THE HUSKERS. , ; . . BT JOIIK O. WUITTIEft. llrap high the farmer'! wintry hoard I - Heap high the Golden Corn I . ' No richer gift ha A utumn poured , . From out her levislihorn. ) ' ' . Let other lands exulting glean . - ' , The apple from the pine, . ' ;-.r ' The orange from the glossy green, ' o The cluster from the Tine: : J. .k .(. We better love the hardy gift ' , - Our ragged vales bestow ; . ' '" : ' To cheer ua when the atorm ahall drift ' ; Our harvest fields with enow. '. '- - When rring-time came with flower and bud, And grassy green and young, And merry bob'links, in the wood, .. v 5 4' .Like mad musiciana sung. We dropped Ihe seed o'er hill and plain, Beneath the awn of May,. And frightened from -our eponting grain ''! The robber crow away. AH through the long btijjhl day of June, - Its leave grow thin and fair, .. -And waved in hot mid-summer's neon y '. -- Ila soft end yellow hair. ''?''', - v ' And now, when Autumn'e moonlit eye ; , Ila harvest time ba come, Wc pluck awny the froatcd reaves, And bear the treasure home. There, richer than' the fabled d gift . 1 - - Of golden ehowera Oi old, Fair hanJe the broken grain ahall aift, And knead Hi meal of gold. . . Let vapid idlcra loll in silk V ' I . " " Around their costly board" , Give ua the bowl of mush and milk, '. By homcapun beauty poured. Where'er the wide old kitchen hearth Sendi up ita smoky curia, .-J Who will not think the kindly earth, And blest our corn-fed girls. Let earth withhold ber goodly reot, Let mildew blight the rye, - tiive to the worm the orchard' fruit, . .. The wheat field te ,(he fly.' " "' But let the good pi crop adorn VY The hill our father trod ; . v.. Still let u for Ilia Golden Corn . Send up our thank to God ! . From the Oermantown Telegrnph.J Grapes the Louisa. TnrEwn : One of these beys, J. J Kn.ith. Esn . will hand over te yoc a vine of lbs T.nuina Crane. A small vice, it is true but out of small things great ones come. Plant it carefully and when it bears if it does not pro.e one of the best American grapes you have I'll treot to a bottle of three year old Clinton wioo. We ore just opening a new era in the history of the grape, and before ten years we will have grapes of every hue, end buuehes from a pound upwards of such quali ty that the most fastidious can regale them selves upon. Look at the Delaware and Re lecca with a host of Lesser start already in the field end this is but the beginning of what ' is to come. ; ' , ' . My grounds now coutain over sixty native varieties of grapes, in various stages, from email to large bearing vines. No pains nor expense has been spared by me for the last two years in collecting all the varieties I could bear of. Won't there bo some great cnes among them ? Why, I see the very hair ef the "fox" on some of their leaves already 1 Good, bad and indifferent, will most likely be the issue. - In addition to that what I already have, there are others on their way from Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, the monutains of. North Carolina and . the wilds of JCanada; all of wbich shall have a fair trial, if I am spared. I saw a notice in Borne paper that the ; Pa tent Office Commissioner has sent out a com petent person to Texas and Arkansas to ga ther cuttings of all the valuable grapes to be found there for distribution. 'A very worthy wove and one which might help yourself and your humble correspondent some time ; if it were not almost, or quite as our mutual friend J. B. Gorber said some time since that be thought S. Miller of Calmdale and himself, bad stolen a march upon the patent office. It would be useless to enumerate the varie ties, but wben they begia to show their colors you will hear about them. ..-' Youro, respectfully, Samckl Miller. " Calmdale, Nov. 11,1857. U . (Fioin the Germantown Telegraph. The Japan Pea. ; Mr. Editor: Lost spring I received ten Japan peas from you which I planted, and every seed grew ; one plant I gave to a neigh bor, the other nine I transplanted at about two feet apart as I found they required more room they inclining to branch out. I left the seed to ripen and find I have nearly three pints. Indeed, I think I never saw anything liithe shape of peas hang so full the branches being literally covered with pods. We bad some cooked, end fonnd them to taste so.utthmg between a pea and a bean ; tUoy were very guod. In my opinion they are not intended to use through the summer a) tbey are very hard to shell until ripe, and should then be gathered and thrashed as win ter beans are. I would tittle for the information of those vho have not growu any that in my opinion, if win the way tbey produced for me this season tbey would do to cultivate as a field crop, as theie is always ready sale for such an article in market by the quantity, Tbey should be planted early in the spring as tbey take the whole season to mature ; tbey should be Vlaiitad in rows about two feet apart each way ; they need no support as the branches uro strong. One great advantage with them 14, they can be gathered entirely clean from !irt: aud as they ripen evenly, there will be no dark or faulty outs. Fur winter use I think tbey would be excellent. Tbey should be soaked before boiling as dry beans are usually done. Simon. .Xovember 9 1857. Can Sugar be Made I Messrs. Belcher & Co., extensive