It THE DILEMMA. rv o. nr. iioi.jir.s. Now, by lha Lcsl rnih;nn Qiipeu Who heaves the breast of sweet sixteen Hy every name I rut In bark Before my morning star grew dirk liy Hymen torch by Cupid's larl liy all tlmt thrills the denting heart V'he hrijiht blnck eye. the niching liluo I cnnmit chouse between the two. I hud ft vUion in my dream I I saw a row of twenty brums , From every beam a roc woh liulig, In every roe a lofpr swtinj, 1 asked the hue nf every eye 2'liat hade carh luckless lover die; Ten livid lips said heavenly bloc, Ami ten accuetd the daikcr hue. I asked the matron which she ilcrinoJ With lairciit light of lua ly beamed; She answered, sonic lhini;;lit hu h Wirepin Civo her blue eyes and golden hair. I might hive li'-.eil her judgment well, But as ,hi spoke she ruin the bell, And all hrr iiil. nor sin ill nor few, Came marching in their eyes were Woe. I askrj a maiden ; hark she flung The locks tint round hrr sorehead hung, Anil ti mo I her eye, a plorioua one, 13 right as a diamond in the sun, On me, until beneutii its raj. I felt as if my hair would bl ue ; 8hc liked nil eyes but eyes el croen ; She looked ot me what could a'.ie mean ' Ah ! many lids love worV.s between. Nor hrcds the coloring of his sen en ; And when his random arrows fly, 'J he victim falls, but knows not why i Gaze not 11)1011 his field ol jet, The shaft upon the string i ; set ; Look not beneath its mine veil, Though every limb were cased in mail. AVcll both might make a martyr bre ik The chain that bound him to the slake, And both, with hut a tingle ray. Can melt our very heart away ; And both, when balarced, hardly secrn To stir the scales, or rock the beam, But that is dearest all the while That wears for us the swcettvU sirile. ijmnovflus. A Caudlo Lecture Reversed. i Xow, Mrs. Cutiilhi 1 phoiild like to know : w'int has become of my hut 1 Hero I'voheeti ; hunting nil over tho hens", mid lost ten miu- ; Utt'8 that, should liavfl been eiveti to tho Mil- j tial I.ifo lnsurnnco Co. Now, 1 say what j hare you Jjiic with my Imt ? You havn't 1 soen it. Frank, go k t me my hat. and Jano ; fetch mo my cam. HA'Ts that? You can't, flud my hut? Now, Mis. Caudle. I should j liko to litiuw n!iy yeti u ill oi'su t in traitiiiiR i "! children in -Mich a hcedlOps manner? Jit can't lii.y ! T11 be s-ura not : how can ho if yott don ' loam hint how to look ? Didn't ; I lmvo it iu tho kitchen when I neut there, last injjht ul'tcr Boniething loont? How tho ! deuce, should you know ? 1 Fay it's your buai- j tiess to have my thinjs ready in tho lao-ning, 1 rind not to have mo lopinir bo much time. ! you havu too much eio to lo ? Of coursu you havo ! with three servants anil two c!iil- you he! 11 it t liy r.ia ' " .": ' man lu'i'inatit. Now, do you tppo.o things would go on this way if you would only sea that articles aro in their l iht jilucu : but 1 Stippo e you ha II I K"t ti 1110 to iii li ut even ! Of c ursoiiot. Well thi ro's no uae of talking I ini Bt 50 to tlio t rti:o baio-hcailed Vioir boinoi, niudani! Your bonnet! Hut why thon'd I be EiuprUeU if you thmilJ ol! r 1110 your skirts also ? 1 seem to havo lost all nulhority in my own house; It's uot your fault ! mi I pray, then, whofO iuuit is il? What ! tho servants ! iki ma':.i:i. I till yon. you urn mistaken it's i.ot tho survaiitj 1 tell you that its yiitr lunit. 1 wonder who ore mi ex the servant. who, madam, but intt": then, clearly, it's your fault, that 1 cuu't lii d my hat. .Sits down J Well, il's no u-o talking I shun t pi lu the 1 li ce to-day, i.n I i,.h llia'ilin f li in't to Newport dx clour. Its no Uso of aokini', you shaii'l go. You needn't suppose I'm goiu to bo iu prived of my hut l.ku this, and then iillo v ;,i,i to sju'ihI my inniioy ut Newport. No ma'am; hero I u 111 mid hero I'll stay ui! iiay, ma'am, and l.hl What! Vim wi.-h wonhln't la k n much! 1 till you 1 iriil r.-M I'll talk u'l day if I please, and nu!.e Jor d'ja hear that ? I'll smoke In the tiiiiiri' room, m.d yes, l il unoko in lhi- parlor, mid 1 II scent tho j curtains and smoke ail over the Iiohf-o. j ' Here (says Mrs Can .1 ) tho horrid v. retch ' was about putting hi odious prtcopt into pnctk'o when Jatia camo in with his hat. having found it in a c.ii'iit'r of the larju oak : tree chair on the b-ck stoop." j Vivr.--.TI I'o ll:;.'histnr,t: (N'i w Jer cy) .'. ,. Iii s iys : ' V.'n are told liy n fri iii of ours a f w d.s since, of a mutt .-i a (,;ul:ir resiill. of tin) to li.:d.'. A c.diiivd rent.. Mian am! his v;!o froni :i dlant pint of ill" talo. c iiiio ilov.o i n a slmrt vis'l to iiis friend's, un.l, In loiv ilepartiiiL', they be. caiiiu m itiial.y en..i,iiii'ed of eiu h niliofn purt tiers In this Ri alo nl' ali'.ii s. a pr.. o-iln n to exi'liansn wives i. as inaija, v, h:, h. mutnul ly uarea iiilu, was aett-d unon without farther consnleraliiiii. Thu visitor rolurind homo wit'.i a new w ife, and too ijoiioroiw host ae kl) n! al." d il a "lair rwnp," while bis lu w onr.i s.'.-'f haj f'iri:i-h.'d him iii''ole t-videucH ufher earuestiKsS ia the nutter. "Yoc Mvv no so Aovts." The fc!!i wing enihraces a very excpisite letr-ou o;i rcuiil,ty : A t'iMitleiuaii from Hoton ehatic d to find biinself uiuunr u littlo party of ladies, away donu east, last buinnier. i.n I h.lo iu thu en joyment of sonio iimneout uud sociul play, l.o carelessly p'...c.'.d his. urui ulnmt the slender waist of us pretty a damsel u Maine can boatt uf whun i-ho stai ted and fxelainej." I'.n done eirlilmi't i'tfult nif I'' 'I hu in atuntly uj)n!o'iz nl for th.i feeminly rudeness nnj ushllit 1 tlio hull' offended fair i.i. i he di J not intend to ius ill her. ' Xo," the re. plied archly ; "nc-ll, if you i!u't you limy CO ayaiii." 