Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 28, 1857, Image 3

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Ltttr from India Capturt of Delhi Con
' firmedKing of Dtlhi Surrendered Hit
, Lift Spared Hie Two Son$'ShotLuek.
new Relieved Th Panic in Europe
Important Financial Neu;iank and Mer
eantile FuilweTh Bank Kate Ad-
. vanced to 10." r "
... ' New Yohk, November 22,-r-The steamshin
.' Atlantic hrrived this evening, with Liverpool
. dales to Weduesday, tho 11 ill Inrt.
The Atlantic brings iC,000 slerlinj in
vpecie. . . "
The trews brought by tin Atlantic i very
.important. It embrace luter advices from
.India, and llie prepress of the finnnciul crisis.
J TLe stringency io the money market cootie
ned unnbmei), nnd the Hank cf Englaud had
again edvauced the rata of liiiccuiil ono per
' cent,., pinking the present rate leu per ceut.
The latest Oil vices from Liverpool en
Douuco that the . City Hank of Olusgow
(topped payment on Wednesday morning.
Messrs. Heiiuistoun & Co. bava failed.
Their liabilities are estimated at 2,000,000
sterling B'6( the Western ISauk of Scot
I and, which deposits amounting to C, 000,000
Messrs. Eubcocli A Co., of Liverpool end
New York, have uleo failed. Their -liabilities
are said to be 200,000. Several other
failures are announced, with liabilities of
smaller amounts.
Later advices have been recoived, confirm
ing the capture of Dulhi. Tho garrison ot
Lucknow had been relieved by General llav
olock just as tho enemy were ready to blow
it up. A largo portion of tho city had also
been captured. (Jen. Niel baB been killed.
The kini of Delhi surrendered to the
British troops, and his life has been spared.
Ills two sons were shot.
The Atlantic Telejjraph Company had
decided to renew operations fur the laying of
the cable the luttor part of Jane next, cuin
inunciuff at the middle of the Atlantic, its
originally designed.
Me.'srs. Glass and Elliott had commenced
the construction of additional cuble, maTsiug
three thousand miles in all. 'Eason Sc Amos
were building new paying otit machines.
The London Times devotes a leader to the
remarkable coolness of Americans und-tr the
exisiinp crisis, jn which it strongly cedsutee
th nncontrullu-d issue of paper money.
The Directors of tho LauU of France had
en audience with tho Kmpuror, and unsuccess
fully ur!cd b duty of tLiee per cent, on the
' exportation of apocio. The Kinperor report
' ed himself ill favor of on advance of the raUs
ul discount to eijjht per cent.
Operations iu tho l'rench manufacturing
districts were completely etugnunt.
The financial presume bud reached Sweden
anil Norway.
Tho L'-nb ef F.ankfort and Bank of rrcs
sit had raised the rale of discount to 7 per
The Senate of Frankfort has interdicted
the rfsidetico therp of an old political refugee
named 1'rot.bel, who snine time since had be
come ua Auioricnn citizen. The American
Consul hud protested against this interdict,
uu.l threatened to suspend his relations unless
two irder lor lLo ei pulsion of Frocbel is
A liusfian war steamer had been wrscked
in the Caspian ten. The cuptain, three
lieutenants, and eighteen men were drowned.
The I'aris 1'ntrie urges the Btppeceiou of
specie peymeuts. It is regarded cs certsiu
tiint the" government will be compelled to
adopt Birna stringent measures. French
finance is nut, bun ever, of a character te;l the gloomy opprohensiem which eeetn
to in uouiinuix-istl circles. The specie
reterve of the Bank ef France is two hundred
iiiillkina, n y it ; :. t duo hundred end fifty nnl
!.ur. 'V "n.-t.Oitijj .cr.jd ia. y.r.
I.o.npok, Vv'uJi.csday Merning. The fob
lowing telegnvh despatch was received this
iiin: i:in! t tho foreign cfiice : lialhi, which
fell into our hands on tho Ulh of September,
was entirely occupied Ml t'ie lilsl, and the
winder cf the cuumi expelled. 1 u tho assault
tif the 14th, tixty-on-.i officers and eleven
hundred and EHventy-oipkt men, bing c no
third ol the storming party, were hi'led end
wounded, (jeneri.l Nichulson died of his
Wounds on the 21st.
The tdd king said he was ninety years of
ajre when lie eurremlcce'l to 1 liculgson,
auoul tillet n miles fcjl!i cT 1'c.hi. He was
accompanied by his i hid' wifo. Their lives
vti.'ie sjiareJ. Two tf his so:m and u grand-
t ja Wi re nuo cuptnrrd try Capt. Jlougaon,
iii)out life mi!c3 from Delhi, cud waroshoton
ini rpi.t. Two muvoablu columna were des
patched f.oui Delhi, on tho illid, in pursuit of
t li; eneniy. Hy ticcounts froi.l Agra ono
voluinn appears to have reached tho neigh
borhood of Alyglmr nud tho other that of
M'lltra, on thu iiSth of SJeptember.
General llavclock, with twemly-five bun
died men, crossed the Ganges, from Cuwq
J.OIV, on the l'Jlh of Sjeptebiber, and relieved on thu '2.'ith, just as it, was ready to
bo blowu up by its besiegers.
On the 2Gth tho enemy's entrenchments
v.eie elerined, and on the 2'Jlh u largo part of
tho city was taken. Four hundred and fifty
Uritiiih wore killed end wounded. Ucn. Ncill
was killed.
A slight tiding of the rebels took placo
rear Nassick, iu the Douibuy l'resideucy, in
thd suppression of which Lieut. Henry was
killed, Thu Mudias troops deleuted tho
mutiucors of tho lil'ty-sccoud regiment, near
Kumplue, and killed one hundred aud tifty ef
' "1
St Johns, N. F. va Qi ebed, Nov. 24.
T'ho U. mail stsauiship Vatideibilt pussed
dtf (.'upe lla.e nu 8. in. lay ui'liTnoou, uud her
news pacivtigc wa-i.suiccts'.ully trunsleireii to
the uoWa yutrut of llie
1 Associated rress. 1 ho
telegrupu linns havitit; buoti interruptod be
tweeti Cape lltototi and Mume, its delivery
was pi'cvuuUd yuKterdiiy, nud it euu only bo
Kent to-duv via the Cauudiuu line and Que
bee. The steamer North Stir, fiom New York
on Oct. 311 urrivtu at outhainptoQ ou the
13th iitot.
A fearful CoattcUil iraiiia occurred in Eng-
laud, the duy al'.urll.e Atlantic sailed.
All the Uuiik refuted to ihscouut in noy
Tho followiuj failures occurred during the
during the p:ui;e: City of Glasgow Uanlt j
bridtidi-rsiiti, ,S:iiidiiijU .V Co., of Lundr.n; il
Enn Moigau ii Co., iStritioiiurs of London,
Fietch ii rikeet, Slutiotiers, of London ; Cod
diiilon it Co , Iron Meroliunts. of Liverpool;
MaclteiiZie, Kamiey i: Co., of Dundee; Dra
per, l'tcton t Co., of London i Taltuan. Gre
uol & Co., ot l.iterpool ; Hull lii'odice Si Co.,
ofLer.ilou; Muuroe, Grant ic Co., of aw ari
sen; b. erg man .t Co., .r Nottingham.
In the uiid.t of tho puniu llio Treasury is
nied'au order sup.-ndiii(; the charter of the
Uanli of Kncland, tr.d uuthorizinir the issue
of stoull notes to any uinount. The effect of
this order was iii.-iUiitatieoua. The panic
iiiin-.udiatuly ceased ; and tho news was recoi
ved with furious accidiiiutioti 111 all the com
mercial cities throughout the Kingdom.
The English money market wut steadier
tnlheldtli. Ilut.k stocU quoted ul 'iu'.'j a
iVi. l.icLequcr Dills improved UkiuiU
of produce itiiojidiuttily uuvaucej considera
bly. -l n ere imJ bn a rrent nionev van e in
KcotUnd, euJ s liCaj ruu prviled to 11
in iiai.b.
-I be uuiiun nwn u i lmn.ta Circle io
BrUU'l, M6Cuetr, irbi.e, jj clC(.r
rilacni, lecsme nipre thterfel on learning
that the Government bad authorirod the
bank to extemliU Isiuee.
The British Parliament Will meet laimedi.
' The Bask of France had raised it discount
oo ninety days bills, to' 10 percent.
The English ship Dnnbar, bound to Aus
tralia, woe wrecked off Sydney. One lion
dred end forty passengers, and all of the crew
were lost.
