Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 20, 1858, Image 3

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    ra ths Bt. Lonls Democrat, Mart 10)
ct Malcei an Attempt to , Secure hit
iTorturet one nf tht Guards for
four UouriThe Guard Rescued
tagml'ht Convict ShotHit Dy
ifcssions. ict, named Hall, from Chicago, who
ving ont a second term, formed the
quiring his liberty in the following
ilo watched bis opportunity shortly
kfast. and when no other cuard was
I surrounding the cells except air.
lorn he knocked down and etnnned
e blow on the bead, then dragged
tie of the lower cell, tied Crabb's
ind bis back, fastened the cell door
of a stick of timber, previously pat
by some confederate, then drew a
from his bosom, assisted Crabb to
im agaics'.the door, and threatened
leath unless he was allowed to go
:t daring attempt was soon known,
tly brought Col. Buckmaster and
to the spot. The convict threat
) with instant death if any attempt
upon the door, holding bis knife
uplo of inches of Crabb's breaet.
is of on hour Col. Buckmaster ar.d
watched an opportunity to shoot
ere being but one opening in the
that quito small, he kept Crabb
between him and the opening, so
:d only be reached through Crabb's
Iters continued until noon, when
e some effort to open the door, but
a.ely cut severely in the hand by
.. During the day the convict
erms of submission to be a revol
by himscir, a full suit of citizen's
in money, and to be driven out
. close carriage, accompanied by
.lcli place as he should designate;
were of course inadmissible, lu
le, however, Colonel Buckmaster
lurJon from the Governor, to be
liscretion ; but up to 12 o'clock
) information of it bad been given
:t. All day the guards were on
) shoot tho scoundrel, but as he
fly declared that he would kill
was not instantly killed himself,
id to be taken, for fear he might
it iuto execution, Crabb had no
ver, the yard guards not being
irry any, uud hud nothing what
.d hitnaelf from the attack of the
clock this morning, Rutherford,
uperintendent, and Col. Uuek
leu, undertook to get into the
isoner by stratagem. Breakfast
e cull door iu vessels of larger
Unary, but the convict refused
oor uutil the hall was cleared,
. brief consultation, was done.
Fupcrintr ndent aud guards were
:l' the cull, but out of sight and
The convict slowly opuued the
lough to admit the food, when
i instiin tly insetted. The war
to Crabb, tho imprisoned guard,
i life, lie accordingly sprung
ng of the door, and at length
elf through, but not before be
y the convict niue times, seven
buck uud twice ou the arms,
ir victim was dragged out the
' the door again and refused to
s then given a fow minutes for
1 tho rebel was, after much
fort to get out of reach of the
the warden. The ball struck
elow the left ear, and glancing
under the skull. He fell iu
is dragged out of the cell, aud
i be dead, but soon recovered
. sensible as any iriun could
instances. After the convict
of the cell, his kuife, about
ong, with a double edge, was
cull, and on his person was
jther larger knife, with a blade
r. Crubb, the wounded guard,
ly taken to the hoppital and
ire examined and dressed by
he prison surgeon, and Alien.
;ns found to be twice perfora
ifo. The other wounds were
. After his wounds were
t quite comfoi table, and coo
lly. He expressed u sense of
condition, but was calm ar.d
vifo visited him about eleven
, and he bore himself with
i throughout the interview,
consider bis case very critical,
jhances are mueh against hit
vas laid on a maUraf j in tho
o said he hoped Crabb would
e next breath he said ho had
a the same fix he was iu liim-
rs was present, and endoav
to draw his attention to the
approach to death. He e.v
euce or remorse, but said he
od, if there was any, would
le sent for one of his coufed
ised bini to behave himself
ut, and not bring himself to
ore bi'iu.
ts aud passengers which came
o-day we learn other purticu-
at everything was done du-
surprise tho convict into a
t he was vigilaut and bloody
te's end to the other, and
from time to time, by prick
th the poiut of his kuife. It
i our dispatch at what time
d, but we learn from other
survived his wounds but a
' Mr. Buchanan's Cabinet is composed of
" men of weight." Howell Cobb is set aown
at 217 pounds, Got. hroma at 177, Secreta
ry Toucey at 166, Secretary Thompson at
ill, ana uov. nova bi ueu. "...
weigh nearly 200 pounds, although he in not
o nesny as ne was a lewyeara tinea.
ver active for one of bis acre, and walks to
tba Penartment of State almost every morn
itiff. with an overcoat, and with on elastic
Off a Struck, 13 Sorts are now making to
effect fair understanding between tho em
ployers and operatives of tho Orizaba Iron
Works, in Lawrence county, Pa. The hands
want " l'lttsburg prices and 1'ittsbnrg pay
that is cash. The employeis offer " l'itts
burg prices and tlorepay," and to the matter
stands at present.
New Advertisements.
By virtue of a writ of Ft. Fa. issued out of
ine Court or Common 1'leas of Northumber
land county, to me directed, will be exposed
to public sale, at the publio house of James
Covert, in Sunbury, on Saturday, the 3d day
or April next, at 2 o'clock, 1. M. : A cer
tuiii LOT Oli PIECE OF GROUND, sit
Bate in the borough of Suubury, Northumber
land county, bounded on the South by land
of Benjumin Hendricks; on tbe North and
on the West by lands of Charles Garingcr;
and on the East by (formerly the back lane
or street) now the Northern Central Railroad,
containing one half of an acre, more or less
all of which Is cleared. Seized, taken in
execution and to be sold ns tbe property of
ueocge jucjariy.
Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, )
Alarch 13th, 1858. j
AFFORDING uperior facilities for travel to New
Yoik,Iliilrlelph a, and lite Norlh and Wear, by con
flections nt rVrmitou Willi llie trains of the l)elu ware
Lnekownuna and Western ftiiiirnntl Company f also for
travel Smith and West over the Cattswissa, Williamsnort
mid Erie Railtuad and connect ins; trains
N- Y. Accommo- Pliilntl'a.
Muil. datiuu. Mail.
8 00 A.M. 8 10 P.M.
0 IS di 3 Hi) da
5 as dn 3 25 do
6 40 do 3 3.5 do
1 III do 3 55 do
7 05 do 4 OS do
7 SO do 4 IS do
8 111 do 4 3) dn
8 40 do 4 66 da
B SO do S OU do
0 15 do i HI do
J.iuie Ridge,
Hunch Haven,
Hench Uiove,
If unlock s Creek,
Arrive ul
West l'lt'tstoD)
Arrive ut
D 30 do
S 30 do
(I as
0 50
9 55
10 00
le u
1 45 P. M.
