Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 28, 1857, Image 1

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    ;new semes, tpi-10, NO. 36.
SUN13UltYvN01lTnUMn;itIAN Va .-SATUIID A Y, NO VKM13EU 23, 1857.: :; rOLD SERIES, VOL- IS. NO 10.
.The SunTjuiy American
' BY II.' S MASSES: : r J
.Marie Square, Sunburjf, Pmni.4
TfcH MS OF BUBftCnlP tlON.
Tvn t)Oi,i,AR9 pnnunnm tVt pnM holf yriy in
'i ..... Afj. arreuata at
rover cc. w i- . - -
r"AliMn,.nanic0.ion.Ar.r. off -, jM MlntlS, Id
I tines, lo lnui iremn.ii,
"Tires copies It oneadiits.s, ', ' . .
""n I!" i!J
10 00
Fie dollar advance willptT for thrse real esnb-
Scription lo the Ainrricn. wi'l plcn et out Apentt, iwl Trunk
!.ue tmni..? saUrl,!. money. They remit
ted t6 da tHii .1 't uff'c -
rveFqa- oil Unci, S time.,
I ,e,v .
One q"oe, month., (
n.'.'.'.r.; Ctii of Ft. I.e., r" "-. .
iit. with !i r-rivilcire of ii.riing
to no
.... l ,.,.nn.rl with onr !itnlili.nment
rieele. J.IIK'FFICK, winch wlllenabl u. to ecitti.
.the neut-.t :yie, every vtuieiy of friniuig.
"E. B. MA!
euwetjuv, pa.
Ft sinc attended lo in the Counties of Nor
Ibtmhcrland, Union, I ncoming Montour and
Inferences in Philadelphia:
tW. . U. niT'nn, fl'"- CHilni. JV..
timers 1 Sno,ltms, lm. Small co'
Vom the Mammoth Vein, for rum aces, Found
riess, Strsv!).iti and 1'amily use,
l r. Caukei., Num rErnLi!iu Coihtv, IV
LUMP, for IH:.t r'nenscca antl Cupolas,.
f-vpKAMUOAT. fer SteamboMs, Hot Air
"iimncrs and Slcim.
lUJOKEN, ) j-jr (;ralcgi f;l0vcf anJPloa.
bTt'VIi, ) V'or f?tove, bteam and burnuip
NUT, J I.irre.
PEA, for l.inulurnrrn and mal.msi Mearn.
OnldM roceivrJ al Ml. Carnu-1 or Nor'.lium
itrlund Whar., will receive prompt alUulion.
M. B. liKI.I.,
V. 3. 1.KWt.
May 3, 1(550.- if
Wood Moulding Kill,
nV.'oi & eel dim e Tuvlfth, North Sm'e.
M Pf O U I.DIXGB suitaUa f-r Cprpcn frf
ITii. litiiUrt". Cclinat and l'rame A!nkr
v.orurj iVu-n tlia licst and lliorougli'y rrasonnl
riiulrrial, h!kjj on hand. Any pattern work-
k u IT1.1 a;.. t .
J'l.c ajbsiTi'.irr having iiurclin.ied the entire
in'erc.t, will cc;itinue with increa
fJ faeililie.
Airoiita wanted in the various tuwn in tliis
portion o! t'.ie Slate, to whom opportunities will
le tiilt itU fur Krge profit to iln'inwlve.
July IS, 1SS7. 3m Ej.p
:rtT-y?y fr-'V CQ LfD SS3 r
gja L'SPECTFUU.Y infornis the public that
$Lmj Le Las rfpleni-o?J hi Store with an ex
cellent ascjvtmKiit of New (Joodi jast received
t.-niu Piiilailelpliia, which he will sell on terms
n., ra.oinihlu an any other establishment. His
imiiortrr.eiit conaists in part of
"-Vintcr Vi'cars fjr men and boys, alltyl an J
Lai!ies DiTfeM oot!s.
r"0!,sit!iio' of Ulack .Silks, Merinos, Alpacas,
IV Laii"H, C'ullcoca, Glnlums, Muslins, Triin-
Also a trcsh euppiy of GROCERIES of all
iJedary.aro, U rooms, &c. Also a large assoit
incnt of Unots nnd Whoes, euitnhle for Men Wo
men iii.l Children. Hats and Caps, r-i!k II ats,
uud all goods usually kept in a Country Store.
All the above named fioi-U of goods will he
old positively at low prices for cash, or in ex
change f?r country produce, at the highest
market price.
Hollnwinaj Run, Nov. 2P, lRSf,.lT
Spring and Euminer Fashions for 1837
Market Square, Sunbury.
Ti OW received and will continue to reoene
tl.e largest and best selected block or
Mack Cloths
1'cstingf, 4'c
An artortmcnt of l)res Goni'i, viz: Taiiry
printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, De Lain'
iiureges. Merinos, CashmeriS, Alapacas, Dreso
Silks, Ginghams, &.C.
Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet
ing, J'illowcaseing, Ae.
Dress Trimmings in Great Variot7.,
liuots and Shoes
Hats and Caps, .
SALT and FISH, Cheese, Craekers, Segars,
Tobacco, tSnulT, &.C , an assortment of other
Goods too tedious to nientioh.
Peeling grateful for past favor we beg leave ts
aseuie our old friends and the public tin t n
illorl on our part shall be wanting lo emits
continuance of our patronage.
Country product taken in exchange at the
highest market price.
P. W. CZ AY.
Hunbury.May JO ,1857. tf
fflHIS Gre-ase is recommended to the notice of
X Wagoners, I,iery tstuble keepers, 4c, as
eiug Btrtaioa to anything of tl.a kind ever in
oduced. As it does not gum upon the axles
is much uiors durable, and is"hol allVcted by
the weather, remaining the same in summer af
in winter, and put up in tin canisiera at i"i J and
76 cent, for sale by A. W. FlSHElt.
March H, I8J7
' I' HE Gla.gow Poisoning Case Particulars
- m Ute Nsiinnal Poiir I issette, f
, for sale hy
AugUkl i, ':(.
it Y
Tbo fullowinflf linen trero written bf he
celebratpd Kowlaed 1JHI more than a qunrter
of ,a century itgp, pt a period of great com
merCiul ilisircpg in Kngland,' when the mon
eyed institutions of that conntry seemed to
b in a 8tate Of collupto, and universal bank
ruptcy thwatencd the nation. Ken York
Christian Intetligtic?r, (nrgan of the Dutch
informed Church,) f cf. 29.
1 have a never failing bank,
A more than golden store ; , ,
No ifarthly bank is half so rich ; .
