.III II HI I l mm 111 1JI lllMSMllMMMMMst Jorcijn.lTefos. ARRIVAL OF TUB EUROPA. Later from India Death of Cert. Ilavelock Defeat of English Troops Victory ly Sir Colin Campbell The leviathan k'carly Af oat Death of the Actress A'cicAtf Marshal Radctsky and Iitdschid Pachd. Tho lloyol Moil Steamship Europa, which le h Liverpool about half peat two o'clock on the ariernoor. of Saturday, the 9th instant, arrived at New York yesterday woniing, hrinuini? one week's Inter intelligence. Tliu U. S frigate Powhatan was at Madeira on the 30th of December. Uener.il Ilavelock is dead, dysentery being tha foe that be had to conteud against. The British troops under Windham have had a buttlo with the (jwnlior contingent, and been boateu. This forco is about bUOO men j the Hritish Lad three regiments of 2000. The British were obliged to retreat, and the enemy captured all their tent. Sir Colin Campbell immediately went np to attack tho Gwalior contingent, and beat the enemy badly, taking all their cannon. Mademoiselle llachol, the actress, is dead lteschi'1 l'ueha. Uraud Vizier of Turkey, died on the Gth iustnnt. The Australian bbip Catharine Anderson was lost at Sydney, on tho 24th ult., and 21 or her passengers were lost. The late earthquoke was felt at Rhodes and Uionsea. . The Swedish Diet have authorized the government to raise a loan of between i.'G00, 000 and 700,000, delusively Tor the relief of Hitch members of the commercial body at may b able to deposit security and give full evidence of their solvency. The Iobu is to be for t!ine year?, and is to be raised on any tern s the government may deem proper. The rate of discount at Hamburg bus Tulle. . O 1 .... h ...... . ui .i I'ei (.fin. Tf.e loan for Norway, subscribed throngn Messrs. Baring, is ouly 220,000, the whole of which has alreudy beeu remitted. A dispatch from Milan, dated the Mb inst., annouueus that Field-Marshal Kadelzky died tut: t morning at 8 o'clock. The King of Delhi is to lio sent down to Allahabad us soon as a sufficient European cs-oi t can be Fpitred for thut purpose. The main members of the family ure. it is said, to b niadc severe exumples of, with the excep tion of one who is a inero child, and who with childlike simplicity told where the Queen had bidden her juwels. Tho Times, referring to the affair or the. (iwulior contingent ut Cawnpore, re merits thut. although it is satWrtctury to find that the rebels wVro crushed nfler their fnt vic tory, jet tho assurance wo may confidently entertain of our unapproachable superiority should bo qualified by the recollection thut, nl the last moment, und with the worst chance prifsible, some brigade of fanatical traitors may suddenly take limit, and roiso Uo country in tie neighborhood, und put us to the trouble and cost of un unexpected butl.o. The Standard suggests thut tho victory or Sir Colin Campbell, comparatively bloodless us it apparently bus been, will very likely not q'lite make up for the lors sustained in the ilui'.-at of General Wyndhuiii ; whilst the rebels are so numerous and so easily acted apan bv ativ event turning in their favor, that they will fouii Ioko the recollection of their defeats if they are suffered to obtaiu eveu a few plight triumphs over us. S-irdiniu is upon the point of raising a Stall! loan nf CO.OUO.OOOt, or say 2,400,0001. kUriing. Tho nativo bankers are already making proposals for tho operation. Kutterdaiii advices of tha fiill report navi gation almost stopped by ice. The Westminster Heview says the direct worth of India to Englishmen of all clunsos it not less than 10,000,000. This is a mag tiilicei.t subsidy for ouo country to pay mother. A letter from Berlin stateB that 1.1. 1 acli matin, one of the principal hunkers of thut civ, has iiift railed, with liabilities amounting to fcOO no") thaler. The banker is the falticr iulaw'of Mdlle. Wuguer, the celebrated singer. 'in . T ,,idnn mnnnt market continued to prow easier, and there was daily influi of odd to Iho Bank of England. Under these jufluences a further reduction iu tho rate of discount, Irom ti to G per cent. tooK puce on tl,e. 7th inst. , The returns of employment m tho cotton mill of Manchester show a gratifying im provement, the number of hands working full tiino being largely on tho increase. . The Kspaua of Madrid, in tho course of a Ion j art icie on I'residetit Buchanan's message, exCn-rses the opinion that the Spanish Gov cn'iiiieiil wi'-l continue firm in its refusal to grant satisfaction to the U. Slates in the utl.i;r of tin' El Dorado, since no iusult had lj.-eti committed, and that it will energetically n j ct tho insulting proposition relative to Cebj. It ii stated that the Circassians have at tacked und massacred 1200 of the Bubsiau garrison at Adekou. Tun "Leviathan." The launching was contiuued throughout yesterday. 1 ho total result was uu udvaueu o!' 12 f-et a iuches lilt and 11 feet forward, tb vibration of the earth consequent upon each slip of the vessel, was nioro violent und mora continuous than has ever beeu experi enced at tho yard hitherto. INDIA AND CHINA. Death of Gen. Ilavelock Defeat of British Jroujis. (By Sa'aniariiieuiid UritiiU Telfgrnpli ) "General Ilavelock died ou the 25lh of Koveiuber, from dysuutery, brought ou by cspn-mro and anxiety. On the 27th of November an affair took i lace, near Cawnpore, between Gen. Wind ham and his division and the Gwalior uiuti. i eers, iu which the British troops retrealed, with tiie total loss of the tents of tho C4th, B'l 1 and F dtli regiments, 3000 in number, which wore burnt by the euertiy. The C4th re'imt nl i reported nearly cut up. 