sugar re. titiuM, or bt l.oui state or it may only be asserted for them that it is iniuoaaibu tn uraio the syrup of the Chinese sugar cane. if it be true that tbey made this statement1 or that it has beeo printed by their authority ii will oot be borne out by the experiments u sua iu iuis vtciuity. . Air. Lovering, of the well knowu firm of J r. covering at to., perhaps the most exteu. i tve, as they certmuly are the most celebrated tugar-re&oers in this country has made from cau;8 grown opou his owe. premfUes.fio this ward, as we are informed an excellent article of sugar, dry and of beautiful color; and be estimates tbat the cane mil produce one thou- s lod pound per acre. Asa soger production t. .8 w.II do very well: wbila the exosriment proves tbat whatever may be the character of t .s syrup in Missouri, aBucled as it doebtless if, by the soil Ai climate it possesses suffl c eat granulating properties ber to mkt the inaQulaciai-e ol sugar a source of profit. Whs bop to hive more in detail the facts connected with Sir. LoreriDg'setperiment. It is of great imporUoce at this time tbat they should be laid befoie tbs public. OV. geptneni ' A CALL TO FARMERS. Farmer, drop your Too!, .Pause a little, Read this and Refect ! Ill S FARM KRM! PROMO.TlON BOOK. A new anJ Scientific Manuriiie; System, for 4he Cultiva Don ol all kinds nfUmina, Grsaaes, Fodder and Pnalure, upon all kinds of 8ml : Proved by artual Kkoerimenta aitil haimd on evident truths Designed tn improve Agriculture In all it bianchea j represented by Upwarila of one hundred and Ally engravinga of th most value tile Grusae and Flanta connected' with the system. . , lly Dr, C. O. R El Ml OLD, - '.J-. ,." BOAIOl'nO, CF.NTRF, CO., PA. IN thia trentiie it will be seen tliat the object hnn been t five the Knrnier that kind of inforiuiitinn which enable him to make practical application to fertilise hie tana end iucreuse hie grain, fodder,, and pasturage. The eir-trtneaai taitigtit by thia manuring, and fodder and pne ture cultivation system aremtioinl, el pal and evident, and I suggest an improvement in the mode of agriculture hither to unkmiwii to our fnrmera. and which, if adopted and carefully practiced, cnimnt fail to advance the intereata of ine tamitng community. such a work una been much wameti. aa it nnaa void Which una long been felt, out which there linn hitherto been no attempt to snnnlv . and aa fnrmera of Centre and Huntingdon comittea, we reenm- menn trie worn to every tanner, aa we tmiy believe mat mey win reap tn greatest noasime Deueni irr m 11 Daniel Moiaer, "v r Philip Mover, : -. Christian Dnle, ' . Jncob Moyer,- .i Cleorge Boal, m Henry Myer, Jncob Moaaar, Bamuel Oillilnnd, J. " John Uuilev. - George Jack Samuel Duncan, Jona. McWilliiima, George Gnyer, Jr. John Carper, , John Hanson, Bainuel Vilstn, ' Oeorire W. Meek. T John ittirman, George tluclianan, v Fmncia Alexautter, John Ncir, Sen'r. John Holier, ' Christian Hofferi sr. Joseph linker. nr thh Hhove work la fin Bale bv Rev . J h.McKKE HAN, Milton, Northumberland county, re. Trice I0. August 1, 1)437. unto ; - - . Till) E,AUCsE9T "ESTAiBLISHMENT IN THE CITY OF BALTIMORE, - V ATIItOT'8 Our Street Warerooma Nna 113 JJA. and !I5 North Uuy al recti near Fayette, Baltimore t where is kept aUrnya 011 hand, or made to order, every etyleoT French TETE-A-TETE, iu l'luali, Hair, Cloth or Brocatelle. French Full Stuff and Mtttnllioh Parlor Arm Chair, in Pluah, Hnir, Cloth or Brocatelle, French Full Stuff Carved l'arlor Chairs ia acta, with l'luui, liair, uiotn or nrocaiene. - B our AS- Half French Spring Mahosnny and Walnut Parlor Choira. in Hair. Cloth and Pluah. Rocking Cliaira various designs, in Hair, Cloth and Plush. . ttuirSprinf twinges a large assortment alwa en hand, or any pattern made or covered with any food to oruer. , ORAUBBB STJZTS.' In'Mahncanr or Walnut, complete, from 8.T5 tin. . Cane Chairs and Rocking do. the largest aasortmeut ready made in any one nouse in me unitcu states from fkl'l a dozen un. 1 Bar Room, Office and Dining Chaira. in Onk, Walnut or Mahogany, with Cane, Wtajd or Stuffed Seata. . tin assorimctit enilaacing over 50 dozen. Wood sent Chairs and Settee and Rocking Chair. over tuu aozen. Gilt and Plain Frame Ijookinf Glasses, of every variety . All kinds of Beds, Hair and Husk Mattiaaars. A. MATHIOT. Noa. S3 and 93 N. Gay at , near Fayette at., Baltimore. Auguat 1, 1B7. ty . . HTJS SET'S AMERICAN REAPER, " FOR CUTTISG BOTU GR AIN AND GRASS, GREAT improvement for 1857. Thi Ma chine was put in suceesfu! operation in 1833 and continued to ba the only .Reaping and Mow ing Machine in the World, of any practical value up to 1845 twelve year alter it introduction. Other Reaper are now offered with glowing ad vertisement, Certificate, Diploma, Cold and Silver Medals, &e. But the Farmer in search of the best Reaper, and not posted in the matter, had better see a little lurlncr. inhere is any value in z years experience in building Reapers, and using them in the har vest field, and in the improvements made during that long period, OBED HU88EV,the Father of Reapers, can claim it. ' All who are satisfied with the Beat .Reaper and Mower, aan be sun. plied by sending their orders early in the season, as the crops indicate a large demand, and we can not have over 800 Ready for the vast harvest of 1857. - We guarantee that thia Reaper and Mower can not be beaten on fair trial bv anv other Reaper that may be brought into the harvest fields in 18A7, and we also insure it to be the strongest and moat durable machine in use. We would respectfully invite Farmers to examine the machine thoroughly before purchasing, and satisfy themselves of it superiority over all other. ' '".