Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 02, 1858, Image 1

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NEW SERIES, YOL. 10, NO. 41.
The Sunbury American.
Market Sjuare, Sunbury, Vnna.
TWO unLLAIll nr annum to be paid half year.
1y in advance. Nor-Arxa discontinued until all arrearages
are pniu.
Three Copies to one ndilrcss - 8 8 00
SWeii d i. do. .... in PO
Fifteen do. do. .... no 10
Five dollars in advance will pny for three year's sub
acrintion to lite Auicrieiin.
i oainmstfrii will plrnine act ns eur Amenta, and frank
letters coulHiliuijr suescnriion money, incy are pcium
ted to do tin. under the Post Ollice I.hW.
tciimi of advertising;
One Square of VI lines' 3 times, ...
Kery subsequent insertion, ...
Cue Hijuare, U moiitlis, .....
Six n.ouilis, .......
Oik year, ........ Cards or Five lines, per annum,
Merchants and tln;rB, udve: tising by tla. year,
Willi the privilcHcof
tiscment. weekly.
C?" Largci Advertisements, ns per rgrecmcnt.
SI 00
3 m
5 00
8 00
3 0J
10 CO
Wc have connected with eur CNtitllieliment a well in'
lectcd JOB Ol'KlC'i:, which wil' enable us to e.tecui
I lie neatest style, every vuntly of printing.
ZZ 3 AA!3Cj2liIs
Bmine attended tain the Counties of Nor
thumberland, Union, Lycoming Monlour end
References in Fhitnitfyhta :
fTi'n. Jo'. R.Ttsnn, Clmn. Gihl.nnj, Esq..
Burners k Snncuirnss, I.isr., r-mitli Ic Co.
Hi ESrECTt L'LLY informs iho citiiehs o!
1 cij of Lower Atteusta township and the pub-
I'.c generally, that lie has pure -based the Store
lately kept by Ii'inc Mart;, in Lower Acgusta
township near Eincricli's Tavern, und just
opened a splendid flock cf
Pali ami Y4 later
ITis stock consists of Cloths, Can itnercs, Cacai
r.ettaof all kinds, linen, cotton end Worsted.
Also, Calicoes, Ghtrrhams, Lawns, Moiisseliue
JJe I. nines iind all kinds of Ladies Dicss Coo. Is.
GROCERIES?, Uardwaic, Quccnswarn ol vi
lions styles anil pitlerni.
Also, on assortment of Ready-Made Clothing
cf all descriptions, Bo ils and fShoe?, 7ats and
Cups. SMLT FISH. &c, and a variety of
other articles such as ore suitable to the trade,
all of which will he cold nt the lowest prices.
C3T Country produce taken in cNchango at
the highest market prices.
Lower Augusta ttvp., October '0, IS&7. tf.
ivtinvT i.kei;i, esm:.t?r.
r JI'I.S Grease h recommended to the notice of
L Warners, Livery .Siubln keeper:, Ac., U3
hting Scvkuiwi to any thiiir; of tins Kind eve in
troduced. As it docs not gum upon thenxhs
is much more durable, und is not effected by
the weather, remaining the same in summer af
in winter, and put up in tin canisters nl H?J and
70 cents, tor sale hy A. VV. J'1-"11L1.
Wr.rc!i 1.1. ISe7.
7VT". O. KIM HALL, lata of Llmira, hnvinT
brcomc a resident of Suiil'iiry, rospectfully
i.iforms the citizens otid o'i!.r:s, l!i..t he iniemU
to f. rin a .Singing Cliss, both seculur r.nd sncrr d
and will impLitt instruction to all v ho ctay desire
to place tliemsulvcs under his chrrgs.
N. IJ Mis. 0. Kimball is prepared to giv
J-.structiont to a few more pupils un the Piano
Kmibury, S-ef tcnil er 19, 1 S37. tf
Xew risllaflelivltta try tftootSs!!
liTB Eitiiiri.Esa it Soy,
HAVE removed to their new store, N. W.
corner of Uhcsnut and 8th Streets, and
have opened their usual full assortment of Au
tumn and Winter LUY CiOODS, which they
offer at very low prices. Their stock includes
Shawls, 2la;k and Funcy PilUs, Merino's und
other Dress Goods, Men's mid Uov's
Wear, Ulankcts, I lousekcepiug
Ciooil i, and (iaoJ. for
TienOs Wear."
C.t. 51, 1857. Ptn'ic
fcUNEUHY Steam riotJEiNa hill.
rjlHE subscribers respectfully announce to the
public, that their new Steam flouring Mill
in this place, has been completed, and will go
into opernlijii on Monday the ?tol day of Au
gust, inbt.
Havinj enforce! a competent r.nd .careful
Miller, they trust they will bo able, nilli all the
riiodern improvements adopted in their mill, to
give entire satisfaction to nil who may favor them
with their r.etnin.
Sunbury, August 23, 1GT.7 tl
cjueciissoii To
J. O. CAM PlICcL & CO., A.MJ h. C. IVF,
(Formerly No. 15 North Wharves.)
GETABLES, No. 4 North harves, 4lh door
Market street, Philadelphia.
OranjjM, Apples, Dried Fruits Eulter,
Leinotiw, Onions, Mercer Potatoes, Cheese
Kaisins, Tomatoes, riweet Potatoes, Beans,
Pea Nuts, Peaches, Cranberries Ejjss &c.
Orheri for Shipping put up with care and dis
patch. 7 GOODS sold on commission fur Farmers
. and Dealers.
October 24. 1S57.
The $10 end CIS Single and Double
Threaded Empire Family Sewing
VN AGENCY for the salo of these Sewing
Machines can be secured on liberal terms for
the County of Nir!hmn!nrUirid. No one noed
apply with jut capitul sutl'icient to conduct the
badness pr.'perly anJ who cannot Wina rear,
itnces as to reliability and capacity. A personal
application v.iU be nccesi-ary.
The peculiar adaptation of these Machines for
ail purposes of f amily Kewinjr, will, where ever
tl.oy 'aro oilered for solo cominanJ a ready and
unlimited deniand.