'A message received by the Governor Ginertd from .Sir Colin Campbell, of tbu 7th of December, contains un account of au uclinn fought by him with the Gwalior Contingent, lieu" Cawupure, in which the latter wore titully defeated, with the loss of lo" guns, 2G ciniayes of d.Uerent sorts, au iinmeuse quau tity of" ammunition, stores, grain, bullocks, und tho whole of the baggage of the force. ' The British loss was insignificuut, ono officer . ouly bnins lulled Lieutenant Salmon. "AH the women uud children, sick, &.C., from Luckuow, have arrived iu safety at Allahabad. Tub Intelligence fbom India. The Daily News, of the 9tb inst., speakiDg of the news from India, says : "Ono point, however, u clear, from the intulhgenco we have just received, that the final suppression of the mutiny in Hiudostuu is y no uieaiu bo near as the servile udulaturs cf Guverunieut have beou trying to persuade un. lu O ado, Uubilcun j and the Doab, the En'iU troop aro still barely sufficient in number to keep ihuir grouuJ. Ilavelock, Oatmui, Gruatbead, fonght their way into Luckuow ; but when they found themselves in a trap, Campbell has released them, and plucud our womeu and children iu il'.riy ; but he it obliged to keep gulh.ping b.lweeu Cawnpore and Lucknow, driviua the enemy b'foie him wherover he is present, l,ut finding them gathering, like gnats behind 111.) traveller, as soou as hi but k is turned. I. is not io battle alone that our leaders are t-lrui V down. As many of them almost have be,.,, worn out by protracted -exertion and anxiety as br bn kitHid oo tka field or io This Las been the fate of Wilson, obliged to retire ; this bns been the rate of Ilavelock prematurely hurried to the tomb. Tie deaths and retirement of these who give wuy under mentul wear unci tear, as well as tlie un-pro poi tionately great number or oflicers who fall in battle, are fairly attributable to the paucity of European troops in India ; and tills paucity is greater than would have been tho case had the Governments iu Loudon and tulcutlu done their duty. (From Un London Timrt, Tth inst.) The nation will receive with tho deepest sorrow the news that the gallant Ilavelock is no more. 1 bis is. Indeed, no common loss Many a brave roan has laid down bis lifo since the beginning of the Indian troubles, but not one will havo left behind him such memory as the General who, on the 25tb of November, succumbed to disease, brought on by exposure and anxiety. General Ilavelock survived only a few days tlie roller or Lucknow. Uo the lytli tlie women and children wefo taken from the Residency, and six days later he was a corpse. He did not live to bear of the high value which his country set upon his deeds, or to receive the honors coaferred on him by tho Crown. His family he leaves to his country, and his melancholy death shows how just were tlie lorebouincs or those who demanded that the pension accorded to him should bo continued to his son. The Gazette contains despatches received at the East India House, gives the names of a number or othcers, uou-conimissiotied ol.i cers and civilians who. with, in some instan ces, their wives and families, were murdered by the rebels during tbj curlier periods or me mutiny in lleugnl. 1 hey have, generally, been already published in connection Willi I lie events lu which their lives were lost. Tlie Daily News asks why tlm telegraph! despatch of the Secretary to the Supreme Government or India had not been published us usual, and it hints that government is practising a timid aud unwise policy of cou ceulmeiit. Tho Duilv News savs it is clear from the lust intelligence, thut the finul suppression of mutiny iu Hindustan is not so near ns tue udulntors have beeu trying to persuade us. Havklocu'j Family. The Globe says, that ns General Ilavelock died on the 2."th November, and the bnro un ley was conferred on the 2Cth, it may be un error to describe Cupt. Ilavelock ns Sir Henry Murchani Ilavelock, Burt. Ludy Ilavelock is Lady Ilavelock by reason of Sir Henry having been previously created a K. C. B. Tha grant voted by l'arliumcnt is also not yet completed, tho bill having been postponed till after the recess. Souieeutirely new arrangement must, therefore, bo come to; and it is neodlee to say that tho Govern ment a.iS Parliament, in providing for his family, will give every consideration to the lung and distinguished services of General Ilavelock. The Adverti'er has a paragraph, stating t'.iut Lady Ilavelock and her daughters ure now reuiding at Buhn, o:i tho lthiuo. They repaired thither some weeks ago, aud meant lo re in a iu somo timo iu Germany. It is a curious circumstance that, ubout six or seven weeks ago, Lady Ilavelock, who, up to that time, cberishod the firm conviction that her hubV.iii't would uot ouly come tiiutnphuntly ihixugh the campaign, but that sho and her (laughters should soon meet him in England, then became tho victim of a powerful pre sentiment, of which she was unable to rid herself, that che should hear of his death before many weeks had elapsed. Sir Henry haa left three sons and three daughters. All tho London papers have leadurs on tiie death of Gun. HuVolo:k. uccompauied by memoir. Prufoiind regret continues to be expressed fur the loss sustained by the coun try. FRANCE. The French papers express regret for the death of liavoloek. The rjiiiisliiul organ Lints that Frauce will not stop the slave trade. Franco aud Spain have agreed upon pro ccuditigs uguinst Cochin China. Tiuiii Hie Clinton Deuiucrat A PAN1ULII III. VI'. Some weeks ago us Mr. Samuel Snyder, of Hair's Kuu, was truvuling through the woods iu search of deer, ha cumu upon the reuiuuuts of one, nothing being left but the heud uud part of the gammons : he camu to the couclusiou thut it had beeu killed and devuurud by a jiauther. Searching uround, he fun ud sevarti trucks, but there being no snow on tho ground be could not properly ludciilify them. Nut being sutislied, the lutt now that loll, be started up the Bun, some hail' n 1 1 iu above the mill, where he discovered the truck in the snow, and being an old hun ter, ho immediutely itCoguiKud them as that ul a panther. He reluruud to tho mill und solicited several or his companions to accom pany hiuii they either disbelieving or being afraid would uot couseut to go with him. Bui our gallant hunter was uot to be intimi dated, hu immediately resolved to follow his paulhership and capture him if possible. Having procured several dogs uud tilled his knapsuck with provisions tiuflicicut to last some eight days, he started in pursuit, trav eling ou the trail, hu bad not gone but of a mile before he discovered a Tox lying dnoctly ou the trail. Oil examination lie found that his puuiliership hud given him but one blow with his huge paw uud lull him in pursuit or better gume. He hud not proceeded fur ui.til the digs commenced whining, and fie found it impossible to keep them near