: ih
S 90
a au
S 45
3 UU
6 3S
6 SU
i 55
6 UU
a :iu
10 3d dn 8 15 do
30 do
The Nr w York Mail Train connects with the Emu...
going F.ust, on O. I.. c W, Railroad
Arrive in Nrw Yoik 7 15 1'. M.
do Philadelphia, by Cunulen le Ambciy Ruiltoad,
8 t-M) P. M.
Fnrefioin Rupert to New York 66 00. Daggngc check
ed through.
The uccommodntlou Train North, conned! at Scrnnton
with the Exjirau Tiaiu West, on the D. L. & W. Railroad.
1'iusl T
West 1'itlston,
Arrive ut
llunliKk's Cr'lc,
Reach Grove,
Itcnch Iluveu
Lime Ridge,
Arrived at
Phi la.
8 oo A. M
V IU do
6 Mil
8 31)
8 35
8 40
dation II 30 A. .M
II 45 do
11 UU M.
U 15 1' M.
12 30 do
12 40 do
N. V
4 OUP.M.
4 HI do
4 ai
4 :0
4 :5
4 40
9 00 do
t 00 do
6 00 do
10 40
10 50
11 05
II 15
11 45
11 SO
IS 1)0
111 10 P. M,
1-i 3U do
12 40 do .
13 50 do
6 00
a is
6 411
0 50
7 SO
T 40
7 55
8 15
8 45
0 1.0
0 IS
0 15 do
1 CO dn
The Philadelphia Mail Train irollirr !outh. connects with
the Muil Train tit Rupert, going Kiwt at I in P.M. far
CnttuwiMSd, Port Clinton. Pollsvi He Rending, &c, arriv
ing at Philadelphia, nt 8 23 P. M. Also with Muil Traill
going West nt 3 o'clock P. M. for Dunville, Milton, Muu-
i:)-, , iinuiiiFpori lino r.iiiion
can take the 11 o'clock v. M Kxpri
aud the Weft, or lodge nt HlooiiiKhurtz und take the 4 o1
clock A. M. Tram going East, arriving ut Phiuutelpeiu or
Uanuburg at Vi noun.
March 13, 1659. Om r-uperfuteiulent.
rs ! the 4 o'clock V. M. Train going South
lit o'clock P. M Express train for Ehnlra
fetate the Farmers' Bank of Sohnylkill
County, on Thursday Horning, March
n, 1&09.
CAPITAL il00,000.
.iiiKrs Clotiiikq. There has
month or two a Hev. gen
ighborhood, eays the Middle-
tlie i 7 lu lust., paBsuig Dim
me of lloffnittu, and fleecing
of several congregations, of
ard earnings. Tie professes
i Clergyman aud has a good
iresented himself as having
other baring been cut off by
ut this wolf in shceps cloth-
days visit at the house of
', in Centre township, was
vo two sound arms, the one,
very destriously bandaged
wearing a closely buttoned
3 whole, with the sleeve in
st arm loosely dangling by
was the dress managed that
complete. But alter the
was called to breakfast, Mr.
.h the assistance of a few
d him to "ground arm," and
after which he muds tracks
No doubt be is a consumale
en MfBDicRERS. Auderson,
rers of M ra. Uarber aud M rs.
tten a letter to the Itev.
stor of the African Church
t, requesting leave of that
ava Uis Doay, auer m uuaiu
.nrvinai irround attached to
uiui'jon preserves a studied
to tbe murders, lie says
J9 stutement of then iu bis
is now finished and in the
nri.narin!? it for publication.
bed for the benefit of bis
la la Lebanon. Richards,
r. takes matters Quite easy.
,n laying the whole blame
) dous uot seem to be in tbe
i,u nidation. The Trustoes
Lmch Lave refused Andcr-
You can supply yourselves with Chemical Manures,
warranted pure, which has been in successful use iu New
Jersey for the past Seven Yearn ihey have received the
DIPLOMAS of Few Jersey, New Yolk, Dekwure, and
Pennsylvunia Agricultural Societies, and have Lent used
by the President of the United Stalest on hie Uurilen and
on the Public Grounds, at Wushiugton, JJ. C , uud b the
following Gentlemen viz;
. Locke, Esq. )
A. P. Ijisher, ) ClabiejBoro' New Jersey.
J . L Reaves, ' j
Venator Kobvrtl, )
Win. Miller, of Cape Island, New Jersey.
Chus York, j
Then Mulford, Esq, Camden N.J, Pi. Hemes, Dr.
Knight, Mr. Field, .Mr Atkinson, aud Levi Johnson, all of
New Jersey ihey say it is the cheapest uud most reliable
Manure now iu t'se, being pennaneut nud improving the
laud by enriching the soil. It is suited to the Vuriouscrops
you raise Corn, Potatoes, Uruss, Wheat, Guts, are. Uy
enclosing a Check, on any New Jeisey or Philad'u. liaiik
or reference to any good House iu l'hilude.phia or iu ex
ehnnge for Produce, ut fair Murket rates here, your orders
will be tilled and Shipped to yon, free of Cartage expense.
UsiTEvery article sold by me it Guaranteed)
(Super Phosphate of Lime, fIO OU a ton.
JJoue Plioephute, 900 OU a "
American Fertilizer, en Uj a 11
Pure Bone Dust, (500 barrels now ready,) at tl 00 per
barrel or fc35, a ton.
Poudielte, No. 1 (500 barrels now ready,) at S3 to f
a barrel
Laud Plaster No. 1 1 000 barrels, at Slj to M auarrcl
Pot Ash, oil barrels
Peruvian, Patagonia uud Chilinn
No. SI ?outh FRONT Strejt, Philadelphia City, Pa.
lilt Al. DISCOUNT.
t's74 Pamphlets can be had ou arplication to my Office,
or of my Atruts.
March 13, IB58 3m550w.
KYRE LANDKI.L. Fourth JL Arch Sta. 1'hitid'a .
are now offering a full slo-.k of
New Goods for Spring of 1853 1
BLACK SILKS, 4 to 36 inches wide,
Spring Dress Goods, New Styles,
Shawls, in all the Newest Styles,
British, French and American chintzes,
Ful. stock of Domestic Goods,
Full Stock of European Goods.
N. B. Bargains in Seasotu!leGnd.dailv received from
the AUCTIONS of New Yerk and Phibddnhia.
r MMiOH.r is, are luvited tocxuiuiue the Sloe
TKHM8 Nett Cash and low prices.
Philadelphia, March 13, 1658 3m3w.
Dills dlsrnnntrd and loans,
teal l-tate.
Gold and Silver Coin,
Due by other rinnka,
Notes of other Danka,
44U 00
St4,ono 4
10,0110 00
SO, IH6 6V
80,6 14
Due to Depositors, 3,n!)(l 09
" other nanus, . o,.no n
1 11 Commonwaallh. 4.8H9 74
Notca in circulation, Ht,000 0
323,733 19
105,152 at
as lukon
1 certify the almve stntement to b correct
from the books of the Bank. .... ,. .
