Jovcip $ttos. WVAL bE THE ARABIA. t.ATfll FROM tVRUPEr Elections tf English Ministers More rrests and Cvr.spiracies in France Dt patch from Sir Colin Campbell. 'he Cunard mail steamer Arabia, Captain ne, arrived at New York on Hntuntay morn , from Liverpool, which fvrt she lcli'on trt , March Cdi, GiiUAT DIltTAIS. The members nf l'aiii.mcp: v,ho hud nc-cpied J v uuuer i.ard wcruv .m re-cictod (o iif scats, anj joi..-Hlly wi-.hout opposition. In ir addresse m thtir constituents they threw t l-m Up0Il (), ,i, ,;,(,;,! programme. b parliamentary committee appointed Id i.i .tlgote ilia charge of tirilery nssitist Mr. Naac rett in connection with the affairs of nn Ameer .-' Scinde, had eoncluJeJ their labors, and agreed report lo the II oute cf Commons resolutions mounting to nn acquittal. The partisans 0f the constitutions! party in taly had been holding a conference fmm day to ny, in London, for the u posa of bringing more romincnlly before t!ie public the present position l Italy , am to endeavor to revive the agitation or a notional league of a confederation of States, object to the direction of a central power. It tvaa resolved to prepare an address to the various powers of Europe, netting forth I lu claims of Italy to have her wants considered. The Daily Nr says a London Committee had been formed for the purpose of a constitutional opposition throughout the country to any attempt which might he made to alter the laws in regard to conspiracy. A "great exhibition'- for 1861 is rpoken nf, anil the Daily News is informed thut a special meeting of the Council of the Society of Art. has besn summoned, fur the final con.sidcialion of the question whether the society fcha!l ot once an nounce its resolution to direct and superintend an exhihitioa of 1 80 1, or any other year, and also to define the exact character which such an ex hibition should assume. Dr. Livingstone, and his companions in the African Exploring Expedition, were on board the teamer IVariiiu in the river Mersey, whence they were expected to sail for Africa ou the day the Arabia left. FRANC n. The Paris correspondent of the London Times is informed that Admiral Kigault de Uenouiily proposes tha', after the war in China is conclu ded, In place of sending an expedition t Cochin China, an establishment shall be formed in the kingdom nf C'orea, situated between China and Japan. The same authority says that the Min ister of Marine has decided that the Trench nnval squadron, stationed off the Hunks r.f Newfound land, is to be composed this year of three steam ship of war, in place nf two. as formerly. Letters from the departments continue to re port the arrest of a considerable number offer sous The arrests arc said to be made in conse quence of discoveries, recently made, of a con spiracy, having extensivo ramifications. The Journal des Ichats publishes an account of the capture of Canton, which gives nil the glory to France, and says the English had nothing to ilo but to occupy the positions won by the F reach troops, DENMARK. Letters from Copenhagen report that the min isterial crisis had terminated by the three minis ters having withdrawn their resignations, and by the Cabinet having come to on understanding on the course to be adopted by it in the disputo witk the Germanic Diet. ITALY. An official list of the victims of the memorable earthquake at Naples, on the 16th of December, shows the total number of deaths to haae been 9350, and the number of wounded 1359. At Montemurro alone 5C00 persons were ciusbed to death by the falling h ouses. A Cool Tiuck. About two weeks since, some scape goat, in tho capacity, of a " Knap Sack Pedlar;" went into liluck llolo Valley, this county, with a large lot of Wutcbes aud Jewelry, and succeeded in selling and tra ding off a lurgo quantity of his trash to the honest and unsuspecting citizens of the valley. After disposing of all ha could ho took the balance of hia stock ond pledged it with a M r. Hess upon which he raised $45, promising to retura iu about a week to redeem it. The weok elapsed, but instead of returning as pro mised ho was followed by an individual, doubt less a confederate, who claimed all tho prop erty, alledin tint it ba-J been stolen aud the persouj with whom lie LaJ succeeded in trading were mido to bliova all was fair aud give up the property, with a oingla ex ception. This is but one of the many gu:ues now playad by tha "sharpers" ar.d for the future, sbou'.J cause our citizens to be very careful how they deal with stranget3. Muncj Luminary. "A Thiso or Bsacty is a Joy fo.i evlr." A6 ornamentul article of household I'un.i tnre, if also useful gives double measure. This is especially the case with Up.ovkk it Baker's Sewing Machine, which is u parlor ornament, and is a gectlo and industrious seamstress, that will do more work in a given time than a dozen pairs of bands, aud will do it better too. It sews a seam that will not rip ; sews it stronger than by band ; aud is easily managed and kept in order, and what is more important gives !ei?nro for tho culti vation of health by out-door exercise. Offices of exhibition and sale 1?." Uroadwtiy New York ; IS Summer street, Boston ; and 730 Cbobtuut street, 1'hiUdi Iphia. TitK Ma tin ao Law N Matnt:. Tha Leg-ir. lntureof Maine has repealed the law requiring intentions of Marrngc to bo published, and in Itf stoad a law has been enacted requireing the parties to deposit a notice of their inteu tiou with the Town Clonic, and he the.ll enter Hit same in u book kepi fjr tho purpose. At ! tho end of (Ivd days, if no legal objections uru j interposed, thj parlies may be married. Tup Coat. TttAnr. Tho quantity sent by , Railroad this week is 21.376 13 tor.s, which is j an iucreaso of 10i(J tons over last week, and ; about 50(10 totis less thou for tho ccrrespec- j ding week last year. i Thu loss by i;.ii!road thii yer.r so fur is j 103,000 iWi.