Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 03, 1858, Image 3
r-' i' aws California f this. ARRIVAL OP THE 08E3 TAYLOR. LftTEIt PROM CALlrtfnXIA. TnE quickesTtrip ON IlECOltD. The California Mail Steamship MosciTay. lot arrived at New York yesterday, from As- ri-.iwult. which place iht loft on tbe afternoon of th"? 13th inst. The dates from California are to tut. 6th inst. Her passengers ha wn 01,'y '21 days and 14 hours on the .route, th Vi i'.'j the quickest trip on record. T;h Legislature bas passed an act taking Die S: v. prison from the hands of the pre sent Vue, and placing It in charge of agents :o oj 'pointed by the Ooveroor. The Gov :ri'..r v.-ts refused possession, when he broke '. j en tha doors ana forcibly took possession. 'l b Indians in the Sebastian Reservation'ed and refused to work or obey br iers, 'i hey hud been frightened into a sub rivicn bv the soldiers, the leaders being pun- shuii bv ilin infliction of from twenty to ol ': c a i-.i lashes. a horrible traeedy lias occurred in Grass Valley. Michael Brannan, the President of he Mount Hone Minine Company, bad mor- leredb is wife and three children, and then oniraiUed snicide. It appears that Mr. Brennen was engaged n nnnrtz mininir at Grass Yallep, and bod teen unfortunate, lost heavily and was owing rorkmen and storekeepers, and felt that he ould not get out of his embarrassment. It i supposed that be did not tell bis wife that e had losi neavuy, nu wa uoooij ,u.ut.u, ore than ten minutes before her death. He anded her a glass of claret with the deadly oison in it, which she drank, thinking it was uly wine end that it would revive her. A oa'ded pistol was on the table, for use in ease he had not drank the trine. After drinking, he clenched her bands and struggled some, rheo he put the pillow over her face and mothered her; then saturated a piece of su ar with the poison and Ted it to the child. Vhen the cook returned, be took the eldest lild. a eirl. and administered tne sugar io sr. He then callea me uoy, uuuv into in room, I hut be ran out. crying "un i mam hut tha father followed lnui calling unit s little mun, took him up in his arms, far ed him back gave bim some sugar and smo ered him. After killing the entire family, le Hither secured all the doors, and sat down id wrote a letter to the Secretary of the ompany telliog him to be sure the children ere all dead. , ... The operations of the U. S. Branch Mint r the past month as follows : Silver bullion as received to the amount of 110.33 ounces, insisting of mixed silver coins, and bars for .iiisge. The amount of gold bullion receiv I in the same time for coinage and imported .rs (after melting) was for coins, C5.434.14 incis: 12,337 03 ounces; Total, mMIi inces. The coinage for the month of l eb ary consisted of 3f,f00 pieces, in double en as, amounting to S'00,000. Total number gold deposits for the month of 1-ebruary, 4. No silver was coined during the last inth. WASHINGTON TERRITORY. By way of Portland w have dates from hrury 12th. ' ' The Leschi excitement still rsges at Olym a. Tha farmers were sowing wheat and ts. The weather had been ogreeable for a :ek before. Thk Larokst Diamond in the Would. e Kohinnor. The Cincinnati Times of Sat iny says : We were waited upon yesterday Mr. G. P. Matthews, of Virgiuia, who ex ited to our astonished vision what he ims to be a diamond of the first water. is about an inch and a half in diameter, 1 nearly an inch in thickness. It is surpas gly brilliant, particularly when viewed by j-littht. Its estimated valne is two millions .Inllars. Mr. Matthews says he bas been ered for it twenty-four thousand pounds, was found by the father of its present pos. por in the gold mines in Buckingham couo Va about seventy years since. It has remained in the rough state ever ce, until a few weeks ago when Mr. M.. be. satisfied by every tost that it was in renli. a diamond, took it to Nw York aod had .ressed. This precious gem weighs 144 ats. There have been several diamonds nd in the gold regions of Virginia. Last ir. one found in suid locality was sold at :hmnnd for $4500. Mr. M.'is convinced ,t he is the proprietor of the largest dia nd in the world, and we see no good rea i to doubt it. Methodist Erisoor-Ai. Statistics. At the meeting of the East Baltimore Confer :i a statistical table was prepared showing , membership, baptism and value of the irch property during the year 1857. At i close of the last Conference year the white mbership of the East Baltimore district mhrd 6944. while ot the close of the pre Lin? Year it numbered 7435, In the same l rit-t the property in church buildings was inmted at $203,800, and the parsonages at 1,400. In the Frederick district the white tntwrship numbered 3522, against 8779 the endim? vear. The church property was mmted at $91,650, and the parsonages at 9;")0. Id Cumberland district the white mbership numbered 373, against 3648 for i proceeding year. The church property g valued at $69,265, and the parsonages at 300. Id the Bellcfonte district the white mhershin was 3815. the cburcb property und at $80,100, and the parsonages at 900. In the Northumberland district the ite membership was 5447, against S063 for i preceeding year. The church property estimated at 2112.400 and the parsonages 1 1.225. In the Carlisle district the white u.bersbip was 4206, against 4054 for the weeding year. Tbe church property was at 8101.378. and tbe parsonages at l 3fM. The whole white membership in , conference is 27,627, and the whole a nt the church property, including the sonaees. was estimated at $680,468. dt. Patriot. .ai-oMAur LAf.