NEVEH SAY FAIL. Keep pushing "lis niter Than titling Mill. Ami dreaming and sighing, AnJ visiting the lider v ... ' In lira' earnest battle ( Thoy only prevail. Who daily march onward, f And never y fail. . .... - . . . i With in eye ever ripen, ' . A long n Ihal'a nut dumb, ; AnJ a heart that will never ' . To aortow succumb, You'H battle and conquer, . Though thousands assail ; How strong' and bw mighty Who never say fuil 1 ' " " .i. . Ahead, then, keep pushing, , ' Aril elliow your way, . . . UnVrding t!ia envious, All ascs (hat iiray All obstacles vanish, All enemies quail, In I lie midst of thrir wisJorrA, . Who never aay Tail. Tn life 'a rosy mornin?, .-, In manhood's fair pride, Let this be your motto Your footsteps to guide, . In storm and in sunshine, , Whatever ass nil, We'll onward and con.picr, And never aay fuil! Jauncvs' Tho Potato Culture. The follow in? in the Country Gentlemtn is from Mr. G. McMaho, of Milford, Ct. : "My plan lm3 been for tho last eight years to change tny Reed n often 09 oneo in every two yours even if I plant tl'.o Baino sort. I have for tho List six years taken tho trouhlo to send from 73 to l."0 milea lor my seed, ami , think that I have been paid fur it in tenfoiu proportion. The sorts thai I have been most gncwsi'ful wild ora tho Prince Albert or white Napoleon, Ihu Irish lumper 3 und tho Peach Mows. Thcso three kinds never have showed nny aymptoms of tho blijrht in this section of the country while many of my hcijih bevs have kept their old sorts, and have list nearly oil the two past seasons. I planted in May l ist '-il'J rods of ground white Na poleons, und gathered ovir three hundred und seventy Svo bushels in October last, us nice v.tHtnes us ever any man need look nt. Thry are admired by all ; they are very white and smooth ; many of them measured from eij;ht to ten mid u half inched in length; tho top? till .eiiinincd in a perfect utile of heulth until hey were cut off liy the frost. Tho tops on the Peach-Uous do the same. 'My plan of cnlvatiur. is to take Mailt primp! or liso plow it in the Call. I generally select the smallest ones that I raise fur my own use to plant cut each potuto, bo it ever to small. 1 seldom ever uso over four and a lull' or five hustle's of seed to the acre. "Method e.f dllieatioi,. J poller illy use o'uuut loaiia or coarse slrnw muiiiire 10 the ncre spread and plow in then plant my seed three by three aud a hall' feet apart ; when the plants bi-sin to skew themsel.cs nno n trip dressing ol hen manure, laiier of Paris aud leached ashes, mixed too ther a fuil band to the hill, which I have found to be a great benefit to me." Id tho Ohio Cultivator, Mr. RoricnT Sea vrks, of Oskuloosa, Iowa, lus to bo heard. , IJe says : "Permit mo to odd tny experience in the cultivation of potatoes, usuddithMil in favor of a fact that we are only just now in the nitioiemtii centuiy, beginning to learn Ac is to cultivate potatoes. It seems a little strange, too that the discovery of certain fuels in relation to this matter, uppears to have been simultaneous in Ui Here lit and distant places. "L-tt spring I took one peck of Pea pota to:?, ur.d cut them into very small pieces con In'ning, some two, but most of them only one rye !u e;:ch lull. ! planted them in hills ubout 3 feet apart ea?h way. pulling only one luecu in each hill and I r .1111 that peck 1 da i.i:.) me'isured 'l't bnheis r.f pi.od potatoes, oi'ter thr irt ini? away seme 4 er 5 bushel that v.ere ufi'ocie.i . illt rot. Tho tround occupied was u lit ti i ov.t 8 s(:uaro rods, and was cul tivated tolerably well. VToj.' correspondent, W. ( Jolinsott rays : "I am of the opinion that it is a loss to plant 2 or ii whole p"'rUccS in a hill." I add there is not orly a loss to jti.tntoes planted bat r.!i n'tual u.iinao is done to tho coming crop, for i am convinced that more and Utry.r potatoes r in bo raised by planting ono ye iu each hill, than can bo raised by putting 2 or 3 v.hclo potatoes i 1 u hill. The nore BivU yuit put in a kill, tho more small potuto, s you will have in proportion to the number raised." THE S.VEliT POTATO ITS ISOTIIEU-M tL I'OSI HON. TLe r.utivc place urtlie sweet potato is in warm latitudes. It wus. in our boyhood cal 1ml liio Carolina potato, eud It was generally m;.'pos-jd that it would m.t prow fur north ol that, i't pei frution. It was o", length uccli reut dsi Ner-Jersoy cnl upon tho sandy land f Long Island, but for a Inn? lima no r.n- thciiiit of growing a crop further north. P-ai t!ie isothermal position of this valuable pdant ha hoeti graddully uuvuiiciuo., until it a Divy dilcuit lo say where ita tiot therti line is or will be. C. S. Murray of Warren County Ohio, who is prol ably one of the most extensive propa gator.! nftiie siveet potato ill the United States ir.ttuiog llie raisin'' and eo iu;r of s'.ins fur planting a special! says : ' I have noiaorou) loi'.era from my corres jiandetit touching their success, hi a lel'.er from one of them ct lladdaui Cotio., Le taj s : "Several pentlemen, who saw my largest ppocitnei.B in" putnto. s raised from your plants rjimirk 0 that tl.ty never saw larger ones ol West India, Carolina or Sew Jer.-ev prov. !h. th.y 1 en I am thoroughly convinced that o very Mict'cssfully cultivated in f.i- vurblo locations, throughout our btale.' ' From New-Yorli a man wiitei; "I hud Jino pi'ceess with my sweet polv loe. Th'i'cU t'ny wire planted late they have ieiilotl u haiidsomu crop. 1 have no doubt if the practicability of prowiri; then successfully H!;ii!g the lluiUou River. " Mr. 