'Takf. yoi-ii Tf.tH Mifs I.t cv." Lucy Store of Wiiinau's Kihts celebrity, is repm'ttd to uavt) refused to pay the tax upon her pro perty ut Ornr.po, N. J , upon tho ground that nhe n denied all Ihoso privelepte imd rights, uf Citizenship which aro nllowed tlm male sex, and therefore thoulj not be Vixed Tht Col- lector mteudj testing thu u ul.dity uf Lui-y's iilen. I'l'iiKiles (iwuin? property in N'ew Jersey iff allowed lo Vote i. el more th.iu thirty or fo ty years u'o, mid a j.resuma that Miss Slime think it is prismas backward to re fuiiii the ritiht in this ti.liyhtutied upi A Maiden l.ady, not remarkable for cither youth, beauty, (,r good temper, came for ad. vioe to Mr. Arnold u to how she should get rid of o troulileauma suitor. ' Oli, mairy inarrvl.i,,,," bo advised. No, I Would nee hl.n hMisud f.r.t." -No, m.,tdaln IIlalry llm as I sum t, v.,,,, n,l Vu 88(.U1H it , ' le long before Le will huuy himself." .tsf y'lf lUt in love .... ,, . ln a l)lorl, ith ci cars cnniing in t,otU WDt. (Irunl Ha culm! Ou, yes, 1 tcul le calm : f ( . 1 (; '&'fSS?il$ You see I mil calm, uud if you would only bo s ifK'.JJ A VVs y ko 1 should havo boon able to find my hat ' TwA?-? ;''5?i long Ojro instead of stayin? Lero to 1 cten to ' HW j$ ir..i&Ty h':t?': 1 your excuses, when 1 ought to bo down towu : ' VJyH?A 'y'-rC1'-' '''' ftltendiug to busim-ss. 1 wonder ho-.v you e.- J v -tiCS -' ' Y, riect I'm to ket-j this house a-wj if I'm to i f-v !' W h"' --u i I Vt fi kcop waitins for wy hat. What: how cant ! f.itM!CX-td)3 1111 I Respectfully announce to their fiiendaand the public in Reneral that they have received at their Store in Fpper AuRUsla township, Northumber land enmity Fa., at Klines (.rove their FALL and WINTER GOODS, mid opened to the pub lic a general assortment of incrchandiie A c. Consisting in part of Cloth, black and fancy Casemt-rs, Satinet's, Cheeks, Kentucky ' togeilmr with a general assortment el I all and Winter Coeds adupted to all classes of per sons. Ileadv mado ('lnlliinf?, comd-Hiiif? of Csots and Vests, Under Mints and Drake's. Ladies Cross UooJ., Winter Shawls, tiiiiiibams, (;ashnere, I'e lollies, ( alirors black Sil s, 4 Also a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines, (roeerics iVc A iisw supply of Hardware, Queensware, wooden ware II rooms .. c. A larr.n assortment of Hoots end sjincs sunn o!e for men women ami ehildien. 11TM AND CAES. School 1' units, stationery, EiivcLipcs, Ink, Ac. ClIl'K-E ami SaI.t. And all g hh!s u-ua!ly kept in a country store. The public are respecllullv invite J In call and examine our stock bilorc puHnaMHK elsewhere. As we are de'.v in.ini d to si ll ut pin es to suit i tlietinis for CAI1 or in Enthanr.i lor Country , Produce at the market price. ; Thankful for -ntl l-voi wc hope l y strict attention to Lusiiit'ts to mtiil a coi'tinuiiiue ol lie same. Kline's Grove, l'a., Nov. 5I. I'M tf 8T.u rs :ii V tl tlll l.V. cm: ah WAi'itii: ami junt.ujv. tTll't.lAI.K AM) It KTA Hi- '!'! , ' i '. !; ' i:i ..n il. inul Jewell 1 M Tr" I ', I 1,1 . 1. lal 1 ' V:i! r ,. IJli;l'r, I'.ll rtt t'I'eil, 1: eaiet I Ci-.l! I .tee i Uoltt ! Silver Lev 1 Silver I.- . loll HS'!., fO-.U' i HI I'll I V.' on en no 1 I .'if .1 I'U I I'll le. H iMii I, r. I iel ji' t lied, Suj "rior i( ei'iici i 1'oie iKt r il ., ij'.i.i iin,i'. :,'i. la.K'i ;..'.( IVi.oi'i. lilver 'i'en Sm'ih-. -, (inlil Pen. W illi 1','in il mitt Oliver !i',!''- O' 'III I'lllBiT lt!li';i! .It,! em 10 5-"; I en , ll l''l. I'l.'OIl I,' els . pnteiil l-f, lai iM 'i.i I oiln-i :iri:i-:i' ei Ali L"iuus wiirrui'led 10 be wlint lln'v s.ilil l" i.j'"it'.ii si'vn 11:1! ,v iiai'I.FV. On luiil une n.'l ! anil Silver l.evrrs aii'l'ill sri'l lnwer than llu- eiii-i-s I'lilllMii'lj li:.!, Delnio r II', I o H -W large dry ciiiius rsrYiM imI.tot. " II AM II. TON KAS Tl.ll k CO., Txvw K.whW il!jiIvll-.i2T, A'ff. l'J'J, 201 (in. l!(Ki liahlnure Strut, DALTIMOBE. MAVE now in store (mo.-tly of ihrir own im portation) one ol the larg-st and mas' com plete Stocks in the I'nited States, emhracin; f-'ilks and Silk goods of evci p class ; lhess (,oods a very lare slock i Iiiti l.iucns; Lin en Goods and Housekeeping Ai lieies of every i!e sciihtimi; Meurniii tinoi1.; l.'Uiaks. Mantillas and Sha.vUi Kmli.'oidi rie;i,'e. Hosiery, Gloves, Ulanl.ets f.j.iills, Donieftic tlov'd.s; and every article reu'ned by Farmers and IManti rs lor servants 11 c. I'iT K. ' Uoou.s 011 f.ii-t lb or the price aflixc I to each aiiii le, fiom wlii.Ii 1:0 deviation is made. C j5" Whilenale f!s ms on ll:e second and third lloois. Oct-ll er, 11, lPr.T. I "m. 1: i: a 1. o x a 1: n . : -T -v 1 t "v-vt r v r s c 1 1111 1 u I1U 1 , J.-U W iV 1 O X lluUV T i s .for ti e priias ceil. 1 11 ii.eto ft c.:i III i;li. Si. Tai- v. u'1 I iw ealiM i I ilisi . ' e "f-s w .a'll ti.e ! i!'. o 0 'Siliee ( weirie'v H'al j s. :u .1 II-'iii s 1. 1 lac h'.ilv. iMlel I he in. . I, lit unit (" is .ii..iis'ei ir ai 1 linking places III Hie sl.ltl. eli'iaise sail 'lolly e 'i S'''l.'!i. 11, O'l'ilil I lite sliai't l',l e ':i.-! i! uti-ai. lest, re II e Vi 'rna.1' 1 ll.t-, inc.- .!.-,l liaiui... aii'l I'lr., U a" llie IJi U-i"i. it OS , i'i:!i:n iueia. MILLIONS IJIM.V I MUM ! la rvt'-'v M'.a.'i-r "I l! r'!"!a'. aei.'i 'r "11 n:ili"ns. ei-:!- izi ! :n:ti t: r a'.' m. .' r tl.. 'ii, 1 1 v;il iii.d utn.i y j t.' te.! t.iii iV i. ilu y tut rtie n.l-.f HiMil a .Ti-r i f illliit'-'lC-v- lists , 11 c it:u:u..l tit. nun. il. A 1. 1- IM'KKXAI Mr I'ASI'S .it, er Pl-it.itnt. Af lie .Ni'ivt j, ii.e t;:.l lii C im i''llt-lv t lilt Ji'-f!, :! V t X!'.1(- Yie!-' 'lu'ir ii' twit, 1 It t V IV 'tl1 Tie Tiit-iii ;nM '' 1 ;.i . ,1'; in 111:111 t k:l! itti t .1 1 II' ut'. vaiA iiiiiilin'i i-'M ci! ! lii.-n. 1 1 er jlieriHtf IllttliCNiC ; I.OMI.Y I'KCSriJA i n ' !v n U !u II t!" ;:.-!tl' Hit ivt'ttec,: t. CI li-ti.lCil'-.-S. I IU V liMV tf M-e.i'f' I. 1 tonic atul u.;.T.::r.i'e ;-.r-': rlie-... II,.'.: m I n:m.i-.s or a ! Fr"in w'. T vrt f : y ! L e :..!,iiei. ' !-.'x 'in i ir-i ! :' '-'P I'-'V !'! t:i Hi? li et i-l linK li t-nUt.i iZ. 1 1 . IV. Hi1. .'.tic 1 tu;ti' '. ile-rre Miitlrts I ili r tMln ir e (ui'ileP'-e SilC Ulitl (III 1 Uollon'tt't's J r. r th l'.t , iil t.C U'l'i i'iol' inv j:t. !-H', AalitPin, II wei tj l-'f VtT Illltl Amu "I-tilt Hi'.J (ir i'e int 1.. .in Ml,.