Congressional . Iftfos. COXORfcJS. CI.OSB OF TESIERDAY'i rROCKKDlXClS. Dovglat Doicn again on liigler and ihe Kansas Portion of the Message, f c. Bbsatr. After tho closo of onr report yesterday, Mr. Bigler said that no one re gretted morn than himself to perceive that the discussion on tlie Kansas policy of tho Administration was to bo precipitated upon the Senate and the countiy. lie preferred to ovoid difcnssion until the rosult of tho election on the slavery clause had transpired, aud nntil Kansas should present herself for admission as a State. But tho Senator from Illinois (Mr. Douglass) made a different policy necessary and proper, and ro alterna tive was left to the friends of tho Adminis tration bnt to respond. In his opiuion, tbo groat, spcecn ui in Senator, with all duo respect, was, after all, a huge structure resting on a very unsound aud insufficient foundation ; and what was still more extraordinary, it was sustained to no inconsiderable extent by the same author Hies nnd ideas which, to his (Mr. Piglors understanding, had been used on former and similar occasions against him by the enemies tf tho Democratic party. Mr. Douglas (Illiuois) replied, saying that he had no fault to liud with tho Senator from Pennsylvania for ranking a series or attacks on his consistency while omitting to nnswer his arguments. Some persons hud furnished him with the records or the votes or the Senator on tho Wilmot Proviso, and some former speeches relative to Kansas matters, lie knew not whether they were true or false, hut what had they to do with tho question now presented. lie did not understand the motives for ransnckiug the public records and newspapers, and picking up every little scrap to see what his course had been for twelve year? past, on the subject of slavery. Supposo il was true that in lei he was in Tavor or extending tho Missouri Compromise to tho Pacific ocean, as recoin mendod bv Mr. Ptichnniin in his letter the year preceding, and supposing it is true that in 18.Y1, ho introduced a bill for tho repeal of that Compromise, or which tho President tuys ho now p.pnrov All these things are not material to the argument. The true issne was whether popular sovereignty to wl.k'h the President and himself were pledged ebottld be violated in Kansas. lie thought the Hon a lor from Pennsylva nia showed a want of candor mid fairness in quoting from his Springfield speech, and omitting to quota what ho Ffiid on the same mlvect'the other day whjeh wns perfectly in harmony with his previously expressed vC'nions. lie thought Gov. Walker was aiithoriJ to say what he did in his inangu ral address by u.J instructions or tho Pro- Bitisot ana ms caoiuui -"- Constitution be submitted, ana .iIess it was submitted, it should bo regarded as tiMi ..d void, lie wan not aware that Gov. Walker hud interfered, in tho slightest degree, esc. pi in pursuance or these instructions. lie never supposed that tho npmt was to be do uouticed for obeying instructions, and the principal applauded for giving them. Jle uJmiied tho manliness of the President in assuming the responsibility to give them, and only regretted that 1 he President pro--r,uies. from motive of expediency, to accept thn Constitution without a ratilioiitinn'hy the perqilo, although ho admit it ought to be submitted. If it is right to submit it, let it ba submitted. Let policy and expediency trtko caro of themselves. 11a complained that Senator 1!. from Pennsylvania seemed disposed to put him in a false position. The true t'.-st is, tho Constitution must bo on d iraed by thn popular will. If not, it must be rejected. The ou'.y truo way or ascer taining whether the Constitution is acceptable or not, is to submit it to the people. Mr. IJigler explained, that he did not say that Mr. Douglas maintained that the ena bling act was necessary in all cases, but that ha had taken ground that it wns necessary in the caso of Kansas. The Senator from llliuois has disposed or his own argument, by saying ho wr.s not always cousUtent, nnd that u wiso mau will ciiango his views when- ... i ever no minus nimceu wrong. Mr. Douglas wanted to kuow by what authority Mr. Bigler said tho I.ecompton movement was an Administration movement. Tho President's Message did not say so. Had he any higher authority on which to bafe his argument than that documeut T Mr. Bigler replied that ho had mado tho deduction from the Message, and from what he knew. Iu addition, ho did cot assert in terms that tho I.ecompton movement was an Administration measure, but said tho Ad iniuistratioa held the movement as legal, so far us if had progressed. How could the President in also such a recommendation prior to the result of the vote, which, as he nvs in his Message, he is waiting for "Mr. Douglas repented that he should like to know what other sourco of information Mr. Uiglur had, na that Senator had that much advantage ofhiin. Mr. Iilgler said he was not at liberty to ay this was an Administration measure, and allow Mr. Douglas to detitw what it is. Mr. Douglas again wanted to know what those other soureos ol information were which authorized the Senator to rend men out of tho party for not sustaining that mea sure. Mr. Bigler denied that ho said ono word nbout refilling men out of the party. Did Mr. Douglas mean to make uo issue with the Administration ? When he uiukea an issue, cannot he tell what it is t Mr. Douglas Tha Senator did not use the words, but ha intimated strongly to that effect, lie soemed to ba carrying out the system which has bee i pursuod for .tha last fo.vweeks by every pensioned writer, intima ting that '-Douglas had deserted the IVmo--cratic party, and gone over to tho ltepbli caus." Mr. Bigler 1 deny any such accusation. I said that the Senator's position excited a inomeutury gratification on tho other side of the Chamber, uud regret on this side. Mr. P.mglas replied that he had boon de nounced by men who were willing to sink the Administration for the purpose of killing off Northern men. That every press which can bo controlled, is thus controlled, is undeniable. But look at nincteen-twentietba of tho inde. pun lent press those which do not depend on tha Government for support! they are with him in sustaining tha Democratic party and the Ciocianati platform. Hut tho few who are not allowed to speak for themselves, are endeavoring to drivo him where they could not drive him to desert the principles averred ad maintained by tho Democratic party, lie wanted to Lnow wbatlnr every man is to ba driven out of the party because he does not coincido with the President on tha question of the Pacific Ilailroad, and tho Bankrupt Law, as appliod to Banks? Mr. Higler responded negatively. Mr. Douolus resumed then if every one of the gentlemen aronnd him were at liberty thus to dissent from the President on the ounstions of tho Bankrupt law, the 1 aciuc Railroad bill, the Tariff, and other measures, was ha cot rjeruutted to mdire for niuiseu on the subject of the Lecompton movement! 