COIClllEltlOVlL PflOCEEDISGS. YV ariunoton, Jan. 25, 18C8. Mr. Pork (MM i.lltiuVi totlia rci Hot Wf rul Keimtnrs fiud iinli'il IVom (J'Virmr Walkei's letter, in onh r to prove Unit the dli'Rnt(8 to tha Ijociiinii'oit Convention wero eh ami by a minority of the purple if Kan at. Ho had Mud n stati'initit originally published in the St. Louis llopiibliiun, in contradiction of (.fov. Walker's allegation, from Homy Clay l'otc, and other members of that Convention. Mr. Stuart (Mich.) nskcil whether Ooror nor Walker had not been in a situation to know the f.iets which he tinted, ami whether ht.uitnn'a b! iitoinci'.'.K, in hig mi'tsngo to the Legislature, wero not to be relied tiu against tho newspaper statements of three or lour in dividuals who were implicated in tho very tiling charged. The 033ei lions of tlio person alluded to by tho Senator from Misomi (Mr Tolk.) should be taken with the sumo allow nneo n tho one side, as those of Jim Lane on tho other. 1010 nnd Latin both wont to Kansas for misehit f. rotu's'ntuteiiieiil show ed lie was uctnate i mora by personal fi i-linys naiiist (Jov. Walker, than by a dosha to en lighten I'm country nt large. .Mr. Vil.son (.ia.-s.) bind iho perrons to whom re'erenco had been r.uuln contradict t!io po.-iil'vo sln'timc-nla of .Secretary Stanton mi l Governor Walker, a. well as ml th facts known in Kansas, and by every intelligent mnn in the country, lie twis in Kansas dur ins May and July last and could assert that Walker s and Stanton's Btittcmcnt wero ab solutely true, in every i'lt si use of tho word. In fifteen counties no census was taken, nor enrollment made, pirtly from tho neglect of tao ollieinls, and partly in somo instances, be cause there were no otlioials to perform the duty, lie the!) alluded to the eljcliuu frauds ia Kansas. Mr. Davis paid ho wa9 tire J of hearing the?o allegations of fraud. Mr. Wilson remarked that these frauds wero notorious, and he was not surprised that Senators on the other fide of ti.o chamber wero tired of them. All ho justified or opoloyii.'d for them, ought to be held moral ly accountable before tao country for so do injr. -Mr. Davis asked, whnther the Senator from SlaiSK-husetts (Mr. Wi son) infant to say that ho apologised for cr excused bauds. Mr. Wiljou replied, that bo did not so ao etise tho Senator. Frauds had been commit ted, and those who justify or excusu them, Ought to be held morally responsible. Air. Davis suiJ, lio complained of mero charges of fraud, without proof beinp produ ced to HU.-tain them. If they were proven ho would bo the last of r.ieu to justify them. Mr. l.iown (Mi.'s.) rein irked, that us the Lectmirtoii Constitution would be tout to the Senate on Friday, it would then be be fore t Hi-in us a practical question. On lis motion, t'eo subject was postponed till that lime. Adjourned. llocsic. The Speaker announced tho fol lowing gentlemen us members of tho Select Committed on tho I'acific llailroa 1 : Messrs l'iielps of Missouri, Jones of Tcnnesf ee, Washburn of Maine, Millisouof Virginia, Curtis ot Iowa, Coming of New York, Lin derwoo I of Kentucky, Greesbeck, of Ohio, Oilmer of North Carolina. Singleton of M is pissipi'i. I'iirnswoi'tli of Illinois, l'hiiliiis of Pennsylvania, Leeck of Michigan, Uryaa oft, and Scott ot ( alitornm. The llou?e went into Committee of the Whole on the stale of the Union, on tho in valid Tension lid!. Mr. Gartrell, or Georgia, made aJccch in GUppnrt !! slavery, hesitating not to defiuii the institution an beiiif; strictly in accordance With tho right, tho sternest dict-iteol human ity, and the Word of God. Tho time for npulofry has passed. Southern people are united, and stand up before tho word to de fend and entirely justily it.. OlUt-r nations, including France nnd England, are beginning to ssu the error of their ways, and are ready to embark iu a system of slavery more barba rous and oppivss-ive than any ono heretofore known, lio considered the prophecy of Uau- uoimi, r i all vo 10 fc otver huciui, moral umi i ti i . "ri i t . , political demoralisation, lalsihed bv time und .1 .!... 1 . . . . ..i ... I . . ..: I . I 1 exiierience. and argued to ?how that Great 15rilniu'3 emancipation tchtnio is a greut failuro. Mr. Washbciiie, of Wisconsin, thought the Prcudcut had arrived at a l.tnio and iiiipotent conclusion, in declaring that tho mouetary evils of the country proceeded from the bank J 6 ispoiision, wh.lo hard money was claimed for ths b.i.-iL' of Government transaelien. Tlii Secietavy of tiej Treasuiy has called up on und ohulncd for Congress power to issue t iveiily miliums "led &" and "wildcat" Ho reviewed tlio Seen i .iys report, exposing what lui rcjjar.ied as its la!!i.cies, uud S:iiiijc tliat, i.'Otwiiln-'.tiiiidii that oliicir's blunders on o iiikiiur, something will turn, up to relievo L I in I'roin ruiu. .Mr. Grange -r, New Vi.rk, Enid the Ad niiui.ti' ili' U, by eMr.iia.uice and folly, had incress d tlio ci; I'miiiuri .H eighteen i f nine., teen millions of (! ibrj r.iinualiy, wlilo the revenue iris vu.i c! to twt nty or tliirty. One part (1 the anny i.iro-. nded by mow I and the Mormons, ikidiIi t is playing tecond liddlo to slavery in Kuiisus. and the lemniu b.-r is fighting for glory I'itU Hilly ISowlegs. L iughler. An l in w Coiigresii was calied upon to four regiim nts. if ho should Vela for them, lii-.i constituents would Und il out. Tho Government is in trouble, and so are the people. Tho Democratic party (so called,) turned the screw tho wrong way when it pes-.'d a Free Trade Tariff. If they were wise, they would restore prosperity to the country by a pivtectivo Taiid Wi'.h incideutul j roteciiou. Vr.isi;ixFTOK, Jau. i6, 185S. Senate. Mr. Douglas of 1 llinois, from the Committee iii Territories, reported a bill for ti.o a Imisiiiciu cf thu Statu of MinueotA into t! e Union. 'i'Uu bul was read uud placed on tho calcu li u A mrsjjgo was received from tho House, i.i.iinaii.-'.u,' t'lu deaths et'Sait iel lire lit a u:.d I.ll!li s L;.ckiiai t, n.uuibeis f.'oni tho Tcuth an I First Districts of lu'll.'lia. M sir.