-'" During the last four years, the subscriber have sold between 500 and 600 of these Machines, to the best and most successful Farmers in Montour, Union and the neighboring counties, (whose names are too numerous to insert) to whom w respectfully refer. I he subscribers have' the exclusive ticlit the following counties : Montour, Union, Snyde, Northumberland, Columbia, Luzerne. Perrv Mifflin, Centre, Clinton and Lycoming. All orders thankfully received and promptly attend ed to. UEUUEB, MAIisll St CO. Lewisburg, Union county, Pa JUiy II, 1807. 8TOHB. MISS LOUISA 8HI8SLER, respectfully in forms the citizen of Trevorton and sur rounding county, that ahe has opened a new store of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor ton in Shamokin street, nearly opposite Knouse's Tavern, where all kinds of Bonnets and Fancy uooila can be bad at the loweat terms. Dress making also attended to ia the best manner and latest style. . April 25, 1857. tf NEWS FOB THE MILLION ! E" MEKS0N8 United States Magazine, 8a turday Evening; Post. N. Y. Picayune, Magistrate, Hick Max and Yankee Notions for ssle by Ii. Y. FRILIAO. IN. IS. Persons living at a distance can have a list of prices forwarded by addressing as above, Magazines, Paper and Book not en hand eonitaatly ordered. Bunbury, July I, 18AT. tf EXCELSOIR 8PEINQ BED. (Gouhrs Pa'ent, September 2d 1856.) liOR which a diploma wa awarded at the Eighth Eihibition of th Mass. Charitable Mechanic Association. . Thi is an entirety new application of spiral springs to beds, making a more comfortaole, neat- er, and cheaper spring tied thsn has been offered 10 tne public, applicable to old aa well a new Dedateads, " The peculiar position ef the springs elevate the head slightly, saving the trouble of building up the head with extra bolster. The construction ia so simple, end every part so exposed, mat Dugs have no hiding place, and the moat inexperienced can take out each for, washing, a tbey are only fastened by a button, ' l bs riprings used are mad expressly for these beds on a Pateut Sjiiral Spring Machine.' The public need only se tliM bed to appreciate it 1 he subscriber ba purchased the right of manufacturing, and selling, in Northumberland county, and wiU furnwh th article at isaeoaabl rates.. , tW 8piing pet ia old bedsteads for three do!. ISAAC M. WILKER8CN, Sunbury, Sept, U, 1857. tf , JJ ATCHOULY, JOCKEY CLUB, 8PR1NQ L FLOWERS, dee., of the best quality 1 fresh supply juat received and for sale at the Drug more of Sunbury, Aug. I, 1857, A. W. 1ISHEK ED. IT. XttlXtiUT & SON, ' HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LAUGHS SUPPLY OF it ry uooi, itendy nlade Clothing, Roots and Shoes, Hard- r J , . ----- 1 Am on Our hfcaent Stock HJitv his found Frfnrh Lawn. Pnnlin. F.. :(.. ti.:.i n...Li Dercge, Debcgca, Chslli, Black Bilks, Alnacca, onk, Brilliants, Dimitv. Book Muslim Bol'ihett .Cbllare. Swli Floiti-ihw t.,iin. T.. n;i,. I bons, Hoaierv, and a eeneral assortmeht of FAftCY i -t . f MMiM WW tMNsVa MMstftll TT nTr. TB 1, . "-'"'"'"S .T111" " tion.CuUery.8hoerindinea.LaaU. Ac. - PS was aivsiov VV IB Ul Former eflorts anrpatsed In addition to our former Store Room, we have which you will find well atocked with Ready Made Uuralnlity and clieapneaa... We (hall continue to receive Goods Semi-Monthly. thua renderih eur asVjirlmAnl t all lima Mnmnlaie annl kaias ln,1ll.a...-i a. II I . . I . & "Mviiij-ni0, iiiuuiviiiBiu 10 an who wisQ io purcnase. - NEW GOODS AT LOW, PRICKS : w return our thanks to the public for their liberal patronage, and respectfully inrite an Sninee- I inn nf nilV (InruL ee tv .1im U a nU.... lA .!l II i. . 1 . .. MWIH t - i'tcriif vu TIHU Ull Bll TVIIU III HT IK TOT Ul Willi ft Call. ' . COUNTRY. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE." ' . Bar Iron, Steel, Kails, Fioki, Grnb Hoes, OrinrlRtanM- niaaa Point, nil. rj.l. , , . u, utu. umu.j, , KewQood for the People I BENJAMIN HEFFNER RESPECTFULLY Inform the public in gen eral that he ha just received and 0eiied a splendid ttock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS at hi New Store, In Lower Aujusta township. Hi tock constat in part ot . . ; j Cloths. Cassimers, Cassinoti. of all kind, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSOt . Calicoes, Glngliamn, Laffni, nioiMscIlne De lvalues end all kinds of Ladies Dres Good. Groceries, Also ati assortment of Hardware, Iron and Steel, Nails, C. 'Also an excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of variou styles and patterns. Also an asaortment of IIOOTS A SHOES. HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, c. And a great variety of other article uch a art suitable to the trade, all of which Will be sold at the lowest price. v Uountry prouuee taken in excuanf a the highest prices. Lower Augusta, Jun S, 1857. Wall Paper & Window Slkadgt A. ISAACS, No. 163 JVbrfA Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. TAVIXG completed their large assortlrirJht of the above tioods for Spring and Summer Trade; would respectfully invite the attention of Purchasers to the same. 7 heir stock for beauty, cheapness and variety cannot be surpas sed. Tlicv have constantly on hand every descrip tion of Gold and Painted Shades, Buff Hollands, and Shade Fixtures. Wall Papers, Cuttains, Fire Board Prints, Borders. Ac, all of which they offer at lower rates than can lie ha I at any other establishment. Uall and examine. A. ISAACS. 