w u i w NEW SERIES, VOL. 10, NO. 44. SUNHUllY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, PA.-SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1S5S. OLD SERIES, VOL- IS. NO- .The Sunbury American. PUBLISHED EVLllY SATU.UPAT BY II. B. MASSER, Market Square, Hunlury, Penna. Till M 9 OF S V US CUIPTW'S. TWO DOl.t-Ann per milium to 1e pniil linlf year ly m a.lvance. Norsiaa disc mtiuui-u mull At I. urrr:irjei ,r""d- TO CLUBS: Tlirsc Comci to one address - " ,5 Jl? Mev,,. do. .1... .... I I-.fteeii lo. Jo. .... Five dollsri in advance will eny f..i Hint year's sub Miiiitiim toihc Aineruiin. . . i utinirr will pleas" net an our Aeents. and Iran' letter, continuum sul is.-riit ion inoury. They arc penuil l-l to do lln. under the Port Ollice L-nw. IBHMI OF AOVBRIIUSO. One Si,unf of IS linn1 time, lA-cry subftpunent iniseruon, " oe S,u:ir-, U months, "-iK months. One vsnr. ,luii'lcsi Cnrds or Five liiKt, per annum, Meir-hanta uii'l o'Ikti. mtve-lising by llie ynr, wnti tlic pm-ili-eeol iiwcilingtiiilcrciit a.lvei- ei no if." 3 CI) t, on . s no 3 UO 10 00 iy Iiiyui Ad.ertiscinciiU. n fi i;rccrneiii. job pnniTiKG- We h-c f.nllirrt.il Willi enr i-slnl.tndiinnit a well !! JOIl tiU'ICi:, wl.i. h wit: enable i It executa l.e ntuti.t le, every vainly "I pi ml teg. A T T O 11 N E Y AT LAW, EUJfDUllV) PA. nuMi)eBttPiHlel to in the Counties of Nor thumberland, Cnimi, Lycoming Montour end Columbia. Inferences in rUiUnltlylAa : Hon. Job R. Tvsm, Hits. Oibbons, l-.q Homers tsiiinlxrrt.s, I Smith & Co. USTIEW STORE. EL1AS F.MEMC1I, T!H& CSrECTKI.'LLV informs the citizchs of (2VX of Lower Augusta township anil llie pub lic: gei.erallv. tlmt Ik- linn purchased the ftorr latcie lii-j.f lv Ianc Marti, in Lower Augusta township near L'nerico's l'avirn, anil has just sjpcncj n splendid stock of E ati ami Winter ! Hit sto.-k rnnsi-it. of Cloth, Cnsimci-r s. Pnssi nettsof all kin.!, linen, cotton niul Worsted. Also, Calicoes, luiigham.-. Lawns. Muusseline De I, nines and all kinds of Ladies Dress (ioodn. liil'lCEKIES, Hardware, luccuware ofva lious stj Ics Binl pitterna. Alfo. r.n assortment of read? -Math? '"loll'ins of all description, and .- hoes', fats and Caps. Sll.T FISH. &c, nnJ a variety of tutier articles nue'.i ns mc sitilalde to tlic trade, nil of whkill will be sold at tin' l.met .iii-t's. Country irodnro taken in exchange at the hishesl market irii e. Lower Augusta twp., tletolier 10, lSi. tf. r.iTE.T m:r.i. unn.tsr.. fJTllII.S f.'reaise is reeninniended to the notice of X Wagoners, Livery ftalibi keepers, e., as being Smt.uioh to Duythin; of the kind ever in trojoeed. An it does not gum upon the axles i 4 in mil more durable, and is not infected by the weat'.ier, reinaiiiiiij,' llic fame in summer uf in wimrr, nnd put up in tin caniter at :7 nnd 76 ctnls, for sale by A. W. FlIILK. Murcli 1I.IS.-7. I..ITJGIC ! MUSIC I A ? R. O. KIML1ALL, lata of Klmirn, havini; 1 rrnme a resident i f Sunliurv, repecllully ; infoinii the cilizens and other, tint he intend j to form a Singing t.'las3, both secular and ".icri d and will iinpurt instruction to all who may di-M.-o j t.. ..I wrt ili..tiuiKi-i iioilrr hitf iilari:e. ) -N. 1! Mih. t). Kimball is prepared to civc liiatrucliont to a few nioie pupils on liio Piano Turto. Sunbury, S'eptcn.ber l'J, 18.'7. tf Kciv riilliulelp'.ila Pry ;oods!! RIIAUI'LCSMi BIIOTiinUF, iit Towxtsn Saiunr.-s A t?o, Z J C tf moved to their new store, N. W. corner of Chesn ut ntnl Kth Ktreeln, and hnve opened their mual full asuortment of Au tumn end Winter 1)I:Y (iflt)US, which tbey olb-r at very lo pricia. Their stock includf.4 Cl.awle. 7)'l ick and Fancy Swlks, Merino' nnd other Ures (ioods, Men's ami Uoy'j Vcar, lilaukeis, lb)'ie!vccniig tJooils, and (inadi. for l'ri iidi Wear." Oct. U, 1857. r-ui2c 8UKBURY STEAM FL0URIIIG HILL fSMIK au'.iicri'oer re.-iieclfolly nnnoonce to tie piil lic, that their new Steam Flouiiinr Mill in ill in pljce, has been campbled. and will go into operation on Monday the uil day of Au-'U-!, in-t. Having engaged a competent and careful Miller, they trust they will he a'-le, w ilh all the modern improvement ndoplcd in their mill, to give cntiie satisfaction to all whoiiniy favor them w ilh their c-.ttom. s.NVUl:H, KINKMAKT & II VKIIIOX. Kunliury, August 29, 1 8.r)7. tl Kucctssou TO O. CAMPIIK-b tSi CO., AIM) L. C. IVES, (Formerly No. 15 North Whurves.) DF.ALF.U IX I'UODI CK. FKl ir AM) VE UET AliLES, Xo. 4 North Wharves, 4th door Market street, l'hiladelphiu. Orange, Apples, Dried Fruits Hotter, J.einous, Onions, Mercer i'utalor, Cheese Ksisius, Tomatoes, Sweel l'olutoes. Leans, J'e Nuls, Teaches, Cranberries &c. Orders lor Khippins put up with care and dis- P5(J( iOU SsoM en commission for Farnif r nnJ Dealers. Octooer4. l&M. The 810 and $15 Single and Double Threaded Empire Family Sewing Machines. A? X AGENCY" for the sale of thfse Sewing 1 on liberal tcrnit for the County of Northumberland. No one need apply without capital sumcieui iu cunuun business pr. pfrly and who cannot bring reler ences as to reliability and capacity. A personal application will be necessary. , The peculiar adaptation of these Machinei for all purposes of Family Sewinj. will, where ever tliey are of.cred for sale command a ready and unlimited demand. ... JOHNSON (iOODXLL. 