11a did not understand the extraordinary desire to strike tha blow which would either erinnle him and drive him out of thn party, or make the country believe he bad left the party. Would the Senutor from Pennsylva nia endorse every recommendation iu the President's Message, aad say be is prepared to curry it out T Mr. liigler replied that it was not at all Ttrobabla ho screed with every lenlimetit of tha President, lie bud no desire to lay dnwa a rule by which the Senator should be read out or tb party. Mr. Douglas wished to know ifthe Admin istration did not regard as wanting Iu party fealtry, those who refused to sustain the Le compton movement? Mr. Bigler replied thai he could not go any further into the subject. He had en deavored to express his views with all the clearness of which ha was capable. If the Scnnter thought roper to assume that this was a party measure, and that he was out of tho party because he differed from the senti ments of the Administration, that was his own business. He (Mr. liigler) had luid down no such rule. Mr. Donglas replied that the Sonatorfrom Pennsylvania had informed tho Sonata that ho bad otbor sources of information regarding tho purposes of the Administration in making this a party measure. He believed that the charges made that he was going over to the "Black Republicans," were made by men hostile to him, and actually hostile to the Administration. They were persons who desire to get him into a false position, for ulterior purposes. Ho did not mean men whose claim to the confldenco of the Demo cratic party were not superior to his own, should read him out of the Democratie party. A report is being circulated evorywhere, that the President is prepared to put the kuifu to the throat of every man wno dares to diller from the Administration, and think for himself on this question. He believed thoso who cirrculuto such reports nro ene mies to tha President, and lie wished to give his friends an opportunity of denying the charge. Mr. Bigler Who makos the charge? Mr. Douglas Tho newspapers of the country are full of it. The Senator seemed to make his argument as if 1 were outside of a healthy Democratic organization. I do not recufiuiza the right of that Senutor or uny body on earth to expel me. Mr. liigler In no shape or form have I been laboring to pull tho Senator outside of the party. It is true, I did show that on this question of slavery tho Senator did not always hold tho same position, but I did not say that any one who dilVered from tho Ad ministration on this subject, was no Demo crat. Mr. Douglas I stated that when I changed my opinion I churged in correspondence with that of the Psesident in both cases. If that would lead mo out or the party, it would lead me in very good company. Laughter. H the President and tho Democratic party stick to their platform, we can move along harmoniously, but 1 shall, at all events, maintain my opinions. 1 shall take all pro per occasions to vindicate the great principle with which my public life is indentiGed. I hope, in tho discussions or this questiou. that Senators will let mo alone as regards my consistency, mid as for my prospects let time determine. Tiiukb Years aktkr a Pah, ok Watkr. The Auburn (X, Y.I Advertiser tells the following: A well-to-do farmer of Spring port, three years ago, had rt little altercation with his wife, aud while conversing with her tooii T" 0 P"il to go after somo water. His long abseucw awakened tho fears of his wife, who suspected at ut'.Cn that he had made an eud to his life by throvrinb himself into the well. The well was accordingly Er."hed, but t he husnami wus not touud. I bo friendly neighbors industriously sought for, bnt found no traces of him. Last week, while his fami ly were at ten, the missing husband walked into the room with the puil of water in his hand, put it iuto i; 8 usual place, and sat down to tho tabio as if nothing had happened, lit had been gone just three years after his pail of water: had visited California aud Australia, nnd hud "turned up" aguin with a handsome littlo fortune in his pocket. Teachers' Institute. The Northumberland county Teat-fiers Institute enn Vi'iicJ in llic Ceuit JIiiuhc, borough of uiibury, on the :M ill December, the hour of two Ituviiig arrivvil, the I'rrsiiietil culled the meeting to order, mH delivered the oj'iMiuifr. audrrss; liesiiiit, that aa u general thing teuehera li.iVu no spare tumta to iiuuuiler in UHelexa mnuit; but the itnpoiluul uhjects in be gumed, the hnppy rcsulu de rived ireni nui-N conventions, no one cuiiveiMUnt WHh the Common k-huel tStem lulled to rerccive 'J'liey uwukeii in the teueheisa deeper interest to excel in their chIJiiir. '1'eiiehers nail 1j itm were a much Hbusetl claw of citi zen none do m ire to promote education and morals. The teiicher liin jbt the juvenile to lisp the A. li. C,, though this was a llliull beiiimill. on it wus based ull ihe Ifurury requirements ol the scienhlic world. It l:nd the I'ouniliition on which was etecltd a:t scientific uud literary greutuens. It is the starting point of that jrreat uud noble stem of uuivorsul education, which ill send ing forth its th UKiuds, ally prepared for all gruttes uud KUiMous of life, uud in ull cases laid the foundation of the highest literary ultatiimeiits. Ivlitors weic much uhuHed, yet noit more needed, none more useful ; they piultfed eveiy public virtue, and held up to the contempt aud ridicule ol hii enlightened public every vice; llieycoaxed, urged, reasoned uud piiisiiudt! uMolig us it ploduced any good ; Wuell these lulled, they luthed the community into the pulhs ol voice and iccli lade by itieroTKM-v of the ri uml the rowgu of the press."' Minuteflof the