Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 05, 1857, Image 2
mar Ann 4itxz FOtH DATS LATER FROM LIVER- POOL. . ftTKAMKR FILTOS OtFCAPK RACE. f200,000 ii -Specie Tht Financial Crisii in England and lanct -Money Markets Im proving toi Failures Fall in Bread ttvffi Centals, 89J a E9J. , ' St. Johns, Newfoundland. Snlnrday nfter xiiwi, Nov. 28. Tim New York linj Havre Meauwhip l-'ulton, Cupluin Wooslen, passed Cape Race lust eveujng at 5 o'clock. She left JIavro on the 17th inst., and Southamp .un bt 3 o'clock on tha afternoon of the 13th list. She lias ou board 71 passengers, 220, )00 in specie, and a very large an J Valuable :argo ol French merchandize. The iultou'i dales are four days luter (ban those brought by the Vanderbilt, iirpHK Luiuif raiini'ii iroin mm uu r.u i I Aut-1 I 1 I1 - - - . 1 - & J . - 'tlie Cuuard steamer Kurnpa, from Boston, via Halifax, with American datci to the 4th of November, arrived ut Liverpool on the 10th iupt. Tbe financial advice's bronght by the Ful Icih, although not as exciting us those of tlie Vanderbilt, ure neYcitheleso of ubsorting i.iterest. The good effects of the eiif pension of the bauk charter were still showing themselves everywhere throughout Great Eritaiu. The money market was tlrnicr than at the Inst advices, nnd the demand for discounts at tbe Dunk of England 'ess pressing. Consols bid also advanced the closing quotations on tbo evening of the 17th iiibt. being 89 n 89 for money, mid 00 for the accouut of the 17lb of December. The Bank of France, us was anticipated at the last advices, bud announced its determi nation to immediately extend its issues, and was discounting libera!!;.'. Tliu rule of discount ut Hamburg Lad re coded. The but quotations being y. Several iron manufacturing firms hud call ed their creditors together lor the purpose of trying to make some amicable r-rrangeoients, in order to avoid, if possible, a full suspension. A panic bid occurred in the Englith Breadstuff's niarktt, and prices were declining. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER A3IEEICA. ' 1..1TEK Fit 031 tlOOPE. Halifax, Dec. 2 Thu R. M. steamship America, from Liverpool on Salurdjy the 2lst ult., arrived at this port this morning, bringing intelligence from Europe three days later than that by the Fulton and Kangaroo. The America brings cbout twenty-five thousand pounds sterling in specie. Cotton dull and prices nominally ono-bulf to three-fourths cf a peuny lower. Breadstuff very dull and slightly lower. l'rovisiuus dull. Money essentially unchanged. Cousols advanced to feOJa'.lO. The news by this uriivul, financially and commercially speaking, is highly important und interesting. The money pressure continued without sign of diminution, although a somewhat better feeling had sprung up. Messrs. George t'eabody & Co., one of the most eminent bouses in London, became temporarily embarrassed, but received such prompt aid front lbs Bank, understood to be to the amount of neuily a million sterling, that all iliHiculties were removed. Their ubility to go on, with the assistance extended them, was unquestioned. (several heavy futures had occurred m England since tbo doparluro of tho Fulton, besides a few of minor importance. In the Continental markets affairs were improving. Another unsnccessful attempt bad been made to launch tho "Leviathan," better known as the ''Ureal Eastern." Tbe political uows is of but little impor tance. Tbo Vanity of Riches is seldom illustrated so strikingly as in thu case of the great Eng lish milliuiiarie, Morrison who died worth 20,000,000. It seems to ba one of the con ditions of the accumulation ofenormous wealth in single generation that the possessor shall first disqualify biuiselflrom enjoying it, cud in some cases even from appreciating the fact that bo holds it. Mr. Morr sou accumulated this almost fabulous amouu'. hiintelf and in the regular course of bis business will o it and ex traordinary turu of fortune ; yet the following extract IVoiit.u letter in the lloslun I'cst shows bow little betielit ho permitted himself to re ceive from uli his wealth. What a sutije it is upon tliu exclusive devotion of ull tbe fac ulties to the mere accumulation of property : 'Mr. Morrison retired from active business savcrul years since Without withdrawing his capital from the oierchuutilo house aud Ihutigli mauagiug bis vast funds himself up to the time of his death with ull the sagacity of ear lier doys, he has for the last three years been possessed with thu idea that be should come to want. More than two years ugo ho com menced doing day labor upon a farm held by one of his leuauts, f-.r which heicceived twelve i:!.il!iug ft week, and this he continued up to the time of his illness. For the last eighteen months he has becu a regular applicant for relief to the parish, assembled twice a week with the town paupers at the door of tho 'Union,' and receiving with each onu of them his two tih.iil.ugs nnd a quarter lot-f. His friends have imlj!t-:J hint in these faucies ou the ground it was the IkcI choice of ttvo evils. The trt'.i is that mouey was bis gtd and the idea became at last t-jo greulJor him aud broke him uot. And yet be is said to have madu n mtsl judicious will and bis in vsstrnm.t9 up to tho lust ure characterized by great good scii-p. The probate duty ou bis will exceeds 100.000." Tun DisovRr.Y ok Gold in CALirOici.t. The discovery of go! I in California, though it has enriched Iho nation, has been all coded with dis ster to tho discoverers. C.'