOt'OR DttX. We have got p for the benefit of oat rev drs tho following abstract of tbe new I.iqaor Law, which has just been passed by the Le gislature, and finder which the new license in this county, will be granted CD Tuisday, May tbe 4th. A SUPPLEMENT To Ad Act to regulate the sale of totox cut- mg liquors, approved 31st day of March, A. 1)., 1856. Section 1. Bt it enacted ly the Senate and House of Reprcscnlulieet of the Common xciahh of Vcnnsytcunia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That applicants tot brewery or distillery license shall hereafter pay -therefor the several amounts fixed by the third section of an act to regulato the sale of intoxicating liquors, approved March thirty-first, An"uo Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty six : Provided, That tho same fchall in no case be less than twenty five dollars, except iu case of persons whose annual sales are less tban one thousand dollars, who shall pay fif teen dollars;, and the proviso of tbe section aforesaid, sor fur as it fixes tbe minimum rate of license at fifty dollars, is hereby repealed. Section 2. Provides that persons licensed to sell by tbe quart, or more, are to pay 20 par cent less than by the act of March 185G, but in no ease are they to pay less than $25 00 Section 3. Provides that all ITotels shall be rated according to their sales from class No. 1 to 8. Sales over 500, and not exceed ing $1,000, are in the 7tb cIobs, and pay $25 Sales less than $500, coustitnte-the Ctb class and pay $15, but no license iu any incorpora tod city or borough, will be less tban $25. Section 4. Provides that eating bouses shall bo restricted to the sale of domestic wines, malt and brewed liqnors, and the li cense is fixed ut $10. Section 5. Provides that licensed brewers aDd distillers, may sell such liquors as they manufacture, in quantities not less than a gal lon. Sec. G. Thai licenses to vend the liquors aforesaid, or any of them, shall be granted to citizens of tho United States, of temperate habits end good moral character, whenever tbe requirements of tho laws on the subjict are complied witn ty uny sucli applicant, and ehall authorize the applicant to sell the liquors aforesaid lor one entire year ficm the dale of bis license : Provided, That nothing ne run coniameu suaii prohibit the court, hoard of licensers or commissioners, from bearing other evidence than that presented by tbo applicant fcr : Provided fur ther, That after bearing evidence as aforesaid the Couit, Hoard of licensers or Commission ers, shall grant or refuse a licenso to such ap plicant in accordance with tho evidence : And provided further. That if any person or per sons shall neglect or refuse to lift bis, her or their license within fifteen days after the same has heeeu granted, such neglect or re fusal suuil be deemed a forlei'.nre or said li cense, and such person or persons selling vi i nous, spirituous or malt liquors oner tue ex piration of tbe fifteen days, as aforesaid, shall be liable to prosecution and conviction in tbe proper court, as fully aud effectually as if no license bad been granted to such person or persons. Sec. 7. That no license to vend the liquors aforesaid, granted unJcr thia or any other law of thin Commonwealth, shall be transferable or con fer any right to sell the same in any other house than is mrntioned therein, nor shall any bar or place where such liquor ia sold by less measures than one quart, be underlet by the person licen sed to sell thereat ; but if the party licensed shall die, remove cr cease to keep such bouse, his, her, or their license may bo transferred by the au ' lority granting the same, or a license be gran the successor of such partv for the remainder 'he proper authority, on compli .quiilioiis of the laws in all re publication, which shnll not in such 'id: Provided, That where any li-nsft-rred as aforesaid, no payment, (s, shall be required: and where anted under this section, for a por the party licensed shall pay there- ,urtionate to the unexpired term for -W .Wraiiled. o.iiuicturers and producers of j .T'-ti's, and bottlers of cider, iV", not otherwise engaged liquors, nor ia keeping & ..