-. Dili; lit and File!., i f ludiana, de liv.'iv.J eulogies on the ch iracters of thu ile c d. The us'ial r-ao'uticm of respect v.cteudop. t-'. Tho S mat;! proceeded to thi consideration of ttii b.ll to lucrcaso tin' cEiciefccy id" the i.l my. Mr Davis of Miss., in reply to a question tie, n Mr. I numbs K.ud lln.t liiu li 1st section j ui mj o.ii wiiuia ujj u,t j V.UI11I .IttlUa I'J ug ... .. . .... ... ... . urmy, or 'Zti) men. If thu second taction is adopted, ul course I'm number of men will depiuJ upon thu m.iu'.K-r in which the army ii poj'.el. If p at n;)iv, with tho thirty emap.riioj to be udded hy the lirst bfction, t'.ie total iu.rease will bo Oeuilv 7uOU rn Tat;3. 4 M r. Tooaib.ortjeoiiasaid ho woald strike out tho lirt section, as tho increaso in tho ar my would b largo enouyb us provided for in tee second section, and would be a more upprupriato mode. While bo should sutB Uijaiiist t'.i.i bill, I. ! doomed il his duty to make it us pood as bo could before lh linal voto " waeii. Acordin to the presi nt consti tution cflhj urmy, it was capable of lieini; e dareJlo ueaily 1 .',lli 0 uwu, hihI with tli J r ii used iucic would reach nearly 26,0UO. Bcoar Macixo is Jai'iiv. Jjfme of Iho fanner in Michigan, deeniiiii; the present ex traordinary weal her fur I bo season lav. .ruble to the running ot sap, have recently lapped trcj l i try Ilia o.permu nt, uud anc eeejttd iu uakioy quilv a (juuulity of luanle IUST I THE AHERICAN. SUNBUEY. SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 183. H. B. MASSES, Editor find Proprietor. To ABcxRTiaKrts .The cireiCstton of the Funbtiry American timens; the iliffrrent towns no the Surqnctianna ii'ticxcppitej ifrquollcd liy.inypupfriulliMhediii Nortli cm Prtnisvlvrtniri. O'For r.rNT. Two lionees in ilarkct street. Apply at this ofTicp. fir Ai-i-oihtmsnt. David N. Lake, l'.pq.. of Fhamokin, wra eppointed Notary Public on thn Sth i-,;r.t., by Governor Pollock, in vi.-w f,f the approaching or(.-anir.ation of the Shaniokin Kan!:. Mr. Lake la o competent man for tl:o office tT" Finn. An alntm of fire brought out tho fire nan and their engines on Saturday liifit. The house occupied by Nathan Mi: tit lad taken Cre near tho chimney. The Cre wan cstiiir.:shed beforo the arrival of the engines. TIm damago waa cor.nued to the looU of two uiiibrelli:!!. tiT Tho pas?cngor Railway in Fifth and Sisilh streets, Philadelphia, is iu full mid suc cessful operation. It in a great convenience and an important improvement. 03" AcilDI MS FIlOH Jjl'llNlXO FlIID. Two nioro hivo occurred i.l Pliil.idelphia. The number cf persons killed and injured iu the United Slates, annually, is not less than eight or to'j hundred: i" Hkkk is PiiiLAiiui.i'HiA. Steak from 12 to 14 cents. Mutton, C, 8 nud 10 cents. Lamb, 10 and 13 cents. Pork, 7 and 8 cents. 2 Docs Meat Sausages. Two Germans have been arretted in New York for making dog meat sau-aoes. C-y SlVKfilNTKMlEXT OF 1'l'HI.IC Pr.tNTIXO. Gov. Pucker has appointed Mr. Uarrett, of the Krtjlone, to this office. Au excellent iippoiulim ut. t-S Three Irishmen, hands working on tho Noithero Central Ruilroad, below town, got into n light on Thursday lapf, iu Market street. They battered each others visages considerably, ono of them using a pair of now boots iu his hands for that purpose. Tho streets wera muddy, and the mixture of uiuJ and blood did not add much to the beauty of Pat's physiognomy. Coustablo Hrohious look the m to jail, where they com menced breaking the Stove, Windows, Chairs . Tubl( p.r i.ii b unmannerly conduct in return for thekind hospitalities tendered t!;?,u they wero kicked out of the establishment. Sheriff Vuudyko was not ut homo at thu time or, perhaps, they would have fared woree. & Mit. PiiTEit Dckst informs us that tho number ofgraves dug by him during thelast 17 years, in the Suubury grave yard, is -1C1, and in tho Hunter grave yavdiO. Mr. Durst is ,.,. .... .... , i i i , t , i not jet aa olu man. but no is certainly cnti. . ' , tied to the appellation of a grave man, and though pursuing the even tenor of his way in his OjWiet and peaceful occupation, he must, nevertheless, have had a great umuy vps and iV.ifris during the laBt seventeen years of Lis life IU" The Magnetic Lady performed iu the Court House on Saturday and Monday eve nings last, lo pretty fuil bouses. Quite a number of young lima placed themselves under the hands of the feir operator, most of whom wi re dismissed us not being susceptible of tho magnetic itiQuenco. These that re mained, under tho lead of several young men fiotn other parts, who happened in, performed the parts assigned to them w ith a hearty good will, but with a general impression, however, ti nt the controlling influence was attributa ble less to magnetism than to tho fun loving propensities iu the performers. We henrJ a number present express themselves, that the performance was woi lb a shilling, ut all events, Imtiibug or no humbug. CiT Siiamokix Cask. Letters patent hav ing been granted by Gov. Pollock, on tho lbih inst , on election was held nl Shnmokin, on Saturday last, for thn election of officers nn l a beard of dirietors A number of pen. llenun from this and Northumbeiland went out iu tho inoruii'g train, and a number from other quarters, We learn, wero present. J. II. Zimmerman, Iv.