- :! r .s:iv. I'.s.'-i'Bia lli.trl'-ea Lr.j, sv IV C.U II". I .way. qk n wa'cr-i nr i'.'..! . a-ii Ii Mi. u llie I,.- rove" I i !, i.l I'. the i! W.-nint. . uii Kiii: Y0 New V t'i t f Htrret... 1 . ii ; v M'i i I v iv I. A t'.i..l I'.' fr'A :tnl uv! - ii-'i !ii:"ri).'i;i ii iii :v n y "l Kmi r-ut'iii f fi-n iri' Kiiiie, k;i .v.'ite' litt-:n t.; Ie i.-JI .! IHtV ' i'.:lu:ir Hi ! i:-r M:ii-.-:':i-'' li- :...e. .t-w .l"' ' 1 HUU l"l H illllt IW'-I f TV.-re:.$.Tl.i I 'Jll Sl-ni.d I.,, lers in n,e ; Vil.sifil V.'Ult!, . -i.t , ( ii.'ed St.i'i . I ,i, J ", -( 's. ,,,.! -M t.-.di. I 1 it. u iu n t-cts. tt n!!i;'; M In i .. B Tt'ee!i ip f,.r l'-:. iti.'ji.KC if fi in t 'i rv I i!in r.'. r tire 'iti' . 'I II- 'U II lX. j " FANCY rt'KS Foil FA PI FX. i ji !i r .;i:it: a rn, (. w N-o . .. Vnr ISl ii I i I ' 'l: ,.' , I'll i i.:il" !, I.i i Imp'-flers, .M.n.ift.ettit iiii'l .. rvA in l.ii'lies, (ieii'l, tiieil ."t:tl Cltildu ik I ,u "t(rn. Vi. leislIP Itltfl UtHrl. J I. ,V T.t., W '.'d I the .'i,.ti nil" :i i iin'1 Iti- Vnt''e t;-itenllv l t', j n:;;;i: i1- h-.' ' K i t' MfV I'll: !; ,:, iu-t. (.cnt'i-ii.- i ' (' iMii"! ; lli- r it- i.t:i,t'.'( t-i'ii. tieett t-vi-ry ;imc! j knu'. mi" I'i.i.ev I'm s, t':tt ii in- wrn tliifi. liti? sil. Il Jik 1 II ' I :i 't'V. li i.l 1 .,i IV (It ,ll.T t I. .Itlii ! ti'i t i . II i..-. i!,''!'. Ar M: te. ir. r.i t'-- (.::i J I trill ;il te I t"l:f 1, v tv wnr l ..u -i.c l'i it : V'.it li. nil. iitrn li.c 1.1 1 'i si .-si- t .:i tnl t-i I'ar O !!-hb, 1 r.i vei- ii- i 'it :s A t., 1 in 'uf Y, .: Iu.m i. ;,- ,ii t,;' i-ui i 11'. ii, ,' !'i'Miru'tiirern t t' tli ii. tit..'t rt'iir wn r i;if r; ! fi 'ii we in I t.iiiiVl vf I ' l f i In-. ui , tin i.t t tl j, in' ,'il. 1' L'f.f. r: !lv t.i.iit nti l-t h i:im-. l.'t . le-; ii.i :i-'"ni..e',' !.i m. : ,: ;r, in u;;.! .it :l,t Maii4i:"t; '.t;i ei trii., . W e en'', u.-'t- :i ! ::i .14 HI 1'A R Tilt A .V I'd, I N.i-MViii! it ht'-tt ttl.'M I I;,..,!'!!. : M,;!-.''f!ri,'n. s-.j-t. i", i 't7. wi;".. I'LAvronu sc.Ai-r.-3. OF fciy di serijlion, sni!:il lo for railmnd, c, f..r v,W hil-g H iv. t'oul, Oie, and Merchiiinlise crucial!;, . I'l.rclia.erj run no rik every scale is Riurnnlei d correct, and il" afler I ri ii I. not found ..tislaet iry run be lelurm-d with out eharn I'actory ut the Old Uud, fstahlished firmorc than twenty years corner of Ninth and Melon streets, 'iiilad' !; hia. a nno TV I: ro. Sueerrsors to llllicotl & A '.'holt. PhiUih ldiia. Wi-pt. ft, 1S57 cam. SOU III. II. ORlVKi, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OJlcc o'i ';.ii' .Seeom, rii'iir MmLxl Strut, I, u w i s u i; i: ( , i' a. ,1 ... .1 - f .' . . 1'. X- .. . j i mciices in inc v ouni.ts u. i .11011, .orinuin hirland uud .Montour. All 1'iioFKsioMk ni.' entrusted to h s cure will uceiis (irumpt and Is thful atUn. lion. Ocloher a, 18o7. ly H K'K MIS tf vaiion, kinds, Luloters, tf'ar H dinti, V.c, kc, jiiit receurd and fur kule j si Ilia Drug More nf A. V. M.qi tR. , Punmv-y, Auyvst I, If-'jT.- KtINE'3 GROVE UP TO BATE ! jvnwcouust -new goods u j. r. &l 1. r. KLINE, I leu i'.:l. :l "f c' -l ,i,' a .iss.l'- fi 1 r.'ini ily. iielni'.' 1, 1 I iie li'in'fc, n.'l ' THE I.AKIiEST vif " r. s -- I iX JUiiWT'J V' ' '-VvT2 .0Hi, Ma ESTABLISHMENT in r 11 1: r 1 t v or it a 1. r imii it c - t ATIIUT' r.ny Street A nrerooios V3 ulenf firinh II '. ill- Ail ,TI If . ill IMi'sli. Hair. Willi or I'roenii ll 1 Pn ni li l ull Nun mul Aleii.iilion rurior Ann I lours, I in I'limli. 1 1 Mir- l"iN r 1 r- 1 -lie. PiirLir Clmirs in sets, Willi Iluir. CI. Ui -r Hroc:i s o. r ji b lln't rrrnrh Hiring .M:ih"Tmy ieel AViitiUtt Tart r C'lniTs, in li lir. t iruil I'lioli. K'M kii p t iiv.irF wiii'UH ittsiit:, in Iluir, CI -ill uii'1 pi, ,,:, S; i11'?Hiit 1,'Mincrft 'i t'irffo imr-irftiicn :tlivft en tini:t. t-r unj :it;crii ui uleur c vfru! wit !i ;ui) go.tli t ) c ii a si D n n s tj i t 3 ; In M ih"L"iiu- "f Walii'it, ciiii.i!'!!. f rn .eJ,j ip. l' I 'jii'Bintil liniAmi! tl tiif luriiffl MM'rtlit'i.t n-'iv iit.i.i; im i.ny nnc h:utf in llur I Uttt J MJtcs Irmii I'J a ii .t 11 n; . r H Uiii'-i' nfl Piiiin rimirf. in (Vik, W:ilnnt nr Miiii 'tym;. . v. tih i'im: i-",l or Mull'i-cl NmIm an ,irH"11ll'Cltl Cll .1 t lii-111! ' t t r,0 il' Zl n. ' in. Fi-:ii ( It i. id li.t-H ami HofV: in riiai.-jt nwr 1(H) (I 'i n. (lilt utiil I'i'iMi I'r i'rr I 'I. '" ( ; !-tfv. . 'f cvi'iy vun-'ty. A.I kimU 'i IViis, l!,.if aiu! il isU Malti:i-r4 a. m vrmoT. N-'K 'J1 ;Mi'l ij X. J.iy t . in .tr l;(y tic (., Hii-'tmnirc. A'i?t:M I. I-''" 1 ' II U S S E Y ' 8 AMEUrCAN 11 K A V ER, i ou (itiim; mni Gil A IN AIID GRASS, jf" KEAT improvements for Ih.'iT. 'I his Ma " ehie.e was nut ill sueesst'ol oneration in IKtttt ( mid eonliimed to be Ihe only t'eapiin; and Mow ing Maehiiie in the Woild, of any piaetieal value , up to Hla twelve years alter iis iiitroibietion. Other lienpers are olli red with nlowina ad vertisements, 'erlilieateti. IliploiiiiK, liold and I ! Silver Medals, Ve. I!ul the Fanner in wared ' I of the be.-t lieaper. and not posted in tiie loader, I had bettiT Fee a little fnitlu r. If there i any value in l years experience ! in building lleup rs. and usini; tiiem in ihe bar- ; I vest field, and in the inipn veiuoiils mule dunm.. I that loi'i: period, f " II I 1 III'KV.Ihe I'ailier j I ot Uenpers, ean eluiin it. Ail ho are satisfied j i will, the IJe:t A'uper and Mower. 1110 be sup j plied by s:'ie'iii;T tin ir i.rdern eailv iu 'he se ison, i I as the. erops iiidieale a inrL;e, and we can ! not havo over ull Ilea K for ihe vast harvest j ! of 1So7. We guarantee that this lieaper and Mower can not '. e beaten on fair trial by any i ' other lieaper that may be bnnml.t into the harvest ' field in "''i- and wo al.-o insure il to be Ihe j I strongest nnd li:o-t du-aliie inael.ine ill lire. We ! would respeil!n'lv invite r.iiiaers i, l ihe lon.'hiue Ihorolljlily h.