OJ 0 C t T 2 ', A LOVE LETTER. BT Till! AUTUOBOF MACF1N0AU I . ... . . , '.. . The following poetical epistle was written ly the celebratud John Trumbull, anthor of macringai, in ui year 1775. The occa sion of it is thus related : ' Tromhnll and Tliomns Woooter were fellow students In the office of Judpo Matthew Oris- would father of Oovernor Kogr-r Oriswonld, 01 L.onnecnent. Hotr. of them wore in the Burnt 01 visiting the family of the Hon. J. 1' ijuuk, wnopo aajpuicr isnncy was a yonntr lady ot uncommon beauty and nccomptisu- iMBina. rvooBier neenmo extravagantly fond ui uur. mimno conaucleil Herself with the pro uimco ana aicnity becominir hnr stnt nn. nnt manifeBting partiality for him more than for otiiers who visited thu houso. At a party at Mr. Couk'g one eTeninir. Trumbull, who nlwuys full or vivacity, observed to Nancy that Tom was so bashful that he could never muster courage enough to tell her how much ha was in love with her, and therefore be in tended so pcrsuado him to address her by let ter. Soon after Trumbull wrote the follow. passing ing witty lines, and sent them to N'anov with out the knowledge of Wooster, but as all con cerned knew it was the production of Tram bull, none were ofi'ended, end it became the subject of frequent mirth at their subsequent family parties. It is supposed to have been published about the time it was written, but the friend to whom we are indebted Tor our copy took it some thirty.five years Jnrro from the old manuscript in the possession of a gen tinman who studied low many years before in Judge Griswould's offico, where It was found in the drawer of the old table which liad'been occupied by Trnmbull aod Woodier. To thon, dear Nancy, thee, my sweeting, l'onr Colonel Tlionma sondeth greeting, AVhcreas, so pleased the powers above, I'm fallen desperately in love, For (Jupid took station sly. In one bright, cornor of yonr eye, And from his bow let fly a dart Vhich missed my ribs and pierced my heart; l lerceu through and through, and luriuer, Put all my insides out of order, Not this the only plaguo 1 fouud t As mice into cheese will creep lhrough some small scratch, and entering deep, Vhile All without looks fair and well, Tbey leave your cheese an empty shell ; So thievish Love when once got tbrongb, Stole and bore off my heart to you, And left me heartless, still at eaBe, An empty shell like 'aforesaid cheese, J, Col. Tom, being in great smart, Jiesecch you to returu my heart ; Or else, to cure my ceaseless moan,' Make an exchange, and send your own. UU I rsancy, thee I love more wily Than ever Hudibras loved Tully ; But Jlueas of old, nor Dido, Could love one-half so much as 1 do, 1 bold my Xancy more a goddess, Than Venus gay, or Lan modest, Throughout the world tby glories shine, Nor hath the sun such powers as thine ; Tby beauty keeps the world together Tby looks make fair and cloudy weather ; And if a dranght should come again, If yon should frown I know 'twould rain, For you, the earth produces flowers , For you, clouds drop in lovely showers j Fruits only grew that you may eat, And pigs and caWes, to find you meat, Your cheering smiles, which we observe, (Should you withdraw, the world would starve ; r.artli would retrain her wonted store, And plums and peaches be no more, Oh, Nancy I would you love but me, How mighty glad poor Tom would be ! I'd stick to you like pitch forever, Nor chanco nor fate our love should sever Then love me, Nancy for I tell you I am a pretty clever fellow, And you must think 'tis true, for why t No one can tell es well as I ; Here follow then without objections The "rent roll1' of poor Tom's perfections ; Know, then, all woman-kiud, that I, "VV'ben stretched out straight, am six feet high; Whenca from plain reasoning it appears, I'm one of Nature's grenadiers; Yet I do whisper this between us Serve only in the war of Venus, I'm fair, and one good sign, observe is, 1 have red hair ma'am at your service, Of wit I brag not, yet have brains Kuough to walk in when it rains ; 1 know the odds 'twixt cheese and chalk To tell a handsaw from a hawk ; To cano a man should he abuse me. And hang myself, if you refuse mo. ANALYSIS OP LYON'S CATAWBA , , BRANDY BY i A. A. HAYES, M. D., , Assayr to the Stats of Massachuuits. ,. (Uftiait CuaCTIR A' Until vellowuh brown-colored spirit, having fragrant edoi i when evaporated from clean lihen It left no oil or ollensive matter. Analyzed for volatile and fix tdjlrug. of which no tlacet of any kind ware round. lis color is proved to be duo to t colored resin an extract derived from wood. In every rrspoct it if a pure ipirituous liquor. The fragrance or bouquet which it possesses can be isolated, and it then appears unlike that from Cognac Brandy or Wine, being a fruity es senco resulting from a peculiar fermentation of 1 Catawba and Isabella CI ropes. Chemical CuinACTaa. 