Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 21, 1857, Image 3

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    From Hi tViike-Brr Time
Till. 1 . ' ",
A lUrtlinff rtimtvr reached liorft by !!
graph on Friday last, that Mr. Richard Car
ter, President o'rtha Anthracite Eank of 'I t
mnqnn, had been killed by a pistol tbot in
-Philadelphia. By the mail we learn the par
ticular! which are g'ven irt another column.
' There are or course many errora in nil or the
statements, end lome things ere staled which
re entirely new to the friends of the mis
guided young woman.
The first I
business connection between the
deceased und the father of Mr. Smith was
the partnership or Carter, McLeulay , at to ,
In the Anthracite Iron Furnace near Wilkes
Barre in the fall oM8.t4. I.insiness brought
Mr. Carter frequently to Wilkes-Ifarre where
became acquainted with the only daughter
Mr. John McCauley, hi partner. The
young lady was then atone of the schools in
in conversation with an aotit of the young
dy, a sister of ber rather who kept house for
..m', Mr. Carter proposed to lake chiirpo of
Miss McCuuley's education. A second time
it was proposed to the aunt, when it was
mailt lotted to the rther, who at once promptly
declined the offer. 1 1 was renewed and arced
upon them cs a mutter or kindness to the
youn? lady and or friendship for her rather,
who, having entire contidnco in the honor of
liis friend, at last coufciiled to part with hif
only daughter who was motherless, and to
bim almost as the apple of his eye. Mr.
Carter camo for her in his own carriole in
March, 185G, and promised to return her to
her family, educated and n credit to them.
At the Wilmington School or C'cllcpe,
where sho waa placed, Mr. McCauley felt
aatisfied that she would be mife and under the
immediate charpe nT teachers. A sifter of
Mr. Tom Wash Smith ws pcrceptrcss of
Miss McCauley nt this Cfdlece, and through
bi-r ha become acquainted with Miss McC.
The intimacy ripened into love and ho asked
cunsi nt of ber father to their marrinpo in No
vember and again December i, lMDti. This
was refused er.t from my objection to the
young man willi whom there was no ncqualnt
ance, but cn the pionnd that the courtFhip
was shert, and that his daiiifl'ter had not
finished Ler educali.-n. The letters of Mr.
fcmith, short ad well written, were very
much in his favor.
Notwithstundit g tie father's consrt was
rot given, the irarrinfie took place in Decern-l.t-r,
lf.'G, just about a year apo. la four
moi'th- from that I'm Mis Smith gave birth
to n child which was the first knowledge her
l.nsband had that wrong hud been done him.
They separated, the wire goiujr to graml
ntotlier in Chester county, of which both her
father and mnltier went natives. .She had
been at home on a visit but once, in A nruf-t
(Since her inisfortuno her lather, her mint,
and her Lrother have each viiited her to tine
her home, but itne influence bus
fc'wsys prevented it. IVi haps that
is now removed.
In some of the paper-, it is liated that Miss
McCauley frerjueiiliy lelt school to meet Mr.
Carter, an-l tven t'livrled to Niagara with
him. This i ll first intimation her friends
hive over had of it. ir such is the Tact. Can
I he Principal or any i.f the l'erccptrcffcs of
the CVlicge throw bght on the matter T llow
eotild a young lady continue such a courpe
for month3 while uudor their care and no one
suspect it 1
1 s it to bo supposed that they know as It t
tlo about others of their school, and are reek
!. .,f the welfare of the iiuj.ils ? ritrango
that even Miss Smith should have been so i
1 1 nr.. 1! I of her friend's, conduct. !
" J-'.mie explanation is certainly due to tho
fiiends or Miss McCauley. and to the pub
); who anppurt this College.
Mr. McOa'ilny is well known l.oie find has
lie ay in put hy of all our citizens.
An irte-oRent ci.rr-p..r.der.t at r.'tVsvilJe j
,Vtnn us fiat a child of Mr. ChriMian Am-
tend of thut p'.-ice bed o ttrotg reji tthh-nee
stent ui l-iut t
. fa li';1ck sniike imprirteu upon it p-'is'-n. j
"When tf. citcil r.i-ta'ice l-ai-spired .f anexci- j
f-tu c'-.ariwter, which roui i in the last d:flt.rb ,
til-: th'i i'f "pr.ils, !'" fia'io image w;!li e!i j
tiie peruiinr mat kt of a real black sr. ike would
ciiver :'a p-.'r.-i'ii, -iim v w u ..........
ao. t" ll Wat abo-.H t-o veer of at:w. and
ruilJ r,(,t wa'it. 1 1 tild smr o little
in its own wv. The shape i f the child ws
that ui ord.up'rv chinlven with ti e except icn
i.f hi C-iers and t-us, which presented a
s iake'a bead. His tug:' and the ie-.dn of
bis in;iu'.h we'-ujc" hl.iek, and it.-i eyes were
roatid. It was es'.ibiU'd by a man in Tbila
delphia, wb"a nime we were uralil to Irani
t:jrmti;h neatly all l!i Western States.