-t cellar, reetauraht or jiiient or P V -;iu bv lb,, bot- ,0fofor :.N.v.te the v .th thir- ty-tir.t, . dred and fifty-. ' je-ight hun -ti.aiiuiitiwiw iiereaiit-i irqutrruj uiu suvil ap- ) plications shall be bled with tbe clerk of the quaiter sessions of the proper county, except in tbe county of Allegheny, and the licenses prayed lor, granted by the county treasurer ; and the bond now requi.ed in such cases shall be fust approved by the district attorney and county treasurer and their approval endorsed thereon. Stc. 13. That no person who keeps in his store or ware-room any hogsheads, stand, casks or liquor pipes, or who keeps a grocery store, shall receive license to vend intoxicating liquor by It ss measure than one quurt ; and constables are beriy required to make return of all persons engaged in the sale of spirituous, vinous, malt or brewed liquors in tl'.rir respective districts, who shall have in their places of business any ol the articles aforesaid, them and the location of their icrpective places of business ; and if any such person shall have a license to vend such li quors by less measure than one quart. Sko. 22. That tbe fourteenth, twenty sixth, twetity-seveuth and thirty-second sec tions of an act to regulate tbe salo of intoxi cating liqnors, approved May thirty-first, Anno I'oount one inouaaoa eight Hundred and lifty-6ix, together with any acts or parts of act conflicting herewith, or supplied here by, so fur as tbe same conflict or ate sup plied, are hereby repealed : Provided, That no license heretofore granted, shall be in any way invalidated by tbe passage of this act ; and all provisions of said act not hereby altered, supplied or repealed, tba!l apply at fully to licenses granted under this act at under the act aforesaid ; that the penalty imposed under tbe tweuty ninth tectiou of said act, shall in no case exceed two dollars, which shull be paid to the treasurer of she school district where such conviction is had, by the magistrate collecting tbe same. Sec. 2'i. That licenses may be granted under this act, at the first term of the proper court after its passage, or at any special or adjourned court held within three months hereafter, and in such cases tbt court may difpente with the j.ublicatiou heretofore re quired. The sections omitted and Dot referred to, are uuimportaot, or do not apply to this locality. ' Made a wager Conrad Pleister, a brewer at St. Louis that be could uplift a half barrel of beer by bit teeth. WbiUt endeavoring to do to be Lad bis upper jaw broken in bo fear ful a manner that it in expected be will die o bis injuries. Turned out about '00 watcbet per month at tbt fuctoi at Waltbam, Mass., which are said to be fully equal to articles of tbe tame character of foreiga- manufacture, while they ere correct tims-keepwi. and art tnucblcrwtr In prift. orittnrCTiao the pabsaor or run The following letter, from Mr. Lawrence, the member from Dauphin, will not be with out interest to many of our readers : (Frnra Um ItarrlibaTg Telegraph ) Ufio. Beroner k Co. Many lnqoirleebev Ing been made of mo ia relation to the right of persons to obstruct the passage of fish up the Susquehanna river, end several petitions having been sent to me, praying for legisla tion on the sabject, I deem it my doty thus pnblicly lo reply to thotn. It is a matter of univorsal regret that so profitable a business at shad-fishing, in which so many of our citi zens were formerly engaged, should meet with to many obstructions and by the de struction of which so much valuable property was depreciated and so many persons de prived of employment; and" any 'means to restore -this trade and afford employment to our citizens will bo a public benefaction. No legislation, however, is needed Mr. Kunkel, one of our former representatives, having provided lor it at tue session of 1851, as will be seen by the following extract from the pamphlet laws of that year, page 714 s Sec. 9. It shall be tbe duty of tbe Susquo hanna canal company to cause to be con structed at the dams erected by them across the river Susquehanna, a sluice for the pas. sage of fish, over which at least ono foot of water shall pass from tbo first day of April to tbe fifteenth dsy of May of each year; the said sluice to extend along the