J, V. V.BSIIieri
Sworn and ubsctibed before me,
Jacob Heed, J. I . )
March 1.1, 1S5S.
A Farm nml Paw-Itllll
ED ON SHAKES, in possession of Albert
Wynn, on Pcnns creek, Limestone township,
Union county, with 820 acres fine timber land
adjoining. The saw-mill his beep much length
ened and Improved, and can saw 1500 feet or
more per day. The larm is called U)U acres,
with one orchard, and fields all vacant but 4
acres. To manago the whole well, the tenant
shouU have 3 or 4 good hands.
Inquire further of John Htees 1 unner, adjoin
ing the premises, 4 miles from Miillinbuig, or of
jriuuti dlll.m, owner.
Sunbury, March 6th, 1858. 3t
Estate of GEQ&GE DEWALT, Deceased
V OTICE to tho hcira and legal representatives
' of George Dewrtlt, late of Delaware town
ihlp, Northumberland county, deceased :
Take notice that by virtue of a rule granted
by the Orphans' Court of aaid county, at January
Term, A. D. 1858, you, and each of you are
rcqutred to be and appear al an Orphans' Court,
to be held at Sunbury, in and for said county, on
tlio first Monday of April next, and accept or
refuse the real estate of said deceased nt the
valuation thereof, fixed by an inquest, held upon
tho same' on the 81th day of December, 1857. or
show cause why the same should nut be sld.
JAMI'.a YAIMJVKC, eherilt.
Sheriffs office, Sunbury, March 6lh, 1858.
IN the mailer of the settlement of the estate of
Henry FrT, Sr., lata of Shamokintown.
VTOTICB is hereby given that Hester Fry,
widow and relict of the said deceased, has
made her selection of the personal property of
aatd deceased, according to the act of Assembly,
made and provided for in such cases which will
be presented to the Orphans' Court for approval.
ou Monday, the ntn day or A pru next,
G. H. CODEK, Administrator.
Shsmolintown, March 13tb, 185831
IN the matter of tba settlement of the estate of
Augustus Huoy, deceased, late of Shamokin
township, JNottbUBiberland county.
TV OTIC K ia hereby givan that Mary Huoy
J widow and relict of said deceased, bas made
tier selection of tha personal property of said de
ceased, according to the act of Assembly, made
and provided for in such cases, which will be
presented to tha Orphans' Court for approval on
Monday, int am asy oi April nen.
Shamokin lown.bip, March 13, 1858. 3t
NOTICK is hereby given that the follow
ng named persons huve filed their petitions
n the Prothonotary'8 Oflicc, aud tbut they
will apply to the Dcxt Court of tjuarter Ses
sions of the Peace of Northumberland county
for License for Taverns and llestaurouls, &c.
Simon Snvder. petitions for tavern license
in Lower Mahanoy township, on stand.
Charles Ltenniuger, petitions lor lavern li
cense in Shainokintowu an old stand.
John Bower, petitions for tavern licenso in
Sbntnokin township at his old stand.
Friling & Grant, petition for license for sol
ling spirituous, nud viuous liquors in tho l$o-
rougn ol bunuury.
Edward tiass, petitions lor resiaurauv n
cense in the borough of Sunbury at his old
I'oter Yeoeer, petitions for tavern Iiceuso
in Coul township ut his old etund,
William S. Snvder, petitions lor tavern n
censo, in dorilan lownsuip ni ins new bibuu.
Win. A. Coveit, petitious for tavern license
in Suubury an old stand.
Darnel Kramer, petitions lor tavern license
in Uumeron townthip at bis old bland.
Duiiifc! lleim, petitions lor tuvetu license
in Uppor Muhanoy at bis old stand.
Abraham ltothnrmel, petitious for tavern
licenso in Lower Mahunoy township nt bis old
lleurv B. Wearer, petitions for tavern li
cense iu Trevorton ut his old slaud.
l'oler Weikel. petitions for tavern license
in Cameron township at his old stand.
Ilenrv 11. Hoop, petitions for tavern li'
cense in Point township an old stand.
John 14. Weist, petitions lor tavern license
in Jordan township ut his old staud.
John Nusbit, petitions tor tavern license
in Shamokin township at his old Btand.
lMias weist, petitions lor tavern license in
Lowur Muhuuoy township at his old stand
J I). Kice, petitions lor tavern license in
Mt. Carmel township at his old stand.
ltobort It. Porter, petitions lor tavern li
cense iu tho town ol SuuBiouiu at ins old
U S. Drown, petitions for taveru licenso iu
Northumberland at his old stand.
John M. Ilepperliiig, petitions for restaur
ant license iu Northumberland at his old
Charles Weaver, petitions for tavern li
cense in Suubury at his old stand.
Mary uoodmun, petitions lor restaurant li
cense iu Turbut township ul her old stand.
W illiam M. w eavor petitions lor tavern
license, in tho town of Shamokin, at bis old
Charles Culp, petitions for license to sell
nuor in quantities no less than a gallon, in
Mt. Caruiel township at his old stand.
Elizabeth Sticker, petitions for tavern li
codse in Milton at her old stand.
Surah J. Davidson, petitions for tavern li
cense in Turbut township an olu stand.
Elius Scboller, petitions lor tavern license
in Jordan towushp at his old stand.
A. 11. lilair, petitions for tavern license in
Milton at his old Btand.
Henry F. lloush, petitions for tavern lb
cense in Mt. Carmel at his new stand.
Wm. 11. Lercb. petitions for license to sell
plntous and vinous liquor in Alt. Carmel
Daniel Herb, petitions for tavern license in
Upper Mahanoy township at his old stand.
John Schminkey, petitiaus for tavern lb
cense in Upper Muhanoy at bis old stand.
Abraham Lerch, petitions lor tavern li
censo in Mt. Carmel un old stand.
Elius limerick, petitious fur tavern licCDse
in Lower Augusta at his old stand.
Benjamin Kuauss & John McWilliams, pe
il lions fur tavern license iu Trevorton at hi
old stand.
Elizabeth Raker, petitions for tevern li
cense in Little Mahanoy al her old stand.
l'cter llunselmon. petitions for tavern lb
cense in the borough of Northumberland at
bis old stand.
John M. Huff, petitions for tavern license
in Milton at his old stand. '
J. U. Smith, petition for tavern license in
Jackson township at bis old stand.
t T . r a I!
oacoo ieiseoring, petition tor tuveru li
cense in Sbamokto township, at uis 01
Michael Wilvert, petitions for tavern li
cense in Sunbury at his old slaud.