him. Hull folhiwiug on the trail and being sutislied that be was not tar oil, ho discovered a large buck, (which Mr. Snyder says was the largest be ever saw,) freshly killed with the entrails toru out. On examination, the distance thai hu sprang lo ttlight on his prey, was 2G feet. W hile Mr. Snyder nus examining the remains of the deer he beard tho dogs bark. On looking io the direction, he saw the panther going down the hill, the dos boing in hot pursuit, lie did not go fer behre ho took to u large hemlock. Mr. Snyder was uot long iu finding out his whereubouts, and huviug hint considerable experience in hunting, con cluded that prudence was the butter part or valor, took the tomahawk from his belt and laid it close by bis side, and then examined bis lrut.ty riHo, to liud that all was right. Bulling the rilie to bis face he aimed to break bis back, that being the only part visible, but the bullet merely went through tho skiu. He mudo cue leap und lit some eight feet above the ground, on the maiu trunk of the tree, bis claws sinking deep into the bark. During this time he succeeded iu re-loading, when be brought to bear upon him, uud shot aim through the neck, which brought him to the grouud. Tho dogs re sumed the attack, aud one not having suffi cient precautiou closed in with him, wheu be received a blow w hich seut him home with his tail between his legs. However, the other one continued barking whilst Snyder was busily re loading his gun, after which ke succeeded iu getting within some ten feet of him and shot his highness through the head. Mr. Snyder is oue of our most successful hunters, having during the present full killed 7 foxes, 14 deer, aud 1 otter measuring 5 feet 7 iuches. He says ha was uot frightened until ho saw the carcass ou the ground. He then felt a shudder pass over biin which he seldom experiences. He returned to his home und procured the assistance of bis comrades, aud brought tha puulher to the cauip. His weight was 211 pounds, the skin measuring U feel 6 inches from the tip- of the nose lo the end cf the tail. The Vie of a painter io Syracuse died the other day. Among the sympatbyisiug friends was a young lady from Aubarn, a stranger to him Tha syn'puthy or this young lady made such au impressiou upon the heart-broken busbaud that tha next day after tha funeral, ke consoled bttnseU by taking her t Its arms. A tCCESSriX MEtlCHAHT. A communication In the Conntry Gentle man has a word in season Tor those young men who banker after tickets in the great lottery of mercantile life I - 1 urn a city merchant, having commencid my career as an adventurer from the form, on a salary or 5? 80 per year, and having passed through half a year or incessant toil to reuch the point where dependence ceases and "din ner ahead" begins. 1 tilled a clerkship in several first-clasi mercantile houses, aud was associated with a very c6Sideruble number of salesmen, accountants, and cleik gener ally. Nearly thirty years have passed since my cuy clerkship began, and the retrospect bus developed the following results : All mercuautile bouses by whom I was employed have since railed ono after aa emi nently creditable career or Cfteeu years was carried into hopeless bankruptcy by outside speculation, and another after thirty-five years or unbounded success and credit, was a lew months since in inextricable difficulties the result of a sinsle dash of the pen aud has forever closed its mercantile existence. Of all the clerks with whom 1 have been associ ated, not one has achieved permanent success equal to the value or a well stocked one hun dred acre farm, while from the most brilliant of their number, the peiiienii iry, the hospital thb drunkard's grave bare claimed their vic tims. Somo embarked in business with lofty anticipations of success but soon passed away in disaster, and the career of not a few would 11 1 1 tbrillingly illustrated chapters In the un writteti history of city merchants' clerks and prove beyond a question that. "Vice is a monster of such frightful mien, Thut to be bated needs but be seen ; B it t,"en too oft, familiar with its face, We first endure, then pity then embrace." Some sunnuine youth may ask where the successful men originate ? 1 answer, they are one iu one hundred of those who embark iu business, and in several hundred of those who seek clerkships, with anticipations of fortune iu prospect. Personally, by a raro cembination of ruvor- able circumstances, those "wonder flowers' that bloom but ouce in a life-time, I am meet ing w hat is called success. The way to it wus paved by years of incessant labor, of six teen to eighteen hours per day, and such days uud nights of toil as no farmer's boy that 1 have met with ever dreamed of in rural la bors, and which, if applied to the cultivation of a hundred-ucru farm, would havo developed hidden treasures uot dreamed of by tho re luctant plowman. Hut as years puss and devclopc, along Willi the vanities of life, ll.e irrnv bans which are stealing iiiou r.ie, my thoughts often re. tit to the home scenes of my childhood in the country, und 1 feel tempted to shako off this nrlilicial life, und seek for my declining years thut repose and quiet which I imagnus migbl be found in rural life umoug an intelligent and open-hi-urted population devoted t agri culture, und secure my family those henlth giving influences, both mental and physical, wind cueerlul country-lire must supply to gonial minds. TllK LaROF.ST ClIUKRII IN T1IF. UsiTKD STATES The African Church in Kichmond, Va., lias long been Ilia largest church, in this country, though it is now second, in p.iiut of number', to the church in Bentilort, t. C. ol winch Itev. J. M. C. Bleaker is pafctor. This cler gyman writes to the LVcjnit'iitr: "I have baptized do.) persons into the It llowsbip ol tho Baptist church at this place (Beaufort, S. C.) within the present year (1S."i7) all of whom ure colored but eight ; and this makes the present number of its membership 3,i 11 probably tho largtist church in the world. Ot theso IcOaro whites, all the rest colored. Snow Fentm. Tho Meudota . (Illinois) Fress states that the Illinois Central Kuil- road bus beeu getting a feuce from Galena to La Salle, to guard the track from snow. The portion or tho road from Dunlieth to the former point does not roquiro thut protection, owing to tue lift tore ol the surtace. 