breast of the dam tbe distance of from one hundred and fifty yurds to two hundred yards, in prnpor tion to tbe width of the river at said dams, aud to be constructed at and immediately opposite tbe mala channel from tbo dam down stream, by steps of eighteen inches perpendicular fail, end horizontal platforms at tbe baso of each step of forty feet in width j oi if tttid company shall neglect or refuse to construct said sluices in the manner f.ertin specified for the space of one year after the passage of this act, the said dams shall be deemed a nuisance, and may be abated as other nuisances may be abated according to im laws oj tins Lvinmonwealth One remedy under this section is obvious and easy, Auy person or persons suffering by tbo obstructions in tho river may make information before a justice of the peace, and upon an establishment of the fact in a court of justice, it will be the duty of that eourt to abate tbe "nuisance." It is proper for me to call public attention to this law, inasmuch as it seems to bare gone unnoticed, and many of our citizens are interested and have applied to me, with whom it would bo inconvenient for mo to communicate separately. WM. C. A. LAWRENCE. IlAiiai.snvna, April 16, 1S53. ASSASSINATION OP AMD. J. RODKIGl'E. About a year since we recorded the death of Dr. A. Rodrigue, formerly of Suubury, but moro recently of Hollidaysliurg, who had emigrated to Lccompton city, Kansas, in 185S. We have now to record the death of his eldest son, Andrew J. Hodrigue, by the hands of an assassin, on the 3d iust., at I.ccompton. The deceased was the grandson of Hugh Delias ivq., oi tins piuce. He Was born m the city of Pittsburg, in the fall of 1 835, and had just entered his 23d year. He fell in the dawn of hit man hood, leaving a widowed mother and sisters and brothers to mourn his untimely fate. In the fall of 1855 he emigrated with his father to the city of Lecoinpton, aud at the date of his death was engaged in the pursuit of farming, while at the same lime ho held tbe office of Clerk of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Kansas. He was an able, courteous and efficient officer, as the proceedings of the meeting of the Dar, Chiel Justice I.ecouipte presiding, held on tho Sth of April, in Lccompton, fully testify. The following account of his death we extract from the Lccompton Democrat, of the 8th iiibt : SAD Olll'lUlt.Nlli. "An affair of a sorrowful character occurred in this city ou last Saturday noon which re sulted in the death of ono of our oldest citi zens, and the former Postmaster, Andrew J. KoDniiii'E. It appears that a dilliculty sprung up between the deceused and W. K. Thompson, when the latter stabbed Mr. It. with a pocki-t-knifu in tho side, which pene trated the left lung, causing a mortal wound. Two gccllunieu witnessed tho affray, ono of whom was cut at by Thompson, aud their evidenco was given iu before the coroner's jury. The veidict wa3 iu accordance with tbe fuels, 'That he cupie to bis death from a wound inflicted by Wui. E. Thompson." This biow is deeply felt by the widowed mother, sisters und brothers, also, by tba friends of the deceased, who has been cut down by an untimely death, in tbu primo of, l.l'e, and in the midst of carreer of usefulness. We deeply sympathize with his family iu their irreparable loss. Tbe deceased lived until Wednesday mor ning at 1 o'clock, and during the greater por tion of the timo experienced jiiuch agony. Immediately after tbe deed was perpetrated Thompson left the city, aud although the offi cers of tbe law were iu pursuit of him, made good bis escape, and has has not been heard of since. Tbe funeral took place ouSaturday. He was 23 years of age. A Dangerous Counterfeit. Tbe JWM American notices a new counterfeit $10 note on (be Delaware County Bauk, which was put in circulation for iLo'Crst time on Satur day afternoon. Tbe paper of this note is ruther greasy, but engraved very well, except a medallion bead on tbe right, which is so iudis'.mct as lo be almost indistinguishable'. Colonel II, B. Wright has purchased the Luzerne Uuion. E. S. Goodrich, esq., will edit it. Messrs. Frick, Slifer fc Co., of Lewisburg, sent to New York, this spring, tbirty-Gve of their large