How, then, can I be pOorl ,
'Tis when my stock is upent and gone,
And I without a' croat, .
" I'm glad to hasten to my bunk '
To beg a littlo note. ,;
Sometimes my Banker siuiiinff rays,
"Why don't you oftener come 1
Arid when you draw a Utile note,
Why tot a larger sum t
Why live so nijtguidly and poorl '
Your bank contain? a plenty j -Why
come and lake a ono pound note,
When you mny have a twenty 1"
Yes, twenty thousand, ten times told,
Is but a trilling sum.
To what your Father hath laid up,
Secure in God his Son.
Since, then, my banker is so rkh,
I hjvc co cuuse to borrcw ,
I live upon my cash to-day,
And draw on him to-morrow ;
I've been a thctisand timet befoie
A nd never was rejected j
Sometimes my Hanker givos me ni'lfi
Than arked for or erpe'tcd.
Ronictinics I felt a little proud, '
- I managed things so clever !
13 ut, ch I before the day was gene
I felt as poor as ever.
I know my bank can never fail,
Its funds nlways the same ;
The firm, ''Three Tersons in one God,"
Jehovah is his name.
Should all the banks of Britain break,
The Hank of England sniauh,
lirirg in your ncte to Zicn's bmk,
You'll surely grt your ca!i.
And if you have but one siuull note,
Fesr not to bring it i.i ;
Come boldly lo the Throno el" Crace,
'J'l.e liaiikcr is within.
All forged notes will Le refuted,
Man's merits le rrjetrd ;
There s not a single nstc will puis
That God line riot accepted.
There's none but thufe beloved of God,
Redeemed by precious blood,
Th it ever had a tinte to bring
These ere the Ei" of God,
Though thousand;, doublii:, often ssy
TLcy have no notes at til,
Ecrsute they feel the pUguc of
Stiiuir.ed by tho fall.
This bink is full of precious notes.
All fcifncj, nnd scaled, cud tree.
The";;!) many a rAiisoincd soul uroy lay,
"'i here is not one lor me."
Pase unLelief will lead tl.e utotit
To sty what is not true ;
I tell all rouls that feel they're bat,
i nce notes belong to yuu.
The leper had a little note,
"Lord, if you will, you can 'f
The Banker cashed this little note,
And healed the sickly man.
We read of one young man, iudecj,
Whose riches did abound,
But in the Hunker's bonk of grace
His name was never fou-id.
But see the wretched dying thief
Hang by the Hunker's s.Je;
He cried, "Dear Lord, remember me ;"
Ho gut his cash, end died.
Cjic Slrnin in Slfalj.
Trom l!.e St. I.oiiiu UrLuIjiican, Nn. JG
Accounts from O'ov. Camming The Despatch
es cf Cuhncls Altxanlcr end Juhntton.
ir. J.amitr, wi.o is cnr.necteil us Ch i n
i njjiuecr wim aiagran 3 ugen jioaJ tur
vey, paffsci tliroue,li thi3 city, cn his way to
I. : L I ,. 11-
asLuigton, cn ftutui Juy taut. J Ins geutie-
niau, ho is a wall known ciil ensriiieer and
plorer, distinguished himself by n very
caring trip across the Continent during the
summer of the .Sioux war, with a party of
four men, only one of whom arrived v,ith him
at tin) Missouri rivor. Hsiscljo mentioned
as the author of several able reports to Con
gress cn tho subject era Pacific lluilroad.
lhu geutleuiaa lias, performed silica tho
loth oay of June last, tho unprecedented
feat of ritliiig i.'lb'J miles, much of tho e!is
taneo in unexplored mountain passes, and all
in rough field service, without a tent, or ordi
nary baggage, in the thort space of four and
a half mouths, iiiclf.ding eighteen camp dttjs.
lie commenced with a puny cf thit teeu men,
four of whom raturnod with him to tho start
ing point, ct Independence, I.l 0. Many cf
tho originr.l party were disabled by iilnesi,
and some remain 111 the mountain?, c are on
their wsy to tha settlements. Win, II.
Wagner, John II. Ingle, Calv,n J. Crocker
and Alexander Mitchell are tho names of
thoso who urrived with Mr. Lur.der.
This severe labor was performed for tlio
purpura ci selecting thu shortest practicable
route for the new wagon read, piior to tho
arrival of tha workin;? train in chatge tl
BuperintensJiint Magraw. From scarcity of
grass and other obstacles not foiseun by in
uxpericnedd parties, the main working train
only arrived at ihe South Pass in sou.-on to
go into wiuter quarters, where it now 13.
'1'he Mormons having burned all the grass
on tho Southern wintering grounds, tho
wagon road expedition has selected a camp
on Wind river. It is surrounded by herds ct
buffulo and elk, with which, in event cf fail
ure of other mease of subsistence, the train
may bo supplied.
li. F. Ficklin, one of the asslstaut euglntiors
of thu advance party, who had diotii.uijhad
himself in detached service, had been detailed
by Mr. Lander at tho request or Superintend
ent Magraw, to purchase Oour aud other pro
visions for the train. In performing this
duty, he was surrounded coar Greon river,
by CO well armed mounted Mormons. He
gave them evasive answers as to the nature
of his buiiiieas, aud was at length allowed to
depart, lie rode at ouco lo the command cf
Col. Alexander, many miles distaut, und in
formed that geutleuiao of the advance of the
mounted armed men, und of the rumors that
five hundred had crossed Green river, going
in the direction of unprotected government
trams, but before any escort wag sent, three
trains, embracing seveuty-Bix wagous, were
reached and completely destroyed by ihe
party of t.xty men first sccd. From the do
stnictioo of these trains of provisions, the
fciiaUru motintaineets were disposed to hold
ai licit of subsistence at a high price. Flour
was thirty 1 rloljar " tumdrnl f l ' Tlst'
Eridjjp, one hundred arid Iwunly Bvo ni'lcs
beyond Fort Laramie, and riEinjr j end a
genrra! belief prevailed in tho eonniry thai
hostilities, were commenced. The military
forces were in high spirit, nnd though trcvell
tug, with every prospect of ondurir jr reut
hnritahipc, rnthnnlHitio to a .can, ' nl pre
pared for the worst.
The explorations of the fldrftiica. party or
ltia Wagou Hood Expedition had proved Cf
great service to tho .command. The oitire
region between tho Salt IJika ainl nke
river, the South Pass end Tbnrmm! prin
Vnlley, conuecling the work cf fc'tat.lmry and
Fremont, and hitherto nnexplercd, had Lcen
surveyed and ttuipped: sixteen nionnhtin
passes examineil, all the tributaries of Ihn
upper Green rivor deRnsd to their Fonrce",
tho great Wahsalch chain found to eon'iit of
four distinct ranges. ' Numerous Supplies of
grass, wood and water had hern (iifrowrcr!,
und rations wagon roatvs, two of v.V.ich avoid
the Grand Desert of tho fcani.'y, and mir
seven days shorter travel in a distance if five
hundred miles, than any provicuHy kuuWii.