-Miner Journal. j Time M akm Ohhat OiiAXrtM. It is now j some thirty-live ypars sinco KJwanl F.verett was a mumber of thu lloue, yet of tho ' three j hundreds then in Congress with him. a tinglo ; individual now occupies feat nt tho capitol j (Jen. Ilo'iston, th.n a Kopresentativo from j Tennessee, now a riutiator from Texas. j JH:atj:s jo Dkvtii Tho Louisville (ICy.,) Penmcrat says that on Tuesday, iho ltiih inst., Mr. Jus. Maxwell, residing near lirads- ' torr, whipped two of his neyro women. ' Whilu returning from u fhort journey, the ; be was attacled by tlnve'of his : negroes, tho beat him to death uitii clubs, ! although he made a vigorous trsistn.iee, cut ting two of them with his knife. j A Wttt.Ttiv I!wqR. A llerman women who resided iu Kluiibnh, .'. J., and bus I ten supparted by public cluntv IV.r ypnr?, .lied ast week, and leaves S 14,000 in boinis and mortgages, which as alio has uo heirs, will re vert to tbo town. r i. lV;ip,!KI,0-Thu eonrief luiiu n. nun i.inasav. w in w;i..t. bead by tbo Warden of , he peniiiury Tt Alton, Illinois, a few days U!o, whila jn Jpen revolt, died oil luit rUuir.'li.t, n,...n;.. V . It.o W..-.1 .. ', .. . " in tbe oorona.-' i..rv fn,..l ,. .-""i : 7' . " , '" . ,V"S.AIJES Tb fouucil Blutr, u.!t Of lite Si tost., says tbe Laud Office i tuut itv eras open for private eutry oo the 23d lilt., and at tbe closiog of the offies eu fcatur. dy vuing, over 94,00 acres had entered bemjr; au average of uear 17,000 acres per day. t be eutrio are mostly made mub laud srsrrauts, ui mast on speculation THE AMERICAN. CITNBTJRY. SATURDAY, MAECH27, 1338. II. B. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor To Aiivistisxnv- .Ttit circulation of the Sunbury .Vneiirnn rtni-nig the ilirTerent town, on the Surquehanns sn-Ur-.lreciled. iff quailed hyaiiy paper puMiiheilin Noith ?lu frnnsvlvsiiia. Democratic S'nte Nominations. ro;t jtikik op mK sri'itr.vr. court, W.M A. I'Olll'Elt, I'lillndrlulita. von can At. coM.vttssioNF.n, Ht:st.tV IIIOST, I'fiyrite t.UMlj-. S3T Foti Itt:xT. A house iu Market itrect. Apply at this office. tfS" bubpciibers of tho "American" who ccntcmpliite changing their residence, should acquaint us of the fact, that we may tend their papers to them, Btnting where the pa pers arc now sent, and the i'ost Office and couuty to bo changed to. A CniM) Uci'.nkd to li:ATii.--Oa Wednesday last, a little girl aged 18 month, daughter of Mr. William Haas, of this place, while left nlnna in n room for n short time, got to playing with the firo in tho stove aud iguitcd its clothes. She was so severely burned that she died in a short lime, after wards. Our representative Mr. Uliodes, in sup porting tlio sale of tha I'etina. Canal, isacflng in with the will of cine out of ten of his constituents. Ilo is entitled to our thanks, especially the thanks of tbo people Of this community, who nro eo largely interested in the completion of the Butibury end Krie Railroad, for his praiseworthy position on this question. Wo trust ho will remain firm, in Lis support of tho measure, however un pleasant it may bo to tho political pensioners who busy themselves in asking him to change his course. tV Gom;y'b Lady's Hook for Aptil is re ally, a superior number. In addition loth0 engraving, entitled "Tho fishing Party," it contains patterns of interest to the fair rca- dors tf the Hook, and tho usual quantity of literary matter. The, review of Klder's liio grapbyoftho lute Dr. Knno, is interesting and beautifully illustrated. Wo award to friend Godey but justico, when we state that no magazine publisher iu the country, exhi bits more tact, talent aud untiring industry iu his peculiar sphere, than himself. And his success is equal to his merit. Ijy ISoroi-gii Ki.cction. At an eloctiou held on tho 19lh inst., tho following borough Ciccrs were elected : Constable Johu U. Youij, Overseen of the Poor Henry V. Simpson and Subastiau Haupt. Jwlge of the election Charles Weaver. Inspectors Johu (j. Bright, and Jacob Ca ble. School Directors Poter W. Gray, and Mar t!u E. Mucker. Assessor l'cter Ililcman, Assistant Ajsessors B. Hendricks, and John S. Bright. Auditor John XV. Uuchcr. IS At an e'ectiou held at the flouse of C. S. Brown, in tho Botough of Northumber land, March l!tb 1858, the following borough officers wero elected. Justice of the Peace John Cuke, ISurycssC. B. Smith, Council Henry Gosslcr, A. E. Kapp, I). U. Vorip, C. 15. Itenninger, Martin ICistner, P. Hanselman and Joseph Vandyke. Supervisors Johu Shriuer and Jacob Rei ler. School Directors John Swincford, and J. P. Tustiti. Overseers of the Poor D. B. McGregor and David Sterick, Assessor (J. V. Little, Asaisteat Assessors II. Gosslcr, aud J. D. Slater. Jliyh Conttnlle Peter Stile, liorovijh Constable Ilonry J. GaBkins, Ju'lge of election George Kcerurd. Inspector J . L.lteutiinger. t" At an election held on Friday tbo 19th infct., tho following persons were elected Con-stul-ks for tha diiTercnl Boroughs aud town ships iu Northumberland couuty. William Everett, Delaware, Edwin F. Gold, McEwensville, Jodn I.amphcr, Lewis, Abraham Kissinger, Turbut, Joseph Ilpgcndobler, Milton, William i'urdoe, Chilifquaque, II. J tiaakin, NorthuniberlanJ, Jacob Urobst, Point, John J. Young, Hunbury, Michael Kiefer, l' per Augusta, Jacob K. Clurko, Lower Augusta, Atidrcw Uunynn, liusli, James Lynn, .Shamokin, I'.lias Eiseuhart, Coal, J. B. Wasser, Mt Carmtl, John Ban. ford. Zerbc, Henry II. Dornseitr, Little Mahanoy, Mertin It. Bachman, Lower " Joseph tirove, L'pper ' George II. Troutuian, Jordan, Harrison Wagner, Cameron, John Pi Herman, Jackson, l'.dward 1'rumln-ller, Waslington. ijy Artiioii'h Homk Maoazikk for April is I , T , , " , " D vcue the splendid engravings and fashion nlatea it nniilai,i v,,.;.. on our tuble 1 bis u an excellent Dumber T ' ' v""v ' - ltl ! . . 