1,000 part In vol ume of this spirit contain at 60 deg. P. 461 S tO parts of pure ulcohol, besides the fragrant oil, 1,0 )0 parts of the spirit afford 23 parti of a strong Solution of the oil which characterizes this It ran dy the spirit 'eft, after removing the oil, is pure and odorless, and in all its qualities a perfect spi rit not surijeci lo cnarge. una V. s. gallon ot this Brandy at 60 dog. F. contain, besides the spirit and oil, only 820 gra. of matter composed of extract ol fruit, gum, and colored resin from wood. 27osTn, January 85, 185S, Dr. COXE. State Inarjector of Ohio, and Dr. Jas. R. Chilton. Chemist, of Mew York, both prononnco this to be pnre Brandy, and free from all sdultarntion. I'ot Medieinal pnrpose Lvon'a Catawba Bran dy Hbs no rival, and has long been needed to su persede tint poisonons compounda sold under the name nf Brandy. Aa a beverage," the pure article ia altogether superior, and a sovereign aure reme dy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency,, Low Spirits, Lan guor, Uenerul IMulity, ifrc. Ac. Alao, hSUhLUY'S STILL AND SFAKK LINO CHAMPAGNE Three wines are made in the neighborhood of Cincinnati, and are guar antied to be the pure juice of the Orapv, and are cmiuently calcnlatod for iifvalids and persona who require a gentle stimulant, and for sacramen tal purposes. Retail price $ 1 JR per bottle. A liberal dis cmint in ado to the trade. Dealers will please send their orders to the sole ageut for Northum berland connty JOHN F. CASLOW, Druggist, Milton, Pa. February, 80, 1658 3rn. MONEY CAN BE SAVED BY PURCHASING AT THE t3TjNBTj-ja-5f , NOBTHTJMBBRLAND aOUNTT;PA. We have just received and are novv opening a large and choice selected stosk of WINTER GOODS, comprising an endlcsc variety, and will positively sell our entire stock at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. We return oar sincere thanks to the public for out ineeeasing patronage, and shall endeavor to merit a continuance of the same. E. Y. II II 1C 1ST fc SMf. EaTCOUNTRY PRODUCE WAITED AT THE HIGHEST PRICES, Banbury, December 19, 1868. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOB SALE. THE subscribers, Execntorc of the estate o Henry Masser, dee'd., offer at private sale the following property vii I A large two story frame dwelling house, together with about 60 ACRES OF LAND, Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and others iw in the occupancy of John R. Kaufman aa a store and dwelling. The house is new and the location a good one for business. Alo a TRACT OF LIMESTONK LAND, in said township on the river about 6 miles be low Sunbuiy, adjoining landa of J. T. M'Phereon and others, containing, about SO acres. The soil is productive and contains limestone and other minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing about 35 acres on the bill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining lands of the heiis of the late John Cenrad and others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. H.B. MASSr.lt, 1 B. MA88ER, FRANCIS BUCHER. J Banbury, January 19, 1856. tf Executors. Ijumotmis. Tun. It may be thought rather funny for us to take up a pen in support of fun ; but as fur na nur observation coes. everybody likes a littlo fun to sweeten the bitter draughts of life, just as they like a littlo sugar in their tea not all sugar, of course, but enough to take off the rough edge of the tea. Long feca mav be useful sometimes, but when they get so elongated that there is danger of stepping on the chin, then a little fun i3 necessary to contract them again to a reason able loiiL'th. A funny editor hos Lit the nail nrnttv nenrlv on tho head, as follows : "Fun should be cultivated as a fine art, for it is altogether a fine thing. Who ever knew a funuy man to bo a bad one? On the con trary, is not he, nine times in ten, generous, linnmnrv nn.l irood ? To be Sure lie IS. t Utl it is a erem tbinff. It smooths the rough places of life, makes the disposition as sweet and rony as a fresh maidens' kiss, scatters eunshino and flowors wherever we go, gives the world a rough jolly countenance, mukos nil ihu r.irlu ri nrettv as June roses, and mankind one of tho best families out. W e go in far fuc. The man who won't cultivate it ...ntt Lnen a rood-sized rod between us." The man who strikes against fun, at proper limes, coght rot to be allowed to go ut large lor feur of "turning" all the milk in the neigh- i.ri,n.t Tim wisest and the best or men like a little fun, and if nobody else furnishes it, they will tuck it in slyly themselves. "All u 'a nn t,c" von know: Is rather hard .Wit" And a littlo fun for all is as necessary as play for Jack. Tbero is a time to luuch," us well as "a time to try. v.. .in't mil nn vnnr eves so, and heave that lone Bich ! We have seen you before and know you like fun. And we expect seo you there again, l'on't deny it. I'.iu fi-vriz iVn THE Bkav. John," said a clergyman to one of his flock, you tbould bo ,.!, teetotaler : sou Lave been drmkicg e .. " . ' .....a .1r. TIHITii'll Bif. 'l'o you ever ia.o " j ' inquired John. ... "Ah I but John, yos must look at your cir cunibtancea and miue." "Vana, true," quoth John "but. sir, can you t..ll mc bow the streets or Jerusalem war- kept so clean." "N'o, John, I cannot tell yon that, "Well sir, it was jubt because every one kept lis own door dean, replied John, witn an air of triumph. "Look Here, Ma,M said a young lad Just commencing to take lessons in rating, my painting cao you tell me what H 1 Wa. after looking at it some time, "wered : "Well, it is cither a cow or rosebud I m "lure I can't tell which." A dandy If cbap who would be lady if be eoold ;1ui as ho can't does all be Cn to thou tic wcrld tkat be i unl o duo. JOISTES HOUSE. WEXL.S COVERLY, Proprietor. Cor, of Market Street Market Square, IlAKRiSBURG, l'A, THIS NEW AND ELEGANT HOTEL, recently are ted bv the Messrs JONE3, in Harriibure. Pn . hnv tug been leuAft'. for a term of yeaia by the nnderslt; tied, ha Uik'es this inethud of calling the attention of hie former patrons, and the Unveiling community, thereto. Having a front of one hundred mid fortv feet on the Srincil street ot the city, and Fifty. two Feet Front on lnrkei Squtire, it cannot fail to prove attractive aa wall as inviting to strangers. The Chambers are of fine size, well ventilated, and lighted with Gas a number with connecting doors ma