1 c c t r ji . I" win tl.o Atlantic Monthly. KAEB IIUERUM. rr oiiTi b wtsnrl.t nottti. Flush out A (.'renin of blood reJ nine! Kit I w oul I drink lo other days; AnJ braider i-hall lluir memory shine, Seen llamiriij through it crimson lloic, The roses die, tl rammer fa-lo, Uul every plfsl of boyhoods dream Dy nature' nmpic power is I a i J To s!e.'; beneath the blood-red Etrcum. It (Mini the vr !e tropes '.hat lay And (Iran!-. t splendors c! the Mn V.'heic the .e; cutirrV doodles t'ay I; iii.rnri.l in !ho brojiii U.ironi'f i It pictures still the t-i.i li-.M.t i-'i':i,i f That saw llioir hoarded f linliglit u.i-u. The maidens dam-ini; un the i ;-c.j. Their miik-wl.ilo ui.U'ts :; .hushed wii.i red 1!. until these, waves o'crii.issin lie, In ri l'. pen ;.i!.-o;.cd lai-t. Tinvv fi.'.ino e:'.a that novel die. 'i'hc awift-i.? vn-i... - l '!' Kit but lh' cry Mai's mystic ti'ti. Kneh shndow rends it lloivc.iv chain, isiii irips in a bubble from ils l -im, And walks the china ire. of the brain, Foer Beauty ! time mi J f irtuni'i wmr! No form nor lent lire may withiatid, Thy wreck" are sent !civd all nl.-nir, Like empty f"-flu l!s on the sand ; Ye! sprinkled niththis Mushing ratn. The dust rctorrs ea -h blooming gill, A. if the cea-slielis moved again V'hcir g!'ieiiiog lips of pink and pearl. j j i Here lies the home of school boy life, With creaking flair end windswept ll nil And ec.trred lv many a truant knile, Uur olJ initials on the wall ; Itivt" re; thi ir koi-n w'.. ration mute i'hc shsut of voices known so well. The ringing hitiqh. the wvling flute, Th; ell Jing of the tharp.toiigncd bell. Here eljd in hurnine robe, are laid I.i'e'e blossomed joys nn'imc'y sliej; Ail I here those rhcnhrd fotins hive strayeJ We misi awhile mid call them dead. What vt..r:tid tiiNlhe naddeitit.g iJass ! What si.il Pic enc'.antc.l clusters grew, Th.il buiied passion wa!;c en.! puss In Leaded drop ot fiery dew ! Nav take tho cup of Mood r. d wine, Our lic.irls ran lousf warmer glow, ft' led lro;.i a vintage mere divine, f ihvcl but not chilled by winter' sniw ! To-ni!it t'.c p.i!cl wave we sip, I.i. h as the inicelr diau tht shall bo That net the luide of (.'mi l's !i;s, i'iie ivcOi'iiij wma of Galilee ! crioicn kxcuspts. l?uSKTfi.K.cE Wo should never in r.i.y v..y Cur-er,l t;i the ill trenlnietil of un tiuih', bi-ctins the fcur of ridic ule, or soinu otliur fear. pre-VfiiU c.iv ii,t..'i leritig. As to thorn fc-itiir iiny tiling ro.Ky trill'tig iu any net of immunity, h vwr slight, it is moral blind nut ' o s ippoiu so. Ti.u fuw uionier.ts iu tliueourfe of each Jay viilon a man nbsnrt"!! in some weirdly pur suit "iny i ttiiiejiiy expend in kind winds or triilini; elmiities to those around Ii tin and !;in Itv.-s in a.') iininml is one of these are, ! " timO :lps, in tho r ii t nf lloavoii, thu only vd to any puipoEO worthy via', ho h, nf loivrliii; , . . t. '.:'! IV AllON r-T i DUES S .MlNDS. It IS a liai'i -I'..' V:i .V of thill','S to bllppuso thill U just caltivatto,, i.r wunu'ii s mntul powers will ! ti Lo tlK'tii out el thmr sphere. 1 he most c-h:v;t!o:! women puiTorm their cotiimon eid'iies hot. They see more in those duties. Tin y rati do more. Lady June Grey would, 1 iltiri' say, have bound up a wound, eir man- ago. a household, with any unlearned, womcu j ol nor day. Cueett Klizii'ueth did manage a kiiit'iluiii, aud wo liud uo pedautry iu her way of doi:.;j it. What is this World? A dream v.ithiu c dvotiiu us wo prow older each step lias au inward awaUetiiLjj. The youth awake!!, and lm thinks from childhood the full-grown mini diirpiies the pursuit of youth as vision ary; tho old in mi looks on manhood us a feveri.-.iied dri.ar.1. Ii death the lakt sleep ? Nn it. is tho last fmul awakening. .-.'. )tlUr Scott. It is 1:it tcri.T to say whioh is the preater defect in n parent s' rictue-s otiJ liiuin'83 in Lis family without feeling aud iilfeetiou, or !'-eh:ijj and nC'"Ctitm without strictness uud Crninefij. Undti the ciu bail system, the cl.i'.'Jie:: arc apt. to Letrot.it. fcl.ives or li pc oritef.; uuder tim other, 'yri.t.U or i.tn.ls. Uut true luvii a iil8ja tin.i, u u trJc- iiti.i uesj is always love. 11 i-a i.i ii is the jjrrmud which yreiit persons cultivate, whereby they excliurigu the light Cjina hours into ejoldun usaiie. I'o thetn, it u inJuMiy tiji.ts'iitod in its puwt.r; tiie li'i.:iun ri.hts uf time. The uiinulo-gluis runs wiiliiifly fund uf ei ntu: i..-s v. 1. .: ...u ideas aro iu tb.j Lealihiul momenta. Wit. Am-jscmfst. "Do yon surpeso that tha grown-up child does Lot wiiut umusement, wiien you tee how greedy children uro of it Do not imayifj we (iiovv out of that: we eliigtllbo ourselves by vari. u3 soleuinilica but we have utitio ol us lost tho child t;aturo ytit.'' PjefS L'MulTlNsd. 'Thera is a eecret Leliuf ut:ii,r.g ioiuo men that Uud U displeased with man's huppiuues ; utul iu cotistqiii'iice t'joy si;uk ubotit civatiou, Uihuuifd uud ufruid to enjoy unytLitig." Talk at I'.'.i'.tim "Auybody v. ho should ctuJy ht'tiiau tiaturo uiuih, would liud thut it vj oiik of thu rniiil uaiigeroua amusements tu bni)f peoplo tOjelher to tr-lk i ho have LmI i;tl!o lo :iy." Mrs nro every day scyioj; and doing, from t!if pool i' of edticutiuti, huhit uud imitation, v.hut I: t no toot wlmtovcr ij their etriuua Lulure. ClM-inimj. Tiis Largz-t K.iov is the Would. Id is stu'e 1 lb. t tl.i; I.iijj, st room tL.it wits over Cui.sii acti ii, is tout iu v;h:ch tho tobacco Hii.os tiro kept at thu 1 nndon docks. The t o n is siiid to tove-r iio.ii ly s.s acres, bcii.g. o t -i.i '! uuJi-r i no rc. f! It is a curious e ire uii. taii'je. tint t!.ls liU'tnious upartmetit iitoa'.j be J.ictcd tj an uiiiclo of uiero luxu ry Hyuu would lmvo t.:i ires of tiie? oceaa in storm, jiiil itiiugino U;i tiiuusaiiii hills riud f i ir lhi.i.:.;a!:ii .i.t.io.r, all drunk, (.Initio;; rtiu auoil , i i:v. r i oh ly-plo .v.