Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 06, 1858, Image 2

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    " T""
Lah h uiu.yi mnui'C, .
The Ariel ,afe at Cork Attempt ou A'apo.
, '. han't Life.
IIai.ifa, Jan. 28, 1858.
The Hoy nl Mail Meamship Canada, dpt.
l.onp, Miicb left Liverpool at 10:20 o'clock
jm tho uioriiiiir; of the JCtli inst., co'.led oiT
Vvtt'vn tie morning of Sunday, the lTtb.
uml look in Un, mails ami sfxty-tix passengers
tttno disabled lip.; Ariel, and proceeded
- ohont noon of t!ie same dnv, nnd arrived nt
Halifax nt o'clock this morn. -
A dispatch to The Time-, dntcd tlo even
ing of Hie Mill, eays: "Tie Etnpornr was lir-
u ul evening ui yy o ciotii, while enter
"intf tie Italian Opera House iu liw l.cpel
"lier. Soma persona in tie street were woun
'dcd. '"Tie Kmperur slowed himself to lie
"peoplo at llo door of tlio Opera JJoufc, nnd
"ivas received with eutlusiustic cheering.
"iJa roniainuu ti!l Ilia end of the opera. On
"Its return, at midnight, lie was lulled with
' ciiUmi-iastic cheers by the multitude, who
"ivoro waiting iu tlie Etrecls to greet him." .
The Hfouittur of the lGil says : '-On their
"Mystics' arrival nt the opera, three explo
sion?, coming from hollow projectiles, were
hem J. A number ol peimuis who were
."u;ioi:cJ hiiforo tl.o theatre, iucla ling some
'6o.icr& or tlio i'ici.rt. were wouuded two
"ol them mortally. The hat of tlio Krnperor
"was pierced by a projectile, nnd (Jcucrol
. "Jlajauest, uidde-cun.p of tlio Krnperor, was
"sjifltly wounded in the neilc. Twofoolnien
".vera also wounded. Ono of tlo lorces at
"laded to tlo Emperor's carriajjo was lulled,
' "oud tbo carriage itself was broken by the
Tlo latent dispatches sny that f ixly persons
wero wounded end three killed by tho pro-
joct.lcs thrown hi tho carriage. The conspi
rators ore Italians, and muiiy orrcsls lave
been made. The Krnperor and Empress suf nothing from the event, and on tho fol
lowing day tley attended solemn mass, ac
companied by the .Minister of Stale.
A letter hum Marseilles reports' that the
Ainer.can slip Adnata-, which was connst-a-ted
by tho Ireneh Court of Appeals, on nc
count of her collision with tho Mcu.ner Lyon
nais, had made ler escape from detention at
tl,..t port, uml put to sea on the night of tho
btu ol Jr. unary. A French war-steamer went
.u (.u.,,, t ,lUnui euect. It was reared that
i.ous diplomatic c .implications may arise on
'11. T f .1 .
ii.u i.cviai nan has been pushed lo within
,J" ,. iBn ,LCl 01 Iho extremity of the
an.icLmg way. Spring tides wore ever
...... nliij ue pushed off. She would
' ," l",u i''nun uutu tie JhVI, tides
The Xohlcs of lie district of .Minna Novo.
'"m.js iuu i-Aampies ot tlmso of
i.itbtuia u!:J St. J'cli;rsburp, lad oskeu the
x.mpcrurs permission to intr.,n .1..
poroj, l...iowing Ho cxamidns ..( n... r
x.u ,.uiui -s permission to enfranchise their
scrl, ani tho Krnperor las granted the ic-
a quark Ei. AJiaxo ti:k p. r. vs.
The lehmond Whig has lately been more
tli an i-evcro upon the J! on. Uenrv A
son Mr. O Jcumngg Wiso, being able to
endure no ...nger th3 remails nillllo nuout Lj
f, wont into tlo Cieo or tlo Yhin tl 0
..tier J ty a.kcJ for XI r. It. Hidgway, ed,'
ir w:.s towa into lis room, and proceeded
0 - v.- h,,:, a most 8uver8 casligation, break
ng a ! out stick over him. Tie combatants
wei ,-. S' perattd and no moro damage was done
ll.eiK-.Mdny .. Uidgway sent tt cha!(!n ' iij.-uting ou the following terms
. 1 K"p;e that you nnd I select only one wen. and v.ah one pair of pi.toU, we
bli.i.1 a.l i.iea in your ofiico or mine, at an
hourio bo hereafter designuied-tlat after
t..w meeting, and the door being locked, you
a ml I .-had besecuroly blindfold.d-tlat tiieu
tl.e shall load ono of the pistols
and i,;i.-e the other nnloaded-thnt they shall
. I',' ' V,,;l'1''ra'"','J l,y 1"t the choice of pistob the patois slail then bo ldud lo us
uuJ that yours shall be placed d.rectly agitist
my tirea.-t.auu against yours-tliat next,
rind (in:,,,;.-, ut gniug of tho word, wotlull
both pull tr,.,, alid la lh cuus
laKu cai! ol lliuiiselvps."
.'.M'iV'',".,r,1.i,-'J t0 ''is Mtor, denying
r.i,Iu or te cii.i!ci,gi.,? pa.,y tl) prcscrib
M j'oii s or the mode ol using tie..., and
a!o declaring that ho would not permit a to ti.o a,ve.,pu!i aguin.t him without an
opp.). .unity becii.ed of-eqal resi.tance,
Jl " "a!" l!!R0 ''0 would not COl.Jel.t,
L.1J ! any circumstances, to uo a weapon
rg;....ot an man. Ik. declared lis
w.ngness to accept tliallc f.rjt. such as
o-v-jjo uu tho code of hunor recognize as
Prupur. Mr. Uldgwny rejoin that Mr. Wite
'V n:.. .i .atl; en b in, hud violated the laws
i'l ..onor, ami las ,i0 right to claim its obier
anceby others, and lie declines to make
on otaer pr..poiit:on, and there the mutter
Tanisititt Twr.Mv Ylafs Auo Wo
UaVL' tuierd many conipariscns between tho
ye.U'3 .: .;,-) 0J l;.;,; jn iiinl;c;a no1.
eUry i.iullcis, but mcru can be presented in
n- n,l to tie seasons. t then, as now
b ared that the winter would increase the
j.liyMi-i fiJermg umi.r.,j tho poor classs--.-
Lie evil avert, J l,y a wiutir ns mild
u:i J pleasant a a the r,-es,i,t on.-. Fuel and
prol ans, tai l as cual, weed r.r,d fl.a.r fell
';!'" 'f':n;"rd 3 iurrnis us that tho
n o ii hoflLeumber. 1-57, was very n.iid and
ope... no m tU ground; Clriitm is plei.g.
a.. I wa; :.i r.;:d to cvi.tiu.iing until tie end
of year. No snow for i-lei-ljan.
on l , 10.b and .11th of l-ccember. aud 'tl n
b-.t tor a ihott time. January, l--3. tweotv
years agn was a remarkablo winter month -the
wvatler, excepting lo days, was V, U
uur:r.g t ,9 n.ontl,, ,!,, iltriIU)lI!et(;r .J
.3 h, n b 5 and tho succeeding r:)uill!is c&fc.
t .Ued many w'-o rcnarUs such we
- ten hoar, hat a warm winter brings a cold
n.nng." "wmter never rots in t!:0 SU " i?