bouts, lor the Delaware and Hud son canal. They will tend a fow more shortly. The U. S. Steam Frigate Susquehanna. Fearful Ravages of tue Yellow Fever. Tho U. S. Steamship Susquehanna, Capt. Sands, arrived at New York on tbu 10th itsl., from Nicaragua, via Port ltayal. Jain., where six officers aud fifty-soven men were landed, sick with yellow fever. She has bad 155 cases in all, and seventeen deaths ure known. She is now detained in Quarantine. There had been one hundred and fifty cases o( fever on board the ship. Pardoned T.J. Price, Esq., editor of the Workman's Advocaty, who, it will be remem bered, was convicted of libel and sentenced to four months imprisonment, at tbe March term of our court, was on Wednesday last, set at liberty, having been pardoned by Governor Pac k e t.Min in g Register, Greater the stagnation of business and dearth of employment lo Lawreoce Mast., than in any manufacturing town of New England. Twelve months ago the population was rec koned at fifteen thousand; by tht first of May, it is id, it will pot exceed too thou sand. In Blast. Another of tba Montour Fur oaces bat been put in blast during tbt past week. Tbt Common Council of Cleveland bas ap. propriated $5,000 for tbt preparation of a uouunient ia honor of Cominodort Perry. Montour Wobks. Mr. Mowre, Assessor of tbt North Ward, values tbt property be longing to tbt Montour Iron Company ia this Ward, at $282,850. Tbe State tax on tbe same is $707 12. Couuty tux, $505 70. Th whole amount of tax, including State, County School, Borough aod Poor tax paid by tbit Company is about $5000 evsry year. Nnvf covNTftRrttra. Belvidert Hank. N. J.. Cl tcvrtooj tiff., femalo, deer, can, etc. Boston Bank, Boston, fin, vig railroad bridge and cars female and theaf of wheat Indian with pipe on right. Bank of Dansville, N. Y., 2s, Imitation, viif.. farmer scene, laborers eeated upon ground-engraving dim and much blurred, and tbe till bos a dirty appearance. Bank of Saline, Onondaga Co., N- Y., 2s, vig., harvest field female on right Indiau tn left reads Bauk of Saline, Instead of Bank of Salina. Bank of ChemuPff. Elir.ira. N. Y.. It. Imi tation ef genuine, vig., ox team and load of nav, the impression is rather unit, and signa lures badly done, bttcr refuse all Is on ibis bank, as there are very lew genuine iu circu. lutioo. Bank of Delewore County, Chester Ta., 10s, vig., (on upper left side) ships at tea, me dallioo bead on ricbt end which it very poor Iv ensrraved. tbe paper is creasy, but tbe general appearance of the note is good. Farmers' & Mecbauicet' Bank, of Balti more, Md., 5s. altered vig, fiigures, cupidt, be. female bead on ngbt end. Farmers' Bank of the City of Troy, 6s, al tered vig., head of Franklin harvest scene on left man with cattle on ricbt. Ilousatonic Bank. Stockbridzo, Mass., St vig. man sharpening scythe, lodiau on up cer loft corner. Hobokeo City Bank, N. J.,2s, vig a female flying over tie water a bull dog in circle on left, Indian in lower right corner, with tom ahawk on his foot ; on left plantation sceue, negro with baskot on bis shoulder. Hartford Bank, IJartrord Ct., 2s, altered vig., female horn of plenty, shipping, &c, Indian on right cotton field on left. Is, viir.. female, sickle, and sheaf. Bull in oval circle ou right of vig. Washington on lower relit corner. lion Bank, Ironton, Ohio, 10s, counterfeit. This is the old counterfeit with the red v placedon it. It would be advisablo to refuse all 103 on this Bank, unless the persons who handle them are well posted up. Monroe County Bauk, Is 2s, 3s, C, 109, 20s, altered vie. Hercules boUlinR clobe cars between signatures some bavo vig, on right end of two females, one with ruke, other sheaf, shield between them others, vig, female holding eagle steamer between signatures. Mechanics' Batik, Syracuse, N. Y. 20s vig Ship boiler, female, kc, allured from 2s. Marine Bank, Providence, It. I., 3s, altered vig. three females, ship in distance. McKcau County Bank, Pa. 5s, vig., two females seated with backs to each other- river, bridce. buildings, Ac , ou right; cars &.c , on kit portrait of Franklin on left of vig. Pcrrin Bank, Rochester, N. Y., Is, vig. Indian spearing a buffalo. Comptroller's die on left side lower