S. E. Corner of fllh und Arth Sis., PlnladU'a.
August 15, 1807. If
FLANK Dec.U, Mortgaaes, Bonds, Warranls
JI AMai UnienH, Coiniiiilinents, S'ummons, Su
P'enas, Kxcu:i'r.a, Justices' and C'liiMablm
JVj UilU, cVo., Ac, can U had by Piljinfc' a
f I YfUiOLEUM PAINT8. Tlie painUare
mixed with water, tharoty saving the cost
of ell, fur aale j
Ur.hH 'er, . -rtA. W.ri6HER.
Select )0clrg.
Matrimony is a nut
For every man's digestion j
AY hen the shell is fairlv cracltoJ,
Pop ! goes tho question.
Pretly girl will siKh and blush
Kim per oil they tun, sir
Till, from out their pouting lips,
Pop ! goes the answer.
Cupid fans the holy flame
Rankest kind of arson
When it gains a certain height,
Pop goes tho parson.
Quite throughout the honeymoon
Msde of rory colors
Into sumhy dry goons tills,
Pop 1 goes tho dollars.
When a year has shown its tail,
Round the corner, (mnv be,)
Uut tipon the hnppy world
Pop I goes a baby,
Mother pivss it cnlnlp tea,
Father ives it brandy,
Aududnwn :1s gastric tube,
J'P ! (Jl'Cs llic can J;'.
Madame lets hrr husband f "old,
r-be must be the whi; per;
An-I, tbove the youngacr's heels,
J'c.jilgoes the slipper.
Eacl e!or, who lives next door,
Stan Is it for a reason;
Put, bi fore the year is out,
Pep? goes hiarcuson.
Maiden lady, up the stairs,
Stamps, each moment foiter.
Til!, from the, ceiling underneath,
Pop! goes the planter.
Dirty, ragged little b .y.
'Ncuth tlio window litiera.
Thumb applied unto his nose,
Pop ! yo the fingers.
A ii aro-..nd the ncinb.boihouj
!-'uch antics are. cnuctetl :
And, while mani'na is'scolding him,
Pop! goca distracletl.
V l V v I I 1 1 1 1 I 'V A t n1
A TKHE I'ldtlV (IF OlHCf.VslANIlAL KVIt'l.'SCri.
"A Memher of tho Mississippi Unr" fur
tiihf s ll-.e New Orbnns J.'illa with l!rj fo!
lowing itilercstin nnrrutivu:
Thn ciicuin.-iUinci.-3 which I nnj ribottt to
relate tniiiipired . few ugo, und aru
t;tv(.-ii to tho f.i.'M at the t upsoslitiij of u
ycti'l jniuti of Nw O: Il'.iii:-, f; ietidihip
1 Liirt L!y u!ut, mid lo whom 1 nunaltd the
stimi' in cu.-iial conwrsuliuti on tho LuUe, n
low i.t;o.
1 was atteiiditig tho Circuit Court of lLo
Stato of, ht-U! in and i',.r the oi tin-
ty cf ,i:i tho autumn ol win n,
amen;; other plcn.s lor tho iijuto, there was n
bill of iml.'fttnRut for urron nuinst Ldinlio
rou:'h, n sluvo. The JuJ;;o who presided
was u cunt!, :na;i of lurgi- ioiirnitijr and is.
t Hided lentil o.vptri' Hie, :ind hr still lives to
enj'iy tho itwatus of u hijh pioUsaioual ru
putu a. t!m capital city of Mississippi.
Tins accused was u nativo Alrican, und was
the property of a gentleman of tho county in
which tho bill was found. Tho nrsou "was
laid in the destiuction of the pin-houso of
his nnioter tho pkn was not gui'ty, wheii a
jury w as ouipuimek'd and tho cause proceeded
to trial. The prosecution was conducted by
the District Attorney, while the dcl'oncu was
under tho management of otio of t'nc most
thardighly rend lawyers i,f uur iSlate, as
sisted by his son, a young lawyer then in the
opening pruuii.-o of u Liilliitnl future, 'i'lie
evidence on the part of tho iStato disclosed
thu fiillo'ving facts :
That a few days previous to tho 'uurninp,
ths defurdant had run uwuy upon some iusuf.
licient ciiuse ; that tho day before thu fire,
which occurred between r.iidm'ht uiid day.
lipht, too dc!'endat:t had been teen lurking
about in the vicinity of the yin ; that an in
uQVctual ultiuupt was then inado to capture
him ; that the overseer and a portion of the
hands hud been cngnyed at tho gin till a lato
hour the night of the tiro, packing cotton and
loading wagon for drain! (Ju!f; that when
they left fur the 'ouaiter,' tin y left every
thing, as they supposed, F ife at the cin ; that
when the alarm of firo was made, the force
was carried to the gin, and an attempt made
tn subdue tho Uauies, which proved abortive ;
that suspicion immediately f.-ll upon the de
fendant, ti cm th-f fact of his being a fugitive,
uud thut he had been eoen in the vicinity the
day pievi ius; au J that, upon that supposition.
a more vigorous search was institutid, and.
after a diiigent pursuit of about i!n lionr and
a null, tho Ueletidunt wus discovered in a cot
tou -house, uboul a milo fiuni tho gin, in an
udjacent t:eid. Thut I:u was then whipped,
but not for tho purpose of ind ieit:g cenfes
mod, but uj a puiiislitnent for tunning away.
That alter that, and whi!n on the way to llio
quarter, the delendunt had volunlnrdy con
lisied that Lo burned the gin ; that ho set it
on lira with a view of implicating a negro on
tho plantation who had incurred his animosity.
1 he evidence for the Stata closed after in
trodueing thu negro to prove that tbn deft lid
aut did owe hmi a grudge for sonio cause,
not necessary here to l.c detailed.
Tho defeuco ofl'ered no evidence and the
argument proceeded The District Attorney
opened the prosecution by a brief reference
to the facts aud tho law applicable to the
same The counsel for the defendant, eini
nent for high legal attainment, presented a
powerful eerh.s ol'urgumeut and hypotheses,
inconsistent with tho conclusion ' of guilt.
TLo law was giveo in charge by the Court,
and the jury rendered a verdict or guilty. A
motion wus made to set aside the verdict aod
grant a new trial, for a variety of causes, and
lifter a lubored argument was overruled.