1 be rence has been set for 73 miles, on an average about ten boards high, and will cost when completed, iu tho coming summer, about $130,000. Tlie posts uro of oak very heavy set three fort iu the ground, and the boards are put ou with regard to permuuoucy. It is believed the lence will stand lor 48 years. Above l.a Sallu little trouble is apprehended from snow storms, which sometimes prevail in that region. Senator Dovoi.as a Louisiana Plantm. Tiie Vicksburg True Southerner states thai Senator Douglas bus disposed of bis plan tation in Mississippi. Iho slaves ot tue plantation will be transferied to Louisiana. A partnership has been lormed will) a gen. tleiuau or New Orlouus to carry on tho plan tation business i Louisiana. Tlie partner is now iu ll.o nurlheru part of tho Stute, looking after a place to locate tho force, which is numbered at a hundred hands. Cure for rantid Butter. A writer in tho Jouiuai if ludu. trial I'rognBs ret o mends that butler should bo kneaded with flesh milk, aud tbeu with pure water. He stales that by this treatincut the butler is rendered as fresh und pure iu flavor as wheu recently male. He uscribes this result to tho fact that bulyr.c aciil, to which the ruueid taste ai d odor ure owiug, is readily Soluble in fresh milk, add thus removed. The gossips at -Washington say that two of tbu best among the uow reportoriul seats iu the House, are to be assigned to the ludies correspondents of the Charleston Courier und Boston J'vtt, Mirs Harriet Fanning Bead und Miss Wiudle. No wonder tbu secrets or tha members get out. The last steamer from Europe biought leU ters from tho Buv. Mr. Brett) mau, a mission ary of the Metlioilibt Church, residing at Shuiiila, iu Bulgaria, iu which thut guutleuiuu thus speaks of tbu price of food iu that plucet ' Shuuila is the cheapest place to live iu we have ever been iu. A good sized loar or bread cau be bought ror one aud a half cents, achickeu for five cents, aud eggs for two cents a dozen, Ac." Ouo editor in Oregon calls another a ' cane bearer, baggage master aud a scullion" lo a certai i politician, aud is denominated by the a-snilud in reply, "a uuseralle illiteiate speci men of huuiuuity ofdeliiuui treiueus notoriety. A handsome young brida was observed to bo in deen reflection on her wedding-duy. Ouo of ihe biiuesmuids asked the subject of her meditation. '1 am thinking," tho repli ed, "which or my old beaux 1 should marry, iu case 1 should become a widow. The establishment of a great steam bakery in l'hiladelpb a is causing considerable excite ment among the bakers. It is said that this establishment, througlrthe advantages aS'or ded by its machinery for bread-baking, wi',1 bor.bie to sell bread at prices at wbicb ordi nary bakers could not live. Spied oa Eaunta Railways. The trains on the Great Northern Kailway, betweerr Lon don and Manchester, 204 tuilss, perform the dn lance in five hour, making about 40 miles per hour, including topijei. From London la Khrtiield, the spesd is 48 milaa per hour. The speed of lbs express train to York since l49 it 4 a miles. The speed of the express trains bs tweeo London and llirminylnui, on tha Great Western, is, inclusive of stoppage, 48 miles. Thr SffBituit Coiar or Psnnsylvama. The Judges or the Supreme Court of I'eun. sylvania huve addressed a memorial to tha Legislature, In relation to (ha proposition for abolishing the several districts of the Court, and fixing its sessions, for the whole Stale, at some accessabla and cenveoient polut. Quick Timc. On Wednesday, a horse at tached to a buggy, was driven from Harris burg to Laocaslur, a distance of Ibirly-sevsn mflei, In two konn and fifty minatei. QoO. Ilavelock ti a wit as well as a war rioh The following is the dispatch by which bo conveyed the Intelligence of his last suc cess in India to the Governor General l "Dear General : Let all our past misfor tunes be forgotten, for we are iu Lvck Aow. Yours, Havklook." This is nearly as good ns Sir Sydney Smith's famous despatch announcing the cap ture or Scinde: "l'cccavi." "1 have sin ned." They both doubtless; nt some time served in tho l'unjob. 'Tench" gives the following from the tnio irfg' flistricts: (Young filtrate finds a Miner sitting on a gaie. snlfking.) , Curate (eVi.'.'GUS to ingrntiate Inmselr with ono of his Uock.) "A fine moving, my friend." . , , One of his flock gives the slighted nod, and a grunt, and spits. Curate (supposing ho I.r-J not heard.) "A fine morning, my friend." One of his flock"! id I say it warn'l T Do you want to hargue, you beggar ?" It costs tha New York Central Railroad Company ono million three hundred und Cfty thousand dollars n year for wood. A Bear weighing 4o0 lbs. wn killed by Toter Kerlin ou the Seven Mountains on Christmas day. Mr. Allibones estate is in tha hands of trustees. Cnpt. P. S. Uutbrie, dioJ at Newport; Ky., last week. The Managers of the Mine FT ill and Schnl ykill Haven Kiilroad Company have de clared a dividend of 6 per cent, for the last C months. Never use haish wrrdi tnadi cithrr firml or foe ; for, ts the Arabian proverb says, "Curses like young chicken, come homo to rooal. Tie rharituble timnrd.4 tlwma whn mnv difVer from you as all humanity i liable lo err, it in best to ascertain who ia erring lefure pronoun cing juilgncii'. TtoAST Tmi'K The 1 l ino s'lnulil lm uliondr Cleaned and boiled. Take a large cvea piece. tproiii upi-o it n layer or suusigo mi:it and ham. ir von wi-h. cut vnrr thin Unit thetrpeup tightly, tio with strings, nnd ei ther roust or bukeit. It should bo well bust ed with tho drippings, and caton with slices oi lemon or or inge. Mints Saith. Chop fresh mint small, ami add it to melted butter. "Ijii'Rovr.D K::u Men." Tho Winr.obngo Indiana in M ;niiesota riiiied. last. Year, nor f090 bushels or wheti in tha Bvservjiion, being more than hair the cntiro amount pro. duced in Bluo Eurth county. They have i.in-j townships of laud, und of this 1 OUO acres are under cultivation. " Another Drawn butter, not very thick, livectened well, season with nutmeg and rose water ; it most boil af:or the sugar goes in. IJeT? Ailvcrtissinerits. NOTICE. TIIB arnuitl inr -tin uf the trkhol,ler ot -- the m:w yoi:k and mihi)i,u cow.. FIELD RAII.KO.U) AND ('OA I, COMPA NY" will he held in t!i fr.tt Muintnv in Krhru ary next, at 11 oYloik, at their iliiro N'o. 0t Soulh 4th Htrect, I'hiledelpNi.al which time the election of Directum will he held. Philadelphia, January 10. I i5S. A VALUABLE FATUiI AT miVATE SALE. rjlIIE sulwrrihrr will sell nt privnlo sale a L KA KM, situate in J'oiut tnn-nhip, .Nor thumberland cuunty, nhout 3 miles from the borough of Nurihiimberlund, on tho Danville road, arijninim; land of J. (', Hortcn, June Neshit, Chas. Parka and tho north hiam h ol the river Susquehanna containing 75 to ICO Acre, to suit purchaser. The Uiul ia i-i s good stale of cultivation. 