The latest advices from Delhi sy the ex
ect extent of the British lost hat not yet
been ascertained, but it is believed to be iess
than twelve hundred.
The mutineers of the Owalior Contingent
had been subdued, by cutting off their sup
plies. It was reported that Lucknow, which
was relieved on the 2Mb of September, wet
again besieged by Nena Sahib, with fifty
thousand rebels.
All the city people found iu Delhi wero
bovonctted by tho British troops. 4
Many Europeans were found iu the city,
fighting in tho ranks of the rebels.
'UiiKADSTurFS. The circulars quote Infl
market ae declining for all description.
Mr. W. II. Doty delivered lecture on
Japan, last evening at Cqucert ilall before
a somewhat tniull audience on account of tho
inclement state of the weather.
The lecturer coinmeneud by saying that the
Empire of Japan has for a long period
of tune etipaced the serious attention of the
commercial men and government of the Uni
ted States. For the last six years that isola
ted empire has been an object of great inter
est to tho civilized world end the United
States had opened the ports which for cen
turies had been closed against older' nations,
und through which the powers of Europe
have since entered 8ad started trade with
iU people.
1 ue government 01 J apan is snaTea 07 ec
clesiastical and inillitary sovereigns. The
spiritual sovereign's court is held at. Macao,
luo religious capital of the couutry, aud con
8ist8 of 4,000 priests who have in . charge
4,000 temples in that immense city, ills
couucil is 200 grand high priests of tho Erst
rauli wno occupy vutn mm a portion ei 11.0
.. '1 he Kioaun or Emrteror resides at Jeduo,
uud is ess. sled by a council of heriditury prin
ces who form the legislative body who regu
late Uxatiou commerce public worKs roiice,
criminal, justice, miliitary uO'eirsaud religion.
The country is divided ilrto 8 provinces, 1!3
principalities, CS departments, end 022 dis
tricts. The provinces and principalities are
governed by hereditary princes among whom
aliind df feudal system pveVails. Tho de
partments and districts are -jrovetned by a
chief and four vice governors, who arc assisted
by as niaDy secretaries aud watched by as
many spies. Uovcrument tpies prevnou every
nortiou of the empire, ond aro attached to
every office and are always in attendance
where business tronsactious require men
presence. Tho imperial ofT:rer3 nre kept in
office during good behavior, ond are prou.ottd
according to merit, without rerjurd to dates.
Tire city of Jeduo is, ue saw, wituoui ex
ception, the largest city in the world. It
contains l,h00,0UD dwell, ngs, auu li.e unpura
Itlled uumber of 5,000,001) of people. Some
of its streets nre 16 Japanese ri's in length,
which is enual to Zi LngiieU unles. llie
commerce of Japan is immense, and the seu
ull ulonx their const is covered with their
Inns. Their vessels are lailen 111 ttie isoula-
eru portion of the empire with rice, tea, sea
coal, tobacco, silk, cotton and trcpicul fruit?,
all ot which hud a market in llie north, una
then return freighted with com, salt, oil, ei
singUsB, and other productions of the north,
which hud a market in the soutn.
Under our present treaty with Japan, tier
trado with that empire will be limited, inas
much as all our t-uiiiuebg transactions with
their meiVhantu havo to be mude through
government agents, but, with a liberal cn;i.
i.icil Ueaty, our trade will, in importance,
bo next to Chiua, end second to none other
in the world.
Wiping Flasksl. In our climate, fickle
in its gleams of sunshine nud its bulmy nirs,
as u coquette iu her 6milos end favors, con
sumption I cars away every jenrtl.eoinnnients
if naiiy sociul circles. The fares! and love
liest are its favorite victims. An ounce of
prevention in this futul disease is worth many
pouudd ofoure, for when onco well seated, it
mocks alike medical skill aud careful nursing
If the fair sex could be induced to repaid the
laws of health uiiuiy precious lives might be
saved, but pnstclmurd noles, low neck dresses,
and lil'.ipctinn huts, sow annually the seeds
of a f.itul harvest. 1 be suggestion in 1110 101
bwii.g article from the Scitntin'c Am'rican, if
followed, might Save inanyw.tu cotsumplivo
teudecies from en early grave :
" I'nt it on ut once, winter and summer;
nothing better can be worn next to the tkiu
than a loose, red woollen shirt j ''loose," fur
it has room to movo on the skin, thus euusing
au irr'.tution which elraws tho blood to the
surface und keeps it there; "red," for white
Runnel fulls up, mats together, and becomes
tight, Stiff,; heavy, and impervious. Cotton
wool merely absorbs tho moisture from the
surfaco while woollen flannel conveys it from
the r'Un and deposits it in drops on the out
side cf the shirt, (rom which thu ordiuary coU
ton shirt, absorbs it and by iu nearer exposure
to tho nir it is soon dried without injury to
tho body. Having these properties, red wool
fiani;?! is worn by tjuilors even in the midsum
mer of the hottest countries. V.'eur a thinner
material iu summer. will ossemblo nt Washington this
day two woelts IieDce. The prominent names
mentioned in connection w ith the Speakership
of the House nre thoes of Col. Orr, of Sou lit
Carolina, und John 8. Phelps, of Missouri,
with J..GIancey Jones, cf Pennsylvania, as
an alternate, iu case the contest between tho
first two named is ii reconcilable. Cupt. Meigs
reports that the new hall will he in readiness
at the opening of Concrefs. I'owever, it is
the intention of the Clerk of the House to
organize in the old hull, aud accordingly it
has been fitted up and is now ready for occu
pancy. It is alleged that the new ball will
be too damp, and it would bo imprudent on
the part of the-members to occupy it uutil it
is thoroughly dry, and all the dampness has
disappeared. The probability is that it will
not be used before Spring, as the adjoining
rooms, clerk s ofhr.e, post-olliee sc., v.unu are
necetcary, ore entirely uuCuiscd.
The Typocrapb'otl Association cf liar.
risburg is being revived.
.'jsumtm ..."!. - .-. .'iJ-.j:LiLXJases
ITew Advertisements.
'xUtorncn at aru,
Prae'.icss in Northumberland end aojoieinf
Suebury, Nevsmber SI, ie5T. - tf
THE undrijuJ Auditor, appointed y th
-- C'aurl of Common Plaa nf TVnrrhiiuihar.
lard county to distribute the roced ari.inf
from lb sal of lb persunal property of Fe tLi,
Sstatioi'it & Co., t aid aiaoog tbo.a legally
ei.litlsJ to rtciv the mo, will alud lo th
dulie of hi appointment at lb houn of W.
A. Coveit. keown as th "Lawrence lieu," ia
lli boroukk ef Sunbury, on Monday, Dcentbr
7ih, I6f7, at 10 o'clock, A. M , at which lita
k-al f lace ell psrun interettej mav eitend.
A. J. KOOKErSLLEB, Auiiurr.
J. F. Si I. T. ISLIND,
Rieclfully announce to their friend and the
public in general that they have received t their
Store in Upper A untuste township, Northumber
land rnunty Pa., at Klines Orore their FALL
end WINTER GOODS, and opened to the pub
lic a general tmortment of merchsndira Ac.
Consisting in part of Cloths, block and fancy
Cau'mera, Halinetla, Chechs, Kentucky Jeana
(ogethor with a gsneral artortinent of Fall
and Winter Goode adapted 10 all cle of per
sons. ' t
Kiady made Clothing, eenrliting ef Ccat ana
Veals, C'nder shirts end Drawer.
Ladies Drees Goods,
Winter Pliawli, Ginghamn, Caahn.erBS, Da
laihes, f alicoea black Sil s, 4 c. ,
Also e freth supply of Drugs and Mcdicir.M,
Groceries d)-c. "
A new aopply of lfardware, Quenwnre,
wooden ware L'roomiiVc.
A large assortment of Boots and UhoM auila
ele for men women and children.
Stheol Ceoks, talionery, Envelope, Ink, .
Cuikss AJin SiLt.-
And all goods usually kept in a ceunby store,
The public arej resptctfullv invitnd to call aud
examine our stock belore purchasing elaewher.
A we are determined to cell at prices to suit
the times for CASH or in Exchange far Country
1'roduee at the market price.
Thankful for past favor we lirte by strict
attcnliun to I utinu to marit a continuant of
Kline' Crore, Fa., Nov. 21. 157. tf
A DAoSiTar Kvcry Maui ttbrnry.
rANVASSEI?8 wanudto cblain auhscriher
for the Comprehensive Geography end Mi
tory, Ahcient and Modern, 0 tho World ;" by
8. G. Godrii.!i, (Pettr Farley.) Handsoniclv
bound in cloth gilt, und illustrated with 100
lieautifuleirgravingfi er.d and 80 ruops. Trice
$3. Bold only by agents, to each of whom a
special district will be ghon. v!pplirtntshoidd
slate what counties they would lilio to convisi.