1 eoruary waS cold with lsttlo snow there bo
g fourteen clear days. M.wch hud but two
a iv-Horma and much mad. A pril was va, but tuu tempaluio averagi.w a fl. J0.
grees alu.VH that of J.iujry. 'j l.e llu.Kon
ho Ma U?;lrS e bot tho
i,c . VUR'rr'Viri ''P:neJ about
l.'io Bame tiu)e.-yjWj Trumcij t.
Melancholy Huatii op i
tuliSBiuce, a .-enlleiUn ,.r i,i..i.
i on 'fn """J Stcl'l,lin L'Mpmtt. dkd in
London, under cucamstauces of a most fx
inordinary nature. Although iu poes.ion
ft wealth to the amount of fc'lio.ow,, 'ho u
in penurious that lu denied himself tlo com
in,.u n -cesiitiei of ,fe aud finally carried lis
r.g ill , I avarice to tuch an extent, that lis
....... ,.u:1,jH.u.a la fj.,, , hjj! ,
ico iu coasequenco of bU being dimered
in au juseusibfe BnJ enlaust.-d Sondilioa in
f n ' V """ vi uciuui starva-
t on. On a post moiu.n examination. He
sumiacu wa toan.l empty and in u wilh-red
condition, llin arartiii.ii ,.vl.,i.;io i.,.
eKtraord.nary co.leetio-. if muUidndinou.
trash, picked ua by He mretcUJ ..M
for veuis past. ' '
Tl r
ItlPlB IvrfVlwi? Tl.a I...I I . i a
.... ... . ,f riy ( i
loin in 18M wasS23 44 t.., iih i, t ... I
II. D. MASSEIl, Editor and Proprietor.
To ADrtrtlTlsi'Rt - .The eirrfltstlf.h nt Stunt......
American nrn'mg Hit tlinVrcnt tnwni on the Furqurliamia
siinicxreeit'il ircqunllcd In-ainr finer tmbheheilin North
... r, .
Services in thn Pref oyt'eri an Church, for
nrxt. Sabbath, will bo in the afternoon at 3
ocioex, instead or tho morning.
CaT I or Ji:xt. Two houses in Mtl;rt
street. Apply at this office.
ff?r An iMfRovKjjKNT. The Commission
rrs have made n much needed improvement
in paving the crossing between tho State
J louse and tie Court Houso.
KE We ciill atlenlion to the offers made in
the advertisement of J. F. and I. F. Klino in
this week's pnper.
l'liTEIiSOx'a I'llll.ADKI.IMlIA Coi NTi n
frit Di-.TKrTon. Tlo February number of
mis ueiccior couta.ns n correction of oil tie
errors which appeared iu the first number,
The detector will bo a useful publication to
business men, and Mr. Peterson spares no
lauor iu muiiing it worthy of srpport.
W Laxcasiir Coi.i.iKRr for Sai.s. It
will be seen by referring to our mv,,rt;!,,.
columns that thi well known Oullierv i of
r if
lorea icr sale tno present proprietors wish,
ing to retire from business. Persons who de
sire to enter into the Coul business and who
hnve enterprise and nbilitv In rnmlnnt it
perly, wii! seldom find a more favorable oppor
tunity, lie completion of the Northern
Central Kailroad, which will be accomplished
in a Tew months, will afford to our coal region
n market North aud South by Kuilroad aud
C-y Sctthe moutbly statcmont of tho
Caiik of Nortbumbeilaud, and the Farmer's
Bank of Schuylkill county both sound as a
Tlln ni.M . 1 .1..I IV. ..1.- 1
ui.aui-iiiiiiiiuuuKs resumca specie
pajmcut on Wedoesday last,
C2T A larje car load of egg coal las been
presented by tha Mucauluy Mountain Coal
Company to Kx-Govcrnor Pollock.
CsiT There has been another ntfnnW
assassinato Napoleon by tlo explosion of
wlat is culled an infernal machine. Tlese
assassins must bo a bungling set of fellows
or else Napoleon must bear a clarmod life.
A shrewd Yankee could invent a d nvnn fit
machines Hat would "take him off" to a dead
3T Coi-MicnrEiTERS. At AVilliamsnort
Jan. 21st, AVm. Anderson, Clas. Miller, Wm
Lewis, nnd Peter Garver, charted with con
spiracy to manufacture and pass gold and sil
ver coin, wero convicted, after a trial lasting
two days. Judgo Jordan sentenced them to
the peniteutiary for tha following terms :
Anderson and Miller, four years aud Tour
months., Lewis three years and two months.
nnd Graver one year and ten montls.
fe"" RkMAKKABLE J ANUARinS. Timiinfc rvf
1790, wus remarkable for its mildness one, He
medium temperature being 41 degrees. Tho
mercury ofrcn run up to 70 in the shade a1
mid-day, nud boys were seen sv.imn.iro- in i.
Delaware and Schuylkill rivers. Tils n.ild
weather continued until February 17th, when
a reaction took oluee. nml fn';l ... :.. i
. - . . u v . Ill, n, uuu
earnest. The Januarics of KM lptn koo
16C3, 1S12, lSir., wero also mild.
Tho cold Januaiies from 1770 to 1S4C. havo
been those of 1S15. IkM. IKI lQTl ioio
110, 134-1. In 1815 tlo medium tempera.
turo was 2G. In 1321 tlo medium tempera
tnro was 3", and Hero was an uncommon
aiEo"t.t of snow all tho mouth. On niuo mor
nings tho n.orcury, in Pliladelnli'i. was be.
low zero, and on tlo two mornings us manv
as nine, degrees below. Down in Maine, dur
ing tlo month, it frequently fell to 40 degrees
below zero. January. 1310. is however thn
coldest on record, tl.p medium temperature
being us low us 21. Tlo month was without
o single thaw, and there wns a good deal of
snow upou the earth. On sixteen mornings
during the month, the mercury rooged from
t-n to twenty degrus below zero iu Philadel
The President, on Tuesdav. sent into Con.
gn3 tha Constitution framed by tie people
of Kansas iu Convention nt I.ceompton.
