Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 27, 1858, Image 3

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T7AfiniH0Ton, March 21, 1BS8.
Se-utR. The Senato chamber and galler
ies weni again crowded this morDln-r.
The preliminary business was unimportant.
Mr. Green (Mo.) spoke on the Kansas bill.
1 1 o denies the Msertion of the Senator from
Michigan (Mr. Staart) that the friends of the
Lfcompton constitution had been driven from
1 huir positions. The Senator from Illinois
(Mr. I)uugU) implied the eamo thing. But
ii is not so. The committee report stands
unchallenged. Its every individual charge is
MiKtnii.ed by official evidence, and the only
exception taken to the report is by the Sena
tor from Vermont, who objected to tho nso
f harsh appellation of "rebels." He mado
r-otiio d. sultory end preliminary remarks in
ieily to the Senators from Michigan, Illinois
nnd Vermont, and then went Into the main
line of the argument, saying that the Kansas
government was the government lit facto
iuite as much as the cute of California, even
if you admit that the alleged frauds were com
mitted. He drew a parallel between the ca
fen of Kansas and California, citing Mr. Dou
plas' opinions on the latter in support of his
uwii ou tho former, lie said that tho state
ment that nineteen counties were disfranchi
sed in Kansas was meant to deceive. ThoRe
counties were a wilderness, without inhabi
tants. He defended the early steps taken for
. I... r I f . T,nn l'.,.,l U..,l
nnd denied the assertions of the Senator from
Vermont, (Mr. Foot,) that there were broken
pledges on the part of the President to Gov.
SValUer. Everybody knows that Gov. Walk
it wus in favor of submitting the constitution
to the people. He advocated It bat had no
power to pledge it. The Senator from Illi
nois (Mr. Douglas) says the only reason why
'he whole constitution wus not submitted was
!ecatise it would bo voted dovn. W ho said
.e? No one except the Senators from Illinois
:ind Michigan. The greut question is, 'Does
the constitution embody the will of tho pco
y'X' tbut is, tho legally expressed will.
'i h rules of evidence are the same in equity
iiml law ; we cannot take Hying rumors and
the opinions of Governors as evidence. That
m fraught with a danger, which, if carried lo
lis Ultimatum, would biing bristling bayonets
end con a uu to be pointed at tho wulls of the
'Jupitul. Such would be the result if the
opinions of a mob were to bo substituted for
'.he Tonus of law. All legal forms having
iefl complied with iu the formation of the
i.iK-eiiipton constitution, it wus a completed
iact, at) J the poopto had UO right to vote whe
t lie." or 'not it was a constitution. What
wouldSeniitorflsay if tbe constitution of their
own Slate, after being in actual opeiaiion,
v9 Id be submitted to the people to see
whether it is a constitution or not ? The Sen
ilo l'roi!i-Ketiioky (Mr. Crittenden) says it
mild do oo harm, and would only show abun
lanf :Hrtt, to submit it it again aod again.
l ee, Try again, try agaiu !" Col. l'remont
tuM Imvo liked that principle, to ' try
pti.n !" As to the cry of fraud, it reminded
tin but he would not apply the maxim to
enaturs that "a lie well stuck to, and often
peuted, is as good as the truth.
:Mr. Green continued to unnlyzo tho repu
iJ frauds, admitting Unit frauds did exist,
a none to vitiute the constitution. Further
an this, no legal evidence exists to show
at the Lecomptou constitution does not
iboiiy tlm will of the people, and if we go
yond the legal evidence, we strike at tho
ry principal of liberty. He admitted that
(Senators from Illinois. Michigan. Culifor
. and Kentucky were not influenced in their
. by the existence or non existence of slu--y,
but they were assisting to build build
a party dangerous to the Union, and
ise fundamental principle, just enunciutod,
No-iiiori' slave States." Hud it not been
tln'iM, Kansas in any weeks sineu would
e tieen a young sister in '.he federation of
tes. Mr. Green suidha would not go
- or aid the enemy, however he niifcht be
atistied with the actiou of his friends.
uiig other things, he BuiJ, Mack Uepubli
sui was crushing out lliu tiue Democracy
i course, umi would never meet it3 foe
liil it met the cttunon of the South. lie
hided by expressing his ardent aspiration
he cunsulidutiou and permanency of tho
oeratiu party. II' Kansas is but, the
i Doe, and Kicbard Kot, it is of no iin
unco '.hut General Culliouu has given tho
iea es to the Free State party. The
ip!e involved is one vital to the South
hu North is so far as it depend on the
h, for the interests if both are so inter-
ii that they cauuot be severed without
. SownrJ, of New YovTc Does the Sco
ittuch no importance to tho circum-
o that the constitution requires that thu
:s be made within eight days 7
.Green said that tho election of State
Cogress hid no right to touch. He
l know, neither did tbe Senator from
York. A. note was here luid on his
which stated that all the returns were
within eight days. So tho Senator
New Yoik is answered. Mr. Green
eforred to the stateuiuut of Mr. Duu
hat the t-OLStitution can only be chan
foro 1 804, by the exercise of a revolu
' right. This is not so. New Yoik
her States hud done it, and the provi
s inserted with a similar interpretation
Kaunas bill of rights. Tho people
am that right, to change tbe constitu
a legal way, otherwise they could not
e their affairs, but would bo bound by
seeding generation. In summing up,
liu would not appeal to tba Americans
up tbe Demociatic party, bnt would
in to help break down tho only party
us to both.
Crittenden (Ky.) said he would not
tho debate, but made tho explanation
statements were made ou the ofliciul
not ou the conversations of the gov
f Kansas. Thank God, he could dis
right from wrong, and hod the cou
;ay so. He followed conviction, not
Kentucky's niuxim, "be just and fear
s also his. He believed his course
- the North and for the South. He
iud iievcr used the words, "Arrayed
n the side of the Northern Demo
He wished i either to build up nor
down any party. He made un uffec
cfvieoce to his compatriots of the
.lieu tbe Senate was a great body,
ded among its members Clay, Cul
ebster aud Benton. He professed
) American, aud it was bis priuei
iteel the ballot box as the only in
by which the people cau exercise
Mr. Crittenden bad concluded, a
ion arose as to whether the or Ji
lting to the taxation of public lands
irt of tho constitution. The Free
gued that it was, and exhibited
nun's certificate to that effect,
ch (Ohio) aud other lawyers argued
not part of the constitution, aud
wi-8 dropped.
en, without further debate, moved
to take the vole. He withdrew
isoia bill altogether, and moved
idineot to tba original bill.
To strike out the preamble, and
, The people of tbe Territory of
I, by a convention ol delegates
issembled at Lecompton, ou the
ember, 1857, form for tbeoiselvea
ob aod Stale Government, which
itiou having asked tbe admission
lory into tba Uoiou as a States,
actipg wilb the origioal Stetss,
udineot was carried. -
To amend tba second section by
te following class iota. Dii.tb
"That nothing tn this act shall be construed
to abridge or infringe any right of tbe people,
asserted in tbe Kansas Constitution, at all
times, to alter, reform, or abolish their form
of government in such a manner at they may
initiK proper, Congress bereoy disclaiming
any authority to interfere or doclare the con
struction of tbe Constitution ol any State,
except to see that it is republican in iorm,
and not in conflict with lha Constitution of
the United Statot."
Tbo amcudmeut was agreed to yeas SI,
nnvs 23.
Thirdly a vorbal amendment to the elov
enth lino of tho second section : To cancel
the word "of" in tbe sontence, "in the ordi
nance of the said constitution," and substitute
therefor tho words "annexed to," muking it
read, "in tbe ordinance annexod to the said
constitution." Carried.
Mr. Fngli withdrew his amendment of
March 2nd to the amendment of Mr. Green,
nnd substituted another, setting forth that
the Federal laws, not inapplicable, he ex
tended into tbe State of Kansas, that a Judi
cial district be formed, and that a Judge,
District Attorney, and Uuited States Mar
shal be appointed and paid, as in Iowa.
Tbe amendment was agreed to yeas 37,
nays 19.
Mr. Crittenden moved a substitute for tho
bill in substance that the constitution
framed by the Lecompton Convention be
submitted to tho people of Kansas now ; that,
if it be approved, tho President shall admit
Kansas by proclamation ; iT it be rejected,
the people of the Territory shall call a con
vention to frame a uew substitute. Tbe
substitute mokes a special provision against
the occurrence of frauds.
