MONEY CAN BE SAVED BY PURCHASING AT THE " ' ,?I3$)$&13 SB 5MS8 -0022 if rraaSS to suxTTnn times. ! W.'returit our sincere than., to b. Pubh. lor our im .casing- paWago, aud .hall endeavor U m.rUcoi.tii.uBc..ith. ..-. Et Y nillOIIT & SOIY. : 'tCOUNTRT PROmrcE WAMED AT TUB MIGHB8T rCB87 , Banbury, DfcemQ" . I I ! "V A: CO. JOIIA II 4, -i l. hlw YVotel.) . snd Ch-t " . a nil I Chestnut Am Ol.Bt WOOP-WAK1 If OCT" - - 'til till vi ......i. mi Cetrflr U'tfodand Willow-War W.rei warreiltea imw' 1 lease call ami "valuable profeety fob, sale. mllE subscribers, Exccntors of the estate o A Henry Masser, dcc'd., ofTcr fit private sale the following property vis t A large twe story frame dwelling home, together with about 50 ACRES OF LAND, Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman olid oilier now In the occupancy of Joint K. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The house is new an J the lo.-atmn a sood one for busincrs. . . Alo a TRACT Of I.IMESTOXK LAND, in aaiil township on tlio river about 6 miles be. low S unbu.y, adjoining lands of J. T. M'Pherson and others, containing, about 00 acres. The noil is productive and contains limestone and otlirr minerals. Also a tract of I.aiid,-containing about 35 acres on the bill, about two milts below STuubtiry, adjoining lands of the hi'iis of the lnte John Conrad end others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. II. M. MASSER, ) P. U. MASSER, S Executors. FRANCIS Bl'CHER. ) Sunbury, January 19, 1856. If NEW CONFECTIOilARY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEAKIIART, HAS just received s new and excellent assort ment of goods at bis Confectionary and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunburv, where ho manufactures and keeps on hand, at nil times, the must choice Confectionary, &c, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among his stock of Confeclioiinries, may be found t French Secrets, Gum Props, nil kinds or scent, I.ove Drops, Mint Props, rat and white, Jelly Cut'.o, Kiutt Props, Slick I'ai.Ulcs, t all scents KvH'k Candy, Almond Candy, FRUIT. l'riuics, Kins, Ciiions, Hunted Almonds, Cream Whtte, Uiuoii Rose, Vanilla. Common ytfcieU. Liquorice, Bananas, Dntes, Currants dried, AlHivmia, Urinous, Nuts it all kinds lemon syrup of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A auperior quality of Sognrs and Tobacco, and a variety of Cotifcctiniiarics, fruit, &c, all of which is oilercd cheap ut wholesale or retail. ICE CREAM. He has aUa opened an Ice Cream Saloon, and will at all times be ready to serve his customers with Ice Cream. Sunbury, May 21,1857 ly Saddle and Harness Maker. HENBT HAUPT, JB. 1 Successor to A. J. Stroll, rr,f RES'ECTFUMA' informs the jVVX citizens of Sunbury and the pub- f'liM,ie 8encra.My '10 ' li.g- the cstublishment lately occupied A. J Stroh end is prepated to turn cut work in is lino of business equal to any mude in this, section of the country. Orders promptly execu ted and all kinds of produce taken in Exchange Sunbury, May 9, lfi57. ly lOOO lbs ot C'nrput Hag's) . VITA N TED at the store of E. V. Driiiht & ' Son, who are constantly receiving a fresh supply of (ionds, thus offering to the public the largest and most desirable assortment. July 1 1. 1S57. TfjATCnoULV', JOCKEY CIXO, SPRING JL FLOWERS, &c, uf the best quality i a fresh supply just received an4 for sslo at the Drug btore of A. W. -t ISH EH. Sunbury, Aug. 1, 1857. 11 .4KUWARE, of all kinds and endless variety. SiN. Sunbury, Dee. SO, 1857. lOVCS of all kinds. Stockings. Collars, Sua ' pendens, Ruck Mitts. Handkerchiefs and an endless variety of Hosiery and Notions. Sunbury, l)cc.-2G,'57. URlfiHTi SON. EALTIFUL DRESS GOODS. Including Figured and rluin Merinos, Silks. Etcutcu Plaids, Silk Striped Poplins, Cashmere, Trenton Plaid, Umber Shades, Fancy and Plain Di I.aines Valencia, Paramctta Cloth, Arc.. j'it received end for sale by U RIGHT & SON. Sunbury, Dc. SB, I7. Leather ! Leather ! Leather ! lltNttY V. UVERDIAN, IMPORTl'.n ofFri-m-ii Culf .iiisnml senernl Leather liea'er. No. 0 South Tlilrd street. I'MLHclplnu. A ce'ieral auoitmcut ot all kinds of Leather Morocos, Jlc , Ice. lied mid Oak Po' Ioiher. 1'chruary 1pA7. ly w ALMONDS, RAISONS, FIGS, LEMONS. &c., Ac., just received a fresh supply and for salo at the Confectionary store of M.C. GEARHART, Sunbury, May 16, 187. . FOlTsALE. A Good second-hand Buggy. Apply at this Kew DrugM, X-aiutis, &.c. PEW sujiply ef Drugs, Paints. Oils, Huid.ic, just received and for sale by A. W. MSHEK. Sunbury, May S, 1S57. AND WARRANTS. The highest ptice --wil! be given fur Laud Warrants by the sub- crilxi. II- U HAbStK, ATENT BR1TTANIA STOPPERS fo bar buttles for said by II. B MAbSER Sunbury. July 19, IS.'fi. rjobCCCO and ScgarS. SO.flOO Imported -st. Wegars of various brands, bldoradu, r ig, Caveuduh and tine cut tobacco at A. W, FISHER'S Sunbury, March 14, 18.'7, P. MELANCHTOS SHIJIDEL, JUSTICE CP TUK PtU'E BUNBTJBV, PA. Office in Peer Street, immeduiidy oppotlte lh I'ullia School Uoute. All business promptly attended to. Monies rellectej and ail ordinary writings dune, bunbury, April S3. IB57 if 1J0RT and MADEKIA WINES, SchieJu Schoapus, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry and Lavender braiuiica tot medicinal purposes at March. 