The bock is now ready. Cupie will bo sent by
mail, pctl paid, 011 reteipt ol the price. Iiiils on
all lolvent lank taken at par. The "HonV
Journal," says ef this vrork': "'o family what
ever should be without it." For full pr'.icuUr
in regard te ta agency, addrern,
. Publisher and Uookseiler,
No. ITS William Street, New York.
rr Ait 1 ;ind of and Miscellaneous
Books, Cheap Fubllcatiuns, Stationery and
Hap, furnirhej tl the very lowest prices. Or
der solicited.
November SI, 18G7,
fipHE subscribers, Excutor of t'i estste of
Ceerge Derk, dee'd., late of Cameron town
ship, Northumlieiland county, will eip.ue lo
public sale on the premise on SATURDAY,
the 19th day of Deeemher, next, the FAT1M f
aid eo. Drrk, dee'd , ccntaininj ISO Aero,
One llewlred Acres of which is cltared and the
remainder well t'im'.urcj. TI;o improvement
consist of a LOG 1I0L".';U end UAIi.V. anJ a
nimibcr of Fruit Trees, 't'tn Mahonoy Creak
p'asne through the prrmUe, and afTorosan ex
cellent water power. The loeaiir 11 in near ilia
Goal Uegion, tlx mile from Sl.amnUn end i
from 2'rcvnrton.
Term and conditions will 1e r,;ade knjw:i on
the day tf si.lo kv llie iMi.lemiiinrd.
m'ichael dekk.
Cameron twp., Nov. 14, 1657 ts
Book of su'wription to f-rinck of the !
Shhikiic Hank, will be oirne,l at W'il- I
liom Weaver' Ilolel in the tov.n of Sha-noVin, I
Xiu Mo'neay, the 30ihdiy of November, 1S57.
W P. YiTI'l! IN GTCN, j
Dccrrtarv lo CotiimUticmrs. i
Bbamokin, Nov. 7, I So".
I ciwnr 1In nnd TipriKportatlcn.
From Philadelphia aiij Trtuorton.
TCERCHANTH a:u' bmineu men of Tievm-
ton and vieinity, inn be tl.rir Mrrclinn
dite and other Goods rhipped tbroui;h from
Philadelphia to 're orton kiid Port Tfevn.-ton.
and all intermediate filncrsou the -line, 1 v rend
ing to li e Central Depot Hrm-o of PKEED. !
WARD i FREED, No. 811 Market Ei., aluve i
Eighth Stiert. Philadelphia.
Good carefully altt liued ( ai d peroplly de-
November 7, 18.rj7.C.-aoS$
TCJAKER'sJ imkd Tivirs ! iiAito Tmrs :
Jt'DOZEN j t-.niaiyi-llieiil l.l.lui i.u-xil. I
1 itu jji-bt 111 llie ,1 111 111,
The Cbenpei,! ill the World,
i'lemiuniti to rm h i'u .. -criecr.
Every i'ariner i ti -c rcti J.
Als!i, oery f niuli Plot Owner.
To inert the increased value of
money consiqurnt upon the "I'anl
JJj..y,,.!V7 111IH6, II1C U I. II .If I Ol UC At
M": . i . L . . 1 . e . i . .
tllCAN AtiUIl VlTt!!bT U Ul
rt . , . !v. I i. - i '
k uiiliuuiiti; i.r.ifc i.e. ,u9 sill ,1 UH II
llie pages ol una staunch old jeur ,
li :i I one llnrrt, nn i itoiil-lifil t.ic in
trinsic volte, li-.i h number will j
htreril'tiT contuin 32 double r.Tto
,ia, ea, tilled with plain, pruclictil '
l-jT'sj reliV'lo itifoiina'.ion, of rsr'editij :
iR.tic lorvnj onev.i.o cut.ivaiua
a I'urr.i, a U.irdi n ; t r but tl.c er.ial- I
kit plot of ground.
Lanes, cacu volnrne of t:i: Arrr- !
'culltnist will but.i'rt. ol !
jexccllti.t prarli al bints upon every
liDoZENi1'".- :
iii-6,i.ifl iui on ii. c iar'.hi
amount of really liHlul ii.formr.tiun
prepared by a Great number of prac
tical working Eicn and norr.eii, the
gncullurUt U new the Urgest
Tl I V 17 1? "Si '
Jouine.l of 'm character in the
-LJimvrv Iworld, Put ovuri" to the
U J U - . ,
ciicul.ili.'ii, it can still be efloidcd
t one dollar a yeur, or for eighty
cents each to i lo'.i.- of ten or moie.
or 14 mouUrs will bo scul for ll.e
usunl price of 12, to nil tubecriuerg
for 1838, (Vol. XVII), that .'a, all
single or club subscribers lor lbo3,
who ub.scnber now, will receive
the two v.ry valuab'.a niiuibcrs f,ir
Vovtmbcr and l'cceinbor, of thu
year, without extra charge,
aluab.r Hfrd I'miiltiins
To (vu y Subfcriltr fur l.'P.
A large lisr of valuable Pick!,
Garden und Flower Seeds will be
repented lo tl.a subarti'. crs for vol
ume 17, from winch every subscti
ber will bo allowed to rhooee three
Ipackugca without chirrge! i bo
Seeds will aluue be worth llie sub
scription pi toe to many pr rsous.
bend in vour numcs at once, and
the BUccecung number piously
upon the first Jjy of each nc..i,
until the end ot l.'-H.
The best rcinejy for the '-Hard
rimea" will be to kearn fiom Arri-
culturiat the beat inodca of increas
ing; the product of your Fields,
liareVna, Orchard, &c.
Teams ia Ahvim l. ? I a year
(or 14 months now). Bix copies
for Ten copies lor ?H.
OUANCE JL'DD, Publither.
18W ater-atieet, N. oik.
Tlie Tennaylvania Farm Journal bu bctn
merged into the American Agricultuiist, and
the Agiiculturial ia now peculiarly the paper
for Pennsylvania Farmers.
November T, 18S7
QF.N et M cents per bushel, cadi, for sule 1
v'by J. U- UA3gKE. .!
Dooki 10IJ at prictt tit suit thtjimn. All
Hank Note) takt at par. ' "
THE fallowing unefal and beautiful Books
refaraleat thi Etablihminl. a '
WaUsn' Camp Fires flf the American Revo
Inti.m, with Fift;' Original Illustration ty
Croome. 8vo. Price, $'4 00.
rrector' Illutratrd History of the Crusades,
" containing ove lliQ.iJJ UHtrnttwrie.. I Vol. 8vo.
Trh e $2 HO. - ' ""'
Stork' illustrated Life of Mfm Luther, 16 11
" lustrations. Royal 8vn. 'rk, $1 00.
MieMy' American Female l'ocls. with Bio
grnphicnl and Crillcul nolkn and scleclions
from their writings. Octavo cdiliou, nine steel
pbite. Price 3 00.
Dr. Bethune' Britieh Female Poets, wilh Bit
'graphical and critical notice and (elections
IVom their writinr;. octavo tdition. nine alccl
Plate. Price, 2 00.
Wairon' New Dictionary of Poetical Quota
tionn, coiuiiiting of elcgnn.Xtrct, 011 every
uHf'.-t, compiled from . i4yi onthor, eiid
arranged tinier appropriate treadii. O-tnMi
edition. NiueStrol Pkies. Vitr, $4 PC.
Weld' Sacred Poetical Quotation, or Scripture
Themes ar.J Thoughts as paraphaeed by the
Foots. Octavo cJilini. ' Nue niccl plales.
Pi he, $8 00. , . .. "
Tho Women of llie 8cr.p:urevi-ihti!li'strf.tior:s
on steel, octavo, fall cloth, gir. becksi Price
f 1 60.
The Cltrialiaq'e Daily Delight, wi:U cii'ht illufr
trations un steel, octavo, doth, girt back.
Price ! 50. , . . '
Scenes in the Livci of the Apiv!!.-., -i'h.ei,;ht
iliUBtrnlione on steel. Octavo. Cloth, gilt backs
Price tl 50. , ;
Scenes in the Lives of the I'ah'&rclis and Pro
phets. Illustmtcd by eiht s'ceS plates. Octa
vo, Cloth, gilt backs. Price, 31 50.