Several Senators here took occasion to
explain I heir votes.
Mr. Kennedy, of Md., as n conservative
middle-man, would support Mr. Crittenden's
substitute reserving tho right aftciwards to
vote for the original bill.
Mr. Houston, of Texas, would vote f-r the
original bill, in obedience to the resolutions
passed by the Legislature of his State.
Mr. I'ugb of Ohio reluctantly voted against
the bill, for the same reason.
Mr. Ivcrsou of Georgia defined Lis posi
tion. Mr. Green accepted tho suggestion of ano
ther verbal alteration.
Mr. Crittenden's substitute was then put
and lost yeas 24, noys 34.
The bill, as amended, to admit Kansas
into Ihe Union, with the Lecompton consti
tution, was then put and passed yens 33,
noys 25, as follows :
Ykas Messrs. Allen, (11. I..) Hayord,
(Del.,) Benjamin, (La.,) Higgs, (N. C. ) Big
ler, (Fa.,) Bright, (Ind.,) Brown, (Mies.,)
Cloy, (Ala.,) Kvans, (S. C) Filch, (Ind.,)
Fitzpatrick, (Ala.,) Green.(Mo.,) Gwin, (Cul.)
Hammond, (S. C) Henderson, (Texas.,)
Hunter, (Ya.,) Hereon, (Ga) Jones, (Iowa.,)
Johnson. (Ark.,1 Johnson, (Tetin.,) Kennedy,
(Md.,) Mallory (Fia.,) Mason, (Va .) Fearc'e,
(Md.,) Folk, (Mo..) Sebastian, (Ark.,) Sli
dell, (Li.,) Thompson, (Kv.,) Thompson
(N. 3., Toombs, (Gu ,) Wright, (N. J.,) Yu
k". (Fla.,) 33.
Nay? Messrs. Bell, Ter.n , BrorVriclc,
Cul., Chandler, Mich, Clark, N. H., Colla
mer, Vt., Crittenden, Ky., Dixon, Conn.,
Doolittle, Wis., Douglas, 111., Durkec, Wis.,
Fcssendcn, Mo., Foot, Vt., Foster, Conn.,
1 1 ale, N. II., Hamlin. Me., Harlan, lowu,
King, N. Y.. I'ugb, Ohio, Seward, N. Y.,
Simmons, K. L, Stuart. Mich., Sumner, Mass.,
Trumbull, 111., Wade, Ohio, Wilson, MubS.,
Absf.stees Messrs. Bates, Del., Davis,
Mr. Hood, N. C, paired off with Mr. Cam
eron, Fa.
Tho announcement of tho result was re
ceived with applause nnd hisses.
The Senuto thtii adjourned.
New Advertisements.
For Northumberland County, for the
April Term, A. D Ifcjjy.
1 Jacob Boslian, Milton,
2 Henry Strine, do
3 William llooJ, Delaware,
1 Chnrles Weaver, Sunbury,
5 Francis J. l.ercli, Lower Aujusta,
G J ohn Schuyler, Lewis,
7 Llijuh Crawford, Delaware,
6 John Furman, Shamokiu,
9 Samuel Clupp.Turbut,
10 William Atwater, Coal,
11 Jacob Slrasscr, Upper Mubonoy,
I'i Joseph Angstadt, Milton,
13 Samuel Heicbelderfer, Cbilisquaque,
14 George lleim. Wushingtou,
15 Samuel Kpler, Shumukin,
1C Hubert llussel, Delaware,
17 Abraham Biiigumaii, Lower Mahouoy,
ltj Audrew Heye, Delaware,
19 Bernard Murray, Northumberland,
20 Charles Hull, Shamokiu,
21 William Guss, Lower Augusta,
22 l'eter Weikel, Cameron,
23 Samuel Khodes, Milton,
21 David Fetter, Upper Mahonoy.
1 Henry Bloom, Lower A ugu6to,
2 Jobu Snyder, do
3 l'oter Dutiktl Tur'uut,
1 William Deppin, Lower Mahonoy,
5 Samuel Lercb, Lewis,
C l'eter DuuUleborger, Lower Augusto,
7 Kimber Cleuver, Coal.
8 Alexander Sober, Shamokin,
3 Giorgo Fettorolf, Upper Mahonoy,
10 John Gifliu, Chilisquuijuu,
11 James Buoy, Milton,
12 Jacob .Miller, Lower Augusta,
13 Georgii Weiser, do
14 John T. Caslow, Milton,
15 William Gissuer, Lewis,
10 George Coblu, Suuburv,
17 John Witmer, Lower MuLor.oy,
18 Georgo AVarren, Coal,
19 Samuel Gilger, Shamokin,
20 William H. Wapples, Northumberland.
21 Williuin VackiiU, Foint,
22 David Lislcr, WasLingtcn,
23 John Gulick, CLilisquaque,
21 Andruw Kitlor, '
25 George Forrester, Upper Augusta,
26 William Gehriugcr, Lower Auuutta.
2" Jobu 11 Curry, Milton,
28 C buries Shearer. "
29 Gideou Dirk, Camoron,
30 Bunjuniin Derk, Zeibe,
31 Washington Slrob, Sunbnrv.
I2 Duoiel F Haas, Coal,
33 Abraham Deppin, Jackson,
34 John Itubius Sr. Milton,
35 Hubert Campbell Sr. lCuth,
36 Abraham Ayres, Ml. Carniel,
37 Lli Diumer, Suubury,
33 Jacob Kodenbach, Foiut,
39 Charles Coleman, Slismokin,
40 Williutn Kercher, Washington,
41 Jacob Guss, erbe.
42 tdward Anthony, Northumberland,
43 Abraham Brady, Shuaiokin,
44 Jacob Bartholomew, Lower Augusta.
45 John Kuntz, Lewis,
46 James Oaks. Delaware.
47 Jobu Hetricb. Washingtoc,
48 John Gearhart, Hush,
1 Dauiel Druckemiller, Sunbur.
. Y7't'","ii. i-ower Mulia .oy,
3 John Feelor, Milton,
4 Freidrick Scbertz, Lewis
5 Adam Howe, l'oint, ' ,
6 William Linebacb, LcwU ' '
7 Furman Farnsworlh, Shamokin,
8 Corueliua 'lroutaian, Jordaa, ,
9 bolomoo Ilarizel, Upper Aacusta
10 John McWilliams, Zerbi, 1 '
11 Henry B Lauba, Jackson,
13 lsaao Eckman, Upper Angasta. .
13 Jacob Kobrbacb, Suubury, i .
II DatiJ J Lewis Ml. laruei,
13 A meg T Belset, Lewl, -
16 John Dorr, Upper Augusto,
17 William Johnson, Hush, "
18 Chnrles Riddle, Turbnt,
19 Caleb Chamberlain, Shamokin,
20 William Heed, Upper Augusta,
21 John lluffer, Lewis,
22 John J Fisher, Kunbory,
23 John L Meirel, Milton,
24 Johb Uoyer, Delaware,
25 Hobort llilliard, ChilisqUaqliS, . .
26 Joseph Bound, Milton,
27 John Bresler, Delaware, '
28 William H Frimire. Milton,
29 David Llewellyn, Mt. Carmal, :
30 John Clapp, Lewis, r
31 Jonns Boliner, Jordan,
32 Arthur T ludwig, Delaware.
33 John Ivii'hl, Lower Mahanoy,
34 Samuel Heed, Chilisquabue,
35 Samuel Long, Little Mahauoy,
A6 Michael Crimm, Lower Mahauoy.
H'HE OLIVE OIL for table use, two aits
at 87J and C2J rents just received lv
A. V. I-T3IILR, 1
March 13, '5S.
You mil supply yiiurBelrt-i with Cliemicnl Manures,
wurrmiteU ptir-, which luia tiweu In urcrwlul dm: hi .New
Jerp;y fur the punt tfevuii Yeuff they have received Ihe
li I'l.O.M AS nf Few Jersey. New ik, Uehiwiire, nml
reimsylvaniB As;rlralliirsl icielies( rliO Ssve been Med
by Ihe I'residetil uf the L'ltltnJ tttuleii, ull his (fflrtteil mid
un the Public UrutliRls at WuthinitUin) 1). C , und by the
following tjcntleliieil iz :
'.. !ockc, I-Isc.