8. E. Currier of 0th and Arch rUs., I'hiladcl'a. August 15, 1857 tf IIL4XKS! i:i.4KS! BLANK DeeJa, Mortgagee, Uonda, Warranlt Attachinente,Coinmilments, Kunimoiu.Su pjiTit", Kxecilione, Justices' and Constable. le UdU, Ac, Ac.can be had by apply ins at this othee. U YDHOLEl'M PAINTS. These paints are mixed with iter, thereby laving thecost ell, for tale by Mr:H tr A- rrHER an fin f For the Snnlmry Ainrriffin J THE SAILOR EOY'S FAREWELL. Fnrpvioll to rlht'r, IiIosppiI hullc, Jn ppiti' of met nl rpitu nf bulk, His cublo soon may clip ; Wlilhi yot the parting tear is moist, Tin- llait of pmlilmle I'll hoist u duly to the chip. rarowcll to mother. CtrA flaps slip, Who liiunchuil mo on life's Htnrmy soa, Anil rijfjji'rl mi' lore and tilt ; May ProviiloncH her timbers spnro, And ki.'pp her hull in pond repair, To tow thu smaller craft. Farewell to sister, lovely yacht, Hut whether she'll be niuiiuod or not I Cannot nnw foresee ; May some pood ship a tender provp, Well Count in stores of truth uud love, Ant tuke her uniier len. Farewell to Ueorgp, the joily boat And uli tho littlt nail ullonl, In home's cV.'iKht Tul liny J When they nnivo i.l haihne; npp, May Ris-dom piovo the eatller guagp, And 'iiidu thini on their wuy. Furewell In all on life's rndo main, And though we neVr niay meet apuin, 'l'hroii(.'h stress uf stonny weather ; Yot summoned by the boaril above, We'll harbor in tho port ol luvc, And till be tnoiiied together. THE DREAM OF CALEB ED2I0KDS. Christianity, ind.-ed !'' sniil Mr. ;dmfiml, as he looked over Iih boohs, in the I, (lie back j pail.ir ln h;nd the thop. " I nm disgusted I V,U1 liVMC!y." '1 i i re is a liark frown tipnn thu brow ol the in. in of luisinc.-) as he spoko lliese words, and mi in it... il:ty i;i his manner nf turtiit.y over t he h aves before him, which spoke ol Sfino bad debt tro'iblin his liiiud, and rob bing him of his pood l-'inper. "W hut is 1he tnullii ';'' lukod n tliectTul little woman by ll.e lire, at a hose side u bus ket of flcrkino,3 tobl of n larpe family, and a cutiM ipleiit demand lor ftickcry. "M.iUi i !'' echoed thii husband, "do tou not kuotv Unit Welslord owes nit- four pounds, ten and sixpence V "Well, bo will pay, I suppose.'' ' Not bo. The ponds wen; Mirelm-ei niort' than-1 year ago, and 1 have uot had a penny Jul." What does ho Fay vihon you sco him T'' asked Mis. Kdnioiiils, ho evidently loved to look lit I !jll lll oMit Mill'. "Say ! lie does not say much to tr.e, I can tell you. 1 told him not to worry tno with his excuses, but to btinp his money ; and '.hat he need not cross my door step again till he cou'ii do that." "1 ttm sorry for his v.ife," paid the little stockinp mender, presciiily ; "she upjieais lo be n truly pious woman." "l'lous;" retorted her husband. "Yes, and so is ho ; 'tis that dispusts mo. Kcli p.ion, indeed ! nnd he owes me four pounds, ten and bixpencc. 1 thotiuht t'lO liible said, Owe no man u;ivthiuy.' Chnstiaiiitv, for sooth!" Mr. Caleb Kdmo'.lds was a highly respecta ble procer in llie town of Matlby in fact, a mau of substance ; for biuiness had prosper ed with him. Ho was industrious and obiip inp : rising rally, working hard ; nnd thus from small beginnings he had risen lo the possession ol cnnsiderublu wealth. 13ul, al though nn excellent man of bushier. Mr. KdinomU was u very ordinary Chrisliun.--True, he had hriun tho race, bill ho did not toward tli maik. Alas, for the cares ol this woi Id and the dceeitlulln.ss of riches ! And il is the characteristic of a Ion standard of piety to bo harsh end censorious in our ! judgment of our fellow Christ inns ; so Mr. I KJinouds, when he henvd of any delect ill t lir : character of piidessors uiound liitn, was ul-j ways tiio lii.-t lo cxcliiim, 'CLritlianity in deed !" I li not this too con.nu.n wiib ns all ? Ho I we ni t, evi l! if we pivo no oxpnsMoti to our thought, doubt und hesitate much more than wo should doubt u nd hesitate, rogmdirg the reality of the religion id our "Keady to halts" and "Feeble minds?" 1 'o we not set up n standard nf perfection for our fellows, which were too lofty, in our view, us a stundurd for ourselves? And uie we not too ready to ex claim against the wanderings of others, oven whilo iru turn a.-ido into tl.u fotbiddeu paths'? Fei haps such thoughts ns these hud passed through the mind of Mrs. Kdmonds us rhe sat over her work ; for when fIic rose to leave her basket for some more active household dntv, she bent over her husband for a mo ment and said genl ly, "Caleb, 1 do not like to hearyoii say 'Chi i.-tianity, indeed !' ns you say just now. f-upposo your fellow-Christians were lo judge of you us harshly us you of them ! You often say it," she continued hastily; "you doubted John Watson's reli gion yesterday, because bo lent money to your rival ; und Thornton's, because hu oppo. si s yo i in business ! nud you sliooU your head about Miss Milwood's piety because she urged with you ngainst total ubstiueuce! Judge not that ye be not jadgod.' " Long after his wil'o left hi in thess words rang in Caleb's ears "Judge not !" At lust, 88 ho sat in the twilight, between slopping and w alking for business was very dull, mid he could spuru half an hour for rest a vision stole upon him, and be passed, in imagination, rapidly through the scenes which follow : The first sceua was the drawing room of the John Watson of whom Mrs. Kdmonds hud spoken. A lady was inuking tea behind a silver urn, and a gcutlemau her husband sal besidu her. "l'oor Thompson," said Mrs. Watson for it Was she "1 trust he will succeed." "He ahull, if by Cod' b!e6siugs, I can com pass it." "Ha is a very deserving yonng man," con tinued tho lady; "the manner in which he bore the loss of all hit property would win esteem, even if he Lad no other claim." Mr. Wutson did not reidy, big mind had wandered to another branch of the subject. "That Caleb Kdmonds," said at length. "I am surprised at tbo ill reelings ho displays." "Towards 'i'hoi utou ?" "Yet ho it evidently annoyed at the open ing of another shop so near hit own ; w here at in the principal street of a town like this he should have expected competition. Hti siJes, lie hat made a little fortune, oml hat nothing to fear ; yet be will not treat George Tborutou with ordinary civility." "1 thought It was relifiost man," tsid Mn. Wa.ioo. i ii i lynjmiu peti "He prrttii'1.1 to be," replied her husband, "but 1 have no faith in a religion which brings forth so litlle fruit." I'oor Caleb ! his wiTo's words the Mas ter's words nil sounded in his enrs as they had never dono before, meeting with a re sponsivo echo in his heart. A ruin a change, and Mr. Kdmonds found him?! ir beside u sickly looking woman, who, leaning on her li'isband's iirtn, walked slowly towards thu house of prayer. It was impos sible to look without interest upon her pule and un.iou9 face a face which had once been beautiful ) and equally impossible to disregurd tho careful tendemeFS with which her steps were guided by the strong man at her side. Their conversation, too, was wor thy of remark they were speaking of the Consolations of the (jopel. "Who knows?" exclaimed tho invalid, "perhupg theiu limy be words just suited to our case this morning ! Words for the jmnr." "l'oor us regards Mi world only, Mary." Her eyes brightened us she looked tip cheerfully". "Yes, rich in treasure tar mote cosily than curth's gold. Cod help us to look, up, und to trust Him lor the 'incut that pel islieth not.' " They walked on for a while, and then tho wife said, mournfully. "1 sometimes leur that it is priilu which makes me shrink' from meet ing M r. Kdmonds. 1 itn shi ink liciii it. Oh, if J could but tiuy him ?'' "We shall be able to (lo so soon, 1 hope," Paid Wcl-lord; "it has beeu n hard struggle, Mary, staivalioii almost, but 1 think it is nearly over." "Ah, it was ull for mo ! I am eure Mi. K.l monds would be patient, if he knew how much you spent in medicines for me, uud how lit lie work you have !'' "He is patient after n fashion; nnd we have reason lo be thankful lor that ; still ho has said some crushing things to ine harsh things which hu may live to repent, things . which made mo doubt his Christianity." ! "Nay," saiil Mrs. W els!, id gently, "J would not jiid,!c him ; how many irfeoHH-Aent things ire do ! ' "You are ritrht. may not lift my voice ; alas, but litlle likeness to my Kurd is found 1 ill IM ."' ! Again the echoing voice thiiiled through I the soul ol the listener luain he heard the I words, "Judge not ! ' und as he dwelt upon! them the vision slowly failed and lo'. ltniiuin ! like, invoke, und behold il was a dicum. Iut I the lesson of the dream was uot quite lost I upon him, for lie awoke to a deeper spirit of j Christian charity, a nobler self ib nial, u holi- 1 or humility, a nearer hketie-s to Jesus, lie had been taught in that luiel tvvilipht inus.ug ' one of tho grand old lessons of the IJook of ' Cillll. I The fireside morning worship wap just on- ! dej ami Chillies Welt ford was about to po .' forth to his daily toil, when n gentle knuck ut j the door, spoko of a visitor ; how great was tho sin prise of all v, hen Caleb Kdmcuds entered. j "You nre come, sir " 'T a:n coine," said the grocer, interrupting him, "to express my hope Di.ityou uio not , under any concerned ubout the hllie amount you owe me. Tuke your tune, my good, sir ; take j iu timu " The poor man's eyes wete filled with tears, , us grasping tho ouUtictcLio. hand he tried, to speak h'.s thanks. . "My wife," s .ml Mr. Kdmonds, turning to- ; w ard.- M is. W elt fold, "put something into, my hand, just us 1 h it, for you, ma'am." , And forth from his pockets camu tea, st.rgur, biscuits, from thu good wife's ample store, till Mary's eves loo liiiud with grateful , tears. "And now," said the visitor kindly, "don't forsake the shop ; gel your lillle parcels there and pay jiift when it suiis you. l(y the way, if u sovereign would be ol uny set v.ee to you, I 1 have one which will bum a hole in my j pocket as the saying goes unless 1 give it to somebody. And beloru they could reply, ho had laid the coin upon thu table uud was , gone. "Mary," said Mr. Welsfoid, Ut us thank Uud lor these." ! They knelt, nnd ns he breathed forth his heart's gratitude, bis wife wept tears of joy, . aodovt u the III I In ones inui niered t ho uiuuii." 1 Lul Mr. Kdmonds did not stop at this ; il : was to I. .in I bancs W cl-lord owed a situa tion which soon uiier placed htm Car uboVu the leach of want ; it was to him be owed a , host ol 'kindly deeds, which camo bl.o sun- shine to his inmost soul. We hasten on. Not alone in this regard ' was Caleb Kdmonds changed, for two o.iys . alter this strange ilieum he Walked into his , riVi.l.s simp, shook hands, invited him to ill ink tea ut his hull.