-.l pto:n,d, with lots ni cavci'i s j:, it f0( i;,v ai lo step into now u;.:l -.he:;. 1 0:n ri.t wi .d..:n "Wlist, nine itiootl.g o!J and yci; v ueo i wuii a La by I went olo:.o ul six li.CIlt is. Youn Mother, ajide. " Au J blie'a teen O'Oiio ever Biuce." Matter of Mouey marry inp a rich old cuid or widow for the SaU of your boaiel uud lodging. The fellow who kissed tha face of naturo. y;Vai. a'lul,alfso -" M r Tho 1 id v who ni-t lm. ., ji 1 , -,i c'oiti in i:io c,H- no-, bi I., ttieo , i n. . with her babv, has iiaco jomeo the Mo, ,.,,.,. mat h that f...aiLich tha veliola ii taken on,. iU reum.u. Auswor.-Tho word Carlyle iay : "make yourself an honest mn, and then you may b8 sure iWr. it one rascal Icsi In tha world." Soma Ceuiut baa conceived tha brilliant idea to presi all the lawyers into military ser Tiea, io caw of war because their cbargeg r io sreal that no ou cunld itaoj tbem! ANALYSIS fOF LYON'i CATAWBA BRANDY BY A. A.HAYLS, M. V., Atunyr to Iht Statt of Jfafipochustlti. GiMt-.iMt C'u.inACTr.n. A light yellowiBh brown-colored niirit, having a franfant edol when evaporated from rlean linen it left no oil or offensive matter. Analyzed for volatile and fix ed drrg, of h;i'h no ir;ee of any kind were found, lt color ii proved to be duo to a colored rent! an extract derived from wood. In every rrfpcrl it in a pure spirituom liquor. The fraijrnneo or bouquet which it pojsceacs em he isebtcJ, and it then rppeara unlike that from (3ornac ISraiuly or Wine, being a fiuity fs-s-nc-e rei-'.illi'ig from a peculiar fermentation of Cuta.vba ar.d I.-jluKa tiro pea. t',i::y icai C:i.nACTi.n. -l.OPO psr'. in vol ume c f this f; irit eontniii at TO 1' , Gl 2 H) i irt i f pure uho'n l, besides the fragiaul oil. !,!) ! J parts of the s'i.il .uliird !IJ pirlti of a strong t 'l.iti iu of the oil which chiractciizes this llran- dy ; the spirit 'eft, after renioviut; the oil, in pure and odorless, ami in all its qualities n perfect pi- rit not sii! jeet to ebarge. Olio I,'. B. gallon of tl.i uramly ut fit) dec. I1 . contains, besides the r irit and oil. only !2ll jrt. ot inattT compose ! of cxtruct cf fiuit, g'tni, cud colored reMn irjui v.,. ii'osTo.v, January So, 1858, Dr. (.'OXIv. Sitr.te Inspector of Oliio, and Dr. Jas. A'. Chilton. t'he:ni.t, nf iSew York, both pro lonnce this to ho pure lirandy, and free from all ai'tiheiiteion. For Vedicir.-il purposes I,yon's Unlaw ba Hran dy ha no rival, ami lias long been needed to su persede the pnionniis compound sold under tho name of t'rnndy. As a beverage, the pure article is altogether superior, and a aovercigu sure reme dy for liysprpsia, Flatulency,, Low Spirits, Lan guor, General Orhihlv, ij-e. Ac. A Isj, KSlIF.l.H VS 8TIM. AXD SPARK t.IN(J fflA.MPAti.SC. These wines arc made in the neighborhood ol (.'ineinnati, and arc cuar- antiej to be the pure juice of the Ornpv, and are eminently calculated lor invalids olid persons who require a gentle stimulant, and for sacramen tal purposes. Ketail price ?l 2.r per bottle. A liberal dis count made to tho trade. Dealers will please send their orders to the sole agent for Northum berland comity JOHN F. CAS LOW, Druggist, Milton, Pa. February, 10, 1P."i8 Sin. J03STES HOUSE. l'OVEKl,Y, Iroirletor. Cur. uf Mnrl i t Stint A- Mat-L et Square, II A It K i S II I II (j , P A . rpms m;V ASO KI.KiiANTIKiTKL, recently er. it'il by l.'io M.'ssm .Iii.M:-, in HimicSiirL'. I'h.. Imv ; iiis bn ivariV tor ii It rm m ye.m by tne iiiuI.t."ii'mI. he I taken ilus mctlu J ..I rxili'.g tiie ottriition ot hit former l i:ilii'l:u, n:,i1 ll.i tuivt;:iiii!7i"tiiiilioHty, Itirrt'lo. I II ,i ii,' a Irniil ir ,'np iiitnilrcil and forty lct on the plini '.'Ul street ol tlx city, unit Klfly-lwo l"ett i'miiton M.irkt.t So,'t:re. it eiitm it tail to pruve iittriicuve us well , a. luvitliie to slr:ili!fira. In Oniiiiiicis nrc of f.ne size, well ventilateil, ami I'chu-it wit Ii Hal- a number Willi ei'tiueetiiig iloors ma. kinu tlit'in very it-'ir:ible f..r fnnnlieM. 'I'tie tiolii are Wanniit ttir.iueiuint by Heater.T; anil eveil 111 'tletn iiilliiveilient, ill f:iel, him been tnlitt ll, tint ii.;iv e-iii lino Ui lac toiiely, coniS'iil. uinl liniioinesti of the j C'lestS. I itl irs niny. iturffi're. rrt fls-tr,!, t':nt t'le ''J-'iies ; H..;ier' ha been lu-i'le peifef-t 0t n! iis amviininienli. 1 th:0 e;ieh I'ep irttnent Ii:i.h 1 .een ;i!:iei il in euate uf I'.xpe ; ri, neeil ii-.hI l.'.,inpeie!il I'piiins that in eeery nirlirnur I tie' KVFteul K'loeh has ail.tpted by the Proprietor, will nfl'-'lil In lanse who in iy in ike it then h 'lne. n ureal u rlearit! of ciniMit aw may beuljlained at any Mtiolur efctiiblisht.ient I in t(e? relate. 'I'o secure llos defii:ib!e result, he lias fiirnislieil the ! Public anil Plivnle Private I'arlorn. rhami'lB, llinins ! ISooiu. Ae..withenlircly.KV IMJIt MTL'lt !'. ; nnil 11I.0 ! nrraarred wiihln tile hutMiiig. n fine Ilrirtn"'.i Salmal. I ; 8 j ter s,il"in. llretsin Kooin. Ibtt Hint (V!. llaths. As. j Tne Ciilinnry Depnninent niMt llining Knoin wiil reeeive llie especial iiite.ilion 01 the Pr.