A P. l-mhii, S CLAUtmroCii New Jenry.
J I. ItcJVe.", f
Siiiiter JIoLrls, )
Wxu. Mnlur, ) of Cape tslund, New Jerie;.
CliusYuik, J
Tiirs Mu'.foid. t'.uq , CaiaJen N.J. Hi . Hemes, llr.
Kiiifrtit, Mr. 1'ield, Air Atkinson, nnd Levi Jilinm. nil nf
New Jerssy they say it is tlis chespeit and Uliist reliable
.Mnnure ntiw in L'ae, being leiinuni-iit and improving the
land by enricliuig the suil. It is smti'd tu the various crops
yuu tniRo-Jurii, Potutoes. Units, Wlu-at, Guts, Ac. Ity
enclosing n Check, on umv New Jetst-y or l'hitnd'a. Uiiiik
or left-rence to any gol House 111 l'lnla!e.phta or in ei
ehnnjje f.r Produce, at fnir .Mtirket rates hi re, your orders
will he lilled und Shipped to you, tree ol Cartage e.i)iensc.
I CjTViVfry article sold by mc it Uuaraiitceil&H
Pu;er rli'.isphr'.e of Lline, ?t0 C'J a ton.
Hone I'hciepbn'c, f l'J W a
American l-iti!izer, VO ui a "
rr a n.M!i!i:i. htTKimciknt foii an Acni:
(!' (jltOLNl) lll'.OAl) CAST.
Pure Hone Dust, (500 burets now ready,) at 8-? 00 per
barrt I or 3.15. a ton.
P.jL.Jlt'.tc, No. t (00 larrcis now rend)',) l SJ lo f 3
n bjirel
lon. P!;i'er No. I 1 KM larrcls, at lj to d3 a barrt I
I' 'I Ash, ;0 twrrr.'i
l'cruviuu. Painnuis nt Chilinn
ii t A N O . ,.s.
No. 31 gouta FltOXTSircjt, l'liiUdelpbiu Cuy, Tn.
ry wiKJi.Ks.MX DEALuns ai.lovvkd a lib-
CF I'sniphleU can ba baj on or plication to my Office,
or of iny Asettts. ,
.March I J, IHS8 SmSIOw. ;
SriUNU A It II A N G U M E S T .
l'l'OP.lUNO superior f:icil,tirs f..r tnvil I . New
Yoik, Uliilmlelpli.u, ondllieNorlh and West, It eon
iH't'lious ut Si'riuiton Willi the (ruins of the L)e):iware
I.n-l;nw.nn!in mid WeMcln liiiilrmd ComjMicy ; nl f.,r
trav,-i s.'uth and Weil over the Cot'awisaj, Vi'bunivirl
ai;! l-Jrie liuiU md au.i counechng trania
N. V. Accoinrnv Pliilnd'a
Leave il.i'.i.'ii. Mail
nii;rt, (1 nu A M. 3 10 PM.
I! '..n:, CIS ill U S'l d.
Krpy, It IIS ii II d'i
l.imc liu!;;-, f) (0 d, 3 35 di
Mirwick, 7 III ill 3 55 do
llencli Haven, 7 35 do 4 05 l ,
Uciuhliiove, 7 SU do 4 11 do
M,ici,lilnnv, U 10 do 4 110 do
Hunl-H'k'si'ieik, b to do 4 &5 do
WeKl.N.uuicokc, 40 d ' 6 00 do
PI;, in. null, t IS dj 6 J ill
Aruve ut
KniKiion, p aa lit t x do
K'i;i-.;: 35 dJ I 45 P M. 6 do
U'v Minns, " 5'' la - I" 5 SO do
Wnl Pltts'.'.n, 0 45 do SI Sll & S 55 do
PltlKWn, low do 8 TO di 0 00 do
Luckuwiimin, 111 III do 9 45 do S III di
A i, l-irvi 1U-. 10 i.o 1.0 bj '0 do
(::.!, 10 ?1 to 3 15 d 0 .10 do
Tlc .-v Vork Mini Train councils with lh l.xiesi
(tonip Iiml, on l I,. Ac V. :,ili'oui!.
Aiuve iu New Yoik 7 15 P. .M
do Pliiladelohlu, by Camden & Ambiy Uailrofld,
5 V'l P M.
Pare Imul KutTt to New Vork iC CO. Hdgrcngc check
ed I
'i'(:e accoinnimkilion Trnin North, eiiuiiecls at Frrmitou
Willi he Kxj.rcui 'I'inlll Went, uu ll.c D. 1.. & Y. Kulb
Pliila. Arcnu'ri"- NY
l.i-srs Mail il.iti.ii Mm!.
S.iaiitn, Sun A.M. 11 So AM 4 00 P.M.'.rvi!!e, f 10 ito IMS do 4 10 ilo
Uicknwuuiia, S 'JO d U on ,11 4 Jo lo
Pitlali n, S 0 il i Vi l." P M. 4 : 0 ilo
Weal Pillstoil, S 3' ii i IJ So ilj I ll.'i ilo
Wy.niiiM-, S o do H tu ilj 4 u do
Ainve ut
Klngnloii, tl CO il i CO dl i CO !o
KinMon, IU 411 ilo S l0 an
I'lvui uth, 1(1 All l 6 15 lli., II Oli (I) 6 I'I ilo
lliluloek's Cl'k, II 13 di 8 Ml do
Ulilvkul iv, II 44 d i T St) do
lleuch drove, 1 1 SO do 7 40 do
lleach Haven ! .' tsi do ? 55 do
Berwick, H IU P. M. 8 15 do
l.ime Kldfje, li .'SI do f 4S do
Lioy, I J in d i 9 i 0 d
HIiHun. I'.' 50 di V la do
Anived at
Itii.ert, 1 OT Ci 15 ilo
The Plulndetilila Mail Tiniu p'llnft Silllli. Conneela Willi
the Mull Train nt Kuperl, Home I MU at I In P. .M lor
Ciiltuvvoihrf. Port Clint. 'ii. Polliiville Itcidintr, Ac.nrnv
iiiR at Phil:idelilii't, nt S '25 P M AUi with Muil Train
r.mik West ul a u'cloek r "' lor Uaaville. Milton, Mini
c . Yi!!i:nuipiirl und Kllillia.
' P:iFeiicrs by the 4 o'clock P. M. Train rjoing S.niJi
eon liike ilie II o'clock V.M Kljiicrs Iraia loi Kluiira
nod (lie Went, or lodprs al HloowalHirit and take the 4 o'
clock A. M. Trnin going llaal, arriving u( l'kiuulelia or
llariivbure a( !' uooll.
Msrcli 13, lS'j 6ul Su.ierfiitenJeut.
Estate of GEOEGE LEWALT, Deceased
VOTICI2 to the beira and legal representatives
" of George ilnnralt, late of Delaware town
ship, Northumberland county, deceased:
Take notice that Jy tirtua of a rule granted
by the Orphans' Court of aaid county, at January
Term, A. ii. 1958, you, and each of you are
required to be and appear al an Orphan' Court,
to be hctd at Suubury, ia and for said county, on
the fust MonJay of April next, and accept or
refuBO the real estate of (aid deceased al the'
valuation thereof, fixed by an inquest, held upon
the came on the 24th day of December, 18V7. or
show cause why the same should not be said.
JAMES VANDYKE, -sheriff.
Sheriff's, Suubury, March 6ib, 1858.
NO TICK is hereby given that the follow
ing named persons have filed their petitions
in thu I'rotbotiotary's Ollice, and t hut they
will apply to tho next Court of Uuurler ces
sions of tbo l'eoee of Northumberland county
fur License fur Tavcrus and ltestauranls, ike.
Simon Snyder, petitions for tavern license
in Lower Mahanoy township, an stand.
Charles lleuniuL'er, petitions lor tavern li
cense in Sliuinokiiilowu an old stand.
John Dower, petitions for tavern license io
Shamokiu township at bis old ttuud.
I rilinc i Urant, petition for license for sel
ling spirituous, aud viuuus liquors iu the lio
rough oftunbury.
