Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 20, 1858, Image 1

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    If j. ,
s'KAV SERIES, VOL. 10, NO. 48.
Tlio Sunbury American.
Market Square, Uttnlurj, Penna.
TEHM8 OF BiTd 9 C R I P T I O N . .
TWO IiH,IjH l annum to I paid hairywr.
in advance. NaririK discontinued uuliUu. arrearages
,.,id. -
TO UtiUiao:
'urea C pi to one address
S 00
JO 00
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even Oi
lmen d .
I iv iMbrs in uitvanee will pay
fot three year's sub-
uonl. le Aniemn... . fr..
mm t.irrs will pie me im ' "
u,......,ui,iiiu suiiinction money. 1'hey nr iwiimt
in do ui. under luu I'u.t Ofliea Law.
liii S.U ire of 15 hum' 3 times,
:,i r .l..rqanit insertion, "
, iittr, 3 llionllis, "
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A-iili Hie inserting dncrentudvei-
y U.g.i Ad erii.tme.iH, b. per ogreemeut.
VMvc-uiieote.l with ur establishment well se
,c,rJ jiTS oVfICU. whirl, win enable u. to execut.
,u hWlcH 1I, tvtrjr v.iic.)
attoknev at law,
sonbuhv, rA.
nn.ina.t.nJel t. ta tU. County of Nor
,nn.lHrlud. IJnlon. Lycoming Montour .nu
J.)lunilii. . .
....,. in Vhiladehhta :
J m rll.lina. KM..
Mod. loh .Tv.t,
fimier. it Siioilerns.,
Ill"- - .
Liai, emitl' Lo-
snF.SPKCTt't;i.I.Y liif.irinn the ciiizcln l
.,f f..ier Auiyf towiibhip nl the Juh
iVc,.rrlU. tl.Ml.el." jn.rrl.McJ t!.c isiore
t.-U kopt l,y Ihhc Marrt. i Lower Augu.lii
owu.liip nwr KmerkV. Tivcm, and ha.
ij.n.iiM n tplfiidiil tfH'k of
Valium. Winter GOOD.
rt stivk cni.tior loll,s, Cassimero.. Ci
icilKiif all kin ls. linen, cotton ami W or.ted.
Ala. :aliooM. Gingham. I.nwna. Munawlino
Ue J.ainp and all kind of l.adiea Drcea (.ood.
UUfX'KKlRS, Hardware, tiuceiiaware of va
rioua nivtraand pitlerna. ,
Al!.'an aaaorlmcnt of Ueady-Made CU.lhinR
if all descrii.liona. Unala and Shoea, and
Capa. S.4I.T nsll3cc., -Und a varifly of
Hlt.Cr article icli'j'l ar auitil.le to the trade,
all of which will 1-fMd at the lowest pricea.
'untfV produce taken in cxchatije at
llie hichiMt niarki l prices.
Lower AuguMa twp., October 10, !So7. tr.
r IS Grease is recommended to t'.ie notice of
I Wagnnera, Livery Staid" keeprra, &c.,aa
k l eirrg JSitkbioii to anvtUing of the kind ever in
trd'ic d. Aait doea not gum upon the oxha
i much mora diirahlc. und ia not afleclcd ly
the weather. rcinaiiiiiiR ll aame in aummer af
in winter, nd put up in tin caniater3 at 37$ and
76 ceiita.lor e by A. VV. KISllLU.
March' VI. IH57
R. O. lvIMBALL, law f Elmiri, having
brr.niie a ieHli-nt I ouiumry, n-'i'itnunj
inform the citizens and others, that lie miena
l form a hinging Claaa. hoth secular and a.icr, d
and will impuit instruction to all who may desire
to place themlve under his charge.
K. U Mrs. O. Kimball u prepared to give
instructions to a few more pupils on lha Tiano
l'orte. .
Sunbury, September 19, 18o7. tl
kvw IMitlaflelpIila Ory Goods!!
uTiTows.tinSiuimsi &So,
n WE removed to tlieir new atore, N. W.
comer of Chaanut and Rlh Ktrecta, and
have anened their usual full assortment of Au
,i,nn and Winter DUY GOODS, which they
oib r at very low pricea. Their stock mcludca
fchavvls. iilack and Fancy Silk., Merino's and
uther Uresa Ciooda, Men'a and Uoy I
Wear. Ulankeio. Ilouaekceping
tiumla, and Goads for
I'ricnda Wear."
Oct. 51, I8S7. CmSc
milB nu'.Hci'oeia respectfully announce to the
A j ul'lic, thai their new fct04m Klounug Mill
in lUiK place, has been completed, and will go
iw operation on Monday ths 3lal day of Au-
Uvii.s' engaped competent and. careful
Mi!!..r. llu v irual they will be able, wuh all the
mod-rn improvements adopted in their mill, to
P,ve ,.iiliiealibiiiionto all-whoinay favor tnem
Sunbury, August 29, 1857. tl
(SccCKsana to
J O. CMPBK-L ii CO., A!D L. f. IVES,
(Formerly No. 15 North Wharves.)
;IM LLES, No. 4 North Wharves, 4th door
Market Mierl, I'liiludclphiu.
.lan-ea, Apples, Uried Fruits Butter,
,,,, Oniona. Mercer l'otatoea, Cheese
.al4i.ia, Totnaioea, bweet Potatoes. Beans.
!.,. Nut. lVachea. Cranberries &c.
orherafir Bhi.pinS put up with care and dm-
')f0S a dd on commiasion for Farmer
Kl.l 1)0 ilef.
Ot:lo!ier i . I8f7.
TL9 $10 aai $15 Eing'e and Double
Tr eaded Empire Family Sewing
4 V UKNCYf .r the sale of theas Sewing
Aw,nr. can ha aeeurcd oh lilaeral u"a"'
ttio dimly of
Rj....l...n,l.rtand. I0 one lieru
i F IMM"''- . .
ai.iilv without CJpital suuimu' w
IZlZ pr .er.v and who cannot bring , .
cn.ea as ' reliability and capacity. A
aiMiliiMtioti will Im necesaary. .... ,..