163 North Second Street. March 7, 1857 6m w IOOO lbs of Carpet Rngs WANTED at the store of E. Y. Bright tV Son, who are constantly receiving a fresh supply of Goods, thus offering to the public the largest and most desirable assortment. July 11, 1857. ISAAC M. WILKERSON, MANUFA OTTJRETO P FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Sofa., 1)1 v ana and Ixusicrea ''" Bureaus, Secretaries. Sideboards. - r SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DIKING TABLES and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of hi business. rPHE subscriber respectfully calls the attentiei of the public to his large and splendid as sortment of every quality and price of CARIftET-WAllE which cannot fail to recommend itself to every ene who will examine it, on account of ita durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort .is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvement which are constantly being made. He else manufacture all kinds and qualities of CHAIRS, ncluding varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, auch a Mamooast, Black Walkct and Uurlkd MirLiGntcisw; iitn Wisnsna CHAIRS, aid riser Pi mo Stools, which are of the latest slyles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. 1 he subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furnituse in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. These articles will be disposed of on a goed terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Ceun try Produce taken in payment for work. UT UWDEKTAKINU. Having provided a Uandsome lisaaai, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity , or at any convenient distance irom this place. tar 1 he War Boom is in Pawn Street, be ew Weaver's Hotel. 1AA.KC M. WILKERSON. Sunbury, April 18, 1857tf. HERRING'S SAFE. THE ACKNOWI.KDGED CHAMPION I i THE RECENT TRIAIA at Reailina have eiuloraed tbs current ot pubTut opinion, end confirmed the verdu-1 ol mora than SOU Jcei denuil aVea, proving eoncluaively taat "Hemng'a" ia Uieunly SAFE that will not Iwrn. Extract fiuin the Committee's Kepnrl ou the Trial of Iron rJaoa at Keauing : On the SStk of Febraary all th memlrs of the Com nultee mat to wilueaa Ute oalea and books and papers. ()kaed in Ihem) aiul war perfectly aatisfied that all waa right. The day following, th burning took placs. under the Buperiutenuniice f tha Committee. After a fair and impartial homing for five lioura, the Safe of Aleaara. Kvana lb Wataon waa first ojieiiad, the 8ufc being on firs inside, and the contents turtially onnaunit, white lu eon. touu In the 8afe nf AUwca. Farrela St licfling was a u good condition, sud no Sr inside." . . , -RMding, Miueh a, 1K57. (bijued.) H. r.'FEIJX. ) P.N COLEMAN, ' f Coouuitte. A.H. I'KACUCK. AnAendNmrid by over SO of the heat meu of Rending. To ahova rWteeaa be inapeeud at 34 Walnut Buoet, what Ui puhlie can aaliafy tneuwelvas of the araa4 aupa rtority of Um "Hstriiuj'a falanS Champion," over the Aetaalaa sua uses? up "utside Irou Dour eWlmander." ( Farrela V Ilerrlna;, ' " " S4 Walnut St.. PhUoda. ' Oay makeia ia thia Buu of Uerrins's Paletil Ckaiwioa Bate. T Thaatteaapt madsbyntlier pan tea to bnkUf un ths rapuutiun ol s hnla which aaa failed en awially ir aeci- Oaunal area in fbiladelphia, (Ranstea Pbek,) by lakin one out of an ageut'e atorc. (H. A. Lants,) aaade doaioki thwkueaa, (eiNerent from thuae they aril) W "burn up' oaa of Herring's (half aa thick) has mat with its trus re ward. Ilerrnif 'a Safe could not be burnt, proving eonciu' eivciv that the only reliable Safe now made u'Herriuc'a'. of which over I5,uis are now in actual uas, and wot' than have been tried hy r without a auisl hm. Fhila.,Juun, 167, ly. :t t ainirham. Swiwt Mull. TarltnH. Tamhrl. GOODS. ' IsaMal ak ft - f If Jl i. ' It ' -j , , bncea.; Domestic Goed,WiidstJr Shadea, - V V ' : ' Lilts II Ml. IT1HIIII Illa-,.l1irl r ll l tlnMMr.. In Quantity and QUalltjn fitted un the aecamNaot r nf ., ....uii.i.a.. Colhing, Boot and Shoe combining bteautv Mason Hammer, Mill Saws. Window Rush C - u ni.."ir A'iU. r " maW Basn wuccio, meat, c., aiwayi on nana. E. y. BRIGHT & 8 ON SALAMANDEE FIRE ' 7 AJtB .. : v THIEF-PROOF SAFES. The largest assortment in the United States. Warranted to be equal to any now made, and " on ood Zerms, as can be obtain eu irom any otner house in the Ciuntry, at . EVANS dc "WATSON'S ; S6 South 4th Street, Philadelphia. Truth is Mie-htv. and Mn t,ot.;i . a tf. " - lieport of the Committee appointed to suverin tend the hurning of h Iron Safes, Of Read- tug, leoruarypi, 1857. RsaDiso. March 4. The undersigned, member of the committee, do respectfully report, that we saw the two Safes originally agreed upon by Farrels ck Herring and Evans Si Watson, placed side by side in a fur nace, vii : The Safe inuse by th Paymaster ef ine rnuaueipnia and