1 he improv, merits consist of n larijc frame HOI.'Si;. ,. fniUhed ; a Kpring House, built over a never-failing Spring rhwe to the hnuae, a It. ink Barn and oilier outbuild lugs. An Oichaid Vkith young ond choice fruit trees. The above tract will be sold on renonnh!e terms and an indisreut-ihlo title given. Posses sion given on the first d.tv of A j'ril r:ejt. For further pnrtioul.irB inquiie of tho n;bcri ter, residing on tlm adjoining fnrn. JAMKM NE8WT. Point townhip, January HJ, 1838. tf VALENTINES! VALENTINES l nY. PRII.I.N;; l just received a tplrndid lot of VALBN'l'INKS of all dencription. consisting ofCuinir. Sentimental and feme vi-rv beautiful ones, which he will sill nt piirea to suit the limps. Givo Inm a rail even if you dc not wi-h Io buy. He charges nothing for ahuwina his !nrk. January 23, lS.r8 "TMIE suhscril or !: j-isl received a frc. h up -- ply of Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, which he is offering at reduced priees, at hia FLOBU AND FEED STORE, Marhet Square, His present prices for Wheat flour are Best Buffalo infection, $7 .r0 per bhl. Williainspurt ihn.lila Lxtra, 7 S.i " Cood 1'ainilv Flour, 7 00 " Native Wheat, 0 OU ' Extra lluckwhrot Flour, I 115 pr aark. Chop Feed; (per 100 IU) I fit) Butler, . 20 A I. SO for snlc god D.iiry Butter, Allegheny county Cherac, Cianl r.i rbs Ac, Every effort will le mvJe to give hia custom ers satisfaction, biva him a cull. CO. HAVEN. Puiilury, January Id, lrtfit. VALUABLE ItE A L ESTATE OiTI-'.l'.KI) AT PRIVATE BALE; fHTTHK aubfciiber olU-ra at private sale, a ccr H tain lot or piece of land, situate in Lower Augusta township, Northumberland couuty, about 8 milca In-low unhury, bounded on the wcat by the river Suequthaiina, on the south by land ol Geornc .-cil. r. on the east by land of Wni. Kroh, and uu the muth by bind of Win. H. Jones, eout jining Acres end 18 perches, alio) which it clr&nd and i:i a very Li-li atnte of cultivation. The Norihern Central Kail HnaJ passea lhroui;h Iho trict, and is also hound on Ihe e,,st liy li.e Main Road leajing f-om Hunhery tit Hairi.hurg, which together, with the Itivt-r Ufou tho west, aud the lerliiily of the aud makes it a very plcaajiit and desira ble ailuaiion. A LMJj another certain Tr act of Land, situate in said township, adjoining him! of William Kroh, on Ihe aouth, I he heirs uf Knoert anil Ar thur A uchmutv ; on the east Wm. V. Sitvcr wood, and a puhlic road on the noiib, and Wm K. lours en the west, co;:Uiioi 03 Ax rea 121 rchrs airict inrasure. hunt iiOacrrs of which aie cleared, and in a hii,b iui,i of cultivation and the residue in xl eicrllent bind for rnltiva tiou, bat U now covered with excellent timber, and if purchased aoou, the purrhaaer can get a Ire quantity of lt:ii!road Tiea on the same. Thia tract ia also will watered, having aeveral fine springs upon ii, and every field can le wa tered thereby. An indisputable title will be given and terms of sale reaaonable. WILLIAM It. JUNES. Lower Augusta tp., January , 1857. tf FFICEOF THE LOCUST MOUV. TAIN COAL AND I RUN COM FA. N Y. 1'hh.adei.puia, Deceuiber 16 1357. The annual mveting or the Stockholders of this Company will be held at their ofllce, No. fed S. rourth Ut , on Muuday, the I8lh Janua ry, at 11 o'clock A. M., at which time there will be ail election of Directors to serve for the ensuing year. WM.O. LUDWJO.Sec'ry , Jaousrj 5, 185. fiHEEIFF'S SALE. Yvirtueof W jit of Vemuitioii Exre MAS issued out of the Court nf Common Plea of Northumberland County, and Id me directed, will be cxpoced to Puhlic Falo at the Puhlic House of W. A. COVEKT, (Lawrence House.) in Hunbury.oii Monday tha Hlh day of FEBRUARY, next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following deacrilied property, to wit ( All that eorlain FURNACE, Carina; House. Dwelbng Houses tuppmed to he 20 tenements and Tract of Inrnd, aituato In Coal township, Northumberland County, I ulnnine; at I piwt in a line of laud surveyed In the name of Willinm Crcen, thence south HO degrees east 700 feet and 0 inches to a post j thence north I degree and !H minute rant 830U feet 0 inches to a p.al ( thence north 84 degrees and HO minute west, 14 feci lo a post; thence aouth 5 desrecaand at) minutes went, l.TOJ feet to apn-tt ( thriicc north H I degirea aud illl miiitilea east 4il feet lo a pofl ; thrnr north 81 degieea ami 30 minutes e.-t i''3 feet to a poet ) thence aouth I dncrre and -IO minutes ne.it 30 fct to a pr.i ; tl.ence aouth 9 ilrgrera CO miliutja cask (!!)o fiet to ihn place uf u'gi.!Mit'K. containing 13 -lercs and Si) perch es strict irieasuro. Also, 'l that ccttuiii Trirt Or parcel of land situate in Coal t,:nsbi;, alnresaid, hr ginnins at, a p..ft in a line of liimi aurveynl in ihe name ol Samuel Clark; tl.ence soi,,'f: S degrees e.it lO.'i feci lo a p.wt ; Iheme m)ulh 1 J.aceand 3N mimti a wed IU0 fcrt lo a ti nc t v a J 'llen hemlock witness; thence south fit drurres west .Mil feel to ii post ; thence l-orili I 3 degrees west I '1 13 feet t the place of legiiiiiing, coiitaiuing "0 Acres U(ij pi rchra strict measure. Also, all that certain tract or parcil of Land, situnte iu Cnol towihip nh'renid, Irrtmiii g at a post in the centre line of the I) much Rail lload to lli(( Mountain, where the snij ri-nire line cros ses tliu eastern line of the trad of I. mil surveyed in the name rl'KumUi'l C-'Imk -, theiu-o iiIoiik the eastern live of the mid tn-ct of Inm! iu the pome of Samuel Clark, south I deirrco HS minutes vetlf li feet toajiosl; thence smith H3 d-ff. rssl :!; le : toa pc' in tlie