'I he nest day tho prisoner aud uuother,
abo was couvicted of murder, were placed at
the bar to receive the sentence of deathv The
Court having regularly pronounced judgment
upon lha murderer, then said to liuiubo
rough :
' i.j.nborou;h, stand op 1 Yoa have been
regularly indicted, tried by a jury or your
own selection, aud by them fouud guilty of
tho crime of arson. The punishment fur that
crime i death. You have had able counsel,
who have conducted your causa with unniis
taUablo skill and ability; but if yoa have
anything tj say v.hy tho judgment of this
con: I hhnuld Hut be pronounced, the law gives
y.n i.bei ty to t peak lor yourseir wbut hare
y.n to sny J"
The negro eovunced a step or two, so as
to lac.- the stand, uud expressed his tli.iuUs
to ".MiiHSa i!ey." for it appears be had
often seen mid beard Of the Judge, and it was
quite natural that be should so address bita.
Said bet
"Massa Wiley. Edinborotigh plnd lio got a
chance to speak for lice elf, case, Massa Wiley,
Kdiuborongh no burneo de gin, Dnt tiipger
tell jon lie, when he say Kdmborongh burneo
do gin, to git he buck whipped. Edinboroiigh!
old nipper, he git drunk, overseer whip hint,
den Ldinborongh do bad thing, he run away.
Eerry bad ! but Edinboroiigh no burneo do
gin l,o fieo do gin dat doy. Young inrtssa
und overseer tell truf, dey did sec mo dat uuy,
but 1 hide in de swamp till night, and den go
t do cotton and git under do cotton to
keep wurtn. Kdinborotigh wonted to ge back
to he innssa house, but he 'feared so he stay
in do cotton bouse. Uymeby, night come on,
Kdinborotigh see niggers go to gin, and want
to go dur, but bo 'feared tie overseer whip
him. Negtir pack cotton, negur load mo
wagon, go to do (irnnd Gulf, negnr snioko
pipe and hab leelie fire to warm him Gngers
when me get cold. Xegur fctny long time,
don when Febon stars night ober he head, he
go to quarter.
"All dis time Editiborough Iny in do cotton
houso, aud presently ebery ting still,
Kdinborough look towards do giti and see
big light. Light pit bigger. Deu Kdinl o
rough Buy lo he self, you go put fire out no,
dou day say EiiinborougL buinee do gin. .So
1 stay in cotton house, nnd nfler while, E liu-
ooiouyti liear oberacer and iuns3 Henry
comin. Day sny, 'ho hero,' odo say uo, ih.ti
dey p:iy, let's Kiok in do cotton house; mid
so dey li:;d J.'.diuborou;,li in do cotton
Obeisotr whip inc. for run unay dat nii,ht.
Den when we goin to do quarter, iviinborntigh
link wid Iks'.U', dat if lie my 'J-'dinborotigh
blllliea do gin," deti do oi.eiseer no thip
c.i3u den ho hub good i xciito to Mii'sa, Ho
1 lay, 'Edinbtrcugh bnrneu de gin,' ni:d den
dey bring mo way and lock up in big house.
But, Masa Wiley, Kdiiiboioiih tell lie v. In n
ho say Ediiiburoiig'i bnnit-o do gin, ease
Kdinborotigh uo burneo do gin. Dat sin
ki.'U'h lire from di m beg:;: !m. s :iiu! ilat,
let-tie dor h-avn dt-iv. J,;. I, M.i'S AY iter.
hdinl-errnic'h old negur, let titn di"
l!ut ho uo biitueo do cin. Ki
; r.r count,
been on de Eayoti Pierre lung tinm
lilt no
couni now ;or iiniio c-..;toi!, let um
di' lut.
ho i:o I'lirnee de gin, i to.
Tho defendant" continued nf'.cr that manner,
in Ins brouen lingo, for tn hour and a ball,
and seemed ptiitictilutly niixinus to fonvinee
thu Court of the truth of what hi; said, lie
did not seem to hope for uiiything, r.t.d
seeined per.'ectly unconcerned as to the event.
ilis style Was uncouth, his gesticulation nn
pas.siout d und wild, und his whole npp.suranco
foi bidding, lie took his seat, wiliunit sei-in-
1HU' eotiscioti.-i of thu fact that the numerous i
auditory hud been inti -rti d, and that a prent
majority of them were conviiii ed, irnot of his
innocence, at (east that tl.ero v usi leasonuble
doubt of bin guilt. The Coutt seemed tuucii
allected, and usked the District Attorney if
iu had any thing to sny in reply. Tho At-
tortn v, with niiicb suriirisi". said '-No. that
he deemed it uniiecesrary that it va., I
; i
tiippost ii, nirre fovnnda to givo the I'cfend
unt opportunity to epenk."
Then, said tho Court, he hns improved that
opportunity. Alter a pause, ho t-aid to the
"Eiiiiiborough, you httva sl;a'eli greatly my
entiVR'lioii ol your guilt and not for any
tiling l.uil in the mo. iou lor new timl, but
from your own unswer ut this bur to dnv, I
will change my ruling upon tho motion : I
will t,rani you a new triul."
Tiib large crowd breathed eaiier and rree.,I
and many a heart went forth in its kindliest
sympathies to meet uud coaitnune with tho
cLariiy wh eh dictated such high-toned cle
mency on the part of Wiley P. Harris. Up
on a second trial tho negro was acquitted
thus vindicating tho wisdom of tho Judge.
1 huvu read too I'hiliipics of Detnorthenes,
the orations of Cicero the efforts of Buike;
with youthful euthtisia.-ini 1 have lingered
upon tho masterly del'enco of King Charles
bisforo the High Commission ; have been
touched with the pathos of the "blind preach
or," in the British Spy j ha.o f .-It all of a
hoy'i pnttiolism bum within tne while reading
alter our own Henrys, Lees, Lowtnleses,
t!lays, Websters nnd Calhoun and have
alternately v.ept and shunted beneath the
cl.-ar and silvery eloquence of Prentiss but
1 must say that, under all the circumstances,
this rude, nnh tlnred riietoric und and natural
pathos of the African tlave, fascinated mo
beyond description.
