TRADEAND SPADE. iiCHiiui xtcir. i - , Between two friends in days of old A bitter strife lgan And Father Spado anJ Brother Trade Disputed man to man. "You're tain, undoubtful, and proud," Said Spade with flashing eyes ; 'You earn your thousands while (starve I j "You meek my children's erica, . r "You ride in state with lordly looks ; ' . "You dwell in bawefr and hall; "You speak of me reproachfully, fx ' v "And prosper on my fall) . ' 'So from this hour, in shine or shower, "We'll learn to live apart.; I ruled the earth era you were born 'I cast you from my heart !" .' ,-lV ' And trado loot temper hy his pride, " And uttc'r'd words of acorn r ' , "You do not know the ways of men, f "Amid your sheep and corn.-- - '. "You dose riway the busy day, Kor think how minutes run ;.. Go, put your shoulder to your work, "And do ns I have done "You've all the earth to yield you wealth, "Until corn and pasture land ; "I only ack a counting house, "And room whereon to stand. "And from this hour in shine or shower, "I'll learn to live alone; Til do without you well enough . "The world shill be my own !" : ' ': III. And thus they wr.inglcd night and day, Unfair, like angry men J Till things went wrong between (hem both, . And would not right again. ' " But grjwing wiser" in distress, Each grasptd the other's hand : "Twas wrong," said Spade "to rail at Trade 'He loves me in the land." ,. And Trade as freely own'd his fault ; I've been unjust," he said, "To quarrel with (he gooJ old man "Who grows my daily bread, "Long may we flourisu Trado and ifpade, "In city and in plain ! The people starve while we dispute MVe must not port again." " : IV. And alt the people sang for joy, To see their good accord ; While Spade assembled all his eons, And pibd his plenteous board. He fed them on the best of fare, " Untax'd the foaming ale, And prav'd on England's happy shore That Trade might never fail. And busy Trade sent fletiU of ships To every sea and strand, ' And built his mills and factories O'er all the prosperous land. And so we'll sing God save the Queen ! And long may Father Spado, For sake of both tho rich and poor, Uni'e with Brother trado. Dialogue on the Douglas Difficulty, , Mr. Punch I don't oeem quite to understand tms disturbance between your President and Mr. Douglas. Can you tell me in a few words what is its character, Mr. suck 7 Mr. Slick Guess I ccn, Buck's in a fix. Mr. P. By Ruck, if I apprehend you aright, sir, vou would indicate the head of your repub lic? Mr. S. That's the critter. Promised Lecomp- ton Con should be overhauled. Mr. P. Promised the gentleman what 1 , Mr. S. Who on airth said gentleman ? By Kansas. Mr P. Promised Mr. a Lecompton Con that lie should go to Kansas. Mr. S. Guess you have a briA in your hat, etranger. M r. P. My facetious friends, sir, have been pleased to say there is a brick under it. Mr. S. 'T aint that. Have you liquored 1 Mr. P. I never tako anything before dinner. Mr. 8. More fool you. Yes, sir-ce. Guess I've a kinder liking for ye, but I don't hanker after your old world habits. Take notice, now. Walker throws up, his dander rizby Buck. Mr. S. Buchanan vbould hang tho rutliianly filibuster. Mr. S. Jerusalem and snakes ! Don't be in such a darned hurry. There's a brace of Wal kers, and one's not t'other. . Mr. P.- Oh, I beg pardon. Mr. S. Hold bard, and grin. You see, Dong las has peeped through the hole in the blanket, and rccd a nil of light. Mr. P. The blanket Oh! Ah! a bit of light ch 1 Mr. S. r?pex you don't tee none. We'll be gin at fust causes, and come on promiscuous Air the great and glorious republic, the onlv nation in the world v here the golden eagle of liberty cau wave her alabaster wings and scream her Mr. P. I know all that. Mr. S. Guess you're bud to please, stranger. Wall, air we to have anymore slave States than we've got ! That's the qurs'icn. Mr. P. I trust not ; and that tho abominable . Mr. S. Calculate you'd better shut up. Slaves or none, we'll always berea'ly to whip you. Besides, look at your I.inU and your Jews, ai.d the others that you keep in abject and grinding slavery. Cock-a-uooule uoo ! Mr. P. I em silent. Mr. S. Wall, then. Buck's with tho South, and meant to have it ull his own way in Kansas, nudintiko a slave iSlule or it, but the Kansas, boy kicks, and Governor Walker, (not the lib buster, mind, you old ojioisum) Mr. P. Really, Mr. Slick Mr. S Shut up, I tell you, G'overnor Walker who was sent by B uck to Kansas to do the work. finds it am i to be done, says II uc k promised bun that the Lecompton Constitution should be rub- milted to the people, and o throws up. Buck's a wide-awake b'iioy, but Douglas bc's a wide. awaker, and he sees that to lorce laws on a free and rnlighlencd citizens like our u won t pay, specially when a critter has hi ie on the elec tion in lKbO. So he just throws Buck over, and there a a diuiculty. Mr. P. Mr. Douglas being, if I am right, the most influential man in the States, bis opposition to the 1 resident would be lormidable. Mr. S. That's it, reeled out uncommon flue, Mr. P. Sir, I thank you for your explanation and I hope that no serious trouble will arise in the United States, for which I ulwaya entertain the aruicet regard. Mr. S. Don't worry yourself into no aorfof perspiration auont Hint, strarger. in a corrup and debilitated old rotten country like your'n political ditlicuity might bring ruin and dismay but where a western son gilds the proud pinna cles of American liberty, bucIi tLiug air but the wandering breezes that cuoi the wines of our k'lo rious eagle, ahd help biuij fly still higher to wards the transcendental lirmaojent. Will yuu liquor! Pwaca. Ykliuv "Why, Siab, I'm ,.'on shed," s-.,H yerj worthy deacon, didn't we tuke jou into our church a short time Binre T' I believe so," biccuppud Kiult, " aod t tween you and me, it was a littla of th da.rude4 " tuke iu' you. ever saw or hoard of." " Doctor, kin you tell what'a the matter with my child's nose? Sbe kwpa a pickiu' of it." "Yes, inarm ; it's probably an irrita tion of the gastic muens membrane comuiuni eating u sympathetic litiilution to the optha lium of the eehaerian." Thi-rd, now, that's Ju.