or t j F- ll IIoBHium Tbbatmvnt or a Wire. In tho 8uperlor Court, at Wilton county, Georgia, a few days since, t gnat., named Xboms O. Kelly, wai trrsJoged for tha murder of Lit wife, who was found dead, froten, it U said, la her plaoe of confinement daring the extra ordinary cold weather of 18S6. , Tha Athena ( Oeo.) Watohtnan says t . "The deceased, Itli allejred, was at least partially deranged, and had been confined a number of years, eleven or twelre, we believe Re in Oglfcthrope, and seven in Walton. It was proven that her place of confinement consisted of, Peri constructed of poles notch ed at the corners, and covered with clap boards. In this was a hole ten by four inches, sorno four feet or five feet from tho ground with a shelf inside upon which was placed her food in an iron frying pant Ilor food some of the witnesses testified, was pro miscuously mixed together in tt.is pan boiled bacon, "oullards," and milk being frequently mixed together I" O'Kelly was sentenced to tlireo years imprisonment iu the penitent. nry. , TnESMit.sor a Gbatifibo Wife. Is there a husband who remembers the joy he expert treed at perceiving tho grot ficd smile of liis wife, for benefits conferred upon her, mho would not be willing to have the mutual plvature renewed at a reasonable cost T We cao tell him how to do it, and the gratifica tion conferred will not be evanescent, but ns enduring ns life its itself. Purchase for her a GitovB & Dakkr Sewing Machine for fami ly u.sp, and her children will add their bless hip to those of their mother, and its presence wil bo a perpetual source of joy to the Lome circle. ()!ViCP of exhibition and sule 495 Broadway, New York ; 19 Summer street, Uos'.ou; aod 730 Chestuut street, Puiludulphia. A N'om.k Act et Boy. The Harrlsburg ITer.ild s:tys : A noble boy recently discover ed ii lurc,e tree tying across the truck of the IVniisylvunia, Railroad, between I.ochport and New Florence, and knowing that a pav sunper train would soon arrive, ho liobted his handkerchief upon a stick, and waited the ap proach of the tniiu. The engineer slopped, uu.l when tho passengers suw :hegreut dan per from which they had escaped, through tlio magnanimity of the lad, they were filled with gratitude, and raised a purse for him, which he refused to take, saying that hu "only wanted to save them from getting hurt." Am. Mortoaokd. A New York merchant who has hud occasion this winter to know how business is done at Chicago, was in this city the other day, ( says the Rorchester Union.) on his way home-ward from that place, lie says everything real and personul is mort gii'ed. 11 h hs sens that he found no U-fs thun eiplit thousand chattel inortirnges on file in tha clerk's office; and he fuitu r asserts Cut those papers reach the truriontil pio perty of nearly every merchant nud busiutss until in Chicago. A Pktbifvi.no Stream Thero is a little st.-evn which empties iuto Shasta Yullt-y, California., about twenty miles west of the great butte, which possesses the singular inopei ty of incrusliug ever) thing which falls into its wuter with a complete coat of stone, l'iours, leaves, grass, pine buds, and things of that sort will becomo completely enamelled in the course of a week or so, rotuiuing iu the process their uulural form. Sehvkd Him Right. A Jury in Chardon, Ohio, have found a verdict for $10,000 dunia ges against John Sumner, who courted Su sannah Garris for fourteen years had the, m-irna:,' day uipoiated three several times, and then went to the State of New York and carried home another wife. Railroad Accident. On Thursday last, 'thivs freight trains ou the Great Western r.iilrjud run off the track ueur Harrisburg, Ciiuda West, und over an embaukiueut, kiiiii.g over sixty head of cattle. A Nkw Rkcommsndatios Tho New York Observer says We saw u letter the other Coy which u geulleiuau coming to town pre seined to a merchaiitila house. It was a sealed letter of introduction, and resd thus : ..!w ir Tli txiurur of thia letter. Mr. James li. Smith, goes to New York to pur ctmsu goods. 1 can reccommeud him as good for ull be pays cash for. Yours truly, S. P. Jones. Mabp.iaqb of Covsins The Cincinnati (Ohio) Daily Guzette states that a bill bus pafiod tho Souate of that State, prohibiting tlu intermarriage or first coasins. Tho Ga 7. ttti says that publio seutimeut is in favor of Unit measure. Ci'NVKitstoM or a Ti'KK Malimond EUVn di, i T'Jrk was reeotitly baptised nt -Stoke, England, mid has since married, the daughter uf an English army officer. Low l'ciom. A letter dated the9lh inst., ru ii lierlm, Wisconsin, states tho price of i,u loco as follows: "Wheat is selling at 40 ci. per bush, j oats 17 cts. per bosh, j com 20 en por bush. ; potatoes per bush. ; butter lii '. p r pound J eggs lie. per doz; whito beans b-'jc per bush., while last spring they brought 4 per bushel in tho market, lluy is selinii at from SJ to 2 50 per ton, aud good hickory wood brings 82 per cord." Ono Item iu the wardrobe of the IMncess R iyal of England on bcr marriage should at tra. t the uileiilioo or American women. A uirt ol her -til out" wus twelvu pairs of boots wh.ch are described as "useful und solid ;" ,so hh of l.ieui iuleuded tot "rough wulkiu," are p.ovideJ with treble soles. CocxTn:rKiT Qoabtkrs tho real tin bogus ui" in cm ol.tliuu in this borough. A stout big woll dieised, middle-uged scamp, with 8 eij'.-i oil-. loth cap, has been around the siiups lr some eveuings past, buying a chain ,.( at taeli place, und paying pewter quar ter lor them, receiving three tips in change. Our policeman have an eye ou him, us well us bis accompli -e, uu.1 ir they don't slop their operation.--, tiiey wil. soon be provided with lodg :04s ut iho residence ol Mr. Edwurd Young. JJam iltt JJ.