1 V L'uu TTji of the C'oluo.bii Democrat has associated his son, Alleo U. Tate as a psrtoer in tbo future business of that estab lishment. Mr. Tate Jr., bae beep local edi. tar of tba Democrat Cor some time. Cjr The Mooter Irou Works went 'into "perstion ou Mcndsy lest. EOirontAL coHitcsrosDr.KCB. Jok9' Hotui., Philadelphia, March 23, 18.03. ( In a previous luttcr last week, 1 spoke of the prostration Of business In this city. Since then a decided Improvement lias taken lace. Southern and Western merchants, in consid erable numbers, have arrived, nnd merchants and others are beginning to look up with the revival of trade. Tho Hotel keepe-s too ore mado to appreciate tho beneficial results cf this revival in the filling up of their bouses, the effects of which are plainly visible in tbo cheerful countenances of the landlords. In this respect none have more reason to con gratulate themselves than Messrs. Marshall & Powell, of Jones' Hotel, which establish- mcnt, though always ranked among the best, has been growing rapidly into popular favor, under their management. Tho weather too bag thrown olTits winter garb and assumed a more spring like appearance. In New York, 1 understand, tbo improve ment in busiuess is not yet so decided, but a week cr two may make a decided change In the mcautime the government Treasury, w hich last year was laboring tinder a plethora, occasioned by the fullness of its vaultB, is now almost collapsed by tbo deplection going on by the heavy expenditures. Tho receipts fiom tho customs, last week, amounted to only a half a million of dollars, while the expenditures reached one million and a half. At this rale government would, at the end of the year, bo in debt fifty millions, but this Btate of things must change, and, perhaps soon a-great change will be felt, though proba bly not enough to avoid the necessity of a loan. The Kuutas question is drawing to a crisis in Cougress, and it is now pretty generally conceded that the Lecompton Constitution cannot be forced through. The bill of Mr. Montgomery, of this State, referring the Lecompton Constitution back to tho pcoplo of Kansas, which was referred to a select committee by a majority of eleven is, of itself, conclusive evidence of the defeat of Ihe Lecompton bill except in such a shape as will render it obnoxious to the Southern fire-caters, and render it an administration defeat, instead of a triumph. If anything was necessary to seal its fate, it has been done by the speech of Senator Crittenden, of Kentucky, one of the ablest and most talent ed men in tho union, for many years tho compeer and companion of Clay, Calhoun and Webttcr, iu the Senate, and in many respects the equal of either. Ho says the Lecomptou Constitution is not thu Constitu tion of Kansas, but of the convention that framed it, and thut Jhe whole of the proceed ings which brought about tbo result of that Constitution were fraudulent and disgraceful to all the parties concerned. Such testimony, from such a source, and coming loo from a representative of a slavo Stale, has not been without its effect. It is to be regretted that Mr. Buchanan should have staked his popularity and his political rcpotatiou on this result. He should remember that ho is not Geneiul Jackson, nor backed by tho popularity of General Jackson, nnd if he were, he must fail under the crushing effects of such a dead weight as the Lecompton swindle. But Gen. Jackson never would have tolerated such n fares as the Lecompton Cuustitution. He never would have permitted Iho voice of tho people to be violated by the ruffianism of the South or the fanaticism or tho North. Mr. Buchanan, in his unfortunate policy on the Kansas question, hat cot only suffered a most humiliating defeat, upon which he rashly staked his whole political reputation, but he has dragged down with him many of his warmest personal and political friends, some of whom, in order to support his mad schemes on Kansas, wero compelled to sacrifice not only tbeir principles, but to ttultify and com promise their character for veracity and consistency. The notorious Johu Calhoun, President of; tho Lecompton convention, has at last been compelled to declaro the result of the lute Kansas election. Heuatcarried the returns in his pocket for tvo months, declaring some times that ihe slavery party bad a majority in tho legislature, and at other times thai the free State party hud tho majority. When ho first came on to Washington, he told Judge Douglas that tho slavery party were elected by several thousand, without regard to the fraudulent returns. Now he states, by rejecting the fraudulent returns, which he admits wero such, he cays the free Stute party lias triumphed. Fiuditig thut such villainous conduct was injuring Lecompton, and that that great swindle was doomed to certain destruction, ho was obligod to dis gorge tho returns, although he repeatedly stated be would never declare them until the Lecompton Constitution was admitted. The legislature has resolved to adjourn on the 23d of April. Tho members will there fore have to go earnestly to work in order to get through. Judge Ludlow has struck terror into the corrupt officials that surrounded the criminal court. He sentenced Deputy Sheriff Laird to