-t whut I told Uecky j but uhe lowed it was worruiDll" 1 Why dees a lady wearing erinoliue appear comical as we! I a conical t Because she is . Yry funnelly drtiacd, . , t MONEY CAN BE SAVED BY SUNBUBY, NOBTHUMBEBLAND COUNTY, PA. v. i... i,, ,,i,.l ., .n, now oDenuiir a larre and choice selected stock of WINTER GOODS, comprising an endless variety, and will ; rrucES to suit the titles. We return our sincere thanks to the public for our Increasing patronage, and ehall endeavor ,0 merit a continuance of tho same. - fiT COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED AT fciuiibury, Dicember 19, 1857. ., . . rl i stai rrrn &ijahm:y. . I "CHKAP T ATiUlKS AND JEWK.hRY. Wilol.KSAt.K AND RETAIL, at the "PhllaiMpMa Wati-hea and Jeweltr Ftor" No. MS (OKI No. Wt) NortliSccotut Street. Comer uf Quarry, Philadelphia. UM l-cvsr Wnlrfies, full Jewelled, 18 caret, 5"2P,0O fiold lupine, IS enret, iM 00 Sileet Lever, full jewelled, ' - 1"J - Silver LepittC, jewels, a 00 upernir (.unrtiers, 7 wi fild Speetneln, . 7 l r me Oliver no., . i no liolil llrnrclets, . 3 (Kl t.vdv'. Gold I'liicitt. . " 1 (HI Silver Ten Spooep. set, 6 00 ooiii rem, Willi reii"ii mid-sum BoMer, l isi Ond r'mg er King 37 J els to SM) ; nteh Cusses, ptnm I 'J I en , patent If J, 1 .0 ml 83 t oilier nnielei in proportion AM g'HKls wiirnillted to be wtint tliev tire sold for. tTAi;t-'Ki:rt llAltl.EY. 1 ? On hand some Gold anil Silver .(-vers and Lcpiues Still lower tlinn the ultove priees J'hiludelplua, (letolier til, lfr.',7 tyW LARGE DRY GOODS EmBUSIIMT. , HAMILTON KASTKK & CO., New Garble IttiiUttnrr, Nos. 199, 2U1 and 203 Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE. HAVE now in store (mostly of their own im portation) ono of tho largest and mis' com plete 8tocl:s in the United States, embracing Silks and Silk goods of cverp class Dress (inods a very largo stork ) Irith Linens ; Lin en Goods and Housekeeping Articles of every tle scrihtion ; Mourning Goods; Cloaks, Mantillas and Shawls; Km'.iroiderics, Laces, Hosiery, Gloves, Hlunkets, Quilts, Domestic Goads; and every article generally rexuired by Farmers and Planters for servants use. US' Kctcil Rooms on first flror-tlie price affixel to each article, from which no deviation is made. Kj" Wholesale Rsoms on the second and third floors. Octdber, 11, 1857. 3m. lafn i!!iiilictl : LIFE PROLONG K D . HOLLO WAY'S PILLS To suffer tlie pnins and pennliies of sickness wtif n tlie. eerunn means of cure, nie aceestitde to all, is positive madness. The vegetable remedy, etiur powerfully upon the causes ol disease in nil the rl'nids, nerves, ami tissues of the li"dy, exdel the morbid and pdnioua matter Irons in lurking places in Ihe system, cleanse, mid purity every secretion, rebuild the shnrlered constitution, restore the vigor nud virility of the enfeebled frame, and tend to pro long lite tar beyond its oidiuaiy limis. MILLIONS RELY ON TIIF.M! In every quarter of the globe, nmonjr nil tuitions, rivil ized and savage these Tills are used Willi eiunl slid unva rying success. They ore advertised in every printed lan guage, mid whereever commerce has penetrated, they are in continual deinand.- AI.L INTERNAL DISEASES Vield in their nelion. DvsnensiK. Liver Complaint, Af- fe.-iioiin nf the lloweis. ihe Kidneys. Ihe Icives, the .n,io. ihe Tlxont mid tlie Hni.:. thnt have previously dt .lied all human skill uud nil nlncr remedies, are expedi tiously andiufuliblv cured hy this nil-conquering medicine llObll.Y THUS I'll ATIO.N Even when Ihe patients ate reduced to the last decree feebleness, they imty be reeupemted hy the resistless nic and alternative properties of llollowaj 's Tills. ri.MAl.K3 OF ALL AGES, From whatever vnricty of the ailments peculiar to their sex they miiy liesutleruiK, may reiy won euurw eMiinnciire on Ihe effect of this Strengtlung, reviving, gale and im mediate remedy. Ilollotcay'i J'ill ore tli lest remedy known, in the n orltl Jor the jnuowvig aueate: Asthma. Fever and Airue Si, me and Gravel Howel Complaints Female Complaints Seconder y t)inp- Untlgua iiunuaciies Inward Weeki Ids JtltlUrCHUOU lull ileum Inllnimnation Venereal Alleetions Worms, of all kiuds Liver C'iuiilaints Iiwnessuf Spirits Tiles Chest Diseases Cosliveness Dyspepsia Diarhura Dronay ry 0.1.11) ! None are genuine llaless the words Ilolliivvav. New Ynrlr anil lindon." are diserrnible. ns as a water-mark in every leaf of the Imok of directions around each pot or Isix ; the siune muy lie plainly seen by holilmg tlie lent U) me liRiir a nannwine rrwuni win be triveu to any ine rendering such tuformTitioii ns may lead lo the detection ol any party or parlies counterfeiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing Uiem tu be spurious. Sold at the Manufactories of ProfitsnrlTott.nWAV so Maiden Idine. New York, ond 411 Strand. Iuidon, by oil resiiectable l)rucists aud Dealers in Medicine thriMigh- OUl IOC C Ulini Ptniri, buu inc ,iviiiacti u.ii, u via, at 8.1 eenti.C'J cents, and SI each. xhereis a consiueraaie saving uy lUKiug inc wrger sues . . .'