-pi ietnr. which h imstH, 1 Wlil be n liltileient i;uarinler that alt tnFes will be ntnteil. I After returning hm heartfelt tliattkn to liin nl, IriemtM ",,u '"iiwiin. n'i l.ir i-uiiL-iiiii, pilLiillli:e pi, ions fxicniieu to him at tiie '-Ccverly House." and niso to his frienls "lld P'llrons at tli'-Colii,i,'j:a llmise," Cape Mi.n.l, iluruig rthe-JONLsnui WKLLS COVl'.RLY. January 30, Craos. LANCASTER COLLIERY FOR SALE. Itupoi-taul to Coal Operator. rfpIIE undersigned Lessees of the "Lancaster Colliery," near hainokin, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, wishing to retire from tho busiiicss. oll'er for sale the Lease and Fixtures of said Colliery, on satii factoty terms. This Colliery has been in operation einec 1851, and has been succesrlul beyond expectation. The Coal is a superior articles for all in-cs to which Anthracite isapplied, and a good market has been established, which can be much extended. The Oreaher and Fixtures are of the very best char ni ter and will recommend themselves to persons ac.piaiul.d willi the bii-irrtss. The Lean? runs to January 1, ISC', anj ia a fa vm uhle one for 1'ic operator. For further information apply r.t the Colliery in peif iu, or by letter to Miaiuokin, P. )., Nor thumberland e.iniilv . I'enr.svhauiti. COCHRAN, PEALE A: CO. Fe! ruaiy ti. lSfH. u' VALUAEL.3 SEAL ESTATE oi'!Ti;i:n At T'lIVA.a'iJ SALE. rfilHH subscriber oiler at private talc, a cer J3 t.iiu lot or piece of Lnd, situate in Luvrer Augusta township, Northumberland county, about 8 :nil, b i il.nv r-'unbury, bounded on the v e-t by ihe river rrusiiuehunna, on the south by land of Ceorge .-Viler, on the ca.;t by land ol V m. Kroh, uud on the north by luud of Win. U. .lone, containing i Acres and 18 perches, al! ol which is cleared and in u very high slate of cultivation. 'i'hc Northern Central Rail Ii ir.J pa.:-e through the tract, and is aUo bouuii on ilp p..wt l.v ,1... M..;n u i t i:.. from H.inl.ery to Jlairisbn'rg. which together, nun tne ltivcr upon the west, and the fertility ol the soil make, il a very pleasant and desira ble situation. A I.SUj another certain Tract of Land, situate in taij towiifhip, ailji.iuing lands of William Kroh, o the suuth, tho bur of Robert and Ar thur A uclunuty ; on the east Win. V. bilvcr wood, and a public road on the north, and Win L. loues on the wet, containing !:l Acrea 121 perches strict measure, tbout 50 acre of which nie clearej, and in a hih slate of cultivation aoj ihe rc.-idue most excellent laud fr cultiva tion, but is now covered with excellent limber, and if purchased Minn, the ptirrhascr can gel a large ijuaulity of Railroad Ties on the same. I his tract i. also well watered, having several fine epriugs upon it, and every title! can be wa tered iherel.v. Au indisputable title will be given and terms of talc reasonable!. WILLIAM R.JONES. Lower Augusta tp., January 3, 1857 if FEBRUARY 20 1858T L'ST received ly Ilailnud another lot e 9 choice and drtiruble goods consisting in par of fancy Del.ines new Mylcs, Uluck and Fancy Silus IVautilul Madder I'rinU at 6,8 and 9 cents per yard Poreiau Lelu-jje 12 eeiita Plain Dilanes ISj cents 36 inches wido unbleached Mu.-liil C eeiits Also 1JII0 yards Muslin dif. tctcut vtijlhs and qualities French Cloths, Cas fiu.ereo, fcalinelt, Kentucky Jean Ac, at eiceed in,;iy low priecs And we call particular alien ti n to our M ick ol r resit liroeenes, feeling as sured that their ijuulity and uur price will render entire Katie faction coma oris come all! ExamiiiH our goods and learn our prices, our stock presents a large and varied assortment, en abling purchasers to maku gooJ teleciiuu to the best advantage. OKEAT BARGAINS, lu coiiseipiuee of the advanced state of the Win ter, we will commence frcin this elate to sell uur cmire stock of Ready Made Clothing blankets, H inter Hosiery, and a very nice assortment of Ladies BhaU at greatly reduced prices Now ia the time to secure good bargains. A H.VXV kUVKC 18 A TKNNV EARNED, E. Y. BRIGHT &. SON. Sunbury, February 30, 18'. . MONEY CAN BE SAVED BY PURCHASING AT THE OtriTBXTH.-2, NOBTHtTMBERLAND OOUNTYPA. We have just received and are now opening large and choice seleeted stock esf WINTER UOODS, comprising an endless variety, and will positively sell our entire slock at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. We return our sincere thanks to the publit for our increasing patronage and ahoH etiJeavor to merit a continuance of the same. ' i:. y. miiGiiT & sex. nrCOT'NTUY PRODUCE WAITED AT THE HIGHEST PRICES. Sunbury, December 19, 18S8. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. t J'tU u subscribers, Kuecntors of the estate o JL Henry Masser, dee'd., offer at private sale the following property viz s A large two story frame dwelling house, together with about fiO ACRES OF LAND, Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining tanda of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the oeeupaney of John R. Kaufman as store and dwelling. The house is new and the location a good one for business. Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONE LAND, in said township on the river about 6 miles be low iSunbu.y, adjoining lands of J. T. MTherson ami others, containing, about 80 acres. The oil ia productive and contain limestone and other minerals. Al.-o a tract of Land, containing about 35 acres on the hill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining hinds of the heiia of the late John Conrad and others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply tethe subscribers. H.U.MASSKR, ) P. 11. MASTER. Executors. FRANCIS I1LCIIER.) Sunbury, January 19,1856 if Farmers Look to Your Intercut. 