- ', spoke pleasant ly about lio ,r opposition, uud even lonicd as Ins letii , un nt ut some future day, when bio new IllenJ would have u better chance. Anil from that tune the charity which "suf- ; fereth long iifd is I,, to!, , noteasily ,rvokeil thinketh no evil, benrelli all lhin-;s . .. veth ull, hopt'th ull thmus, endelb all Ihnips," held un almost uiiilii puted sway over tho heart ol t'uleli lidiiiomls ; and ever Mas llie maxim id' the Jliblo borne in mind. "Ji.ii;-c nut liml ; ye be nut juttiH'l." Doi Toi:, ii k ins i.i.x,: It. A physician tells the following story, Hot however, w.tl.out some regret on l.er p.ul or bis art f i r tho udvico given : A hurd-wci king women I:.. I a drunk en husband, who, when p.r.tu.lly sober, would get the blues ai d endeavor to di stroy him self by taking laudanum. Twice did the wife usceitum that he hud swallowed the poisonous drug, und twice did tho doctor restore him. t'pon the second restoration, the doctor addressed him ns follows : "You good for not big scoundrel, you don't want tokill yourself, you merely wuut lo annoy your wife and me. If you want to kill yourself, why don't you cut your throat uud put un end to llie muller ?" Well away went the doctor uud thought no more of his patient, until some weeks utter hu was awakened from a sound nap by the tinkling of his night bell, ile put his bead out of the window and in quired, "Whut's the matter?" Potior, be has done it," wus the reply. "Done what?" "John bus takeu your advice." "What ad vice?" "Why you told him to cut his throat, aud he bus done it, und he is uncommon dead this tune. Imugind the doctor's foeluuis. He bat since ceased giving such cutting advice. Kr. .Shorts says Kansas is a great country. Heats cheap, because they have uo houses. Women Dot expensive, because they don't bave any. Society primitive and not partic ular. The men uud hogs, cattle und dogs, ull lay Iu lbn tame bed. If you waut lo live like a double breasted (ighting-cock, go to Kansas. The boat tails fruqueutly. A young ludy recently remarked, wilh much simplicity, that she could not under stand what her brother (Jeorgu Henry saw in in the girls, that he liked them to well, and that, for ber part, she would not give the company of one yonng mo for that of twso ly jlrle. Postponing a Goobo. Having business at Mobile some time since, but being in no particular hurry to transact it, I determined tj take passage in one of iho packet ships that run between 'that city and New York. She was culled the Hover, nnd wus commanded by a shiitp litlle fellow, n pari owner, nnd who was therefore interested in making the trips ns profitable ns possible. The passengers were not long in inukiug this discovery, for its a geneiul thing, n meatier table was never provided in the meanest of third class hotels, or oven in a cheap New i oi k oouruing House. Il happened that during thu passage wo were becalmed ono day upon a part of thu coast which was known to be excellent, fish ing ground ; uud llie enptain with u view, of course, of saving a dollar or two, ordered the ii to bring out their f'shing tuckle nnd try their luck. This wus soon !om: nnd mn. enough, a largo quantity of the tinny tribe j '"' Vly tevire, for in lit teen minutes nothing were soon transferred from their nqtieou. 'lllt a skeleton remained of that much abused abode to the deck of the ship, to tho infinite j fiu"1'- satisfaction ol tlie passengers, whoanticipiittd, I '"My heyes !" was hU exclamation, when for that day ut least, a pleasant change of ! '"' ''"'' completed the task ; "if that's a 'post diet. poned' goose, 1 wish th" caplina: ud nve one In the course of the morning the captain i P 'slpoiied every v.ei k The iln -sin', 'oweer tot ok occasion to enlarge upon Hip delicacy of the lish caught in that locality, mid closed by asking "W li.it say you to n fish dinner to day, ladies and gentlemen ?" Kvcrybody said. Oh, by all means! und so it whs arranged that the bill of fare that day was to comprise lish only. Now, attached to tho ship was a negro cook, a sleek, oily, and rather good looking negro, who was called Centaur a name which he obtained inconsequence of a curious fancy he had of siltiug astride of tho bow sprit whenever it blew hard, und fearlessly retaining his position, no mutter how tnuilly the vessel pitched und tos.-vd amidst the turbulent waves. As this was somewhat approximated to a daring act of horsemanship, the name of Centaur wus considered lo be n very appropriate one, und with which the in pro was by tin means disph as.'d. Alter the passongois bad agreed to the bsh dinner, I chanced to be oil llie forecastle, uol far Iroiu the galley, w hell the captain came for ward, uud looking in, sang oul "Centju.-!'' "Aye, uje, fa!' replied the p rsouupe. "Cook u large mess of li-ii to-dny tor the cabin pussetig.'ia' dinner; and dye htur, postpone that goose !" fvich were the captain's directions, to which the Cook replied "Ail right, si !" Alter thu captains departure, poor Centaur seemed to be greatly tumbled, and scratched bis wool m the most vigorous and determined manner. 1 overheard bun usking himself "What do debbil he mean by cm kin' do fish und poslpunin' the goose? 1 lien on scbberul Voyages, il not more 1 bin in big hotels und little hotels, man und boy, for cber so loinr. if not longer dan dat, uud by golly dis do i'ust Line 1 olier hearti ob poslponnr a goose. l'uie's pickiu' a goose, 1 kiuiW ; an' dr.iwin' a goose, un' stulliu' u goose, an' muslin' a goo-e, nn' bakin a gno-e yi s, by goliy an' boil in' u goose, too ; but "po-t potun' " a goose 1 don't b lieve d.U i ben Mrs. l,'lu-s, do preal cook dey lalk 'bout, cber hearn of. It must l.i i t I... ..I., i. on .... lit, sure. Wonder' if Jimmy Puck, cber heard ob it ! lie knows most ebery ting." Jimmy Pucks was ore ol the crew a leu! cotknev. und i.ke everv one born wiliiin thi; sound of How bells, considered himself lo be oil ol walking eiiCU'lopedi.i. HLe didn't know, lie at least pretended to do so uud too often, 1 am sorry to tay, pretence is per unit', d to pass curiei.t. Justus Cculai.r concluded his rnminulions, Jimmy uud ono or two otheis of the crew pussidthu gullcy door, Olid the bewildend cook rushed oul uud anxiously inquired ol the oracle ir he knew bow lo postpone u goo-e?' Now, Jimmy was somewhat sensi tive, uud probably thought for the moment thu'. thu term iouse inignt upply to himself, n in i that there was u covcrl joke in the re mark, for lie was evideutly Uikenjiback, uud his lace begun to lluah. Ceiilaur, however, explained : "lie cas.