& peculiar adaptation of the..
.11 ..ur.!a. f r amilv B.wliif . will. wUr ow
rommand a ready and
tiiev am ullereJ for .!
.. . . i
S K. Corner of iiU and Arch 8ta., Fbiladel a.
Augu.1 15, 1857 f - ;
' ftl.4KK.SI BLAXIiS!
II LAN K Deed, Mortgage., Bonda. Warrant.
I Att. ho....t.CU.uu.itu.enU, Hummona u
.,. Bim-iOom. JuafcW and Conalable.
I in olh'i. - ' -
. ii I. I. KS of vaiMiis
kinda, LoUttra, Bar-
,.a. Ar.. cVe . 5ut received
and lor sale
Tib. t.-ua fM, of - a. w. rw .
Prnm Morris k. Willl.'.IIume Joarnal
ar oKoaog p. stmaia. '''
I never have be-Mi false tn Uiee !
The heart I finve thee still is thine
Though thuu hnsl been untiue tu me,
And t no mure may roll the mine !
Ive I ived os w.,mm, ever roves,.
With com. Inn, soul in good or ill
Thou'st proved, as mau too often proves,
A rover but I love tliee still !
Yet think not that my spirit stoops
' To bind Hire captive in my train !
Love's not a II iwer, at sunset droops,
Dut tinilea when come, her god ngitin !
Thy words which fall unheeded now,
Guild once my heart-strings mudly thrill !
L'JVe's gocti chain and burning vnw
Are broken but I love thee still !
Oi.ce wlint a heaven of bliai wa nura,
When love dispelled the clouds of cure,
And time went by with birds and Dowers,
While song ami incense filled the air !
Ths past ia mine the prtsent thine
6hou!d thoughts if aie thy future fill,
Think what a drsiiny is mine,
To lose but love thee, fulie one, still !
A Thrilling Story.
I once had the eslreme felicity of leaving
...... i . r .. t
inv huamaa to serve tinon -me .iiiru. - i
plead in all manner of ways for release, but
to no vflVct.
I could not pwenr that I was (leaf, nor
hlinil, nor yet nm cm;n; tut did tell lliem
thut 1 lntd olrcudy riirmvd an opinion. They
asked mo if my opinion would prevent me
from receiving tlm testimony in good faith,
null reiuliTinff a verdict uccording to it. 1
replied that of courpe I should weigh tlm
evidence carefully, and bo governed by it. 1
was l bun informed that I '-would do."
The cuko. to t9 tried wcj ouo of arson
then a capitul oETeiice and the prisoner at
thu bur v. ns a y'itii? tnun, named Cburles
Ambuld, whom I had known from boyhood,
and who. r;na naturally onn or the Gnnst
youthg of I bo town where he resided. lie
hud a widowed mother who depeniluil upon
bini for support; and bis cirelo of friends was
large und choice. 1 was morally certain that
he did not commit the crime ; and hence, I
am sur?, those who r.ero friendly to him got
me on the puuel, nad bud mo letuined.
The trial commenced, and we twelve men
tooU our seats in the jury-box. I bad a very
retpectuble set with nie only there was ono
inuii whom 1 didn't like to see there. This
wus Moulton Warren. He was a dark-faced,
sinister-looking fellow ut least to me. I
knew that vounc Ambuld had one fault. He
hud recently been addicted to drink, ond bud
been known to vitit disreputable houses. It
wus one of those houses that bad been burned,
lur setting fire to which bu bud been appre
hended. Now, I bad often tried to persuade Charles
Ambold from the course he was pursuing.
He bud repeatedly promised me that be would
reform, and us repeutedly had be broken
awuy. 1 hud often talked to hiiu of hi3 poor
mother, uutil be bad wept like a child ; but
the effect was uot lusting. There was a power
of leuiptaliuti more ellective than any influ
ence 1 could wield. He wo'.ld full away into
this evil computiiousbip, and fur a while bis
manhood was gone. One or two abaudoncd
women bad gained great power over him,
and upou tbera bo wasted much of Lis sub
stance. And 1 knew that this very mon who was
now upon the Jury this Moulton Warren
was the one who bad done more tliun all
others to lead the poor youth away. ' It was
Wurren who bud drunk with him, ftnd who
had led him awuy to those abominable haunts
of 6in and pollution. Why was he npou the
jury? 1 could only account for it upou the
ground that Charley still supposed hi in to be
bis friend. The poor scorched insect was
still ignorunt of the tlume thut burued bitn.
He really believed that Moultuu Warren was
his li'iend.
The triul commenced. Tho indictment set
forth thut Charles Ambold bad, "with malice
urorcthnut'ht," uud with ull Sorts of wicked
utid felonious intuit, set fire to a certain
dwclliuc-house, thereby eudungering bumuu
life. 'I bis dwelling, us 1 huve already iuliuia
ted, wus a low sink or iniquity, where tbe
ubuudoned of both sexes were wont to con
gregate, and where the youthful prisoner bad
spent much of bis time.
Tho evidence for tho prosecution camo on,
11 nd I was sturtled. One alter another gave
iu their testimony, some uf tbein very reluc
tunlly, und 1 wus frightened when 1 saw bow
pluiuly it all pointed to the prisoner as the
guilty party Several credible witnesses
swore thut they bud beard him threaten to
burn the bouse doun, aud others bad beurd
hi in suy repeutedly thut lie irMed it wus
burned down! Then cume several witnesses
thiee of the iirominent citizens who suw
him lurking ubout tbe premises on the night
of thu lire.
Wilb resard to the provocation on the
nrisouer's iiurt for such a deed, it was proved
upou bis own admission thut b bad been ill
treated there, and he had sworu to uave
revenge. Aud furthermore, it was proved
that he bud been heard to suy that bis salva
tion uf soul and body depended upon the.
destruction of thut bouse. Next came more
testimony stronger still.
1 lie Die bud been set in a back basement
room w here shavings und other St ull Tor
kindling were kept. Lntruiiee bad been
gained through a back window, which had
been partly pried open witu a stout kniio.