The President gives on account of tlo trans.
actions iu that territory since its organiza
tion, lie says the inlabitnnli Lava al
beeu in i;ta rebellion a?uinfct tlo IWml
Government, and Lave only been repressed
in iusurrectiou by the pmcuce of 17. S. troops
They established tha l'opi ka government in
coutraveuticu or law, and Lave adhered lo it
siucu with treasonable pertinacity, ond when
thry had cu opportunity to scttlo their
troubles by adoplii or t uch a ronslitminn
pleased them, ttobboinly refused to do so,
and consequently tho citizens who went to
I 1 1 . 1 . . .
iuo pons eiecicu Celegatta Lieh framed the
Letoo.pton Coiii-tltuiicn.
If Kansas ia immcdiatelv fin-.iiin.t l ;
qacstiou will be .itldrawn from Congress.
,u i.vupiu can moa.ry their constitution
rurward , they tl,nU Ct. Ilo contends
uuuer mo Dred Kpr.n ,u,.:c! r-
-m.-.uii, nautili
UOW 86 much a Hlava Klnm r. r.
v utuljUl, BUU
ln only b, Bludu f,o0 by coostitutioual pro-
VljlUr.3. KilK la nnll. ... 1
uiaie auuioion as a Pt-.t p .i ....
k. ' k at9' ' d"'"l''8
, " uo uouolo will be localized
settled by Ha
"" ""ft of the majority of He peo-do.
..,! . V ' feoio,
7, , uulu D,atp tf"P o be Hen
ilnurawn for for service in if
1 lis niAce,ia ia . .11
tii written document, and
a tpii..r,.i; r .1.. "h
me r resident io
hi fir.t mufiaga.
In tha Patent Office at Washington, there are
many object of Intcrert, connected with the
government md thou who dmlnj-.torrd Its af
fairs iu times gone by. While naminlr g aome
of thcae objects of curionty, whn In Wanhlngton
In Dece mlior last, there waS nothing that struck
us to forcibly as the samples, or small locks of
hair, taken from the heads of didircnt chief ma
gistrates, from Wanhlftgton down to PrrMoVnt
Tierce, tccitrcd in a ftame, covered with glass.
Here it in fact a psrt tndrccl of what once
cons.ilutel the living body of lhoe llluMriout
imlividualt wlow names are at familiar at louce-
hold words, but who now live only In hutory
anj the of tin past.
The hair of Washington is nearly a pure white-
one and smooth in its appearance.
That of John Adans w nearly the tame in
color, though perhnpt a little coarser.
The hair of Jefferson is of a different charne
tcr, being a mixture of white and auburn or a
s.mdy brown, and rather roar-e. In his youlli,
Mr. Jt'tTcriOu't hair was remarkable for its bright
color. ,
The Lair or Madiion is coarse, and of a mixed
while and daik.
Tie Lair of Monroe Is a Laiidtomo dark au
burn, smooth nnd free from any admixture what'
ever. He is the only President, excepting Pierce,
whose Lair Lad undergone no change iu color.
The hair of John (Juinej Adams in somewhat
peculiar, being coarso, aud of a .yellowish gray,
in color.
Tie Lair of Gen. Jacktnn ia almost a perfect
whito, but coarse in its character, at might be
supposed by those who have examined tha por
trails of tic old hero.
The hair of Van Buien is while and smooth
J he hair of Gen. llarriton is a fine white,
with a slight admixture of blnck.
Tho hair of Join Tjlcr ia mixture of wlitc
and brown.
Tie hair of James K. Polk is almost a pure
The hair ef Gee. Taylor is while, with a slight
sdmixturc of brown.
The hair of Millard Fillmore, is on the other
land, brown with a tliult admixture of white.
Tic Lair of Franklin Pierce is a dark brown,
if which Le Las a plentiful crop.
We End tie following, which relates to the
resemblance of Gen. Jackman, of Clinton
county, to Gov. Pucker, in the IlarriBburg
correspondence of a Philadelphia paper.
Tho resemblance of Gon. Jackman to the
Governor ia such that many mistook one for
tho oiler, on tie duy or tie inauguration,
both being in tlo sumo carriage. Friend
Jackman is net only it Guo looking mat., but
Las a vast fund of humor iu Lis composition.
We wero present a day or two afterwards,
when be was charged with having promised
ofiico to a number of expcc'.ants, requesting
them to remind him of Lis promise, when
they called at Lis chamber. The Guncral, of
course, denied tho "soft iinpeaclmeut," hut it
was protly evident that he Lad humored the
joko. Put to the article leftrred lo :
A rather odd circumtlmico occurred here
sou.o days since. Your readers are not. nor
Laps, aware of tie fai t Hut D. K. Jackman.
the member from Clinton, hears a most stri
king reseuibluuce to Gov. Packer. The ro
semblanco is so great that on the day of the
inauguration ono of Got. Pucker's own
daughters mistook him fvr the Governor.
llo was on Ho House Committee of Ar
raugeoici.U, and as chairman of it ho rodo in
tlo sumo carriage with tho retiring chicl
magistrate and tie new ono. An Irishman
from Ha Fourth ward, who wanta to la
keeper of lie powder magazine, saw him
then. His name is Mulronuey. Tlo otler
day Lo can.o back to llarr.iiburg to press Lis
claim, tnd, inyeting Jackmac, eurly in the
morning in the rotunda, be tools Li:n by tlo
Land aud shook it most heartily. Mulrooney
declared his extatic delight at meeting lie
"Goovernur," and told Lim l o was looking
much better Han when Lo took "tha oath ol
"iiut," Enys Lo, "Mistier Packer, havo yes
looked at me papers Hat I sint yes about Hat
powder magazine J 1 don't care about stuyin'
viiy long. I'm sloppiu' at 01:0 of tie bi?t
Lotels, and it's viry dear. 1 wouldn't care, if
jes don't mind, to take my co nicfcsiou homo
wid mo."