Ldwurd liass, petitions for restaurant li
cense iu the borough uf Suubury at his old
l'tler Yaaecr, petitions for taven license
iu t'oul towubhip ul his old staud,
w uiiam . boyder, belilious tor tavern li
cense, iu Jordan township at his uew gtaud.
v m. A. Coveit, petitions lor tavern license
iu Suubury an old staud.
Dauiel kraruea, petitions Tor tavern license
in Csmeron lowuehip at bis old staud.
llauiel Hoiiu, petitions for taveru license
in Upper Mahanoy al bis old stand.
Abraham Holbarmel, petitions for tavern
license iu Lower Mahauoy towusbip at bis old
staua, . . .. , t
Usory B. J'aver, petitions for tavern li
cens iu Trevortoo at bis old staud.
l'eter Waikot, petitions for tavern license
in Cameron towusuip at his old stand. ,
Heury 11. Hopp, psUtaous for tavera 11
cense ia PoiuV tuivusbiu au old staud.
. Jobs H. Weikt, pclalious lor Uveru license
ia iloidau toar(hi'i at bis uld eland.
- John Nesbit) petitions for tavern liceoeo
In Shamokin township at his old stand.
Eliat Weietj'politioni for tavern lioonre la
Lower Mahanoy township at hit old stand.
J 1). Rice, petitions for tavern license in
Mt. Carint l township at Ma old stand.
Robert U. Fortor, petitions for tavern li
cense in the town of Shnniohin at bis old
C. B. Drown, petitions for tavern in
Northumberland at bis old stand.
John M. Hepnsrling, potilious for restaur
ant license in Northumberland at bis old
Charles. Weaver, petitions fot tavera li
cense in Hunbiiry at bis old stand.
Mary (ioodinnn, petitions for restaurant li
cense in Turhut township at her old stand.
William M. Weaver petitions for taveiti
license, in the town of Sharii'jUin, ul his old
stand. . ,
Charles Culp, petitions for licrn'u tn sell
liquor in quantities no less thnn a 1,'utlon, in
Mt. Carniel township at his old Ma ml.
Elizabeth Sticker, petitions for tavern li
cense in Milton at her old stand.
Sarah J. Davidson, petitions for tarcm li
cense in Turbill township ah old stand.
F.lias SchafTer, petitions for tavern liccn.-o
in Jordan towtlshlplit his old stand. .
A. Hs Illair, petitions for tavern liccnre in
Milton at bis old stand.
Henry F. Konsb, petilions for tnvrrti li
cense iu Ml. Carmel at his new stand.
Win. 11. Lercb, petitions Tor license loscll
spit'itous and vinous liquor in Mt. Cunnrl.
Daniel Herb, petitions for tavern license in
Upper Mahanoy townsliip at ins oiu stunu
John Schmilikev. netitiuna for tavern li -
- - , - --
cense in Upper Muhunoy at his old stand.-
Abraham Lurch, tielitinns for tavern li
cense iu Mt. Carmel an eld stand.
Klius Kmerick, petitions for tavern 1;CD
in Lower Augnstu ut bis old stand.
Benjamin Knauss A John Mc Williams, pe
titions for tavern license iu Titvorton ut his
old Bland.
Klisubetb Hukcr. petitions fur tevcrn li
cense in Little Mahauoy at her old stuml.
l'eter Huuselmnn, petilions for tuvein li
cense in the borough of Nurthuiiibcilutid nt
his old stand.
John M. Hiiff, petitions for tavern
in Miltou at his old stund.
J. (J. Smith, petit ion for tavern license in
Jackson towntihip at bis old stand.
Jacob Lcisonrinrr, petition for tavern li
censo in Shamokin township, at his old
Michael Wilvcrt, petitions for taviru li
cense in Sillibury at his old stand.
Mathias 1). lioner, petilions for tavern !i
csnse in Little Mahanoy township ut his old
sta d.
Samuel A. Curkenbein, petitions for res
taurant license nt Northumberland,
Godfrey H. I'ebock, petilions for tavern li-
I cense iu Wubhington townsliip at his oM
j Henry Haa3; petitions for tavern license in
I Northninberluud ul his old tt.ii, !.
William l'arrow, petilions for taVern li
i cense in .Shamokin township nt his old stand,
j Juhn H. Adam, petitions for tavrru license
in l.'pper Muliauoy, at bis old staud.
! David Herr petitions for tavern license in
J tbe borough of Milton, at his old stand.
j Jacob II. Krnst petitions Tor tavern l.'ccnsc
j in Turbul townsliip, at his new stand.
I nomas search petitions lor tavern license
ill CliiliEiiuque township, ut bis old'staud.
Joseph Harris petitions for restaurant in
lbs borough of Milton.
William Titlier petitions for restaurant i:i
the borough of Milieu,
t illmm A. Urnner petitions for license
to sell spirituous and vinous liquors in the j
town of Shamokin.
rrothonotary's UPkc, 1
Suubury, Mrrrch G, l.r.8.
B.. .. , , r r - 1
v,rtue of sundry writs uf mwti.ii hv-
ois and writs of Livatu 1 lttAs. usued
out of Ihe Court uf Common l'leas uf "N'oi ti.uiu-
! herlaud county, lo mc directed, will tic exposed to
public t ile, at the Court House, in ''uubtriy,
j ou MUMMY. Ihe ith nf A PHIL, neit, ut I
o'clock, 1. ,M., tho iollownij dcjcrioed propeity
to wit :
All those two contiguous, certain tracts or
parcels of laud, situaU in ChdUquaque township,
Northumberland county, coutuiniii; 40 ucres,
more or less, all of which is cleared, and bounded
on the Noith by lands of Daniel Koch, on the
South by a public road leading from Milton to
Danville, Last by lauds of Daniel Koch aud
William r'ilzer, and on the West by lauds of
Frederick (J. Keidler and William Uurl.liumiuer,
dee'd. v whereon are erected u small frame dwell
ing house, a bam, small orchard, Ac. Seized,
taken into execution, und lo he sold as tho
properly of Andiew Keller. .
Also, al the seme time aud place, two certain
contiguous lots of ground, situate in the town
of Mount Carmel, in Mount Cariml lowiiahip.
N'itbuuibc(Iaiid county, and numbered in the
general plan of said town So. I & S, in uluck
So. -, being each about "5 feet in front and
about ISO feet in depth. ISouiided on lliu North
by Mount f aruiel alrcet, on the South by Cherry
alley, un the W est hy Oak street, and on the
East by lot No. 3, iu said block No. -i, whereon
are erected a two slorv frame hou -u und kitchen
aud a frame stable. Seized, taken in execution,
and lo be sold as tbe property of David J. Lewi.
Also, at the same time and place, a e riain
tract, piece or parcel of land, situate in l'oint
townsliip, Northumberland county, bounded and
described as follows, to wit: Ueciiining at a
pust, thence by land laic of John Cow den, North
40 degrees, East, J10 perches to a whiteoak,
thence by land lute of William A. Ll yd, North
60 degree West, 04 J perches to a poi.1 ; thence
bv lauds lata of James Kay, South 4U degrees
West, 210' perches to three pos's j thence hy I
laud 1st of I'hilip rnck, boulh .0 degrees
East, 94 J perches to Hie place tf beginning.
Containing 124 acres and $ pert he, (it being
Ihe us hie Iracl ol land which Ueorg Cckertsolil
and conveyed to John William Slanim.) About
115 acrea of wnictt are cleared wlicreon are
erected a two-story Irame house, a 1 story log
bouse, and ba'n part log anil part Irame, an
orchard and a well ul water, Ac. KciieJ, taken
in execution, slid to be sold as ibe property of
John William fctauim. -
A lo, at the same lima and place, all the eitale,
right, litis and iiilr.l uf William L. Hellen
stein, of, in. and to, all that certain messuage or
body sfcoal lauds, embracing the Locust Moun
tain, situate formerly in Nhainokin, now foal
township, in the county of Northumberland, iu
lb Mate uf Penusylvatii. hounded and described
as follows, to will Adjoining on the North by
lot No. , thence bv land ol now, or lormerly of
II. II. Howell end other, and land formerly uf
William Tuuilinson, afterward of D. II. How
rll nd others, tbenca by allotment No, 8, throe
hy the Mahanoy Mountain, containing 1874
acre and 70 perchei, strict measure, (lleing
lb ssin. premise which Archibald Mulntyr
and wile, by tw o certain indenture, one uf them
datej the 8th day of February, A. I)., I Sal.
and the other dated the day of the dal hereof,
but executed and delivered before this present
indenture, aud which tbe aid Daniel Mclniyre,
by indenture, alo dated the day of the dat
hereof, but executed aud delivsred before hi
present iialsatur, grsnled and conveyed auto
aid William L. lUllriuletn, hi heir and as
signs.) Seized, taken in execution, and to be
old a lb properly of Williint L. lUU'cnsiein.