-fiTe pureli examine . siii'. alnl ovir nil satisly theiiifelve ol its suno'i"iity others. Durins the last four years, llie Hiih-rril.ers haxe mild between fili'l and (It il of lhe.e M n bines, t i j the bestand most sueeenslnl fanners in Montour. I nioii and the m itliboriu counties, (whose I iriiuei; are I 10 nuiiu r.ius to insert) to wlioni we i respectfully refer. j The subscribers have llie cxlIomic tii;ht the tollowiuu cuuulien : Moulour, I niau, fnvde, Norlliuiuberiand, Columbia, l.u.erne, Tirry Miliiin, tlentre, Clinton and l.ycoiiiin j. Ail orders thaliklutlv received 411J pioniptlv at'eiid- j cd to. unuij;;.. maiimi i co., I.cuiiibtirg, l.'niuii countv, l'a. 1 July II, 1S..7. ' j ol NT TO Tllk TUlllL. A LUTj.r.OW CAN CX IIS Illuc t., . l'Mr-,7. EEooKimn r.i n z zi, intltmrvvs AM) COM'.HSSKiN .MI.r.CII.WI'H, 'Jill, Xiirth Thin! Strtrt. I itn-ir lib, in rilll.Al.l l.l'IIIA. amis of i: ...i ii, a Mii."s, iiry i;.h1s. rimm, OAI l ! 1 r t- .ili l'ane l,.K .I.-, ,Ve , I.M.IU M.Mi. t " I no t:v Sim. '..' i -.i ; il. l a l:i i. " .1. :,lwa' s liml nt rtli..-.,l il liie 1 1 , i ii. .m i ( 1 in try T.'.t-.'-' 1 (- rhvi:ii and au:i;! t;i "imm: srusTiTi'TK m ::u vi: Ttiir. 1 !ns iv i il ttii iun retuei'y tliHMVrrt',1 I'V in' i:itt "ir. n, I i J -el--I 1 1 J. I eei.;:i. i. : f tire e;ne n tin ;(U i e ,u T i! r. . -!! t" etie. '.ti.-r N n V-'i eli 'lis. It r in ii" I ' ;:ii:ie. rs. H;'. . t rllt.-r ti,.'liTi -iii iti;i'(tt- ( lli l! Sll e.t-JMU I V lilt M Sil III, I'h'ir l"ht tl I ill! kit' fill. liili. ijiti! t 1'iwnii'iL.e t t':",i tu 8 Ittnl t iu'Mf ill, e'.l l! Il W !: i ill J'llV rmi i l I lie s e-u il is e.'jieciiilly lei -.It. Il i ' '. it tn I . 'l, J- It i.l 'i ll lltl 1'tiilmc i.l tl v W'-'itilt. lie li It!.' i l.i' et. !.! In v.?t i-,m s, wh.-'e ti.i" l;rt'.titi:i ;ue .i!l .,l. l 1 1 Hi, tie i'.u. 1-v ..i n.i.t tl I f in :tii ii' f -f ll.e I nt n S It) l y lit l ui!-' irein-rnt'y m. 'I t-v .1. II llnz:inl, Wlmli-i-'ili; DniLV-ti, mill S le, rrtr.iritior l',l Mnulcn l.i V-w New i ..rl;. 10, vtm ;,: i VIATCIIOI'I.V. ! l Fl.nw iii::-', . JlK'KliV CI.I It, sl'lilMi 5e,, of tho he. t quality ; a fresh fi,iilv jnsl receiied and for sale al Ihe Urinr Moie of A. XV. FIsllKli. .niil ury, At'?. I, IS.7. I PENNSYLVANIA WlilE WORKS. I v.. .tr. t i-l si l. i v ... v. n.;.-.i - n ........ (.I..:- Urt a,! S'rei-l, rai'iif't-SMtihi. ,:rlVi:., lijddles. Sere. Woven Wire of a nil medics and widths, v.i'.h u'l kinds of plain and fancy who vvoik. jVemy Twi.led Wire for Mpark Catihers; Coiil. hand und lira velKereens; Paper Maker's Wire; Cyleider uud Dandy UoU. covered in the he.-t manlier ire and Wire I'dicim;. A vriy superior n lie It- of r.nvy rounders' Soivfi. .411 kinds of Iron Dre Wire drives. IMVI.Iss, D.lilliV A l.V.NN. rhiiadelpl.i.i, SrVpl. 1 It, 1 Ki' clini. IESrLCTFl I.I.V inforin liis fiiends, and the puhlic Efiurully, that he hatjUol rcteiv cd a .New Mock of liOtlUt', ut his new storo, at Unvid Miller's Mill, in Lower Aui;usta 'i'own sliip, and Ileal ho is prepared tu sell goods at ih lovvt'kt prices. His Mock coiikicls in part of Sri!I.( & hL'M.MER GOOD8, Groceries, Queemware, Hardware, &c. and cu-ry variety usually kept in a country fclorr. '1'ievorton prices paid for all kinds of produce. Lower Augusta Iwp, Aug. 8, 1857. if OUN at 50 cetiU per bushel, rush, fur tale pf J. B. MAtstjgK. TiUrfii irj fr t.ep...;,, pr., V,l-Vs At. 10 verfc-t'j- K r-Ii -. It r ar- i W.ii. S,Ur or I fiiM-nt. h.vN..t'T.t-l i m.e -.ti v .iiVl Ki l..i,f I t',.ln ,,U) ,!, ,, r,,p .v. r itivitf't. At! 1 , ' ,V'-Ii'1 'e'.'r'il an: cji.i! u.i:i.-ri,L! 1 I. fra . l t n lie'.- I..!' J . u Mf, I' lre.-,. T o'i l.V v ,. .rv, J...i , tl;'MJ r,;;"!,,r""" "' '" rr' S fli'ff I I a ,'.!-, ,.; , ., 'rUCitfip r. m trv ll.i Art r , :ui., f,j r! c p 1 (,,!. .1 . f r. it ; 1. .t At' it ut 1c tit, 1 r ei t. i:40 I(U j,f.0 ,t ,h. , f. :sj - nrr. 1. , 1.1 b!1 n-ii-V T".t . rff."iT j lo tli '-i; V - il ..1.. pi si rlt .. ait 't. ,., . !. ' ' '.i an .J.. . .rtt. v Hill It;-t '. .( Th,-: -t l I'.;-- V n.l-ilr r, -1. -I Twu C:.r, U " ' "'"ii' ' i.:;-r.tiv ti utvii t v t.tfi.-r I li;- ?f ) w ( rf 1(.:y , r 1! . .:: .Iff i r I v -:,'l. ui' i ftiinol ifritur t t rv i . ui, mr ru""ii 11 -ii-nir n , , irj u urrl sm I - i . fi,. h t.. 1 . il fn'UiH I J .r'. ' (,. I rrl h tit it t. -I, t.-n. '-n) tl. 11,. m Jt- i-.; i ,tr, u r e-n:. ,.' t.t 'i.n. j T'(- 1 01 " -riiji- I n--t tii r Ifot f.-r T!ifM A V'l.f. 1 iii As) w ti, jj4Vf iri.i'u ti.f 111 Mliiu ( it.. ..f.-v A i.iui.,, IIJ- BTOHil. MtSST.OI'ISA HillfKl. Cll, respectfully In forms tht citir.en of Trrvorlon ami sur rounding county, that she lias opened a new store of Millinery and Fancy (Inmls, at Trevor ton in hamokiii street, nearly opposite. Knouo' Tavern, where nil kinds of llonnets and I'smy (tOfids eau be had at the lnwet terms Dress makinn also attended to in the best manner and latest style. April 2ft, IRfiT. tf ,1 nt)!i lor lit e 1 y Man l.lhrm y. KAIiH INUlCEMHNTS TO AGENTS. C CANVASSER wanted In iblain subscribers for the (.'empreheiisive tteoariiphy and H is tory, Ahcient and Modern, ol the Woild ;" by t. U. Goodrich, (I'eter I'srley.) Handsomely bound in cloth gill, and illustrated with SOU beautiful engravings and and 80 maps. Ti ne Sold onlv bv auents. to each of whom a fpccial di-tricl will be given. Ipp'ii anl" Fhould 1 lie O.IOR IS now renoy. v...'hb io ur mail, pout paid, on rnciiit ol the price, llills o all ,..,,.; i,l. i,.V, n nt The "Home I I M u......ririj tv,, rL rt wS'lt. Journal,1 ever should be without il." For full at titulars iu regard to an agency, address, (;uoi;;r. v. r.i.l.loiT, Publisher and llookseller, No. 172 William Mreet. New Voik. A I kinds of School and M in-ellaiicous Hooks, Cheap I'liMieations, Malionery aid Maps, furnished ut Ihe very lowest prices. Or dcis solicited. November 81, isr.7, ISAAC M. NVILKl.SON. MANUFACTURE CF I'U li SITU RE AM) CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Sciil, IflVUJlS 11(1(1 lilllHCIS Euvetitis, Sorrctarips, Sideboards, SOFA, BRK..KnsT AM) 1HXINS TAP.LKS and also VKM'.TIAN lll.l.MlS, eipnil to I'hi'.a- delphi i Inaiiitlaettire. IinilSTKADs, of everv pattern and price Ci:ri5i)AUDS, WOlMv AND CAM)!. li STANDS. toll.KT TAHI.KS AND KXTP.NSION TAIU.KS, t ui.,,., ..... r.. nrii,.t it. it.iu i; ,,f l,ta 1,i,iism 'PIIK subscriber respectfully calls the attenlioi of the public to his lap.'c nnd splendid as sortrrteiit of every quality and price of i:.!