This bueemeiil wall was of brick, and beneath
the sush wus found thu blude of a kuife which
had been broken off iu iryiug to raise it. (tbe
sash.) It wus recoguized as belonging to tbe
lulsouers knile. A maker ol cutlery liaJ
made a knilo to order for Ambold only a
mouth previous, aud be knew tbe blade At
once, and swore to it.
But this wus uot all. Tbe fire bad been
evidently set fiist to the shavings which lay
upon the stone tloor, but piled up against a
woodeu partition. This floor was dump, and
some of the o'lter shavings even were not
burued up. liut kit at tbe edge, where tbe
fir rnmmauced. lav a uicce of paper, rolled
up aud about buff burned, and from the
msuner iu which it Uy, it was very int
il.ut Ilia firu bad been set with it. This
piece of rolled paper bad beeu ignited by a
match a number of which weio scattered
o,...,iuluiiil aa toon as it was on fire it bud
been laid upou the floor with tbe buruing
eud just iu the shavings. Of course, these
shavings were io a blaze instantly but tbe
paper torch being upon the Uaaip "tones,
rs: .' ' tt . .
And this paper was found to be a part of a
letter belonging to tbe prisoner I A letter
which he bad received from a friend of bis
(and a friend of nine) only week before 1
That friend bud to come forward and swear
that that piece of charred paper was a part
of a letter be bad written to tbe prisolirr !
This friend's name was Stephen Grant. Ho
was a young merchant, and the luttcr hud
ureo written fur tbe purpose of inducing
Ambold to reform. Stephen tried bard to
avoid testifying, for be know, as did others,
that the fire must have been set with tiint
identical paper; he was suuiuionad.-und bo
could not deny bis owu vhiropritphy..
Tbe ease looked durk. Many witnesses
were williog to testify to tho prisoner's good
qualities i but no ono could swear that he
was not dissipated and degraded. That houf e
had beeu to bim indeed, a region infernal,
lis destruction cried out for bis bodily life;
and its existence had long been eating away
bis soul. I'oorCbdiley! I bad before been
sure of bis innocence ; but now I could only
shake my bead and pity him.
Finally bo was allowed to speak for himself.
He said be was innocent of tho crime imputed
to bin.. He said that he bad IbreatcLed to
burn thai house down that be bad said
about ull that had been sworn to. And,
furthermore, he was arouud the bouso on the
nil; lit of the Cre. He was not ten rods off
tbe house when tbe flames burst forth, and
be was oue of the first to givo tbe alarm.
He bad uttered one cry of Cre when ha
noticed where the Humes must have origina
ted, and tbe thought camo to hitn if be were
found there, be might be suspected of buving
set the lire, so be ran away. Ho also said
that three nights before the couflugrntiun, lie
bud been robbed in that house. His pockets
bad beeu robbed of everything in them, and
bis pocket book, coiituiuiug forty dollars in
moucy, and some valuable papers had been
taken. He bad gone there on the night of
the tire to try and persuade them to give
him back bis money uud papers or ut leant
to got wuut lio could. W lieu ho got there
be saw a man go iu whom bo did not wish to
see, so he bud hung around waiting for hitn to
opart, lie wus around by the back of tho
building once and that wus an hour before
the lire broke out. He knew nothing
nothing. He clasped bis hands, uud v.itb his
tearless eyes raised toward heaven, be culled
ou God to witness thut he wus innocent 1
1 havo told you that 1 knew him well. I
kuow him so well, that from that moment 1
knew him to be innocout ! 1 knew bis very
soul 1 knew bow free ucd opeu it wus uh,
bow sinfully so I 1 knew there wus uo false
hood in the story be had tuld us.
'My boy is innocent! My boy is innocent !''
1 beard thu cry und 1 saw c.D old woman
sink b4i'k into tbe urmsofu wale couipauimi.
It was his poor old mother 1 Her heart
well nigli brokeu ! Yet 1 saw thut ull this
bud but little etTect upou the muss of specta
tors. The prisoner's course of dissipation ;
bis many threats against the house aud the
very fact of his having been rubbed und
abused there, were heavy against him.
The counsel for the prisoner inndo his
speech which wus luborod and bard. Ho
wus loolisu cuoul'U to luUuiato tbut it bis
clieut uot arouud at the buck part of the
bouse more tuuu once
bu must have been I
iutuxicated. In (short bis idea bad belter
beet) left out. Thu evicduco be could not
thuko, uud be did ull bo could to suppose
evidence, some of it most absurd uud ridicu
lous. 1 allerwards leurued thut Muultun
Warren eugugud thut lawyer for the youthful
prisoner ! The government attorney inudo
bis plea. It was plain, straightforwuid and
very conclusive.
the judge bnaliy gave his charge, ile
was fuir aud candid. He reviewed tho evi
dence carefully, and pointed out tuch us bote
heavily upon tbo cuse. He told us that if
there was a linguring doubt in our minds wo
must give tbe prisouer the beuebl of it Hut
i couiu puiuiy see lucre was no tionoi in uis
We tbe jury wcro conducted to our
room oy au onicer, auu tuere loiKeu op. jx
silence of some minutes ensued. Sloulloii
. . . . 1 I . 1. 1 k I
W urreu was the first to speak :
"Well, be said, "I s'pose there's no tieed of
our bciu here u greul wnile. Ul course o
all know thut the prisoner must havo set lire
to the house !
There was something iu the manner of tbat
mau as bu said this thut excited my curiosity
I won't suy it wus suspicion then only
curiosity. He spoke with a forced elloi: nt
:iuu then only
culmuess which 1 ul once perceived. The
more I looked nt him thu more 1 became
slruugcly nervous und uneusy, woiidcrtu why
lie should be so anxious to be rid ol luu case.
and huve Ambold couvicted. 1 know that
be bad frequented that evil bouse, and that
be hud done much toward tempting Liiurby
to dissipation. 1 knew ho wus in tbut bouse
on the l.igbt on which the prisouer was
robbed for Charley tuld mo so when 1 visi
ted bim in bis cell. 1 bud then asked the
unfortunate youth if be wus sure Watroti was
bis friend. U, be was sure of it. llesliould
huve bunted him up ou the night of bis rub
bery, ouly tuey bad told bun W urreu was
Hy und by, the foreman proposed that we
should each take up a piece of paper and
write down our opinion, und then compare
notes. 1 went to my bat, which 1 uud placed
upou a table with a number of others, und
look out a sheet of a per. 1 had got half
way buck to the table when I found that 1
hud made a mistake. 1 bud gut purl of u
letter from another man's but. 1 wus ubout
to luru buck when tbe name of the writer
of thu letter arrested hit attention. 1 looked
more closely and read "totepbeli Giant.