Alio, al tba aiu tims and place, all jh
estate, right, title and interest of William L.
lielfenstein, of, and in, to, all that certain mes
suage, tract oi body of coal lands, embracing UV
l.ocusi Mountain, ailuaw lormerly in ohatp'jn
stow Coal township, ip. the county of X'urthuni
berlam, in the Stale of l'ennaylvarj, houujej
and described a follow, to wit -.AdiolrUng oh
tbo North by lot No. , the by ,ur,jj
in lb nam. of Ueorg C Jt, now, or UumuYt
w," T" Syi ., t,VpsjX. ani land formerly of
WilliaioToiBlioaJf),ft,rwtrj7or Mewra. Boyd
6t C'ompny, Vncnca by allo(uienl No. a, thcaeo
b) Mkouy UotluUtn. Conlaiaing 1874 acr
aod seitjr parches, strict neaaure. (Using lh
asm prriMlir which..', icbibld Melnlsic il
wife,, hy . iwo certain Indentures, one of lliem
dated Ihe 28lh day nf February, A. D., 1851,
and the ethot dated the dny of ilia dale l.nrtuf,
l iit executed and delivered liefare this prtseut
indenture, and which Daniel Mtlnlyre, by inden
ture, also dated the dny nf Ihe date hereof, hut
evcrtltPil nrl ilntivfirril lirfiirri this iirritlit ilidcll-
tire, rrrsnted and conveyed unto the suiil William
I., ilrllptiiilf'in l.ifl linta atttl nsiuaiia.l ftitcu.
tiikc n in execution, and lo be sold as the properly
of William I.. Helfcnslntn.
Also, at the same lime and plarC, tht unilivi
ded third nart of all that
A l.n.1.. ..r AI t....l .H.I.M.IM. f J. .
w, ui. vt oihi ,.,i,on, coioiniiiia inr l.iiu
Mountain, situate formerly in Nlinmokini now
Coal towhship, in Iho county of Nnrlhufnlirrland,
l.,l.l ....i ,u..n..i r.ii ....i;;:
tho North by ln( No.C, llirnce bv land anrvrytd
in the name of Ccoriie Colrain, now L). II. Hun
p and oilier s, and lunj fonncrly of William
'J'oiii!inoti, now It. H. Unwell, Iheticn liy allol
mnit liinnherH, llicncii hy Iho Mnhnnnv Mniin
lain. Ciintaiiiiiifj IS74 acres ami 70 pnthon,
strict nicasurc. (Bcinu; mndry tmctn nnd parts
of tracts of land, surveyed on warrunts liciiring
date the 1Mb tins ol March, A. D., I", '.CI. rjrtititcd
unto Lilniund Hull', Jdiiich (iiicr, 'J'linitins (.'ritr,
Jauics Jenl.ins, Kiclmrd ISulimm, l.'u lnird Mi.n
I. ilia and Thoirms l'osicr, und a bo, nru ol two
trnrts, siirvpvrd on warrnnls brnrinrr dale tliu
:lUlh dey of member, A. 1).. ISDO, Riciiltil tc
t uaiiicl Uraiiticsm ami Juinrs liepliurn. and
iillntlt d In Vulculiiio lirnlist as tminlier 7, kc
j cnrdiiiK lo u rcrlnin iurlilitii nl Z!t Ira -la t-f
land (oninioiily rallnl "I he lirant Land.,' and
being the naino undivided third part uhiili Ar
chibald Milntyre and wife, by iletd, dulcd the
'J8tb day nf ' lirunry. A. II.. l'tj.M, (jrontcd and
ciuicytd unto William I,. llclli-nHeiii. bi heirs
, . - ,
! and assigns, r-i'icl, lnkcn in vicctilion, and
; o aow as tuc proK iiy ut iiiiani L. ilc!.V:'.
' stun.
j Al-j, at the same time nnd place, t!io follow
' ins described Til ACT )F LAM), cmnmotdy
j called '-The Mclnty rc Lands," tixs Ths two!
full, epi:,l nnd unditidej third parts or, md in I
! a certain tract of I Mill acros of coal land, em- j
bracing the Lix-usl Mouniuin, hiluste f irmrrly j
i in .Shaiiiokin, "low foal township, in llic county i
, of iirt!iuniherlund, uid Male of lVnusliaiii
hounded and di'.cri!n d nt I'ollow.i, to wil : Ad- j
Ijoinirg on Ihn ortli y lot Nn. t, I'.u-nce hy
laiiile rt:rU'c.l m t!,e n,i0o ul Ocore C.di'.i.i, ;
no Mcsirs. ItoyJ , I'mnpuiiy, nnd hinds fur. j
meily of William Tnmiinson, now liovd ;
&. L'oinpnni, ihence by allolincnl So. 6, lliunce
n tne Aiananoy Mountain, ronluinii s 1 h rl i
acres and ,0 perches, alrrct measure, (buna I
sundry tracts ami parts nl tracts ol land, sur
eyed on warrants ticaring Jute on ihe ISth day I
of March, 1703, irrnnted utito lohtuiiid Hilii',
Jnmes (iricr, 'J'limiing (irier, James Jrnkii.a, j
Itichard Salmnn, Kichard Mannini; anJ 'i iiortiKS j
I osier and slp, parts oftwotrarls, surveyed
on wsrrunli. Iirarlnn date the .loth day ul No
vember, 1830, prunlcd lo Dunicl l'raulieam and
Jairrs Hepburn, and allotted I.) Valentine
lirobsi us So. 7, according to a certain partition
ut 5 tracts of land, commonly called tiio "Grant
Lands."' 8ei7.ed, taken in eicct iion, nnd to 1 1;
sold as the properly i.f i'iie l'liila Je!j U:a c:
Sur.lury Kailroid f onip.tny.
At the same limo and jihu c, by virtue of a
certain writ uf'tai I'aciuf, lo nie i!i;ve
ted, will bo exposed to public sale the lollow.
iug desciibeil pieces, parcels, and lots oi !
ground, tiluule in the lioruuglt if Sunbury, j
und county of Northumberland, uforei-aiij, j
aioro paiticuluily described as follows, lo
wit : All that laru two story brick House j
aud Son r lots of ground, situatu in tlie bur-:
oiirIi of Sunbury, .il'uiesaid, bounded un the!
West by Uluadwuy ; ou thu .South ky hfhn-
innkin street ; an J Last by IJiver uiley, audi
which four loU uie iiunilicied G1, ('-li. Gil, t-nd
(i'i iu the rienerut id un uf said ; j
all tliOfO lvu lots nf ground, Minute and bci::f:
iu llic bnroujjh of Sudbury, aforesaid, bounded
on iho North by Shamokin slrcel; on the
j South by Dorberry alley ; ui;d on the Wts!
j by property of tho heirs of Geoipu Weitxid.
! Numbered in the geuYrul lull or KuiJ bus-
ouh C" and Crf ; also, til i!io.e five lots of
I ground, f-iluule and beini; iu thu borough ui
W....I. ...... nl.,......,.l 1 1 I
ouiiuui 1, uivo-buiu, iiuiiiol-i 1:11 in lov l.i-ii iih
ofM borou 9 n.,, yK , G ut.d .,7 ;
; i it t, .... iV ..r . .: ;.. .i.
