0 c t r 2 LomcutfttioDB of John Green. Stable Keeper. as Arm-mo lat for tub nxitn twu. Ccmo all. whose bosom pity fee), My linnl condition pet, A in! eineo I cannot pay my bills, Give credit unto mo. My warrant many a mare hoi At mart nnil country fitirj But now I suffer you behold. ly warrant from the Mayor. In vain his pitience to implore, I pleaded my clietroB ; I ccnld not pay one petty mnre, l''or I was penny lest. Too late alas 1 1 now begar, My errors to amend, .And found that cv'ry itabU man. Is not a stable friend. I once bad store of hay and corn. And day of plenty sw, l?ut now exposM to public-scorn, I a tn a man n' straw. They only Know whom Torture' frewn Compels to drink Ilia cup. IIow much a man is tnktn a.tm By being takcu up. Tho cheapest corn'orts are forebid i And tliu' it Hounds to odd, My lips have sea.c ly flowed kquul. fciucu 1 bavo been iu quod. Tlie spicy bowl and flowing can, I now "must never touch, Though noar the spot where many a wan lias had a Drop tat much. l)y day and night to endless cari My beauty is a prey; My luiir is "white though not with years," And Grten is chang'd to grey. For though to right or left at will The bridled horse is led, A Pridewell is more curtain still To turn ot a human head. Ye dans have done ! nor thug upbraid ; My bond 1 mean to burst: I'll "pay you off' that's when I've paid The debt vf Suture first ! pp; i IJiJi'a!- farmer s Turkey Fattening. Cobbctt eays: " As to fntlening turkeys, ilia huut ut in nnvor to let them tret noor. Bttrh-V llloul, mixed with skimmed milk Blld I . .i r -u in il,...- r.. i : I given IU Ilieui irran, mil miinv boriii mv in u short time. Hoilud potutoes mixed with In dian maul will furnish a change of sweet food which they relish much, and of which they rhould be allowed to eat as much an they can. Ab with others, tho food ofthis bird must bo kept clean, and tho utmost euro taken not to give them on lho morrow the mixture of the preceding day; because if tho.weathvr is warm it will sour, which might displease them" Much has been published of late in onr agricultural journals in relation to the alimen tary properties ol charcoul. It has been re peutodly asserted that domestic fowls may be fattened on it without any other food, and that too, in n shorter timo than on tho most nutritive grains. "I bavo recently made nn experiment," says a writer for a Philadelphia paper, "and must suy tlint the result surprised me, as I had always been rather skeptical. Pour turkeys where confined in a pti and fod on meal, boiled potatoes and oats. Four others, of tho f ;tmo brood, woro also at tho caino timo con lined in another pen and fed on tho saint) article, but with ono pint of very finely pulverized charcoal miiotl with their J'oed mixed meal and boiled potatoes. They hud also a plentiful supply of broken charcoal in their pea. Tho eight were killed on tho same day, and tliero was a difl'erence of ono ond a half pounds each in favor of the fowls which had been supplied with tho charcoal, they being much the fattest and lho meat greatly superior in point of tenderness ond llayor." tiural Scic Yorker, How to Pr.risv.RV8 Cidek Swf.p.t. Messrs KoiTorts. From time to timo many way.i have been reccommnndad and many directions given to preserve and keep apple cider in a way that it will retain Us freshness and that peculiar (l iv.or that it possesses when it is first manufactured and also to prevent its being hard and honr. Of the vurious meth ods proposed mora or les3 expense and incon venience attended thorn ull ; but tho mont cfTectivo the simplest, and tho chenpept wuy that I have ever tried ; iu so to scald the cider previous to iu fermentation. My method of treating my cider which I wish to keep sweat t.n.i freeh is to heal it until it boils ; then take it from the lire aud cool it, pet it in c3ks and cloi thorn air tight. In this wuy I Lave kept it without aud apparent change nutil cider that was put up without scalding would bo sour enough I'nrgood vinegar. How long it may be preserved in this way 1 do not know but ono ca:i einily dctrmiue by trying tho experiment. By boiling down r.ew elder from ono-third to one-half an t'Sce'deiit sytup can be made for culinary purposes which con ba kept for any length of time as well n r.i', lushes ; und my fa niiy by preserving cider in theso ways aud olso haviug a supply of dried apples to usa wl.su green ones fail can supply the in- ! selves with ninny chap and healthy dishes of food which they would otherwise be deprived of. This applssyrnp is raluaV.o a a medicine, -,1 I , "I .. J :" 4 I . i" .1 " ' luisyc.uiiy lor ttie cure of ccuds und coughs and 1 bavo known fami lies who used no other articles for their chil dren whea troubled in that way. C. T. Altord. The Chinssr Sen tit Cunk M r. James II. frill, of Mount Pleasant Ohio, has furnished thw fuLowinj directions for making syrup frcm t'uo Chinese Sugar Ccno : lt H.ivo yonr cane as nearly ripu as pos sible, tho leaves d.'ad and all taken oB' ns they contaiu nothing but what will injure the syrup. 