These may bo mentioned ns snma of the
results of thoj cxploialioi ?. 11a uiiiU'y
force hail, tketefore, abandoned the old lire
of approach and were advancinsr upon tho
Volley of the Lake by the open plains of tl:
Western descent of the I'.car end Mulailo
rivers. J . ' ' ;
Our inforrraDt. vilio wis a former memher
of Mr. Bunders' parly, assures 'us that much
iniportaut iotrliigeiicer to which tie can have
no access nntil'it reaches tlio Inlerior le
partment, will thortly be laid before the
Wo forgot lo stale that Gov, Camming
and lady, with the Secretary of the Territory,
were met about two clays' march" east of
Fort Laramie, with Col. Cot-k and tho LTtuh
mail train.
When Mr. J. informed Gov. Cumminr; of
the commencement of Mormon distarhar.ces
by the destruction of Government trains,
being the first to brinjr this intelligence, Gov.
0. quietly rematked, "Tel! nil my friends, sir,
that 1 started to obey imtructions nnd lo to
into Sail Lake City, and lam goi.iy."
Urigbam youns; has clri-'ari"'. disclaimed
any participation or knowledge of tho overt
ai t of biirninjr tha supply trai;v, nrd ti e bet t
juJpcs or the Momii n e'hnracler be v? ll.t.t
tin: leaders of this fingiilsr society iK ct n
tir.uu to ecdeav r to blind the t;vs tf t!:
General Government nnd put ( If the cl-y c n
stand-up light to lLo List mocier.l. Oh tl.e
other hand, r'd nicuntaiutcrs err preiLclii
the most dlsiistrons cnnseipiences il the
arc net ob!o ta tight their way i'llo the en ,'.
The grass burneti, tho foiage'w.-ll nij'.i ralcn
up, winter setting in with ri veral deep mow,
liiU'.''u of tho coiiiinniid fur in the. rrhr, and a
great range of mountains shutting it. out
from the t.orthern wintering gromnU. u!l sei in
to givo weight to tho sppo'!it:;Ui ll at t! ' '
expediiii.n will net bd n-i fee: -:It.l rt-e. ,
Cache X'ulii-y, which is liU np"P, well grits
piiuu, in tro E.vut.;! j i .ir.i.i, -.
aud over which roam great to.-ds i f cjtt; .t
o".J h.n?e, the property of too Cl.nreh, will
eoon, l.ov.i ver, La v.'i'.hiii ttihiag d.ctsnce o'
the command.
Our next advires v.'dl pro'ji',1;, Liing us
fiiiiher and more important r.uv.3."
Tile ix J C2i.ii-i.lit Ds.!kI'Hwi.Ci'.
The following ure Ih'i Lilicial (lrs.:,,.:hc3
from Cols. Alexander and Juhm'.on, iccii. J
at Washington :
cui.onli. al.lx.tndi uto the adji tavj
;l;li!ai.. IIiiAr.CifAMKns Ahvt rui; Uv.ur, 1
Camp Winlicld, U. T., Got. 'J.h lsu',. )
Co!. S. Coyer, Adjutant Caui td I'. t. A. :
Sir I huva tho lionur to repot I t hat I
nave arsumeu command c I the trcoj-s ol t
United .States, consisting of part of ti e ani v
of Utah, which are nnv niciiii; ed r.t
point. Thi'su troops are tin:
of Infantry, eiht comp".i,:;
li.uiiitry, aitd tliu batt-ries
1 ittii !':-;
,'S i f li J i'elilii
cf artilii rv f,.- x
and twelve pounders)'.cid I
Phelps, Fourth Artillery, ar.d !! 1
by Citptj.
1:0 Oi.'i-
nance lJepiirlineiit, re:
;''et'!ivc!v. i !.I3 eatiin
situated on Ham's Ieik, a tributary !'
Lluek's Foil;, which U in turn a tributary 1 .1
Green river, about CUiiu tii'.ts .bov tLc
iiuctiou 01 tue lo lot :s. toil IJiufcr 1
0 lOIIIS. 1 oi l JJl'tiiger IS
jiul diraetiou, about thirty
Infai-.'rv reached Lero cn
eli-tatit. n a t iulL
miles. ihe'lVnth
the iihth i.l September; Ph. )y' lottery 0:1
the following (lay. The Fifth Infantry
arrived on tho Jlli of October, and Leiio'd
IJatteiy on the seme day. On thn Mh iuet.
1 assume. command, for reasons v.liicu 1
conceive to bo of the greatest importance to
the troops aud their supplier, and of which 1
shall have tha honor to make a full report
when a safe and more certain i-'i;
ortuiiit ',
scuding despatches piesitus iwelf. At pie.i.
tLt I can give only u st..t"ment of what li;'?
occurred tince my arrival, r.nd teport the
disposition 1 Lave determined tj muko of tlie
On t'uo day after reaching'i Folk,
and at the first camp 1 mauL- 1 11 it, J received
the enclosed letters from Governor Yo'itig
a bl Lieutenant-Genital Welis. The jr po
sitions they contain, beweer absurd ll.ev
are, bhowed conclusively thttt a tieti i iiiined
oppo?ition to tho power of the government intended. 1 had met Captui.i Van Vliel
on thu l!bt ('f h-i ptBiii'.ier, ri turning from
Salt Luke City, nnd was informed by him that
although the Mormons, or rather Governor
Young, were determined to oppose un en
trunco into the city, yet he was assured that
no armed resistance would Le attempted if
we went no further than Foit Lmiger and
Fcrt Supply. 1 was still f'.rt'.ier convi.f ed
of thio by the circumstance that a luin cf 1
more man 0:10 uunureu contractors wagons
Lad been parkeJ for nearly three, weeks cn
Ham's Foiii without di fonce, nnd h id been
uuuiolBSted, althuugh they contained provis
ions aud supplies which would have been "of
great use to the Mutinous.
Upon reeeiving these letters I prepared
for defence and to guard the supplies ne'ar us
until tho nearest troops came t'p. I replied
to Gov. Young's letter, a copy of which I
cuclose, and have uot hud a;iy lurthvr coires
pnudouce with bitn. On the morning cf tho
Sib. of October the Mortncm burnt two
trains of government stores on Giei n river
and on tho ISig Sandy, und a few wagons
belonging to Mr. Perry, sutler of the lUth
Infantry, .which weru a few miles behind the
latter train. Colonel Wuiu, of tho Fifth,
though not anticipating any ait of the kind,
was preparing to send buck: a detachment lo
theae 'trains from bis camp on UlucVa Fotk,
when ho received from rouio teumstci'3 who
came in the intelligence of their buit'g burned.