. . N. n. Directions for the cuuuuice or patients in every disorder ure affixed lo each box. Oct, d,er 17, IhS?. lyea FANCY FURS FOR I.AD1KS. JOHN FARK1RA ft CO., (New No.) PIS, No Mnrket 9t. alsivc ICiplit, Thlladelpaiu. liurxaters, Manujluiurers and dealers in tonnes, iientiemeii uuu .iiiiureiui r auey Furs. holesale and Retail, I. V. at Co., would call the attention of Dealers anil the Tubhe (reneiully lo their immense S.ock of Fancy Furs for Ladies Genlh-meu and C ildren; their assortment enib oees every article and kind of Fancy Furs, that wid be worn during tins season such as Full Cspcs. Ualf Capes Quarter Capes, Talmas. Vietorines Hib, Alulfs h. Mutfatees, fioin the miest Rus. sian Rable lo the lowest price Dnnienie Furs. Fot Gentlemen the lurirest assortment of Fur Collars, Gloves Gauntlets Ac., lieinj; Ihe direeflniportetsof all out Fun and Manu iieturera ol them muter nur own supervi sion we feffl satisfuil we can fler boiler inducements tu dealers and the public generally llunl any oilier house, uavuig an ussortiiM-nl lo select irem anu ai tae ninnuiaciur, eis prices. We ouly ask a en 111 1 ' ULiiuiiiiirlDi L rr Nop ItMnjkrt Street olvc Kigliiii, Thiuid'a. Philadelphia, Sept. iO, 1&57. wlin. PLATFORM SCALES. Or every description, suitable for railroad, Ac, for wciuhirir Hay, Coal, Ore, and Merchandise trencrally. I'urchasers run na risk every scale is guaranteed correct, and if after trial, not found satulaclory can be leturned mill- out charce. Factory at the Old Stand, established fur more than twenty years corner ol JMnili anu Melon streets, 7'hiladcli hia. .- abdott & co. Suecessnrs to Ellicott & Abbott. Philadelphia, Bept. 5. IS57 c:Jm. si!u 11. onw'tcK"'"1' ATTORNEY AT fjAW. OjJIce on South Second, near fii'itet Street, I, E W 1 8 u U IE G , X Practices in the Couutics of l"nlon,S JVorthuin berland and Montour. All PdOFiisainNAV licsistss cntrh-fel to h's cure will receive prompt and fs'tbful alien lion. " ; . Octoler 3, 18f.T. ty IJESPECTFl'M.Y infornis hia friend, and tlse public cenerallv, that ha has just receiv ed a New Stock of CiODD, at his new store, at DuviJ Miller's Mill, in Lower . Augusta iown. shin, and that be is prepared lo sell goods at lb lowest pricea. , .' His (Stock t onsists in port of 6TKIXO A tsi'MMKK GOODS, Groceries, Quecnsware, Hardware, &c and every variety usually kept in a country ttore. ' Trevarton pricee paid fur all Linda of produce, Lower Augusta twp, Ana;. , IBQ7. tl "MOVCN of all'kinds, Ktockings. Collars, bus. peinlcrs. Duck Witts. Haiullercbicfs and an eiuliess variety of Hosiery and Notions. Sunbury, JJet. 2U,'o7. KUKiHTABON uri.Aunrii, ui(liB liuuim, including E W Figured and I'lain Merino, hilks. Scotch i'laids, 4ilk Striixd roplins. Cashmere, Trenton I'laid, Umber Khades, Fancy and Plain DeLaines Valencia, I'aramalto Ulolh, Ac, just received anu lor sale oy LKIUli I & BO- BunUury, Lae. 6,'T. PURCHASING AT THE positively sell our entire stock at ; - .'. THE HIGHEST PRICES,' ,- -.. - - - HUSSEY'8 AMERICAN HEATER, FOR CUTTING BOTH GRAIN AITD Gil ASS, Afl! EAT improvements for 18fT 1 his Ma- " chine wns put in sucrssful operation in 1833 and continued to be the only iCeuping and Mow ing Machine in tho World, nf any practical value up to 1815 twelve years after its introduction. Other Reapers aro now offered with glowing ad vertisements, Certificates, Diplomas, Gold and Silver Medals, &c. But the Farmer in rearch of the best.Kenper, and not posted in the matter, hail better see a little further. If there is any value in 21 years experience in building Reapers, and using them in the liar vet field, and in the improvement made during thnt long period, OUED HUSSEY.the Father of Reapers, can cluim it. All who arc satisfied with the Dest ifenper and Mower, Ran bo sup plied by sending their orders early in the season, as the crops indicate a large demand, and we can not have over SCO Readv for the vast harvest of 1857. We guarantee thnt thin Reaper and Mower can not be beaten on fair trinl by any other Reaper that may bo brought into the harvest fields in 1857, and we hIko insure it to be the strongest and most durable machine in use. We would respectfully invite Farmers to examine the machine thoroughly before purchasing, and snlUfy themselves of ita superiority over all others. During the last four vears, the subscribers have sold between 500 and fiOO of these Machines, to tho bestand moat surrefsful Farmers in Montour, Union and the neighboring rnnntica, (whose names are toonumcrous to insert) to whom we respectfully refer. The eulmcribern have the exclusive right the following counties: Montour, Union, inyde, -Northumberland, Columbia, Luzerne., Perry Milllin, Centre, Clinton and Lycoming. All orders thankfully received and promptly attend' ed to. GEDDES, MARSH & CO., LewUburg, Union county, Pa. JU'T 1 1, 1857, THE JLAItGEST "-JlH f: ulA .ft, fllMlIifili vSf'W.. ESTABLISHMENT IN TltEClTY OF UAhTIMORK " T ATHIOT'S Gnr Street Wureromin Jos V3 Xll. anil 2o oilh Gay street, near Kavetle, Baltimore here IS kept always ou hmid. or made lo order, everv style of French TETK-A-TLTKS, in Tluih, Iluir. Cloth or tfroentelle. French Kail Plulf and Medallion Parlor Arm Chnira. In IMusii, Hair, Cloih or lirocatelle. i reiK h r ull stiul Carved Tailor Chairs in sets, with Plush, Hair, Cloth or lirocatelle. SOFA!). Half French Sprilia- Mnhicanv ond "Walnut Purine Chairs, in llnir, Cloth and Tlush. KocklU' Chairs various desiirns. in Hair. Cloth and Plush. naff Sprinir Iunircs a Inrire assortment alvns en hand, or an) pattern inadcor covered with any goods to order. CHAMBER SUITS.' la Mali-wany or Walnut, complete, from 13 up. . Cane Chairs aud Hockina do. the larucst assortment ready made in any one licuau iu the I'uitcd States from ll! a uozen up. Har Itistiu, Oifice and ninintr Chairs, in Onk, 'Wulnut or Mahoiraliy, with Cane, W'.H.d or trtiuTed f eats. ail uss irtmeut einlnueiuir over .jld, t.en. W ood seat Cham aud Settees and Hockuia: Chairs. over 1U0 dozen. Gilr nnd Plain Frnme lookinr GLisiei, of eveiy variety. All kinds uflleds, Hair and liunk Mattinsses. A. .MATHIOT. Nos. 23 nnd a N. Gay at , near Fayette st , baltnuore. August l,lb.57.Iy Tbl rn It for .r.rvin(r WmU. VcrM-M- 1 lrfel ki.i. it u..:.u ... u ui .. , otter ..n vsr rBTtriui. ah Rtit-tt m MaxMHi rmifct art Muaily diMgraMftbU fend tVorthlfM in ' " In trrtniir tliU rtieb t th vnMI, trt Iitnlrf "'""- "oria itifta Ma, Biiutii. taut R.t.i 1 j,roe... ttf at1MilM IWalinp. Ta-iUet ihlr.U-l (n tl- uf i0frfot Can. mar fry in trrriciitt tills anl.u ku tvi. . i. .n ae aitlitfe and rurtl am wlw bat ZAtuiiiad U mi U u witVoal fault. It to arranlo.t koati all artlflM nnl an aafordhiti lodUrf-licu. Try it. ami In all ta. hn a fauiui ta v' "i jnm i tot tnonay wtli oa rrmi.ia Tha mH to far OuaaultU4 Twwa Can, diffetYnt trxai (h ffc)nalvi ana aaad hr otherm. 1 ha &lmg iM an cttrety E w plai.. tha Gaakal taya pentrrtty till,aDt ran not arineor r'atacut, M Fur lium allknta w 1J Ar. ntt ssnw ..iLtrl'sn. Tha a' Aiimif to Ifrsa aowiifh to a lmtt a ftilUUad raatk. V liFP to na Laiul kb'xjl It to aiUrLom ika laa'onUnU: k to mB.tId n.,l at Tin. i mm rt iaciii m BsM'in aaa i-oi ixaian iof 1 araai -ar,an i tk m aj kv Um1 Umis will Baa A LUKUAL DISCOUNT TO TUB TB4DB. DROOKDR & AND CO.M.MItfrIO. MKRCIIA.NTS, Gl, North Third Street, 1 door below I'liiLAJjKhrjiiA. Xine, QALESnf Bvot nud Wntt, Wry (kiI, C ..'I's. Hiirfl- KVUfY EVE- NIMi. . Country Slmtketiptrs antl olhrrs will tilwat'i Ruil ut mir Kveuiiiir Witra u Uiy mid Jtirurlo ttairtmeitt ol tha, fo ite Hii in lti lo suit Imyt'i. w"biiimhu paca i mi i tie premisus tor Country Trud rVl. J0, isi.c am -v FEVER AUD AGUE ! fJl lMNK SLItSTlTUTE Oil NWtVK TONIO. This well known remedy discovered tv nivtats nart, Iter lM-tol O. i. lieds, is n sure cuie lor Ihe iilmvs disor der, s-ii-li-tlrtid-iclie, and all other Jxeivous HUeetnis. It contiiius no (lunnne, Aieeinc. or mher nuuriona ingieni. euts. ll 8lreiuihciis the system, cives time tj ths stoiu. at li. ami is liivuluubhi lo l)vix inn s and thouj niTeeltil Willi wsuknesa in auv milt ot tin system. It is esntvially recHnineiuU-U ti teiimtes tr.iulded with t'slltiiti of tlia vvomii. line liollle is Sliltii'li nt in most ciisch. u-her llta Dirci-tiwis ure full :wud. t'clUli.slo Call be fumisliul frvio all imrlsof the l:nioii. Hohl by theDruireisls ffenrrullv and lv J. II ll.n,.! WlmU-siilB llruii.MH, Sole, 1'roDrietur 121 MaiJ. fww Vurlt, Fei.l. lSi7,v3iil ilJATCHOUl.Y, JOCKEY CLUU, SPRING iL FLOWEKi, &c.,of the best quality , a. freh supply just received and for asle at the Drug Store of A. W, FISJIER. fiuuburv. Aug. I, 1S57. PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WORKS. Ko. 2 1C Arch St. bet. Second Third, ( Bread Street, . . ritlladclplila. FIVES, Riddles, Screens, Woven W ire of all mesne and widths, with all kinds of plain and fancy wire work. Jeavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers ; Coal, Sand and lira ve! Screens ( Paper Maker's Wire ( Cylerder and Dandy RolU, coverej ia the best uiuuaer Wire and Wire Fencing. Avery superior ai tale of feavy Founders' Selves, All kinds of Iron Ore Wire Selves. 1MYLISS, Oil KB Y & LYNN. Philadelphia, Sept. 19, 1857. coin. 1 1 AMoVriHE, of all kinds and auilleta variety.. BRIGHT s S'. Suubury.Dec. 86, 8i7. -m-' 3T tal ai TU C9 lias 13 rfLteiJ 6 HEW; jMSILILSHISOT ' BTOHH. . MISSI.0UI8A 811 IS9I.ER, respectfully In forma the citizena or Trevorton and sur rounding county, that aha has opened a new stora of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor ton in Shamokin street, nearly opposite Knonsa'a J avern, where all kinds or Donnets and fancy Goods can be had at the lowest terms. Dries making also attended to in the best manner and latest style. April 25, 1857. tf A Jieok lor Kvcry Irian I,lbrary. HARE INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS. ("CANVASSERS wanted 10 obtain Subscribers for tha Comprehensive Geography and H is- tory. Ancient and Modern, of the World by 8. U. Goodrich, (Peter Parley.) Handsomely bound in cloth gilt, and illustrated with 200 beeutiful engravings and and 80 'maps. Price $3. Kohl only by agents, to each of whom a special district will be given. ' Applicants should state what counties they would like to canvass. The book is now ready. Copies will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of the price. Bills on all solvent banks taken at par. The "Home Journal," says of this work I "No family what ever should be without it." For full particulars in regard to to. agency, address, UEOKUE W. ELLIOTT, Publisher and Bookseller, No. 178 William Street, New York Allhave kinds of School and Miscellaneous Dooks, Cheap Publications, Stationery and Maps, furnished at the very lowest prices. Or ders solicited. November SI, 18S7, ISAAC M. AVILKKUSON, MANTJPACTTJHE CP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Sofa, Dlvauft nnd I.oimu:?s) Bureang, Secretaries, Sideboards, fS0FA, BREAKFAST AM) DIMM TABLES and alno VENETIAN BUNDS, equal to Phi! a dclphia manufacture. UEUSi laus, ot every pattern anu price CUP BOARDS, WOKK AND CANDLE, STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. '"PHE subscrilwr respectfully calls the attentiot - ot the publto to bis large and splendid as, sorlmcnt of every quality aud price of CARIrtET-WAItE which cannot fail to reiommcnd itself to every enr who will examine it, on account of its tlurnt workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort i s spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscrilier is determined to keen up with the many improvements which are constantly being mnile, He also manufacture all kinds and qualities CIIAIIIS. nrluilmg; varieties