Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 27, 1858, Image 3
HEV tJ.XOM THS XA.TI0SA1. riCUIINCI G,tOV.B Tha ttrty an A futlom Affair nmnr and liar ticy, nhtndimd Heater. I, fee. the JVi6ui contiins the. following lotalli. (ronoo in regard to tho latest qatrteli in Washington City ! WAMtmoTQ Feb. 21 it. Various versions are given of tho colliiion between tha Hod. James B. Clay and Uen. Cullom bat fullowiug out tb facts Collected with a view of Impartiality, I Cad tbii to be tie more probablo story t Cullom entered tho bar-room of Brown's Ilotol, where Clay, Hawkins and Mason were standing, lie proposed an old-fashioned Kentucky drink in which all the parties par ticipated. Subsequently he commenced con versation with Clay, stating bow he hod re. coved from Kentucky to noar the Hermitage in Tennessee, where M bearded tho lion in bis don. He spoke of his long devotion to and admiration for his father. Mr. Clay an swered by saying thnt Gen. Leslie Coomshad once as Cbichasaw Embassador also bearded the lion iu his den. This expression, which somo bystanders supposed jocular, was regarded as an offensive ret ort by Cullom, who asked if he meant to insult him. Clay disclaimed such inteution. The iuierrogatory was repeated with tha same ropiy, but wns accompanied with the menacing use of Cullom's finger when Clay said that he was not accustomed to bo addres ted in such a threatening maimer or words to that effect. Cullom becamo more excited under the con viction of an intended insult to him, and de nounced Clay as "tho apostate son of a noble sire." Clay said that his pbysicial condition would prevent; him from answering with a blow, but he could not resist from proclaiming Cullom "a d d scoundrel." Wberupon Cullom drew back to strike. The force of the blow was partially arrested by the spec tators, but still reached Clay's nose and can Rod it'to bleed. The to were tbeu separated and withdrew. The War Department will take caio to prevent ar.y hostile meeting from growing out of t ho correspondence between Colonel Sum ner and General Harney Wasuinoto.v Feb. 2). The demon or discord bus been let loese on the metropolis during the last two dsys. Be sides the quarrels between Gen. Ilaraey nnd Col Surnuor, Lieut. Rbind and Commander Doutwell. between Mr. James B. Cluy and Gi n. Cullom, about forty others are pt nding among the nival officers. Tho Army officers (Csptaiuc.) had a fiht in the barber's shop at WiUardsttus morning. A cane was broken over the head of one of tho combatants and a duel will probably Tbo city is full of rnrrors about Mesrrs. Cloy nnd Cullom. It wns reported that Geo. Cullom had been wouuded in a duel but they were all false. No hostile meeting has yet occurred. There ore also abnndunt rumors about ilaruey and Sumner which urn equally nnfonnded. Sumner, Las gone North and Harney South, to Richmond. tl!K THREE ACES OF THE WORLD. Til li ANTI-HUMBUG AGE. The world hf.9 hnj its widen eco its iron Bge, e nd acsording to tho Satirest it.s"Agocf Bronze." i ue present age ons oeuu ucsignu tsd j ar excellence tho Age of Humbug. Jc our opinion, however the era in which v.e live 'has bueu vory fatal to humbugs especially .your time-hoDorcd, conventional humbugs. To one of these the art of druggiug people to death under tho r.rcteuce of ttvul.n-' them according to tho rules of medical science ProfiT-sor llollowcy has giveo t!o coup dc .nrace. In the first place ha has simplified' The pharmacopoeia, by substituting fr its ten thousand nostrumt two remedies a Pill and an Ointsieut, which actually accomplished all that the aicdical godfathers of SniJ nostrums .promise iu their uamo but nevor cause them no perform. Tho scrofulous, tho dyspeptic tho bilious, the fever-ridden, tbo lame, '.ho rheumatic, the debilitated, the cbar.iloucd of 'lope and faculty, have ticod them, hnve ru covered, and rejoicingly testify to their health restoring propertios. The testimony is from the si:k of ah nations, from tho K-arurd and the ignorant, tho rich ami the poor the throne aud the coUtpo. If it is not to be received as the truth, then no evidence direct or cir cumBtantial U w.-.rth a doit, and no inun ought to bo crowned with honor or condemn ed for crime, oa ths affidavits or voluntary witnesses, however numerous or rcspectablo. But wo canuol ixfjse our credence to state TDcnls founded on the parsontl experience of those who mnko them. We cannot say to the lame who wall:, the. siok restored to boalth and vigor, the multitudes reeved from agony end despair, "you are in error, you know what you assertl" We cannot help admitting thut those who languished and grew worso under an avalanche of drugs administered by regu lar physicians aud rpothocarias and who sub sequently recovered under I'io'o:sor Hollo way's treatment, were injured by the one and cured by the other. Before we can deny the truth of such an inference, we roust adopt tha dogma of Berkley, the metaphysician, and de clare that matter hes no existence, aod that oil we suppose to be visible and taugible is a mere phantasm. Nut being -prepared to subscribe to that theory we are bouud to be lieve that the decision of the world oa the efficacy of liollow'ay's medicines is founded upon irppreguabla facts. Glasgow "Saturday Post." Hiss is tiih Wuitr IIoi-sk. The fJl' lowing picture of tha present mistress of tho White liouse is from a correspondent