-q., of Saubuiy wus elec ted Pr:sidetit, and .Mr. Robinson, Cashier. Mr. Zimmerman is a man of excellent char acter and good busiuess habits, qualities that scm olmoiit essential for that pott. Mr. Uobii son, wu understand, is a man well qual ified for his position. t'j 'Fli:". Wd It e let to learn that on Thursday n;ht, the Hist inst., tho largo two story frame dwelling house cf Geo. Milhr, on iho turnpike, about 3 inihs from Suubury, was entirely consumed by Cre. The house was occupied by Henry Jluus. Tlio inmates had lurely liuio to escape, und nothh.g but a I I'll,) IjllMll f ACllltll.l r,.,. II I, 'I'ln I a tfcrv-u in',,, limine, f ,iv 1 cause ol tho fire is not known Cif Jones II.hsk. Wo refer our readers to tha advertisement of Mr. Wells Coverly. proprietor of tho Jones House, IInrrisburr'. This is a near Hotel, at tho comer of Market street and Market cquuro, containing over ono hundred rooms, with new furniture. While in lluiTuburg, recently, wo were shown through a number uf the apartments by Mr. Coveily, the peiitlemanly and oblifeiug proprietor, who spares no efforts to reuder bis bouso comfortable to those who make it their stopping place. The House is wl! ananged, with must of the modem couveni. eecrs. and wi'.h the experience und alteutioc of Mr. Coverly cannot fail tiviujr general salisfaetiou. Thi-re j, ul;o a euiuimidiou and most excellent restaurant iu the ba.. mcut of the building-. Vor further paniculai our reader wtU cousull ilf. Coverly'i dvsr-tfeestrtrt, THE Mil l) WlVl HFtl THE It E CHOP. Tho present winter is onn tf thrfe lemaik- able season that occur, pel haps, once in a quarter cf a century. Thu winter of 1827 is said to' have been by Ihoso who recollect it, rcry fnueb like tho present, and the summer following a sickly one. In this last rerpect wo hope tbero will be no similarity. RcMdcs, February is sometimes tlio most rigorous of our winter months. There may be, therefore, still plenty of cold weather in store fur us, a consummation devoutly to be wished for, If for no olhcr purpose than for the usual winter ciop of ice, a crop that has, of late years, become almost as important as those cf our summar ciculs, Tho PoMon ico dealers havo not yet com menced securing their usual supply. Their ico on tho ponde i,-os yel, only four inches thick, and tho production is not deemed suffi cient for tho supply nutil it is six inches thick. This shows that the prospects are uot entirely hopeless in that quarter. Ono or two cold nights may double that thickucus. Iu caeo of a failure we can still resort to tha hyperborean regions. We observe at Lake Superior, ori Christmas day, some of tho eili7.ene, among other pportp, wore enjoy, in;; themselves wi'.h a hcrss rcce oe tho ico The course was a mile long. The presump tion i, that the ico in that quarter muiithave assumed a respect able thickneps to justify such sports. In this section we odviso our friends to secure a supply as eaon aa any is matured. Three inches will do if thicker cannot be obtained. We would, in fact, prefer ice not more than fix inches to thit which is thicker, bb it can bo packed closer. In more southern latitudes we have seen ico houses filled with ice not tn.oro than from ono to two inches thick, which was regularly raked off tho ponds as it was formed. Many dairy farms south of Daltimore procure their supply iu this way. uj:,u am ku.viitt. Grdd and silver coin has accumulated so rapidly of lute that soma of tho New Yoik Banks nro somen hnt puzzled to know what to do w ith this troublesome and unprofitable commodity. The amount of coin in the New York Banks is slated at thirty millions of dollars. The nmoiiut ordinarily contained ia their vaults was about ten or twelve millions, which, ut the time cf the pusemion, was reduced to about seven millions of dollars. Coin is dead capital ia a Hunk, and none of tlieni desire more than what is necessary to meet thu actual demands, which, in oiJinary times, is but a limited amount. ti Dank of Pkxnsvi.vania Stock. Tho stock of the Hank of Pennsylvania, which sold at four dollars, has advanced siuco tho return of Mr. Allibono, its lato President, to ten dollars. Immediately after tho arrival of Mr. A. in Philadelphia, ho addressed a note to tho Directors of the Uauk, expressing his readiness to give them in their examina tion or the affaiu of the Institution, any in formation which mi-iht be in his power. Tlio probab.l ties now aie, that iu a short lima the community will have an opportunity te know who is responsible for tha disastrous ;nt.u of '.hings which exists iu regard to the lia.,k. The return cf Mr. Allibono will doubtless cause a greut rattiiug unioi g the "dry bones" of the defunct Dank. Thcro are some doubt lusi'., connected with tho Dank, to whom his presence, at this time, will bo anything but welcome. ("2 Rno Phtticoats. Tho North .lmen- eflii announces that red petticoats havo made their appearance in Philadelphia. Also Cue laco pocket handkerchiefs, costing by tho dozen one bundled dollars each. 6S" Lycomimi Is?tr.ASfK Company. The losses sustained by this company since 18:")" is 22.765. Claims iu process of adjustment, 11,000. Cy Matiami: Llcy Stoke permitted somo of lur furniture to bo sold in New Jersey. becauFO kho would not pay the tax on her properly. She thinks women should bo rep resented or not taxed, aud believing this.sho tubtiiits to n visit from tho shcrtll' ruthur than pay a stiver. liJ The Lebanon Furuaoog will resume work on tho Urst of lbru:iry. Tho Adcu ti sr consiiieis thi of j:rcutfcr, importance, thau the resumption of specie paymonts by tho Hanks. 13" A VUOIIIACITU M BKTI.NU in the Meth. odist church, iu this place, has been in pro. gross tha past two weeks. Yo understand tho results have been tpiito f.-.vorablo, and thut quita a Lumber of members have beeu added to tho church. l'ho L'nioii Cucal Company aroeu- laiyint' the tunnel about two miles Irom Lo bauon. US?" IIcso IIimski.k. A youn man by the name of William Jeffries, twotity-thrce years of nP, rc.