Ha Lad rolled out His eo volubly that
Jackman could not get tirtm to uudeccive
Lim. When Lo did, lie tuLl Lim that he was
not tho Govemcr. It was in vain ho pro
tested. Mulrooney insisted- that "he .had
seen him ridin'in tho big carriage wid all the
grand paple on the d:iy ov the inauguration,
uud Hat In was trying lo dceave Lim."
Again Jatkuinn protested, but thn Irish
man became indignant aud exclaimed
"That's not thu way 1 trutod yes last fall !
I voted for yes, an-.l tho wholo uv tho boys
diJ that same ; and yes don't know me, aud I
was intradueed to yes by McMuliin lin.tck!
You've mado up your mind to givo it to some
onu else ; but ucushta mnvhrr I juht. lliuk of
liiddy ond nieself and the nine chilJer. 11 ow
healthfully wo coulJ kapo tho place."
Put Jackman ut last escaped aud got with
ia the bar, and as tie llonsa vas iu Kessiou
the applicant could not fallow. Mulroouey
wus under tlo impression until tlrtt afternoon
that tho Governor Lad slighted him, and was
determined not to take Lis claims into con
sideration. His apology to Jackman was still u.oro
amusing than bis mistako.
C5" Oil of Wiikat. .Some uuknown wag
sends us from Philadelphia a circular to be
inserted as &u adveitiscmtut, which highly
extols the "oil of wheat" os a beverage. As
the advertisement was not accompanied by
icsponsiblo name, though we wpre requested
to charge it to a respousiblo Crm in lie city,
we cannot comply. Among other virtues
which it is said to possess, Ho proprietors
say :
"It vivifies and restores He mod dejected
"minds, corrects and extracts all t hut is pain
"ful in the knowledge of u man's self. It
"rarifies tie gloom of rcUeclioa und exhdi-i
"rates lie spirits, uud is often administered
"10 sure lilttut from ill-owning."
As we di.liLo cats, wo do not consider the
last clause any recommendation, uor do we
think tho following auulysis by l'rojsur
JJtfuncl, will add to its character, viz:
Grain spirit, 40 parts.
Water wlicl mellows it, 54 .
Coloring, extruded frcui old leather
shoes, well burut, 03 " lkf
Guano, to heighten the flavor, 03 " :
Cayenne pepper, a trace, 00 "
100 "
CST Tie new Reformed Church
at Maus Dale, Montour county is lo be dtdi.
calcd to the service of God on Friday He
twelfth. .
VV Mr. Samuel Hamor, has been appoin
ted route agent on tho liloouitburg aud Lack
awanna Railroad by He post oQioe department.
Mr. Williston of Tioga offered the following
retolution, on the S5lh nit., on the -auljoct of tlie
lcomplon Constitution which was voted down,
as follows 1
Hcsolvcd, That our Senators In Congress be
instructed to vote tuainst th ) mission nf Kan.
ss as a Stale, under the Lecomnton Constitu
ent, The House refused to read the resolution a
second time, by the following vote I
Yens Messrs. Bsboock, Benson, tlrm e, Cnstner, Cur
. . mr,, nciirnr, ,,-tyrs, iiininw, limine, ir-
wiii, l.dwreneo, McCliiie, M'lHiinhl, Miller, Neglev,
, 1 in--,-, nnm-i(irii, itcnin, itolsna, nose, Pliaw,
airiithrai V.uktl ..-. : . .., ' ....
....... .... ,. niiirr, it ihimuii, nun linicr -VII.
Nays Menu Alirums, Annsirmis;, Arthur, Akkin,
.- ' ,,., ftiiiiiuiiii, vnrniv, uitnneri,
h;, D,,nnc:i, I. II. Donnelly. (Junes) bmiovan, llunlnp,
"",, Kvsns, Onrrett, Uilhl, niall, Cnpp, Orilm-in,
llamil, IIhjt. Hillcfi's, Hippie, llmlsou, llnull, Juclf msii,
JeilKlllN. K lilfni.C K I I I I I ......It
M t'lnin, Mntsie, Mi Hoy. Mil, Nnncmichcf, Owen, Tow
ell, Itanitry, lihi'Ue, Hhiirp, Slitekis, Cmiih nf Uerk, Smith
rn Cninhiia, Smith nf Wvjininx, Knyker, Htcphens, 8ln-
nn. I iliner, W iinleil, Weaver, Wr.iler, Vull, V tl.r,,.k,
harien, W ilcox, Will, Willmnie, Wolf, Woodriiig,
I Haulm, ami I n..u..t. . ra
.... , cumaEi Mi
The ilarrishurg Herald gives a list of the
members of the I.ceis alure of Ibis filnte. to
gether with the occupation of each of them as
follows I
Skx ATS.
Lawyer, 15 rhvuruns, . 3
Farmers, 6 Innkeeper, I
Merchants A. Farm'rtS Coal Operator 1
Mcrclianti., 3 Genllemtii, 1
Iron Master, 1
Total, . . . . 83
Houst o RcrsrsisriTiTi.
Slip-Joiner 1
Uoaehmi.kcr, 1
l'rodnre. Dealer 1
Iron Manufacturer I
Cl.uirinakcr, 1
Law-Bookseller 1
Contractor, 1
Distiller, 1
Tinner, j
Justice of the Peace, I
Tanner, 1
Surveyor, I
Farmer 4- Drover.
Co Operator,
1 I
I I Total. 100
Tie lawyers, it will be seen, preponderate in
the Senate, and the fanners in tie Houso.
('Reorganization ok thk Sitremr Court.
Tic Philadelphia Legal Intelligencer pro
poses a reorganization of the Supreme Court
as follows : An increase tie number of
Judges to eight, by adding three to the pre
sent Bench. Let tie time bo sixteen years,
and elect two every four years, selecting one
from each party, ss is now done in the case
of election officers. Give them a salary,
increasing with the term of service, beginning
will $4,01)0 per annum. In this woy, tbo
editor thinks, wo should have a bench equally
divided in politics. But suppose tl-re should
bu tbrce or more parties what then? If
parties ore to bu consulted it wonld be well
enough to provide for every contingency.
Tie greet diffienj is not in tho want pr
good men, but in preventing more politicnl
Lacks iu thrusting themselves forward ond
orcupy the position Hat should be filled by
better men.
HE" There havo been rumors that several
individuals, occupying respectable positions
in Williamsport Lad been arrcuted on sus
picion of being coucerned with tlo individuals
sculeDcod lost week, by Judgo Jordan, for
counterfeiting and conspiracy.