Reading Kallroad Compa ny, in hi office at Reading, ritaniifactUrbd by Farrels & Herring, and the Safe in use bv H. A. Lantt, in his store, manufactured by Evans & Watson, add put in books and paper precisely alike. Theirs was .tarted at 8j o'eftifck, A. M.,d kept up until four Cord of green hickory, twd corus ury oak and Malt chesnut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the superln. tendence of the subscribers, members of the Com. mittce. The Safes were then cooled off with water, after which they were opened, and the books and papers taken out by the Committee and sent to H. A. Lantx's store for public exam ined and marked by the Committee. .The books ahtl papers taken from the Safe manufactured by Farrels 4- Herring were in our judgment, uamngeu luiiy niteen per cent, more than those taken from Evans & Watson's Safe. We believe the above to have been fair and impartial trial of the respective qualities of both Bales. JACOB HiDYSH&R, DANIEL S. HUNTER, Having been absent during the burning, w fully coincide with the above statement of the condition of the paper and book taken out of the respective Safes. G. A. NICCLL8, H. H. MUHLKNBERG, JAMES MILHOLLAND. March 31, 1857 NKW ARRIVAL OP FALL AND WINTER GOODS! Ira T. Clement NO. I, CORNER. OF MARKE'l SQUARE, aTTKT-RTT'R.'V T A A8 juat received a larg supply of Fall and Winter Good. He 'will continue to sell Dry Goods and Gro ceries CHEAPER than ever, aa hi good ar oougnt cheap they will be sold cheap. He feels confident with his experience and anility, mat he can compete with the World at large and Sunbury in particular. He would enumerate articles if time and space wouiu permit. It is enough to say that he has evervthintr in in nneoi Dry Goods, Groceries, A large Block of Ready-Mad CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, J-c, jr., that is kept in any other store in town, and , His banner is on ths breeSe. And long may it wav O'er land of the free, And the home of the brav While ber Stars and ber 8aripeS Shine out like the Sun, - . Telling all nations That Freedom's begua. This is a free country aa was proved bt the election of Buchanan over the Wooly Horse, therefore it is free for all to do their trading where ineycanBUY he UHEAPEST. A I are invi- ted to call and aee. THE COUNTRY, as well at the town ere respectfully invited, and every person, rich or poor, high or low. bond or free are invited to call at No. 1 Markket Square, 1 1. I . . IT.t.u I P. 8. He is not to be undersold by sny man or combination of men. No ebarge for showing goods. All kinds ef produce taken in exchange for goons. Sunbury, Dee. SO, 1856. BALD EAGLE HOTEL. No. 234 and 416 jV. Third St., Philadelphia. ou claYMKR, Proprietor. (Successor to Dasuil Dm it.) rWlHE Proprietor returns his thanks for the -- liberil patronage bestowed on - this well known house, and respectfully asks a continu ance of the same, asearing his many frienda of iMortnumberlsnd and adjoining counties, that no pain snnn D spared to render comfort and plea- an, a w an wno may give mm a call. TERMf? $1,00 PER DAY. Philadelphia, Jaly 86, 1857 3m BMITH'S Essence of Jamaica Ginger. THIS article ia carefully prepared from ike beat Jamaica Ginger, all the valuable medieiual proper lies of which it ia warranted to poesoaa Ul a concentrated end conve nient forni. II ia an exoellwit remedv in dyspepsia, Batulenee, eho. be and impaired ami feeble state of ths digeativs funo turna. From iurefieshingatrangth and eiHdial pioperliea as a gentle stimulating Ionic it is wall adapted to oounler anl the debilitating inrluenee of the extreme beau of sum mer, the effects of sudden ehaiigea,A.e. No family should be without it, aa its timely ua will aave them from many an aerioua attack of iUueaa. , Puce S3 cents per bouls. For aule by : JuuetW, lf7,n . P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, JUSTICE OP THE PEACE, sxyxg-BTJu-sr, fa.. OJict in Veer Street, immediately opposite the - Public School House. All business promptly attended to. " Monies cellecled and all ordinary writing done. Bunbury, April 35. 1857. if TORT and MABERIA WINES, Schiedam Bchnappa, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry and Lavender brand) for medicinal parpoae at March 14, '67. , A. V. FI8HER. fTJOUNT if ORDERfcCounty order taken aa cash for good, and on not or book ae ceeatby E. V. DRIHT e 60N. Jf ., UN. FURNITURE I FURNITURE 1 1 THE LARGEST 8TOCK EVER OFFERED IN 8 UN BURY. fashionable, Cheap and ViefVil THE subecriber, long eatabliahcd a a Cabinet .-J rk.;. u.n.irriii, in Ronlmrv. thank illiu j.i.iiu.i.u... - - fnt for onat favor, solicit a Continuance bf the public patronage.- Hi totk of Cabinet-V are, Chairs, 4-0. , mb KVERT VARIETTt CEFlL AND ORflA- in nounf lerninr. 11 i unncwiMrj w tiiuiiw . 1 . t t - rat0, anything tbt may be required in hi n..L r . w .1 I. ( aAHarlM ? uvrrwa - ,v.....B. latMKIIaKn,nt . South East Corner of Market Sjuara. E7 These knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay- mcnU .' t . ' .'