The evenings are now long, end sometimes
dreary to youth, even with ull the r-ading to
tho taste, unless they tiro relieved by harm
less games and entertainments, especially
where little companies aro assembled. The
following sports, communicated to the Ohio
Cultivator, by Ai rs. Josephine C. Batehuni,
n lady of eminent domestic virtues, will not,
at this ti ne, be received by thu younger por
tion of our leaders, with disaatMuctKin, pro
vided there is anything new u'oout ll,m.
HfST tub Klu'I-kk. Tho company khonld
be sealed in a, circle on tho floor or ground,
with their faces to tbaecntio; uud the but ter
standing outside, mnrt throw u clq ;:
into the tnidflle i f the circle. This ii sizt-il
by somo ono, and passed raj Idly fi ,un hand
to hand, whenever the hunter's back is turn
ed. If ho succeeds iu finding r.nd seizing the
slipper, the onl in whose hands it is found,
inn .-I pay a foil', .t und bo the next hunter.
When a good opportunity i flei a, too siipper
heel id tapped two or three times on the i'. ior
or ho receives a m:ii t blow from it, which
only serves to mystify the hunter, us by the
time he has reached the spot, it has probubly
traveled half round the circle.
Iu unother form of this game, Cm players
stand instead of sit, and always puss thu slip
per behind tluui. Tho hunter f lauds .in the
centre, nnd keeps his eyes closed till the
Slipper has commenced its journey, wheu
some otiobids him "hunt the slipper. ''
Tim BtNDi.Es. This i3 the modem form
of "Tag," and suited only to out door play
or a Tory largo room. AVitii these accommo
dations it 13 oue of the liveliest g nines we
ever played. The players must be of an even
number, and formed in n double ring, a short
person iu front of a taller one, and ull facing
the centre. Each couple thus forms a "bun
dle." Two persons are then chosen, one to
run aud touch the other. The pursued must
run and place hinihelf lo front of one of the
bundles, which is thuj composed of three per
sons, which is not allowable. The outside
one of the this must therefore run to avoid
being touched, and J lacu himself iu front ol
soma other bundle, tho ouiiido one of whom
urn at of course run ui before. When ono is
touched, ha takes the place of the pursuer,
who is chased iu bis tarn. Tho aim of the
pursuer, is al.vajs to fiudtba bundle of three,
and to touch tho third ; but the changes are
so constant, as to often greatly perplex the
pursuer, miKb Jo the uuii.iatiou of the game.
What's My Thoiout Likb? For a quiet
game, this is an excellent one. The leader
having thought of an object, proceeds, with
out nveuliiig it, to uok euvh one, "Whit is
my thought likat" Each replies by men
tioning odis other object. After completing
the circlo, tho toaihr announces bis word, and
calls upon each to explain the roEenibluiico
bo has mentioned, or pny a forfeit. Suppose,
for instance, the lender should have chosen
"lamp," and receive in reply, "apple," "mouse"
"stove," "book," etc.: the explanations might
then be nftor this Bort. Tim lump nnd apple
both contribute to tho evening's enjoyment ;
the lamp nnd mouse roseniblo each other,
because both are dangerous in thu clothes
press; tho lamp nnd stove ore both useless
without o Cro ; the lamp and book both en
lighten mankind, etc., etc.
Tub Comical Concert. -This game when
played with animation, is very amusing. All
stand in a circle, and one plays the violin by
hohiih.T out tho left, arm, aud moving the right
us though drawing a bow across it; nnnther
doubles up his t'.vo hands, nnd puts them to
his mouth to iniiUl? a horn ; another moves
tier lingers as though playing a piano ; ano
ther imitates the bpating of a drum, another
a hnrp, another a hand ovan, etc., each one
nt the same time making a ro'je in imitatiou
of his instrument. All this n-nkep en odd of movements' and Eoundfi.
Jn the centre stands tile leader cf Hie or
chestra, who. while beating titno for the rest,
suddenly calls out, "AYhy don't ycu play bet
ter V Tho ono uddressed must answer in.
ttaut'y, in accotdonco with tho naturo of his
instrument, as' "my drum stick is broken,"
"my piano wants tuning," "n.y harp strings
arc too loose," or anything else that is appro
priate, or, failing to do so, must pny a forfeit.
All stop playing when the question is usked,
and twuu o it after the answer, until another
one is questioned. This gees on until the
leader announces the concert closed.
1'i.y Away, I'luiiort. One person plnces
!,cr fen finger on hr;r knee, and the others put
theirs around it. t;ho then suddenly raises
her itnger, nnd if she says nt the tamo time,
Miy away, pigeon,'" or "lly nwiiy, chicken,"
th.' others must raise theirs in the same man
ner; but if fijio says, -lly nway, lit U," or "Cv
i away, horse, the others must not move theirs
under penalty of a fulfeit ; that is, the lingers
must all r ."t if a creature is mentioned that
cn.'i tiy, and keep qu ct if it cann-il t'.y. Tl.:3
n-quires quick ears and quick thoughts, aud
bungs laughter a ml I'orl'i-iis iu ubuiiilanco.
l!i ov tub i-'i'ATin it. Let. the phvyet-3 sit
in a close group, and soino one f low up n bed
leather. The rule is, that whoever it Lents
upon, must pay a forl'.it ; of course, all blow
t Hermetically lo keep it t IT, till ull get to
laughing, whon the game is closed.
Tin: U'nvii. Uut two persons in the? com
pany should understand tins ".aine, and they
understand It thormiLhlv. ()iu- ol
these should leave the room, while a word is
chosen, and then return and bo seated. The
witch who remained, lises, and tifler making
a few i.,v.i',:o r:ises wilh a wan ). addin ses
the other in different seiitt ucce, t-ucl, ecu.- '
nn i.cing with u consonant in the word, in ro- I
lut inn. Thestf sfcuti-nces she divides by a j
wave of the wand. The vowels are extne'sed I
by thumps ou thu f!o;r with her warni, thuj ; j
a sinj:!!' tiinuip for A. l-,v:i for E. three for 1, 1
lour for O, and five !' r U. S-ipposo tho j
word chosen bo I lutinnti. '1 he witch coin I
mi iices : "Do prepared, my trusty spirit, to i
atnnei- my (.ne.tiouj. " I l'huir.p, ll.timp, ,
thcrtip, ti!u:::p!- a wave of the wi.nd lliun pl
To in -..iwer in v n'K-stiinis. O h'miit. a wave of
tho wnnd.) Mind what vou are about.