-fituci at. Heavy Failchb at Yokk Pa. Tho New York Star says : Tba heaviest failure which b is ever occurred iu York, Pa., took place ou rfatuiday last. Mr. Alexander Demuio, one of the oldest and heaviest dry goods and grocery i.,i rohauls, failed on that day for a larije umouul. Wis liubililieo BIO rated as high as SdU.tlUU and oven 100,000. lie has lull lor purls unknown. LtCBT. Tho Supremo Court of the Uuited S'atoi have decided that Mr. Thomas Green, present owner if tho Eauipjior (Va.) bite Hu iiii'ir Spring, is entitled to a tract of uine tT thrco thousand acres, und valued at more tliautwo millions of dollars. So sayi the Warreuton Whig. Tub Coai. Tbadb Tho quantity sent by IUilroud this week is 19,156 II tons, which 4i uo iucresse of 4, 139 tons over the supply of last week, showing that the demand is in criasiug both ou tha line aud for city con sumption. At Port RichmonJ but liitlo is doiug. The deinuud for Chestnut Coal coo tinue brisk in consequence of limited mining and lbs small quauM luado. Mintrt Jour nal. Salt Sroixao ik N'ooBABf a. It is stated that . xci-lleut silt is manufuctored at tho KkIi Si ins, in . Lancaster county, Nebraska, Eouul to the ben quulilieo nianufuctured in uy parts of the world. The water from whu b the Slt is made yields from fu-tj-tivo to fifty pouuds to fifty gaiioui of water. John Patleri'rn. printer of Albany. Is ithougbl lo bo tt btli mtlotOBJow Ja Uo world. Ecw Advertisements. CUte of the Bank of Northumberland, on Afternoon, March 3d, 1868. ' ' LIABIUTIES. Capital 9tok, . t Nutr la choulatloa, . f r.fit tud Lu, . . . . Pirldwd unpaid, . . liueeunta, Kichinr tai Inurw. Dm Oiw Iluiki, . . . " !oaiisr . fno.otK) on S9,S7 07 7108 00 7M 70 0,134 40 4,104 to S3,737 (0 t37S,W 01 Aasbll. Bltti PimnnM k hetm . . 013,1114s )cnnaylrMi Ulalt Loon, 81,710 IS NiiitliamlK-rUiud Jlsiik Stuck, 4, M0 00 uisn Btncki, . . . . . i sso 00 l tittlt, - , . . t,W0 H3 Current ripenn tnd Pratut account, . 0,74 00 Duo by City Banks, 6IHU 47 " " CKunlry Dunks, . . 13,0117 60 nines or otnn lluika. MJbti 00 I'uli Itrma, . its Bpecli iu VaalU, 41,660 40 370,097 03 t Certify Ilia abova Ii a traa cxhiLlt from tha Bouka of ina liana ui iorthumberlunu. Sicned, J. It. PniESTLEY, C.il.lr. Sworn and luUcribtd befura ma tliia 3d day of Match, A. O. ISiS. (digued) JOHN CAKE J. P, March 0, IdiJ State orsimmoRlii I!nnk on Tue day Morning, march 2nd, 1S5S. ASSETS. Dae from City nanttart, Specie in Vnult, I.nnna and Diauiiunta. Ntilea of oltiet ttanka, . , Cuh itemR N. Y. tight drafta, Ptut aud Lum, , t . 00,010 0? 0,771 03 O Ml 00 053 (0 33,0110 on 8 10 70 073 SO LIADILITIES. Not Pi in Circulation, . . . l)n UuiMiaiMra, , , Due other Manka -Ntlhiug, . Capital Stuck, .... 33.77S 00 648 00 33,350 00 tri.B'3 00 I certify the nbove Stntcment to ba correct u taken frurn lha iiaiikarf the Bunk DA.Vl,. A. KOllIXSON.Jr., Coa'.iier. Bvom and lubscribcd befura mc, llila 3ml day of .March, l9" CASPER SCHC1L, A I. March C, If '.9. 3MOTICE. NOTICH is hereby given that tho follow ing iittim.'d persons huve tiled their petitions in the Piolhcuioturj's Ollice, nnd thnt they will apply to the next Court of tjuarter Ses sions ol tin) lVuce of Not tliiiiiilit'iland county lor LicLiiso for Tuverns and Kestaurunts, A;c. Simou Snyder, jictitions for tavern license in Lower Mutiunoy township at his old stand. Churlt-8 Wenninger, petitions for tavern li cense in Shuniokintow n an old stand. J elm 13 owe r, petitions lor tuveru license in Sliiiniokin township ut his old stund. Pri'iii? & (Ji'itnt, petition lor license for sel ling Hpiruuous, und viuous Ikpiois in the Bo rough ol' Sunhury. Kdnitnl jafB, petitions for restaurant li cense in the borough of Suubury ut his old 8tiid. Peter Yeopor, petitions for tavern licouso in Coul totMiAliip ut his old stund, W, Ilium S. Snyder, petilious for tavern li cense, in Jordun township ut his new timid. Win. A. Covcit, pelitious for luvern license in Sunbuiy un old stnud. Daniel Krumer, petitions for tavern license in Cnmeron tonnthip ol his old stuud. Liunitl ileim, pttitions for tuveru license iu Upper Mulninnyul his old stund. Abruhaui llothuriuel, pelitious for tavern license in Lower Mahuuoy township ut his old stuud. Henry B. Weaver, petitions for tavern li cense iu Trevorton ut his old stund. Pet or WeiUel, petitions for tavern license in Cutneron township at his old stuud. Henry 11. Uopp, petitions for tavern li cense in Point towiibhip on old stund. John It. Wrist, petitions for luvern license in Jordan township at his old stand. John Xesbit, petitions for tuvern license in Srtuinnliin township ut his old stund. Elius Weist, petitions for tuveru license ill Lower Muhatioy township ut his old stand J V. lvice, petitions lor tuvern license iu Mt. Ouriiivl township ut his old stand. Robert It. Porter, petitions Tor tavern li cense in the town of Sbumokiu at his old stnud. C! S. Drown, petitions for tavern license in Northuniberluiid at his old stund. John M. lieppetling, petitions for restaur ant license in Northumberland at his old 6tand. Charles Weaver, petitions for tavern li cense iu Suubury at his old stuud. Mary (jioodinun, petitions for restaurant It cene in Turtiut township at her old stand. William M. Weaver petitions for tavern license, iu the town of Shuuiokin, at his old iU:id. Charles Culp, petitions for license to soil liquor in quantities no lets than a pullon, iu Mt. C'nrinel towQbhip at his old stund. Elizabeth Sticker, petitions for tuvern li cense in Milton at her old stand. Suruh J. Uitvidson, petitions for tavern li ten so in Turbut township an old stund. Klius Schufi'cr, petitions lor tavern license in Jordun township nt his old stuud. A. II. Blair, pelitious for tuveru license iu Milton ut his old stand. Henry F. Uoush, petitions for tavern li cense iu Ml. Curuiel ut his new stuud. Vrtn. 11. Lerch, petitions for license to sell sj i-itous und vinous liquor in Mt. Curuiel. Daniel Herb, petitions for tuveru license hi' Upper Muhunoy township at his old stand. John Suhiuiukey, petitiuns for tuvern li cense in Upper Muhunny ut bis old stand. Abruhnm Lerch, petitions Tor tuveru li cense in Mt. Curniol an old ttutid. Klius Kuierick, petitions Tor tavern license iu Lower Augusta ut his old stand. Benjamin Kunuss & John Mc Williams, pe iltious for tuveru licenso iu Trevorton at his old stand. Elizabeth Rul;er, petitions for tevern li cense in Little Muhunoy at her old stand. Peter lloiist'mun, petitions for tavern li cense in the horough of Northumberland at his old stund John M. llnff, petitions for tavern license in Milton nt his old stund. J. (J. Smith, petition for luvern license in Jackson township at his old stund. Jacob Leiieuriiig, petition for tavern li cense so Shuiuokin towuship, ut bis old stand. Michael Wilvcrt, petitions for tavern li cense in Suubury ut his old stand. Muthius D. Holier, petitions lor tavern li cense in Little Mahuuoy township ut his old stand. Sunincl A. Burkenbein, petitions for res tuurulit license ut Northumberland, Godfrey li. Ueboek, petitions for tavern li cense in Washington towuship at bis ol stund. Henry Ilaus; petitions for tavern liceusein Northumberland at his old stund. William Farrow, petilious for tavern li cense iu Shamokiii township ut his old stand. John II. Adam, petitions for tavern lieeuse in Upper Muhunoy, at his old stand, Duvid llerr petitions for tavern license in the borouph of Milton, at his old stand. Jacob II. Ernst petilious for tuvern license in Turbut townthip, at his new stand. Thomas Search etilioiis for tavern licenso in Cbilisquaqtie township, at bis old stuud. Joseph Harris petitions for restaurant in the borough of Milton. William Fisher petitions for restaurant in the borough of Milton. William A, limner petitions for licenso to sell spirituous aud vinous liquors in tho towu of Sliainokin. DAN IK!. BECKLEY, Troth". Prothonotarv'o ORKe, ) Suubury, March 6,1 S58.J PPUE OLIVE OIL for tablo lit two aiss at 7 and C21 rants jurt received by A. W. flffllER, Karck !S, '5. SHERIFFS SALES, fly virtue of pundry writs of Visbitiori Etc.