1 LIME 1 1 THE sudscribcr respectfully informs the far niers and the public generally, that he has leased the lime kilns of Ira T. Clement in Hun- bury, and that he has always on hand, and is ready to supply a good quality of lime to all who may want for building or farming purposes. llehas also a kiln at Kecfer's crossing 5 miles from Sunbury, or two from Snvdertown. TV All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange. GEO. W. STROII. Sunbury, Dec. 26, 1857. HOVERS LIQUIDHAIR DYE. The tentiinory of Piof. Hooth and nr. Driuekle liuving previously been puhlihheil, the following is now added : . Krom Prof. McCl.OSKKY, fi.nneily Professor of Theory uud Pruetiee of Medieiue in the Female Medienl c'ollece rf Pennsylvania, iitHtlnte Professor of Suigery in the American Colleneof Medienir, Ac. ! I'ltiUl'ELI IIIA, Nov. STth. IMfl. Ma. Josfpii V.. tliiVKR- lnal of your l.li.t II) IIAIU DVK will eonviuee the most skeptical, that it is a Al K, KI.KGANT, Ulld F.I'Fll'Al.loL'S piepnmtlnll. I'lllike many others, it lias lu Beverul inttanees proved serviceable in tiie cure of some eutaueou. eruptions 1111 the head, and I have no hesitation iu coiiiuiendiug it to those requiring s icti an apiilieutioil. Very repectlu:iy, J. F. X. McCI.OPKK.Y, M . 11., 47.5 Iluce St.. nliove 1 3tb. II')VIR'- WR1TIXO INKS, inelndine; IMiVI'lt S Wltli lMi FI.l 111. uud ll(IVF.lfSIMJl:l.IHI.l:lKS, still maintain their hiuh character, which has alwuvs ttis liiii;uislicil them, and tiie extensive demand lirst erealeil, has eoniinui d umlitcnupted until the present. Orders addressed to the Manufactory, No. 4 IB RACE street, above Fourth, (old No. HI,) Philadelphia, will recciveproinpt attention, by JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer. December 25, IS57. April 25, '57, chj IOOO lb uS Carpet Itans VirANTED at the store of K. V. Bright & ' " Bon, who are constantly receiving a fresh supply of (ioods, thus offering to the public the largest and nio.-t desirable assortment. July 11. 1S57. ipATCHOL'LY, JOCKEY CLLU, (SPRING A- FLOWERS, &c, of the best quality ; a fresh supply just received and for sale at the Drug More of A. W. FISHER. Sunbury. Aug. 1, 1857. HAItUU'ARE, of all kinds and endless variety. BRIGHT eV S(. Sunbury, Dec. SO, 1857. GlOVCS of all kinds, Stockings, Collars, Sus penders, Buck Mitts. Handkerchiefs and an endless variety of Hosiery Bnd Notions. Sunbury-. Dec. V.G,'57. BRIGHT & SON. prjEAUTIr'l L DRESS GOODS, including ti& Figured and Plain Merinos, Silks. Scotch Plaids. Nilk Striped Poplins, Cashmere, Trenton Plaid, Umber Shades, Fancy and Plain DeLaines Valencia. Puramrtto Cloth, cVc, just received and for sale by BRIGHT &, SON. Sunbury, Dec. 2li, '57. I'r.iiN'S, Ceilai, Holli w and Glassware, cuntainiiiff everything useful and orna mental. BRIGHTi SON. Sunbury, December 2fi, 185'. IJItrolrtti'K, Viitoriiies, Opera Cap.', Wool Hood?, Comforts, Cashmere Scarfs, Laib Gaun!e'lts, &c. BRIGHT 4-SON. Sunburv, Mtt. 20, '57. 4LM0XD.H. RAIS0N3, Y JU, LEMONS. A:c., Ac, just received a fresh su,";1' nJ for sale at tha Confectionary store of M.C. GEARHART. Sunbury, May lfi, 1857. TOR SALE. 4 Good second-hand Buggy. ofi.ee. Apply at this New KrugM, Painlst, &c. NEW siiiply of Drugs, Paints. Oils, Fluid, 4c, just received and for sale by A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, May 2, 1857. f AND WARRANTS. The highest price -will be given for Land Warrants by the sub crihe. H. B MASSER. LATENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS fo bar bottles tor sale by H. B MASSER. Sunbury, July 19, I85fi. stationery. A large supply of fancy Note Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, and Cup Paper, Pena, Ink, Sand, elc, at March 14, '57. A. W. FisHF.R'8. l tobacco and SegarB 20,000 Imported -- Segars of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish nj j;ne CU( tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S. Sunbury, March 14, 185T, riOUNTY ORDERS.County order, taken as cash for goods, and on note or book ac count by E. Y. BRIGHT 4- SON. Nov. 'JO, IftSH. JORTaud MADERIA WINES, Schiedam Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry Mid Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes at March 14, '57. A. V. FISHER. leaking Tackle. Red Cork, Grass, Cot-- ton and Linen Lines, Out Lines, Sea. Grass by the yard, Snoods. Flies, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooka, Hods, etc., for snle by March 4 I. '57. A. W. FISHEB. Cady.liale OothlliSf. Peter Sham, - Whippoorwill Bangups, Mohair Raglane, French Cloth and Alack Union Coats, including a nice assortment for Heys. Pants, Vesta and Monkey Jackets, all sixes and prices. Sunbury, Dec. 26, '57. BRIGHT 4 SON. SQUARE and Long Broche Shawls; also, Walervliet, Bay Slate, Waterloo, and Blan ket, Shawls, latest styles, all qualities and prices. Dec. 26,1857. BRIGHT & SOS. P. MELANCHTON BHINDEL, JUSTICi: OF THE PEACE, BXTNBUBY, FA.. OJJiee in Deer Street, immediately oppotite M Public School House. All buaineae promptly attended to. Monies 'I'scCtd and all ordinary wriunga dona, anbury, April 15. J e57 af WE STILL SURVIVE THE CRISIS ATOTWITILSTANDINGfhe astonishing quan titv of Goods that I brought into town last Spring, I succeeded in selling them all out ex cept what I gave away, and had to hurry to the city, for new lot, in order that my customers might not be put to the inconvonience of buying at other stores, where they would be chaiged killing prices. Profiting by past experience,! have just brought on Twice as Many Goods, and I have now the largest and CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT ever offered within hearing af this place. I am bound to sell CHEAPER THAN EVER. before. I need not say cheaper than my nei bors; for that is no longer a disputed fact. I am now ready to deal out goods twenty hours out of twenty-four 8undays excepted at lower prices than any person dare ask lor. Just call for any thing you want. I am deter mined to SUPPLY ALL DEMANDS that may be made, reasonable or unreasonable, Call soon, aa tho rush is Tremendous. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Dec- 26, 1857. ly 1857. FALL & WINTER GOODS ! 1858 FANCY DRY GOOD STORE Market Square, Sunbury. TVTOW received and will continue to receive ' the largest and best selected Stock of Mack Cluths, Cassimeres, Cassinetts and Veiling, J e. An assortment of Dress Goods, viz: Fancy rrintcd Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, Da Lain Uareges, Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapacas, Dress Silks, Ginghams, &c. LINEN AND WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet ing, i'lllowcaseing, &c. Dress Trimmings in Great Varioty. Boots and Shoes Hats and Caps, Hardware, Cedarware, Groceries, Queensware SALT and FISH, Cheese, Crackers, Segars. Tobacco, Knuft, Ac, an assorsment of other Goods too tedious to mentioh. Keeling grateful for past favor we beg leave to n -v'c our old friends and ihe public that no ell i t on our part shall be wanting to merit cor.: nuance of our patronage. e.ountry produce taken in exchange at the highest market price. P. W.GRAY. Sunbury, Dec 12 1857. tf NEW Paper. Printers' Card and Envelope WAREHOUSE, Ao. 403 Commerce Street, rhihuUfphia. Cash buyers will find it for their in tercet to call. January 16, 1958. Gmos. $1 ran -Cutter. THE subscriber has been appointed Agent for Messrs (it'ddes A Marsh of Lewisburg, for the sale of their Straw, Hay & Corn-Fodder Cut ter. This Cutter is the best in use. Farmers and others are respectfully requested to call and examine for themselves. P. B. MASSER. Runbury December 2G, 187- tf A VALUABLE FARM AT PKIVATE SALE. rriHE subscriber will sell at private sale a JL FAKM, situate in Foint township, Nor thumberland county, about 3 miles from the borough of Northumberland, on the Danville road, adjoining lands of J. C, Morton. James Neabit, 'Cha?. Parks and the north branch of the river Susquehanna containing 75 to 100 Acres, to suit purchaser. The land is in a good state of cultivation. The improvements consist of a large frame HOUSE, well finished; a Spring House, built over a never-failing Spring close to the house, a Bank Barn and other outbuild ings. An Oichard with young and choice fruit trees. The above tract will be sold on reasonable terms and an indisputable tide given. Posses sion gtCn on ne fir8t day of April nest. For further Particulars inquire of the f ubscri ber, residing on ti adjoining faim. JAMES NESBIT. Poiit township, January 23, 1858. tf OOTS & 6MOES for Men. V.'omen end i Children, a'large ock. cornpri.lng .Men's Water IWKipp .nd C.,'.' k' Boots, Brfl gans.Moroeeo, Kid and C.lf.kin 'oes, Ositcr. and Cium (Shoes. II RIGHT & u ISunbury, Dee. 86, 1857. Mackerel, Herring and Shad, wholesale or retail. Now is the time to purchase Fish, as we are enabled to after them at a lower price than you can purchase them in the Spring. Sunbury. Dec. 2fi,'57. BHICHT & SON. A. J. JlOCKEFELLEll Vttornen at Caw, SXJZSTBXJIir, PA., Practices in Northumberland end adjoinin Counties. Sunbury, November 31, 1857.- tf PEILIP E. FTOBT. WUOltlill AID BET11L Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, 5. E. cor. Walnut and Water Streett, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4, 1856. tf WHOLESALE AVD RsTl.IL BOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S.t, above Chetnnt, PhiVa. BOOT8, Shoes, Gaiters, ic, promptly made to order in tbe very best style, and ef tbe best material. Philadelphia, May 9, 1857 EARTHEHWAHB- pHE subscriber respectfully In'orms the citi. tens of Huubury and the public generally, that he has commenced tbe manufacture uf all kinds ef EARTHENWARE, at hie manufactory in Whortleberry Street, one square east of tha River. He has engaged the services of Mr. lUar. and you can therefore depend on having a good article. The public are respectfully invited to call. All ordera from a distance will be promptly attended to. r ' , P. M. 8HINDEL. Sunbury, Feb. I, 1856 tf FOR lEiiEjisrrr riHE Store Room in Market street, occupied JL by P. W. Uray and the dwelling boose ad joining. Apply to the executors of 11. Mawer, (lC4taaed. January 17 SS57, NEW ABBAKQBMBNT 1 Freth Arrival of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, &c. THK undersigned, having taken the store for merly kept by William A. Uruner, ia now ready to fill orders and prescriptions at a mo menta notice. He has a large and well selected lock of fresh and pure SRTJQS. CHEMICAL, Dye-itufls, Oil, Paints, Glass, Putty, and all kinds of Patent Medicines. FRUIT AND CONFECTION ART Tobacco and Imported Segsrs of the choicest brands. Fancy Notions' toilet article!, and Per fumery of all kind Teoth and Hair Brushes of every variety. Camphine and Fluid alcay on hand. Customers will find his etock complete, com prising many articles it ia impossible here to enu morale, and all sold at moderate price. Remember the place, next door le L. I, 13 right's Mammoth Btoro. A. W. i-lSUE.Il. Sunbury, March 14, 1857. FURinTURE iFURNITURE 1 1 THE LARGEST 8TOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. Fashionable, C'beap and 1'ieful rtMl E subscriber, lonir established as a Cabinet A and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank ful for tiast favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. His