1 o t i x . THE SABBATH DAY. Tli week ia nearly closed and tho 8abhalli blessed Jar of rest to all, is at hand. The rich and the poor are nlike entitled t In blessings. The Habhath has properly been styled the poor mnn'i day, in which the following beautiful line can be properly Trad : Sabbath holv ! To tin.1 lowly, Still art thon n welcome day. When tli on crmcst, earth and ocean, Miapr and brightness, test and motion, Drip Hie poor man'a heart to pray. Fttn-wake forest ! l'lnU llint soatcfli OVr the mule empurpled moor Thrastle's soon, tli.il stream li'ie (Invest ! Wind, that over Jew drop popst ! Wcleomc in the woe-worn poor, T.itlla rivrr, Young forever ! Cloud, gold lrit;1it with thankful gleu Happy wood.l.lue, gladly weeping! (itint, within the wild rose keeping I (M, that they were blessed n ye. flM,nth holy ! Tor the lowly Taint with flowers they glitlctinr; scl, For aillictson'a son and daughters, Hid thy mountains, wood and waters, Pray to Cod, the poor man' God, rale younn mother, Grasping brother ! Weeping sister young nnd fair ! Grief bowed sire, that life long dies'. ! Wh'tc lipped child, that sleeping sighe-t, Como end drink tl.o lis'"! and air. Slill God livcth, iF till lie pivctli What no life can t;ike tw.ir, And oh SaMiaih, bringing gladness I nto hearts of weary s.i )ncs, Still art thou the "Poor .Man'a Pay." Jai liter's geparinunt Cultivation of the Cranberry. Our readers know thnt we liove printed in the 'Jflsqroi'h much in liclnlf of the cultiva tion of the Cranberry on u crop, by our form ers, in tho bi lief that it v.ould ho found, when its culture wan understood, to be ns piolitablo. or n little more, so, thuti the sumo ground could be occupied with anything else. Be side, it can be rniiod nju u ppot? on the furm almost or quite unlit for any other crop. At nny ratu thero is not a farm of fifty acres, perhaps in the State, on which could not be f.iuml a spot where the cranberry could be cultivated successfully. At the last Airri- cultural Exhibition of the Finks County Society, we s:nv tho finest cranberries that ever met our eye, which the producer in formed us were from uplaiul cultisution. The following article from tliu Granite Slate I'tirnur, refers to lowland cultivation, und contain? many capital hints, worthy of tho attention of our farmers, which we bopo it will receive. ICd. Clcrmaniown Tdtgrnph. I take, the liberty i f ofl'erinz a few su;;i;es tions upon the cultivation of the cranberry. It is passing stride that so much is f aid, and so much time and money spent upon the cultivation of fruit in general, and so lilt'.e Eaidnnl douo upon the cultivation of this most delicious and healthful berry. But few rppreeiiite tho worth of this 'little sour thing," or wo should see every farmer forth with dedicating a smnll patch of his big farm to its growth. Koine object to it because of its exceeding tartness, especially when gvgtir is so high us at tho preset time. But let us take courage ; the sug ir cane will jet be rinsed by every fanner, nnd sugar will be mauufainneu ni u cost fur less than the present price oT sweets. I think the subject or raiding cranberries n! of tho sugar cane, will go hand in hand, or ought to, at leart. It inav not be generally known how clioan- ly cranberries can 1 o rawed, and how hn.g they can bo kept fresh and nice, with hut lit tle wastn. 1 vent 'lira the assertion that they may be raised ul a coit not above good Bald win apples ; yet they bring thrco times u? much. Ti ey tuny bo kept in a Vessel of water, by changing it now ui:d then, the year rouud. They sdiOjld bo kept in a cool cel lar, and not nllowed to freeze. But the point to come at first is. how to raiso them, and let tho keeping of them be of secondary iniportanco. llaving had a littlo experience in the mutter, I venture to write it out. AVhen the farm upon which I r.ow live was purchased by my father, thero existed upon it a shallow res.'i-voir, containing ubont one aero. It wa3 lull of eels, pouts, bloodsuck ers, and frogs, nnd many a spree did tho boys have "pouting," from a largo rock on ore side, and near a "deep hole." Subsequently the water was ullowed to run oil', nud it soon gavo signs of vegetation. Sweet (las nnd willows predominated. In the Tall of i-i9 I took the I'.betty of trying an experiment on the old frog pond. Many an incredulous Bniilo placed over the faces of my neighbors as they p: -.si-d by und beheld me plunging about in the mud, tearing up willows and polling up sweet U ig turf. I was then young, uud th'-y called it one of my nctious, I re member of receiving eneo'iiagi'iU''nt only of cuj man, an old gray headed farmer lie said to mo, "Liu on ; it will bo worth more than railioad stock !"' 1 did go on, and spent some 15 m work nnd fencing, eight years ni'0 this fall, nud lii'ty dolhus would not buy the crop 1 have taken I'u in tho vines tins jrjur. um i i.:u smo or 1CU year u,'o 1:,-1 sprit' els, and rot i '' 1 iH'.ii'd over fur bash por bushel. Two years ago this i'a.l 1 r.cUuJ three buluj, ar.J Bold them for p.-r btitln 1. ru'liiiK the it.ei'iiie of the last t'.iuc yav.i t,. c'.hcr, tho amount will nut fall th. a of J. IWi'M el t! .',3 urtielo will Qtk perliap?, Cau't we go utid iio likewise? You can, und dti oven better, provid. J you licin risht. How is thai ? ' um nill ut. (jet rid of the grass cn uuy net si II, e;tl,erhv phiwin' deep, or luUint; ol: the turf; tet your vines, two or tSnm rmi'a in i 1. II . r.n ..i,r ,.(i ' T t" -vu way. II you civ. j;it it willin li;.lf a milt. cover the sail two or tlauo imlios )i'n with D1i.I .un.,., 4.. .' ' sl 1 Batlil, le.wui tue MM tUcAlU Ihmnil Ulal ftDOVO It. It yiil Can Hu.V it iu Waiter, (K" to, ttod ir it will I1d(v nr in ut!:n.rr tlurii:" ... 1 . " ticuy ranis h limi U thu better. Ia'X :o eiuHAiit Wiitor Xt'i uiluwi'J to t.iu.l about tw ! lot them tako li.oir ch.unv, und t! v w:i!l ni well and (f..t the iiiivaiitajfa of tho" ffia..-s, but not so readily in il p.iml were pjt on. '1'ho variety should he consid-ri.'