Wherever it went ji excited the most uti
l.i.ut: ied amazement ; thii -freak f nstutc"
was e tr.iii.i-d by physician, both of celebrity
mi .1 a'mily, but they" ware unable to nccount
f r this unnatural and strango plienoiHtuon.
rrawbiie it became nr. well when upon c ni .iitj'.i n i f si vi ral eminent phsriciat.f
it wu? thi.aghl advisable for it t" be taken
Lome but it died in lb neighborhood "f
1'ittsburjr, on its way: it was tuteried on
Wdni s.ljy iiru iiico:! lajt. l.uicuster HV'.l
Ijl 'lints.
Tni! ro.-inti utJ'O Mi.e'Afia. The rpecifil j
tVash.f.toii correspwodert of ( ol. l orneys
l'rtst nais it it rumored that Mr. Uucbatian,
in his lii'ft annual n,rtnr. ! Uorgrrw, will
take bold ground on the cnnc'icy (i'lestiuti ;
that ha Wiil r-i aflirm the princiides laid down
so claaily in his celebrated speech on .the in
dependent Treasury Udl. He believes that it
was tha intention of the framers of the Con
stitution to establish a bard-money currency
and that the action of Ldt:gress since has
VieBti a tteady departure from that intention. J
It will bo biaoliject then to retrace me luise
alepa takou and to bring the Uoverninvut
back to the true ground.
The iisu-j will he made in tho next Con
gress, whether State baLks have the const!.
tutionai power to i ut ...Hnus l-""
I . " y- ' -' ''..' - -'.
tnu iicfi.. . ... ...... 7
,, , . . ,
it eaiu yiei-i unii. u . ee,-.,.,. ,,
it D.itmnipi laws tor
thn lu'.k wi'l lie presented for action. Thii
I lie Ua.,K3 wi.l ne pie. eiiiau or aeuoii i ii.
wni provide Used legal course for
lUta iii.uiu.uou luawneui. ... -. i.
Rb?vmix. Many nf the mills and r..c tor
ies in New Kngluml are now resuming work,
aatong them tho Union Manufacturing Cam
pany of Norwulk, Ct , the Chicopee (Man.)
Mills, the ll ding und Nail Mills, und thu
Massasuit Mills ut Fall River. T he Ameri
can Print Work ut Fall Kiver it is believed
will also moil commence running.
The Albany Iran Work, recommenced
thi week, 'i he Heiiiselaer Work, which
employ three bundled and fifty men are muk
ing preparation for immediate resumption.
Tiie thirty-two factoriei in North and tSouth
Lee, Mais., are all in workiag coudi.ion, o!
thuugh short lima equal to 4 or 4 days per
week characterizes the in ull ut present. There
js an improvement oiauifett iu I bene interest!
which gives the hope that the worst times are
over and better labor will soon ajaiu be fully
aud priGtably occupied.
Ik K(.ai.i)iD and Fhance small notes ere
not tolerated at all. Their lowent d. nomi
nation of paper uianey are ubwve twenty
dollars. Coin is the circulating medium of ail
ordinary small business transactions. In
times of panic, therefore, there raa be no run
upon their banking institutions, such as we
ae in Ibis country, by thousand and tins of
thousands of niea holdiug notes oT small
deaoniinetions. The precious -metals, tooy
re rcnetaDlly sccupiulatiiig, jut where the,
should aeeumulsle, is the Laed cf the masse
of tha people.
me cause of me DMTfttas.
The annexed contains fects end figures of
Interelt. With distress tipr,n the country)
rmr factories and mills closed ; and thousands
of workingfnen out of employ men!, it be
hooves us to ponder oa the causa of this ua
happy state oT affairs, and study out Ilia re
medy. ' Read the following :
. 7b lie Editor of tfie A id Verk Timet :
Tho Free Trade journals are begging and
pleading the factories in New IOnglaiid not
t discharge their wotkmcn ; in other words,
nrter preaching Fiee Trade Tor a scries or
years, and bringing the whole factory buti-
ness into otter ruin, they are now begging
the owners oT our Jfactoiks to retain those !