of the St. Louis Nevt : "Miss Laue stood o little distant ftom the President, and responded to the salutations given her. She is u handtotue lady, twenty-five or twenty-six years old ap parently, tiho has a healthy ruddy, 1'ennsyl Tauia look. Not distingue by auy bteuns but omiuently satisfactory to tie eye. She has superb htad, that noblest aud most necessa ry part of the human frame. Not a literary bead, or a poevtcul head, but a srnsiOU head, covered with heavy and beautiful chestnut hair." Alleged Ci're fos Drokkedncss. A n ex change reccutnmends the following as an iu faliblo cure for beastly intoxication t When ever a person is in a stupid aud insensible state, from the abuse of intoxicating driuks, lsy him ou bis right siJo, elevate bis left arm and pour cold water dowu it slowly. Before a common pitcher full can be emptied the man will waiU, perfectly sober. At Senators Douglas' late ball In Wash ington, several of the exclusive?, It is said, bad small hoops in the legs of their panta loons. They were mado of steel, aud gave the pants a very pretty set around the boot. A yonnz American lady in Paris threatens to sue President Uuchuuan for breach of nremiee ; she savs that diniDg at ber father's table years ago be said to her "My dear Miss, if ever I should be Presideut, yon shall be the mistress or tho White JJousa." Minnie Balls. They manufacture from fourteen to fifteen fifteen thousand Miunie ri3e balls per day, at the Watervliet Arsensl in New-York Slate- Immense quantities of them havo been sent for the use or tha army n Utah, rnoaABLT. the largest sale of slaves ever maJe in Vireinia, lately lubk place in limns wi li county. Ninety-six, of all o;es, sizes and conditions, wen sold at the ouprece dentad aggregate of about $75,000. Ei-Precideut Fillmore was married In Albany on Wednesday evening, by ltev. Dr, si . m.. m.uia.Ii r.r sik. Jiagur, iu ssa. vsivims msiv,uj vi aivw By. Mrj IT V-f Mofltrerjecr, for hlotfuj Ilea FLOUR AND FEED I PRICEB HE ID XT C ED. THE subscriber is'constsntly receiving fresh supplies of Extra Wheat and Buckwheat riour, Corn Meal, Chop-Feed, Ac, hich he ii offering at LOW PRICES. Wheat Flour from $5 CO to $7 00 per bbl, according to quality. Extra Buckwhwheat Fleer, 91 85 pr sack. Corn Meal, 1 SO pr 100 Chop Feed, 1 to pr 100 Alio on band a lot of very niee dried Apples at 1J eta per pound, or $3 60 per S3 pounds Every effort will be made to please, and Rive hit customers satisfaction. Call and examine for yourstlves, C. O. HAYBN. Sunliury, February CO, 1858. . . Let atl the People Know That H. Y. FRILING U selling off bis stock of VALENTIN E8 at cost NOW U the time to Purchase as you are sure of getting the worth of yeur money. February 20, 185H. ANALT8I8 OF LYONS CATAWBA BRANDT BY A.A.HAYE8, M. D., Assnyr to ths Stat4 of Massachusetts. Giwtmi CeuascTin. A light yollowUh brown-colored spiiit, having a fragrant edoi j when evaporated from clean linen it left no oil or offensive matter. Analysed for volatile nd fix ed drujn, of which no tracei of any kind were found. Its color it proved to be due to a colored resin an extract derived from wood. In everv respect it is a pure spirituous liquor. The fragrance or bouquet which it possesses can bo isolated, and it then appears unlike that from Cognno BranJy or Wine, being a fruity en sence reuniting from a peculiar fermentation of Catawba and Isabella Grapes. Ciir.nicit CHABiCTr.a. 1,000 parts in vol ume of this spirit contains at 60 (leg. F. 461 2 10 parti of pure ulcohol, besides the fragrant oil. 1 ,0 10 parts of the spirit afford 83 parts ef a strong solution of the oil which characteriies this Bran dy ; the spirit 'eft, after removing the oil, is pure and odorless, and in all its qualities a perfect spi rit not subject to charge. One U. 8. gallon of this Bramty at CO dee;. F. contains, besides the spirit and oil, only 220 grs. of matter composed of extract of fiuit, gum, and colored resin from wood. ZJostox. Jsnuarv 3Vl5S, L'r. COX IS, Btate Inspector ef Ohio, and Dr. Jas. R. Chilton. Chemist, of New York, both prononnce this to he pure Brandy, and frea from all adulteration. For Medieinal pnrposes Lyon's Catawba Bran dy has no livsl, and has long been needed to su persede the poiiouons compounds sold under the i.ame cf BranJy. As t beverage, the pure article is altogether superior, and a sovereign sure reme dy fjr Bypcp;a, riattilcucy,, Low Spirits, Lan guor, General Debility, iVc. Ac. Also, KSIIKLBY'S STILL AND SPARK LING Oil AMPAGNE These wines are mado in the neighborhood of Cincinnati, and are guar antied tu he the pnrc jnice of the Orapv, and are emiuently ealcnlated for invalid nnd persons who require a gentle stimulant, and for sacramen tal purpusea. r.otail price $t IS per bottle. A liberal dis roui.t maJe to the trade. Dealers will please send their orders to the sole agent for Northum berland county JOHN F. CASLOW, Druggist, Miltun, Pa. February, 20, 1SGS. 3m. Administrator's Notice. OTICE is hereby given, that Isttcrs of Ad ministration, on the estate of Augustus Huty, late of Shamokin township, Northumber land ceunty, Occesfed, have Lren granted to the tubftcribcr. All persons interested wiil take no tice that he will he at the rcsidenco of the widow of said deceased, on Thursday the Uith day of April next, when and where all persons having claims against said estate are requested to maka known