.ptaiu Sutter, in whose mill flume the first gold was fouud, which gave we to the California fever nnd peopled that region, bus - becu entirely ruined by the t jrn that nents have taken, la an r.ccnunt which be gives or the tffect upon himself, bo fays it broke up his labors, slopped hi? turnery, left Lis nulls de serted, uuJ, from the proprct, of beirj thu richest, man on the i'ai ili ., he is now hope lessly ruined. Marsha!', the ir.m who made tho discovery, is hardly any bailer cfT. At this very Moment, wraued of every dollar nnd every foot of land ho possessed, he would not have, but for tha daily charity of touma. rativo Etrangrr?, c .'n a cabin in vi liich to lay Lis head to res', at niyht. Gutter says, it was in a conversation with Marshall that Har graves, tho discoverer of gold in Australia, first obtained tho iJ?a of seeking for tho pre cious metal in that countrv. Mr. llargraves for his discovery, received from the JJr.tifll governinenl Ihe sum of X.iOOO (5'25,0U(i), and from tho Australian po-ernuieut K 10,000 (350,000) nuking i7fi,tW. -- Balhm.ori. Nov. 20. Kx-President Fierce and lady left here this citernooa in the Nor- folk boat, to embark on the steamer Powhat tan for Madeira. i he Lx-President was .-.i I... a. I':.-! ....... i.. if. i .t ...i r.,. Baltiu.oica..s. There was an immense throng it the Norfolk boat, and on b,, arrival there, be was warmly chee ed. He rodo iu au epeu carriage, accompanied by ,T" r .i i The sum total of racing prise for the past vrariu Inland, bas been calculated in .,M t 7.i at ouu m:.uou ouJ forty mw-d thausaud "k,llu"' A det'i head was foiud near WiUibjrie bit week. THE AMERICAN. SUNBURY. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 0, 1857. EC. B. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor. To ADrKETuim. -Tlie circulation of the Sunbnry American among the different towns on the Sangnehenne '"eeeedeu ifeqmllsd hyanypapet published In Noito tfl P.HHMtM... CT Preaching on next Sabbnth in the Presbytcriun TJhurch, trill be In the afternoon ut 3 o'clock, iustead of tbe morning. CT Til i.vKscjiriNo Day passed off as nsual id tins place. The stores and hotels were closed. . ICT We liave heard it suggested that a good cooper is might do well. wanted la this place and tS t Ra.nck .ilflii.iNciir. en lnsb woman, was killed ou the Reading Railroad, near Auburn, bet week. 63" Tim UmoS Bank, of Reading, has been orgnuized by elect inn David McK night President, and C. 15. McKnight, Cashier. CjT', in bcbuylkiU county, now a larfto und flourishing town, was only laid out in 1347, en lands then owned by Brook, i'utterscn & Hart. Indian Svmmkr. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday last the weather was mild and pleasant. Monday evening it commenced raining and the indications were a warm spell of wet weather. OCT" Wiu.iam Donaldson, Esq., has been elected President of the Anthracite Bank of Tumaqun, iu the place of Richard Carter. Esq., deceased. C3T Col. John R. Eck is Btrongly rocom mended by ''Old Lycoming" for the post of Sergeunt-at-Arms of tbe State Senate. lie is well qualified for this position, and we hope be may bo fortunate enough to get it. CJT Tee wheat crop never looked more promising than at present. We trust that the era of good crops has returned. Tbe last wheat crop in this county will not aver age more than a quarter crop, and is poor at that. 3T Dasikl Bixki.ey, Esq., our new Pro thonotary, entered upon the duties of bis ofik-o on Tuesday lust, the 1st of Docember inst. Mr. Buckley has had considerable ex perience as a clerk and possesses the qualifi cations requisite to make a good officer. That be will fulfil tbe expectations of bis frioncis w have do dubt. Mr. Beard, the old Protbonotnry, retires after six years' service. His obliging and generous disposition, during his term, made him a favorite with the Bar and all who bad business transactions with the court and his offico. CS" Tho Pottsville Standard announces the progress cf our Congressman and bis arrival ut Philadelphia, on his journey to the Capi tol of the nation, as the Honorable represen tative of that place. Oar neighbor cf tha Uazrtte madd a previous announcement' claiming the representative us from thit place. There should be no conilictiug opin ions bctv.ecu tbe two organs on this subject. Posterity 13 still left in doubt in regard to tho birth-place of Homer. The Standard saj s that "but for the Cuke faction, be would have been iu Congress two years ego.'' There is no question but that 1 his cake was all dough" on that occasion. The municipal election in New York cm Tuesday hit, drew out an cxtraordiuary vote. It exceeds by about C000 thu total number cf the Presidential election of 18fC and by no less than 2.",000 the total of the State election of lust month. Wood is beaten by about 20( 0 voti s. He Lad a very formid able combination against him Americans Republican?, Itefoiuiers end Whigs aided by very uclive and influential section of thu l).-mccr.ts their.Si her. The Dcmoeiutsbave tlccttd a niajoiity of tLo City Councils cud the Board cf Aider due. r" The M unry Luminary says that u larjje Bear was killed ou Muncy Creek the early part of last week. After Biuin was severely woundid, but brfoie he was made to surren der, we L'sro be tlruek a deg with such force, si to bieuk its buck in three places. CiT FontKiK Immigration. Up to the firtt of Novcmbtr, tho cuiiibir of foreign immi. grants arriving this jear. at tho port of New Votk from abroad nns 163,633, being ua in crease i f f)C,.r.57 over the corresponding pe riod, cf lJt year. IN EDllOtt'S HEAD. I The editor of the Advocate, at Minersville. 