king them very desirable for families. The Halls ure wanned throughout by Hesters : and every modem improvement, in fact, has been added, that may ooncluee to the safety, comfort, and happiness of the guests. Visitors may, therefore, rest assured, that the '-Jonea House;l has been made perfect in all its appointments that each department has been placed in charge of Expe rienced and Competent Persons that in every particular the system K'hich has adopted by the Proprietoi, will afford to those who may make it their home, as grcut n degree of comfort as uiuy be obtained at any similar establishment in the ft'ite. To secure this desirable rrsult. tie has furnished the Public and Private Private Parlors. Chambers, Dining. Koom, ite., witn entirely stw r iKiintKb ; and also arranged within the building, a fine Barbers Saloon, Oys ter Saloon. Dressing Room, Hot and Cld Ilatns, As. TneCiilinarvDeoartmentaud Diuins Room will receive the especial attention of the Proprietor, which he trusts, will he a sufficient guarantee that all tastes will he suited. After returning his heartfelt thanks to his old friends sud patrons, for the generous patronage so long extended to him at the "Coverly House," and also to his friends and patrons at the (tColuinb:n House,11 Cape Island, during the season of 1855. he respectfully solicits a continuance oi n aitne "juts iiulsi.." WELLS COVERLY. January 30, 1659 Oraos. Farmers Look to Your lutereat. THE subscriber respectfully informs the far mere ami ttiia nntitif frpiiflrnllv thnt lis ha. , o j , leased the lime kilns of Ira T. Clement in Bun bury, and that he has always on bund, and is ready to supply a good quality of lime to all who may want for building or farming purposes. He has also a kiln at Keelcr s crossings miles from Sunbury, or two from Snvilertown. CF All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange. GEO. W. STROH. Sunbury, Dec. 26, 1857. KQVEKS LIQUID HAIR LYE. The testimory of Prof. Dooth snd Dr. Brinckle hsvimr previously beeu published, the following is now added : From frof. McCLOSKEY, formerly Professor of Theory ano rracucc ui .ueuicine in ine r emaie meoicai college t'f Pennsylvania, und late Prufessor of Suigery in the Americun College of Medicine, tec. : Philadelphia, Nov. 27th, 1856. Mk. Joseph E. H ives A uial of your I.1UUID HA1K DYE will convince the most skeptical, that it isa safe, elegant, and RrpicAcmcs preparation. Unlike many others, it has in several Instances proved serviceable in tne cure ut some cutaneous eruptions on tne Head, and I have no hesitation in commending it to those requiring rjch on application. Very respectluiiy, J. 1 . X. McCLUShKY, M.D.,. 4T.'i Race St., above lllh. HOVER'S WRITING INKS, includinr HOVER'S WHI TING FIX'll). aur! HOVER'S INDELIBLE INKS, still maintain then high character, which hns always (lis tingtusiied them, sud the extensive demand first created, hus continued uuilitenupted until Ihe present. Orders addressed to the Manulactory, ria. 4ltl RACE street, above Fourth, (old No. 144.) FhilaJelphia, will receivepromjit attention, by JOSEI'H K. HOVER, Manufacturer. December 2. 18."7. April 25, '57, cb. NEW OONPEOTIOHABY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARIIART, HAS just received a new and excellent assort ment of goods at hia Confectienary and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunburv, where he manufacture and keepa on hand, at all times, the most choice Confectionary, Ac, Wholesale and Retail, at fniiautdphia prices. Among his stock of Conlectionariea, may be found i Gum Drops, all kinds of scent, Hive lirons. Mint Drops, red and white, French Secrets, Burned Almonds, Cream White, Iemon Rose, Vanilla, Common Secrete. Liquet ice, Jelly Cakes, . Fiult Drops, Slick Camltea, el alt scents Rock Candy, Almond Candy. FRUIT. Prunes, Figs, Citrons, Rnisons, Nuts (fall kinds LEMON Bsnsnaa, Dates, Currants dried, Alinenus, SYRUP of a superior quality, by the aingle or doien. A uperior quality of Scgara and Tobacco, and a variety of Confectinnaries, fruit, &c, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. ICS CHBAM. He has als opened an fee Cream Saloon, and will at all times be ready to eervehis customers with Ice Cream. Sunbury, May 24, 1857. ly lOOO lbs of Carpet Hags WANTED at the atore of E. Y. Bright & Son, who are constantly receiving a fresh supply of Goods, thus offering to the public the largest and most desirable assortment. July 11. 1857. JJATCHOULY, JOCKEY CLtIB, SPRING -, FLOWERS, ore., of the best quality ; a fresh supply just received and for sale at the Drug Store of A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, Aug. 1, 1857. HARDWARE, of all kinds and endless variety. BRIGHT 4 SON. Sunbury, Dec. 86, 1857. lOVeS of all kinds, Stockings, Collars, Sus- pendera, Buck Mitts. Handkerchiefs and an endless variety of Hoaierv and Notions. Sunbury, Dec. 26, '57. BRIGHT & SON. WE STILL SURVIVE THE CRISIS NOTWlTHSTANDINQtheaatonishingquan titv of Goods that I brought into town last Spring, I succeeded in selling them all out ex cept what t aave away, and had to hurry to the city, for a new lot, In order that my customers might not be potto the inconvonienca of buying at other atorea, where they would be chatged killing prices. Profiting by past experience, I have just brought on . Twice as Many Goods, and t have now the largest and CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT ever offered within hearing if this place, I am bound to aell CHEAPER THAN BVSB, before. I need not say cheaper than my neigh bors; for that la no longer a disputed fact. 1 am now ready to deal out good twenty hours out of twenty-four Sundays excepted at lower prices than any person dare aak tor. Juat call for any thing you Want. I am deter mined to SUPPLY ALL DEMANDS that may be made, reasonable or unreasonable. Call soon, aa the rush is Tremendous. ' IRA T. CLEMENT. 8unbury, Dec 26, 1857. ly 1857. FALL & WINTER GOODS ! 1858. -A.T 3? "W. GKR-A.5r'S FANCY DRY GOOD STORE, Market Square, Sunbury. NOW received and wjll continue to receive the lareest and best selected 8tock of Black Cloths, Cassimeret, Cassinettt and Vestings, j'C An assortment of Dress Goods, viz: Fancy printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, De Laia i Bareges, Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapacaa, Dress Silks, Ginghams, &c. LINEN AND WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet ing, Pillowcaseing, &c Dress Trimmings in Great Variety. Boots and Shoes Hats and Caps, Hardware, Cedarware, Groceries, Queensware SALT and FISH, Cheese, Crackers, See-are, Tobacco, SnurT, &c, an assorsment of other Goads too tedious to mentioh. Feeling grateful for past favor we beg leave to isve our old friends and the public that no tl.'t ?n our part shall be wanting to merit a cov, nuance of our patronage. country produce taken in exchange at the highest market price. f. W.UKAX. Sunbury, Dee. IS 1857. tf NTs. LAWRENCE'S NEW Paper, Printers' Card and Envelope Warehouse, No. 405 Commerce Street, Philadelphia. Cash buyers will find it for their interest to call. January 16, 1858. 6mo8. ABBANOHMBMT 1 Fresh Arrival of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, 4c. THE undersigned having taken the iter for merly kept by William A. Bruner, it now ready to fill orders and prescriptiona at a mo menta notice. He has a large and well selected stock of fresh and pure DRUG 8, CHEMICAL, Dye-stuffs. Oil. Paints. Glass, Putty, and all kinds of Patent Medicines.. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported 8egari of the choicest brands. Fancy Notions' toilet articles, and Per fumery of all kinds. Teeth and Hair Brushes of every variety. Camphin and Fluid alwayt on hand. Customers will find hia stock complete, com prising many article it ii Impossible here lo can tnerate. and all sold at moderate prices. Remember the i.lce. next deor te X. Y. Bright'! Mammoth Store. ' A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, March 14, 1857. FURNITURE 1 FTOHITPRE I ! THE LARGEST 8TOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. Fashionable, Cheap and Useful nnHE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet JL and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank ful for paat favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, 4C, embraces . EVERY VARIETV, USEfUL AND ORflA As E PIT At. in housekeepiaa. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in bis line can be had at moderate prices, Cheap for Cash, or Gauntry Produce taken in exchange. Establishment SouM East Corner of Market Square. ry These knowing themselves indented to th subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. 8EBASTIAN HAUPT. Sunburv, April 4, 1867. tf WAONDERFUL COINCIDENCE. All Nations of the samJ Mind t ISAAC M. WILKERSON, tVrtA.N'OTA.OTTTraa OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Sofas, Divans and Lonngeg Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, e0flFi, BREAKFAST AND D1NIK0 TiBbM and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila- delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and twice CUPBOARDS, WORK AND VAnuun.. STANDS, TOILET TABLES AINU EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article inthia line of bit business. THE subscriber respectfully calls the attentiel of the public to We Urge and splendid as sortment of every quality and price of CABINET-WARE which cannot fail to recommend Itself to every enf who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up ol tne best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of hia ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are conatantly being made. He also manufacture all kinds and qualities r CHAIRS, ncluding varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, such as MsaoeiKt , Black Wikot iks CunLtn MjrLt Grbciaits abb Wrcoana CHAIRS, akd riirct Piaso Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase farniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained bout the quality and finish of his ware and V Hairs. "hese articles wilt be disposed of on as good ten. as they can be purchased elsewhere. L-eun. trvn eoduce taken in payment for work. I NM.'Ur.KINIl .. n r n.n.ul.H a handsome Hxiasa, he Is now prepared lor Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity, or at any convenient distance from this place , The W are Koern is in r awn ctreet, ue ow Weaver's Hotel. He has also purchased the right of manufac turing and selling in Northumberland county, Gould's patent Excelsoir Spring Bed, which he will furnish at reasonable rates. (Springs put in old bedstead for three dollars. IMAAC M. WILKER80N. Sunbury, April 18, 1867. tf. r 1. XIERUXNC t'S SAFE. TO ACRNOWLET)OM , ox tMiioisr it TTtl iC9NT TK1AU at' Reading lane' endorse tke mriaut of pobuel opinion, and snnBnhcsf the TerrtU tt t awn ism Bog jn aVnssI ft, ass,MsHsa eonahsattJiw. that "Her ,!'" a lasosJj SaTE that wiu i v rmm. Bxlrawt' ten the OosaatiMsa Report an tM'Silat of from BMaa at Ksodii'f -Jt . . .... - m . ii. ka fcinl . a ,1 . A " un tne xotn oi reonwrT - -.. ... . wn- mittee met to witness the 8fe ' V" "V PP, (placed in them) and were jmftn 7 satlsftefl that all waa, rtgM. i ns any loiiowinjr, -7 '; """" . the auperintesdVnoe of tha Oommitt ee. After fair, and Impartial burning lor nee "'"'- 7' . Eesns Wstsnn was Brat opened, tl ' i .....j. , .w. ..... ..rti.iii, aona SSMd. wnila tba eun- teate In the Hefaof Messrs. Firrslsr Jtorrlajr weie m rood eonditim, and nn fire InsiiV-Read.ng.M.reliS.lMT. A. H. PKAUUt. And endorsed by orcr SO of the hes t The abrnrs Safes can be Inspected st M , llf LL '' where the public ran satisfy themselves of tw seat rs nority of the "Herring's Patent Chstnp ArB dsfeatsd and oeed up "inaide Iroa Door llia.asr Farrels Herring. 34 Walnut St, FhtVaJa.' Only makers ia this State of Herring's Pstaal Oeosjewo ISslffi The attempt made by other parties to bolster iSj the reputation of s Hefe which has failed so signsllv Ir swei deiiml fires in Philadelphia, (Ranstead Pssck,) by ta wr one out of an agent'a atore, (H. A. Lent!,) made don W thickness, (cifferenl from those they aell) to -'Durn p. one of Herring's (half ss thick) has met with its true re- ward. Herring'a Safe could not be burnt, proving eonela' sivelv that the only reliable Safe now made ia"Herring V of which over 16,800 are now In actual se, snd mot' than too have been tried by fire without a single loss. Pbila., June SO, 1B67. ay. iEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS, including Figured and Plain Merinos, Silks, scotch Plaids, Silk Striped Poplins, Cashmere, Trenton Plaid, Umber Shades, Fancy and Plitin DeLaines Valencia, Paramette Cloth, 4c, liiat received and for sale by . BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, Dee. 2867. IIOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Plain Cassi- mere, 1 weeds, Kentucky Jeans, Silk, Es till and Silk Velvet Vestings, Troy Satinctt and the very largest and cheapest assortment ol Men's Wear suitable for cold weather. BRIGHT & SON. 8unbury, Dec. 86, '67. aUEENS. Cedar, Hollow and Glassware, containing everything useful and orna mental. BRIGHX& SON. Sunbury, December SC, 1857. IJ IpolettfS, Victorines, Opera Caps, Wool A1 Hoods, Comforts, Cashmere Scarfs, Lamb Gauntlctts, Ac. BRIGHT V SON. Sunbury, Dec. 26, '57 A LMONDS, RAISON8. FIGS, LEMONS. &c, Ac, just received a fresh supply and for sale at the Confectionary atore of M.C. GEARHART. Sunbury, May 16. 1857 FOR SALE. to LANCASTER COLLIERY FOR SALE. Important lo Coal pperators. rMI E undersigned Lessees of the "Lancaster 1 Colliery," near Shamukin, Northumberland ounty, Pennsylvania, wi-bing to retire from the business, oiler tor sale the Lease and Futures of said Colliery, on satist'actoiy terms. This ColliSry has been in operation since 1834, and has been successful beyond expectation. The Coal is a superior articles for all uses to which Anthracite isapplicd, and a good market has been established, which ran be much extended. The Breaker and Fixtures are of the very best char acter and will recommend themselves to persons acquainted witn me business. Ine Lease runs to January 1, 1864, and is a favorable one for the operator. For further information apply at the Colliery in person, or by letter to Shamokin, P. O., Nor thumberland county, Pennsylvania. COCHRAN, PEALE&CO. February 6, 1858. tf VALUABLE REAL ESTATE OFFERED AT . PHIVATE SALE. HE subscriber oilers at private sale, a cer tain lot or piece of Und, situate in Lower AueuMa township, Northumberland county. about 8 miles belov Sunbury, bounded on the west by the river Susquehanna, on the south by land ol George Heilcr, on the east by land of Wm. Kroh, and ou the north by land of Wm. R. Junes, containing A Acres and 18 perches, all of which is cleared and in a very high state of cultivation. The Northern Central Kail Ri.sJ pauses through the tract, and is also bound on the east by the Main Road leading fiom Sunbury te HairUburg, which together, with the River upon Ihe west, and the fertility of the soil makes it a very pleasant and desira ble situation. ALSO; another certain Tract of Land, situate in said township, adjoining lands of William Kroh, o the south, the heirs of Robert and Ar thur Auchinuty l on the east Wm. V. Silver wood, and a public road on the north, and Wm R. Jones on the west, containing 93 Acres 111 perches strict measure, jfbout 60 acres of which aie cleared, and in a high state of cultivation and the residue moat excellent land for cultiva lion, but is now covered with excellent timber, and if purchased soon, the purrhaaer can get s large quantity of Railroad Ties on the same. Thia tract is also wall watered, having ' several fine springs upon it, and every field ran be wa tered thereby. An indisputable title will be given and terms of sale reasonable. WILLIAM R. JONES. Lower Augusta la., January S, 187. tf Good second-hand Buggy, oflice. Apply at this Straw-Cutter. THE subscriber has been appointed Agent for Messrs Geddes & M.irsh of Lewisburg, for the sale of their Straw, Hay cV Corn-Fodder Cut ter. This Cutter is the best in use. Farmers and others are respectfully requested to call and examine for themselves. P. B. MASSER. Sunbury December 26, 1857. tf A VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. THE subscriber will sell at private sale a FARM, situate in Point township, Nor thumberland county, about 3 miles from the borough of Northumberland, on the Danville road, adjoining lands of J. C, Horton, James N cubit, Chas. i'arka and tne norm urancn oi tne river Susquehanna: containing 75 to 100 Acres, to suit purchasers. The land is in a good stste of cultivation. The improvements consist of a arge frame HOUSE, well finished ; a Spring House, built over a never-falling Spring close to the house, a Bank Barn and other outbuild ings. An Otchard with young and choice fruit trees. The above tract -will be sold on reasonable terms and an indisputable title given. Posses sion given on the first day or April next. For further particulars inquire of the subscri ber, residing on the adjoining faim. JAAIC3 1M.ODI1. Point township, January 23, 1858 tf BOOTS Si SHOES for Men, Women and Children, a larte stock, comprising Men's Water Proof Kipp and Calf skin Boots, Bro- gans, Moroeeo, Kid and Calfskin Shoes, Gaiters and Gum Shoes. u tuun i x ou v. Sunbury, Dec. 26, 1857. New Drugs, I'alats, Vc. NEW supply af Drugs, Paints. Oils, Fluid, Ac, just received and for sale by A. VV. M5i litre Sunbury, Msy 2, 1857. I AND W A K K A n TH. The highest price A-will be given for Land Warrants by the sub- cribei. 11. O MASKER. P A TENT BRITTANIA 8TOPPER8 fo bar bottles for sale by Sunbury, July 19. H. B MASSER. 1856. rpobacco and Segars. 20,000 Imported -- Segars of various brands. Lldorado, Fig Cavendish and one cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S Sunbury, March 14. 1857. COUNTY ORDERS County ordera taken as cash for goods, and on note or book ac count by t. I . BKIUHT e SON Nov. 29. 1858. PORT and MADERIA .WINES, Schiedam Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry ind Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes at March 14, '57. A. V. FISHER. Trtshina: TacklO. Red Cork. Grass, Cot- JL tou and Linen Lines, Out Lines, Sea Grass by the yard, Snoods, Fliea, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, nods, etc., for sals by March 4 1. '.'.7. A. W. FISHER. Teady-made Clothing. Peter fcham Al Wbippoorwill Bangups, Mohair Raglane, French Cloth and Black Union Coats, including a nice assortment for Keys. Pants, Vests and Monkey Jackets, all sixes and prices. Sunbury. Des. SS, '57. B&lGUTe SON, SQUARE and Lang Broche Shew 1st also, O Watervliet. Bay State, Waterloo, and Blan ket. Shawla. latest style, all qualities and price. Deo. 26,1857. UKiuni ouj 7. MELANCHT0N SHI5DEL, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Cfic4 in Door Street, immediately oppotil the Public School Houie. All business promptly attended to. Monies cellected and ay" ordinary writings den. Sunbury, April t. 1157. If The anniversary ef the introduction of Hnlloway'a I Ointment one-Ill to be a jubilee loiever. it uaa savea countless multitudes from disBenrement, nsralyzation, mutilation, agony and death. Startinr from the surface to whieh it ia applied, its healing balm finds its way through every coaling and ligamrutof the body, to the very source and basis of all eruptive, ulceroua, tumorous, and canee- roua diseases. It distinguishes the febrile principle that reus Midi,, i:u UlC i.uiwaiu ).' i.tai, -in. pass sWay with a rapidity incredible to those who bars not wiutesseu it. SCROFULOU9 ERUPTIONS AND ULCERS. The poison of scrofula has never been neutralized or expelled by any of the reinediea of the pharmacopeia The B"le antidote to this virulent and destructive element ia Hullnwav's. Ointment. Mujendie Brodie. the great French and Knglisb Burgeons, do no deny or dispute this I great fact. There is no form of scrofula that may not be j controlled and cured uy tnia rjaisamic remedy. CANCF.IIS AND TUMORS. The knife or caustie may remove a cancer or tumor, but the seeds of the terrible excrescence remain in the blood, audit Is Boon reproduced in a worse form than before. Holloway'a Ointment, on the counlrary, pene t rates into the circulation, and pervades every infected vesicle, and ki Is the disease by destroying the corrosive principle mat generated ana busibiiib it. INFLAMMATIONS OF THE SKINS. All ntshea and ordinary eruptions, aa well aa Erysipelas, Acne, Ringworm, Carbuncles, Scald Head, Salt ilheum, Leprosy. Prickly Heat, Ac., aie removed by a few brisk appucaiiona ol tne ointment. ACCIDENTAL INJURIES, . WOUNDS, Sprains, Braises, Scalds snd Burns sre immediately relieved by its application. The inflamma tion quickly aubsldea, fever and lockjaw aie prevented, and under a persevering use of tha preparation, Ihe pro cess ol neaiuig is soon accomplished. Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in the folloieing cases : Buniona Lumbago Sore IeRS Swelled Glands Bums Mercurial Sore Breasts ChaDoed Hands Kruntions Sore Heads Chilblain Pilea Sure Throala Fistulas Rheumattatn Sores of all Oout Suit Rheum kinds Skin Diseases Spraina tfT CAUTION ! None are genuine Unless tha words "Uolkiway, New York snd London,'1 are discernible as sb a water-mark in every leaf of the book nf directions sround each pot or box : the name may be plainly seen be holding the leaf to the light A handsome reward will he given to any one rendering aueh information aa may lead to the detection of any ntirty or parties counterfeiting the medicinea or vending the same, knowing them lobe apunoua. . Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Hollowav M Maiden Lane, New York, and 944 Strand. Ixindon, by all respectable DruggiBta aud Dealers in Medicine through, out the United Suites, and the eiviiized'Worid, in boxes, at 25 cents. 