Next I caught this sentence
"And now, dear Cburles, if not for your
own yet for your mother's sake, let uie hopu
you will do better."
I started as though a shot bad struck me.
I held in my band the other half of the sln-i-t
which bud been used to fire tbe burned
house ! I went to the tuble uud found thut 1
had tukeu it from Moulton Warreu's but ! 1
luoked to sou if 1 bud beeu observed and I
hud not. 1 put the paper bark, and then
took oue from my own but, which was of tbe
same pattern as tbe other, und placed by its
side. - ' -
I returned to tbe table and sat down.
Warren was by my side. 11 bad written his
opinior, aud took a k it i to from bi poeket to
cut it from the large sheet. .
"lt me take your kutfe a moment, if you
please," 1 said to bim, ,
Without hesitation be did so. I took it
il tra L'harle$ Amhold't lrii f7i largtel
blade vat yont I Wilb all the power I pos
sessed 1 restrained my deep emotions, and
having cut my paper 1 banded back tbe
knife. '
Wby should he have ths knife so boldly
about bim. 1 afterwards learned, be had not
worn those pantaloons before siuca the uigbt
of tbe ore ; and now be used tbe knife, pro
bablv. without tbe least remembrance of tbe
loss it bad sustained, during a very peculiar
piece of work, to tbo execution of which it
vw made suDsomeoi,
We talked some ten minute, and I found
thru eleven of the jury wus bent on reiiderinj
a vcruici ol guilty r though most rf them
were in fuvor of recommending the prisoner
io mercy, iuounon urren wus decided. Ue
hud no me.rcyal all.
Presently I darted up ond pretended to b
faint. 1 said 1 must so out a few minutes
1 kicked at the door und the deputy sheriff
came, ue npuru my pica and lei me -out.
As coon us we bad gained a safe .distance I
told bim all. He was astonished. He went
awoy and w hen he came back, be brought the
district judge und tbe sheriff. 1 tuld again
what 1 hud ecen thut it was no mere suspi
cion. And 1 explained, too, Warreu'a man
ner iu (he jury room, bis former connection
nil!) tbe prisoner, uud his known character.
1 lt ofliceis went away, uud ul the end of
ten minutes, they returned with a constable
added to their number, and this constable had
it freshly wiitlteu instrument tu his bond.
The shetifl' budu tne point out the but to
them as soon as we entered tbe room.
: The door of tho room wus opened, nnd I
pointed them to the but. Tho sbeiiir took
n, und usked whoso but it was. Wurron
leaped to his feet and seized it, but was held
Word was instantly seut to the judgo thut
tbe jury could uot ngtee. They were dis
charged, and then Moulton was searched.
Tbe knife wus found upon him, and his beha
vior til once exposed his guilt. 'J' lie presence
of thai letter was accounted for by hitn iu a
dozen different wtiys within uti hour.
A new jury was iiupannolleil, und Charles
Ambuld ucjuitted. Shortly afterwards Wur
ren wus tiieilj uud it was plainly proven that
bo bad set lire to the hous, und that the wo
man who kept it was to have burned tip in it,
us he bad contrived to link her into bei room
bhoilly utter setting the lire. hu hud incur
red iu bis displeasure in various wu)s, und
this was his revenge. Not only tho, but two
of her girls hud suspected him from the first,
but they dare not complain, for feur be would
then be sure to murder them.
The bardeiiud viiiiatt confessed bis guilt af
ter ho hud been cotideuiued, uud then it was
thut he told bo.v he Lappelied to bo so care
less in regard to the knife, ll wus 1.0 who
had robbed Ambold, uud when he took the
old letter Irciii bis hut to use for a toich iu
selling the lire, ho did not notice what il was
and even w hen thut partly burned bull' hud
ouur. exiiitnUd in court, bu bud culireiy lor- i
gotten tiiul bu had torn off the other half,
uud put il buck iu bis hut, us he muft have
dune. Tbo letter hud been found iu Am
hiibl'ii iw.. l ..i t. ,.! .....I l,n I, ...I ; I.... I
v.Mu wv i i. fc- u wi'l. , ...... ,.u . ' nij'i . -
cause iu il the youth wus warned uuhist bis
liiUttetice. lie coul'ossed that he bad hold u
slight idea of culling the writer to un account
wlieu it should become couveiiU nt. With
reguiii to thu knife, il was us 1 be Tut; stuted.
Ilo tuok thut from A in hold's pocket, nnd put
it in his own ; uud ou thu night of thu lire bo
ucud it to pry up the sash, uud when be bud
broken it put il back in bis pocket and for
got it.
. Thus was Churley s ived mid suved from
more than uu iguoiiiiueous death, too. lio
wus saved to bo u noble, virtuous mun, uud
his mother once more took ample delight and
l oy in lue love and teuuer care ol otny
When Chui ioj Amboid knew that Moultou
Wurren bud expiated bis crime upon tho gal
lows, he sat down und pondered upon hid
past life. 'I he thought of his old enmpuuiou
betiig bunged, tent u strange thrill through
his Iraino. Hut ho was able to trace out,
clearly nnd IngiL'ully, this terrible result from
the course of lilo und ill luted mun bad liur-t-ued.