No doubt uow existed that the i:n-t ilett r
mined hostility might be expected on the
part of the Mormous, and it became uccos aiy
from the extreme lateness of the ceason, to
adopt some immediate course for wintering
the troops and preserving tne supply trains
with us. After much dulibvralioii, aud as
sisted by the counsel of the Senior oluccrs, 1
have determined to move the tr-op by the
following ronte:-Up Ham's IVik about
eighteen luilei, to a read ralli d Snbtleet's
Ct't-ofTj alenj Jlmt rrtatl to Hoar rivor and i
Soda, Spring j on arriving r.t y"-' r- prii g
tv.o routes will bu open one' e'ewn iienr
ll'.sK-t 'nt v." towanls the Salt Lake; uhd
tirtft l-i HiAiiottlioiict liiivnrild 1ti;,-k ir..t llivwr
Lititiiitni''.-.'M m .H val!ev fir w'utcritHf
ti.y troops and itoek' can "bo vn-'' - Tlie
auopimn i : i: ti.e;o v.ill ii Cinoi 'y I fiKt-ing pi .ties'is. l oiinfT, AntJrrws na aic
the tM6mu . ci-.'jiiistaLcasst-jf vi! ' icntii k, wLilo linrfing'ii tlss in-torcala '
tttid'or my eommuril Is tuiTinif ,t '.7 -pP4:ii-9
th re::ibtiincff whMi,! cXCt .
coda Spring, 1 f'ui.'iI eftkaror I , liV
vi-.y into the va.ley of iiVar river v. "fipy
somo of the I,' oimon vilU ref," ln jiw 1 p"i
undor tho intrusion the.' the Mui'uu np, after
a dtfent, will Lo willing to treat sj! ttir.g
provinions for it!e Tt5 r snppliea en band
will l.-.rt tlx tnp'iths, and if I can frt posrvs
sion of a lown 'in Hrnr River Vulle; 1 cm
onc-ilv fortify nnd hold it all 'winter. 'i'liti'
arc clso several supply Irtvins in t'11 rear, to
which 1 h.ivo ciniiniinlcnt a), and if they re
ceive my letter in timo t';-y will bs saved
nnd cr.n join as If the .M jrm-'vis aio too
stror." for its, which I do anti.'irtal. 1l
I'tht-r rot.d will ke adopted and I viiil tiiulre
tne best ol li:"wev lo tha inor.tan:a and
tunt lor tho wi;.ier.
1 I ..lira to impress cpou on ths f.ict liint
I. though ot the ceiittiiaiidur a; piitil.:d to
urnr-, l-.uve nin jitid this conia . litr.auFi
t!:o safety of the troops absolute 'y depends
upon uii immriK.'.ttj elfji t, scd f . v i n 5 infor
r.'.i'.ion v.liioh make it certain l ihe com-,
tnander Trill not reach lit rf bn4 the liOtb
iris-!., and if wo Wait until that tlncr? unnnt ,
I ;jn the v:lley. Tha information I nlludeto
i to thv ffect that Col. JohnMon '.. -ulji-elievcd
Geu. Harney, nnd had not Uft I ort Leaven
worth on the 10th or S;pUmbar, and thirty
dnys is the least p.'S:iblo timu in v. hieh he
can arrive here. 1 cannot, lor fear of this
being intercepted, tell yoo tho stvenplb of my
coiiiuini'd or send returns vl.ii. 1 1 i! strong
enough to defi-nd itself and Its sappi.cs s
whether it is able to assume, at.d suo'tuin an
offi-ns-ive position roir.aitis to l. -"'n ; l et
slioii'd tlio tenmanJs which 1 I.., - I.earJ arc
in the roar up in ti;n I li.ii.k wo
have f r.t. f.iroe to carry out. un active Jf we are obliged to v.iuter in tlio
ntom.taiiiP, j'tut can pt-rceiva l y a ri.i'eicuoo to
iSlaiibiiry'a maps tliiit e will have an cpeti
ratl to fait Laho City in the cpriitg, tmd cue
v. hieh 1 am tjlJ is open eiirlv. Ty this cj9
attack 1 -in Lo i.tade and atteiiticn called fror.i
tho t!i:.:n road (that l.y IV: t IWSgpr.) which
nr.y (Li n Le travels. d hy trie, 4. ,'l'he) Lvar
it., r rov.te i:-. Loftever, raid t ) i-o tho Lrrt
one i.i'.o the valiry. li.e othr pis;-"i liroupli
citi!iii3 thi.t cm be dcfviidcd I v a h:'Hui..l
::iii'.'-- to.T i.ui.i
' oh--'.! 1 Cli'll tlv.'t
1'y itt'pa1 ?ai!t
iittii tt u- ri. ;
iti a week it t'-o
. 'I'ho tvm.t I
vrr fo C'.fi
:M Lo ninrla
cavalry is
, . Vf'v,y li It, i'.iili we lire po'..
I of this deScieni-y to tfi'ect any
'.:!. en account
c'ou liiii'iriiitt
:. 1 ftttrnt'y
:i: j de-
, i . in,' ii,.-,i-.v!,l,i.g Lards the 1 a
I 1 ov.-i iiiK nbor.t u?. On the"
I;.' -he d t Marry, uih lifv
; le .: '.'t-ri. t to Gncn riier, t c.
v, with fotif
"ill whrtt !-a
; cr.uld lied rcl ii't ubl.
j it:; J to lipei'jy any
1 tho I iiitit tra.'i s,
buv.., Ct.i ;,i 01 i.'ions he
Uj-.itul. i
j !n ce!:sion pertnit tin; I r :prcss the I
j 1 r-po that my nets will meet the approval r,!' j
; tno gocnitntnt. end on tho iir-t opportunity
I J v.ii; ii iko a ti:iternr,d mere dct.r'.uil repr.rl. I
! i: it tt'fji'i- '! ;ct!.'y ', a . -u f v;-rit- '
J i.ioiil .t ii'ii il by i vc: helming i'.-,o Gib j
j t.'o-.-ynald 1 K'ot'ilicii of tha Govetccr find i
j I ei p'e tf Utah, and 1 mu t nmst ir.-t'ti:!y '
I ,mp;rE rpan tha War lep ati.ii nl tho I'.tel j
I l!n.t tha i-iiiali body of troops hero v.ill Lecd 1
: ; riiiir.t Ct tnctiti and supplies as sotiti they can i
l.pcs.b;Lly be g..t here nest tfprinf. I would1
I farther respect. 'ul!y S'letrert that troops i
j ahcuKI ba aut I rout California and Oregon. '
' I L is said that the rcr.J from Culifurnin to '
1 riult Luke is passable all Winter, and it is
i 0er,.iniy
i,ust Uvtl
r o much enrlk r in tlio Spring than
m thu Mitttr. vcur obtihent Ft-r-
1'.. IS. Ai.I's.'.xiii:ii,
Colonel 10th Infatirv, cctsaisn(!it
joii.sion to n:;: Asst&T.wr
jcTAvr oi:M.r..tti.