last session, read nnd adopted The Treasurer belli! ubsent, ou motion, t. F. Cold , was elected Trcnuerer pro tciil. J. V. Weeks oltcred the following resolution : Kesolved, That the Treasurer be authorised to lefuud to .Mr. K.McWilliums the sum of liny cents, and that the members who signed the Oustitulion ut the fourth ses sion be uud are hereby not remitted to pay the member ship fee as per Article VI. Jteud aiidcdopied. lla motion, the chair appointed Messrs. I'. MeWilliaius l)r. John, J. Taylor, J. l .issold nnd J. Hckuuta, culuuiitlce to nominate olliccrs for the ciiPtitut; yeur. f'n motion, Hie Coustution of tbe institute wus read. Thccoinmitice to nominate othcers iiiudo ibeiuUowing reiiori, viz : I EsuiKNT J . J. itl.i.iir.Ar-. v . Ylca l'i:EibNTj J. Taylor, J. (J. J'Linan. Charles Met oriniek mid J S. McWuliam. Keeording Secretary J. W. Weeks and A. 8. Powel. C in es.ioudini; Secretary J. Drelier uud i, Ualhett. I ieaioiiers ft. r Uold ami W. 11. uilgcr, V.x. Com II. llnn!liu.l,S. Header. J. Curl. J. II. 1'ttsbold. H. C. OroriNiuati and J. J. Keimeusnyder. OnpeMlion O. Cxlera, J. li. Ilortruiuft. J. FussnM. J. W. WecLs, A. S l'owel, 1, Alleiiiait and 1'. II. tct mnu J. W . WeeVs. moved to amend the report aud nominated Miss Kinina Hurniniir, for Vice President, the umeudiueut was uieed to uud the report as amended was adopted J he loiiowmg wtticera were then uuiy elected lor tlie ensuing yeur : I'revuienl, J - J - hi-.i.mi' I UMl. Vice Fiusideiit, Miss mitia liurmuar and J. G. Ick- inan. Itecording Secretary, J. XV, Weeks; Col responding Sei retury, J. Ilreher. I reaMircr, i-,. r . tioio. I'.t Com .11. Hummel, S. Header, J. B. Carl. J li Fas. a i!d, U. liroshiuuitand J. J llciiusiisnyiler. ft me remarks were undc ujhui Knghsh Grammar na tausht m ourtSrhocls by J. W, Weeks, Mr. Raaaer fol- lowod, explaining lua ttieiaou ot analysis or aeutcucea on the black Imaid. tin mutioii, the executive committee were instructed to prcpuie business for the Institute lor lo-morrow. They reported us follows: lbt, that Uie chair upiKUnl uit iustruc tot for the ssveral bmucliea. Uud. That each instructor form a class, awl give the same method as m school. 3d. That Ilia branches be taken up in order. I herepit was rand unu ailtipleo:. The chair made the folkitv aeuointmenls : Orthrvraphv. Mr. Keaser ; Iteaduig, K K Uold ; Writing, J lretier ; (ieograpliy. F McWilhaina; Knglisli Gruitmer, J W Weeks; I'btsioloy, lr Johu ; Mental Arithmetic, W II Gilger ; Wntteu Antheiuetlc, J Mc Williams : Algebra, A S I'owell. I he lull,, win? resolution was then read and adopted Kesolved, Tuut we lin.illy adjourn on baturday. Uu motion, Adjourned. llVk.MSQ flssIOX, 0) O'clock. Institnle met, President in the chair, J W Weeks and W II Oilger, were app Hilled a ciuiimiuee to wall uihui lien. CLtjutM.siid iuionn him lluit the lueelmg was or ganized uml would lie pleased Ui hear bis addrc-e The e iiiuuiltee waited on llic Uenerul, and eienrled hiiuto the Court rouse ; lie waa introduced to the audience his uddress evidenced great research and originality, aud'wus listened : bv a targe aud attentive audience, with murked attention and delight, sabjeel -ational Music. 11 K. F. Uuid, iiitioduced the following rcsulutimi : Kesolved, Tlwt Uie thanks of ihe Iii.litule be and are hereby extended to Ueu Clement, fur his able and Inter stllig address. Read uud adopted. rJchool government and discipline waa taken up up and discussed J. W. Weeks ami K. F. Gold, advueuted, love milduesa and moial suasion without the use of the rod 1 hey wwe followed bjr Messrs. Powell, Allemau, Hei. mensiiyderaudtSiiultz, iu support of the former, but be believed thai there was cases m wjuclt the rod might be edvuiilageuusly used. Uu tuoUoti, Adjouruad, Maining Session, o'clock. Institute met, President in tie chair, miuatas rend, eor reeied and adopted. Mi. Keaser formed a ckisa in Ortliograpby aud fvea. Uew melhikd of touching it. On motion, ihe riiair appointed A. f. Powel, Dr. J. J. John and i. II. Carl ouiaiuittce to audit aud settle toe Treasurer's account. Mr. Gold, funned class and guvs a practical iliuatra. tioil of touching Ilia metho.1 uf reudmg. J W Weeka, read by refUf-st of Mr-Gold a few select pieces. Mr. AHeuian made aome remarks ou the subject. i)r Jol.u amutat the necessity of reading tlie ntace aeeoidma to seiilliueiit Mr Keiinensuydei, lolkiwed iu sup)orl of the iiJ.VIOI, U'glllg IWnc II'IIOW RJIUIIHIRI lfM WWS of Rhet rx Mi l is a-doHtiiirU ihtAJiteal leadun well adapted t the rnmmnn schools. Frof. McFarland in import of Mr Ulp'i position. Penmanship wns next considered, and illustrated by Messrs Dreher, Powel, Ulp, John and Oilger. On motion, Adjourned. Afternoon Session, 1) o'clock. Instltuta met, Dr. John in the chair, minutes lead and adopt ed. Hev J J Keimensnyder iiitioduced the following resolu tion ! . Kesolved, That whilst His tnstltnte, npprtvinleg Ilia worth of Music as a scieucoand as one ol ihe aits, that its introduction into our schools ns legnlur branches id education would not be prudent and most likelv bo ultend ed with iuiurioua results. Mr Powel moved Ut ninend by iuserling the word "general" before the worda ''intro tliicliim," sons to read "us general introductien." The nmenduieitt wits accepted, and the resolution na amended, was adopted. J. W. Weeks offered the following resolution t Kceolved, That a committee uf three be appointed to solicit n copy Gon Clement's nble Bud interesting aik'ees for publicuilon, tend and unanimously nrloptcd. The chair uppinutcd J W Weeks, Dr. John and AS Powel auid committee. Mr Powel having the flonr nt the hour of adjournment, resumed his re marks on petinniuahip,tiiid was followed by Prof McFnrlanil. The committee to nudit and settle the Treasurer's ac count submitted the following report : We, your committee to audit uud settle the Treasurer's nrcount, do report that we find a liilauce due from W T McWillinins, former Treasurer of 30, anil that the nc count of J P ShulU, lialancea nnd that there is due A 3 Puwcl SI I, per older. Signed, A.P, PIIWKI., J. J JOHN, J. P C.VKI., Knglisli Oratmnnr was next considered, J W Weeks lllustrateil his method nf teaching it by means of diagrams on a blick-board. Messrs. Alleman, Mel'arland, llci meusnyder and L'lp, took pait in this diseiiKiion. The subject of music was discussed by J W Weeks