The most liberal inducement are olTercJ to
Agents to engage in selling eny of thh above
Books, or the numcroca oihsra published by
them. Cnialogucs with tonne furnUhcd on ap
plication to
Publisher rJiid Bookseller".
35 South Mi St., abov&Chi V:'.,rhiludelphia.
October 24, 1857. Cci
THE Star Company, comporrd or the firet
- 4rtb,te in the world, und exceeding in
Strength and Talent any Drart atic combination
heretofore offered to the Tlietlriral Public, will
appear every ninbt In Ci iityM',''l'-'ajedy, Serio
Comic Drama, Vaudevilles, liinsita! JJurlcttcs,
&e., &r. When visitit.g thejJ" ', go there.
Oct. 24, le)57. 17
All Nudom oCJhc li.tvie WIiul!
The Pimtvcrtr.ry of tl: i.i.r.-.'u a of ITnll twnv'i
(illfiMiMit MG'.'lit ! licit julfilOl lil.':.T. It ll IB ftll fil
c-i'ii'Jtca tmiltijLDl'a iV(: ihKtt;mr i;ir,ilyz:ilinn,
uii.T .'ut 11 la. miv untl lintlt. Vtui ; irnin it -fc',iv(rH ft
'm-.m it is iippluii, IIP licalim; H-'iij i,,u;R t,b wny itimiili
e.e, v pouring jintt Iirnniti.t i)t Ui b' , t- the vet v b mrcc
uitft Iwttia ui alJ friintivf, u!vr"ij, ttiUi'irniiH, tihti crnrc
r'!iu ill- 5?t. it iH'invuiKiim llitf l:i;; trinri.lf Unit
I'fi-iig tl ' ifi, ni;t! l te loiiwartl uir fmir, Ih -ui, anil
pfiBs iiwtiy wilii n ra;iJ'iy incrtilibit; u tlwac vli- Lave
not witiu-cscil it.
tCKoii'i.ofs r!:rPT;rrr.a) rixr.ns.
Ttu' pnim uf cr'fu:ii ii.-ii" ij.-; . i-cn tiLilruli;! r-r
tij cl' .1 l-y JiM- ul tlte ictueiiii-K if ih: v.rnnim. :(:! in
'i'tic s ilv :i:i1 iil.'ie t i tl.m v irunL tm (t-5.r'.'.lir
is II iIl- wrr- M ( .itiii'vnt. IM.ij'ii lie a l;.tru'. t; rrf;u
I rtstifh a::J Kn?!n!i fuTpi', t! r iri'.;- i
r-. ' r -t. 'i ;..t;. un -r. vfT' s-rit rur; UxA Lc
c inliu-ic.! uti'J tu!'l iy (ln liulsmnic r.-rn.'t.
T!-ti !;i;i: nr c.vistia ni:iv fotu;ve n cuur-'r cr litnv-r,
1 t!;c ticii 1 (.tf tl,c tciril-'i-i..crt'icM e rvnriin in ti;
l.:t .tl,jui'l ii is eo vi ?v!;iti)ii( cii ui n T.-riu llw.n
I". iJ"'l 'Win 's OiiitirUMir, ui U: v I'Hi'.-.irv, pi nc-
I lr:i:-f n;t(i tin; i-;rc,i!-ilir n. un i pervu'Icn fvvry iiifcctnl
: -vit-u-, uii i Li la tiie i1ic;isc by t!c3tiny;ng
1 pii;i(.ifiii' l!i:it gtM entail v.yA E.;; it
j INri.AM.MATiOXS Ol- 'i !.?; IIINS.
ill rFTifs nun 'irtiinnry cruprnur. rr vr. i " p: jit.-:jy.
A cue, Kiit'.'u trr.i. Cnrliuncl Sen I i Hti:, J! tuMitu,
L'TMifty. rric'.iy Ihv', i'kc, mc iti..tivc t a lcv Uisic
Uj.jihciUii'iif (.( t he ).itum-;r.
ac iiii;.ntal INJt.Itn'S,
in.uit dt'tu ly fj ty i:s it; iiiij;iii.n. 'J Ik iM'!.nnr::.i
tion (piirkiy si'li't'i, ft ver m A I -ckjiiw ir prt vuitcl,
iti;.! u:iN:rit pc-rf.-vci niK list i't' Uic pft f irutluii, li.c ij
c bt uf iicaliiig is ivj iu ii;rt:nili6Uc.l.
Dvili the 0nt:v,c),t and Pill should It ustd
ih thi'ftiHvtvlntj casts:
n'uii.vis I.i'tnlriif; Pt re !.ni:a S.cVn. OUi:i'a
b'Uiia Mfii-tiiuil S irr 1 5 f -T t-;!T Juin'.B
'. ipptvl llmu's i.ri:iuiitt N-fi-iTt-..'1.!! I Ici.tb
Ci.ijoiiiiul i'llcs S -re TUt nU tr-iwit-i'l S rrs
i'i. u:...i 11 lu-umulisia s..r 4 T u!l!.t of all
Gu'ut .!t lihfu.u I;i;k!h l.ii - la
rf CAUTION' ! None nv ffli!n!i: r::!v?s v
:it'V.'jy. ?v. Vi-. k miJ . :it,? ure ij! crii:;,!
r-ti::u c .t u ;.n or i.njw ; it-e k."H iiihv he
Ip'UiiM l!is 1'mi tl;c lilit A h.niUi'iin n wnnl wili
; l irlvui t
n::y mm rcnuci ire uku miifiiiuiioii. us i:v i
it.lH I'M.icin in iii'inn ilii) Ji 11 1 y l-l I. a I IH-e K -tall. I 1 1
tl.c metliw-mcs ur v.iini Ur t-uitc, Ln.rr t:ig i!im;. Im be
ejiiiitt'iis. ...
fii .'.liuiifii I nn.-, Ni-w Yoik, iwi.l tit I T.imt. i. h i! hi, .y
1.11 rffi.'(i-i:tii. I u!.-n :iad 1.. i t,? hi MVil'i-:!.- t.ruuh
t;I liu-V'lli''"': ri.;t -, i:n:t iti-) f t vi iloj worut, itl Li-ctt(
uf Sj Cf:;tB.Cj fi-iitt, uud j?1 cucu.
t'f' Titcitia u cciuidoruliie euvuif by taking the lurgor
N. II Pirwtl-me tli fTiiiilanfcof futkrl ia evcrj
il.s .r.!'-r ni t uCnif d to fju li box.
(Jc'-ubtr 1, if 0 lyca
cV"m TiWl?f?rTk -rs
AT 4C:i C1I1.VI V Tlir.iri', 111 J J-. r 1:1 .1 i;!A.
Tho Orffinl Gift Hack Eton.
G. G. I'.VANs would iiiftjim iiie iriciii'iuiiil llir pnl 'ii
tV.t Ik iciiii)'. uii liia il ir Uiit U.mi'; hittiu uu.l I'uit-iit-l.mj
11 iiibtf, lo the ipli itdid filore In Hr.iwn 1 r mi 1-u;!i1-iiti,
IJ; C.n.-si'tii Su ti, tv.t' (Iuimb I'tww l-'iiiit, wlirrr
tin' urctnsri'f tucU I'Ook wiii rrccix i- one nf llie tulii.w
ihu fiUh :i'.av ut Ik'iii cent to fclLU, cjiitii-'uig of
Ui:a wui'-iit'H; jL-wtiry, ic
Cli'J 11 ein-li.
s i ou
Si V "
III (0 "
10 00 '
10 ( I '
fi.'tl Paii-nt I'.i. ;!itl'. I.-vi-r O 'lil Vatehn
5ir Piio-iit Aiielinr it. i(
4;io li'liu-.! tii.LI WiiU-lu-s lt riiKes,
fiuiler Liter Wntelie-s, WdrrautMl,
5'Ki I'utl.'f Tn.tii-f.s,
.10 Cuini-o Si-ln. Kiir Dropa and
AtlO l'.ilirn' tiiiM Uittt'eleib,
-5 UU to Iti t il "
n:s V t'i.1. Iil'ilus:
in no
j.d.iit tu ! I ' keif, lurL-e ti.t iioulti vuue.