IIk.U m'ARTKltT Akmv or L'r.'.I',
Cam:! on the Three Cruf'tin' uf
Swoet Yi'utei", Del. li!, l.-'.' T. j
M .wen To tight I nirn v.iio live all
Foil i.ui itnie, c -i who Lad been n i.l r.n ex- i
I ' i.a 1.1 it. IV, .:- '.v
i pf" l Colonel ALs
i '-"ip "" heir v.:.y hue
1 r, i rriveu at our ;
From them 1 Lmuo i
t hut tho Mormons, having inteiposed a force
hi rear f.f our troops then encamped ut Ham's j
Fork of Green 2iivei, Hieei edid io binning I
three supply trains, with their eouteiits. A j
nu f -.ige from Coloni I Alexander wa3 sent I
Ly litem to Colonel ( F. Smith, instructing I
him to piloted tkeliuiuS in jhe rear, which j
contaia iho clothing, Si'oley ientr-, mbsis-
lenco, Ac, 'Phe orJers wiiU regard to the j
run n'li iT the cavalry and companies or tha
rs:.!'.! Laving Loeu couutermaiiilei', leaves
t'olenrl Smith with only stwi-nly two men.
l'ci ly.sevi 11 men or his command were luft j
at Ltirar.i.o as IIij Governors fsrmf. 1.1.
Sit.ith, tf tho linigocns, is four days march
I ei.ind us, with lu companies of tiragoons,
I the, fcily-S-Vt 11 t.ien of Col. Smith's command
I at d t a 1-1 1 1 v -t'.vo iliagoe.ns of 0i efcort who
1 ' to 1 ft tl to come oa with Lieut.
.is cctiiinaud will nuuber about 'iOO
I have r.rJered hint to hasten fonvnij and
join Colonel Si.iiih's command. We will
march in tho morning, and expect to encamp
with Col. Smith to-morrow night. The ex
pre.'s man says, Colonel Alexander would
attempt tu reach the Valley of Salt Lako by
tho Lear river; it is much f.inhtr ihuu by
the ticiial route, and why lie feleeta it 1 could
t ut lenrn, unless from the probability of the
In rasa being burnt by the Mormons on the
li.rect route. 'These men say that it is cer
tain thut they will burn the iirasi cn the rente
tiiey uro about to pursue. Under these cir
cumstances, il' I could communicate with Cel.
Al 'xr.nder I would direct him to take np a
good position for tho wiuter at Hani's Fork.
The read b beset between this und Hum's
Furk v-ith eotnpanit's of Mnruion, so that
It is doubtful whether 1 shal! be able to com
municate with Col. Alexander. With gnat
respect, jour obedient servant, --
A. It-; '.sToy,
Col. 2-1 Cavalry, commanding' A rw ct Utah.
Major irvin Mc'lowell, Assistant Adjutant
Gt'iieiul, lieadquattei'ti of the Army, New
York city.
A Chai.iie in Tin; Papacy. If the Luglish
papers aro Hot misinformed, there is to bo a
si coiid Lngiish cardinal. The Uev. Ur. Lr.
ringluu of Locaou (who bears the titular
dignity of Arehibitl.op ef Tiebizoned,) is to
bu elevated to the lo iu the room of Car
einal Yv isemni whose couiijutor hs now is.
1 1 is added that Cardinal ijoinau hat been
summoned to Home und that he ''need not
comply with the command. lU is as a prince
of tha church priucipally independent cf the
Ijolj Sop, so far as its territorial jurisdiction
extends ; but io weil informed Catholic ci'des
it is stated that the Pope is anxious to abdi
cate his sovereignty, and fooki to Curdina'
Wiveman us the ouiy persou werlby to ear.
eecd him,"
I - iiUOOUUtOC Wltll ft Bear
i , A perty of geuitenien from Angin-in.ii'oo-
1 ooWefinj; tue t.hfj'pawa lvlver; vit;gr.t T
"i'l'i-ooniered a black bear, nnd were attacked
by It v.ith n degree of ferocity seldom exhi
bited by the fnzxly of the Hoeky Monn
laitis. 'I he 4aiu farie (WL' : ). Telegraph
say." :'
; "TBy had started oH their return home
vard, and while nseendinj from a deep ravine
or iwale, about antisel, di3covered Ihe bear
sl indiPT qu the summit of a ridge somo dis
taacu oif. Mr. U. H. McCormick discharged
hii pieco at the euimal, when it mado toward
thern at a rapid pace. Arriving in their
midst, it sprang on Mr. C; tearing him froln
!iis horso nnd wounding binvin a dreadful
oiesner. The rest of the parly immediately
liirmoented, but for some length of timo
were t-.nablu ta render their comrade any iip
"istance, on account of the bear having" him
i 1 suji a position that to discharge their guns
ct tho fcroeions brnto would hav (.till more
imperilled his lire. Finally, Mr. Young
clubbed his rifle, and struck the bear upeu
thi head, when it immediately let go its
deathly grasp upon McCormick and sprang
upon Young with redoubled ferocity tearing
und wdnadiiig him in such a fearl'iil manner
that fears aro entertained for bis recovery.
The thirJ patty succeeded in dispatching th'o
ferocious creature but not before receiving
several severe bites und having two of his
ribs broken. Tko parties succeeded in reach
ing a logger's shanty about midnight, nnd
tw re. brought home next day in a disabled
condition. 'I'he bear weighed vbeu dressed
ip,.aru of 1,00'J pounds."
Soyr. Facts roa inn Ctatois Among
the two hundred ministers whoso biographies
are found in the valuable nnd interesting His.
toryof. tho Presbyterian Church in America,
by the Into P.ev. Mr. Webster, we discover
that one hundred nnd forty-five of that number
had Scriptural Christian names, leaving Gfly
cne only that had not.