.!, the lui!;c found limy Iving far thu bust ; 1 wxu'.J nit tuko tlio other as u jift. Thu best inuthod oT j;t tins thu rr.c.U U to nsi a common dun hui..'.. .Strike the hot U mio tue root., pull out a turf; a little tt'fy Irom this taku out another: thu.. i,n pit your vines, and hi nt lit what jou 'leave by thinning. Thu bunches of roots taken out iu this way will nuke soaia tioht or tcu hills each. bomo aro trying the c-xporiinont nfinowini,' tio vinos, running thorn through a hay. cutter, ami then siw.pjr thorn as you would gruin anil hiiro ir rako them in. It is averted that euch joiut in t'uu vine will produce a new vino. 1 am iiH lmed to thiulc this will do on very wet soil, hut tho other is the mora ccr tuiu Die.tbod.Z. IJbkkd, ll'ure, N. If. A ashingtnn Irviug, now iaventy-five years old, walks to Dr. Creighton'a CUurcb, in Tur ntown, (of which wn believe be is a vesirv- tnan,) and back, Uvu niilei, Dearly tur bunday. ' KLINE'S GROVE tJP TO DATE ! sXEW GOODS I iVfll GOODS! I j. r. &. i. r. xelinc, Respectfully announce to their friendaand the public in general that they have received at their Hlore in I'pper AugulA township, Northumbir. land county Pa., at Klinea Grove their FALL and WINTER GOODS, and opened to the pub lie a general assortment of merchandize &c, Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fancy Casa'mera, Satiurtle, Checks, Kentucky Jeans together Willi a Renetal asanrtmenl of Tail and Winter Good adapted to all classes of per sons. Ready made Clothing, consisting of Ceala and Vestf, Cnder Shirts and Hrawe-s. ladies Dress Goods, Winter Shawls, Ginghams. Cashn.crcs, Ie laihes, ( alicocs black (Sil a, ,Ve. Also a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines, Groceries 4 e. A hew supply of Hardware, Qucrnswarc, wooden ware lirooms tj c. A large assortment of Root" an J Shoes suits olo for men women and children, IT TS AND CAPS. School rooki, Stationery, Envelopes, Ink, Ac. Chfksk asm (Salt. And all goods usually kept in a country store. The public nrcj respectfully invited to call and examine our stock leloro purchasing elsewhere. As we are determined to sell at piiecs to suit the tin-cs fur CASH or in Exchange, for Country Pr h'ucc at the market price. Thankful for pact (avers we hope by strict attention to l usiimr to merit a continuance of he rame. Kline's firove, Pa.. Nov. 21, ITiT If ritKAP wvivims and j;:vi:i.nv. -irHOI.KSAI.l: AM) IlKTAIl.. nt llin "PliiltKMpbal V Walihrs in i it Jewell y HIiTe1' No. 1 1 (Olil io. Hi) Nnrlhrkcoail Slre'l. C 'liter cl' tjantry, l'litla.k-Iiioa. G 1 1 Lever Waieliea. lull Jewcllc.1, If caret cues, S-'Jf,r MU Ltpiae. If carrl, ft filvcr lav.-r', full j,.v.-i-!lclt, pi III Silver LrpniF. jewels, D I'" Saprrt ir (Jeaitiets, 7 10 1 111 1 .'.0 3 lit 1 00 6 m Fine i-t , ti.-M l.r.i:-.-!. ts, l.vih'p ti,,M Pencil hnver Tej r-n.'iies. OoH I'eni. with nm! Silver hoMrr, 1 (in Cold 1-" inner Klnri 3U els lo SMI: Watrh (ntMfS. olata I0j ell . p:ttciit ISj. I.u let a.", oiher nnielet in nritHHti.im All g.H.Js waiu.iiU-d In be vl,:tl lle'e nre snlil ler. ST.M Tl'lill A- HAtU.FY. ' ' On Jinii'l sinne H ,IJ nnd Silver l.evers mid Lf pines liil lower lliln 1'ie wli ye prices PJiilnilei.liiu, l)...ier l.i, 1".T tyfV LAhhE DRY b'fiODS ESnBl.lsiiiviENT. HAMILTON KASTEK & CO., iVor Slnrblc Iliiildlng, Xuf. 199, 201 und 2D3 Ihthimorc Street, BALTIMOBE. TTAVB now in fctore (mostly of tl ir own iui portation) one of the Iarisand mott com plete stocks in the I'nited States, ciiihracing Silks and Silk goods of cvei p clai's ; lHess Good a very large fctock ; Irisli Linens; I.in en Goods and Housekeeping Articles of every de scrihtioii ; Meuniing (iuod; Cloaks, Mantillas and Miaxla; 1 .inhrouleries, Ini.es, lloiiery, Gloves, Blanket, tjuilts, Domettic Goods ; and every article generally rexuircd by Farmers and Planters for servants use. ilu' Keti.il J'oorr.s on firt fit or the price nfTixc 1 to each article, from which no deviation is made. C WUcletale Ciomt on t'.;e second ar.d third floors. Octdlier, 11. If.'7. 3m. E:iin Eaimlul : LIFE P R O L O X G E D. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS T suflVr the puiiis nud pcinKifS rf mViineM when the piTiiim ii nit it of enrr n;e tufi-stil'l !" nil. is positive m. unless. 'J'!f v(!t vihv ri'iiirdy. tictipfr pnwtrfully upon tti- enlists ol ttiMii.-i; ill llit; tluulu, titivt, :tlid tufucs the itodj'i isiiel the itinrlud and purs mn:s mat tr t'r'iH i lurking places in the fcyWfiii. cIi-iiiihi" and purity every i cnMi-'ii, n i.cil 1 llin fclinrt-jrt-il ciiii6iiluh.nt restore the vii; T riit inhty tti the enl. rt U-d fi;iiuet ui.d lend o pro Unijj hi'e lar hevnuM ii mdimiv Imii:. MILLIONS RKLY C'N TliT.M ! In rvry f);inr:cr f the plube, oinonp nil n.'iiioiui. eivil iLftjun: Ktv:ie iln'fe I'ilii Tire utd Willi Ffputl und unva rying in.'fesa. 'i'heyare nuvertih. d in cvuy printtd Ian-pii;n;-'. nnd whereewr cuintneice Iiue pen:rated, liiey ute in ttitiiiti.il duri.uid. ALL INTKUNA L WSKASI-.S Virld to their nriioii, Dytp'p'i, Liver Complaint, Af ffctions nf th IJ'v'i, the hiihtey., the Nerve, the I.'iup. the Thii:it md the Itnt.n. Hint ,:ie r revioiifly ftiied limimn tkili nnd all i'l!ier rr'neda-?. aie i .tpt-tlt-litiujily and uifn'd'.v enr 'tv t!.!P nll-f-.-i'ij-'iTiiig n.edicine I'vi'ii when the pntit ntu me rwljcpit to tlic Utt deprre M' r e!i!ene! , lln'V may he r.-rnp'raii d hy the rt'Euileti t uic and aUi.Titr.tive priiprrtte of Uoo;iy'a ViWs. rr.M.ii.rs or all auls, From wh'iN'vr voii-ty or" tho riluirnts prr.ilhr to tlieir tcx they nny o RMih'rinir, m;y rely with e.itirc ronfiilrnt-e on the tUVet f thu Srtrensthiiig, reviving, tSaie and im rnvdmto retnttly. Jlullotcay'3 2iiU ore tit hett remedy Intiwn, in Ike world Jr the fm lutein y digftise: Awthnia, 1-Vvernnd A cue iStone m d Grnvel i ivid Complaint- I't n ilo Cuinpl'iinl euiinhif y ymp H-.iti;ielns r.;,iit Clii'.st Diseases CnHlivCIKFB Diurlm-a ll!(ii'Uttl luiliieiiZJi lMll:iinm:it.rnn VetnTwil Alii-ct ioni Wt.rim, ol nil Kinds J.lVtT Cu!tM,t:iiHtK Dropsy IT" CAUTION ! None nre genuine un!cri the won? 