(! is dis-, you pee. Cup'n Fays to mo is now, says, he, 'Coolc a largo iness ob lish loi the cabin pas.H'iiger.s' i:,i,n, r to-day, nil' postpone de goose.' Now, dat is jus w hat il.s uniier cau l git through his wool, no bow, wu.it pustpuuiu' a goose is!" "Oh!" said Jiniiny, seeing through the a!'.ur, uud winking ul his. compuiiioiis, "that's easy enough. - 1 thought every fool knew Ibul" "I to'.ipht so, too," s.iiJ Centaur, innocent ly ; "an' so 1 says to myself, Jimmy Pucks'il know." "Yi II. you see," said Jimmy, looking very Serious, -,lt lsli'l a Cellillmll or ll Very Usual w.,y i f cooking jour goose j bat vi ii it is Mivni up l.alur fish, uud liolhiup to Lliow, ul the nobility's uinuels, or lit tho Lord Majoi's baiiqut-ls, then they 'poslpulio' ll. Now th.s is Um mode of doing it : l'usl pick llie goose as clean us possible; then wuii u piece of l.ghud paper, burn tho slumps uf Ihe le.ill.eis. Al'ler drawing the bud, Joil will stutl'il with u mixture c uiposcd of 'utd boiled eggs, chopped wry I. lie ; onions ditto; apples il.llo; biscml pout. did into small bit.-, and i oi lion ot l.sh previously lirownetl on iho lire. You will I hoi nut llie goose into u Hot. boil it lor 'ull an hour: then nut it on your spit, ro.n t it until done, uud you will kt-ive ll with prepai.il gravy." Centaur listenea with piol mnd attention, and noting cuieluily utioii the tablet of bis bin. u Jimmy's directions, tlaited lor the galley, highly eluled. Tno ullair was of course kept a profound secret, and 1 would not have f polled the ex pected joke for tho wurlJ. Punier tune urrived, and Centaur certainly won lienors lor himself by thu stylo in which ho served the fish, both boiled uud fried. Pish lifter dish bad dis .ippcuiud, uud when every one supposed the meal to be concluded, uliollier dish Wad placed befoiu the captain, who, on removing the cover, to his great sur prise and iiidigualion discovered Iho goose. Ills wiulh was not to be suppressed, even iu Uie presence of the pusstugeis, uud in u towering pussion, he thouud "Send that iiifei'tiul cook aft duecilv." Poor Centaur euteiud tho cabin, very greasy uud good humored, having uo suspicion of ani thiug wrong, uud was cou.idero.bly Sturllod by the question "What do you iinuu, you scouudrel, by this disobudience f orders i" " 'Ueyed orders, sa ; duue jus what you said, ha," he sUiumered out. "Obeyed orders, you black rascal !'' said thu capuiu, greatly astonished "Pidn't 1 U'll you to postpone the goose ?" Centaur iookej perfectly amuzed, "Course you did, sa ; und 1 did It." "Did what?'' shouted tho captain. "I'ostpuued de goose, tu, 'cordiu' to direc tions." The passengers here began to seent the joke, and burst iuto a loud laugh. Even the little captuin was some what moll. tied, and requested Centaur to explain himself. "Well, so," be euid, "you ordered me to took de fish and postpone de goose. Now, 1 Oebbrr po.tpcrte one iu all my U, an' of course didn't know m,thii,' 'bout it ; but j '"itiimy Pucks 'lighten me on do subieck, nn' ! ' foller V.actly his 'cripfinn liy g lly, 1 had ' trouble enniiph : don't want to postpone j winder, no how." i Kvcrybody laughed henrtily nl Contanr's ! e.Nplaiialion, nnd even the cnpliun could not j '" 'l' Pniilmtr. ' He off, you black blockhead '" ! Fai'' "and send Jemmy Pucks here.'' ' "'- darkey was off in n tu-iiiklin?, nnd ; 'i,re being some curiosity as !o this new s,.vb' nf cooking, we tried the goose ; but for the llie ol us WP could not tell whether W were euting fish, flesh, or fowl. Jemmy soon iiflcrwards appeared, ami was compelled to repeal tlm directions he hail given to the cook, forgiveness being only extended In him on condition that he should' eat. the w hole i f the poo-e ; nnd I was nppoiuted a cotninillee I one to Sup llie spiilenco ditlv carried out. ! ' be puilishnielit, bmvevi r. did not anneiir to j '!g!'l he waiied, so us lo Lo a Ice-tie more pal-tabler.' .4-. TrialB of a Fat Kan. The Jinjj.il,, l:, ytiilii: has a fat correspond ei.t who w riles that paper frankly thus: "As 1 intimated to jon, having come to I the conclusion that there v. us nothing lil to j eat in Lull'alo, 1 started for New York on I Friday last, on the Central Kaili'ond. 1 had no idea that a :nrni with a respectable qtuin- j lily of llesh, was looked upon with any degree i ol surprise outside of yi iireity limits. 1 only I weigh In i hiiuili til ami tliirl'i i"ir I'mtiuls, nnd ' if 1 mil said to be as broad as 1 tun long, it certainly was no reason for the ticket agent at the liullalo depot inquiring "iV.i inu ., to I) ) os J rii ;ht, or us it passenger t ' 1 told him, with ci i.sulerabie uspiiily, "ns u j as senper, of coilise," when be chai'L'e.l me for ticket-for I.' o ! and upon my expostul.it i.g vithhiui, he very impudently iiupnn'd il 1 supposed that uny ono else could sit in the same seat I occu , d. lleii'g nu'uio that il as a mat' r of seine doubt, I mid no more, but hoard him mnil-r mmi.i t L i : i -t t i himself ulioul hops always going us freight, us 1 walked off w hu h I eiii.'.i I; was. made, 1 pre-.