Mathias D. Doner, petitions for tavern li
cense in Juiltta Mauanoy township at his old
Samuel A. Burkenbein, petitions for res
taurant liceuse at Northumberland,
Godfrey B. Eebock, petitions for tavern li
cense in Washington township at hia old
stand. '
Henry Haas; petitions for tavern license in
Northumberland at hia old stand.
William Farrow, petitions for tavern li
cense in Shamokin township at his old stand.
John II. Adam, petitions ror tavern intense
in Upper Mahanoy, at bis old stand.
David Herr petitions for tavern license in
the borough of Milton, at bis old stand.
Jacob II. Erost petitions for tavern license
in Turbut township, at bis new staud.
Thomas Search petitions for tavern license
in Cbilisquaque township, at his old stand.
Joseph Harris petitions for restaurant in
the borough of Milton.
William Fisher petitious for restaurant in
the borough of Milton.
William A. Bruner petitions for license
to sell spirituoas and vinous liquors in tbe
Protbonotary'a OWce, 1
, Sunbury, March 6, 1858. j
rT virtue of suudry writs of Ysxuitiosi Ex
- romsand writs of Lkvihi Facias, issued
out of the Court of Common l'leas of Northum
berland county, to me directed, will be exposed to
public sale, at the Court House, in Sunbury,
on MONDAY, the 5th of APRIL, next, at 1
o'clock, V. M., tha following described property
to wit I
Etateef the Eatk of Northumberland,
on Afternoon, March 3d, 1858.
Capital Stock, . - . 400.000 00
Notes ia circulation, . ve,a7 07
Profit and Uisa, . - ' - 7,308 911
Dividends unpaid, ?1H 70
Discounts, Exchange and Interest, 6,ltM 4V
Due other Hanks, 6,104 SO
' Depositors, ... a,37 8
1375,897 03
Dills nisconnted k Loans 811,111 4
repiisvlvanla ftats Ixan, ... 31,710 19
Northumlierland Jtank Stock, ... 4, n-10 00
Other Stocks, .... 1,850 00
Real Kstnte, 8.1109 00
Current expense and Protest account, . S,2il TO
Due by City Hanks, . . M,IHM7
" " Country UnlikS. . s l'l.(H)7 69
Notes of other banks, ... ,5 00
Cash Items. .... 71
Specie In Vaults, 41,638 4
tfAJlOT Di
I Certify the almVe It a true exhibit from the Hooks nf
ine uault ol KoriniimiierlBtHl.
J. R. rniF.9TI.KY, CnsMer.
Pworn and subscribed before u.e this 3d tier of Match
A. d. law.
(Hicnetl) JOHN CAKE. J. P.
March 0, leiS
State orsimnioklii Hank on Thcs-
Quy niornliiffi llIArcli and, 1S5S.
Due from City Rankers,
Specie ill Vault,
Loans anil Piseounta, , .
Notes of other Ranks, . ,
Cash items N. Y. sight drafts,
Profit and Loss, , , .
SO Sin 07
e,771 M
oiwi ou
0.1.1 III
agouti oo
8 IS
Notes In Circulation,
Due other Ranks Nothing,
Capitul Stock, ,
72 073 SO
33.773 00
fila ill
38.350 00
873.1173 liO
I certify tha above Statement to be correct as taken
from the liaoksof the Dunk
DAN'I.. A. RORlNSON.Jr., Cashier.
Sworn and subscribed before me. this 2nd duvof Mnicli.
Mnrch 6, 1R58.
All those two contiguous, certain tracts or
parcels of lahd, situate in Chiliquaque township,
Northumberland county, containing 40 acres,
nioro or less, all of which is cleared, and bounded
on the North by lanJs of Daniel Koch, on the
South by a public road leading from Milton to
Danville, hast by lands of Daniel Koch and
William Vitzer, and on the West by lands of
Frederick O. Feidler and William Iiurkhammer.
dee'd. ; whereon arc eroded a small frame dwell
ing house, a barn, small orchard, Ac. Seised,
taken into execution, and to be sold as the
property of Andrew Keller.
Also, at the same time and place, two certain
contiguous lots of ground, situate in the town
of Mount Carmel, in Mount Carmel township,
Northumberland county, and numbered in the
general plan of said town No. I & 2, in tilock
No. 22, being each about 25 feet in front and
about 130 feet in depth, Urfunded on the Norlh
by Mount Carmel street, on the South by Cherry
alley, on the West by Oak stiret, and on the
East by lot No. 3, irt said block No. 22, whereon
are erected a two storv frame hoiis? and kitchen
and a frame stable. Seized, taken in execution,
and to be sold as the property of David i. Lewis.
Also, at tho same tune and place, a crlain
tract, piece or parcel of land, situate in Point
township, Northumberland county, bounded and
described as follows, to wit: Uesinninn at a
post, thence by lahd late of John Cowden, North
40 degrees, Last, 210 perches to a whitcoak.
thrmeby land late of William A. Llovd, North
50 degrees West, 041 prrChcs trt a post; thence
by lands la'.e of James Kay, South 40 degrees
West, 2101 perches to three posts; thence by
land late of Philip Frick, South SO degrees
East, 04 J perches to Iho place cf beginning.
Containing 124 acres and 28 perches, (it being
the same tract ol land which Ueorgc L'ckertsolil
and conveyed to John William Stamm.) About
US acres of which are cleared whereon are
erected a two-story frame house, a 1 story log
house, and bam part log and paft frame, an
orchard and a well ol water, &Ci Seized, taken
in execution, and to be sold as the nronettv of
Johtk William tanim.
Also, at the same time and place, all the rtla'c,
right, title and interest of William L. Holfcii
stein, of, in. and to, all that cert. in messuage or
body ef coal lands, embracing the Locust Moun
tain, situate formerly in Shamokin, now Coal
towmhip, in the county of Northumberland, in
the Mute of rennsylvania, hounded and described
as follows, to wit: Adj lining on the North by
lot No. fi, thence by land of now, or formerly of
If. II. llowcll end others, and land formerly of
William Tiiinlinson, afterwards of 13. If. How
ell and others, thence by allotment No. 8, thence
by the Mahanoy Mountain, containing 1874
acres and 70 perches, strict measure, (being
the same premises which Archibald Mclntyre
and wife, by two certain indentures, one of them
dated the 28th day of February, A. D., 1851,
and the other dated the day of the date hereof,
but executed and delivered before this present
indenture, and which the said Daniel Mclntyre,
by indenture, also dated the day of the date
hereof, but executed and delivarcd beforo this
present ii. denture, granted slid conveyed unto
said William L. Hellenstein, hia heirs and ss
signs.) Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of William L. llelfcnslcin.