'has not only got himself iuto hot water, but jgets Lis neighbors together by tho ears oeeasinnllv. fiinrn ha luu nrruroiwl ihm rhnir ! j-. . i , . ... - According to Mr. I rice s account or his i experience, an editor's head is an article not j easily broken, if we may judge cf tbe experi- incut tried ur.on his owu. Mr. Prim. iivinr ! occouut gf ZAX in the bar-rotm. soys : I 'They ael on us at once, aud before we were aware of anything we were dowu. Wbeo i iu this pofiition, three tnuuly operations were wmii.ei.ced on us: soma had the .pint of f ,u.8 ,,:0:,;tinV,,b,le",l7',03,? U' I M 8,. l ,l ,l u "Vr ?MW i MbVd i "illy, iho most murderous and uuinaulv of ! ,,,. 0nly fur the interference of Mr. jjvUaVc.u BOj otb(.ri tUeie is no doubt at all J thot Jmtucl woulJ Uv- lMvi . u u k i wonder that be did uot. fur tbe villain applied bi b.!h to our buru hcs4 tLut tiutl Mtb all j hio uiit:h; whin dou." LITE AND IMPORTANT frROtf MEXICO. Tb steamship Tennessee, with Vera Cms datei to the 21st nit., arrived at New Or lean on tbo 24tb. The correspondence of tbe Picayone, which we giva below, gives a moU gloomy account of tbe condition of a flairs in our lister Republic i - (Cortrtpomfctn'ce dt the Ptteyone. On Hoard Stramruip Tfnnbssk, -Tuesday, IJov. 24, 1857. J , Dtar Pic'i At wo were about weighing anchor iu the harbor of Vera Crux, on the 21st, tbe Extraordinary , from tho city of Mexico, arrived, placing os in possession oi information from that point op to the 19th more thin one day later than thu news re ceived through the ordinary 'channel t Tbe substance of this information fs that tbo revolution II drawing to a head, and is beginning to assume a hvore detiuito form than at any previous period. Tbe pronun ciados were everywhere hovering about the city, and my informant had obtained their plan of operation?, which had not yet on tbo 10th beeu made public. Tho new plan of the revolutionists provide! for the calliug of ft Congress or council of the principal men of the different States, who shall name a pro visional President. The person uomod may or may not be in the country at the time of tbe sitting of tbe Congress. This provision, it is said, is proof positive that Santa Anna is the per so a designed to succeed Comonfort, in caso the revolution should be successful. i When' in the city of Mexico, I was satisfied thut the revolutionists could concentrate their strength upon no one but Santa Anna, and since coming aboard this stoumtr I have learned, through a source woitby of tbe high est consideration, that Santa Anna is the mail. Xegoliations have been pending be tween him and the revolutionists for some time past, and bis arrival on tbe coast of Mexico at any moment w ould not be a matter of surprise. His coming will be the signal for the downfull of Comonfort, who is said for a month past to have bad his trunk ready for leaving the country. Since your last advice's tbo revolutionists have made no headway in their detached, disconcerted, and predatory style of warfare. On the 8tb, Meju, Who had taken Queretara by assault, was forced to retire by tbe advance of a detachment of national troops from CUannjuato, after levying a contribution of abobt $19,000 upon the wealthy citizens, and the city is now in the bauds of tbe govern ment. At Guadalajara Gen. Blancarte, one of the chiefs of the revolution, was expected, although he did not make bis appearance. On the 8lh, Gou. Portilla, on bis relnrn from Vera Cruz, whither he had gone with the specie train, was attacked by a baud of pronunciados, under Trujeqne. lie concealed his battery until a fuvoiable moment, when he opened on the enemy, completely routed them, killing und wounding quite a number. l'bis event was followed at Puebla by an attempted rising on the 11th, which was timely discovered by the governor. The emissaries of tho revolutionists were permit ted to enter the quarters of the soldiers whom they were to corrupt, wheu they were seized and five of them shot on the spot. The Tennessee brings among her passen gers 23 political exiles. O Arrangements arc making in several quarters of the State to give eclat to the inauguration of General Pucker, Governor elect. He will be escorted from his borne to Harrisburg by the Williamsport Brass Band, a Gne volunteer company, and a number of personal aud political friends. Delegations from many other towns are making prepara tions to be present. It has b e i proposed to hold a convention of Democratic editors, in Hairisburg, on the day before the inaugura tion. loxrcMto.t op thu , Mir Drr.rrts. Henry Fife and Charlotte Jones, who (to gether with Monroe Stowart) were recently tried before the Allegheny Court and found guilty of the murder of George Wilson and Elizabeth McMastershis sister in that coun ty, have made a confession to the Jailor. They acknowledge having murdered the two old peoplo. Tho intention originated with Charlotte Jouos. When the two gained ad mission to the bouse, Fife stubbed tho old man, and Charlotte struggled with her eged aunt. Failing to kill ber, Fifu was obliged to assist nnd the double mi.rder was comple ted. 1'be chest was then searched, and its contents taken and tbe two left the bouse. They both assert that ?tewi!rt is entirely in nocent of the murder thut he was not there at the time, nor did he know any thing of their intentions. Skntenck roil Hoksr and Cow Stealing in South Carolina James Symes, a whito mun, convicted at Charleston on three sepa ratn indictments, viz : one for horse stealing, and two others for cow stealing, has received tho following scutence : 'For horse steuling, to be imprisoned for six months, and on the first Monday in Janu ary. 1858, to receive tweutv stripes on the bare back, in the public maiket ; on the first Monday in February, twenty stripes; on thu first Mominy iu Murcu, twenty stripes : and on tho first Monday in April, twenty stripes, and pay a tine ft t-iUU. J lie scutence Tor cow Ftealin?, in the first ease, is to pay a tine of .'