imprisonment in Jail for 20 days, and a due of (20 for aiding in packing a Jury in a murder case. High Constable Carson he bound over in tbo sum of 2,000 for perjury. A Dradi.v Ki-ipkmio. A Intter received in Baltimore, Md., from the University of Vir giiiie, and duled 18th iosUiit, fj that a fatal epidemic, resembling typhoid (over, has broken out in that institution, and that sev. eral of the pupils have died nnd many others are still sick. A number of tbe students bad gone home, and others ore boarding in the vicinity, so that out of till who were iu the university i me commencement, mere are now only 300 left. Several who had coDtrac ed tho fever and left for their quarters, died before reuchinu them. The executive com mittee were about to hold a session te adopt some definite action to render satisfaction aud safety to those iu the L'uirersity. Title TfRK RoBtiKii. Mohammed Pasha arrived at WuAhiugton on Tuesday uight. He had not been at Willard's hotel twenty mtuutes before his room was broken open, bis trunk ransacked and their contents strewed about, anil bit earpet bag cut fairly iu two. Two thousand dollars in gold, and a crown set with gem, worth as much more, wre undiscovered by the thieves. Varktv tiiiSmci or Line A Wisconsin correspondent of tbe UochesUr (N, Y.) Lt'uion states that iu going from Prairie du C'bien to La Crosse, lew days ago a singu lar case waa presented oo tbe steamboat. At one end of tbe long saloon a clergyman waa preaching to a small crowd gathered arnuad him, in tbe middle gambling was in busy progress ; and at tbe other extremity f TUB NEW Ml-KXSK LAW. Tie special committee of the House of Representatives leportcd a bill on the 18th inst, remodeling the license lair of the State. It Is carofully drawn op, and, It is believed, will pass both branches and become a law. Tho following it on abstract of its provisions : &rc. 1 reduces minimum licenses of brew, crs and distillers from $!)0 to $25 thus al tering proviso of 3d sretion, act March 31, lt!56 distillers selling under $1,000, to pay Sir.. Six. 2 reduces minimum of merchant li censes from $50 to 8 '!', ond reduces rates 20 per cent thus altering the provision of tbe 12th section of act of March 12. 185C. 3 rates hotel licenses on yearly sales of liquor, instead of rental, as follows Class. Sales. $10,000 or mora License. 1 1 3 4 5 6 $400 250 ISO 100 00 30 25 15 8,000 6,000 " 1.000 2,000 " 1,000 " 7 500 " 8 under 500 " Provided, in Philadelphia and Pittsburg none less than $50 ; nor in any other city or incorporated boron oh for less tban 820 4. Eating houses to pay according to tbe act of April 10, 1849. sections 28 ond 23, but not less than $20 in Philadelphia and Pitts burtr, or $10 elsewhere. This rednces the license in many cases one-half, os the act of 1849 imposed double this amount, with the provision that none in Philadelphia or Pitts, burg should bo less than $50. 5. Merchants may e!l by the quart, brew crs and distillers by the gallonj; and browors may take out a retail license. C. License shall bo granted to citizens of good moral character and temporute habits, wherever the provision of the law are com plied with by them. 7. Licenses not transferable, bet by tho authority granting them no chnrgo. save the fees, were transferred. New licenses may be granted tor part ot the year, ror houses pre. viously licensed, on paying in proportion. 8. Manufacturers of cider and domestic wines may sell the same by the gallon, and bottlers moy Ecli cider, perry, ale, porter or beer by the bottle, not to be drunk oo tbo premises. 9. Licenses may bo granted to keepers of places ot amusement, sc., otherwise qualified, notwithstanding the prohibition in proviso of 2d section of act of 1856, but spirituous liquors shall not be sold nnder such license. 10. Applicants for eating bouses license need not file a certificnto of citizens, hereto fore required by section eight, act of 1856, nor need such applicants be published. They shall be filed with the clerk of the coutt, and granted by the treasurer, except in the county of Alleghony, on the proper bond being ap proved by the district attorney ond treasurer. 11. Illegal sales of liquors punishable for first offence by fine of $10 to $100 and cost; subsequent convictions $23 to $100, with not more than three months' imprisoument, at the discretion of the court ; forfeiture or li cense, and not capablo of receiviug license for two years. Repeals section twenty-eight, act 1850, but no other act or sections. 12. No prosecutor to receive part of fine if a witness, but constables shall receive two dollars on the conviction cf any persons re turned by tbem. 13. No grocer. or wholesalo dealer shall have n retail license to sell spirituous liquor. The remaining fictions relate principally to Philadelphia. ' m .. DEMOCRATIC STATE COMMITTKK. In pursuance of the resolution passed by the Mate Convention, authorizing me to appoint a State Committee, to consist of not less than one from each Senatorial District, 1 have appointed the following cenllemrn : J. Kiiipi.s Kom rtTS, of Allegheny, Chairman. 1st. Philadelphia John Hamilton, jr., Lewis C. CaFtidy, J. I). Campbell, N. li. Browne, Hugh Clark, John H. Dohncrt. 2d. Chester John II. Khodes. 3d. Montgomery Florence Sullivan. 4lh. Bucks Robert Tyler, Esq. 5th. Northampton C. A. Cooper. fith. Berks Samuel I.. V"ung. 7lh. Schuylkill i U. Kaerchfr. t" 1 1 J . Monroe, Arc. Asa Packer. 9th. Bradford, &c William Elwell. 10th. Luzerne Steuben Jenkins. I lib. Lycoming, Sic, George White. 12th. Northumberland, Ac.--Msj John Cum mings. 13th. Tioga, Ac T. XV. Knex. 14th. Cumberland, &c John 11. 13 ration. 