14, '57. A. V. FISHER, aOOUNTY ORDERS County orJcrs taken as cash he foods, ami on note or book ac count by E. Y. BRIGHT 4- SON. Nov. 9, 185. . . BROWN'S and Breiuig's Essence of Ginger nd Huatised's Magnesia at iaii 14, 'r. yrsnrsti. STILL SURVIVE THE CRISIS TV OT W IT H.m N DING the ashmUhing quan x' titv ofOooda that I hroughl into town last Spring, I succeeded in selling them alt out ex cept what I gave away, and had to hurry to the city, for a new lot, in order that my customers might not bo put to the ineoitvonlcnce of buying at other stores, where they would be charged killing prices, ''roll ting by past experience, I have put brought on Twice as Many Got)1, and I have now tlio lart and CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT ever oll'ered within heating if this place. I am bound to sell CHEAp-aa THAN EVER, before. I need not say cheapor than my neigh bors ; Tor that is no longer a disputed fact. 1 am now ready to deal out goods twenty hours out of twenty-four Sundays excepted at lower prices than any person dare ask lor. Just call for any thing you want. 1 am deter mined to BUTPLY ALL DEMANDS that may be made, reasonable or un reasonable. Cull soon, as the rush is Tremendous. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Dec Efi, 1S67. ly 1857. FALL & WINTER GOODS ! 1858 -A-T 3?. -W. GRAY'S FANCY DRY GOOD STORE, Market Square, Sunbury. YJO'V received and will continue to receive - ' the largest and best selected Stock of Black Clulhs, Catsimcres, Catsiuells ana Vesting, $c. An assortment of Dress Goods, viz: Foncy printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, Ds l.aint Uaregcs, Merinos, Cashmeres, A lupacas, Dres silks, Uinhanis, dec. LINEN AND WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet ing, i'illowcaseing, &c. Dress Trimmings in Great Variety. Boots and Shoes Hats and Caps, Hardware, Cedarware, Groceries, Queensware SALT and FISH, Cheese, Crackers, Segars, obacco, Snuff, &c, an assorBiuent of other Goods too tedious to mcntioh. Feeling grateful for past favor we beg leave to ct'-re our old friends and the public that no , X ?n our part shall be wauling to merit a cot nuance of our patronage. .inntry produce taken in exchange at the ighest market price. P. W. GRAY. Sunbury, Dec. IS 1857. tf IV. S. LAW!IEC1E'S NEW Paper, Printers' Card and Envelope WAREHOUSE, Ao. 405 Commerce Street, I'liilutlehihia. Cash buyers will find it for their interest to call. January 16, 1858. 6mos. Straw -CiiUcr- l"tIIE subscriber has been appointed Agent for L Messrs Geddes A Marsh of l.ewisburg, for the sale nftheii Straw, Huy A. Corn-Fodder Cut ter. I his ( utter is the best in us". Farmers r.d others are respectfully requested to call and examine for themselves. P. li. MASSER. Sunbury December 20, 18.'7. tf A VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. MIE will sell at piivate sale a l FARM, situuto in Point township, Nor thumberland routitv, about 3 miles fiom Iho borough ol Northtimbotland, on the Danville road, adjoining lauds of J. C, Horton, James Nc,bit, UliaK. Parks and tlie norm tirancn oi tne river Susquehanna containing 75 lo 1 (JO Acres, to suit purchasers. The land is in a good state of cultivation. The improvements constat of a large frame HOL'SE, well finished; a Spring House, built over a never-failing Soring close to the house, a Bank Barn and oilier outbuild tngs. An Oichaid with young and choice fruit trees. The above tract will be sold on reasonable terms and an indisputable tiile given. Posses sion given on the first dav of April next. For further particulars inquire of the subscri ber, residing on the adjoining faun. JA AlttH IN ESU1 I. Point township, January 23, 1H58. tf 1OOTS & SHOES for Men, Women and Children, a largo stock, comprising Men's Water Proof Kipp and Calf skin Boots, Bro gans, Morocco, Kid a'"J Calf skin Shoes, Gaiters and Gum Shoes. li RIGHT Sc SON. Sunbury, Dec. 20, 1B."7. H4 Uci'Cl, Herring and Shad, wlndi-site or retail. Now is the time to purchase Uh, as we are enabled to offer them at a lower price thtin you can purchase them in tlio Spring JSunliury, JJcc. ER, 'ft7. lilt Hi 11 1 ii MJN. 3Mtovucn nt auu, Prnctii-ts in Northumberland and adjoiniii, Counties. Sunbury, November 21, 1857.