(, and iu deluuit loured to receive twenty stripes ; and for the second to pay a fine of SlfiO, or in default thereof receive twenty 6tripcs. A Cask for Lkcislatoi:!!. If I go into a grocer's shop and atejil two or three pieces of sugar, J am u luiel. l.ut it the grocer sells me a pound of su'jnr, und them ure one or two ounces shon, he merely sells things by false wngbt. 1 am imprisoned. I he grocer is lined a few shillings and escapes. I am guilty of but one theft. Tho grocer, it may be is guilty of a thousand, for be robs every person to whom be sells goods with thoso false weiehts. Now can you tell us by what el range anomaly of thu law the greater thief is allowed to get on so much nioro cheaply than the les.-er? Why shouldn't there be tho same law for both? 1'tmrh. B. C. Bachman, Cashtkr of thk Lascastkr Bank. Acquittkd. The Cu60 of this gentle man, charged with embezzlement in tbe Lan caster Bauk, was, tried in the Luucnster Quarter Sessions last week, nnd resulted in a verdict of acquittal, afier a full hearing. Tho jury rotiied with the case ou Friday morning, und returned with their verdict abotrt ten o'clock at night. Bachman wus accordingly discharged; und on motion of counsel, Mr. David Longenecker, late President of the Bauk, and implicated in tbe same charge was ciso disciiarged. Persecition or Christians in Cochin ClitNA. Tbe Mouiteur du la Flotte contains a statement of the persecution which is now carried on against Cbiistiaus ut Tonquie, for merly' an independent kingdom, but now a province of Cochin China. According to accounts recently leceived, churches have been raced to the grouud, missionaries ar rested or driven away, and tbe Christian schooW H closed. A Spanish bishop, Mgr. Diaz, vicar apostolic of Central Tonquin, has been arrested and iu prisot.ed with a chain round his ueck ut Nam King, a townsituuled near the coast. 'I bis unfortunate prelate, who bad been coudemmd to dealh, was still alive on the lotb of July last, iu tbe priuort into wbicb be bud beeu tlirowu in the midst of ull thu malefactors uf the country, Thoinn Hyer tbe conqueror of Yankee fiul livau bas been appcioled bupcriutendeol Lauds and Places, o Mr. bUeet Comniis- J ncntt Coucici fcf Nta Yoik Vim or Jot. The Wbce'Ing Intelligencer lays i '-One diy last week a ion of Col. Joseph J. W luter, who resides in tho neigh borhood of Claiksbon returned from Kansas after an absence of some tkreo years. 11 is appearand had 10 'Chanced that even bis fath er did not recognise him when he entered the -parental mansion. After iho ion bad made himself known tbo father stepped to the door of an adjoining room, and calling to hit two daughter!, informed tbem that a gentleman wished to sea them. lTnon entering tha room 1 16 JOtngladhidid not at ft tieccf nize their brother; bat almost instantly the eldest Cc ceint recognized him and sank instantly to the floor dead. Beine somewhat delicate, the joyous surprise of meeting her long absent orotner to wnora edo was ovany attacnea was too much, and her gentle spirit took iti Bight to realms where ber sadden happiness wilt enuure forever." " . A Waoi.a Family Clint. The ConhellS' villa (P.) Enterprise gives nsthe following ; A blind family consisting of four persons John Catharine, Bartholomew and Samuel Hostet lor, were born in German township in this county the whole of tbem being at the lime of their birth, and are at the present time destitute of eye-bulls, but having nil tbe other ontward mechanism ofttie eye complete. This family is indeed a curiosity aside from tue wonderlal proficiency they exhibit as inn siciantf. . Their execution on tbe various in struments violin, banjo, tenor drum, clarionet is surprising and they are giving concerts in uiuureut places. . Coal-Trade. Tho quantity sent by Rail ..-J .1.! I. r n i i.nn .n 1 1 i no ronu iiusweeK is oi.oa uuj vaum ou. 6C3 07 for the week 63 773 06 tons show ing a falling off since last week of 18.325 tons ot which the Caunl loses lt,.Si4nl tbe lluil road G.941 tons. Compared with.he corres pondioiT week last year tho Ftipply falls off 21.684 tons of which the Railroad loses 20,141 and the Canal 14G3 tons The demand for Coal particularly Red Ash for tbe New York market is brisker than it has been at this season for tbo last three years. but the snnnlr is limited and it is be cominir mtfre difficult every year to furnish it as tbe expenses of mining increase. Miners Journal, Laconic The following is a copy of the Thanksgiving proclamation of the Govenor of Minnesota Territory: "Thursday, tne lutn day of December, is hereby appointed to be observed by the people of Minnesota as Thanksgiving day. In testimony whereof," &c. Mission aries Sailed. Tbe following mis sionaries were passengers iu the ship Judge Shaw, which sailed last Tuesday from Boston, Mass.,iw tSadras, E. I :-Mr. and Mn. Snyder and child. Mr.and Mrs. Lone. Mr. and Mrs. Unganst, Lutheran missionaries; Mr. and Mrs Quick nnd Mr. and Mrs. HitchcocU, or tue American Board.of Commissioners for ior eign Missons; Miss Mott, of Assam New Modr or Stopmno a Horse. A few days since, a fiery young horse; attached to a light carriage in which two young men were seated, took fright ut tbe noise ol alocomo tive at the railroad depot in Lancaster, l a and started to run away, when one of the young men, leaning over tho dash-board; and seized the animal's tail, which had the effect of stopping him instantly. Important Dkcision. At a recent trial in Broome county, N. Y., it was decided