-ii'ini: on O'Connor's farm near I'ottsville, hung himself. The Tree l'erry at l)aiiTillo is suspended at present ou ucconut of Coaling ice. The creditor of tho Montour Iron Com em to havo another meeting at 1'bilu ilclphiu ou the 1st of February. PVcr.sTmc. A correspondent o! the Ilurt f.inl ((.',) i'ress, mentions tho case of a n'an, r.unie I lttai Curtis, of Hristo', who for tke !at foriy years has slept and eut bis morning in I. in us in the lieie.hl)irhiinrboJ, lie dining all imitations even in thu coldest Weatl er to do otherwise. Hi died recently, leaving properly lo a considerable amount. The Weatiikb. Several rr.ptainn of ves scl recently arrived ut New York, stutethut f ho Cull Stieain runs this year forty or ti ft v miles nearer the A ineric io coast th in hither to. The fact is mentioned on accounting for tho extraordinary mildness of the winter weather thus lur. Isil'Ol.TANT TO POMXASTFIlft. TllO JSt master Centra! has recently decided that if i cslinuhters do notiiive publishers of newia pers notice that their papers remain iu the i.ost-oflicu i.ilhout being taken out by the subscribers, within five wueks, they are liable to pay. LiS'ir. DiviL'itvDS. Ti e Home Mutual In surauco Coiiipauy, of New Orleans, La. in. ikes the laii-OKt scrip dlridend ol the Sea son, naim-ly fte) per cent, on tho amount of the oui nod premiums of lbi 7. made 40 per cent. 'J'be cet earoed trotu of the I raw s TtT a THE FORT Hit r.Ll. I!0 SWINDLE. Thn Washington earrriiondent of the New Yoik l'o-1 rclriring la llie do of Fort Pnelling nil the C'onimiUr oppuiuted to examine into it, s.y I "'l lie ccmtniiwioii who wont ott lo mk the ralo wrre no tccnlit'gly modest and unehtru ive, end so very reservrd in regard tothtir buM lietn, lliul Ihone living in the iinmcdiate virinity, ni)l i tcii nonif of the office m in the fort, did not know lor what piirpove ihry were there until after they were gone. People thrre were surprised tolesiiiof the sale, three weeks after it waa made. 'I here were men aiuiomlo urchaethe land, and were rsprctiiig and preiarcil ta do au at 'Ufiti $100 par acre. Tha sovernmfnt could liave rraliu-4 at least 8H 0.000 lur the land at the time the alo waa n mlc. Kcaintibl men had examined the advm agei of the locality and oil. They bad the money for the first pay- mrritu, und until tlii'i Irainrd, to Ihrir astoniuli iiirut, that the Und waa aahl, expected to pur-eha-c a portion, if nut all of it. 'J ho Rocrnment sold it lor $00,000, olat pri vate sale ) so private lhat it may be called secret. A Mr. Blcelo was the nominal purchaser, who, although be claimed nothing aa an actual settler, which he mi;ht have dune, oolamed me w noie. rneanly apparent and alleged reason for the Inference Riven to him m. tiit lie bad eatabliubcd a ferry mil erected aome buildincafar the conve nience ol the Lmtfd Males troojia, wno nau me ue of them gratia. Mr.WUjelc, from tho coun tenance and liver of the Government, had made iu large a fortune that he ia tho last peiaon who should have tho preference, il it waa to be given to iiny ano. The only reason ami eicuae ouercu for the manner of the sale is, that if it ha I been offered at public "1j, Ihc price would have been kenttlown to ft 5 or l ou per acre ny a eonihiiiation which had been formed for that pur pose. Huch a combination could not have exUted, because no ono knew that the sale waa to be made until afterwards, tnd what if there waa auch a combination Tlio Uud might have been appraised and the bid received in writing. Fort llrtrhurn waaaold in that way. Had 'orl Knel ling lien advertised fur eale in a prepcr manner, cud bids invited in writing, the (jovrrumcnt would have been olleicj 4o0,000 by men whe are now in Washington. The aale is now re ferred to a cnmiiiittee for inve.Uigation, and Fort Knelling is likely to beenmo aa tanioua in thu biatory of national awiiulling as the Galphin and Gardiner fraud. The Adiiiiniatration is respon sible for it. and though no personal imputntiens arc made, the individuals immediately connected wilh it must clear their titirti of the evident un fairness of the transaction or take the odium of it." The Stats AoRictLTtiiur. Sodiktt. The annual election uud meeting of the Peiinvl vniiia Agricultural Society was held ou the l'Jtli insl. A statement nf tho Society was lead by tho Treasurer, chowing the receipts und disbursements fur the last year to have been upwards of 15,0011, the resignation of ltobl.C. Wuiker, Ksq , tho Recording Secre tary wus received, and other current business tinnsucled, when au election for officers was beid fur the current year with thu following result : i'rcsiilcnt DAVID TAGGAKT. Vice I'lT&idcnls lbt District, Georgo V.'. Woodward; 'Jd District, A. T. Newboid ; lid Distuct, Charles K. Kugle ; 4 th District, Jo seph Yeager; 5tb District-, Thouias P. Knox Otn District, A. K. M'llvuir.e j ith District, Adraiu Coiui ll ; b'th District, Georgo M. keim ; IHh District, John Strchm ; ltltb Dis tnct, John P. Hiitheilord ; 1 lib District A. K. Kapp; 12tb District, K. W. Sturdevant,; loth District, Asa Packer ; Hlh District, Uiilium Jessnpj loth District, 11. N. M AI ister; 10th District, Jacob S. llal.lemau ; 17th District, Witliaui lleyser j lntb District tolas HaUer; l'Jtli Uirti let, J ohn M hurlauil; 20tb District, Joshua Wright ; 2Ut District, John Muidoch, Jr. ; l!2d District, William Martin, Sr. ; 2oi 1'istrict, William Maxwell; 24th District, William liigler, 25th District, J nines Miles. Addilioml Member of ihe Executive Com mi'fe Frederick Wults, James Gowin, William A. Stokes, Jacob Miiih, aud John C. Fleuuiken. Cnriefjimuiiug Secretary A.. I. Ilamilton. Ciiciuisl and GWojint Prof. S. S. llalde inan. Librarian Ileury Gilbert. The Conmiitteo unanimously chose llou. Augustus U. llivster, Itecordiug Secretary, to fill tho vacancy occutioted by the icsiyiiation of Mr. Walker. Vkry I.atb ritoii Utah Tue Mono.s Fuki-arahoks fok Wak. A Gentleman from Utah, who loft Salt Lake on tbo 10th of December, gives tbo New York Tunosome interesting iulormatiou respuctiug tho Mor mons and the movements. Preparations have been fuliy completed uuioug tbo Mor iiions for a guerilla warfare against tbo troops. Luuou, a Uimcult pass ueur tue nty is beta by a force of Mormon rangers, and great ire bus beeu takeu to forlily It in aulicipa ou of au assault. 