ALMANAC FOR 1858, - PRKPARKD TOR THE SUNBURY AMERICAN," 8UNBURT, j?-A- A 5, Pi f ALEKDAR For Sunbury. --1.5; Salnrdaya. MONTH SUN B. O. O- D, O, P CT, 5i5l5.n. m.'h. RHI. SXTI. M TTW" January, lit Month a 4 a 6 7 P 7 4 12 SO OS so 43 1 t 12 IB 83 31 39 45 S3 49 a II 10 21 25 as 10 11 19 13 14 15110, 17:18 19 SO ti M S3 ' m us oa 0? ttA fin ao i-fi'fs s:"4"sll, TCBRVART, SJ Month 71 8: .1P 11,11 13 ulie i 17,18 19 so; a 44 7 S4 1 M 0 14 0 3 6 (3 21!lM)i!!3.S4 ES SO 87 7 8 ,10 11 19;13: 14!is!l6 17,1S'19,S0. 121 IIS, S3 S4 SS , S? ! id Sit 30'ai '!.! MARCH, 3d Month. l! , 3, 4 6, 6, 7 8: 10, II 12; 13 11 1.1 H17! 18 19 SO lil'Sa S3 34' Wild 47,1281)31) ; 1ai6'9':! b' 9' 10 ll'l'i 13 14 15j 1G' 17; 18 II) U0 ill VI ATRIL, 4th Month. MAY, Sib Month. a4:46 20 '37,U8 129, '30 31 , t, a a, 4, s 0! 7' til !) 10 11 12' n il is is n ie io, so ai .M s:t S4 ss an JVNE, :h Month 7 29 127,23.21). SO ' I.-' ' 1; ' 3 ! l' fl' 7 R I) 1(1: 20 23 17 12 4 SS Jl'LY, I 7tb Mouth lllia 13 II 15 18 17! IS 19 20 SI 22 23 24 l! 2' 3. 4l 51 6 7t AVOUST, fth M.nth. 8 V Ki ll, 12 13 It IS 10 17 IS 1H CO ?1 22 2.1 i 26 20 27 28 R 1 0 30 llW.iM.Sl ; ! l; a 3 4 I 5; 61 7: : 0.10 II 111! 13.14 IS' 10 17:1! 1 10 tfl 21 22 23 21 23 20 27 SS;21) 30 I '' :! i' s SEPTKJtnr.n, Sih Month 3: 4' 0; 7 8: 0 OCTOBER, joth Month NOVEMBIiK, 11th Moi'th. 10 II 12 13 14 15 10 1 1S 111 20 21 22 21; '21 B5.S0 27 2!) S0.30i i oi ; : : ' ! ,i i 2 a 4 : 7 El 8 10 11 12 13: 114 1.V16 17 18 10 20: I SI '24 23 24 25 20 271 !! S!) 30 : i ' ... , ' i! 9 n, 41 6 40 88 5: fl 7; 8 B l(i; 1 1 ! EICKMBEK, 1)2 13 14 IS 10 17 l! 10 SO 21.22 23 24 25, 12th Month. ;a(i 37,2s i9',30 31; I Dominical l etter for 1S5S is C. Golden number 16, twt ir. v.,iiei Sunilav. the 4ih of April ir ii, s..'or mi, I 1,'iiinr Kelinses this yenr, oxr.T a Atinclar Kcurn of the Sex will bo i-artlt visibls hshk, ou the 15ih of March, at 0 o'clock, C2 minutes, in t, n, ti,c dinner v ksits is uviriiiiie slur until Suit of Kehrirary. nfler that, evening star until 13th of December, ihe?e;inorningstar to ttie ena oi me yeai. Recipes. How to do up Shirt Bosoms & Collars We havo often been reciuostcil by lady cor respondents to stale by what process the floss on now linen, shirt bosoms, ic, is pro duced and in order to grtuily them, we sub- loin tho rullowinr; recino : "Tuko two ounces of fine whito gam arabic piwdor put in o pitcher, anil pour on a pint or more of boiling wntcr, according to tb.3 decree of etrensrlh you desire-and then having covered it lot it stand all night in the morn Jng pour it careMly from tho drees iuto a clean bottle, cork it and keen it for use. A tablo spoonful of gum water stirred in a pint ol starch, made in the usual mannor, win give to awn. either white or printed, a iooic newness, when nothing else can restore them after thev have been washed." Wo hope that thoso trying this receipt, in Which wo have lanh, will give us, severally their cniiuooB of the result. Every bouse- l:ter:or is axious for some certaiu mode Of iloinir on eentleman's linen and if tho fcra going should prove all that is needed, aftor proper trials we suouia like to Know it, R3 u f . i e.. !.. .1 il . ... i would coniinn our ewu juuiuout u iuc tor. Germantoini Jelerjruph. Bally Lunn. What is better than a good Sally Lunn The poet tolls us to make it as follows : Tut in a dish, of milk a pint at lead, Along with a forth of thickest small beer yeast ; To form a batter just sufficient flour, Thin cover it up and let it stand an hour, Dissolve two ounces of loaf sugar in Four eggs divested of their shell and skin ; Of butter a, Id a quarter of a pound, Mixing it with the flour round and round, Making a dough, which properly should stand An hour longer, then form the hund yhe rakes, l'lace then on a tin to rise. Vhi-h they will do. In this nianrcurve lice 1 lie ait of muking cakes cu'li-d Sa!ly I.uiins. Duke in an oven as you would do buns. Sai'sages. Wash your sjusase tn.iut i tepid water, but do not soak it, feu that it is free from bone, gristle, sinews, &c. Arc. Cut it up in small pieces : to 3 lbs. of load meat. allow 1 lb. of the leaf fat j chop or grind it very fine. Mix in this fnantity 3 ounces of salt, i an of pepper and two table epooua of powdered sage. When well mixed, cook one and try it; it is easy to add season: ing, therefore be cautious in using it. Your sauSLigo will become more as it dries. Add any spico you l,Ue. Boloyna sausage, ia made by usinjr one third of beef, seasoning more strongly, and voumy aier.nujtng, Before drying. Recipe for Menpinq Bbokpn China. Take a very thick solution of gn n arabic in water, and stir into it plaster of Paris un til the mixture becomes a viscous pasto. Ap ply it with a brush to the fractured edges, Bud stick them together. In three days the article cannot again be broken in the same place. Tho whiteness of the cement renders it doubly valuable. Recip for Cl-finq Acre. 1 oz. best red I'cruviun bark, 2 drs. Virgiuia enake root, 2 drs. cloves, 2 drs. sal soda, or calt of tartar, all finely powdeied and iutimattly mixed, and divided into twelve eqtiul parts in pow. tiers. To be taken three times a day, in a glass of Pert Wino to each powder. Cold water will do to mix with. Pastr as is Pasth. Dissolve an ounce rf alum in a quart of warm water; when cold add as much Hour as will make it the consis tetce of cream ; thon stow into it as much powdered rosin as will staud on a shilling ttnd two or three cloves ; boil it to a c onsis' teuco, stirring it all the tune. It will keep for twelve months, and when dry way be softened by water. Otstkr Sovp To one quart of oysters with their juice, put two tjHarts ol col J water, half a pint of milk, and a heaping spoonful of salt j lot 0,le mil,u,i kim out the ovslers, and add half a teacup of crackers rouled fine, half a tea cup of butter, and a