that a passenger having purchased a railroad ticket from one point to another, bad a right to ride on any traiu be chose stopping over ut any placo on the road a day or more nt Ins pleasure The notice, "good for this trip ooely," wus of no legal force. Skrious Lor?. Among tho boats sunk in tbe Chesepeake last Saturday was the Hia watha, Capt 15. Bickel belonging to Beaver, Geddes, Marsh & Co., of Lewisburg. It was loaded with iron (from the Union Furnace) which with the boat, horses, Ac, were wortb probably (3.000 all, it is feared a total loss 1 be bauds were all laved. A boat frtui Lpy-towo was blown upon a sand beach near Turkey Point. Lewislurg (,iromcte. Our larger neighboring towns seem to watcb with much interest tbe economical but efficient mode of marketing eflected by Lew isburg and ber neighbors. J here beems t) be a growing belief, bore, that it is good and we buve had probably a hundred dinererit men hero to sell whutever they bad to sell- and some attend ovary Weducsduy and Sat urday (not "r nday as some have it.) the plan is a good one. Aeiclibor tfurgers: ' Go ye aud do likewise. Lewnbarg Chron icle. From the tonor of the advices from Wash ineton it seems tolerably certain that thu ud ministration is preparing to lake ultra cround aeuiust our existing bauk nolu currency, and force it to tbo bust of constitutionality. Distress in England. A Manchester re port of Nov. Gth tho prostration and ru:u ul ready effected among tbe employers iu the manulucluring districts are preparing a sad winter for the operative class iu England. As ws fcorrossn. Letters hnvo neon re ceived from M r. Allibone, in which he expres ses a determination to return immediately home to meet tbe serious accusations ngainst him as I resident ol the Bank of Jt eusylvuuia Tho number of deaths in Philadelphia from the 1st of January 1357, up to Saturday last, was 10,190, of which number 5400 Were males, and 471)0 females. Of the entire number, 1347 deuths were from consumption; More Stecik rRoii Kunort. The steam ship Vnnderbilt from Havre urrived ut tbe port of New York on Thursduy bringing fiiOrCOOiil specie, uud 305 passengers .Mrs. Cunningham's servant, Mary Mul ligan, who figured ull through the Burdell murder investigation, emigrated to Cineiuuati after she got loose from iho clutches of the witness box, and went into service. She sued her employer, in thut city, for slundering .her character und recovered ujury verdictol $400 damages. A Fokti'natb State. Tbo Little Rock (Arkansas Democrat says thut the treasury of Arkansas is overflowing with gold and sil ver. The various funds ure enumerated thut have their hundreds of thousands of the hard. Tha treasury has do bank uotes ; nothing but specie in Arkansas ; except a small old baek debt, does not one a cent, and bits in ber strong bex more gold and silver than will keep thu govuruiueul for 2 years without any further taxation. 'i i..... i i,. t .i....... i ..... 1 unv niu ii u uuiina iu . 11 nun pub, niiu lairs are paid iu gold aud silver, and the State pays out nothing but that kind of currency. Ministers wi-rt not Plat at Ten tins. Two divlhiidist ministers in North Carolina, Messrs. Edwards and I.osser, have been "disciplined" fur indulgence in the game of en pins at tbe irginia isprnigs lustMimmer Tboy pleader! guilty, expressed regret for the net, stated that they were not conscious of intention to do wrong, und promised not to do so any more. The Conference which tried them, in session at Elizabeth City, accented the acknowledgment, ami permitted them to continue their lunctioos. A Hopeful Tair. Tbe Buffalo (N. Y.) Commercial says, tbat on Saturday Inst, In that city, a youug man named Halsey Wood worth, was sentenced to A uburn Statu Prison for six years aud six mouths, for passing coun terfeit money. Only a week previous his father vs aeuteuced to the same prison for uargrary G'ardiVer Furniss, tbe hero of tbe Woodman I aiandal,! appear! - '-arJ. ir. 'which ha 10 print. He pnblislies a ho says tbut Mr. Woodman : his "iutinmte acquaintance" with bis u nt t uroisi; supposea oe approved 1 1 tw- .'. "Cclfflrapjjrc lleta-?; rt Mew York Bank. Nnr York, Not. 28. Notwithstanding the large shipments of gold to Europe per Arabia, on Wednesday last, the specie tine of the Banks will, it ii stated, show no cur tailment on Monday, bat on tbe contrary, a further increase, the round total reaching not far from 824,000,000. As to the pros pect of a resumption of specie payments, it n reported in well informed quarters that such a proceeding will not certainly take place before tbe opening of tbe New Year, wbilo others predict that there will be no resumption before Spring. Tbe purchases of Bank Slock during tbe week have been quite extensive, and generally at improving prices. The President' Mntnge. Washington, Nov. 28. The President has determined to keep bis message open until tbe last moment, and it is extremely doubtful whether it is sent even as far as Philadelphia in advance of Its delivery to ongress. J he president nns also adopted utmost caution with reference to the VUIIlVIIia Ul ! iliccnugr, uiivj JU icij upon it that oil reports that may be published with regard to tbo topics opon which it Create are purely guess-work, aud nothiug more". ..... SpRinotield. Mass.. Nov. 30. W. T. Tockerman, who was formerly Treasurer of tbe Eastern Ilailroad Company, was arrested at New Haven, last uipht, on the charge of mail robbery. He confesses his guilt. Boston, Nov. 30. I he evidence against Mr. Tuckorman is conclusive. He acknow ledges having $800 worth of stolen postage stamps, rivo hundred dollars in coles on tbe Lee liuntt of .Massachusetts