'I ho Mormons iu bau Ueiunriiio valley were Belling off their farms, ui;ll.J, workshops, Jcc, ut great saenbees, lo outre at bait l.ako City, fan mouths ugo tho same property coul.i nut havo beeu pur chased for leu limes tho prices uow accepted. lianJs ol uruied Indians Mero found iu tho neighborhood of tbo Mormons, evidently pre pared lor Utilit, and acting iu concert with lause people. In tbo settlements south of Croat eail Lako City, tbo Mormons wero united and very busy threshing their grain, waicu they had in creut abundance irom the last harvest. At bull l.ako City ho found thut tbo war wus tho subject of all tbo public exboi Utiutiu. Tbo Mormons believed that nil tho U. b. troops would be destroyed. l.very ubk-bouieii mail would bo seut out to battle us soon us they have nut epriug crops Au open nght is uot counted upeu a sneaking guerioa war is lo kept up. lib all this bra vndo, iiowcver, they ev locally lear luo up pioacb of tho L. b. troops, anJ hope that opinion will yet luouce tho 1 resident to witl.uruw them, lirighum evidently does uot want a light, us it will cripple bis strength greatly it hv lius to romuvo tu uuotuer coau try. fulntc LeJijcr. 1 h aicuinshlp Ai lel. New Youk, Jan. 21. Tho steamship Kmopa, coutrary to general e.vpecluuou, brings no intelligence of the aicsiiig steamahiii Ariel, bhe is now out t .enly live days from bouthhainptou, aud there is much anxiety with legatU lo her. Uakiiubi'ko, Jau. 25 1858. Judge Hell introduced a bill iu the Senate to alter the districts ol the Supremo Court. Il il.v.dcs Wie fctuto into two districts, tuo asterr and western. The term for the eas tern uislcricl is to be held in Philadelphia, commencing ou the first Monday of Jauuary and ending ou the last .Monday ol July. I he icriii thu western district to be hum iu Pittsburg, commencing on tin. first Monday of October and i-lusiug on tho last Mouday of December. Tbo ollice of Pioihoiiolaay lor the middle and uorlberu districts ia abol ished, uud llio recoids lo bo deposited to tho eastern district. Mr Hell also introduced the following bill : "1'hat wbeucver any of the banks or other instilntiona or this lunimouwealtn having banking privulegra shall resume in guoJ faith tbo paymeul of its debts and liabil. ilies iu gold aud silrer, the said bank or oth er institutions so renaming payuieat, shall not be thereafter subject to llio provisions of the ibird ectlioil of the act of October 13th, 1837 to long as such bank shall ccutiuue its pay in. iiis iu specie." 'ill thud section is the one requiring the bunks to take the cotes of all bauks iu the elate that paid specie up to tba time of re ninptfoa at par in payuect of debt, Cclcgrapjjic Tha Mormuo Hbrlllon Official Dlapalchre tram Col. Johnson. Washington, Jan, 23. Despatches have been received at the War Pepartmcnt from Col. Johnston, dated Nov JJOth, which confirm tho previous reports of excessive suffering and great loss of tba draught animals, by snow storms, cold and starvation. A suliicient number ot oxen, though poor, have been saved to supply the proportions or the rations lor sis days In the week, and there is on band bacon sufficient for one day in each weak for seven months. There is also Boar and small rations for the same period. The storms dealt roughly with Col. Cook's command, lie lost half of his horses, besides a mrmbiT of mules. A further advance to wards Salt Lake City cannot be made with ont a new supply of such animals, to procure which Capt. Morcy has been despatched to New Mexico, for use in the early spring when the army with a volnnteer force of 2000 men, will resume the march as soon at supplied with horses and mules, and the praes on the mountains sufficient to supply them. Two volunteer companies have been mus tered into service for nine mouths, and it is expected that in a few days, two moro com panies will he mustered in. The troops have botne the dangers and pri vations of llio march with patience and cheer fulness, and aro in fine health, though somo or the regimenti ure still sutlering from fros ted feet. Another letter from an officer of Iho army, says that tho Mormons ore afraid of the innnntod men. Thev are a set of cowards, like all assassins, and robbers, and he fears that their leaders and these who have 110 claim in the valley, wiil run away, requiring their deluded followers to destroy their pro. porty, l3t it LJay benefit the army. From Washington. ThePuUic Printing Jnvcflign'i'inLx-Gove nor Stanton at Washington. Wasih.nuton, Jaounry 25. Tho Special Comitteo ou Public Printing lies authorized one ol its memncrs, 11011, George Taylor of New York, to open a cor i-esnnrulenre with the printers, paper menu- faeturera. cneravcrs and book-biuders of the country, with a view of obtaining all practi cable information on these subjects. Spcci uieiis of Congressional wotk are to bo despos ited with Messrs. Arthur & Co , of New York, for inspection. Tho Committee pro pose, either to establisn a l unnc 1 runing Office, or so dispose of tho work os to obviate the scrambling lor it. consequent ou the meet ing ol every new Congress. lix-Acl'.ng Governor Stanton, 01 jv.uusas, arrived in this city this morning. Francis Ty many ol .Missouri, lias oeeo op pointed Agent of'the ludians, at the Sax and box agency. Ii'tuthrr and Kxclling Sewsfrsm The Capitol HomiardcdOi er One Hundred Lives Lost The Coulitiun Marching on the City. Ci:w Oiu-kans, Jan. 25. Pv tho Tennesoee, the Picayune is in re . J . ...... r e .. nruuv. Ceipt ol private auvices iiu "j ico to the ISlll, lieing two wt-eaa iier i"a" previously received. l lieso uiiviees annouue. at- ran '" , of the capital by the opponent of Cvmoujort und a ditperate ennUct, ul.ith continued Jor mrrrul datjtroultinq in the lots of itr one hundred fii-ts, uik the wounding of a large number more. The persons who wero in possession of the Citadel and tbo Convents of un Hiiniugo and ban Awgustiuo where tho partisans of batita Anna, whoso recall to tho Presidency was loudly deuiauded. Ou the 17lh the day previous to the sailing of tho steamer, a truce for 2 1 hours between tho opposing forces was agreed to. At tlio last moment previous to thn depar tuie orthoTeiin.