C3 Mexico. This unfortunate coontry
seems to be doomed to intestine wars. The
city of Mexico is again tie tlcatro of war,
end it is doubtful if Comonfort can sustain
himself. Santa Anna is mixed up in tho
IIodokh' Journal of Finasck and
li Note Hki-okvek is a valuable publica
tion, as lis title indicates. It is published
by J. Tyler Hodges, Binker, No. 271, Broad-
way, Jew 1 ork.
fJT Tub Daii.t Tiii.KuMmi published by
friend BcrgDCr at HarrisLurg, is a handsome
as well as a spirited and well conducted sheet
deserving of success.
Tim Pennsylvania Bank. Tho stockhol
ders of thu Pennsylvania Bank held their an
nual meeting yei-terday, and He Directors
made their annual report. It slows a lanieo
table condition of He affairs of tint institu
tion. Tlo B iiik is totully insolvent and an
assignment is recommended by the Directors,
for the beuelitof its creditors. M oney appears
to have been lent to houses now insolvent, in
very largo sums, en doubtful securities, and
some ou no security ut all. The pper of
insolvent railroad companies was taken by
tho President, enormous sums were paid by
him for usury, tho b&st bills receivablo wero
sold the report snys, und excessive interest
was allowed on desposits, all without the
knowledgo of tha Board of Directors. The
report shows a singular condition of aOairs
inside the Bank, when tho President could
arsume such extraordinary powers, und ex
ercise them for years, and the Directors be
entirely blind lo the facts and totally ignor
ant of Lis transactions. If there was a waut
of caution or recklessness in one case there
certainly was a gross dereliction of duty on
tl.o other. Unless there was Ho most stud
ied and consummate art on tie part of the
President in concealing his acta the Directors
were certainly tho blindest victims of mis
placed confidence on record. While they
were taking things easily, uud trusting to the
character of tho President Hat ull was right
the property of tie stockholders was being
rapidly dissipated, and neither Directors nor
tho President is able to explain whore it is
gone. After reading the report, some of tho
plundered tockbolders may tliuk it necessary
to adopt other means to get a t tie Tacts.
Public Jjedger.
Large Bkquests by a CLr.itovsiA.v Tho
late llcv. Charles Avery of Pittsburg, left an
estate valued at g70l),()00: He bequeathed
igUO.OOO of stock iu tie Mononguliula Navi
gation Company, which pays good dividends,
as a fund fur the support or superaouated
clergymen of tho Metliodikt Protestant
Church ; 20,000 to tho Oberlin Institute in
Ohio; 2.',000 to a school for colored children
which he founded in Alle'lony city Pa. ; .V
000 to He Insane Atyluin in Western Penn
sylvania, and 5,000 each to the Methodist
Protestant churches in Allegheny city and
Birmingham, and the second Methodist Pro
estant Church in PitUburg. The total a
mount bequeathed (100,000. His relatives
were also handsomely provided for. Tho
Chronicle lays :
Tho remainder of his property, after all ex
penses and incumbrances are paid, aud which
must amount to over 300,(U)t), is to be divi
ded into two parts one of said parts to be a
"perpetual fund for disseminating the light
of tho Gospel of Christ and tho blessings of
civilization among the benighted .black nnd
colored races of people inhabiting the conti
nent of Africa." and tho other to be constitu
ted a perpetual fund for promoting the educa
tion and alevntioo of the colored population
of the Uuited States of America and the Brit
ish Provinces of Canada, to be appropriated
nd applied by bU eiactitors,
(Front the l.sjicnster Eir'?'i Pel). 1 ) -It
Will be recollected that it was in evidence
in the trial of Anderson nnd llichards, that a
butcher knife was seen in the possession of
Richards at the " Spook House," but which
was not In the their possession when arrested,
and that Mr. Gather testified to having
missed two batcher knives from bit bouse on
the day of the mnrder. On Monday last, Mr.
Locher, keeper of tho prison, askod Kichnrds
what they had done with the knives they
murdered the women with. He replied that
one of them was throwu into a field below
" Groffstown," and that He other was stuck
inside or the fence below the Groffstown
Mr. I.oelier nnd some friends thee went in
search or He knives, but their search was
unsuccessful. Several persons passed whilo
they were looking for them, and inquired the
object or their search. After telling them
the murderers had confessed to hiding the
knives there, further search at that time was
abandoned ; but yesterday morning Mr. Mi
chael Gibson called at the Prison and handed
Mr. Locher two bntcber knives, which he said
he found below the quarry, wrapped op in an
old handkerchief, and sticking io the fence.
They were shown to Anderson and Itichards,
who were asked which of the knives they used
in committing the the awful butchery. They
designated the small one, which still retains
the spots of blood of the poor victims. They
also snid that ' the woman" had need the
larger knife to cut the bread she gave them,
and that both knives were lying on the table
when i Ley (He murdorcrs) went into the
Thus Las the only imperfect link io the
chaiu of circumstantial testimony which fas
tened tho guilt of this double murder npon
tie miserable negroes been completed. The
knives, which we have examined, are two
common butcher knives, one about an inch
longer Han He other. Tho small one still
bears the distinct marks of blood upon it and
the edge is slightly " wired," showing that it
was very sharp at lie time it was used, and
that the edge come in contact with the bono
of the neck. This agrees with the testimony
of Dr. Atlee, who snid that the wounds must
have been made with a free-cutting instrument.
MAR rtlKBl RU GOajP.
The following bit of gossip is given by the
Pittsburg Jirenini Chronicle" correspon
dent, "Kadical." We clip from bis letter of
r riaay last :
Gob. Cameron arrived here to-day. He
Las been as much solicit after as if Le was
the dispenser of all tie offices in the girt cf
tne i resilient. "Simon points up.
BfCBANAN and Camkbon. It is well under
stood here that Old Buck would not exchange
the General now for Col. Forney. This looks
and sounds strange to those who are aware of
the hostility nf the former and tho friendship
of the latter to the President.
The General hns made the President two
visits of lato nt the request of the Chief Kxe
cutive. Well, 1 would not wonder to leurn
ere long that they would be os thick as Butts
und Tyler, who wero said to have occupied the
same bed.
Rnuiorcd Withdrawal of Troops from Clah.
TheN.Y. Herald, of this morning, con
tains thu following dir-patch :
Wafiiinoton, Feb. 1. It is repsrted to me
on good uiitborily Hat Mr. Buchanan con
templates withdrawing the troops from Utah.