-The Act of the 19th of ml 1848. wnicn was in lorcu in i unauei. ia and Luxerne counties only, commonly i.m ha Sheriff. Interpleader Act, hue re itlv been extended to the whole State, by a t ,.f ih Leirislalure. It II almost wr- im a copy or tha British Statute 1 and 2 iii iv i! SB. I 6. and the Courts oi Phil- jlphia have adopted the English practice der This is one of the most important d salutary laws that Dal yet, oeen passeu oy present Legislature. It applies in all .... fiecution is issued against, and .. ; nnnn nronertv of A.. But which ,i,.;.nrt h B.. in which case O. gives no to the Slierifl that tbe property does not long to A. but that it belongs vo Dim, o., tiAriill ft A Is the Sheriff asks for a rule, from i Court whence the execution was issued, to i kufara aaid Court tbe part issuing the Mess and the party making the claim, that d parties may try the title in tha property d tbat the Court may decide to whom it longs. This is a much speedier tod more iciH.torv wav. and less baiardone and ex ,..;.. t both tbe Sheriff and the parties, iu the old method of allowing tbe Sherifl to I and then prosecuting turn for trespass lading Gatttt. Tbb Coau Tade, The quantity tent bv ihia week is. 20.344 12 by Canal, .05 18 for tbe week, 22.150 10. Tout by alroa.1, 3; 1.070 07 tons against 420.235 ton Do. by Canal, 1.805 18 against 17, . : J I . .. . 4 06 tons 10 same penim jw f be sbipmeoU this week are less by 19,033 i, tbao the quantity sent to market for eprrei ponding week last year. AfiiwrV sfrnai. BKtoiAirr Tatu The travel of eml granU over the Pennsylvania Railroad te tbe far west, bsi been on tbe increase for several dayt past. Oo one day this week JO0 pas senger!, Witb a large amount of baggage, were aent to points west of Pittsburg, and nearly all or this number started With the intention of purchasing land, after teaching ineir destination. Arrangements hate been made with Mr. Funk, the at-niit of the line. In Dock street, to Seod, early next month, 100 men to Minnesota, who are about purchasing lurms in tbat Territory, 70.000 pounds of freight belonging to tbe party bas already been shipped to tbst point. On and after Monday next, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company intend adopting a new time table ur ine emigrant line, Dy wblcn those travel ing West will be able to reach all tbe princi pal stations west of Pittsburg much earlier man oy tbe other route. Tbe cars for this class of passengers are nearly as comfortable as those for tbe first class, and with the adop tion of the new-time table, it Is expected tbe numoer oi travelers will be greatly increased. -Public Ledger. Tbi Expiditios to Utah. It Is stated that ea the 26th of January, tbey were at L1 . . 1 " nnn I I . j 1.. - I l uikuiunni , o lieau oi urauKut uu, iu good condition, and tbat, in persuance of in structions from tbe War Department, a train consisting of 110 wagons, would start on tbe Hutu or tbe present month, Tor Camp bcolt, each wagon is laden with provisions and cloth ing, and the train will probably reach the camp by the middle of May. or in time to supply the army with ell that is needed, prior to the march on Salt Lake City. The latest advices from the Mormons are of a belliger ent character. Tbey still threaten to resist and are making their engagements according ly. But if the provision train above alluded to cannot reach Fort Scott till tbe middle of May the conflct is not likely to take place be fore the begiunlng of July, Meanwhile tbe Mormons may repent, and determine upon some more pacific policy. A letter from Col onel Johostn, under date of February Ith, says he has received no communication from the Governmsnt since the 22d of October. This exhibits a truly deplorable condition of aoairs. The troops were impatient to move forward, but they cannot do so with safety until tbe ariival of reinforcements and pro- V1BIOB8. Land Bales i.n Kansas. Tbe President has issued his proclamation, No. 601, for sales of public lands offices at Kickapoo and Lecomptoo. Kansas Territory, in July next. The first sale at Kickapoo on tbe 5th July embraces 798,095 acres, and tbat on tbe 19th 701,082 acres. The sale at Lecomptoo on ttiefilb July will embrace 756,446 acres and tbat on the 19tb, 656,511 acres, making an aggregate of 2 912,134 acres. These will be the first public sales. of Government lands in the Territory. New Advertisements. NOTICE. To the Citizens of Northumberland and Vicinity. HV. FRIMN'U having appointed C. 8. Brown hit agent in Northumherland, re pectfulljr informs them that they can be aupplied with any papera or magazines they want. All those who with to avail themaelvea of Ihia offer can do ao by giving their names and the papera tbey want to C 8, Drown. Now ia the time to aubacril to that greatest and beat of family newspapers, "The New Yor Ledgei," a new story is now being published written b Snrisvi Cobs, Jr.. price 4 cents, Catalogues can be obtained of C. 8. jBrown. H. Y. FK1LLNG. Sunbury, March S7. I85R. St. a.A.:R.r. A Cash Business Exclcsivklt. CHARLES ADAMS, S. K. Corner or Eighth and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, iufurius his ttli customers, and the buyer of 1IKY OOUDS GENERALLY, that he is making extrs rxeuiims for tlie prosecution nf his business m cinniiie, scvauu, miu in orner to eiwuie mm to puiclmsii hxIs fi.r cash, bihI sell them at the LowasT mahskt raicss, he hus decided to sell at the smallest possible advunre ty Fo Cm ExcLCSiriLT ! 3 He hus leducecl the price of mwst of the tinods in Store. id bus now open msuv NswCmoe. euiinule for the sAoff, to which will be made daily additir.ns. Care will be to accomin idate FRIENDS aud Plain PERSONS fnt rulty, ns heretcfore. Min uttr.;.! uihiup, PHAWt.5, LINENS, and UltNlfHING GOODS generally. Purchasers will find Rieat advantage in living an earlv call, the mtto being "the nimt.le sixpence is belter than e slow shilling. " i ne situation is central, ana the store well lighted. March 87, lSSd. 3iu3Jw. FOE SALE 0 BEST. "I'M! E large double frame house in the Borough of Nerthumberlaud, belonging to the estate of C. H. Hay, deceased. 7 bis la a vary desirable residence, beaultiullt situated on the JNorlh Branch of the Susquehanna, with a large garden, Carnage House, stable Ac, belonging to it. I erma moderate. Enquire of C. W. Scetea, VVilliameport, or D. Brautigam. Esq., Northum berland. March 3f. IR.18. WASHINGTON UOUSE. W. A. COVERT, Proprietor, BTJNBURTr, PA., riHE proprietor resjiectftilly informs his friends and the public generally, that he is repairing and renovating the "Washington House," ao as to entertain both transient and permanent visitors In a suitable and comfortable manner. Thankful for tbe patronage extended fo hia father, he respectfully solicits the continuance of the same. He will take charge at the "Wash ington House" on the Aral day of April, next. He will have an Omnihua running to the different Railroad Depota for tbe accommodation ol feast ngers, tree of charge. - W. A. COVERT, Banbury, Marsh SO, 1858, Saddle and Harness Maker. HENR-S" HATJPT, JR. KES.PEC Tr'ULLY informs the citizena of Sunlmry and tbe pub lie generally, that be has taken the ahop occupied by Bright and Beck, one door east oi S ifaupt s Cabinet Ma, ker shop where he ia prepared to turn out work in hia line of buaineaa equal to any made in this section of the country, Orders promptly etscu ted and all kinds nf produce taken in Exchange eunbury, March 20, 1858. ly JOE1T STOITE & SOITS. 