l,( no tiodl Ij'iv-Uivn, (fiimtl ii. .) a t-tl
flrtHl li il.l lVillt WimcB. Willi (i 'M IVriB, fi (H)
.(Hrf Jixirn Goitl I't'iit with cuicsund lu-ldort It 60 "
.'rtdUnM I'tncilP (l.iii'iiK') i ,Vj
i,,'n 'i '1.1 lVjis, wHii ISiIvit IViinla, C -V
a.V.itl l-ltlit; ' Ci'ild i'Jii, With Ctie, 1 ill
(i.VO (i M lliDg.l-nJiis'j 1 r-u
VViih) (iciit'e t i.ikl iiiils, '4 73 "
'J,."iit0 .flillr' (iolit ItriUatDtn. i t' "
.1.011 MlMefcMioia UiCMMLUI'.B, 1 M
n.titHi ,tk kct Ktiivs b. 7.i
i,'it, SLtfc Gi iil't O.-l.l Rfei.i ?!ui!t, 3 iu
2.1HW d l tirevc UiUtimi. U (Hi '
Vhin lHlti; J :r Dii'i, ii .w
h,i ki Cunt pi' -. rM 6 U
lo.mi.i l.uiln-ii Ciuiff. J .'t i,r Mof'ii" PUi fi tut "
J.,KM.Kdt. ' i'llltV' triiJiWl tltd ItiltU-n IMlil. V lAi '
I'Ym.lge't. Uiili i f a Tli uf-'nil l''lwei) du i
KVAN?' ii w L'utiil-'i'Ui (MiitmiiH I'll ttic v.i (i ipntar of t!.e J.iy, uitd tl.o new mi iol liCttt-'m. uli oi vi i;.uh
wiU )M ah Uiv rim e til.tnim d ut ( titer M"Tvb, a
fsiniNli'!t tuul' t:ut i f li Nik t-ii! irrt-, ly Hpiiiicniion
lur-iuf ii tltf innil, tiy ud.lrcfcaiiijf U- O. KVA.NS.W Cui;.
IIUl b.i'vcl. Iiil ittriliia.
Ajieniawaotial iii every town fn li e t.'iiitnl Slnteiu .
TlK'Bt ilfuiiii tyito ui'i cuu ubt iiii lull Mirtau.urg ty
luLUt-H.-il! HE u.Mve.
N li hi coiinrfiHoiiceof t-he ui'mey rriiii.m.d nnmer
f'tilnrvi, llie niw:itlicr Ima In-en jiialiitii in 'iri't.iire
I'rtmi uMiiT ift ft mi innneiiate sUwif f lM'k. trr.ln n?n .f
t'Viy lU'puiiu.uiit f latrnluro, nt piirt-i win-n wili e.M
r liint t-t civ K'.'tt vurii. uf ti-.c kU-vc git: vn ever
PltHHi W'tih t-f tuiii.
An rum 'i wall gift, will lu t iit to wli r'
onlfru.c ' f t" he i:t liuuc utMtta, 1' tetii4
(v-nd f'f t'nllll HiUO,
Nvjveiiiier 7, 165T. 3t
Dissolution of Partaershi).
i3 hrrebv given that lb partnership heretofore
.evicting, between the undersigned, in the
Ploul and Feed Uueineajt. in the town of Trc
vorton, has been dirsoivrd.
Tittett -n, Oct. IT. l-ju7.- oi l tl-Oi
n 11 mii 1 li-ieii i li 11 1 1 m iMtrm in ti "''-inn1
ESrPEOTFEI.LT Inform the ehfcarf- of
E .ft., of Lower Auunta towuabip aud the pub
bc ttxjfmilly. lb at be Ik purotiamd she tore
InWy brit by Iinao Markr.. in Lower Augiu'a
townahip near Eiixrrich' 7iinta, end Ira Juat
opeuej a aplendid V.ok of
lyttUnnd Winiep lOD3.
lltfl Hlok nitskls of Clolbd, CaMimere, Or.9
ne'tsiW ail kind, linen, cotton and WtiatteV
Also, Calico, Gingham, I, awns, MouMsline
pe I.a'.ne ami all kindi of I.auie T)ic3 Good.
GROCERIES, Hardware, tjueenuv. are of Va
rious atyle and patterns.
Also, an aMortment of Iteady-Made Clothing
of all descriitinns. Hoot autl theE, Wala ane
Cape. . S4I.T FISlI. &e, d variety ef
other articles such as are miiuiMo to the trade,
all of hich vi ill bt enld at the lowest prices.
. jf' Country prodore taken iu exebaug at
llie liifihrl market prices.
Lower Augusta lep., October 10, 18S7. tf.
PENIISYIiVAr'IA VJlViV. wor.ics.
, Kit, 246 Arch At. Int. Second j- TiUiJ,
v (O;.; Kiuiil Htreot,
CEIVEf, Puddles, Screens, Woven Wi-e of
fT " nieahee and v.idibs, v. til) ail 1 inde. of
plain and feney , wiro work, it-avy Twilled
Wire for fpfirli ("atirliera ; Coal. Kond and Gra
vol Siirerns ; Paper Maker' Wire ; Cyloider
and Dandy Rolls, covered in the best n. surer)
Wiro and Wire Fencing.
A very superior aticlo of Jfeavy Founder'
f cives. All kind of Iron Ore W ire Selve.
Philadelphia, Sept. 10, 1857. com.
Estate of PETER JI KCCSE, dee'd.
7 Q'lTCE is hereby given, that letters of ad
1 roinistralion on the cf.tate ol Pelci II Moore,
lato of Lower AojTUSti lewnsMp, Korthuinherl'd
county, doceresd, have Lcn granted to llio u!i
acrlber. All persona indebted v. ili plaat-e n
iinmedinle payment, and I.Vhc l.;ivin? cbiiuie
present them duly aulhwiilirated ITr f. ltlcincnt.
MAUY ANN MOORE, Adiu'uix, c. .r:
Gctober 17, lCo. Ct.
Hamilton i:a.sti;u &. CO.,
Not. 100, 201 011 2nd kaiilviart Stftet,
lTAVE now in store, (mostly of their own i,n
porlntiou) one ol the hiifssl and' corn
plele tt"cks in the t nitod Mates, cinl.iai bijr
6i!!.i) :tl Siik jjooih of everp cliivs j
Goods a very laipe stock j Irith Linens; Lin
en Goods and lloiisekeoi inp Arlicics erf e ry de
tcrihtiou j Mcurniii Goodb; Cloaks Munlillaa
and,U; Kniroidnr'oi-, Lscck, Hosiery,
Cloven, Elunkets, l,iil'.n, ljoii.CK.tic (inod; ur.i!
every article generally rexuiied by Partners and
Planters for servants oc.
tSr' Koon.t on first (!, or the price
ailixe 1 lo each urlitl f.oro nhich no deiution
is tnii'Ie. (
Wholcirale Rscit.e on '.ha second and third
Oudbcr, 11, IS." 7. 3m.
OJjlce vn ir'unih &cvcnd, near Market Street, !
. I
Practice in the Counties of l.tiion, Norihum
beilnivl and Montour. '
All 1'iiorKsMoNii. entruvled tj i
h'g rare wili rcceiv prompt and lalihful atlcn
October .1, 1S.',7. ly
Smibury,, ls;,7.
V. I'EII.IM;. bavin? obtuined the aensry
E- for lMK-KEiVS tilET llODlv Enli'iirii.
i iij.j 1 rcpueii MTiTtini-b at ; Uools ,pn'iibc.l
as retail price will; 11 i-i'o vv. itii Iruia II cents tc
O.M-; HEMJKEb I ol.L.-i:...
Godfrey .Na-tvlive of llie Kme r;p-diiion
botitul in c!o;'.i, prt.-a Pl.VO (wilh ti'iii.) l.'oui'..l
in i-r (Aithnut t:ifi) f0 cents.
Dr. Livingstone' IS years Explorntien and
Adxciilurea in the V.'iids cf -4fiii -a, 2.10, H vo.,
page. One hundred tj.lcndid Eiieravinc.
bound in cloth with sold, price 1 110 (with gift.)
Paper edition .r.U cents (without gift).
Kept. IU, 18.07. CI.
f ueresscr to Mrs. M. Hill,
rasIiicncUo Straw f.ntl Tr-iicy Iililliiicr
No. ICrj (old No. r.Zl) North Second Slrort, le
lovv Noble, opposite lied I. ion liutel, 1'liilaJ'e
lS,' Ptiltern llonneu made to or-b-r. Milii
nerv in o 11 Us various I rLir.ihtu A call rc.-peet
fully solicited,
October 3, ' S.rT. CvviSm
titcjrtfon to
s o. rAsiruK-L c o , am i.. i. ! i;s,
(Formerly No. 15 Xonll Wharves.)
DF.At.F-i; in piioin:i;i:, riaiT and vc
(UrALLiry, No. 4 Ko.tli V
.'bt.r-cs, .!t!i doc Klrtrt, ihilAi!f!jlnc.
l.or.uuit?, f''iiioiiH Morcer iVlatoos,
ItatrMlif, 'i'i!ir;i.t.ii, Swrt ltatoi :s.