were loaad on him. The Philadelphia mail to Boston being missed, with others, tho Railroad Superin tendents on the New York and Boston route tho Postmasters and Special Agent Hol- brook, havo been on the alert for several weeks past, to catch the robber. The amouut of the robberies is supposed to be large. Mr. Tuckerman will be esamiued at .New Haven to-morrow. The Prralilcul'e Alrtiage. WAsniNGTO.v, Deo. 1. It is now probublu that not ouly the President's Message, but tbe reports of the Heads of Departments will be supplied the press iu tbe principal Atlantic cities aud newspapers elsewhere, when the reading of the message shall have been commenced iu Congress; the same to be previously sent to the Postmasters, who will be telegraphed at tue proper tune witn that view. Tbe propriety of such an arrangement is appurent, Irotn the iuct tbat it will ovoid telegraphic blunders, and secure a correct publication in the newspapers d if taut lioai the Capitol, ut the earliest practicable au mcut. Although the ntmost care has been taken to prevent recundttut language, tbe message is unavoidably long, owing to the prouuuent subject Kansas, Utah, Central America and the currency. Suspt.ssion of Tut: Bank or England. In tho midst of the panic in Englund the Treos. ury issued an order suspending tha charier of the Bunk of Lngland aud authorizing the issuo of small notes to any amount. The efl'oct of this move has been to riiako times easier, and we hear of a uumber of gentlemen iu Londou who, consequently contemplate sonding out orders for new suits nt the Brown Stone Clothing Store or Kockbill v Wilsou Nos. 003 aud 005 Chestnut street, above 0th in this city. LUTltll FRO.ll A WELL IE SOW I'llVSI CIA.M. Havkriui.l, Mass, June 1 lpfifi S. W. Fowlr & Co. Gentleman : While suuering irom nyspepsia some years since and trying ulmost every thing for its removal witaoui any oeni-ui. i was accidentally led to make Use of the "(hiienated Bitters" nnd after a short trial of thorn, found my health improving, nnd in timO iiil tlUease radically removed. Since then I have used them in my practice and generally with good success. 1 know of no medicine so well adapted to the cure of Dyspepsia in many of its aggravated forms. 1 have seen the most stubborn cases. which had resisted almost all the preparations couiouly used for Indigestion yield ns by uuicic upon the administration of a few poses of these Bitters. Such results have increased my confidence in their medical powers, and strengtheuned my convictions of their superi ority over all other instrumentalities in the treatment of tho complains for which they are recconunended. 1 would certainly advise those troubled with Dyspepsia, to use the Bitters und I am confi dent all who do so, will reap great benefit If tbero is nothing to contrn-indicne their use. A. B. PORTER, M. D. Rheumatisms, of the most severe kind have been cured by usiog 2 bottles of J'u Will's Galvmie Oil. Back-ache, pain in tho head, sick head ache, nervous diseases of the head, are everyday being cured sound by the use of DU V ALL'S GALVANIC OIL. Axnii nut l'u Vil.L't liAi.vAMC Oil I'rilmf 1 f.Vunt, A. W. Fi!nr, V. Wciuu-r, C. YVena, U i). Miliar, Uvigiticimer A Hull. h Consumjtion Curable. Wh cannot doubt, that iu many cases of seut.-d Consumption a cure has been effected solely by the use of the Wild Cherry preparation of Dr. Wistar. Its boating effects uro certainly wonderful. It 91,000 It !CV A III) will be (Mid fur any Mliin tliul will eseel rllA'li .V 141'HHKIi S AIAI11U till, lor the ft Ili-wing dueiifi-s: It hctiiuui itiii, Neuniliu, Siilt:il AlTiH:litiii, Coiitriic'cd Joints, Clloliu 1'iiilis, 1'iiins in tlie Bids in bnelk, HeuUutihe, 'r.Hillnii-he, Spirons, nie TiiiiHil, (Juts, Uiuiss, llunis, unil ail Uim-uses of tlie slim Muscles ami tlie tilunus. Nuiit- genuine wiliioul die sig mrture uf I'satt Hi'T-ima rntuelu-J U nu ll 1'iiiicijKil oilii-c, ijoa Wusiiuigtou street, Brooklyn, New York, tvil.1 Ly Albert W. rishei, DniKjist, Muikel street, Sunbury, ITjJ' This is to certify, that I have niado but one application of the Magic Oil ou my fingers, which have been drawn from contrac tion of tbe cords, brought on by rheumatism. It was of seventeen months standing, aud 1 now entirely cured. 1 cheerfully recommend it to all afflicted likewise. J. M.FINBROOK, Harrisburg, 'I Locust street. July 25, 1857. ly. MARRIAGES, At tbe M. E. Parsonage in Lewisburg, on the 17th inst., by lluv. J. 11. Dasbe.ll, Cuahles S. Wktzhl, to Miss Maky Ka.vck, both of Chillisquuque tp. On the 12tb inst., by Rot. II. W. Wilson, Wm. L. Diku, of Columbia county to Miss Mabtua J. Vastine, of this county. In Pottsville, on tbe2Ctb ult., by the Rev. Jos. McCool, William Savage, formerly of tbia place, to Miss Isabella Hay, of Potts ville. DEATHS, In this place, on Monday lust, Mr. WIL. LI AM LHEHL, aged 23 years audUoiontbi In Lycoming eounty on tbo 17th inst., Mr. EDWARD ADLUM, aged 80 years, 10 months and 20 days. In Jerseysbore, 14th Inst., after a very brief illneis, Mn. AZL'F.A WIIjrpLE, ii tha 79 year of ber sgi. Near McF.wsnsville. on the 6th Inst., Mr. SOLOMON TRUCK EN M 1LLEU, in tho 3d Tear i f his ace for mant Tears a much respected ciiiten and leading member of the Lutheran Church. Ce Uatlteij. Philadelphia Marlcet. - v. . Dec. 2, 1857. . Grain. The receipts of Wheat continue qnito large, though tbe market ii inactive Uood red ii neiu at si zu a $t it, ami i u SI 33 for ccod white. Sales of choice Kentucky at $1 50, and very snperior Roan oke at $2 25. Rye la steady at 75 cents. Corn is dull, and light sales are making at 76 a 78c. tOati are iu demaud at from 32 a 33 cents per bushel. Cloverseod bales or prim at a per 64 lbs. Whlfkev Sales at 2U eta. In bbts. and in hbds., at 21 cents. STJNBURY PRICE CURRENT. Wheat, $1 0al 00 Butter, - $ 0 Rye, 73 Kgi, 13 Corm '. . . .60 Tallow, 13 Oats, . ... 