. '' ' ' SEBASTIAN HAUPT. flunburv, AprlM, 18S7 tf ... , Ciuanol Ouanoll Gnanol!! " aLl kinds. ' LEIftAU'B SlJPKR rHOSPHATB OF I.I MB, 7000 TONS. tSf FARMERS! jgj ror your wheat crop, ase l.KlNAU'S Super Phosphate ofl.imr, at vl Cl.,a ll. or 40 a Ton I or Use I.F.I. NAU'S AMERICAN FKRTIU7.F.R, at tf),W a bbl.or QS a ton. One bonei of either ia sufficient for an Acre of Wheat. ' THESE ARE FERMANENT MANURES, mad 6f reliable Chemical Element, and have been ia aucceasful us for the past Six Years, Improving the soil and increasing the value nf the land Four Diplomas irom the state Agricultural awiety or Pennaylvanin ; NewJeraey; Delaware and the Cryatal Palare Association rf the Citv of New York, have been receivetl fot these VnlunMe Fertilizers. Pamphlets in the English and Herman Language earn be had by applimtion at the Office. j iiucmi uimnJm M, tTiioirnu. unarm. Thenlmve Fertilizcra, delivered FREE of Cartage to any wharf in the old City Proper, Orrlera sent bv Mail accompanied With Cash or Drafts, Will be promptly Shipped to nny pnrtofthe World. wr.irilup. A . l.r.l.l Al, rroprieior. No. ID Sotilli Front Street, Philadelphia City, July 2.1. 1P57. tm W Pennsylvania Saddle land; Harness Maker. HENBY HAtJPT, JB. Successor to A. J. Stroh, RESPECTFULLY inform the cititens of Bunbury and the pub lic generally, that he has taken the establishment lately occupied A. S Stroh and is prepared to turn out work in Is line of business equal to any made in this, sectitfn of the country. Orders promptly execu ted artd all kinds Mf produce taken in Exchange Bunbury, May , 1H.17. ly . abENTISTRTf GEORGE RENN, ANNOUNCES to the cititen of SuhttUry and vicinty, that he hftSdpghcd an office in Sun bury, ahdve H. J. Wulverton's office opposite C. Weaver s Hotel, wkere he is prepared to attend to all kihtls of Wbfk belonging to the profession. in the Idlest and most improved style. All work tvfell done and warraritcU. , , ',;.' December 13, 1856. R. DECOU & COT Clothiers, No. 1 41 Chestnut St., adove Fourth, FHlLADtt.riJIA, Keep conftsnth on h;ind a fplendid aflbrtmcnt of Rcadj-madc Clothing. Goods made to Ordrr and Warranted to riT. Nov. 29, 1S56. y Citrate of Magnesia TASTELESS SALTS; rilHIS preparation is recdmtriended aS aii el ccllent laxative and purgative. It operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold by A.W.FISHER. Sunbury, March 14, 1856. . KERR Importer and Wholesale Dealer in SALT. 7 38 South Wharves, Philadelphia. ASHTON Fine, Liverpool Ground, Turks Island and Dairy Salt, con stantly on hand and for rale in lots to suit the trade. . April 4, 1857 6m .' ,' ' NE"W CONFEOTIONABY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARIIART. YAS just received a new and excellent assert ment of gooda at his Confectisnary and Fruit 8tor in MARKET STREET, Sunbury, where he manufacture acd keep on hand, at all time, th mos. choice Confectionary, &c, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among hia stcck ef Confcctionariea, maybe found ! French Seerets, rtirned Almonds, Cream White, " Iieraon - Rose, -Varillla, Ceinmon Seciets. Li,uiice, Onm Drops, allkinds of scent, txrve uiopa, Mint Props, red and white, Jelly Calcea, Fruit Dropa, Buck Candles, al all scents Rock Candy, Almond Candv. FBTJIT. Prone, Figa, Citrnna, Raisons, Nuts ef all kinds. Bananas, Dates, Currants dried, Almonds, LEMON SYRUP ef a auperior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality 01 eeear and Tobacco, and a variety 6f Confectionarie, fruit, &c, all of which is oilured cheap at wholesale or retail. IOB CREAM. H ba also opened an Ice Cream Saleen, and will at all tine b ready to serve hi customers witn ice uream. Sunbury, May 14, 1857 ly New Drugs, Paints, &.c. A HEW supply ef Drug, Paint. Oil, riuid, dec, just received nd fur sale by A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, May 3, 1857. HAWiAnie, (be Highest price -'-'will be given for Land Warrants bv the sub- Mb. H. 11 MASSER. PATENT BRITTANIA bar bottle for sale by 8unhury, July 19, 18!Sf. STOPPERS fe D MASSER. BROWN'S and Breinig'e Essence of Ginger -A and Husband'a Magnesia at March 14. 'ti. FISHER'S. lishing Tackle. Red Cork, Grass, Cot-- ton and Linen Line, Out Line. Sea.Graa by th yard, Snoods, Flies, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, Sods, oVc, for sale by Marsh 1,'.7. A. W. FISHER. rpobaooo d Segars imported Segar of variou brand. Eldorado. Fig. Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at - A. W. FISHER S. Saabury, March 14, 1857, . JOniV S. llEARDy ATTORNEY ATLAW, OJici in Macket St., opposite th Court House, SCNBTJKY, TJkS Collection made and Professional Busib generally attwided t Promptly and Carefully. Paitiesirai Rirsaixca 1 Bullitt a Fairthorne, ' Dishl e Werta, ' Davi ii Birney, F. Tylet 4 O. Bvnbury, Jtn SO, 1J7. HAUTHEHAIIB THE subscriber respectfully in'orms the clti r Rnh,ir and the oublie aenerallv, that be ha eommenced the manuiaciure vi an kind ef , . ' , , , t EARTHEN W AUK, at hi manufactory In Whortleberry square east of the River. H has engaged the service 01 Mr. harp, ana ,. ..... depend on having a good article. The pubue u. llw lnwWft in rail. . All order rroaa a distance win p y-r attended to. 4. , .,7.. . . 0 ' ... , . .. . r. m. otiin vi-"-. S.nbary, Teb. , 1856 tf , ' ' JOUI II AlsLEIf ic CO. Nos. S and 4 Chestnut Street, (south side, Deiew watei,; (Ta Otesst Woon-w Horsa m tn t-iTV. j ... MANUPACTURERB and Wholesale dealera In Patent Machine made BHOOMS, Patent Urooved Cedar Waro, warranted not to alirink, Wood and Willow-Wars Cords, Brushes, fte, of all doacriptlms Preaa call and examine our Stork... ' , . . . February SB, 10S7.