UICU, Ull IllOk UUlIUI Ul :iVlllllll, MlOilin 1 IJ IIIL
borough of Sunbury, ul'orestiid, known in thu ;
ornevul plan ofout-loU lis nr.ii.ber Ml, bcund-
ed by lot No. ."S, by n 'M foot alley, and by I
hlliaimikiii creek, cuntaining 1 acres ulul Ml '
perches bo tho same, morn or l.-s? ; also nil j
those other 2 oui-lots, in thi- suid borough uf
Sunbury, L now u in the general plmi of oM- ,
lots us numbers il end oT. i'(nituiiiin0'. to- !
gelher, 1(J acres aud KG perches ; uud aUo, j
ull lliut other out-lol of ground, bituatu uud :
being iu the said borjiiKh of Suubury, io tlio j
nook, bounded by the Sliainnkin creel;, other J
out lots or Charles Hall, deceased and I
James Smith, coiit.iiiiin lt acres bo tl.o I
same, more or less. Seized, taken in execu- I
tion. and to be sold ns the properly of Jacob j
15. Masscr, with notice to Ira T. Clement, j
John lluun, A. Iie!eiidei fir, A. I louver, j
Juhn Clurk. William L. Heivart, F. W. j
Hughes and John liowtii.
.At.Bii: ai ino same umo and place, n
certain '1'ract or pieca of Land. siiu:it in
Cumeroii township, Northumhcrlucd county,
containing 30 Acres more or lt-s, iieailv all
of which is cleared, whereon nre creeled a
frame Dwelling llouee nnd Stable; bounded
on tho tat by land of John Loni;, west and
north by land of l'eter Weikel uun south bv
bind of Charles Henningcr. taken iu
execution and to be sold us the property of
v-uariL'3 i. i ciiici ami uucui)
blienll s olilce, utibury,
Marsh Oth, 168.
Alexander Jordan )
In the ('mill nf j
rolllllluli Pleas nf;
William Davis and Ceo., Executor uf Thou.
Davis, af I'hii., deceawd,
lNorili'd. Co.. No,
.'IJ. Nov. Te m.
Slid also 'i'ruslees uf die
widow and heirs of saiJ
decessej, and Joeph War
ner, of Philsdeli'liia. anJ
:s57. Wril
ol I
Wm. McCarty, of Sunbury. j
In pursuance of u ofJer
and decree of the
Court uf Common l'leas of said county, wilt be
expusrtl lo pulilic sale, kl Ins Court llouaf. hi
Sun'lury, on MONDAY, the .Mh dny of AI'IIIL.
next, at 12 o'clock, M., lots No. 4:10. -ll.'i, 4 14.
437, 438 and 'J.'HI, iu the town of Shamokiu, as
laid out by McCarty. Davis, W'srnet and Jordan.
Condition of sal will bo made known on Ihe
day of sale.
Sheriff office, Suubury.
March tth. ia.'8.
ftihdavof APliifi. neiu and will continue ''' u
Tba coroner, Justices of the l'cs'c an j fonsi.
hies in and lor the comity of N'.lio ,,,,,.,,, ,
requested to lc then and ll'.ere i-., ,( m,.,r .,cr.
sons, with their rolls, m-, ..,, ,j
Uthcr Minemlvrai'.ocs, t- do lhuK, ,lillg, pj lhl lr
several oilier appui,,;,,,, lo jm.. Ana i.
wituees prccu,,- , uaf , ,h Coaimonl
weallu air,,,!,,! anv M1aoln r are ulo rerpiesU'd and j
iuini'I1jcj (0 ue u,rll Kn, i,, r. attrndiug in their
r.iOper persons to proM-cute amiiust him, as shall
b j uM -and not lo depart wilbout leave at their
parib Juror ar requesud lo bepuiiclual ill their
attendsacls, at th tun appointed aj;reeablk to
their notice.
Uivfcn bnjer toy band t funbury, Ibe I at injJ
(J 1 1( I, I lieretiy tnen (lint tbo several ; tmu LU 1 li 11 ..(JK O F (1 11(1" N I it 1 ''''si. '''uierly kept by Mrs. J
Courts of Common Pleas, tieneral yusrter f Mnte in tho bo- JU5,' t,f SUI.Lprv ci ihiimbi r- i '"' '"r 11 ' 1 ' ;" """e 111 f'"l,l',c'. i- l'air.
Pessions of the peace und Uprhans' Co.irl. Court Lnul couu'' . tj.nilid nn "t'-o .'outh bv 1 "d addiii":i he will provide a convey an 'e lo eairv
of Oyer and Terminer and tieneral Jail De'ivcrv, ! 0f Ija- '..'' lie, i,' .o rn il, V ',1 1 I l,-'s"' l'' a:;d from the I'.itereiit Huilread ill .
ill and for the County of Ni'i ihuinbcrlaud, lu 0 . "? ",. 1 , ), ' ,f , ' , ', ."" " E" J pits, und w ill leave o ,nrts I'titr.ed tursihn
commence at Ihe Court Hi use, in the. borough ol i m )) "I Y 01 1 10 !',' V nTl'r; i Ins hotel a s'.uppiug place lor guests ami
Sunbury. at 10 o'clock, A. M. .... Monday. t ; a"J.cl1 '-, mev f the 'Y. I u'.u . ..aveler JOHN LLlSl.K,
of March in the yaf of out Lord en iusmis.
and cigb' hundred aad fifty -oighl and th
Independence uf lh L'uited Slalcs of America
th Ulid.
UoJ ssva lb Cou,w'nwllh. 1
JAM EH V AN D VK I :, r:Wi,ir.
ShseifT Ofilce, duubury, )
. . Ma:tM, tu'v.
FEBRUAEY SO, 1858. -
RCkT received y l?ilroad annlher lol
choice and desitahic ffu J rmisn iiif! in par
f fancy DeUnns new mylm, Oloik and Fancy
w:il. llAi,l.r,,l a:.l.lnr I'rlill v
Ii, t) and 9
"" i n i . ii i i"f crnts 1'lnin
m .,.i,'.. r,i c,ita AUn i nun voni.
liiitrn Krciiih flothK, l.'iW'
L. .. l u.. Jl. lrff1.
I iiijTy low price And we call particular
tion lo tur HtiiT'k of Frcah tiruccries, lie!
hliiiprii. nnilliril. 1VC1I11ICKV rfri, '
Ill ()
..... ., . , .:i ,.' -e
ii.tii i.i ni m ill r rp, loutciii'n. ii i im
...I st... il.i,(, .,,.1 i.r ...ia, w l rina 'i'
entire aiif?ettufl
, ,
e Kf I
Uxamino our goods anJ lratn our prices, ur
slock presents a large nnd varied anaiMiineiil, en
ahlinK purchasers to make a inv" sclectiuti to the
best odvantaKC. . ... v
111 rntiff ntiiice of llic udnr(d stntu of in-
ter, we will cmiuneiice frcn thl dalo lo aul; cur
niliie sIik U ol' licadV Made Cliilhini; Uluiikeli
t inter Hosier), and a tery nice awiitimnl nf
Ladies Khuwls ut pri ully rrducnl j'ikes Now
Is the time lo Ncrnrc iind hnrgitins.
A l'l.NNV f.i:ii A I'UNNV i.AltNi:!).
V.. Y. liKK.I! T u. riON.
Sunlury, IVorusry 10, 1'JM.
I:, c. i imrriKiii.H. iac is
Commission Merchants erd Dealers in
rasji, s'iii.nk ksioviios.
jVd. f, .V. H'lii'cr ,r., ;i door. uln-e Market,
uvc coi.staiitiy t:i I i.n
usi-i'iUiut.t A.f
:, a. i.
D.icd and I iei.lcd I'ili, o.c
I .'lu'CrC.
A Card to Ct:
i; i: a v '. i: i; a h
i: u . d : :
K'ii.c'j O'rore, Xurtliunihc ; 7iiirf cvuuty,
7E iave detera.iiied from the pu'oiicslina or .
VV i.. -..n ,.,..i',. ,1 . ..,i , I
erenliy rruureil I
fir CAftH our sink nf tjoods, roniprisNfj
Dry Coeds, Groceries, II urnv. ate, (,
Itoots and Klines, Huts and Cups, Medici lies, iVc,
and nil Jods usually kepi in u country htore.
Ucin; denirous of quitting the lusint m vc wil!
dispose of our stock of (iooda eit or before the
MUt day if March, lKiP, to:, p.-.-roii or persons
wi lling to uniliarli in the buti .it ss un fivoiable
terms. The situation ic a g .iwd oi.e f.r d i:.j i:,
cxIeiKive'.c. trade.
1'or parliciitara cf.ll r.B f.;.'i!:
u,e rutrfiil eiv, or ci'-.bsn tlien, bv m.dl.
J. I'. & L 1'. KI.IN2.
Kline's Grove. Va , l'o:'aurv o.'.i, tS.'it.