little pepper; let it boil gain ; then pour over the oysters. Puis FaciT Cask. 4 egsa, to S cups sugar J of butter, 3 of flour, 1 teas,oonful pearlash dis solved in 4 tableapoonfuls sweet milk, 1 pound ( fruit chopped and rubbed in flour ; spice to your taste. . Crsaji Put, and very rich, is made by a rich paste for bottom, then a layer of butter tho chickness of a cent; then oue of suirur' then one of flour, the same thickness, and Cli op with cream. ' Soft Uinoeebbead. Two eggs, one cup sour cream, 1J cups molasses, 3 cups flour, 1 teaepoonful saltrutus, a little salt, ginger to your taste, Cooiih. -2 pounds flour, 12 ounces sngar, t pound butter, pint milk, 2 spoonfuls sale-tui. KLINE'S GROVE UP TO DATE ! XEW GOODS! XEW GOODS! t j. r. & 1. r. iiline, Respectfully announce to their friends and the pulilic in general that they have received at their Store in Upper Augusta township, Northumber land county ra., at Klines Crovs their FALL nd WINTER UUOJJS, and opened to me puo- lie a general assortment of merchandise Ac. Consisting in part of Ulolhs, black anil lancy Cass'tncrs, Satinetta, Checka, Kentucky Jeans together with a general assortment of Fall and Winter Goods adopted to all classes of per aona. Rcadv made Clothing, consisting of Casta and Vesta, Under Shirts and Drawes. ladies Dress Goods, Winter Shawls, Ginghams, Cashn eros, De- laihcs, Calicoes black 8il a, 4 c. A No a fresh supply of Drues and .rltdicices, Groceries 4 A new supply of Hardware, Uucensware, wooden ware Brooms itr. A larae assortment of RoMs and Shoes emta- o'.e fer men women and children. HATS AMI CAPS. School Books, Stationery, Envclepcs, Ink, Ac. L 111 hi aso Halt. And all iroods usuallv kent in a country store. The public are respectfully invited to call and rxtiniinc our stock bcloro purchasing elsewhere. As we ate determined to sell at prices 10 sun the tiroes for CAKI! or in Esehange for Country Produce at the mniket price. Thankful for nasi avors we liotie ry euici atteiitiun to Lusiness to merit a ccntinuance 01 he rnmc. Kline's Grove, IV, Nov. 81. 157 If rHi:.i watches and TTT-nni.r.SAI.E AND UKTAII., at the lhilr.delrhia ir atcifs ana jeweuy M-r rio. (vnu m NnrlhSiromt Street, Omirt of Q'tnrrv, PhiMclplua. Jtilil Lever Walshes, full Jewelled, 18 caret esses, S2S.0O ,lmu i.t'pnip, 14 onr.-r, w llvr l.i:ver, full jewelled. 12 W) Silver Lfpinc, jewels, 0 l1" Suprrit.r t; iiiirtiers, 7 t,t fine Silver (kv, 1 50 liolil Ur:ieeli.:, 3 (10 .vdv's (li.'IJ I'eneils. 1 OO Silver Tea Sivoe. set, o 00 Uoid reus, won reneii and silver nnwer, i ou Umu 1- inner k;ii;s 37J en m sfH); wuten nurses, rnnui 121 cie . Kitent lsi. I.n iet 55 ! oiher articles in iirooort'on All Roods warranted to lie whnt Miev are snlu lt,r. STAt TI'KH k HAKI.EY t c" On hind so- le C i!dni,.d Silver Levers and Lenities still lower Ih.'in the aove nriecs Philadelphia, October 10, Ii57 1)3W LARGE LRY GOODS ESTABUSiOT.NT. HAMILTON EASTKR & CO., TVcw 3Iai Itle Iliilhllnar, jVos. 130. 201 and 203 Baltimore Street, BALTIMOBB. OAVR now in store (mostly of their own im- m T " E "V", nnn usiiir mem in the har portation) one of the largsst and most com.!'1"51 !" tI,,."U'ro.,.n('n's m",,e ,,,u!nS f lete Stocks in the Lntted Sitates, embracing Silks and Silk goods of everp class ; Dresif Goods a verv largo stock ; Irish Linens ; Lin cn (iooda and Housekeeping Articles of every drJ scrihtion ; Mcurning Goods; Clonks, Manttllur I and Shawls; Embroideries, Laces, Hosicri Gloves, Blankets. Quilts, Domestic Goodo ; os every article generally rexuired by Farmers i Planters for servants use. ! ti Kctiiil Roorr.a on first flcor the pri afihel to each article, from which no deviatifc is made. i rj-s" Wholesale Rsoms on the second and tlifl floors. I Octdbcr, 11, 1637. Bm. OXDERFUL COIXCIDEXCE All Kattous of the ranic IllJudj i t tr-i HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENJ. Tlie pnuiverRriry r.f the irmdiif'ion of Tlolloui's Ointment cMplit to be a jubiK-e fuievci. It Ims (fid countlira tijultiiufl'-B from disfigurement, l'arnlyz'dn, niiiirl:u!on, rfjtinv hikJ drnth. ISfurt hiif from the grin' t wiiirh :t it n'ppiird, itn Itt'i.'ine liilm fni-ts its v.'uy thili every entmp and Jiir:n icntol' the hotly, to the very ce nad Lufsi? of bit eruptive, iilpcrnuit, tiari'irrr.s, mid (ff-r-i'js dis.'ins'1!. Jt Utiuniruislit-s the fclni'e princip jiitt fee ils tliem, nnd the outward Bunptomg fiiuV, lifMpud P.s awuy with a rapidity incredible tr those who tve )i"t w itue n:d it. I 6CROFVLOU9 F.IItTTIONS AND ULCER, The p isun of eerofuhi has 1 1 ever been tirutroli or expelled by any nf the rtimedics rf the plmrmactf in Tli' --le ojiHth.te to tins virulent nnd destructive elint ia U-ill'iway'd Omtrwnt. Miijemlie tV Brodie, theieat Frt'iitli nnd Mm; Huh urgeon, do ti t deny or dipi thia preat fad. I'M-re is no form of ecrofulu that nioyt Le controlled andeuitd by tin ba!s!,iiiic remedy. t CrVNCI JtS AND TL'MOHi. ( The knife or eouBlic lniy a caneeT or n"r, ..u. the tt the ternh!e txcimccnce remain I the blood, vid it i8D-n reprt'duced in n wnrae forithnn hr.iVrr. Iliilh'waj 'b C'iulrneiil , on t!ie ciiuntrarene tr.itts iut'j thu nrcnlntion, and pervudca very rcted VfV K .V. nud ki Is the dimnsu by deploying the c 'A'e principle utai euer:i:e(( unu suainma tr .