"hnnds" which they hnvo not altrody been
rntnpalled to discharge, and to furl her involve j
the owet-8 end stockholders w ith additional .
burdens. Uader the Nttllifiuutinn fproar (.r
lHoOto lsy-l. and on to 18-12. wlien more limn .'
one hair or all the imports ctr.e into tho
country with free duties, nnd the linlsnce nt
20 percent., nine factories out if every ten
in the United Stutes witit into haul. re ley,
or changed ownership by sales i f the f-he;;!l.
We hud glorious times, indeed, Ik in 1P27 to
The law pf 1S42 revived everythit'ir, l ul
in I S Ifi the evil star of Free Trade again be
came in tho ascendant. Let us heur whot
the Knglish Jieoplc theinselTes think of this
state of things. In lfc&o the llellast Mircan
tile Journal declared :
"That since 1 blG thn export tralo from
Fngland to the United States had increased
1 l(i percent.
Thut in the last six years iron, wrought and
nnwniueht. expotted to tho United States,
had increased HSO per cent.
Cotton goods had increased f2 per cent.
Linen goods had increased SO percent.
Woolen manufactures in
Haberdashery had inerenrrd
Machinery had increased
00 per eput
i't'4 per cent
2V0 tier cent
That- the export of iron manufactures ox
coed in Tvaluo that of cotton, woolen, linen, i
silk and paper nnd leather pooil?. i
'I hat the export trade of England 1 th
I'tiiteit Stales exceeds one fourth (if all the
esportsor the Uritit-h Kingdom to all the
W.ivld "
Vri!y, tho Yankees ere very accommoda
ting people. We look Trrtn Tlreut fiiiluin
io ItTiil. of pig iron. o7, 000 tons in that year ;
or I ar iron, bolls and rod iron. IM fiiiO 'tot s.
(besides railroad iron.) in the whole omoni.t
ingto $17,7 III. 100 for iron manufacture, over
and uliovc railroad iron. This thin;? has been
going on at very rapid rata since, until i nr
own iron mines and iron foundries have I reti.
brought to a stiind-still. Their workman
are nil turned out of omplnj ment and running
around our streets moaning and in ten re for
bread to eat, while Mr. Jbwlas, who gave tho
easting vote to destroy our factories in 1HG,
is now Minister to I'.ngland, liillinir and coo
ing around Victoria s Oontt. ItiltTO, ling
land received 42,!l!l4 .'(!() in Fj ecie. from thn
United Stales, while from the whole not Id
she received $l28.1C5.f.0O in specie, includ
ing what she received fii i'i Australia. The
I'.tiglifh people know what money means, nnd
the worth of it, but we simple hearted Ame
rican are told that ty-tcie is mtrrhmdise.
In 1010. all the mines in Uient ISritnin pro
duced but 17,000 tons i f iirn. In 177G. F.t g.
land imported iron rrom her colony, (New
Jersey.) to e'ippiv her homo market. The
lust year, 1SU0. site r xprrtod to tho United
States, over M)0,(!0U tensor manufactured
iron. Her mines now ci iistituln the most
productive source oT l atictml Wftil h in
all the world. In LS.'G she roiled nut over
i! tU'll.OOO tons or iron. All there elements,.. I
wealth are piled tip in tin- U t I S!nte,
mountain high. Missouri alone potild supply
ull the iron or the world for thousands if
years. Init she is cursed with the blight of (lie
Slave Power, and the humbug of Free Tru e.
Mr. Miller tel is us ''that iti ISf.G i.tie irrn
mine in New Jersey rabed 11.601) tors cf j
"" re. I his ore cotisnnic
At.tliri.cite coal, 3,000 ton'
-- Ions of pig iron was tin
This ore consumed '.'J.OCO toes of !
s of litiKti.:n ;
io tirodnct of I Lis
itiine. I. employed t.iitl men t!ie e,-ir round.
who received CdC.COO in wr.;es ' We opine j
that a great nmnv lvmiinf liemocrats in and :
aieiimi tin-cily of Nen York, who have tii n j
vi. tin,; with the Slave I'ower, aid cr.-iog out
"1 ree Trade," would lil;e to see tiiiiineiv.i i
at such a mine us thik. an.) employed, h. -h ;
iminy iiiontiis more roll ovet t'.e r In a '. '
The A in. r, can iron i the best in lite v i ild. i
On the hue Kailroad the -.ngliii raiU .'-ai
away lit tho rati' of 1 li per cent., iintiiial'y.
while the Auieiie.ui rails, made in lYuni-, i ir.
nia, ami used on the fume, v.ei.t av.av o,,'i, ut
the rate of (i per not. Thii A murii - v. n ha r
ami pig 1 1 no is Lot h balder and t'..i:el., r liiaii
Ihe fccotch. We re, t.-nlv vein,
iFrt.nisii ttiM!-A nt. ii j !s::i;, l;jve
I t.1 1 K:: A tlll.MI i
A ftii ml relates to n an ui'.p tli-c iccidcr.;
which cecal rtd ut Xci.m cn i iim stin.