'Murray says : "1 call a'.iaintiuii tn thetubj, ct now Lecauio it is time that pV'il fanners were laying their plans as to Low llii-ir grounds uro Id bo CC- eil llie coinilir; teusou. bweel potatoes- , be prowii bucceesliilly in tnutb higher lot- I has lioreti tore been L'elioiu.iy tup Ley have ulieady loeii prnducei), iu tiesl. re, teiitrul and I'. isl 111 Cuiinecticut, in Nev kddisou County, Vermont, Li'0 coater of lent h'.ate. iu con.i'ierabie ex- til done with them i'.uxessful cut- llio dozen liio; to been glepavimcnt . ' ' ' li I lIUl 'a.. 'v l s ' v. M01IEY CAIT BE SAVED BY . . S3' &sb mmw 8-aKTBtJXlY, BrOBTHPMBEBIAND OOTJWTY, ITA.. W bsvo lust received and are now onsnirts- large and choice selre'.ed atock of WINTER GOODS, comprising an endlcse variety, and will PRICES TO SUIT We return our aincere thank to the public for our merit continuance of the same. LT-COlTNTnr PRODUo WAITED AT Sunbury, December 19, 1HA7. & iikm:v. ciii:ap watch 1:3 and jewki.hv. WIli)U'.!I.K AND RI'.TAII.,at the "rhilr.-Wiin Wnlrhra ami Jewell v ftnre" Wo. MS (HI.I No. C6) NoittiPccoiiuStrtt-l. Comer if (Quarry, rtilmuiMptita. (Kl t er Witehen, full JewelleO, IS caret cai, (iokl l.nihie. IS caret. St f ilver Lever, lull Jrwcilt J, 11 00 Silver Lrpiup, jewels, ei! Suprrioi CJuKrucra, ' e C.ilJ SprfinclK, 1 U l'nie Silver il l., 1 S" OoW llrrcrteia, 3 D" Lyjy'i (in'il rcnella. . 1 PC Bi'lvcr Ten ', ct, 6 00 Oel'i P''u, wall l ent il nr.i!?itvr'r lioUrr, t K Guid t'iRccr lltna en to !-0; Watrh f.ime. p!.tin I2J rta , pninit l.uJ. I.u ,ut oiliei articles in irnrtrtu Ali C'XiU wurianltil to be what lliev nre fid for. hk.W t V KIl A I1AH1TY. t " Oa li:ial ii-mie r) ,M nml Silver l.evera and Lepiae .:M i-iwe- tii-ui l!-.e '..iv pnren ri.l:ije!iliw,, t)d-lier 10, S57 1ysV ' LARGE BEY GOADS ESTABMSIUILM. Jl A MILTON KAS'I KR & CO., Itetv .Hat Mo, ISuiltUut; Nos. 109, 201 nii(" 203 Baltimore Sired, BALTIMOB.13. pTAYI. now in slore (moblla of tlieir own im portai'mn) one of the lerg-at and ni' com (ile'e .Stocks in llu United Slun s, tmluiu inft Sil9 and Silk fiooiW of ev ip class ; Dre3 (Jooil? n very .urge Hook ; l.ish l.iriena; Lin en (lomlsand IlmifckeepinR Aitieies cf every ile crihtimi ; Mcurning (ioody; CloaH. Mantillas a? J hawlt; Knihrotdcriea. I.pces, Hociery, lilovca, Illanketa, (Jjilta, I'lomralic (locids; and every article generally rexuired by Farmera and l'lavler.. fur servants use. lieluil U.iorr on first fit or tho pri- e aiTixeltocach article, from r.hich no deviatien is made. t$' Wholesale Rsotns on the tccond ar.d third fJoora. Octdher, 11. 1&57. 3m. Falsi E5niiisi'Jl : LIFE P n O L O X U E D. HOLLO WAY'S TILLS Ti suiT.t Hie pubis niul pen d'.iea "f sieknesa when il.e eer.'im ineni.s t'T -ure mc neceritile M :,ll. is silive in nine's. Tlie veuetuUlc reineily, iietijifr piiwi ifnl'v up'in llie enures ol (llseuKe In ull I lit; lluius, nn vt-n, unit lint,3 of llie !k1v ,-X'le! t!,e tnnibiJ un. I poiannoiis nm'.ier from i's lurking j.lucis in llie ayHeni. elcnne Bint pnuly evi-iy secret ion, inlnol'l llie sluir.ererl consrautimi, lestnre llio viR .r iinil virility el llie eufeel.lnl fnilne, aultcnil to pro lung life lul Uf)oml ils onliiruy linus. MILLION? nill.Y O.N THKM! In every charter cf llie q'o! c, niie;," all iiM'oi'.s, civil ized u:n! sav.ige H'ce1: Pills nre rseil with ei;i::il mil unva ryiii' ni.-ci-ra. Tlieyare ndtrlis,,! la every irieu-d Inn- IS fn;e. ant: wl,reevcr coimneicc nuBpeiiei.utu, ,,. u.w i c.i.inum ui-im'.... AM. INTEUXAI. niSE.V-KtJ Yield lotl.eir ne'ion. 11; spopsi'i, l.ifer C nnnhint, Af ef the II iweis, the Kid.ies, llie Nerves, the lames, the Tturait nnd liie Uneii, Hint hive previontly d. lic . nil hiiiiinn skin und nil other remedies, uie expedi tiously aud fund t.v ilns nll-coniieeriiig medicine ll()i)M,Y I'ltOSTHATION Kveli when the pnlienlsaiu reiluecdto llie hist decree Ol" leulilenese, they limy he reeiliwrated by the r,'iliess tonic uad ullernalive properties of Ilollow.iy'a Pills. n:.MAIJ.S OF AM. ACMi, rrom wlmtever variety of Ihe ailments prrntlar to tlieir si-x lliev may liesuflerinn, rmy rely with enure cnt:deiu-e on the ttl'eet of Ibis titrcugtliiiig, icviwng, guleuudila me,huie reineuy. Uollotvay's Pills are th lest remedy lantern, in the world for the ft,!luit-ing disease: Attlima, Ptvei .vid A-no St me u:nl Gravel u..i....l(''.ifwt!-oiit, Vt-nmle Connduillts r--eo!id.nv fMnp- t:nni;l,s llendaelies Inwurd Venkms In.!. jetton l.iver t.renl'iuits Chei! Dirensea IiiEuenstii lwuosauf Spirits Cibivemss Intl.oillrn.titll Piles D-.sneraia envieal Atleevions iJiarlueu VorlliSl ei -mJs Urojuy tJV CAUTION' 1 None nre genuine unless the words I'lioll iwav, New ori( end Ijnulon." ore dli-crnib!e lis as a wiiler-iua-k ill i very le.ll ol the lsik of directions nr.-uud eiieli p t or l.:'X ; tlie same ini.v lie plan. ly free hy Ihe Wnf t" the PRht A emn's'ine reward will he c.vcu to ai.y one r.aeiei'ine s.n-h iiifi riiiali-,!! ns innv lend lo Ihe deleetion ol in,y party ol pi the me,liciacti ot vending the snuie, ki mrties couiiterleilinir ai.iwmg them to l.e spuri-'Uf S.dd nt the IMnnuriif torles of pror.sor HoLl.oWAY 0 Maiden llre, New York, unit 214 Strand. Iunhni, hy allreBpi'iihle Hruse,it:s uail Ueu'ers in MtHln me through, out the I niti .1 u.l,-. un.l the civilized wolld, iu boxes, ot ea centF.ti'J) cents, nnd 11 eneh. I'f There is a considerable saving Ly Liking the Inrgcr sizes N. II. Direct inns for tlie puidnnee of patients in every diis.rder ure lU'.ixed to eaeli box. er 17. IS5?. tyea FANCY PUPS FOR I.APIK.S. JOHN FARKIIIA JL CO., (New No.) ft-. Nn Market St. nui'VC Lilit, I'itiUidelpliiu. lli.porters. Mtniufnciuiers l.lid llvulers III lid.ea, (ieuth-llleu nod Cl.lldriliS Taiiev Furs. Wholesale uad iteluit, J. 1. V Co., would crtll the nttenll -II ot Ilialers and llie Public genrrnlly to their limncnsc Ifoi-li ot Iruney Purs for ladies Ceullt inen and C iljrea; tiieir ossortiueiit en.h uees every urlic nn-J kind i f paney I'u.s, that will he worn daring lin ensnn such us I'liL Capes. II. U C pe Quarter Cnper, Tnlinas, Vi(l nines llntis, Alufis ,V Muaatee, ffoni the Lucitl lCus Sinn Sahle lo the lowest pi ice l).4iie.stitf purs. Pit tientianeu II, I ir-,st nss .rtiiient of fur Cottius, !ll'i-es (Jan -it lets Ac, l lie .liree: lu.porli'.sof all our purs u. ..I M ..nitfac-urirs ot 11. t in under our own su;ier vi sion we feel Hnlisniit wc can 'rter Iniler iuduieineiils lo deiiieis anil the nulie F.ener.dlv than unv i.lher L-nise, having a. i rm.'rli tei'1 lo select fr..inuiutut the Muliuluetul eis prices. We onli usk a cm':I J.MHV FAIM'in. ro. NoFl iVr.ilfrf Fireel tiglilh, I liibd'a. riiihdclphia, fepl. 10, l!