2d. Keep your cane clean to grind strain the juicu through a fine eiero wilh some clean straw to catch the sedijm nt. 3d. Biforu you put the juico to boil add the white of one egg, well beat lu three gal lons of juice etil Well and burely tiring to boil then take off the lire and let it cool a few mlim'e-i ; be patt'Cular and separate the scum from the juice then boil again and tkiui, and repeat it if neereasury. -1th. sitraiu through a flannel cloth, after which boil as fast as possible, occasionally putting i a small quantity of soda. This will corroct the acid and bring the impure substance to the top skim as iu third pro cess. Trxas Catii.c A Mr. Wheal or I, clihart Texas thinks that the Texas cattle trade is one of the most profitubln now carrind on. He purchased" tOO head ia 'lexus at an avor- cge of fcU2J per head and sold the n in Chlcn. go in Augi c to c packer at an average of $6 per bead. He glut ted with the d: o e in A r.l and reached Chicago in October be hud only seven men with him and lost Out tight or nine bead, lie grazed his cattle all along O'c route the uras heine nearly a foot high. IlBffteed through the Ckootow country Uud Tuft treated kimliv by the Indians. cMUmcnt A CALL TO FARMERS. lurmerl, strop your Tools, Faust o littU, Head this anil llsftect I THK FARMER'S P R O M O.T I O N BOOK. A new and Scianlifie Manurhis Hvstera, M Ih Cutiivo thai Olall kind! nl Urain., Or. mm, F.alder and Pn.lilre, upon all kind! ufS-nl; Proved by actual Ksnermient nud based on evident imthe I Designed I" improve Asiiculiur in ill in blanches; represented by upwards uf one hundred and firty emjraviiia,s i f the most vulua tie Uruiti and Plants ennnected wilh tlia system. Ily Mr. V. ii- UKIKUOLO, BC'AIjPBUHO, CENTRE CO., PA. IN th: t rt-t 1 1 i il will be seen that the object has been to irivc Ihe Farmer that kind of information which enables hiln M make practical applical loll t" fertilize hia L....-I aiul hieren.e Infl ernill. fodder. 011(1 pasturage. The doctrines aa taught by thi. mauuiimr, ami fodder iiutl pne- lufe cultivation syaiem nr. run. nun, rnw ..n,i r .... n., ...... anSL'rnt an improvement in the mode of agriculture hither. ...... .lii. ,wn In iinr furtners. anil which, if odonted ond carefully practiced, council fnil In advance the interests of Hie Inruilng cninmuuuy. purn w wt iiiih nan n.... wanted. n it filla a V"iit which bin I'lig been f. It, bid which there hiia hitherto lieen no n 1 1 1 npl In rupply , ami in fiirmcra nl Ccnirc and lliiiitiiigitun eouiitica. we recin mend the work tn every runner, aa we fully believe that tbrr w itl reap the grea'teat p iaaibla benefit fri n it Daniel Mffrer. Philip Mover. tThrielian Duie, George Hoal, Jacoli Mimrer, John Ibiilcy, H.imnel Diinran, Jona. MuWlllland. lienrge finjei, Jr. Jwlni t'arjxr, J hn linaon, Pnm. '.Vilnon, (-.,.,.. e W Meek. J.iO'b .M"er, llnry M"yer, Smnill'l (iillllHtel, Ocorite Jack. John llnrnian, (teorpe Itiichanaa, lraiiia Aleiandar, John Neff. Srn'r. John Ib'ITi r, Cliiimioii Doner, Joacph Utikcr I" The iib-ive work ! fol anle by Itev t O MeKF.R Price (tie. JIAN, Milton, NoithiimlicrlHiHl county, Pa Aaguat 1, 1M7. 3mo ESTABLISHMENT 1 ! THK CITY OK HAL T I M ORE f A TlllOT'S C.ny Str. et W arerooma Kna 'JJ ly I and North Gay street, nenr Fayette, Hnltitnore where is kept nlwnva on blind, or made to order, every stjlcof French TKTli-A-TliTKS , in Flush, Hair, Cloth or Hrocale lie. French Full StulT ami Medallion Parlor Arm Chairs, in riiian. uair, i.ioiii or nroeiiieiie, French Full Stutl'Ciiived Parlor Chairs in sets, with Pluth, lluir, Cloth or Urocatellc. s o,r a s llnlf French Spring; Miihruny and Walnut Parlor Chiora, in Hair, Cloth and IMueli. Itncking Chairs vuriuita dtuigns, in lluir, Cloth and Plush. tiiirpiiiiir fiiiiir.'S a lurjre n.orlinciit alvas ea hand, or uit) pattern nude or covered with any goods to order. CHAUBBIl SUITS. In Mahntrnny or Wnlmit, complete, from S?:W up Cnne Chnirsand Ho l,in d... the lurjre.t amortment ready made iii any one houae ill the t mtcd sitate. Ironi IU u dozen up. Itur Itooin, OlTiee and Dinina; Chairs, iu Oak. Walnut or Muhogiuiy, with Cane, Wood or lulled Seats an aiiaoiliuent einbi neiiia; over fill dozen. t'ood sent Cliuira and 9etteea und Rocking Chatis. over 100 dozen. (iilt rind riuin Fnime Tiookiui' (.lasffes, of every I'Onety. All kiud. of Reds, Hair and Huak .Mntti.'i..ea. A. .MATIIIOT. Nos. 20 and 55 N. (iny st , near Fuyetta si., Uultiniore Augiml 1, 1857 ly HUSSEY'S AMERICAN REAPER, FOR t ITTIMO ROTH GRAIN AND GRASS, GREAT improvements for 1857. '1 his Ma chine was put in suerssfol operation in I SHI) and continued to be the ooiy leaping and Mow ing Machine in the World, of any practical value up to 1845 twelve years after its introduction. Other Reapers are now offered with glowing ad vertisements. Certificates. Diplomas, Gold and Silver Mcduls, Ac. Hut the Fanner in search of the best Reaper, ami not posted iu the mafter. hail better see a little further. If there is any value in 84 years experience in building Reapers, and using them in the har vest field, and in the improvements made during that long period, OUED HL'SSEY.the Father of Reapers, can claim it. All who are satisfied wilh the Best reaper and Mouer, unn he suu- phed by sending their orders earlv in the season. as lho crops iiulicate a large demand, and we can not have over 5100 Ready for the vast harvest of 1857. V e guarantee that this Reaper ml I Mower ran not be beaten on fair trial hv onv other Reaper that mny be brought into the harvest fields in 18.V7. and we also insure it to he the ttrmisest and must durable machine in use. We would respectfully invite Farmers to examine the machine thoroughly before purchasing, and futUfy themselves of its superiority over all others. During the lust "our years, the subscribers have sold between 500 and 600 of these