Aiiu iig Ihe pasiei;i:i-ii in li e lu:n l"i -i
l.leaielalid, was a jnut.jj ijiiiii if periiaj s
twenty, a i,il a lady Home lew yearn hi.- .-i.i..r.
Tho f uiiliemaii u plainly chid, but Hie e.i'1
waa ihe.-Fid in Ihu extreme i.f lai-hion, bttd
rimmed biunid even war.ti liner-. Jt
"us Ireijtieiit.y cl.fci vtd by the piiri'ctigeif
that li.o i.iinp man appeared to be c-uruceiiy
n uionttiatint! with Inc fill, ui.d (eciiied to
be deeply nib t led.
AtXenia, bmii lift the core, an, I it wan
a parent thut thecuurso cf each lay in d.f.'er
eul duetioiih thu mull to this ci'.v, ami the
girl to the Weet. As Ihu cats wira about
atai'tinu the jouiig man kinjed her e Istiny
jtuud live, and but h buret into tears. The
einiil'icuir teeit.j; ilui there wud tome dei p
griel ut heait, invited the geiillenian to a Kent
III the buirj;uie. car, us nieie tecliHltd finm
the gnzu ol the crowd. "Anywhere," euid he,
'I'liiy cnimt with me. I huiM tpeuh lo Seine
oiii', or my heart will break."
Alter bituniitig a little calmed, I.o Bail.
"Thulluiiy uud inyavlf were ruind together.
I W illi unit's lor cui I'vtp, iicorns Iur cutis and
; auueera, and pebble f..r walks, we played in
i cuiunn.od. f-lie was a lew yeai
yeara older than
u ..I.t.. ull, ...
.............. .... iti-ri.uti, inc. inm ifl i-n
i inv seil, t ut we wi re in
, , , ,(( wtmililIi1O0j was marrivti lllcll f(.para
led Iroin her liaaband and aouelit thu eitv
j i,,,,...,..,, .. i,ri lio .i,v,.,..i ,."..
i , i ' . ? , .
, UiEU1 J-teeped lli em as atie to. shameless
M ,BJ. be j could not but kiss ber good.
, bj rlPr w js ,.. tMvt ; s,e j,as ulu.u(iy
j hurncd a loving mother to the grave, and
I brought u disgrace upon her biothers and
lister, liut while the uckuowledee il ull.
and shells tear of apparent contrition uud
regret, no remonstrance can changn her
course. She has just been home to make us
a visit, but bus loll again lor her residence in
the city, to drown in the auutou' life the
lemeinl.raiice of what the was and what shei
might haw been, lo you blutue me, then.'
turning lo the sympathising cotiducjor, "lor
weeping us I do over one so loved aud fal
len r
It wai no tale or fiction. It was painful
truth. l-'ulleo, disgraced, and shameless?,
she alill shared a brother love, who would
win her back to vutue'spulh at any sacrifice.
A brief cureer of pleasure, and we (hull liud
the erring sister auiongl the daily habitues
of the police court aud prison. Cincinnati
At a recent wedding in Trenton the bride
received present ol splendid let of jewelry,
a COtnnlete tea service of Leuvv nilm.r t l..,ft
containing silver spoons knifes and Toils, fie
dozen each ( sevetul Sets exquisitely beautiful
and very ci It luce, together w.tU a eumnlete
rilli!,iL .. i i i i . i i i- . 1
OUlDt ol household and table linen. "I 0 crowu
the whole was a puree ot $500, another of
0, a third of 1000, nad a check fur Sin..
Raisins have fallen in the Uusti'ii muikel
to 'Ji p r be; fur Tret-h Malago. l.uit
year ut this time thry brO"ght $4 '.!.'.
tHl BUACTl' OF ClilLDP. E.I.