the game, and persons knowing tl.em sc!ves indebted, are requested to make payment without delav. WILLIAM AMMERMAN, AdmV. of Augustus Hucy, deceased. Shamc.kin township, Feb 13, 1858. Gt Kl'IXIAL t'Ot'RT. A Special Court of Common Picas, for Jury Trials, will be held at the Court House in Sun- bury, on the 3d Monday of March to wit March lf'tu lioS. DANIEL BECKLEY.Proth'r. Prolbonotary'a Office, ) tiunbery, Feb. 13,1858.) TlaOCLAMATION- TiKJ t JTIC E is hereby given that a special Court ra for the trial of causes in the Common Pleas will commence at the Court House in Sunbury on Monday the 15th day of March, for one Week. Jurors and others interested will attend Civcn under my hand at Sunburv, the 1st day of rehruary in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty -eight and the lnilo pendeuce of the United States af America the Hid. (iod save the Commonwealth. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. 8heri(Ts Office, Sunbury, ) February 13, 1857 ( LIST OF CAUSES. IjOH trial in the Special Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County, to ba held at Sunbury, on the third Monday of March 1858. rLAlNTIFf. DEFENDANTS. Jacob M. Salida vs Kimbcr Clearer, Ch... v.Th, M.h.noy and bhaniolin lUIIV.VUHII. VIHJillUJ. Norlb'd Improve James Jenkins heirs eVc, va ment Co., and W L. lielfenstein. Jesse C. Ilorton vs J. Desrhsm i W L Dewart Ira T. Cement, vs William McCarty, Inaiah V. ilkerson, vs eusquehanna Coal Co. et al C. Welker, vs H. liellas, W H Marshall et a Itobert Auchmuty &c., va Jesaa Aucnmuty. Cieorge Uurns, vs lieorgc U. Welker. jjamkli iik:vaiu,x, rrotny. rrothonotary's Office, 1 Kunbury, Feb. 13, 1858, J A Card to the Public. READ! READ!! READ!!! J. F. & I. r. KLINE, merch 3srxa. Kline's Crave, Northumberland county. Pa, "IVTE have determiued from the publication of v ' this notice to sell at greatly reduced prices for CAbll our stock of Goods, comprising Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Cjusenswars, Boots and bboes, Hals and Laps, Medicines, etc, and all nooils usually kept in a country store, Beine desirous or quitting Ihe business we will dispose cf our stock of Goods on or before the 31st day ot Msrcn, mas, tea parson or persons wishing to embark in tha business on favorable tcrais. The situation is a good one for doing an extensive mercantile trade. Per further particulars call personally upon the subscribers, or address tnera oy mail. J. F. &. 1. 1 KLINE. Kline's Grove, Pa-, February 6th, 108. SHERIFF'S SALE. Y virtue of a Writ of Vendition Eire nas issue J out of the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County, and to me directed, will be ei posed to Public Bale at the Publie House of JCHN M. Htr r, in the bo rouati of Milton, on SATURDAY tha 13th day af MARCH next, at 1 o'clock, I . M., the follow lni described property, to wit I All the richt. title and interest of the defend ant, of and iu a certain lot of ground, situate in towrsbip, ISortnumberland county bounded by lands of Christian Gosh, oa the north south and east, on the west by the West Branch Canal, containing Four ACKE8 more or less, whereon are erected means Haw Mill, an Frame House. Beiied taken in execution and n& is the property of fcWlh T. McCormiek . JAM Let VAnUXt,CBeia. e, Bunbajry, ) 1T. . S ' onrnAira couht oalb. IN pursuance of an alias order of Orphan's Court of Northumberland countv, will be ex posed to Public Kale, en TUESDAY, the 2nd daycfMAKCII next, the following described real eilate to wit: A certain piece or 7 racl of faand, situate in Ruh townsnip, Norihumoor'.and coun ty, adjoining lands sf the heirs of Spencer Met ier, dee'd-, lands of Abraham (.'arnpi!!, Charles Metier, Gilbert Lists, Philip Metler'a hei-a and otbare, containing One Hundred Acres and fifty four perches, strict measure more or less. About Twenty Acres Timber Land and the remainder cleared and in cultivation, whereon are erected a two story Stone Ilnusa, frame Ram. wagon houtn, a good stone spring-house snd other out buildings, alio a good Orchard. Late the estato of VVm. Carr, dee'd. Bale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M.. of sain day wra the terms, of salo will Is made known by PHILIP HUTF.Aiai'r. By enter of the Court, ) C. B. rUHSKL, Clk.O.C. Buubury, Feb. 13, 1SCS. ) BADIEitY AND HARNESS MAKING rAHK sulscribers respectfully infirm the ci'.i xens of Sunliury and T that they have com m need the above butinoss a few doors above the Poit Ofi'.co, Market t'qusre, Suiibury, Ps. Vork of all kinds in their hue cf business will be done promptly and neatly on the tnot rea sonable terms. Cl.UMENT & OYSTER. februay 13, 1859. REPORT CF SPECIAL AUWTOSS. To the H.irrriMe Alrxai:'.ler Jir:V.a nnJ his Auoii.te Judge a. of the Court i f Cwinmen l lvu, in and lor Uis County v( Nurtlumhclland. I h uiiiierKiiriieu onpuuiiea aumiors. cnen, re-auuir, settle, onU adjust tiie account! ni' J. M. 6itnpsun, J-cc.b k ui anJ r ranciR uucjirr, iiile 1 ifas'jrers. ai.a cl oeurcrc lirieht the present rrenmircr of sril'l CiMjnty, anu afcer-'t lam 11 uny. atio wiifat mtat-jKea nave uetm ninue in ine aot tloment uf said Trc.itutera' a?coi:nts with tl.e vou:ity of Nortltur.iliurlund, antl also witti tlis CtnauMiwculttt of f cnnivlvtu.iu, ttm dale 01 tiie Kcnori tjy uict lute ipo- cial autittora, opoititrd under uiiU by viituo i.l" mi ou of Awmbly, of 41U of May, A. I).. lti:Vi, respectfully report, That p;ruunt tu then appointment they met in the rnuh i S'liilurv, ou iht 10th i! iy cf Nnver.iSer, A. 1 , 1STi7, urn! huvi:! heen urst iluiy nworn and u:uriued, and having eubscriijfd tha mth aotaktit, proceeded ! peifu:n the duties f aaid ap;iciutniciit, and continued iu acsa-im rum dav t d:tv until Uie 6ih d2y of Uecemljcr next entu- inc. inclaaii'e. uui then adj.