-- foitis and writs of Linnt Facias. ImusJ out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Northum berland county, to no directed, will bacrpomsd to publio ante, at the Court Ilouae, in Buubury, on MONDAY, th 6tb of APRIL, next, at 1 o'clock, P. M .lhe following doocribod property to will All thoao two contiguous, caruln tracts or ps reels of land.'altuato in Cullbquaquo township, Northumberland county, containing 40 aeres, mora or less, all of which is cleared, and hounded on Iho North by lands of Daniel Koch, on tho South by a public road leading from Milton to Danville, Kaat bf lands of Danisl Koch and William Fitzor, and on tho West by lands of rredcncR U. r'rtiller and William Burkhammor, dec'J whereon are erected a small frame dwell ing house, a barn, small orchard, 4c. Seised, taken into execution, and to bo sold as tha property of Andiow Keller. ' Alao, at the aamo time and place, two certain contiguous lots of groi-nd, situate In the town of Mount Carmal, in Mount Csrmel tonnahip, Northumberland county, and numbered in the general plan or said town No. I & 1, in dock No. S3, being each about 95 feet in front and about ISO feet in depth. Bounded on the North by Mount Carmet street, on the South bv Cherry alley, on the West by Oak street, and on the East by lot No. 3, in said block No. 22, whereon are erected a two atorv frame house and kitrhen Snd a frame atable. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold aa the property of David J. Lcwia. Alao, at the ionic timo and place, a c rtain tract, picre or parcel of land, situate in Point township, Northumberland county, bounded and deacribeJ aa follows, to wit: beginning at a post, thence by land Ute of John Cowdcn, North 40 degrees, East, SI0 perches to a whitcoak, thenco by land late of William A. Lloyd, North CO degrees West, 04$ perchca to a pout ; thence by lands la'.e of James Ksy, South 40 degrees West, 210i perches to three posts thence by land lute of Philip Frick, South 60 degrees East, 84 J perches to the place cf beginning. Containing IS I acres and 28 perches, (it being the saino tract cl land which tieorgo Eckertsold and convened to John William Stamm.) About 115 acres of which aro cleared wIktcoii aro erected a two-slory Irome house, a Ij story log houpe, and ba'n port log and part frame, an orchard and a well ol water, Ac. h'eized. taken in exorulion, and to be sold as the property of John WiPiatn Slnnmi. Also, at tho aamo time and place, all the estate, right, title slid iolerret of WilJimn L. Hclfen. stein, of, in. nnd to, all itial errtsin mcssungo or botly f coal lands, embracing the Locust Moun tain, ailuata formerly in r-hnsnokin, now C.a! towtithip, in the county of Northumberland, in the Male of Pennsylvania, bounded anil described ns follows, to wit: Adjoining on the North by lot No. i, thence bv lund of now, or formerly of U. H. Howell end others, and land formerly of William Tomlinson, afterwards of 13. H. How ell and others, thence by allutincnt No. 8, thence by tho Muhunoy Mountain, containing 1874 acres and 70 perches, strict measure. (Being Hie saino premises which Aichibald Mclntvro and wife, by two ceitain indentmes, one of them dated the 28lh day of Tebruorv. A. D.. 18II. and tho other dated the !.iy of the date hereof, but executed and delivered before Ibis present indenture, and which the said Daniel Mclntyrc, by indenture, also dated the day of the ihitc hereof, but executed and delivered before litis pres'nt indenture, RianlpJ ami conveyed unto said William L. llcileubteit;, his litira and aa signs.) Seized, taken in execution, and to bo sold an Hie property of William L. Helfcnstcin. Also, r.t the same timo and place, all the estate, tight, title und interest of William L. Helfeiiatein, of, and in, to, all that certain mes suage, fract or body of coal lauds, embracing the Locust Mountain, eituatw formerly in Sliamokin, now Coal township, in the county of Noitliuin berl.nul, in tio State of Pennsylvania, bounded and describtd as follows, to wit : AiljuMng on the North by lot No. C, thence by laud sutvryej in Ilia name of Ceorge Colrain, now, or formerly Messrs, Boyd &. Company, and land formerly cf William Tnmliimon, afterwards of Messrs. Uoyd &. Company, tlicnce by allotment No. 8, thcrica by Mahanoy Mountain. Containing 1874 acres ond seventy perches, strict measure. (Being the same premises which Archibald Mclntyre and wife, by two certain indentures, one of them dated tho 2Slh duy of February, A. D., 1801, and the other dated the day of the date hereof, but executed and delivered before thia present indenture, and which Daniel Mclntyre, by indenture,- also dated the day of tho dale hereof, but executed and delivered before this present inden ure. grunted and conveyed unto the said William i. llclfciistein, his heirs and ossigns.) Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of William L. llclicnsteiii. Also, at the same time and place, the undivi ded third part of all that certain messuage, tract pr body of coal lauds, embracing the Locust Mountain, situate formerly in Shamokin, now Coal towhthip, in the county of Northumberland, bounded and decciihed as follows : Adjoining on the North by lol No. C, thence by land surveyed in the name of G'corze Colrain. now I). II. How ell and others, aud lund formerly of William Tomlinson, now U. H. Howell, thencs by allot ment number 8, thenre by the Mahar.oy Moun tain. - Containing IH74 acres and 70 perches, strict measure. (UVing sundry tracts aud parts of tracts of land, S'Tveycd on warrants bearing date the l.'itli day o March, A. D , 1703, gronttd unto Edmund Huff, James (Jiier, Thomas Crier, James Jenkins, Kichard Salmon, Ii'icharJ Man ning and Thomas Foster, and olso, parts ol two tracts, surveyed on warrants blaring date the aoth day of November, A. D., 1SS0, granted to Daniel l!ruutigam ond James Hepburn, and allotted to Valentino lirohst as number 7, ac cording to a certuin parliikn of 2o tracts of land 1 ominonly called "Tho tirant Lar.dk,' and being the same undivided third part which Ar cbihold Mill. tyre and wife, by deed, dated the 2tth day of February, A. D.. 18.1 1, granted and conveyed unto William L. llellenstcin, his heirs and aesius. Sened, taken in execution, aud to be sold as the property of William L. Helfcu stcin. Also, at tho same timo and plaro, tho follow ing described 'I'K ACT OF LAND, commonly called The Mclntyre Lands," vizi The two full, equal and undiviiled third parts of, and in a certain tract of 1800 acres of co;.l land, em bracing the Locust Mountain, situate formerly in !-haino!,in, iow Coal township, in the county of Northumberland, aid t'tuto of Pennsylvania, bounded and desriibcd as follows, to wit: Ad- joinirg en the North by lot No. 0, thence by laiuis surveyed m the name of Ueorge Colrain, now Messrs. Ijoyj 4- Company, and lauds for merly of William Tomlinson, now Meisr. Uoyd &, Compant, thence by allotment No. 8, thence by the Mahanoy Mountain, coutaiuii g 1874 acres and 70 perches, strict measure, (being sundry tracts and parts of tracts of land, sur veyed on warrants bearing duta on the 15ih day of March, 179:1, granted unto Edmund Hull', James Crier, Thomas Grier, James Jenkins, Kichard Salmon, Kichard Manning and Thomas Foster ; and alto, parts of two tracts, surveyed 011 warrant besting date tho 30th day of No vember, IH30, granted to Daniel lirautigam and J.uics Hepburn, and allotted to Valentine lirohst as No. 7, according to a certain partition ol 25 tracta of land, commonly called the "Grant Lands." Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of The Philadelphia Si Suubury liailroid Company. ALSO, At the same time nnd place, by virtue of a certain writ of Levari f'nciai, to me direc. ted, will be exposed to public sulo the follow ing dcBeiibed pieces, parcels, ond lots of ground, situate in the borough of Sunbury, and county of Norlhnmherlund, oforetuid, nore particularly described os follows, to wit: All that large two slory brick House and four lots of ground, situate in the bor ough of Sunbury, aforesuid, bounded on the West by Broadway ; on the South by Sba. inok in street ; and East by River alley, and ahull Tour lots are numbered Cl, C2, 63, and G4 in tho general plan or said borough ; also, all those two lots of ground, situate and being in the borough of Sunbury, oforesuid, bounded on the North by Shamokin street: on tho Sonlh by Burberry alley and on the West by properly of tbe beiro of George Woitsel. Notnberod io the f eosral plao m fs14 bo ooph 67 and C8, also, all those five lots of ground, siluato and being io the bnroagh or cunoury, aiorcsald, numtierod In the general plan of said boroogh, J3, 94, 95, W and 97 also, all that out-lot of gronnri, sitoate in the borough of Suobury, aforesaid, known In tbe general plan of out-lots as number S3, bound ed by lot No. 3, by a 30 foot alley, and by Ehomokin creek, containing 4 acres and 144 perches bo tbe aamo, more or less i also all those other 2 oui-lolo, In tbe said borongh of Soobnry, known in the general plan of out lots as numbers 56 and 17, containing, to gether, 10 acres aod 36 perches ; and also, all that other out-lot of grouad, situate and being In tho said borongh of Sunbury, In the nook, bounded by the Shamokin creek, other out lots or Charles Hall, deceased, and Jamos Smith, containing 13 acres be the same, more or less. Suisod, tukeu in execu tion, and to be sold as thu property of Jacob li. Masser, with notice ts Ira T. Clement, John Haas, A. Diofenderfer, A. Hoover. John Clark, William L. Dewart, P. W. Hughes and John liowen. JAMES VANDYKE, BheiijT. ouenu s oinco, Sunbury, March Glh, 1868. SHEEIFF'S SALE. Alexander Jordan vs. William Davia and Geo. F. Lec, Executors of Thos. Davis, of Pliila , deceased, and also Trustees of the widow and heirs of said deceased, and Joseph War ner, of Philadelphia, and In tho Couit of Common Pleas r.f North'd. Co.. No, 32. Nov. Tom, '.857. Writ oj Partition. Win. McCarty, of Sunbury. J In pursuance of an order and decree or ths Court of Common Pleas of aaid rountv, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in Sunbury, on MONDAY, tho 6th doy of AI'KII., next, at 12 o'clock, M., lots Nos. 430, 415, 414, 437, 438 and 250, in the town of Shamokin, as laid oht by McCarty, Davis, Warner an J Jordan. Conditi ins of sale will be made known on the day of sj'e, JAMES VANDYKE, Shorut SheiifTs office, Sunbury. ) March Elh, 18.r8. 1 PROCLAMATION. TJ OT1CE is hereby given that tho several Courts of Common Plena, (iencral Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Oprhans' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and (iencral Jail Delivery, in and tor tnc county ot XVortliumbcrlund. to commence at the Court lkusc, in the borough ol Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the sih day ot A l'lllL, next, and will continue TWO WF.EKS. " Tha coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their proper per sons, Willi their rulls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several oiliccs appertaining to be done. And al- witnesses prosecuting .n behalf of the Common wealth against anv prisoner arc also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall lie just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors arc requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the timo appointed ajrccablo to their notices, (jivnn under my hand at Sunbury, the 1st day of March in the year of our Lord one thous and ciuli hundred and f;f:y-cit;ht and tha Independence of tha United States of America ths 82d. God save the Commonwealth. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Ofiico, Sunbury, ) Marc h C, 1858. J LIST OP CAUSES. FOR trial in the Court ol Common Plras of Nnrllinmtutrtnnil f!nttnlv In Iia I.mI.1 nt Kim bury, on the first Monday of April. 