- tf PHILIP PTJ?x"r" WHOLtSlLS 1JD IETAIL Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. U. cor. Walnut and Water Streets, rilll.ADKLl'HIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4, 185G tf WUULKSALS 1SU RbTAl L J300T STORE, 40 5ot(fi Fourth S.t, above Chesimt, l'hil'a. R BOOTS, Shoes, Guitera, kc, promptly made tlJt to order iu the very best style, and of the beat material. Philadelphia, May 9, 1857 CARTELS N W AHES THE tul'i-crilx-r reaixctfully inform the citi Scns of feuiibury and th public generally, that h hai cojniueiiccJ th niauufucluio of nil lindi f EARTH ENWABIi ut tii manufcctiH-y in Whortleberry 8trect, one (juuru eam oi Hie Kivcr. J la tut engaged th istfrvitsra of Mr. Hi nr. find you can then-fur dci'ind on bing a good article. The pub.ic are reieciiuiiy uiMieti 10 rail. All ordcra from ft dUUince be promptly attend nd to P. M. 6Hi;DEL. fiuiihwry, Feb. t, 1858 tf ITOH RENT, rilHE Store Room in Market street, occupied m. by 1. W. Gray and the dwelling houso ad joining. A pply to the executors of 11. Mut, JoceaMid. Jwirtiy tr issr. PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WORKS. JVo. 248 Arch Si. bet. Second Third, ' ' ' (Oppoilts Bread 9tMet ri-llnilc'pliln. SEIVE5, Riddles, Screens, Woven Wire of all mealies and widths, with all kinds of plain and fancy wire work. Jeavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers - Coal, Sand and Gra vrlMcreetisi Paper Mukct'e Wire; Cjlcrdor and Dandy Rolls, covered in tlio best manner. Wire and Wire Fencing. Avery supciior aticlo of Teavy Founders' Seivet. 11 kinds of Iron Ore Wire Seives.' B.4YL1SS, D.4RBY c LYNN. Phila-rtlphia, Sept. 19, 1857. c3m. groiirll t'lotll, Fancy and Pli mere, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans lain Cassi Jeans, Silk. Sa tin anil Bilk Velvet Vesttngs, Troy Satinelt and the very largest end cheapest assortment ol Men's Wear suitable for told weather, BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, Dee. SO, '57. UEK.Nst, Cedar, Hollow and Glassware, containing everything useful and orna mental. BRIGHT A; SON. Sunbury, December CO, 1857. lrolctt'N, Yictorines, Opera Caps, Wool Hoods, Comforts, Cashmere Scarfs, Lamb Gauntlclts, 4c. BRIGHT 4 SON. Sunbury, Dec. 20, '57. PURE CONCENTRATED LYE OR SA A PONIF1ER. for sale at FISHER'S Drug Storo. Price 20 ete. REPORT OF SPECIAL AUDITORS. To the UoiHtrable Ah.'Xander Jordmi and ins Associate Jii.1pts, 01 the Court 01 I'oiuiuuu I'luas, lu und lor ilia County in Northumberland. 'J he iiiKlrrsijgiitx! unpointed auditors, to open, rc-nudit, St tue, uiii aijiist tliti ucvotiiits ut d. Stinpa.ui, Jucub Youii aiu r inncis BuvIut, IntvTreu-jrers, uud ol Ucuiire Uiiijiii Ihe prenuiil TrtKisurur 01 aai't Couuly, und usccr tulu II unv, und wliul tiiisuikes huvu been iiunlu in Iho set tlement oi aunt 'I'renstiruru' ueoinits with Iho fjuitly of .orlhuuitn:iliiiid, uud u!o with ttiu Coiniiionwi'jilth if I'l-anK) ivanni, fioul tliu Oatu ol' the Kvporl h' the lute spe ciul uuililoia, iipiMHiiteit undei nod by vulue of an nil of Assvtunly, 01 -liu of Muy, A. P.. IsSJ, runpuctiully rc)Hrt 'lliut pursunut to then' iippoiiilnu'iil Ihey met in the bo roi'gh 01 l'iiibury, ou the lull i!iy tf iNoveuiber, A. l. lfco7, und htivtu lieeu tirfct uuiy sworn and uifiruieit, uud Iiuviul; auhscnouil the oath ao Uikcu, procueditl to pei loriu the duties of suiil upioiiilliieiil, und continued in Brsnioll Iroiu d:iy to Ouy unti, itie Stn ilay of Pecembcr next cusu. iuij, inclusive, uuii then uiljouiued, to mucl on Aloudiiy the 4111 duy of Jutiuitry. Ihcn uexl ensuing. the snid Treasurers uppeured before suid auditors dnrutg their ct BIOII T!ie reixTt of the title special auditors, states that though the sum ol' &o,?4ll 7 of utte Tax, tin Hull und l'cisoiul, remnined uu'slnndnig ou the 1st of Jununry, linvi, when Young oet'utue '1'reHsurer, yet tluil the whole ot that Bum was uot ptiyuole to the Cunuuomveullh beeuuse during the teiin ot Uimckt Trensnrer, a large sinn of County money hud het'ii used III paying suid Stute 'J'tix 111 ndvtinre of its eolk-ctniii, and during the leiius of ISitupson and Young nun, Treusurers, thu Ctuiily Coinrniuiouera hud boirow vdfrtnn the Hunk of Noithuuilierluhd u cousnlfrultle a mount, whieh wus used for the anine purpose. The Cum. inoiiweulth huving llieu rt-cetvutl 111 uilvunce of its collec tion, lurt ol the tux levltHl til reul untl peraonul, waa not entitled 10 the whole of Ihe outsuuiling tux aiii iunliug (us n-poruil) 1st of Innuiry, ls.50. to Sj.'.MU 7?. Tlio uul'-iunt tlie CORiinouweuitli wus enlitled 10 receiee, from th- fie tutMuiiding luxe or bulaucea 111 the buuda of the Tieusuteia, (nutj'-cl, however, lo Je.luelions I'oi exou'ern tlons pcreenuij-es lo collectors) i rxhlhiled 10 tht'liceouiiia s'.utect ly siiitl peciul uudilots, for the yeurs Mo und Mil, ui:tl 'ot! and ot. And us ull thu State lux ou rcui uud per sonal for previous yenru, hud been fully Bellied dining the terms of Simpson tmU Youjiiimu, the bnlnuccs of ihcse aecouiits repieneut the whole amount the Comiuonu'enllli wen emitted l' leceive. The tul.u:ce tor the yeuis '4tf uud "4 "J brllnr t?l,MtS 4i. and lor Ihc yeuis :jU uiii! 'jl Ihe sum 01' Ir-Vli 43, Iht Commonwealth Wns entillttt tat of Jan. lt-a-J lo the sum of t!l.'J-".0 ej, (nuhjeet us uloresaid, 10 exonffo'.ious ami pereeutaurp) und lo 110 uioie, u!