corner looks greasy. Khodo Island Union Bank, New Port, R I., 5s, imitation, engraving very well done lotters in engraver's uaiue are crooked, thn eyeR of tho human figure oro mere dots U iu Union, in the title of the Bank leans to the left, the other letters lean to the right ; female figure with wings, anchor, cupnl, A;c. Rockingham Bank, Portsmouth, N. H., 3s, imitation of genuine very poorly dono. Apparently wood engraving aud typo prin ting. Paper thin and gentral appearance bad. Stafford Bank, Ct., 10s, Drovers on horse back, locomolivo on right boy aud rabbit on left altered from Is. State Bunk of 20, couuterfuit j the genuine has the ttguro 20 on centre of left end, on the counterfeit the 20 is on tho lower left corner. State Bank of Illinois, Shawncetown, III., 5s., vig. figure 5 with boy and cornucopia on each side femalo, hammer, anvil, boat, &c, on left upper corner -portrait of fctnalo on right end. Bank of Vernon, N. Y., 2a, Name of batik aud State printed on, poorly done. Tim New Method of Outainino Sii.k. It appears from tho Indian journals that some slight uotice has been taken of an Italian dis covery, already practically and extensively carried out in France aud Syria, for obtaining silk, al a most moderate cost, direct from tbu the bark of tbo mulberry lice, and for conver ting the bulky rcsiduo after tho sillc has been extricated, into a pulp suited better than most materials for the manufacture of paper. This process bas been secured by patent iu Eng land aud France, and by an imperial firman in Turkey ; and it is said that steps ure about to be adopted for taking advantage of an exten sion of the patent laws in India, to secure tbo right of the process to tho discoverers, and to work it in that couutry. Iu Bengal aloue millions of mulberry plants, which would yield to'js or silk and pulp, ure now next to throw away that is employed as Gre wood, because no other use has hitherto been found Tor thorn. Tbeie is nothing peculiar in the bark of the mulberry tree. It is the cbemicul process in the stomach of tbo silkworm, aod the subse quent fine spinning, that makes the silk. Given these, silk muy be produced from any fibre that can be got of sufficient strength. Some fibres aro btter than ot ers, but ol these the best is not that obtained from the bark of tbo mulberry tree. At present the silkworm is the most experieuced chemist, and the cheapest dresser and sp'.nner of 'lino numbers' yet occupied in the manufacture and spinning ol silk from bore, which il uuds readiest 0! tuo right quality in the leaf of the mulberry tree. Edcjrapjjic D'ctos. Important from Mexico. Washington, April 17. The mail from New Orleans and all points South, as late due, is at huud. In the New Orleans papers we read that the Supreme Government of Mexico bad withdrawu the exequatur of the Consuls of the Uuitcd States, Spaiu, aud Hamburg tho cause of being alleged to be tbeir zeul in sympathizing with tbo opposi tion. Senor Coovas, in a cote to Minister For syth, says that Cousuls will cot be permitted to interfere iu the internal politics of tbe country. Tho long address from Santa Anna dated St. Thomas, is published in a supple ment to IU Progresse, of the 4th instant. '1 ampico correspondence of the 31st March says that Garza claims tho right to prevent ail vessels outward bound from proceeding to sea. On the lih nit , he fired iuto tho Ame rican schooner Virginia Antoinette. She was still detained, aud her cargo of fruit lost. The Geo. E. Prescolt was detained by the same orders and laid under tbe batteries. Tbe brigautiue Amelia P. How arrived off the bar, and, in proceeding up tbe river, was fired upou from lort Amdsi-gori. . ....... .. The Frirai , Mr. Bentoa. Si. Louis. April 16. Yesterday morning tht remuins of tbe late Col. Beuton were conveyed from the residence of Co, Brant, with a military escort, to tht Mercantile Library Hall, where they lay ia state till 10 o'clock last uight. Tbe Hall and its interior were appropriately draped in mourning. The finul rites of sepulture took place this morn ing, and were participated in by tba various military compauics, benovolent sooieties, fire men, tbe members of tbe city government and citizens generally. Basioess