Ho shuddered us be remembered Low
far be had gone in the same course himself:
und bo wu3 able to sou tho only safe path fur
any youth
Not only must be 6bun temptation Dot
only keep cleur of even the appearance of
vice, but, ubovo oil, inui. bo shun evil com-
. paiiioiisliip. A youth may tnuke ull the good
resolutions tbnuubt can ulloid, but if he ccn-
i tiouea ono evil cotnnauiutisbin. he is uut safe.
l',JB Wifk or Bkmidict A it:;ot.D. The
I Uosloti l'usl soys: Wu have bot-u uccus-
' liiioeil to syn.;ia.iii::o wiui mo vuiuol Arnold,
in tliu ilittiess winch Hutniltou's account re-
1 prefetui iter ut navin,; su.icreu ou uvinr pp.
pptlsed of her busbuuu a treason und Uight,
i but ll tie tullowiug is tiu;-, our sympathies
I bnvu Leeti wubuu. Accoruing to rations
l.lo of l'.ut r
"lie was sitting cno evening with Mrs.
pievosf. when tbo approach of a puity of
horse was heard, nnd soon uller u lady. Veiled
aud utlired iu it riding huhit, burst into the
iuoiii. uud hurrying towards Mrs. l'revost,
was on the point id' iiddressiug !ier. Seeing
a gentleman piiioiit whom, in the dim light
o! thu uieiit the did not recognize, she
paused uud a. ki d iu uu anxious tone
'Am 1 sale? Is this gentleman a friend?'
'Oh, Jib,' was lis, 1'revo t's reply, 'be is
my most particular fill nd, Col. Hurr.
' I'liutil; God,' exclaimed Mrs. Arnold, fur
she it wus; 'I've been playing the hypocrite,
and l'ui tiivd of it.'
She then guve uu account of the wny she
had deceived Wusluntou, Hamilton and the
other Ami noun ollici r?, who, she said, bel.e.
ved her innocent of treason, and hod given
her uu escoit ol borse frui West I'mul.
Shu uiuile uu scruple of confessing the pint
she bud bon.o in the negotiation with thu
L'ritish general, bad declared it wus she who
induced her husband lo do what he bad done,
ribe Passed llivs nit'Ut ut 1'araiaiiis. lakinir caro
I to resume her acting ol the outiaged und fran
tic Woman, win never struugcrs were present.
Col. lion o nlalloi.8 Willi I he 1 bippan fami
ly, of which Mrs. Arnold was a member, bud
been of the most intimate churrcter from
childhood. Tin y bud been bis father's friends
uud the orphan boy had been taken IVom bis
mothei s graVa to Itii lr home in l b I idclpb.a
Uu stood toward Ibis Uciuutu.i', false-hear
ted woman almost in tbe light of a younger
biotner, and he kepi her soviet uutil she was
past being harmed by tbe telling of it."
Pheskhviso Railroad Timpeki. Mr. J
bcottou, of Newark, O., says: I would
suggt-at a cheap plan lor increasing the dura
bility of ruilroud ties and other timbers in ex
posed situations. Make a cheap long tank,
with n furnace under it, and place it on a run
road cur. Fill it with coal tar, (which can be
obtuined at any of the gus works Tor g I. fill a
barrel,) and bring it to a boiling beat. Now
introduce a set of or limbers, aud boil
them for a short period, raising llietn up and
down by some simple contrivuuce, four or by
times, when undergoing; tbe operation ; then
take t hem out and let tbein dry for a Tew days.
It will require but a short lime to prepare
timbers iu this man uer, and tbe cost is not
worth naming, iu comparison wilb the dura
bility ia. parted lo tbeui over those laid down
io tbeir naturul condition. On set of tar
prepared ties will last three times longer than
an unprepared set. - Fence poets should also
have tbeir ends which enter tbo groaud
ireaieg in mis msDDer,
' ( Tho tato Med. 3aohel.
Tho Paris correspondent of tho N'ew York
Kxpress, iu bis last letter, writes as follows t
Rachel's oldest son, n boy about VI. whngfl
father is 4oM.t Wuluwski, h being educated
at Geneva ami knew nothiug of his innlhci's
deutl). A friend of mine was rotuofted to
see the Minister of Foreign Affairs on this
Mhject, nnd inquire from hint if he did not
thiok it litling Unit the boy should be present
ut the funeral which takes place to-morrow ;
but Count Walewski stud he did not deem it
by any Means necessary, and that it wonld
only c a mo the child a Sad end disagreeable
impression. Must people imagine 1 lint the
real facts is, thut the Minister lor Foreign
Affairs doea not choose that the crowd ut
Hathel's funeral should say, " There, thut
young1 lad. who is chief mourner, and Kndu-I's
son, is the son iiImi of M. Wulewski, tho
liist minister of tho empire." Hesides this,
many would have added. "Tell or twelve
years back, that bny's father persecuted 11a
chel, the actress, to become bis wife; and
what was then termed her good sense, and
the friends who surrounded und besonglit
not to think ofsuc!) a thing, alone prevented
the inurriiigf." All this might n parti
cularly flattering to M Wuluwski, just now,
so thu joiintr Alexander Nupuleou Viseotiiit
WnlHWcki (for be is perfectly acknowledged )
is left in his school at Geneva, and kept from
the public eve.
Many papers ore laterally full of Rachel
only, end tinocdo'.i-s and liinerapliicul notices"
cram their columns. All provu superubun
diiiillv tl.o''-.islcnco of the friulilfullv avari
cious disposition with which the illustiious
tregedi.ui bus often been taxed, uud the liieun
and intensely .Jewish propensities for which
the whole of the Felix family were so remar
kable. One micrdiito is told to illustrate
Ibid which shows that, with Rachel, surtlid
nees got thu bitter of a certain disiro to
show off which iieviithelo-s very strong in
tier. fShu bad a.-ked to dim. or lil'leeti great
people, such as ttio Hue do Nouijlcs uud
others, to meet il M. Poulard. Augier, und
some of their drumutic colleagues. The d, li
ner cost 1-001. but she was to furnish the
Accordingly, in tbe mourning of the day
fixed, she drove Willi u liiolid to Cbevei's,
utid ordered u very handsome dessert. Wbeu
this was done, t'ho.vel pointed out to bar a
colossal pltiu upjde, belli direct flout the
Antilles, laying, -There is what you should
have in thu middle." The wus usked
TU frutics, aud Kuchel exclumed that she
could not think ol such u thing ; but still she
Icnged for thu pi no upple, und ul list said to
Che vet, ' Could yun nut let mo have it for a
few huurs T" Ubuvet smiled utid at last con
sented, us it was for Mademoiselle Rachel.