(thump.) Notv explain tho oracle. Tl.o
tiiystihcaliou of tLo company is complete.
J. C. 11.
Aaron Bttrr.
A gentleman who spent some time in the
Officii ill ll'i '. lite, rl.-.i I .!.. ..'... I ,.1. ...... l
Barton, the author of a biography, just pub-
lUhed, tho following account ol his habits :
"He rose at tl.o .lav.n. A brea'.lust, of an
egg ami a cup of eolloe aufheed for this itior!
abstemious of men utter which ho Worked
among his lor Some hours before his
clerks and assWtanU arrived. He wus a hard
task-master; he ' kept us nil upon the jump."
All day ho was dispatching and receiving
messages, sending for books, persons and pa
pers ; expecting every command to be obeyed
with ue.t to impossible celerity; iti: piling
every one with hu ownz.-ai. nod gelling a
surprising quantity of work accomplished,
lie was Luriness incarnate," said iny iulor
niai.f About ten in the uveniti" ho w:u!d
. ,1.1. , 1 " , l1, I
tmUrd. I) 111 t;l ;i! R kllie ii i, ntj i.r n-in., 'I'k. ..
bis spirits would rise, uud ho
would eit for
past life, and
hours telling ttoiieg of his
il.uwmg brief and graphic sketches
haraclers with whom !.e hud uet.d.
it! was full of wit und L'avjtv i.t sin-b
time:-: ; -llio liveliest ledow in tho world
"as merry us a boy; ""never melancholy,
never ill nutnred." About midnigbt, or later,
ho would lio down tiprn a hard cout h in the
coi ner of his office, and sieep "like a child"
until tho morning. Iu his personal habits he
v.ns a thorough-going Spin iun; eating little,
dunking little, sleeping little, working liai.l.
He was loud of calculating upon how ntnull
u sum life could bB supported, and Used to
think that ho could livo well enough upon
Seveuty five cents u week."
A StKii.r Stohy kv Dkku.ns. Ilickens teK
'he following story of au Ainericau bea
On his last voyage home thn cap'.aiu had on
board a joting lady of remarkable personal
uttrnclioiij a phrase 1 us as one being en
lirely new, titnl one you never nu t with "in the
newspaper. This yourg lady was beloved
intensely by five young gentlemen passengersl
and in return sIim was in love wiili them al,
very ardently, but without any particular p'ef
eieiice for either. Not knowing how to niuko
up lmr deturiniiiulioti iu ibis dileuma, die
consulted my friend tho captain.
'1 he captain being a limn of an original
turn ol mind says to the young lady: "Jump
overboard, uud marrv the man who lumrs
I-.. . . ' . ; '.
the idea, and beim natundlv fund of ti.kt hirir
ou young luny, shuck wuu
especially in Wurui weather, as it then was,
took thu udvice of ihe captain, who had a
boat niunned in case of uccideiit. Accor
dingly, next morning, tho live lovers being
on deck, uud looking tlevotetily at the younB'
lady, she plunged into tho su head foremott.
Four of the lovers immediately jumped in af
ter ber. When the young lady and her lour
lovers were got out again, she says to the
captuiui-What am t to do with tliem now ;
they are so wett" Say the captain. "Take
the dry one! " And the young lady did, und
she married biui.
C.acv Prospixt for Railroad IJ-jsikhss.
Iliu BadalafN. Y.) Commercial a)s tlo.t
ut presjot i,ll tho ,-ouds fiom lt
point aro crowded to the utmost cap.uily wn B
height, and there is every prospect ol au uto x
aiupi. d l.t'ght bo. mess lor the winter. The
depots are crowded bevond il, c."i-." v.
and uiMch of the large "receipts of Uo'uruud
grain ol lust week ii still uuijou.eJ Some of
tl 19 still afloat. The receipts of Sour on one
day lust week were 3a,0uu barrels t tDoaxb
lo last a railroad quiu a wkile.
' Franco lias a larger population than the
United States, the one being about .15,000,00'),
nnd the olher 28,000,0(10. Yet it is a singn!
tar fuct that, the principal cities of our coun
try generally exceed in size those of tho
French empire. To this rtilo the grent
centre, Paris, forms an exception, of course,
because we liavo no such metropolis, where
tho offairs of n contineut, nay. of the world,
concentrate as ih a focus, 'lint, taking tho
other cities of Franco according to I he census
of lSiiG, and comparing them with thn latest
estimates rf our own population centres, they
stund thus :
M arseilles,
St. l'.lienne,
M i-tz,
An siiers,
202,7.11 Now York, Clo.OOO
23:1,17 1'hilndi lphin, .'ilill.utlO
LI'.t.y.'a Brooklyn, 250,000
DtS.o:)!) Hullini'ore, 200.000
10J Cincinnati, 1 o.OOO
0:5,l-l-l New Orleans, lr.0. 000
!)l.-i:!2 Boston. 1-15 nno
t2.7('" .St. Louis. VJ."i. (100
78.0-1 1 Pittsburg, 110,000
77,G.'i.i Chicoge, 100.000
C-1.727 Albany, C0.000
C.t:;7 AVashi'ngton, fio.000
fifi.f'S" L'-uivilie, M.fKK)
B-1,2'.'J Bunalo, 6:i.000
61, 7V") Newark, CO. 000
fi(,7.'(! CharlestoWD, fvO.OOO
d'J.7;i7 Providence, 45.0lifi
18.1'iy Milwuukie, .11,000
JG.1'2 Unehester, 4.1.000
4fi.f(H San J''S.oiM)
4.").tii.,i Troy, 5C.D00
In tho ton cities first named our snperioriiy
is obvious eliong h. Tho comparison is not
so favorable in the others, because our cen
sus statistics are not so recent os those of
Fiance. If they were, all our secondary
cities would far surpass the French towns of
the same class. In a new country like ours
this does not seem a favorable tendency of
population which causes the rush to the
How to Cook rottitoes.