was entirely suspended, and tbe stores and dwellings along the route draped in mourning. It is estimated that twenty-five thousand persons visited tht Hall aod gazed upon tbt features of the illustrious dead. At lea o'clock this morning tht remains were taken from tbt Mercantile Library Hull to the Second Presbyterian Church, where tht funoral ceremonies were performed by tbt Rev. Mr. Cowan, assisted by tbe lUv. Dr. Andorsou and Mr. Brooks. - - At tbt conclusion of the tervkti, tbt body wat bitted in a l.afirne. which was fol'r.wnl ta I tha ilellefontaine Cemetery by the most im posing procession ever formed in bt. Louis, consisting of the relatives aod friends of the family, all tbe military companies of this city, tbe seventh regiment of U. 8. Infantry, (under tho command Of Ool. Morrison,) tbe Judges of tho Courts, members of tbt bar, members of the citr tovernmeot. a large ma jority of the benevolent societies of tha city, tli9 Gorman Turners, and an Immense con- snnrse or others, in carriages and on foot. Tho cortege was forty Evo minutes io passing a given point. Tbo body of McDowel Jonei). the ptand child of Mr. Benton, was conveyed to tbe tomo at mo same time. ARRIVAL OrTnEAFiaCA, LA ft II I'liu.Yl fclittUI'G. The steamship Africa, with Liverpool dates to tbe Jd instaut, arrived at Now i oik, ys terday. The Atlantic Telegraph Cable was being taken on board the Niagara and Agamemnon very rapidly, and it was expected that tbe work will be finished about the lOib of May. Some deep tea experiments will be made be fore tbe final attempt. Tbe paddlo steamer Uorgon has been ordered to attend the Aga memnon. Capt. Preedy com meads tbe Aga memnon. It is intended that the two vessels which art to be completely ready by tbo end of May, shall, before commencing to lay tbe cable pro ceed to sea, and iu tbe deep water about 3000 miles from tbo Irish coast, rehearso a series of experiments in paying out aud in hauling in, and put to a practical test several suggestions and appliances that have been proposed by various ingenious persons. The two ship will, then return to England and re port progress ; and should tbe experiments show that improvements or alteration is de sirable, there will be time to gel it effected so as to enable the expedition to make their fi nal start at the most favorable timo of the year. Extensively Flurried. A excited Youth rushed in among a party of friends a day or two since, and Hurriedly asked tbem to look at a clot of sothes bo had just got at the stown brone holing clowl of Bocksou &. Will bill. After getting the excited youth calmed uown, lie snowed ineni wuu delight, a very elegant suit he bad just procured at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Kockhill & Wilsou, os. 00 J and 005 Chestnut street, above aixth, rbitadelpbia. DU VALL'S GALVANIC OIL. Billlous Cbolic was cured in 10 minutes ask P. A. Brand, of Harrisburg, Ta. Piles of 10 years' standing cured by one bottle, and many others of tbo same character cured soundly by the uso of this Oil. AOKNTI FOR lC V ALL S UALVANIC Pit. rrihllf A Grunt, A. W. Fisher, V. Wcimer, C. Weak, A. 1) Oxyqtnated Hitters. This compound uos scsses much real merit. Tbo cures it is effec ting on every side and without precedent. Dyspepsia who have suffered for years have boen entirely relieved by a few bottles. GKOVl'Il & U.tKEIl'S ci:i.ebrati:o FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. 4M BROATjWAY, NF.W YGHK. W CHES.NUTSTKEET, rniLADLI.I'IIIA. 17 These Machines are now justly admitted to be the best in use for Family r-'ewing, a new strong, and elastic stitch, which will not rip, even if eyery fourth stitch be cut. Circulara Bent on application by letter. Agents Wanted. rV SI .000 n KWAK D will be next for any Medicine that will excsl I'ltATT ft 111 Tl'IlKKS MAGIC OIL for t:i r.illuvvinf cliFrnseii: n hetiniatium, Xeurnlgia, s?;iin:tl Alfcetniti. Contrnc'ed Joints. Cholic Pains, Pum in ttie Side oi ll:ick, lleadabhe, Tx'tiiartic, Sptnins, IViia Ttiront, Cull, llcuin.