-I IVFLAMAI ATltNS OF THFirKINS, AH mhr and ordinary cruptiont. as well nsKnlSelns, Acne, Kiuw (Jitti, Cmbunelea, icald ilend, Stdt jeuin, I.epropy. l'riekly Heat, Vc., arc removed by a febriitk apputJUiiouR ot u;e tni.tmem. ACCIDKNTAT. INJURIKS, WOl'NPS, Sprains, Druitca, Fcitlda hh'J Prt re tmrnettiiitely re.nved t y its upphe-ition. The ifammii li.i:i quickly Enht'Ult'R, fever oinl lockjaw ore ift entt d, and under n persevering use of the preparatioi.. eeK ui iieuiing is suun ueetuiipimucu. Fwth the Ointment and Pills $7wn!d in the following cams . Burnous Liitnhmro Iea f we'. liiJina iMereuiml Sore Hit; t Stifl used Clauds 1 lints h:ippe1 Hands l.ruptiuiis S-re I leu tin 'bi!h:in I'i'.es B trt; Turonte l'lRiii itfl Illieumntiimi S(re of nil Gout Si'it Hheutn kinds PI: in Disensos Spruiut er.eiit Scrca Wi .t of all si: a rrCAl. riON ! None nre Renin ne un'.esBi- inlessi-' wrds t:Iltii;4jv. oy. New York nnd Unnlou.V nre drii.ib!' i,V nre drfi-ibW na ie b M-k i lirte'ifiiB tmy be t'um y een by nidiiunie ard will i infonnnrti as miiy a- a wiiter-nwrU in every leaf of the nri'Uiid encli po! or ti.x : the fame itmv h tldoig the leaf to the light A h:indi.inie be Riven to any one renderm? tueh. 1 1 the tlfteetit'ti of any puriv or pa it tea cdplerfeitnitt the incdiuiues or wndii.g the tame, kiKViiirle:ii tu be J'Ul ll'tlM, Stld nt the Monufncturlea r.f Proft-paoi PS Maiden Lane, New ork. tnid'JU Strand all reapeetuhle Drmriata nud Dealer in Mfdic OI.T.OWAY nid'Mi, by turouch in boxe, out the rui led StuLea, nnd tho civilized won at cents, cents, and 1 each. IV There is a considerable saving Ly taUin tho larger N. B rireetloiif for the guidance of patici ia every Uisj trurr mr nnil (O eacil IlO, Octet er 17, IW.-1vm FANCY Ft ItS FOU LADl.4. JOHN FARKIR A A CO.. (Sew No. Slf Maricet St nbove Kijriit, l'hiUirie!phii. Jutportra, Ml'sfuettuen nnaacaiers in i-ntnes, lieiitiemn, and ttultr.a I un. y Fur. W hnlerntc and Retail. J F. Jfc Co ivuldenB the iittcutu n of Dealers ee.d the Public fwfv tu their immense S. k ol Fancy Fuiafor I.mln ui:niin ajid O il.lren ; their assortment endi area evejarncle and kind of Fniiey I'urs, that will ha wum duriihia seitson sucn as t nit capes. ti:i:r fnpee (Jimrter IV 1 a;mns, Vii tt. rines lions, NluiTs V Murfatees. frmn $ hnesl Kua- tiau Suhle to the lowest mice D(,mettie Fns For Gentlemen the lamest ossortnietit oftur CoHjuv, 0 loves Guui.lleis Ac, beinc the direer'lmpoiisof allonr I ura ami .Maniifacturers of them ui.deruurr n anpervi sk'u we feil ntisfied we can fier batter inVennuirs to oea-rs and the public generally than any (her housa, havinp an assortment to select frcm and at thttanufuttur' eis prtcca. e only ask a eatM f JOHN FAIT Elltt A CO NoenMniketftieel aUve Kitthi i'hilad'a i iinaneipnia, epi. ja, jsj7. wlm. PLATFORM SCALI F every description, suitable railroad, &c-, for weighing Hay, Coal Ore, and Merchandise generally. Purchaserun ne risk every scnle is guaranteed correct, Ind if after trial, not found satisfactory ran be ilurned with out charge, I Factory at the OU Stand, establijed for more than twenty years corner of Kintuwnd Melon Mreets, Philadelphia. ABBOfT & CO. Soocessors to Ellicotk Abbott. Philadelphia, Kept. 6, 1657 cl. , ii. omsu, ATTORNEY AT lAW, Office on South Second, near Ariel Street, LE WI8BURO, HV. Praciice, in the Couulies of fin, Norlhum neriand am Montour. u raorsssioN4i UpsisesI entrusted to n;a cars win receive prompt snujfs'thfui sttrn SAVIIS Octobsr 3, 1867, lr THE LVIHirAT it ssacassK. i3BTADtI8IIMENT IN THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. MAs"HIOT' Buy Street Wnrerooma Nos 3 . Sid 25 North Gay street, near Fayette, llnltimnre : whercl kept nlwnys on hand, or mndi to order, every styled Frenca TETE-A-TETE8, in l'lnsh,, Ch th or llreeielle. FriSch Full StulT nud Medallion Parlor Arm Chairs, in Pish. Itiiir, Cloth or llroeotelle. Fr4ieli FullStufl'Cnived Pnrlor Chairs in sets, with Pluslj Hair, Cloth or Krocntrllc. I 8 OsF AS Itdf French Pprlnj Mnhoimiiy and Walnut Parlor Cha . in Hair, Cloth and 1'lush. H fkinR Chairs various designs, in Hair, Cloth and Plurf. . 5110" Spring- I.ounffrs a lnrfre nseiirtirieiit nlwms en liana or n oatlcrn made or overeil with any goods to on! i. cnAMDnnnBiTs,' U'Mahntrany or Walnut, complete, from G.?. up. line Clintrs and Rockini; do. the liirirept awortnint re ly made in any one house in the I'nitcd Slates from if tin dozen up. Inr Room, Offieennt Dinii'jr Clnirs, in Ouk, Walnut o-.-Mahogany, wild Cane, Wood or 8lull'ed Scats on uis.rlinent emliinoinir over SO dozen, R'ood sent Chair, and Settees and Rocking; Chairs cfr lot) riizen. tilt and i'lr'in Frame Looking OIrbisps, of every variety All kinds cl llrda, llair and Husk .Matlinwes L , A- MATIIIOT. os. 23 and 2 . N. Gay st , near Fayette St., Duitin.ore. Aueusl 1, 157. ly H IT S S E Y ' S A M E II I C AN REATE It , t FOR CFTn0 BOTH I GRAIN AND GRASS. rfJUE.T improvements for 1857. This Ma. ei chine was put in sucesfiful operation in ls.t:) and continued to he the only Wcapinpt and Mow- .ing .Mitctiitie In llio Vi'orkl.of any practical vnluo lup to lS4.'i twelve years after iis introduction. Other lleapera nre now ofierod with glowintr nd- vviiiciiirni, wvriiiicaieif, j-Mpiomas, Liold and .Silver Mcduls, Ac. Hut the Fanner in search of tho best Reaper, and not posted in tho muftcr. 'had better see a litilo further. I. It'lhere in any vaitte in 24 years enporicnce that long period, ODKU Hl'SSEV.the Father of Itcapers, can claim it. All w ho arc satisfied with tho llest Jienpcr anrl Mower, aan bo sup plied by sending their orders carlv in the season, as the crops indicate a litre demand, and we can not have over 200 Hcadv for tho vast harvest ofl8.'i7. We guarantee that this Kenper ami Mower can not he beaten on fair trial by any other Kcaper that may be brought into the harvest fields in 18S7, and we also insure it to be the stroll", st and most durable machine in use. We would respectfully invite Farmers to examine the machine thoroughly before purrlissing, and satisfy themselves of its superiority over all others. During the last four years, the subscribers have sold between fiOO and 600 of theso Machines, to the bestaud most successful Farmers in Montour, Union and tho neighboring counties, (whose names are too numerous to insert) to whom we respectfully refer. i he subscribers have the cxclusivo rieht the following counties: Montour, Union, aSnyde, .oriliuinberland, Columbia, Luzerne, l'crrv Milllin, Centre, Clinton und Lycoming. All orders thankfully received and promptly attend ed to. Uiil)l)l;s, M.MiSH & fju.. Lcwisburg, Union county, I'a. uly 11, 1P57. Tk! Tun ( tr rssrTnp" Fn;: VwctiTi!ff. cVe. - j-irirwj rrMh -tai si;trt.t, mk 'ft iiwinrtlr, rd is rc.rt fiM j ' ' .i V " r-t'-t mnt r Mua,ij (sauiri Anil r A H h prt'inntti e : irl!r?e tt'i ohft!le.i',Ht Ui .trM in ,;tl Tut1 -lT-re.;i,--.trI; nrrle t y fr.l,t ltin,i;U ; tut Hit t rnlihit ami ari.aBi u ... ho hewn tis.iui.s.J it uiv n :'. to i rrtmi, Try ;L ,,,( , h m ,Bs w Le'f ,u f -.H iV.f t. n lY f in.