never heloro to tie had n Suntiury, such as AIauooaht, Ui.aik H aluct twn Cuhlkii MrLE Giikciac ; did Wisnvn CHA1KS urn rsMCT Piaio sStools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere, The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. These articles will be disposed of on aa good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try roduce In ken 111 payment for work. UNDERTAKING. Having provided a handsome IIkabsk, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity , or at any convenient distance from this place. The Ware Room is in Fawn Street, be ow Weaver's Hotel. He has also purchased the right of manufac turing and selling in Northumberland county, Gould's (atent Excelsoir Spring lied, which he will furnish at reasonable rates. Springs put in old bedstead for three dollars. HilAC M. WILKERSON. Sunbury, April 18, 1857 tf. TiiK acknovu;ih;kd Oil afioxt i i THR RECK XT TRIAIA at Rending Ituve riHlrati thu cnrient ut' puMic npiiihiiit m id "ii.iriitt-sj the veidict t more thtni 1K( -icrt-dentiil fires. prrviiifc couclii lively thnt oHerriutcV1 it tlie only SAKK tlmt will not turn. Extract fintn tlie Corniniitec's Rep tr ton the Ti hit ut' J roil lNife a. heading : 'On tlie Will of February nil the mem)eri of tlie Com miller met to witneM tlie tfufi ftml lMtki and pnprrs, (pliiecd in litem) nnd weie perteetly sntiitml thtitntl wu nglit. Tli (ti(y it.ilt.wmtr, the lunitnf tK-k pliiee. under tlie Biiptorintendeitee ol the Commiltee. After a nnd iinpurtml Ittirniiig for five liours, the Snltf of Mfwri. Isvana & Walsn-n y firt opeuel,the ife beina; un fire iiiaitte, nnd the emtenti pnrtiully eimvuiiitNl, while the H teutt in the ife of M". Fnrreli llening weic m RtH.d iMihlitioii, nitd no hre imide." ItMltlillff. Miarch S. 1V7. intuueu.j it. r . r II.F.FKIJX, -) l'.N COl.KM.YV, J Co A.H.i'KAOOChV" inniiiiiiee. And e-ldnrsed l,y over 60 of Hie IhssI men of Reading. The above Atfes cau be iiisneoted at 31 YY'uIhui flreet, where the public cau satisfy themselves if the grent supe. riority nf the "llctrimr's Patent Champion," over tli. defeated and used up "inside Iron D"ur tfulusnidcr." Farrcls & Herring, 34 Walnut St., Philada. Only makers iu Ihi. State uf Herring's Putenl Champkm Safes. The attempt made bv other parties to Imlster uif trie renuUitton of a Safe, which has failed n sisnally h aoei- denUU Are. ill Philadelphia, (Hanstead Pluck,) by taking one out of an agent1, store, (H. A. LAiita,) mnda doubl. tlnrknees, (afferent from those they sell) to "lium up' one of Herring's (half as thick) lias met with its true re ward. Herring1. Sufe could ifit be burnt, proving etinelu' ivelv that the only reliable Safe now made is"Herriue.'.' of which over 15,tKSl are now in actual use, and uior1 tlian 40 have been tried hy fixe without a aiugle toss. ruiia., jane wi, ie7. ay. A CALL TO FARMERS. Farmers, drop your Tools, Pause a little, Read this and Reflect ! THE FARMER'S PROMOTION BOOK. A new snd Scientific Manuring System, fi Hie Cultiva tion of all kinds of Grums, Uraseea, !' odder and Puslure, upon ull kinds of Soil ; Proved by aetuul Kxaeriinents and bused on evident truth. ; ile.ts.ned t improve Agiiculture iu ull its blanches ; represented hy upward, nfune huudrod and ufly erraving. of tlie most valua ble Urusses und Ptauls connected with tlie system. Hy Or. C. a. REIX1IOLU, . BOALgBVUG.CENTRKCOs.PA. IN th'n trait lie it will be tern that tho object bui been to five lite Farmer tliat kuul of iiifiiruuttoti which euable hiiu to mnke pmctical applicatitio lo fefliliz hit Uua and iuorcMM hit gmia, finliier, aud pairturugt. The doctrine aa taught by thu inaiimiiu, ami linitlcr and pas ture ealuvatiuu yHetn areratioiuil, cletu and eviuVnt, aiwi utrttKi au iinpruventiHit in the mode uf agriculture hither to unknown lo our furmers, and wbali, if aoV'ptcU and carefully practiced, raiuiol fail Ut advuuee the inlrretti of tha fur in 1 1 ig community. 8iu-h a work has been much wanted, aa it till a void which baa long liecii ft-It, but which there hiu hithertit been no attempt to aupply , aud aa Urni era ol Centre and Huntingdon coutitiea, we recom mend the work to every farmer, aa we fully brlieve that they will reap the greatest poaaible beiieiu I rem a Puiiiel Moaaer, CUriatiuu Hale. George Uonl, Jueoh Moaaer, Johu llMiley. Padin Mover, JaooO Mover, uury ioyr, iNimuel liillibuul, George Jar-k,. Johu llariuau, Geors;. llut-'haoan, KruD-is Atrxaiidur, Johu NtsT, Sou'r. JohllHotrer, raristi'iu Itiiffar, JoMnh Uaker tSHiuuel Duoraii, JtKia. MeWilliain, Uvirge Guyei, Jr. Johu Ca river, Jbu liHaaon, ruiitue A'llaoa. aieorie V. Meek. tr The above work fi anla by llcv . J II AN, Milton, Nortltuniberktud county, T. Auguat It In.'. Omo u. ntcnr.r. Pries 1U. lOOO lbs of Carpet Rug WANTED at the store of K. V. Uriaht & Son, who are constantly receiving a fresh aupply ef Goods, thus ouering lo the public the largest and most dWrable aasortmejit. July'.ll, 1857. What an enormous Variety of Toys and Fancy Goods he hai! Whot Oar Friend JOHN DOLL, . At No. Ui North 2nd St., above Arch, Phila., IE has just received direct from Europe very large assortment of Toy of all kinds. fancy .Basket, Pipes, Canes, Srgar Cases, To bacco Boies and an endless variety of fancv ar tides. Call upon biut before purchasing else where. rbiUdelphia, August S9, 1857. 