-fciy W : , . . VALUABLE PB0PERTY FOIL BALE. THE ubcriber, Executors of the Btte o Henry Masser, dee'd., dITer at private sale the following property via t A large tw story frame dwelling house, together with about 60 ACRES OF LAND, Situate In Lower Abguita township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and other now in th occupancy bf John R. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The house ia new and the location a good one for business; Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONK LAND, in said township on th river about S mile be low S unbtliy, adjoining lands ef J. T. M'Pherson and othera, containing, about !9 acre. Th soil I productiv and contain limestone and Other mineral. Also a tract of Land, containing about 35 acres on the hill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining lands of the hen of the Ute John Cenrnd and other. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice IrUlL Fot farther particulars apply t the subscribers. - H. U. MASSER, ) P. B. MASSER, Executor. FRANCIS BUCHER.) Sunbury, January 19, 1856. tf NEW ARRANCJEMEJIT 1 Fresh Arrival of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS &c. THE Undersigned having taken the store for merly kbpt by William A. Bruner, is now ready to nil orders and prescriptions at a mo ments notice. He has a larg and Well selocted stock of fresh and purs DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Dye-stuffs, Oil, Paints, Glass, Putty, and all kinds of Patent Medicines. FRUIT AND CONFECTtbNART Tobacco and Imported Segars of the choicest brands. Fancy Notions' toilet articles, and Per fumery of all kinds. Toeth and Hair Brushes of every variety. Camphine and Fluid alteays on hand. Ciialdrflf rs will find his stock complete, com prising Mihf articles it is imposslbl her to enu merate; and all sold at niodcrat prices. Kemember Ihe place, next door to E. 1. Bright' s Mammoth Stbrc. ..A. W. FISUER. Sunbufy, Afarch i4, 1857. MOUNT CARMEL lIOUSEi .MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania1: Tit IS large and commodious Hotel 1ft situa ted nearly half way between Sunbury and Pottaville. The scenery the salubrity of the atmosphere and the cool mountain breezes, make it one of th most delightful summer retreats in the country. The Hotel, is a new structure, four stories high, fitted up with all the modern con veniences. The pure mountain water is intro duced into every chamber. The place is easy of access, being but one and a half hours ride from Sunbury, over the Philadelphia and Sun bury Rail Road. From Pottsville, it is 17 miles. Every attendance will be paid hy the proprie tor to make guests comfortable. Charges mode rate. JESSE RICE. ML Carmel, Mny 84, 1SBB. tf E. ISTeWLjtVIn-tS tSB CO. Leoklnf Ulasaea, Picture Frniuea( Engravings and Paintings, Re. 128 Arch Street, above Sixth, (Late of 218 North Second St.) PHILADELPHIA. GiLLinitS OPI!f DAllt 0 VISITORS. Merchants and others visiting the City who may want anything in eur line will da well to give us a call. February 28, 1857 8m , If.. .VISE, CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE No 72 North Second Street, (or-pesiis th idount Vernon House.) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ca ses, $28; Silver Lever do,, do., $12; Sil ver Lepine, do., $9 : Quartier. $5 to $7: Gold Spectacles, 914 80 to $10 ; Silver do., $1 50 ; Silver Table Spoons per sett, $14 to $18 Silver Desert do., do., $9 to 9 1 1 1 Silver Te da., do., $4 75 to $7 60 ; Gold Fen and Gold Ca. ses, $3 25 to $9 1 Gold Pens and Silver do., $1; together with a variety of fin Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted to be as represented. Witche and Jewelry, repaired in thebest manner. Also, Ms sonic Marks, Pins, dec, made to order. N. B. All order sent by mail mt otherwise, rill be punctually attended to. Phil., Oct. 4, 1856. lyw. PHILIP 2. PTJPaDT. WHOLESalS III HETlIt Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. E. cor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families wilt be promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4, 1866.-1 brodheaXroberts, No. 135, N. 3't Street, FHIXiADBXaPHIA, INVITE (he attention of country merchants and others, to their stock of BOOTS &.SHOES, which they will dispose ef on the most reason able terms. Nov. 9, 1856- Iy C, EEITICSI.T'3 WHOLESALE 1D RsTi.IL fj BOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S.t, above Chesnnt, PhiVa. BOOTS, Shoes, Gaiters, Ac, promptly made to order ia th very best sty Is, and ef th best material. Philadelphia, May 9, 1857 Leather! Leather 1 Leather ! HENRY W. OVERMABJ, IMPORTER of French Calf Skin, and general Leatkes dealer, No. Souta Third street, Phila.l,.hia. kc Ve Mt"Unut of all kinds l Laaibaa Mereaos, Red and Oak Sole Leather. February 14, 1H67 ly w PAPERS & MAGAZINES. THE New York Ledger, Parlor Casket, Flag of our Union, Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, Ballou's Pictorial. National Holies Oasetu, Weekly NovelUtte, Waverly Msrsiins, and Harper Weekly Journal of Civiliaetion. AIo, Harper' Magaiine, Godey' Ldy' Book and Putnam's Magazine, just received and forealeby H.Y.FRILING. 