Machines, to the hestund most successful Farmers in Montour, Union and tho neighboring counties, (whose names are toonuinerous to insert) to whom we respectlully reier. The subscribers have the exclusive light the lollowing counties : Montour, Union, Snyde, Northumberland, Columbia, Luzerne, 1'errv Milliin, Centre, Clinton and Lycoming, All orders thankfully received and prouiptlj attend ed to. liLL'DES, AlAI.Mi c CO., Lcwuburg, Uniuii countv, July 11, !So7. HBIiUZNG'S SAFoti. Till-: ACK.MiW I.KIItiKl) tul: Riar.vr Tkials Ui Hc:MtHOi' hnvt: nut ;! utl tlit- ttrfie..! l l'4ii' ujilIiiMi, tiixl c-n(iri. It'll Hie Vci.llt-t el ht ie limit Jlrtl cci ilcnlitl in es, prutnig C'Httiimivcly l nl 'H'jirii.ji'll" u tlicwulj j.vt t; Itill W ill ID'l I-Ulll. I.Xluict 1 1 omi the (VinniitttVt .U'iuit mi ihe Tiiut oi' Iron tjltij u t.t'jtUn 6 ' Oh the 2ith of Ftbru-jry ihe iiiemlttra t'fthe Cum miltct uifi tti wiiiu'i the S li't-'u imiI thioks and ;itcrii (j'Ctcra in tiirm) uitu wciu iicruLny t-nisiu'd iii.tt nil v:tu ruht. The ii.iv Inllnit tin' tin' luirilliK.' tmik nttilt-r , I IIUVHM. IHTC tl lllH-'nilUI'llM.. .11 Ifl M fill UIH1 iwrart.,.1 l,.,rniii lor Uve h-"i., llwK,B ot Ales,,,. t-.van. & .itaon was tout opeiii-il, tlic Xtle lieu. a on toe lusiile, and th content partially eoio.tiiiie.1, while I lie eon I teuta in the Sale of. ! ssr. Farn-la Ai Herring weis ill cocj condition, und no lire iiiride.11 ,U.;i:ip. .lri-l a. I.-.J.. (S.u.d,) II F.FFt.IX, J p. N C.H.I'.M AN, I Committee. A. II. I'F.ACOCK. ) And e-id rrd l.y over So of the lel men of Ri-udin;. Tiie above Stfejctiu be iiif;Mcl"i-il ill :ll Walnut Sueet, where the pii'.'.ie i-ai: 'itii'fy tlieintetve. ol the. ijreal .upe-re-iity r-f the "lleuiti'.'l'alent t'liainpi..it,'' ,v.r lha dfcfeultd an l used lp '-iuaiili' Iron I) Kit S.tiiiiauder.1' I'nriols S. llt'rrlutjr, St HoWS., Vhilada. Oulr mskris in this Stale of lli-rui'i;'. I'uteui I'hainpioii S..f'. Tneatteinpt nei.le by ulher panic, to hnbler up Ih. repulali.ai of a Sale which hay failed .11 hiyilatlv ii iieei dc.ital Inea in IMiiln-lelphia , (Itausienil l'lai-k.) by lukiiis or.e out ol 1111 ae-it'a ut-'le. (II A . I.ant.) uiailc double thlckni-iei. (eifl.-reiu from liove liiev fell) tw --burn up' n.ie of llerriui:1. (halt'a. Il-iei.) ruia 1111-t wilh ita Ir.ie re ward Ilcrriuu's Safe e -nM n-. lie builit, yMvnir c-'nelu' .ivele that the 1 "nl v relial.ic Sale im,v made l..'lli niu.V .'I u Inch over la.oun are now iu nelaat ne. and u.or' Ihaii 'Jiio have been tried be Are without if single li... rioia., June vo. iv. STORE. " IsS LOUISA blllssLER, respectfully in-J-' forms the citizens of Trcvorton and sur rounding comity, thnt she has opened a new store of Milliucrv and Fancy Gnojs, at Trevor, ton in Shamokin street, nearly opposite Knouae's Tavern, where all kinds of Bonnets and Fancy Goods can be had at Ihe lowest terms. Dress making u! attended to is (he best manner and latest t'.sls. April V5, ISA. tf NEWS FOR iHia LIILLION I MLRKON8 l ulled Stales Magazine, Sa lurdav Evening Post, N Y. Picayune. Magialiale, Nick Nax cud Yankee Notion fur sale by H. Y. FRILING. N. B. Persona living at c distance can have c list of prices forwarded by addressing as above. Magazines, Papers end Book init on hand, constantly ordered. BtlMbuiv, Ju!v IS. H.T.-tf ED. Y. BRIGHT &. SON. HAVE JL'ST RECEIVED A I.AKOK SUL'PLY OP Dry CJood-t, Hcatlj hi.iiIc Clothing;, Hoofs and Shoes, ESard waro, iiVocci'ic, Chinas, Qiiecnu are. A:c, Among our pretent Stock may be found French I.awns, Poplin, Fancy Silki, Plaid Ducal, Tiaauea, Ucreges, UelifRea, Challi, Black Sitka, Alpnrca, (iiiifihama, SwUti Mull, Tarlton, Cambtia. Nain enuk, Hrillianta, Dimity, Hook Mualin, Uiliinott Collate, (vimj Flouncing, Inwrtitig, Lacea, Rib bons, Hosiery, and a general eaaortment of FANCY GOODS. Bmbreclng the moat beautiful stylea, all qualities and Oil Cloths and Carpets. Summer (ioods lor gents wear of every variety. Hardware embracing all kinds of building material, Carpenters Tools of the b:st manufacture, Filis of every descrip tion, Cutlery, Slioe I hidings, Lasts, &a. Former clltJils RiirpnKHCd In addition In our former Store Room, we have fntcil up the seeond stiry of our establishment which you will find well stocked with Ready Mmle Clotliiuir, Hoots and Shoes comliiiiine; beauty durability and cheapness. V e shall continue to assortment at all times complete, another Inducement N V. Y U O O I S A T We relurn our thanks to the public for their liberal tion of our I Jooit as ws deem it a pleasure to wait on all who may tavor us with a call. COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Bar Iron, Steel. Nails. Picks. Grub Hoes, Mason Hammers, Mill Saws. Window Sash, Grindstones, Glass, Paints, Oils, je isn. ftalt, Sunliury, May 3n, 1857. If . -LI, i - . i UM.l New Goods for the People t 1VKNJ VM1N HKKFN KIl RESPECTFULLY informs the public in Ren. erul that be has just received and opened a splendid stock of SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. H is stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassitets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. I ALSO: CnllrovN. CifiKlisini, IjBwms, 91oiiMMelliic Ue l-alnox and all kinds of Ladies Dress Ooods. OrocciieM, Also an assortment of llsirriwnrc. I row ami Steel, Nails, &o. Alan an excellent assortment of QTJEENSWARE, of various stylna and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS &. SHOTS. II ATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, Hv. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. ft?" Country produce taken ih etehanne a tlio hijihest prices. Lwer Augusta, June (1, 1857. Wall Paper & Window Shades. JL. ISAACS, Ali. 1 Clt A'orfA Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. HAVING completed their large assortment of the above lioods fur Spring and Summer Trade; would respectfully invite the attention of Purchasers to the soete. Their stock for beauty, cheapness and variety cannot be surpas sed. Thev have constantly on hand every descrip tion of Gold and Painted Shades, Buff Hollands, and Shade Fixtures. Wall Papers, Cuitains, Fire Hoard Prints, Borders, Ac, all of which they oiler at lower rates than can be hal at any other establishment, ('all and examine. A. ISAACS. 103 North Sevoud Street. March 7, 18.17 Cm w IOUO lb ol Carpet fctigr VrANTED at the store of K. Y. Bright A ' Son, who are constantly receiving a fresh supply of Goods, thus ottering to the public the largest and most desirable assortment. July II. 18i7. ISAAC M. WILKEHSON, IVIA.ITXJrACTTJIlE OF1 FURNITURE AND CHAIR Of the most Fashionable Style. &l"IM, llltiltIM tltStl I.OIIMKIN Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BRtiWAST ,1MI DIMVIi TAIlhKS and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phi. a dolphin manufacture. UEDS Ft.MJh. ol every pattern anil price CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILKT TABLF.S AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. '1'IIE subscriber respectfully calls the atteutiai ' of the public to his large and splendid ss- sorltnsnt ol every quality ami price of A!ti viri -u asci: which cannot failto recommend itself toevery cue who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock tube, bail in the city. No ell'ort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and ibe subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which arc constantly being made. He alse manufacture all kinds and qualities CHAIRS, ticludtng varieties never helore to be bud il Sunbury, such as M iuiioan t, ltl.u k Wum i MI I.-Ill I, DO M ,1'LK llllKCI tX ; 4SI IMISOh (.'IIA1KS, ami rMi 1'iami Srooi.s, which are nl the latest styles, and warranted tu be excellet by none inuuutactured in the Cities or elsewhere The subscriber is dcler'iviik'd t'sil iheie sha! be iineiccuse lor peraitie to purchase lurintuie n the cities, a-a every coniideiicc can he entertained nhu the utialitv und finish nl his ware ;::,. : ( hairs. These articles w ill be disjiosed ,A oil -is i;of. terms as ihey can be pur. ha-.i d e tewben- t mo try Produce laen in pn mrri I-,r ,orl. IT UNDKTAKLvVi. !I.im,i..- pr.oi.n-. handsome llnusi., he is no., or.ii.ueil in j IKK, . UHII,, llllll UHMMKMi. luiieruis. 111 tilts ii I cinity, or at any comeniei.t distance from this place I3r The Ware Ruoin ia in Fawn Street, be ew Weaver's Hotel. Ha AC M. WII.KERSON. Bunbury, April IH, 1857. tf. BALD EAGLE HOTEL. JV. 231 O.I.41G .V. Third St., I'hilaJelphit, JOHN CLYMEK, Proprietor. (Successor to Uishi. lUi.uir.) rf'Ilh Proprietor returns his thanks for the liberal putmuage bestowed nti tins well known house, and resiiecll'ully asks a eontiiiu nnce of the same, assuring bis inanv fi ienihi of Northumberland ami adjoining counties, that no pains shall be spared In renuer coiiibul and plea sure to all who may give linn a call. TEUM- mi OO PER DAY. Philadelphia. July Sift, 1857. 31n QaVEITII'S lNciico ot" Jaitialt s.liiircr. riTllIS article is carefully ple(Mired fininlhe la It J.-unaic J. Uintler. nil me valualiiu ineoieliiul oropeiliea ot wtui It ia wanuiited to povx-a ia n eoneeulrali d mid tolivu nient torini It I. mi excellent retnedv in 1ly.pep.i4, flatulence, eh tic unit impaired una li'eU stale or i.-te ibit-.tive tuiii- lion.. I- roin It. retie.lonu stteii'.tti and cordial ntooerlu a. u a:-nt!e .iiiii'jLit.ns tome it ia well uduntcd to counter act the debilitating: iiillueuee of the extreme, heutsuf aum mer, the eileela ot aiiddeu ehiiii.i-a, Ac. .1(0 fannlv khoulil be without it, u. U. timely use will aave nieiii ironi ninny uu aeriiiu. ailileh 01 lllnesa, I'liee 2.5 eeut per 'txitlte. For ule by Janel, lo.)7 Im OATCHOCI.Y, JOCKEY CLUB. SPRINti at r LOW LRS, cie., l the best quality ; a fresh supply just received and for sale at the Dtug Store ol A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, Aug. 1, 1857. pJOUNTY ORDERS. County order taken c eash for goods, and oa note or book ac count by E. Y, BRIGHT BON. Vr. e, its. prices. Domestic Oooils, Windsor Shades. In Qiiantlly and Quality. receive Ootids Scnii-Monthly, thus rendering our lo all who w ith to purchase. L O W I H I C H S patronage, and respectfully inile an inspec cnetse, Jfteat. etc., always on hand. E. V. 1I15IUHT & SON. .. 