Dr. IJernlifi-l, the Mormon delegate, has sub
mitted propositions to the Administration,
indicating the williugnoss or tho Mormons lo
vacate Utah and colonize on some or tho
islands of the sea outside of the jurisdiction
of the United istutes, provided He govern
ment will purchase, at a fair valuation, the
Salt Lata City improvements. Dr. B. asks
that commissioners be sunt out to arrange
terms aud doUiU. Should these be agrotid
on Salt Lake City is to become a grand mili
tary elation or depot for our Wcsttrn troops.
A Fortune Ciiasino a Pretty Wowan tt
Tki.kgi:a.'ii. Some two weeks ago Hero ar
rived in our city a beautiful young wido .v of
Iwenty-Kve, (a Hungnriun by birth,) on bur
way to New Orleans, enroute to Havana,
where she intended to engage in her profes
sion, as u fcmalt. physician. She was alone
an exile from Hungary, where her husband
had lived aud died a patriot. On Friday last
an agent from the house of Rothschilds, tho
great bankers also reached our city in chnso
of the beautiful young self-reliant widow who
is intent npon her journey to Havana. He
bad been dispatched from Kurcpe to seek out
the wanderer und bear to hor the "glad ti
dings" that t.1.0 had recently cotno into im
mense possessions ut home uud to invite her
to retrace her trip. With tho aid of tele
graph he learned that thu Lad arrived safely
in New Oileuns, and was stopping at the St.
Louis Hotel. Aeco..d dispatch urging her
to await Lis arrival was forwarded, nnd he
hastened on lo bear to her the information
that she bad a fort u no of eleven millions at
borne awuitiug her disposal. Louisville Dem
ocrat. Jor. Sstim 11. A son ef the orignnl Joe
Smith, the Prophet, founder of tho Mormons
now resides at Nauvoo, not having accompan
ied the Saints in their hegira. On Lim the
Prophet's mantle wus to lave fallen, and on
becoming of ago Lo wus to Lave been declared
He head of the Church. Briglain Young is
President or the Twelve Apostles but Las ex
ercised tlo Chief Pretideticy nominally only
as regent during the minority of Jotrph tho
younger. The lutttr is now about 21 years
of age. and differs essentially from the ex
Governor of Utah as to political matters,
though buliuving in the Church as orgunized
by his father. He is also opposud to poly
gamy, and other peculiarities of Mormooism
as developed iu Utah. It is said that delega
tions arrive every year from Suit Lako to re
ceive the blessings ol this youth, and to urge
Lim Ih ussume the leadership of lie Church,
as is his right. He is represented to bo en
dowed with good intellectual faculties, and
with a fair share of pluck.
Libit Ali-kn, U. S. A. Siitosed to bb
Lot. Tho Oregoian states that a few weeks
since Lieutenant A. K. Allen, or the United
States Army, left the Dalles, Oregon, with a
small party of men, for Fort Simcoo. When
they reached tho Simcoe mountains there was
a severe snow raging, and the men fearing
they would not be able to make thu trip iu
salety, returned, leaving Lieut. Allen to pur
sue bis journey alone. Since then he has not
been heard from, and it is supposed he perish
ed on tho mouutains. He had about 35,000
in cash with him.
Mr. Fiu-mobe. The New York Post
slates that the lady who is expected to make
Mr. Fillmore " the happiest of men" ou the
11th of February next, is a Mrs. Mcintosh,
a woman distinguished for a great variety of
charms, solid as well as transitory. Her
former husband made a fortune in the crock-
ery biifiness iu Albany, aud was President fo
tlio Albany ana bciiunectauy jtuiiroaa auring
the last throe years precediog the consoli
Bloody. Dcei.. A duel was fought on He
12th Inst., at He Chippewa Axenry, Minne
sota Territory, between Mr. Gig try, a citiaeu
of Crow Wing, aud Hole-in-tbe-Duy, a well
known Chippewa chief. The St. Paul(Miuo)
Pioneer of lie PJlh inst, says : At the first
fire both were wounded. Mr. Giggy recei
ving a ball in the right side. At the second
re Giggy was wounded in the left side. It
was with difficulty that be could stand op for
the third lire, but tlo Indiouclitf would not
agree to settle tie difficulty, and the third Ore
was exchanged, aud Hole-in. He-Day was shot
throuch the heart. These are the particulars
as communicated to some of our citiwts to
Utters fnja Crow WfCf.
The Leesntpton ('nttltatlta Arrived al Wsh
fu(tn ItetsntnllbelMle Election,
Washington Jan. 31.
Mr. Clarkson charged with the delivery of
tho Lecomplon Constitution arrived nere last
night and immediately placed it in the hands
of the Presideut, The Constitution is ac
companied by a lottoi from Gen. Cnlhoau,
President of the Otrnvention. Mr. Clarkson
soys that tho vote of the Delaware Crossing
preciDt bad been returned to the Cotninisiou
ers for LeaTenwortb coanty, and wns ia bis
possession at the time wbeu the rotorns wero
opened and counted in presence of the 8poa
kors of the House the President of the Sen
ate, and that it amounts to iomotbiotf over
three hundred Totes. This gives the Demo
crats a majority in Leavenworth county, and
consequently a majority in both brunclms of
the Legislature. Gen. Calhoun is expected
to roach hero in a few days.
Tho Uuion is informed that the Free State
voto said to have been rejected by Gen. Cal
houn because returned to I'overuor Denver
was tho vote on the Constitution1 alone and
not for State officers, and thererore rejected.
The amount in the U. S. Troasury subject
to draft it 4,(350,000.
Walker's Mobile Speech.
Wasiiinuto.v Jan. 31.
The Mobile papers furnish the following
words as He expressions made use ol by Gen.
Walker in his speech in that city.
Last summer in an interview with the Pres
ident, he iufonned the latter of bis intention
to return to Nicoraugus, and that his letter
in June was written and published with the
President's consent. A doy or two afterwards
ho was invited to on interview with a Gobi
net Minister, who sought toobtaiti Lis confi
dence. The minister told Lim wlero to go
and wkore not ; wlon to go in safety
with danger; remarking you will probably
sail in an American vessel, under tho Anien
con flag. After you havo passed the Ame
rican limits, no oue cau touch yoa but by
consent or His Government.
During an interview between a friend of
Wuiker and a Cabinet Minister, wbeu on al
liance with Mexico ond the conquest of Cubit
was proposed the Minister said : "If you do
this, means will not be lacking to carry out
the enterprise."
TheOeena Telejjrtph Preparation .for Laying
the Telegrnihlu Cable.
Nr.w Yoek, Jan. 31.