There is no object in tho world more pleas
ant to look upon than a beautiful i-lnfd.
liven the cruellest of old bachelors ninst ac
knowlcdgo this in bis heart however disap
pointment may have sonred his temper. Uu
fortunately, however the freshno and natural
bloom or childhood nro often limned ly dis
figuring disorders. Sometimes we see youth
lul faces bicniifhcd with fiery circles iiinl
looking as if disease had been at wuiL upon
them with a j'oir ol cotnpasn b dipped io ied
ochre. Of course every maihcr tec gni.-ts this
description of liincwirm to wh ch the Hill
more oi.'gtuting cutaneous nfhVetitn Ltiown j
!"icul.l Head is next ( f kin. lt i' hI.i 1
nine-tenths of us have Imd a touch if i b-su
nnplcafaiit eruptive complaints nt t t.e lim.- 1 1 :
other, ami most of us know 1 hut they nre net i
only disl'gtn!:iu but excessively nt on', itn ".ii J i
puialul. We mo awnro too inott of the
truiiis recemnicnded for them mev ly
nnd e;'rtavrii! iufla'nmation. and
1 pici.'.!y ka-.U to Cotifiood oi :;se ol tie' ,-n.
t. ;'.:!:! I li.-re cK".trr starves it is t a be ;
i cd lluit ell i';.i'.!:ts'l,( !.:8 t-i.t c-tiver.-i:'.t :;!
; tho w oni) vfi-.l j re pcrt;e3 or 1 lolluwn; i- '.' '
n en', ivili gtt, x, (.Rrn on 5iuda'.t'.'r..v.
1 that it. i a (j'lu I; ur.d thorongb l a-e-'y Kr
; K'ppworni and tcld Mend as wed as '-r
' Other external di.-ensrs. 'I ha tettimoo.. wh en
goes to establish t'.io f.-.ct is incontrove table
und every mo! lit r who wisht-a In see i.ices
cf her ( ;l iigt uuclcndcd by irepii as ami
; their liriuis i iu tustid with t.creem; tnaiter
I is i'litith d In ktii w it.
Fi'id'essor Ims such u
j reputation throughout llm world for his i x
I tentnl nnd iuternul remedies that his name
must of course be familiar to all our lemicis;
but lifter u:l Hull; is no I, aim in point
and lure" tb' griierul ci mini Mlutinii bj spcet
fiyiiig cerlain d senses in whiih one linos
i that, they have wotkvd wonders. Tho t fleet
ol the Ointment in ceres of Hiu'M im and
i Scald Head is but a specimen of Us n ut vrl.
lp,,s rl "ration in ull s-. L i t tltseafi c : m I
davo say iheie are ninny who have tivd
for bo li lutii-ps. l.lolche?. A.. A:., who have
; scaici ly tboliglit of it with rel. tcuee to til. re
i two fm . nuif of cl'.ihihood. If a nt mother
i.iii n I iv it rn iur n we
i hi I'll le doubt she r. ill give a pi roianeiit
! I'ia e jr. In i tuirtciy cli R t for the time tu
come. Muuli mt-.j'be dono to ptevei ! ti e
! ord.n.ny cilaneuas diseases of children by
p toper ilii;:. s.i id cloanliee-s ami .tv n!u'
! cicijc ill the i pen iur but after ti e o.u-tuci
has r.c'.ita'.ly d. vtiu; cd it;-; if lla te ,h i:.i r
j utive ao n I sable as lliiloway'a OiUtu:' u:.--;
-V. Y. Su na; Mireury.'il iv
Eev Advcitii-cacntg.
BAKKH'S tiiKi) rraiKsi ii iiiu xnu h
Tit'"X ! I iiriaiiil l lituifliirtit I
X l.l I 1...-, . .1... t- .... 1
Jill- lllll III lilt II l' I.I,
The C hrnpist in (lie WoiV.
711 r.iiuni to cacli SuhTiil nr.
1'vrrv rarmer ia'i' retted
Alfp, eerj p'uia!! 1'lot Cwne-.
To nieel Ihp illircarrd v.i'l.e n!
VKKR'l1 ' eniisrtjueni opun inc ' I mil
L)OZtN pui-il: in iifirfyi.-
' . . " ' i i i 1. 1 I m 1 I I
' anncutii e th-it l:e has inrrci-ril
he psfes ol ilii? taut. eh o!d jcur ,
nal one-lliiri!, oed iIiM.'.-Ird ti e in
'rttlMC VKiltP.
Ihf te.ilier C'ltit
fill' h mnuiir " i i
n 2'i il inhie i -i 0.