-a. Darns, and all dumam of the skin Muscles und t:c Ii!:mr1s. Noun criiuine without the sig- niiture f Pratt A UririlFR uttnehed to each Iihrl Principal offc-e, SU9 Washington atrect, Urooklyn, .Sew York. Sold l.v Albeit W. Fisher, Ilrti;;ist, Market street, Simbury, (fT This is to certify, that I have made but one application of tho Magic Oil on my fingers, which havo been drawn from contrac tion of the cords, brought on by rheumatism. I It was of seventeen months standing, and I now entirely cured. 1 choerlully recommend it to ull a Glided likewise. J. M.FINBROOK, narrisburg, "2 Locust ttrect. July 25, 1857. ly. M A R It I A G E S On the 11th inst.. by the Rev. J. F. Warn pole, Mr. William Biles, of Mt. Carmel, to Miss Elizabeth Bobb, of Scutl'town. In Lewisburg, on the 15tb ioEt., at the bride' father's (Ja'l Straw bridge ) by Rev. Dr. Watson, Win. C. Lnwson, Esq., of Mil ton and Mrs. Ann D. Shannon of the former place. On the Cth inst., by Rov. C. Z. Wciser, J. Bnggs Smith and Miss A. Alice Snyder, both of Selinsgrove. On the 24th ult., by Rev. Mr. Miller, Isaac Onyer, formerly of Kelly tp., Union connty Pa., and Miss Harriet Snyder of Rockgrove, Steph. Co. III. On the 31st ult., in Williamsport, by the Rev. Mr. Simington, Mr. Andrew S. Jodon, of Milton, to Miss Lucrctiu Roddy, of New berry, Lycoming co. In Lewis towcship.'nn the 12th inst., by A B. Artniao, Esq., Robert J. Keener, to Miss Susannah Deihl, all of that township. On the 7th ult., by tbe Rev. C. G. Erlen nieyer, William Dock of Middlecreek tp , to Earuh Kisterof Hartley tp. On tbr Sth ull., by tbo same, Daniel Ileim. bach to Lucy Ann Heudricks, both of Wash ington tp. DEATHS In this place, nn Kundav, ti t 18th ins'-, Mr. FRANCIS ECKLEMAN, aged about 45 years. In Shamokin, on the COtb ult., CLAR ENCE EUGENE, oldest son of Benjamin aud Emeline lloy, aged 4 years. In Shamokin, on the 5tU Inst,, UiTtEN ARI3TE, son of Benjua)ir n(j EmeliDt Hoy aged 2 years av:2 li wombs. ' In Shamokin. q Vue 22d ult.. GEORGE K1st, ion 6f Jacob and Barbara Krist, ;eJ 7 months. In Sbamokin, on the29tb ult . HARRIET UOFMAN, wife of Oliver Uofman, aged SO years 4 mouths aod four days. Near Snydertown, on tbe 3Ut nit., VAL ENTINE K., ton of Noah Ware, sged 3 yrs and 11 moctbt. In Buffalo tp, 26th olt., JOHN VONEI DA,ged68yoars. On tbt 7tb inst., Mrs. CATHARINE PAUL, of East BuOaloe, aged 31 years aud 6 months. To New Berlin, 13th inst. Miss CATIJA. RINE MAUCK, aged 21 years. Jo Minersvillt, Sohnylkil! coooty, no tbt 10th iost, Mrs. AMY E., wift of Win, J. Moodit, foituerlv of Miltoo, aged abont 22 ytars. In Lewis township on tha 4th inst., MARY EM M A, youngest daughter of Samuel and E. A. Russet, aged 1 year and 7 months. Ia Monrot tp., pa tho 31st sit., SARAH ELLEN, daogWr ( Qm. G1tt, sg4 22 PltliCiS. Philadelphia Karfcet. April 23,1858. fl' The receipts of Wheat continna qtilte large, though the market is inactive ,d Sri" he,d &l 07 1 10, nd 1 20 a SI 3j Tor good white. Uye is steady at 0 cents. Cora is scarce, and light sales are making at 60a6l cents. Oats art in d. mand at 35 cents. Oloverseod Sales of prims at $5 60 per 64 lbs. Hew Advertisement. NEW MILLINERY GOODS. THE subscriber respectfully informs the c'ti tens of Suubury and vicinilv. that h I,.. removed her store to the house of Solomon D. Boyer opposite Weaver's Hotel, where she has opened a new supply of MILLINERY AND FANCY DRY GOODS, of the latest and most fashionable style, which! she will sell at reasonable price. c , , BAB AH MARTZ. Sunbnry, April ti, lg58. 4t SUNBURY PL0UR AND FEED STORE GOOD TIMES AT HAND. riONSTANTLY CHEAPER and BETTER FLOUR can bo bought FOR CASH of C. O. HAVEN in Market Square iSunuurv, than can possibly be had at any other place in town. It is unrccesssry to say that Uood Flour can be got from the West and North cheaper than from any other quarter at the present time. The sub scriber having made the best possible arrange ments for getting this F lour, is piepared to give satisfaction to all who faver him with a call. Prices range from $6 to $6,75 per barrel accord ing lo puahty. Chop Feed of all kind constant ly on hand. N. U. No Pennsylvania Flour will rompete with his. The price may be the same, but the quality is quite inferior, as all tesiify that try both kinds, ricaso call and examine lor yourselves. C. O. HAVEN, Bunbury, April Si, 1858. On Wcdnesdey. May 5th, 1853. At 10 o'cloc' , A. M.. WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE. At