Also, at the sume tune and place, all lh
extatr, right, titlo and interest of William L.
llclfenstcin, of, and in, to, all thnt certain mes
suage, tract or body of Coal lands, embracing the
Locust Mountain, situate formerly in Shamokin,
now Coal township, in the county of Northum
berland, in tho State of Pennsylvania, bounded
and described as follows, to il : Ailjoi'iing on
tho North by lot No. 6, thence by laud surveyed
in the name of George Colruin, now, cr forme: ly
Messrs, lloyd & Company, and land formerly cf
William Tomlinson, afterwards of Messrs. U yd
Si Company, thence by allotment No. 8, thence
by Mahunoy Mountain. Containing 174 acres
and seventy perches, strict measure. (Ucing the
same premises which Archibald Mclntyre and
wife, by two certain indentures, one of them
dated the 26th day of February, A. D., 1851,
and the other dated tha day of the date hereof,
but executed and delivered before this present
indenture. and which Daniel Mclntyre, by inden
ture, also dated the day of the dale hereof, but
executed and delivered before this present itideo
ute, granted and conveyed unto the said William
L. Helfenstein, his heirs and assigns.) Seized,
taken in execution, and to he sold as the projicrty
of William L. llclfenstcin.
Also, at the same lime and place, the unuivi
ded third part of all that certain messuage, tract
or body of coal lands, embracing the Locust
Mountain, situate formerly in Shamokin, now
Coal township, in tho county of Northumberland,
bounuotl and described ss follows : Adjoining on
tha North by lot No.6, thence by land surveyed
in the name of George Colrain, now U. II. How
ell and others, and land formerly of William
Tomlinson, now 11. II. Hewell. thence by allot.
ment number 8, thenea by tha Mahsnoy Moun
tain. Containing 1H74 acre and 70 perches,
strict measure. (Being sundry tracts and parts
of tracts of Und, surveyed on wai rants bearing
data tha 15th day of March, A. D., 1703. aranted
unto Lumund Hull, James llrMr, Thomas Gner,
James Jenkins, Hichard Salmon, tfichard Man
ning aud Thomas Foster, and also, parts ei two
tracts, surveyed on warrants bearing date the
30th day of November, A. D., 1830, granted to
Daniel llrautigam and James Hepburn, and
allotted to Valentine Urobst as number 7, ao
Cording to a certain partition of 25 tracts of
land cammonly called " 1 he Grant Lands ,' and
being the same undivided third part which Ar
chibald Mclntyre aud wife, by deed, dated the
28th day of February, A. D., 1851, granted and
conveyed unto William L. Helfenstein, his heirs
and assigns. Seized, taken in execution, and
to be sold as the property of William L. Helfen
stein. . .
Also, at tha same time ana place, tha follow
ing described TKACT rtV LAND, commonly
called "The Mclntyre Lands," via: The two
full, e)ual and undivided third part of, aud in
a certain tract of 100 acres of coal land, em
bracing the LoCust Mountain, situate formerly
In Shamokin, iow Cosl township, in the county
of Northumberland, ar.d Plate of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described aa follows, to wit (Ad
joining on tha North by lot No. 8, thence by
lands surveyed in the nam of George Colrain,
now Messrs. Boyd (f Company, and lands for.
merly of William Tomlinson. now Messrs. l3ovd
& Compsnv, thence by allotment No. 8, thence
by the Mahanoy Mountain, containirg 1874
acres and 70 perches, strict measure, (being
sundry tracts and parts or tracts of land, sur
veyed on warrants bearing dale on the 15th day
of March, 1793, granted unto Edmund Hull',
James Grler, Thomas drier, J a hies Jenkins,
Richard Salmon, Kichard Manning and Thomas
roster and also, parts of two tracts, surveyed
on warrants bearing date the 30th day of No
vemlier, 1830, granted to Daniel Urauti(iatn and
Janres Hepburn, and allotted to Valentine
Urobst as No. T, according to a certain partition
ot 23 tracts ol laud, commonly called the "Grat't
Lands.1' Seized, taken in execution, and to bo
sold aa the properly of The l'hiladcli hia &
Sunbury Railroad Cutnpany.
At the same time and nlnce. bv virtue of n
certuin writ of Lrvari Ftiriat, to mo direc
ted, will be exposed to public sale the follow
ing tlcsctihpil pieces, parcel, and lots of
ground, situate in the boronch of Sunhurv.
and county of Northumberland, aforesaid,
moro particularly described as follows, to
wit: All that large two story brick House
and four lots of triound. sittmlo in the bor
ough of Sttnbury, aforesaid, bounded on the
West by Broadway j on the South fcy Sim
niokin street ; and East by River nl ley, and
which four lots are numbered 61. (12. G3. and
64 in tho general plan of said borough ; also,
all those two lots of ground, situate and being
in the borough of Sntibury, afore? aid, bounded
on tho North by Shnmokin street , on the
South bv Unrberrv nllev ! nml nn tlm Wnt
by property of the heirs of Oeorge Weitzcl.
inumoerea in tue genentl plan of snid bor
inch C7 and 68: also, all those fir lots nf
ground, situate und being iu the liorough of
buubury, aforesaid, numbered in the general
plan of enid borough, 93, 04, 25, 00 ar.d 07 ;
also, nil thnt out-lot of ground, situate iu the
borough of Sunbury. aforesaid, k nnwn in thn
general plan ofout-lots as number 59, bcund
ed by lot No. 5, by a 30 root alloy, njid by
Shamokin crock, contuiuing 4 acres and 144
perches be the same, more or loss ; also nil
those other 2 out-lots, in the said borough or
Sunbury, known in the general plan oout
lots as numbers 50 and 57, containing, to
geiher, 10 acres and 36 perches ; and also,
all that other out-lot of ground, situate and
being in tho said borough tr Sunbury, in the
nook, bounded by the 8homokin creek, other
ont lots or Charles Hull, deceased, and
James Smith, containing 13 acres be the
same, moro or less. Seized, taken in execu
tion, and to be sold as the properly or Jacob
U. Masser. with notieo to Ira T. Clpnmnt
John Haas, A. Diefenderfer, A. Hoover,
John Clark, William L. Dewurt. F. "W.
Hughes aud John liowcrt.
ALSOt At the saino tinio nnd ulnco. a
certain Tract or piece or Land, situate in
Cumeron township, county,
containing 30 Acres more or less, nearly nil
of which is clenred, whereon aro erected a
frame Dwelling House and Stable bounded
on mo easi uy inna ol John long, west and
norm oy lanu oi reter Weikel and south by
land of Charles Ileuiiintrnr. Seizod taken in
execution nnd to be sold as the property of
Charles 11. Weikel and Jacob Hillman.