-:T-vvAE2i': which cannot fail to reioinmeinl itset! toevery ne who will cvainine it, 011 account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock lo be had in the city. No ed'irt is spared ill Ihe manufacture of his ware, and the subset i'oer is determined to keep up with the many improvements which arc constantly being niadt1. lie also manufacture all kinds and qualities CR ATlvS, nelii'lin; varieties In love to be had ii Sunbiiry, such 10 M 1111111IM, UlarK Wl.M 'l 4 Ml Cell 1.1. II M ri.K (III I CM ; '4MI WlMINMH CIIAIliS, a v 11 rvNcT 1'i.imi Mooi.s, which are tit" the latest s:les, nod warranted lo be excelled j by none iiiaiiiiiactme.l in the Cities or elsewhere. 1 no sutiscriiier is oeieriiiineil lliai mere saaii l e no excuse for persons to pun hasc furniture in the cities, as every confidence can he entertained about the quality and filii-ll of his waie and ( 'hairs. 'I'he.-e articles will be disposed of on as n,ond terms as they can be piircha.ed elsewheie. Coun try l'rodiiee t ikon in pavment for woik. CNDllKTAKIMi. Havin? provided a handoiiie. Ii:.usi,, .e is now prepared for ("ndertal.ini;, and attei'diu;' funerals, iu tiiis i- 1'iui!) , or ut any ioiivci.ii. ut ilutjiK'ti from thi IT1 Ktioin in Tavvri Stnrt, 1-e ow Wravrr1 ILitt'l. j He has uUo nin liatl tho r:ih of mnnulV- j turinff uiul s.'Ilin hi Norilni'i 1 fr':i;u! t.nn.ty, I (iouiil's jt.itri.t LI vi U-tir prm'j iVi wliicli n j will furnish at n. asuiiahie ra'cs. ijinut put tu j u!il Indsuml ft'i ilnllar.-. j iAu m. wiuii:iio.. j ISunhury. April IS, 1S.T. tf. 'I UK M UM i I.IMMi I'll CXI AaVtJ.-'lOlSI I! Tin: ni:n:M l. '' I. i I B. !U TIM M S il llie fin i.l e.iah.ia ill 'Jed i it I ;t II, e venli.-t -1 HI.- T.T't. il' Hlul lircs. jm :ii:' I al ''ll.ani.'s'' is I r It-tr will ii i t-i. a. l.vria.'t n 'in : !'" ll the 1 1 lal (ll l!ir '1 '( r.-t 1.11 I.e f en.i .;U' H-l!l.- s - r tin' Owl lllil (.ipei'i ,i I.. :itlv e I-, k v tin.!. I hr :i i er ;i;h I'!' Mes if mil lee l.iel t Wl'ne-a Iti' Site (.! .eil itl tliein) iilitt Wi'H.' p'TI if, lit. 1 iii d iy! iwii.'.' ' !! h.;ii-ri:iitit'!- il-'i tin 1 i"..iiU:tl t nriiii IT f"r liv lnti itui;,' I ' ?iuui "-i. Ii'tnis. l!i I!MIIB W ."(IS II VUf lil'.t I'l'l'H i itiMite, in. 'i I'te r-'iii.-n (urtiiiilv e . IfMis i-ii:. S.fetf M. mi. I'urn . ii,l e 'i d ! ii. :him m lu'c insuli'.'1 lied, lKlU.H ' 1 1 . K-in'.iit:. Mil, l Ii 'J. 1-'7 (S.yitt.t.) n r. n:ix. ) N ('(H.f .M W, C A. II. lMlAt Wi'K. itii.nCi Ami e iil.'rs' iP.v ovi-r .'.II "f O " I"'"1 mm "I I.' ut'iig. Mli't .1 H1 i 'Pin-al. .ee m- can In ins;., i.'teil at Ill VX'aiiel , win-re llie laeih.' eini saloiv tiieinseiVi's i'f llie m ri u ilc ..I tie- .'lien mi. 5 Piiiuil I'liaiie ii-a. ' r lac eeosii' a nun list u u;, 1 1 "n - , Onlv inukeu iu t!iif latu ul' ilt i riit;:'s l'.itent i'li.iiiij'i.-n I X. Tlie nttemj't niritlt hv v.'m r p iriien t.i Ii .I'Ut up it-t Ins .i ilt ! t Mw'i'-.Mv tl ;ieei (It tiiste .d I'll, k.) h t An. ill A. IJiil'Z 1 ..t:.!f it-.ti.: Tejuitut utit l it S.if )iie!i ; (';tl tites in riiil:nle.,lti'i , nut utit ui nil iiL-'-n.'s el 'if, 1 tl:i-,tHffi). (cill-Tt nt iV.Mii III -"e tl.ev ") "i 11 1 II ii.- Ii,:e i on i f H-'rri't"' (h iiT :ir tin . t lie t '.v.t!i w;ii it. 1 1 err iim' S;iV c'u'.t u 't !.e l.-t d. .r civ I;' t'.nl tl;! "iilv relt:,1 !c .tf' lu-vv n... le i ! til" willed nverfilit'fi life n-m ill iieltrii 11 tlirtn 0 'il I. H'e ii tr . il ,v iu WiLlot it :i Mti; lie 1 s. I'lfln.. Jit, if tl. A CALL TO FAilTlEilS. 1m rm crs, drcp ;i 1 1' 7 w ht J ' . . e a lt l!t , Till. FAHMI.U i'KO.UKTh'N liooli A in w nnd Seifutittc Mu-itu ite; S t-ie u, f ti :!ie I'h.Iiv.i- ll"ll "I III kllitlf "I til.ll.lS. til. !'..- lip-HI 111! sill.iU ui' S-'ll ; I'r.lVe.l t , I'.nl.l.. H.I I I'.tMlllll KM l l.uri; un.l ktat.-,t mi fVitK-ni I nt ill ; l)e,.-;ii(.i i,.i.'it Atfi iLu.(urt iii uil ily liitii:i'li".-i ; i'-.i t f ire.! . n: uii. W .'tif luiit lrttl ii iM nn y t-n-1 r.i vinu h I Iwe hh-m varia ble OiiltMieli at ill I'.dl.iS U'liuecteil WUil I in HUttl. fctj nr. c. ru.iM.un.o, JJDALUl'llO, CKATitK CO., IN llm tre:itie it will le sen I (nit I In nltjet Ima hen In )4i c lue I'ariiuf that knul i i' i.if. rm-iti-'ii wlneli eimii e Imu t. make piuchi'iil uppllt'il'i.'ii l lei tiii.e li titid iiimI iiirrt-'ist lu pntiu, ',-ltter. ami isistiiriic. Tins il Ni:iriii''UiiB 1'iuunl 1 y lliu iiiiiiiiiiiuit. IikhUi uih! in luie lu iiVi.Ut'ii i-yi' .l iirer.i:i' lt:tl, c! ;i lt.i t t-u-l'iii. itnd ini;-fi an iinpii'V .1 ii; 1 lit m 'tk'nrutu tjlaiif ai,i.r- (i ii:.k')"W1l t (Hir l.'i lliern, Iiliil Wllieli, if ,t ijilttt uml ciiri-ltiHy pnielli-fil. rai.unl I'.til lo ilitvunet Ihe liili'fes'H nl the l.tmimt; ritiui aititv. iiiili u work Ii.ih drru in u ii W'..ntett. ti it t.i nil v.'itl Wlneli li'in li'iv; !n-iit VU, I'. it -h -Il Thei.- Irtai liilhrltii l"tn im ittti-tiiitt .t i -.y ( u'iuerit nl Lri.lre aiut I l.inl ntjiil' n eiLtl it, w riia- m-iiu-imI H.f w-rk to t-vtiy I. hum r. e leliy lielu-ve taut i lit y w ill iea(i (lie gitMletil )"ini)!i U nt ia (n.til it Ilnl: M-ivi-r, J i.-'b, ll.-ury l"-i, tSaiiiittt iii', lie.r;je J trli. J"l.ll liartl.:ilt, lie Hire iit.e'iuiifiii, 1- i:i M -It AvX ludef, j.'ini Ntir. 'ii -r. J L.i HitITt. 4 liuNirnt II nl-r, linker 1' likliuii JJ.i!it l.wtri:, Ii.,.i, J.ieoli MtiaiSrr, Ji.lm Hiilry, S tll.tiel ). ti ('.'III, J'till .,Vi..i:illi, Hvc?v iiifit Jr. J thu i ;iijrer, J 'till III, Sitituii. V:U'"i tii'nrv W. Me lf, I"?"" Ttit ul iv vv-Mk i I'M Hie bv U II. .Vl'M I. I'.ue UlU H.W, Mill, mi, N,iiihinnt.erluaii couniy, AHtfUM , If 7. -t'll' imfANTKUat llie vture of K. V. UritsM A S'uh, wln-nre c'iniiitly rereiviut frrli supply of (itiot!, iIiuh ulli-ring t Ui public the lurg.'tt and inoHt dcoirulilu ftMsurtiuent. JulyJU. 