-iiii.ed, to triiiet 0:1 Mondny tho 4th day of Junuury. thun next ei;uin. Tht the sid Irsnsureri iipticured hciure aaid auditor curing tucir sca- The rennrt of the late eiu-cial nudilnrs. atalea that thonith the sum of SA.MO Td of flute Tnx, rn itud nntf I'era-.'niil, remained uulaiondi'.iff tin tl.e let nl Janunrv, ltr-a, when (June aecunie ire:iuret, vet that ti c whole ot that sum wub not pnyaliie to the Comiiipnwealth LrcHi:se duriiig tiie leim of Culiclt, Triaiurcr a lare mm of County inoney ad liutlt used iiii.3V.iir f:.:d !; 1-ia in advance of its collectioii, and during tic Icnro of t5iuips:n and Young mini, Trcnavrcra, tha County Ccmir.iisii.iieia had lnrrovi' etlfrom tha link i ISortliuniberland a consi.l-iuKe a mour.t, wloch wus titcd fi.rthe enine pnipos. Tire Com monweiiUh hnvirrg then received in advance of ita cotlcc tiou. part of the t.ot Icvioil an real and pi-ranti::!, wiia not entitled to the whole of tl.e OLtutntidin tnx rurountinir (as reperleti) ltt of Jmniary, 1S6'J. i SS.WO T8. 'J he amount Ihe Comnionweullh wr.a entiucd to receive, from lheie ou'.iUndinc tux's or t'ibr.cra in t!ic handa of the leueuttiia. nubi'-ct. howeve. to di!u-tions lor exonfrn. tiona ;ierceiiU!eato cailectorr) it exhibited in the accounts atatcd by n d ,pecial audltoia, for the vturs K$ and '4:i( 113 OO IHltl HI. fllQ-EO lilt CIIIV U.A OO FCOI 11U rial ft r previotia veara. L&d licen fui'y settled duiit.? the terms of 8:mT'8on and Voun.iinn, tae La'iucta cf there account" repiewnt the al oie ainom.t the OmnioiAvtrllh wts cntitied tT rereive. Tu balance for tt-.e vema Ms and '40 I rii.s 43, and for the years 'So arid '51 the sum of t'J.vrS t3, thfc (;,)iiiniouwealili wua ei.titii-d 1st of n. If j'2 to the S im of 61,-i0 fcj, (cutijcct ot ilurcsaid. t exoneration and perceutrircs) and to no more, akhonh at th:it time a Inrccr amount of tax on real end prrnonil emaincii oat' aim cash uaiRiiee icinainrd in the addict the Ircflsurcr. And it wae lutthtr reiotted l.y Kiid spcciul uu.'.itois, 11. Jt Vouunimi and 5iin;t(i .n held ash butaliccs uuiti; from Mate tax. cnjlhot if tlysa autus veie to CiTuiity. towunls rcuinaint; wknt 1:e had advaucrd. then the Coin'th wcjld receive ti. wli.'de f said sum of 81 950 cS rmilij t as aforctnidl fioci the then oulsunilii.p taxes; hul, that if these la!:mcts wete pntd to the Com ttien sue wojm tie entitled to so much less fror.i the oulsuindine; taxea, auhiect to exi.ii-iations. iVe. Yonneiiian has suice naia tiie Uoin'ih per rccetot tl.e urn of '..'Jl lej. Tha Com'th ia eiilillcJ thcrafoie ca follons: Cm'th I'Miillcd as above stated, to, Paid by Yotiiif ma:?, Ammn t Cjin'th ilil!n! tnffora 'tMCats!ii- I.S'O F5 SJ1 10 1115, 1st of January, XtSS, The lax on real and personal outtsm'i lit of 1 i;:sarv 1!153. ia UTiili'J .y special auditors al Si.!0 7S' Owiitfr to clrors iudulicr.ies since that time corrected, ve report the h:iLnce then nr.tsU.ndia to have been the s:l:n of ft.Bll 31. of whk-h auni the Coin'lh waa entitled M receive, aa annve aia'.ed the aum of 3.139 tS, and in repa, mnt of previous adranca, ths ecunvy vraa ajttiUed to the balanon, as follows ' Ouisunding, in of iac.uary, W.SG, ssa! sad ;cr- a in!, f.Stl 34 Coui'th entitled to, 1,jju AS County e:itit'fd tn, t'J.SSl 07 In tha Ecccuiit her-tc.fore annexed of Yoi:n?, for Jt5?. vcilh tl.e tom'ih of 1't-uu'a . r.pccting lax t u real and pereonnl, we chnrpshnn with tha whole of ibsoutstuidiug tax aforeraid, vi2: !5,ftl ol. 1.110 (five him credit for the aum pin thereof oi c'.Pji 67 as belonging to tte ocun'.y, and in hta account with il-e County, we cliarce b.ui w. Ji the autre sum with w h.cli he is there ccditeu. The nceniiiiis atstcd ry the county auditors, for the said severtd Treutiueia vcith the Ci ni'ih, reentei.nrr l-iccnaes to lvcta.lcfS, Ac., are not chirped except in giving Votnaj cied.t i'r Iks commission Ihcicou in liiv, u;.d w.ih tlmt except.o.i, wc adopt the ba:nces rcpuiied by auid ceuniy uuaitora. Accoun:a are h.-reio niiHei! between e'.id several Treatmrera and the Couii'y, exhibiting the Uibi.c.-s i!ue at the cxpuaiKia of tlu.i iliira res-tct.vcly. Ar-dlikeeo- citinis are heeto urne.rrd between aaid Treasurers and the County, rea;',::ii.,7 ux ou rcai aod pers.nml, und militia ncs. au.l rcc:.p:luitioi:s ol t:ir Liil'iuccs ol ai.counta with tnc Com'th, nre licretii nnncxed, incleding the ba!o cea for liecnsca to reUilcra, Ac , aij includir.j; cit..iita lor peytiieiiia inadc auce tiie cxpirutK.n ol iiid treasurers' terms of ollic;. 'l'liere t xlul.uug the piescut agrsfate bitiince of there ncc-our.'