-,ue" w i ij i, rf rVtvir I It irr . t : I t7raliilUTnt--t TiiaU-lw diH"rni front ijir tlTttmit ot,t utd hj otJif. n:ur k i Cum, Fen. n- skti Bti !ittrriy m v ttn. Ctf (liuket ifcv ivvtct j Si;.,hii'1 r-nnnut rr til nr j resjuut, !. ' ioie i no l.etsJ ah nt It lo tlcbribrisl lit tfcs)ontv,u; I- lit (.nt relrof Yin. I I j '. i-rirsiiff. oi tVcm. fct,.I tb -, no flttr A LlitKIJAL 1 TM .nrcti.!r of n'w- hr.n sUi ti trtt ffrThref! DISCOUNT TO TUB TWitlE LUDLOW CAN CO. UH iftnerSi., .N.l Sept. 12, lfi7 CROCKER & MASSir, litllOIICI'l t AND COMMISSION MKKCHANT3, 2C1, Abr(i Third Street, 1 door lelow Vine, 1'iIII.ADIU.PIIIA. SALF.3 ef Hi. i -In und Shoes, Dry Goods, (inns, llnr l. ware, Winches, Fnnov U-jods, icLVUHV !: V K- NINU. I ? Country Stoiekcpers and others will al .vays find nt our I'veniiii; Salen a laiite and desirable aiiirlineiit ot ths above gods, tn 1 Kold in in suit buyeis. -Oooils p:ickiHl on the preiiiiaes for Country Trade Ci-jit. lii, IM7 U 3.0 ' FEVER AND AoIje QflMNl-. SfllSTlTITi: Oft NERVK TONIC. This well knwn renit-dy din-ovvred hy my lute part ner Dovtoi li. .1. I.eeui'. in a ure i-uie lot the atm-e ilcr, ii-k-Ileadarhe, to. d all other Ni'tvoni niltelions. It conUiins no Quinine, Arsemr. or ol hi r injurious ingteoi ents. It BlreiiRiheiiF the M.fem, uiveis lone to the mjin sell, nnd il invaiunble to Dyfpeplies oud those nfl.cled Willi weuknei-s in nnv pmt -i Hie n-ijiciu. It in efperiuily recoa inerrled to feiiialea troubled, with l'i,llii-B of the Woiuii. line b- tile is auliiei, nt in must rioe, where l, Directions are fallowed. Cettifivate euiik-ftirnislied frv in all puns of Hie I in !!. ! .Id by Ihe Drue-isls geurrnlly nml l.v J. II Ilasnrd. 1'nujist, snd Sole, l'ropriclor l Maiden Lane. New York. Mew York, Bept 10, IF57, vm 13ATCUOULY. JOCKEY CLUB, SPRING tL FLOWERS, A-c, of the bet quality . fresh supply just received and for sale at the Drug Store of A. W. FlSHEK. Sunbury, Aug. I, 1857. PENNSYLVANIA WIKE WORKS- Xo. 210 Arch St. let. Senmd J- Third, (Oppoiits llread Streel, I'lillatlclMila. REIVES, Kiddles, Screens, Wcven Wire of all nteshea and widths, with all kinds of plain and fancy wire work. Jeavy Twilled Wire for Spatk Catchers j Coal. Sand and (!ra vel tVreens; Paper Maker's Wire ; Cylerder and Dandy Rolls, covered in the best manner Wire and Wire Teiicing. A very superior a-liclo of Jeavy Founders' Selves. . A kinds of Iron Ore Wire S-'eive., 1MRUY & LYNN. Philadelphia, Sept. Ill, 1857 com. wou.v zi.n.yiEKM.i.v, TJESPECTFULLY informs his friends, snd the public generally, that he has just receiv ed a New Stock of GOODS, st his new store, at David Miller's Mill, in Lower Augusta Town ship, and that Le is prepared to sell goods at th lowest prices. His Stock consists in part of " SPRING it SUMMER GOOD8, Groceries, Queeusware, Hardware, &c. snJ every variety usually kept in s country ailors. 'Pre vert on prices paid for all kinds of produce. Lower Augusts twp, Aug. 8, 1857. tf f'OUN st 50 eeuttper bushel, cash, for sals J. B. MA8SER. GTOHH. I TUfISS LOUISA SlliSSLKR.rlctfully !n - forma the citiwns of J revoi snd roundino- coimtv. that she has dod a now store of Millinery and Fancy Gnolit Tfovor ton in (Phamokin street, nearly onrl Knouse'i Tavern, where all kinds of llonmiid Fancy Goods can be had at tho lowest te Dross making also attended t the best manner and latest style. April 2.1, 1857. tf A HfoK lor Kvcry Alantibrary. RARE INDUCEMENTS TO'ENTS. CANVASSERS wanted to cbti 'uWrilcri for the Comprchensivo Oeogr t and His tory, Ancient and Modern, oi ti orld j" by S. U. tJoodrich, (Peter Farley.) andsomcly hound in cloth gilt, and illuitrn with 200 beautiful engra-inga and and B0 -fit. Price $3. Bold only by agents, to car f whom a special district will 1 given. A nnts ahnuld mate wnai counties lliey would Ii Tho book ia now ready. Copies mail, post paid, on receipt of the i to canvass bo sent by p. bills ou all solvent banks tcikcn at pari he "Home Journal," says of thU work : ?diinily what ever should be without it." Foil particulars in regard to an agency, aildreps, I GCOKt.i: W. HIOTT, 1'oblislier mi ookfellor, No. 172 William fc"J, K w York. V All kinds of .School and) .celliuioous Hooks, Cheap runlicauoim, lonery ami Map, furnished ut the very loi prices. Or ders solicited. November 21, 1857, ISAAC M. WILiCUSOX, FURNITURE ANLfltAlRS Of the most FashiouaJ Style. Bureaus, Secretaries, Siboards, S0?A, liRliAKlMST Ml) DiSi TADLES and also VEMSTIAN BLLMl.-unl to l'hila- ilelphiii maniifucti DKDSTF.ADS, of every patb and price CUPBOAHDS, WOKK ANtANDLE. STANDS, TOILKT TAKjS AND EXTENSION TAitS, In short, every article in this linchis business. 