eeniro line of snul It til K";ol ; tlienre i.loriR tl.ecrulre line of si id Ihiil Rividn irth I ft itei;r(H- 112 minutes itp-t 'i i tectj lher,c:i norlh 13 derrecs and v.0 minu'ej west 101) fed, north II degrees Ml minute west 100 Icet, UiTtll 10 ilt'K'rica uud 10 minutea west 100 tret, noilh 8 degree and 3D niimites west 100 leet ni. d lioith 7 ileree and 4(1 miiiiiics west I-I0j fret In the place ofheninnin;, contain ing (1J Acres uf hind Mrict in'-a-ui'd. And ALSO, ell ihst ceilr.iu other trnft of L.ird silunle in Coal t..u n-!iii, n'o'iKiiid, bceinnirii; at a post on the eastern line ol the tract of luudsii vejed in the liHinn of Samuel ( laiki thence liorih 1 device 'J'i uiiiiulea ci't '.O.Vj leet to u iost on ll.o south west coner of I'earl and iSliakspear .trel in tho town of Mismnhin. aforesaid, l!:rie.e a'.onj the seuthem I:i:c uf sid Shakespeare SITCt. south S4 decrees :). minutes cut fret to a pro-t; thence south fl decrees and -o niinutes wot litl feet; thence south f5 degrees (i'J minulis raat "lo f.et to a post; thciiee south 70 decrees onil lit) minutea cast SI Ij feci to a post ; thence soulli 1 devices 3! minules, west Ml'i let t lo a pot; lhcr.ee norlh dfijreea minules ivo.t ioo flTt to the place of feciiiiiinj,', ontainine "0 acres end H, erches strict me.n-ure. Seir.cd laUtn int-i execu tion sr.il lo ho .Id .is Iho property of IH'.NHY LONGliXKCKLK and ALFKIC!) II. fltfKB, truiiin,; as Henry l,oiie,eneclrr A- I'.n. JAMLS VANDYKE, bl .riir. fheriff'a Oll'iCe, Suubury, I Junuary 10, H57. " j ED. Y. BltlOHT & SOU, n A VK just received by Pail Uoad, their Uti. Ih.rd uply of i iil!ff fnOmisi, Wc respectfully r,.li. it the attcniion of tho puW lie, fccliiii; nttuied that the inducements we aro able lo oiler to purchasers must render entire tatihliu-ti.in. QfWE STUDY TO PLEASE.J Sunbiiry, January 1G, 1319. X. ti. LAiVit iatJi'S new Pr.per, Printsrs' Card and Envclopo WAREHOUSE, v'o. 405 (.'uMiniertt Stret.t, l'ltilulcliMi. CasU buvcra will find it for their iuUreat Ic call. January 10, 1S&H. 6inos. Etato of t!io Earners' E.trJc of Schuylkill County, on Thursday Kcria January Itli, 18S3. AbSI'.TS. I.s ilipetmt"d aad loaaa. S?!5.ii$ Vi lit-il Uftl.ite, - - - ' - . - Jo.lrf.O I . Ii Jil uiii ..virr Ct.i'i. ... - 4o,wW ?s BV HANKS. CoiiiiDereial Bank, Fkiiao'eljiliia, e-JU.ni l f ) I eii -i,t, Iplu.i . il.ii.il 14 I'llv ll.il'K, " - . 7. '.I ' "l I: i"k i i' M iiti?nni(-r.- Coimlv, !.:cJu v Cl;.ii::'':i: bant., iS. V.. - - U.oilJ Pue l-y utker liiikt ui-J their ii'iteii, 43.I3H II U..1I3 01 MAUII.ITir.S. Due t- T)i-i oi!.)r, - - ?."-.7W ri t'iiiii:;i iiv. .M.llli of Tumi., 7 . " ivl 4 ' " tnl:er H:ihK, - - I liil Ti u NUes lllcllcjlation, llij,j I'll $:r-;,j'.3 :t Jli'.o: J .11 . Ii I t; o 1. 1 Dei'-ict Carilnl Si'-ck, f-ir;.lui Tri-fin, - S-j-. m t cetlily (tie hi ve Sta'.entent I" be correct J. V. CAki:, CASUien. Siwlril :lrl n!frilii-il ln-f.irc lllc lAcoi! hi:i.i. j. r. Jnnusr 2-!, 1 lf.3. 3t 10 KOIi-L KLIPLIIS. nO LP.T. The Taveni Stand, late cf Fc'ix Lcrch decenM-1, is herthy 1 1 r I for IN i.t. This st.tu l tins lnt I ' en known aa tho Mt.Csr nul lloul (old bi.iti'-l.) and is now occupiid by Win, li. I.o.cli. Pruposula will he icccivcJ un. til I'ridiy l'..e-"!li '..' of January unit., at which time the suhtciihcr r.ill he pre.-ent at the Unci to cuter into an iKreemcnt for the same. AMOS VASTIXI:, Adin'r. Mt: Carmel, January 9, lilis. ",t. A.MS, A lTi: I4. ! Po you wisii t fn:il ifo-'d t'iitp!o n t'tit,rn.t unlit mTiiy W ill. Iititd tu iti itu'esliiit'iiL. hi.J villi-iui uituili t it g with y.tur regular buBiucsa.' ii yu it , ruj tin uJx4iia liMMlt V. K T(UD t CO . , ( :03 Bfdcnie Stir.-t, New York air m;Liiii;u'ltintig itml llin unfiive g -Ul I'rui-ilii 'ir j kioIi, (wbirli mt: i-rifnji ttt liitt pi ice.) Hiul ilicy ijir -w i:i gut tr ,'rize witlt mcii I'mumI, vtrili frwu f -i up t 5, 10 15. i.t, Ml, J. t"0, 'iiH, anil lMi't i ry m t, "Hum: ug ! l.wiu-iy n - f.icli ll.ii'K Tl.w Wn- li ure .m1 ul Htnr caii vrtlui, niul nil ihe nnr il-e li nt c trt uic On iv 1 1 i.it tlicsii'n, whit d .trtunlty a n (lie niui-iuu-r lioilui c. 'I'lif ttritji un t'lMni uirU' on Jiihi le itUui 1 'il tii wiiii. w.'urli w ir In Inket- " iniuli r.iii t cspmui, tut WL-ti bii iu Vir I'.iili-d i iv oiin li ie tti-r".f!iuii W e l;!ivt! tlrnv. u ai:J ert pait)iari tJ fixAA wiit iirfu ( v:n !;; piict-a . 71 in!i ti" ..Ul d lln.i, 2 i c 'III l-ic'.r'if n-i;J t-L-tiit j, m.il h c riL-it-i'i.j!i.j; tr.uii bur u ilher puzci, wilhi:i two uio iili. T11KKK AliK NO BLANKS, lnt vr ry unt tutor ftrnws a prize w. nh f J rritu;nt and r. iitn.-.a) iiiuumn m riuiici'i in or u ittiit?r luiife. Vi Wuiit IK iot 2rM tit Cvtry lie iuttbui h'. 1 thiniiL'h. out tl- ro'.ii.iry, to t In .1 p.irrN:i;, nu t rny nt iitjUi t't: im oH.u', ii i 'Ft na w n i cm ,i nun i to rimon -rn iay ai;tJiitB 1 rift, for n li miff .'..irr lit ol'taun. un J the first pr 'it m nny itr giib ul. tl v-'!i n; plt( f r a I i'n aiht silt wi i itf'-civf lit ;inrT m t cnUtm himnl.l an Ufiunt i h'Hin u Vt.h:a.e prir t &iiil-it wi lt Ins tVrtrtl, ii W""iM Imvo Utile tiiiV.fiil.y lit t-l 'muMg cjui tit" putt'tinwm, aud nnku.g it u pyinK I'Uiiiu j. A -Vein Idea! Head!! lUnd!!! Wt aslt mih..ily tmentl IKeir irtney till Ilicy Icnovr wlml iilize tlit y draw. Any ItiUv w'l)iie(i(i try tlicir Im-k, enn I'M a., id ua liieir nrnnn anj luU.r.i', mitt we will m:ike llirir flrn'iuff ainl Iiifi.rtn tKem Ly retmrl n.nil wlmt itric llif y dre,v, wliuii lh.y run it-m! on and UiVe Hie 1'iiici: uiul prize, or na. whirliever iliev clef. We eive il.in pn. vitenc only nte to u iuri-licr. Ai"icr the firM dniwine. very uircli.nir will l requiriM l-i a-no III ntlvu-.K-e. tlirimarl ItiB uu'lirizr'.l r-pnt. We will tend nil tacit tlruM'in tha iiuitilier tnkrn nt, witli full Ucki ij.tioii ut tue piau of drawing. Addrraa , c. k. Tonn & Co . 392 Broom btreit, A'tto 1VJI-. . January t, lFJ?. VJCjtJAKi: anl Long lirot-he PUawl.; al-,, Wa'ervliet, Uy btate, Vatct1oo, anil Ulan ket,fthawla, lalMt atj lea, all qualitiea mi. 1 1 riie.. Uee. vis. IH57. Ilbliill f k o.. IJUKiJ UOMJENTKATUD l.Yll OK SA POMI'IUi:, lor aula at FISHER'S Drug Bbore. I'rice 20 ii. OrtllMT ll.llWe HOlHiY C&S BE SAVED BY rUKCHAGIKG AT TilE eUNBUItY, NORTIIPMEERLAND OOTJHTY, PAi' We have just received and are now opening I 'rue and ch iles selec t 1 stock of WIX'TLi? (jIUODPt.toiiiptisins an cndlcaa variety, and will p.