,, ..
Oihris fjr ahippir.g put up v.ilh care and diu-
11T GOODS sold en com
and Deulera.
Octcr S!4. '.857.
ni.-sian for Farmers
Xew I'liII-a'icI.iM.i Lii-y Usoa!!
'f jJAV12 mnove.l to t!:cir
lurncr of (Mjie-iiLit and
Ml. eels
havo oucJ their tmKulI as.ortmeMt Au-
tritnn end . inter 'IK t,OiJl)S, v.hteh Ihey
oiler at very low prices
Their alock include
Miav.U, itlnck and I oticy r irks. Merino
oilier Dress (iood, .Men' and Iioy'j
Wear, Bluiibett, Honsi -'keeping
(Joi'iK, mid Oosda f r
'irieiids i eai'."
Oct. Zi, 187. ttuCc
"IAMB lo t!.e premires cf tl.e tubseribrr on
Monduy, the 1 Ul of Keptembrr, int., a
CJHAY IHliirsK, about li or 1 1 j ears old. 'i'he
owner is reijuerted tu come fnrwaiJ, prove pro
perly, pay charge, and lul.e biin away, oiIiitaU
he will be dh?po.-cd of according to law.
ltui.h tp., Pej.t. 15, 18Ii7. fni
IVIIE subscribera rcsjicctfully aiiiiounre lo the
l u'.i ic. l int 1 ii'iy rrw r-iti'iii.i rimiiitiv n. :ri
in this place, baa been completed, and uiil go
into oocrulion on Monday tbo 3. at day of Au
pus', iust.
Iluvina e:iganfJ a coinpetrnt and careful
Miller, thry trust they will le aide, wilh all the
Mo,), rn iuiprovt rnei.u ail. i led in their mill, to
give eiilirc satisfaction to all who may favor them
with their ct-stoni.
Sunbuiy, August 29, 1S67 t
"POKTEK'S Spirit of the Tiinea for a!a by
A II. Y. rillLING.
A rrgutt 1, 1S57.
friIK War Trail or the Hunt of the Wild
- Ht.rie bv ( ui.t. Mavii Puid, fur aule by
Augue-t 1, '07.
II. Y. I ltll.l.NO.
nYUKOI.KEM PAINTS. The paintsar
min d wilh water, thereby saving lbs eut
ef nil, fur sale by
a. v rmirn.
rini'ilffr' iin'v
: . CUKAd- WAtCiiKB A.Na jBV. ftl,RT. ,
Tt(THl.mAr.K AMthl1'AIL,tirh 'TkiUM"
V r WHirim m.a j" i !).. tee roc n.i. v)
Nortli Sccoitfl Slreel, Cmiir QtMry, l'linUl(
O'Sd l.vrr WnisliM, full Jrvr9a, te weM, WSX
lii.ld l.e,i,i-, t'i turvl. HI M
PilVM Lr.nt, full jewelled, IU
Sllvt Ipiiic, jwi . S
llipnrinr ijt'lirawN, ' . V tHI
Ik.kl Slin.HK, V Ml
thrill llrnt.ftlis ee
l.itly' fiottl KfiettK . I
K'lvi-r T "t,i..k, t, .te
ilil Pmi, viilh Pencil Mi! Mrcr holSr, eo
Ooirl Finger Klnmi 87.J cts 10 fcui YVmoh nm.
I'H vl , MO iil If , l.u,iri ! ollnil nrni " i" nioroa
All KiHa wurmnlrj tu be !ml lliev un mild tor.
It' tHi lid nffl Qa mil Silver Lver and
Mill l'wr Umij Mie a! ovc pricr-n
Khiaiiln.liia, dvlolitr 10, lt. 1rVt
I; tht.X'attrr rf ti.e Settlement rf tin Elait
. (f Fill Lerch, of Ml. C&rmcl.
TVOTICP. is hereby (riven that. Cutbarine
Loreh, widow of Felix l.ercli deceased
has made her Beleclicn of the personal prop
erty of said dreeasod, ftcenrdinjf to the Act of
Aseou.blf of Hlh of Anril, 18;")7, hiih ill
bo presentr d to the Orphans Court for ap
proval ou Thursday, tho Clb dny of Noveui.
ber licit.
AK05 VASTINK, Adaii'i.
October 3, W.t.
liLccssu u itLb-sirr,
Nvrlii Thira Streci, 1 dour Itluia
SAM.Sof P..t ivikI Slrvp, Dry IJ.n.lf, V. 1:1'.
ware, Wutclin, V'unry Uoih!, Ac, KVtHY UVU-
Cniintry Floril.i-i'ncrf etulotl-rr M ill n!v.-ny K1.1l rt
nr I'.veiiinn tnl n hiaeum! rirMirntle nviuiu 111 til II.
nUivc C"'.tlB, t'i he ili1 In lots to tun tn'yeta.
.iini.'fl pru-kt-.-l on the prcnoiica toi Comitry 1rJe.
br t. SO, lf37. C Siu
v, AfT?TnTTT.TTrTAT. vr e v.rrrrr
Aos. 21 end 23 South $;s;h Stra f, near tti
T-n fi nr nf thin Bpnci'iua ltill linf, re'-tttl Mpre3'y
f-r thu Pffprietora trad., are utorc l v ith biJ iia
plt'IIieutl n( litei'M l'i I'irfnrii;iinl (;r'itf -r;fi.
MXTV VfcA Kr? K"l Altl.I.UKP.
Tlir iiV5crilTf( Vm; i.. r.-ill ;!it- ui".ei;ti-i?: t.i evrrv ;ii&
iMt-fi.'jrrti 111 I'atiniiiff, mi (.itiniui.iiiir, tf) tin u- vi i! i.;tct--tl
st-'cii ut Ari( Mliiiuil luipit rui?iita iuk! W.u'liiin rv.
t.irnt vi:ric:y i.f K.-rl icn'tt.rnl 'k v?t v:initittMl Oarrlen
nw Flfwet r?'Cui, Grass tiuU l-'icl-.i t'swli of llie m.i r.
hjtllf Ipl ;ltt
Ti:n nriou!f.inl ITi;1cirittt m'1 ly pf? orr inoarly
immufutMuiiM1 ht tiur feienm Wnfku, Iiri;t i'. I'.i.
linvin fit'. I up ei.tfiMti!.Ui:iit vi itlii'iit recf;rI t')
ci'-irii!, villi tt iii '! cTi'pIt iiiii'.-hiiK-ry. fi ti: tinn.
utit' iuru ci v.ii'iti f A'triciiliur i! ir.;i;inittit., vc -.' ifp iriil iont ;i'y n!! 'Mi'-!" i: tVis i:ir tu.!
ff; ;!.', iri.MiVs.Mi'ir, tu u.;y Uihij of tiie kii.U ivm ! f.- rt
V.-r.-,i i, 1 1,- puss-.
Ihtvf In.'ii Ivfi r tlis piii'ti for upw urua. ci' ni.xt . year?;
tiiL-ir wiJc-i jiiciui p'pihiirii, it nil lii j c -r.'Wi, ii" r-Ji.
tu jr ii nii-iul tPMii yrur t-i car, a tlie j-K . j -. t.:f li.cir
Bii'tfriiirit) over :nl nth' ve.,
iT C nitrv incrrliaiits rf,n r.V-'Iifw wi!'i in
-.nin.P. or In:, it. vn ti iti"t : n, r..
lii,Hti.if"falHt nwir i:fLi, I'n., r!i.Oi:.T 1 n F"';;
c uitniii3 tl.rcc iiuiiilretl tf.i l tt vfii-y ::cit r, tiiui is tim .!;
gcsL L-ilulliuhiiici.ti-f iu leicd in li e v-i
h. IAi;fiKTIT A- POX.
X.-p.S! niS.-uJi Salii W.-e:, rtii'.iUcVKiH.
c;'!:m: rt.itr-TiriTi'. or. nt.kvi: tonic.
T'ii Weil hii ivn ri-ltinly din-.r.-rti.t jy my lute p.irt
n.T I li I'.r (. .1. l,ei.(lr, in tur.' cult t'.: tl.c :",!.-i. limnr-ili-r.
Sii-k-lii-riJurl.c, iii,ii otli- r Ni.n'"!i a ;.-c-ti":i. It
ct'Lt'iii.9 r.' (hiiiinie, A'S.-nl". i.i otii. r i...:.trl a'" i.ipifui
" I' nvi:-'l.vt:r H,r r-.fc-n., u ,r ii. to the umiii-
n.-ii, I'll t ik Isiviii li.l .t- li I); Sv.j, K ,.., I, VK ,.,.,1
Wltli Wr .kl!!...- n ,;V (j,e ..., ,., ,., i,,.