(houh ut that time 11 larger uinouul ol" tax 011 lenl uuj persoiml remained outMnutlnig uutl cu&h Ixiltmees icmuiucd in the hands of liie Trensuier. And it was lulther repoiled by aiid speeiul uuilitois, that Yuuiiktiituu uud 7-11114.8 ni held vukIi lilnuees niisiug from said Stale tux. und thai if these a.iins were puul to Couuly, towuols refunding what she had ailvuneetl. then Ihe Com'tli would receive the whole 01' said sum of &l,iju eS subjret us uloresaid irtiul the then outstanding uixes ; bul, thnt if these iKihmcea were paid 01 the Ctuii'lb, then she would le eutilletl lo so much less from the outstanding luxes, euhject 10 exonerations, c. Ytiungitiuu hus since paid the Cmulh per receipt Uie sum of yjt 1(. The Com'th is c.iuk-d Ihcrefoie us follows: Coin'lh enlilled us above stated, to, 4 .3.11) SS l'uid by Youirmnu, y-i itf Amount Coin'tli entitled lofrom taxes outstand ing, let of January, 1;S4, e.1,319 08 The tux on real nnd peisonuloutstuirJiu?, 1st of January lJ, is reported l-y s;ud speetal uudit.'.rs ut SVIU TtJ (.'wi.i; to t rrors in duplicates since thut time corifctcri, we repoit the iKitauce then tiuutuudiug to have been the sum of &S.1I11 33. of which sum the Com'lh was entitled to receive, as above slated the sum of ?:J,'J-!1 li'j, und hi repaHueut i f previous advances, the county was entitled to the balance, as follows: Outstanding, lnt of January, 15S4, rcu! aad per sonal, 8,911 33 Com'lh eutilletl to, 33J I) 86 County entitled l S5fci 07 In lii acctiunt lnrct.jftire annexed of Younij, 'ur ISU, Willi the finn'ih of I'ciin'a.. lL'tpcL-tui lux .11 himJ pcrs.timl. we fhuiyc tutu with Ihc w ljuir 'f ihc tiuiritaiidmg t:ix ul'ui fKiid, viz : 5t5,!M1 i, anil pive iiuii cretin iur Uie sum puil ttiuretii 11 li, ut lii.lmgiu lo the cuniy, and 111 tiia uwunt witli lite Cuuiily, we cluic hun will the s titie sum Willi which lie is th re rrtrUilcU. Tim ncoiiuntfc itatrd by the County nuditum, i'or ihe imid itrvfml Treueurera with Hie Onii'th, rctiecling Jsicensei U HcUulctBjtVc, re mil cliurt;cJ except in giving Vouiag credit iir tim cotniuiHiittii thfretni in IsaJ, und with thai exception, we the balances repjrlrd by mid county uudiioii. Account! nre hereto annexed between said everal Trcaturer und the County, t-xt.iliitu.y the IjnliuH'esi duo at cxiumLK n i t their u-rmi rcepmivelv. Ami like ne- v.iunti aru hereto uunexed between said Treasurers mid the L'uiintv, reapectina tux on rriilond peraoiiuKutid militia tinea, and redtpituhitioits tt the Uilnuce of said ncc mnti with the Ct'in'lli, ure hereto muiexed, iiiciudiiiji the ualan c: ("i license 11 to rctaiurB, ftr , uiul ii'.clutling cteliia lor rtavmentK made ainee the exiiirnlnni 01 nd Truiauren- tcinis i-f o!iice. T.:ere txliiblinji thu prvbent ut-yrtate bituuce ot iht.'sie ucctiuuia. 'I'litr ucci-unia U'twefii Vnuip nnd Ihe Ctmnty exhibit a balance due him ot' li at the end ol his term, lint a'tiec titen the Coii::iiikkoiiera erroueoucly ikini him ! U-Ji U , tKi thut he Wat ovrr-p;iid the auni d trl,l3J 4ft, we t)ierei-rertKil that there it due tit in liim tu the Cwiuuy, tlie uid turn ot' eleven hundred and linriy-Luree Uuliara and foriv-nme ct-nts. The ncc'tuiiu between llucher und (lie County exhibit 0 Distance in ma nun tin, 01 i-iur iiuiairetl tl lars untl intv centa, which turn we, thervl'oie, re;wtt is due lioui h m to me louitiy. And wc rop Ht, thnt the sum of one hundred and f"rtv line ilf.lljre and aixiy-aeveu ct-iita, witmiuo fiom Uriglit t the Cinint) , pi the end oi hut lit l vear Irjtij ua jer lilt? lUUlrXt U UPC'iUIH, W'v. rCawrt that there due fr-tin Vi tinc to the C m'lh ihe sain l twelve ItuiKlred und one d lar and sixty-three e.'iil. I eitig the iniei;:tle ni all tha lta'.aiM'cj it the an m xtl uccwunU l.tiwreii hun u;ni the Com th. a: id tm !icena to rettiilers. Vc, niter dL-duiiing the payment a inn !e by him l iht Ham Trciismet, since 1 lie cxpiiation ot' hi ttrtu, iik fur liir unnexed uceuui.l and recapitulation lor the. w.iia In2 und li-.y.i I he Hcc'tiuuttt and rtHn iinlilMii for tt?."4 and tK5 hereto nnncxrtl Ik I wct-n Jinriit-i und ihr C! m'tli, cxhtlit a Itolanre due thr Tiei.Fnur, ut tlie cod ol lua tenit, of two hundred ttni twtuty-lh rce d Hart aial ihnly r n!s. Uut the ttiile TieiiEt'tpr u'nif t;urni ly r l uuded to Itiuher by nil ttrder up-ii linctit, tnc prennit i tanner, itie atim uf bJTo J4 bttmu an over tuytnonl ( uUv-twodllitrH und niuvtv-lHir ceula, wliioh run we rrp'tri is in UlcIilt's hands, and due from nun to tie ivm in . We rcp.rt m biilance in the hriinla of llritfht, from militia fines, of out bundled mill eiclity ililura and sevenly-ono rent a, tii the itunexed nci-Kuni lor And wc report a lsuliKK'tt in the liautls of Itritiht 1'riun tux ou rcnlniui person ul.of one th'uamid nnd uiucty-ciuht doilmn aril twentv-six cnts. per the annexe 1 iu-ei ut (tr ISM. We make no clmnff in the ut-etuiita beiween him and Ihe Com'lh. 1 Mt tiiiK t retailers, Vc , ttjted by the Cwnuty auuuora ior turn year, mi wiih-n is respectluUy a a bun tied. stuimnr cuars. iv aaysenca. C D. Whartou, l0Uas. ft pr t'.v. irlO. (. .Ttll. 