-s.iee, intelligence was receiv ed that tha Coalition wero marching upon thu city, aud that civil war bad fairly begun. A School House in finslcn on I've The Scholars bivuisscd in Safety Hemic Con duct of the Teachers. Bostom, Jan. 2! A fire was dicovercd yesterday afternoon in the cellar of tbe Chapman School House, by a female teacher. With the most extra ordinary presence of mind, she coaiiiiunicated tbe information to tbe other teachers private, ly. Thu Scholars in eight eeparule rooms were dismis-o 1 in good order, without know ing iho occasion for tbe sudden boliduy. !Je foro tho remaining two rooms wero cleared the alarm ol tiro was sounded, but tbo teach ers ti ok position ut the doorways, und pro venting a sudden rush, passed all ihecbildreti out gaiety. Tbo building contained five hun dred scholars. Tho lire was fortuuutely ex tinguished without serious damage. Lata aaj Imiisstanl froM Mexico. Anarchy and Confufi m'J he City of Mexico in a State of Siege lit pulse of Common monfort's Troops. Nf.w Oni.EAXs, Jan. 25. By the arrival of the steamship Tennessee, from Yora Cruz, udvices to the 21st havo been received. Tbe whole country is in a stuto of complete anarchy and confusion. All the mail stages between Vera Cruz and the capital have beeu stopped by banditti and rebber. Nearly every Ptalo ana town is pronoun cing against the Dictatorship of Comnionfort The City of Mexico is declared in a stole of siege. Tbo brigade of Uen. Zulougu, which was the first that declared fur tho Dictatorship, has now pronounced against Comoufort. This brigade has possession of tbe citadels and barracks of Sau Augustiuo and Santa Domingo. Comoufort, having been refused admittance into the latter barracks, assembled two thou saud troops at the palace, with artillery, and arrested lieu. Zuloaga, but afterward re leased him on parole. A portion of Zuloaga' brigudo favor their commander for tha Presi dency, wbilu others prefer Santa Anno. Ou tha loth inst. tho Sau Augustiuo bar racks were attacked by Comuufort's troops, but thev were repulsed. All tho foreigners iu the capital havo hoisted the Hugs of their respective- countries as a means m piuiecwuu. vmua.uu iu tbe capital. Misrinmts of Csa. Walkar, &. Vnmi.K. Jan 2C A meetine in favor of Gsn. Walker was held hero last evening. K.,e..rlies were dulivered by lieu. Walker, Parson Brownlow and others, llesolutions wero adopted demanding that Commodore Paulding shall be tried for violatiou of the International law, aud denouncing the gov eminent for sustaining him. Nkw OuneAN. Jun.2li The Grand Jury has refused to Uod a bill against Ceu. Walker, for his escape from the custody of the U S officials. Wasuikotos, Jan. 26. The papers fur nislied by the Southern mail contaiu reports of tbo movements of Ceo. Walker, aod Lis speeches at Montgomery and Sulma. Hi strictures on tbo government, in Lis speech delivered at Montgomery, are said to have been in good taste. At Stlma, be said the secret of the oppo sition to his cause, 0..U the high Lauded outrages committed against hiiu and bis men, vat that the Americans iu Nicaragua favored tte HtabHrtnjeot of slarery, from Washington. Washington, Jan. 23. The Senate Committee on Foreign Relation agreed upon a report to be presented on Mon day, sustaining, generally the President's Central American Message, beluiving, with bim. that Commodore Paulding went beyond the legitimate limits to airesl the lillibusters on Nicaruuguan soil, and rucconimonding an amendment to the neutrality laws, so as to bold as prisoners Tor trial all tdlumlers cap tured iu the prosecution of their hostile plans against nations with whom we are at peace. Osasral Walkrr at Habllo. Mortn.R, Jan. 25. General William Walker woe welcomed here yesterday by a national salute, and the bospitalilif'8 ol tho city were formally extend ed to him. Ue was arrested to day on an order from New Orleans. A writ of habeas ctrpttt was sued out and was discharged from custody, juugo uuls quasueu mo proceedings. Flra at Mauch ( hank Macii Ciicnk, Jan. 23. Cnebler'a sosp factory, six dwelling houses and one stable were entirely destroyed by tire lust night. The books of three different linns were also consumed. The loss has not yet been aicerlamca. Communicated For Hit Suubury Amcticm J 7or k Statistics. The naiiilier oflf.'iri m the burough nf Sunlur riurirt; Uip Tall mid Wuiler of ia 46-, weighing in llic aL'errgiile H-5 000 jx-uikIs, being 53 tnna. Avenigc Wt-iglit lut 230 Il'i., which givea to every mini, v.-m;iii and c'lik) sjhuut 701'tJi- 1 a!J give you a l tt v( I 'rnc of the Lirgrit ; Names, No. II Jgs. Weijlit. TjwI. Siiiuni .M tU, 3, 5 j3, tl.0, 3(!0, 1.3) Kit. V" lirighl i; 3m, S, SUI, 501, l,IIUIi Jo'm G. Youiiginan, tt. iWj, II!)), t'Oj J .lrn Y , S, DTb, 3K0, 'Hi Srtssiiiui in iij.t, 1, 3 0 J WiiStr!cr, S, l.TSO 1 II. I...slc, 4, 4;0,3-U, Till IliesKus, I, 3j3 Arnlicw II i .ver, 1, Wu Clmrlfs Heck, I, S-'-'i Uooigc l.ymis, 3, 360, 363, TI3 Ocige li.'irriaou, 1, 30 C. A llrlit, II, 3S!,37, T3'J l'etcr li.ituaui, e, 31, 3Vj, T31 87 10,611 Of the iib'ivp 57 Ivrs ttienveinge weight is a fraetien iivei Hid l(a. I luce flls.i llie ninuunt tf poilc killed during the wielerof 1?1H & ft, Aeliich I frocureH from Mr. Jnhn You:i, wlncli ran ceni'Sre Willi lite nluve. The nultihcr tle-n killet) v:ts 3.VJ weichini; 70,075 l!s , tirakieg r tnlnner in f:.V'r ff this )e.T ef 1'.3 h"gs nml 2G.0vtl It is WMtllty of note I hat sit lie large h 'ps (wilh n tow eTrepti-'i'S eante I'r-m Ihe lulls hi I'pper Augusta town ship this eounty, where they Imve f.'i a nun:!er cf years past raised sutne el 111 e funs: higs in the Sin'.e. 8 M P. For Us Sanbnry Amtrlcsu rnicxn MASItR, IVar Pir:.!n looking over the columns of the "Amerie.Tir t'f die Ifllh inst , 1 nttservetl a C"mmmiiep'.ion over the en!imtuie of J. J. H EifliHNsNTDiR, in whieli he (it"tvs au exlrnet from the puh7ihed rcjiort, of tlie Teurli. er's Inslilule, sdjaia: : "As theie is mi doul't lliul the u-orlhy Scre:sry niisunderj.u.d ihe gentlemen referred to, I ttionftlit it might be nerrsary and nothing tut sim ple justice, to makes public correction r.f the htst.ment.M Til "se Rentlenicii ure not cppns J to rhetorical leddirg- lltey nre only npposetf to