A letter from George Steward, Efq., Sec
retary or the Atlantic Telegraph Company,
dated at Lendon, January 15, says: "Our
arrangements here Tor the completion of the
work we have in hitnd are progressing satis
factorily and I trust nnd believe that our
next attempt Will bo crowned with success
The machinery is being overhauled, under the
directions of British nnd American engineers
and exriuients will be carefully tried before
soiling next time, with o view to mi el every
known or outicipated difficulty. Tke Fnv'lisli
Government has again granted us tho n?o of
slips, and tie manufacture of new cable to
snpply the place of that which was lost is
going on satisfactotily. It is at present in
tended to take out 2t00 miles of cubic, being
300 miles more than was thought sufficient
last time."
Boston, Jan. 29.
Letters received in this city from Anjirr,
eated November 3Jd, report the breaking out
of a mutiny among the Coolies on board of
the ship Kato Hooper, bound from Hong
Kong for Havana, which was not suppressed
until fifty of the mutineers were shot.
Tlo ship wns loaded with Coolies, who
succeeded in getting possession of tho lower
deck and setting firo thrcu different times be
fore they were finally overpowered nml sub
dued by the officers. The Captain of tie
slip was cotifined to his bud at thu lime, aud
and hence could render no aid io quelling the
I rons Wukhlnctun.
Washington, Feb. 2.
I Lave a seen a letter just received by an
influential gentleman here, from a "Froe
State Democrat'' iu Kansas, saying, among
other things, that Jack Henderson had been
apprehended, and, at the dutc of tho letter,
was in custody, at Lawrence, charged with
having falsified the return from Delaware
OrossMig, ty altering tho ballots in favor of
the Democrats. On being arrested he turn
ed State's evidence, and said that lo &n.l
Calhoun altered tho returns together at a
planter's house at Leavenworth. Officers
immediately set out to arrest Calhoun, but
he was nlready beyond tho Territory.
An Am.e Bodied Pii.u. Tho founded pro
perty of He Louse of Rothschild, of Paris, is
said to amount to tho incredible ?oin of forty
millions sterling ! Ono is almost bewildered
nt the contemplation of such u sum as this.
By the way it would be a curious calculation
te ascertain how many respectable families
could be provided with clothing with the in-
rerest of His capital. I lie garinonts or course
to be procured al the Brown Stone Clothing
Hall of Rockhill ic Wilson. No. CU3 and CUfj
Chestnut street ubovu Sixth.
Bilious Cholic was cured io 10 minutes
ask P. A. Brand of Harrlsburg, Pa. Pilei
of 10 years' Btaodiog cured by one bottle, and
many otners oi tlie same character cured
soundly by the use of this Oil.
Aokkts Ml Do V ill's Cilvasic On. Frilins;
Gnmt, A. W. Fisher, W. Weimer, C. Weak, 11. 1),
Maize, Urriialruuer 4 Hull.
Boston, December, C.
Dr. Geo. B. Green, Dear Sir: Iu reply
to your question in regard to the actiou of
the Oxyqennted Bitten, 1 feel much pleasure,
iu stating that from its prompt and decisive
effect io alleviating and overcoming a severe
and chronic case of Indigestion aud Dy spep
sia in my own family, and from a knowledge
of its wonderful results in curing severul at
tacks quite as severe in other families of tnv
acqnaintauce. I consider it a sovereign aud
inlalltulo remedy in tbat distressing complaint
and would cordially and earnestly reccom
mend it to all who may be thus nlllicted.
Respectfully yours,
17 South Market Street.
7 As ahort Certificate it from a wM litnwn
and highly respectable Alerchuut of lioston
and ie entitled tu the fullest conf deuce.
Sim! W. Fowls dc Va.'Mi W usniugton
Street, Boston, Proprietors. Sold by their
agents every where.
For sale in Sucbury, by Filling & Grant.
rfSI.OOOHKWARn W be mill fi.r Hnr Malarias
that will exrol I'll A 'IT BLTl LIU'! MAI.IC OIL
(ut the. fiilltiwliig diseases: Klivunmlisin, Neumlis,
Mpinal AfTst-lltm, Contracted Joints, ClY'ltc Pains, I'nins
hi tlio rule ih Ifm-it, iirwiaiiaie, iMitiitH-ue, rpinuis, Bote
Thniar. Cuts. Hiuis-o. Uunis. ami all disuses uf the skin
Muscles tiul tho iijftnas. None genuine viil,on the Sig
nature af PS4TV A lU'TCHfca tuacbed to w Label
t'rineipnl nrlice, got) WasliuMUiu street, llruoklru, New
York. 8..I.I by
Albert W. Fuller, piufeist, Murker street, Sunbury,
KZ This is to certify, that I Lave made
but one application of the Magic Oil ou my
lingers, wuicu nave oeen arawn irem contrac
t'ou of the cords, brought no by rheumatism.
It was or seventeen mouths standing, aud 1
now entirely cured. 1 cheerfully recommend
it to all afflicted likewise.
Ilarrifburg, li Locust street.
Jul J3,
L.LPiimai I
On the 4th Inst,, by the Rev. Mr. Uoardni.,
W. II. MtiLum.SE, of Union county, ta Min
Emily 8. Yonus, of Bunbury.
The Lsppy couple are entitled to Ho
thanks of the employees of His office for their
kind remembrances, in the shape of a hand
some, full developed and excellent cake, on"
mutilnted and beautifully fair in all its original
Cljc '$avlids.'"
Philadelphia Market.
Pcb. 3, 1858.
Grain. The receipts of Wheat continue
qnite large, though Ho mnikel is inactive
Ocr&d rnd is held at J?l 10 a 81 12, and 1 JO
a CI 30 for good white. Rye is steady at
70 cents. Corn is scarce, and light sales
ore making at f.BaGO cents. Onts are In de
n.nnd at 'ii Cents.
CloTorsced Sales of prime nt $5 B0 rsr
64 lbs. 1
Wbiskey Soles at 21 J els, ia bbls. and
in Lids., at 21 cents.
fiye. .
Oats, .
40a 1 60
- 79
- 37
1 85
1'aUow, .
Lard, . .
Turk, - -IJceswax,
Dried Apples,
1 25
New Advertisements.
jV"0'I'ICE is herelv piven that the SUNK PRY"
FKnrtY" will be Let to the Lir-lcst bidder,
for one or three years, on Saturdny tlo 20th day
February,,nt 10 oYlocs A. M.. nt tie pub
lic bouse of Claries Wen ver, in gunbuiy
Terms and conditions will be mndo known on.
the day of Letting.