nnd A S Powel. Mr Prank Me Williams explained his method of tefteliing Geogruphy that noble but tnifli neirlieted seisnee by means of Out-I.itie Maps, which coukl mil fail but be satistaelory to ull preaeiil. Arilhemelir wastakeu up nnd diseuPFnl nnd discussed by .Messrs Gold, Powel, Gilge.r, .1 t .Me Williams and Alle liitui, i'na branch elicited ipiile mi animaleil ilitcussioli. Mr Powel introduced Ihe following resolution : Kesolved, That the Secretary, be authorised to nsier tnin which of the several towns or borouehs will give most eue4iiriigeiuint fir the Institute to'liohMts ue.t meeting in it, uud thut the Seeietary inform Ihe Kxeeutlve Cemmiltee ol the fnct, and that the next meelmg be held iu that town or borough giving most encouragement Keail uud uiloplcrl. Ou motion, Adjourned. livening Session, 7 o'clock. Institute met, Presiitcnt iu Ihe chair, the Smtbury S'ring llandstruek up one of their soul stilling utra, which they execute to ailmiration. The President intiodm-cd Mr Amos r.nrnsworth. to the audience, whoileliveicd nn aildress before the Institute, subject, 1 The duties nnd lunula of the undent, evolving bolb, in requiring u thorough ednenlion aud to dippese of It so ns t lienetit Ik-IIi the teacher nnd st.ulenr,'1 cl slna with a short address to the ladies. lr .lohn addr.'Wetl the Instltii'e, subject "An.-itomv," Mr Keimeur-iiyiler followed subject ' Feui.tlc Inliiit nces ns seen uud exerted in lavor of education." The Secretary would here, sla'e that to give an onl-lhie or extracts of the above addresses, would only imiair the beauty, nnd destroy the logical deduction advanced by theil respective nuibors, it would only he doing nit injus tice to them. II is to be hoped the gentlemen will comply With the resolution anil fiutuidi copies for publication. Oil motion, the chair lippointiHt lien. Clement. I. Alle innn and J W Weeks, committee on resolutions. Vr John introduced the following resolution. Itesolvcil, Thut tlie Secretary be authorized W strike out the providing clause nf Article l:i, and that our next meeting be held on Thursday preceding tin' 3d Fridiy of December li-Oe! J W Weeks moved tosirike out "Thuis duy'' and inseit "Tuesday." Ihe amendment was agreed toandthe rea dulion was sdepted ns uiueiided. Mr. Allenisli cITeled the following resolution : licsolviil, That copies of the undresses delivered tie" evening be solicited for publication. Tlie r-aolution was adopted. The committee through their chairman made the follow ing report : Kesolved, That the Northtlinbeilnnd cunty Teaehns' Institute tender then thanks to the County Cuinniisioner, for their kindness in all iwiug the use of the public liuld intr for the session which is now ab nt to ctosc. Kes lived, That we uie indebted to the citizens of S'i n bllry, and espeeially Ilia ladles tor their mam- attentions during our session, nnd that we nro lirsiired eif their sin cere nnd abiding interest in tke cause ul education, us de monstrated by their general uttoudauce at our meetings Kesolved, That wc lender our special thanks to the memlicrs of the Saubnry rilling Hand, for their delightful mnsiJ voluntarily furnished. lies lived Tu WB trll,er our thanks to Mr. Charb-s 1) Wttito,,', thegenllon,-,.::- C"M,,,r' wlw " rltl" cieutly utlemleo upon ns riuiing C'.lt s'"",1 . , .. Kes Ired. Thut the thanks to the I uslilut- tendered to the othcers. for their tail uf ul discharge ot on., ' The report wns read nnd adopled. Prof. Mcl-'arlund ortrHni..fl a class in Oral Aiithmetic, nud gave an exeiciae therein. Mr Alleuini) gavenn exercise in Oral Al?ebrn. Mr. Powel exhibited an exeiciscin the mann. r in which Sehoolsand ruadini; were taught ill the days of llll erniau Pcdagogiain, which elicited great applause Adjourned, sixe dik. J. V. Wi:i:KS, R.Scc'y. New Advertisements. NOTICE. S hereby given that the Hooka of Jncoh Taiir ter, lute of Ihe borouqh or Sunluirv, deceasrd' have heen left in the hands of F. E. Tor sctlloiiieiit. lly prompt attention to the above cost will be raved. (JEOUfiE A.FRICK, Executor. Pecember 2t!, 18.r)7. 4t rainier Look to lot;r lutfrctil. LIME1 LIMEli elHE rudscrihrr rt Fiieitfully iuforma lite fir--- mem and the lublie griirrally, that he h.ia leased the limn kilns of Ira T. Cleineut in Sun bury, and that he lias always on hand, and is ready to aupply a iooil quality of lime to all who may want for buililin;; or farming m pones. He has also a kiln at Reefer's crosKingri milt s from Sunliury, or two from SiiviVrtown. r7 All kinds of Country Produce tuken in exchange CEO. V. STivOH. Sutihury, Pec. 2C, 1857. EAUTIFUL PRESS CiOODS, inrludins Fiirurcd and Plain .Merinos, bilks. Scotch fluids, Silk Striped Poplins, Cashmere, Trenton 1 laid, Linbcr bliudes, fancy and Plain IJel.aines Valencia, Pariimeltu Cloth, &e., just received and for sale by 11 KIUHT & SON. Sunbury, Pec. 2(1, '57. French Cloth, Fancy and Plain mere, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, iSilk, Na lin and Silk Velvet Veslings, Troy Sutinetl anJ Ilia very largest and cheapest assortiueiit of Men's Wear suitable for rold weather. U1JIOHT & SOS. Bunbury, pec. 26, 'f.7. iKulfllt'M, Vitloriiies, Opera Caps, Wool Hoods, Comforts, Cashmere Keaifa, Lamb Gauntletts, ic. UKKJHT X SOS. Sunburv, Pee. 26, '57. QUAKE and Long U roe he Shawls i also, Wutcrvliel. Bav State. W'aicrloo n. I It I,.... ket, Shawls, latest styles, all qualities anJ prices. JJfP. vt), iBof. UK1UHT .V SON'. TjJ!ovelr all kinds, Stockings. Collars, SUs- penilers, Uuck .Mitts. Hamlkereliirfs and an cmlless variety of Hosiery nnd Notions. innbury, Pec. 2fi,'57. UltuiHT & SOX. )Cadj-.lliaIO riollllllgr Peter bliam, - Wliintioorwill Hangups, Mohair liaalune. French Cloth and lack L'nion Coats, including a niro assortment for Keys. Pants, Vests and Monkey Jackets, all sizes and prices. Sunbury, Pec. 26, '57. UA'ltillTsV SON. BOOTS & SHOES for Men, Women and Children, a large stock, comprising Men's Water Proof K ipp and Calf skin Hoots, 11 ro- gans, Moroeeo, Kid and Calfskin Shoes, (iaiterg and Lium Shoes. UKIUHT i SOX. Sunbury, Pec. 26, 1857. Mat'ktrcl, Herring and Shad, wholssile or retail. Now is the time to purchase Ftsli, as we are enabled to oiler them at a lower price than you can purchase them iu the Spring. Bunbury, JJec. SB, 'f7. UHllill T & SON. 300 8Al;K8 8AI'F.het quality, best qual ily, large sacks, and