8 D JtHlPAN, W. I.GHHKNOLXtt Jarob Ymnff, Treasurer of the County Nurthwuberland in account with the same for 1852, rejecting County tax. Vli. Taamiumi of Coiinty nx for '51 and Dievious ouutamiius; Ut Jununry, WJ, t6,V0t M aiiiisuiii in mx uvritt'd tor Ms. V,vri 4 UJiseated tiiiH.u 'Ml and '51, county, M Jo0 rint 315 4 " h.w.l, lllH Gl " '51 rsd, 184 51 - " " acUooL vlU 01 Kec'doii wic of Bridge at-vk, -24 OU dividends ou J su tfi 11 rent of punt.: huildinfra, 9 ou Court fius k jury ftuula, 69 00 vir-miti miaurer in his bute accunt, for County purrvasrsx, t,8t OA Ovs-rpamei,t by UauM Care of Slate tax, re funds, by Ci i. oider, 69 iycipnmeni nv J. it. Clark State tax, refunded uy County older, 95 00 uvcrpiiyimmi (y jnj( i vanltirK, Sute tax. r luuiled by County order, 63 60 uverna) meat by C Uuusocker, County tax ami oiUcr, t3 S3 SVil,eS ta CB. To amoant of Counts tax die 'fit and orcwioos ouUlniKlu.f 1st January, m. I fill 31 Amount oTCountv tax for '44. awl orcvioua out. uaiulme 1st Jan., 'U T arj j K.xoueraiuw in 'M on lax of "St and prsvious. S8 St Pen-niuiK. to collectors iu '6 ou mx ul '41 anil pi.vioua, tOS W uouutr onirs paid In 'St, 10,ai S8 Not. in Bank " . . aeo 00 A 'i.ounl paul Kastrrii Prnilanllarv, be li K.anrnars (oiii to Nouhuiubeiluiid, 30 Urprwiatrd mniiev', f ou oonmissiiaisuu lo.WTSlWp.iJ,.! pet cent., 171 IM Ualaaea das the Couaty, 1,17a S7 Jacob Fount, Trtatvrcr of (he county n Northumberland, in account Mtith the tame for 1803( reflecting county tat. Da. To smoont Of County tm for tl and prerloss ontstnndinf 1st Jun , 5j, Aisuunt of County Ul for 'St oatitaudihf 1st Jin.,'), A mount of County tax for &. as-wned, Coanty, school and road lax, hum unstated hu.rts, reeeived in 'SPj ' Borrowed from Bank of Nurthambaiaind,. . Old l'tdft mntciials sold, 4 -' It-lit of fiuWIe InnWInps, ' ' , Kee'd from Centrs county, ' " Overpayment fHste mx, tJolomok Marts, let fiiiidul hy order, Overpayment Sluts tat Pater Paiscl, refunded by order, Overpayment Coamy tax, Pnvld Wilson, fiutaure' das County pr uccouni fur 'fi'i, ' Treasurer, IfiTt 39 I T M 10,703 li - fan ou , w 08 Is lJ ' Ids 30 ' ata 9 ta 13 0 1.1TB S7 tt,3s7 IM By amount of tax for 'SI and previous outstand ing 1st Jnu., 'M, Anwuiit of tax for '5'2 oatstsndiuf 1st Jan , 'M, ,t 14 15J . 1. Exont-ratiwiS lu " on tax of SI snd previous, 11 u I. .J . 11 li 63 Pereentage td collectors in 'S3 on tax of 'St and 8M M KM M i,76l 14 T W 67 40 4 SO 1.1'i M 1LIU 411 7 VI ll.oti) m 1,040 HT M TU 4 t-0 ao-t sti previoUM, ill ' 'SI of 'S'i and previous, County orders pnid, Note in Bank " Ainouiil paid Eastern PenltrnlUry, Kspensi'S goins to Northnnilcrl.-ind, Vommissious ou lii,HW sV), paid 4 per cent, t,3!!7 05 3.111 01 HI 7 CO Ift. T Coaaiy order lu '64, No 4M, 487, 1,359 (It CH. By amount of balance due Treasure par acc.iuot f4r 'SI, Balance das County, SM .1-1 l,l: 49 S1;3S8 01 Jacob Young, Treasurer of the county of Korthumhcerland, in account with the com monwealth of Pennnytcania, respecting taxes 01 rail and personul, for 1352. Pit. To amAnnt of tax for 'St and previous rears outstanding 1st of Junuury. IKVi, .Vfi1 nrj Aearegnte nmouut 01 lax usse,Hl lor 1H.9, 1J,TI'S 03 Amount rerrived 111 S4 ut lux of 'OU and 'SI oil unseated binds, 4un p-j 8SH),US!fl 18 Butanee due Com'th from tni on renl and per. onui or '4- ann 'in, f.oixt' 101- pievmavj years being paid,) said balance beiug out staiuling, Pilto for -SO ami 'SI, Deduct paid by Treasurer Vottiigniau since Jwiuuty, 'S'J, 1.989 14 ;9S4 43 4,4S0 S3 041 IS Balance to be accounted f-r to the OonVth for '51 and previous, subject tit exonerations, iVc,, Young churgcj ill 'S4 with outilundilig for 'SI nnd previous. To be sccouuted for to Com'lh for these years, Credit tole given Young end he to he charged therewith m bis account with county, crt. By amount of tnx of 'si ami previous venrs. oulslurding 1st Jtmunry. '.'3, 81,741) 04 Interest on lax of 'SI and previous 3,3a! 0T 8.911 3.3 3,:t4fl 87 9fiSl 88 years, su 1 -81 54 1 xonerntions in 'Man tax ef 'St and previous. Ills bl S!.1I IS 4,s-:?i n 40 S,1M Si 4 .4 Tl 91 14 I 'etcciiUme ' ' My ninounlof tnx ontstanding 1st January, 'S3, erceuiuge on tux ui 'su in 'o'J, 'aid Slute Treusurer per receipt of 0ih July, twleinent allowed on tnx of Vj'J. Commission of County Tieasureron 6.111 33, By amount advanced by county lo pay Suit. tnx in 'ol and previous years, and winch was to have been refunded fiom Ihe Slute Inxca for atinl years (per special Auditoia report for SI and previous,) 2.51 88 ialuucc due the Coin'lh, T4'J 71 VU.o-JO la Jacob Young, Treasurer of the county of A'or- thutnberland, in account with the Common wealth of 1'ennstlrania for 1803, rcrjtecting tax on real and personal. PR. To balance due Com'th per account for IfSd, 743 71 To uinount of tuxes for 'SI nnd previous years outstanding 1st Jnntuirv, 1-3'J, 1.71 01 uteres! ou tax of 'SI and prcviots. 