'T'lIII subscrilier respectfully ciithe attetitim - of the public to his largo splendid as sortment of every quality and p of which cannot fail to retomnieud $'f tocvery ne who will examine it, on occoupf its workmanship und splendid linislkade up of the hest stock to bo had in the ci No effort is spared in the manufacture of hjvarc, and the subscriber is determined to ke up with the ntuny improvements which arcinstuutly being made. I Ho also manufacture all kh and qualities ncluding varieties never bn lo be had ii fSiiiibnrv, such as M v, Jack Walct M1 Cl'HLK!) (illKll AN U WlNllS'lB CIIAIIist, ami risri Pmo flois, which are of the latest styles, and warraij lo be excelled by rmre manufactured in the Os or elsewhere. The subscriber is determimihat there bhull be no excuse for persons to pui'ise furniture in the cities, as every ronlideuce p be cntertiiincd about the quality and finish j his ware and Wrvrs. j Theso articles will be dispo of on as good terms as they can be purchased -ew here. Coun try Produce taken in pnvmeutir work. VST UNDERTAKING. lavin? provided a handsome. Hkuisk, he is u prepared for Undertaking, and attending Ifrrals, in this vi cinity, or at any convenient f.auce from this place. . tUT TheWaro Koom is iif awn Street, be ow Weaver's Hotel. t i-unbury, April IS, 1857.4'. --H;" i thk j7"i:nt trials tt -t-:, i: .. ....i,... a .i Ini-iie liiioi 2i'U t-el- fl dentil! firt-i roving ei'cclu.-nvelv " m tin-only SAr k inn. m the Conimiltrc's Ttiiil of lion bufus ' v. r fill "Itern V-1;. ' t-nl -11. R Jf' that wil !4)!.s Kxm vill m ".xfnict 'On the OOih of Fcbruarv al! thjnenibers rf the Com inillrei mi l to witness the Sain i luoks und papers, (.i.-iced in lhem) uiid were perfr'-j salirii-d lint all wan rt-ilil. The dav lollowmg. the hiifng took pia.-e. under the superniieii'ience of t;ie Coinmr"'-. Altera lor and iRiaarlial horning tor live houni'lie Sife ol .Mefrs. Kv.ios Watson wns fust i ,-li'H Mle heli.f; ( a toe i;im le, and the eoitleuts partinlly niuiiied, while the con teuts in tho Sale of Meura. I'aij4l Herring WelO in Cowl ,-ondilion. and no fire il.siile.l Ken.toi". March S, 1-57. j (bigucd,) II. F.FKI.I1 ) P N col.r.lW, Committee. A. II. I'l'.Ai. .i. 1 And enilnrsed bynvcr SO of llnjest men of Reading. Tlienb'ivcSafeaoiili lie insma tl ut SI Walnut Slieit, where the public run ritlafv IheiSflves of the areat snpe-m-riiv ol" the -Hurriinr's 'l'at-. ii Champion,-' over the defeated and used up "inmd- Ir.-jL'oor Sidmander." 1'arrcls & Ifrrln?, ?. ir.iy.if-7.. JViileida. Only makers in this State of Helta's l'atciil Champion Safes. The attempt made by other p-siea to Iiohter tip the reputation of B Safe hieh bus It- I so f m iially il neei lli.a ill Philadelphia, (Itusrad Tlack.) by h.kins one out iti'un aaent'a store, fll Lanlz.) tinide iliail.le lliiel.iiesn. (eilfercnt from thouc i-y sell) lo hum up' one of llerni's's (ball" as thick) hs met Willi its true re ward. l..rrinua Safe cou'd not ihiirnt. prol-ins c-niehi' ivelv that the only n liihle Safe ihv made is"Henni'' of which over 15. OHO ura now actual line, and lint' Ilia. i oikj nave iteen trofl oy lire vswioui a mnyie i. as. llni, ..lioiwOO mr- w. I A CALL TO IRMEKS. Farmer t drop your Tos Fame a little, Ft'dd this nnd 'jlect ! THE FARMER'S PR Oyl O.T ION BOOK. A now and H.-ii-ntiti .Manoiint; Sf-tciu, f-i th Cultivu liouol'ull kind nftiruuii, Giu4-i, I't-vJ-lr-r iu:l PiiMitnc, up' mi nil kinds of iSail ; ir(iVtt.l y utual Exuenuieitts uint hurU'd on fvnleul 'rutlis : lcf)ii; t iuijtTuve Ajjticniture in nil iis bi:4ichfb jjtf jired'ntl by upwards lionr hundred and tii'iyfnirrnynx :f the inoU vuluu ble (jruBies mid Plants tpuiicclyd v. iin the f .-Ktt'iu. Hy Or. C. tS. IIXIIOI.D, crMrRK CO., PA. "I N I N this trentiie it w in 'e seen hat the object ha been 1 to eive the Farm.-! I at kim of information which enables lliin lo iimke p- clical Sp!ical Ion lo fertilize Ins land and increase his if i.ln . fodder, and pat.turatfe. The doc-lriueaas laimhl bv llis inanuiiiiGl, and l-n'.dcr and pus. lure cultivation b-yaleiil 4i rulioi,al, cleat und evident, and sugitesl uu improvciiiciuin the inodeof aariculluru hilher to unknown lo our farnrrs, and w hii-h, if udonted uud carefully pi act u -d, canuS fail to advance the intercuts of the tannine; c.. nintiuity Sjc!i a work has been much wanted, as it tills a nd which has I -na; Im-tii felt, but which there haa huhcrl.lieen no attempt to cupply , and as larmtl. of I'enlre uiialluntiiigdoii counties, we recom mend tin-U'ork to even fanner, aa ive felly believe that they will reap the grcatf I possible benefit from it Duuiel Moaner, Philip Moyer, Christian Dale, I Ueore lloul, i Jacub M,,u,er, J John IJailey, j Kaniucl Duncan, ' Jona. iWcWilhiims,! (ieore;e (juyei, Jr. , John I'arper, f Joint IlllH'iOII, 1 tsiuiue, '.Viltoil. i Jneoli Mover, Henry Moyer, Faniuel l.lilllalid, George Jack, John Hariiiau, (ieoipe tluehauan, l-'raueia Alexurder, John Nelf. Seu'r. John llolfer, Chiisiiiin iloffer, tieorge W. .Meek, Joaeph llaker re The uliove workla fof aale by Rev J O. MeKCE H AN, Milloa, Noithuiflierluud county, Pa. Price tflO. Annual I, l-N7 .'hni IOOO lb lf ;u 1 I ItHK WANTED at ie store of E. Y. Biii;ht & Son, who art constantly receiving a fresh supply of Goods, tins tillering to the public the largest and most desirable assortment. Julyjll.;i857. I What an enormous Variety of Toys- and Fancy Goods he' has I Who! Our Friend JOHN DOLL, At Xo. Hi Xurth'ind St., above Arch, rhila., HE has just reseived direct from Europe a very large assortment of Toys of all kinds, fancy iiaskets, Pipes, Canes, Segar Cases, To baeco Boxes snd an endlessvariety ol isncv ar ticles. Call upon biui before purchasing else where. - x Philadelphia, August 89. 