etock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, fC, embraces KVHIV VARIETY, VSEFIL AXD ORNA SitSTAL in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may ba required in nis line can ba bad at moderate prices, Cheap for Cash, or Country I roducetaleen in exchange Establishment South East Corner cf Afarket Square. rp These knowing themselves indebted to tho subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN HAUPT, Sunburv, April 4, 1857 tf WAOSDKRFUL COISCWEXCE. All Nation of the anmc Itllndt IIOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT Tbe anniversary of the intrivduction of Hollowav Ointment ought to heo iuldlce foievpr. It hm saved counlkvi mulliiu'let from diiKKiuetn?nt, pornlyziition niutiliition. ng.ny and drnth. Alanine from ihe lurTnee t whish it it nnl.il, its henling tnlin finds iti way throuch every coaling nnd lijmnif nt of the lxnly, lo the veiy source ami biisis of nil eruptive, ulcerous, tumorous, and en nee- i roua iliscani'S. It distiiiffuiflics the febrile principle thtit , feeds them, and the tmtward symptoms fadt, hral, and uiHt awny with a rnptditjr incredible to those who have not witnessed it. SCROFULOUS ERUPTIONS AND ULCERS. The poison f scrofula lias never been neutralized or excelled by any of tbe remedies of the pharntnenpreia The sole antidote to this virulent and destructive element is Hulloway's Ointment. Mujendie tV IJroilie, the ;re:it French and Knlish surjreonn, do no deny or dispute this great fuct. There is no form of scrofula thut limy not be controlled andeiued by this balsamic remedy. CANCF.RS AND TUMOK8. The knife or raustic ma v remove a eancer or turner, but the seeds of the terrible excrescence remain iu the blood, and it Is soon reproduced in a worse form than before. Holloway's Ointment, on the couutrury. pene trates into the circulation, and pervades very infected vesicle, and ki Is thediseuse by ilestioying the corrosivu pruiciplc thut generated and sustains tt. INFLAMMATIONS OF THE SKINS. AU rnshes and ordinary eruptions, ns well as Krysipe!as, Acne. Km? worm, Cnrbuncles, Sen Id Ileml, Suit Hheum, Leprosv. Prickly flmt. Ac, me leinovcd by a few brisk applications of the Ointment. ACCIDENTAL INJURIES. WOUNDS. Sprains, Bruises, Scalds anil .Burns are immediately relieved by lta upphc-.ttion. l he inn.imma tiouquickly subsides, fever and lockjaw ate prevented, anu unucr a perse vei mg use ut tne preparation, the pro cess of healing is soon accuinplis.ied. Both the Ointment and Pitts should be used in the following cases : Bunions Lumltatyi Sore Ie?s Swelled Glands bums Mercurial Ho re Hrenfts Stiff Joints Ch npped Hands F.ruiiitons Sore Heads Ulceis Chilblains Tiles Sore Throats Venereal Soren Fistulas Rheumatism Sorei of all Wounds of all Gout Salt K Ileum kinds kinds Skin Diseases Sprains Scalds fir CAUTION None are fpenuma unless the words "Holloway, New York and lndon," are discernible as as a voiler-murk in everv lent of the book of dtrectio.is around each pot or Ixx ; the came innv be pbtuly seen bv hold in the leaf to the light A handsome reward will be given to any one renderin? such information as iriay lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medicines ot vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. Sold at the Manufactories of Prnfansor Hollow at 90 Muiden l-ane, New York, and 241 Strand. london, by nM respectable UruiRists and Dealers in Medicine through out the United Suites, and tha civilized world, in boxe, l 20 cents. 6J J cents, and 1 each. 17 There is considerable saving by taking the larger sizea N. B. ptractinns for the guidance of patients in every disorder are ntfixed lu each tox. October 17, 17. 1 yea THE LA HCi F.ST tlifitiiilii"' ESTABLISHMENT IN THE CITY UF UALTIMORE. MATHIOT'B Gay Street Warerooms Koa. 3 and 'i6 North Uuy street, uear Kayettet BHltimor. : wlicrc is kept alwuvs on lismf, or muJe to order, every style of French TKTE-A-TETE3, ill flush. Hair, Cloth or broentelle. French Full Stuff and Medallion Parlor Arm Chairs, in Flush, llnir. Cloth or Broc.tclle. French Full StuffCaived Farlor Chairs in sets, with Flush, Hair, Cloth or Urocateile. SOFAS- Half Freuch Spring Mahogany and Walnut Parlor Chair., iu Hair, Cloth auUFIusli. KiK'king Chaira varioua cleaigus, in Hair, Cloib and Plusli. bluff Spring I Hinge. . large asaortmeut alwaa en hand, or ail) pattern lumieor covered with any guotla to order. CHAXrZBBB SUITS.' IilMahogany or Walnut, complete, from 835 up. Cuu. Clmiraand Kotlciug do. the largest assortment ready mad. in any one bouse in lh I'm led State iriu ill a dozen up. Mar Room, Office and Dming Chair., in Oak, VVutnnt or Maliogimy, with Cane, Wood or bluffed beats an assortment emhiacing ov.r50doxen. Wood scat Chaira aud Settee, and Rooking Chairs. over 1U0 dozen. liilt and Plain Pram Lookinr Glasses, of ev.iy variety. AU kinds of Bed., tiair and Husk Mattiaasea A. MATHIOT. No.. S3 snd 05 N. Oay at , near Fayette at , Baltimore. August 1,1047 ly IDE JM TISTBTT. GEORGE IiENN, 4 NN0UNCE8 to the citiiena of Sunbury and vicinty, that he has opened an otBcein Hun bury, above H. J. Wolvertoti's olljce opposirb C. Weaver'! Hotel, wiere be ia prepared to attend to all kinde of work belonging to the profession, in the laUst and most improved style. AU work well done and warranted. December 13, 1856. Citrate of Magnesia TA,T.',A A L T 8 . a4 preparfttioo U rcomrondd an x JL eellent UiatW ni puTgUv It operatct mildly, U tntirvly free from ny uBUMnt UH rettmbling lmD&dt in flaw, prrfj aud ol4 Banbury, mic i99b ISAAC M. WILKEItSOlV, MANUFAOT T3PE O? FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Soft, Ulvann and I.ottngeii Boreans, Secretaries. 