40 Lard, i 15 Buckwheat, 63 Pork,- 8 Potatoes, - .50 Beeswax, 25 Flaxseed, 1 25 Dried Apples, - 1 25 ..1 L Jl 1. Hew Advertisements. . BROADWAY FAMILY GROCERY ! tTour, Feed and Provision sjore. Brtatltcay below Blaclherrg Street, LEVI SEA.SIIOLTZ, n EsrECTFUI.LY informs the citizens of a- Sunbury and vicinity that he has juet re ceived a fresh and choice (iipply of FAMILY GP.OCEPJES, consisting, in part of Hams, Shoulders, Mackerel, Hernnfr, Vt bite rish, rod l'lsh, Salt Prcseived Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Uhrc.o, Molasses, Rice Sugar, Coffee, (green, roasted and ground,) Im perial. Young llyton, Gunpowder and Black 1 cas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, soaps, brushes plow and Wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco, segarn, &e., together with every article usually found in a first class Grocery Store, all of which will be sold at the le'.'est prices, cither for cash or country produce. Be has also prepared to up ply the citizens with fresh bread, twmt, rolls, pics, pretzela and cakea ol every kind. IS. a. I he highest cash prices will be paid for butter and cgcjn, corn, oats, rye and wheat. Sunbury, Dec. 6, 1857. Estate of THOMAS.aaANr, dee'd. jVTOTICB is hereby given to creditors and others A interested, that the Orphans Court of . or ill umberland county have appointed the nubscriber Auditor to distribute the monies in the hands of J. II. Zimmerman, Administrator of Thomas Grant, deceased, to and ainunir those legally enti tied. He will attend for that purpose at Ilia office in the Uorough of cunburv, on Monday, Decern ber 23th inst., at 10 o'clock A. M. Creditors aro cautioned that It is not sufficient to have given their claims and accounts to the Administrator, but ihey must see that they are presented to the Auditor at tho time appointed, and duly proved otherwise they will not be included in the dislri bulion. JNO. K. CLEMENT, Auditor. Sunbury, Dec. 5, 1857. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given thut the following named persons have tiled their petitions in tho Prothcnotury's office und that they will apply to tho next Court of Quarter Sessions of the J'eoceof Northumberland couuly for License for Turerus and Restaurants, ic: John I.eistr, petitions for tavern license in the borough of Sunbury, old stand. John Weaver, petitions for tavern license iu Trevorton, Zurbd lowtiship. Martiu E. Buchor, petitions for restaurant license, in the borough of Sunbury au old stand. Jacob Devictor, petitions for restaurant license, in the town of Trevorton, Zerbe towu- thV' DANIEL BECK LEY, rioth'y. Prothonotory's Ofiico, Sunbury, Dec. 5, 1807, J ORPHAN'S CCTJET SALE. N pursuaito of an or.lcr of the Orphan's Court of Northumberland county will be es posed to public sale on SATURDAY, the CGih day of DECEMBER, 1857, on the premises, the following described real estate to wit A certain piece or Tract of Land, situuto in Ruh township, county aforesaid, adjoining lauds of the heirs ol iSpencrr Metier, Gilbert Dietz. Phil ip M tiller's bei'a and olliers.coiitaisinr; One Hun dred Acres and fifty-four pcrcbes strict measure, inure or less, about ten acres of which are timber land, and the remainder cleared nnd in cidliva tinn. Whereon are erected a two etory atonfc House, fiame Barn, Wagon-House, a good stone spring house and other out-building. A No a good Orchard. Late the estate of William Cair, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M-, of said day when tha terms of sale will be made known by PHILIP 11CFF, Adm'r, By order of tue Court, C. B. P IKS EL, Clk. O.C Suubuiy, Dec. 5, 1857. Estate cf Jcha Ilaugharout, deo'd. Joseph Uaugbuwout, vs. The Heirs of John Writ of Partition and valuation issued out of the Orphans' Haugbawout, deceas- Court of Nortbuinber cd. J laud county. NOTICE To tbo heirs aud legal repre sontativea of John Hatighawout, deceased. You uio hereby notified that, by viituo of the ubovu writ to mo directed, and inquest will bo held ut the luto residence cf said Johu Haughawout, deceased iu Rush town ship, Northumberland county, ou Saturday the 'JCth day of December next, at 10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of muking Purlitiou of, or to value und appraise tho Keal Estate of said deceased, at w hich time and place you limy attend if you think proper. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, 1 November 23, 1657. J PROCLAMATION. NtrTlCE is hereby given that the several Court of Common l'leas, General Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Oprhans' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court lit use, in the borough ol Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the I ih day of JANUARY next, aud will continue TWO WEEKS. The coroner, Justice! of the Pcari ind consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, an requested to be then and there in Ihetr proper per sons, with their rolls, records, riiqtruitiona, and other remembrances, to do those lliiuga to their several ollieea appertaining to hi done. Aud nl- wituessei prosecuting in behalf of tin Common) wealth against any prnouer are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper perstmi to prosecute agaiiiRt him, is shall be just and not to depart without leave at their eril. Jurori are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, tin 1st day of December in the year ol our Lord one thousand eight hundred and lifly-seveh and the lude pendeuci of the o'uited Sulci of America the 2d. Cod save tha Cummonwialth. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. SheriiT's Office, Aim bury, Dcceoiber I, I8T. ) LIST OF CAUSZ3S. - TCOK trial in the Court of Common Deal of Northumberland County, to be belJ at Sun- bury, on the 6rt Monday of January, 1 868. PLAINTIFFS. DEFENDANTS. . . George Bhily, ' vs A DuntelHerer'e edro'r. B.'miih'ses'rs. ti C W Hegtni lama vs same. Ti 8hafTer A Co. vs North tl. Imp. Co. T J B Missel vs lame Peter Dickson - -Harriet Jenkins etat Wm K Marts , - John .Bowea Leib for Hammer ti Sundry Canal 4r W, P. Co. Ira T Clement . vs Wm McCartr ... 8ainuel Savidge , ti John Smith . ' Helfenntein for Palton vi 11. If. weaver & Wife lIenrvWeit, " - ti Thoa. Baumpardner, Jos. TTaio, vs Northern Central R. R. C: James M alone vs 8unbury Canal 4. W. P. Co Woolverton Sc. Clement vs Francis EcLlenun RFagely Sc Cp vs Wm Pemholts . Haag & Brown ve Wm L. Dewart iam . . ti iamo Jamca M alone v Phila A 8uiiburv R R Co E Helfcnstcin ti Jacob Gael G Yarger ti Wm Sheaffer, Thndcua Morgan ti E. & X) Goaler Catharine btrob, ti Cbai Htruu, Sarah Swcney, Adm'r., ti Samuel Teal Philip Sarviavi CommiasionenefiNorthumb UC Jelm Young vi John W. Peale, Isaac Brown ti 1 bomas s. stadden Henry LaUba . TS Michael Hetrich Louarc In of Uclfstcin vaWm J. Hellenatein Franklin Potti ti Boyd, Roascr & Co Flemminglit &c, t Win L Ilclfenstiin Reiley In Ac vs name Ann M Seili vi llenry Lani Jarot' Hilhi.h - J.4w Vno Giant for Whecland va V Montague a idm'rl Mary Wilson va R. M. Prick aame v Wm. M Cieery laniab Wilkersnn vi Suiqnehanna Coal Co, & William Kriegbaum vs Kamuel John, Samuel John vs D. Gibson and w ife, Jamca liice vs George A Kecler Christian Miller vs Jacob SSeaslioll Geo C Wclker vs Hugh i'cllas, &c S Bitienbender Ti Sunbury Sc Erie R R Co., Charlei Fidlcr vs William Houpt Isaac Brown vs John 8 Pelerman A Liveimora vs tjunbnry A Erie R It Co. Shipman Auchniuty va Jesse Auchmnty Ceorge Uurna vs Goo. C. Welker. DANIEL BEOKLEV, Proth'y Protbonotary'a Office, Kunbjry, Hec. 1, 1857. J LIST OP JURORS. For Northumberland County, for tho January Term, A. D 1858. GRAND JURORS. 1 Kamuol Beaver. Lewis. 2 Jacob Fry, Chilisquaque, 3 John M. Pattan, Milton, 4 Samuel Grant, Shaniokin, 5 Simeon, Lower Mnhcnoyi 6 Joseph Hughes", Lewis-, 7 Johu Nicely, Delaware, 8 Jucob Do wilt, Lower Augusta; 0 Fred'k Haas, jr., Coal, 10 Jamas Newbury, Point, 11 Henry Weaver, Delaware; 12 Peter ShuC'er, " 13 Jacob Mowry, Coal, 11 Martin Risbel, Chilisqilaqnp, 15 Mulhius Buhner, Little Masonry, 10 James l'.othermel, Delawure, 17 Joseph Evert, " lti Samuel Buskirk, Milton, 19 John 1 1 o 11". Shaniokin, 20 John Mutchler, " 21 Wm. 11. Cherington, Coal, 22 James Cuthcard, Delaware, 2il Samuel J. Cobey, Tuibut. !1 Auurew Doifl'cuderfrr, So bury. TRAVERSE JURORS. 1 Henry Haas, Upper Muboaov, 2 Wm. Ammenniili, Shumokin, 3 1). B. Montgomery, Lewin, 4 Win. L. Moiitsoinery, " 5 ti 7 S 9 HI 11 12 Jacob Koiter.'Noi thumherlond, M vh:iel Arnold, Lover Augusta, Pl.ilip Folliiier, Turbut, Chas. Truckermiiler, Delaware, Jacob Crawford, Delaware, D. B. Leinbach, " Michael Bower. Jackson, Peter B.ihrer, Coal, 13 Henry Coahler, Milton, 11 S.ilomou Martz, Shaniokin, 15 John Slit.el, Delaware, 10 Jonathan Ui.-shul, Chilisiiuaque, 17 Jos Fegi-r, Washington, 13 John B. Snyder, Miltcn, 19 (Jocrfre W. Evance, " 2d Vm. Michael, Lower Mahonoy, 21 Samuel Ueeder, Hush, 22 John Citldwell, Coal, 23 Clus. Itotherwal, Washington, 24 J.'Cob 1'i.gely, Lower Augusta, 25 Simon Houpt, Zei be, 20 Alexander Porter, Sunbury, 27 John G. Fry, ' 28 David FiiRely, Chamokin. 29 Charles ('ostler. Lower Augusta. 30 Albin Hughes, Rush. .'(I Samuel ltntherniel. Little Mahonoy, 32 Jacob Yordy, .erb", y3 George lleim, Washington, 3t Johu, Cbilisqiiuqup, '.'i .T icob Stiimin, 'l urbut, lift Daniel Wolf, ' 37 Dui.iul Fisher, Upper Augnsia, Kr! Jos. Hoover, Sbamokin, 29 Jonas Reitz, Wu.bincton, 40 Samuel Baissel, jr.. Upper Mahonoy, 11 Jacob ileiuie, Noi lhuti,ber!:iud, 42 Benjamin Hendricks, Sucbury, 13 John Tagcart, Lewis, 41 Able Gibiuns, Point, 45 Geo. Christine n, I.eis, 40 Dutiiel Unas, Saubury, 47 Daniel Keller, Shumokin, 43 Isaac Beidel.-puch, Point. TET1T JURORS. 1 Jacob Heller, Rush, 2 Aaron ileckinnn, Levtis, 3 Win. l'eisiug, Upper Asgusta, 4 Benj. Caleriiian, Lower Mahoucy, 5 Peter Bordner, " " C Lli Keelur, Upper Augusta, 7 John Kohr, Milton, 8 David Cluik, Point, 9 John Foy, Lower Auguits, 10 Wilson Hertshiscr, Delaware, 11 Wm Fiugboti, Lower Mahonoy, 12 Wui. M usselinun, Suubury, 13 Geo. Weiser, " M Samuel Reefer, Lower Augusta, 15 John Yemel, Mt. Carmel, 16 George Rohrbuch, Sunbury. 17 Samuel J. Houswei t, Lower Augusta 18 Robert Wil'den, Milton, 19 Henry Arnold, Lower Augusta, 20 Eiias Brosious, Sunbury, 21 Johu Ebling, Jordun, 22 Georgo Bucher, Sunbury, 23 Wm. G. Fullmer, Turbut, 24 Abraham Geist, Upper Mobonoy 25 lier.j Hoover, Upper Augusta, 20 Christian Wensel, Jordan, 27 Wm. T. Grant, SuLbury, 29 Wm. Hoover. 29 D. N. Mc Williams, Shnmokin, 30 John B. Heller, ChilUquaque, ol Aarou Gaston, Lewis, 32 Peter O. Campbell, Milton, 33 Charies Bacon, Upper Augusta, 31 Isaac Hertz, Milton, 35 Win. SampcL Delaware, 3d Andrew Kutz, Chilisquaqoe. -A.XJIDIT. V OTICE to all persons interested. The auh- acriber, the Aaiht.r appointed by the Court of Common l'leas of Aoiiliuiiibt-rland County, to distribute among tbe Lien creditors le money iu Court raised by the t-lie-nil's sale of the real estate of Dr. Jacob U Master, will attend lor that purpose al his otliee in Sunbi.ry, on Thurs day, the -tltll day of December, inst., at 10 o'cljck A.M. W. I. GREENOl'fiH. I Pui.lury, l,c. ITiT. .1 i