34 40 To amount of lux of 'S4 outstanding 1st Janua ry, '53, i.Plf II To aggregate amount of tax of 'S3 assessed, 1S,849 TU To lax received m 'S3 from unseated lauds, 4 0,i 2:i,ii'.u 06 CR. 1)7 amount of tax of '51 and previous, ontstand. ing on 1st January, 1844, xomrations m '43 on lax of 'ol and previous, PIC to 70 Ul 222 02 1,177 03 I'erceutniru to collectors in '53, on tax of '51 and previous. Amount of tox of '52 ouutauding 1st of Jan., 54, Kxouorutions in '53 on tax of '52, C4 73 213 30 3.S31 C8 C 15 lVrcetitairo to collectors iu '53, ou tax of li., Amount of tax of '53 outstanding 1st ot Jan , 'si. Kxonoralious iu '53 on tax ot '53 I'ercentafro to collectors in '53 on tax of '53. 42 575 Abatement allowed on tax of '53, Amount paid State I reasurer as per rue t -G July, 53 10,938 09 " Jan., '53, 498 00 " " '54, 2,599 01 14,035 13 Commission of Treasurer on $11,- 035 13 15G 11 1.85G 29 Balance duo Com'th, 23,056 00 Jacob l"otinJ, late 7'raaswer of Xorlhumher- land County, in account with the Com'th for Militia Fines for the year 1853. DR. Outstanding fines fur '51 and pro- vious. Militia fines assessed for '52, 1,023 47 719 53 1,000 50 " " ' '53, Balance in Treasurer's bauds lust account, 196 50 2,915 03 CR. Outstanding io '54 fines of '51 and previous, " " '52 " ' '53 hxonoratiou'of '51 and previous 52 " '53 Percentage on '51 and previous " '52 " '53 Taid Volunteer companies, " Brigade Inspector, " Assessors for list ot militia men, County Treasurer's commission, Balance due C'otunionweulth, 608 92 423 85 047 00 133 50 27 50 4 00 24 31 8 87 554 93 18 6 93 92 2,915 Jacob Young, late Treasurer, to the Common wealth for Militia Fines Dr. for 1852. DR. Outstanding flues, '49 and pre-, $271 - '50 488 " '51 808 Militia Dues assessed in '52 652 2,421 CR. Outstanding fines io '53 of '49 and previous, " '50 u .6l 4. I53 Exonerations io fines '49 and pre' vious, in '52, Percentage, Exonerations ia '50 Percentage, Exonerations in '51 Percentage, Exonerations in '52, Percentage, Paid Assessors for list of militia men, Paid to Brigade Inspector, Paid to sundry companies, -County Treasurer's commission, - S1S2 32s) 547 719 28 8 44 7 31 10 4 17 50 270 5 1 Balance duo Oommoi.V;uHbt 190 6 2,421 47 Jacob Yonng, Ireaeurtr, tn account xehh thi Vom'th of I'enniytranta. for '5j. ona SJ,Tt epet ting Ilctailert Licentei. DR. To'aniottnt of Rotuilers liconsci , forl8fi2, ... i ,8620 25 Amount Tec'd from Simon Hart, . ... 8 00 .. : ofRetailen licona for '03, . 880 73 1,704 00 $24 50 83 00 , 8 60 CO 00 7G2 75 85 20 , 731 05 1,704 00 CR. :- By exonerations for 1, Amount paid for publiehing Mer cantile Appraiser'! Listi, per their receipts, Exonerations for 'hi, Amount paid for publishing Re tailers Lists, Amount paid State Treasurer, 2(.lb July, '53, Commissions of County Tr. Uulauco due the Cotn'lbi Same in account respecting Tavern Licensee. DR. To amount of Tavern Licenses granted 480 00 " " ISia, 510 00 aoo oo 49 50 cii. l?y Treasurer's Commission on $090, Atnonnt paid State Treasurer, UGlb July, '53, DuIbbcu due the Com'lh, 480 00 4G0 50 090 00 Patent Medicine Licente. DR. To amount or said Licenses for 52 CR. By commUsions of Treasurer on 30 Amount paid Stute Treasurer, 26th July, '53, Daluuce duo the Coui'tb, 15 00 15 00 30 00 1 50 15 00 13 50 L!0 00 Diilillcrt and Dretcers Licenses. I)H. To amount of said Licenses for '52 ,3 SI 00 13 CO 30 00 1 C5 21 00 1G 05 CR By commissions of Treasurer on $30 Amoust puul State Treasurer 2olh July, 1853, Balaucu due Commonwealth, 39 00 Shnj'S Licenses to Deer Houses und DR. Oyster a-i '53, To amouut of saiJ liceucs for 22 00 00 00 fcS 00 CR. By commission to Treasurer on $9d, 4 40 22 00 01 CO Amount, puid Statu Treasurer, 20th July, '53, Balance duo Commonwealth, 88 00 recapitulation, 1852 & 1353. DR. Balnnce due Com'th, tnx real and personal Tor 52 anil '53, and previous, I,f56 23 Militin, Fines, '53 nnd previous, 9t Vi 7tl 05 Retailers licetices, '52 and '53 I avern licenses, " Patent uiedicioes, " " 40 J 13 1G Distillers, brewers, " ' Beer & oyster 6uops " " 61 3,232 CR. ijy amounts paid since County Auditors report lo ftlalo l rea surer and uot credited in the foroRoing account, viz : 10th Sept., '55, per receipt, 29th Auk. '50, ' " 923 1,096 Comtuiasiou on 047 upplicuble to tax on real fc personal. G 1,201 3,232 Bulauco duo Coiuniouuealla. Francis l'ucher, Treasurer of the County Northumberland, tn accniunt with the same for 1854, rejecting County lax. bit. To amount of tox of '51 and pre vious, outstanding 1st Jan. '54, $593 " '52 " 2,093 " '53 " 6,751 54. assessed. 11,01? On noseatcd lauds for '52, county 139 53, G5G " '52. road, 243 " '53 " 1,091 52 school, 241 '53, ' 1,090 Rent of public buildings, 21 Court Sues from SheriO' Kipn, 109 Proth'y Beard. 298 Overpayment State tax, Abm. Kissinirer. an order, " Ssani'l ilales, " 17 11 2 15 1 53 7 " J. Hunsecker, " " County, D. Wilsou, ' 24,446 83 en. By amount of lax of '51, outstand ing, 1st Ian. '65, E01 31 " '52, " 617 93 " '53, " 1,160 40 '54, - 6,590 57 Exonerations in '54, on tax of '61, and previous, 33 C3 '62, 122 60 " '53, 893 23 Percentage to Collectors in '51, on tax of '51, and previous 45 70 " '52, 322 65 '53, 307 50 County Orders paid in '54. 