6ideboards, 'SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila- uelphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. rPHE subscriber respectfully calls the attentiei of tho public to hia large and splendid as sortment of every quality and price of CARIftlVT-WAltE which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery enr who will examine it, on account of it durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of hia ware, and the subscriber ia determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. He alto manufacture all kinds and qualities CHAIRS, ncluding varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, auch aa Miuooakv, Black Walsut and CrnLxn Maplk GnKciAtt : and WmnsoR CHAIRS, A!n FAKcr Piaio Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase fnrniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained bout the quality and finish of his ware and t hairs. ' hese articles will be disposed of on as good ten. as they can be purchased elsewhere. Ceun tryp Jtluce taken in payment for work. u UNDERTAKING. Having provided a handsome Hkis.se, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi ciuity, or at any convenient distance from this place , ThcW'nre Roam is in Fawn Strect.be ow Weaver's Hotel. He has also purchased the right of manufac turing and selling in Northumberland county, Gould's patent Excelsnir Spring Bed, which be will furnish at reasonable rates. Springs put in old bedstead for three dollars. IiMAC M. WILKERSON. Sunbury, April 18, 1857. tf. Toll ran id fas. nMW,l.. (ft Tst.l.fH Am IB ft TWitetl pran ut. It ranir no Wsi,ftl.Ur r rmnt. maU itUntl, RBtt U mora Mllr m1H ..... W)VnVu an stnjr etfi(r l'4.a rer iaftnio-i. All fWid worth In Mkline eiiBn.Ttfr- ui wnrlfl m till tittllibla, HiOlplt. UeMTeUld IT 1tri rit UiU krlfola h fstlaat ttsmnt hat fl i-ffiuM lai'Mtei in the. Mforltvr I'ana mar trr wt ntifte (mi vrsieticl mn who bat MuuMd it bat i It ii tvTTftntJ u krn all artUltJi put up aefnrrltitr u IB linPBl Tatnlt. u ui'vrciiim. i ry ii. ana in an wor a tauur" ti it fftult of tti (.'art lh moiv wlil b rfmdfl Tbi riakfli, par Ciia.inlWfnUrl Tatie)B Oam, diffeirBt from l1it offejtiii arweard br Mlier. Th rlirt5 ia nan antiralynew lan. (lie CkM , la I'erWtl Mill, and -aanot aeririgaor t roMat, aa fur Gam Lrankata would laon any oihart'an- Tba otninaT ia larva aBovLrh ut tinit a falUtfad tb Vhor it bo lad ab.nt tl Ut dtUriorat lha tbaronUtitai ii ta mart olirlT of Tta. f un irincir of iiu ha j in aai ior i nraa rmrm, mmi taut "Cu kav vtao uam WUI an fftn Other Ctta. ttpit rtTTT m a wJ frt j Kit ll-. V.V Per. H.1MT SALAMANDER FIRE THIEF-PROOF SAFES. The largest assortment in tha United States. Warranted to be equal to any now made, and will be sold on as Good Terms, as can bo .obtain ed from any other house in the Country, at EVANS & WATSON'S 26 South 4th Street, Philadelphia. Truth is Mighty, and Must Prevail Ptport of the Committee ajqwinted to tuptrin tend the Burning of the Iron Safes, at Read, ing, Ftlruary 27, 1&57. nr.iDi.to, March 4. The undersigned, members of the committee, do respectfully report, that we saw the two tSufcs originally agreed upon by Karrels & Herring and Lvuns & atson, placed side by side in a fur nace, viz: The Sale inuse by the ray master of the Philadelphia and Reading Hailroad Compa ny, in li i s cilice at Heading, inannt jcturcil by FarreU & Herring, and the Safe in use by H. A. Lantz, in his store, manufactured by Kvans A Watson, and put in books and papers precisely alike. The fire was started at 8 o'clock, A. M.,and kept up until four cords uf green hickory, two cords dry oak and liall'cliesnut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the superin tendence of the subscribers, members of the Com mittee. The Safes were then cooled olT with water, after which they were opened, and the books and papers taken out by the Committee and sent to 11. A. Lantz's store for public exam ined aud marked by the Committee. The books and papers taken from '.he Sale manufactured ny Karrels ir Herring were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than those taken from Evans .V Watson's Safe. We believe the above to have been a fair and impartial trial of the respectie qualities of both Sa" JACOn K.DY8HEB. DANIEL S. H LATER Having been absent o'w"8 the burning, we fully coincide with Ihe above statement of the condition of the papers and booka tttkcr oul of the respective Sales. G. A. NIOOI.1,8, H. H. MLHLKNBERO, JAMES MILHOLLAND. March 21, 857. NEW OONFEOTIO NARY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEAUIIAKT, HAS just received a new and excellent assort ment of goods at his Confectianary and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunburv, where he manufactures acd keeps oh hand, at all times, the most choice Confectionary, &.Z., Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among bin stock of Conlectionariea, maybe ru. id : .'...eh Secrets, bum uropa, an muds ol scant, Love D.oi4, Mint 11ro, red and white, Jelly Cakta, Ftuit Drops, Muck I'Mjklira, ( all scents Roek Candy, Almond Candy. PE7JT. Prunes, Fig., Citron.. Burneu Almond., Crcura .''lie, lrfinon Kiae, Vanilla, Common bccicls. Liq untie., Bananas, Da tea. Currant, dried, Aiuienda, Rsisons, Nuta afa'u ,uda LEMON" SYRUP of a superior quality, by the einzle or dozen. A superior quality of Segars and Tobacco, and a' variety of Confectioneries, fruit, cVc, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. ICS QREAM. He hat alse opened an Ice Cream on, and will at all times La raailv ta aer- U customers with Ice Cream. Sunbury, May 84, IBS' AMEIiAN HOUSE, i-LIAMSPDRT, PA., J. II. KELTO.V. Proprietor. jti.r.Uuu iiit. Sept 13. 