-07 whu. rLATFCEH SCALP."?. OT every description, suitable for railroad, Ac., for weighing Hay. Coal, Ore, and Merchandise generally, l'nrcharers run no risk every scale is guarnntecd correct, and it at'ler trial, not Iou;id salulactjry can Lo iciuruej wmi oul chartte, Factory at the Old "Mand, established for mure than twenty yeara corner of Ninth and Melon Mrccts, Philadelphia. AIHlOTTfcCO. Encrcs";or to Ellicutt & Abbott, riiiiadilphia. tcpt 6, IHS7 cHin. m 11 1.1. ii. ountt;, A Sf-cmd, near MnrLet Street, LE WISBUKO, PA. Piarlicrs in the Counties of Union, Northum bcrlaud and Montour. Ail l'uoi tssioKAi. Bcsisess entrnsteJ t ) his rate will receive prompt unj la thful attcn lion. October 3, IS57- ly joiuv zj.ri.TtEii.riJi.y, f ESPECTFLT.LY informs his liiends, ar.J the public generally, that lie has just reci-iv id a New flock of tiODDS, at his new slnre, at Unvid .Miilcr's Mill, in l.uwer Adi;uita Town ship, und ihat he is prepared to sell goods at th lowest pi ices. His Slock eonsiiiU in part of SPUING SUMMER GOODS, Groceries, Gueenswaie, Hardware, &o. 1, J every variety usually kept in a country Store. Tievorton prices paid for all kinds of produce. Lower Aususl tsvp, Ave. 8. 157 tf lot 'ls of all. kinds, Mot kn ys Collars, fcus " pciniirs, Euck Mills. Handkerchiefs and an todies variety of Hosiery and Notion. Sonburv, Dee. 20, '&r. UKlCiHT & SON. EALTIFUL DRESS GOODS, including figured and Plain Merinos, bilk. Scotch s. Silk Stripe J Poplins, Cashmere, Trenton I nilier buaJes, r ancy and Plain Uridines 1'sramelte Cloth, Ac , j,n,t received M,'T. Midlife PURCHASING AT THE positively tell our entire atock at 72 1 incceasing patronage, and -hall endeavor o THE HIGHEST TRICES, I U S S Y ' 3 AMERICAN ItEAPKR, tun M'TTIXG BOTH GRAIN AITD GRASS, (IKE AT improvement for Il).ri7. 'I hit Ma- chine was put in aucersful opcruticn in IK.13 and continued to ho the only .eaping nnd Mow ing Machine in tho World, cf any practical valuo up to lH'lfi twelve years after iia introduction. Other ficapera are now oflercd with ulowimt ad vertisements, Certificates. Dijilomas, (Jo!J a id Silver Medals, ic. liul the farmer in search of the best itcaprr, and not ported in tho mailer, had better rce a liltlo further. If Ihrro is any vntuo in "t years expciienre in building Kenpirr, and using them in the har vest field, and in the improvement made during that long period, OI1E1) lll'SWEY.tho l'ather of Kcnpers, can claim it. All who a: e satisfied with the Uest ,'capcr and Mower, nan he sop plioJ hy scuJiiiit their orders early in the season, os the crops indicate a lar.-ie demand, and we can not have over 200 Keadv for tho vast harvret ofl8S7. We guarantee that this Hcaiier and Mower ran not he hrntt n on fair trial ly any other Ucaprr that may he brought into theharvest field, in' lHf.7. and wo nl.o insure it to he. tho dumbest and mst machine in use. V,'e would repeclfully invite I'ariners to cxarr.ino the machine thoroughly before purchzsing, and sitisfy thcmsclvca of ils superiority over nil othere. ituriiigt'ie l .st four yearn, the Kolmcriberit have aeld between Sot) and liliO of these Machines, to the U'stniiil -iirr.ts(ol Farmers iu Mnntuur, Union aud the nei(,'hhoriig counties, (whose names are too numerous to insert) to v hum w e rericcll'jilv refer. 'I'he snlnciiScm have the cxcIumvo tinhl tile following coiniliea: M ontutir. Union, nyde, rs'orihum'.ierlaud, Columbia, l.uzcrna, l'erry Miiiiin, Centre, Clinton nod Lycoming. All orders thankfully received and promptly utlcnd cd to. CEUUES, M.VKS11 Ctl.. Lewitburg, Union county, l'a. July II, 1S.'i7. T2iS; L.UM-JiVS' E5TAELISI-IMENT I N T 11 1: C I T V U F It A 1. T I M O 11 V. . MATII1KT S Luy SlifillVarnon u. uu.l 'Ja Noilh tiuy strei t, li'-ar i'avLOe, 11 iltiln ire : wiiL-re is kept ntwnvs on hand, or ; i o..1-.t, ceciy style of French 1 i-.'l'K-A-Ti: TKS, in 1M'U, llnir, Clolii 01 ProiOrlle. I'icueli Full Sin IT nnd .Mcdai'ion puiloi Arm Chairs, III Plush, llnir. Clnlh or l!rocn!e:i-. 1'reuch .iillr-!i:l Cnived Pnrlor Chars in sets, with Plush, Hair, CI. tn or I'roe.ilelie. TTalf Frcncti FtTini: Mahoyany Dot! M'alnut Tarlor Chairs, in llnir. mid I'lesli. KiK'king Chairs v.oiuus Utsijus, i.i Iluir, CKnli nud Pli ih. SluiVPpiing I'uepes n tnrpe n.nMinent nlivn... s en aand, or un) pattern uadeor covered wob any goods 10 order. C II A 12 3 ZJ a G w X S . lit M:i HrMiy or U'.ilimt, coinplet', ij;l5 uj. (.Vie 'Ii iir and HtM-W i 1117 1 1 th" hrc- uanrtmnt rciitly mndc in nny out l.