-e.tively acll eur entire aluck at VOICES TO SUIT lXIl TZK2I3S. We return our alncere thatika to the public Ut our incecasinff Jjalronsjv, and ahull endeavor l merit a conrinuauoo ot tiie same. H.Y. ESESJi:5T ft SSNi Country product wanted at rua luonvnr iTvicus. Sui bury, December 13, lSi?. OBPHAIt'S COUaT HALC. (JN pureuniico of en alias order of Orphan's Court ot Norlhuiiihorland comity, will to ex posed to Puhlic t'-iiile, on tlA'J 1 li'iMY, ihe liib d.iy of riiliCi; A I! Y, nrtr, on the pitiuiaes, tlit following itesciihcd rial c-iato, to vil t A CLKTA1 lot of OUOL'ND, situnlc in the limn i;f .Slie.inokin, NoiibuinVer I Hid comity, v. hereon nte rivclcd a two story t'r.unn lluildint;; founded hy lot of .loho llounluier und olh- rs. Late ihe etnie of Sum. uel 11. Hun -., dccc-ascd. S.ilo lo coiiunence nt 10 o'cloik, A. .M i. r said d.iy, when teriui i-l tale will he inrulo known I y JOHN YA.N.A.vr, AdminUrator. Dy order (.1 ihe Court. J ) C. L. PLKSUL, Clk.O.C. lunuury, Jan. U, ld.,3. ) U:saolaiicn cf ParlusrrLip. 3I1K partnership lurituf.ire ixistin)? be Iwuun t h fiibscribets, doinr businoF. uniler tbu firm uf I'ucbr.'in, 1'ealu ,V Co., was ilii4S!iivt'd by mutual cons-iut on tliclithil Dccumber, lb.)7. JOHN J. COCHRAN, C11AU1.KS V. IT. ALE, M. J. 11. WiTrll.Mi'i U, 1 1 K.N li Y IS A U ."!(! A It D.N" P.R. Tho b'l.'iiiejs Will bu hereafter cinililcletl by tbu uniler.'istiuil, uuiler tliu nuiuo of Cocb run, IViIo ,i Co., who will settlu ull the uc count uf the late fan. joiln .(. coch han. cii i:m:s v. ikai.b. M. j. H. w rniiMjTo.v. Januiry 3, 1 .j7. KOVES'3 LIQUID HAIH L'YE. Tie--li-ntimnry uf I'lnf. Iloelli mid tlr Rrinekle Invire. pr.-vi il lifcll itilili.ilit-d, llie Iwtl.iWihi: III intv.' il'lilc-ll l'leni I'lel". Mi-CI.(SICl'.V, fi.rincily l'r.IV.-.r ul 'Tlienry till ' l'rsn-ti. r el .lci!it'iii..' m I he K-inale .Medicul : ill, pa '( r--n.if;. lv:nu:i, nt:d Lit..- I'lnli avn 'i r-111 gc-l lu U.c Aniciicait t'o.ii.-uf i-.c, Xr. : 1'iiii.im.LriiiA, ev.i?th. I.'il. !Tn. Jo.rni V.. II-ukh- A iti d nl y in l.ii;l 111 II i ii l) i'. will eni'liuc !r- 111. tvt Sr-nli'.-al, lliiit il if a KE. I.Ll"JAr, und CM-irAcl-'.l .rr iiialicti. I'nliko in ;i,y iill.rni.. it li.x in ncvcial llil ,1:1 ;.ri'H't lii'l vi(-at.; I I tin! care r f .lm- ca'ancu. ci i;,li -i i ua I l;e liei'd, i,.,, I Iiiivl- in heritint hi in euniiiu-ii.lii it m i l.-..ec rci.jiriim audi tni iii-idicalieii. 1 Very rvcciiully, J.F.X Mi fl.rKI'.v, M. IV, 4i- It u-c t.. iai . l- l;J-.!i. nrvKif. M-nrnvn im:s. i.-etu !-.- t:hvi it s V. It I T! M; ri.l III. :m,l lll) Kit I ) il , ISK!, Ptili nini:il:ii:i Ijirli 1.' 'i ct.ii; aMcr. w'a: !l lin. alway (i s lie.jl..hetl lie in, un, I . i- i:xi.,iv:; iI,-iimii.I ,.;st created, l as c M.liatn ,! uaintcri nptcl nai,: :hp (mi-i,. nt, Orilers a'l.lre.'icil u, tlie .Vnniil'.ietiir, n. -i 10 i!A('l-: Mid, iiliove Ieurlli, (old Ao. 111.) riiilaJeli'liia. i:l r'cej-.eir"i.i l n tteiiiimi, bv JOsi;i'H i;. iiovj;i:. M.v.ui .cturo.-.' Dceembcr -, ISf.7. A ru '.", r'.i. Uitato of TJSA"NL'A II1-D, dte'd V OTICt: is bcrrl y piven t!ir.! Iriipr ofoiT miniftri.'.ie.n on tlio cstclc cf Susanna l.ii 1. late of Ihe tmvn el tshaiii.il.in; Noriliumbei! i ,d cmiiiiv, (tri-rjM'i! linve heeu prantcil to the m:.1i u riher. All pcrmns iinlelitci! to rai l r-tnte will i!eti-e Hi.il.0 ininirihate j aviuent uutl iIiopb hav iiii ilaim t i piescnt tin in j-Mpirlv nppiovej 1'jr cu!c:nt i.t to JOHN CAI.DWET.L. Ailm'r. Phamuliintuwn, January 9, Hot!. Ct EiMiite of Etcbrrt X. SlvWi'.llamn, tlt'tcaxtc". V-OTIC' iii hereby yiven ihatlei'.cra of A.I- uiiiiistratiaii on l!io rslalo of Kahcit ie Willi nun, l!e of yhani -kiii t a-.-1:-!.: jt, IVer Ihuinbrrianil county, tic, reared hav Lccn giant eil to tho eubsrriber. All pcraor.a imltlit-d to vaid estate will pleiine muko nnnietiiate p:tjiiiiit and tlnine havincbiims lo present litem properly approved for setileuiciit to J. S. McWII.T.IAMs. Aum'r. Slinmohin Iwp., Dee. ! '-, 1657 6t oooTfj &. siioj:s Chiidrtn, n large r.t for Men, Voraen and .ivk, comrriaiuc Men's Vate i'ronfKiip nnd Calf iski., Uoota, Uio gaiia, Morocco, Kid and Call'a'.iiu slioea, (i;iitera and Ciuin lloeB. DlikHrf & fc'JY. iSiinhury, L'ec. 2P,, 1S.)T. rS 1J atliercl, Herring ai d Mm!, v.hol-silo IV A ' retail. Now i,: tho lima l pureha'o l'iib, Aa wo are enai '.ed t.i oft -r them a lower pi ire than you cm purchaau liem i:i the iSpring. Muiibury. Dec. liii, HliKHi T k fr'O.X. OUO !SA('KS SALT.bet .luality. l -.Trr.unl-' ity, largo facl;.. and for rate i" the Invest li(;ure. DlilGJiri fe'O.N. t?uii'uiry,ic. 2(1, SL7. -T??rench I'Soll!, Kanny an I I'lain Ca.fi. Jg mere, 'I'weeila. K.-ntuckv Jeans, tiilk, Sa tin and Jiilk Vilvet V'eniiic, Troy Katiuclt an l the very Urgeht and eheapext arnnr.n.t-ut ol Mvii'a Wear suitable for cn!d wenthrr. IJIHGIi I' i SO.V. Siuihurv, Dee. C6, '?7. f ICClS ttt-N, Yictoriiiet, Oji?u Cn; Wool Houdx, Coinfiiits, Cashmern Kearra, Lunb Uauiitletta, ftc. UKlliHT tOX. Suubury, U,r.. CO, '57. SJOMily.maflR Ct ot Is !fT. Titer feh., Wbiiiiiiierni!; r.i:iiiit . M'obaie liacin i in ue, rr.-nc'.i Clt th und i'liek l.'ni.m C.-.ats. incli-il:.,-. a nice iiK.irl:Bciit fur lteja, I'aii'.i, Vc;tit and Monkey laeketa, all slice an J ),ti,-e8. rTuuhUiy, Dec. !iG, '.1 7. li.'iltill V l Jil ).V. KOTICB. PS hereby pi-.en that the Uoe'.a cf Jneob T.-in-11 ler. tat', of Ihe boMii.-'ii of Sim! tiry, ile. e i. d. have r-j,. j,, ,,0 0f y, ..tt llx, K,j , f'T setileii.ent. liy proi.ij.t atteinioii tn lbs above, cost will le caved. c;ry!:r.E a.i-'jtjck, Hxccutora. I'eeembrr 2fi, 1S.t7. 4t I'.irmriH I.ooU to four tuttrt-Nj. LIME 1 LIME1I npiIK ndwrihe' rtapectliilly informa tlie far nirr and the puhlie tcnerallv, tii.it l':0 baa It-atc d llie lirne kilns of Ira 'i' Cle.'i.M.t iu Hun hury, and that he Ins tiw.-.js on hand, and ii ready In nipply a eioJ q.i ,!ily of lime to all who mav v. anl for .iuiMihk er iarmiiig pur i e.t. llehas nlo a kiln ,-.t Keller's iro.