15th. Dauphin and Lebanon Gen. W. II. Miller, Dr. Cyrus Glouinger. 16th. Lancaster John K. Kaub, II. M. North. 17lh. York W. A. Stable. 18th. Franklin, Ac. Samuel Robinson. 19th. Somerset, Ac. A. 11. CoiVruth. 20lh. Cambria, Ac J. R. Crawford. SlsL Armstrong, Ac J. K. Calhoun. 22d. Fayette, Ac T. U. Searight. 23d. Washington, Ac. W. Workman. 24th. Allegheny J. P. Barr, David Lynch, James A Gibson. 26th. Beaver and Butler H. McKee SCth. Mercer, A R. I. Cochran. S7th. Erie and Crawford W. P. Shattuck. 2t(lh. Clarion, Ac. W. T. Alex nder. JOHN L. DAWsO.V, President of the Convention Tub Question Sktti.kd. Gen. Calhoun the iudire of tbe Kansas returns, has reported the result of tbe election in that territory for the State Legislature, which gives, it is said, the Legislature to the Free State party. This puts the power into the hands of that narlv to make the State just what they please. It is a practical settlement of thu whole question which has kept Kansas in hot water for the last year or two. The war may be kept up in Congress over tbe Lecompton Con stitution, but if Congress wore to-morrow to receive the State uudcr that Constitution, there is nothing in that organic law itself which would muke tho State anything else than a free ouo. Tha Legislature, if iho did not like tho instrument, could convene a Convention immediately to niter, niontty or abolish every article ia it. The contest in Congress Is uow over a mere abstraction whether the people must udopt their Consti tution themselves, whether they cao delegate the power to their representatives. If this were a pure democracy, the right would rest in tbe people only, but being a representative republic, the peoplo cun delegate the power to their representatives, if they think lit. Public Ledger. Thk Jafakkmb GovEaNMKNT, it ia said, in a Eruno h Journal, have since tha visit of Commodoro Perry, opeud the porta of Na gasoki and ilakodadi lo all uutions the first to data from October lliih, 1807, and lb second ten mouths later. An exchaoge and Bazaar will be established at Ilakodadi to facilitate transactions between the natives and Europeaus. Professura of the Japanese language will be appoiuted by tbe authori ties, with power to receive as pupils, with out distinction, all foreigner who may wish to learn tbelatiguuge of ihe couutry. These concessions are believed to buve been tbe di rect result of Commodore Perry's friendly visile to that couutry. The Prehidknt has appointed Gen. Seth Clover, of Clarion county, Pa., Indian Agent in Kansas, iu place of Maj. Maxwell McCaa lin Greene county, removed. Dr. Charlei Leib, of Chicago formerly of Pennsylvania, has been appoiuted Mail ageut for Illinois, iu place of James Ward Esq., re moved. Sinoclab DrxusioN, The New York Sua states that VieUr Mix, a resident of Hume, Alleghany eouoty, New York, has been seat ed for the last four weeks upon two dozoo eecs, for tbo purpose of hate bins theiu, br the direction of spirits ! (OorrmpniHtf nes of Ihe Put.lie 1-iter J JL AT 1:11 FIIOM HAUItlSHl'HU. . j The Liquor Hill. ... llAMtMCftO, March, 18, 1853. Tho Honor committee made tbeif report to the house this morning. Applicants for brew, ery or distillery licenses shall pay the' nie amount fixed by the 3d section of the act of it;;u, provided mat me amesnan in oo be less than $25 except where the annual sales than $1000. Applicants for licenso to vend intoxicating liquors, by the quart or otberwiso, bIiuII hereafter poy 20 pel cont less than the rates of tbe existing law, provi ding that tho license shall in no case be less than $25. i Hotels are clesaified 1st class license $100, 2d cla88j$250, 3d class $1 50,4th class $100, 6th class $50, Clb class $30, 7th class $25, 8th class $15. In Philadelphia end Pittsburg no license shall be granted for less than $50. Ealing House licenses, for the sale of wines and malt liquor shall be classified and licensed according to the third action of the net of 1849. No such license shall be granted in Philadelphia and Pitts burg for less tban $20, nor elsewhere for less than $10. All persons licensed, except Inciters and distillers, may hereafter sell any liquors in any quantity not less than one quart, and brewers and distillers may hereafter cell snch liquors as they are authorized to manufacture, in qnautities not less than one qnnrt. Licenses shall bo granted to persons orgood character. The City Commissioners of Philadelphia aro to grant licences. The keepers of drink ing snloons shall be licensed In Philadelphia to Bell such liquors on their premises ns li censed keepers of hotels may lawfully sell; they are to pay tbe same rates, and have tho same privileges os hotel keepers. The 9th, ICtb, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, and 21st sections of the act of 185G are repeated, This is a brief abstract of a long bill. A Sad IIosrvmook Youth and Criuk. Charles Albough was recently tried, convic ted and, sentenced, in Cleveland, Ohio, for robbing tbo mail. The Columbos (Ohio) Ga zette savs t Charles Albnugb is only twenty years of oge, and the events or tlio post lew montus will fill tn important chapter in his life's his torv. On Christmas day he eloped with his landbrd s dauchter. a Miss German, in her sixteenth vear. went to Alexandria Pennsyl vonia and was married. An effort was mado to keep the affair socret, but it was discover ed by the girl's parents, who where highly in censed at their daughter's imprudence. On the 25th of Januory, Mr. Prontise, the United Stutcs mail agent arrested Albotigh unon a'charee of robbing the mail. He was taken to Cleveland, tried convicted and sen tenced before the United States court, and