.s. I he accounts between ocnj arid tre Cnunty ci!i bit lulunce due loin of ?'wJ4 1 at the end nl his u-nn. i:ut since t'lS Cciiiiiiissioi.era erro:.ceui. r;:id him tl. 3JI3 07, i i lint he wes eivcr-puid the rum of SI. 131 41. we therefore rc;.oit t:.nt there is due from him 13 the County, tl.e sr.:d sum ol eleven hintdicu and llurt) -three dolts a..u rty-uu-e cent Ths uccoupis between B.icher snd the County, exhibit a bulance iu l..a haiuls, of four hundred do are and fifty cents, which sum we, U.erer.'ie, rvpuil ia uue ficm hiia to ths Cotiiuy. And we report. Ilia. !ne sdm cf cue bundre! and forty- threo dolhira and sixty-acveti cents, was due fioin Hniit to the County, nl tne end of bia first ear lbSdj a per ine uuncat! ucuouin. Wc r.pert fiat thiite is ne from oune to the Cyn.'iS. the sum (if tvc:ve lunidred and one dollars nnd sixty-three ceats, hema; the arcreite of ail the-tmlincce of the an nexed Heco!i!s between bim and tha Coin'iii. and f ir licei.iit-a to retailers, Ac, after deducting the rr,yme:i;e made !y 1;inl to ihe rotate 'i'rcaruiei, eince the cxtiiratmn of bis term, as f..r ihe annexed accouula uud recapitulation for the veais Ir;.2 and ISM. Tne aeent'iita an-1 tccap.tuln'.ion r..r lEf 1 snd 1ST5 hereto antiext-d ltweeu Bucheruiul the Com'th, exhibit r. balance tlue tho ircarurrfi al the euu ot hie leim, of two hundred ano twe.ity-tli rsc doMiira .tr.d llrrty ccnla. But the btate 'J'reiisiier subsequently refunded tu Uucbcr bv an or-.!er upon II. . I, t, the present 'i inasurtr, the sum of f i't'li. being c:i over payment of fifty-two dollara and ninety-four cents, which sum v. e report ia in Bachcr's bauds, and due from him to t..c Coi.Yih. We report it la'.nnee in Hie Hrds of Brig'it, from militia ftnea, of one hundred and eighty d"ilara and scvcnty-mie eeuls, for the Ai:uexcd account for lAu. And we report a balance iu the hands of Bright from lax nn real aud person St, of pne thousand an4 ninety-eight dollars and t A ciity-six cents, per the annexed for 18; 0. We msne ne ehaage in the accounts hrtween nim m.d the Com'ili, re specting licenses! to retailers, &e., stateA bv the Countv auditors for that year, all which ia respectfully submitted. Atinitor-e cnarge, ivuayaeaan. C. I. Wtaitou, IS daya, SI per d.-.v, glS. R JOHN. t D. JORDAN, W. I. GKLENOUGIf. Jacob Young, Treasurer tJ the County of Nor'.humherland in acctunl tciih the same for 1852, respecting County tax. in. Te amount of County tax for '! and previoes outstanding tat January, KU, Amwunt of t'-x as.ea.ed fur 'S'i, Ou uaaeatsd landa 'AO and '1, county, " 'SO fad, " ' Kb-vil, " 'St road, " " SCBAiOl i- n. . ... atawoi, f3,68l OS S.HIS 47 e?4 oa 3IS 4 108 61 t!SH 61 S4U SI wmiw in hi in r . nica. " dividends on Sill OU 40 Oi, S 00 S3 00 S,Et M S CS rent of public buildings, Court fines at jury' fands, Credited Tieasurer in bia Bute acceuut, for County purposes, Overpayment by ilan'l Cares of Stats tax. re funded by Co. order, Oveipavment by J. K. Clark State tax, refunded by County order, Overpayment by James Vaiikiik, State tax, re funded by County eider, Overpayment by C Itunsecker, Ceanty lax sad order, 1 03 e co 33 SS CK. To amount of Count tu for 6l snd nravtoos outatauding let January, '61. ,S7B 32 Amwuut uf County tax fur '2. and nrevious out standing 1st Jim., M3 1 ,8T3 as rxoneranon in 'o on tax or -or ana preview, ua us Pereentaga to collectors as 'ia oa Loaui 'SI aud oravioua. S-Jl TO 10,'I SO 300 OU . at) s Count orders paid in '3, Now In Dank Amount paid Eastern Peoitentisrfi Kxpeuaes going in Nortbaaiberbms, Pepreeiatcd nceiaf , Commiaaiotia on lU,H7SS3uad.f 1 sen Sent., ftoJaaes irVt C-iuMye, 30 t 00 S7i m i,u ST ivi t'as ss Jacob Ynvny, Treawer of the county of Northumberland, in account tcith the same for 185H, rejecting cnwity tax. DR. To taiinl of Co.mty tr.x for '31 and previous nutsiaiHimfr. 1st Jan., ': I, Aninuut (l County hut for '11 cats'-anding 1st Jan., '.'J, A..mut of C.ntn'.y tnx for 'S- amassed, Coi'iity, sclnol nnd road Uia, fioin unacated lands, recaivnd in 'A3, Rnrrowcd from Bunk of .Nurthainbciland, Old Hridfre mntriial. aold, ' Kent of puMio Luildings, itee'd from 1 antra count?. l.STS 32 1,m M IS 41 set ou 3 CO 10 (S3 1S3 30 (4 03 Overpayment fuia tax, Solomon Marts, re funded bj order. Overpayment State tax, Peter PuimI, refund i by order, OverpnvmeikConnty nx, Pavid Wllana, 10 03 11 40 1,17" 27 JJI 6-i Balance due P'unly per aotouut far 'ii, " " Treaaarar, CR. l!y smfint of tnx for 'St and pravioua outstand in( 1st dsn , '.'.I, S"1 13 Amoaut af 1st f. r 'li uutatanduis 1st Jan , '01, S.irC 01 '..n ,:r.t 14 Exonert:s In " on tax of SI anJ previous, 7 H i u i. j 7 4U il il ) l JO Percentage to collectors in 'S3 on tax sf 'SI anS fnrvinus, 1"S S4 it :! of '.13 and pruvious, 133 io ii ii . '5J i 7 01 Oun'y rrdnrapaid, 11,010 oft N.ita in Bunk " 1,0) H7 Amount paid Karteni rcnltcntiry, Si 7J KxpensrsgninxtoNiiribumlfila'id, 4 AO Caramissious oil 12,111 SJ, paid 2) par rant, SOS ii tt:fii: ci Dtt Tj Cua!y ardor In 'r.d, ?(o 4W, " 4S7, 1,111 c: 1,38 01 CR. By ef bilsnce dus Trsssurer por acsitiRt for '5'J. t-H 5! Balancn duo County, I, '..13 49 i,u;s 01 Jaceb Young, 7'reasurcr ef Ciitinly of !Ccr!!iu);;hecrland, iu account with the con monweah'i of Pennsylvania, respecting taxes ci rtal and personal, for 1352. r-n. To amsci't of lax for '-1 and previous vara nutalandinr; 1st of Junuury. IS3, 1 .11 Afrer'gate amount cm.ix asiM-ascf for 1H5, 10,705 03 Ami-ant rccm ci ;a '03 ef tax of 'vU and '51 en unaeatcd lumlc, 409 8J t'-'O.OJ Id Buiance dua Cora'ih from tax nn rcsl and per for '49 and '49. (tnxt-a fwr prrvious yearn bring paid,) saU oaiance ttaiug out ataiidini;, Ditto for 'il and 'SI, I.MS 43 J,W1 43 i.'UO 85 911 IS DcSuct ."d by Treasurer Youngmaa tinea Jaauaiy, '3. Balance tu be accanutrd fr to the CVm'th for SI and previous, a-jl.jcet toexoncmtionatAe., C7 Vounir chaiaed iu 'oU withoutaundii'g fur 'si n:id, 5.ltl fll To be acccuntcd for l-i Com'th for these yaurs, Wl?, CI Credit to he given Young snd he to be charged taercwitii in his account with county, 3.SS1 OS CR. j3y eireiit nftTX of ;i 4ij previori vetrs. cnta'.ninUi.g Is: Jannnre, 51, e)l,?9 01 Interest ou Ul of 'il and urevioua yaura, c; 40 S1.791 4 t xineraticne ir. cn tax cf "it and, ins 64 1 erceniag a .