3oi? Jw mm SALAMAKDEE FIRE THIEF-PROOF SAFES. The largest assortment In the United States. Warranted to be equal to any now made, and ill be told on as Good TVrmt, as can be obtain ed from any other house In the Country, at KVAINS dc WATollH o ' 88 South 4th Street, Philadelphia. Truth is Mighty, and Hast Prevail. Report of the Committee appointed to tuptrin- tend the Burning of the Iron Safes, at Read ing, February 2", 1837.. RtsDins, March 4. The undersigned, members of the committee, do respectfully report, that we saw the two Safes originally agreed upon by Farrcls 6l Herring and bvans si Watson, placed side by side in a lur- nace, viz: ihe Safe inuse by the I'aymaster of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Compa ny, in his office at Reading, manufactured by l'arrelsct Herring, and the Sale In use hy 11. A. Lantz, in his store, manufactured by Kvans & Watson, and put in books and papers precisely alike. The'fire was started at 8 J o'clock, A. M.,and kept up Until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and half chesnut top wood were entirely consumed, tho wholo under the superin tendence of the subscribers, members of the Com mittee. The Safes were then cooled off with water, after which they were opened, and Ihe books and papers taken out by the Committee and sent to II. A. Lantx's store for public exam ined and marked by the Committee. - The books and papers taken from the Safe manufactured by Parrels 6 Herring were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than those taken from Lvans & Watson's Safe. We believe the above to have been a fair and impartial trial of the respective qualities of both Safes. JACOD H.DYSHER, UAMl'.l. S. HUNTER. Having been absent during tha burning, wo fully coincide with the above statement of the condition of tho papers and books taken out of tho, respective bales. O. A. NIOOM.S, H. H. MUHI.KNBERG, JAMES MlLllOLl. AND. March 21, 1857 BALD EAGLE HOTEL. No. 231 and 41C .V. Third St., Philadelphia. JOHN CLYMER, Proprietor. (Successor to Uxsirt Daliikt.) rivJlE Proprietor returns his thanks for the - liberil patronage bestowed on this well known house, and respectfully asks a continu ance of the same, assuring bis many friends of Northumberland and adjoining counties, that no pains shall be spared to render cointort anil plea sure to all who may give him a call. TEH. Vis' !fil,00 PER DAY. Philadelphia, July 35, 1857. 3m SMITH'S Essence ol' Jamaica Ginger. rpillS article is carefully pifpnred from the hest Juimiirn X Otuger. nil tlie vnluulilc propf-itics of winch ll is WHrratitcu tu possess ill a coiicetitrutt-u anu conve nient form. It is mi excellent remwlv In dyspepsm, fttitnlencc, rho. tic ami impHlred m feeble state nf the itiestive fune. tlons. Y pirn Itsrefiesliina stleiieth nu! ctmlcU pmpeilies ss a aeulle stimulnliiiff tunic it is well o,Iii1ihI to counter, net the Ueliilitiitinff inlliience (if the extreme heats of sum mer, the eileels nf siuklen changes, ,Vc. Nn fiiimly should be wilhf.itt it, as Its timely use will suve them from nutuy ku serious altsck of illness. Trice "2.i cent, per bottle. For sule by June i, 1S57 . Inl P. MELANCKTON SHINDEL, Jl STIi: OF THE 112. ICE, Ojfiee in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. All business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writings done. Sunbury, April 25. 1857 tf JJORTand MADERIA WINES, Schiedum - Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry and Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes at March 14, '57. A. V. FISHER. COUNTY ORDERS. County orders taken tia rnsh for pootls. and nn note nr Imok Ac count by Nov. 29, I85fi. E. Y. URIU1IT 4 SON. New Goods for the Teople ! BENJAMIN 1IEFFNER RESPECTFULLY informs the tiublicin gen that he has just received anil opened a silcr.did stock of SrRING AND SUMMER GOODS at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township, lit block consists in purl of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of atl kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. , ALSO : CnltcoeN, Ginghams, Lawns, MouMNclInc lie lvalues and all kiuds of Ladies Dresa Goods. Groceries, Also an assortment of Hardware, Iron and Steel, Nails, &o. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENSWAKE, of various style and patterns. Also an assortment of BOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CATS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, tsc And a great variety of other articles such aa are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. fT Country produce taken in exchange a the highest prices. Lvwer Augusta, June 6, 1857. WHEATIEY 8 ARCH ST. THEATEE. AKCH ST. ABOVE SIXTH, PHILAD'A. T'HE Star Company, composed or the firs - Artistes in the woild, and exceeding in Strength and Talent any Dramatic combination heretofore offered to the Theatrical Public, will appear every night in Comedy, Tragedy, Serio comic Drama, Vaudevilles, Musical Uurlettaa, 4c, &c. hen visiting the city, go there. Oct. 54, 1857. ly FLOUR 1 FLOTJB1 FOR SALE BY M. C. CEAKUART. Sunbury, Sept.20, 1857. FURNITURE POLISH. 8. RAITS Premium l'ateut Knamel Furniture Polish. This polish is highly valuable for resto ring the polish on all kinds of Furniture, Glass, Carriage Bodies, lUirClolh, Ac. Aim, for re moving spots, hiding scratches, &C-, A c- War ranted to dry immediately and retain ita glow rnce 60 cu. per bottle, bold by A. V. FISHER. March 14, 1857 JOHN 8. 