A wrilrr to the domestic department of
llio l.i.o 7 un.ur, some goou housekeeper, we
(iif.-v, g:yei tho following recipes for cooking
potatcts. When we go there, may the pota
toes for breakfast be conked in the first way,
aod those for dinner in tho second :
Put atom Fun:o in Sluts. Peel large po
tatoes, slice them about of a quarter of an
inch thick, or cut them into shavings, ns vou
would peel a lemon ; dry them well in a cloth
and fry them in lard or dripping, 'l ake care
tint tiie f..t and frying pan ure quito cleat) ;
put it on a quick lire, as soon us tho lard
boils, and is still, tit iu tho slices of potato,
and keep moving them until lley are crisp;
take them up, uud lay them on to drain on a
sieve. Semi to table'i little'sult spriu
kled over them.
To Don. Potatoes. Put them into a satire
pan, with scarcely siilhcient water to cover
them. Directly us the tkins lie;; in to break,
l.!t them from the li i , and us rapidly as pos
sible pour oil" every drop of the water. Then
place a Coarse i'we. need not say a clean) luw
1 1 liver them, and iclurii to the lire ugain
until tin y are thoroughly done und quite dry.
A little s.ill to taste should have beeu udued
to tho w.t' or before hniliri".
Tho Meadville (Pa ) Juurnnl learn" of an
attempted murder and suicide, the parties be
ing former Fen list Ivanians, residents of Craw
ford county, Michigan. The Journal says:
"Charles Southwick, formerly employed as
u carriage trimmer here, conceived an attach-
nient lor u .Miss l.aura Evens, also a recent
I r!tt l tbls. place
j ''!'" 'c'l'"!, 1 ft"1!u?.
, ' ,,cr Uhvr.
, The lady did not re
am) removed not long
to Michittan. Thither.
it would soem. Southwick followed her with
some bud intent. He there remitted to her
j Irs solicitations, and was rejected. By some
j means he gained oceess to' tier' bed-room ut
; night, nnd with a rar.or cut her throat. She,
; escaped froiii tho room to that of her father,
i gave the alarm, alio! on search being muda
! e'outhwiil; wus found lying in her room, hav-
ing attempted to commit biiicideby cutting
: bis own throat. At the latest accounts both
i were alive, but lyin iu a very critical situa
j tion.
Cost or Pcm.rc r.i-ii.niMis ix AY ashtnoton.
1 118 lil,(,st Cl imated cost of the Cap'toles
. . . 1
j tension is &5,M0,U.1, leaving to be appropri
ated tha Finn of SI, lct'i, yi. Oii"j; million
j will be required for tho next fiscal year,
j There was a baianeo bu hand, ou the lst'n'.t ,
I The construction of the Ceneral Post office
Ixiildiug was estimated to cost SOIiO 000, but
I Cbtl.OOJ hare licen appropriated already, and
auother hundred thousand will linuh tho work.
The dome of the Capitol tvas ettinmtcd to
cnsl eO-lj.COl. There his been no increase
jon I Lis estimate another appropriation of
, e'.M.VOOl) will complete thu work but there is
j money etiorgh on hiimi for the next fiscal year,
und no Turiber appropriation is asked for at
j pre.-ent.
liK.CO' eRy 0C LnTKllS SrOl.ltjf BT TrOKRR-
m.v. Mr, llolbroi.k, the special ugenl of the
'est Oiiicu departiiient, who arrr stud Tuck
trman, t!i mail robber reports the recovery
of over four hundred letters for foreign ports,
wl.ii.h havo not been violated, und which were
fi-rwa'ded by tho .tea;r.r of Halurdav. full
-i. IVwin Nf w 'ork Lr Liverpool. "'1'hfse
letter were mailed ut New O .'leans on the
7i'.i ult, and left New York for Boston on the
uighl cf Saturday, t!;ttl7lh. Among them
are many letters from Sua F;arri.,co and
other places in Caliioriiia.
Asiithvms AtnstiNT fuom tiir usk ok Bfits.
iNfiFmi). A ftw ev.-nii gs fince, a yonnc
I...I.. :.. L.- .1. l'l.:i .... ... p
.ii; I" ouuiii nir'i Mrt'i'i was silting at a
table reuJitig by the l:l.t of a fluid lamp,
which by souiu uccidout was upset, spilliiijr
the contents over her clothing and setting
them on lire. She immediately gave tho
alarm, and by the timely assis'lance of tier
f. lends, was no doubt saved from horrible
sufferings, if not death. Her injuries are only
slight, but sufficient t ptevent'her ever resu
ming the use of Ibut dangerous light.
Fast AA'ohk. A Mr. Miller, of Carlisle,
Pa., one day last week, f-r a wngfr, undertook
to husk III! barn Is oT corn Irom sun-rise to
run-set, which ho mote than aeco.nipl,sbed
having busked 37 ba.rels in less than nine'
hoius, besides lying up ihe foddt r. The feat
wus pei formed ou the farm of Mr, Oraham
adjoinlug tLu boroujh. '
Vi.oi.r.ALB Rosoebt jt C'HLoaoronv
The Aiiieitcun House, at Gollenburg, AVis.,
was entered on the 2'Jih ultimo and ti e iu
mates of one chamber, buiog hve pers(ns, weio
di shi with i hlorofoi-iii, ttnf room rutnaekeiJ,
ae. i the clu'Sei of the sle-.pirs taken outii.tti
the streets l raiisa' kert of their ecuteuts,
valued al t,bi4. m '
T! e estimate of gas ronsumrd in Huhtini the
i:w 1 1 alt of Krpresenuti.e j at Washington, is
H.tioO ltl pet hour, at a vost under present rales
ol J.;.
The salary of Ihe Governor of Georgia haf
been raised le $4,900.
i a t i x i .
(I T. c,
All hail the art to which we owe
Whate'er gives happiness below :
The source of all, in church or state,
r social life, that's good or (real.
For should oue agriculture atop,
Society must shut up shop ;
Our brightest belles and beaux must please
I o dwell in eaves and hollow trees;
On roots and acorns dine, like shoats,
And sup on leaves and buds, like iroats.
Woodehncks would burrow in State street.
And pnunt wolves prcwl where merchants meet!
I hurrhe by catamounts be Imunted,
And grufr bears r?rowl where hvmns aro chanted,
Owls hoot church airs with pi.j sonorous.
And croaking crows caw caw the chorus!
"lould rulti -ati.-s fail, their fa!'.