1857 3in2Jw JICKLES of various Kinds, Lobsters, Sar dines, Ac., die, just recived snd fur ssle stths Drug iore of A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, August I, 1 867. I.1 ' t- SIT. SAIAMANDE HUE 1 AMD THIET-PE00F SAFES. The leicest assortment in the United States. Warranted to be equal to any now made, and will be sold cn as Good Terms, as can be obtsin ed from any other house in the Country, at 5C South 4lh Street, Philadelphia. truth is Mighty, and Hnst Prevail Jieport of the Committee apptinted to iuperin tend the Jiurning of the Iron SaeB, at Head ing, February 27, 1857. KitiDtnri, Marco 4. The undersigned, members of the committoe, do respectfully report, that we saw the two Safes originally agreed upon by Farrels & Herring snd Evans it Watson, placed side by side in a fur r.cce, vis : The Safe inute by the Paymaster of tho Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Compa nv, in his ofiice st Reading, manufactured by I'urrcls & Herring, and the Safe in use by H. A. Lanlz, in his store, manufactured by Evans & Watson, and put in books and papers precisely alike. Thefire was started at 8 o'clock, A. M., and kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and half chesnut top wood were entirely consumed, the w hole under the superin tendence of the subscribers, members of the Com mittee i he Safes were then cooled ofT Willi water, after which they were opened, and the books and papers taken out by the. Committee and sent to II. A. Lsntz's store for public exam ined and marked by the Committee. The books and papers token from the Pule manufactured ny Farrels 4 Herring were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than thoso taken from Lvans X. Watson s Safe. We believe the above to have been a fair and impartiul trial of the respective qualities of both bales. JACOB II. DYSH77, DANIEL S. HUNTER. Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincide with the above statement of the condition of tho papers and books taken out of the respective Sales. G. A. NICOLI.S, H. H. MUHLENBERG, JAMES MILHOLLAND. March 21, 1857. I1ALD EAGLE HOTEL. Ao. 234 aiifMlO X. Third St., Philadelphia, JOHN CLYMEIt, Proprietor. (Successor to Dahiei. Dai.het.) "TUIE Proprietor returns his thanks for the hherml patronage bestowed on tins well known house, and respectfully asks a continu ance of the same, assuring his many friends of Northumberland and adjoining counties, that no pains shall be spared to render comlort and pica sure to nil who mny give Hint a call. TERM' St.OO PER DA Y. Philadelphia, July 25, 1857. 3m OiKciu-c ol Jiiitiuij'it f.Iisgcr. rrMHri artk-lt is cirufully ptep-ired from the best Jamnics J. Oiimer. nil the valuable me-llcinu! propertiua of which it in wununii'd lo pubsc-hs 111 a coiicuiilrnttil and cuiive iiivit form. It is mi cxr'i-lVut rrMnrdv In dysprpsia, flntulmcp, cho lii nnd imp-ori-d iVelile Unto of llic iliftcsti ve func- ti"iw. 1 r.mi itsiftictliine Miemrth and cordial pinprrtirs na it irenllc Bliiiiiiliilii-a tonic it i well ridnplcd lo counter s':! tin: del.ililiiln 'jr intUience of llie extreme hests of luin ttii'r. tlif r ilt-rls of miiiden clianeii, c. So fninilv whoul'l be wiln. ut it, ns its limply use will btivc tin-in from many nu .prions attack of illness. I'lioi. ii rents per 'b-'Ulc. T or bale by June-JO, IM?. till P. HELANCHTON SHIKDEL, jEJSTSf't: or Tiir: peick, OJJice in yt cr Street, immediately opposite the Puhlie School House. A 11 business promptly attended to. Monies collected and oil ordinary wriiings done. Sunbury, April S5. IS57 if JJORT and M A DERI A AVINES, Schiedam Schnapps, Wild Cherry biandy, lllackberry and Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes at March 1 1, '57. A. V. EISJ1ER. XOUNTY ORDERS. County orders tukon as cash fjr goods, nnd on note or hook ac count bv E. Y. BRIGHT V SON. Nov. a', lBf.ri. New Goods for the People ! BENJ A M 1 N I1EFFX ER i tt ESPECTFULLY informs tho public in gen I eral that he has just received and opened a I splcr.did stock of SPRIKU AND SUMMER GOODS at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township His .lock couoiats in part of Cloths, Cassiuiers, Cassineta. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: CiiIirofH, Glu&liaitisi, Laivns, moiiNsellite 4Je Ettliics and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Groceries,, Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron ami Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENS WARE, of various styles and pailPins. Also an assortment of SSOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, ic. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at tho lowest prices. US' Country produce taken in exchange the highest prices. Lwer Augusta, Juno 6, 1857. EXCELSOIR SPEINO BED. (Gould's Puient, September 2d 18')C.) T70R which a diploma was awarded at Ihe Eighth Exhibition of the Mass. Charitable, Mechanic a Association. This is an entirely new application of spiral springs to beds, making a more conilorlaule, neat- er, and cheaper spring ned than has been ollered to tho public, applicable to old as well as new bedsteads. The peculiar position ef the springs elevate the head slightly, saving the trouble of building up the head with extra bolsters. The construction is so simple, and every part so exposed, that bugs have no hiding places, and the most inexperienced can take out each for wushitig, as they are only fastened by a button. The Siirinus used are made expressly for these beds on a Patent S.iirul Spring Machine. The public need only see this bed to appreciate it. The subscriber haa purchased tho right of manufacturing, and ael'ing, in Northumberland county, and will furnish the article st reasonable rat,. iy Springs put in old bedsteads for three dol. lars ISAAC M. WILKERSPN. 8unbury, Sept. 12, 1857 tf OII M. ItU.lItD. A.TTOJHJSTE-5T AT LAW, Okie's i Maclet St., oijwsite the Court Huse, 6CNBUUY, TJL, Collections made snd Professional Busiuess generally attended te Promptly and Carefully. PitiiAnxLruiA RsrisEHCs t Bullitt (V Fairthorne, Diehl 4- Werte. Davis & Birney, F, 'i'ylot dc Ce. Munhury, June 80, 1857. - ROWN'S and Breiniu's Essence of Ginger - snd Husband's Msgnesis st March H,'fi7. FISHER'S. liahing Taokle, Red Cork, Grass, Cot's- tou snd Linen Lihes, Out Lines, Sea Graas by the yard, .Snoods, Files, Kirby, Limerick snd Hooka, Rods, Ac. for sale by Msrch 41, '67. A. W. FISHES. FURNITURE I FURNITURE I! THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. Fatitilonable, l lienp nrnl Useful THE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer In Sunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the nublie patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Wars, Chairs, oc, embraces KTFKY VARIETY, USEFUL AND OR PI A- IhBNTAL in housekeeping. It is unnecessary le enume rate, as anything that may be required in his line van be had st moderate prices, Uheap lor Cash, or Country Producotaken in exchange. Establishment South East Corner of Market Square. 