1.... J i irn SALAMANDER FIRE THIEF-PROOF SAFES. The latgcst assorlmrnt in the trniled States, Warranled to be equal to any now made, anil will tie sold on as O nod jcrtnn. as can be obtain ed from any other house in the Oountrv, at EVANS A WATSON'S 46 South 4th Street, I'hiladvlphia. Truth is Mighty, and Must Prevail. liepnrl f the CunitnitleC appninted In supcrin tend the Burning of the Iron Safes, at Head- fig, J tbruary 2 i, 18fu. Rs,DtNo. March 4. The undersigned, members of the committee. do respectlully report, that we saw the two Safe originally agreed upon by Parrels Herring and Evans & Watson, placed side by side in a fur nace, viz: The Sate inuse by the Paymaster of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Compa ny, in his olliee at Reading, manufactured by Parrels & Herring, end the Safe iu use by H. A. I.anlz, in his store, manufactured by F.vaus Jk Watson, and put in hooks and papers precisely alike. Thejfire was started at 8) o'clock, A. M.,sud kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and halfchesuut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the superin tendence Of the subscribers, members of the Com mittee. The Safes were then cooled oil" with water) after which they were opened, and the books and papers taken out by the Committee and sent to II. A- Lautz's store for public exam ined and marked by the Committee. The books and papers taken from the Sale manufactured ny rarrels a? Herring were in our judgment. damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than thoso taken from Evans & Watson's Safe. We believe the above to have been a fair and impartial triul ol'lhe respective qualities of both Safe. JACOB II. DYSHB.T, DA MEL S. HUNTER Having been al i.t't during the burniujf, we fully coincide, with the abjve iteinei t ol th Condition ol'lhe phpoi i m,1 Iwoki, taken ool of the respective Sates. li. A. NIOOLLX. H. H. MUHI.KNIIERO. JAMlvSMH, HOI. LAND. March 21, 1857. N F. W ARRIVAL O F FALL AND WINTER OOODS! Ira T. Clement A'O. 1. COHXFJl OF MAJIKlii SQUAiF, Q S jjrit received a large supply of Full and H w inter tjootls. lie will eoiiliuae fo sell Dry Goods and Gro ceries CH BA PER than ever, as bis goods are ought cheap tin y will he sold cheap. lie leels coiiltilent with Ins experience and ability, that he can compete with the World at large and Sunbury in particular. He would enumerate nrtitbs if lime and space would permit. I It is enough to say that he has everything in the line of Dry Goods, Groceries, A large Stuck nl Ready-Made CLOTHING, noors At siofs, $c., $ that is kept in any other alore in town, and i Hi. luumer ia on the breeze. Aud long may il wave O'er laud of the free, And tiiuuome of the hruve While her Stan and her Stripe. Shine out (ike thetruu, Telliuir ait n.itiona That Freedom's la-guti. This is a free country as was proved by the leclion of Du'-hmaii over the W'nolv Horse. therelnre it is free for all lu do their trading where they can BUY ho CHEAPEST. All are invi ted lo cull and see. THE COUNTRY. as well a, Ihe town are respeell'ully invited, und very person, rich or poor, liign or low, tnnid or free are invited to call at No. 1 Markkel Square, oppnsite the ('iMirt Hniiie. I . S. He is nut to be undersold hv any man or combination of men. No charge for sliuwiug i;n.,i!s. All kmds of produce taken- hi exchange fur nods. bunbury. Dec. 5!0. 1856. ROAD WAY FAMILY GROCERY! Flour, Peed uud Provision toro JSrtttdwai below I'hi'ckberry Street. LEVI SEASIIOLTZ, r ESPECTFULLY inform the citizen of Sunhurv and vicillllv flint ho bus r..mi.M.I to the Hote lately occupied by C. Gebringer in llroadway near the l?uil lioaJ, aim rw rrterviug a choice supply of FAMILY GPsCCEPJES, consisting in part uf Hams, Shoulders, Mackerel, Herring, Into Fish, Cod fish, Salt Preset ved Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Rice. Sugar. Coil'ee, (green, roasted and ground,) Im perial, young Hyson, OiStiponder end Black Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soups, brushes plow and wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco, segars, &c, together with every article usuully found in a first class Grocery Store, all of which will be sold ut the lowest prices, either for cash or country produce. He ha also prepared to sup ply the citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies, pretzels and c akes uf every kind. N. B. The highest i .ish prices will he paid fol butter uud eggs, com, oais. rveund wheat. ""Uiihury, A,fil II, t P. MKLANC.iiTOM SHINDEL, .8 isi i s ,:' 'i U V v. Ojfict in lifer Sireit. i-inuilinl-.'y uuputitt the Public School House. All business promptly ail, i d d to. ?!ai.:cs collected and all urciina. ) vvitiiu.'S il.H.e. Suubury, April U5. Im57 U I RT cud M A I) E li I A VVi.VKS, Schieduu Sthnappa, WilJ Chriry'braiiuy, Itlackherrv aivl Lavender brandies ior meilicitia' puruoK..a. Mui.h 14, 57. A V. HSUKU. fct'OAK CURED HAM. A lot usi recsive.: cod for mic by. LEVI 8EASHOLTZ. Aptfl 1CT. FURNITURE 1 FURNITURE I ! THE I.ARUEST STOCK EVER OFFEttED IN SUNRURY. Faclilonnblc, Chcnv and VmAiI rpiIE subscribed, long establUhed as a Cabinet A and Chair Manufacturer in Sunhuty, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. 11 is stock of Cabinet- are, Chairs, i) c, embraces EVERY VARIETY, t;EPtL AMD OR MA. B EfSTAL ill houkekecping. It is unnecessary to ennms- rate, ns anythinis that may lie required In lus line can be bid ot moderate prices. Cheap for Cash, or Ctiulitry Prdduc'e Jakcn in exchange. hslahlinhinenl South A(f Vomer of Market Squnrt. VST These knowing themselves indebted to the suhsctlber would oblige llim ky making pay ment. ., ftfcBA8TIAIf IlAUPT. SunburT, Apill 4, IS.17 tf faiiantt! Guano!! Ruundii! ALL KINDS. lf.inaU'9 m;n:n ruofriiATttor Lisia. 