805 Chesnul Slrset, shove Eighth, (late of Ne. 4 Soalk Second Street,) PHILADELPHIA, aai sow aacaTiM tbsix SPRING IMPORTATION OF SILK AND MILLINERY GOODS Consisting in psrt of Fancy Bonnet and Can Ribbons, Bstlu and Taffetas Ribbons, Grog de Naples. (Glaca and Plain,) Maraeluwa aud Florences, Black Mode., English Crapes, Melius and Illusion Laces, eta. Also, a full assortment of FRENCH AND AMERICA!" FLOWEHS. March Su, 1S58 Sotoa. FLOUR AND FEES I SPRING ARRANGEMENT. THE subscriber has recently made an enlarge ment in his store room and baa just received a fre-h supply ef Flour and Feed, Cornmeal, Ac Hia aleck eonaiata of Cora end Rye, (orn and Oats, and IJorn CHOP. Bolted Uoro Meal and Buckwheat Flour in aaxks, all of which will be sold low FOU CASH. Also, the Beat end CbMpeat assortment of Flour bi thia Market, from FIVE to KEVEN Ot.LARtJ per Barrel, according, to quality Aa, a lot of Flour in aacka at very low rates. Tbe aubecriber aasuree hie cuslomera, that hia arrangements for getting Western Flour enable bim to give them better satisfaction or better bar. tains than can be attained elsewhere. Being thankful for past patronage, be hopes to merit aud eontiue to receive tbe faver of tbe public generally. CO. HAVEN. Market soars, syuakvry, MtKRto, ma: NOTIOB. IN the matter of the settlement of the estate of Augustua Hooy, deceaaed, laU of Bhatnokln township, Northumberland county, jar OTIC G Is hereby given tbat Man Huoy. A1 widow and relict of said deceased, has made ber selection of the personal property of said de ceased, according to the act of Assembly, made end provided for In eucb cases, which will be presented to the Orphsne' Court for approval on uieuuaj, um sin oay oi April next. WILLIAM AMMERMAFT, Administrator. Shamekln township, March 18, 1868. St NEXT CASH DEY GOODS HOUSE. ' tW UPENIN0 UP SPR1NO OOODS'UD KYRK ft LANDELL, Koarth ft Arch Sts. Pkitad'e are now osTaring a full sunk of New Goods for Spring of 1858 1 FASHIONABLE SPRING GOOD!", BLACK HILK8, 84 to 36 im-ties wide, Spring Drees Goods, New Styles, Shawls, In sll the Newest Sty lee, British, French and American VainUea, Ful. stock of Domestic Goods, Fall Stock of Europcsn Goods. N. B. Darpins iu Seasonable Good, dsily received from tbe AUCTIONS of New Yerk aud Philadelphia. P. 8 MKUGHANTS, ars invited to examine tbe Stoe TERMS Nett Cash and low prices. Philadelphia, March 13, 1658 3m3w. NOTIOB. IN the matter of the settlement of the estate of Henry Fry, Sr., late of Bhamokintown. NOTICE ia hereby given that Heater Fry, widow and relict of the aaid deceaaed. has made her selection of the personal property of ssid deceaaed, according to the act or Aaaemblv, made and provided for in such caaea which veill he presented to the Orphana Court for approval, on Monday, the 6th day of A pril next, G. H. CODER, Administrator. Shamokintown, March 13th, 18S8 8t ALEXANDER KERtt7 IltrOBTCB AND WnoLISALS DlALSB I S A Is T . 134 South Whartts, Philadelphia, Pa. ASHTON FINE. LIVERPOOL GROUND, Aahton and Star Milla Dairy assorted sizes, con stantly on band and for aale A Iota to suit the trade. N. B Orders aelicited. March 13, 1868. 6m PORT MONAIES, Tooth and Hair Bruahe A all qualities, and any quanti y, for aale by A. W. FISHER. March 14. '37. FARMEKS OF PENNSYLVANIA ATTENTION I Yoa esa MDDly yourselves with Chemicsl Manures. warranted pure, which has beeu in successful uee in New jersey lor the pest seven Veers they have received the DirL.OftlA3 or Few Jersey, New Yolk, Delaware, and PeiuiBvlvsiiia Agricultural Societies, and have been used by the President of the United Suites, on his Garden and uu the Public Grounds at Washington, D. C , and by the luDowing Geuileineu via : Z. I.oclte, Esq. 1 A. P. Lasher, J. L Reives, CLaaxasaoaa' New Jersey. Etetiator jtouene, i Vm. Miller, of Cane Island, New Jersey. ChasYork, ThoS Mulford. . Camden N.J. Di. Hemes. Dr. Knight. Mr. Field. Mr Atkinson, and Ivi Johnson, all of New Jerssy they say it is the eheepestsod most reliable Manure now in t se, being peimencut aud improving the laud by enriching the sell. It is suited to the vsriouscrops you rsiss Com, Potatoes, Grass, Wheat, Gels, Ac Mr enclosing a Check, un Soy New Jeiaey ur Philad'a. Bank or reference to aay good House iu Philade.pbia or in ex ehange for Produce, at fair Market rates here, your orders win ue uueu snu smppeu to you, tree ol cartage expense. fT Every article sold ly me is Guaranteed Super Phosphsta of Lime, f 40 00 a ton. Bone Phosphate, S3u Ml a " American Fertilizer, Stf Oo a " OT A BARREL IS SUFFICIENT FOR AN ACRE OF GROUND UKOAD CAST Purs Bone Dust, (300 barrels now reedv.) at SU 00 ner barrel or 845, a ton. Poudielte, No. 1 (300 barrels now ready,) at Si to S3 a barrel Und Plaster No. 11 000 barrels, at 81 j tu ft a barrel Put Asb, 30 barrels Peruvian, Patagonia and Chilian GUANO. GEORGE A. LEINAU. Piupiietor. No. SI South FRONT Street, Philadelphia City, Pa. nr WHOLESALE DEALERS ALLOWED A LIB. EH AL discount. 17" Pamphlets can be had on ar plication to tnv ur of my Aaents. March 13, loB 3H930W. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. LACKAWANNA &BL00M8BTJRQ R.R. AFFORDINO superior facilities for travel to New Yoik, Phllailelph a, antl the North and con. nectmns st Scrantou with the trains of the iJelawai Lackawanna and Western Kailroad Comhanv : aki for travel South and West over the Csttswisss, W iuiamsport and Erie Railioad and connecting, trams OOINO NORTH. N. Y. Mail. 00 A M S IS do Accomna dstioa. Philad'a Alall 8 10 PM S Sll do Leave Rupert, Bloom, Kspy, Lime Ridfe, Berwick, Beach Haven, Beach Glove, Stiickshinuy, Huulock'sCreek, Weet Nanticoks, Plymouth, Amvs at Kingston, Leave Kingston, Wyoming West Puiaton, Piltaton, lackawanimt TuylorvrUc, Arrive at S S3 do do a is S S3 8 43 4 03 4 IS 4 3 4 33 5 uu SO S 40 V 10 T as 7 SO da do da de da 4a 8 10 S 40 S 30 IS 10 de SV do as ao S3 10 00 le tu is so t 45 P. M. le dn t SO da t SO sta t 45 da 3 00 do s ss s so S S3 S 00 S 10 so Scrnnlnn, 10 SO do 8 IS do 8 SO do The New Tork Mail Train eonnaru ith tk r nr. going East, on D L. St W. Railroad. Arrive in New Toik 7 15 P. M. do Philadelphia, by Caindeo A Amboy RaiHead, a SO P. M. Farefrooi RaperttoNew YnrkMOO. Beggars check ed through. " The accommodation Train North, eo a net-is at Bcranton with the Expreas Train Wee( on Ure D. L. W. RaH ruad. OOI.-VO SOUTH Phlla. Ma IV 8 00 A. M. AcaomiBa dntrna II SO A. M II 45 do 11 00 M. IS 15 P M. 13 Su do IS 40 do 10. t Msil. Leave Scranton, Taylorville, l.acka wanna, Pitteton, West Pitteun, Wyoming, Arrive at JXiiigalon, Leers Kingston, Plymouth, Nanticoke, Hunlock'aCr'k, 4 00 P.M. 8 10 do 4 10 8 10 b 30 8 33 8 40 do do do do 4 SO 4 38 4 35 4 40 8 00 da t 80. do 8 00 do te 40 da ' 8 00 8 15 S 40 e su 7 eo 7 40 7 55 8 15 8 45 8 M) 8 15 10 80 da it es II 15 da da Phtckshiiaiy, II 45 do tseacn bruve, Beach Havau It 60 da da IS 00 Berwick, - is lep. m. I. ibis Kiuge, Espy, Bloom, IS 30 do IS 40 do 18 30 do t co do Arrived at Rupert, 8 IS do Tlis Philadelphia Mail Train going South, eonneeta with tha Mail Tram at Rupert, going East all luP. M.for cattawieae, port cunton, roitaviiia Heading, Ac. arriv ing at Philadelphia, at 8 S3 P. M. Also with Mail Traiu going west at 3 o'clock r. M. for UaavtUs, Milton, Muu ev. WilleaniSDOrt and Elmiia. Passengers by the 4 o'clock P. M. Train going Sooth can take the II o'ekiek P. M Express train for Klinira ana tha Weet, or lodge at Blooinsburg snd taks ths 4 o1 clock A. M. Train going Eest, arriving at PliiladelDeia or 11 . -L . ... at is noon. t . F. J. LEAVENWORTH March IS, ISSB Superintendent. Estate of GEORGE LEWALT, Deceased NOTICE to the beire and h.. repreaetttatives of George Dewalt, late of Dolawa., toWn. shh. Northumberland county, deceaaed f Take notice that by virtue of s rule granted by the Orphans' Court of aaid county, at January Term, A. V. 1868, you, and each of you are required to be and appear at an Orphans Court, to be held al Bnnbnry, ia and foraid county, on the first Moi dsy ef April nest, and accept or lefuae the real estate of aaid deceaaed at the valuation thereof, fixed ty an inquest, bcld upon the same on the 84th day of December, 187. or ahow cause why tbe same should not be aeld. JAMES VANDYKE, Sherifl: 8hevUTe off) as, Sunbury, Mason thh, 1868. . NOTICE. NOTICE Is bereby given tbat tbe follow Ing named persons have filed their petitions Id the Prothonotary'a Office, and that tbey will apply to the next Court of Quarter Sea. sloos of tbe Peace of Northumberland eoDt; for Llff nse for Tsrtrus sod Heitsorsuls, 4c Bimou-Snyder, petitions for tavern license in Lower Mabanoy township, an stasd. Charles lletiningef, petitions fur tavern li cense io Sbarhokintowo an old stand. John Boner, petitions for tavern license io Shnntokin township at his old stand. . Friling & Grant, petition for license for sel ling spirituous, and vinous liquors in the Bo rough Of Banbury. Edward Uass, petitions for restaurant li cense In tbe borough of Sunbury at his old stand. Peter Yeager, petitions for tavern license in Coal township at his old stand, William 8. Snyder, petitions for tavern li cense, io Jordan township at his new stand. Win. A. Coveit, petitions for tavern license in Sunbury an old stand. Damol Kramer, petitions for tavern license in Cameron township at bis bid stand. Daniel Helm, petitions for tavern license in Upper Mahanoy at his old stand. Abraham Rotbarmel, petitions for tavern license in Lower Mahanoy township at bis old stand. Henry B. Weaver, petitions for tavern li cense iu Trevortoo at his old stand. Peter Weikel, petitions for tavern license In Cameron township at bis old stand. Henry H. flopp, petitions for tavern li cense in Point township au old stftod. John R. Weist, petitions for tavern license In Jordan township at his old stand. John Nesbit, petitions for tavern license in Sbamokin township at bis old stand. Elias Weist, petitions for tavern license Io Lower Mahanoy township at bis old stand J D. Rice, petitions for tavern license in Mt. Carmel township at his old stand. Robert R. Porter, petitions for tavern li cense in tbe town of Sbasnokin at bis old stand. U S. Brown, petitions for tavern license in Northumberland at his old stand. John M. Repoerling, petitions for restaur ant license in Northumberland at his old stand. Charles Weaver, petitions for tavern li cense in Sunbury at bis old stand. Mary Goodman, petitions for restsurant li cense in Turbot township at her old stand. William M.. Weaver petitiona for tavern license, in tbe town of Sbamokin, at his old stand. Charles Culp, petitions for license to sell liquor in quantitiea no less than a gallon, in Mt. Carmel township at his old stand. Elizabeth Sticker, petitions for tavern li cense in Milton at ber old stand. Sarah J. Davidson, petitions for tavern li cense in Turbnt township an old stand. Elias Schsffer, petitions for tavern license in Jordan township at his old stand. A. II. Blair, petitions for tavern licenso in Milton at bis old stand. Henrv F. Rousb. petitions for tavern li- cense in Mt. Carmel at bis new stand. Wm. H. Lerch, petitions for license to sell spiritous and vinous liquor in Mt. Carn.el. llnniMl Horn HAtitmna Inp t.vpn liion.'Slfl Upper Mabanoy township at his old stand. jonn scumiua-ey, peimans lor tavern li cense in Upper Mabanoy at his old stand. Abraham Lerch, petitions for tavern li cense in Mt. Carmel an old stand. Klius Emerick, petitions for tavern licooso in Lower Augusta at hia old stand. Benjamin Koauss & John McWilliams. pe- iltious for tavern license iu Trevortoo at bis old stand. Elizabeth Raker, petitions for tevern li cense in Little Malunoy at her old stand. feter Hanseliitan, petitions for tavern li cense in the borough of Northumberland at bis old stand. John M. fluff, petitions for tavern license in Milton