1858. - I'tliSTirn. DtriMiisTi. Isaac Drown vs John S Pelemian J. IS. .Smith's ex'ra. vs Chas. G. Donnel's Adm'r. Saino vs same. Peter Dickson vs Shaffer fc Co. John Uowcn vs J. li. Muster, Alexander Colt, vs John A Lloyd, Martin Weaver va Win. McCarty et al James Eager, VS James Vandyke, Win K Marti vs J U Masser damn vs same Leib for 7ammer vs Sun'jury Canal 4- W. P. Co. Henry W cose, John Cooper, Silas Wolvcrton, John J. Hess James M alone Win I.onnx. S.c vs 'J'hos. Daumgar.lncr, va John 13 or ns et al Va Fiancis Egleinan, vs II. IS. Masser, va Phila Sl Sunhu'v R R Co va Win I, Hell'eusleiii, (i M Flemming Stc, 1? F lieitv Ac vs Wm L llclfcnsleiri vs same Win J McCandlcssoCovs Wm Conner Peter Yerger vs Jonas Uohnrr John Ciithbert vs Thomas Francis sr., etal .lames Kico Jchn Creech C Kram for Nagle Alfied It Fii,ke Isaac 111 own Clonics Fidler Isaac lircwn va Geo A Keeler va W illiim Fagely vs David S taiich et nl vs Sun & Erie K. K. Co vs Thomas S. SladJcn vs William Houpt vs John H l'clermart, vs A 1) Longshore vs Jos HolVninn's adm'r. vs Kaso & lieed, vs Jcsae Rica John Mi.rry Deborah HvZ7y Reuben Fugely J. A W Kolboch William Filman Henry Maaser's ex'ra vs Francis O'Dennel, vs George Conrad. DANIEL BECKLEY, Froth'y. Frothonntary's Office, ) Suubury, March li, 1 808. 1 FEBRUARY 20, 1858. JUST received by Railroad another lot e choice and desirable goods consittiiig in par of Fancy Delanes new styles, Uluck and Fancy Silks Beautiful Madder Prints at 0, 8 and U cents per yard Persian Debcgo I - J cents Plain Delanes 1 2 cents 3(3 inches wide unbleached Muliu Ci cents Also 1300 yards Mu.hn dif ferent wi.liha and qualities French Cloths, Cas- simcrcs, Saiinett, Kculucky Jean Ac nt exceed ingly low prices And we call particular atten tion to our Stock of Frc.h Groceries, feeling as sured that their qualit) and our price will render entile saiikfactiou COKE ONE COmU ALL' Examine our goods and learn our prices, our stock presents a large and varied assortment, en abling purchasers to make a good selection to the best advantage. GKEAT BABOAINS, In consequnce of the advanced state of the Win. tor, wo will commence frcro Ihia date to sell our entire stock of Ready Made Clothing liianketf, vVinler Hosiery, and a very nice assortment of Ladies Shawls ut greatly reduced prices Now is the time to good bargains. A TINNY BVIi0 18 A PKNNY KAHNED, E. Y. BRIGHT It SON. Sunbury, February SO, 1858. Market Street, Buubury Fa. THE aubscriber respectfully informs tha citi zens of Sunbury, and the publio generally, that be has purchased, aud will taka ioesioit of the abova well known aland on lha I at uf ytpril next, formerly kept by Mrs. Thompson. That he will put Ibe same in complete lepsir. In addition he will provide a conveyance to carry pastengo'O to and from the uitterent liailroad de pots, and will leave no effarts untried to render hia hotel a desirable slopping place for guesla and travelera. JU11IM l,t,131!.K, February SO, 1858. f)QQYARI)8CARPETING,embracingVooI Ingraia, Cotton, and e auporior aticlr of Rag Carpet, Manufactured at borne, for oale at prices to sutf tbe Uaaos. Pee. 94, 'If, BRKJ3T A SON. Estate of IlJiNEY PET, pen. dee'd. TOnCE is hereby given that letters of ed ' ministration havo been granted to the sub. eeriher en tho estato of Henry Fry, sen. late of Coal township, Northumbci!nHdcuunty, deceased 4II persona indebted will please make Immediate payment and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement. GEORGE II. CODER, Jm'r. ( February SO, 1858.- CL NOTICE. TV'OTICE Is hereby given that application ' will be mad by the aubscrier, for a du plicate of Land Warrant No. 84. S18, for 120 acrea. Issued to Rebecca Bear, widow of Wm. Bear, who was a private in Capt. Hay's e0mp ny,dated the lClhday of September 1850, which Oaid warrant waaduly assigned by tho sntd Re becca Hear, in blank, and acknowledged brfors Jesse Wcigel, and cenifiod '-y tho I'rothonotary of Mounluur cotintv I'a., and purr.hasod by tl 0 subscriber from the said Rebecca Dear. That the said warrant was lost in the mail between Dillon Corner Post Office, Northumberland county, Pa., and rirasntit Hill l'ost Office, Montgomery county Indiana, from and after tho Sfltli cf November IS5R, and has never been heard of since. That in consequence of said losa application will bo made to the comniistioner uf Peni-ioni for a duplicate aa above stated. CHARLES VV. MKHARRY. Pleaiaut Hill, Indiana. February, JO, 185S. 6t. a. c. cuxprnaot'OH. iaac c. MARn js' CHliSEBItOtTGIl & Pr ARSON, Commission Merchants and Dealers in FESIH, CIUCLSi: ,1M I'UOTISIS, JVb. 5, X. ll'iier tt., 3 iluort uhove Market, riHLADCLPHIA, ET! arc constantly on hand an assortment of M Dried and Pickled Fish, Ac, Ac. Mackerel, I Codfish, Salmon, Beef, Shod, Pork. Lard, Hams, Sides, Shoulders, Chre.-e, liulter.Ac. Feb. 27, 1658. 3m.w. A Card Io Site fultltc. READ! READ!! READ!!! j. r. & r. r. sixine. MEROII NTS, Klitie't (hove, NorlhuinherljnJ county, Pa. have determined from the publication of ' v (his notice to kell at greatly reduced prices for CASH our stock of Goods, comprising Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Queeiiaware, Boots and Shoes, Huts and Cupa, Medicince, Vc , anJ all goods usuully kept in a country store. Being desirous of quitting the business we will dispose of our stock of Goods on or before thu 31st day of March, 1858, to a person or persons wishing to embark in the business on favorable loims. The situation is a good one for doing an oxlensive mercantile trade. For further particulars call personally upon the subscribers, or address them by mail. J. F. A. I. F. KLINE. Kline's Grove, Pa, February Cth, 1853 SIIEPJFr-S SALE. V virtue nf a V rit nf VENlil-rtn?! Tllrt mas issued out of the Court of Comircn Pleas of Northumbeilund County, and to mc directed, will be exposed to" Public Sulo et the Public. House of JCHN M. HUFF, in tho bo rouish cf Milton, on SATURDAY iho i.lih day , of MARCH next, at 1 o'clock, P. M.,tha follow ing described property, to wit : All the rii'.ht, title and interest of tho defend ant, of and in a certain lot of ground, situate in Delaware towiship, Northumberland county, bounded by lands of Christian Gosh, on thenonh south and cast, on Iho west by the West Branch Canal, containing Four ACRES moie or loss, whereon are erected u Steam Saw Mill, and Frame House. Seized taken in execution nnd lobe o!d as the propertv of SethT. McCormick. JAMKS VANDYKE, Shcriir. Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, 1 February 13, 1857. i ACrTxTS, AYTESTIsSsT! Do you vih to fiii'l g.Mtl fnipUyincii(, unil v.h inn witli lutie ir mi invciiisieut, ut.il wniioui utit-fit..! g vvi'h yur reulur buiiuttt? If yuu (io, rtuil ini uilvcrlisc incut. C. l! TODD & CO., f 193 Brooma Slit, New York me iiiutiur.tcturtMic and ellmp iiiumivc k m t I t 'j tticli, (Wiitrii nrc chcfr lit lliitt irK't, mtii iliy ihruw inn p tt t or pri.e wi:!i c:icli t-'t-itCtl, wotTli from up l-.i 5, Iu I5,tfllt 3.i, W. 73, Htl, yno, mid JU'. J!i-itt cry iui, ' Iluiiibug 1 I iiory !' IV n t amli i!ti:ii;. 