'iltiil.iwin. Now York and J.oiitlftn," nre ditci-rnilWe i us a iit'-r-UKirk inpvtrry vaf ot ihe h directio.it nfund vr.vli pttt or lfx ; thp nine m:iv l,e plntnly m-en ly .:Mii.R the Iriif to the li'lit A liiiixtx-'nie rru:nil will tir Kivt'ii in nny ''in iiMt'itiit'if s;u-h itifurmuii.in ki in:iy leml i' i ihe tM'.cti .u 'i' iiuy iii;y nr pJirtii-sei'tii'lenV'tiiitp tne mviii-tai oi vciahng the fcnine, knoiving the hi la he Fj.tiri-'i'. S.'M nt the Mannfnr'i rloof rr.rfnMirIIn;.Lf'UAY fl r.hJi'.rn U..hN,-.v Vi.rk, r.n.t Mnin.1. Loti.h.n. l.v .,i thf ?:ut n..t t!ic evi Sized woil.l, in lnix;. ul v' rrms.CJ i enI5. ton. ! eaeli. 'i'lie.ai-. a euiui!erul-ie saving by Uiiii' the larger si' t. N. U Direelle.et f.r the aui.tunce t'f patieuli ia every iltS 'Tvitr are aiiii.-1 to each l..-x. IVI .lr ir, I-.'' I via TANCV 1UKS I'OU I.ADIKS. JOHN r.W.l.iUA A CO., tw No.) HI". No Mnrk.-t tl tli.'JVl I'lr-'ll, rilll;illrl.il:l. 1 Itip. lit lis, Milll llflill Ml CIS Ui'jiliTi tnljuli.'n, u;i:,LiiUU :uit( ('lulitrt'iisJ l-'uncy l-'uid. W h' ! s nr Mihi Kftni!, J 1 jv. (o., wv.u1'! r:il llii :i(U-titn n -f ii-.ili-TS tiiwi ihe l'iili';r eciivi:i!lv l then jllli'l- li sj St jcii FuiM-y KUIS ltr l.urt8 (it i.lkllH-ll iuiit i. : n ; l,,--ir iis irtnu nt ru.li ;(i-ca every arucle m.! Lind 'i I'fincv l'u?. tiiiit will i f worn itnrii linn Srim),i nu ll ua i- nil t. u t a. inn i npi-P tJur-.r ir Cum-m, I nlm.iji, i "luiii'l H k'?, A!ut: Mini Mva. I mm (tic liucit Kus- bi.(:i s:t.,tv the l.M-int pl.t f U nu-.tic I um. I n gmiiIcimch t'lctirt-i nnmrrnf f pur r-iihii, ! ril"vtfc tfiic?hf Um-ct .inputted (.t aiimir I HIS Itll'l k ' 11 lilt 1! It TS ) if t..l 'II II ItittT 4 II 1 HV tl l! I j1' I V I , ht ., we ,Ve s.ilt!,.,l v.,n il.-r ..-nr u tl.Tcmnitii tt ' i' r ami hv put.lu ptn.rrlly t!i;m mu t.'Uri h uis, ' i,:,vi"i: rtln"1,,ln k"Uv' '""'luiiUutiiicM; iiu-tjr. 1 citiniaH. c only yi.K n m'II t JollN FATMWTIA A C No' llMnk. l trc.l nlcve l;ii;!il!i. I lol.id'u. riiitirft'Vl.iu,rj.t. l!l, ISJ7. w lot. r-LATFORLI SCALES. OF every description, suitable for railroad. Ac, for vteigiiirg Hay, IV.iI, Ore, and Merehan.'i. e generally. Purchasers run no rik every seal.? is tuarnntcr J correct, and il after trial, not found satisfactory can be teturncd with out chure,t', Factory at tho Old taml, established for more 1 than twenty years eorucr of N in 111 and Melon facets, .TiiilaJclplJia. Anaorr &co. Successors to Kllicotl k Ahhotl. Philadelphia, fccpt. S, 1857 c:i,n. SIMl l I. II. OIUV1G, ATTORNEY AT r. A-W. Ofke on South Second, near Market Street, I. U W I S B u 11 a , PA. Practices in the Counties of Union, North um beilaud and Montour. All PuoFtssiobm Bi-smtis entrusted to h s rsis wul recttiv proniut aud f ihful attsn linn. OctoUr 3, 1 857-1 y VJICKLK8 of various ainds, Lulwlers, ar- . .k. i. v '' J1"' "ivd and for sls .... ,,. oi A, XV. I ISHEK. uiibw , August 1, 1857. tiif. i,augi:st -s-Wt ' I Li itil ESTABLISHMENT I N T 11 K C I T Y o v iuirtMonn. MATIIIOT'fl Onj Slrpel Ynrrrnnnm Km ntv 'J3 North .ny Hn-pt, nenr i'jivcttc. Blii!n'n : whfrc in krpl I'lwiivd on htind. or tiri'ln t- ortlrr, rvcrv tylcof Frent-h TllTK-A.'J KTI, in l'lusli, U.ur, Cluth ur trnpnt'l!r . Firnch Full fluff mul Miilnliiuii rnrlor Arm Cltairn, in IMush. Ilnir. Cltith or rnt-:i't'llo. rmncli Full rtnlV Cut veil Purlur Chairs in ietn, with rlanli. IJmr, Lltli or UnK-atrllr. s or as Il.ilf Frrnfli Pptirn Muhrirnny tnul Witlnut T-irliT Cliiiim. iu H iif. C lth iMKlI'luf-ti. Hot kiiiff l'li:iir viiritius tkHtuns, in Ilnir, Cl th ntirt Pl.nh. HtuO Pprimr Innp!' ft l:iTfl nnntinut iilu'nis rn fnii'l. r aii) uUcrti uiaileof covcretl Willi liny gno'di i-t oritur. CHAMEEIl SUITS. In Mulinirnny or WiiJniit, coinpVtf, from Ofl. up. Cnnn Cliniit uiitl Ho'-kmir tie. the hi r gout nf'rf ni;it rrrnly mmle in nny one h'Miie in the l-nited Slates 1'r.tm 3''i (l'z:n up. Il tr IiiHini, UiVi'-fiin l Tfiiiintr Chfihs. En OnV. Wnhmt r Mnlnurmiv, with t' nir. Vo or Stutrl Souli an nr rlincut t-inhiHruig nver-id (ln.cn. otl friit LlKiimtuiJ St'tttTii uud RorJ injj CI;aim. ovr Um tlz'n. (Jilt mid I'luiii Frninp T-onin- G'nsJUT.of every viincty. All kinds oi' Jedn, Hair a ml Hush MiittinrW. j( A. MA'llUOT. No. Ml ind 01 N. Ca at , lu-ar Fnyt-tte Bt., Ij;i;timtre Ai"ut I . l-iV 1y II U S S E Y ' S AMERICAN REAPER, I Oft ITTTINn niiTii GRAIN AND GRASS, rf"1I!K AT improvements for lS.ri 'J his Ma- " ' chine was put in cucepsful nperation in I.HS nnd eontiuiied to he the only caping and Mow ing Machine in the World, of any practical value up to tsl.r) twelve years after iis introduction. Other Keapers arc now nlVerrd with i;loinu ad vertisements, Certificates. Diplomas, Gold and Silver Medals, &c. Uut the Farmer in search of the hest llcaper, and not posted in the inaftcr. had hetter see a little further. If there is any value in 24 years experience in tin i I i i ii(5 Keapirn, and usinc them iu tlio har vest field, and in the improvements made iiuiing that long period, OIU'.U H I.'iSSK V, the Father of Keapers, ran claim it. All who are satisfied with the Iie-t .caper and Mower, uan he sup plied hy sending tlieir orders early in tho season, as tho crop:) indicate a lnrje denia'id. and we can not havo over 2(i0 Heady for the vast harvest oftsW. We pmrantee that this Keapcr and Mower ran nolle beaten on fair trial hv anv other lira per that may he lirou'rhl into the harvest fields in 1KS7, and wo also insure it to Le the strongest and most durable machine in use. We v.-enU respirtfully invite Farmers to rxauiiuc ihe machine tliorouuhly hefore purchaaini;, nnd sali-ly theniaelvea of its superiority over all others. I'urinrjlhi hist four years, the suVwrril'crs have sold between Sit!) and (if 0 of these Machines, to the best and most SMccetsful Farmers in Montour, Union ond the iieichlinriuo; counties, (whose names nre tconumcroua to insert) to whom we respectfully refer. The uuhseri'iers have hc rxclunivo lisht the tollowinir counties : Montour, Union, t'tiyde, Northumhciluud, Coluiuliia, l.uzerne, J'erry Milliin, Centre, Ciintnii and Lycoming. All orders thankfully received and promptly attend ed to. iii;Ul)Ui, MAIISII At CO., J.iwi.iburg, Union c mnty, l'a. July 11. lco7. r nM, stai .t!T, tinsl n'.J ul'y 1 Ml oiicn ! tliam... ni.. r. .... ..,rr,l t kl kin.l ff Wtii tVrrxul r ctj.:ir macrmMt If. r.tflt".l!'