the Caiiiset Wini! Rooms, No. 41! WAL NUT ttrect, Philadelphia, The entire Stock of New and Elegant Furni ture, comprising all the usual assortment iu Rosewood, Walnut and Mahogany. This stock was manufactured by T. P. Sher borne cY Hon, expressly fur Retail Sale-, and n guaranteed to be of the best materials and work menship. The well known reputation of this houfe, wha have occupied the above aland for the last twenty years, is an aEsurance that the goods are all tliry are represented to be. Purchasers from a distance ran have their goods packed on the premises, if deainJ. S.41.E PEREMPTORY To clcae a ship account. April SI, 18; 8 21. SHERIFF'S SALE, virtue of an aTTas writ of Ltvani Fa i) cias issued out of the Court of Common l'leas of Northumberland county to me directed, will be exposed to l'uhlic Halo al the public house of I'etcr Hanaelman, in the borough of Northumberland, Northumberland county, on SATURDAY the 22d day of MAY next, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following described real pro perty, ta wit : All that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate in Point township, Northumberland county, bounded and described aa follows, to wit : Beginning at a post, thence by land late of John Cowden, North 40 dcgives, East, S 10 pf relies to a whiteoak, thence by land late of William A. Lloyd, North SO decrees West, 81 perches to a post ; thence by lands late of Jamcn Kay, south 40 degrees west, 210 perches to three posts; thence by land late of Philip Frick; south 60 degrees east 91 J perches to the placa of beginning. Containing 124 aires and IS perches, (it being the same tract of land which George Eckcrt sold and conveyed to John Wil liam fttamm.) vtbout 115 acres of which are cleared whereon are erected a two story frame house, a 1$ story log house, and bam part lo; , orchard and a well of water, c. Seized taken in execution, and to be aold as the property ol John William Stamm. J AMES VANDYKE, 6hs. iff. 8heriffa office, Kunbury, ) April 34lh, 1858. ) SriUNG AND SUMMER IrllLLINElVir GOODS. Miss 31, L,. G ussier, respectfully ai nounces, that she has just returned fro tbu city wi'.u a new, cheap and elegant assor went of Spring tvad Gammer Millinery Good; Consi'ting af new pattern 13 on nets, Sirat Gimps and Fancy lionnets, also Ribbons, Flon e and Fancy Trimming!, Ladies Dress Cap , A all of w hich will be solJ cheap. lionnets cf every descriptions innde to ore Old bonnets bleached and pressed in the I manner. Thai.kful for past patronage, she solicits a c inuance of the same. 8 tore in Fawn Street, Snd door below the 1 Road. Bun'mrv, April 17th, 1658. Smf PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WOR -Vo. 225 Arch St. bet. Second J- Thira (Opposite Bread Street, riilladelphla S FIVES, Riddles, Screens, Woven W all meshes and widths, with all kin plain and fancy wire work, eavy T Wire for Spark Catchera; Coal, Sand and vel Screens; Paper Maker's Wire ; Cyl and Dandy Rolls, covered in the best me Wire and Wire Fencing. A very superior a' tide of 7cavy Fou Selves. 411 kinds of Iron Ore Wire Reive B.4YLISS, &. DAR Philadelphia, April 17, 1858 elm. NOTICE. A MEETING of the Stockholders of tl v or ton Coal and Rail Read Com pa be held at the Girard House iu l'hiladel TUESDAY, tlth MAY, proxLaio. o'clock. JJvii"- F. L. JOHNSON, ' April 17, 1659, THE anneal Election for a Tresideni rectors oftbeTrevorton Coal sail I Company, will he held at the Girard i Philadelphia, on Tuesday, 1 1th May, Poll open from 1" to 1 o'clock. J M. By order, f. L. JOHNSON, April IT. 18't. NOTIOE. 18 hereby given to the taxable inb Northumberland county, that an a be held ty the Comuisaionert of aaid the Coramissiooer'e Office in tbe borou bury, on the S7th, 23th and 29:h K 1858,) lor the purpose of rectifying any of tba Auesaments, if any, for t year. Those townships and boroughs autl Caserou, Li'fle Mahonoy, Jack August. Upper Mshonoy, Point, Milton borough; on the tsth, Ze: Kortbumhr rland borough, Delaware, Carmel, Lewis, McEwenrvule borot tuib, Coal. Lower Mahonoy, Ci Bhamokio, Kuah, Lower Augusta, ' roogh. CHAfi. HOTT E FREDERICK H SAMUEL ET. Cornmiatin iter's Oj& ) Cow Bunbury , AytU 17, 'i i