To Jo i li !a(iu-wo
Tcter jlau-'inwiiul. John La'.'.u'.ia.voiil, Nancy
in'.ermnrried with Win. H. K isc, Llizula tli i.i
terin.irried wilb Usau t'ampbill. Alary llau'jlia-
! wout widow of Letl'crt Hs'ighawnut, dte'd and
I Mary llaughawoLt and Ciliraim l.vlle guardian
nf John J., Sarah June, Kpbraim L. and Maiy
I Ii. Maui;hawiiut, I'oi'ii-r children nfmid I.i Ifcrt
: llaughawout dvc'J, ChrUtuphcr llaushawout
Iiiiic llaiujliawout. Jackso'.i IIiiuIidwouI, t'ul-
vitt lliiuchawout. Ucwilt llauytiuivoiit und The
odo--iu iiiteriinuiied Willi I-auc Dewitl, heirs and
j IcRiil rcircsentalivii. of John Kuuhanout dei'd,
, and to ull other ncrjoi:. intLrcslrd.
j cr.i:rn.G:
I Ncrthumberlcnci County, r,3.
You un.l ejc'i of you arc
hcr.'liy ritnl to be and epperir before Ihe Judges
nfor.r Orphans Court, ut an Ort buns Court Iu
be held for suid county the first MonJay nf April ind then ninl t lr r i.wn r rei'ow I t-ike
the real estate of the said John Uaiifihnwoul at
the valuation placed upon it bv an inquest lo Id
thereon the "(ilh ilu; nl DrcemlHir !Sj7. or .how
cua.e why the sau.e li.all nut le sold. And
hereof nol !
Certified Irani the records cf o-:r slid Orjdnri'j
t.'ourt al t'oitibury, thi.i 14 lb day of January, A.
D., lnr,f!., "1'hos. D. (iruiit Depi. t ill. O. C.
The almve niulied lit ilh. und I.rtral -eiri'enta-lives
will tdease lake notice of the above rule.
ShenlFa Olfice, Suuburv, f
February 20, ISO'S. j
Olt Irial ill the I'ourl ol ('oinuioii 1'K-as of
Norlbuiulierland t'ornlv, lo ih held at Sun
bury, on the first Monday of April, l S.'iS.
1'i.Ai.NTiiri. DrrtMiiT3.
Isaac Drown vs John S 1'etcrmnn
J. U. Sii.ilh's ex'rs. vs Chas. (J. Doiuiit's
Su ma
l'eter Dickson
i same,
vs Shatlur i t'o.
vs J. L. Musser,
vs John A Llot it,
vs Win. McCarty et al
S James Vandyke,
vs J 1) Maiser
V BulllO
! John Uowen
Aleiander Coll,
Martin Weaver
J nines k'agcr,
i Win K Mum
i l.cib for isiiimer Vs Sun'iury C.uiuli W.l'.Co.
., ' ...
Henry ieue, vs i I'.os. bauiiigsrduer,
; iS(Uli Wolver'linl,
, Jurt y H,M
vs J. ill ii Liurtis it ul
vs Francis I'lrliiaii,
vs 11. li. Master,
I James Maionr v l'liila i Suuburv li K Co
W ill Liiliax. Ac va Win I. lirlli tn-liin,
I (i M Klemniiug ut., la IU I. Illllensteiii
i R F lieilv cVc s tame
; Win J Mc 'undicss A Co Win (.'oni'.ct
I Peter Verijer vs Jotias Uohner
I John t-' ut hlu rt vs Thouius I ruucis sr.
i t al
.1 allies luce
John Creech
(! Krnm for Nagle
Alliodlt l'-..kB
vs (iefi A Ki el, r
vs W iliuinJ'uKei y
vs lsvid Maiteli rt al
vs .Sun tV lino il. K. Co
vs 'i'houias S. Madden
vs William lloiiil
va John r I'elerman.
s A li Lonsahnru
vs Jos iioli'uiun's adm'r.
s Kate ir hied,
v s Jen-e ii ice
BMC ijrown
; (,'t.jrlea Tidier
Isaac llronn
John Mun y
Deborah Hull
; lieulien r agny
! J. A W KoHhh-Ii
i Wllltiui rilmaii
ii Francis I I'llonin 1,
vs I'eoige Conrad.
Ilciirv M3sser's ex'rs
rrothonotsry's Dirice, 1
h-unbury, March 0, l.v'iH. 4
ailEHIli'F'S BALE.
Mi'ikcrtl,, Lord,
Salmon., Letf, Ilsms,
$thad,' I'oik, iilra,
IW. i'i, iSiiH. 3.U.W.
i V.y virtue of a writ of i'i. ir. issni(l f ' -"- J V.D
! the Court uf Common l'leas of Nori'j,,,,.. j Llaiket Street, Sunbury To..
! lull J cuiinty, lo mo directed, will '0l lxnotei ' r'"' "'bs'.ibcr resj erllull.. inlorms tbe eni
: lo pilbl.C salo, (it the public 0050 (,f Jjni.s I l'x'- "ini'iury, and the public ireiietull; .
! Covei t, ill Suuburv, on Sf' , Jv t bo 'Id div i l'' ' purchased, and will like possesion
nF 1 ...II n... nl 'I t. r' ...'.. .
Ol .1 '111 1J...I, I I U .,...!. I- l
. I . . . v .1 V " .1 ft-1. tls'l t
or rcl''M r'uw w'" -en.ri.i i,aiuoa.i,' cne half i f pii ncre, um.-u nr less
t.M cf which is clenri'd. Seized, luken in
execution uud to Lo ai!J tis li e .i cj urty uf
Ueorrri) Mct'artv.
j.mi:s VANHYKr., ihiiiji:
Sberiir Ortict Sunbury,
March Utb, lSfR
"1 1 13 LOI 4 -S A SHI' .Sl.EIS.rivspeclfully in
forms ihe eitieis of TrevorloJi and sur
ruundinj county, that she ba opened new
store of Millinery and Kaucy (iorH.'S, al 'rrevur
ton in Shainokiii street, nessily uiaiiiis Kuoii'"
Tavern, whero kit kinds, of Bonnets and fancy
Lio.uls can bad nl Ihe lowest lenns.
Dress making al attended fa 44 (h best
manner and lulist style.
April 5. Ujr. if
)I'KK itl KNTKATfn f.Vr OK St-
PUNfflEi:, for sale at L'rua
- lore IM .e $9 c'.
A. A.HAYEiS M. i' i
AsKior to the Slut? of Mgk-icLvhH.
Oi.ti.aAi. A ilrt jtllowfr
li'ovtii-rolorid c'.iiil, lmvirij a liKrant dm i
when cvuporiilcd In in (ban I ' no t il it
' ulilnntv lustier. iui.ieu i r voiun. -
iu drues, ul' v li.cli io traces l Kjf an a w-m.
I ,l''1'" a" estrai'l ilertrid lioin i...l.
(ii evirv uetlll1(B pure 1'iihu's i.ijr.or.
'J'ho I'riiKr.itiee ut lioti'jutl whit hit yose-'
i . .... .. i.
i - ' , i .
Irtini l.'ni'liic. Umndv ir Wine, brlii a Innt is-
, " P"-'-:''
: sauce rislliiiii fmin a lfU!lmr I. iniciiiuiioK
I' .l,.!,,, .;! I. .I, idlii iir
I'litaiisi. t lisasr I. COO pails in voi-
iiV ' f lii ti'iitnii' "0 dl(f I'. C1
It) p.'rl'' i'"' iilohul. l'l'iJdos t.'ie fintunl isl.
1,1! 10 ). 't'" n! thr t-p't'A SlVord I'I piiria of a strong
s'llulioii sf Ihe nil which chardcltiiies Ihis Lran
d ; liu- .-pt it '' ft. i,,,,r Tfifiomar 'h il, " tn
i ii no rilorlfM", .md in all iu !'i;.!H!s 'I pf rhel sti
' l ..! -li..,l Ml'lllllcr. Un I'. I- km'IIuii nf
' iii.t Lr,imiv hi l'il "tfil.
rnil.iiiis; Itsiuc.i llci
M.nil und ml. . id (j,! roiiii.osci
i.'xtiai-l i f fititl, i;n.n, ano ceiorcu ,.u in
j HUV'l.