upon reaching Cardington, ou his way to the penitentiary, the young wife came aboard the curs to bid larewell to ner convict, nusuauu The meeting was a painfully affecting one. She begged him to keep np his Bpirits, to make a firm resolve to do his duty whilo in prison. She vowed to stick to him though all the rest of tho world should forsaka bun ; for s.iid she, ' Charley, we are both young, wo have years of happiness in store lor us and when jour time has expired, we can go to some o'tber land where the offence will nut be known, where we can livo happily together, and earn an honest livelihood Tho ooor cirl nerved herself to the task and as she wiped the tearB awoy from the cheeks of her young husband, she never whim pered. t he car was lull ot passengers wno wimes- ccd the scene with tearful emotion. J be conductor, who ot the request of tho officers, bad kindly delayed a few moments, to give tbo givo the young couple, au opportunity of meeting each other, at last notified them he could delay uo longer, ond the whistle gave notice that the cars were about starting, "keep tin vonr cournL'e like a man. Charley, said the fair heroine, os she kissed bis cheek, site turned to leave him, but overpowered by bur feeling, thot she bad thus fur kept under con trol she fell faintine into tbe arms of the by standers who carried her gently into tho sta tion house and the cars rolled over tlio Mils with increasing speed, to make tp for tbe du- tent ion. IsTKitE-i-risn to Tr.AVr.t.Kna. The Superiu- tendenU of tbo Williumsport-wnd hlmira, Cutuwissa Willianisriort and Krie, Sunbury and llrio ond Northern Control Itailroads met in this place on Tuesday lust, for tbe purpose of making arrangements Tor a through connection on theae roads. It is expected that bv the first of June the roud will ba completed between Sunbury and Ilarrisburg, . 1 : .--.I.- II' .;il 1. wneu tue nouiucrn amii lor uio etv mu ui carried over tuese roads to Klmira, where it will be transferred to tho .New iorsand l-rie. road. This will be o great saving of time in tho carriage of tho muils, os they are now ta ken to New York, and from tbat place to the West, via New York and Krie Railroad. By this arrangement too, tbe time between this towu nud Washington will be reducod to eight hours. Independent Press, of the 20fA inst. . A NOTiiKit World's Fair." Tbo London Athena-iiui states that the project of a second Crystal l'ulare Kxuibiliou nf all nations, to take place in 1801, is ou foot. The proposals thus far considered contemplates a bniversul collection of tho fine arts ; but the Athensmn advocates an exteusiou of ibis idea so as lo provide for au oxbibitiou of industrial art. ttlcgvaj)j)ic l'ctos. Pennsylvania Legislature. IUrribbciw, March 23. Skkatk Consideration of Bills, fe. Mr, Kundal) presented a resolution for the ap poiutment of a committee of Cve to inquire into tbe propriety of the removal of the real of government to Philadelphia. Adopted. Tbe bill to authorize the sale of the stock property and franchise of iusolvouf corpora tions, was negatived, . By Mr. Straub, one to corporate tho Mub onoy Katlroad Company. By Mr. Bell, one relative to illegitimate children By Mr. Buckalew one to organise a depart ment for railroad statistics. Also, a supplement to the charter of the Philadelphia and Hunbury Telegraph Com pany. The bill to make tho sessions of the Su preme Court permanent at ilarrisburg, was considered. Pending the consideration the Senate ad ouroed till 3 o'clock, P. M. Later from Texas. Seizure and Impressment of Americans by the Mexican Forces Indignation Meeting of CVizens. New Orleans, March 23. An arrival furnishes later intelligence from Texas. There was every prospect of fine crops. Tbe ban Aotouio Uerald reports the seizure and impressment by the Mexican forces or several citizens of Webb county. Tbeir release was derouo4ed Capt. Brackitt, U. 8. A. A meeting or the citizens of Wubb county was held and resolutions adopted pro testiug against this and other ootrsges. G.a Twig. Court MartlailcAV Wasuinoton, March, 19. A bitrh Coort Martial baa been ordered to assemble at Newoort. Keoluckv for lbs trial of Major General Twigga who ia aceased of makiuir ramarka concerning the War D- partmuot for its strictures ccacsrcicg biiotfi. ctai course. Nkw Oiit.KAM, Mrrn23 By tbo orrivul of a schooner from Htiutun, advices have been received of the massacre of two hundred and fifty of the inhabitants by the Indians. UllOTCIt ft BAKER'S CELEBRATED FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, 4M BROADWAY, NEW YORK. VJ CHE9NCT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 17" No npnliratioet for Aacrrtt nn1 to tna,u I nrrsmis of Inttfrity. relialiility, n.ut having ant IMHitica for (Wing buiric. They mutt I rxtlrrwnl t.j Uaevsa flm 8. M. Co.,4u3 flromlmt Nw York. TIV have no hesitation in saying that Con sumption can always be alleviated, and in great many cases cured, simply by tbaiise of ut. H lstars wild Uberry Ualsam. its heal ing influence over tho deseased organs is truly wonaeriui. Du Vam.'s Galvanic Oil has dona more good, performed more cures, aud relieved more pain, than any medicine in tbe kuown world. It has cured a wonderful ense of Spine Iiease, in tbo person of Nancy Ann Murtle, Troy, and many others could be men tioned. lAndTi rot De Vall'h Galvanic Oil. Frilinf A Grunt, A. W. Fuhcr. W. Wcimrr, C. Wen, II. V Almze, Urriireuci 4c Mull. llolloway's Ointment and Pills. luimeuse success has attended tbe use of the Ointment in diseases of tho kidneys and the genitourin ary organs. A II obstructions and inilaniatioD in the passages connected with the kidneys and bladder, may be removed by lubricating the parts affected. Friction as powerful aud brisk as the invalid csu bear should be em ployed in applying the preparation, and fo meutatious with warm water are useful in pre paring the skin for its rapid absorption. The pain occasioned by thu gravel is immediately quietea ny running in tue salve. 