8hpri(Ts oflicc, Sunbury, I
March Oth, 1853. (
In the Ciini t of
Common Pleas of
I Norlh'd. Co.. No,
J.. Iov. 'l e in,
1857. Writ ol
Alexander Jordan 1
William Davis and Geo.
F. Lee, Executors of Thos.
Davis, f I'hila., deceased,
and also Trustees of the
widow and heirs of said
deceased, and Joseph War
ner, of Philadelphia, and
Wm. McCarty, of Sunbury. J
In pursuance of an order and decree of the
Court of Common Pleas of said county, will be
exposed to public sale, at the Couit Hoiibc. in
Sunbury, on MONDAY, the 5th day of APK1L,
next, at 12 o'clock, AL, lots Nos. 4M. 415, 414.
437, 438 and 850, in the town of Shamokin, as
laid out by McCarty, Davis, Warner and Jordan.
Conditions of sale will be made known on the
day of sale.
James Vandyke, sheriff
elierill s oflicc, Suubury.
marcli tth, 1N58.
IUlKyh. is hereby given that list: sevornl
- " courts ot uominon l'leas, t u neral Quarter
Sessions of the peace, and Opihana' Court. Court
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,
in and lor tlie county ol Northumberland, to
commence at the Colli I llcue, in the borough ol
Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. AL on Monday, the
Sihdavof A PHIL, next, and will continue TWO
Tha coroner, Justices of the Peac e nnd consta
bles in and for the county of Northumberland, tire
requested to be then and there in their proper per
sons, villi their rolls, records, iii'iiii-iliong, and
other remembrances, to do those, things to their
several cilices appertaining to be done. And nl-
witnesscs prosecuting :n behalf of tho Commonl
wealth against any prisoner arc uho requested and
commanded to be then and there attending in their
proper jiersons to prosecute Bir.iinst him, as shall
be just and hot lo depurt without leuve ut their
peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their
attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to
their notices.
Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 1st day
of March in the year of our I. on) one thous
and eigh' hundred and fiAy-eiylit and the
inucpenuence oi me unite j dales ut America
the 82d.
God save the Commonwealth.
JAMES VA.NDY li K. shei iff.
Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, )
March 6, 1858. 5
Market Street, Sunbury Fa.
FlllIK subscriber respectfully informs the citi
aens of Sunbury, and the public generally,
mat lis naa purchased, and will take possession
of thn above well known stand on the 1st of
dptil next, formerly kept by Airs. Thompson.
x nai ne win put tlie ssnto in complete repair.
n addition he will provide a conveyance to carry
passengers to and Irom tlie dillorent Kailroad de
pots, and will leave no e flirts untried to render
his hotel a desirable stopping pines for guests and
travelers. JOHN LtlSKK,
February 20, 1858.
FEBEUAEY 20, 1858.
isr rercivru ny itatireoti anniner lot rt
" choice nnd tlestrnblc goods coiioistinrj in par
ol fancy JJelanes new styles, black and raney
Silks beautiful ATndder Prints at 0, 8 and 9
tents ier yard Persian Dcbcge 12 J cents Plain
Delaiics 12 cents 3G inches wide unbleached
Muslin fi cents Aha 1 Dot) yards Aluslin-ilif-ferenl
wi.lths and qualities French Cloths, Cns-
slmeres, Snliuett, Kentucky Jean Ac, at exceed
ingly low prices And we call particular atten
tion to our Slock of Fresh Groceries, feeling as
sured that their quality and our price will render
entire satisfaction
coma one comu all1
Examin" our goods and learn our prices, our
stock presents a lare and varied assortment, en
abling purchasers to make a good selection to the
best advantage.
In conseqtince of the advanced state of the Win
ter, we will commence frcm Ibis date to Sell our
entire stock of Ready Alade Clothing Ulankets,
Tinier Hosiery, and a very luce assortment of
Ladies Shawls nt greatly reduced prices Now
is the time to secure good bargains.
E. V. ItKK.lI r & SON.
Sunbury, February 20, 1858.
K. C. CIIKSKBRnUatt. ISAAC c. rsAR$ ft
Commission Merchants and Dealers in
Ao. 6, iV. Water tt., 3 doors uboi e Market,
ave constantly on hand an assortment of
Dried and Pickled rish, &c, &c.
Alackcrel, I Codfish,
Salmon, Beef,
Shad, Pork,
Feb. 27, 1858. 3m.w.
Butler, Ac
A Card lo the Public.
J. F. 8c I. F. KIsINE,
Kline's Grove, Norlltwulerland County, Fa.
TVTE havo determined from the publication of
' this notice to sell at greatly reduced prices
for CASH our stock of Goods, computing
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, liueeiiswarc,
Boots and Shoes, Hats and Cnps, Medicines, &c,
and all goods usually kept in a country store.
Being desirous of quilling the 1umiicss we will
dispose of our stock of Goods on or before the
31st day of March, 1858, to a person or persons
wishing to embark in the business on favorable
terms. The situation is a good one for doing an
extensive mercantile trade.
For furlher particulars call personally upon
the subscribers, or address them by mail.
J. F. 4. I. F. KLINE.
Kline's Grove, Pa., February Oth, 1853.
Po ynu wish to find g;rxj employment, nml m:ike mn
wilh little or no investment, and wiilmut intcri'trn g with bushiest? If you do, rcaU thi advertise
C. K TODD A CO.. of 303 Droome Phret, Nw York
nie uinu ufa during nurt selling inussivr gold lYm-ili for j
t-m-h, (which nre cheap nt llmi price,) mid t !) throw in a
Ht or prieu with euch Pencil, worth from Si up to 3( IU
l.r, su.!n, yo, &o. 73, itw, yuu, nun win. Don't cry out,
lummig : Lxittery ; ' u 110 uut ji iiiutg l he rcnciis
are .kl nt tmnr eush value, and ull the prowls over the
first cost art thrown into the if is, which Hctnnlly coat
tlie purchaser nothing. The prists ore distributed on ft
simple plun of druwing, which would tnke too much room
to expluui, but which baa never ftiiltd to give complete
CHtiKluctiou We huve drawn and lent to purchnstis 1K1
gold wutches of Vwious pi ices, 74 purses of gold drillers,
ii-1 gold lookers, K3U gold chains, uud a C'rtespondiitgnuiii
uer uf other prizes, within two uiomlis.
liut every puicbnter drnws o prize worth 2 certuin, and
us tan:n tliouwuuls 01 chances to he n hiirhrr itnre.
we wunt agiMKt ugeni in every neiuhtiniHoii mrougn-
ont the country; to Solicit purchasers, uud miy ngt nt, to
he sticcessl'ul, must have a Pencil and pure t exhibit.
We pay agents SI cash for ertrh purchaser he obtains, nnd
the first person in tiny i.eicMnMliond who np plies for a
Pencil ami gift will leeeive the ngeiiey tor that l-cality
Should un ugent ohtiiin a vuluiihle prize to rxlnbit will)
his rencil. he wouM tmve little difhctiity in oiitnmuur
coies of purchasers, uud making it a pnylng business.
.4 Xctv Meat Head!! Head!.'!
We auk nobody toeud their money till thev know what
piize ihey draw. Any lunly wiahiito trv their luck, can
lirxt senu us their imtue aim ruiorcss, ana we win jikiko
their drmvipg and inform them by return mint what prize
they drew, when ihey cun send on andt:ike the Pencil und
piize, or not, whichever they choose. e t;ive 11ns pu
vilegu only niu-e to 11 ptirchaser. A'ter the fubt drawing
every purchaser will le rtijiurtitlo sa-ii in mivunce
Hiromih llie au'Jionzeit ngent. wewm senti won eaca
drnwioc the nuiubcr taken out, with full description of
the plan of drmt trig. A J dress
,02 Broom b'trcet, AVw Yorl:
January P, 1S5.
A. A.1IAYL3, M, D.,'
Atmytr to thi Statt of Mus.mchui-ttt.
Gifftiut CnABACTan. A light )e!lowifi
brown-ColorcJ si iiit, having a fraraut edoi ;
when evnf onla fioin clean linen it Uift no oil or
olftrislv fnattcn AnalyxeJ tot volatile ami fix
ed Orugs, of which 110 tracts of any kind were
found. Its color is proved to le due to a colored
rosin an extract derived from wood.
In ever? rrsi ecl it is a pure spirituous iitmor.
J lie irngrnnc or boacUct which It pMsessss
can bo iseluted , and it then appears unhU that
from Cognac llrsmly or Wine, Iwinrr a fruit es
sence rcsiiliinir from a peculiar fomentation if
t-atawbn and Isshella Grapes.
CiiKMtfit Ciiaravich. 1,000 ports in vo!
nine of spiiit cnMnms at 60 deg F. 461 8.
10 parts nf pine ulcnhnr, besides the frsirrmit oil.
1,0 HI parts of the spirit afTurd 23 parts of a strong
fnlulioii of the oil which Clmracteib.cs this Lran
dy ; the spirit Ufi, ufler removing the oil, is pure
and odorless, and in ull its qualiliis a perfect apt.
rit not subject to charge. On U. 8. gnllon tit
this Uramly at CO deg. I', contains, besides thn
spirit and oil, only 2!i0 gra. of matter compoed
of ex tract of fruit, gum, and col(d rcsio from
iJosrnx. Jnnrinry SS, 1958,
Dr. CO.YE, Mnto Inspector of Olro. aJ Td-'.
Jss. II. Chilton. Cliemisl, ol Mew York, both
pronnnure this to be lire Urandy, and free frot
all adiilteru'.inn.
For Molieinal pnrnosos Lyon's Catawha n ran
dy has no tival. and has long been needed to m
pcrscde Ihe poisonous comiounds sold tinder Iho
iiame of llrandy. As a bevcrauo. the tiure arliclo
is nltnnether superinr. and a sovereicn sure reme
dy far Dyspepsia, Flatulency,, Low Spirits, Lan
guor, licnernl Utliility, f) e. AC.
LLG C'll AM PA OA 12.' These wines nie made
'n the nrighboihood of Clnciunali, nnd are Riiar
anticd to be the pure juice, of the Orapv, and arrt
emiuently calculated for invalids and persons
who require a gonllc stimulant, and fur sacramen
tal purposes.
ltctsil price $1 2.r pe r boltle. A liberal dis
count inailu to tho trade. Dealers w ill please
send their orders to the sole agent for Aorlhum
bcrlaud county
Dnitrgist, Milton, Pa.
February, SO, I8D8. 3m.
Administrator's Notice.
IOTICE is hereby given, lhat lottcra of A J
minisliation, on the estate of Augustus
Hury, late of Shamokin township, Northumber
land county, dcccaecd, have been granted to the
subscriber. All persons interested will lake no
tiee that he will be at the residenio of Ihe widow
of said deceased, on Thursday the Kith day of
Apiil next, when and where all persons having
claims against said estate are requested to make
known the same, and persons knowing Ihein
Belves indebted, are requested to make pnyu.cnl
without ilelav.
of Augustus lluey, deceased.
Shamokin township, Feb 13, 1808. Ct
r"MHE subscribers respectfully inform the citi---
zens of Sunbury und vicinity that they have
commenced the above business a few doors above
the Post Office, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa.
Worlt of all kinds in their line of business will
be done promptly and neatly on the most rea
sonable terms. CLEMENT &. OYSTEH.
Fcbruay 13, 1858.
10 tcr Barrel.
'j HE subscriber respectfully informs the citi
A zens of Sunbury and vicinity that he has juct
received a supply of I'LOl'lt, w hich he is oll'i ring
at wholesale or retail from $3 40, !j6 Si$ to
6 per Uarrcl. He'olso selh some as low as
70 cts. per quarter, all of which he YVA hi
lt A NTS to be Good.
CANLLKS for salo, wholesale or retuil.
Thankful for past patronage ho hopes to con
tinue to merit the same.
Market St , Suubury, Pa.
February 27, 1S38.
lOK trial in the Court ot Common Pleas of
Northumberland County, to be held at Suu
bury, oh tha first Monday of April, 1858.
rtilSTHTS. DliriXDASTS. '
Isaac Drown Vs John S Pclcrman
U.iSnith'aex r. va Chas. G.Dounel'a Adui'r.
reter Dickson
John Dowcn
Alexander CoH,
Martin Weaver
James Eager,
Wm K Maria
Leib for Jammer vs Sunbury Canal $ W. P. Co.
vs same,
vs Shaffer & Co.
vs J. 11. Manser,
vs John A Llovd,
s Win. McCarty et al
vs James Vandyke,
vs J li Masser
vs same
Henry VVeise,
John Cooper,
Silas Wolverton,
John J. Hose
James M alone
Wm Louax, Ac
G M Flemming
K F limlv Ac
vs Thos. tjauingardiier.
vs John Bums et al
vs Fianct Egleinan,
vs II. II. Masser,
t Phila A Sunbu'v RHC'u
Wrfl L Helfenstein,
&e., vs Win L Uelleiistein
va same
Win J Mc'yandlesa 4-Co va Wm C'onnsr
Peter Y crier vs Jonss Holiner
John Culhbert v Thomas FrancU ir.. ct al
OjJU'e in Macket St., opposite the Court House,
Collections made and Professional Pusinees
generally attended to Promptly and Carefully.