7000 TONS. CT F A R M F. R ! For your wheat crops, use LI'INAF'S Paper rho.phate of I. line, at 3) CI.., a lb. or Pin a Ton; or Use I.F.I. NAT'S A.MKItHU.N FKItTII.I'l'.lt. at C.1.S0 a bbl or ts-2'i n ton One ban el of either is sutficient for an Acre of Wheat. TIIFSK. ARE PF.RMANKNTMANURF.fl, made of relinble Chemical l-'.teincnti , and have been ia aui-ces.ful use for the pasi Six Veura, improving the anil and inerea.nip Hie value ot the laud Four lliiloum. from the Slate Agricultural Socily of Pennsylvania ; New Jersey; Delaware and the Crstul Pnlnee Asa.K-iiilioii of the Ctty of New Yoik, have beeu received fo- these Valunble Feililizera I'amphlera in the Kucli'h nud German Langaage cau be had by anplientlon til the Oifiee. A liberal discount to WlioleMile Penlera. Thenbove Fertilizer., delivered FRF.ti of Cartape to any wiiarfinthe old Cty Proper. Ordera sent by Mail accompanied with Cn.h or Draft., will be promptly Shipped In any pnrt of the Woilrt. tiF.HItOK. A. LHNAC Proprietor No. 10 South Front Street, Philadelphia City, J11W '2-p. IHS7. 4m w Pennsylvanra. Saddle and; IlarnesB Maker. HENRY HATJPT, J IF?.. Successor tn A. J. Stroh, RESPECTFULLY informs the TeaS't Cllizena 111 ouuniirv auu 1110 pup Jfei-XSla. be generally, that he has taken 'yfSft . -.! . e I I .1 . i-" Ihe cstublishmeHt lately occupied A. J Stroll and is rcpsrrd to turn cut work in is line of business equal tn any made in this, section of the country. Orders promptly exeeu ted and all kinds nf produce taken in Exchange Sunbury. May 9, l57 ly IDE xCTISTiJrT r.KOllGK ii KNN, A NNOl.'NCF.S to the citizens of Sunbufy and vicintv. that be bos opened an ofiice in Sun bury, above IL J. Wulverton'e ofiice opposite C. Weaver's Hotel, w here ho is prepared to attend to all kinds nf work belonging to the profession, in the latest snd most improved style. All work well doi.e and warranted. December IH, 1856. TCDc6u"&"ca Clothiers, N. I4I CrffSlNVT Sr., ABUYE I oust, Fh'.apii.mu, Keep tff.tf.a:.'.!, a-t ).;n.J ;'f!:iaid aiToi&HCM Clothing. mad;: VJOUKS MAM TO OxGeX A."B ro nr. Nov.519, 1 8 Mi. y Citrate of Magnesia OR TASTELESS SALTS, f JMIIS preparation is recommended aa an ex--- cellent laxale and puigulive. It operates llUrglllive. It Operates mildlv. is entirely free from aiw unpleasant tar.te a t .-,!.! resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and soid bv A. W. nSHLrt ' Sunbury, March 14. 1856. .i.i;x.MKU limit Importer and Wlmtrsalt Dtultr in SALT. 38 South Wharves, Philadelphia. -') - K ASH I ON Fin?, Liverpool Ground, wi!ld,Y Turks Island and Dairy Salt, con- sjfc-r!- -X-tst-jiitlv on hand and for tale in lots IT.. . - . .1. - . I- io suu me iruuc. April 4, 1857. 6m NEW CONFECTIONAR"S' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GK A III I ART, ITAS just received a new and excellent sssort- meat of goods at' his Ciinfccticinary and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunbury, uv-b.rx maniir.i.liirea anil l-..n. .... I.....I .1 all times, the most choiee Confectionary, Ac ' ' irv ic wholesale n ml lu tail, nt 1'hiluifelpliier ?:res Among his stock of t'ouleclioiiaries, may be J found French Secrets, Uuriied Ahnunds, Cream White, . t.cmnB Hose. Vanilla. Common SVciets Liifunrice, (ium Drops, all kii.d. of .cei.t, Love lliona, Mint Drop., rod and white, Jelly Clikea, Ftuit Drops, Ktick Candles, of all aectts His-k Candy, Almond Canity, FRUIT. Prunes, Fie., ClttoiiS, Rai.nu., Nuts of sit kinds nansnsa, Dalea. Currant, dried. Atmeiid., I. KM ON SYRUP ! uf a superior quality, by Ihe single or dozen- A j superior quality of Segars and Tobacco, and a t variety of Confectinnariea, fruil, ice, all of which j is olfercd cheap at wholesale or retail. tOE CREAM. I He fins alte opened an 'ce Cream Saloon, and I will nt all times be ready to serve his customers ! with lee Cream. ' Sunbury, May 21, 1857 ly Dniurs, Ptilitis, A.C. NEW supply of Drugs, Paints. Oils, Fluid, Ac, just received and for sale by A. W. FISHER. Suubury, May 8, 1857. I AND WARRANTS. The highest price "-will be given for Land Warrants by the sub erbi II. B MASKER. P A TENT BRITTANIA bar bottles for sale by STOPPERS fo B MASWEK. H. Siinburv. July 18. 1858. OROWN'S and Breiuiur' Essence uf Ginger - and Husband's Magnesia at March 14. '57. FISHER'S. F'ishing Tackle. Red Cork, Grass, Cot ton and Linen Lives, Out Lines, Sei Grau by the varj, 6'uooda, Plies, Kirby, Limerick and Cunisln If evils. Rods, Ac., for sale hv March 41, '57 A. W. FMHER. 'jjlobaooo ui.d Sogttrs VO.flOO Imported Segars of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, (!aveuiUs!i and finui ul tobacco at A. W. FISRE'R'. Ntinhurv, Mureh 14, 187, joj t . ess: a it i), ATI OTtlSi 'Y A.T X.A.W, i'it in Muti ft l . i' posits thi Court House, euNEv&r, pa. Collection mad end Professional Bosii. .ineially allouded te Promptly end Carefully. Ptiinuziriiii Rtrzslvcx I Bullitt o Fairthorne, Diehl ir Werlx, Davis V Utruey, F. Tyloi 4 Co. wunbury, June Jt, icst THE aukscribeT respectfully In'orinC lb citV tens of Bunbury and the public fenerally. that he hat commenced the manufaaUarc uf all kibde f KARTHEXWARB, t bis manufactory In Whortleberry BtraeA,0M square eost of the River. H has engaged the servicca or Mr. user, anil you can inarprnre depend on having a good article. The ptiUie are respectfully invited to call. All ordere frem a distance will U preioatly attended to. P. M.S1I1NDEL. Bunbury, Feb. , 1858. tf joii ii. ai.m:. fc CO. Nos. 1 sinl 4 Chestnut Street, (toatli side, below Wutsr,) (Tut Olbk.i Wooii-wna Hosai ta TBI Citt.) MANl'FACTL'RF.HSsnd Wholesnls dealers in Patent Mnchine made BROOM!, Patent Urnnved CeCnr. Ware, wnrrented not lu sin ink. Wood atid Willow-Ware Cord., Hru.hea, Ac ,ot all Ueaoriptiens. Pleuae U and esainine oar atoek. February US, 1M". ly W VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. fpllE subscribers, Execnlors of the estate o X Henry Masscr, dee'd., offer nt private sale the following property viz : A large twe story frame dwelling house, together with abeut 60 ACRES OF LAND, Sitaato in Lower Angusta township adjoinieg lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John R. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The house is new and the location a good one for business. Also TRACT OF I.IMESTONF. LAND, in said township on the river about fi mites be low 5unbu,y, adjoining lands of .1. 'P. M'Plierson and others, containing, about UO acres. The soil is productive and contains iimestcue and other minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing abnut 'ii acres on the bill, about two miles below iSunhury, adjoining lands of tho heiis of the lute John Conrad and others. There is, on thia tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. for further particulars apply to the subscribers. H. II. MASS Kit, ) P. B. MASSE It. SKicoilefs. FRANCIS BUCIIER. ) Hunbury, January 19, 185S. tf NEW ARRANGEMENT 1 Fresh Arriral uf DRUOS, TAINTSOILS, &o. flHE undersigned tsving taken the store for JL mcrly kept by William A. Hruuer, is now ready to till orders and prescriptions at a mo menta notice. He has a large and wall selected stork of fresh and pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Dye-stufbt, 0:1, Paints, Glass, Putty, cad all kinds of Patent Medicines. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported Sugars ef the choicest brands. Fancy Notions' toilet articles, and Per fumery of all kinds. Tooth and Hair Crushes of every variety. Camphint and Fluid almays en md. Customers will find his stock eonipltte, com prising many articles it is impossible here to cuc mcrale, anJ nil sold at moderate prices. Remember the place, neil dear tc E. T. Urighl's Mammoth Store. A. W. riSHBt. Runbury, March II, 187. MOUNT CARMEL HOUSE, MOUNT CARMEL, Keirthumberland Ctunty, l,enntf-ivsla. "M!IS large and cemmodious lintel is situa ted nearly hull nay between Sunbury nd fottsvillc. The scenery lh salubrity of the atmosphere and the cool mountain breezes, make it one of the nmat delightful summer retreats in the ceuntry. The Hotel, is a new structure, foer stories high, fitted up wilh all the modern con veniences, The pure mountain water is intro duced into every chamber. The plaro ia easy of access, being but one and a halt b'jrs rids I from Sunliury , eve t the Philadelphia and Pun. i bury Rail Road. From Pnftaville, it is !7oi:ies. ! r!' . . ! i. i ,u. eir ar" "Hi oe pan. ... .o p.v,-..-.- ,or la mate 8U" comlorlaoie. i.argos niaoe- I rate. JF.SMC KICI.. Mt. Carmel, Mav 41, 1S56. if E- IsTEV7"X.AlS3riD Ss OO. Loaklug Ola.sea, Picture Frames, tvncraTtnijs and I'nintlugS, 1SS Arch Street, above Kiita, QLale of 5218 North Sec-nd St.) PHILADELPHIA. RtttiHixs orzs PiiLi to visiToa. Merchants and others visiting the City whs mny want anything in eur line will de v'ell t give us a call. February SS, 1857. 8re A liojL) CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE So 7S North Second Strtit, (tjfsUs ih itfount I'rinon Jhutt ) Philadelphia, ! I iULU I.Over att lies, lull ICWClCd, IS n . IS S ,1...,, . c-i . i a... i ; oiivrr i. ever tin,, bo., s?i-i tS.il- I ver Lopine, do., $U : tjuarlier. 5 to $7 : Gold j sl,ccl cU' ' 50 t0 1 0 ; Silver do., I oO ; '.l l..l 1 O it I 1 ... tat I a (Silver 'Pablo Spoons per sett, $lt to If 18 i Silver Desert do., do.,$'J lo 11 1 ; Silver Tea do., I do'., S'l 7S to 7 50 ; Gold Pens and Gold t'a- ses, $:i 'if to !?5 r Gold Pens aud Silver do. .51; . together vrilTi a' vatretv of fine Gold Jewrlry, i : t,olU Curll , imcrn and r oti l nnine. All gooas ; warrant.'a to ns as represeilTCi. at. lire anu j Jewelrv.rCpeired in ihebest manner. Also, Ma sonic Marks', Pins, Ac, made to order. I N. 0. AD orders sent by mail or othsrwis., will be punctually attended lo. I Phils., Oct. 4, 1856. lyw. WIIOLCSALK AND RSrtlX Grocery, Wine and Liquor Storo, S. E. eor. llV'inf cino' ll'ufrr Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest pricrs. October 4. 1856. If BRODHEAD ' & ROBERTS, A. 13'), -V. 'Ad Street, PHZI.ADJ3X.rHIA, INVITE the attention of country merchants " and others, to their stock of BOOTS Sz SKOES, which they will dispose of on the most reason able terms. Nov. 9, 1856.- ly whom si L au Kit 1 1 BOOT STORE, .ritiA Fourth S.t, abore Chcsnnt, Phil'a. 40 KOOTS, Shoes, Guiters, ic., promptly made to order in the very best sty lo, cud of the best material. Philadelphia, May 0,1857 Leather ! Leather ! Leather 1 IltHY W. OVKKM.t.V, IMPORTF.R of French Cull fkiiisniMl oeral lcathal dealer, No. C SouLli Third street. Philuaeiehia. A ueneral ussoitiusnt uf all kmUs of Ijeaiher Mer.ieus, Ac , 4c. Red and Oak fnlo Leather. February , IHA7. ly w FAFERS & MAGAZINES. flMlE New York Ledger, Parlor Casket, Flag 1 of our Union, Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, Ballou' Pictorial, National Police Gazstto, Weekly Novellelle, Waverly Magaziuo, and Harper' Weekly Journal of Civilization. Also, Harper' Magazin, Ciodey's Lads' Book and Putnam'c Magazine, just received and loraaleby JJ. Y. FKILINU. Suunury, July II, 1857. ALMONDS, RAI80N8, FIGS, LEMONS. A e., eVc, just received c fresh supply end for sale ct She Confectionery (tor of M.O. UEAKJT ART. Sunbury, MoT !, 18S7 Shamokin White fAsh Anthracite) Coal. ttm tht "Old Vain" tn the Cap Colliery. JH. ZIMMERMAN cV JNO. P. PIH.SEL successors to Kase, Iteed cfc Co., will cot tluuc mining, chipping end celling coal from tiro above well known Colliery, under the firm of Zimmerman ek Purael. 