for sale at the lowest figure. II HIGH T & SOS. Bunbury, Dec. 26, 1857. If AlsUWAIlE, of all kinds and endless " variety. HKlfJHTiV S'N'. Hunbury.Pee. 26, 1857. m n LI-i''-s. Cedar, Hollow and Glassware. containing everything useful and oina menial. BKIGH Tii SO.. Bunbury, DecemUer 26, 1857. TVTAI.L P.APEH. Window Shade.. Floor, Carriage, and Table Oil Cloths, Coeoa Mattsand a superior article og Druggeat, Pec 26, 1857. BH1GHT &. HQS. 9S0 YARDSCARrET!NO,rrnbracmiWiol Ingrain, Cotton, and a superior article oi nag carpet, MauulactureJ at borne, for sale at price to auk the limes. Pre. 28, '67. BRIGHT tV 8 ON. STILL SURVIVE THE CRISIS. V rril.STANTlINGilieastonisliinir euon MtV or Goods Ihnt I brought intt town last S, I succeeded in selling them all out ex ceshat I gave away, and had to hurry to the cit r a new lot, in order that my customers mi not be put to the inconvonience of buying at r stores, whero they would be chntged kil prices. Profiting by past eiperieiice, I ha' st brought on Twice as Many Goodsi ani ave now tho largest and CHEAPEST As;TMEIST ever oil'ercd within hearing, jf lliis)ee. I am bound to tell CKEArEH THAN VH. hefia I need not sny cheaper than my neigh bornr that is no longer a disputed fact. 1 1 now ready to deal out goods twenty houi it of twenty-four Sundays excepted ut loj prices than any person dure aalt lor. Jiiali Tor any thing you want. I am deter min ! SL'PPLY ALL PEMANDS that be made, reasonable or unreasonable. Caion, as the rush is tremendous. IRA T. CLEMENT. 8ury, Pec 2fi, 1857. 0,000 CROSS-TIES VVj'FEP Thirty Thousand Crois-Tie, or v " lilrond Sills Tor the Northern Central Kail If. Fur further particulars opply to V 1 It A T. C'LE.M ENT, Cot Uaitor. Suity, Pecember 26, 1857 tf SlraM-ttitScr. rgMi il serihnr has been appointed Agent for JL Mrs (cilih-sA iM.irsh of Lewisbnrsr. for the salt their Straw, Hoy & Corn-Fodder Cut tor. Cutter is the best in use. Formcra undotllare respectfully reijuesUd to call and rxamirfor themselves. P. 15. MASSEU. StttirV) Pecember 2C, 1857. if FlUIl AND FEE!) 8T011E, turlet .Sijimre, Sitnbttvy, I'd. , VQ WECTFL'LLY inf.irm Ihe public that list!- h'nstiiiitly l;ce"(i on baud, Extra and double intra Whrnt Flour, in quarter batrcl eackip. so superior lluckwheat Flour, and Chop fool all kinds, which lie will warrant nnd sel llielowesl pi ice, FOK CASH UNI, V". Call aiie for yourselves. Peccfr 19, 1857 ly. Este of PETER LEES, Dec'd. IVOTt' is hereby piven to nil persons inter estfhnt the undersigned, appointed Au ditor tri rt.iin facts and apportion and tlixtri bute tlic'iids in the hands of I'avid Lalsha, Adinini.-tor of Peter Lees dec'd., to and anion"; tlartics legally entitled to ihe same, will nlU no the duties or bis appointment at bis ollite the Unruugh or Sunbury, on Wed nesday, l ytltli day of December next, at ten o'clock AJ., ir that dav. ,VM. I. (KEKXOUGII, Auditor. PrremUl9, 1857. BAKF KORTHUilEEKLANDr TTNCL,.1F.D Pepo.ita or:l years atnnding reiiiiing in iiai.k of Northumberlunil, tincliangcd C 11 A liti s j Blown A liiius, 'riios. itowoi t.. I. M .t'ot, V. U. Davos i'llllll 1'lCv'lIlt, llcnrv l-'rj mi II I'l t.rav.a. j. S.mmt !'j l. N. Ivownof Lowry, I S 3 r-. Mack & Jackson, sr Is III 4f Jno Al.ias, 4 S 3 a: .Mm;ri (lnnr, II 4 I 4i 9u (l IUII (HI I 14 20 W) I .cwis II. Mans. 4" i Kalirr Ac Voise, Jim. Sliihl, Suck A Corson, Joint Sicck I -in I n no I I ST y, -i in '.'J r1 Adaiv Sclueck, W HI Win. Waters, P .'11 M.irnn Weaver. : (iJ iA Co " ". Wo.sts.(clieck Pividtnds r 6anie pcrin-J, none. rersonallyjipeared before me a Justice of the Peace iit'ijfor the county of Northumber land, J. It. Bestley, Cashier of tho llank of Northiiinhcrtid, who being duly sworn, doth say, that the love iitatenient is correct to best of his knowlce o ml belief. J. It. PI.'IESTLEY, Cah':er. Sworn, sulsribeJ before me, December 11, Ie57. i Joiik C.kk, J. P. Northumbcnnd, Pecember 19, 1857. 4t HOVER! IiaUID HAIR DYE. Tlie tcstiaiorv t Prof. M uith ami Dr. Hnnckle liavin prcvioiuly la-en rliftlicl, tlie followini; is now added : l'roin Prof. Mcl')Slvi:Y, fi.rnicil)- Professor of Theory and Practice of cdieinc in tl,e t'cinalc Medical L'olleo f l'eiiiifcv I'.-aim and late I'loless'-r of rinjeiy 111 the American Col)pf .NUdiclne. Ac. ! rilu.AHtXflllA, Nov. oriti. lV)ll. Mtt. .TosK-rn i:jIVKii A tual of your l.lijl II) II -Mil L V 1 1 will Oivuiee lite moht skeptical, that It is a s.ttf. Kl.tUAM. sj rt kicaciols preparation. I'nlikc loanj- ollieis, il liasi several lull inci-s proved srivicralile in the cure i f w 'iiruuitieour cruplioiis on the licail, and 1 have nw lief italioin coiiiiucniiiliit it to those rctjiiiiiug s ich an apidica'.ion. Very rcvM-il'iiliy, J. 1'. X. Merl.dKKV, M n 4T. llaee St., almve 13th. HtlVl'.H'S WltllNC, INKS, iiictndiinr HOVKIt S witi riNt! ri.rnimd iiovKit'siMir.i.iui.i-. inks, still maintain their lh character, winch has aUvtls dis tinjtiiished thein, aistlie rxteutve demand rirt crcnltat, has coiitilined unnite:iittcd until the picsent, Orders addrctfl lo the Manufactory, No. 4 Itl KAt'E street, Jiove Fourth, (old No. 111.) Philadelphia, vll rcceivepronipt aiteution, by JOSF.f I E. HOVEIt, Manufactuier. December 25,. 85 7. April 25, '67, ch. l-'Mute of tibrrl X. ."ItViISIants, U' ceased. JOTICK is lireby Riven that letters of Ad ministrationon tli estate of Robert N. McWilliamK, lali of Shamokiti township, Nor thumberlatid coi'.iy, ile.-eascd have been grant ed to the subsenr. All persons indebted to said etaiti will plase make nnmediate payment and those liavingdaims to present tliem properly aqiroved lor selllineut to J,-. McWILLlAMS, Adm'r. fS Pec. 19, 1857 Ot Shamokin twp pec. NDTICE. it the matter of tte setiement oj the estate oj llohcrl X. fc'illiults, lute of Hhumolin tairikhiji, iercased. T.TOTI("E is heiehy g'rn that Margaret Mt jVM Williams, wllow ulJ relict a( the said deceased has made her scectioit of the personal property of tho said decejed according to the Act of Assembly made aid provided for iu such eases which will be presented to the Orphans' Court for approval en '!'' J ay, the 5th duy of January, next. J. 8. McVII.LI IMS, Adm'r. Shamokin Iwp., Pee. ilB57. "Jt 4 LL perions indebted ti the firm of Friling A. i rant are request to call and pay up their accounts by the IStliof January 1858. All unpaid will be placed if the bands of a Jus tice fur collection. ',. Pecember 19, 1757. 