at bis old atand. J. U. Smith, petition for tavern license in Jackson township at bis old stand. Jacob Leisenring, petition for tavern li cense io Sbamekio townsbipi at bis old stand. Michael Wilvert, petitions for tavern li cense io Sunbury at bis old stand. Mathias JJ. JJooer. petitions for tavern li cense in Little Mabanoy township at bis old stand. Samuel A. Burkenbein, petitions for res taurant license at Northumberland, Godfrey B. T?bock, petitions for tavern li cense in Washing ton township at bis old stand. Henry Haas; petitions for tavern license in Northumberland at bis old Staud. William Farrow, petitions for tavern li cense in Sbamokin township at bis old stand. John U. Auanii petitions Tor tavern lisense in Upper Mahanoy, at bis old standi David II err petitions for tavero license io tbe borough of Milton, at bis old stand. Jacob II. Erbst petitions for tavero license in Torbut township, at bis new stand. I homas Search petitions lor tavern license io Cbilisquaque township, at his old stand. Joseph Harris petitions for restaurant io tbe borough of Milton. William t isber petitions lor restsurant In the borough of Milton. William a. Bruoer petitions for license to sell spirituoes and vinous liquors In tbe tottn of bhamokin. DAN1KL BECKLEY. Proth'j. Prothonotary'a Office, 1 Sunbury, March 0, 1868. J SHERIFF'S SALE'S. BY virtue of sundry write of VsaaiTieat El roaaa and write of Livabi Facias, iaaued out of the Court of Common Pleea of Northum berland county, to me airecara, win rre exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in Sutibuvy, on MONDAY, tbe Mb of APRIL, nett, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described property to witt All those two contiguous, certain trdaU or parcels of land, aituate in Chilisquaque township, Northumberland County, containing 40 acres, more or less, all of which is cleared, and hounded on the North by lands of Daniel Koch, on the South by a public road leading from Milton to Danville, Eaal by lands of Daniel Koch and William Fitter, and on the West by landa of Frederick G. Feidler end William Burkharatner, dec'd. whereon are erected a small frame dwell ing house, b barn, email orchard, cVe. Seised, taken into eseeution, and to be sold as the property of AndieW Keller. Also, at the eame time and place, two certain contiguous lota of (round, situate in the town ol Mount Carmel, in Mount Carmel township, Northumberland county, and numbered in Ihe general plan of said town No. I & t, in clock No. 88, being each about 95 feet in front and about ISO feel in depth. Bounded on the North by Mount Carmel street, on tbe South by Cherry alley, on the West by Oak etreet, and on the Eaat by lot No. 8, in aaid block Ne. 38, whereon re erected a two atorv frame house bim) kitchen aad a frame atable. Seised, taken in eiacution. and to be aold aa the property of David J. Lewis. Also, at the asms time end place,- a crtain tract, piece or parcel of Und, aituate in Point township, Northumberland county, bounded and described aa followa, to win Beginning at a post, thence by land late of John Cowden, North 40 degrees. East, 810 perchce to a whiteoak, thence by Und late ef William A. l.l-d. North "N West, 94 f perches ta a poet ; thence by landa lata oi 8ou,, 40 ugreea Week 8101 perches) ta tin fee im..., j , land late of Philip Prick, ataulh 60 degrees Eaat. 941 perches to Ihe place CI beginning, Containing 134 acres and 88 perches, (it being the same tract ol land which George Eckertsold and conveyed to John William Stamm.) About IIS acres of which are cleareJ -whereon are erected a two-story I rams bouse, a li etory log bouae, and ba'n part log ai.d pert frame, an oi chard and a well ol water, dec Seized. Uken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John William tamm. Also, at the same lime aad place, all tbe oetaU, right, title and Interest ol William h. tlellen. sum, or, in, end to, su mat certstn meesoage or body ef coal landa, embracing tbe Locust Mono tain, aituate formerly Ui Bbamokin, stow Uaal township, in the county of Northumberland. In tbe fuss sf Pennsylvania. boaneWd and eVeecnbed as follow, te w A-irjoinlnf on the Aorta by lot No. thence bv land of now, or formerly of R. If. HoWell end others, snd land formerly of William Tomlihatin, afterwards ef u. H. HoW ell and others, thence by allotment No. 8, thenre 1'V the Mahanoy Mountain, confaining 1874 acres and TO perches, alrirt measure. (Being the eame premisee which Archibald Mclntyre and wife, by two certain indenture, one of them dated the SSth day of February, A. D., 1861, and the other- dated the day of the dale hereof, but executed bhd delivered before this present indenture, and which the said Daniel Mclntyre, by indenture, also dated the day of the date hereof, but executed and delivsred before this present It. denture, granted and Conveyed unto aaid William L. Hellensteln, hia heirs and aa signs.) Seised, taken in execution, and to be sold as tbe property of William L. Helfenatein. Also, at the eame time and place, all the estate, right, title end Interest of William I Helfenatein, of, and In, to, all that certain mes suage, tract or body of Coal lands, embracing the Locust Mountain, aituate formerly in Shamokln, new Coal township, in tbe county of Northum berland, in the State of Pennsylvania, hounded and described as follows, to wit : Adjoining en the North by tut No. 6, thenre by Und surveyed in the name of Georige Colrain, now, or formerly Messrs, Boyd de Company, and land formerly of William Tomlinson, afterwards of Measra. Boyd tc Company, thence by allotment No. 8, thence by Mahanoy Mountain. CohUinlng 1874 seres and seventy perches, strict measure. (Being the same premises which Archibald Mclntyre snd wife, by two certain indentures, one of them dated the 28th day of February, A. D., 1851, and the other dated the day of tbe date hereof, but executed and delivered before thia present indenture. and which Daniel Mclntyre, by inden ture, also dated the day of the date hereof, but executed and delivered before Ihia present inden ore, granted and conveyed unto the said William I.. Helfenatein, hia heira and assigns.) Sciied, taken in execution, and to be told aa the property of William