1II2AKD, ATTORNEY A.T LAW, Ojfic in Maclet st., opposite the Court House, SONBT7AT, PA. . Collections made and Professional Busiueea generally attended te Promptly aod Carefully. Puir.aBiLrai4 R iris lac a t . Bullitt 4- Fairlhorne, Diehl s Wertz, Davis & Birncy, F. Tylot &. Ce. tiunbury, June JO, 1857. BROWN'S and Breiuia's Essence of Ginger and Hwsbanil'a Magneiua at March 14, '57. FISHER'S, T7ishiniT, Tackle. Red Cork, Grasa, Cot- - ton aud Linen Lines, Out Lines, Sea Grass by the yard, Snoods, Flies, Kurby, Limerick and Uarlude Hooks, Mode, &.., for au br March 4IS7. : tu W, riSIIER. FURNITURE I fTOKI TITHE 1 1 . THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. Fanlilonable, Cheap nud I'atful FTMIE subscriber, long established at a Cabinet and Lhair Manufacturer in "unhurt, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the publie patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, 4 c embraces KVFP.Y VARIETY, USEFUL AND ORKA- IhEKTAL in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, aa anything that may be required in his line can be had at moderate prices, Cheap for Cash, or Country ProduceMaken in exchange. Establishment South Kant Corner (if Marlel Stptare. tT These knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Sunbury, April 4, 1857. tf NEW CONrEOTIONABY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GE AllII ART, TAS just received a new and excellent assort' meat of goods at his Confectionary and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Kunburv, where he manufactures ai.d keeps on hand, at all times, the most choice Confectionary, Ate. Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices, . Among hia stock of Coi.teclionarics, may be found t French Secrets, Hurned Almonds, Cream White, Imun Rose, Vanilla, Common 9ecteU. Liquorice, flum Tlrops, sll kinds of scent, livc mops, Mint Drops, red and white, Jelly Cakes, Fruit Drops, Slick Candles, ef all scents Hock Cmidy, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Prunes, rtnnanns, Dntes, Currants dried, Almonds, R.nsons, Citrons, Nuts ef all kinds LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Segars and I ubacco, and a variety of Confectioneries, fruit, etc, all or winch is ollcrcd cheap at wholesale or retail. ICE CREAM. He has also opened an ce Cream Saleon, and will at all times be ready to serve his customers with Ice Cream. Sunbury, May S4, 1857 ly Saddle and Harncsa Maker. HENRY JHT..A.TTJPT, JB. Successor to A. J. Stroh, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sunhurv and the nub twiOl'0 generally, that he has taken the establishment lately occupied A. J Stroh and is prepared to turn cut work in is line of business equal to any made in this, section of the country. Orders promptly execu ted and all kinds nf produco taken in Exchange Sunbury, May 9, 1057. ly 3DEJS1 TISTEY C1EOIIGE HENN, 1 NNOUNCKSto the citizens of Sunbury and v icinty, that ho has opened an office in Sun bury, above II. J. Wulvertoti s olhce opposite C Weaver's Hotel, where he is prepared to attend to all kinds of work belonging to Ihe profession, in the latest and most improved style. All work well done and warranted. Uccemlier 13, Irtf.B. Citrate of Magnesia OH TASTELESS SALTS. rf!HIS preparation is recommended as an ex- ccllent laxative and purgative, it operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold by A. VV. r IS1ILK. Sunbury, March 1 1, 18.10. E. NEWLAND Ss CO. Looktug Glasses, Plclur. Frnmrs, tiiiravius antl Pnlntiiigs, No. IS8 Arch Street, above Sixth, (Late of 2 18 North Second St.) PHILADELPHIA. GiltERIIl OPEM DAILI TO VISITOIta. Merchants and others visiting the City who may want anything in our line will do well to give us a call. February 28, 18.r)7 8m CHKAP WATCH AND JKWELUY STOKE So 72 North, Second Street, (opposite th iilount Veruon House.) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ca ses, $28; Silver Lever do,, do., 1 2; Sil ver Lepine, do., $9 : Quartier, .$5 to !j7 : Gold Spectacles, $4 50 to $10 ; Silver do., $1 fiO; Silver Table Spoons per sett, $11 to $18 Silver Devert do., do., $9 to $ 1 1 j Silver Tea do., do., $4 75 to $7 50 ; Gold Pens and Gold Ca ses, $3 25 to $5 ; Gold Pens and Silver do., $1; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted to be as represented. Wutches and Jewclrv, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma sonic Murks, Pins, Ac, made to order. N. U. All orders sent by mail or otherwise. will be punctually attended to. l'bila., Oct. 4, 1850. lyw. WHOLESlLa ANU II ETUI Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. 11. cor, HaHut mi Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4, 1850. tf WHOHUU ASU KlTAIL BOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S.t, above Chesnut, Pliil'a. OOTS, Shoes, Guitars, &c, promptly made to order iu the very best style, aud of the best material. Philadelphia, May 0, 1857. . Leather ! Leather t Leather I HENRY W. OVERMAN, IMPORTKR of French Call Skins and amend Leather deali-r. No. S South Third street, riiilariclhia. A leneial assomiunt uf all kinds of l.mlhcr Moron, e , e. Ked and Oak Sol. leather. Kouiuary-, 137. ly w .4LMONDS; RAISONS, FIGS, LEMONS. 4c, Ac, just received a fresh supply and for sale at she Confectionary store uf MSC. GEARHART. , funbury, May 16, ltf57.- FOR SALE. Good second-band Buggy, office. A Apply at this rOIl ZFtEJSTT. rilHK Store Room in Market street, occupied JL by P. W. Gray and the dwelling bouse ad joining. Apply to me executors ol ll. jiiaaser. deceased. January IT I8BT. New Drugi, Paluta, &c, A NEW supply ef Drugs, PainU. Oils, Jm Fluid, ckc, juat received and for sale by A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, May t, 1857, LAND WARRANTS. Tha highest price will be ivea for Land Warrants by the eub cribei. H. 11 MASHER. PATENT BRITTANIA bar bottles for sale by H. Sunbury, July 18, 1858. STOPPERS fo B MA&WER. 1Vb80CO and Segars tO.OOO Imported . Hegara of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, Uaveuuub aad bus cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S, uubuiy, Martfe 14,1857, EAHTHEHWARH. THE subscriber respectfully Informs the citi zens of Sunhurv anil tha militia II. that he has commenced Ihe manufacture of all kinds ef EARTH EN WABE, at hia manufactory, in Whortleberry Strict, one square east of tfie River. He has engaged the services of Mr. Haar. and you can therefore depend on having a good article. The pubkie are respectfully invited to call. All orders from a distance will be promptly attended to. P. M.BHINDEI.. Sunbary, Feb. t, 1866. tf JOHN II. AMsEIY fc CO. Not. B and 4 Chertntit trt, (nuth lido, below Wattr V "WUMYaal nOUSS IK THI ClTT ) r t Vim i smt n ' exnnime our stock r cliruary ia, lt07. ly w VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. rpHE subscribers, Execntors of the estate o M. Henry Masaer, dee'd., offer at private sale the following property viz : A large two story framo dwelling house, together wilh about 60 ACRES OF LAND, Situate In Lower Augusta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John R. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The house is new and the location a good one for business. Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONE LAND in sshI township on the river about 5 miles be! low Sunbu.y, adjoining lands or J. 'P. M'Pheraen and others, containing, about 90 acres. The oil is productive and contains limestone and other minerals. Also a tract of Land, enntnining about 35 acres on the hill, about two miles below Sunhurv adjoining lands of the heiis of the lato John Conrad and others. There is, on this tract a small orchard of choice fruit. ' ' For further particulars apply to the subssrilws. H.II. MASSKR, ) P. U. MASHER, SKxecutora. FRANCIS UL'CHER. j Sunbury, January 19, 1856, tf 3STEW ARRANaEMENlT Fresh Arrival of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, &o. rpHE undersigned having taken the store for JL merly kept by William A. Rruner, is now ready to fill orders and prescriptions at a mo meifls notice. Ho has a largo and well selected stock of fresh and pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Dye-stuffs, Oil, Paints, Glass, Tutty, and art kinds of Patent Medicines. FRL'IT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported Separs of the choicest brands. Fancy Notions' toilet article, and Per fumery of all kinds. Tooth aud Hair Urusties of every variety. Camphine and Fluid always on hand. Customers will find his stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to enu merate, and all sold at modrrute prices. Remember the place, next door to E. Y. uriglil a Mamnollt Store. , A. W. FISHER. Sunbuiy, March 14, 1S57. WHITE HORSE HOTEL. rOTTRVILLE, PA. rTtHE subscriber respectfully annnnnses ta his eld friends and the public, that he has In km that old and well known establishment, the White ;ilorso Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mahantogo sts., irr the Borough of Potlsville. The house has re cently been very much rnliirgcd and otherwise improved, rendering it quite as comfortable cs any ether Hotel in Schuylkill county w Mie the stables are large, in good condition, and at tend by careful, attrutive, prudent hostlers. To travellers aHd others who mav stop at hie house, ho promises cverj attention calculated to render them comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. FEGER. April 5. 165.- tf HENRY DONNE!, ATTORNEY AT LAW. tty'ice opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa, Prompt attention to business in adioiainif Tonnlies. 8 EAGLE HOTEL, OPPOSITE WEST BHAXfH BANK, WILLIAMSPORT pa U,ltM II. II iY. rrojirlotor. C. A. Stiiisk, Assistant. N. M. Ait Omnibus will rnn to suit from Ae Depot and Packet Landings, to this Hotel, free nfchurRe, September 13, 1850. tf DANVLLIE H0TE!. JOHN DEEN, JR., Market Strett, Danville, J'a, ritHIS is one of the largest and most eoaime A dious hotels in the interior of Pennsjlvanla it has been reeently fitted up, in excelleat su le, with all the modern conveniences. Duuvilled, Sept. 22, 1855. Cheap "Watches j Jewelry yiTHOLESALE and Retail, at the "Philadol " phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 98 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA fiold !ver Wutchea. lull lewlt-d. 1 raru fiold l.epine l.-k. M (m W,00 hilvor lp. full jswllnl, tf ft. f ilver Lover, full jewl'e w biipenor Ouarlicis, 7 r ine tMivcf ix.Uiclc.. 1.J0 lo.ld Bracrlfta, on ladif.' Hold P.U.i. , , pilvcr Tea .win., set, 4,00 liwld Spectarlrs. 7.00 uoiu i en., wnn renrii ana Mivrr Holder, j oc Gold Finger Rinps, 37J cents to $80 ; Watl-h (lasses, plain, 12J tents; Patent, lMj Luaet, 85 ; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they are sold for. STAL'FFER oi HARLEV, On hand, some (iold and Silver levers and I.epincs, still lower than Ihe above prices. Oct. 4, I8.')6. ly. T)LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blanh Mortgages, Uonds, Executions, Summon 4c, for sale b H. 11. MASSEK. Sunbury .Apr! S6. 18.16. STOVES- rOR SALE an excellent second hand Ceoh! nig Move, also several Cylinder Coal Ktoves. Enquire at this oflice. GOLD PENS wilh and without cases, of a very superior quality, just received. Alao a fresh supply of Writina, Fluid, fnr sule by H. U. MASSKtt. Buuhurr. Dec S7. 156- CJILVER WATCHES. A few double rase English Bilver Watchoa, for sale at very low P y H.B MA8SER. nunhury, Apm H. 1856. AMEUICAN HOUSE, WILLIAMS POUT, PA., t ,! KKLTO.V l'roprlclor. Ja. T. Hill, Ass t. Sept. 13, IMG. ti 11CRE OLIVE OIL for table use, two aiie at 7J and 68J cents just received by A. V. FISHER, Marck 14, '5T. Ctationery. A large aupply of fncy Note Paper and Envelope, M..rning, Letter, and Cap Paper, Pens, Ink, band, Ac, at March i, 67. . A. W. FIisUER'8. POUT MONAIES.Taoth and Hair Brush all aualiliee, and any uuanii'y, for sale by ' A.W.FWHLK. March" It, 'ST. MAN ITPACTVRERS and W holemle dealer. i Pt,, Maehmemade BROOMS .Patent Crowed f eitar. Wa o, wnrrenteil not to shrink, Wood ai.d Willow-War. Cords, llrushcs. Ae .of all discrintion.. i-i... ' . . V.U B1IU