'J'here are forty .fohris, sixteen Samuels,
ro'no iMvit'r, eight James, six Josephs, live
Thomafc?, four Timothys, four Nathaniels,
fit'.- Uenjan.ins, four "Andrews, and fjiir
I'anii ia, :c.
rifty-four were natives of Ireland, twc-nf v-
isix of Kcotiand, twenty-five of Connecticut,
! tr. nty-four of Masenchusclts, soven of I'enn
jsylvanii, seven ofLonj Jsliind, Ia'c cf ling,
j land, two of G.-ut, Hrit..iii, two hf New
, Jersey, thiee of Delaware, one of Gtrn ary,
I 1 Life ol New York, ono cf 1 fi.lhttui, t nd uboiii
j thirty wIiojc places of nativity arc unknown.
M AiivM.i.oi'K Growth or Vr'ntTA-finx i- Tin:
IiAnii'Mcs. Huvard Tu lor. rotracirc
li. rteits uiong tin? coast of NomiivuLcr tlo
?.ic of a few weeks, rays':
I was particularly? truck, dating the retain,
with ten rapid progress of Slimmer the flying
leaps with which sl.e clears her trhoit Coiii?.;-,
Among the Lofodens the potatoes were com
irtg into blossom and the rye rod barley into
..c.'.d, t..: graa n.r (-.ivuelj c to tunoy L-.d
drying on poles, aril tl.e pre, n of tho woods
and meadows showed the durk, rich c'ir.racti r
i.r thj Southern lauds. Owing to this rapidity
of growth, oil tne more hardy varieties Jf
vegiinblas may be sncces'ifufly cultivated.
Mr. Thomas informed mo that "his pens nnd
beans at Kaaliord (lot. 70 deg. N ) greft'tree
fich"s in twenty-four hours, and, liiongh plant
ed six weeks later than those aboU Christ, come to maturity at the same time.
Mere is another popular illusion dispelled.
What nto all the marvels cT tropical growth
to this?
: m ..... , , . .. . ,.. .. ,,
! . VV.' '.. V""r l'",'u'"-"r,
i tOl'lIrMi ilk t!ii' Vnrlf mirsrrc nvlilli
New ork miners, pxbibtta nnn
; ; r . 1 .: :. . . ,
" '" ei.u.iu-oie ,' te.ieciuui leats
d n ' .", Tr'"'3 l'",CS- V rP
is a yeting man, only vears ofatrn
V: If!. 1.1 IlitlO .1, .1 ti;:!Vi; rn ti.ii,r,r.iniir.t..!,i
i.e games r.t cm ss wun live stri ng Biivr rsa
rits, coniUeiS four, and comes cut in a draw
game wish tho iil'th. At any stage cf the
playing, he is aide to desciibe exactly the
position cf nil Ihe pieces CO all the boards.
What concentration of thought, w hat skill in
combination, what distinctness and umplitiulo
of memory, does such u feat t
Grain TbaI'K or Chi'-aim, Ji.i,. The total
receipts oT the s-.tson at Chicngo, Illinois,
aro now T0.t-8,i barrels of Hon.-. 8,810,710
bushels wheat, 0,070, 'J17 bushels corn and
I "i.' bushels oats or a total equivalent to
1 T.Sfif'.O." "j bushels of grain. The total ship,
meuts of the season ate now lol.all barn-Is
I flour, 8,ci33,SU9 bushels wheat, 0.".o,';;ia
, bushels corn and S77,77l) bushels oats, or a
J total equivalent to 1 7,017. '.'St) bushels of
j grain. The highest price paid for cargoes of
I spring wheat on Tuesday was CS cents, de-
l.vered on board of vessels.
IIoilRIUI.K ' SXA'l KMK.NT. 'i'he Mel'cltgo'
(Iowa) Visiter says thut a young child, Lot fix .
yairs of age, died w ith dt! train tren.cns ut
"LrusU liun." The father a short lime siuco j
was sent to jail for selling whiskey and dar-
ir.g his incarceration his wife mado whiskey:
"meat and drink" for herself oty child, 'i'he . j
wife finally fell down stairs und Vlled horse',!' j
and the child was shortly uftcr aicked with j
all the symptoms of dclirum treXens, with i
which il died. j
Nt.oRO SrAMt'Bi'r. On Sunday i.igl.!, a
family of neuroes, consisting of father, mother
and livo children, tho property cf George
W, Fairfax, of Piestou Co., Va.took throu
horses belotiing to thnt gentleman and escaped
into Penuslvania. They were pursued the
next day, overtukon, and captured after a
desperate resistauee, and lodged in jid, at
Morgautown, in Jicrks Co. J'a.
A Tkriiiui-R Fioht. A terrible lll.t e
cared one night last week, b.-tweeu a fine
blooded stulliou and a Jack, belogiug to Maj.
James 11. W el'Sler, of this county, which re
sulted in the death of the former. The Jack
literally tore one of tho horse's earj cul by
the routs, and then seizing him by the throat,
soon made a finish of him. Columbia S. I '.)
llow im ns Know ? l'.ditors iu Iowa nre
often placed on commit!' nat.SU.te and coun
ty fairs, To what txteut liu-y carry tlfeir
examinations may be supposed by the follow
ing which is contained iu tho repoitof a lute
fuir by the editor of the Davenport Democrat,
lie says ; "'i'he best wolleo cloak was worn
by a lady of Muscatine ; also the best socks
aud home-made shirt." Mivhigen Jglc.
Mr. Morptiv of New Orleans, is the chers
champion uf Auisrua.
'." Fiom the A ncricart M-psmiger. .
; " TiiE Eapsy cAE. -
'A child was wildly v.t!ptr.ii ' '' '
WLilo rosy moi nle f.spi d ;
' Eht tsMM to fend her itH4 Uirtl.t
Thai cher.hlieil oiid was utnei. ,
Yrrf ihcre it lay n cumlr-,
Shut eye aud open beak :
In vain she smoothed its ruffled plumes,
., Aud pressed them to her cheek.
- j
Alii?. poor sobbing monrncr,
blight cause to us it seems
For such a whelming grief to flow
lu ugoniiing streams j
-Yt'i9 we journey onward,
With added streugth to bear
The withering of the gourds that cheer
Our pilgrimage of care.
Oft from onr walla suspended,
And bathed in sorrow's tide,
Is counted many an empty rage
Where oar hearts birdling died.
... l. u. a.
Tlio Trick I Played tircn ray VTife
end Auht.
1 had an nont coming to visit me, for the
first. time since my marriage, and I don't
know what evil genius ptoinpted tlio wicked
ness (I acknowledge with tears in my eyes
that it was 6uch,) which I pertrated towards
my wifo and my ancient relative.