1H'7. What an enormous Variety of Toys and Fancy Goods he has! Who? Our Friend JOHN DOLL, -If Y. 1 1 1 Xvrth tad .SV., utnu e Arch, Phita., I j 1-Kan jut-t rctivij diuet from i very laruo n&ortmrnt uf Toy of ull kin ilt,. fancy Iidi.eUt l'iiin, CanvK. t-V ar ('.si, 'iV Larco lioxen mid an riiJtt'iw vani ty of luucv ar- lu leg. Call upon Unu before purcha.ii.j eUe- I w,erB, l phila.lalphia, Aiifiist J9, IM7. .1m:jT SALAMANDER FIRE Ana THIEF-PROOF SAFES. I'll hi(ft aMortmenl In the I.'nilid Mtatea. Wariauleil In l equal In any now made, and will bo sold on asliood 'crins, as can be obtain ed from any other house In Ihe Coimlrv. nt II VANM ,V WAT.xo.VH 3(1 iS'nuth 4 111 Street, I'lulailrlphia. Truth is Mitihty, mul Miut Frevnil. Itrjmilof the t'liiimiitttC n'imintul to sujitrin tt ud the llumiiiil nf the li on Snrt, ut Head in 'j, Jxbruary 27, Ibj". Kr.iDin, March 4. The undersigned, members of the committee, do respeetlully report, 1'iat we saw the two Safes originally agreed upon bv Parrels At Merriini and ilvaiis W alson, placed side by side iu a fur nace, vir. : The Nnfc inuse by the I'aymaster of the I'hiladelphia nul Hendiinx Itailroad Coiiipa. nv, in his olhco nt b'eailinj;, manufactured bv l'arrilsiV llorriua;, and the Sale in use by II. A. I.nutz, in his More, manufactured by I'.vans cV WulSJl), and put iu books and papers precit-ely alike. 'I'hejfire was slatted at Rj o'clock, A. M.,nnd kept lip until four cords of preen hickory, two cords dry oak and half chesnut top wood were, entirely consumed, the whole under the superin tendence of the subscribers, members of the Com mittee. The Safc Were then cooled oil' with water, alter which they were npeneil, nd llie books and papers laken out by the Committee and sent to li. A. l.nntr.'s store for public exam ined and marked by Ihe Committee. The hooks and papers taken from '.he rafe manufactured ov Karrels 0- llerrini; were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per rent, more than lliom taken from Kvans A' Watson's Kale. We believe the above to have been a fair and trial of the rcspccliie qualities of both Sales. JACOI1 II. m sn:?, danii'.i. s. hhntc::. Having been absent durini; the biirniiiu, we fully coiiieido wilh Ihe above stalciuent of th cotiditioii ol the papers and books laken out of the respective alcs. ;. A. Nicm.l.s. II. II. V I'M l.lONDKRn, JAMK.-j. Ml I. HOLLAND. March CI, 1 fl,",7 EALD EAGLE HOTEL. Ao. 2.'!1 riWIlli .V. Third St., I 'Mailt n'c. JOHN CLYHEK, Proprietor. (Successor to DiMi.t D.t i.iikt.) rpjin Proprietor ri turns his thanks for the libel hI piilrona..;e bestowed ('11 this well known house, and respeetlully a-ks a enntinu anre if the sime. isiiriii'4 his many fiieuds of Northiinil crlaiid and iidjoinini; counties, that no pi'ins shall be spared to render comfort and plea sijie to all who iiniv cive him a call. TI'.I.'M-' i.I.O! I'llli HAV. Phil id.'lpl.ia, July ", H'7. .1m ESaVCIXII'S ol' ,3;t::ialc .1 iiior. ! I'.h'it'ijce I rpms urn i' i e in li i n .-e-, a 1 ; .1111 ill,. l si .l.iiini. all II," y,il! .. Mli'.l oil nr . . ilus .a winch ! iul mi'l ei'iive- I O is an et I II IS vd i" i".M f,., 111 a one.: ;l rein : i l l : ; irt, f! ilu'enc', r1! it- lit idi'l iiit: I'.-il i.ti.l let I, If tsr.itf - t:i tl"tii' luti''- t-'iiis. l'i 11 s a u.'ii'!.' ael llie ,li !n 111. r. On-1 11 :i I'sfi irr-liiiiL' ftiei'irtli :i:nl e il pi -lpei t nu '.'ilii'.l'.ilinu litmc ll if Well :i'f;t;ilt .1 lo eie.n'n I : :tt l nu: iiitliteiief ! llie exlirliie lieiils of sum en "in'.li 11 :t,riuT-f. .t Imiiilv hh n'. li? WiHftut it, lis tl rimHv lic Will BUVe tit, - Il fr.'Ifl lltllDV ill! ri-n."l ittt'le i-l' i;l.let-,. 1'iui fc' rental "-r "iMttK. 1- r fc:ik J lltie '.!!, l-.".7 . I in P. IIELANCIITON SKINDEL. J 3 s t i v i: tr t J : v j; a : r. , (iJ'Ci: in Ihtr strict, liitwriliait! y I'imaitr the l'tlhlic f.o'i II'iUSC. All hmiiiess promptly aiteinled to. Muliies collected and all ordinary writings dune. Putihuiy, April If5?. tl EJOIlTaiid MAMUMA l.M'.S, Schiedam Schnapps;. Wild (.'berry brandy, lilaekberrv and Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes at March ll,'.7. A. V. KI.MI 11 U. C10i:.TY nKDKIlS. rniiutv on rs taken ' a cash f.r jjuihN, niul on i!nti rr buik nc rmjntl.v ll. V. liKK-ilT M'N. Ntiv. y. I K.'iii. Kew Goods for the People ! tU' puUicin Rfn- iTnl flint Im tins jii-it ri'ifivi'd and opriu'd a pln;t!ul si.iL'k of S L'i: INi . AM) SUMMER r.00D at l;i .,-w tSiorr, ill I.ftwi'r Ailiru-.!.! tuviitiii. !lis st.irk fi'iisisis in i nn uf C!clli3, Cassin-.cis, Carsinets. nt' ail kiiild, ul' liiit'ii. fiitlmi uii J worsted. M.t-O: t itiif trf. C;ti:iIitiK, I.nivtei, i iit;(in!.Iiiie iio l.;ti!t('M - . unl till kiiiuJ ul' l.ailies Drt'ss (iuoils. liruccilfN, 1 AUo an ussnitiiii'iit of t3;irIv;iir. Iron j uii J Steel, Kails, &e. I A U. nn rx.'i'lipiit assortment of i GULES SWAEE, "f various Myle and ! p:iili"riis. Also an assortment of Ii()OTl ii SCSOT.S. II ATS i; ( 'A PS. a gnoil si lrctiuli. i Salt, t'isli, te. A ml a srf .it Miriil v of ul'.i r urtirlcs such ns are suil' In .l.i' Iraili', all of wliii'.i will be rolil nt i tin- Inut'.l iriii's. ! t"'V t " .inn try proiluio lj!on in csclisi j a i i tli.' Iiinliri.1 pri.-es. j I.Hivir Auur-l;l, .lime 0, l(ff7. I VIIEATLEY'S A"CH ST. THEATRE. aiicii st. a hove sixth, nm.AD'A. i 'Plll'Slar ('oiniuiiy, rmn or llie fir i .IriUws ill llie wiirl.l, lirnl; in ! Sir.-npih ami Tul.-nt unv li,iin.atie co. .i-iiiuli,ni i lii'i Mol'iirti ulli n il to lUf Tln atriral I'ulilir, uill up; .'ar . very 11 mm in I unieilv, 1 laurily, Seun. (.'iimU' Drama, uiiilevilUs, Mu.-ieal liuiiellas, At., tVe. lien visiting tlio, go tlu-ru. Oet. 'ii, jsr.7. ly FLOUR! ILOTJTiU FOK SAJ.K 1JV M. C. CEAKHAKT. Suiilmry, 5eil.8ft, lS.r)7. FunxiTunE roLisir. S. lA7i S rremiuin I t.