-Mie hi Ihe t'liittO SStales truiii Irl J a U'eii up. (.ir H.khii, Olfict nml Dininff in (i:'i, Wuinut nr M;i!iOrtny. wiU Cntu. A'tn .it t'lLTv-l lrnts mi tins ! tinent cm. I.t aciup ivr'ni tlnzt'ii. Wtfnl Btttt. (Jliiiirfc auj cUcett uiA Hwltiiig Ci.uiis. OVtT Utt 1'7i II. Ciit ntitl I'in'ti Fratn- Tvk im "f rvfiy variety. All kaiU if iietls, liuir unci l!u iMi;tst . a. M.rniin'. N. 23 .Hi. 0 . O.ty t , neur I'tiyeiie n , Lu:;iiivre Anjjiiitt 1, 157. I y ThliC.a 1 fo, vns. vi..Vi A. IB S iwrfotl. Vmh i. . vc k... - ' lnr"'. -.. .i iti.... .u.i U k.r -At. le t.... li- un, b, 't rsl.' :, tm tnrBt'y t-imnj. 1-tVe JU.J lt.:.i I ,.r !. iU lv fl t! in It, s. ae in arrlrw r-f. Kvti'ii r tu d-''rfi-.l f ir!: 1 ; fr.! tslom-.i t; I tit ail t I'tl ,C Hut rTtl .Uj i4-a lwl,liVJ tVAUAiuti it la il it w.tem fajt!!. it l'a.:itu:ls.l ia kM 1 al Til) T-nl an mrr-Aim IV lirairut.rt I r n, ss: Jl) st:i i N v h.i m lu Tin cit.-i't i I i:- l? 'lu U- M liun dller ut frnm .,lTti:. on wl hy litr n..iiinlt..1!i ,1 ' tin 11 . II uiaVt I' ft;. I y -t'.l. f. fai:f.wia" mler L'mii- !.';!'. ''Uef.-'lsi n I tit ul U la dclo-kmio tW lta)ti:iienAei . -( fly of Tlu 1 ' Jl 1 RT- S DO CI-,. 1 ira. IN v iiu Ua UMi IIUJUI Ul MM UilklHAL mvt Ot'NT TO THK TftAUK. ''ri. Li:iLJW CAN 0. It lt.ur U, .N.V. -f Sept nnooxrnn& r.iACoir, lltllutll'Clls AND CO.M.'di: bil). .MKItCUAVl'S, "CI, Xurth Thir i Street, 1 dour lelow Vine, p:iii..1)i:i.piiia. SAI.MSof rt.kits u id Chocs, llrv llnrvls, Ciina, Hard ware, Wulev'S, I'uncy ti...ili, Ac, l.V'l.llV KVfc M.M1 I tr" Country S:oi, t,M-pers and i-l hers will always find at t or Keening Sal, s a Uoc.e nnfl iKlrable ui.s.'rtiuent el lh above s11 ds. In tn,'l in Its to mui l.u ,-ts. t).MU ini-eil 011 the preia,es f..r Country Trade SV-il Wi. Iir A- .Im FKVEU AND AGUE! CJUlXIMi SI PM ITUTK OR N Kit V U TONIC This well known remedy ili.c.iveied by Illy late juirt iter U-ici.-i II. J. 1-ctU, is a sioe cine hi tin ie.oveiusor iler, hit'k'lirndache. and ull oilier Neivous Mleclious. Il e.uiii,nn no (ji.iioii-, Ar.'etite. or other ii.ftie.ii cuts It strL.ititcuN the sletn, itu'es tone to Ihe t. .lo ach, and is itiviouahle lo Uls.e.., 'S end those ndVcled Willi wetikne.i, in aiiv pnil ol ti e s.s'.ein ll is esM-t-iuiy lit"aiiuit,.l.d lo f, uiiiles In ntl'tal w.lh Falling of the IVeiiih. Hue I, tile is autV'ci. ol iu inr-sl eiots. w here the lirt,-tio:is!iie t. .1 nved. Ceitilieule can bcfuruudird frtm all iirls -f Ihe I ui 11. tw tl.r l-iii'sisls rneralty nnd ly J. II. Hazard, ti .leMilc l.ri.-aist, and t -le, Propr,ctor ViY Uuidell l.aee, . w Vori.. New Yorl,8tVl 1(1, 18.'.7, v3ni ' T3ATCHOI LY. JOCKEY CI.UU, 6PItI.NO 1 FI.mVKUH, Ar., of the best quulity ; a fresh supply just received and for sale at the Drugr-tuioof A. W. l'lSHEU. inibiirv, Aug. I, 1807. PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WORKS. Ao, 240 Arch St. bet. Second $ Third, (Opposite ltread Street, I'ltlHuieliihln. C4EIVES, Hiddlea. Pcreeiis, Wou Wire of S all meshes and widths, with all kinds of plain and fancy wiie work. JYeavy Twilled Yi'ire for Kpark ("ateliers i Coal. Hand and Ora vol t-'cre ens ; l'aper Makei's Wire; Cylcidcr and Dundy rtulls, covered in Ihe best manner H ire and W ire Fencing. A very superior a.liclo of eavy Founders' Beives. Ail kinda of Iron Ore Wire Keives. IMYLISK. IUHUY A LYNN. Philadelphia, Kept. Ill, lb!7 com. TiUUXTAUkJ.l all kinds and endless vanoty. BIUUUT 6N. Sunbury, Dec. SO, 1M7. BTOHB. x ' MISSI.OLT3A BHieSLEn.reapectfully In forma the eitiien of Treverton and aur rounding county, that ahe haa opened a new tore of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor ton in .Shainokin afreet, nearlj oppoaite Knonse'a Tavern, where all kinda of Donnete and Fancy Unnda can tt) had at the lowest terms. Pre-- making alao attended to la (he best manner and latent atyle. Aptil 23, 1857. If A Uok (o Kvcry ftlnun ftMbrtiry. KARE INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS. CANVASSERS wanted to chlain subarribera for the Comprehensive Ueography and His tory, Abcicnt and Modern, ot the World ;" by U. 6. Goodrich, (Peter Tarlry.) Handsomely bound in cloth gilt, and illustrated with 300 beautiful engravinga and and 80 majis. Trice $3. Sold only by agents, te each of whom a special district will be given. Applicants should slate what counlira they would like to canvass. The book is now reedy. Copies will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of the price. Bills o all solvent banks taken at par. The "Home Jnurns.1," says of this work I "No family what ever shouiJ be without it." For full particulars in regard to an agency, address, GEOKUE W. ELLIOTT, Publisher and Uookscller, No. 172 William Street, New Y'ork. Allhave kinds of School and Miscellaneous lloo'.is. Cheap Publications, Stationery and Maps, furnished at the very lowest prices. Or ders solicited. November SI, 1857,- 1HAAC M. AVILKEHSON, M ANTJP A CTTJBE CF FUJINITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Stylo. . PtiJan, IlvauM and Ixiuiiks i3urcans, Secretaries, Sideboards, ' SOFA, BREAKFAST A',U DIMNQ TABLES anj also VENETIAN ULJNJJS, equal to Phil a- delplua manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price curiioAKDS, womc AND CANDLE- STANDS, TOILKT TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. rPHE subscriber respectfully calls the attentioi - of llie public to his large and splendid aa aorlment of every quality ami price or CAItlXET-WAEtES which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery ene who will examine it, on account of ils durable workmanship aud splendid finish, made up of the best stock to he had in tho city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. He also manufacture all kinds and qualities CIIAI1.S. nrludins varieties never before to he bed ii Sunbmv, such us Mauogist, Ulack Walki:? ami Ci.'iilkii Matle Ohkcian ; ami Wmiisna CHAIKf. ins Iaxci Piaio .-Stools, which are of Ihe latest stvlci, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsew here. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can he entertained I out the quality and finish of his ware and 1, hairs. hose articles will he disposed of on as good ten. 5 as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try p o duce taken ill payment for work. a L.LLiil Alvlu. Having provided i l.undo.'nie Hearse, he is now prepared for l.'niicrtaUing, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity, or at any convenient distance from this plate ThcWt re Room is in Fawn Street, be ow Weaver's Hotel. 1 He bus also purchased the right of manufac turings ud selling in Northumberland county, (1 iM's patent Excclsoir Spring Ued, which he will furnish at riasnnable rates, bpriugs put in old bedstead for three dollurs. I.-MAO M. WILUERSON. Suiibury, April 18, 1857. tf. HBRUXNG'S GAFJ3. TH K ACK.NOW I.MOO F l CHAMPIOII 1 1 it i" -ir i;-". '-v,.-:it i'tl TIIU RF.CKNT TRIALS at ITeadiuir have endorsed tlie current public opinion, una e.aiiiiincd iiict ol nioie thiol UtKI ..cei fires, proviltir c.ns.-lusirelv . V',;.!' ! l dental firei :. ,r .TI!-..'P. . ... ..1,.... lleirnnr's" is the only hAFK will not burn. xtruct fioin llie Comnitltee's ltei:irtoii IheTiiul of Iron tlafes at Heading : 'On ilie Silih of February all the merahera of the Coin niitlee met lo Wltiiets the Scales and Uwka and papers, (placed tn them) 10 d were perfectly mlislird all was intht. The day loll. wiu, 'he burning loos place, under llie suiH-ri. ilea. t.-uce of the Committee. After u lair und impartial hurnlt'.g f five hours, the t..fe of Messrs. Means Jt X'attoti wua first opened, the Ivife being 011 Hie liibide, and llie e inlcii's partially consumed, while llie eon. leiils in the safe of .Messrs. Parrels & Herring- weio 01 e.,od e.uditi'4, nnd in lire inside." Uca.lliig. Mureh II, 1S37. (Siued.) II. F.FF.I.IX. ) P.N COI.I'-.MAN, fCominitice. A. II. PKACOCK. And eadirsed by over 50 of the la?t recti ef Readme;. Ti.enliove1?llecutl tie Inspected lit lit Walnut tired. where the public rati salikfy themselves of Ihe ereal supe-rl-iritv of the .erriuit's Patent Chumplou,'' nv-r lha defeated and used up '-inside Iron l-iur almaiiJer." rarreH A, Herring, 34 Walnut SI., Pl.llada. Only tmkf is in this Plate of Uerrinj's Puleut Chainpiou Safes. The attempt made tiy other parties to linUter up lha reruliitioil ol stale which lias failed so siunully ir aeei- ti't -i ill Philadelphia, (Itunsteud Pluck,) ey Inkiinr one out of 101 agent's slore, (II A. Iailll2.) innde doubls ir.icfcnts. (citTerenl from those lliey sell) In --burn up' one of 1. -niait's (half us thick) has met with its true re ward. Ilerrins's Safe eouai not la! hiirtit. provius: eoiielu' stvtli that Ihe only reliable jfc now made is.'llcrriue, V 01' whiti over I4 IS1I nre imw iu ar-tual use. and iiior than S iO baa la-en trietl by fire without a single loss. P,nkl.,Juiie to, lr57. 1 . acaTiTto farmerT! Farmen, drop your Tools, Pause a little. Read this and Reflect ! THE FAItMF.It'S PllOMOTlOS BOOK. A new und SH-ientifie Mauuiins stcm, f.i the Culliva ttou 01 all kinds 01 Uraius, (i manes, Fodder and Pasture, u;i-in ail kinds of t-ll : Poived by aetuul Kxneriiiieuts bud based 1111 evident truths ; tieauitned to imiiiovs Airiicuiliire m ull Ms hiuuches ; represented by upwards of one hundred and liliy engravings of ihe nitart, valua ble tirasses and Plants coituecied with the a stein. uy lr. V. O. lti:iUOLO, JlOAI.PBl RG, CK.NTKK CO., PA. IN this trrali it will te ire-u tluil th cilijct boi tu t pivc ihe Farmer Itmt kiini ( iiiftT'imtifHi winch rititti'i'i liiiu to nt'ika ftftwcUc d Hpiiltpaiimi ! lerniixt tin turn KiH. iiiiTtdsHf hi ginni, ftKkler, and patturao. Th U sciriiit Ittiigtil iiy tin taiiiui itiir, hwI 1 idler Hiid ua turv cu'uvu'i'ui airiii iirerHii iiw), clrui ui.d evulvut, and uipgi-fcl miprovt incut hi ihe ukhJcih iigrirulltire Intlier t uuktis'U h it iur itiriueii, Hiid wliirii, if' ndtill umt eti r fully (Hudit'trr!. ruhiiot 1'uil lo ndVitm-e the niicfe! t Ihe lariiiniK cnmiutiniiy. tiu li v .irk Utv n iiiik'Ii W-tntt d, uk 11 fil!i tt void whieti hut faing hecji felt, tut v.'lnoli ihtfe hiu (nlheriii leen 110 utttMi4 to lupply , Hint us f.iruifm if 47eulre and liuntnigdtin vouuiiea. we rttCHU infiid tne work lo every furni r. na we fully believe that lacy Wi.i rraji me grelrrt (HasiLie benim in iu u D uiiei Moseer, Pbdip Moyer, Jacob M-ier, IMiiry st'.yer, buinuel lidlikuid, iieorpe Jack. John Hariitau, -tleof;e lluehanan, ' Fniil.-is Alexander, Jidin Nefl'. Heipr. John HisTer, Caiisiian Hotter, Christian llulc, Ce,,rie liiail, Jneob .losser, J .ha U.ik-y, Hiinavl lluncan, J. .an. Alt-Williams, tierce liuiei, Jr. J. din l'.arier, J-dni llasani, Kimue. 'A'lbem, (leores W. Meek, 19 The uhove work is foi sal by Rev. a C M. KF.F. II tV, Milton, Noiiliuiiiberaind couuty, Pa. t'riea )U. AUKast I, lt-.',7. U1110 j.wepn ifasef IOOO lbs of .'urp?l llngu "f Tf ANTED at the store of E. Y. Bright A ' ' cSuii. who are constantly receiving a fresh supply of Goods, thus offering to the public the largest snd most desirable assortment July II. 1857. What an enormous Variety of Toys and Fancy Goods he has! Whot Our Friend JOHN DOLL. At No. 114 Xurth 2nd St , above Arth, Phila., E haa just received diiect from Europe a A very large assortment of Toy of all kinds, fancy Markets, Pipe. Canes, fccgar Cases, To- uaeco lloxea aim an endless variety of 'sncv ar tide. Call upon him before purchasing else where. VkBsiWfrVre, Atrg-jst t0, l3T mt . 