I.. Helfenatein. Also, at the same time and place, the undivi ded third part of all that certain measuaga, tract or body of coal landa. embracing the Locust Mountain, aituate formerly in Shamokin, now Coal towhship, in the county of Northumberland, bounded and described aa followa i Adjoining on Ihe North by lot No. 6, thence by land surveyed in the name of George Colrnin, now B. H. How. ell and others, and land formerly of William Tomlinson, now U. H . Hewrll, thence by allot ment number 8, thenre by the Mahanoy Mourn tain. Containing 1874 acrea and 70 perches, atrict meaaure. (Being sundry tracla and parte of tracts of land, surveyed on warranta bearing dale the Iflth llhy ol March, A. D., 1793, granted unto Edmund HutT, James Crier, Thomas drier, James Jenkins, Riclinrd Salmon, Hichard Man ning and Thomas Foster, and also, parts of two tracla, surveyed on Warrants bearing date the aoth day of November, A. D 1830, granted to Daniel Brautigam and James Hepburn, and allotted to Valentine Brobst aa number 7, ac cording to a certain partition of 25 trarta of land commonly called "Tbe Grant Landa,' and being Ihe same undivided third part which Ar chibald Mclntyre and wife, by deed, dated the 28th day of February, A. D., 1851, granted and cvnveyed unto William L. Helfenstein, hia heira nd aesigns. Seized, taken in execution, and lo be so'd as the property ef William L. Helfen atein. Also. St the same time and pi act, the follow ing described" Th'ACT F LAND, commonly called '-The Mc.Ttyrd Lands," via: The two full, equal and undivh,fd third parte of, and in a certain tract of 1800 acea f coal land, "em bracing the Locust Mountain, su'lste formerly in Khamoktn, now Coal township, in the county of Northumberland, ard Mate of Pennsylvania bounded and described as follows, to wit : Ad joining on the North by lot No. 6, thence by lands surveyed in the name of George Colrah;. now Measra. Boyd ir ('ompany, and landa for merly of William Tonilinion, now Messrs. Boyd et lompanv, thence by allotment No. 8, thence by the Mahanoy Mountain, containing; 1874 acrea and 70 perchea. atrict measure, (being sundry tracla and parte of tracts of land, sur veyed on warrants bearing date on the 15th day of March, 1793, granted unto Edmund HuiT, James Oner, 1 homas Grier, James Jenkins, Richard Salmon, Richard Manning and Thomas Foster and also, parts of two tracts, aurveyed on warrants bearing date the 30th day of No vember, 1830, granted tu Daniel Brautigam and Janes Hepburn, and allotted to Valentine Brotist as No. 7, according to a certain partition ot 33 tracts of land, commonly called the "Urai't Lands. betted, taken in execution, and to be aold as the property of The Philadelphia &. Sunbury Railroad Company. ALSO. At tbe same time and place, by virtue of a Certain writ of Lnari Farias, to me direc ted, will be exposed to public sale the follow ing desctibed pieces, Parcels, and lots of ground, sitdate in the borough of Sunbury, abd county of Northumberland, aforesaid, more particularly described as follows, to witt All tbat Uree two story brick House aod four lots of ground, situate in the bor ough of Sunbury, aforesaid, bounded on the V est by Broadway i on tbe South by aha- mokio street; and East by River alley, and which fouf lots are numbered 61, 62. C3, and 64 in tbe general plan of said borough ; also, all those two lots of ground, situate and being io tbe borough of Sunbury, aforesaid, bounded oo the North by Sbamokin street j on tbe South by Barberry alley j and on the West by property of the beirs of George Weitzel. Numbered in tbe eoeral plan of said boa. ough 67 aod 68 ; also, all those fire lots of ground, situate and being in the borough of Sunbury, aforesaid, numbered in the general plan of said borough, 93, 94, 95, 96 and 97 ; also, all that oat-lot of ground, situate io tbe borough of Sunbury, aforesaid, knowo io tbe geoeral plan of out-lots as number 59, bound ed by lot No. 58, by a SO foot alley, and by Shsmokifl creek, containing 4 acres aod 144 perches be the same, more or less ; also all those other 2 out-lota, in the ssid borough of Sunbury, known in the general plan of out lots as numbers 56 and 57, containing, to gether, 10 acres and 36 perches ,' add also, all that other out-lot of ground, situate and being in the said borongh of sunbury, in the nook, bounded by the Sbamokin creek, other out lots of Charles Hall, deceased, and James Smith, contsinrng 13 acrea be tbe same, more or less. Seized, taken in execu tion, and to be aold as tbe property of Jacob a. Masser. with notice to Ira 1. Clement. John Haas, A. Diefeoderfer, A. Hoover, Joho Clark. William L. Dewart, F. W. Hughes and John Bowen. ALSO! At tbe same time and place. cerlein Tract or piece of Land, situate in Cameron towosbip, Northumberland county, containing 30 Acres more or less, nearly all of which ia cleared, whereon are. erected a frame Dwelling House and Stable; bounded oo tne east by laod or John Long, west and north by land of Peter Weikel and south by land of Charles Heoninger. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as tbe property of Charles H. Weikel and Jacob Billman. JAMES VANDYKE?; 8he.uT. 8herifTs office, Sunbury, Mareb 6th. 1868. I SHERIFF'S SALE, Alexander Jordan vs. nann. n.-f. ...I ta (he of Common Pleas of North'd. Co., No, St. Nov. Tetn, '.867. Writ of Perlltion. F. Lee, Executors ol I'bos. Davis, af Pliila.. dro..l and also Trustees of the widow and heirs of aaid deceaaed, and Joseph War ner, of Philadelphia, and Win. McCarty, of Sunbury. In Paraueneai of an j ., Court of Common Pleas of aaid county, will be exposed to publie aale, at tbe Court House, io Ottnuurj, on MUNDAY, the 6th day of APRIL, next, at ;t o'clock. M.. Iota Na it it aia a, a 487. 43 and 250, in tbe town of Sk'smok'ln, aa w oot.ij aicuarty, Uavis, Warner and Jordan. Condition of wis will be made known on ihe day of S4. ,AMM VANDYKE. 8he,itt Sheriffs onVa, ttaabary. Menu eth, ISosX I FEBRUARY 20, 1858. JUST received ly Esilroad another lot choir and desirable goods consia'ing In par of Fancy Delanea new styles, Black snl Fancy Bilks Beautiful Madder Print at 6, 8 and 9 cents per yard Persian Debege 13 cents nam Delanea IS) cenU 80 inchea wide unbleaclied u-.i;.. fit. ..r.iA ten 1800 varda Muslin di.