Ipn;e. lil!"-.! willi lain,' I. , o i
'r!i i' le ii.t'crir-i'i',1-, i f -m. y
i pjUKIilt
I JLfli
ii i ue lot-. rr mievlii ,i. !.':, i .
rnii, a Ciardnii ; i r 1'U t e ni'.i
! (ir I'rnund.
La 'ies, e.H'h vnlunic of thr Vri-l.-ulttnist
wiil rnntniti lnu. dren ci
lusci'tlei.l prai-li' nl hint. ii;inn i-'erv
I"5 --p'li'rl,:'v,me"l of In Lour, or 1'oiim-
1 bo-z iho" V,OTk- ., , .
ueu'-i'd Hirriii;!:! l.trirr-i
i n: on l l nf really list fid ii.iuf inaiinn
prepurcil I y a great mimhi r of prac
tical wni k,ns anil and v onini, liis
j .rindturbl in new the !.irf'est
1 ") h KFR'S -'"u'nal "' it' character in the
' )'J li :w0,'-h hut ini; to lite tiini-in-e
' .circidniion. it ean mid he elVen'ci!
ul one c'.iih.r a via-, i:r fur (".u'.tv
(cents each to ebihs i.f ten
er n.
j a i; a ki.i; s I'tjxriN.
' r 11 ninntl.a will he fcri l'..r the
! i. !n a 1 rice .-!' I ?. t-i nl! .;' seri!e'
jcr Ik.'iS.(V... NVH). ihat is. a":
t-ift nr i let: Fitt s. r.l crs t'.ir I !..:.
who at,h::.ri! ' r if,v.:'l receive
hiiMViv vif'.irhic Mllli'.trr f...
fii.'ctr lhciinlrr, of ibis
t; . v. i' ( x.rfi ci tii'i-r,
1 A KliK'.- v
IHoZii.N ...
, 'r. iur li p. Sr nil '.'. init i. n.ii
eiv.'i .m..',-cm',vcc t'-r
A larje 1 it t if I
j Careen r.'.ii! l'iewcr N. ids vi! h.
c rt-f nidi Ij the scii' i r i'or vi'.
i.irae 11. li'nivi w l.ieli ivrry in'.-.
j' tr v.ill i . allow rd le tl.-it:
'ti.i..i;,cs :.!: nt clnire!
i.-i i dr. ui'! ulre he itcrl'i die ici
-tiptiiili rice til n. ill, V p' rsitt'6.
ml ui ' cr t'li'i. i at eiioe. an.:
llAKF.KVi lie aucceei'ma taiiii'vu pt.nriptl"
' ' l()lN.iupeii 'he I'u J' iliv.f null ninth.
.:iiiil the end ei i
The la' r. ine.'v f. r tiie "II
I I'imi s" will he t. icrn Innn. A j;:
U uMurist ihe hti.'. ininlcs of in an
l.iirf the products nl your Fields. ii". Ort haf.'s, Af,
j Ti.uvsi A til imi., $la ytir
(or M iiifii.t'iiK now). Six ciij i. -for
5. Ten!..r -1.
ORANCiK .1 ITUi. I'ulliAer.
1 rU Waler-hlrccl, N. Vmli
The Pimmy Ivauia Kami .buirtml Iim hien
ineri;ej into the. Aiarriran Aariculturb.l,
the Agiicnltnri.'t i nr.w ccu'.iariy the p
1 r Priiiinvli aina I anuria.
Novi inher 7, 1S57.
at 4st ciiiMt f iiti.iir, j'i:H.Ai)i;i.i'p; .
The Original Gift Bock Store.
Ci l-'.V AS w ll'.il inn I. is liiriitnii.t I
it.a; lw luia ieM...i-a I. Si i tint
I lunmc ll"n', m ti..- s..i.-n.iui n .it in i:r..wu lr. i. i ,.
me. L'l.rn'iu um iiu. n ei inv I'mli,
1 u,;,.,,,.-!;.,.,! ... I. !,..!. wiil -it-., v not il.,i ...
. i..V-('-valued m t...... S3.iu u. eno, .-. , ....6
; o..;a uici., jencyc.
PIMl U :,.
An i. -
uti II. "
ill IK) '
la no "
10 (m '
5.-.n nl ntistisb I.evr O.iT Wotilin
r.'.u Putt-iit Aai-li .r it". il i
4HU lj..llr4' U..I.I W.-.tvl..! .;icii,
aHlilvtr l.ewr Vi.u-l.v, wiiriiiiiu-il,
Mid 1'url ir 'I'iiaepierea.