thM runtinr, It-ornUis. lie m ickery of riictorienl us.ling. which nufortuiiHtely is s me tunc a substituted for true rhetoiical rending. " After resiling Ihe above I coi.ninnl the l.iinnles, ns (ski n down at the n. siting of ihe Institute ; and hnd ia tho oiigiiial ni.inuseiipt, Ihe following : "The sal jeet of le.iehing reoiliag being discusser!. Mr. I'tp did net think rhetorical res. linn well m!ipted to the common schools. Professor Mcriiibnd feltjwtd in sai- pen of Sir. Ulp'a posiiion." The forniti gave as his tea s 'a, that, "pui ils taught to read in thnt manner vstially rcad all piccrs in that way, even advertisements in news papers. Thi I distinct!' r. eicni'.er. And tha l'roi'cMvr's arutnt-i.tsstnounted to the innie ttil' g. II is uot my prnveuce to jmle whether the "worthy Secretary tins the fatuities of coiupirlieusioii or not, they mny be oidiitary.pethni s, at I'-.iSt, one thing 1 do know, lie was nciuiiter! by honest motives. I also find,liuit it wns sjiiI iu the tlel'Ste in the morsing session ef the d day, nml Ihn minutes weie icud and adopted ia the afternoon session, without any objection ogsinst them, by any one, tberefoie they were published vetbaiiin li tin gentlemen "were ou:y opposed lo t!iat rantinfr, tx.nilostic niK-kety of rlutoncal readiujt" why did they g.e a sample of tlteir Hindus operuudi of "true le.nlutg '" I believed then, nnd still believe, tliat, whst they Kiid, was indlrcet ertticirm (f the mauuci in wliich seveiul pieces weie tfuj. Beiicving the presiding oiT.eer to be actuated by no other, tluiii lejiioinbie iw.iiv.'b und but following the uictittesol wbut he conceived "t be bnl simple justice, 1 niust say, but, wilh all defcrea e for the geutlciuua's .ipiuioa thai there is room to doubt whether the Secretary itiis'inder sloHl ttie ger.ticmcii ol not. It frequently happens, lhat rust which is said iu'dtbatc, on secoi.d thought would not bti. There fie mai.r respeetubty educated gentlemen, who are opposed teucldng rhetorical rending I y sett rules. A Wilt educated untl , lieyond a doubt, an excellent teacher, renin! ked tame Ihe other dny that he wus opposed to all a. id ony rhetorical annotation whatever, yet snys he, I teucli it. Is this criiuinal? Isitwioug Ceituinly not. lie has n right to his opinion, whether they be well found ed ul not, as well as any mnn. Neither need the gentle, men referred to, fear any injurious results ou account of their opini. hi, from uny cnliflitinid community. If not their epitiioii, 1 am not responsible for it Why did they any it ! 1 published tho iniuUes its reud und ad 'p'.ed. without partiality for anyone, save, the gciak-uten who labored to prove tliat, -'was Struck," wus an active transi tive verb, this I did not insert in the report, for it was an error too egrej ioes. To the gentlemen lift-rrcd,l have nothing but the kindest regnid and well wishes for their personal well'jte, lieing favorably impressed with the ami able, nnd gentlemanly deportment ot each. Indetdso much so tliat 1 um proud to hail them as friends I cherish tha1 golden rule too well te seek to do cither mi injury. "Da to others us you would thut otheis should do lo you." 1 huve the h be, Youis, te. J. W. WEEKS. Ip-S! .000 It KW.lKD will be puid for miy .Medicine thai will excel I'll A IT .V llLTlllll.liS ll, for the f ll 'Wiug discafees: I! heuitiiil ism, Neurs'cia, Atl'.'elloii. C tilrtteli'd Jonas, i ll be I'uiits, I'ums in lite tMUs or 11'k, lieit'latilie. 'i'oollntche, bpinuis, Throat, Cats, lams s. Ilurns, und oil tltkeuscs li lire skai Musi'les uiul Ihe None genuine without the sig nature "f l'uTT A- IliTCIlxB DttHched to each ImI lU. r, tot) W 'Ulnngtou street, lliooklyn, Xtw Voik. foij by Albert V. l-'isliei, Diuggist, Market street, Sunburj-, i5" This is to certify, lhat I have made hut ouo application of the Mugic Oil ou my fingers, which havo been drawn from coutrac. tiou of tho cords, brought on by rheumatism. It was of seventeen months standing, and 1 now euUrcly cured. 1 cheerfully recommend it to all uW.'cted likewise. J. M. FIN BROOK, Harrisburg, Locust street. July 25, 1857. Iy. rilYMUANS Vat TIIK WILD Cllt RltY. Mk., Sept. 30. This certifies that I Lava recenmmended the uso of M'istttr'i Buhum of Wild Cherry, for dia diseases of the lungs, for two years past, and in ny bottles, to my knowledge. Lave been used by patients, all with belief), cial resalts. la two cases, where it was thought confirmed Sensuinpliou bad takeu place, tha II .iti" Cherry, enroled a rure. V K. I50VUKS'. Physician ut Kxcttr Corner. Da. Fkflkioii, of Haucerti. s. N. V says he cured Liver Complaint of foar years'staud ing, that would not yield to tbo usual reme dies. None genunine unless signed I. BUTTbon the wrapper. Waynsborougb, Burko Co. Georgia. For sale ia Bocbt7, by Frfllng 4r Grant. t E A T II S . Iu this nlane en Ihe S.'.th iii.iani .r c.i.. Fever, MAKY, eldest dausbtcr of l:di.r,i t: and Marirnret A. Hatina, aged 4 years 4 months Und has called her lo sweet niirry, From the world, (trief, oue and f nin; Strive to look In Ilia crown, deer par.nU, There you'll see your gem again. ..!".A';!"r,"c",,lTll,,"!"y 'ho Sfilb inst.. Mrs MARY ZIMMKRMAN, wife of Oeorg.'w merman, agrd about 65 years. At his residenr In Harrisbiire, nn Iho 17ib inst.. JOsKril 3. DIXON. ,r in Uh .1 t ( i "iawii WBR III lorv ti ill!.. county, and waa highly esieciued by all who knew him "cATniNKLoXK;,;;',.;; in Jortlinnitinrlnf't nr. t, m.i. &fec STiuIufs. Philadelphia Market. Jan. 27. 1S58. Grais. Tho receipts of ennt-nue .l-nte large, though the MIl,' Uodred sheldatei lUfll.Jn ' n 1 jo for good h,te. Ityx- in strailv at 0 ecu a. Corn is scarce, and liKU saUs ore n,ak,u nt 58uC0 cents. Oats are iu do tnund tit 3;j cents. cClovcrseod-Sule of prime at 5 SO psr )V,1i:k0yT.K",PS t 21icts.i.i bbls. s.d in hhds.,at 21 cents. SUKEfJRY PRICE CUFJIOT, V. heat, fl 40a I iiO Kye, .... 75 Biut.r, 1'"k!S Tuilnw, Lnrd, . fork, 9 to IS IS 8 ss 85 (!orn, .... r,( Odlt, .... 4o Diickwheat, - . C'd i'titntoes, ... 