1 lie pills, by their sanative operation upon the blood aud other fluids of tbe body, will materiully expejue too curative process in most cases where thu Ointment is used. VMSIAIl BALSAM OF W ILD CHERRY. rrum the Principal of the Frtdonia iXcw York) Seminary. Km: Duma, July 17 Dr. Skth XV. Fowi.e. Dear Sir: Prom my youth I have been subject to lung com plaints. 1 u February last 1 took cold a cough set in, I expectorated freely, but tho mucous raised trom the lungs indicated a disease deeply seated. Two or three physicians kindly seut mo their medicines, which have been very elbciutit iu curing coughs, but they railed to reach my case. In the luttcr part or April I left home, intending to travel a while, and it possible, escape by that mean fjoin present dunper. Wbeu 1 reached Buf falo my couch considerably aggravated. A friend there advised me to try the Dnlsnin vf Hvtl Lherry, but I told htm 1 hud swulluwed niedicitio enough. The next day my friend urged nie again to try "Poctor istur," and ut 3 P. M., 1 was willing lo do any thing for 1 coughed constantly. 1 procured a bottle drank of, it, continued taking it from that bot tle one week, utid when the Balsam was gone my cough and pains were goue, and 1 have not coughed since. "' Itespcctfnllv vonrs,' V. A. REDUINGTON. None gonuUuo unless signed 1. BUTTS on the wrapper. For sale in Sunbury, by Friling ii limit. C7SI ,000 R KWAR l will he p.inl for any Medicine thut will rieel I'KATTA MfTCII F.H'f MAGIC Oil. the frllowiitg diacaiea: Kheumatian-.i. Neuriilpiu, Spinal Atecllon, C.mtrac'leil Jolnta, Cholic I'uma, 1'iiuth in the Side ot llai-k, HeadHhlie, Toothnehe, Spinina, Sm e Throat, Cut., Hiuiat-a, Uurim, and all diacnars of the akin Mnsclea and the 4lsui.. Noli ceituine without the sie uature of 1'HitT A IU'Tcusr atlnched to each l.itliel I'rinuiiial office, -jfiC N'nihiuntnl street, ltritikl) n, New York. Sold l.y Albert V. 1'ishei, Drugiiiit, Market .Lrcct, Sunkirv, bJ3" This is to certify, thut I have mailt but one application of the Magic Oil on my tinners, which havo been drawn from contrac tion of the cords, brought on by rhenuiutitin It was ol seventeen months standing, and I now entirely cured. 1 cheerfully recommend it to all ufllictc-d likewise. J. M. FINBROOK, Ilarrisburg, July 2 lS57.y. 72 Locust street. M A It R I A G E S On Thursday, tho 18th inst., by Ihe Itev. Jnuies Hunter, Mr. I'iiilip to Miss Mahy Ki.ston, all of Point township. Oo the 11th inst.. near Pottsgrove. by the Iter. C. C. Culler. Mr. Emmr-HirR Krowinf. to Miss M. K. Ilr.iNBAOii, of Cbilistpaatpie twp. DEATHS In Milton, on Monday lnbt, Mrs. Na.sct, formerly of Chilisquuque, aged about 67 years. On Wednesday last, in SVeKwensvillo M A IU! AltKT, daugblor of It. il. McCor mitk, aged 1 year. 1 i ,i i i fec fflatluts. Philadelphia Market. March 25, 1B58. Graix. Tbe receipts of Wheat continue quite largo, though tbe market is inactive Uood red is lie I a at 51 us a t Hi, ana ft iu a $1 30 for good white. Rye is steady at 70 cents. Corn is scarce, and light sales ure niakinp at C0a61 cents. Oats are in de mand ot 35 cents. Cloversecd Sales of prime at $5 50 per 64 lbs. 8TJNBUEY PEICE CURRENT." Wheat, St 40a I 60 Butter, $ SO Rye, .... 75 Eggs, . . . 13 Corn, . . fiO Tallow, .' . . 13 Oa 87 I.ard, ... 12 Buckwheat, 63 Pork, .... 8 Potatoes, ... 60 Beeswax, - 21 New Advertisement. READER 1 Do you intend to Embark in to Business t ir so, DON'T FAIL to see advertisement in this paper by the subscribers beaded "A Card to the Public" J.F. &I. F. KMNE. Kline's Grove, Ta., Manb 13, 1858 tf NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to James Braid, L ie Prolhoiiotary or Noillminberlaiid county, for fees, 4c, are reipie.ted to make immediate pay ment, and thus save cost aud further trouble, as all accounts remaining unpaid wilt be placed in tbe hands of a Justice for collection. Payments can be made cither to the subscriber or to I. t. Beard, at his otiice. Sunbury, March T, 18rtt tf NOTICE. f-MIE report of the auditor in Ihe matter of the X distribution of Ihe baUne in the hands or the adminiatratora of Vm. McCoy, deceased, has been referred back to lbs uudertigned. for the Oiphaiu' Court, for ibe purpose of examining into Ibe claim of Ibe estate of H. A. Burr.decV. sgainet said McCoy's e.Ule. He will attend for Ibal purpose at bis orjice, in tbe borough or Buobury, 00 MONDAY tbe 6th day ol AFRIL 1 ext. ei 10 o'clock, A, M. - Those iutereated ere noticed to attend. JNO. KAV CLEMENT, Audita Sunbury, March 17, 18S8. J NOTId-R To tho Citizens of I7ortbumlerland and Vicinity. Drown bis agent In Norlhumlrl.nd ,1 spectrally Inform, them that the, car. be spP m.h .ny p.,,. or magine.Jlriey wantU those who wish to avail themselves of (his olT.'r can do so by eiving their nstnes and tha Mne they want to C. B, Brown. P Now islhe time to subscribe lo that greatest and best of family newspapers, "The New YorK " heing published written b SrtVASts Co, la., prie 4 cents Catalogues ran be obtained or C. 8. flrown ' . . 