8unbury, July 11,187, ALMONDS, RAISONS, FIG9, LEMONS. aVc, Ye, juat received freak aupply and for esr at h Confcclionary store of euabery.May It, hIt- Shamokin White Ash Anthracitw Call. Prom the "Old Vein" in thi Gap CWKeVy. T. H. ZIMMERMAN & JNO. P. PlHSltts. y successors to Ksse, Reed A Co., wilt co. tiuu mining, shipping and selling coal Iron ih above well known t ollierv, umler th fwm"ef Zimmerman V Pursel. The potxit of Uipw'ehi is at the lower wharf in Sunbury, NortawrlbeK land county, Pa., where all orders for th weTee kind ef coal, viz : Lump, Broken, JEgg, W.oVa, and Chestnut Coal, will b tbankfaliy r4vI and promptly attended to. Sunbury, Jaly 14, isa, v ' , Beaaeat, Jstt J, U. 1 he firm ef Kaae, Reed e Co. having sola their lease in the Gap Colliery and interest in th wharf at Sunbury, to Messrs. Zimmerman it Pursel, would take great nleasurs ing our customers and others to the new firm, aa they will be abl to sell ihem prepared coal el the best quality, ..; ' KASB, REED dt CO. HATD0CK & FIDDLER, T)EAI.ERS in Watchc and Jewelry, wi. - continue th business at the eld staaJ . James B. FiJIer, No. 12 South Second Street, PllK.ADEU'HM, Where they solicit a J examination of their largr and varied tock, feeling assured that th expe rienct) both of them have had in the business and the facilities they pisses for procurin) goods on the most advantageous terms, will ena ble theta tb compete favorably with any ethe establishment in the city. They have new : hand a fine assortment ef WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELEY, Sllvfer, Plated and Brittania Ware, Crerv Fatiby Geods, Ac., &c. T N. B Repairing of Welches and all kinds Jewelry attended to with promptness and th. greatest caret Phila.i April 7, 1851$. tf. WHITE HORSE H0TEt TOTTSVILLE, PA. rpHE subscriber respectfully announces to hi .u. . .1 ?.n.d the PuWie- ,hath has take, that old and well known bstablishment, the Wliito :Hore Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mahantogo its.. I the Borough of Pottsvilloi The house hss r. cently been very much enlarged and otherwit improved, rendering quite as comfortable s any ether Hotfcl in Schuylkill counly-whi the stables are large, in good condition, and a tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and others who may stop at k house, he promises every attention calculated f render them comfortabl and satisfied. . .. . JOS. M. FEGER. April 8, 185- (f HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW Ojfitt opposite the Court House, Snnburyj Northuiuberland County Pa. Prbmpt tttlerllion to business in adioinir vonnties. J eao-leh:otel OPPOSITK WEST DRANCII BANK " WlLLIAMSPORT FA. WILLIAM II. II4V. Proprlctor C. A. Stride, Assistant. N. B. Ah Omnibus will rhh to snd from t Depot and Pasket Landings, to thia Motel, IV of charge: September 13. 1858 tf DANVILLE HOTEL. Market Street, Danville, Pa, ritHISis oneofthe largest and most eomrr JL oious hotels in the interior of Pcnnsyha' it has been rceently fitted up, in excellent atj with all Ihe modern conveniences. Danvilled, Sept. 28, 1855 Cheap Watches Jewelr.1 THOLESALE and Retail, at the "PhiW' phta Watch artd Jewelry Store," No. North Second Street, corner of Quarry, , . '.TRXaAl)EI.PHXA. ua n;.ever watches, full jewrleu, 18 earst eaaea, n.-ld Lepme ij.k. M4.00I Fine Silver bpec'.aelca. 8l ver I.ep. full jewlled, Ot.1.1 Braceleli ; Silver Lever, full jewl'd U l ".ties' Gold Peacrts, IZX'r "T-epc-.M.. , Ould t'ena, with Pencil and Silver Holder, Gold Finger Rings, 37J ccnta to $80 ; Wa Glasses, plain, 12J cents; Patent, lgj; Lui S5 ; other articles in proportion. All goods w rsnlcd to be what they are sold for. 8TALFFER& HARLET, On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers i Lepines, still lower than the above prices. rci. 4, 1856. ly. A R N OLD'S WRITINGFLIID and A iv abd Itgal envelopes, for sale by H. B. MASiEh SunbUry. Jan 10. 1R50 GEORGE SCHALL & CO. jrUrtl'FACTURER or BIJAIHIIsrO POWDER, Mt. Carmel, Northumberland County, Pi May 10, 1856 T1LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and bl -1J Mortgages, Bonds, Esecutiona, Summ Ac, fer sal b H. B. MASSE! Sunbury , Apr! 16, IB58 STOVES- TCOR SALE n excellent second-hand C. ing Stove, also several Cylmdev I Stoves. Enquire at this office. GOLD PENS with and wifhou7cnw7 very superior quality, just received. Also a fresk supply of Writing Fluid, for bJ v H. U. MASSEI Sunhury, Dee. 87. 1858- GOSHEN CHEESE.-J.-st received am "leby LEVI SEASHOL'tf April 11, U57. CJILVER WATCHES. A few double . English 8ilver Watche, for sale at verj W P"6",' H.B MASSES. Sunbury, April 1J, IRS. AMERICAN HOUSfi WILLI AMSrORT, I'A., If. K.ELTOX, I'reprletor J as. T. Hall, Ass t. Sept. 13, 1856 tf MURE OLIVE OIL for table uee,-tir.a t 7J and 2J rent juat received by A. W. riSHIR, March 14, '57. stationery. A large aupply of fancy Piper and Envelope, Mourning, I itoi aau wap raper, i-en. Ink, Sand, Ac, at March 14, '67. A. W. FISHER'S. UORT MONAIES, Tooth and Hair BrueVT' 1 all qualities, and any quanti y, for sale by A.W. FWHEH. March 14, '(7. A SUA I TV FOR S4LC THE subrcriber ofTers for sale bi SHAN Cook-Stor, Ac, on th Rail-Road U Travortot, Bridg. Apply soon to H. B. Suakary, April SS, 1857. FOR SALE. Good second-hsnd Buggy, oflice. Apply si 11 FOR DEHEilSTT. rpHK Stor Room in Market street, r A. by P. W. Gray and th dwelling b"0 ' joining. A pply to the exetutor of H 'V deeeaseci January 17 1857.