'l iie i'cnt'.iv rtre tlil nt tticir itih V'llu', tut tlie .ffi'H m r llie liifit rst tuc throw n in" the uiil, vl;u-h nctu:il:y l -i-l llie jMm-'iascr titulit:'.. 'J'l;c tr.zvti it to t,l;thi.tilrtl on a in. fie pl:m nf drawii.7, Wiiicli V"ulu tuc ti i iiiiicl. rt!m t rxii'iim, tiit v!i-ii Lus nwer ini'.vM u t; i vm;, -!"t! .t!'iHfti ii We Inv (iritwii ni! fin tt MiirvI' iFcta isf, puitl vv.-iirlirB v( vii"'ii5 piici'C, 7 1 ..tirsri f '''m'J, 'J:l p"Ut lisrke'a, S.'jO i;d cliniiif, Mini it C"rct:sj-uitlittp;nuiii bcr ut otiier j-nztn, wilimi two monUii. TIIKUK ARK NO BLeVNK?. Imt every purclnter draws a prize worth f-' certuin, und lis stumt tliotittunln if cli.utrri ui lf n Inch'T figure. We w:utt a c -l ct in vry niiili' U hinmch out tlie Ctuiifi y u .licit pnrcluni'iii, aitil my ii ' lie titri'fiitiil. mult lavf ii I's-nril itiid nr.:v. I o'Xtiiljtt. Ve puy utceiiin Si null fur e;itU piircltiihiT hen: i;iuiB,rd tlie fitut pt:fi:i in any neiji'Irli nlrMHi wlioitppltt-s l ru I'eiiril and pit't will tcceivu llie :iti.cv i.r lti.il 1 c ilv H turn id un tifirnt tl'inn ii VLlnnlilv prtzv to r&l;il:t wiilt his Heii' il. lie wftultl hue 'Ha dilT.fiiiry ft ;Ui(nng booits of puiclmseis, und inakiuj ilu pmy buiiiitM. A Xcw Idea! y.'cW.' y.Vrrr Wc iiftk iirtthtily tcnd their mfiney til! llicy know wliat prixe they drew. Any I wily winhmpt Irv U.ir Im-k, trm fnft sfiifl thi ir limn iiikI ntMreiu, and w wi.l make their ilnnvinp cm I inform thrrn ly return ml wltai r""" llicy ilrevv, wlien tht-y ran neiu. va and In He li-e lYuciiam. prize, or n.t, whichever theychmte. We riv this pri- jlepti only nitre to u rurrh;iser. Alierthe fist dniwing every pi.Vrlt:iBr will l nq;iirtl to send in mlvunre, tnriiKli die uutimntl ne.nt. We will n nd v. nh rat i tlr twinic liis iHnitUr likcn nut, wilh full d c sunti on oi the pluu uf drawing. Address C. K. TODD k Co . 392 Broom Street, iVtw ) orl January 0, ATTORNEY AT TAJVT, Ojfice in Macket St., opposite the Court House, eDNSUItY, PA. Collections maile and Professions! Dn.il. fk gcnrrally alteinltJ te rromntly ami Carefully. PiiiLiDKLrai a ncsir.ENCK : Ilullilt Fairlhorno, Dichl .y W'crts, Davia & Ilirnny, F. Tlot it Co. Kunbtiry. June 20, IP57. Tho Commoaweulth of Ponnsylvuuia. To Josojih HaiH-.toHout, Tctrr llauchawout. John liaoahawout, Nanry intermarried wilh Wm. H. Ke, Elizabeth in termarried with Dsou Cii)ihi-I!, Maiy llniiilii woul widow of l.rllcrt li.iiili.ivMiiit, ili-cM nd Marv Hauuhawout and Fphraiin l.Mtn piinnlinn of Jolm J., tiarah Jane, Ki bruim L. and My E. llaughawnut, minor rliildicn ol a;i l.tliiit Ilatmbawout dee'd, Cltriatoiilirr Ha.;buMil Unsc Hauqhaweiit, Jiirkaoii llauglinwo'.t. t'.'.l vin Hausbawout, Di witl lluughanout and The i)aia iiiUrmani.d with Isa:ic Drwitl, luirs und Ii jiiI represcntttlives uf John Hau,;..uoul drc tl, and to all other persona interested. (iit&r. J l.Mi : e Ncrthumbcrland County, sa. You and each of you me hereby ciled lo be ond appear lielor-t llie Ju lt;ea of our Orphans Court, at an Orphans Cnurt te be bold for said county tba lirt Aloiulay ol Apr1'. next, and then and there, artrpt or rtTure U lu,e therealestalenfllieauidjul.il If aut;lia-.out at the valuation placed upon it by an irqucot held thereon tha Cliltt day of December ",U7. or allow rause why the same shall riot l6 sold. And iiereof fail nut ! Certified from tho records of our saij Orphan's Court at Suuburv, thia Uih day of January, A. D., 18.r8., 'J'hua. D. Ciant Dept. Cik. O. C. The aliovo named lit ira and I.tgal "pprrsenta lives will please take notice ol tho l..m rule. JAMfcS VAMDVKC:, bheruT. SheritTa Office, Sunbury, February SO, lb5B. J STORE. MISS LOUISA feH lSSLER. respectfully in forms the citizens ol Trevorton and sur rounding county, that she lias opened a new store of Millinery end Fancy Cowls, at Trevor ton in Shatnolin street, nearly oppnaiie Knouse'e Tavern, where all kinds of Donurts and Fn.-.y GohU can le bad at the lowest terms. Dress maUns, also attended to i e beat manner and latest style. AprU 19, IWT 4 ANALYSIS CP ITOS'S CATAWBA 2EAWDY BY A. A.HA YF.8, M. D., Atsaytr to Ihi Stah bf Maitaehuwltt. Outsail CnaaiCTr.it. A Lghl yellowish brown-colnrtd spirit, having a fragrant odoi when evaporoted ;om clean linen it iu no 011 ot euirnsive matter. An.'lysed for oolalilo and lis. cd drug, of which tie iru'co of any kind wore found. Its color Is proved to l doe te eolorod resin an extract derived from wo"h In overt respect it is a pore spirituous liquor. Tho fragrance of bouquet which it vipsai sees ran be Isolated. and it then appears unlike tbst from CrgnRc Brandy or Wine, being a fnrtty tt senco rcsultlntt fro'n a peculiar fomentation of Catawba snd Isubolla Grapes. CiiSMictx, CmaiCTxa. 1,000 parts in vol ume of Ibis spirit contains at liO deg F. 401 2 10 parts of pure ulcohol, besi.Ies the fragrant oil. 1,0 III pniUof the spirit alTord parts of a strong Solution of the ml which characterizes this Bran dy lite spirit 'eft, ufier removing the oil, is pnio and odorless, and in all its quali'.iea a perfect spi rit not subject to charge, Ono V. N. ration of thlx L'ron.'y nt 0(1 iW. F, eontaiiis, bcnidcs tha spirit and oil, only 220 p,r. of matter composed of extract of fruit, gurn, aud coluraJ rcin frcm wood. Jj'osTo;r, January .", 165S, Dr. C07K, Stain Inspector af Ch'o, and Dr. Jas. i". Chilton. Chemist, of New York, both pronounce this to be pr.ro Rrandy. and free from all adulteration. For Aiedieinal pnrposea Lyon's Catawba Bran dy has no rival, and ha lonjr been needed to su persede tha poisonous compounds sold Under the name of Rraudy. As 1 beveraa, the puro article is altogether superior, and a sovereign sure reme dy f.n 1yrprpn'ii, Flatulency,, Low Spirits, Lan guor. Geneiiil Debility, 4 c. A'C Also, HKI,UY'S s'J'H.L AND SPARIf LI.M'J CIIAMI'AGNE. 'I hrae wines arc ma le n the neighborhood of Cincinnati, and ore cuai amied Io he the pure j'lieo of the Or.