The dinner was eaten, and at dessert the
guests grew gay, until ut lust the Due du ijau
To Jure, observing to bis neighbor that no one
bad yet thought of the pi no apple in the
middle of tbe table, stretched forth his arm
and plunged bis kuifo into tho beutt of the
golden fruit. A shrink so trugicul thut it
terrified every one present, buiH from Ra
chel's lips, and she turned puis (even fur her );
but the fitrit wus ruined, und l'ousard e.,ked,
iu uu under ti ne, of the person next to him,
"Ho you thitik Rachel bus under Iter left
breast a pine apple instead of a heart ? ' The
incident rati ull over 1'urU in twenty-four
hours, uud the " p no apple uf "iO francs ' wus
the standing joke of every saloon lur a fori
niht. With ull Ibis avuricp, however, Rachel wus
nit behiud band In generosity when her own
tribo was concerned. Hie would grumble
for a whole evening if sbo lost .10 sous at
curds among her brothers and sisters ; but if
any or these usked fur a couple of hundred
pouuds in any emergency, sho wus always
ready to lend them. This, however, ouly re
laled to her owu immediate family, uud to u
small knot of Jew intimates ; lor ull I lid rest
of tho world she wus uvurice itself, and weut
no further tliun promises of usiistauee, of
which coin she was singularly luvisli. t-lie
uted.ul every i stunt, to promise gills of all
kinds jewels, pictures, tVo. but the never
really gave anything.
A IItks Loosh. A distressing tragedy
occured this week in tho Western purl of this '''' I'uti.cuiai ;y pul up in tin Duxes, l'e:
Stale. Ganuung'i Menagreie is wintering 'al'8-, 6:r. '" know 1 had a daughter ? ' 1
two miles west of Fuuldiii.'. Fuulding conu- Uott'"" '"' "Ibrinative. " A ell, sir. when my
ly. Among the other animals was a hvviia, daughter was ubout to take vessel lor li e
said to bu the largest in the Utiile.i State. South. I entrusted ull these tin boxes and till
The animal wua very ferocious, nnd had twice u,y other valuables to her. The bid;., sir.
bitten bi keeper. Karly Wednesday morn- WM lo"L daughter und ull 1 hud cnlrus
iog tlio hveii v escaped. Search was instantly ted to her."
nude, and Uer in tho morning he was dtscov- An anecdote has round Us way into a r.cwF.
ered iu tho graveyard, having dtt up tti.d paper, that M r. Lwiui a cause connected
partly devoured two or three dead bodies. lue Manumission Society, mentioned tbe
Several oftbe citizens rushed in tu tak it, luu"! AlexumUT Hamilton in a pointed
when it turned ttpi.n its assailants, sli iking '"aiiiier, ond that Hurr quailed. 1 u.-.ther
down a German day laborer, numed Juc.b ' helieved thut L iitnet would have done such
Foflenberg, und ciuthed the head of th thing m the way it Is mentioned, uor that
iinloituu.ite man i.i bis jaws, killing him j,,. ! t 'u name would have dunnted the man who
stautly. The brute then ninde its escupe, I Uot Hamilton, an anecdote in point,
after tearing the flesh from the right urui uu.l I Mr- John Ant n, a brother lawyer, bad a
cl.est ol u lad, who is not expected to recover. ,,Us' ,,f 'Ltmiltou in hi ofuce, and Iron) a
The untmul succeeiled in mukiih' goo
CCeeded ill lltakillir good its es-
eupe. The citizens are much excited.
l'urlie) ate scouring thu woods, und the
menagerie men have been notified by some
of the citizens tn remove their establishment
ul once. CtmUtnd Herald, Gc'i.
NnvvsrAPKits. Judge Louisstreet, the new.
ly looted president or the South Carolina
College, thus sols forth the vulue of a news
taper :
Small is tbe sum tbut is required tn pa
tronize tbe cewspuper, and most amply re
munerated is the patron. I cure nut bow
bumble uud unpretending tbe gazette which
he takes, it is next to impossible to fiil it fifty-two
times a year without pulling into it
something tbut is wurth the subscription
price, livery parent wuose son is nit trmn
Lome, ut school, should supply bim wilb a
paper. I still remember whut ditferunce
tbera was between tqose of my schoolmates
who had and those who had not access ta
newspapers. Ullier tilings lielng equal, the
brst were decidedly superior ta the last in ne-
buto uud composition al least. 1 he reason
is plain; tuo have command ot more f.a-ts.
Youth will pcru3i newspapers wilb delight,
when they will reud nothing else.
No I a thousand miles from Ouedia county
a coroner's jury lately rendered a verdict thut
a certain deceuaed man 'came to bis death by
excessive drinking, producing apoplexy iu the
minds of the jury."
It was Chapman, the Philadelphia surgeon
wbo rang the bell and raid that good thing at
the expense of Nor tor), the player oa the
trumpet, who with bis blck tu tbe chimney.
Was spreading himself, covering the btarlh,
to Ilia exclusion of the company : ' -
"Walter take that 'blower' from the Cre."
Feople, says a modern philospher, go ac
cording to tbeir brains. J f these lav io their
bead, tbey study ; if iu their belly, they eat
if in tbeir heels tfaey daaco.
0 c t r
(From the Kimker!K'lter
By hi broad hcartli-atnne, one summer night,
Sat pi iua farmer Stiihbin;
The (l.i men phot up in cil.lirs bright,
C imhhig up to U"h a height
That all the room wm robed in light,
Including Mr. Blulibin")
Wliilu whirling a stick nt his father', light,
Sal the cidcxt son of Slu'. 'jin..
Spreadiiiajlbe eld deal tal lo out
Was tho 'le tter half" of Ptubl.ins ;
The strain gushed out from the kettlc'a snout,
And merrily joggled the lid about
To a lively tune, whiili I hummed without
The km of Mrs. Slulibins ;
But had khe known the air, no doubt
'Twould have shocked the good dame Stubbins.