1856. tf I preach Clotb. Fancy ana Plain Casei ; qsere, Tweed. , Kentucky Jeans, Silk, Sa tin and Bilk Velvet Vesting., Troy batinett add th very largeel and cheapest assortment of Men't Wear suitable for cold weather. BRIGHT & SOS. Sujibdry, Pee. 1 '7. 9 HERRING'S SAriJ. ssi i. TUB nr,.... ..." Of pob7 on",,, th-t w.ll(',Vlln;"',eo)'8AI'lj I Extract fiom S f.-., . .nt'Krvi',Trw- 'On the Sflth of February sll lb memlr. Br mitt met to wltnrs. (he fW , (l.lnced in them) s,,d were prrfwtiy uniiiTiIi r!,,p'"' right. The dny followinn. the bnrninT i,k ,hnl the superintendeiioe of the Committee aiL; .un'1" inipnrttsl Imrnnir f,,r five hours. tl, f31r aui r.vnns Jt Waiwui wns first npeneel.the Sf !,,, inside, anil the roiilrnts nnrlnillv consnm . .'.V ' teuis in the Sufeof Messrs. I'nrr.i.A ii ''"""'" con Kth id court it inn, nnd no fire inside ' RHirlmir, March , IN57. wen , (Stgued,) H.F.FKMX P N c(iu:mav A. H ii;.rn.i 1 Commltite. And endorsed Ky Ver so cf tl ht st The.lK.veS.fe.,. h. i.. ' " """.!' Rli.e. where h; public r. mljlfv h, Ivci T.f .he ?lr' riority of the "Hetrinij'. 'w i $'a'1 '" defested and urd . 'J &XzLS7 5 Italloy & Hcrrlnp, pn.y m,W,. In thi. 9Jtr V5Sb.to s.fes. " o" "inn e n.m,i The.ttemnt made lv other nsrties tn K t.. T.nutntion of Sf. ;u'i l.?,. Bolster dental fires in pi . Wll"''h h,, fnllf" Ks11v i, seat's Sb.re. (II A. Ij,,.,. Up one nut. nf on aireiit thirkMcss. (rifTerem fn (II A. Intz.) iiimle Onu n. . ,ril....... . ""."T ""y "ll tn -linri. .rd ,,";.rji" .r' ? win. , . llprrinff's Pnf u .1.. ....... "rairn. provmc rn of vlrh over 1S .HW le ' Wr """"""'t than 510 huve h"cn tri" bv Z l ",,d " Phil... Jan. an ' i?L?r ' w'11""" ""Sl !. - - " - m STAiriEU&lltKM;! CHEAP WATCHES AMI n U .V.. North Berond S,reetr Coit- l' , OoM Iver Watehes, fall J 1 , P ' ol.l Lepine, IS enret. 1 lb c,,et ' jlver .ever, Tuli jewelled, Silver Lepine, jrw.:. 1 Superior (uurtirrs, I'lne Silver do.. Hract'lfts, l.ydy's Oolil Pencil., r?ilver Tea p.Kfs. set. uin'i i-cus.-lviin tVneil and!ilver hoklrr All g.KKl. warranted to be v. hr.t tl.Vv Zr ! V!TU" On hand n.J'llilB " sllll lownr than ihe al.Ve price, " ""U L' I niiaueip.ua, tlfloticr 10, 1N5? j9V UnSPECTFrM.Y informs hi. Wend. the public generally, that he has just r, V! ",Wf"?ck. of t;ot)L. at hi. ntwut, Uavtd Miller's Mill, in Lower Augu.sta 'J ship, and that he is prepared to sell goods lowest prices. His Stock consist in part of SPRING St SUMMER G00D8 Groceries, Queensware, Hardware and every variety usually kept in a e Trevorton prices paid for all kinds of p Lower Augusta twp, Aug. 8, 1857. tf A Itookfoi- Kt rr? .Ma us Llbr RARE INDUCEMENTS TO ACE.' QANVASSERS wanted to cblain Rub for the Comprehensive Geography a tory, Ahcient and Modem, of the Wor S. G. Goodrich, (Peter Purlcy.) Hani bound in cloth gilt, and illustrated w" beautiful engravings and and 80 mnps. 3. Sold only by agents, to each of t special district will I given. Applicant state what counties they would like to . The book is now ready. Copies will be mail, post paid, on receipt ol' the price, all solvent banks taken at par. The Journal," .ays of this work : "No fi.mi ever should be without it." For full pr in i.(.u in an a?encv, address, GEORGE W. ELMO Publisher and Uoo) o. 172 William Street, N A llhave kinds of School and Misc Hooks, Cheap Publications, Station Maps, furnished at the very lowest pr ders solieitc.l. November 31, 18S7, FURNITURE POLISH. S. R AIi'8 Premium Patent Enamel Polish This polish is highly valuabl ring the polish on all kinds of Furniti Carriage Uodies, Hiir Cloth, See. A! moving spots, hiding scratches, Ac, A ranted t dry immediately and retain i Price 60 cts. per bottle. Sold bv A. W. F March 14, 1857. 8 AMI LL II. ORHIl ATTORNEY A.T X.J Office on Smith Second, near Mar, . E XV I S U I ; R G , P A. Practice, in the Counties of I'nion berlnnd and Montour. All PaorsssioNii Hlsixt.ss ei his rare will receive prompt and fa' lion. October 3, 1857. ly WHITE HORSE HO'J POTTMVILLE, PA. '"IHE subscriber respectfully annoi eld friends and the public, that I that old and well known establish. White Illorsa Hotel At the corner of Centre and Mahai the borough of PolUville. The h cenlly been very much enlarged ai improved, rendering it quite as cc any ether Hotel in Schuylkill c. the stable, are large, in good contli tend by careful, attentive, prudent I To travellers and other, who m house, he promises every attention render them comfcfsbls and smiMi JOS. M April 5, Hj5f.. tf aZNRY D0NNEL A TIT Mr vjvtt-sTw AT . Office opposite th Court 1 Sunbury, Northumberland C Prempt attention to business bounties. EAGLE HOT OPPOSITE WKST BRANCH WILLIAMSPOIi: VILLI i.tl II. 11.41', l'i C. A. Stbikx, Assistant. N. V. An Omnibus will rnn t. Depot and Packet Landings, to tl of charge. September !3. Ig.r6 tf DANVILLE HOT JOHN DEEN, Market Street, DanvilU rilHlS i. one of the largest and X dious hetels in tbe interior o it has been recently filled up, in with sll tha modern conveniences Oonvilled, Sept. S3, 1655. BL.ANK Parchment Paper Di 10l-tgageav Bonds, Eiecuti Ac... far sale B H. B Siinhul V . Ann' S6. i8.,a IOR SALE an excellent tea ing Stove, aU aeveral 8toe Enquire at this olfice. GOLD PENS with and7 very superior quality, ju.'t A lo fresh eucnlv of Writini Sunbtiry. De. J7, 18J8- CJILVER WATCHES. a f. English 8Uv Watchee, for runhury, ApiJ 1, lS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers