m FROM KJaNSaJI, f r , . ,. , Procudings oj tht Constitutional Convention ' Resignatinn tf Gut. Lant at President of th Convmtion. '. Lkjltkr'wortb Mtrcb 26tb, 1858. Tht Oenatituiiooal Convention met in tbii city lut prntng partuntt to adjournment. After tbe appointment of Standing Committees, recb f which consteUd of seven members, a majority of tbem being in fetor of tbe edop tioo of tbe Topeka Uonstitntion a basil for the new one. Gen. Laoe introduced s resold, tion, initrncting tbe committe to provide Tor tbe submission of the qnestioo of locating the capital, to e. full end fair vote of the people on the day on which will be submitted for ratificolioo or rejection, of the new CoDitito tion. , In accordance with a previous notice. Gen eral Lane baa resigned bis position at Presi dent of tbe Convention. i This at once brought several on their feet,' who objected to bis resignation. Mr. Branscomb said he have been victorious thus far in tbe fight, nnder Lane as a leader, and was unwilling to release bim until we have achioved still a nobler victor?. Gen. Lane replied, that he demanded that Iiia place should be supplied by anotner lor lie wished to sacrifice all for tbe sake of 'peace and free State principles ; said he "I do re sign and all tbe powers of earth cannot defeat tne. There are some in Congress, and in tbe States who were taught to bate and curse the Toneka movement. J his convention wants to show tbem that there are others who want to settle these troubles as soon as pos sible : and for that reason, the convention consented to come to Leavenworth, insteadjof going to Topeka. We have determined long since, that while we will vindicate tbe Topeka movement and stand by it before the world, we are willing to make this an independent movement. The friends desire to prove to the world tbttt these charges made against them as rebels and fanatics are false. Men have learned to hate and curse the President of the Topeka Convention, and he is here the President of the Leavenworth Conven tion. Not that he loves Topeka less, but peace and the settlement of this exciting question more. Poor Lecompton will be dead and Congress will be glad to admit as with Jim Lane at their head but I don't want to sacrifice any dear lives, for that rea son I resign my office. 1 want you to take ns much of tho Topeka Constitution as prac ticable. Not so much for tbe living as for the dead Remember that there are five hun dred martyrs who foil under tbe Topeko ban ner, for the sake of freedom. I return you my thanks, and hand back the honor you so kindly conferred upon me. H is resignation was accepted, and Judge M. P. Conwny (formerly of Baltimore) was elected to fill tbe vacancy. Hat Statu. rHE VOTE OS THE LECOMPTOK COM8TI TUTIUJt. The House vote on the Senate bill, ns mended by Mr. Montgomery's substitute, hich was carried yens 120, nays 112. being toctly the Bttme as the vote on the adoption Mr. Montgomery's substitute. Ykas Messrs. Abbott, Adrian, Andrews, nnet, Billingburst, Bingham, Blair, Bliss, ayton, Buflington, Burlingame, Ourrooghs, mpbell, Case.ChafTee.CH A PM AN, Clark . Connecticut, Clark, of New York, Claw , Clark B. Cochrane, Cocleril, Colfax, nine, Covode, Cox Cragin, Curtis Dam Davis, of Maryland, Davis, of Indiana, is, of Massachusetts, Davis, of Iowa, cs. Dean, Dick, Dodd, Dnrfee, Kdie, fish, Fornsworth, Fenton, Foley, Foster, ings, Gillman, Gilmer, Gnoch, Goodwin, ger, Groesback, Grow, JIalt, of Ohio, of Mass., Harlon, HariAs. of Maryland, is, of Illinois, Haskin, HICKMAN, d, Ilorton, Howard, OWEN JONES, gg, Kelaey, Kilgore.Knapp, Kutikel.ol Lawrence, Leach, Leiter, Lovejoy, Me 1, Marshall, of Ky., Marshall, of 111., son, MONTGOMERY, Morgan, Mor orris, of Pa., Morris, of Illinois, Morse, ne, Morse, of New York, Molt, Mur chols. Olio, Palmer, Parker, Pcndle ttit. Pike, Potter, Pottlo. Purivance, , Ritchie, Robbies, Robert, Royie, f l llinois, Sherman, of Ohio, Sherman, York, Smith, of Illinois, Spinner, . Stewart, of Pennsylvania, Tappan, Thompson, Tompkins, Underwood, Valbridge, Waldron, Walton, Wush 'Wisconsin, WaRhburne. of Mainej ne, or Illinois, Wilson, Wood. -Messrs. Ahl, Anderson, Arnold, Vvery, Barksdale, Bishop, Bocock, I3owis. Boyce, Branch, Bryan, Bur ns, Caskie, Clark, of Missouri, Clay, Cliogman. Cobb, Johu Cochrane, ','raig, of Missourii Craige.of Nortb Crawfnrd, Curry, Davidson, Davis, ippi. Dewart, iJimmick, Dowdal, n, Elliott, Eustis. Faulkner, Flor lelt, Gartrcll, Gillis, Goode. Green gg, Hatch, Hawkins, Hill, Hop. Hon, Hughes, Huyler, Jackson, ewett. Jones, of 'Tennessee, J. nnea. Keitt. Kelly, Kunkel. of Lamar, Landy, Ltidy, Letcher, CJueeo, Masuu, . Mayuard. Miles, llson, Moore. Niblack, Peyton, ilips, Powell, Quitman, Keady, illv. Ruffin. Russell, Sandidge, lea, Scott, Singleton, Smith, of mith, of Virginia, bearing, fee , of Nortb Carolina, Sickles, II worth. Stephens, Stevenson. Maryland, Talbot, Taylor, of Taylor, of Louisiana, Inppe, n. Watkins, WMto, Whitely, odson, Wortendyke, Wright, of -bt. of Tennessee, .ollicoller. ou tbe passage of the bill as ontjpuiery's substitute, is pre- 3 the above. ipton Democrats, ont of the cs fnthe State, in CAPI i Americans, in small capi uocrats from Pennsylvania, old-face tvue. Uesars. Bates, of Delaware, isippi. : i Davis, of Mississippi, paired oeron, of Pennsylvania. at ton Complete. The Read- "the formal act of eonaoli on Valley Railroad, with the d Reading ' Railroad, took i ult., when the legal exis ion Valley Company was ler Corporation. The first be henceforth designated Lebanon Valley Branch, i and Heading llailroaa. tely prove a valuable tight or 'feeder,' to tbe main can doubt, who is acquaio ant position it holds as a ween tbe Reading road it through lines of travel and Sootb, which coo- "6- . 4 rioK. The responsibility Kansas excitement now if tbe President in tbe uglas said in his speech Crittenden amendment house of Congress, neoded the bill in ssch ".compliibes two great vttles, .this Kansas ex it -recognizes tbe right e to frame their own ?n, not all unite and ill. and thus settle the te for it, and the right ecd, vote lor ltr and ignty are persemd peace in the country n English paper aayi cservalives from tbi ,1b body frequently baths bava dona preserving pirOB (Trim the Wsahtngton States, April 3d.) ' Ittn.. BKLR AND HIS CAMELS. , The following interesting 'reports of opera tions was yesterday received at tbe War De partment from Mr. Ii. F. Beale s . ' . . Kaxsas Cjtt, March 23, 1858. 8im I have, the houos lo report my arrival at tliis filaoe,rter a eutcessrul'and agreeable winter ourney over tbe road Which I explored last summer, in obedience to your orders. A i I informed yoO in my last despatch, the object of this journey was to satisfy my self fully as to the practicability or Impracti cabilitv of traveling the contemplated road in mid winter. With this view, I left the Tejon Pass, in the Sierra Nevada, on tbe 2d of January, and, traveling leisurely, arrived at Albuquerque en the 24th of February, having -passed the heart mf tho winter on tbe more elevated portion of the road. In a previons letter I informed y n that I had sent the camels back to Fort Tejon from the Colorado river, In the charge of my clerk, in order that they might be need in the cam paign against Utah. I parted with these noble brutes With much regret. A year of bard and almost unremitting labor with them had attached ns all to them with feelings stronger, I think, than any one experiences for either the horse or dog. It is to be hoped that tbe Government will continue the importation of this valuable animal, nntil sufficient have been obtained for the use of tbe whole army. It is cheaper at first cost, lives longer, and is ioGnitely stronger and hardier than the mule, while its capacity for work is four times greater. For military purposes, I regard it as invaluable, in a country where forage is difficult to obtain. In all of tbe wars of the East, in ancient days, it played a conspicuous part j and not only in ancient but also in modern warfare, its excellence bas been displayed, sir U buries Napier attributed much of bis bucccss in his brilliant campaigns of Scinde to tbe efficiency of tbe camel regiment, the organization of which enabled bim to transport his men with their provisions and arms to great distances, over what bad been hitherto considered an mpnssable country. His artillery was drag. ged by tbem through tbe sandy deserts over which be passed. Mr. Beale here quotes nt considerable length from tho "Travels of Father Hue in Tartary," to show that whilo horses, oxen, nd mules, died from tbe extreme cold, tne camels stood tho tevore weather without injury. But better than the experience of others is thnt of onr own. The camels are now liv- ng, fattening, and thriving in two feet of now on the summit of the Merra Nevada, ta California. It is now nearly a year since I set out on this journey. I have conducted my party from tbe Gull or Mexico to tbe snores or the Pacific, and bock again to tbe eastern termi nus of the road, through anew country, much of which was entirely unknown, and for the most part inhabited by hostile Indians, with out an accident of any kind whatever, or the loss of a man. I have obeyed your instructions cs faith fully as I was able, under tbe circumstances, to do, and hope to find my reward in tbe ap proval of tbe Department of what has been one. Very respectfully, jour ob't servant, E. F. Bkalb. To tho Hon. J. B. Floyd, Sec'y of War. GEM. CANERU71 AND THE ARMY BILL. We append a short sketch of Senator Cam eron's speech in tbe Senate, on Thursday week last, douning bis pusition upon tne Army Bill, tben under consideration. Tbe extracts speuk.for themselves t Mr. UAHaliUM. 1 desire to say a lew words in reply to the remarks of the honora blo Senator from Georgia, in regard to volun teers. 1 think what he said with reference to our volunteers is entirely incorrect j and if he bad known those volunteers, ha would not have Said what he did say. lie represents thnt persons banging about grog-shops, and unfit for service are entered as volunteers. In reply to that, I will say that I had the honor. myself to offer the services of a com pany from Pennsylvania the other day for tbe Utah war a uniformed company com posed of the best young pcttleman of the county of Fayette in which they reside. They are not tbe kind or men who utmlly enlut but are thrifty, and industrious young me chanics, and intelligent, well educated, young lawyers -and physicians. I will add that if there is any doubt about getting men to fill up the army, tho volunteers of the State ol Pennsylvania will furnish the whole Duin ber. We will give yoa the two regiments and I will venture to say they will be com po sed mainly of men who are fit to meet us anywhere intelligent well bred men. 1 agree iu the Senator Irom Uhio. and that it is an unprofitable business, and generally does no bene tit to tbe young man who becomos a vol unteer Soldier, but it a matter or taste, it scorns to be a part of our nature in this coun try to be soldiers. Our peoplo desire to put ou military uniforms ; and when they have done so, they like to bo in a light. I shall be very scrry indeed, it the honorable senator believed that tbe men I have spoken of are not fit for volunteers. I voted for tbe original bill providing for raising five regiments of regular troops. I did so witb a protest against their becoming a portion of the standing army; but 1 voted, for it because my course always has been to givVhe Administration in power such troops as they think necessary to defend tbe coun try in time of war Tbey say there is a war in Utah, and they cay it is necessary to bave a certain amoont of troops to protect the honor of tbe country. I think they have made a great mistake in producing that war. In mv iudcuient it would have been much bet ter if tbey bad sent new Governors enJ'other officers into the Territory with a small escort and witb a conciliatory message. But the Administration have thought diOerently ; and if there was no war before, tbey have provo ked one now. When the country is engaged in war I cannot refuse to allow the Adminis tration to bave such troops as they think necessary to protect the honor and interests of the Country. ' 1 Want3 bis Umbkr-ell. For some time past, an old, dilapidated, faded cotton umbrel la bas been lying neglected in tbe lost bag gage room at the Michigan Central Railroad depot. , Everybody wondered who could be tbe owner Ol si)cn an arncio, as it was aoso lutelv too noor for anybody to borrow a phe- nomenen, perhaps never before known. It accordingly lay neglected and despised nntil a day or two since, when a remarkable inter est was attached to it by the receipt of tbe following i 5 , i ' . ; . i o the baecaire si aster at aetroii to uo Baggage detroit Post oISco. " Chester uo, i 'a. Marco ztin tuou. Seir yon will Pleas to foured my umber- ell that I left in tbe Cairs on tbe first day of January or neir that time, it air a wooden Dandle ana oent at tne eno or u eometning like a cain handle and I will pay for wuble when I gets t from Philadelphia." ' The precious "omber-ell was done tip in fourteen sheets of paper, and " fonred " by express to its owner, who will buvo several dollars of express charges to pay on it, by way of a good joke. Detroit Frit Presi. Tsa lea Csor. It bat been estimated, says a Boston paper, that double tbe quanti ty of ica bas been cot thia year tban daring anv former season. Mr. Wn,i, of Madford ban boused 4)30,000 toes at Spot Pond, and other partus nave cut iou.uou tons more.- A Capital1 Fillow. An editor" at the East says : "Our stock in trade- constats of Industry. Economy, and untiring Pereever ence. Cur industry we eonslder worth to ns tt least, $19,000, economy tU.OW. prssevn ance $15,000, making In all an active capital (OorreapoiidVnee of the Puhlie Ledger j 'LETTER FROM WAslll!GTO,l. Wasbinotok, April 3, 18." 8. It Is currently reported, that the President baa determined to send a mcssnpo to Congress in regard to onr relations with Spain. It was to have been withheld till after tbe Kansas bill had passed. To-day, it is tald that he will not delay tho movement longer, and that the mesBSge may be expected next week. This message, looking as it will do, to tbe acquisition or Cuba by tbe.Uoited States, will produoe a startling effect, bat in this and other coontres; particularly at a time when all Europe is, perhaps on the eve of a do mestic or international quarrel. It is noticed that tbe Government has con tracted for a number of camels with cilixens of Texss. However that may be, arrange ments have been made in Texas for stocking ranches in Texas with camels : and it is pro beble that after a few years, they will be rai sod there in great numbers. W. Senatorial Courtesy. Mr. Green of Mis souri seems to be determined to introduce border ruffian manners int ) the debates of the United States Senate. On one occasion, he said to another Seuator, "Yon are a liar." But here is a little passage between bim and Mr. Seward : ' Tho Vice PresiJent Tbe Senator from Misiourri has stated his point of ordor. The C'bair will hear the suggestion of the Senator from New York. . "Mr. Green (to Mr. Seward) Make yoor suggestion. "Mr. Seward I wish to know whether I must make my suggestions under permission of the Chair, or by tbe command of tbe Sena tor from Missouri? ' "Mr. Green Either is enqually obligatory. "The Vice President The Senator from New York has the floor." ' Akothkr Torpedo Explosion. On Fri day, an attempt was made to blow up the Cin cinnatti Type Foundry, corner of Vine and Longworth streets, id that city, by means of a torpedo filled with spikes, which had been secretly placed in the basement. Tbe explo sion that followed was terrific, and Mr. P. P. Lee, tho engineer of the establishment, had his left hand completely Mown eff, besides receiving several other severe wounds The wretch who placed the instrument of destruc tion on tbe premises is nnkoown. Now Advertisements- Treasurer's Sale oT Ileal Estate. Agreeably to the provision of the Act ef Assembly, entitled "an Act t reduce tlia State deht, 4 c." pancd the 30ih day of April, 1 844, fur nonpayment of taxes, and its supplement thereto, the Treasurer of Nnriliutriberlnnd county hereby gives notice to ell persnnsconcerned therein that unless the County, Slate, Koad and School Tales, Arc. due on the following Kent Kstate in the county of Nor thumberland, are not paid before the day ol sale, the wh le or such parts of each as will pay the charges and costs charjrable Iheieon, will be sold at the Court House, in the boroufrh of Sunbury, county of Northumberland, on the second Monday of June next ; aurl the sale will Le contin ued by adjournment from day, lor arrearages of taxes rise the said county, and the eost accroiug on each respec-H lively: No. Acres. Am't. of Tax. Ufptr Augusta. ISO Jfcob k Calharh.it Barteber, 83,13 OS do do dj 6,33 lue David Darubait, 4,n 1U0 do du 9,431 Lower Augusta. john iones estate rl, rla William Gaugler, tstand, John O. Youngman, John Young, Chillisquaqut. J hn fieeltley, John Pattun, Rush. 3 35 eo BO 30 6u 6,1 51 69 6,14 ifiO 6,80 1161 t.19 7,00 101 Hugh Bellas, to Isaac or Isaiah Savafa, 6il do do do 70 Win. D. Oeurhart, Sunbury. 1 IM George Hall, taxea of 3 years, 3.r) 1 Lot Jlsinel H oilman, taxes of 3 years, 3, So 1 Iut Win. M'Cail'ee, taxes 3 yeuis, S,(0 1 lit Martin lrvin, S.78 1 1,ot Christian Kelt, tax of 3 years. 3,'.2 30 acres, Sunbury Wster Power Co , W L. Dew art, Tres't, saw null, tax of 3 years, 44,30 t Lot & 16 Lots, Philadelphia It Sunbury RaiLiuad Compunv. 4,S7 S A, 10 A, 5 A, 00 A, 135 A, Helfenateln 1 Co., tax of 3 years, r.5,18 Cod township. 400 acres, Char es Cox, Miners Haiilt of Pnttevilte. 4, SO a.ao 3,30 Ifi'i 1SJ Oeorgaor Alexander Thompson, Point townsnip. 10a Ttartrain Alexander, now Bradford's heirs 3.33 Jamea Ammermau'a neira, ps Cameron. Carbon Rnn Improvement Co., Alexander liuntrr, 9.30 Zerlw Run Imp'i Co , watrantee J Cowden tU,1S Mahonoy h Shamokiu lmp't cs , warranto T. Grant, M.71 2101 111 Zerbt. 1578 " Riisart i Deebe, warrantee W. Crod & W. Wils ni tax cn'iyears. 203,M m Nj. J, B. 89. John Hates, ! 174 acres, Curbou Run Improvement Comp. '18,50 101 acres, The Pieaident and Directors of the United rtut-s Hank J N . Bpiljr & P. Mouier 4 V. batiaman, 3J,J1 Trcvorton. Iit No 15 k 13, D 139, BerJ'jn'.el Anthony, Lot No ., Ilurk John, Lot No 3, U '.'3, Cuinernn Simon, Lot No 1. Campbell Jucob, Lot No 14, B. fs Giwby Oottleib, IH No V2 y 13 B. 139,l!auahawuat George, lit .NoOll 1S4 llornng Ja cs, 1 Lot. Unas' J. it K.Faftelv, Lot No 9 U. 40, lligajiiiai C.'W. Lot mi 10, B 40, Jordan Alexander, " Ut No 10. B tfi, Kelly Daniel, 1 Lot, Kelly Patrick, Lot No 4, B li5, M'Donald Charles, Lot No 89, B 15, Miller widow, Lot No lai,U ti, Newman ltev'd 1-ot No 11. B. 30, Peniatral Jacob,. IxB No 7, B 107, Reedy Patrick, . ; 1 Lot, Keiley Patrick, 1 Lot, Knyder Henry, Lot No 9, B S, Shareff Samuel, Lot No 3 & 4 , B 77, Sea Charles, Lot No 19. B IDS, ghappei Daniel,' 1 Lot, B 109, Watera Jonathan, 35 1,90 3d 4 IS 30 37 3V 45 30 94 18 St w SO IS OS 31 eo to 30 49 64 lis 30 l.tiO 3 uota, Warwick Eamuw, Lower Mahcmoy . SO acres, Oeorire Herolits, 9 acies, Harrison Ilerolds, 9 Lots, Jaoob Stickler's estate, LrfJts, J cicr ounpacn, 1,93 S. M. BIMWCM, Treasurer. April Iff, 1S5. TREASURER'S SALES. A list of the Unseated Lands advertised for Solo by J M. Simpson. Treasurer of Nor thumberland county, agreeably to an Act of the General Assembly cf the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, past tbe 13th day of March, 1845, ana tbe supplement thereto entitled an Act directing tho mode or selling fnseuted Lands for Taias end other pnrposes, will be exposed to public sale at tbe Conrt House in the Boroujli of Sunbury, on the 14th day of June, 1858, at 10 o'clock, A. M., tbe follow infr described Tracts of Land for arrearages of Taxes due and the costs occrning on each Tract respectively, unless previously dischar ged, to wit : If not sold on the day above mentioned, to be adjourned rrom day to day. No. acres. Warrantee's names, Am't das. Antis Henry Adama Thomas 1674 Foster Thomaa ( Coal $1573 17 Jenkins James -Antis Frederick . Adams Robert ' J. JtnkiQt , n F. An tia R.Adams ' ' T. Foster 1704 Ric'd Salman; Coal lOiO 65 1 Itich'd Manning Edward Holl - ATboa.Urier ' Thos. Urier. : " Kobert Camplalo rri n ir. A uui, v. Miopia IE) I Win. Morrison iO in' Vtl'Jos . 967 Jamsi8t.nh.aJ F OoaV 1 76 . Jas. Cowsett i i v,t t . . ... leaaeHeff ; J 7 . , i?:. 5"l!J,lll," C. ' , . 63 66 447 lioyd Jobn , .... da . . 3 SI 61 - e ' oraaiooa reler ia ,i 83 IS Zit Braay Joba do 209 83 illiaaw juiiiaiii n i n siiaasieassswasrassi 205 nnlinVinnThos. tlo " 40 Pollna Hngh rl . 344 -Uower Christian do- ' CQ lioyle Luke, Cameron 148 j Button Enmuel do 13 34 -.19 DO 22 ?3 . 2 12 ' 7 29 17 84 5 60 6 GO 1P0 78 423 100 ICO leltorton Uehj. SliBmokiri Uattrairrt Alexander, Point' tarron John jr. do 2GCJ 45 2581 15 362 1 45 49 899. 264 250 , 80 60 130 100 159 181 197 250 196 Jirady Jonn, Uoal Uratly John, do Pt 21 ItradyWmrdo ; 127 20 Brady Walter, Low. Augusta - 84 Cowder John, Coal 153 07 Camplain Robert, Mt. Camel 21 30 Camplain R. do 21 30 Darr John, Cameron 16 80 Did Jobn, do 11 08 Darr Mary do , 10 62 Darr Luke do '3 3d Darr Peter do ' 2 12 Did John, Upper filahiindy 10 92 Dorr Mary do 8 40 Darr Peter do 1 3 32 Darr Luke do 15 20 Dewart Vm., Lit. Mahanoy 5 66 Dewart John do Dewart Wm., Low. Augusta 7 11 00 04 28 14 jfewari iouo, do 8 14 68 per Davidson Mary, Mt Carmel 6 62 14 63 per Davidson Mary do 6 62 62 60 92 363 Elliot VTm., Coal 46 6 4 115 68 90 180 . 170 4321 120 2071 2171 2531 50 100 300 100 109 300 129 200 300 2.00 100 40 426 219 82J 2181 104 4141 4131 60 247J 203 203 300 354 2261 288! 20 200 345 327 20J 207J 10?1 300 80 200 31 156 2P 1S0J 110 100 50 111 346 50 211 2rt 114 190 309 127 2311 211 269 223 1S8 333 2351 403 171 439 107 . 86 300 171 12 204 197 227 303 197 203 202 304 218 318 110 64 110 306 Epley Andrew, Point Evans Smith. Coal Fegely Reuben do Fegely Wm & Solomon, Coal File Luke, Cameron Grant Thomas do G2 39 6 82 4 20 96 76 26 88 147 92 176 99 181 02 6 50 4 87 14 62 Grant Thomas, Cameron Gray Robert, Coal Gray Robert do Green Wm. do Grant Thomas do Gardner A. jr do Gardner A. jr do Gardner A. jr do Gardner Wm. P., Jackson Gardner A. Point Gardner Wm P. do Gardner A. Little Mahanoy Gardner Wm. P. do Harrison Wm. Cameron Harrison Wm., Up. Mahanoy, House! John do Hunter James, Lit. Mahanoy, Hall Charles do Hnnter Alex., Low, Augusta Hall Charles do Ilubley Cernnrnard, Coal 1 1 62 52 60 5 t 4 60 60 20 10 52 8 40 3 36 G 20 C 16 2 12 6 12 64 35 185 60 136 90 10 80 128 85 35 eo 13 08 18 05 14 10 103 10 16 27 60 6 60 5 60 5 31 78 2 92 76 4 20 2 24 5 60 19 84 79 06 Ilimmelrich Henry do Hepborno Jumes do llilemnn John C. Cameron Irwin Robert, Coal Jackson Jeremi do Jackson Jeremiah, Bhsmokin Irwin Robert, Up. Mahanoy Irwin Robert, Point Krow Michael, Coal Kidd John, Lit. Mahanoy Kentziiifr Abraham, Point King Ezekiel do Lukins Abigail, Coal Lukins .Smith do Lake Richard do Lake Richard, Shamokin Lake Richard, Jackson Lake Richard, L Mahanoy Lyon Joseph do Lake Richard,' Point Morgan Samuel, Cool Mury Peter do Martin J. G. do Myers Mary do Miller John do 15 18 33 65 25 12 4 Moyeyer George do Meadling John, Cameron Mendling John, Up. Mahanoy Martin Peter, Point Metzner Jno D do Noddinot Jas. do Noddinot James, Chilisqtlaquo Pritico Genrce, Coal 3 2 12 9 36 6 92 1 00 5 8? 5 83 52 23 Reese Sarah do Reese Thos jr do Ruston Thos. do Ruston Mary do Reynolds Jobn do Ruston C'harlott do Reese Daniel do SaFsaman Peter do Shannon Wm do Smith Mary do Steedmon Wm. do Scott Abraham do Smith Luke, Cameron Smith Abigal do 110 24 52 82 7 37 13 20 6 36 15 39 13 23 86 07 37 98 3 SO 11 66 4 64 14 32 8 62 bnnth Evans do 2 20 Smith John, Up. Mahanoy 6 00 Scott Abraham, Shamokin 1 72 Schall George. Mt. Carmel 3 78 Titsworth John, Coal, 2 93 Taggart Robert tlo 5 58 Tyson Joseph do 12 92 Titsworth John, Shamakin 6 08 Taggart Robert do 3 92 Trickel Chas G., Jackson 2 03 Triektl Chas (J., Lit. Mnbasov 4 04 White John, Coal 173 45 Wilson Wm. do 34 92 WBtker Lewis do S6 27 Wilson Wm. & Wm L Dew. art, Coal 4 73 Yoxtheimer nenry. Coal 29 43 Zeiglcr Isaac , do 34 96 Zimmerman Mathias do 119 33 J. M. SIMPSON. Treasurer. Treasurer's Ofticp. 1 Sunbury, April 10, 1808. State of the Eank of Northumberland, April 1st, 1858. LIABILITIES. Capital Stock, . . . . Notes la eiieulatioa, ... Profit and Loss, Dividenda unpaid, ... Discouuta, fCxrhsnge end Interest, 90C,(V 00 l-jn.na 13 7,3t S9 S.W 79 7.41-2 1J S,0M ?1 M,7SJ 07 siuc oiner jfanaa, ... uepoattoas, 6&CJ,U3 03 ASSETS. . Bills Discounted k Loens .Jt-MMi 10 PeiMisyivania S par cent Loan, : 1 . 31.7IH 19 Northumliertaud Bank Stock. --- 4.W0 00 OtherSiocka, ... ... . .. l.KO on Keal bauis, . ... 8,(jau p.1 Current expense and Protest account, . t,Tt 38 Due by City Banks, . . - ; Slt.trd 7 " " Country Banks, ... 13.WS ti Notes of other Banka, , . , 6,S7H 00 Cash Items. . ' . . . 1110 no Spscis in Viultl, - - . , , 43,74111 '' 3I0,S 03 I Certify tfia above exhibit is correct and trua to iha best of my knowledge sad belief. j. k. I'liitffjL.CY, taahier. Sworn and sul-acribed befors rr.e. .... (Sigusd) JOHN CAKE J. P. April 3, 1SJS HEADER 1 Co yon intend to Embark in to Basinets I If ao, DONT. FAIL to aee advertisement in thia paper by tbe subscribers beaded "A Card to the Public" J.F. Set. F. KLINE. Kliae'a GroT, Pa., March IS, J858 tf 3STOTIOE. A LL persona indehted to Jamea Deaid, late Prothonotary of Noithumherland county, for fees, &c, are requested to make immediate pay ment, and thus aave cost and further trouble, ai all accounts remaining unpaid will be placed in the band of a Jualice for collection. I'ayments can be made either to tbe subscriber or to J. S. Beard, et hi office. JAMES BEARD. Sunbury, March t7, 18AS tf JOElf 3T01TE &, SOITO, 6M Cksanul Straat, bov Eif htk, (1st of K. 48 Soaih r . smcom wract,! ruiLAiiEI.l'HI A, 1 sal w aacamrtetiuia 1 . erKINO IMPORTATION OF ' ' BILK AND MILLINERY 000D3 Cooslsimg In part of Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, maw itiu Oros da Naplea, (Clac and FWoJ Marceliue4 aud Fluisntca.. . . . . Bau.li Modea, wiiiua uranaa i;i ir- . Mallua aud illusion mt : )J 1 alius and luui A,?.'! "tHHotofF BENCH JLVD AMERICAN ECHC0L LETTING. rpnC fuMi Hchoola of the borough of Nor- HiurhlKrlanJ, will 4 let on Saturday tho S4lh Inrt, All persons wishing to apply as Tsurhcrs are rtqnestrrl to meet lbs Directors on that day at S o'clock, P. at the Centre School House. , , By orde of lite boartl, , JOS. P. TUST7N, Seo'r. Northumberland, April 9, IBSfl. 3l NOTICE. ' To tia Citizens of Northumberland and Vicinity. nr. Fmi.IIVa having appointed C. & ' Drown his agent in Northumberland, re spectfully informs tbem that thoy can be aupplinl with atiy papers or magazines they want. All those who wish to avail themselves of this ofiur can do so by giving their names and the paper! they want to C 8, Brown. Now ia the time to subscribe to that greatest anil host of family newspaper, "The NeV Tor Ledgei," a new story i how being published written b Stlvascs Cobb, la., price 4 cents, Catalog 'es ctn 16 obtained of C. 8- frown. H. Y. FKIUNG. Sunburf, March S7. 185 St. A CAST! ISCSINKSS Exckt'SlVKLT. CrtAULKS ADAMS, ft. e. Corner of Eighth am) Arch Streets, Philtrlelihia, Informs his rm customers, anil the Luyers of DRY GOODS UKNKH Al.LV, tint he is making emtra exertions for tliepro5ecnlioitof his business th comine; season, and in order tu enable him to purchase syvmIS for cash, ami sell them at the lows? itavbrt fricbs, he has oVculed to sell at ths smallest possihle advance (7 For Cash Kxci.rjsivKT.v ! lie has reduced the price of must of the Goods in Store, Snd has riow open many Niw (loans, suitable for the BSAMOtf, to wlncn will he made iiaiiv anilitions. Cure will he to accomm alate FHIENDS sud Plain Pr.nfOMS renrrnltv, ns heretofore. NKW DKKSS CiilODr, SHAWLS; LINENS, and FUKNISHINO GOOHS Rrtiersiiy. Purchasers will find treat advantage in gieina; sn aerlv rail, the rhotto heing "the nimble aivpence is better thsn the stow ailii:iiiiar., The situation is central, nnd the store well lighted. March !T7, IMS Sinnjw. FLOUR AND FEED I SPRING ARRANGEMENT. THE subscriber has recently fnade an enlargs ment in his store room and has jutt received a freh supplv ef Flour and Feed, Comment, cVe Ilia stack consihts of Corn and Rye, ("ofn and Oota, and Corn CHOP, bolted Corn Meal and Buckwheat Flour in sacks, all of which will be told low FOR CASH. Also, the Best anl Cheapest assortment f Flour in this Market, from FIVE to SEVEN DOULAK8 per barrel, according to quality. AWo, a lot of Flour in sacks at very low rafs. The subscriber assures bis customers, that his arrangements for getting Western Flour enable him to give tbem better satisfaction or better bar gains than can be attained elsewhere. Being thankful for past patronage, he hopes to merit and contiue ta receive the favor of the public generally. C. O. HAVEN. Market Square, Sunbury, March. 26, 1858. FARMERS OF PENNSYLVANIA ATTENTION ! You csn supply yoursrlves with Chemical Manures, wsrranted pure, which has hern in BUccenMul use in iNew Jersey l',-r the Last Seven Yeuii they have received Ihe Lln.OMAS of f'ewJeraey, ISiew Yutk, Jlelawarc, and feens) Ivniiij Agricultural tvicielirs. and have tietru used by the President of the United Mates, on his Garden and on the Public (jrjuuiia at W aahlogum, 1. C , and by the fultotving (jeullsincii ns' Z. I.ocke, lis. ) A. P. Itsiiher, ."uat iaboru' New Jsrsey. J Liluvci, Senator Ko'uerts, Wm. Miller, of Cape Island, New Jersey. Cluis York, J Th.s Muiford, Ksq , Cami'en N.J, Dr. Kernes, Er. Knight, Mr. pield, ,lr Atkinson, and Ivi Johnson, all of New Jersey they say it is the cheapest and moat reliable Munure Uyw in L'se, being permanent end itiiprovn tl.e bud by enriching the sail. It is suited to the vatioiiacrops you raise Corn, Potatoes, liruse, Wheat, (lata, ftc. By enclosing a ( hcrk, on any New Jeiscy or Philad'a. Bank or lefercnre to aay gixid House in Piulade.phia or iu ex ehanfte f-ir Produce, at fulr .Market rates here, your orders Wlil be filled and Shipped to you, free of Cartage expense. tab" Every article sold by me is Guaraitteedjglt Super Ph isphate of Lima, S0 OU a Ion. Bone Phosphate, f.iu 0U a " American l'ertilizer, SIS 01 a " ty a BArtrtEi, 9 supnciENT ron an ache OP GROUND BKOAD CAST. Pure Bone Dust, (MO burets now ready,) at t-5 00 per barrel or a tun. Poudiette, No. 1 (S00 barrels now ready,) at $4 to 3 a barrel I jind Piaster No. 1 1 M0 lane's, at tH to 82 abarrcl Pol Ash, 60 barrels Peruvian, Patagouie and Chilian Ul'AN'Ui GKoltOE A. I.ETNAU. Propiietor. No. 31 Booth FRONT Street, Pbiladelphui City, Pa. Cr WHOLESALE DEALERS ALLOWED A LIB ERAL DISCOUNT. fST Pamphieta can be had cn ai plication to my Off.ee, or i f my Aseuta. March 13, IMS -3mWfW. 3 1' 11 1 N G A 11 It A NG EMEjN T. LACKAWAWHA &BL00MS3UEa R.K.. , FFORDINO superior fucilities for travel to New J. Y'uik, Philudelpn a, aiidihe North and West, by con nections at ThntMii with lite trams of theuelawaie Lackawanna aud Westein Ituilroud Corupanv ; also fir travel South aud West over the Cnttuwitu, Yl!iiamsport and Erie Radioed and connecting trams OOINO NORTH. N. V. Mail. Accommo dation. Thilnd'a. Mail 3 10 P.M. 3 20 du Rupert, Bl om, Espy, Lime Ridgs, Berwiot, Bench Haven, Beach tiuive, Shickshiiiny, Huuiock'sCieek, V'eat Naaticoke, Plymouth, Arrive at Kingston, I -enva Kingston, Wyoming , est Pittston, P1tmt.u1, I .ack a wanna, Taylorvrlie, Arrive at e ID M, t It do is 9 iu 1 IO 7 33 7 SO 8 IU a 4u B 60 IS do do do do do ds do do do 3 M 3 55 4 OA 4 IS 4 30 4 65 5 OO ti 0 SO do S 30 do 9 M e so e 65 iu in 10 in 10 o 1 4S P. ft. i 5-1 6 SO 55 10 e 10 e so . 10 t to t ii do do do do do 3 OO Kcmuton, 10 VI da 3 IS to 8 30 do The New York Mail Train connects with the Lsnrsia going East, on D L. ft W. Railroad. Arrive tu New Yoik 7 1J P. M. do Philadelphia, by Camden 4 Ambor Railioad, 8 W P. M. ' ' Fare fiom Rupert to New York $0 00. Saggnge check, ed through. The accommodation Train North, connecta at Persnton with the Express Tram West, on the V. L W. Rail, load. . , , ' GOING SOUTH. Thila. Mail. 9 00 A. M. 10 Ail B vii do AcciMumo dnti.in 11 St) A M II 43 do 1-3 00 M. IU IS P M. 1 30 do 14 40 do 1 W do N Y Mail. 4 Ot) P.M. 4 10 do Leave Sciaiiton, Tayiorvnie, Lackawanna, Pittston. West Pittston, Wyoming, Arnva at Kingston, Leave Kingston, Plymouth. 4 4 :u 4 33 4 4U B M 8 W 8 4U d.i to do t 00 do S 00 do 10 40 10 So do do a. eo e is e to e &u 7 o 1 40 65 8 IS V 45 9 10 0 IS Nantieoke, 11 63 do Huidock'aCi'k, II IS do HiiekuiuuT. II 43 do Beach tirovc, Head, lluveu Berwick, Liiu Ridge, ,":), lf!oirri, Arrired at Rupert, II 60 11 1 I'J 00 do 14 10 P. M. I I 311 do I V 40 II SO d3 do l W do e is do The PfuladelphuvMail Train eolnir South, ennnects with the Mail Tiaiu at Rupert, iroiui; tusi at 1 lit P. M . fur CattawissH, Port Clinton. Pottsviiie head me, Ac, arriving- at Philadelphia, at 8 5 P. M. Alao with Mail Train going West at 3 o'clock P. At. for Lauviiie, Aliitou, Muu. cy. Williamsport and K.liniiu, Puciieis by the 4 o'clock P. M. Tram going South caii take the II o'c!k P. M Kxpieis train lor tliniru and the Weal, or lodye at BIMinsburg and lake the 4 o' clock A.M. Train going Last, arriving si Pitiladelpeut 01 llsn isburg at PJ uooti. F. t. LEAVF.N WORTH Marck 13, l&MOm Superintendent. Estate of GEORGE DEWALT, Deceased ttf te heira and legal representative- of George Dwalt, late of Delaware town hip, Northutnherland county, deceased : " Take notice that by virtue of a rule' granted by the Orphans' Court of aaid county, at January Term, A. D. 1858, you, and each of yoa are required to be and appear at an Orphans' Court, to ba held art rSunbury, in and for std County, on tbe first Mar .day' of April next, and accept or refuse tbe reel eatate ol sat id due ease J at tbe valualioa tharcof, fixed by an inquest, held open tbe aame on the 84 lb day of Dacamhar, I8."7. or show cause Why tha same should not ba ald. ' JAMEU VANDYKE, eheriit ' rMjerifTa afTWe, Ponhury, Msrclt ih, ' FOIL SALE OR RENt. THE larce double frame house in the Bnmugh nf Nsrtuumlierlaiid, belonging to tbe estate of C. II. Kay, deceased. - Thia la a very dcairaMe residence, beautifully aituatid tin the Nortli Branch of the Susquehanna, with a large garden, Carriage House, Stable Ac., belonging In U Term moderate. Fnquire of C, W. PcsUs, Williamsport, or J). Brautigam, I'sq., Norlhuui berland. March tT. U. 8addlo and ILarneefl Maker. HENEY HATJPT, JFt. KE8,ECtULLt informs tbe rlliiens of Pnnhurt and the nub. lio eencrallv. that tie haa taken the shop occupied bV Bright and Beck, ofie door east ol 8. Htupt's Cabinet M ker shop where be la prepared to turn cut work in his line of business equal to any made in Ihit ection of the country, Ohlort promptly execu ted and all kinda of produce taken in Exchange 8unbury, Mfrh 0, IS68. ly WASHINGTON HOUSE. W. A.COVB3IIT, Proprietor, ISTJ3STBTJHT?-, PA., I ill E proprietor respectfully informs hia frienJs and Ihe public, generally, that ha ia repairing and renovating the "Washington House," ao as to entertain both transient and permanent visitor In a auitahle and Comfortable manner. Thankful for tbe patronage extended to his father, he respectfully solicits the continuance of the same. Itr will take charge of the "Wash ington House" on the first day of April, next. He will have an Omnibus runninrr lo the different Railroad Depots for the accommodation of Passengeri, Tree of charge. W. A. COTEKT. 8unbnry, March SO, 185", ALEXANDER KERtt, InronTia ian Voolesilk DiAtxa ia 13 A. L T , ft 134 South Wharves, Philadelphia, Pa. ASHTON FINE. LIVERPOOL GROUND. Ashton and Star Mills Dairy assortrd sizes, con tantly on hand ar.d for aala iu lota to auit tbe trade. N. B. Orders solicited. March 13, 1868. Gm pORT MONAIES, Tooth and Hair Brushe all qualities, and any quanti y, for sale by A. W. FISH Elk. March 14, '67. "nettT cash ehy goods house. IV OPENING OF SPRINQ GOODS! 3 EYRE At I.ANDKI.f., Fourth Arch Sts. Phitnd'a , fire now offering a full stmk of New Goods for Spring of 1853 1 FASHIONABLE PPJ1IN1 GOOD!, HI, ACK MII.Ks, IM to M niches wide, Ppnnr; Drtis fiords. New Styles, Wiawls, in all tha Newest Styles, British. French end American Chintaca, Ful. stock of Domestic Goods, Full Pluck of Kuropran Goods. N- B. llarcninsin Seasonahle Gord. dni'r receivsd from the AUCTIONS of New Yerk and Philadelphia. P. S MKHOHANTS", ore invited to examine theStoo TKItMS Net! Cnrh nnd iow pricea. Philadelphia, March 1H, IH? 3m3w. a. c. cnuisnocoii. itur c. rcxEsoR CHESEBKOUGII U PEARSON, Commission llercliants and Dealers in riSEI, t Bir.tSC A.M IM)VIS10St No. 6, X. Waters!., 3 oor above Market, PHILADELPHIA. are constantly on band an assortment of Dried and l'icklcd Fish, &c, &c Mackerel, I Codfuh, Salmon, I Beef, fihnd, Pork, Lard, Shoulders, Cheese, Buttcr.tc Hams, Sides, Feb. 57, 18S8. 3m.w, A Card to the Public. READ! READ!! READ!!! J. T. El I. P. IIIilNS, MEHCHCANTS, Kline's Grove, Northumberland county, Pa. 'S7'E have determined from the publication of Ibis notice to sell at greatly reduced prices n'nn.i. n tr.. t.... . .. b Boots and iMpe. HataanJ Cap, Medicines, it. and a,l gooi. tisualiy kc t in a country store. Being de.'iroua of quilling the business we will dispose of our stick of Cauodd on or before the 31 at day of March, 1858, to a person or persona wiehing to embark in the busincea op favorable terms. The situation is a good one for doing all exlcnsivo mercantile trade. For further pafticulara call personally upon the subscribers, or address tbem by mail. J. I'. .V I. T. KLINE. Kline's Grove, Pa .February Oth, UStJ. LIST OP CAUSES- B'uii iriui iu me tyourt or uommon J'leas of as. Northumberland County, to be held at Huw burvnh the first Moaday of A;.ril, 1S58. PiAisnrrs. DrrEumxTS. Isaac Brown t a John 8 Pcterman J. U..Srruth,ae'r. va Chas; O. Donr.el's Adm'r. same Peter Dickson John Bowen Alexander Colt, Martin Weaver J allies Eager, Wm X Marti same as same. ts Shaffer c Co. vs J. D. Masscr, vs John A Llovd, ia Wm. MeCarly et al VS James Vandyke, vs J U .Manser va same I.eib for famtuer Eun'iury Canal !f V. P. Ca. Henry Weise, vs Thos. Baumgardiitr, John Cooper, ts Jhn Burns et al Silas Wolverton, a Francia Fgletmn, Jobn J. Heaa . va H. B. Masser, James. M alone v. Pl ila A. Kunbu'r R K Co Wm Lonax. &c vs Win L Hrlfenstcin, O M Flviumitig Sit., ts Wm I. Helfenatem R F Reitv Ac a a sanap tn J McCandiessj Co v Wm Conner Peter Yerger vs Jonas Bohner John Cuthbert ara Thomaa Fram is sr., et al James Rice John Creech C Kram for Nogie Allied R Fiaka Isaac Brown Charles Fuller s Geo A Kteler va William Faitely vs David tS'iarich et al va Sun St Erie K. K. Cn va Thomas If. tsinddert va William Houpt vs John K I'ctcrmaa, va A 1! Lor g'jhora va Jos HofTuian'a adm'r. va Kane 4 Reed, a ) se Rica Isaac Brown John Murry Deborah liuity lieuben Fagely J. & W Uo.boch William r'iiman Henry Masaer'a ex'ra v. Francis O'Donnel, v George Conrad. DAN IF. I, BECK LEY, Pro'L'y. Prothonotary'a Office, ) Sunbury, March 0, 185S. i PROCLAMATION. TV OT1CE ia hereby given that tha several ' Courts of Common Plcae, Cencral (Quarter Sessions of the peace, and t'prhana' I'ourt. Court of Oyer and Tvrmitier aud (Jeneral Jail Delivery, in mid for tho county of Northumlierlniul, to commence at the Court IUuse, in the borough ol Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the Mb day of APRIL, next, and will continue TWO WEEKS. Tlio coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta bles in aud for the county of Northumberland, aro requested to be then and there in their proper per sona, with their rolls, records, iniiiiitioiis, and other remembrances, to do thoso things tu their several offices appertaining to ba done. And al witnesses prosecuting ill behalf of the Common! wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded io be then and there attending ia their proper persona to prosecute against him, as shall La just aud not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at tha time appointed agreeable to their notices'. Given under any band at Runbury, the 1st day of March in tbe year of our Lord one thous and eight' hundred aad fifty -eight and the Independence of the United bleu of America the Bad. God aaye the Comnxonweatth. ' ' 1- J.AME3 VANDTKK, 8hri& eVajiiTa OfEee, HurnW, ) March , I Sit. , FLOUR REDUCED Tt) ' $.7 IO Per Rarrc!. THE nibscritier respectfully Infosmo the eiti' tana of Sunbury and vicinity that he baa just received a supply of FLOUR, which he ia offering at wholesale or fetsil from t6 40. 