Vi'oM oi J.inusiv lS 'S, , ,
)),. t.tiVT., .M.ili iiispt'clii.r f lh''. aiV' I'D
Jas. A. fhtliun. (.'hernial, nl'Ncw Vorl., bolh"
I rimiimr lids ! in pnie 'lnu.niy. and Ilia fmin
! Tu, '-Uireiiii'i pnrppii s I.)ou's CiUnwln liran
1 i!y liiis ho ilvt. ami i'i' !jig b''rn nrcded losu
i edv the pwiso;i"i roriptil:ds sold iinuer tho
; iiumr of lirulid.V. As 1 Uvi r.ip3. thejuiic orticlc
' is sin ueintr suprrifi,, and u tuvi r -'Bii sure reine-
i i:. i n i1: fpi'ps'u. i utiui'iicy.. Low ; piiiu, Li.ii-
; i:u..-,lii i.Kinl I'i bility, AC ic.
! .-.ii., i:in;i.iiV fc'iiT.;. a.nd ii'Ai:i.
l.l.'.vi ('! AMI' ttiA i'.. 'J litre W.."C8 li.'l linn.'.v
1 ill ii:' nci.idiiil,ood ul ('iiiciiinuti, and lire fjlim
! until d in I e the pine juice nf the t impN, and am
I'li.n.ojiU;, full id iled lor invalids nnd pcisoiis
; N.i.o hi;:, ire u ti.tle siiinula:.'!, -u d for tncruinen
j piiip,,: .
l.ct.iil j.r.r.1 I li." prr hott'e. A ii'. ial di-
i punt iiiiale In lli trade, llrulrrs will pi Hsu
i their nnl'. r to the sn!c ii'jiM for Mcrlhum
: Lerlund d ii'iiv
lOW.i r. CAM.OW,
I Druiel, Mdtcn, 1'a.
I'lLruaiy, 20, Ih.'-iJ. Uin.
- .
r1Hc" subscribrrs r'-sorrtfuilv inform the rili--"-
ten nf Kimbury and vicinity that they hne
ciimincnccd Iheutmvi' timitit'ss a few doors ttbovo
tbo i'osl (llii'e, Muil.i't ijiinre, r-'nnburv, i'n.
Work ot c.II kinds l i their 111, nf bt..-in will
be done r n ir' i 1 1 v und luuliy mi I'm in' it ua
soii'ihlii ti-rm-i. " f I.i: V, 'JNT , OVSTIU,';
Yt:-c y 13, IS),
PZ:GITs? SlSS)?fJ33D
0 -20 Ef.
ri"5il 2 i-uhji-ri! or rcsprclfi.Ily iiilrrins ths citi
il. i'.'.-i, : ui'Knn'.iurv and vinniiy ho has jiil
r .ci ived a su;inlj ol K 1. 1 )!.'!,, v. inch lie ih oil. iiiir
nt w holfsilc or retail from -lo. .Vfi Ui i to
t HTJ ptr Barrel, lie alto tc!:s some us low lis
70 cu. nr ip-arter, ull ul Wi:uh he WAK
IIA.N TS in be (ion'.. .
("ANDLE.S for site, wlmlorde or tctuil.
'1 huuklul lor ast palronajju lie hoi cs to con
linue to nlerit toe sa'nc.
1!VC ill.M A CALL
M. f.CEAlillAUT,
Muikel .M , buiil ury, l'a
Feb.-uarj S7, IS'1--.
Estate of George Brosious, decensed
T OTIC',' is hrrchv Riven lo the hciis or leys!
rpj resciilulivi'S nl l.eore II rosmus. lulc of
I (.'cnrni' in Limer M:ihemo' loHtinhip, or-
thtinilM-rliitid coiin'v. Pi t;n-. Ivsuln, dpreascil.
that hy virtue of ati uli.ii writ of Partition and
Valuntiiin issued out of tho I irpltan' Co .rl nl
.-;..! ,'oii. ih ai.d to Me dirceli d, an iniiat will
be l.e.'d at tile late resilience of nit! dci ensid, in
f'er.ntvt.iwii, en .MONDAY, tbe O'.'nd day nl
.Miirih, next, at 10 o'clock A. M.,t'or llic purposir
uf making pnrliiion of the Kcil Lulato nf i,aul
deceased, In wil : of live certiiin tiaets of land,
ar.d four and half lots of ground in lit-nrgc Inn n.
uforesuii", one l.imeslonu lot, and five Islandti
silu itc i i ihe river Susiui'haniia in Lower Mshli
noy toiviisbip, Noithumberlaiid eouniv. aforesaid,
between Ihe lo irs or legal representatives, and
the vsidow ol said deceased. At which time aid
1!j.'C (uu may attend if You think proper.
tlinriiT's Odiic, Sunbury, )
January du. I j.9. j
Estate of HENRY FRY, gen. dee d.
VD'i'H"'" is hereby given that Idlers of ad
' luii.iilralion have been granlcd lo Iho sub
scriber uu tin cstute of Henry Fry, sen. lute of
Coal township, .NiHlhiimherlttudYniiiily, deceased
.td persons indebted will p'c?e make imiiiedhi'ei
payment ind those having chimin wj .rcsrid
ihe m dulv auihenlienled lor M'tlleinetit.
(iEOltUE I!, f ODEH, .t.lth'r.
Fe'oiiiirv SO, 1 $!.- Ul.
.""OTiCi" is hereby riven (hut smi.Ikuii ,n
llicate nf Lai d Warrant -No. M. '.'IS, lor li.'i'
jcrcs, i.sniiil lo liebecca Hear, widow of t '!,,.
Dear, who waa private in . . j 1 - lliii 'li '. ,,i,ii.,
iiV.'diitcd the Ibthday of Sepleiiibn l.'ib'. !
said arr ili t wa-duly unMrln d J ibe s.ild I.e.
beccn Ijc.ii, in I bmk, und acknowledged beb . n
,le-n Weikel, and certified 'iv ibe I'lolho'.otuif'
of Mountoiir rounlv l'a.. und l.ubn-' ,o l(y lbi
m.'o.i i il er Ironi the saj'l I.'ebece i ",r.,r, 'J l a!
the raid wairnnt was jM in ll. nniil !'.t"n:,
I'liioii Corner l'.it OlV, e, Nuriiii"l ' Mniid, I'n., Slid l'lcasiifl Hill I'm"! i illlie.
Monloiiiery county Indiana, from rs !)it aiier il.n
ruii of NoKmbrr IKfit;, and his nerr bci n
lie.i"l of mice. That in coiin i'iienee n siM !..,
iioiii-;illOH will be nimle to the cunir ,iouer ui
Teil-i ins for a duplicito us aboio '.(aied
CHAhl.Es w. MM AItuV.
I'lea'.Mit II ill, Indiana.
lYhriiury. St), 1 H.")jJ. t
j 00,000 Oross-ties
! VANTKU Thirty Thousand Cress fl. s. or
I 'tt.'lr'iaJ Sills for the Noithen, Cu,t,ai
I Hull Ites "Vr furlhei purticnUis npplv Ii
j . ' lii A T. f'l.l'.M E.NT, Coi tiii'tcr.
j 'jilnfury, D I'ciiiltt "b, is.', ,. If
I I .. 1
' ...ii
t'e ru..v 'j. lSSS
jtm . i.i;ai:i.
' "He t". )?.:cKit st., o'wmVc tht (one Hvuse,
C..oecli.-;' mad and Professional DusinrST
'erall a.leudcd la Prouiplfy and Csreully .
- Il
Pun iniii-iiis ItirsstMi i
Hullilt J Eairthorn, Iliehl Werti,
Dsvis & Ilirney, f'J'yloi ek Co
Sinibury, Jtin SO, 157.
known Mun i on the !! ct
UVAI.L PA PK.K, Window Mbades. rioo..
Carrijue, and Ta'blo thl Cloths, Cocca
Malts and a auMrior a i licit Ot Drufrgeat.
De I, H5T. I! UK, H I JcSON.,
f) g Q Y A H DS C A n rr.TI N ,rnihracm Ws.f
wj I (Train. ioilon, and a supsnr atict
of Itnj Carpel, Munurjctt r. J at bone, fvt ul
,ii run to .mi ,. !., .
D'v ... Dnrsiir ja,o;v.' -