..- t1 is m.fir'.m Ir. t .VIIa tl I... . tutu I uttv .f lle-milieo' '!. k PItiM intrf.1 r. iU mm' i.'rr!ir'rrnvm- lit tlMf-raelV-i iMsnlie'aSv fnles. alalsm.it.i '.' .'l w-rw m fw . r; timio. l.vi.ii.1 Jit i witYio-jt h f. 't I It it ist firrsinM t.tkcp art! vz rufftrtliof diff"'". bt Ir .iii i',b .4f :nn arm tir(t V ither. 1 Kr.il : f::t;rf r.rt ilia (;At iy .is r M.;j,p.l , air.nl r r imr w i ti iui, a Vurm t,iiii SM-krif tf iiit -tw n sjav tlnr I'aic Tlf O' .nr. i. s. rnan-h In alit a fo'Ui.i rl fth. her i ul.M.sJ tb nt U t di-trUiiMw If.a li "a'"'1' i t 't U r.t.: t ul 1 in 1 Si is iTiueii-V of lnli h ol falw f.TiraaJ fto ft' nr Ch. . I'M'. . !n aa hi Iirvo liiai tj.aiui will tiu blilivKAL M4X?orXT TO T11K TRADE. VA tiuti hi., .VY. .s EROOICSR & ,.U2SH, tltliuuct'l-s) AND COMMIWON .MKRCIIANTS, 2C1, Xorth Third .Vreer, 1 door Inlaw Vine, rmuiJr.i.riiiA. OAI.rSof Itvli aeit .Mine,, lire (iofsls. Runs. Hnril ware, Wulches, I'liiey U.sls, ie., l:l;KV KVK XIMi. l" Country St, in ta-'j ers am! oii.ers wit! a! wars lind at our Kveaihi: S..!. a l.v j,- aii'l tle-ln.li'.e iu .rlmei.l ul Ilia als.ve L"s.il. (.. !.e t.-n'.la tuts III ,l.lt hayctH. wU(.M,li .. on tae i.reaiit.'S Ut Conatry Tra.'e rVpl. 'JO, lr..T C Ha. FKVEIi AM) A1JU13! "T"" fii iMM: M irri Ti: on Nr.uvi: tonic. Tltii wr'l !it;;V!i riTit il. tl.fr. tvcml l-v in lute pnrt ntr l'tMi li. J. I.i tils, is i fctrw' f.i'i- t'ni tin- n!j.'VtiiT tier, n,k-ilt :i;l:i''Kc, m 'I 1 ftlu r Nei fi ti.(m. It c-iii.-uim no .ii(iitiuf, Aid nr. t y'hrr n.un tin inj;ie.H rntii It tr-n 1 Ij if thr !;', -:n, uivtn l"iit in the htum. ncii. untt in inviln.iMe t' v-rf plua tnul th. i.fti cwil v:ih Wiitkv.t hd in iti v r;t I tin' ritf:ii. It ib tH.vi;tl:y u'lMiMinuiltil I'l Uin;i'i " ;r.iul)'nj w itJi rui;:im m' ilic Viinb. On U'tili- ir sii'l'r pt .n m'.l nii, wlitrt th Uirti-tuKis nn f. ! .vfl. Cut. in ute can hefurnitlirtl (rvm uli i:iim ff il l I i.i ii. Si.UI hy th-- iJeni'- irlw cmrnHy nml by .1. II. Ilriznnl, Vlii.!if.:ile I'ruyi!, mid R tie, I'nrittur 11 Muidui Ijiiiu. Ni v Y'Fk. New Y-'ik, S ; t 1:, l?-;?, vltn OATCIKU I.Y, JDt'lvKY CM'H. M'KI.Vti L Fl.O.U r.KS, 4f.,c.f tho hot quality ; a fresh supply ju.t icaived ui.d for s..l at the Drut? Sloro of A. Y. Flssll UK. iS'unliury, Auti. 1, 1S!7. PENNSYLVANIA WIEE WORKS. Ao. 210 Jrch St. !,!. Smond ,S' Third, ('lj.p nil. Erra.t St re, t, I'lillaUrtjiItla. 0KI'r:.!. Kiddles, Sciems. Woven Wire of all mcfhra and widths, with ull kinds of plain and fancy wire vork. Heavy Twilled Wire for fpark Catehen; Coal. Sand and lira vel Wrreens; Vuprr Maker's Wire ; t.'yleider and Dandy lioll.. covend in the best manner Wire and Wire Fencing. A very tupeiior a-licla of 7eatry Founders' fjeives. -til kin.U of Iron Ore Wire .Viv. s. l!.iYU-. PtKHY A I.YKN. Philadelphia, Sept. 10, 1807 com. Ls-oy tfci Lr' m r ftj . joij.y z..W;..f.v, JF.SPECTFI I.I.Y informs bis friends, and the public gencrullf , that he has jus! receiv ed a New .Stock of tiOODS, at his new More, al David Miller's Mill, in Lower Auqusta Town ship, and that be is pnj arcd to sell goods at th lowest prices. His Slock consists in part of SPniNU A SUMMER GOODS, Groceries, Qneensware, Hardware, &o. and every variety usually kept iu a country Store. Trevorton prices paid for all kinds of produce. Lower Augusts twp, Aug. 8, 1857 tf CO UN t 50 coots per bnshol, raBh. for tale tw r it i cm M3tlil.3K35S'i4 BTOKB, MISS LOUISA r?HISSl.ER,tespeelfiilly In forms the citi.ona of Trevorton and sur rounding county, thnt she haa opened a new store of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor ton in Shamokin street, neaflv opposite Ktiouae'a Tavern, where nil kinds of Uonnets and Fancy Goods can be had at the lowest terms. Dress making also attended to in lie beat manner and luiest atyle. April Sii, 1R57. If A iteoli fur J-vtry Htniin Mhimy. UAI?i; IMJUCEMENTS 'J O A(5ENTH. ANVASSEUS tranledlii chlain suhscrihrrs for the Comprehensive Geography and His. lory, Ahrient and Modern, ol the World ;" hy r?. G. Goodrich, (Peter Farley.) Handsomely hound in rloth gilt, and Illustrated with SOU beautiful engravinei and cud 80 maps. Price $3. fold only by agents, to each of whom a special district will he given, jlpplh ants should state whul counties they would like to ranvass. The hjokianow ready. Copies will he sent hy mail, post pant, on receipt ol lac price, liills on all solvent hanks taken at par. The "Home Journal," says of this work : "No family what. ever thonld he without it." For full particulars m regard to an aircnev, nmlrcn, GF.oitGi: XV. ELLIOTT, Publisher and Bookseller, No. 172 William Street, New York. t iT All kinds of School and Miscellaneous Hooka, Cheap Publications, Stationery and Maps, furnished at the very lowest prices. Or ders solicited. November SI, 18"i7, - ISAAC M. W l IiK KHSON, MANUFACTURE OIT FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Stylo. Solas, Dlvaim n:id l.ni:iirN BurcnuB, Secretaries, Sidotcards, "SOFA, IIREARFAST AMI DIMNU TAULES and also VENETIAN BI.IMJS, equal to IMii'.n- delphia manufacture. BEDSTKADS, of every pattern and price ctipnoAUDS. wo;:k andcandi.k- STANDS, TOll.KT T.MU.ES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. rPHC subscriber rcspectfuily cal'a the attentioi of the public to his largo and splendid a' sortment of every quality and price of CASSI A ET-W A IIK which cannot fail to rciommcnd itself to every ne who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of Ihe best stock to be had iu the city. Ro (-Hurl sp;ircd in tho manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is dctcrmim d to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. Ho also menufjeturo all kinds and qualities CIIA1KS. deluding varieties never before to be had ir