2L AMBROTYPES ! rEO. Y. WEISE hasvemoved his Photo graphic Callery to bis residence in Market Street, three doors east of Youngman'a Printing Office, where he will take lV'tures at prices to suit tho times. His assortment of Plain and Fancy Cases are tutliciendy large to suit ail who may lavor nun with a call. I ISuuhury, Pecember 12, JS57. NOTICE. npiIE undersigned has hern appointed by the onrt ot Common l lesa of ISorthumber land county, an Auditor to make distribution of the fund iu said Court arising from the sale of certain personal property of Ammerman, Weil tel A; Co. He will sit for that purpose, at his office iu the borough of Sunlury, at 10 o'clock A. M., of Saturday, the S6th day of Pecember, instant. IIENKV POXXEL, Auditor. Sunbury,' December ISlli, 1857. 31 IsTOTICB. 'F1IIE Books of subscription to Stock of the Hiiamokih B, will be opened at Wil liam Weaver's Ilotel in the town of bhaniokin, en Monday, the SOlbday ofMnvember, 1857, W- WITMINUTO., Secretary lo Cooiniisoloneri. Shamokin, Nov. I, 1857. MONEY CAN BE SAVED BY PURCHASING AT THE SXJlsri3TJ"n", NOBTHTJMBBRLAND COUNTY, FA- We have just received and are ww opening a largo and chuice selec'.ed stock or WINTER GOODS, comprising an endlese variety, and will positively sell our entire stock at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIB2BS. We return our sincere thanks to the public for our increasing patronage, and shall endeavor to merit a continuance of tho ssine. U.Y. ititcftiaT &. sour. r?"COUNTnY PRODUCE WANTED AT THE HIGHEST TKICES. Sunbury, Pecember 19, 1857. LIST OF CAUSES. ITOK trial in tho Court of I'timmm Picas cf Northumberland County, to be Inld nt Sun bury, on the first Monday of January,! 858. ri.AINTlKFf". DKFENDA.NTrt. ve A PtifikclbPrrrr's othn'r ii UW Hegtts va same. s Thaller A to. vs North d. 1 rip. Co. villi Manser vs same (ieorpft JShily, J. D.'mith'aex're. some I'cter Pickson Harriet Jenkins etal Wm K Marts John yowra Leib forTaininer vs HunVury Canal q- V. P. Co. Ira T Clement vs V in Mcl.arty Samuel Saviilpo vs John Smith Helfcnsteiii for Patlon v 11. H. V eove cc wife Henry Weise, vs Thus. HnumparWr, Jos. Triigo, vs Norlhern Central IM. Co. Jaines.Malono vs Hunhury Canal &. W.J', (;u W oolverton At Clement vs t rantis l.cklinan li FoKily & Co vs Win Seasbolti Haag & Brown satno James M aiono E lli lfcnalciii C Yargcr Thadrus Morgan vs Win L. lie wart vs satno v Phila & Sunbury 1;R Co VS JaCotl (illhS vs W in SlicaffiT, vs E. & P (iosler vs Chan Stroll, Catharine Slroh, Surah Sweney, Adtn r., v iMitniiH lea Philip Sarvisvs Coiniuis"ioners efiNorlhumb'.Co J.ihn Young " Jhn W. Peule, Isaac Drown vs Thomas S. Sladilen Henry Lauhn v Michael Hctrith l.onarc In of Holfstcin vaWm 1. Hill'eiislein Franklin Potts vs Uoyd, Kosscr A !o FlemmiiiB In &c, vs Wm I. Hcilenslein Heiley In &c ""i110 Ann M Seitz vs Henry Lain Jacob Ililhh-h vs John Weaver (ilantfor Whoeland va P Montague's adiu'n Mary Wilson vs It. M. Frtck same vs Wm. M'C'leery Iaiah Wilkorson va Susquehanna Coal Co, re, William Kricgbaum vs Samuel John, Samuel John vs P. (iibsou and wife, James Kicc s Ceorc A Keeler Christian Miller vs Jacob Seasholtz (,'co li Wclkcr vs Htislt i'ellas, Ac !S liittttibetider vs Sunbury & Erie U R Co.. Charles Fidler vs William Houpt Isanclirown vs John S Pelcrman A Livcrinore vs Sonbtiry & Eric K R Co. Shipiimn Auchmuty vs Jes?e Auchmtity Ceorgc Uurns vs lieo. C. Walker. DANIEL HEt'KLKY, ProUi'y Prothonolorv's Oillce, ) fiUib'rry.'Poc. 1, 1S57. S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the following named persons huve filed their petitions iu the rruthenotarv's office nnd thut they will apply to tho next Court uf Quarter bessions i.1..' .. .- v.i i i i ...,,,i. r,. of the Pence of Northumberland county for License for Taverns and Kestaurunts, Arc: John Leiser, petitions for tavern license in thn borough of bunbury, old stand. John Weaver petitions for tavern license iu Trevorion, Zeibo township. Martin K. Hucher, petitions for restauraut license, in the borough of riuubuiy, un old Jacob D)victor, pptitious for restauraut license, iu the towo uf Trevorion, Zerbu town ship. Matlhins D. Eohner, pelillona for tavern li cense in Little Mahonny township, new stand. (ieorgcS. littrr, petitions for tavern license, in the town of Trevorion, Zerbe township, an old stand. Henry J. Strouse, petitions for the sale of spirilous, vinous, brewed and nialt Liquors in quantities not less than a gallon, in tho town or Trevorion. Zerbe township. Ira '1'. Clement, petitions for the salo of vinous and spiritous Liquors in quantities not less than a gallon, in the borough "I Sunbury. UA.Mbli lil'itM-liii 1 TOin v. Protlionotury's Oflice, 1 Sunbury, lnc. 5, ls.t", J Estate of John Haughawout, dec'd. Joseph Ilaughuuout, vs. Tho Heirs of John Haughawout, deceas ed. Writ of Puitition aud valuation issued out of the Orphans' Court of Northiiinbtr- j land county NOTICE- To tho heirs and legal repre sentatives of John lluiiRhnwout, deceased. You nro hereby notified that, by virtue of the above writ to me directed, and inquest will be held at the lato residence of said Johu Haughawout, deceased in ltush town, ship, Northumberland county, on Hat unlay the 2bth dav of Hecember next, ut 1(1 o'clock A. M.ifor tho purposo of inakin? Partition nt' nr la value aud flnnrnife tho Ueal Kstute of said deceased, at which time and place you may attend iTvou think proper. JAM KS V A N 1) Y K H, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Bunbury, ) November 'J5, 1S57. j 1337. FALL & WINTER GOODS ! 