Sua Ci.ine . clv, I'.nr L)i.' i nnd Pii.i
5lrt ll.lli-ll' In .1.1 IIlU. CIl-1
filili lienlf Vests I'htu.tii,
Hi (ill In -i IK i "
10 I II !
S lie "
I .( H ki (i.ilil l.nck. t, turpi: late i'oul.1 cae.)
( .ISItl (iwl.l hftckflS. (Mill. II BiZl-,)
,.ll(HI li.fl.l Hei.etl Clint-. Willi li .1.1 I'i-iib,
I .imM) .;xtni li ml Peim u hti eaiieB un.l 1 -Mcii.
J..'ilil liultl IViu-ils (Ijiiliii")
ti..rini lii.lil r.-i.. Willi Silver Pcilf.'n.
j V.rAm l.n.lie 1 li.-l.i PflfS, wilk cam-s,
! f.,.riiO li.'t.t Ilings. (I Jittu')
j 8..KIU licnl'i H..I.I K.n,
IJ.-ilJU Ntfllis' lireoilpiit.
.1 .r.liU Mms' ti'.U lirei.i.iiiB,
S,( ( P'teliit Kiiivvn,
t!.e4) bcti Graft Gold llm an
tf.lHril (I-. il.i Klerve UntluMt,
I ij ihki Pairs Kar llrtfia.,
! a. turn l.i..lii.s' 1'oHil I'tir.t Cur. a
I 15.IKH. Iltliek' l.'Hllli-.. Jel nt Pn.i
! g.iVHI l.:.itiK! I'l.ii.t-.. t-le.w! tiint Itiliimn tint.
fi.ll.4t F. lr..lrf't ll:.lal cl u I ll tum.i..l I'l iweii
.VA' new coiiIhiii nil ll, mi it Irfij ll'
U).Lj f ll.Ftt.iv, mid lt: newem pul ln-utiiip. ..II ., win
will I Iftli) at low rnii l.a . ttilt.uii'it nl , .titer
i'..niikte eueilffftue i-f li ka bi-iu tire. I.y ii... c i
tlir..utli I'.ie mtiil. l.v lutilrrBPittg G . fi. K'ANl, 4:1a L'! .
lull iri-ft, rinriiieiitiifji
wtuiiv.l i.i every I iva i.i tt.i. rnliitl
I jXTi.M m ?iw' " ""' 'U"" f"'" ,,y
j N. II "in r .ntrnnearenrilii. m..ncy rrltlB.and mini, r-
mu f''"''' "' "''"''' .eu n. iiur.nw
frniil awna ierB bii lnmicii,e lt,cli ..f UmkB.
., v u,,!..riaifi,i -f Uiminf, ni nne wha-l, vi ,i. , ,
Inm tn an ef the al"ii tv., u.i ei.t j
: wi'r"' ' fJ" VtJM' ,. ...
. '"'. W." (.:... w.fl .w mil l l Ri II fufli
imUnin TfiN bi-.kB n l.e Boukto bait I.y Kjirt.i
rr Uiul f..r a Caini gu
N..veilirr 7. IS57 St . ,
i .(HN at 50 cents per buifhe!, cash, for s le
iby .1. 1). MA SICK II.
f-. ti.7;'M Pirmiuin 1'atent F.tieniel r'utnilure
I'nlifli This puloli uliiulily vtUiiMe l rrto
ring the plili en nil kiniis ot 1 urintii'e, dlon,
Catriiifre H.xiies, II Cloth, At. AU, fur re
moving rots, hiding acratehrs, Ar , Ac. War
ranted to drv immeilintely and retain lis gloss.
I'rice fiO ct. per toltlc. hold ly
March M, 1FJ7.
Dt T. s. AHTIM'K.
rj'.THS in k Inrije Uimi. volume, r i i !f I CO.
with a line nirw.ntint en.;rnvini!. und in one
ol Ihf. nini liirillint luier ever writtrn liv the
fi ui ).-. It ft i i .v Ip.w ii nu n mnv ei in to tde
'jy1' tiint is nnd :itut tie' 'e. nod t( t-r n t'. -
mill in hi.'
"if d-b,.,re
V.'r , ,,
till?' ' . il io tit II ' i
.ll hi
H llM
ivnl ,;
hV. C ill! I.
n. r..-
j r ii i; a i' it n u j; s p o u i: .
l;o! t o!d nt yrit-et to mil thr limn. AH
lUttik Snles taken at )ar.
rFMi r ftidnniiig iihpful and lli-autiful ISuoks
arc Iur mile nl Ihia L,uiim!imi nl.
j WaHiiii's t.'at'i) Fires of ihp Americnii L'pvo-
j liititiii. Willi l illy tlriaiunl lllusirntiuiis Vy
irciiine. ti o. I m e, j uu.
rriiclnr's Illu-lniti'd History pf the Ciuadea,
contiiininc i'ver loll lliioitraliuim. 1 vol. Bvo.