A hasty meal, that close of day,
Ate pious farmer IJlibius :
And when the things were cleared away,
'i'lie fcitubbinses kneeled Hu m down to pray ;
Old man, old dame, and Ned. and May
God bless the name of Ktubbiua!
And yet the cossips all did say,
A sinner was 'idd Stubbing."
''My family from every barm
Lord, keep," prayed pious Sinbl.ins! .
"And let the corn upon my farm
Yield ears as long nsThy servant's arm
Yen, Lord, aj long a my Betsey's nno,
And none of your little nubbins!"
Aud sure religion hath a eharin
Fur many audi as Stubbins.
A Laivycr'a Boiaiuiscenco3 oi Burr.
'Jo the Editurt of the Xcw York' Evening
I am n member of the New York bar; end,
about twenty years ngo, my practice was
principally in Chancery. Col Aurou Rurr
nought ma out employed me to draw plead
ings und to move matters before thu then
Chancellor; our very nicety uud particularity
appealed to pleuse him, for ho was choice in
expressions and particular in the positiou of!
ser.ieuces. lie wauled me to become his
puitner ; but judicious friends strongly urged
me u;;uiupt it. He wus always seusitivo und
prompt in paying my fie.
Uu my lirsl being closeted with bim, I was
struck witn his serpeut like fascination. His
head, eyes and month wero so very snuke-like.
His bubil in talking to you while bo sat ut u
distance, was to have one of bis long lingers
extended, with which be really sc-tned to be
feelinjj you ull over, while his leniurkubly
piercing small durk eye appealed to have u
nail in il that fastened you. He Uvvays had
ipioer people tbottt hitn, whose Tree manners
were a strange contrast to bis measured cor
rectness of deporlineut.
1 doubt bis having packages of old letters
about him at thu time of death. I remember
onco being with him in what wus known us
tbo Alderman's Room, at tho City Hall,
while tbo Chaucellor was holdicg court. 1
pointed to tbe picture tbcro of Washington
by tho side of a white home, uud observed
thut Washington must have been a baiii'jotiie
ami remarkably well-formed man. "He was
no such thing, sir." said Hurr ; "Washington
never stood for thut portrait ; be, sir, was
very ill-made about the legs end feet ; a
Captain Smith, who was considered the hand
somest man in the u.-my, stood to the painter
for that figure." Rurr, as wo know, never
loved Washington. 1 liiuu suggested to the
Colouel thut theru must bu many unpublish
ed interests facts connected with the early
history of our country, aud it was a pity that
he did uot print bis remeuibtaiices. ' Sir,"
snid be, ilr would not be sul'o to do so nt this
day; many truths would be too liumbliu;; to
bu credited. 1 did once intend to write fully
ull my experience, und bad Collect -J together
a huire Correspondence and documents, label-
led tlieui very carefully, a id with ail my p:i-
v10 corresr onuence mm papers, uau ineui
""-a or uao,i, .v., v. ueu in earnest, inongi.i
or luin, would ux ni eye upon tho ttuat.
Hurr bad u consultation with him, rnl A.,
uncoriscimisly, fixed his eye upon tUa pale
Hamilton ; but instantly remember!);', with
ore v bin sight (lt,ni n( hii m t before Hurr
divined bis thoughts. The Colonel quietly,
slowly poked out his long fjltirers, pointed to
the bust pry deliberately uud said I "Ho
uiay thank me I made bim a great man."
1 remember being in bis room; things lum.
beied ubout a decanter of vine, und uiiother
of water, were on a table with some glasses.
A female child of three or four years old.
having long, fair hair, cume, with a quick
step, into tho room. Hurr, with sli.iliy bund,
filled u glass wilb water and another r.iih
wine, and held them out invitii gly toward
the child, wbo promptly rushed to ' I he v.ine.
'Only see," snid Hurr, with a sr.rt of elated
air, "bow the little imp prefers wiue lo wa
ter." Two Yankhk Giki.s at Portland were in
sulted by a fellow wbo WLoied lo go borne
v.itll them. 1 ho elder lady, umbiig I Uut she
could not get rid.of him, determined to punish
him for bis impudence, und whispered to her
younger sis-ter to go home and place a p til of
water on the steps where sue could raon it
when she arrived, and lU-n consented that
tbe fellow mi). lit accompany her home, which
lie did. Wbeu they arrived at the house, she
invited bim in. He declined at first, but at
her earnest solicitation he consented, and
w as just upon the point of entering the door
wbeu she caught up the pail which her sister
hud placed tbete, und dashed the contents
full in bi face. The young man seemed
thunderstruck for a moment, but wbeu be
recovered himself he struck a " bee line." end
the lust seen of bim bu was steering for home
with all post ible speed.
The lute Rev. Charles A very, of Pittsburg
died leaving $ 7.00.000 worth of proierty
ll is bequeathed to bi relatives, aad for be
nevolent purpot
SctcKTific Facts A cubic inch of Plati
num weighs fonr-Gflbs of a potn.d.
Hydrogen Gas in tbo lighten nibflfiirc
known. b'.'iog S00,0.;0 limea lighter ttan
plal inum.
Gold is tbe nvst niallnble suhi lance,
Iron, or steel wire, is more teiiLciouo than
that or any other niotal.
The Diamond is tlie hardest bt-ly 'u na
ture. Tho ntefn' Potassium ia ligl.lrr Ibno water.
Oxygen is the most ubnr-daiit. sob.-i, rue
known, and it is believed to ccriitil .'.e twe
lfths oT ull tho matter of the trlolm.
Gold is tiie best conductor i f beat.
Alcohol hr.3 ni'Ver been frez.-u.
The R-irh is abrjut fi.OOS.OC'l miles nearer
the San in December than in .lone.
An Kid ipso of the Moon cau only happen
nt thu time of full moon.
The Snn can ouly bo eclipsed at tbo p:c
cise time of a new moon.