Suu'iu'v, such as Mauoo.int, Ulack W'almt AMI Cl lll.tl) MaI'IK (illKl !. ! AMI WlMIHOH (JIIAIKs, au fancy Piio Stii., wliirhnro ' of tlto lutost styles, ami v..rrnii!ril to hv rxct'lleil Lv none mamiliH'tiircd iu tho Cities or rl-cwhcre. The nuhncriher is determine,! Unit there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in j the cities, as every confidence can be entertained : iihoul the quality and tininh of his ware and Chiiiru. These articles will he dispored of on as good terms as they can he purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. VS" I NDl'.HTAKI.NG. Having provided a handsome Ilr uisr, he is now prepared for I'liderUkin;, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity, or at any convenient distance from this place. IT?" The Wore lioom is in Fawn Pticct, he ow Weaver's Hotel. He has ulso purchased the richt of manufac t irina and sjllintr in Norlliunibcrland county, lioulil a patent Cxcelsoir Spring I'ed, which ho will furnish at reasonable rates. Springs put in old bedstead for three dollars, ISAU M. V.II.KIHISON. Sunhury, April 18, 1857 tf. HERRING'S SAPS. I'lll' ACKMI'.VI.l UliKK tliut will nt hum. Kxrrn.-t M-'iii the C iiiii:iit ?' llf.Hirt tn tJii-Tiiui m It u r-jjL-a nt Hcadn.i : On the Ctltli cif FfUrtwrv nil the ir.rmSrm of rlir Com tiiittff iiu-t to witncnH Hi Sal-'! mul iKHikn nuii .:inii. UHiit. The d.tv lull iv.'iml'. the lmniiiiK t'nK phu-p. uwii-r ; Hih inruiri, t..o .ti t.i. i'unimitrt't- A Hern f.nr u-l! i im.:ui..il i.iiriiintc ir hvo h'ti". the Stic in Mffwri. iiiaoc niin w:i" him M-'"" - . " ",D iieit, the ? tie l.iiitr mi Cue i.tt.l.. i.ii.l ,. riii.ni, rtfirtiiiliv eini.ut.le'l. while the eon- leiits iolii Safenf M. vsrs. l'arr. :4. lierung weia ill L'lli.1 tT..UU'lH'tl, a I.U .... ... c ...".uc 11 1 :t 1:1 jr. March is, I'. JI. K.FKI.1X. ) j.N rivi.r.MAN, 5 A. II. I'KALIIi'K. ) Coiimiittee. Aur! end r. it bv over all of tl.e t.ct men of Rca.liiif. I 'l iieiitK.veS.'eiena be oiMi.eeleit at HI Walnat Street, Where Ihe ill.!e can ftl'Ktv I ItetlirelveK ef the pleat hape. I ri'Tity of Itir "Ik- s's'l'aieat ("ham; I. 'ti,'' over 1 1,0 . d .'1'eanil anil iiae.l up "oiatjR Iron lli.l S-altnamkr." S'airc's & Uf irlst.-r, j 34 Widnut St.. l'hilndn. fit, K-innkeia in tliic Slate of Herring's 1'alcut Hiainpioa j Saf.'s. 1 The attempt made by other parlies l. boMer up tbe j reilUili.n ,.1 a Sate which has fa.lcil irnalty It ncei- deal. tl lites ill Philadelphia, (H-.aPtea.l I! u-U.) I.y taking. ' one .ait of an ntTenl'i. so.re, (tl A. l-ntl.) utaile cl.-sls lliickni'iis. citl'.Teiit from tl..-e ll.ey sell) to-buin u.' one ..f llerriatj'. ('lall'ns llaek) has tni-t with its true re ward. Hermit.' Safe e uiij li.it tiebnlnt, prov.ne e 'tielti livi'iv lliat the imiIv rrtiut'tc S.fe naw teatle ti"Hrr.itifV nl wlneh over I.-j.ihio are n-ivv in neiieil use. n,nt tin .r' limn V'to have b,ea trie.! I.y fire witl.iint a sailc l. M. l'l.i!a.,Jilne ill, Iar U . " A CALL TO FAKMEil S . Farmers, drop yorr 'J'oo'.s, Fuu.te a little, Read this and Vrjhu t ! THE F A It M i:U'S r It DM ".Tl O N BOOK. A w mel Seieiititie Mannriai; S;. retn, f. 'i Ihe Cn'tiva li ai ol t.U k.iit .a liratie., tttatf...., I'oil.tcr and J'aKture, Uj...a all kouU of S-.ll ; Proved I.) ucmal .;neritneais .. itad be.Ltl on evident Irnthii ; lleua.'iled to iinniove. A'iieiillnre in all'ls t.iHnelie.; represetttctl byupwards .f .'tie hundred and luiy ee.jrravt.i'ts ol lite m.wt ulua blu firuitde. and Plant, c .itnectud wild Ihe h)kU-iii. ity ur. e. a. iis:iiio-li, BOAI.SI!fIH5, ri:NTI!K CO., TA. I N tilt, irettllre it wilt be seen lliat the obiect has been L to ffive the Kariner lliat kind of Information wlncli eiiabieli bail lo ni .ke prnetieal a.plleatl'il to fertilise hil laial i.nd inereJire hi. yiain, f-iltl-r, and pasturage. Tlie ri .etna'', a. taullt hy litis lllanuiintr. aitd f.Kldel and ,as tine enltiVMIion yileili are rati' nail, cleui n.al rvtdetit. und .icjircsl an iintirnveinent in tlie uiodcol atinciiiiuie htlher l. uaLn l. U. our fanner, H. id whteli, if a(tiled und caret ally pintltee,!, eataiol Itol lo auvatiee the inteie.1. ol tlie lar. tot. $ eotnaiunilv. Such a wink lias been tnaeti wattled, 1. 1. it titi. . void wbieU has hni Item fell, but u li.eli ll.ete htt. hitherto latin no attempt to nipply , nud ti. I'arnter. ol Ue.ilre and Hai.tinirdoti eotintie., we rueom invn.l Ihe w,rk to i very fanner, a. we fully be!trve thai lltey will reap lliegteatesl pu.tbte lienetit fr, m il Daniel Mo.-r, Philip M.iyur, t. art. tiaa uai J.ift-h Miiyef, (ieoriie IttKil, Hfttiry Aiier, f;nmul (iil'iluiid, Jii):il llii:m.ni, (icoriii InH-ltaitsn, Kruii'-ie Altx;imlcr, sMiii Neil', Strn'r. J.'hu ilotTcr. tlmuLMii Hi 'fit r, Jiiwilt MuMt-r. John H.iilfv, h uiiucl Ouitcni!, J 'iia M'-Williiifiia, Genrpp liuyt-i, Jr. Ji.hii l'aru rm J 'lui H i-t-ttii, Hiitiiue. iWmi, (i..ree W. Mttk. jt.Li)h H;iWer I"1- Tim hImiv wtrk il f i , hv lU v.J O MrKKH IlA.V, Mi It, m, Nt'iiliiniitjcrUiiiJ i'.tuiU), l'a. I'lic .U. AiifiiiHi i, ir.i, .(tiii lOOUlbH ol 'nriH-t H:gH TTrANTED at the store of K. V. Hriijht V Son, who are consiantly receiving a fresh supply of (ioods, thus oil'eriug to the public the largest aim moat ue.iraule assortment. July;i 1.1857. What an enormous Variety of Toys and Fancy Goods hs has ! Who T Our Friend jonjsr doll, At No. 141 A'orfA 2nd St., above Arch, rhila., UE has just received direct from Europe a very large assortment of Toys of all kinds. fancy ZlaskeU, Pipes, Canes, Scgar Cases, To bseco II oxes and an endless variety of fanev ar ticles. Call upon him before purchasing else IZ&yXX-s-Jti V'iil CHAMJ?ION 1 1 f as cash far goods, ami on note or b. !, !.,., ,y.VL-,7,, -) ,, ...... .. count by K. V. 1IKH.U T A- t 2Ui2il ' '"'iifi'-i HiiMlinir Imve cn.t.wse.1 the runent , Nov. 29, IR.'iO. I I ; ' ' i i y t til ol iu!iiie npiruoil, mel CMiliniK-it t I i-CA venial ol ill .re lhaii J.HI .eei. i ' , , , '" .VrVVr r-HO1-u '''i ,ir'-" rr"tjv e i.miv.iy i New Cooes for the People ! ,'I.V ii:-ll-j fi t .al lleiriiK's" is theonlv SAKK r where. Philadelphia, August J9, 18J7. 