- iiy amount cf inz nntntandipg 1st January, !33, Perreiils;; on uix cf f5i ill ViS, l'anl Siuic Treasurer jier rcecipt of iOta July, Aratement allowed on lax of 'Si, fninimssicn trf County 1 learurer on SMI4 3i, By oinonnt advanced by county to puy btate tax in '51 anil prrvnvjs years, and which was 1-- hsve been reliinded fioin the Suite t.-tes f-ir said years (per s-eciul Auditon reiiort for VI I IS 4,87s 11 33 ;a ,U4 n 451 71 SI u M and nrevious,) f,5a C3 liuaiuec tiae tr.c iu.t ia, 71 71 oco5 Young, TrtHr-vrtr of the county of 2'cr- thumlerland, in account with ths Common vtalth of 1'entisylvr.niu for lo33, rcsptcling tax tri rest and ptrsnnal. To balance dao Core ti per eee-'tint for IS;?. 71171 10 awvinni txra for '1 and urtvioua years eutstandlr g 1st January. ItSil, I.Tt 01 Intcrcet on tax uf '51 and previous. ' 3J 20 To amxuiit of tax of 'ii outstanding 1st Janiu. rjr, '53, 4.s- It To sggreg.t;e amo it of tax of '1 aiieeed, 14,019 ') Te tu received in '13 from nnsnuted .eiuj, 1 0 , ii.iWJ CO c:t. Br amount of u of Ml and previous, r utitand- lug on let Jinyi-.-, IS;, gig 10 Kxonerulion? in '51 on tax of '51 and previuns, 7i) 31 rcroectee to cdlettors in 'bd, cn tax of vl nnd previous, 222 02 Amount of tot of 'o- outstanding 1st of Jr.o., '54. 1,177 03 Kxonoraticns in '."iS on tax of '52, C4 73 1 urcentajra t0 cullociu.-s iu .3, on tax of T2. 213 39 Amount cf tii of '53 outstanding 1st ul' Jan., '54, 3.R31 CS Exor.eriilior.s in T3 on tax ot '53 C 15 I'ercciitcce to collectors in '53 on tax cf '53, 42 03 aVbatcn.rnttlloweJ on tax cf'53, 7o 63 Amount paid Stato treasurer as per rcc t -5 Julr. 53 10.D39 03 " Jsn., '53, 4'J3 00 " " '54, 2,5U 04 14,035 13 Commission cf Treasurer on ,11,- C25 13 156 11 Haiance due Com'th, 1,653 23 23,050 SG Jcco'j "oiini, flfe Treasurer of ycrth-jmler land County, in account tcith the Com'th for Militia Fines for the year 1853. DR. Outstanding Cues fur '51 and pro- vioos. Militia fines assessed for '52, 5S, Balnuce in Treasurer's Lands last account, $1,023 r ;io 1,000 50 1 DC 5C 2,915 03 Sf.03 92 423 85 047 00 133 50 27 50 4 00 21 i!l 8 87 57 C54 00 S3 25 IS C3 6 CG 03 92 2,915 03 CR. Outstanding in '51 fines of '51 aod previous, ' " 'fi2 " '53 hxonoratiuii'nf '51 and previous " '52 '53 Percea'age on '51 acd previous " '52 " '63 Paid volunteer companies, " ISrigado luspertor, " Assessors for list of militia men, County Treaonrer's commission, Balance due Commonwealth, Javob Young, late Treasurer, to the Common vealihfur Militia Fines Dr.fvr 1852. DR. Outstanding Cues, '49 ami pre. $271 4S3 08 852 50 '51 Militia Cues assessed in '52 3,421 .CR. Outstanding Bees in '53 of '49 and previous, M M 150 M .fcl - '53 Cxotierations in fines '49 sod pre vious, in 't 2, Percentage, Exonerations ia '50 Perce ntsge, Exonerations in '51 Percentage, Exonerations in '52, Percentage, Paid Assessors for list of militia men,. Paid to Brigade Inspector, Paid to sundry computet, t'ooDty Tnasufer't commlss!, 152 328 547 719 29 8 44 5 81 10 4 17 60 370 106 65 2,421 41 Jacuh Yonng, Treasurer, in account vhh the C'imfn of 'ennsyli-ania.for itl ana specting Retailers Licenses, ' DR. To amount of Rotsilers licenses for 18.2. 'f820 25 8 00 680 75 Amount ree'd from Simon Marts. " of Retailers license for '53, 1,704 00 21 tO CR. V.j exonerations for 'C2, Amount paid for publishing Mor. canine Appraiser a iisii, per their receipts, 33 00 8 60 fid CO 7C2 75 85 30 731 05 rxoneratiens for 03, Amount paid for pubuklunj Ve tailcrs Lists, Amount paid Stule Treasnrof, 26th July. '53. Coinniissions of Conoty Tr. ualrtiica due the Cum lb, 1.704 00 Same in account r f spurting Tavern Licenses. in:. To emouct of Tarcrn l.irenscs granted 4S0 (.0 " 1 &;;, MO 00 830 00 11. By T4asurer's Conmtissinn on $990, Arnonnt paid State Treasurer, 26tb July, '53, Ilalaaco due tLo Com'th, 4 ;o 4?0 00 4C0 50 500 00 Patent Medicin DR. To amount of said Licenses for '52 03 15 00 15 00 30 CO CR. I5y commissions of Treasurer or $30 Ainotiut paid Stale Tieasurer, 26iu Joiy, '53, Balance due the Com'th, 1 15 CO 13 50 30 CO Distillers and Brewers Licenses. :u. To amount of said Licenses for '52 53 CR. Ry crmmiFsions of Treasurer on 839 Amount paid State Treasurer 2Cth July, 1853. lialonce due CommontveaHh, 21 00 IS 00 3D 03 1 t'5 21 00 16 0a 30 CC Shops. 22 00 GO 00 Licenses to Beer Houses and Oyster DR. To amount of said licenses for '53, 53, CR. Dy commission to Treasurer on 888 Amoeut paid State Treasurer. 