-nt l'numel I'lin.ilure I'nlish. Tliis .i;; is liinlily vulmillc lor r, - to iir.j; 111.' on nil kimls of 1 urmluri', (lliifs, Cairiiiro IIoilin, llir ( lolli, ,Ve. Also, fur re fj.nls, lii, ling sernMu'M, Ae., Ae. Var raiiti J t.i dry iuune.liul. ly ami r.'l.iin its glns, 1'riie SO cis. jier I'jii.e. foM I v A. V. FIjUIEU. March li, 1RS7. JOZZX . I!.S:A8U, ATTOItNEY AT LAW, (ijict in Mat Let ft., opposite the. Court House, tCNsuar, fa. ColUetiniis ni nls and rrulrssinnal Musinrss generally atleinleil la rroiiiiily auJ L'aii'lully. I'liinniLriiu IUtEBKvn : llullitt & Fuirlliomc, Diehl i tr Davis A Uirney, F. Tylut A Uo. Huiiliry, June 10, f.r,7. MliOWN'S ami Hreinis Esscnea if Ginger I and llul.aiid' .Magnesia at i March 14. 'A7. FISHER'S. fishing Tacklo. Red Cork. Crass, Cot-- ton and I. men Lines, Out Lines, ISea flrsss l.y the yard, tfnoods, Flies, Kirhy, Limerick and Csrli.le Hooks, ltoils, Ar., for sale liy Msrrhll.'aT. A. '. riHER. FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! THE LAKULMT HTOCK I'.VKIl OFFERED IN fsUNUirilY. I'aililunnble, t limp nurt fnrful MI E subscriber, long established as a Cabinet nnd Chair Manufacturer in Hunbury, thnnk ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. Ills slock of Cabinet-Y art, Chairs, j c, embraces UVIHY VARIUTY, t'ltrt'l. A?ID OltJA- . I'.i tai. in hnusekeepinir. It is unnecessary to ennme rate, s an)tl,ini that may be required in bis linn can be had at moderate iitices, Cheap for Cash, or Country Produce Jaken in exchange. bslablisiiio-nt Smith 1M.1l Carnrr nf Market Sinnrr. j W Those knowing themselves indebted to I the subscriber would oblige him by making pay- ! nient. j SEBASTIAN HAITT. Sunhury, Airil 4, 1 S57- tf NEVirCONFECTIOilARY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. 0. GEAHIIAUT, HAS received s new and excellent assort ment of grinds nt his Confectionary nnd Fruit Store in M AltiCKT WI'HEI) I', Sunhurv, where he iiianufactuirs ai d !,eeps on hiiiid, nt all times, the most choice Coulecl'ui.nary, Ac, Wholesale and Ki tail, nt I'iiiladelphia puces. Aoioior bis stock t-f Corilcctinimrirs. msv be 1 f.miiil : French S.-cri'in, Onm DrcpB. n'l tunria of fcnil, Huriuil Alit..u.l8, l.ove I'M'i., ('renin U'hitr, lr.(.!. rt-d mi'l whitf, " l.u-viu .l-Hy r.k.s, !, Fiuii in'!', ,( Vniui!;v Suck Ciiiciu-K, nil sct'iiti Toinni 'ii Scciett. It.M'k Cii'idy, lii-lii'ii ice, A ii'i'i,i Citmlv, FRUIT. r.imiinn, l'i Hiii-t, (nrriiu!i diird, CiU-H.p. Aini'iuli, Itiiij'Hi, itit rf itll kuitla I. KM ON SYIU'T pf a superior qualiiv, by the single nr d ien. superior finality of Sejars and Tobacco, und A a farietv of C'oiifcetioinries. fruit, iSie all " which is oii'ered thc'ifi at wholee.ale fr retail. i ICS CI'.KAM. I lie Ins al-n opened an 'ee Cream Salnon, and will at all times be ready to serve l.ia cuhtumen ; wilh lee ( 'rerun. I Sunbiiry, May 21, 1857 ly ! Saddle and Harness Maker. i IIENn Y IIATJPT, JIl. j '(( .-. In A. .1 . Sti-'Ji, Ifl-.S't'l'TrVMiY inf.irins t!ie ' r : ti. iiH of Suui.nrv nnd the pub- I li.: aeiie.-nMv, that he has lal.. n 0J'-s-,-t4 the establi-hment lately occopiid ; j A. J tStroh and is pre) nn d to tnin im t woik m j is line ol business eipial lo any mane in mis, section of the country, Drders promptly e .icti ted and all I. in. Is of produce tnKeii in Kvehaii;:.. Suiilmry. May 'J, Hi."7 ly DBiTISTRlT. ! CKOIiCK liHNX. N.'01:N ' l-'.s to the ritizens of f'uiibttry and vicinl v, that be has opened nil ol'iice in Snn bury, above II. .1. Wulvcrtiin's oliice opposite Weaver's Hotel, where he is prepared lo attend lo allium! of wink he toii'ina to the profession, in the latest and must improved style. All worli well doi.e and warranted. December I I Son. Citrate of Kanrnesia mi t T A ST F. I.Kss SALTS. rJlIIS ri.i:ir:i' i recnmiin ii lej ns an x- -- c Hi nl l.n:itie anil I'lirgalive. Il o.e:.itfs ; inilillv. is nuirely liep from un- n:i'!i'.i' ml taste resembling! in llaxor, prepared mi l sold j l.v A. W. FISH UK. , ' Snnl.iiry. Mareli 11, ls.10. j E. NEVLAND Ss CO. Looking filaavi't. t'leliire I'llinie., J, in ' uud l'i, in 1 1 ill;., Nu. I Ui! Areli Street, aliova ixl'.i, (l.a.1 of'ilS .North St.) '' IMUI.VDllI.l'HIA. j (I t i.Li:n s:s dim v imili to vtsi rniis. . Mrrrliiinlh an, 1 others visitin; tlie City v.he, may want an;, tiling in our line v. iil tlo well lo j ijive us a rail. Feliiuary 21, l.ri7. Sin I . . -. a. 'j u (UK A I' IVA'I'tll AND JKWKI.UY STOHE ! .Vo 72 A"oi"i Vi iiiii Sim i, ejiposite tli j ii'ji!;; IViiiOii lluuse ) riulr.deli'.bia. j i"OI.I) I. ever W.ili'.ns, foil iewrlf.l, IS K, ra- v i se.- i.i-r I'l'iiT i!o., no., 1-; sil j '.l; LJnarlier. lo 7 : (ioM : ui to lll; siii.r tin., 1 nil; p ious per si It. 1 I lo i I . .lo...!l t i S -1 1 ; Silver Tea ln., i .Ml ; (iolil Tens run! Cold ('a ; i ; CM I'ens anil .Silver do. , 1 1 ; varieW of line Hold Jewelry, j ver .ei'ini' lo. Sjiei't aele-. : ' Silver Tai le I Siler lle-ert il ! .lo., I 7", t,, : i n s, -i-.i a.'i to I tnm -tlier wtli C...l t'urli , m.d l'oli Clitiins. All goods i iMinanted to lie us i .-j -i . , nti .1. Wall lies nnd i .lewelrv, repaired in tlie lu-st inaMi.r. Alo, Ma- I onie Mailis, 1'ins, rv c., made to older. J X. IJ. All orders tent liy mail or olliei r. isc. , will lie piini'tiiallv iitteuded lo. 1'!, ila., Oet. 4, 1 iiv. i. J. WIIOI I.SII K Ml Ill.TliU Crocny, Wire r.n-1 Iqv.or Store, S. i '. H o' i.. Water Sirett, l'llll. VUKI.riilA, DRAI.l'KS and familit-a Rill to nronrntlv slip plied nt llie Ii..-i O.-Ml'i r 1. I S.-.l, pi iirs. I - r J WilllL.S.ll.i: IMi Ul.T.lL BOOT STORE, S.iuth Fi,in!i S t, iiAo.-e ('.',-.,. J'.il'a. II) j ftOO'l'S, Sl:o;'f, Caiteis. Ac, promptly made I y ) to order iii liie voiy Ust fly le, uud if llie l0ft ft riiiladelpliin. May 9, li-'oT. Leather! Leather! Leather! Ill Ml V. IIVHIJH'i, MflifTCl: ..f freiii'h Cali'Skmsnml em. ml I.eiitht i ileiil.'l'. ..i liSiiilli 'l lnril .liee. I'iiiiiSi'l'.lna. A s -iien.; ai.'iiiiii iit i-l ail ki.iu. ol i.csiliur Mur.siis. i- . .V . Itfl unit fink Sole l.nilln-r. Kelnuaiy "i-, Is-iT ly w I,MO.US, i:.'