3m? Jw ' SALAMANDER IIRE THIEF-PROOF SAFES. The largest anortmentin th United Rtates. Warranted to t equal to any now made, and will be sold on aa Hood Tcrma, as can be obtain ed from any other house in the Cotintrv, at EVANS &, WATSON'S 20 South 4th Street, l'hiladclphia. Truth is Mighty, and Must Prevail. Report of the Committee appointed to superin tend the Hurninp of the Iron Satt, at Read ing, libmary 2", 1857. Reading, March 4. The undersigned, members of the eommil'ee, do respectfully report, that we aaw Ihe two Safes ori-jinnlly agreed upon by Farrcla & Herring and Evans & Wntson, placed side by side in a fur nace, vir. : The Sale Inuse by the Paymaster of the l'hiladclphia and Heading ltailroad Compa ny, in his nllice at Heading, manufactured by l'arrela & Herring, and the Safe in Use hy H. A. l.anlz, in bis store, manufactured by Evans St Watson, and put in books and papers precisely alike. 'J'lip'flre was started at Pj o'clock, A. M., and kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and half chesnut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the superin tendence of the (Mibscribers, members of the Ccm mittec. The Kul'es were then cooled ofT wilh water, after which they wi re opened, and the books and papers taken out by the Committee and sent to II. A. l.anti s store for public exam ined and marked by the Committee. The books nnd papers taken from '.ha Kale manufactured ny Parrels i- Herring were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than those taken from Evans ,V Watson's Safe. We believe the above to have been a fair and impartial trial of the respective qualities of both rSales. JACOn II. DYSIIE?, DANIEL S. II ENTER. Having been absent during the burning, wo fully coincide w ith the above statement of the condition of the papers and books taken out of the respective Safe. n. a. Ninoi.i.s, JI. H. .U !1I.KNBET!0. JAMKWMIEHOU.AND. March 21, IB.V7 BALD EAGLE HOTEL. -Vj.2.11 oiif41C .V. Third St., I'hUadelphia. JOHN CLYMEIt, Proprietor. (Hueccsser to Dam el Paliikt.) rV E Proprietor returns his thanks for the - liheril patronage bctowed on this well known house, and respectfully asks a continu ance of the same, assuring his many friends of Northumberland and adjoining counties, that no pains thiill be spared to rciuier coinl.nl uud plea sure to all who may give him a call. TEK Ms' ftl.DO TEH DA V. Philadelphia, July 2fl, 1857. 3m SiMITII'S I'Mcncc of Jamaica Cinder. rrMJiS nrlirlc i r:if trliilly nt'j:iril liomtlir Ijist Jam.-iica X liiiM'-T. the v:iln ilia, int lu'lil.'ll i ropeili'-s ,.l whieti it is uatrtintt'l to posit$s ia a concentrated anJ ennvc llienl f-iriii. It is rei e"rl:riit ri-ieerlv in ,y njiFin, liriluli'nee, rlio lie nnd ml(i:ir,Nl nn.l l"Me ic.ile nt lln; itijrutivti liine- a ,rtl.. ,i,Uhua lon.e it .s" we'll luiaia- .t'i.. c.'n.itei. ' t tin- ileliiiMiinv initueiu . f th,' vxtrnnc htnuni uin- iner. Hie clteels ot unlet, eft;tii,?eH, . e. No lamuv sli-inlil lc with'.nt it, its limetv unu will save them from ncniy tin serious attack of nine. Ii ice -i't cents per 'b-'tlle. Irur sate hy JunevW, l-i7. :m P. HELANCIITON SHINDEL, ji sTBi i: of tiii: im;a e, Office in Deer Street, inimxliatfly hj:j wsite the 1'uhlie School House. All husiness promptly attended to. Monies collected nnd all ordinary writings dune. iSuubury, April 85. ttiT. if B JOIST and MAI'lvKIA WINKS, Schiedam Sl SV',iinr,c Willi (Minrrv I, rnn.lv I ! ! , . L I ,.. , r . and I.avtn lcr brandies for incdicin.il purposes at March I t,':.?. A. V. I isliFi:. OCNTV OlIDKKs.- Counlv orders taken i ac- ON. 15 KN J A 31 IX II K LTN 1 1 11 I J ESPrCl'Kri.I.Y informs the puhlicin ter. oral that he has just received and opened a s.ler.did stocli of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Kilrr:iiiil utock of at his Now Storr, in I.owrr Augustu township. i I id PtiKk conmstt in imrt ol j CiOtliS, CaSSimCrS, CaSSinetS, of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. A1.SSO j C'allropN, Glusliaiiiw, I,nvii-, .HoHISl'UtJtJ itts l.illitCs and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Ci-orc-rleM, Afco an assortment of Ilat'illinrc, Irou uud Steel, Nails, &e. Also an excellent assortment of GUEEI3SWAEE, f various styles arid paiteiint. Also an assortment of HOOTS &. SHOES. HATS k CAPS, a good selection. Salf, Fish, c. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitaMo to the trade, all of which will he sold at thn lowest price. Ci? Country produce taken in eichanjs a the hi'hcut prices. Luwcr Augusta, Juno C, 1So7. VHEATLEYS AHCII ST. THEATHE- AKt.'II SST. AHOV'i: SIXTH, PIIILAU'A. rPHLStar Company, conipoted or tho f.rs - ylrlistes in llio world, and exceeding in Strength and Talent anv Dramatic combination heretofore offered to the Theatrical Public, will appear every niuht in Comedy, Tragedy, Scrio Comic Drama, Vaudevilles, Musical Uurlcltas, Ac, Ac When limiting the city, go there. Oct. 21, IS97. ly FLOUR! FLOUKI FOK SA1.E 13 V M. C. GCAKIIART, Suiibury, Sopt UG, 1S57. FURNITURE POLISH. S. ItA7'ft Preaiioni Patent V.nnim.l Fnrt,ili,rM Polish. This polish is highly valuable for reslo ring the polish on nil kinds of l'uruiture, (ilass, Caniige llo.lies, II..ir Cloth, ic. Also, for re moving upou, hiding scratches, eVc, Ac. War ranted to uy immeoiiilely and retain its gloss. j-rice ou cis. per botlic. Sold by A. 7. FISHER. March 14, 1857. josa. s. in: id), ATTORNEY A.T LAW, Ojjic in Maclet tt., opposite Ihe Court House, SUNBTjnY, TA. Collections made and Professiuiial Pu.it.ess generally attended lo Promptly and Carefully PuiLADSiruiA IUrtaExcs : Uullitt Fsirlhorno, Dtelil d- Wert, Davis Ai Cirney, f. Tyloi & Co. Munhtiry, June SO, 1957. IROWN'8 an ! Dreiuig's Essence of Ginger and Husband s .Magnesia al . March 14, '67. , FISHEIP8. TiBhinK Tackla. Red Cork, Grass, Cot 1- ton and Linen Liaes, Out Lines, Sea Grass by the yard, Snood., Flies, Kir by, Limerick and Canute Hooks, Hods, dec., lorssls by Maieb 41,'or. A. W. FISHER. FURNITURE IJFtTRIIITURE ! I THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. Fashionable, C Iicnp nnd I'scTul rtHE subscriber, long established aaa Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer In Stunbury, thank ful for past furors, solicits continuance of the public patronage. Ilia atock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, c., embraces EVfrl'.Y VAttlliTV, t-srPt'L AND ORXA- DtE.M'AL in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, aa anything that may be required iu bit lino can be had at moderate pi ices, Cheap for Cath, or Country ProduceMakcn in exchange. Establishment .SWiifA East Cvrntr of Market S'p.iare. U?1" Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would ublige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN IIAL'FT. unburv, April 4, 1S57. if NEW CONFECTION AHV WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. OEA1MIAUT, ? AS just received new and excellent nsso.-!-ment of goods at his Confectionary and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunl.urv, where he manufactures and keeps on hand, at all limes, tho most choice Confectionary, Ac., Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among his stock of Conleclionarics, may lis found : I'renrh Srrrt, Ifurnrtl A'tnouiln, rrtMin V. "lute, lim'ii It. me, Vnnill.i, Conimn Secreti. Liijuancr, Onm Drops, all kind of scent, l.'ive limns, M:nl liritps. red and white, Jelly fallis, Flint Drops, Hick I'mi'lies, of all scents rtoek Canity. Alnvnid Candy, FRUIT. r.tnnni, IVnnct, Ctirninf diicd, Citrn, Almoiuli, nmsnnn, N ut f nil kindi LEMON SYHUr j of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A ' superior qmilily of Segnrs and 'I'obaeco, and a I variety of Confeetionaries, fruit, Ac, all of which I is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. I ICE CJ-EA-IVr. ! lie has al opened an ec Cream S'aloin, nnd ! will at all tines be ready to serve his customers ! with Ice I-ream. Sunbury.May 2), 17. ly Snddio and Ilnrness I-Iaker. irx:iNrn'ir i-iaupt, jr. fiHrcefifior to A. Stroh, r,f lU:SfEC n iM. V informs toe L'K tft eitiens of Sunluirv Bi d the pul-f.jr"l'-;-'2lic ueneraliy, that lie liaa tuLen fevSiv the csUihiishMieiit lately oreupied A. .1 f"'lroh r.i.d is pre urtd to tuin cut woik in is line of husiness equal to any made iu this, i section of the country. Orders pron'.p'ly exeeu j ted and all kinds of produce taken in Ixelnuge tiuul.ury. May 9, K.07. ly IDSXN 'TISTBTST-" " i VNNOUNf.'KS to the citizens nfPnnl'ury and ! vicinty, thnt he has opened an oliiel- in f un- luiry, nl.o'. r II. J. Wolverton's olVice opposite C. ' Weaver's Hotel, where ho u prepared to attend 1 to all kinds of work hi loiiRiiiR to the profession.; in the latest and most improved style. All work weP c'-uic and warranted. iJ.vcml ir 13, lsf,G. Citrate of Magnesia on T A S T i: I. RSS S A 1. T rt . rflIIS (irejvir ition is recommended as an ex- cellcnt laxntive and purgative. It operates cellcnt laxative and pur-alive. It operates mildly, is entirely free from an unpleasant taste rescnihiinir lemonade in favor, prepared niul sold bv A. XV. FI.Slir.lt. ' Sutihurv, '.'arch I I, IR.'fi. E. IJEWLAND Sz CO. Loobln Ula.e., I'letiire I'rnnir, l-.iiyi'avin'; ant, I'liltttins, No. ISC Arch Street, above Si-;th, lI.atu of!!18 .orlh tec,.nd St.) PlIlI.ADl'.l.I'r.IA. Gallkrics urr.y iiili to visirous. Mvrchnuls anil others vis-iinr t!.s City v.hw r.ia y W'atit anylhinx in our line will do Well to uive us a call. FeUruary S3, 1 S..7 Sni CUKAP WATCH AND JKWJ-'.l.r.Y STOKF. ' .Vo 7 2 .Yor'i Stronil .'ii.-rf', (ooji.'r (A ' tdottr.t I'cn.on House ) Philadelphia. j COI.l) I. ever Walchra, foil jeweled, 19 K. ca ' scs, .-JiiiS; silver I. ever do,, do., $12; S'.l- j vcr l.epiiii', do., $'J t'uarti. r. 5 to '. T : (it'l l Spectacles, . I .',0 to $11) ; silver do., 1 iiO ; Silver Table t;puotis per sell, i-il l to i Silver Drert do., do., -f 9 lo SI 1 ; Silver Tea r!o., i do., 7. to 7 f.ll ; (ioli! Pens and (.'old Ca ; scs, ;:j 'iU In .o ; ijotd 1 ens and .uer uo. . i; . together with a variety cf fine CJold Jewelry, Oold'Curh , (itiard and Fob Chains. All goods j warranted to be aa represented. Wat, lies and j Jewelry, repaired in the I est manner. AUo, Ma- . sonic Marks, Pins, &c, made to ordfr. j M. IJ. All . rders sent hy mail or oiherwisa. J will he piiiifl ieily attended to. I'lilla., t'et. 4, IK.-.li. Ivw. WHOM 81 LI'. AU It.'IT.IlL Grocery, "Wine aud Liquor Store, S. E. cor. Walnut ar.d Water Streets, UlILAUKI.riilA, DEALERS and fatnilics will he promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October -1. 1 o,.b. II WltOLtSAl.t i.M. Ul.TAIl. BOOT STOUE, Sm.th Fourth S.t, tthuct CI.esunt, I'hil'n. OOTS, Shoes, Gaiters, Ac, promptly made 3jJ) to order in the very test stvle, si.d of the best material. Philadelphia. May 3, 1 S57. Leather! Lcuthcr! Leather! Ill Mt Y V. IVI lt,''l AN. IMPOITCH ,,f f fetich ral-fkiii.nn l Ketieml Leali.ei .tealer. No. 6 ..lill Ttte.l .1 tee I, rtiilaHe.iiltia. A nacral akf.ltn.t-nt if all ktt.ai rf l.catt.er Moroe'i'S. c . e. Itetl and flak S"a!e Leather. Ket.rnary lr07 ly w 11.MUMJS, RAISONS. FIGS, LEMONS. iVc, Ac, just received a freh supply anJ for Sale at thu Confectionary stole of M. C. GUAKH Mil. Punbury. May Ifi, IS.-17. ron SALE. 4 Good second-hand liuggy. Apply at this oflu-.e. s FOR IIEIjMT. rpHK ftore Rot.iu in Market street, occupied J. bv F. W. tay and ihe dwelling house nd . J . .... r u U .u... joining' Apply o me enccuiois wi ... deceased. January 17 1157. Actv WINS'. IMIiiln. &C. NEW supply of Kiugs, Paints. Oils, Fluid. &c.,tiikt received snu lot sair ny v A. XV. FIMIER. Runhury, May 1 1857. 