-.pv, and are eminently calculated lor invalids and persons who require a gentle atinitilant, and for sacramen tal purposes. Retail prico If I 25 per bottle. A liberal dis CO'irt inado to the trade. Dculrrs will please send their orders to tho solo agent for Northum berland county JOHN F. CAKI.OW. DiiisKist, Miiton, Pa. February, SO, ISoR. 3m. rLOTTR AND FEED ! "TnilK suliacriber iaons'Bnl!y receiving fresh suppiies uf Extra Wheat and lluckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop-Feed, &c, hich ho i iifiVriiig at LOW MMU'KS. Wheat Flour from $5 B0 to !;7 00 per hid, according to quality. Extra GucUwhwhcat Flour, 1 2! pr sacl.. Com Meal, 1 SO pr 100 Chop FetJ, 1 iO pr 100 Also on hand a lot of very nice dried A pples at lh cts per pound, or 42 SO per 3 pounJu Every rli'ort will beniado to please, and Rive his customers utisraction. Call and examine fcr yourselves. C. O. HAVEN. Sunbury, February 50, l?.oS.- AtlrniJiiSi'.ratcr's Ilctios. IVTOTICE is lureby plvrn, that lottcrs of Au "'jj niiutKlraiinn, on the cst.tio of Auffiwlus II ury, late of Siiainol;ln township, IVorliiuniber Iunil county, deceased, have been grunted to tho subscriber. All pertons interrsli'il will ti;e no lice tl.at iic wi!l be nt the resnlenro of ti e r.ijow ol said tleccascl, on Tlimfday Iho 1 r.t Is d:,y of Ap:il licM, when and where all prr.iins having claims uguiii.tt said cslato aro teijiieeltd to make Uuov n t!ie same, und persons biiuivini? ilio:il sclvos indebted, are remicdtcj to make .ayn.er.t without delnv. WILLIAM AM.MEItMAX, Adm'r. of Augustus Hucy, deceased. Shainnltin lowncliip, Feb. 1:1, IHSS. Ct SADLEPwY AUD ttAE27rSS;MAKIXfJ 'fllllE subfcribers respectliillv inform tho riti - tens of Sunbury and viciniiy that they have commenced the aboo business e few doan above l!io l'ost lul'tfe, Market Square, t-'unburv, I'a. Work or all kinos in their line of business will be d ne promptly and ncatlv on li et most rea sonable term'. CLEMENT ot OVSTEK. Fcbruay El, 1 S.'id. .SET-'C't it. l Ol UT. A Special Couit of t.'oninion l'lras, for Jury Tri.;!.., will he held at the Conit Hon. in Suu bury, mi ii;cJd .Moik1..v of Maic'.i tj wit March .rtU lft5B. DANIEL DECKLE V, P.oih'y rrolhonntarv Of.ice, Snnb rv. Feb. 13, IS TKOCJiAMATlON. K'OTIL'E is hereby ghta that a tpeeial Court for llie tiitl ul'eau-ci in ihe Comnioii Pleas wid r..)inii'e:ne at the Couil liousn in Sunbury on Monday Iho 15th t'av of Match, for one V et'.i. Jurors and utlieis inteicstej wiii Attend. .icn Ulid'-t mv h.U.d at hunbury, the 1st day of February iu the year i our Lord cr.o thousand 0 i t hiiwibed and futy-eigbt and tha Inde jieuileiice of the United States of Aii.ciica the B-.-J. CoJ eavo the Commonwealth. JA MEs VANDVJCC, Sheri.T. SberilT's Oliiee, fiulibury, ) February 13, 165V ( E.IST OP CxUSES. T"'OK trial in the Special Court of Common I'lcna uf Noitbumbcrland County, to he held al eiunbury, on the third Monday of March 1353. ri.Ai:.Tirrs. defendants. Jacob M. Sulida vs Kimber Cleaver, Chaa Pleasants vsT1',e Mat'"y B,'lJ bamol.iu Improvement t ompany. Nurih'J Improve . James Jet.Uns he'(is cVc, vs mrut Co., and W I. He! i n lein. Jrne C. Hoiton J. Ecael.am cV W L Dewart Irit T. (Vciuent, vs William McCarty. Isaiah. WilUerson, v u.' qochanna Coal L'a. etal (!. C. Welker, va II. HetluK, W II Marshall ct l Itnbe.t At.thmuty Ae.va Jesse Aticnrnuly. (ieoro l!t.rns, s tieore C. Welker. DANIKL liKCKLLY, Prolhy. rrctlintnM.iry'h Oliiee. 1 fciiiiiliury, l'i b. I'd, lc!."!6, j AUDITOR'S X0TICE. TOTK'E is berebv Riven that the undeiftner ' Auditor appointed by lie Court t.f Common ploss, of Nortli'iinlerlaiid rutin ty t thttnl'iiic the iiinnry in tbe bands of James IUumI E,q ., lata l'rotlioiintury, rnir.l on the rale tf pail of l',e Ibe real eslNle i.f Thomas driiiit i',t'd, ' ln. parliti.ui of the real stale of said cw'khi, attend lo the tlutics of his auid a- nintmei.t on Tuesday, the sixteenth Jav 0f March, IS.V, at It) o'clock A- T.i. of, y, at bis cf. fiieinll.e lorcti.h fienburv, at which lime ai.d plv ull rrr-ons inti rested may altend. WM. KOCKEFELLEE, Auditor. Febreary 27, 185 TU .T 40 Per ESnrvc! HE subtciilier resjitctfnlly informs the eiti A. zena of Siuil.ury and vicinity thai he has just receivej a supply ol FLOl'K, which ho is oil! ring at wholesale or retail from ff'3 40, $8 37J to 6 t'J per IJarrel. lie u!cj .!!t .inc as low aa '.) cts. per ijuarler, all ef which he WAlt liANTS to be tiood. CANLLK3 for sale, who!rsa!e or retail. Thankful lor pant patronage he hopes to con tiliuo t'j moiil the same. GIVE lilM A CALL I M. C. GEAE1IAKT. Maikei tt , buubury, Pa. February 27, 165 300 SAtUCd SALT. best quality, best qual ity, larje sacUs, sn.l for sale tthr lowest fli-nre. mutiiiri son. isui.bnrv, Dre. , IMT, VlUAlil. and Look ltroct.e rirawls; also, -J Vtcrvhct, Oay Slate. Waterlj.'i, and Clao ket.bhaw'.s, laUsi at) lea, all qualities auJ prices. l)e. tt, 1B6T. UKJliUT A?O.V ITK-LTLS COVERE.Y, VioptMor. Cor. vMarktt Strict f MarkaSqvart, ItAKHtSBUIte.PA. rmm NEW AND KLEOANTHOTIX, rerattly ffra X lei bt lb Merars JliMEa, hi ', Pa., br- ieru l-oscf' r.ir a tarin of rests i llianwlli'', lekea Una trieibKj of mini tba atuuuuo uf lua xui Hiraii, and Us lievellina aoirrfminllv, thweto. Wlanne a froirt U oaiiiuiitrl atnt fetf rS oe Ue iwiiieiorfs'reet ot "T. 1 KIiit-w" I Mrkt SitMiare, it eaneol fail W fwuvg ettiactive aa wa "T::"cl'of Jb- wait t-Maa lichtwt wltti Ga-e number wiO. eouwrtuif Sooca-raa-aiiic tStra vrr doSiratiK fnr iipbiii. fhm Itslla ire tv.mi.-J tirov" vary modurn lirprovMnant, Io lue, T may ooialuca lo U.a Salaiy, ouiufort, SaJ R.ii:a of Um r'via!t.ira mar, tbeef . rest iidt), that Oia -i-wa rf'tiao1' haa bean nnule r feet in all ,t ps)niiiUT)j.ia that icii orrortrortit bus bceil pluewl In cluije or r-'tv t1ei Oc-J..-'lCmi:lrut I'aiarma tfcat in ev. ry rV"0''' lb" sVstam I'lueh liad-iptl bHie fr..pr.oloi. wiilslT.r-l t.i Hi e wi.o iiy ""he it Ihel' home, as great a rtrirMa of cinioit as iny be obtatneJ at any simMer t.uibtistmoiH " To'eoeura' tins 'deslrSlle reirilt, be ' forwMfif the l'ul.neand I'rivata frivau lurt rs.J rjjarn is, Hh.lrc lt.ia, Ste, wile entirety NW Pi;iiMTLin-.,- sr(. airs.i..-d witliin tlia l.uil.liiig. a fins Karhtrs rVil.iir tha ler Sot ion, lri-suif Koum, II: t and 1M Ustns, 4 s. Tost 'uiiimrv Uev""""1""'"' ft R""'a w frceive Ibe n;A'l ntieini'in f i'is froprletor, wtneh In trusts, will be a suinrirnt puamsitrc Unit nU loales vsll r tuitM. After ruiuriiiiift ins liea.-.'fclt tlmaks lo Ins o!J fritm.s ni't paiMin. for tlio genernus r''tr,I,",re "'ei.oeil t ihlnliittlie''Coverl)f iriaae," and ulw M Ills f.Wnris ni.t lr.n nt tlie 'CoIilinb: 11. 