'" i.ln.lul I., r Ironr.'n! v. ill. 1 aToip n! !.'e
VV" tl:ie I .III,- ip t.if .i ini' in iu.t c!iK"i, vlu-re ti.e
liri'i'lni:i."-i- fi ." ...vfi!. Cv: cuu Lcl.oniiir.-.l t'roin
U:i ;wr:r. i,f tin; I'liimi.
r". I liy tin? L'tuccie'-r erejmrally- ntnl br J. 1!. Ilnzird.
tVh..l.snle l. iiu-u.itt, u:.U e.;ic, l'r.rif.or Ul M.ii.lw.
I.r'i.., N, v. V'iii.
New Vurk, Se;i
Tvu r. t. f,
toi r-.r'v.'-i'y r-
"I, :
o- ' li.i'nt, .flu',
.nl .t-.t . li.nit rn
k ,. i nt V, .1, J
,i ii-, i. iii... rii'-r; 3,'- .
r-.t.T r.rt .Tr IOV-: ,. .'. All
a.ii .....Oil., In ..ilit
!r .-.. ... H. , . r i ,,!;. O. Irv.nw
t H Ill- , .... 1( r, i
rfn'i b'i'. H,n .l. , t." n:,J
1.1. .1 rn -r.. r l,--,
P !:i . !tt-rt.p, i ,, . v. r t,r iiiH,---, rn. ii.iiv Ir-
i-l-ft'l.fiid hv fti'tt tt.'.i i i t.: bt. nl,
tr ...l.iif i,,.l
Tni-tieni n.t. .bL b,.vd .an.iui it i.f j
jil u w.tnt r. rnu...
j It I. "inn;.-. I t., t;r .r'.i!'. rut , .cicri!;..
itorii'irt-'on Tty it. nn.t ill ft 11. f. . b.ri- . UT
t'liull t !,.: ( nn l it- mr.n-T will he irfun.t-il
i 'rt-. ,-i..; 't i. t-u ri, ...i.n r.,.-.... ..s r.i.m,
!4iC-r. 1.1 f, .in Hi. ,.fr,..i. .u. iia-.l ',v -t!i.ra.
I rlt ''rjf i" .ii , i.i, 1. 1-1 . . j.ii. ;.
1 , . I'ti'c! Mnl .n.l rmriiHit .cri-. t.r . r.s. i lit,
Pi. Ouiu ifc.!,.. w.-.l.l .l;r,n my "ilirt aii.
'I li. w.-tim i. Ii.ip. .ii.tiii,-!, I ..iiTiil ,i '..!'
-..I'll. 'I I.-i.i. i.r.U.1 r. ,it it t . li.uiii.r.l.. o.
r.. 1 1.-!., j (. i.i: ..,,,. ,, Tin.
l'i... iiti.i ft.r.l-1 . hfc.ri Kii II t.l fr.rT,M
. i.-..ii. i ti, it,u t.n ua U.JIU i.; LM
9 LlilKirAi. llTBt ol'NT TO JI8
ys, LUDLOW OA if CO.
-j til lrins St., ..
r.,-,-1. ii.
rpV.'i- sutisciiber oilers ui piivute s ilii the horse
i and Lot now oecupicil by !:i:nli, ii!ii;.t-d on
ll.e corner of Liver Bi.d i.'ldi'iberrv rt reels, eiun
bury 'i'he iiirpiovrtii'. nta are a tv o i.'.cry
1-KAMK DWK1 l.r.-.c,
iKur'v tirw, u Wt-l.-bj ? p.nd WVn.l and
j n pood elal'le. AUo r.n e::relierit Well ef Wu
' ''Ore iu ul.-o en tbo lot a rliuiea vtirii ty
i ';t'''' 'etir.s cir,-. paili-
i tu'.i.'s app'.v tj
Sui.bury Eipt. 12, 1657 tf
pESPECTlTI.l.V hifoinis bis fiiends, and
the public (.'I'luriiliy, that be bns iiift receiv
ed a New Stock of t'tj'l 1.', al bis iu v store, at
David Miller' Mill, in I.o-M-r Ancttsta 'J'owu
f! tp, i.iid that l.o U f lepurcd to ceil o. Ja t tl,
lov. .st i.icc.
lira Stock conriftf iri pnrt cf
M'LTNO cV St.'MMrr. OOOD3,
, Ql0CCrics ftucciiawatd,
. ,,
Ilc-idv.xrc, C::.
and every varirty usual'y Ler t in a ceuiitrv
'I'reverton prices aid for til kitn'ii of produce.
l.oir Au$uta tp, -.i:g. fc', Ib.iT.- ii
Diss'jlf.tion of raiLnor-iLip.
NOTICE is hereby riven tlir.t tl.3 ft in of
llird. Douty A John, of Uii; Muunuin (.'ul iery,
was tin day (!u!y Ut, inf)7.) niu'.uab'y ilii.-cl-ved
by th withdrawal of .'. J. .b bri.
jtisf:.';r bi;:;;.
JO: IN fi. I'OL'Ti.
The business ef Minii.g end Si.!pp'i-.j Coal
Iroin llie above i.aiiied Colin r v. ill l,.:toafier If
rcrricil on in Hid nunic of Lir.l A. Doutv.wl'i
will ael;ut ell the unsettled accent. ts ol t!ii
linn. " JO-'ii'il triiii',
jriil.N U. DUL TY.
Khnrarvlin, July IS, 18:7.--tf
OF every description, suiul-le lor ruilecrd. ;
cVc, for weighing Hiy, Con!, Ore, and j
Merchandise generally. Puiebasera tun n riA
every sculo i Qiiuraueed coirect, aud it afin ,
trial, not found satiifactory can be leMurned i.i. '
out charge,
rectory et the Old lanJ,e.-tab!ii.brd f.rnior j
than twenty yearn corner tfNii.'ri end fl?!u:i j
tlree.3, 1'lnlauYlpma.
AP'JOn !: CO.
Pi;ccr. ira to Ellkotl & Ai bur.
Philadelphia, hei't. 6, 1867. cSci.
JgICKl.ES of vi.ioi Sinds, EoVatera, Sar
iliac, Ac , die, iuat leoted Hint fur sialri
ul ihe Drnij More of A. W. rfSIIES..
hunbury, Auual 1, I Sn7.
1 PO.NU'ifli:. lor st t afiitth'tf En;
rVor. 1'ric SO ci.
OrKber SI, I S-C.
in. tP?;.
RIME ALL, iaVB of. Elniir. bartiie;
bercoie a resident of r?ulilury, jiecfbr
infi-ni lb citizen sod other, that h ialenu
lo lutm a e'in?iii Cln, luvti anrojar aad snot 4
and wSI impart imeiruuliou to allwbe nsy eVetie
to plce lUmwIvvm under !- charge.
IS. D-M.. Ca KiinittlJ i prepare1 ie
limlrui tioiu lo a S more pajiiteu tin finer
ubkuty, 6rfUa,Vr It, lPST 1
K'HN P MF!J h V., ("ipw Uq.) 811.', -li I.
flt . lKive I",ii(tit, I'liitaiW; his. )mp'rrjrv Nui'bM,
miJ i1eler in l.Mien, Oontl-Dti BuS ClilSlrMr 1 r y
trtuft. ' Wh.'lRMite and KWiol. J F. A O , iit OAll
Id htt.Milii i't ninti.ri find ihv PnMic ge. itV. l t"r
iikrii-Mi! 8,; 'k ol Fftiiev Fi fur Id(i t'rt.itinrjr ml
C. IMrrul ' Ihcir amurtinrnt tl, ev.-y nrtici i4
LIh.1 r.f Kflnav Pi. thnt wilt be worn riuriir li.. hm.ji
iu-h u 1'nll Tf e. Hn CrM (.Ivu'.pr 'Itiliwrn,
VlelortoM Ur'i MlilTe A; Mulf itrr, fi nn the Ruel Uwt.
jt ftfthle Mi llie kiwi!t price liuirrfltir Pij.