1 he point af shipment ic at the tower wharf in Bunbury, Northumber land county, )'c, where all ordere fur the variuite kinds of coal, vis i Lump, Broken, Egg, Move, and Chestnut Coal, will be thankfully reee)vd and promptly attended to. Suubury, July 14, 1855, ScaavRT, Jclt I, 164. The firm of Kase, Reed d- Co. haviug svlJ their lease in the Gap Colliery and interest in the WDart at Hunbury, to Messrs. .immerman it. Pursel, would take great pleasure in recommend ing our customers and others tn the new fir they will be able to sell them prepared the best quality, KASB.'KF.ED A HAYDOCK & FIDDLER, TlEALKUS in Watches end Jewelry, wtH continue the business at the eld stand uf Jaues B. Fidler, sVo. 12 South Second Sire. PHILADELPHIA, Where they solicit an examination of their tare and vaticd stock, feeling assured that the expe rience both of them have had in tho business, and the facilities they possess tor procuring goods on the most advantageous terms, will eaa ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment in the city. They have now aa hand a tine assortment ef "WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver, Plated end Brittania Waie, Cutlery, Fancy Goods, &c, &c. N. B. Repairing of Watches and all k mil. of Jewelry attended te with proDtptuess cod the greatest eare. Phils., April T, 18S5 tf. Write "horse " hot kl7' POTTSVILLE, PA. pilE subscriber respectfully annnnneee tc Hie - !! friends und the publie, that he has Ukea that old and well known establishment, the Wbito lllorso Hotel. At (he eoiner of Centre end Mahantoge sis m the Borough of Potl.ville. The kou.e kaa re cently been very much enlarged and otheiwi, improte J, rendering it quite us comfortable aa any oth.r Helil in St htiylkiil counly whii. the stabicsare large, in good cor ditiou, sad at- line by carelul, attentive, prudent hostlers. Te trail-Mere and others who mv stop at km house, be pronii.es every attention c alculated u rendsr them cemfortable anil satisfied. JUa. M. FICUER. April t, let.'.- tf HENRY DONNM,, A TTOPcNEy AT LAW. Ojifc opposite the Citurt House, Sunbury, Northumberland CouEty Fa. riampi utietuiou to LastueiMJ in ndoiB,r .wuutirc. EAQLE HOTEL, tsPrOMTK WEftTMRANCH HANK, WILLIAMQPORT, 1T1IX1AM II. M iir, ProprleUr. C. A. Sraiar, Assistant. N. B. .-tn Omnibus will r'i to and from tj, lV;.ot and Paeiu Landings, to tltia Idatv, free of charge. Beptemlier !8. !83fS. tf DANVILLE HOTEL. J-OXII-T X3EEJNT, Jli., SJarktt Street, Danville, Pa, t SMUS ii one of the largeet and most eoa.ia v. I. dious hotel in the interior of Pi nn h ania it baa keen recently fiiud up, in cxceli'cait )!, with all I ii e modern cuiiveinence a. Danvilled, Sept. S2, 1855. (Mipnp Wufches tJewttlr.- tiOLESA LE a-id Retail, at ike Philadel phia Watch and Jewelry Stare." No. tc North Second direst, corner of Quarry, 'J l.arar Wulehea, full jeweled, Iff carat esses. 9 Hit OilJ lpma i hi. sj.Jl Oil; Fine silver Spnuele. I f8 Cover l.ep. lull jewi;,,!. S!l.llj!d lbueelen, 1 w 8i!v.-r Lever, lu'l jewl 4 l'.! sfira' (Jold Pse.eil.. I on 6api..Tt;or..,:V, v.iSdver Tea srsww, set, S.sC bald tipeetacir,. 7,n 0id rer.j. waa raiisit and Silver Holder, l.co Gold Finger Rinrs, S7J eenlsto $80 ; vYatrk Glasses, plain, 1'Sj ceiff;' Paieat, 18j; l.yu.t, 15 ; oilier crtii Irs iu proportion. All goo.U waa- rsnted to ke what thev are sold for. STAUFFER A: HARLEY. 0 haed, eerne Gold and Silver Lovers aod l.epinee, still lower thsn lis th'tve priees. Oct. i, I85fi. iy. A RNOLD'H WRITING FLI ID and Ada. eiw sad lejul enveiores. for sale bv 11. H. MASSES. lnnburv. Itn HI. 185f.. CZCRuE ECHALL & 00; RtMUCTlRER or BLABTING POWDEB, Mt. C'aimsl. .SWlh-tuibsrUhtl County, fa. .Ms If), 8.'i6.. I I. A . K J'srclimeri Paper Deeds sad bl.ok Mr lorlfcagea. Bonds, Enecutions, Sumn j fe for sale b it. B. MASSIK. Jtnnboiy At rl 18. 85 STOVES' f.OR SALE an excellent second hand Cesk SL in, ing Move, also several Cylinder CesJ stoves. Enquire at this office. "1 OLD PENS with and without cases, a very eutwrior ciuality, just received. Also c frsjk. supply of Writing Fluid, for sk by II. U. MAS8KR. Sunbury, Dse. 27. 1R.- GOSHEN CHEESE. Jttst received and foe sale by LEVI SF.ASUOLTJC April II, 167. ILVER WATCHES. A few double ca-e Knglibh Silver Watches, for sale at very Ivvt prices by Sunbury. April IS. R5fi. H.B MASSE' If. AMERICAN HOUSE, W ILLlAMSr-ORT, PA., J. II. ki;i.to, Vt oprlelcr. .TiS. T. IIai.i.. Ask't. Sept. 13, ls3u tf IJI KE OLIVE OIL for table use,-two size at i)7J uud ii''J cents just received by A. W. FISHER, March 14, '57. stationery .A large aupply of fancy N Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Lett and Cap Paper, Pens. Ink, Sand, Ac, at olo alter. March 14, '67. A. W. FISHKR'8. pOKT MONAIES. Toolh nd H.ir Brusfm -- ell qualities, and iny qusuti y, for sale by A. W. FISH Eli. March I I, 'T. A SIIA.TY 1'OIt s tLB, f 1HIE ubfcriber oflir for sale his SHANTY, jL Cook-Slove, eke, on the Raii-Road below Trevor ton Bridge. Apply aoon lo li. B. MAiSHR. Sunbury, April 98, 1857. FOR SALE. A Good cond-ha J Buggy. oflire. Apply ct this FOR RENT. fllllK Store Room in Maiket street, occopiedj X by P. W. Gray end the dwelling bouae ad joining. Apply to the cveovtor of n. Maswr. J deecasad- Jsuuaiy 17 If'-T