BAMPF.L 1. YOPNG, Chief B urges,.
Sunlury, February 0, I6!i8. at
State of the Bank of Northumberland,
February 4th, 1858.
Omits. Ptci-b
Ni'tes is rlicululiou, -
1'rnlit UM(I lat'OS, -
liiv.ik-in.s impuid,
liscim:its, Kii hnnge snd Intsrsst,
Due clhrr Hunks,
' liepotii.. n, .
C200 CCO 00
Ut.fM tl
JO'J 71)
4, eat w
1.'),.40 Vi
i.'.il 41
tv,ot se
Sas 'i: ',9
iil.T.II It
4 ."J 00
- a,' ca t3
1 77
3UJ31 'J
i'-,M - 1.1
r.'.eo to
II ou
fiiits llisoctintei', .
Male ft per rent.
Nur-.luiinU-rUnd ftsnk Siuck. - . f-to ks,
Heal K&Uilr, ,
Current ejprnse nml Truicst sec. unt,
Due by City Usuke,
' ' CVunty lfiiiike, -
N.'ti s nf ntlier Dnuks, .
("suit Items, ...
S;,ceie iu Vuuil, ...
t it.'.!M :a
I Certify U:e sliove is s true frrrri Ihe Ilivils c f
t!:e ILsnk ol Ntiiil.un.S erlBnd im Hie eveninc of 3d rttnu
aiy, ItM.
J. n. rniESTi.rv. r,....i...
sworn nn-1 rimcriLeil before n.e til l
s lai i!oy jf Febru-
IV, rt. U. IPHT-.
reiirunry fi, i-.j.
State of the Faimers' Bank of Schuylkill
County, on Thursday Morning;, Fcbni
ary 4th, 1858.
It lis ttiK-rninti! end bans, ... f..j-) yu
ll,-:i. I'.s'nle,
Gul.l and Silver Coin,
line byotlii'r Banks,
Nutes ul utlier Hunks,
jii.h i i J
47,4'iJ 15
I CL'lj 1 0
37 t'7 a-J
&.J7,46tl 70
Pus to If oslto.s, . . 831 f;o $
" " Hunks, . . tvr 57 171(160 00
:e,f? U
8M...S77 73
ltVto M
CeJuet C-ipiUtl Stuck, ...
Surplus Pri'.flls, ..... Sau .',77 7)
I rernfy tlio t!i.,ve statement to bs rvrrert s tsken the books of the llenk.
J. W. CAKV. r..ui.
Sworn suit snV-rril-.rt! before me. )
jAcoit Krxn, j. p. j
rotlsville, Feb. Otb. If.',7
" A J."rl to (he &ubSU'.
J. F. 8c I. F. ZSXiXtf S.
Kline's G'r;u-t, Hnrdumberland county. Pa.
T5'E U;vc dt .ermine J from the publication of
" this nutico to sell at greatly redueed pricrs
for CAM! our sioeii of Goods, compii-ir
Dry (ion.!, Oirorcries, Hardware. Qneensware,
Hoots mid Hines, Huts mi ri Cups, Mriin iiies, Ac,
and ull goods' usually kept in a country store. .
Uiing desirous ol ijuitling lie business we will nf our slock of fiooJti on or Lefjro the
tiUt dny of March, IH.'.R, to a person or persons
wisling ti rmriark in the l.iisin. bi on fivorsble
terms. Tic hittiation is a good one tor djing an
extrusive uicrcani.lp trade.
For partirulurs coll personally upon
tie sulsciibcrs, or address them by mail.
J. F. A. I. F. KI.INE.
Kline's firove, Ta, February 6tl, Is.'iS.
Important tu t'ial Opraatia.
rIMI K undersigned Lessees of tho "Lancaster
Colliery," near .Sliimokin, .N :rt!iuinicr!-.rid
county, Peuiibylvjiiia, ivi liu torcliro from tlio
business, oiler for sale tie l.taso and Futures
of said Colliery, un s.ilifartiy terms. This
Colliery n been in operation since 1 801, and
las been sucecstlul beyond expectation. The
Cusl is a superior articles for all use to iMiicli
Anllracite is applied, and a good market Iiut- !vrn
established, which can be much extended. The
iircaker and Fixtures are of the very lot char
acter and will recommend tlicum Ives 10 persons
acquaint, d wi;l lie business.
'1 he Lease runs to January 1, 1801, and is a
favorable one for tie operator.
For lurller information apply at tin Colliery
in person, or by letlur lo Shjinokin, F. O., Nor
thumbtrlund county, Vr.nylvaiita.
Ct)CIli:.., VEMX & CO.
February 6, 185H. tf
Estatn of JACOB FRY7Deceased
jV'OTICU in hereby given to the leira and le--gal
representatives of Jacob Fry, who for
merly resided in l.'pper Augu.ta lownshiii, Nor
thuniherlaiid county, deceased, that by virtue of
a Writ of Fartition and valuation Usued out of
tie tli j liau's Court of tiiiJ county to me directed,
au Inquest will t held at tho late residence of
said Jacob Fry, deceased, towil: t the residence
of Jacob Fry. jr., near the Suamokin Uam in the
borough of Sunbury, on tSatuidsy tlo Gih day tf
March next, at lOo'cleck A. for the purpose
of makinu Fartition of, or to value and apiiraue
lbs Kcul Estate of said deceased, to n it : A cer
tain Lot of (Jround, situate in the borough of
Sunbury, near tie Shainokin Dam, and hounded
on lie wei by the public read leading from Sun
lury to llarruburg, on tie south by a SO feel '
alley j on the ea.t and north by land of rlcnja
uiin liuudricls, cautaiiiing about mu-fouilh ol an
Acre, v. hereon is erected a two story stone dwel
ling House aud Kitcbcu and small log stable.
Ai which time and place you may attend if you
think proper.
Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, )
February Gil, lsii4.
fpiIE undersigned appointed by tho Court of
X Common l'leos of Noitkumterlsi)d county,
to report lie claimains ic, to fund in Court,
srUiug from the sate of certain property r f Lewis
Muir & Co., and l. J. Lewis, lurehy mmiiessil
porkons inlrrestsd in said mailer thai l will at
tend to the duties ol lii appointment on Momlsy
tie I5lh dy of February. 18-H. t If e'tiutk.
A. M-, at bis cHice iu lis 1otoiikIi orsuolr.ry..
Sunbury, February , lctffl. ?$