"My oear," euiU 1 tO'tny wife, on- 'he r!ay
beforo my mint's arrival, "you km autt
Mary is coming to-niorrow ; well, I forgot to
mention a rather nnuoying circumstance with
regard to her. S'ie's very deaf, and although
she can't hear my voice, to which she is ac
customed, in its ordinary tones, yet yon will
bo obliged to speak extremely loud in order
to bo l.i'nrj. It will be rather inconvenient,
hut 1 know you v.i !d- verylh'n in you pow
er to make her stay ajrieable."
Mrs. ,S. announced her determination It
make herrelf hearer if possibb.
1 then went lo John Thomas, who loves a
jnko ns well as any I know oT, toldr
him to be at my house) ct 6 P. it., on the
following evening, and felt comparatively
1 went to tha railroad sliition with a.-,cor-riage
tho next e vening, and when I was on
my way homo with my BUDt.I said, "My dear
aunt, there is one rather annoying infirmity
that Amelia l as, which 1 forgot in mention
l.cfuro. iihe'sviry deaf: and allhoticli she
hear my voice, to v-bich the is accustomed in
' its ordinary tones, yet vou ili Le rMiod to
spcai: extreaii ly I.
I'm sorrv for it."
,'d in order to Lj LotrJ.
Aur.t Mary, in the goodness of thn heart,
protested that she rather liked speaking lm:d
mi l to do so wnt.IJ pive her preat plenauro.
'I'he carriage drove up 0:1 tlio steps was
tny wife at tho window was John Phomas,
wti'i a f.c ittflT iJon.i r.s if ia hid
iiLried all his relatives Cat afternoon.
tjccnded the
J nrn de'i-j'ited to see yon," fhrieked my
wife, and tho policeman ou tha oilier side o:'
the street started, ui.J my aunt marly fell
d.'iwn tho f 'epp,
"Iviss me, my dear," howled my aunt ; and
tho hall lamp clattered and tho windows
shook ai with a fever and ague. 1 looked at
tho window John had disappeared. Human
nature cor.ld stand it r.o long.-r. 1 poked
ny head into tho carriage, acd miit into
ttronr: convulsion"!.
ij When 1 entered tho parlor, ny wife- was
helping aunt Mary to take ofT her i
1 -.. .i ... i , t.. . . .... i t . t .. r . .
i '
, SudderJe, "Ditl ycu a plaint jo:ir-
nevr went ciT nfv wile like' a pi,t,I, and
I n : T.j 1 -... 1
' . . 3 '
; "itather ifosty, wis t ,o re:ponre, iti a
; warhoop, and so tie.' conversatioj continue.;,
i 'i'he iieighLcrs for ti'.rects around tn'ist have
heard it ; when I wa3 in the third story of
tlio building, 1 heard every word pluinly!
I fu the courso of the evening, toy aunt took
occasion to say to me, "How loud yot;r wifo
t speaks 1 Don't it hurt her ?"
I told her a'l deaf persons talked loudly,
and that my wife being used to it, was not
affected by ihe exertion, and that Aunt Ma
ry was getting along very nicely with hi r.
" Presently my wifo fuid softly, "Alf, how
veiy loudly your aunt talka!"
Yes," stiid I, "all ileafpetsor.s do. You're
retting along with her finely; she hoars
every word jou say." Audi rather think I
she did.
Llated by thoir success at being under -
! stood, they went at it hammer and tongs, till
everything on tho mantle piece clattering
i pguin, anil I was sern iisiy airuiil ol a crowu
collecting iii front ol tho hnus..
! Hu: ih. end v,a near. My aunt Liingof
' un investigating turn cf mind, was liui-iroiis
of finding out whitlher I he exertion of talking
! so loud was not injurious to my wile. So
j said the, iu an tine itthly hoot, for her voice
was not so milfical ns it was when shu was
s youn:.'. "Poesu't talking loud (.train yor" .
! "It is an exertion," shrieked r.iywif.'.
' "Then why do you do .t V v. as ihe answer-
n:g scream.
"I?scanse "'ise yoa c.ii't licttr if 1
d .-ii't," FCjiieaied my ail'.;.
' V.'lr.l!" said my aunt, fuii 1 v rirr.i rg
railroad whistle tuii liar-.
1 began lo thn k it to e .i:c!,:ite tie s : nr.d leokiug round and st-eii.,' ,1 oiin
g-ine, I sti pped into tl.J buck pailur, ti ltd j
tht ro Lo lay fiat on l'U back, with his feet at !
a r..i-le to hU body, rolling tioai s,ilu ,
to tide with Lil fists poktd into h,s ribs, -ai d ,
a mct t'g cxprets'ou vt cotutti, j
tut not 'utlcririg a found. I immediately :
aud involuntarily assumed a s.milar ntti' ide, I
and I think, tbai frcm ike ralalivo poiilioti :
of our boots and Loads, and our attempt to '
restrain our laughter, upoph.w fiu-i i i.vj j
ensued, if a boniUe gruu i which ool.u , i
vent to iu l is endeavor to ronress Lb r.-nbd- ,
ity had not betraved our hiding r.laeo
. . . " . r , - !. .
Inrushid tny wife and my anal, who I.t i
this tiaie comprelu-adi J the joke, und soc'n a j
scolding as J got J hu t gvi nature, i
and I hop never to get agnm. J
I know not what the end would have been t
r i i i i . .... .i ..,,, ..,.ir.i i
11 IMIUU, 1.1 1.1. i;uum'wi m ., I'j-tw, ,,,-jt.v.u,
and symputautic, had not tiveu vett lo such
a diabolical noise, someluiitg tietweeU a groan
and a horse-laugh, that all gravity was up. et
aud wo screamed in concert.
A whittling match between two ' ebonies"
took place in Uarrisbarg last week. They
I'.imm. ncul at half nasi sevrn and wuist.e.l
until fifteen trinut. before ten, wk.u i v. ol
1 1 s ii "gin in."
i'r..rr.Toas AKn J'AriTAi.i.rr!. This hit
Will tit other klitmles than that of Paris a
"good tLing'' ol a Parishiau gamin, (urchin
loafer 6oy.i It. is lively, energetic, cbnrac
taristia and eC'eetive :
Two pen I'nniHU were chatting on the Eoul
eVtrd. Obo was a great speculator, develop
ing the plan of a macmhcetit pnj ct, the
other a dazzled capitalitt, ready to map at
tlio bait. He hesitate d a little i but as not
yhld.yr. f erely u.j'.tn. few .L) 'or
conscience' rake.