PuiLiDrariii litrEUExcc :
Bullilt If Fairthorne, Diehl 4- Wcrlz,
Davis 5l Pirney, F. Tyloi & Ce.
Huubury. June 20, 1P5T.
Tho Commonwealth of ronn3yv-orihr.
To Joseph T.iausawout,
Teter Haughawout, John Haur'.,awout, Nancy
intermarried with Wm. II. 'lose, Elizabeth in
termarried with Esau,ell, Mary Haugha
wout widow of Lcffort llnughawoiit, dee'd and
Mary Ila113lmw01.1t and Ephraim l.vt'e guardian
of John J., Jane, l'.phraini L. and Mary
E. Haughrmout, minor children pf said Lefl'ert
Hauyhav.out dee'd, Chrislnpher Haughawout
Isaac Haughawout, Jackton Haughawout, Cal
in Haughawout, Dewitl Haughawout und Tlie
odo"ia intermnrricd nitli Looc Hewitt, heirs nnd
legal representatives of John Haughawout doe'd,
and to ail other persons interested.
Ijiil.t. 1 I.Mj !
ITcrthiTmbcrlaricl County, bs.
Y'ou and each of you are
hereby cited to be and appear before tho Judges
of our Orphans Court, at an Orphans CoUrt 10
be held for said county the Cril Monday of April
next, and then and there accept or rePjse tJ take
the real estate of the said John Haiighawouf at
the valuation placed upon it by an inquest held
thereon the 20ih day of Deceuilwr 1 80, or i!nw
eaufe why the same tliall not be sold. And
hereof fail nol !
Certified from tllo records of our soij Orphmi's
Court at Sunbury, this Uth day of January, A.
D., 1868., Thos. V. Graht Dept. Clk. (). C.
Th above named heirs and Legal 'epresenta
lives will please take notice of Iho ubnve rule.
SherifTs Oince, Sunbury, i
February 20, 1858 J
Estate of George Brosious, deceaserl.
KJJ OTICE is horeby given to the heiis or legal
15 representatives of George Urosious, late of
Georgetown, in Lower Mahonoy township, Nor
thumberland county, Pennsylvania, decensul)
that by vittueof an alias wtit of Partition aiid
Valuation isaued out of Ihe Orphans' Coutt of
said county and to me directed, on inquest will
be held at liic late residence of said deceased, in
Georgetown, on MONDAY', the Siind day of
March, next, at 10 o'clock A. M.,lor the purpose
of making partition of tho Peal Estate of said
deceased, to wit: of five ceitoin tracts of land,
and four and half lots of ground in Georgetown,
aforesaid, ono Limestone lot, and five Islands
situate in Ihe river Susquehanna in Lower Muho-.
noy township, Northumberland county, aforesaid,
between tbo heirs or legal representatives, and
the widow of said deceased. At which time and
place you may attend if you think proper.
Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, 3
January 30, lg8. J
James Rice
John Creech
C Kram fur Nagla
Alfied K Fiska
Isaac Brown
Charles Fidlcr
Isaac Brown
John Mutry
Deborah Huzzy .
Keubad Fagety 1
J. & W Kolboch
va Geo A heeler
vs William Fagely
vs David 6'larich et al
vs Sun Sc Erio It. K. Co
va Thstnal H. Btaddcri
va William Houjit
vs John S Patermaa,
vs A 15 Longshore
vs Jos H oil man's adm'r.
va Kace 4- Beed,
vs Jesse Kice
va Francis O'Donnel,
vs George Coarad.
William Filman
Henry Masscr'a ex'ra
r- 1 1 v, ... "V
buubury, March 0, 1858
Estate of HENEY FRY, tea. dee'd.
ftJOnCli i hereby given lhat letters of ad-lnini'-.rMion
have been granted to the sub
scriber jn tht estate of Henry Fry, sen. lute of
Co.' township, Northumbcrlaiidlcouiity, doceascd
jil persons indebted will please make immediate
psyinent and those having claims will present
them duly authenticated for 'settlement.
GEORGE II. CODE!!, Jdiu'r.
February 20, 1858.- Ct.
forms the citizens of Trevorton and sur
rounding county, that she has Opened a new
Store of Millinery and Fancy Coods, at Trevor
ton in Shamokin street, nesrly opposite Knousu'a
Tavern, where all kiuds of Bonnets and Fancy
Goods can be had at the lowest terms.
Dress making also attended to U the lest
manner and latest style,
Apiil ts, 1367. If
PL'KE OLIVE OIL. for table use.-two ih
at 37) and C2J cut just rercivt j by
, AW.FlvJlLCK,
Mi.U 13, '5 .
TOTICE is hereby given that application
will bo made by the subscriber, for a du
plicate of Land Warrant No. 84. 218, for 120
acres, issued to Rebecca Bear, widow of Wim
Bear, who was a private in Capt. Hay's eon-pa-ny
.'doled the 16th day of September 1850, which
said warraut was duly assigned by ihe e.nlil Re
becca Bear, in blank, and acknowledged before
Jesse Weigol, and certified by the 1'rothoiiotnry
of Mountotir county Pa., and purchased by tho
subscriber from the said Rebecca Bear. That
tho said warrant was lout in (he mail between
Union Corner Tost Office, Northumberland,
county, l'a., and Pleasant Hill l'ost Ollicf.
Montgomery county Indiana, from and aftot 1S0'
2 !ltb of November 158, and has nevr been
hea'd of since. That in consequence ofsteidlos
nppliiutiaii will be mado to Iho connnU-VMier uf
Pensions for a duplicate as abovo sUlad.
Pleasant Mitt, Iudiann.
February, SO, 1888 6t.
lTANTED Thirty Thousand Crosa-Ties, or
Railroad Sills for the Northern Cctitia)
Rail Road. For further particular apply lo
IRA T. C'LCMFT, Coi iraclor.
Sunbury, December 26, jS57.-tf
A. STit IV CO'.T,
CAM E to tie promises of the subscriber about
30 d'.ya since a BLACK COW, about trn
years vul, has a white face, white belly, one hind
t""K Vliite, while under the jaw, a hole bored in
each horn. The owner Is requested to tome siitl
prove properly pay chsrgcii. otherwise sha will be
disposed ot accoidiug to law.
Mt Carmel, January 30, 188.-Tns
lfALL PAPKK, Wmdow Shade.. fTJoT!
" Css-risga, and Table Oil Cloths, Coco
Malts and asuptrlor ailicle oar Druvgest
Dee 20. i57. Binou r it, SON
9 3 Q V A PvDS C A UPHVriNCVmLracina Wool
Ingrain, fc)Uoii, and superior anic!u
of Rag Carpet, Manufsctursd al horns, for salo
at pi ices to suit the tunc.
' l.c. 28,'ST. BRIGHT ifcONv .