Would implicate and ruin all;
"or ns old Alius bears the paclt
''fnil the heavens ou his broad back,
T 'c fanner y bis earc and pains
The sublunary world sustains;
A n,l if by soino mischance he stumbles.
The whole wido wmrld lo ruin tumbles!
The Hardest Caso on Record.
Ho took the ague badly,
And it shook him, shook him sorely i
Shook his boots off, and his toe nails;
Minok his teeth out, and his hair oil'
Shook his coat all into tatters;
Ai.J his shirt all into ribbons ;
Miirtiess, coatless, hairless, toothless,
Minus boots, and minus toe-nails,
S'liii it shook him, shook him till it
Made him yellow, gaunt and bony ;
Miook him till it reached his death-bed;
h"i'k him till it shultled for him
Oli'his inert il end and then it
Mavino; made bun cold as could be,
Miook the rartli slid down upon him .
And he lie betipalti his grave-stone,
Ever shaking ! shaking; ! shaking !
A Romance of Real Lifi?.
i lie lollowing incident winch we extract
l.on. the Lucvru.-, Journal, published at Buey-
rus, t. Mw.urU county, Ohio, claimed to be
e trictly tiue, possess sullicient romance to
iiinko lulfa dozcu novels :
In Dauphin comity, Pennsylvania, some
seven yjurs ago, lived u wealthy farmer, who
wus ble.-sed witli a family of six children, the
eldest o;' which was a beautiful girl of seven
teen summers. A young man in the neigh
borhood of good family, feigned alluchment
toiler, ouug uud iiicxpetietieed, slit) lei!
into the snare set for her. Shortly ul'ler her
ruin was sctotupflshed, the young tnuu fearing
the wrulliof her Hit her, when thoeonsequoiices
of his villainy should berome nppnrant. ub
scomied. Tho young girl now felt the full
horror of her situation. She could conceal
her situation but u short time, and her de
stroyer lud tied. Shociuld not, eauuro the
reproach that would attach to her when all
should be liseovered. She determined upon
leaving thj country also, and preferring to
be considered as dead, rather than diegfaced,
matured a plan, to cheat ber parents into the
belief that she had been drowned. A creek
ran througli her father's farm and emptied
into the Siscpieliaiina, a short distance arvay.
At this tine of year (Spring) it was swollen
by freshcti, and it was dangerous to venture
upon the fiuil biidge of plank that had bocu
thrown acriss it. Ono evening, when the
water was ery high, she proposed going to a
neit'libor's bo lived ucross the creek. Her
father objected on the ground of danger, but
insihting ilat she could get over safely, she
seized her Lonnet and started. She had pro- j
viously sect'teda few articles ofvlotbing out
side, winch ;he look witu her. Arriving at
tho bridge, she threw her bonnet iuto the
stream, well knowing thut it would bo caught
on the busing that overhang the stream, oud
hurrying on soon gained the road, and walked
away iu tl.o direction of Harrisburg. The
coiisteruutioi of the fa'nily, after the lapse
of two or th-ee hours, may bo imagined. One
went to the house she had started for, but sdie
had not been tiere. Il was supposed imme
diately that tl,eha.l fallen off the bridga.
Seaicli was inn j), a?id her bonnet was found
lodged oil some jverhonj;ng willows. Sadly
tin y returned tu tlie bereaved home. Doubt
was at an end. She had fallen fro w tho frail
bridge, hud bein drowned, unJ her body car
ried by the angry llood into tho river. Short
ly alter her sup-iosed d. alh, her futher, upon
whose mind Ihe event weighed heavily, wish
ing lo leave the t ie scene of his aliiicliuu, sold
his farm and removed to this coutny.
Iu the tnear.line she had reached Ilurris
burg, takeu the cars AV est, and in a fjw davs
foutid herself uHue only tavern in a secluded
village iu the interior cf Michigan. The
landlady was a lind-liea.tcd woman, und at
that pat'.icwlar iimo was in heed of au tisaist
unt She hu:J .he story if fhe poor girl,
sympathised v.itli lnr, and liking her appear
ance, insisted on her tnaking that her home.
In this house ths p-iej six years of content
ment. Herhos'i-ss iutroducedhera3 a wi low
.-lie gained frier..!.', und received ciauy advaa
Llg'JuUS Oafl'S of Kiirriage.
One mo.'iiing, ubout six months ngo, ohe
was in tiio sitting now when the stage drove
up. Tho windows cf tho coach Were down,
an J :lie could See cost of ths pascet.gerj.
Aiming ihein was a face that seemed familiar
to ln r tiho iookcti ugain, and with a shriek
fell fainting on the Soor. It was her seducer I
The landlady sown learned how imttUrs stood
aud iletui'.iiiiicd that ju. lice st.utild be done,
she sought him, Old him the facts, and in
sisted that lie fchi-j'.d repair the injury he in
dicted, by making-her Lis wife. To t'nis ho
at once constDteJ. Three month? after Lis
lligl.t Irotn Pennsylvania, seized with remorsa
ha had started back with tho intention of
marrying her. On tho way be l.r.d picked up
a newspaper, which contained en ecccur-t of
hi r traical death. Ftelii g that he wes tbe
cause ol ber untimely end, heart-sick aud sad
he turned back, a changed and better wan.
He had settled down, accumulated property,
and was a man of standing and ioSuenia
The joy of the girl, when sbo met with her
repeut'uht lover, may b iuisgiutd. Tbey
weie inairied thut eveuiog, uud the next
morning started for Pennsylvania. Ascer
taining the address of her lut bur, they can
nn to this place as fast as steam could crry
tham. Words cauuot paint the raptures of
tha old mun as lie etuspud to bis bosom a
daughter he had mourned as d..d for six
long years. E.vp!i,a'.lous were made, all
was fortjiren, and after pask'.rg a ftw weeks
of unalloyed happiness bete, they returned to
their huuio iu lilt West,
The Gloucester (Mass ) Tthgrup says ;
"From a somuwLat cart ful estimate, we judge
there is now lying unsold upon our wharves
'.'30,000 worth of mackerel and codCtb."