9 8 37 to 6 P7 per Barrel. Ife'alra telle tome at" law ra 70 . par quarter, all of which Le WAIt R A NTS to be Good. CANDLES for aale, wholesale or retail. Thankful for pat patronage b toped to cex tiaua to merit Iha same. GIVE HIM A CALL ! M. O. GEA till ART. Karkst Bt , Sunbury, Ta. February 37 faijfl. 6ADLE2Y AND lfAENE33 RAKING 'THE fiibacriberi respectfully Inform the cltl - tena of Runbury and vicinity that tbey litre commenced Ihe above buslnen a few dooraehote the I'oat Ofiicc, Market Square, Sunbury, Ta. Work of all klnda in their line of business will be done promptly and neatly on tlo most rea tonnbie terms. CLEME.NT at OYSTER. KlTbrua-y t8, 1858. Ettato Of IIENP.Y FRY. sen. tleo d. "aTOTICE la hereby given that Icttera of ad. ministration have hern granted to the sub acriber on tbe estate of Henry Fry, sen. Into of Coal township, Morthtiml.crlandjcounty, deceased AW parsons indebted will please roko 'immediate payment and those having claims will preiont mam auiy auinentirairu lor settlement. GEORGE H. CODER, Aitu'u February SO, 1858.- 6t. NOTICE. TOf ICE ia hereby (riven tUt application A a ba made by the subscriber, for a tlti plicate of Land Warrant No. 84, 218, for 120 acres, issued to P.ebecca Bear, widow of Wru. L'rar, wifo wasa private in Capt, Hav'a compa ny.Jdatcd tho IGlh day of September 1S56, nliidi taid warrant was duly assigned t-y the rati! Re becca Hear, in blank, and acknowledged before Jesse U'eigel, and certified by the Prothonotary oT Mountotir count Pa., and purchased by the subscriber from the aaid Rebecca Bear. That the said warrant was lost in tbe mail between Union Corner Post Office, Northumberland county, Pa., and Plrnsont Hill Post Office, Montgomery county Indiana, from and aficr the SOth of November IPCS, and baa never been heard of since. That in coiiicqurnce of said lo application will be made ta the commissioner of Pennons for r duplicate as above stated. CIIAHLKS V. MKIIARRV. Pleasant Hill, Indiana. February. 20, 1858. 6t. 80,000 CROSS-TIE 3 TV"ANTED Thirty Thousand Crosj-Tirs. or Railrond Sills for the Northern Central Pail Head. For further particulars apply !o IRA T. CLEMENT, Cot tractor. Sunbury. December 26, 1857. tf Ilarkct Street, Suntury Pa. TtllK subscriber respectfully informs the cili zens of if uiibury, and the public generally, that lie lias purchased'and will tike posnession in the above well known stand on the 1st nf April nett. formerly kept by Mrs. Thompson. That be will put the same in complete repair. In addition he will provide a conveyance t.) carry passengers to and from the different Railroad de pots, and will leave no cfl'erU untried to render his hotel a desirable stopping place for guests and travelers. JOHN LEI4EK, February 20, 1S59. FEBUTJAEY 20, 1853. JT.ST received by Rnilrcad another let choice and desirable grinds consisting in far of Fancy Delanes new stylos, Black and Fani y Silks Beautiful Madder PrinU at 6, 8 and 9 cents per yjrd Persian Debeje 12J cents Plain Dciaiics 12 cents 83 Indies w:0e tinblcarbcd 1 Muslin 6) crnU AUo 1S0O yards Muslin dif- forent widths and qualities Kranch Cloths, Cas j simcrca, b'ntinett. Kentucky Jean Ac, at exceed- ir.:;!y low prices And we call particular atten ! tion ta our t lac'i of Fresh (irocer;c, ftciinf; cs- suri d that their quality ar.d our i rie wnl riitdrr entire satisfaction COr2i3 ON23 C01v23 ALL? Exam'mo our goods and learfi our prices, ou stoclt presents a liarc and varicj nssorlincnt, err aMing puichatcrs to make a ;ood sclccion to tiitt best advantage. GHEAT EAIICUNP, In conseftince of the advancarl slate of ths Win ter, wc will commence lr,.in this date te sell onr entire sto 'k of Ready Mode Cluiiiing Ul inkcU, S inter Hoaiery, and a very id.-a assortment i.f Ladies Siiuwla at greatly reduced prices Now is t'.tc time to secure good harciinr. A ri.NNV l:AYLU I A 1!.:;ny eahnkd. E. Y.BRIOUT tt SON Punlrury, Feliruary 30, IS'?. JOU7S S. ISEAbSE. ATTOKNEV AT Oj?ict in Macket tt., npnosite the Ci-wi Iluui:, Errj3Tjk7, TJi.. Co!!rrt!n:is made and PiiifeM('iui Ciiaiiiea generaily attei.Jjd ttf Prcnpily auJ Carefully. rHitinsriHiA nrrir.s.vca ; Bullitt ir Fairthcrne, DicM d Wtrtx, Davis & UiriiQa; , 1'. Tylot & Co. Hunhury, iuiie,t9, If 57. O- O- I-EI-'VJEiXV.- Vh-XCIl AND FEET) STORE, M,i, kct Square, Sunbvrg, Pa. , r F.SPKCTFL'LLY informs the public t!:,-'t Q, he constantly kee'd on hand. Extra and double Extra Wheel Flour, in quarter barrel sacks. Also enperivar Buckwheat Flour, arid Chop ford of all kinds, whirli be wili warrant snd eell nt t!j loweM price, FO R CASH ONLf. Call and see for yourselves. December 19, 1857 It. a.-"? iiwljallija4;i U STOKE. TVaISS LOUISA SHIssLER.rtspectfuy in form tbe ctiieiia o' Trercrtun and "aur Miinoiiis county, that she hn ojitrcJ a new atore of Millinery and Fancy Goads, at Trevor' ton in ::;.amoin street, iifatly o; polite Knouse'a Tavern, where, all kinds cf LonVcta a::d Fancy Goods cau I s had at the lowest terms. Dress making also attended to ia tha beat manner and latest aivlc. Antil 25, 1857. tf ALL PAPF.E, Window Shades. Floor, Carriage, and Table Oil Cloths. Cueo Mattsand a superior arlielo Oi Pruerrrst. Da M, 1H6T. BIlkiHT cVPON. Q g Q Y A RDS C A R PETING.embrariug Wool Ingrain, Cotton, and a superior articla of Rag Carpet, Manufactured at bvmr, for saja ut prices to suit tha times. Dee, M.'ftr. ' BRIGHT & 80?i T3URE CONCENTRATED LYE OK St. 1 PON1F1ER, for aala at FIsllEK'3 ItJf Store. Price 20 eta. 1 BROWN'S ar.d Breinie'a Eauenca of Ginger and liesbaad'a .Magnesia at 300 8ACK8 SALT. beat quality, beat qtial hy, large sacks, and for tale at the lowest URIGUrtON . Sunbury. Dee. 2, 1857. pLRE OLIVE OIL for table u.e,-iwe ait 7 atul CJJ ctnta just received by