- ferent widths and qualities French Cloths, Css simerea, (iatinett, Kentucky Jean Ac, at exceed ingly low prieee And we call particular atten tion to our Stock of Fresh Groceries, feeling ss sured that their quality and our plica will render entire sstisfaction COME Oft B COK1C ALL' Examine our goods and learn our prices, our stork presents a lafge and varied assortment, en abling purchasers to make a good selection to the best sdvantage. In consequnre of tbe edvanced state of the Win ter, we will commence frcm thia date to sell eur entire stork of Ready Made Clothing-BIankeU, Winter Hosiery, and a very nice assortment of Ladies Shawl at (really reduced price Now la tha lima In aaerirti artnil barffaina. A PENNY SAVED 19 A PENNV feARNEb. E. Y. BRIGHT &. SON. Sunbury, February 30, 1888. a. c. cnaanaoean. isAte e. rsAsoa. CHESEBKOTJGH eV PEARSON, Commission Merchants and Dealers is FISH, ttltiESE. AKU PROVISIONS, Ab. 6, A". TViifer St., 3 doors alove Market, PHILADELPHIA, gf eve conatantly on hand an assortment of R.JI Dried and Pickled Fish, Sec, &c. Mackerel, Salmon, Shad, Codfish, Lard, Hhrtulders, Cheese, B c. Beef. Pork, Hams, Sides, Feb. 87, 1 858. 3m. w. A Card lo the Public. READ! READ!! READ!!! J. T. & Xs P.. KLINE, AiekohAnts, Kline's Grove, Northumberland county, Pa. WE have determined from the publication of this notice to sell st greatly reduced prices for CASH our stock nf Goods, comprising1 Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Doota snd Shoes, Hats and Cape, Medicines, Ac, ahd all godda usually kept in a country store. Being desirous of quitting the business we will dispose of our stock of Goods on or bsfore the 31st day of March, 18-r8, to a person or persons wishing to embark in the business on favorable terms. The situation is a good one for doing an extensive mercantile trade. For further particulars call personally Upon tbe subscribers, or address them by mail. J. V. A. I. F. KLINE. Kline's Grove, Pa , February 6ih, 1B53. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. To Joseph Haugkawout, rVtor Haugliawout. John Haughnwout, Nancy intermarried with Wm. H. Kase, Elizabeth in termarried with Esau Campbell, Mary Hauglia wout widow of Lelfert Haugliawout, dee'd and Mary Haughawout and Ephraim Lytle guardian nf John J., Sarah Jane, Kphraim L. and Mary E. Haughnwout, minor children of aaid LetTcrt Haughawout dee'd, Christopher Haughawout Isaac Haughawout, Jackson Haughawout, Cal vin Haughawout, Dcwitt Haughawout und The odoaia intermarried with Isaac Dewitt, heira and lefal representatives of John Haughawout dee'd, and to all other persona intereated. GREETING : Northumberland County, fis. You and each of you are hereby cited to bi and appear before the Judges of our Orphana Court, at an Orphana Court t be held for s&id county thf hrst Monday oi April next, and then and there accept or refuse tj take the real estate of the said John Haugliawout at the valuation placed upon it by an inquest held thereon tbe 26tli day of December 1837. or show rause why the same shall not be sold. A nd hereof fail nut ! Certified fram the records of our said Orphan's Court at Sunbury, thia 14th day of January, A. D., 18S8., Thos. D. Grant Dept. Clk. O. C. Tbe above named Loirs and Lf gal -epreeenta-tivea will please take notice of the above rule. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Sunbury, ) February 20, 1858. J LIST OP CAUSES- 70K trial In the Court ol ("ommjn Pica of A- Northumberland County, to be held at Sun; bury, on the first Monday of April, 1858. PisisTirra. Dsrssnas-rs. Isaac Brown va John 8 Peterman J. D..5mith'a ex'rs. vs Chas. G. Dnnnel' Adm'r. same Peter Dickson John Bowen Alexander Colt, Martin Weaver James Eager, Wm K Merit va same, vs Shaffer 6t Co. v J. B. Masser, vs John A Llovd, vs Wm. McCarty et s! VS James Vandyks, ts J B Masser va eame same Leib for 7amroer v Sunbury Canal 4- W. P. Co. Henry Wet, va Thos. Baumgardner, John Cooper, Silas Wolverton, John J. lies JsraesM alone Wm Lonai. Ac vs John Burns et al v Francis Egleman, vs II. B. Masser, va Phlla & Sunbury R R Co v Wm L Helfenstein, G M Flamming cVc, v Wm L Helfenatein R F Reilv Ac vs tame Wm J McCandlese 6 Co vs Wm Conner Peter Yerger s Jonas Behner John Cuthbert vs Thomaa V'rancis sr., et si James Kice va (i 40 A Keeler John Creech C Krsm fur Nsgle Allied R Fiske Isaac Brown Charles Fidler Isaac Brown John Murry Deborah Husxy lleuben Fagely J. A W Kolboch vs Villiam Fageiy vs David Stanch et al va Sun cV Erie R. R. Co v Thames 8. Stidden v Willient Haupt vs John S Pkteritian, va A B Longshore va Jo Hoflman'S adm'r. v Kase V Reed, vs Jesse Rice William Filuiau v Franria O'Donnel, Henry Master's ei're vs George Conrad. DANIEL BECKLEY, ProtU'y. Prothdndtary' Office, ) 'Sunbury, March 8, I8S8 t FltOCLAMATIOX. NOTICE is hereby given llmt the several Court of CCmmoh Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of the peace, Snd Oprhans' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery ( in and for the county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court Hi use, in the borough ot Sunbury, at 10 o'cldck, A. M. on Monday, 'aa Mh day of APRIL, next, and will conunuo TWO WEEKS. Th coroner; Justices of the Peace ejiJ consts b!es in shd for the county of Northumberland, are requested to be then anl there in aeir proper per sons, with their Mis, records, inquiaitiotis, and other remembrance, to do thoas thing to their several offices sppertaininj to be done. AnJ al witnesses prosecuting iu behalf of the Commonl wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against bim, a shall be just and hot lo depart without leave at their prlt. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under any band at Sunbury, the 1st day of March in tha year of oor Lord one thous and eigh" hundred aad nfty -eight end th Independence of the United btala ef America the e3d. Cod save the Commonwealth. JAMES VANDYKE, 8heriff. SIierifT Office, Sunbury, ) March , 185. 1JURE OLIVE OIL for table sestwii ai I7i and 63 cents just received Wy a, t. rwim. SADLEE.Y AND HAHUESS KAiUKCJ 'pHE eultcribers raapectlttllv inf.