1S58. A-T IP. "W- O-I-A.'Y'S FANCY DRY GOOD STORE, llai'ket Square, Sunbury. "VOW received and will rot.titiue to receive ' the largest and best selected Slock of Muck Cloths, Ca.nmeres, Lasttiulls und Vesting, ur. An assorlinent or Press Coods. via: Fani y printed Calicos, (.'billies, piinled Lawns, Pe Lain U.trcges, Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapacas, Prist frilks, Oiut'tiams, &c LINEN AND WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, fthect ing, i'tllovvcaseing, 4c. Dress Trinimings in Great Variety. Uoots and Slnies Hats and Caps, Hardware, Cedarware, Uroceties, lJueensware. SALT and FISH, Cheese, Crackers, Segars, Tobacco. IS n u If, &c, an assoismetit of other Gomls too tedious to mention. Feeling crateful for past favor vfe beg leave to assure our old friends and the public that no ellort on our part rhall be wanting to merit a continuance of our patronage. Country produce taken iu exchange at the htuheet market price. P. W.CItAY. Sunbury.Pee. 12 1857 If SHERirF SALE. Y virtue or a certain writ of Yek. V.xr. to ii me directed, will be e posed to public sale at the Court House iu Suubury, on Monday tho 4lhday of January, 185, at 1 o clock 1'. M the following described property to wit 1 A eertaiu Tract of niece of Land, situate in Shamokin townshin. Northumberland county ailioinins lauds of Charles Pimmig, on the south, Jacob Mouroron the west, John Fisher on the north and Peter Persing on the east, contaiuin: 1HS Acres more or less, whereon art erected a two story frame House large bank Uarn, wagou house and coin crib, out buildiuga. orchard, 4-c Heixed taken into eiecution and to be sold at the frP"ty JtaseJIIenayl. JAMES VANDYKE, 8he.ilt BlrerilPa ofl'ice, Bunbury, ) December P, 1H67. PURE CONCENTRATED LVD OR SA l POMKIEK, for sale at flsiiER'd Drug Store. Price 20 ee. October 81, !&.. LIST OP JURORS' For Northumberland Counly, for Iho January Term, A. ) 18."8. GRAND JURORS. 1 Samuel Borivor. Lewis. 'I Jacob Fry, t'hilisqtinrpirt, 3 John M. Patton, Miltnn, 4 Samuel Grant, Sliamokiti. ft Simeon Ilopner, Lower Muhonoy, (i Joseph Hnghes, Lcwii, 7 John Nicely, Peluwarp, 8 Jacob PevtiU, Lower Augusta, 3 l'rcd'k Hans, jr., Coal, 10 Jamas Newbury, Point,' 11 Henry Weaver," llelawuro, 12 Peter Snuffer, 13 Jacob Mowry, Coal, 14 .Martin Kishel, Chilisqufifni 15 Mathins Uohner, Little Mokonoy, lli James ltothermtl, Delaware, 17 Joseph Lvert, " 18 Samuel Euskirk, Millon, 1'.) John Jlolf, Shamokin, John Mutehh r. " 'Jl Wui. H. Cheritifrton, Coal, 22 JameS Cnlhearil, JHlnwore, T. Samuel J. C'nbey, Tttrbut. 21 Audretv Peifh ndei fer, Suiibnry. TRAVERSE JURORS. 1 Henry Unas, Upper Muhonoy, 2 Wm. Amnteriniiu, SlminnUin, 3 P. P. .Montgomery, Lewis, 4 Wm. L. Montgomery, " 5 Jacob llciter, Norlhumburland, 6 Michael Arnold, Lower Augusta, 7 Philip Fullmer, Turbut, 8 Chus. Truckcrmiller, Delaware, t) Jacob Crawford, Delaware. Ot D. li. Leinbach, " 11 Michael Power, Jackson, 'l Peter Pohuer, Coal, 13 Henry Couhlcr, Milton, 14 Solomon Mart, Shamohiu, 15 John StiUel, Delaware, 1G Jonathan ltishcl, Cliilisriunquo. 17 Jos Fegcr, Washington, lb John P. Snyder, Milton, l'J (j'eorgo W. Evnncc, " 211 Win. Michael, Lower Mahonoy, Samuel lteuder, Kush, 22 John Caldwell, Coal, 2:1 Chns. Hot hernial, Washington, 24 Jacob l'agely, Lower Augusta, 25 Simon lloupt, Zerbe, 20 Alexander Porter, Sunbury, 27 Johu U. Fry, " '23 David Fagely, Shamokin, 2'.) Charles Gosnlcr, Lower Augusta. :ill Albin Hiifjhes, Hush, i 31 Samuel llothormel. Little Mahonoy, 32 Jacob Yordy, Zeibo, .id George Henn, n ushington, 34 John Pest, Chilis(uaiue, 35 Jacob Sliiinm, Turbut, 30 Daniel Wolf, 87 Duniel Fisher, Upper Angusla, 53 Jos. Hoover. Shamokin. fj V'onps iieitz, ashniKton, id Sutnuul Pejssel, jr.. Upper Mahonoy, 'A Jacob Helme, Cr'.huuibcrlduJ, ;2 Penjaniiii llendiicks, Sunbury, ill John Tucgart, Lewis, 14 Able Gibbins, Point, f Geo. Christinei!, Lewis, 5 Daniel Hans, Sunbury, i Daniel Keller, Shamokin, i Isaac IScidclspuch, Poitit. l'ETIT JURORS. .. Jacob 1 feller, Rush, I Aaron Hcckman, Lewis, V Wm. Persing, Upper AHiiUSlrt, llenj. Cateruiiii), Lower Mahonoy, ' Peter Pordner, " " Kli Keeler, Upper Augusta, John Kohr, Mil ton, (David Clatk, Point, '.John Foy. Lower Aupufln, HAVilson Hertshiser, Delaware, llWtn Fingbon, Lower Muhouoy, 12'm. Mursclman, Sunbury, lXieo. Weiser, " llSamuol Keeler. Lower Augusta, 1 Muh n Yernel, Mt. Carmel, Itlieorge Kohrbacb, Sunbury. 1 7 iuiuucl J. Houswert, Lower Augusla, lStoburt Wilden, Milton, 1!) lenry Arnold, Lower Augusta, 20 lias l'rosious, Suubury, 21 ohn libling, Jordan, 22 t'otgo Eucher, Sunbdry, 23 Viu. CI. Fullmer, Turbut, 24 Arahaui Geist, Upper Mahonoy, 25 lr.j Hoover, Upper Auguota, 20 tiiiitini: cnsel, Jordau, , 27 in. T. Grant, Suubury, 2d 'm. Hoover, " 29 1 N. McWilliams, Shamokin, 30 Jin P. Heller, Cbilisipiaque, 31 Arou Gaston, Lewis, 32 P or t. Campbell, Milton, 33 dries llacon. Upper Augusta, 31 Ue Hertz, Milton, 35 Wi. Sainptil. Delawaro, 30 Arlrew Kulz, Chilisquaque. Est of THOMAS GKANT, dee d. V OTJE is hereby given to creditors and othe iritsted, that the Orphans' Court of .orihs inuberliid county have appointed the subsciitx-r Auditoro distiiimtc the monies iu tho hands of .1. 11. Xnuiermaii, Administrator of Thomas Grant, tfcacd, to arid aiiiouir thoe legally enti tled, li will attend lor that purpose at hi office in the ll'ouijli ol fcSunmirv, oil Monday, Pectin ber SSlliiiKt., at 10 o'clock -VrM. Crcditorsare caiitioiu it is not sufficient lo have i-iveu their vIjiu aud iiceoiiuts to the Administrator, but Iheynust lieo that they eio jireMMited lo the j .titiliiiir i the lime appointed, and dntv proved, j otlierwtsctey will not be included lit the Uistrt- btitiou. : JNO. K. CLEMENT, Auditor. Suubui, Die. 5, 1857. BROJOWAY FAMILY GROCERY ! Flouri'cod and Provision tore; llmiiruii In-low niavlberry Street. L1YI SEASHOLTZ, 1 ESI 11 1 T L l.l.l informs the citizens Sunbiy and vicinity that he hus ju.l re- ceived a lli and choice supply uf GP.CdlSPJES, consisting i part of Hams, Shoulders. Markerel. Herrins, Wite FUh, Cod Fi-'h, Walt Presetved Fruit, Pickli, Crackers, Cheese. .Molasses, Rice, Sugar, Colli, (nein, roasted and ground.) Un- perial. Yotsj Hyson, Gunpowder and Wilt Teas, Cedt-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, brusliei. plow and will lines, boots and shoes tobacco. segars, Actogether with every arO.le usually lounu in a ua class uroccry oimo, uu oi iiuu will lie sold nthe lowest prices, cither for cash or country prodce. ' He has also prepared to sup ply the citizes with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pica; pretxrls and ties of every kind. N. 11. Thetigbest ca4i prices will be paid for bultor and egt, corn, oats, rye and wheat. Wunbnry, pi. 5, 1857. . i- A. J- l'-v r,'trlll",f T 1,1 JvJVlVlr -JJj-LjI 4Vj1V Sttcn.C! nt i'aiu, Practices inNorthumbcrlaiid and enjoining Counties. ; Sunlory, Ncml er 21, 1867. - If PKOCLAMATION- NOTICE is hereby given ihnt the eovera Courts of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of thn peace, and Oprhans' Cmvl. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court Hi use, iu the borough of Sunburv, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, tht Ith day" of JANUAKV next, and will eontinu.v TWO WEEKS. The coroner. Justices of Ihe Peace and consta bles in and for tho county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and' there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those lldmrs lo their several offices appertaining to be done And el witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Commonl wealth eirainst any prisoner are also requeued and commanded lo be then and thero attending in their proper persons to prosecute nfrfiiftst him, as rhall bo juHt and not to drpart without leave at thHr peril. Jurors are requested to lie punctual in their attendance, at Hie time appointed agrcrablo 19 their notices. Given under my hand at Siinhiiry, the 1st day of December in Ihe year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and filty-scicn and the Intlo. peiulencc or the United Stales of America th e:d. God save the Commonwealth. J AMES V A NPVKJJ, Sheriff. Sherill "s Office, A'imlriiry, j December I. HJ57. Estate cf Barbara". Balliet, Dec'd- John F. Dcmltr, "J Writ of Partition V?, and valuation issued The heirs ofl'arbcra joitt of tha Orphans' Palliet, deceased, j Court of North'd. Co. NOTICE To the TLirs wul Ictinl rtprt aentntires of fiar ini a LttilUl, tUcewtul. You are hereby notified, that by virtue nf the above writ to me directed, nn inquest will be held nt the Sheriff's Office in Sunbury, on Suturday the 2nd day of January next, be tween the. hours or G and 10 o'clock, P. M., Tor tho purpose or unking Partition of or valuing uud appraising the Real Estate of utid deceased, to wit : or a certain Pounty Land Wui rant, issued by the United States or America, Under the Act or March Ctb( 1H.")G, dated July 17th, 1850. No. 84,250 Tor 100 acres or Government Land, onto the said Parbnra Hallit-t, widow ot Jacob Palliet a Cuptain in tho llcvolutionnry War, With the appnrlotiances, Arc. At which time ond pluce you may attend iTyou see t roper. J AM KS V ANDYKE, Stiff. Sheriff's (.nice, Sunbury, ) November 25, 1S57. ) I'oi lvaulliig and Transportation! From Philadelphia and Trtvorton. 7El!Cll ANTS ami business men of Trevor-'- Ion and vicinity, ca:t have their -Merchandise and other Goods shipped through from l'hilad'.'lphia lo Trevotton and Port Trcvorton, and all intermediate places on the Jline, by send ing to the Central Depot House of FltEED, WAKD& FKEI.'P, No. 811 .Market t?t., aboto Eitihlh Sire, t, Philadelphia. Goods carefully attended to and promptly de livered. FEEED, WAKD & FRKED.Agents. November 7, 1857 3mo3 M is A. 32 '. TO .18 K 15 Successor to Mrs. M. Hill, Fashionable Straw and Fancy Milliner No. 403 (old No. 3-i) North Second Street, be. low Noble, opposite Tied Lion Hotel, Philad'a. tS" Pattern Bonnets made to order. Milll ncry in all its various branches. A call respect fully solicited, October 3, 857. 3wr3m AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST. BAKEK'S iiahm tiips ! iiaiiu;t m rin.pY ! Flil.iri;fiitc-iil Fnlaiu-intsab. 1 I Tho Cbeopest in the World, i "rt iniuius to each Subscriber. I Every Fanner iu'eretied. Also, every Small Plot Owner. To meet the increased value of 1! AKKIl money consequent upon the "Paid DOZEN. J lines, the publisher ul tie A me- IIICAJI AliRlIt LTl HIST is batlpV ito announce that he ::js ini-reatid iilie pais of ibis staunch old jcur , one-third, aud doubled tho In- triiihic value. Each number will :bereiifier contain 32 double quarto jiages, tilled with plain, practical -j. t-i.. r.i riliaio information, of exceeding value to every one w ho eultivati s ' " ' a Farm, a Garden ;tr but the suial- (lest plot of ground. ! Lai ics, each volume of llie Agri- Vulturiist will contain hundrrs cf excellent practical hints ufOn every i l i .,r i.. i ii... B diVe llolJ Work- I Eefide furnilhing the hirers! lainount of really useful iiilbrmnliou i prepared by a great number of prac tical working men and women, tha riciilturiol U now the larccn BAKERV DOZEN. Journal of its chaiacter iu tlie) world, but owing to the itiimensu circulation, it ean still be affoided I . at one dollar a year, or for einhlv kents each to clubs of ten ir more, i A UAKF.KS DOZLN. or 11 months will be rent for tho usual price of 12. to all cuUeriLera !lor lfijS, (Vol. XVII), that is. all isingle or club subscribers for 1M53, Ubo subriber now, will .receive , 1-T.-I;.v,1,,e tw" very valuable numbers for , November and December, ur Ihia 'i,,iycar. Without extra charge, I Vuluab f Srtti ririiiluiuS iu tttrf Snlsc.ihtr fir 158. I A large IWr of aluiible Field, jfjarutn and Flower See.'s Will In patented to the subscu'era lor vol. 'utue 17, rrom which every aubscri 'ber will be aUoned to chuose threo jpackoges without tl.ire ! The seed will alone he wo'.th the sub- j 'sctipllon price to many persons. I I Send iu votir nanu s at once, and T AKEIt'Si:he succeetling numbers promptly i DOZEN, Iuihiii the first d iy of each mouth. Inulil the end of ISM. The best remedy for tho Hard Time" will be to learn from .'.Rii cullurin tlie It t nnhles of iticress lint! the products of Jour Fields, 'Gaidens, Orchards, Ac. Ti n us m AuvAsrt. $1 a year ,(or 14 mouths now). Six copies, 'lor 5. Ten copies tor H. jOHANGK JUPD, Publisher. le3 Water-btiett, N. Yofil P. S. TO PENNSYLVANIA-:,. Pt'iiiiKV Ivoni Farm Jouraal has lxfi 2'he oflmeiaeU inlo the American AariculliiiiM, an the Agiiculturiet is now peculiarly tha papes ' for Pi'imsvlvaiiU Famera. j .Kfw-mh"J'lr. I VHEATLiY'S ARCH ST. THEATRE. ; AKL'll fV. ABOVE SIXTH, PHILAD'A. I ryn(. p,,,. Company. compoi-eJ er :'.e fir.' j 1 AniiKt the world, anJ tteieii in g(rt,n(,lU allJ palenl any Pramafie t ombinatioii ' liereU,forc 0n', red to the Thcalii. al Public, will , fye niht ; Com(.jv l s,f-v, Seriov -K Vt Vaudevilles. Music! Mariettas, cVc, it. When visiting the city, go there. Oct St, 1857. ly " flour ! xvLotjrrt! FORSALK DY M. C. GEAR1IART. Sunbury, 5ept.5, 1S57. FURNITURE rOLISHi 8- RAJ'S Premium Patent Enamel Furniture ! Polish This polish is highly valuable for re.t ring the polish on all kinds or r urntture, (.rata Carriage liodies, H-ir Cloth, Ac. A Is", for re moving spots, hi. linn sciiiti hes, Ac , A c. War' ranted to dry in mediately and retain its glesa. Price 60 cU. per bottle. ' Sold by A. V. rpllER. March H, Ur. .1