17 These knowing themselves indebted to tho subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. ' SEBASTIAN HAUrT. Sunburv, April 4, 1867. tf NEW OONPEOTIONART WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEA1UIART, OAS just received s new and excellent assort ment of goods at his Confectienary and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunburv, where he manufactures and keeps on hand, st all times, the most choice Confectionary, Vc, Wholesale and Retail, at fhilailelphia prices. Among his stock of Conleclionanes, may be found ! French Secrets, Uurncil Almonds, Crram White, Ijeinoit Hose, Vanilla, Csmmon Secrets. Liquorice, rtnnanns, Plltl'S, Gum Drops, all kinds of scent, I,ove Drops, Mini Drop., red snd white, Jelly Cakes, Fruit Drops, Stick OnnHtes, ( all stents Rock Candy, Almond Csndy. FRUIT. Prunes, F1s, Citrons, ftuisons, KnU of all kutds Currants dried, Almonds, LEMON SYRUP ef a superior quality, by the single or dozen, i superior quality of Seears and Tobacco, and variety of Confectioneries, fruit, &C, all of which is oiicred cheap at wholesale or retail. ICE CB.EAM. Ha has aUs opened an 'ce Cream Saleon, and will nt all times be ready to servo his customers with Ice Lreain. Sunbury, May 21, 1857 ly Saddle and Harness Maker. XiEITSril-Z- IIAtTPT, jpt. Successor to A. J. Stroh, yrt RESi'ECTFULLV informs ths citizens of Sunburv and the puli 1:1 : i.I-J'tJV lie generally, that ho has taken IktyCJ'--s-ii the establishment lately occupic A. J Stroh Bt.d is j repnred to turn cut wotk in is line of business equal to any made in this, section of the country. Orders promptly execu ted and all kinds of produce taken in Exchange Sunbury, May 9, 1157. ly GEORUK UENN, A NNOUNCES to the citizens of Sunbury and vieinty, that he has opened an office in Sun bury, above II. J. olverton s ollice opposite v-. Weavers Hotel, wiierc lie is prepared lo atienu to oil kinds of work belonging to the profession, in tho latest and most improved stylo. All work well dor.c and warranted. December 13, 1H00. Citrate of -Magnesia OR TASTELESS SALTS. r"flHI8 preparation is recommended as an ex Jl ecllent laxative and purcative. It operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste resembling; lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold by A. W. riSllLK. Sunbury, March U, 1HD&. E. NEWLAND B3 CO. Looking Ulubses, ricture Iramri, hairsvinii and Paintings, No. 128 Arch Street, above Sixth, (,LaU of 218 North Second St.) PHILADELPHIA. Gallekixs OPEK DAIIT to visitors. Merchants and others visiting the City who may want anything in our line will do well to give us a cull. Feb.-Ui-.ry 2S, 18L7 Km CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE Aa 72 North Seeond Street, pjestti tli slount I emon House.) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Watches, lull jeweled, 19 K., ca ses, $98 ; Silver Lever no,, do., $12; Sil ver Lepine, do., 0 : Quai'lisr. $ i i- $7 : Gold Spectacles. Slit) to ijilO ; Silver do., 1 60; Silver Tahle SrioiTris per sett, 14 to $13 Silver Desert do., do. to SI l ; Silver lea do., do., S I 75 to' 47 f.O t Gold Pens and Gold Ca ses, $3 25 to rji5 ; Gold Pens and Silver do., $1; together wnh a variety of line Uolu Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Cheins. All goods warranted to be as represented. Watches and Jcwelrv, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma sonic Marks, I'ins, &c, made to onior. N. B. All orders sent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. I'hila., Oct. 4, 1S56. lyw. PHILIP S. PTTPsDY. W IIOLKSALS AM) RETAIL Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S.E.cor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS snd families will bs promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4. 1 856. tf V. IIIll.tSALl Avn Rktail BOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S.t, above Chesnnt, PhiTa, fi h OOTS, Shoes, Gaiters, Ac, promptly made B$ to ordor in the very best style, and of the bel material. Philadelphia, May , 1857. Leather ! Leather 1 Leather I HENRY W. OVERMAN, 1MPORTT.U of French Calf Skins and general Leathet dealer, No. 6 South Third street, Philadelphia. A ceiieral ossoitiuetit of all kinds ol Leather Msroeoa, lird and O.ak Sole Leather. February V,-, ISo7 ly w 4 LMONDS, RAISONS. FIGS, LEMONS. &c, Ac, just received a fresh supply snd for eaha at the Confectionary store of M. O. GEARHART. Sunbury, May 16, 1857. FOR SALE. A Good second-hand Buggy. Apply st this ofiice. FOE. RE1TT. fllllK Store Room in Market street, esc a pied Jl bv P. W. Gray snd the dwelling bouse ad joining. A ptdy to tue executors 01 n. siasaer, decease j. January 17 I8.YT. Kew OriigN, Pututi, &.c. NEW supply ef Drugs, Paints, iis, r luid, ic, just received and lor aala by A. W. MSliEK. Sunbury, Msy 3, 1857. LAND WARRANTS. The highest pries will bs given for Lend Warrants by Ihe sub- SMbai. 