Tire Tradb in Osmtcn Ftb krs. Hera
is something curjous about the trade irl
ostrich feathers. The newspaper from which
we clip credits it to tho "Annals du Com
merce Extcrionr:"
Leghorn, after the declined of its com.
merce with the Levant, romaiued tha great
entrepot of ostrich feathers, and did business
In that article to the amount or about 1,200-
000 francs annually. But since the establish
ment of steam navigation London has gradu
ally become the principul centra of that
branch of trade, and Leghorn now only does
business to about half the preceding a
niottnt j a part of tbe diminution is, however
owing to tho decline which has taken place id
prices. Seven eighths of the ostrich feathera
which Leghorn receives come from Egypt,
mid the rest from Tripoli and Aleppo.
About three-fojrtbs of tho whole are Sent to
Paris, and the remainiug fourth to England.
AVhite feathers aro worth from five to twenty
times more than black ones. All feathers,
white and black, are sold by woight, eicept,
however, the very finest sorts, which nra
disposed of according to quality. The price
of white feathers varies horn lftorto 300r tha
1 usoun pound, (neorly 12 ounces,) nad of
black from .10r to2of. The trado in ostrich
.oathers requires a good deal of experience,
as it is easy to be deceived in the quality
when they are not prepared. Four or five
houses are engaged alone in the trade at
Leghorn, and their profits are large. Tha
dealers at Paris aro beginning to obtain Trod
London tho ostrich feathers which the latter
gets horn tho Cape of Cood Hope. They al
ready procure from that city marabout and
bird ol paradise feathers which come hem
Culeutta, nnd vulturo and heron feathers
which come from Brazil.
Kino Puiu? Cort. In otio hundred da?4
most of the ears were hardened, notwithstan"
ding the extremely unfavorable season, and
before tho middle of 9th mo. (Sept.) tbe ri
pened ears projected front the dry and opsn
husks. 'Ihe crop from a portion of the field'
was cut up and drawn off, admitting tho cur
ly sowing of wheat, tho crop or which is now
as groei. and promising as any from fallowed
land. In favorable seasons, wheat might ba
sown after this corn by the first of autumn.
Mr. John Martin, of London, is boing pnt
in poession or the "Jennan's property,"
which for so long a period has been without
a rucog iized heir. The cas'i h i inherits
amounts to the inconvenient unm i.refcn ooo
000, while his income will be 8L2"iO,Oo6 per
uuii'iui. i lie luuontor has beon wretchedly
poor nil his preceding lire.
The Coroner of Netr flrlpnn. A
of seven thousand dollars a year.
President Buchanan is'tummmto in M iLln
ho rises before 6, and at half-past 7 o'clock com
mences the official du'ies of the day.
The publication of the Bloomsburg Star of
the North., continued bv the wi.Ibw ofR.IAV.
to. ..... r.-. ... .(V i. .
i eater, tail , is ouereu ior sale.
Tub First Shad. Mr. 'A Lawrence of
TarrVtowo. N. Y.. cdueht. two h,l Init .lr
in tb North river, near that town.
A 1. tha Mint thrae d.-ira tr, Ilia tvraL- ara
devoted to ir.aimfucturing the new cents.
Fashionable Call, end all they Said;
"How do you do, Biy dear?"
"Putty well, thank you." (They kiss.)
"llow'havo you been this age ?"
"Putty well. How bave you been ?"
"Very well, thuuk you."
"Pleasant day!"
"Yes, very bright, but we bed a shower
"Are ull your people well? '
'Ouito well, thank vou ; how are yours J''
'Very well, Fin obliged to yo'a."
"Have you r.een Mary B lately?"
"No; but I've seen Susan C ."
"You don't say so ! Is ehe well ?"
"A'ery weil, I believe." (Rising.)
"Must you go?"
"Yes, indeed ; I have (even calls to make."
"Do call again coon ?"
"Thank yju but you don't call on ma in
an uge."
"O, you sV.culd not ssy so : Fin sure Firi
very good."
"Good bye."
'Good bye." (They kiss.)
A Eoautiful Incident.
A naval officer being at sea in a dreadful
storm, his lady was sitting in tho cabin near
him und filled with alarm for the safety of the
vessel, was so surpiised ut bis composure and
serenity, that she cried out :
"My dear, ure you not ofraid ? LTow is it
possible you cau be so calm in such a dread
ful storm V"
11 j rose from his chair, lasht'd to the deck
supporting himself ty a pillar of tha bed
place, drew bis sword, und poiutin" ta tba
breast of his wife, eicluimed :
"Aro yon not afraid ?"
She instantly answered "No."
"Why?" said the oliiccr.
"Because," rejoined the ladv, "I know that
this sword is in the hands of my husband,
aud he lotes me too well to hurt me."
"Then," said he, "remember, 1 know Jri
whom I beliovo, and that he holds tbe winds
in his fists, anJ tho wator iu tho bollDw of
JLs bauds."
AbVAMTAOK op CiiKwis-o) T-iDACPa .When"
on the Fiijoa Island Coast. Con:. AVilkes of
the exploring expedition fell j-, with au intel
ligent i avago rrom whom he learned that but
a short time beforo a vess' bad come ashore
ma storm and all the crew bud fallen into
the hands cf the ;s!au'-ia.
''AcJ w;iiit d',d you do with them ?' asked
A likes, anxiously,
"!; T" J Ti"v-',l the savage.
bat d.-., yon do with tb after you baJ
killed tbui ?"
".at, 'em eocd " ret nrnnit L .n.L.nAnt. .
goa, gnuuiiig at tbe remembranca of tbe hor-
' JlO 1UU(.
"Iid you eat them all ?" asked tbe commo
oora, feolibg excoeediugly uuwell.
' Yes, we eat all but ouu."
"And .hy did yoa not eat him f inquirer!
tbe explorer, whose curiosity got tba better
of bis horror.
' Cos ba tuste too much I ke tobacco. '
Coaldo'i eat him uo how."
. - - r ' '
The Ring akb ths Rons. A lady, not rrv - beauty , yomb, or good tem
per, catca ."or advice to a Mr. Arnold, as to
how she could get rid or a troublesome suitor.
"Oh, marry n,srry him," be advised.
"Ny, I would be hanged first."
'No, madam, marry him. as I said to tou'j
auu a n swan yon u win o do l a saorl 1
i tm . . i ... , . r.
Betore nt bangs biuial.