Near these two pafsud nconplo of jonngs.
ters, often or twelve years. They aere L-ok-ing
into a tobacco shop close tiy, and one
cries out to tha other :
"IN the" piper ! I'd like to smoke a sou's
worth of tobacco."
"Well," said the other, "bnv a sou's worth."
"Ah ! as luck will have it, i haveu't a sou."
'Hold on, I've gut two sons."
"That's the ticket, just the thing -one for
the pipe, nnd one for the tobacco."
"Oh, yrs I bat what am I to do V
"Yes! Oh. you shall, be a stockholder;
you can spit !" '
It was a ll.h of light. The Capitalist
thrust his h inds into his rr ckel! und (led.
I Tko speculator ciit a furious lock ht tLc two
urchins, and turned down the street.
Pt'TiONARV. Wo Cud thn following new
utinitions of severnl words in onr 1 mgnrtgo
not to tie found in Webitcr's Pietionuty :
Hard Time" hilling on a Cold grind stoca
and leading the President's me'snge.
Love A little word within itself intimate
ly coincted with shovel and tongs.
Progress of 1 i:ne A pedlar going through
the land with wooden clocks,
Poetry A bottle of ink sprinkled over 11
shnet of foolscap.
Patriot A man who has nilhi.r prr povly
nor reputation to losa. Obsolete; a term formerly used
;u t it' cube of a man woo paid for his news
papers and thu coat on his back.
Independence Owing fifiy thousand dol
lars which you never iutund to puy.
Lovely Women Au article muiiiifaeturod
by milliners aud dress makers :
"Who wants but littlo en the head.
Lilt much below to nuke it spread.''
T;:i: Lino. Wo l...vo herd of P.L!y
Wake's eeuu in a ho'.a iusaid I'addy's gardeti ;
where, if were only to say. ' How are e, Pad
dy Hlake?'1 tho echo wouid answer. "Very
well, thank you how is yourfiell '?" However
Paddy Uiake's echo and oven the celebrated
Swiss echo fills short of the following :
What muft bo done to conduct anuvrspopcr
right? Writo.
What is nccceisnry for a farmer to assist
him 'System.
What should givo a bliu I rasti Hie grcntetl
cL Lpht ? Light.
What is the best counsel pivou by a jugticn
of the peace t Pence.
Who commit the created abominations ?
What cry is the gieatcst teirifier ? Fire.
A ClIA.M'l? FOR AX IxiERKNCi:.- Jn passing
down one of our btiek streets u few days Finer
we over heard a colloquy between a coupl of
darkies, and we were ju:l in timu to hear tha
'Now fook'er yer, CharLc, Jii-i inrtti Le a
honest nigger, then ogin ha inotitcneil, but
cf 1 wrj a chicken, nnd knowed dat he was
about da vard 1 tell ver wot nigger, I'd rookt
hi-li, I would."
We were satisfied on Ihe point of Jim's hen-c.-ty
ar.d therefore pursued our onward course.
Milile Adcertiicr,
j "Maria," said a Wy lo her colored c,?m
Wennaid, "that is the fourth silk oress you
have rrorn since you came to me ; pray -Low
I ;:.any do you own ?"
uo;y seven .nss; tint l m saving my
wages to buy nnnodder."
"Seven! what use aro Feven s;lk ilressps
to yen.. Why, 1 ilo'nol own ns mtiny us that."
Snect not, Mi-s." said ma smiling darkoy
"you doi'3li.t need 'em r nmcii ns I does.
You see yon quality white folks eierx body
knons is qualilr ; "but we b tterincst kir.,1 of
cullu'd pussiu.s bus to dress sniu'rt to 'tiugu
ourselves for Common tra'h."
A Sermon, for effect, sLmild be pointed. A
man once commenced thus.
'Without the least ceremony, friendly Lea
rrs, 1 drop iu among you. You en d preach
ing tu tho dried herring needs rain. 'ou
need wetting with tho blistering blackstrap
of ij very day gospel, and it's my duty to giv.i
it to juii. 1 am running ever with that kind
uf getpel as full ns an irishman of 1 quor
and prtach 1 in Woe is me if 1 dci't give
the nicorr gibiit particular fits.
"i have a to preach to yen, Sceptics
i:o?d not sty U was some ether noise. My
j duty is piaiu as your nbcitiiniiblu wickedness.
! -My h-ait has long yearned over you as a
' sningle would yearn over tiie lender pmts if
a vicious .-c.iooioey. i.iao a lea j lui iioy in
urasshopper time, I am bound to pursue vou
I i i every hiding place, nnd drug your ituqui
: lies to light. As U-irihle ns a tUh hawk upon
a li..'.y tucker in hhoa! waler, will be my
I swoop, but when 1 !iD lite tear of repentances
i cieaniii.g upon tint elo 'ok as mild as a mother
j to her babe, will 1 stnilii natu und pour
i balm as giatefitl us warm tallow on a blistei,
j ii; to y. itu wounded h"0H. iou will learu
j to It ri mo I'tcn, mid I i-'iiill have cnusutj
1 r?r..t iUi j,.'attiVilv yt ur grsi.r.criis uud yeur
i t a:..'t-"
j . . . . --
A ' .si'tiTK i aI'jv The. Peticil Pre.
Prr.s av. is that taj Jie; tiblieaii cntolidat
! :'....! ny.r it) that city visited the clioit
i l.oe.imnlita Woiks to pnlaver the woikion.
i Whiia I'jltlgthe lliUitl bi'.l.kiilg lialllb IlisCOilt
' tail wa-. csagl.l in a band, am! l e was strung
n p to tha ecatr.j a;:i.o-t I'.aLliC kicks and
' tnt -It s cn his part. While in this' pictureo
j .pie ut tit udo il if said that I.e iitiii.ted in
I iking hrt.ib with ievoial of ' ti e bwy,"
m o ;rion,i d arouiM lo Sue the fan. tietliiig
n d ; tl.e f.i'a. and hating k.ckeu him; ell out
cl breath, ha i.'ai luwdre.l uivoy, alter hit to
rpi etJ: y "n:iuru.
y n.'vurti ( s n one of lb
H : t '
tiai ers a buboim threw c.t, anil a
i .r ..!,. Aua is i.rni to bo uiirried.
.BS no uriher use for them.
prewar for na c.Mriino i!.aiv in
for a Paris ccrrespondeLt uf t
0r use.
lYork Caiiersiy.. tha iaili. sate comirg
itl.oct li; ops, batK, wai!', or any.
A Yankee, alio had just come from F.or
ence, being asked what he had seen and i'
mieied, aad weather he was not in rapture
with tie Venuk de Medici, replied. "V!)(
to till tue truih, I ib.u'l tnr shout lLois
ttene g .s '