2Gth July, '53, Iialance due Commonwealth, b'6 00 4 40 22 00 61 CO 83 03 Kacapilulatitn, 1852 S. 1S23. Dli. Ea'auce dno Com'th, tux real and personal for '52 aud '3, and prcvione, 1,936 29 Militit Fines, '53 and previous, 93 92 Ketailer licences, '52 uud '53 731 05 Tavern license's, " 400 &i Patent ineiwcinef, " 13 Distillurs, brtvfers, " 1C Ueerl oyster shops " " 61 3,232 en. Ily err.eurU paid since County Auditors report to ttsto Trea surer nnd not credited in the forpfroinc account, vis : 10th Kept., '55. per receipt, 29Ji Aug. '56. " " Commission on SC47 applicable te tax on real & personal. Balance duo Commonwealth, 923 :,096 C 1,201 3,232 Dalaoc due Commoiwealtb, Francis Jturher, Treasurer of the County of Ncrthumleriand, in aeconmt tcith the same for ISi l, respecting County tax. DR. To atnonot of tax of '51 and pre- Tious, outstanding 1st Jan. '54, $593 12 '52 " 2.0'J3 62 " '63 6.751 14 " '54, assessed. 11,01? 61 On SLei:tcd lauds for '52. conoty 133 11 '53. ' 656 00 '52. roud, 2 13 00 s:: " i:d?l 77 '52 school, 211 7S '53, ' 1.C20 55 Rent of public biiildinps, 21 50 Court fines from Slu-riff Kipp, 109 00 " Proth'y Heard. 298 00 Orerpavment State tax, Abmi Kisiiuirrr. an order, " kam'l Hales, 17 7 11 15 53 " J. ITuntee'rior, " " County, l. ilson, " 24,446 83 CR. By amount cf 1st of '51, outstand ing. 1st Ian. '55, COt 31 " '53, 617 911 '3, l,tC 40 " '54, C,5'J0 57 Exoissratior.s in '54, on tsx of '51, and previous, 31 S3 " '52, 1S3 60 " '3, t'J3 33 Purcenlije to (Collectors in .'i4, ert tax of '61, sad previous 43 70 " '53, 32J C5 '53. 307 60 Countv Orders psid In 'S4. 13,044 23 Commission ou $13,064 34, St 3 per cent. 3;fj t0 L'alanee due the County, 1.0B3 87 34.416 US rrancts Bucher, Treasurer of the County of Northumberland, in rrccourif trM fA SGmd for 1855, respecting County tax. To amount of balance duo County per account for '31, County tax for '51 and previous out standing 1st January, "5i' I ilcrcft on lax for '51 snd (Tre. County tax for '53, auUianJing 1st January, '58, Ir.terett 011 tax of '53, County tax for '63,oulstaning :st Januory, 1955, Interest on tax ol '53, County tax for '54, outstanding 1st January, 1855, County tax for '55, assessed, " on untested lands received in 1855, Refunded by Coi.i'ih to the repre sentatives of Wax. (Julick, and paid to count. Jury funds pnM by Proth. BearJ, Overpsymenl &lalo tax by Lliss Ci. 1,693 501 46 617 33 1,160 3 6,590 11,664 PB 59 50 50 47 68 59 00 50 00 12 00 60 50 72 50 C5 77 00 50. C64 39 aenhart, on order, " Dan'l D, Conrad, JsmrsUnoy, " N. Drumhellsr, Jo. Erkbert, - kttlilia fines, M. llacliman, - " I. Vankirk. - " " Jefioipansj, 3 A3 4 CI 33 40 ail 10 94 08 4 00 ft 00 tf,49e VI cn. By amount ef te of 61 and previous outstanding 1st Jan. 150, 'M, '&, - - 'M, - - '55, -Exonerations on tai of 'ft! sn1 pre) vines, in '54, , "53, '54. en t.i of '51 and free. " '53. '61. County orders paid in 'ii. Commissions on II,3U9 S3 perl) per t ent. Oalsnse due the count. P. Hileman, 114 ai 83 , ISO 1' t to 7,897 SJ ' IS 61 29 14 T 13 S15 77 eStl 03 IIS 4H 410 ' n.sao 03 2S3 27 S00 5 3J.49I IT Francis Lucher, Treasurer of the Cuunty of Northumberland, in account Ki'ih the ("orn'fa of Pennsylvania for 1654, respecting lax on real and personal, DR. To amount of ftt for '51 and pievt- ous, outstandin; 1st Jan. lKil, SIS 10 Amount of tax for '62, enist.nding Ul Jan. 'CI. 1,177 C3 Interest on lit f '03, 14 71 " 'S3, ontstanthng 1st Jan '51. 3.831 St) 'M. assessed, 15,877 44 " 'Si an unseated IxnJs re ceived in 'St, 30 '13 33,(10 CP. L't esnnunt of tstesfor '51 snJ pre vious, ouUtamlins; 1st Jan. '5a. (38 Kxonorations in '4 on tas of 'al and previous, If l'crcenta-e to eollectors in 'S3 en tax ef '51 and previous. 6 Amount of tax for '53 outstanding 1st Jan., '55, IS7 Exonoralions in '51 on tax oi 'R3 103 Percentage to Collectors, etS4 Amount of Tax of '53 ouUtandin; Ut Jui., '55. 1.08 Exonerations in '54 on tax cf'53 J45 Peiccnlage tu collectors " '53 573 Amount of tax of '51. outstanding 1st Jan.. '55. a,13 Abatement allowed on tax of '54 735 Amount paid State Trsueur.r, SOth July, '54, 13,97 Communion of Treasurer oa $13,- 867 61. 139 Balance duo tha Com'th, 1,071 22,910 27 Frnncis Buchtr, Treasurer of the County o f Northumberland, in account wtt'.'i the Com'th of Pennsylvania for 1855, respecting tr.x vu reel and personal. DR. To nmonnt dno Com'th per ac count for 1854, Amount of tax for '51 and preri ous, ontbtanding 1st Jan. '55, To tas of '52 cstsUndiuit 1st Jan. 1,071 C58 'e5, 107 '53, 1.05S " '54. " 3.840 - '55, assessed, 1S.610 Amount roceired in '55 from on- seated land;, 17 23,464 CIt. I'y amount of tax. far '51 and pre vious; outstanding, 1st Jan. 1855, Exonerations in '55, on tas of '51 aud prcviottf, Percentage to collectors, " Amount of ts for '52 outstand ing January 1st, '56, Exonerations in '55 cn tax of '53. Amount of tax of '53 outstanding 1st Jan., 5fl, Exoneration in '55 on tax of '53, Percentage to rollectnrs Amount of tas for '54 outstanding 1st Jan , 'OC, Exonorations in '55 on tax of '51, Percetitnce to colh-ctors " Amount of tax of '55 oulstandiug 1st Jan., '56, 404 11 75 194 3 S70 103 204 613 Ctrl 5.421 620 50 d.r. 80 51 SO At a U-mi' tit on t:tx of T5, Amount puiJ State Treasurer, Jan. 26, '55, 510 43 " Jm.a C, 1U9 00 Jul 24, - 11,701 Ci 00 43 03 91 12,501 125 .Commission of Treasurer on $12,. 501 04 Amount refunded by Com'th to the representatives of William Culick, Balance due the Com'th, 654 1,273 S3, 464 Francis Bacher, lai Treasurer of Northum berland County, in account viM Me Com'th Jor the year Ib54 on .1iiliu J'ines. DR. Outstanding fines for '51 & pre. 60S '52. 