6'H cents, and 1 each. - tf There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes N. B. Dnectinns for the guidance of patients ia every disorder are affixed to each boa. October 17, IKS?. lyca This CM a far .nuW.. SMa. VMkW A. I la a prfMty rr.h BUI. It rMiurM a Wtx, Bolder vbmbi, mmmm iMUatl,. ... is am euiiv msii and opnJ thsa My th.r Cm .r ut.Mtod. All kisd. of W, Md r.nwaS an sqsaU SlaSffrtMbl. x4wla,b ssllsr hsIUci lb. MU la M urslllhl ill h pr-woiin, 0,1, uU to Ois tablls, lbs hm MS, BIS.DM, IMT aspi-l lirw, ! HraMtt.sl SMHsr. rdua llrU4 Is th. .si. r larsrisr Csss My trv U d.r.rcista Oj. srtlsls b SiIm sUUrsMnfci I hmt il SS MUSS Sod rUl Wn bS SAT. SSJMBUMd HMJ u M viiv.st s rH. it u w srrMtAd to hsss sir srn.lss est se ssrstdlsi sdiratttos. Try H. snd to all cww wb-rs s Isdsr" I l.s fsult f IK. Cm lb- SWT will bs r.funS-d Tb mis la Par. OBAduhsrstod TmUIm. Osrs. die.r. st fro-i lbs sffMsl.s so sssd br etbars. Tfes Bsslisf linju ssuraly asw plM lbs ossasl Isja Mrto.tly SUII.ssMfl rsaMt ssrtaf r frSM Mt. ss Pur. Omtm (Ml., woald Am tm alb.rCM. TM SpSBUlf H) UrrS SSOSfS to B4Bl,l IWI1W. I-IS.S- in.NHMUM.b .1 II W MMTlSfSM fck. .estosto I ll I. m4a Mlir.lv T Tis. Tblapris.irls mt SmIIsv hs.rt. b4 Us tost fsfTbrss Vrsn, ssU IfttM who ksvs trisd Ibssi will sss as Ui.r Cans. A LIBERAL OISCOONT TO TUB TSiDC. LUDLOW CAR CO. ltlaeau, N.T. Sept. H,t8ST. StirT Joints Ulcers Venereal Sores Wounds of all kinds Scalds THE rdAUOEST at'kerel, Herring and Shad, wholasile or retail. Now is the time to purchase ish. as we are enabled to oiler them at a lower price than you can purchase them in the Spring. Sunbury, Jjec. n, ov. Diuun i ec ou;v. A. h ROCKEFELLER 3Vttornctj at ato, STJlSTBTTwRTT, PA., Practices in Northumberland and adjoinia Counties. Sunbury, November SI, 1857. - tf PHILIP E. PTJB.DT. WBOHSAL1 AID SITAIL Grocery, Wine and Liqnor Store, 5. E. cor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October , UOtJ. U waoLtsALi aas Ritail -BOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S.t, above Chesnnt, Phil'a. BOOTS, 8boea, Gaiters, 4c, promptly made to order in the very beet style, and of the best material. Philadelphia, May 9,1857. EARTHENWARE THE subscriber respectfully informs the citi teua of Sunbury and the public generally. that he baa commenced the manufacture of all kinds ef EABTHENWABK, at bis manufactory in Whortleberry Street, one square cast of the' River. He has engaged the servicas ef Mr. Hair, and yati can therefore depend on having a good article. The public are respectfully invited to call. All orders from a distance will be promptly attended to. P. M.8HINDEL. Sunbury, Feb. I, 1856 If FOR BENT. mHB Store Boom in Market street, occupied X by r. w. uray and us dwelling nous ad joining. Apply to ttve exeeutore of Ii. n deceased. January 17 1157. ESTABLISHMENT IN THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. irATHIOT'l Gay Street IVarcroosns "Jos W3 ! I and its North Gav street, neur Favetts, Baltimore where ia kept alwaya on hund, or made to order, every Blyleof French TETE-A-TETE8, in Plush, Hsir, Cloth or H rocaieue. French Full Bluff snd Medallioa Parlor Aria Chairs. in Plush, Hair, Cloth or Brocatelle. French Full Stud" Carved Parlor Chairs ia sets, with flush, Hair, viola or u rocaieue. lorMs Half French Soring Mahogany aud Walnut Parlor Chairs, la Hair. Cloth and Piuab. Hockiuc Unsure various aeaifiis, in nair, bioia aua Plush. atuaTBorin Lnnnges a large assortment si was a en hand, or any paUeru ruadaor ooversd with any goods to oruer. O HAuB B M I U I T I , In'Mahosanv or Walnut, eomplete, from 835 uo. Cans Chairs sod Rocking do. die largeat assortment ready made la any one house UI the United ttustea frSia nisdoxenup. Uar KOom, umcs ana vmmw vnaira, ,n vss, vainut ' Mauoemuv. with Caue, Wood or SuuTsd Beats. a saorimeut ambiacuig over SO dozen. Wood seat casus ana Deiwes sua nocainc vnaira. over 1041 dozen. Oi It and Plain Frame looKinfU lasses, or every variety. AU kuida of Beaa, nair sua husk niatuaeses. A. MATHIOT. Nos. M and S N. Day st , near Fayette St., Baltimore. August 1,1857. ly SALAMANDER FIRS AND THIEF-PROOF SAFES. The largest assortment in tha United States. Warranted ta be equal to any now made, and will be sold on as Good Terms, as can be obtain. ed from any ether bouse ia the Country, at EVANS & WATSON'S 36 South 4th Street, Philadelphia. Truth is Mighty, and Must Prevail. Report of the Committee appointed to superin tend the Burning of the Iron Safes, at Head- ing, February 27, 1857. Rzadiiso, March 4. Tha undersigned, members of the committee, do respectfully report, that we saw the two Safes originally agreed upon by rarrels oc Herring snd Evans Si Watson, placed side by side in a fur ace, viz: Thebaic muse by tha Paymaster ol the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Comna ny, in his oflice at Reading, mannfacturcd by rarrels & Herring, and the sale in use by H. Lantz, in his store, manufactured by Evans Sl Watson, and put in books and papera precisely alike. The fire was started at 8ft e clock, A. M., and kept up until feur cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and hall cnesnut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the sursrin tendance of the subscribers, members of the Com. mittee. The Hafea were then cooled otf with water, alter which they were opened, and Ihe books and papera taken out by the Committee and sent to H. A. Lantz s store lor public exam ined and marked by the Committee. The books and papera taken from the Safe manufactured oy rarrels d Herring were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than those taken from bvans & Watson s Sale. We believe the above to have been a fair and impartial trial of the respective qualities of both Safes. JACOB H.DY8HER. DANIEL S. HUNTER Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincide with the above statement of the condition of the papera and books taken out of the respective Bales. U. A. IMUt'bl.n, H. H. MUHLENBERG, JAMES MILHOLLAND. March 11, 857. 