13,014 26 Commission on if 13,01 26, at 2 j per cent. 320 10 Balance due the County, 1,083 97 4,446 SS 57 00 09 06 03 Francis Bucher, Treasurer of the County .uriiiumueriunu, ut uccoum wun ine for 1855, respecting County tax. To amount of balance duo County per account for '54, County tax for '51 and previous ouU standing 1st January, "55 Interest on tax for '51 and prev. County tax for '52, .uUtanding 1st January, '55, Interest on tax of '53, County tax for 53, oulsUnding 1st January, 1955, Interest on tax ol '53, County tax for '54,' outstanding It! January, 1855. County tax (or '55, assessed, " on unsealed lands received in 1855, Refunded ly Com'th lo the repre sentatives of Wm. Gulick, and paid to county. Jury funds paid by Proth. Beard, Overpayment Bute tax by Elias Ei- aenbart, on order. Dan'l D. Conrad. u James Buoy, " N. Drumneller, Jo. EcWbert, -MUilia fines, M. Bachtnan, - t J. Vaukirk. " J. Wmrswn, ' . " 68 59 50 50 1,033 631 46 617 32 1,160 2 6,590 11,664 8 47 88 59 00 50 00 12 00 80 50 72 50 65 77 00 60 1 664 28 3 63 4 63 S3 40 a 10 84 6 08 00 Tl P. Hilcman ." 8 00 3S,491 87 CH. By amount ef tax of (I andprevioasi outstanding 1st Jan, 1859, ' 99 , '68r ' , 816 33 J 'o&, ' 88 10 ". " fii, ... . ' . 821 90 . '65, ' " ". ' 7,887 83 Exonerations on tax of '61 snd pre- vious. in '55, 13 63 '53, .. 20 14 .s 'S3, - - . -T7 13 -'64, - 315 77 Percentage en tax of 11 snd prev. 86 03 - '63, 128 48 , '64, 410 88 County orders paid in '55, 11,330 92 Commissions on $11,330 92 per 8) ' per cent. ' " 283 57 Balance due the county,' 600 CO 23.491 37 Francis Ducher, Treasvrer of the County of Northumberland, in account with the Com'th of l'enusylrania for 1854, respecting tax on real and personal, DR. To amount ef lax for '51 and previ ous, ontatanding 1st Jan. lf54, 816 10 A mount of tax for '52, oustanding 1st Jan. '64. 1,177 C3 Interest on tax or '52, 14 71 " '63, outstanding 1st Jan '64, 3,831 08 " '54, assessed, 15,877 44 " '53 on uusrated lands re . . ceised in '54, 308 84 " " 984 47 23.910 27 CR. By amount ef tavesfor '61 and pre vious, outstanding 1st Jan. '55, 658 53 Exonerations in '54 on tax of '51 arid previous, 19 30 Percentage to collectors in '53 on tax of 51 and previous, 6 08 Amount of tax I'or '33 outstanding 1st Jan.. '55. - 197 S9 Exonerations in '54 on tax ol '52 103 73 i'crcentaco to Collectors, 34 CO Amount of Tax of '53 outstanding 1st Jan., '55. 1.0S8 85 Exonerations in 'o I on tax of '53 15 Percentage to collectors " '53 373 89 Amount of tax of 51. outstanding 1st Jan.. '55, 3,819 41 Abatement allowed on tax of '54 735 14 Amount paid .State Treasurer, VOlh July, '54, 13,967 61 Commission of Treasurer O.i $13,- 0C7 Gl 139 Balanie duo the Com'lh, 1,07168 22,910 French Bucheri Trtasurtr of the County Jiorthumlierlunrf, tn account with the torn tn of I'viuifylrnnia for 1855, rejecting tax on real and personal. DR. To omobnt dun Com'th per ac count for 18o4, 1,0 1 1 Amount of tax for '51 nnd previ ous, outstanding 1st Jun. '55, 0o8 To tax of '52 outstaudiug lit Jun. 'so, lUi '53, " 1,058 ' '54. " 3,849 " '55, assessed, 10,010 Amount received in '55 from un seated lands, 17 23,464 By amount of tax for '51 and pre vious, outstanding, 1st Jan. 185G. 404 Exonerations iu '55, on tax of '51 uhd previous, 11 75 194 3 Percentage to collectors, " Amount of tux I'or '52 outstand 5i 50 05 ing January 1st, '5G, Exonerations in '55 on tax of '52, Amount of tax of '53 outstuuding 1st Jan., 5G, 370 2 GO Exoneration iu '55 on tax of '53, 108 204 91 1 eicentacu to collectors ' Amount of tax for '54 outstanding 1st Jan , 50, Exonerations in '55 on tox of '54, l'ercentiigo lo collectors " Amount of tax of '55 outstanding 1st Jun., 7jG, Abatement on tax of '55, Amount paid Stato Treasurer, Juti. 20, '55, 510 43 " June 6, " 199 00 " July 21, " 11,791 61 Commission of Treasurer ou $12, 501 04 Amount refunded by Com'th tey the representatives of William Oulii'k, Buluucu due the Com'tb, 613 228 584 5,421 80 020 00 48 03 91 12531 125 of CC4 1,273 12 23,464 G'j Francis Bucher, lnte Treasurer of Xorthum 14 berland County, in account w i'i the Com'lh Gl for the year 1854 on Militia lutes, D It Outstanding fines for '5 & pre: 52, " " '53. Militia fines for '54 assessed 11 00 00 78 55 50 00 2,527 00 CR. Outstanding in '55 of '51 JL pre. .. ir. " '53, COS 92 423 65 947 00 947 50 394,2 53 1 01 413 863 10 132 123 6 19 14 575 92 32 6 7G '54, '51, 4 pre. Exonerations on ft.', " '53, Percentage on " '51 A pre. 52, 53, re id various companies, " Brigade Inspector, " Assessors returning list, County Treasurer's commission, Balance due Commonwealth, 2,927 27 Francis Bucher, late Treasurer of Norlhum. berland County, in account with the Com'th for Militia Fines for the year 1855. DR. Outstanding iu '55 of '51 4 pre. 394 27 " '52. CO 65 " "53, 413 98 .., . " 8sa 50 Miliim fines lor '55, 917 50 uaiance aue Loui'tb last year, Balance due County Treasurer, of smite 2,773 CR. By outstanding in 56 of '51 4 p. '52. " " '53, u " '54. " " '55, Exonerations in '55 on '51 4 p. " '52, " " '53, " '54, Percentage, " '51 4 p. '52, . '53, -54, Paid to various companies, " Brigade Inspector, u Assessor for return of militia men, Treasurer's Commission, 97 249 44 220 202 896 43 6 92 209 6 I 12 21 650 111 33 6 34 36 43 45 40 43 57 93 SO 32 00 3,773 Fiancis Bucher, 1854 and 1855. DR. Balance due Com'th, Retailors' licenses, '64 and '65, ' 330 Tavern liceuses, " " 00 Bwr houses and oyster shops, JT Distillers, brewers. At. Milliard Huloons, 4c, ; Retailers of Liquor, 12 3o 122 32 171 CO 3 37 Ketapitulation fur 1844 and 1865. 