1 SALAMAEDER FIRE ; i . -' ADS V " ' V Jk JXJLlJTir "JXJVX EmXjEsOa The largeat aaaorlment tri the United Btatea. Warranted to be eaual to aiiv flow marie, and will be aold on aa Good Terms,' as can be obtain ed from anyther house in the Country , at . ' 59 South 4th 8treet,Thiladelplda. ' Truth is Mighty, and Must Prevail. : Report cf the Cvmmittet appointed to $upirin tend the Burning of the Iron Safei, at Read ing, February 27, 1857." ' ' - RiiDtna, March 4. The undersigned, members of the committee, do respectfully report, that we aaw the two Hates originally agreed upon by Farrels it Herring and Evans & Watson, placed aide by side in a fur t.ace, vii: The Safe inuse by the Paymaster af the rhiladclplini and Heading KaHroad UunTpa nv, in his ollice at Heading, martofcetored hy J: Farrels & Herring, and the Safet'.lti use hH-TU A. Lantt, in I.i. s?ore, manufact Tred oyS5.a St Watson, and put in books and papers prctulrj. like. ' . - Theatre was started at 8 o'clock; A. M.,and kept tip until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak ahd halfchesnut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under tho superin tendence of the subscribers, members of the Com mittee. The Hafes were then cooled off with water, after which they were 0ened, and tho hooka and papers taken out by the Committeo and sent to II. A. Lantz's store for public exam ined and marked by the Committeo. The boohs and papers taken from the Safe manufactured oy rarrels d- Herring were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than those taken from Evans & Watson's Safe. We believe tlie above to have been a fair and impartial trial of the respective qualities of both $afcs. JACOB II. DYSHEr, DANIEL S. HUNTER. Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincido with the above statement of the condition of the papers and books taken out of the respective Sales. O. A. NICOLLS. JL II. MUHLENBEI50, JAMES MILHOLLAND. March 51, 1857 BALD EAGLE HOTEL. iVo. 234 and 410 .V. Third. St., Philadelphia. JOHN CLYMER, Proprietor. (Successor to Uanikl Daliist.) THE Proprietor returns his thanks for the libcril palronBge bestowed on thia well known house, and respectfully asks a continu ance of the same, assuring his many fiieuds of Northumberland ottd adjoining counties, that no pains shall be spared to render comfort and plea sura to all who may give him a call. TEIi.Mj' Al.OO I'I'll DAY. Philadelphia, July M, 1857. 3m SMITH'S Isciicc of Jamaica (.Iner. THIS urticte is carefully piepflfed from the tieat Jnmrdca tiiufTer. nit the vahiuhle medicinal proH'ltles ol wduch it is wurrniiled 10 iHissess in a coiieeutriiled and couve- liit-ul lor.n. it is an excellent remetlv in dyspepsm, flatnlenee, cho. lie and impnircd nud feeble slate of the diireslive lune tlous. Frtn llr. rel'ieshine PTtctcrth and etituial pioerties lis 11 eeulle s'.iinulaliuil louie it is well ntlaplcd to co'iulei ucl the dcLilitiiting iuliiieuce of ihe extreme heats of sum-lii-r, theeltects ol sudden changes, Ac. No family should be will t it, ns ita tiniclv use will save llieiu from many nil seri'nis altaek of iUiirsa. Pi ice v. cen's per 'isittle. For sale by JunetiO, It 57. I in T. MELANCHT0N SHIN DEL, Jl STH i: OP TIIK Pli.H'E, SUNBURY, FA.. Ojjlce in Veer Street, immediately opposite the PuMic School Ifnuse. . All business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writings done. Sunbury, April 25. (857 if IJOUTand MA11EBIA WINE3, Pchicdatn Schnapps, Wild Cherry bre ndy, Blackberry and Lavender brandies fur medicinal purposes at March I I, '57. A. V. FISHER. CiOUNTV OUDSnS Counly orJcia ta.;cn fa c;sh for gooda, oiul on nrtrt or look ac count tV E. V.KICIJT4- SON. Nov. 2?., IfiAA. New Goods for the People ! BNNJAMIN IIKFFNER RESPECTFULLY informs the public in gen eral that he has just received and opened a splendid stock or SriUNG AND SUMMER GOODS at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stock consists in part of Cloths, Cr.BsiKjcrs, Cacsinoti. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. -ALSO 1 Caliroo-s, Ginghams, Latriss, AIouNMCllnc lie I.uluca and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Groceries, Also an assortment of Hardware, I roil and Cteel, Nails, &e. Also an excellent assortment of QTJEENSWARE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS Ai SHOES. II ATS & CAPS, a good selection. Suit, Fish, sc. And a great variety of other articles such as ar suitable to the trade, all of which will be aold at the lowest prices. Country produce taken in exchange a the highest prices. Lower Augusta, June A, 1857. WHEATLEY S ARCH ST. THEATRE. AKCH ST. ABOVE SIXTH, PHILAD'A. THE Star Company, composed or the firs Artiste in the woil.l, and exceeding in Strengih and Talent any Dramatic combination heretofore ottered to the Thealrh al Public, will appear every niitht in Comedy. Tragedy. Serio comic Drama, Vsu I, villes, Musical Uuileltas, Ac, Ac- When visiting tho city, go there. Oct. 24, 18.17. ly FLOUR 1 FLOUR1 FOIt SALE 11 Y M. C. GEARIIART. Sunbury, Sept.Sfi, 1R57. FURNITURE POLISH. 8. RAE'8 Premium Patent Enamel Furniture Polish. Thia poli.h is hiiihly valuable for restu ring the polish on all kinds of I'urmtuie, Glass, Carriage Bodies, lUir Cloth, Ac, Alan, for re. moving spots, hiding scratches, Ac, Ac- War ranted to dry immediately and retain its gloss. Price SO ct. per bottle. Sold by A. W. FISHER. March H, 1857. JOHN 8. JILAKIJ, ATTORNEY J.T LAW, Oic in Xlaciet it., opposite the Court House, BUNBTJBY, rA. Collections mad and Professional Busineaa generally attended te Promptly and Carefullj. FutiAnxirBia Rsrtacxcs 1 Bullitt e Fairtliorne, Diehl 4- Wrrla, Davis A Bimey, F. Tylot A Co. Hunbury. June SO, 1P57. IVROWN'S and Brciuig's Essence of Ginger a nd Huaband'a Magnesia al March 1 4, '67. FISIIER'K. Fishing Tackle. Re.1 Cork, Gra, Cot too and Linen Lises, Out Line, Sea Gra by lha yard, Snoods, Flies, Kby, Limerick and Carlisle Houks, Uods, Ac, for sale by Msrrt 41,'iT. A.W. PI9UCB. FURNITURE! TCTtHITTJRS H ; ' THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED '. . ;1N 6UN60KY. " . FaMbloWblcTlieap mm Ppefol THEsuliserilr. long established aa a Cabinet and Chair Msnnfacluter in feuTibiiry, thank ful for past favors, aolicita a continuance of the public patronage. ' Hi steak .of Cabinet-Were, Chairs, Ac, embraces ; - ' BTEhV VABIETV.'tetrDI, AKD OltKA- a.fcsiTAL ; .' ' -in housckeetilna-. It Is unnecessary to enurSe- rate, as anything that may b required in hie line can be had at moderate prices,' Clienp for Cash, or Country Produce,.taken, In exenange. Establishment ". , South Eatt Co'rtier-rf Marlet Square. - 3T These knewins thssnselves inilebttd tfl the subscriber wyukl oblige him by making pay- .