-uiiie, to un omnibus oilier, t-l.uiding near. It certainly could hove had t.o reference to uie. Po you think it cotild? "t got on the car "onicwh..l ruffled in temper, nnd uller crushing two or three women from a diameter often feet into aboul six inches, and flattening out nn upple boy aud pop-corn vender, so that their uulontily became u matter lI' considerable letearcb, 1 finally obtained a Seat opposite nn old, seraL'gy huly und her uninairiod daughter. I hey scn aiiicd us 1 sal down, and 1 was tempted to expand my lungs in tho same milliner, for iho whole seat gave way with me und deposited me with my wig in a pool of tobacco ju:iv, und my feet in the bony, unmarried gnl's lap. X'poii extricating my- 'I '''i'' " t,1'u V'.ck',1 ,1!"u',Vt-r' I tlml ,1 llad . f "l l,aVk l' vered to my horror 1 tin coat, had I utterly cru-heu out of existence three b.ii.d- boxes ; and obtained the eternal hale id the I craggy woman am. mr o-ny o..u,:i.i, r I. r . I I I I M I ;e,ei. i iiie.t ii. n'liiM- 111 iipoiopies, Ilia I think 1 failed. My failure i es.ly i .xp.laiiied. ; lor who ever beaid if any i.iau making ti j decent apology in a fractured coat uud a I head saturated with tobacco juice ? "I Jheii i ut into another cur, in conse- pienee ol the indignation ol the passengers having been aroused by the two women nllil- ded lo, nud especially us 1 heard a gentleman with short hair and not very placid face, inquiring if he hadn't- butter punch Inui. Having no doubt that iho .i..i referred to was me, 1 inad-j myself us as possible, .... i..i.. ti -, .. ... ',- ... i. . 11IU fil'k IIILU 11JO I.V.tl. I HI.- OVlllS 1U llll car were ull weak, frail thin s, us four of '.hem fell to pieces us I ...it down on them. I L poii iiinkiiig my ci inpla Hi to the conductor I who u.-I.cd if litre r. nrnr th i.l ":ie of we bo suggested that I had better go into the 'baggage cur, und Sit oil one of the express flunks. They being iron-bound, be thought tin fit stall J it, if nothing else would.""" 1 did ; go Ul there. The baggage-man. who was not ! very pol.le, asked not what 1 wanted. 1 told bun I w iiitid to stay in there. H i said il couldn't be did ; us, if 1 cuu.e in, he w ould have to go out ; there wasn l room for "them ! "two trunks and both of u in that there bap- "gage car." 1 iiceoiiiinoduted luattel j with him by giving him a dollar (one of twenty 1 hail borrowed.) und he agreed to rub' on I he oalside of the car, whilo 1 occupied the inside. 1 got upon two express trunks, and was very comfortable. Indeed, 1 should have been pcifoctly so if tin' legg'ige-muii hadn't kept annoying me. He kept diving his head into the car, nud asking if wus going to New York j and upon my rephiug that 1 was, he Would convey my reply lo the brakellial), who evidently b id been talking of me nil the way from Itochosti r. Finally, Iho baggage-man dove bio head in ugain, us if to end some argument, and usked if 1 in- tended to g3 to llarnum's Museum when cot to New Yolk. 1 told bin) 1 should . which inlormatioii be conveyed to the brake. man, w ho ejaculated, " 1 bought so- It's bun!" "1 coaldu't iii.agtno v.lmt they liteant. iii'jvuui.i'uiumu,,.,,,, hull lor not bin. I woul, a cost two slulliu s ,i.i New oik when I abruptly put un end lo llieircouversuuoii oy p...i...g iny i.cuu uu i vtir(1 njs Cllll,,,i,;ll.v ,,,,1,0, ul;,l cn,j ol the cur uoor, and inquiring who was 'him , 01, A M ri l",4,;vo a tllo fl,Vi and what 'mould cost two .shillings 111 Now-t ,..,,,,,. a freipielit visifr, de York.' and what they bad -seen tor no king. ' Lj j ,.,, ,.,,) m,t ,urll lo u.,i l lie br.ikeniail was sou. e hut stalled, but recovered sullicieutly to say -F.T liov.' This answer ull'ording mu uu luforinatioii whatever I baiked into the cur ngaiu, inui h pti..lid us to what they meant. Pr.-uining thut 1 was being broiled oil Ull liniiieu.-i gudirou, f ir the purpose of 'fry ing' me out, uud thut thu bit was running Iroin me in innumerable rivulets, which was being caught in little tui cups, uud sold by tradesmen of ull descriptions, 1 urrived in Sjrueuse, und tbeie awoke, do. light to find that 1 retained inv nccustonird flesh, mid that gong were sound itg ecstatic atitioiiiicemeiits ol .liuucrs.' 1 will aiileyou ugain soon. Till then believe uio you much uuuoyed. "l'T lUMuibUuB," Exousu Wisr At late pomologicnl meeting in London. Mr. Wilkin, handed round aomo nine, which he said had been manufactured from his roots or Mangel Wurcsel, and wus but ten months old "Thia." siivslhe Chronicle, "Tor a light wine, wus ceitniiily very excellent, and Mr. Wilkins declared. Could be retailed uK a profit at fid. per quart bottle A practical chemist from Loudou stated his opinion that ull is wanted was on imtriiigeiit. which Mr. S ilktus suid he had discovered iu the bop root, end which would reuder it a, wholesome beverage. We ,.lsn lasted bread made of one-third of Mangel Wurzel and two-thirds flour, and which was i certainly fully equal to tic a crsgt quality." Select jucivg. From tit? IViivtiTimt A KLW YEAR'S HYMN. 1'iom the (j'crmun of li. Srlmo'he horn, ICT'2 ; iht-l. 17il7. (Jod with ns ! Immuiuiel ! Open, wilh the year before, us, Thy treasury where blessings dwell, And their fulni.-s fcattcr o'er Uf. Source id' good ! muku ns to know Whence our d.idy couiforls flow. L'.css the buily nnd the soul, 0, thou source of every blessing! Every anxious; fear control. 1. e.ul ns still thy grace possessing Where thy foot in mercy trends, Where thy hand its bounty shude. Let our every net be b!c-t Our inci tiling nnd outgoing. May thine eye upon us reft, fcitill the path lo glory showing. We our Heed of grace confess J Let ihy grace, Lord, give success. Mul e us seek our heavenly borne, Here on eui'.h let concord liotiri.