1 - . DR. r . Balance due Com'tB tot 'M'siiii S5 for lioimses to retsHert, tar-" t ' " ' 'ems, beer booses, Ac.-, -w C63 37 Dulance doe Com'th, tax real and " ' personal, '65 and pre vions, -- '1,273 4s Ajnouut due to Treasurer from Cota'lb, -' 22S 30 i .-- - 2,160 03 CR. Ry amount due Treasurer, tullltla Goes for '55 and previous, Amount paid Statu Treasurer sod not credited iu foregoing ac counts, Commissioa to Treasurer ou $1, 273 40, 27 71 2,119 13 12 74 2,160 03 Amount paid Treasurer by order or Statu Treasurer in his favor on Ueorge Bright, present Trea surer, By omomit of balance due Trea surer pur above stateineut, Amount overpaid to Treasurer by Commonwealth, 27C 21 223 30 52 94 270 24 Otnrge Hriyht, Treasurer of the County of Northumberland, in account with the same for 1856 respecting County lax. DR. To amount of county tax of '51 anil prev. outstanding 1st Jan., '56, " '52, 11 '53 11 Add to tax of '52. " '54 outstanding 1st January, '50, Interest on '54 " County tux of '55 outstanding " " '5G assessed, 111 315 2bG 8 621 1 11,31 01 Tax 00 unseated lauds icceired in '50, coucty, '54, l i. i tr.r, .), " road, '51, 55, " " school, '54, il .. .. ,y 587 06 408 64 51 Cii 832 tl 1,000 Tin 831 CS 198 i?; 30 02 30 18 07 Jury faddf, rent, &c, received in 18.V3, 27 Order to O. Kunlx overpayment of elate tux, ' to D. Buoy, overp. couuly, to D. 51. Schwartz, over- payment comity, " M. Baelituau, ovorp. State, " 1. M. Schwortx, " " " J. Simpson, " mil. fines, " U. Kutitx, ' county, 8 52 t'R. fc'J 65 41 By amount of tax of '53 outstand 14 9 2 00 67 I 13 17 80 30,697 C4 ing lit Jaa., '57, 83 82 " '55, " 908 29 56, " 11.105 4 45 CS Exonerations in '56 on tax of '51 aud prev. 4 02 18 53, 54, 55, " '56, 9 12H 4M 21 Percentage to collectors in '5G on tax of '52, 24 53 '53, HI 10 " 'id, 124 '0 " '55, 459 00 56, 15 25 County orders paid in 1856. 16,601 77 Comuiissiou ou 10,604 70 paid 2 J per cent., 4!.0 11 Ciish paid Eastern Pcnitestiary, 119 12 Commission ou $119 12, 2 97 Services for county, 3 25 Balance duo the county, . K3 t7 30,837 C4 George flrint. Treasurer of the Coun'y if Northumberland, in account with the Con. tnontrealth of I'tunsylcunia, for lfcGO, re' spieling taxes on real and personal. DR. To amount of tax fur '51 and pre t . vious, outstanding 1st Jan., '56, 402 44 Interest ou tax or '51 aud previ ous, 14 06 Amouut of tax of '52 ouUtuud'ng 1st Jauuorv, 'J6, 191 53 " '53, 370 27 " '54, " CI 3 05 " " V)5. " 5121 23 " ViC, " 17,198 'it " '.'il and '55 on 48 25 05 S3 99 23 61 04 01 32 46 IS unseated lands received iu 1856, $25,600 53 R. By exonerations iu 5G on US of '51 uml pievious, Per tlentiige to collectors en tax of '50 and previous, Amount of tux of 'f3, outstanding 1st Junury, '57. Exonerations in '56 on tax of'54, Per Cenluse to Collectors '56, on tax of '4 1, A mount of tax of '55 outstanding 1st January, '57, Exonerations in '50 on tux of '55, Per Centotie to Collectors, of 'G on tux of '55, A mount of tax of '56 outstandiag 1st January, '57, Exonerations iu '5G on tax of '56, Per CViitoge to Collectors iu '50 on lux of 'AG, Abatement allowed 00 tax of '50, Amount paid State Treasurer per receipts, Commission of County Treasurer on Sll.Col 09, Balance due the Commouwealtb, GO 65 98 50 Oil 50 5l 97 15 17 00 55 00 99 04 f 25,8H0 43 George Bright, Treasurer f Northumberland Counlii, in account with the Comuwmreallh,. j for Militia Fines, for the year 185G. DR. By outstand'g in '5C of '51 and pre. .. '2 " 63 1 '54 u u '55 Militia fines levied in '56 76 04 27 71 220 202 690 975 65 23 30 78 93 72 83 50 00 50 12 32 321 664 00 00 44 99 02,649 46 CR. By ootstand'g iu '57 of '51 and pre. 37 03 ' - -53 59 88 i '54 117 52 si '55 171 45 11 '56 872 6ft- Exonerations in "56 on '51 and pre. 141 60 52 22 0(1 m '53 46 00 '54 67 00 '55 271 00 . '56 8 60. Perentac iu '56 on 6l and pre. 67, '63 2 9-i 63 7 02 '54 4 24 '65 23 l Paid assessor returning list of mil. 6 For book stationary purpose, 53 00) Brigade Inspector, 61 6Q Various Companies, 425 00 Treasurer's Commissions, 5 33 To balance due ConinjouTrcaltb, . . 160 71 fsM") 44 65 18 00 47 9! 23' Id 82 90 41 33 79 JO Id 63 l,5il 79 59 5"t 104 4i- 293 ?4 121 52 172 25 1,564 07 iOu 93 677 09 5,617 8 6 12 51 33 678 91 14,e?l 09 1IC 61 1.093 20 249 23 44 : V8 93