8TAIFFER V UARLET. CHEAP WATCHES AND JEWELRY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, at ths "Philadelphia Watchea and Jewelry Store" rlo. 148 (Old No. te) North Second Street, Comer of Quarry, Philadelphia. Oold Lever Watches, fall J led, 18 caret eases, Stt.M Gold Lenine, 18 carat, M CO Silver Lever, full jewelled, 1 00 Silver Lepine, jewels, 00 Superior Qosrtierr( 7 00 Oold Spectacles, 7 W Fine Silver do., I 60 Oold Bracelets, 1 00 Lvdy's Oold Pencils, 1 00 Silver Tea Spooea, Bet, CO Oold Peus. with Panell and Silver holder, I 00 Gold Fineer Rings 371 els to IWj Watch brasses, plain 131 ale., natent 181. Lunet 2S I other articles In nropoitlom All goods warranted to be what they are sold for. Bisrrrr.na nsniAi. ' 9" On hand some Oold and Stiver Levers aad Lepmsa still lower than the above prices Philadelphia, Octoher 10, 1657. lyBW RESPECTFULLY informs hia friends, and the public generally, that ha has just receiv ed a New Stock of GOODS, at his new store, at David Miller s Mill, in Lower Augusta Town ship, and that be is prepared to sell goods at th lowest prices. His slock consists In part of SPRING St SUMMER GOODS, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, &o. and every variety usually kept in a country Store. Treverton prices paid for all kinds of produce Lower Augusta twp, Aug. 8, 1857. tf A Book for fcvery Mans Library RARK INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS. CANVASSERS wanted to cbtain subscribe for thsi CnmnrehRnaive (jeiisrranfiv and H , , n i j lory, Ahcient and Modern, of the World ; S. O. Goodrich, (Peter Parley.) Hantlsom bound in cloth gilt, and illustrated with ' beautiful engravings and and 80 maps. P t3. Sold only by agents, to esch of whor special district will be given. Applicants sh state what counties tuey would like to csn The book is now ready. Copies will be ser mail, post paid, on reieipt of the price. BIT all solvent banks taken at par. The "t Journal," says of this work : "No family ever should be without it." For full partic in regard to an agency, address, ULUKUE W. ELLIOTT Publisher and Booksel No. 171 William Street, New Allhave kinds of School and Miseelli Books. Cheap Publications, Stationer; Maps, furnished at the very lowest prici ders solisited. November SI, 1847, 3DE1M TISTRY GEORGE RENN, A NNOUNCES to the citizens of Sunbury and vicinty , that he haa o pained an office in Sun bury, above H. I. Wulverton s omce opposite j. Weaver's Hotel, waere be is preperwi to aiwno to all kinds of work belonging to the profession, in the latest and moat improved style. AU work well done and warranted. December 13, 1856. Citrate of Hagnesia TASTELESS SALTS. mHIS nreDaratlon ia recommended aa an ex. J- cellent laxative and purgative. It operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleaacal lasts seesmbling la monads ia flaw, prepared and sold by - A. rt.ln&n, Sunbury, March 4 1856. Hew Goods for the People t BENJAMIN IIEFFNER RESPECTFULLY informs tbe public in gen eral that he haa just received and opened splendid stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS at hia New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stock consuls in part of Cloths. Cassimeri. Cassinett. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO i Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, Moussellne Ue lvalues and all kinds of Ladiea Dress Goods. Groceries, Also an assortment of Hardware. Irou and Steel, Nails, so. Also sn excellent assortment of QTJEEHSWARE, of various styles snd patterns. Alee an assortment of BOOTS SHOES. HATS it CAPS, e good selection. Salt, Fish, c. And great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at tbe lowest prices. IT Country produce taken In exchange tbe highest prices. Lower Aigueta, June 8, 185T. FURNITURE POLISH. 8. RAJTS Premium Patent Knamel F Polish. This polish is highly valuable ring the polish on all kinds of Furnitur Carriage Bodies, H&irClelh, Jtc. Als moving spots, hiding scratches, etc., Vi ranted to dry immediately and retain it Price 50 cU. per bottle. Sold by A. w. ri March 14, 1857. SAMUEL, II. ORWI6 ATTORNEY -A.T Ij Ojflce on South Second, near Mar LEWISBURG, PA Practices in the Counties of Union berland and Montour. All PaorassioNaL Bcsikess e hs care will receive prompt and fs tion. October 3, 1857. ly WHITE HORSE HO POTTHVILLE, PA THE subscriber respectfully ann eld friends and the public, ths that old and well known establish! White ;Horse Hot At the corner of Centre and Mai the Borough of Poltsville. The cently been very much enlarged improved, rendering it quite as ny ether Hotel in Acbuylkill the stables are large, in good co tend by careful, attentive, prude To travellers snd others who house, he promises every attent render them cirafortable and sa J03 April S, 185'.- tf HENRY DONI ATTORNEY A Offict opposite th Co Banbury, Northumberla Prompt attention to buai 'ountiea. AMERICAN HOUSE, WILUAMSPORT, PA, M. II. KELTO.V. Proprietor. J as. T. 11 ixi Asa .. Sept. 13. 18Sg.-tf " Ctationery. A Urge supply of fancy Jf ote Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, sad Cap Paper, fens, lot. Sand, -. at March 14, '57. A. W. riSHF.R'S. opposite westbr; WILLIAMSPt WILLIAM II. IIAV C. A. 8TSiae,jtssitanL N. W.An Omnibus will Depot and Packet Landing) ef charge. September 13, 1836 It DANVILLE john rE: Market Street, I THIS is one of the larj dioua betels in the ii it has been recently fitted with all Ihe modern eonv. Danvilled, Sept. M, It BLANK Parchment I Mortgagee, Bonds, Ac, for aala b aJenbury ,Apri 16. If FOR SALE an exc Ing Stove, also Stottav Esquire at th GOLD PEN8 witl very superior qt Alas s fresh eunply 7 . unbury. Uee. 17. SILVER WATCK EncKsh Silver W by unbury, April 11