11. O MASSER, 5ATENT BR1TTANIA STOPPERS tiar bottles lor sals ty H. B MASSER. Sunbury, July 19, 185B. l"pobacCO and Began 20,0t)0 Imported -I- S gars of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, Csvenduu sad bus cut tobacco st A. W. FISHER'S. Sunbury, Msrrh 14, 1857, 2JARTHEKWARS. . THE subscriber respectfully informs ttis citi zens of Sunbury and ths public generally, that he has commenced the manufacture of all kinds sf EARTHENWARE, at his msnufnetory It, Whortleberry Street, one square east of the River. He haa engaged ths services of Mr. Hssr. snd yeu csn therefor depend on having good article. The pubiM sre respectfully invited to call. All orders from a distance will bs prombtlr sttended te. P. M.SHINDEL. Sanbsry, Feb. , 1656 tf JOHN U. AIjLEIY & CO. Noe. 1 and I Chestnut Street, (touth side, belsmv Wssr,) (Tas Oldest Wood-wam Houis in tat Cut.) TV AT ANUFACTURERS end Wholesale dealers In Patent Ware, warrentcd not to shrink, Wood and Willow-War Cord., Bru.hes, 4o ,ol til descripueus. PIcsm csii sad examine our stock. February 98, 1647 ly w ' VALUABLE PROPERTY FOE SALE. riHE subscribers, Execntors of the estate e JL Henry Masser, dee'd., offer at private sals the following property vis t A large twe story irams dwelling house, together with about 50 ACRES OF LAND. Situate in Lower Augusts township adjoining ianus oi name! Kaufman snd others now in the occupancy of John R. Kaufman as s ators and dwelling. The house is new snd the location s good one for business. Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONK LAND, in said township on the river about 6 miles be low Sunhuiy, adjoining lands of J. T. M'Pherson and others, containing, about 90 seres. The soil is productive snd contains limestone and other minerals. Also s tract of Land, containing about 3i acres on the hill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining lands of the heiis of the late John Conrad and othef. There is, on this tract, small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. II . 11. MASSKR, ) P. B. MASSER, ) Executors. FRANCIS BUCHEU. ) Sunbury, January 19, 1856. tf newarkanoementT Fresh Arrival of DRUGS, TAINTS, OILS, &c. fllHE undersigned having taken the store for M. morly kept by William A. Bruner, ia now ready to fill orders and prescriptions at s mo ments notice. He has a large and well selected stock of fresh and pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Dye-stufTs, Oil, Paints, Glass, Putty, snd all kinds cf l atent Medicines. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported Scgara of ths choicest brands. Fancy Notions' toilet articles, and Per fumery of ullTtinds. Tootb and Hair Brushes) of every variety. Canphine and Fluid alwayi en hand. Customers will find his stock complete, com prising many articlea it is impossible here to enu merate, and all sold at moderate prices. Remember the place, next door to E. I. Bright's Mammoth Store. A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, March 14, 1857. WHITE HORSE HOTEL. POTTSVILLE, PA. TnE subscriber respectfully announces t Ms eld friends and the public, that ha haa ttken that old and wall known establishment, ths White ;Hcrse Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mahantoge sts. In the Borough of Pollsville. The house has re cently been very much enlarged and otherwias improved, rendering it quite as comfortable M any ether Hotel in Schuylkill county whrte the stables are large, in good coriditien, snd ssv tend by cereful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and others whs may stop at his house, be promises overy attention calculated te render them omfortabls snd satisfied. - JOS. M.FEOBlt April 6, 185'.- vf HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LA"V7. Off.ce opposite the Ceurt House, Etmhiiry, Nortkurabeiiand County Pa. Prempt attention to business in adjoismf wounties. E-fVO-XE HOTEL, OPPOSITE WEST BRANCH BAM, WILt-IAMSPOET, V 12.6.1 AM 12. UiV, Proprietor C. A. 8 rui s, Assistant. ti. B. An Omnibus will rnn to sns frasai As Depot and Packet Landings, to this Hotel, fees of charge. September 18, 1856. tf DANVILLE HOTEL, jromsr jDeejnt, jb4 ilat ket Street, Danville, P, riHIS is one of the largest and moat eosniM) 1. dioLs hotels in the interior of Pennsylvsnls it bas been recently tilted up, its exosUsal ety ss, with all the modern conveniences. DanvilUd, Sept. 22, 1865. Cheap Watches fyJewolrj VVTHOLESALE and Retail, st ths "PkMadasV phia Watch and Jewelry Stove," Ks. M Nsnh Second Street, corner of Quarry, rifIX.ABEZ.PHZA. Geld Lever Watches, full jeweled, IS oarat earns, VSS.SS Gold I.epins 1SS. SS-J4.ll0iFins Silver Speuaslaa. I.s Silver Lep. full jewiled, S9.liold Brueelets, t,SS Oliver licrer, full jewi'd l'J.U adies' Gold PaasB, I.SS) Bupeiior iunrtiets, 7 iSilves Tea spooasi, sit, S,Cs) Geld ISpeelaclei, 7,Su old fens, with Pensil and Silver Holder, 1,S Gold Finger Rings, 37) cents to $S0 ( Wsteh Glasses, plain, 15J cents; Patent, 18 ; Lass, 35 ; other articles in proportion. AH goads was ranted to be what they are sold for. STAUFFER dr HARLIT, On hand, some Gold snd Silver Levers asssl. I.spihfs, still lower than the above prices. Oct. 4, lan. ty. BLANK Parchment Psper Deeds sad blank Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons Ac, for sals b H. B. MAS9SR. Sunbury ,Apn SB. 1856 STOVES' IOR SALE sn excellent second-band Cehl ins- Slave, also several Cylinder Coal Sio Enquire at this office. Ci OLD PENS with snd without sases, asf a Jf very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, fr sals by H.M. MASSSRv. Sunbury, Dee. 37. 18J6- CILVER WATCH E8.A few double ease English Silver Watchea. for sale at very lew prices by H. B MA88KR. hunliury, April 13, 1 856. AMERICAN HOUSE,. WiLLI AMSTOET, FA., J. II. IiLI.TO., Proprietor. Jas. T. Hai l. Ass't. Sept. 13, 1856. tf I DURE OLIVE OIL for table ose, tw sis st 871 snd 62'4 centr just received by A. VV. FISHER. Msrch. U,87. fo stationery. A largs supply of fsncy It ess 3 Paper snd Envelopes, Mourning, Lettesrs snd Cap Paper, Pens. Ink, Sand, Ac, al March 14, "67. A- Vf. FISHER'S. I)ORT MONAIE8.T001U and Hair Bruahs sll sualilies, sad any auanti y, for sals by 1 A W. FUHBK, Msrck M, '8T.