1)0 llccswair, laiHce - 1 So Dried Apples, . 1 New Advertisement:. Estate of George Brosiou?, Ct ceased. y O l Il'i; is hereby given to ihc i.eiis or leal L'i representatives of Ceorge lirosioi.s,"f (sPorKetown, in Lower Mahoiiny twi.sbiji.ur. thumhcrlaad potinty, Pciiiimj linnii. t!iccatd that by viilue of an alios writ of Partiiion and' Vnlualion isiueJ out of the Orphans' Court of slid county and to inp directed, an ii:(i'.,et be held at the lute resilience of said iUwum , i:l tJeoruelown, on MO.NDA Y", the S-ji:,! day' cf March, next, at 10 o'clock A. M .lor i!,e. j.ui;ue of mulling partiiiun of the 1,'eal te ef ij deceased, to wit: of live ccrtiin trails r.f Ia; J and lour and ball bits of ground in Ceorttli.wn aforesaid, one lot, and f.v.i l-'sails situate in the river Jftuehanna in Lower V! alio, liny township. IS I cciiii'v , al.itsi j between the hi iu or b'nal rcprrst ntnlivrs, and Ihe widow ol said deceased. At wbit !i time Si.d place ou insy allend if von think projr. J A M US V A . 1) V K U, Nheria-. Mifrill a (JIIicc, ounbury, ) January do. lfc.r,.S. SHERIIT'S SALE'v O Y virtue of sundry wrila of Vtitainoxi Et rM isaueJ out of the t'ouil of Coinm m Picas of NorlhuinVerland c.iunty.tu n,e i!ircit,J. will be ex.ofeil to public i-a!e, at ihe bouse ol Mra. UK A UKK. in Turhutville. I.pwis towrsip, NorlhuuiliPrlaud county, on 'J'il 1 li. i) Y. V i.ilh dtiyof FEUKL'ARV. next, at 1 oMeik i. .M., the folluwing re d pslatc, to wit : All that ccrtntii tract or piece ef UnJ. siinete in Lewis towiikhip, Northumberland, I'oundtii by land til Jjines I.crois on loe r.:'si siel sonlh; on the went by land of tlis nl l n. i;f Ji tut Smith, dee'd . and by a public r.aj on !a north, containing 27 Ai res, more cr I us, of which is cleared; wlirrcon are ere. t. d a !rs tAO-slor lioinc Dwelling House and KitiV.'i:. a bank 13arr, cariiitgo llotisp, tvsh-h, e,,-. v. l of water, vouiig orchard, A'c. iSeiT'd tklen isi pxrc.tion and lo be aol.l aa the properly tf A area II. Annum. ALSO, at the same time and place, all Ilia dclrii.laii'u interest, being the one equal uu !ivi i!cd lillli ait ol a certain tract or pi. ee f l.i,d, sitoslo III l ewis lowioditp, 'orilii.inb. rl.inil cd'jr. ly, bound by lands ol Tl.imms Wails on the eet, tJbristoi Koup on the west; Jumci Twiej and Matthias Miller on the aoulb. uud the Ciray en the north, coiitaitiini; in t'oe u l.tee l oU Acies trnie or les-, about 811 Acrrs of ul uli ero clear. d ; whereon ri erected two log hot.s a. a frame burn, orcl. aid, Ac. Seized lr..rn in cse rulioi. uud to be suld as tho propoitv of James Watts. JAMES V .DYKE, thni.T. SherilVs oflice, Suubury, "I January 30, ISoS. A STU1T cur, sflAMElo the promises rf the aiibsriiVrra! oct tl at) daya since a UI.ACK II W, alrnt tea yeais old, has a white lace, white U-lly. one l.i..d loot while, while under the jaw, a h bored in each bom. 'i he owner h reiiiicxt. il I.) cento si.d wrote property n iy charer. oihri wire she w.ll be disposed of according to law. IMMEI. IIOFI MAN. ML Carmel, January HO, lH.-is. "m JOJSTES HOUSE. U CLIJ lOVKXLY, t'rvprlctur. Cur, of Market Street Marktt Square, 11 A It il t li l KG, I'A. 'rlltS NKW AND I'.I.l.CiANT lioTr.l.. r..tlv fire. X led by tli Mton JlM;, m Hariu-lmi;, la , 1115 been IfJtrs' lufu Utiii l vc.trb l) liu' iimlc; itrO, t-0 tsikca tins it.cirixl uf oilling the utient ui t.:' t . I ;iti.-n, utnl tbe ttHVclium omiiiuu.ty. liiritt ' Hiiviii) u ff,,ut o" nuc tnuiJrt'l htui i-it Irtt ii ti; i iini-iuii rts;t ii ii.evitv, ui U 1 m-i Wit I'ii ( l'r ui .m Maii.t-1 sSjuurr, it Uil t iovc .ittiitcm-e ui wl'A Uk iuviui.i i 'I tie ti.;u..bcm are of fine 9et well vrl.t:!ntt !, nnj liglitnl Willi (i.t it iiuttilirr wihi fi'tiiicflii.g i!.tra kti' tltcfil Very l U t t.itnil.rt. 'i'iie IliitiH ure v;untU ti.M';:ii'-ut l y IU:i'rn ; nuJ every m. sdern un-tivriiirit, in rai-t, Imi Iffii i:M' ! at nuiy omiui-e to Um tu.L-ty, loiun il, umU iit.i.i.iks o( tue gilt'S'.H. Vwifir nuiy, titer Tre, Tet RtureJ, M.-.-t tl.e '"Juitt lUat:' I til tiieu mailt peii'tJi-t in nil n (,. .:in-ii thut rni'li ilej afiuiei.t hat U cu li.c d m ft . 1 1' ije ni-iiL't-U aud CiHti.Mt rutiii tint in ev. pi.t. ui'tr thu yitciu tvlucii luia al'tlr.l (tytlir l'r-) riclu, wiliui I" ill e wti- limy nmke it Uifir ii- tne. u j;m u eo ul timiUMl us may Lc ubui. uuj biuiilaf t.:i'. - -' i-.L-ut tit ti tt3tr. J u .vnjre this ilnah!e rfiult. he nii '." 'tie Iuliiic ui.J J'iivhIu i'liVHte ril. ia. (! .nt'-- li-i K uiu, Ac, wiihrntirely NKW I t. KM I'l'l.l.: nr(tti(:ei wit tun the buiktu.p. a fine 1 Ihi t't - 11, ter KlKHi UrmsiuiE Kisuui, II 't und i M I"" A"- . Tlie Cu'inury lV urltiu-nt am 1'mu.t; It'- in i 1 receive the ettpecuil tii'.rniih ul the rr.-iii ii ti'i, l nl. U- lru:, Will Iht a uillciriit punrutilt-t all lres wt'l v miiie.l. Alier retuiuiiin lui heuriull tl.'ink i Ins U iru-i-l and luiirnna, tr the Rineri-us ittiriintp 4V I t.e x'ti.!d U hint ttt the Cover ly ll-'uae.1 auri ti Ina iet!s Hml iHim me at the 'Ctliui.l. ll.'iise." Cne u' K lh scitsi n" tvS, he ieieH"ai.' s-iliciw a i of u ut the '-junks not m:.' m WKU.B CUVr.KLV. Jatiuury 30, lFo 6iuoe SHi MOUNTAIN IMPKDVKMCNT I'O. tib PiiiLsUKiriiis, January 1. in:.. No lice ia hereby giii'ii lhat the Annual MeeMui ol the Ktockboldera ef llie Ui Mounlain liiU'rove. ment Company, avail be beM on Monday, llie Ul Jay of February nr it, stUJ o'clock M-. at the ollice of iko (.'iiiiian, ouih-eaft omer of From and Uhcsnut Mrcols, I'hilad. I hia, at which time an election will l held for I n Vi rectors lo serve for one vear. WU.I.IAM 1". JENKS, Piesident. January dU, If S. C1AKI10N 11 UN IMPKOVUMCNT COM- l'ANV, I'Hii.iiitsrau. Jaauary I, lew". Notice is ber.hy given that the .limual Mcctinff of the Stockholders ol the Carbou Kun ment Ctiuipanv. H be belJ on M"idy. 'he latdavuf IVUuery neil, at 13 o clo . k, M j the ollice of tbe Coin.any. K- B. 'erner ol h i out and flu-stiitit JS'treala,' I'hilaJ. Ib"a, ' lime au election will be hcM f-r live ali.oiors, to serve lot one year. MM UEL WILCOX, Pswtary.