.so.S, Flti, l.KMO.NS. Ae., Ac, jii.t I a fie: . supply und I for ball al llie i-'i ijei'lionarv .tore of M. C. UEA1UI AKT. Puiilmry, May Id, sri7 FOil SALE. VCoo.1 second olliee. iuii J LSuy. Apply at thi. POB EBNT. rflMIh store ICooni in Ma.ii T Ly r. . Cray and the ilivellnn; Ionise ad joii.iiii;. Apply lo lUe Bieeuturs uf H. Mavr, decrai-eil. January 17 iS!S7. Iv Ii-ii;ts), I'itiiitM. &c. A F.V 2xL nuid. siipp'v f limes, Fuinls. Oils. , Ac, just received and for sale Ly A. XV. FisllEit. Runliury, May 2, 1857. AMD VAi:ilANTS.-The hiylirst ,,rie. -"will be iven for l.snd W'airauu hy ihe ub cilwi. H. n .MAFIt. VTKXT BRITTAM A UTuFI'EHS f.. bar bottles for sale by II. B M.WfiER. Siinlinry, July 10, ISSrt. 'JobaCOO and Begars 20.IHIU Iinj.orted rSeisurs of various Inuuds. Lldoradn, Fltf. (.'avendish and tine cut tobacco at a. w. nsiiEirs. Sanbury, Mauh 14, I t.i", rpiIE subscriber respectfully in'nrms lb ei-- reus f Snnbwry and Ihe public, generally, that be has conimenceil Ihe manufacture of all kinds af EAItTIIKNWAIlE, at his manuri.ctory in , hnrileberry Street, one square eat of the Itiver. Mj has niKaed li e services or Mr. lUnp. mid you can therefore depend on hnvinir a (rood article. The are respectfully invited to roll. All onleis Iroin a diMtanco will la nrorriMl. attended to. p. M.smNDEr,. is.r,c tf Sunburv, Feb. I JOHN t!. Al,l,i; 0 Nos. a nnit 4 Cl.eslliiit S-ree,, (J.i,, ,, w (Th Ol I'l sr lloe.s , , ; MAM KAI TI ltl'ltr'r,.,lM,i,.f.,.,.,u.1. . ' ' Ma-lo. e iiiinle HID II. Ml ,. I 'nlent Wan-. wor.Mt.,1 .,!, .,.,.k ',;:'.' V'.,.",v"1 lr. C..M., Ilrusl'f. ,ve ., a.,., .'. " ' ," ''I"W - an - ,"..l. 1 lt " li niij j Fe'nieiiv 4-, li;. y y ! ry,m,EL rERT Y FjTsaIT riM L subscribers, F,.,,,,,,, of the estate 0 lleurv Jla sser. d. r'.l Ihe follow inn uroi eriu . ;, "''r -t I'rivate sale am,, ,:nl,p, 7 4 SOACIMOFI.ANll, Situate 111 Lower Aurus's i,. .. 1' l-daoflbiinel KaiZ, " l'' Orriir-niiev ol I.' 1 ...r w ln Ihe dw,-!!. The , i.fll.w ;-.u- good one for Lmsmt,:, ,"J" A;oaTI!(.T (,? I.I.tmTo ST I ivr, ... .ai.Mown.bip on the ,i.r .., 0mj V ; !mv .s,.,,l..v,a,!iio;Ha,!Pof..T. Z other,, e-niaini, B. , 0lJ , ttf'' 1 ''jil.ina lands ,,f il, ' ,'Iuw' k"!'ry. (.'our ad and , 1 ., 'OC I ' I " otni rs. ,. : . ... . " small orchard l'"ur fnitlu r . , , . 'in-- iract. a ! elmic, Irnil. "li a, In is nin,;. i,. ii,. ...i II. H. IAs I-, , i "uii'c,r.(ri. p. i;. m..-m; o, KRA.M l.s , , 'lu;i, ' ?unbur;, January 'J, .s.-j( F.xoculon. 1 '.', Jrrtr'i! i, I OS, l'AINTS.'oil.s .4.. i) i: v rV1U: '""iT-iat.e.l .avi,.,. ... ,, , '-'v hep, bv U,;-,,, I':.'"" rendy o Ml orders and nr.-, ri, ..,., ., . . mi nts notice. . n lias n .:. i i n i , ' " "" f-e.l siicultj -'i ui ire.-ii ami pure I- ..r . . '."r, I) to.Ts, o;i 1'.,;,,. ,:...., ., Kinds of Tateo! .M edi.-in,.. and , KIIIT ..1) CliNrKcptMNAnr Tobac.-i, ,! I,,,,,,,,.,, Sl, ,.f , ol everv variety. ' ust.-imcM il! find .is tork ci pi Ismiij many nr'icb'i nieri-.te, and'all sold i i . ., COiil- I Bi ll! 'r.,. '. -'...i cr ii, , .... i . Itiuhti latnuiotli fMore. sunbiiry, March 1 ', 1?5 7. roTi'.-.vii.i.i;, r.. 'Pli'f: respei lfnilv anr.onncs, !.l iV, Ij i.i i i ' lo l.ia .. . , ,"' " " ' I'"1 :ic. Unit I.c has I t;iat o..i wall known r.ta:.:i.luj,f.r.t, th. White ,'ircrso Hotel. t . it'A .... nitre am .Ms , tllC. toloii!; i'.tly Ih tii i CI ' . In I J'of.svi! Tlir h.v.iM. I,,.- .... j ........ '1.1.1'im C-i li,'i.f ii;i;., oi en, reiiilernii; a:y ulln r lie'il in il quite m'ie i. Vl.ii iki:i k'I'j u s siai'ie" are IrnJ Ir. i:ir !i:l arce, in cor.litimi' ua.l i,: atteiiliie. iin-iifn.. I ..i:... i ii uaveurrs mi l i . . . . . . . . " . ., i .. . liojso, liu eve tt attoiilion olr,,''-,;, i '. rniler t!.,m c.;;ilVi tal'.c ami ,.,ii,i',. Arri,5.H5e.. ,, J"- H. Ft GVA. HESHY D02TKEI, ATTORNSIT AT ItAVI. UjJ,cc apposite tkl Court JUvnc, f unlury, KcrtUuiabsrlaud Cor.rty Tx Fren-.f't altntion to Ln.nius, i B J :;., ou:it,es, J t KI'I-IWITI-. WFST IIUAM'U H.vK WILL1AMSPOHT, C. A. .l.jUtant. N. li. will run "i l'i err. il. liepot and I'aiL.t I.anili ot ehnri'O. to tl.i. Uotul, ... epMliirr IS. l(.' PAKVILLE HOTEL. JOIirq- DKEN, JR Mail.,1 Strut, !,i;i,iilc, J-'a, ' rijMIIS is one f tl10 Urge.t ,id most r..n, il.ous l.oleis in tlio ii,,r ol I'. .il,..,.; I it u.s lufii ree,.,,llj I'm, J op, , ,u,.:,, su;, ..ii mmierii coi.veiiii i.rei. I 'i.nviile Sept. .-., ls.,a. . it-.. . ..i i i . ei it's f? .lev. i - ihi.i:sai.k u.,d i: t. ii .'ilia Wateli in...) J.-Htdrv Stoe." North Second Si.e. t, of tj i:.irrv, I I.AaEl,KHt. i "o:u l.evrr AV; i 'iii l.-',.::. S'!l'.., I.-,,. S.H'. I l i.- Siii.'i if..-1 ; -S-.l.i. 11'! 'I".r:i. .!. j-.i . ill. I I. V.'i'd l-J i lii-i-.7 1. -.1 I'. 1.1. Ill iWI 'I "'"I Vf.u. Wl'tl re...-. I.I..I 11.. lii Id Filler i;inSs, Ti e st, v,i ClasM-s. plain, I','' eenn"; l';,i1Hi, ; ; I. 2o; oilier arlieles in pr.poi iii.n. All ivH ranted to lo what t: v f, f,.r. i'Al'FFi:i! A 11 UH.KV, On hand, some Cold nnd Silver l.evevs . I.epnies, still lower than tho ul.oie iirie.i. Oet. 4. V. !..NK Farelimem I'aper Ii.-e(! and ! S: .Mnrt(rin;es, llimds, Fxeeiitioiis, S' lni'ui (V c, tor , ;:lu It Kunlniry Ai ri 2(1, lsrii H. 11. ,MAMil,. STOVES- an exeellei t m..-. :.,! I. am! Co. li i ij Move, l-n several (Vn.-'er ( ' Slurps. Hinpiir nl this i.tlnn. f lOl.I) FENS niih und u;.;., i.t cs-es. e! 4.T1 veiy sitprrior ijinil.ty. j is! r. . . ie.!. Also a Irejti tup,ily ol U i t i;t y li. ii. Siliil iiry, IVc. 27. l'.rr.' I I:.: I. ' ii s.-i: tII.VF.I! V1( I'F.S. -A Hnuli.-h S.iier W'aieh., f t". iv d.'L1 le 'i r .le st i rv l piicrs ly Kiinl.iiry. April 12. I.' ii. u MAssfi;. AM lllil CAN iioi Wll.l.lAMSI'OKI, FA., .. II. KM.TOY l iitpilelor. Jas. 'F. 1 1 am.. Asst. s,-it. is, ly.'ni. tr 1)1 'RE OLIVE OIL fr tl'! t"f,-nvo. at ::? and ti'.'l cents jul r. eriv. d Iv A. tV. FlsllER, Mauli 14,'..7. Stationery. lrK' rr1y ' Fa per and rnvelo e. Mourn fancy V I nunc, let! and IV I'aper, Fen. M..nli I I, '.'.7. Ink, S.ilnl, Ac, si A. W. FISHER'S. POUT MOXAIFS. Tooth and Hsir Bru. 1 .11, and snv qis y. ' MirrhM, 'I-T. 1 t