-.h ; And though evil days shouM come, Let e'i n them our viitues nourish. Let the Nation uud the luto, Through "ll.y gentleness" bo "great." Lord, thy covcniint seul impress On llie year thy love is sending ; With divine protection bh ss Its beginning, mid-t, and ending. Hear our humble p layer, nnd theu Thyself pronounce tho glad Amen. II. V P. 1 an co us. a. They huve a new chimney in France, in veuted for th" coii'-umptioii of wood, instead (.1 Ci all. by tl..; I'aliSlalls. It CllsistS of a ; nn lo 1'ipe. into which the lops of wood are C rown, and beneath which ll: fire is lighted. '1 his contrivance produces so much beat that the apartment i thoroughly wanned during the day, inui ut night the" logs, completely : charud, but. not consumed, ore withdrawn in i the state of charcoal, and w ill sell lor don'ile , the price of the wood in its natural state I This chimeiiy is the invention of a Monsieur 1 ltennud. uud much is expected from it on the i score of economy. The same i lea is being ; applied to steam, using Coal, which turns to ! coke, us il wotks without smoke or ushes of ' tiny kind, by mentis of a revolving cjliudcr I beneath the furnace. "Tiii: ( I k k a t Umti'.d SrATK." The census j of the L" lilted fi lutes shows that we have two ! millions and a half of farmers, on hundred ' thou.. and merchants, sixty four thousand ; masons, and nearly to hundred thousand car-' ! pernors. We have fourteen thousand bakers lo inuke our hi end; twenty four thousand lawyeij to set ih by the ears; forty thousand 1 doctors to " kill or cure," und lifleeti bandied (oiitors to keep this mutely mass i:i order by the power of public opinion controlled and manufactured through the press. ' C.iiii. 1 Mfi temt. The eiiitorofn Western ! papi r owes a bank about tl.'"'", Ii rwhiib liiev hi 1.1 his note. The ilefalilt ng wagan ' no un ccs it thus in his paper : "There is a 1 large und raio collection of tho nttto : graphs of distinguished individuals deposited for sale keeping in the cabinet of thu Farmers' ! and Merehuuts' liank, i ach iiccom.'ia.iied with ! a n te in the hand writing of the nut. graphist. I We loam that they cost the bank a great deal of money. Tln-y paid over a thou-aud i dollars for ours. We hope great care is takeu i to preserve these capital uud interesting relics, us, ! lioiild they be lost, we doubt wheth er they could be easily collected ugain. Should the bank, however, be so uiilui tuu i'.e us to lose ours, we'll let them have nnot her ut half price, in consequence of tho very hard times. IIkvi.tii. Rending aloud is conducive to i health. i Young persons should wulk ut least two ; koun a day iu the open air. 1 The more clot long we wear, other tilings i being equal, the b ss food we neid. Sleeping rooms should have a lire place, or j som.1' "",,Je ol ventilation beside the wjnd Young people and olhets cannot study ; mm h by lamp Iv hi with impunity, i From one to one oiind uud u half of si lid i food is S'lllli ioiit for a person in the oidinary 1 avocations of business. Persons in sedonla- ry employment should to escape dyspepsia eat much le.-s. livery pel son, great utol small, should wash nil over in cold water c'. cry mot ning;. l'hi) best remedy forews w.akeiipd by 1 night use is to upply a line stream ol eo!J wa ' ter to thiui. M r. John Pavis, nf Slaughter Neck, llolu ' ware, has Irtin ilatiphteis, like yeurs old that ! cannot be told apart by strat gus, nnd the ;'. ... ...i. .,,..,!.;'; t, ,.'. r ,..,, . , I, , nearest tieiehbois, who no lio m daily, nre ,,..,,,1,.,,,, leeei,iv h id the children brought , J" aU( u ( j Mp ,,v flu !.,. c.,. ..:k(r.. liviei inim J, if o.-.bie, lo ; slioiv the friends present I hat they ci.uU be , ,.f (j ljllMj wcio ll.ui removed ! f , room u short I, me onlv, and oniheir from uiiotli, r, though she bad labored con si itit'y to do o. The only method of deter mining w ith certainty w h. cii is which, is by ti small mark on the ear of nnu of them, that is only visible ou close inspection. V Ail TNATIN'i Pi.'.S TO FlillVFVT Pl-TIMl'l-R. A coir.'.-;. undent of tin) Medical Times s ij.i he ha.l l;.i. !y bu n to Fee ilp'.lh'iit ill the country who i a master of a pin k of bounds, un J he found this geiitletinni's hunts man vacemiling u biter of puppies ns a pre venlive i.gain.-l distemper. The huntsman s. .1 I.., had lLiiiu this for son.ii veats past. that the success was quite complete, nn.l ihul the practice was becoming geue-ral with hutltsmeo. LorJ F.ra.xfor.1 wos an eccentric .Scotch judge, with a bud tempered wife. His buf.hr determined to leave, because Lady ILaxford was always sci Iding him. "Why," exclaimed the j idge. "yci'vo lillle to Complain j Je may be lhaiikful ye're uot married to her !" The wife of Senator Penites, of San Anto nio, Texas, recently gave birlh to bet iiiuc teeitth child. Mie is but 33 yeuis old. The .i-i(i;7iM Ijn'iirer soys tke wife of Pr Wbentley jumped overboard from the burning steamer Haiubuw, with i-'J.'i. 000 iu gold secu red on bur pnu, but u.ver rois to the surface. i glcpavimn miners Importance of Good Transplant A corn spondent of tho Ctne et I'm st ites that he procured twenty dry und si eled peach trees Inst tpring, of -a nursery t who hud dug them op early in tho spring heeled them in, nnu being " culls," had mallied Unsold. They were set out nf iho time th it peach trees in the nur-ery were coming out in full lei.f Tiny treated in the following manner ; The t sod ruuls were pruned oil', the tops clo shortened in. so that they might coricsp with the reduced roots. They were curef set iu holes made ubout two feet ncros3 eight inches deep. The. earth was well G in iiuioiig the intoi'stier, settling il v water poured in. They were thin fri mulched with strawy manure. Every lived and made " un extraordinary growl while one in the same row healed in common manner, (which wo suppose mo. tiushorled nud uiiiitulc'ied,) did not 1 