-singS lu.lci from tiunhury, or lan from ir'niderlnwn. I ff' All kinds uf Country l'rudui e taken in exchange. nro. Y. STKOH. Puiihury, Dec. 56, 1S57. ni:.l TIVrL 1)RL-S GOODS. hic!ii.!i:,a fJ! 1'iituieJ and I'lain .Merinos, t-'il, a. Smti It 1 iaii.'s. .S'llit Slriped Teplilis, ('nalunerfi, 'i'l. lit! ii I'laid, L'tii'ter hliadca, fancy anil 1'h.iu D. I, ami t Valencia, raraiucltu Cl-."h, Ac, yoi.i rtvrived and lor sale hy DKKill 1' A. bO.. Kunbury, Dec. 2,'S7. GO.OOO CHOS3-aiEa -?TAMTLD 'i'biity '1 bouwinJ Cioaa-Tis, cr " Itnilroad Jhiiia lor ll.o rWiitlu-iu Central Kail HoaJ. For lunher parnc-Jaia apj Iv tj IKA T. CI.KME.NT, Coi u'actor. Sun! ury, DccriuL'tr Zb, lsi7 if SIraw-Ctilltr. riHE eubseriliei haa U'eu appninitd Ajc-it for JL Mrara Ct ddea , Martb ol Leui .bmy, 1. r the tale ol their straw, Day A Com-Kodder Cul ler, 'i'hil Culler u the best in ute. Varn.era andotheraara renpectlully requested to ckJ and exauiine for thmelt'a. r. d. mXsseil Pur.bifl- Peenntirt , ItlT- R arM Wii STIL. SURVIVE Till: CSIblS. TYOTWnil.STAitil?SOtheB.tiiiiijhinr;(;unii -L t :t v nl (lm !h that 1 I feti ;!it into Utwn iat Spring. I mcn-ei'fd in atllini; ihefn all tut ex cept ulnit Ii;ave i.woy, n!d l td to l.ar.y to tho city, lor a in v h i, iu oirr that fny cusiemi m miclit tn.t he put loll. c iiiccn'imiei'ie of luty inir at other Klnrea, viheio Ihet Would 16 -t;aie,d killing pi ices. 1'roliting by pntl er.pcriciue, I Inir j jk! hrourjlit ou Twice en Many Ccor, and I hive mm iho lament ami C-HRArEST. Si)i i'ML.N T ever t.lieii d ithin heiii it liiis place. I am bound lr sell c:isArr;n Trc r.vsn, hi fore. I need not say eh "trr than my naigh. borii; for thut is no hdijer a d:.-puted lact. I am now rosily to deal iM fiuiia twenty hours out uf twenty-four r!nr;il;.'); exc.rpled at lower prices than any person dai ask lor. Ji.st call for any tiling you want. I am deter' itiined to SXri'LY ALT. DEMANDS that liny lie made, reasounh'.j or uriiesronahlo,' Call soon, as the ru:h i li-emendons. IKA T. CLDMfNT. Sunhury, Dec 20, 1 s.17. ly 1357- FALL & YIKT2II GO CDS I FANCY DllY GOOD STORE, Market Eqv.arc, Kunbwry. X-TOW received and will coi.linnc to rrceivo the latijcst uud best selected Stuck of LVtufc Co.'.',.?, Cuifiimcrci, Cussir.ctts and Vesting, fre. An .iFfertrrier.t nf Dress Goc-!s. vvr.: Tanry printed Cii!i: er,,(;hil!ien. irintcd Li.-.vns, Dt) Lnini I!are;e, Merinos. Caa'iiiiercs, Alapstas, Drcaa eilki), (iliih'bauis, &c: LI.NDN AND WHITE GOODS. Iri.-.! Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet ins, 7'illowcaseini;. Ac. Dress Trimininrja in Great Vttricty Dojls ai d Shoos Hataai-d Vipri. ilaidivaie, Ccdarrr ue, Ci'roccrit-j, tiuceiiswnio SALT and FISH, Cheese, Cracker-, Sars, Tohicco, Suuil, Ac, an asor.-meiit of other Coe.rt too ti ilions lo menlioli. l'' litis puiteliil lor past favor tVo beg 'Save to a.u-'i-i; our old IViend nnd Ihe puhlic hu in? s i, . in our pari shall lo waning to merit a cr nuance of our patronage. . country pi.iduea taken in excl.ango at the Lighr:t marUct price. r. W.CKAV. Stnihiiry.Dcc. 12 ii37. if ii vnrt'iS:i? nt;l Trai-sportatlci:. VV i.! Vn7itii.'y7iT ami Tr carton, 7 1 UUC-II AN'I S oil,! burincst mc:t of Trevor--,J toll and vicinity, can have ll.fir Meichan. diss and other (lo.!a sbi.pi.-d throush Irurn I'hil.ii!elp'.i.i lo i'rcvcrtoii in:d Port Tievurton, and uU iutrrmedialo places en !iiu line, by send in,' to tho Cenlial Depot limit!) uf l'iiliDD, WAliDcc Fi;::::D. No. Sll Maikct fct.nluto KiithtUsircit. Philadelphia. Goods car. ful'.y atlci.dtd ta M.J promptly ! livereJ. ritl'riD, VA!H A FfiK CD, Anta. November 7, 1H57. SmoafJ m A. .T3. TOHEii-T Surccssor to Mis. M. liill. Fasiiionplb Straw end Fancy Ui"incr No. (old No. Oil) North $cco:id Slreet, l c low Notle, oppositd lit d Lion IK:-. !, I'l.ila.i't . IZT" rottern Bonnets made tj on'.er. ?!il!i nerv in all its various tram hca. A cad rsspect. fullv solicited, (Vtober 3, 1 8.'7. 3wi rim rPiOADWAY FA1I1LY OP.OCIP.T! Flaur, Tied and Provision iters. Jli oadr att ?,.' ,.. U,c in; ':rc?'.. LHYI SJCASIIOLT',, rvEsprcrnri.i y informs thb tith-, of StMii.urv ami vicinity tin;t l a has just re- rcned a Irc-ili and choice nipj 'y t.f consisting in pait uf Hums, Shoulders, Mackerel, ilcriin;-, V. Lite fish. Cod I'in, Salt I'rcseived Fruit, 1'ickles, i;tacl;cra, Cheese, Molasses, Kice, eiugitr, (,..!Vcr, (recti, roaslid and ground,) Iir i:eri!, Toiinsr Hyson, Gui p iwdcr and Dlack Teas, Ce.iu.-wore, Stonc-v.ure, t-osos, breshea plow and wash lines, boots and i'.iDes, tcboccc, afgars, Ac, leather with ccry artk'lo usually found in n first cUss Grocery ctoie, u!I of which will he told nt the b.wct '.rices, eilhrr for cash or country produce. I)e ",ms also prepared to sup ply the citiien.i r.it trcsh bread, tUt, roils, niee, piedels and er.k .s of every kind. N. D. The nighest tasb prires will be paid for butter ard Cm, corn, oals. rye and wl.cat. Sui:'.,ury, Dec. 5, )87. C- O- IIAVEU. l'LOUIl AND FKEI) STOKE, Market S'uare, Sunlniri, I'a. , fj. FsPKCTpn.LY informs l!;e public that J. he Ci nslantly kce-s ou hand, Lxtra and d uil !e Lxtra Vi'heat Flour, in qinti ti-r barrel s-ks. Also eupeiior l'lirknheal Flour, and Chop f. cd ot ail kind-!, which l.o will warrant and tei! i',t ihelow.-jt pi be, FOli CASH UAkt'; Call nnd see for yoiiraclvcs. December 19, sf7 ly. xMOTICE. Dooks t.f subscrii'lion ta Ftiici ft the JL liai Niitvhir Own, will le C e:.-1 31 V.'ii Weaver" 1 1 tits I in the. I,., n of chainokip, ioa-ay, l!.ii aOlliday ! November, l57. W 1'. II IIIAG'PON, Sccretro v to Coir.missioneis. Shamo.iu, NcT. 7. I .'?. A. J. IlUCKia'lXLER 1'iuctiiea iu Norlhuii.lier! -nd sol sol, .;.. Ciiiiiiiies. Sunt. ury, November '. i, is-ol.. if ITS ttiEUy.tSt;:, j ,n r;,xi al em'lesa' ai1 vilely. lirJUIITJ fcON, Bunb-iry, Lee. ZC, 117. f v l'i:r.N--s, Cedar, Hollow and (ib sswure; coi.tuiiui..' everything taelU ti.J Ba ""'"I- UKIGIirA: 50.N. Kui.hurv, December 2C, IHS7. TI VAI.L PAPER. AVin-iowadeT Kioo7, J , -"'"g'". "d Tah.'a O.I Cum,., cocoa .Malta and a tnpt rior artielo nir Dru-gest Dec VC, g&7. DlllUll r & HON. 9 S 0 Y A RU!J A K ibr"aXiwrul liicratM, ('Mini, MJ . mpenor a-lic!' cT Ksjj (.arpei, Manufactured at home, fof sul' at price to suit tbu lime. t c. iiu, '57. BRIGHT A KOV, ijjjto CM of all kinds, Stockiot,. CiUia, Su pelldera, Buck. Mill. Huudln rcliit f ai.V au ciuUmm variety of Hosiery au.l Noliona fttnlnrsy, Dv. ?, t1 UC Kit 4. HON.