rut Oi'iiUftrnen llie InnrvM eeTtrreiit of Pur r'l,
ftlnvv GiMiiitk- Ac. hWnir tli ilirir liMiinrk-.inf Mi Mir
Far Suit Mi,uoctur-i i" Uirjn Miwtfrutii nwn
w.m we feel mrfiw! we cjhi flr li-l'f tintitritvfiw i
ilattTt ninl thu put.lic sirrc'lv than ruiv fl.irt din,
hitviiip in irtn:enLtn miwt fitanaudatlliii.-vrAiitiUciMif-i
pnora. VVc only ah n ri!ll
.K'HV FJirrPlfA Cry
T(utUMnH e-.f-t Kt.l ie, I fcitaO
Ft.H-oV t;,).lo, tsi. IS, 167 wim.
iVj. 816 Chiinut Hh tet, vepunili l.t Oirm-4
R" COKING'GIom Vreron."aud Krclo.
tg.yl i f Art. CngravirK, i', PorlraH
and Picture 1'ramc. ir. evety variety, cf tho lM
origlml wid Euro(ir.ui P,!u,rt.s. Jf'i Tablaa,
Corifc.lj, Uraclteta end Gon.irt. The -tensive
and elegant aaaorur.rnt of I.onkine; OI;
f', of tLbstunlial v)urhiiiuiib.ip, t.J at Asv.ti
Gold Me-Ul a warded by the Aiarrlsrd Ib1-toi-?,
1 fef. C. U i;:bt Premium awari!J b iu
1'iai.slin In. '.nuts 1BS3.
james H. tiKL:;
6c;,! 13, bf,i tUin'J
TLo $10 rji.i $15 Sine and' Vovbui
TljreadcA Empiro lamily Sewing
,1 N AGtNCY for tho ealo r.f theae Stvvlnjt
MnchiricB cm. bo en uri'd on til pral tortus fur
the Couniy of Northuniberiand. No one nre1
apply v.irl.cut capital mficirnt to condoc. llie
business pr..perly and who ennnot brit'g rtfer-en.-es
as I j reliability ami capacity. A pnrser.ul
application wiil be iieeersury.
The pt euliar ailapraiion of ihcsa Vachieesfor
all purpow of Kamilv Kewing, will, where evr
they are ofiered for sale eonimand a roaJy oJ
unlimited demand.
S. E. Corner ef Cth and Arch Su., I'hiladei'a.
Augurt lo,
IVIto iiak pt.en cri::-:i of grbat
v NEln-OCS PEHil.I'l i', after Bi.i,r
yrere of misery, dcsir.ts to iiiulte luioun to nil
fi -lioiv-julle'ere the strre inenns cf relief. A dirt
euelofiiiff :p t pav rr turn postage. Mi.
MAKV C. HEVlTT.'oto:i,We., and tUe
prescription will .a scut, b n;M oet.
Augti-.t P, IS.".. 3m Pt
Vhat an cnonnctis Variaty of Tota anj
Fancy C-t&ia he! Who? Cur Iriond
At Xj. 1-1-1 Xtrlh 'Z:u2 ; , c.'ot e A,xii, PitXa.,
PJElltajust rccr!ed ilircrt from Euripea
very Ui..e asvorf.i ci t of To a of all kinds,
fancy xiat hc-., Pipe, Car.cs, Hegat Cutes, 'Po
liaeco 15o:,e und ari c:k!Ioh. variety of Ir.ncv ar
tlelcs. Ctll upon bita before vuithaiing eio
BlI;il fi.'llcnir.c, fioro that eminent Plrytii in
v-r ' Pbi!.i.!elpbi i, Dr. lii inok'e, .!Ji d t tho
te-'i'-.-v.y cr I'lini'R...- :, roly ciir.2rio
v. Lai is tvi '.enced bv fheusenda v. ho havo
lltt'e Dy;.
"(iniAae liuv, CmrstMr .S-rarTtr, )
riiil.iilelj hU, Ilcccriiber Sid, l,;a.
"In itg-rj lo iluvirit'a i-AiH L've, I cai. slaw, limt it fontai'.. no d: letc-iioi.a i.i
Cicdient'i, end may be is. u v.i'li emi.-e s:i lety ,
and nUli ihc utu.uit c u (1i!hi,; arid strove?. "
W. h. Lii.i.'vCKl.i:, .M. D.
Hover's Writing & Indelible InLa,
Are so will snd widely J-nnwr, aa lo r rooire n
eulogy nf their lueriti, i; ia necowriry to m,
that the ttcjily and i!:c;cat.i:ipr dt.ieau.l. e.vej tlio
bei t evit'eii'.ii llmt lh:'y iiMiiit.iin (tit-ir tl araclur
fur irui ,, which dlstit'uirihed thcin y,'cra
l'.rst itt'redueed,
O.-lera eildnssed to the ?,lanufart(iry. No. 41f
HACE trett, above fourth, (old No. 114.)
Philait'li'bia, wili receive r.roioit siteiitinti, by
JO.sbil E. HDVEli, Mnnufactuter.
Sep. IS, lb'O:. .IprilSo, '
srrai:a ruD.
(CmiV'i Pii'tut, September 'Id 1C56.)
TOlt vvbieb. t diplome. v as awarded at tk
Eiyhlh Eitlii'oitiim cf the Mass. t'haritsbl
Mccl'.toic'r; Af so.-i. :i.;.r..
rhii. U en entirely new apj lieallon of trhal
sprin,-;-: I beds, niukrus a more eoiiifortuale, neau
t .', and ehcaper sprinu; fed ll. ili be been t !Vu." 1
u tho liu'dic, cpplicable to old as v.vll as i.w
7'iie pootlrnr potitron of the elevate lh
hen:! kiie-hily, s.iviir li.c tronbis of bni'Jittg us
tl r heed With erlrn l,ol:,tft.
2Ve coniitruelioi: is to simple, end every pa t
an ei.p.-ci', t'.ul hii"-. have 1.0 biding placet, und
tho in.'&t iucxpc ri.'nct d ran ttr.e nut each for .
v. as!'.rii. rs tiny uie only fastened bv a burton.
'! i.e i' u.vd are niaje rpres,iy for ihrse
beda oa a Patent Spiral Spring Macl.ino. n.e
public need only fee thin bed lj ap;neeiatc it.
The'er lies pureliiiM il the right of
rounufaelurin, end eellin;, in I.rif utubcrUutl
count;., utid M.ll furni.ii the a.-tielj et rcuaoiiLwe
n.u i..
ti?" i?ytiiir;d put in e'.d be.itiia fcr tbreo dei-
IfAAO M. WlLUEr.Sf1.-'.
fluirVjry, .-pt. 12, l5'.ti
.0. HAK'S Premium I'atei.i Enrinel rj.nituiu
I'l'liiii. Thiii poli!i iii bi.bly vktuable for ieti.
liny tl.e Loltrii on uii kijir's o: Kurutnnt, Cows
Catii'iKo lb .lioj, llir Cbi-.h, ic.c. Al., Inr rt
u;oi:ib' i't cl.-i, biiiina; acri.ti bru, A , cVc. Waj
r anled U dry iimmkiiutciy ami relam its glou.
P.ife IJ Cts. per Lottie, bold by
A. V. I lS llEK.
Mirei M. 1H17.
Pi T. S. AUTEl i:.
ffTI--". i.!a lnr;c C-jno, vcli.'aie. Piieo 1? 1 ,f 0.
M. v.r.b a f r-j ukjzl:-.,i iiiming, end ia un
of Ihe nio-l thrilling tal er v.iitlni by tt.
i.i. I hi r. !l : h i-a b u ;iti iiihv lo llio
woili! nil liia'. is jjj m.d Ii'.'i.e, i:r,d tv
iai.t iri !.ii f.-li'iiy, und fitiDllv ae.r J t'us wile to a
V. e pub. shall Mr. Aitl.ui'a new boeXa, !o
Vi'jrk cf 'li.-!i.ry, Jj'io;ra;.bv, e.c.,lor whitli w
vant .'V.oi.l. in all p.rl of li.c I nitid Malea to
wborr. the hirc.:t U.H will L mid, iij
aittlre ror.,i..:.iou in the wav of Rill.
4S Norlh Kaurth St., Philadelphia, I'e.
j N. 11. i'j'.'ei.neii copies cu tiy nail, fie oat.
I roceij t el" tho niee of look. "ii, lfl:,7.- St o
'.ANK DeeJa, MoitjaRca, Uoi.du, WaiTnt
t Atlaebiiii tita, Coiniainoenla, buiumen. Ke
pctuas, Cxreaii .'U., Ju.ltew' and!'
Ta Il.lir, ic, &. ,ceo ht bud by at
H74Lt'rlt: ill CR'6 Evpcailion'of Jturrv
yA t ii. I'ii e, $1 Sf, far n' bv
:S;.t. i0, lf.7.--at. II. V. FC"