MoDKt, Captain. A Toledo poper reports
n speech mndo by u genll-tr.nn of thut i;fy
who bad just been elected to nti Important,
nllite in n military company. Tbo n cipioi t
of honors, being called pn lor a spwh moon -ted
tho rostrum and said ; "My brave men :
Them whn voted for me I rcrp'.cl; them w!..
didn't I disgust."
Mississippi RoArxKS's Opoax. The csp
tain oT it Mississippi steamer has st uted !
morning paper on bouid his bout culled tbe
llulieliu. Ho issues it r-g'tlarly, se-vis it
to customers ut stopping nieces, end i'.! it.
with news nnd pleasant gosip. lie if ono of
tho veterans r.f river iiiivgutifn, h.ivii.g f-1-lowed
that calling for twenty seven years. It
is proposed especially to malic the paper uu
orgun of tho river boatmcd.
KkF.PI.NO TO I!T3 YofATIO.V. Tllf ftli'llily
oT William College used to employ nn Iri'h
man. named Jemmy to make fires Fwccp wait
on the students und do the chore.," geiicr
ully. One of tho bovs pretended tn liequito
mm! at hitn ouo day. and utter blowing him up
badly weut on to say :
"Jetntny this can't bo olvvays by un l by
you will get your deserts, and you'll go t.i tbo
had place ; what do yott sup; o;o you'll do
there ?''
"Oh," said Jemmy, "I suppose they'd set
mo to waiting on tho students, just a they do
A Courtly Xcgro recently 6ent a reply fo
on in vil ,li,,u, iu which hu regretted"
circumstances reptignuiit to Hie ncqtiicco
would prevent hi-i acceptance to the invite."
In has been calculated by Professor Rucl.e,
of the United States Coast Survey, limt tbo
waves of Ibesea travel at thu rate of six and
a half miles a minute.
"Good Pat ron D;:ab Heads." The Sr.n
Francisco (Cal ) News Letter, of the ."t h ult.,
says that the bod ios oi 500 debd Chinamen tiro
now lying on one of the city wharves, nicely
packed ttiid'direclfd, ready for shipment fur
their long home in China. Tho freight mum y
on the lot is $",o(J0.
Condensed Arotmknt. A very celebrated
Scotch diviuo says : "The world we inhabit
must have hud un origin; limt origin must
havo consisted in a cause; that Vnuse intist,
have been intelligent ; that intelligence must
have been ultimate; that ultimate power
miiso nave neen Supreme; und that winch
nlwuys was and is Supreme, we know by the
name of God."
Niivv Use roK Rattlksxakks. Tho U a
cur nus naturalist Seth Mulior by name living
in Wisconsin who bus tamed u den of rattle
snakes to watch his melou-putch. ll is suid
tho snakes huve Dover failed to keep out in
truders. Mi.s Tucker says it is with old bachelors
as with old wood ; it is hard to get them start
ed ; but when they do flame, they burn pro
The following sign on Wostcrn Row, Cin
cinnati, hears the impress of originality:
Kaiks, Kraekers, Kaudies, Koufeekshruiarys,
Holosalccud Rotate.'
A Plain Loaf. Mix tbroo quarters uf a
pound of flour w ith ba'.f a pound of butter,
quarter of a pound of suirar, foureggs, half an
ounce of caraway, or a little oilier spice, ami
a glass or wine. Heat il well aud bake iu a
quick ovcu.
Kind Word. Bless him thut iki-s them.
A sweet sound on the tongue tends to make
the In url mellow. Kind word react upon
thn kind feelings which rom ; led tiitiu, nut!
make them mote kind. Te-y add froth f.u l
to tbe lire of benevolent uniolun in the soul.
Tbe Holiidaysburg Hif:iter announces
that the " Central Hank of Pennsylvania,"
chartervd at the latt seseiou of the
ture, ii about to ge into operation, lis lo
cution is ilulliduysbutg.
Prentico of the Louisville Jnurna', says
that the fault with the female Yankee touch
ers w ho go westward is that instead of leito'li
ing other people' children, they souu gtt ta
touching tbeir own.
'-Tiii is a net gain," as the spider (aid when
he caught the fly.
Why are the ladies of Missouri o cwvett
Answer Because they are Mo-hue.
When is charily like a top ! V!'.?n it begin,
la bum.
Cako Eccipco.
If you deem the following recipes worthy of a
place in your valuable paper plcui iiucit tlum
l"r the oeui lit of thoio iiilcrc.lcd iu douicjtu
economy t
I! iHuitos Caki One cup of sugar, 1 cup
of iuol;ej, I cup of milk, two-third ol a cap oi"
lard, 1 cup of raisin., 1 ti, 1 tra.j i ,uful sale
rates, fpice with nutmeg and pimento.
lioiii Ar Cikc. Eight cups oi fljur, 4 cupj
ofaug ir, i cups of buiter, I cop of molis .fc.. 1
cup of ruiins, 0 egga, I pauud of currants, 1
leusp lonl'ul uf aaleratu. isj ice ta your lulc. ,
lUisiv t-'K. One cup of sugar, eup of
uiolaMe. t cup of raieina, t egg, a pie.e uf but
ters large a an egg, I Uptunfui salciatu, a
little spice.
Pokk Caki Two and a half cup. of ma.
Iase, I cup of .ugar, I cup of cbo,qJ f.t pork.
I tea pnirilul of aaUratu.i .j ice. raiain.aud cur
rant; flour euoujh to mix a. bard a. cream of
tartar breaJ.
Kic Caki. Fonr and a half tumblers of
flour, U tumbler ol auger, oa half lumbler ef
buiter, 1 tumbler tf milk, I leaspoonful uf cream
of la'tar, I leaspoaiiful of sod.. Knice, ciUou
and raisin, added if desired.
To Maes RiTi Ba.a Pessiae.-One anj
a hair puiUof pulped iuU baea. t oonful. of
wheat Cjui. fuur rgg h.ll pint uf milk aud one
UbleuHooulul of hulirr. The nau C'eat soi
Isoree ana Ukwl aiiba ankk ira.
aa not D-oreeu wuunj ny. - .