through half tho smmer. The peach tree, more than any other, f the Country fit.uthnun, in which wo apt u eds wry free sbortning back in sett; out. We have sua cc led better with Ui three nr four years from tho bud, or tw the ordinary size, thou with ono year tn without this trciitimn:. Ti c c, is no t.tl iree, t lint is more seusibily affected wi good tijhr culture for example, after bei s. t w.'ll, give it mellow cultivation the. snl season fi. ouh.ii t, for mulch il l.o.ivily wi course iiiunuie.) and it will ten I out shoo about three feet long. Hive il no cultivate or mulching, nor shortening buck, and 1 the earth beccn.e hard nud grown up wi weeds, nud thu shoots will not be nioietlo three inches b This experiment is w n trying by nny one who doubts it, ou alterna' trees in a row, or on alternate rows. W are w.lliug lo let any one w ho prefers or pr.. tices the old system of urgled, select fru any nur-ery the finest peach trees that evi r. lew, and give them his CuvoMto treatiio i for two years; and we will take the poon-s culls" that wore ever discarded us woitl.l -il they only have life in them ; uud we w ugue to beut him two-fold by meuiiS of 111 best management already inoiitijiiud. W speak from actual experiment. Sugur Cane. 11. C. Uulkly, of Kalamazoo, Mic 17.00, Miel .ut upon cune juicy made a succerslul experuiieut plan of extruclitig Lluiicso cut icconiineiids it to other us it saved Uu of a crushing unil, uud enables nurties tu.X ded With ordinary farm implements to main- i full supply ol syrup for family use, ut a vet, litlle expense. The plau id to cul the can " iu a siraw-cultiiig machine, uud then blew: t be in until quite soil, uud press out the ji.i.. iu a coiiimt.ii cider press uud then proceed Willi thu evaporation us wilh inuple sup. Moiling the cut canes w ill auswer i. here i.e couvetilencus for steaming exist, thuugh stea'ii is prclciablo uud au lii'jeuious man call inai,. a t leauie r oul i l a c.isK, an old gi:u barn I, a common keltic with a wi-udeii lid Cemented light With clay ai d cow dung nnxed into a past.'. Pal uil'T all, ll the slcaiimig pruce.-s ohouid pi'oVu li'ore ccoiiou.ical Ibali grinding the green sliili.s it will bo found preferable la Oiecl Hoiks du.-igtied for lie' purpose espec ially. -1 r. Paikny sa;-s lliut be found Iho sti.i:;s diy enough lo bum, ill a small cider pie.-s, while tiny were hot, uud mado twenty li vo gallons of good syrup, by llie woi k of l J lucli and u boy, in two half days. Put xiMi iiu: Vim; The Jurticulturint siiys "If gardeners would consult tho spade us well as -lulling kt.ile, liiey would moid dl.-asters 'i'o piui.e skilii.iiy, u vine planted unskilfully, is like richly furnishing a boiiso bu.ll ou suud ; Iho leoiloialioiis give Wuy, und I thu decorul.ons uru crushed m the ger.crnl ruin fjo tai us v.nes uie ci i.cul in d, ll would lie better to leave them unpriitied than to plant them in earth they cannot f, ej upon, ol in places where their loots ga gleiio ut the extremities. Tho vine n ipiii es u ttiong dry, warm soil, and people plant it ui a light. Wet, or nil bolder. HoW lull the kliilo make ttu h vinos thrive';" II. Us-ihaoati, (no relation to the l'ies.de"it.i says iu lh-j last JIorticuf:iri.t "l'riiii.np iho vines n.av be contiiiuud ill any mild or uie-d. ralely coel dry weather during this ininlh. No injury 1 to iho vines has Jet been i-bserved Irotu i miller pruning in good weaihei." j lil'fMSii 1. 1MB. 1 Will suggest a somewhat novel mode of burning hu.. -i. no, .y which every fanner that burns coal, i i'.i.i r u a giato or coal stove can burn li, in lilly lu i nu huti dred bushels every winter at no e.xtia expen se, und bul very little incoiivittice. Y'ea must have your limestone broken ol hummer, ed into small chips, of which Jim can add t. jour coals as jou usu thcui a cuiisideruhlj u nount diily , or huve them liil.'.ed villi tho pile. Y'oii will I'm..! it lo sa'. e coai end at the same timu u:.pro'e the tiio. Carry your burn- j ed litiie along with y. :.l ushej on one pno, ! and by spring it w:il be ready lor jour suui- liter crops. W heie fan: e.s bo ! sugar w.lli coal us they do iu our county, they can bum j t i 0 ill live tu I. u bushels ol 'Line dat y and bo 1 saving f ill ut that. liulliuiore ll i'..'y ."inn iCClPfS, How i. M ai;i. Co. ii Yk vsr. Mrs. L. J. IieeWs, in, the Chin ('if! ir'itor, gives tho following as uiaking the ' best Jeiist." One Ii. iii' p . lion ol pe.itd polittee.-, one gallon ol water, tiii'i e latu h.uidl'ulls ol hops. I'.iko tho potatoes, cut line, und hops lied up ill i bag ; bu.l them lu the water until tho pululo.cn are Julie, theu take the potatoes out, mas li und iiintlniii tlirough u culleiidar put Ihein back in the hop water, stirring uu'.il they boil ; then pour the mixture over one pint of llour, add one tup of sugar, and hall u cup of salt. Alter ll is cool enough, add two cups if tojil yfi't, let it stand until it is thoroughly blende I, na.l ceuses fermen ting, then p. it it into uj'ig, with iho cms lied fast, ll will keep two iiu nlhs, if kept iu a Cool placo. Aiti.k M AKM.t.ME. Cut apples (all of tho Fame kind uud thut will become clear in boiling) info long thin slices ; put them into cold water, tuke ihein up, weigh them, ami put thetu into the preset vmg pan, with an equal quantity of sjgnr bn k' n into unull pieces ; to every three pounds of apples add the. peel of one lemon, chopped very line, and two-thirds of on ounce of g uger. cut in pieces the size of u small nutmeg ; boil over a tlow but clear fie, keeping ihein stirred uutil the applet ore quit floor ; cayiLiia pepper i , t r, v.tiis'il