13c," Oiie Irlnii't. durinK the aaar nt f t., t.e ieie:fuii solicils a eii'.uniaisve of it ai.;.a-Jo.M:3I10U'fei:." , ,.,. WEL'.8 CCV tKlAf.. Tntn cf emna. VALUABLE EEAL ESTATE OFFEP.nD AT r'TTSHE subscriber ofT-rs at rrivalo sale, a cer .E. tain lot or pieco of land, ajtualo in Lower Augnsi lownsbin, Northumberland eonhty, about 8 miles below Sunbury, bounded on tho west by the river rXusfiuehoiiiia, on the south by land ol (jeorgo r'cilcr, on the cast by lund of Win. Kroh, ami on the north by land of Wm 1L Jones, cuitaiiiinf? H Acres an J 1 perches, allot' whi:h ii cleared and in a very high slate of cnitivition. The Northern Central Rail llvil pa-fi'i tl riuch the tract, and is alr bound on the. Cist by tho MsJn 1'oad leading f.oni c-unbt'ry t.i JlairUburir, v!.irli tegelher, with the J.Ler upon the west, and tlie fertility of iho soil ruskes it a very pleasant end desia bio situatitin. A LyO; another certain Tisct of I.ar.il, sttusta in raid township, ai'joinirg lands of William Kroh, on the south, tho heirs of Robert and Ar thur A uchmutyt on tho cast Win. V. i?ilver wood, aud a public road on the north, and Wm It Junes on llie west, remaining Acres 121 perches strict meacure. 4oeut CO acres of which ale cleared, and in a hih stt'.lo of cultivation and tha rnsiJuo inoft excellent lund for cnliiva tion, but Ij now covered with excellent limber, aud if purchased soon, the purrhaser can get a InrRC quantity of Hniirosd Tifs on the aainn. '1 liis tract is also well watered, having several fine springs upon it, and every field can bo wa tered thcrchv. An indisputable title will be given on J terms of sale reasonable. WILLIAM E. JONES. Lower Augusts tp-, January 1P57. tf LANCASTER COLLIERY I0R SALE. itnpot tiint to Coai Operators, 'jpll li undcrfined Lessees of the Lancaster Cclliery," near isiiamtikin, Northutiibcrland county, l'cnnsylv.inia, tvi-hin to retire fiom tho bupinei j. offer f.ir sale t':o l.iafo and I'ittures of said Colii.ry, on satisfortniy tcrrns. This CnlliTy has been in opcrai'r.n since 18C1, and has been bucccsp'iiI beyond expectation. Tlio Coal is a supcili-r articles for all Ufes t.) which Anthracite is applied, and a (pied market has U cii ca!hh!it,hed. vthirh can le much extended. Tl.o l.'reakcr a;sd I'iHures r.re cl tiic veiy bc.t chai setcr end v.i'! iLCommtii'l tliemsclci to persona acr-iaiiitil wi h the bntir.rsj. 'I'll? Lease rmiif to January 1, 1S0I, and is a fav.-.;ab!e cite fjr tho operator. For f.irihcr ii:forn:a'.ion apply et too Colliery in person, or by letur to Kiiainoin, V. O., Nor thumberland coiui'v, I'i i:ns Ivani:-. CtJCHKAN, I'EALE Si CO. February 0, 1(108, tf Hzi-j.ii of George jfirofiou-, deecatei. r:J OTICE ii hereby siven to the l.t-'ia cr lejal rep.-CRCutnlivcj of George lirosinus, lata of Georgetown. Li L-iwer Mnhonoy township, Npr thniiilicriand county, Funnsylvsr.ia, iletcascd, tiint by viitr.eof an alias writ of I ariiiii.ii tnd Valuation issued out of the C.phuns' C'o.:rt rf said county and lo me directed, an iiiuei will be held at the lale residence tf said ileeeasrd, lit (.eorwto.vn, utt MONDAY, the iiind day of March, next, ct IU o'clock A. M.,tor ihc purpoie of mul.iuq patliliJii of tho Deal Estate cf said deceased, to wit : of five rcrtai:i tract of land, and four and half lots of ground in Ci'orclo.vn, afurcsai.', ono Limestone loi, and live Islands, situate in the river Susquehanna in Lower Mnho noy towi,s'..ip. Nor.l'umbciianJ county. a f.resaid, b.ttvecn the hnra or le;al repie?enlaiives, and the widow of said deceased. At which time and. j r'a-0 ou may attend if you t!iii:l; jTopor. j JAMES VANDYKE, bherilT, tMierm a uil-.ce, funtiury, January DO, IbSg. KQVER'3 LIQUII. HAIR 27E Tlietestirnorynf I'rcf. Eoetban.l Cr nrinetle havinr priifioutly baeil publish-,'., tte i..li,w.i it .iW uitJtd From Prof. SleCl.fifAi:v, I'l.rii.etlv l'-.'V..i..r of floury and Practiee of '.eiiieine in Hip Ki'r.iaw M,::! r.,j,.Bi ( I'en.isyitae.a, iul lale .'im'risnr of Saiuery ui tiio Aoieneau I'olleu! .Me.liti.ie, Ac. : I'muteKLMiiA, Nov 37, 1"S. Ma. Jo.Frn K. UotEa- A unit m y in l.iQl iD II All; IjYI. will ecavinee the most L!.-.tiai!. tliul it isa. st, F.i.hANT, nnU ttrii ictdit .r.'i araii.ai. I "nt.ka oany others . ii iias la several iiiJtaivr ff.'Vinl SL-ivicc-u'.ltf in llie caieif s-:v.e tata'ic.iu i ri..i,..,,H ,hi It.? .-?uu. kisi 1 Live n: lifsiiatMu iii comiueiiv:i!,5 it ta liaise reuirii.g S'jeli an uppiieu'.ti'ii. Very reject. aily, J. T.X t,-ri.t)S!:t;v. M.D , IT.) Itaec .-.i., ub.:ve lath. HOVI'.n-ft WntTINC INKS, inHe 'ini, linvi'U S wiiiTiMi ri i iu, aiki not i.him)i;i.ii:i.i: inks, kull iikiiiili'ih liieii ti:li elianulrr, vvlii. li li.'ts a:v.s s .lis liut;u!l.s(l lluiii, uu.l ifij cxteiisivc Jtlliainl tirst ci'taieJ, has c.'i....iLC-tl u:.ii,itMi nptrit uii.ii i!.c :i, ml. Orders uddies-sej to lite Mauiil'.ielorv, No. 418 RACE stieet, above Fourth, (old No. HI.) Pbiia.lil hia, will recrii'et.ri.nipl a'icntieii, by JOSEPH E. HOVEl!, Manufaeturer. Dcctnil.er ls.".7. Aj.ril S5, '17, ch. FLOUR AND Ft El) STOKE, Market Stuart, Suuhury, V. BT, ESPECTFi;LI.Y informs the pililie that U ne e..ii.iantiy Kec7( C:i baiul, titra and iiou.ilo t: v ie-dl Fiour, in .jua'ter barrel stiks. Alsospeiior 1! i'.e!.bcat Flour, snd Chop fee.' r.; Knds, which l e will warrant B"J ail at l!.e lowest pi i.e. IO U CASH ONLV. ii nnd sec for yuiscNes. Deetmber 19, I K."7 ly. IVrnicn I.ooK lo Your Interest. 'TlIE ttidcriber rfspvil.'ully ii foms the far r..cra and ibe publie generally, that he baa lea-tj the lime kilns of I.-a T Cleu.ci.t in Sun bury, and that he has always on l.snd.ard is icady to supply a good quality cf liir.o lo aliwho nity wanlter building or farming purposea. lie has uIko a kiln al iCcvfer's crossing 6 uiilta from bjui.bury, or two from Snvdciloivn. t'sr" All kinds of Country Produce taken la exchange. GEO. V. 8TE0H. Putibury, Dec. S6, 1957. ao.ooo oitoss-xiES TTrANTED Thirty Thcueand Cioss-Tiea. or " Kaiiror.J Sills for the NuilLern Cemiat. Rail Head. Frr further particulate ar-ply to IK A T. CLEMENT, Co tractor, Fuiibury. Lecen.bef 86, 1857 tf A S'SSX XY COtr. CAME to the poiK'sra cf ihe subscriber aVcn 80 . aysaince a Ul.ACK C t W, atot.t tss yruis old, l as sthiie face, white lelly.cr.e hitJ fui.t white, white under tbe jaw, a ho'.e hoted in esch horn. '1 1 e ownei Is lo ivtslcd to ems are! provo pioprrty f4y cbs.gca. otUrwie sho Ul be difpracd ol icfoutuj to law. DANiEL HOrrMA5f Mt Care.il. January SO 1SS, yALLfAFK, Wi.id..w tinade.. Fieer, Carrsaje, and 'Fable Oil Cloths, Covoe, sUUar! aaoperuar ertkle Og Dnireai.