423 " " '53, 917 Militia fines for '54 assessed, 047 2,227 CR. Outstanding In '5 cf '61 A pre. 331,2 53 01 25 10 70 60 413 98 8S3 50 H6 00 '53, '54. '61, & pre. Exonerations on '52. " '53, Percentage cn '51 & pre. '52, " '53, Paid rarions compauics, " Krigade luspector, " Assussors rstnruinre list) County Treasurer's commission, Balance doe Cvmmoufroallb, 132 2.92" Ftancis fiuchtr, ta!e Treasurer berland County, in account uith the Jor Militta Jir.esfur the year IsCiS. DR. Outstanding in '15 of 'M k rre. S4 - " '62, '53. 4U ' " '54, Militu fines lor ';. 917 Iialance due Com'th isst yetr, Balance dno County Treasurer, 2,773 65 24!) 23 4- 30 220 7 2t"2 S3 SJ6 72 43 83 6 50 92 CO 209 50 C 12 I 32 12 324 21 CC.J hbO 00 111 00 83 44 a 93 CR. Ply onlslitcdlng in '56 cf '51 A p. '62. " '53, " " '54, " '55. Exoneration! lo '55 on '51 A p. - " '62, " " '63, Percentage, M '41 A tr, 152, " " '63, .. ,bKt Paid to various companies, " Hrigade Inspector, " Assessor for return of oiillUa men, Treasurer's Commission, 7 34 3d 43 43 40 43 57 93 SO S3 00 3.773 Francis Bitcltf, 1854 and 19G3. DR. Baleece due Com'th, Retailers' licenses, '64aBd'5S, 330 Tavern Lcemas, M ' OO IWsr bvci at 4 eystos: beps, S7 Distillers, brewers, Ac. Ililliard Saloons, 4c, Retailors of Liquor, Vi'l 171 6C3 PeetrpitS.stion for 1804 ar.d I.E53 Mil. DaUlsCA do Com'th for V and 'ft lir lief ststHi to retailers, tav erns, beer lioinea. Hetaiice dufl Com'th, Jk leal Snd personal, '53 anrt preWoos, Amount due to Trerr from Com'th, CC3 27 1,273 4tt 223 30 y.ioo u:l cn. tfy Bmorffit due 'i'reasurer, mili'a 'fines for '65 ami previona, 27 71 Amount paid State Treasurer ana riot rrvdtttx! in lor.'fromir uc cnatits, Coiiiinisf ion to TreSsurer os tl, 273 40, Aaioant paid Treaaufet t order ef Staio Troasnrer in hi favor on Ueor j Uritjbt, preseat Ta. sorer. By amount of balance doa Trea surer per above statement. Amount overpaid tu Truaeisref by Oommuowealtb, 84 37 3.I1J 5 i II 74 2.160 03 George Bright, Treasurer the Cauntj of Xorthnmherland, in account frith th swne for loOC rctixctimj County tat. DR. To amount cf county tax of '51 an ! nrer. outstanding 1st Jan., '5R, IH S3 - '42. . J15 Ti - " 2r)6 10 Add to tax of '62. 8 S2 " '54 oulstamliDg 1st Janoary, '56, 621 00 Iotereston '54 " 1 41 County tnx or '65 outstanding 7,PR7 3:t 50 assessed, I7,3Sl 01 53 30 03 3 73 CC fiS 13 89 41 14 61 f7 Tsl 09 arvioated lands received ia '5C, coanty, '54, " '55, 587 PS 408 84 51 C.'t ,'',2 ei l.IWG fi 631 CJ " road, "64. '55, '54, ' Sfioot, 55, 63 jafj fucrlj, fett, he., recoiled in lSsO, Order to O. Kontz ovcrpotment x Statu tas, to D. TJnoy, overp. county, " l D. M. Schwartz, ovcr- pnymeut county, " M. Iluchmun, ovcrp. Stute, " V. M. Hchwartz, " J. Simpson, " mil. fines, O Kunts, H eouoty, 30.397 t 69 65 41 45 CIt, L't aoiooBt of tax of '53 outstand ing 1st Jan., '57, 1 '5ft, " '56, ll.C C3 13 Exonerations in '59 on tax of '51 arid wrev. 53, 54, '55. 56. 24 CO 61 53 31 27 43 25 05 83 99 23 61 rcrcentnge te collectors in '56 on tsx ot ;i i, - '53, " '54, " '55, '66. County orders rmid tn 1856, Commission on 16,804 76 paid 2 V per cent.. Cush paid Eastern Penitontiery, Uominission on 119 IS, Services for county, lialauco cue the county, Gcorce Briijht, Treasurer cf the r" .uu'ji of jmrthutiib&iaad, .. recount u-x'h tut ( oiv monu-euUh of Pcrnsylva-i't, fur 1W'0R, re (peeling taxes on rtal and jertunai. DP.. To amount of t:tx for '51 and pre 04 01 vious, outstanding 1st Jan., ou. 404 24 li 05 191 S 3M 2 C13 n 5121 2:i 17,U'b o2 1,584 79 125,800 53 59 55 1C4 45 293 t4 121 62 172 25 1.5C1 67 6u0 f3 677 CJ S.GL7 .c3 8 12 51 33 .78 Ul 14 6S1 03 1 16 61 1,098 2d Interest cn tux of '51 nod previ ous Amount of lax of '52 ontstunJing 1st Janaory, '56, 53, '51. 55, " '.16, ' " " '54 eud '55 on nniosled lands received in 1;CG, 3 43 IS 92 65 00 50 CR. 1t exonerations in 66 oa tar uf '31 and previous, Per CVtitajte to colleclorj on tax of '.'6 and previous, Amount of tux of 'l3, outt landing let Jutiury, '57. Exoneration's ia 'i6 on tax of 'J 4, Per Contuse 10 Collectors '00, cn tax of '44, Amount, or tax of '-'5 outatMuling lat January. '57, Exonerations in '5C on tax of '55. Per Crntttfre to Colleclays, of V6 on tax of '65, Amount of tax of '56 outsUudii;g 1st January, '57, Exonerations' in '.' G 011 tax of '50, l'ur Centdge to Collucters in 'i on tax ol '56, Abatemuut aliened on lax ef '5, Amount paid S'.iito 'Ittasatvt per isjorir.ifl, Commisiion of County Treaaisrer on eU.6tU 09. talanca duo the Cora:aocwe&Itb, 27 123 50 6 9 19 15 11 17 675 00 U2 5 82 (Hi 6 99 76 Ot Com'th 825,800 43 Gcorpe BrigTd, Treasurer of Northumberland County, t t 0-cotri tciih the CoMiaonictallh, for Militia Fines, for the yrar l:t50. DR. 27 fid 6 93 J-ri.3 50 Py ectftand'gin '58 of '51 acJpre'. " '42 'n3 . 1 '.SJ Vili'.ia noes levied io '53 76 04 27 71 CR. Rr oulatahd'r in " cf '51 and pie. '53 . t. -J4 ss 0J 'Mi Exoeoratiotis io '56 on '51 and pre), " 2 '53 64 - i$ - 'S3 Percentage In 'iff 00 '51 auiJ pr 61 '3 '54 Paid sfSsor rsturnlug I.'st of rcil. For book stationary purpose, Hrigade Inspector, Various Companies, Treasurer's Commissions, T btlaaiasule Cssicon'cs1'b. 65 18 CO 47 92sU 82 UD 27G 24 223 30 52 Ot 27C 24 10S 17 3C 02 30 1 14 Oft 2 00 C7 1 13 17 SO 35 82 M 29 5 49 4 03 9 2 123 7 438 22 13 83 24 91 'il K 121 70 459 06 15 2.. 16,60-. 77 - 420 11 119 12 2 S7 a 2.1 Uli o7 30.897 C-l 219 23 44 30 220 7H 262 93 bP6 72 975 iO- 2,649 4i 37 03 39 83 117 63 171 4 S72 ,, 141 5tr 22 (JJ 46 0' t7 0 371 ('( 8 50 ft 5T 2 fft 7 02 4 24 23 U .'6 70 fi2 00 fl 6i 425 AD fc 33 1SU 71