-mi ti c rhi. A tens of Sunbury snd Mnity that tlej Urr commenced the sbove bueincsa a lew driOfaVnre the Post Office. Market Syusre, Siinltt-yr Pa. Work of all kinds in their line of hininres -st tu be dona promptly and neatly on the most aonable terms. CLEM ENT A OYSTEW. Februa-y 13,1858. "lourIimucxd TO 61 40 Tcr Rnrrcl' rillt'E subactibrr respectfully Ihftirma the etij. jL ser'S of Sunbmv ami vicinity thai lie lias jut received ai supply 61 FI.OL'It, wliirb lie isorliring at wholeaale or retail from $6 40, $6 37 tn S S.7J ,er Daifl. He also sells sutne ss low a 70 eta. per quaTler, all of which le WAR RANTS to be Got d" r AN DLLS fur sele, wholesale ot retail. Thankful for pant patronags be hopes to con tinue to merit the same. GIVE HIM A CALM At M. C. GEARliART. Msrkel Si , Snnbefy, l'a. February 37, 185. . SHERIFF'S SALE; By virtue of a writ of ''. n. issned 6ot of the Court Of Common Pleas of NoMnoffiber land County, to the directed, will be fttKited to public sale, al tbe public house of Jettes Covert, in Sunbury, oh Saturday, the 3d Any of April next, et 2 n'clock. P. M. : A ccf--tain LOT OH PJKCfc OF GROUND, sit sale in the borough of Sunbury, Northumber land county, bounded on the South by land of Benjamin Hendricks; on the North and OH the West by lands of Charles Garinper; aod on the F.ast by (formerly the buck land of street) now the Northern Centrol Railroad, containing one half of an acre, more or less all of which is cleared. Seized, taken in etecution and to be sold 81 tbo property of George McCartv. J A M ES VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, 1 March 13tb, 1858. Estate George Brosious, deceased. 18 OTICE is hereby given to the heiia or legal 1 representatives of George Urosious, late of Georgetown, in Lower Mahonoy township, Ner. thumberland county, Pennsylvania, decesssd, that by virtue of an aliae writ of Partition end Valuation issued out of the Orphans Court of said county and to me directed, an inquest will be helJ at the lale residence, of aaid deceased, ifl Georgetown, on MONDAY, the 25nd day of March, next, at 10 o'clock A. M.,lor the purpose of making partition of the Real Eatate of aaid deceaaed, to wit t or five certain tract of land and four and half lots of ground in GeorRetown4 aforesaid, one Limestone lot, and five Islands, situate in the river Susquehanni in Lower Maho noy township, Northumberland county. albfesaid, between the heira or legal rrprepentatives, and the widow of saiJ deceased. At which time and place vou may attend if you think proper. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff, Sheriff' Office, Sunbury, ) Jantlary SO, 1858. ' Estate of HENRY FRY, sen. dee'd. 'V'oriCE la hereby given that letters or ad. ministration have 'lieen granted to the eub acribor on the estate or Henry Fry, sen. late or Coal township, Norlhumberlaudjrounty, t'eceated .411 persons indebted will please make "immediate payment and those having claims will present them duly authenticated fur ac ttluncnt. GEORGE H. CODER, dra'r; February 30, 1838.- 6u NOTICE. JOTICE i hereby given that application Av will bo made by the subscriber, lor a du: plicato of Lend W arrant No. P4. 218, for 12(1 acrea, isaued to Rebecca Bear, widow of Wr, mar, viai waoa private in Copt. Hav s compa ny,datcdthe lfithday of Srptcniher 1850,r hult aaid warrant was duly aBHigiird ! the satd Ke becca Pear, in blank, and acknowledged before Jesse Weijjcl, Snd certified hy tl10 ProthonoUry of Mountour couiitV Pa., and purchased Ly ll.o aubsciiber from the aaid Rebecca Eear. That the said warrant was lost in the mail between Union Corner Post Oftk-c, Northumberland county, Pa., and Pleasant Hill Tort Ollice. Montgomery county Indiana, from and olicr tfej S9th of November I85C, and has never tteri heard of since. That in consequence of auid Im application will be mode ta the commMjcai f Pensions for a duplicate as a'.iovo st.ioJ, CHARLES W. MKHAKKV. P'ca'ant H.i'i, Iniani. February. 30, 18S9 6t. 00,000 CBOfiS-TtES W'NTED Thir,y Thousand Cross Tirs. or n . c , "r '"' far 1,18 Northern Central Rail Road. For furfaer particulars apply to IRA T. CLEMENT, t'or tractor.. Bunrury, December 36, 1857. tf Mrket Street, Sunbury r"!HE subscriber respectfully inform tile citi-f- '.ens of Sunbury, and the public generally, that he has purchased, and will uke pesseasiorr tu the above well known stand c-a the 1st of April next, formerly kept by Mrs. Thompson. That he will put the same in codi.1c;c repair. In additibn be will provide a conveyance to tatrr passengers to and from the different Kijilrond 5e pots, and will leave no untried tr) reader hia hotel a desirable stopping pUoe lur cttests aud tr"'"i- JOHN LEIStiR, February SO, 1858. eJOllft ft. ItE.ittt), ATTORNEY ATLA7, Office in Macket St., opposite f.'.e Court llovse, STJNBTJHT, FA, Collections made and Professional Pusii.r generally altcuded te Promptly and Carefully. Phi lad sir hi a RErr.arscs : Bullitt If FairUiorne, Diehl Viert. Davie & Birney, F. TvU Jc lo. Sunbury, June 30, IP5-7. ci- o- ijC'v-ir FLOUR AND ;EEn STOKE, . Murlret Square, Sunl-uru, Pa. , RESPECTFULLY informVthr public Out he conr'.atitly keens (n hand. Extra mid double Exita Wheat Flour, in quarter barrel sack'.. Alsnaupeiior Buckwheat Flour, and Chop feed ol all kinds, which he will warrant snd soil at the lowest price, FOR CASH ONL V . C'1. snd see fur yourselves. December l, 1KS7 ly. STOKE. Tit LOL'ISA tslllSSil.KR, respectfully ln J-'-aV forms the citixen o' Tievurlon and sur' rounding county, that she lias opened a ne-.v store of Millinery and Fancy Cam', at Trevor, ton in Shainokin street, nearly opposite Knnuse'e Tavern, where all kinds of IJonnets and Fancy Goods can be had at the lowest terms. Dress making also attended to la the best manner and lateat style. April So, 1837. tf VITAL!' PAPFR. Window hsdo. tto. Carriage, and Table Oil Cloths, Coco Matt and a superior article nir Drugged. De 34. 1T. BRIGHT cV HON. O g Q Y A R tin CA RPETING.embrciiig Woo! I.igrain. Cotton, and a superior a'ticlv of Jtag Carpet, Manufactured at hjine, for as!, at price lo suit the tkac. Dec 6. '67. IJKJ0HT POX PURE cn:;cEvrBATED lye OR Sa. PQItlflKlt. fcr sal at FISHLIVS Trug S'irt. Prie SO ct. BROWN'S snd Brsiuig' EeeeocS of Ginger (nd Husband's Mian,! rera, 14,'M. f MHKK'K