- T " 8K13AS 1 IAIN itAlirw SUUBUrTi Pi . iB-" . 'J.' ' 1 WOOaViiOXIOjlAR ,'vHOLESAX32' AND RETAIL, -r'XT n'. fit'l 1J IT A PT . ilTAS itrtt rccciveilj new end f sceilent assert- I t- men of goods t hirf- CmifectionarV end Fruit Store iit'M AltKET BTHEBTJunhury. wheredyemBnufarrtoJea.',i:d keep oil hand, "at all time, the srmst rjioief ( oiitcetionary, die. Wholesale and ItclatT. ar Plinbdolohia.liricea Among his stoelsy of CdnilecrionaticiT may be found! . '- . ' j French Seerlu,'. Cream White, V Mint Ilrnpa, reiaiKTsVlltte, tfurnea Aimunns. - iive uiops, lmoa Jelly cakss, i "S, . i- tuit Drops , " SO ., Hose, Vanilla. Common Sccieta. Liquorice, ftick I' ill scf ids Itork Candy, 7 , Almoud CaiKlv, J''m FRUIT. . r it rtanuns, Prunes, - f Fics, ' Citions, " Nuts f all kmd I lutes. Currants dried, Almonds, ttaiaons, LKMON SYRUP , x of a superior quality, by tho eingle or doen. ' superior quality of Seaars and Tobacco; .end variety of Cuufcctioruiries, fruit, Ac, all of which is oilcred cheap at wliolesaIe or retail ICE CREAM. He has als otiened an 'ce Cream Saloon, and will at all times bo ready to serve his customers with. Ice Crenm. Sunbury, May 21, 1857 ly Saddle and Harness Maker. HAUPT, JR. Successor In .1. J, Stroi, ' IIES1ECTFUI.I.Y informa the citizens of Sunbury and the pub be uenerallv, that he has lake Cr- the eslabli.diinent lnlcly occ.ii)iied A. J Stroll ond ia pirpntcd to tuin cut work in la line of business equal lo any made 111 tins. section of the country. Orders promptly exci ted and all kinds of produce takcu in Exchange Sunbuiy, May 9, 157. ly (JEOI1GK UKKN, NNOUNCESto the citizens of Sunbury and vicinty, that he has opened an office in fun bury, above II. J. Wolverton's office opposite C. Weaver's Hotel, where he-i prepared to attend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession. in the latest and most improved style. All work ell done and warranted. December 13, 1856. Citrate of Magnesia 11 a TASTELESS SALTS. rgHIS preparation is recommended ns an ex- rcllent laxative anil purgative. It operates mildly, is entirely free from any unplcatant tail resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and :rji by A. W. 1 1S11L.,;. Sunbury, March 1-t, 1858. t E. lTEWTiA.3SriD Ss CO. I.ooklnj Ulussea, I'll lurs I'amurs, Engravings unit Pnintiiif;a, No. 126 Arch Street, above Sixth, (Late of SIM North tv-ond St.) PHILADELPHIA. GAtLXltlF.S orxx daily to visitors. Merchants and others visiting th City who mav want anvthini: in our line will do we'd to give us a call. February 28, 1857 8m 1. ATI CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE No 72 Xorth Second tSirtit, torvositt th itlount Yeriion House ) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, es ses, $38; Silver Lever do,, do., !2; Sil ver Lenine, do.,.!): Uuartier, 5 to if 7: Gold .Spectacles. $151) to :J10 ; Silver do., 4 1 50 ; Silver Telle Spoons per sett, $14 lo S18 Silver Desrrtdo., do., $9 to CI 1 ; Silver Tea do., do., $4 7A to $7 SO ; Gold Pens end Gold Ca ses, if i 25 to $5 ; Gold Pens and .Silver do. . 1 together with a va.iety cf fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All gooda warranted to be as represented. Watches and Jew- Irv, repaired in the best manner. AUo, Ma sonic Murks, Pins, &c, made to order. N. It. All orders sent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. Phila., Oct. 4, I8S0. lyw. PHILIP E, WHOt-lSALE ANO RETAIL Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S.E.cor. Walnut and Holer Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied al the lowest prices. October 4. 1856. tf WHOlKaALI ASS lttTAll BOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S.t, abort Chesnnt, Phil'a. "JJOO'I'S, Shoes, Gaiters, &c, promptly made X) to order in the very best stylo, and of the beet niateriul. Philadelphia. May 9, 1857 Leather ! Leather ! Leather I it t:itY w. ortitMAS, 1MPORTHR of French Calf Skins and aei.eral leather deuler, o. 0 .mtli Third street, Philadelphia. A ceueial asaoitineul ol' ull kiudaol" Leatber Morocoa, Ac, Ac. lird and (Ink Sole Leather. Felrt-uary ttf, 137 ly w A LMONDS. ll.MSONS. FIGS, LEMONS. Ac, Ac, just received a fresh supply and for sale at tho Coiifecliunaiy store of M. C. UEAKH ART. Suubary, May 16, HIT, FOR SALE. 4 Good secoud-band Buggy. Apply at this FOR RENT. . fllHE Store Room in Market alreet, oecupied A. by P. W. Gray and the dwelling house ad joiuiuaT. A pply to the executors ol 11. Masssr, deceived. Janvasy 17 New Drugs, ralnti, Ae. A M.W supply ef Drugs, PainU. Oils, y TJt r load, Ac, just received and for-ale by A. W. FISHER. Suiibury, May 2, 1857. AND WARRANTS. The highest price "will be gives for Lend Warrants by the sub. erilasi H. V MASSEK, LATENT BRITTAMA STOPPERS JA bar bottles for subs by H. D MAUSER. Sunbury, July 19, IR5A. I J " 'Vba0CO aud Begara SO.OOO Imported eegara ol vartoua brand. I.ldorado, Fig, Caveudisft and fine cut tobacco at A. W, FISHER'S ttmtarr, farA 14, lt3t EAUTHEXTCTMIE. flHE eubacriber respertfully la'erms the eiti JL tens of Punbury and the eublie ceuersllv. that he has commenced the manufacture f all kinde ef EARTH KN WAKE, at hi manufactory In Whortleberry Blreet,nba aquere east of the River. IU has engaged the service ef Mr. lliar. and you can tberefura depend on having a good article. The ptikie ar respectfully invited to call. ' All order frbm a distance will 1e promptly attended te. P. M.SIIINDEL. 