1LY. FKII.LNO. flunhury. March 7. I86H. 8t. CARD- A Cash Exci.csivklv CHARLES ADAMS, B. E. Corner of t-'i),o, ...a . t StretU. rilll:i,lrlnhi. !,,; h ,nd Ihe lw)n of DRY GOODS CENKR ALLY ,.a,,....,, I. , '"! H'l. .. . ..,.,, ,, iiirpniirruilnn nf tin bm ii. Hie con-ling ,,d n ,,! to ru.blc linn t.. ,, , Z, putts for ca.K, and .ell at Ilia Low,,.,.i pbic.., he ha. needed to at the siiMtllest .hil It a hNi. etlnerd the priee of m.t ,,f tnTOoo,,, jn .,, and ha. now npen innny Nw (ioor.., tuiwuia lor ii,.' CA.OK, to which will I made dailv andm.!,,, '"' "'" Care will he to acroimn lnte FRIENDS and p ri:nsoss,,r,1ii)-,a,hct..f..rc ld Plu,u NKW I)l)i:s (iOODt", PIIAWL3. I.I.MAa .h FURNISHING GOODS B-nierally. ' ,',;,-. Purchaaeis w ill find gtent ndvant.r. In civinc an rarlv Mil, Ihe motto being "IC nimble sit'iic is better tt,an the .low ahillmsr." The lituntion i. central, and the .tore well hchted. March 27, 1S59. Sfnajw. B TOR SALE OR REKT. FH E lsr?e double frame houie in the Borough of Northumberland, belonging to the e.tnte or C. H. Ksy, decessed. This is a very dc.irab'e residence, beautifully situated on the North Branch of the Susquehanna, with a large garden, Carriage House, Stable Ac., belonging to it. Terms moderate. Enquire of C. V. Urates, YVilliamsport, or D. Brautigam, Esq., Northum berland. March 87. 16S8. WASHINGTON IIOUSE. XV. A. COVE II T, Tropriclor, FIMIE propiietor respect fully informs his friends and tbe public generally, that he is repairing and renovating the "Washington House," so na to entertain both transient and permanent vinitors in a suitable and comfortable manner. Thankful for the patronage extended to l.ia father, ho reapeetlully solicits tho continiiatiie of the same. lie will take charge ol Ihe "Wash ington House" on tho first day of April, next. He will havo an Omnibus running to the dill'erent Hailroad Depots for the scconnnodalioii of 1'srscngers, free of charge. W. A. COVEUT. Sunbury, March SO, 1858, Saddle and Harness Maker- HENRY HAUPT, JR. HES'ECTr'LLI.Y informs the citizens of Sunluiry and the pub lic generally, that he has taken tbe shop occupied by Bright and lleck, one door east ol 8 l'aupi'. Cntiinet Ma ker shop where he i. prepared to turn cut work iu his line of business equal to any made iu this section of the country, Orders promptly execu ted and all kinds nf produce taken in Exchange Sunbury, March 20, 1858. ly JOH1T 3T01TE & SOITS, 60S Cheanut Street, ahov. ''.i;litli, (Inte of No. 45 S--aia Second Street,) I'lIILADELrlllA, ahi sow rtEci viNu ini'l Srltl.NO IMPORTATION OF SILK AND MILLINERY ISOODS Cunsiaiine in part nf Fancy Dnnet and Cnp Rihlwii., Stttui and Tnlfftaa KihtMina, Orn. de Naples. (Glace and rlaln,) M.ircclime uud Klorsnce., Illack MtHltr, Kuelnh Crarira, Moluic and Itlufion Icra, cte. Alxi. a full auoitineutorFKKNCIl AND AMmK AN ri.ovi:tts March !W, 1858. -Jin a. FLOUR AND FEED I SPRING A K K A N E M E K T. rl" II E subscriber has recently made an eblargv A 11. cut in his store room and has jurt roceivt d a fre-h suilv or Flour and Feed, Cornmcal, At His stack consists or Corn and Rye, Corn nnd Oats, and Corn CHOI'. Bolted Corn Mcsl an, I Buckwheat Flour in sacks, all or which will Ihi old low FOB CASH. Also, Ihe Beat and Cheapen! assortment of Flour in this Market, from FIVE lo HE VEN IU) I, A US per Barrel, according to quality .lino, a lot of Flour in sacks at very low rales. The subscriber assures his customers, that bis arrangements for Retting Western Flour euaMo him to givo them better satisfaction or better bar gains than can be attained elsewhere. Being thankful for past patronage, bo hjpis to merit and contiue to receive the favor of the public generally. C. O. HAVEN. Market kjijuare, Suuburv, Marcl- 50, 1858. NOTICE. IN the matter or the settlement or Ihe estate Augustus Huoy, deceased, late or Shamoki township, Northumberland county. vuntii is nereuy given inai Alary jtuo ' widow and relict of saiddeteused. has 111 . her selection or the persoual property or said il erased, according to the act of Assemhly, ma and provided lor in such cases, w hich will proented to the Orphans' Court ror approval Monday, tbe Sih day or April next. W 1 1. 1.1 A M A M M E It M A N , AdminiairMo- Shamokin township, March 13, I85H 3t NETT CASH DET GOODS H0DSJ rr OPENING OF SPRING GOODS '.jj KYUK 1.ANDKLI-, Fourth k Arch !is 'il sr. now otlenng s lull stu-:k ul New Goods for Spring- of 1858 ! PASIIIONAB1.K SPRING GOODS, III.ACK rll.K!S, -it tn luetic, wltla, rHring Drm. Gooda, New Ptylc.. Miuwla, in all the Newest Styles, llritisli, French and American Chintsca, Ful .tnck of Ditfncalic Good.. Full Pluck n- Kurupeuu Gouda. N B. Hiireiiiiia in ?wtaiinbleGtwvl.daily recciv the Al.'CTIfN of New Verk and Phiuhlelelnu P. S MI.HUII.W IS, re invited loeiunn,,.-1 TKRMS Natl Cash and low pricea. Philadelphia, Muich 13, IWS. 3in3w. NOTIOE IN the matter or the settlement or the c Henry Frv, Sr., late or Shamokin lot TTO'liCE is hereby given that Ileal L widow and relict or ihe said decea: made her selection of the personal pro ssid deceased, according to Ihe act of A made and provided ror in such cases ! he presented to the Orphans' Court for oil Monday, the 5th day or April uexl, G. 11. CODE it, Admiae fchainokinlown, March 13th, I808. ALEXANDER KE UreaTla Waoii.ts i SALT, 131 SouM Wharvts, Philadelph ASUTON FINE. LIVERPOOL Aahtou and Star Mills Dairy assorte stanlly on hand acd ror sale in Iot Uade. N. B. Orders solicited. March 13,1858. 6m AUDITOR'S NOTIC (Ex creditors vs. The 8unbur; Waler Tower Company.) The appointed by the Court or Coiur Northumberland tountjr to report niake diatribution of tbe fond ari sale of Ibe real estate of l bs S3 ami Waler Tower Company, t IhoM entitled lo receive, will alien of his appointment at his office, i f 8nutury, on Wednesday, lb March, at 10 o'clock, A. M , wbei Inters. tJ are noticed to attend. JNO. KAV CLt.ME funb-iry. Match 13th, lS5i - sue seioou mere was muuc ang oaucinj