1ANU W ARIA NTS. The highest price -'will be oivcu fot Land WarrsnU hy the suh- ctihei. H. li MASKER. fJJATENT BR1TTANIA STOPPERS fo H bar bottles for sale by H. D MASTER. Hnnbiirv, July I'. I. riiobaeeo and Segara so.ooo imported -sv Uegars of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at A. W. riSHER'a. uubury, March 11, 1157, BARTELHWAE1. riHE subscriiirr respectfully in'oims the A tens el ejuiibory and tlia public nenar that he has cummenced ths manufacture a kinds of EARTHEN W A R K, at his manufactory in Whortleberry fitrec' square east of thn River. lis has inguije servieee of Mr. Hast, and you can tbLr depend on having a good article. The pi are respectfully invited to call. All orders from a distance will be proie attended to. I M.6HINDEI lS.IC tf r?'jiiliry, fcb. ' .KlII.Tf E2. ALIO fc t' N.)S. ttlH Cliilllllt St-pi-t. (g'.ulll tdr, hrlnw Wn O'UK ()! PIT V -t T AIT. II l 191 THU ClTV. 11 A N T T . r T I - H r.: S n::rl V;..ff -.le ilenlem n, - jl M'i' 'tiT' nmi'i' l'.KfHiM.. fulfill rrfivr(l V .tn, 'w.irifMttil n"t to l,iirik, Wm-d und Willow- (' rt. IJniftlu-i., r ,t-f ul! tkacripttkii. i'leimo ea! rx'tnuiM i'iif k I clirunry "i?, I-'C ly w VALUABLE rEOPEETY 1011 SAL fSIIK uhseri!-eis, K.xccntors of Ihe esti.ti i Henry Masser, dee'd., oiler rit private the foilmvinn property viz : A larpe two a! frame dwelling house, tO(relher with about :,n Af'KKiS OK I.AXD, Situate in Lower Aoi'osta township adjoin Inmls of I'uiiii l Knuliuan and olherB uow in oeciipaiiey of John It. Kaufman as a store ; dwelling. The house is new and the localio good one for business. Also aTH.HJT OF MMHSTOME I.A in said township on the rier about 5 miles low unhu.y, adjoining lamia if J. T. M'l'he' ami others, coiitninii.g. about ill) acres. '1 roil is productive and contains linicstons t other iniui rals. t Also a tract of I. and, rontainiiifr about acres on the bill, about two iniles below fun In. n'i ininK bv.ds of the heiis of the Inte Jo ("onred ::nd others. Thero is, on this tract smnll orchard of choice fruit. For further pariienhirs apply to tiie fubscribc H. 15. MASSKH," ) r. U. M AKsm. jExecuto Fit A Nt.'IS niTllKR. ) f anbury, January l!1i lssr,. if TSTIZW ARHAN OliIEtsTT ; Erish Arrirnl nf DRUG?, I'AIInTS, OILS, k FJlin undrr!;ii d f .nin taken the store f, 1 nierly kept by liiiam A. Ilruner, is no lendy to till orders end pre.- riptions at a m nients notice. He I as a lare and rrcll eelecti stuck of frcwh ami purs LatXiS, CIIZLIICALS, lhe.stn!rs, -oil, Piiinta, tilass, l'utty, and a iviuds ot Patent .Medicines. Flit IT AND CUNFIX'TIONARY Tuhareo and Iinported Pccars of the rliniews brands. I'anry ?.'olions' toilet arljcles, and Piv fumery of nil kinds. Tooth and Hair Urushe of every vai iity. Ccir ff.iii.. r.'i!f-7 c.hntiji on hxnd. Customers will find his stock complete, com pr'ninif. many arliclus it is impossible here to eau mcritc. and all sold at modrrutc prices. Peoieinber the place, next door to E. Y lliigiit's Mamuiolh .-More. a. xv. Fisunn. Suubury, March M, 1S57. Vt Juti: horse hotel. i rOTTSVIM.E, PA. "Jtill'.nli.-.criher respeclfully announces to hii 1 ul I f. iem's and Ilia pul.lic. that h haa takn I lliat old nu.l well known rjial.lishrirnt, ths ! Whito 'Horso Hotel. i A( lJl0 r,1nicr f c,.I tie Bllj M.hnntno its., In tlie !.oit:i;ii ol I'ottsville. J he Iiciikb lias ri c.ntly liecn very much enlarged and olherwisu improved, icinleriii it qtiite is cou.fortahle is anv elh. r Hotel in .S l.uyikill coui.ty vihila tl u B,a!.iessre lar;c, in (jood condition, and al tend hv can fu!, atti i.tiv, , pit . ei.t hostlers. 'J'o tra' i llciB 1111J others w l..t u.n stop at his h ! .', l e n utiles t verj allcuiion rr.lculnud to rend,,- them c iu'lor'.ai le und taiiKi'td. JO.i. I'EGtR. As ri! JI. IS.'.'".- !f riLXHY EOUjSEL, AITdnNSiT AT "iA7. VjJec opnflsite th Court House, Gunliury, 2Ccr;I:unibi-l.ir.d Coutty Ta. rmnif't aileniKui to business in adjoining ?nn:;ti!'s. i EAGLE HOTEL, ItiTHSITi: V.-ISTPIt A.NTH 11ANK, VILLIAMSPOIiT, 3r"yv., j V. U.LJiM r:. I2.i, ri-utirlr. j ('. . Stki r, .l.i-t.int. N. li. .In linr.i'uis wi'! n.n to sn.l from the ! lerol and 1 ocl.el i.al.. injs, let ibis (lolel, lens ! fit rl;i.:r.. Se, n n.ber 13. lK.')r,.tf EANVTI.IE HOTEL. M.rl.rt Street, Danri'le, Pa, fJ'IllS is one of the laijest anil iool rosnmo k dious lintels in tl u int. nor of V: i.r.s;. 1 auia it Las btcn le, entlv fit!, d op, iu ncilii lit style, with all lac modern ei'nv.Miiinet-s. I I' irv:t.i i C'!;c;i 'sitrlips cj .!t wt'Ir- IVHOI.W.il.n and h-etail, nt lite Phiiad,.! ' pltia Waleii and Jewelry Mere." Jo. i'l! North Second istreet, eonr'r of Quarry, 3pa:i.AD2i.r::iA. l.'i'it I.evr V.1,eii.H, , -,; J( (. ir c;.S(.IIi -,no IJ.'l.t l..'i.;u.i !. ' -JI 1.0 I- Stl.e S; -st.i, ics LSC I'llver l.ej.. I'll! ,v ,.-.1. ., '.(...I I'. 1". ,'. i.WI f.ieei l.i e. r. ti,:l .'.-v.'l'u 1J '! a.'.'.es' ;....: I tells. l.iJ Suj.ett,.,-(i. en, t. 7 ; ;.. 'r,.., M, s.t. b.'Jb 0'.re!a,les. 7..".'l Oi.lJ I'riw, Willi ". I".! . .'er lb l.l.r, 1,(4 Gold Finder Pi:i.i., Uit r. tits to .-i0; tVatoh Glasses, plain, l'J c, i.i.i ; Pitt, i.t, l!i'; I.uuel, Co; oilier articles iu proj aiti.,:i. A!! :.)u aisj ranted to be what tlu v aie sold f :. KTAI .:FFEI it II VKT.EY, Ou hand, Komo tiold aud Silver Levers mi Lepiui's still I. iiver than the above price. i.Vt. 4, ly. 1LAN Mot AN'K Parcluneni Paper Deeds and hlani rti;ne,s. lionds, Evccu'i'iits, ?Sunimous Ac. for sale '., II. U. M ASSEK. riunbuiv A i.ri 5fi. la.'ifi STOVES- IOU SALE an excellent second-hand CooW ing Slove, als. eetal Cylmder Cool Sto'i's. Eiupiire at litis oliice. C"iOLD PENS with and without eases, ef a II very superior ,Ualilv, just received. Also a ftcali suj piy of Wriliinr Fluid, fer sale by 11. II. MAhhER. Punbory, IVc. 27. lv.ifi- SILVER WA'J'CH ES. A few double case English Silver Wetchoe, for sale st very law prices by H. U MASSER. tniburv. April 12. 1 R.'.fi. AMKIUCAN IlOUSIj. WlLLlAMisPOUl', l'A., J. II. uriYlox, 1'ioprlefov. Ja. T. IIai.i, Ass't. Kept. 13, IKiC tf Pt'RK OLIVE OIL for table ue, two sis at 37) and C2J cents just received by A. W. FISHER, March 14, '57. Stationery. A large supply of fancy J 3 Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Le Xote aper and Envelopes, .Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, Pens, Ink, Kami, Ac, st M.rch 14, 'f7. A. W. FISHKR'rS. I30RT MONAIES. Tooth and Hsir Uitha all aaalitics. and any qusnli y, for sale by A. W. FISHEB. March 1 1, "57.