8unbury, Feb. t, isr.fl. tf JOIIli II. AM,I, A: CO. Noe.t ami 4 Chestnut Street, (south side, belnw WatstJ yisia uunr ttrais-wsxa norsa liliutCtis.) ftl ANfFACTrnKHrX and VVhnlesule dealers in P.tenl - .-....-. .,,,..,,1.,., , mem uriNivetl ( ruai. XVnre, vtiirrenteil mil to shuns, Wu,l nnd WiihiwYA'are Cunls, Ururhrs, Ae ,f all descriptions. 1 lensa examine our Slock. - February gsj, ltv',7. ly w VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. fpilE subscribers, Executors of the estate o . JL Henry Alasscr, dee'd., oiler at luivate ssla llie following properly via: A large i0 story frame dwelling house, together with about 50 ACRES OF I.AXT). Situate In Lower Augusta township a.Tjoininr landa of Daniel Kaufman and other, now in the oceupaacy of John It. Koulman ns a st,itP and elling' The house is new and ti e lo niton a .givotl Ai;ie for business. Al;6 a TRACT OF LIMESTONE lND I in aaiil towpthip on the river about f, ,j,.j fl ' "cvjinijoiiiing innus 01 .1. I . M 'I'liers. r, and olhcla.'-B4ilainiiig, abCat'.t'O n.-res. 'I he seiK sso,iA;jiv and conlaiim. limcsio,., rr.( etiiet mrsMrihsiw.- . i : .'a,,;, yijs..r ........ . A sfefr: 01 f ViVvT"'BI",c"",,l,l,inff Hi-out 'Mi edjoiiuiTg IuihIJ d. thfo l.ciis of CirfdAud othrtsa 'yftfte i. 01 slii:i,i,',ikarc1 ofchoice fruh. v on t .it? i-ti. 1 chuicc friirt.. t Tor furtfrer Tlii rt 1r!l..ra 1 At1 as- L '""'. Jf; &K. Exeetttew. 1 iiV' to A) t.iitl lil. J ' Sunbury, January 10, 1856 tf - ' NEW AERaS-OEMENT I J resh jfixtioeU of -t D Jl U G S, PA4N TS , ,6lL S, & 0V TMHE ittidersirjnedaving takca'the Itare for L merit-kept hy Willmiu Altnmer. is now ready lo till orders topi necr liptioliaVat a inn. menta nntice. 1 1 has n larg, and Well selcclsd stock of fresh ami pure 1, J, TRUCS, CHEMICALS, .' ;; Dye-stufTs, Oil, Tuints, Class, Putty ,v aiid -jlll kinds of 1'atent Medicines. FKUIT AND CONFECTIOnXkT , Tobacco and Imported Seaars cf tha'ehniies brands." Fancy Notions' toilet articles, anil IVr Aimery of all kinds. Tootluand Hair Erushe of every variety. Camphine and Fluid always on hand. Custmncra will find his stock complete, eon prinintr many articles it is impossible here to em inerate. and all sold at moderate prices. I'cmember the (dace, next door to E. 1 llrighl's MaiuBioth ISlore. A. W. FISH Ell. Suntiuiy, March 14, IS57. W-I11TE HOUSE HOTEL. rOTT.sVII.I.E, PA. rHE subscriber respectfully annnunees to 1 aid triends ami llie public, Ihat ha has la'a that old and well known establishment, the White ;iIorso Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mnhantoio sis.. the Uorotinli of Pottsville. The house has cetilly been very much cnlat";ed aud mlierv. improved, rendering it quite as couifertablr any other Hotel in .Vehuylkitl county v. the atublcsare large, in good cociiition", anil lend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. 1 o travellers and others who mav st,n a: house, be premises every attention calculate render them omfortab'.o and satisfied. JOS. M. FEGE1 April 5, IBS.- tf HENRY DONNEL, ATTonunir at lat OJice opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County : Prempt attention to business in adii nunties. E-A.G3L,E HOTEL OPPOSI TF. FT UltANCII HANK, WILLIAMSPORT, IA lrlI.M4M II. HAY. Proprlot C. A. Stbive, Issistaat. N. 11. 11 Omnibus will run to an4 fro Depot and Packet Landings, to this klotel cf charge. September 13, 1856. tf " DANVILLE HOTEL. JOHN X3EE27, Jit., Marlet Street, Danville, Pa, flTH IS is one of the largest and moat c. JL Oiotia hotels in th interior of Perns i it has lieen recently fitted up, in excellca with all the modern conveniences. Daiivilled, Sept. 22, 1855 Clicap Wutclics tS'Jewt'l "lyilOLESALE and Retail, at the "PI ' " phia Watch and Jewelry Slore." North Second Sltect, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. Oold lver Wnuhis. lull jen-eleil, I curat enses ".' -l isi Kiue (iilrer Saetlac rilver l-ep. full .ewlied. HI. It. ,1.1 llr-.. i. ,. tillvei l.erer, lull )ev.l'J -J ! adies' l.ol.l 'v,-i! t-.ipeii.,r fjuartieis, 7Silvcr Tea sivhuu, i O11..I peetl-!e, ,.f,n ' Ond Peitt, with Pencil and Silver Holder, Uold t inBer Kings, 37$ cents to 481) ; Glasses, plum, 12 cents; Patent, HJ; o; onicr articles in proportion. All go. ranted to be what they are sold for. MI'ALFFER A HARI.I On hand, some Gold and SiK... 1,., Lepinea, still lower than the above price, let. 4. IHSfi y. lil.ANK Parchmem Paper Deeds ai "-' Mortgagi-s, Bonds. Execution... S dtc, lor sale b II. It M.r Sunbury Anri 26. IH5r, STOVES lOR ALE an excellent second ha lug Move, also several Cvlin. W. 1. ... eiio.ra. r.injiiire al I his nllir P1 OLD TENS with and without ery auerior quality, just reiviv. Also a I'reah sunidv of Wriiine Fli.i.l n II- U. M A Sunbury. Dec 27. lf fi- CILVER WATCHES. A few" English Silver Watclm, for sa do sale al pncea by II. B M ' Hinihurv. April It, 1Rffl. Tmeuican hoT WILLIAMSPORT, PA.. J. H. HI I.TOV, 11 IT J AS. T. 11 ALU Asst. Sept. 13. IrioC tf 1)CRE OLIV E OH. for table use, t 874 and C-J ccnta just receive A. W. I March 14, '57. stationery. A lrg upply of i Paper and Envelops, Mournin and Cap Paiier, Pens, Ink, Sand, Ac March 14, '67. A. W. 1 1 b, issaaasxsasa- PORT MONAIE8, Tooth and II all aualiti, and any eaanii y, fc : a. w. r Hn 14. 'r. fo