I'tice f i U0.
Murk's illiinliated LiTe of 'ai tin I.ulhcr, II II-
lniniii"i:. Knvitt hvi). Price, ij: t t0.
Miia.Mny" A mei ic.iti Keinule IVrls with Din-
priiphh nl miiM ' nutues nnd aeleeliniis
lV'iiii liicir Miitimrw. Oiiiiva ediimu, nine uteri
plates. Trice 2 tiO.
Ui. JJi-iiiiiue's U i i i i Ii female Ports wi:h Bin-
grnphii al and critical iiLlu e" end KolriMimis
trom ilicr nrrinocs. ei-lavo edition, nine steel
I'lales. rnee. V'l 00.
v bison's piv Liciinnory f P,,ni, I Quota-
iic.ii.. cn'isi.-tiiiij el 'p'.caiiit evtiarts. on rvnv
t '.ii.l'i t, en, i,j:,. iVmii vaiin'i nnthcts. and
r.rr.iiv;.'il MnVr a- iiii'i-rin'e tiem!. Ortavo
eii 1 1 in 1 1 N in' :li ri
. ! .! v .'.:i,j, ;i,
ur "'f r; iti'l; r
: a..;-.-
t '
.' -f tl"l ii : i.iilti !,. .
l'ru, i'3 'Cl.
i'ii.' lulicu o U:e i-f !i !:',1
mo si. ci (nl! i hit!'
1 SO.
'i'ilf I l'l Mil tit s II I!
ll-.tlliitis .-li r.
I'ltfi.s: 60.
Ncr iii-s i:i it, i l.i"c
I If.
ihustl.iiicil'1 "fisli't. : I I ' ! . -! ; j.i i . ,
I fi.- :.o.
:- .If - i 1 ' t. I . !'. . , ' ,! I' ., I iii-.i.n.ii !; !.; ,i.. t ,.U:,.i. o, :.
n. f .id. ci" ! Ii'fr ft fil!.
(i.'iii'r iMdifKMi:vr.s to a'v;i:nt!.
Ihe on-it I ;t .prn I iti.' nre idiered to
ci" '' in i i'i;i' i in fi lliiiij any ol thii ahmp
'.'!!;!. s nt I'ip iieniriiiiiS olliem piibli-hed by
i:.i in I '....i','f;n v iih Ir : m.-iiir ni.hi.ii ml ati-
j ! ill t,l
ll)sY a ijlakhton.
PuNi-hrr! .nid lltn.ellprs.
T. ft'h i-l . alimp Chksiinl I hi!atlf Iphia.
lift .
A KM I P. .MtilV li IX I'll, I'll 1 1. A IV A.
iilli-tnr Cuiiipaity, ei'intiostd or thd lirr.t
A rubies in Ihe w..i!il, and exieedii.K in
siicnelh mi, I Tuitnt huv liran-aiic e.i.i.hiiiiiiioii
l:i-ret.ilor- nl'.i n ii to the I'lirnlii. al fnhlic. will
! itpj ear even ou'in ui i i mciiv. i lannii, erio
I I 'omic l'raniii. au.U vilh-s. iiliist.-ul rtiirlsltus,
I At'.. iVc. When vimting the tity, o thee,
Oct tM. I fr,7. 1 y
.1 I '. ;A7 ;-.',' X VIM 7' ..'A C.-,
til ii tiiis i' (ic ?anif lii-J!
' 11 i'i ." -a i'.i.Hf.i.i....- ( 'tie r'Brirulnrs
- ti t- n V t'Ufi.t. t'ot. -e 'iantiitf, l.a- tak hv
..,ml,'.-T ' Y. KiiM
C" 11 K t '. 'i I ,i li. IB Market aire'. iH.eeif.eil
U 1. r Vi . t.i.l ti.e liuttav ad-
jtilii.i t. A ppiy ic le .r o( Ji. Atawer,
January 17 lh':.7.
T..':'."'j '? ' '. j ' ... - ! I "V-. V.."-'. "j:".' I' t.7- .'tV ;.V.'-!'f o.'..l I 1,'s; ..;.".... t!.,.t tiny mi-uitr-ist iir e!.a:...-..
:: ' .'". ::- ' '.;.. 4 .. ,tu,, ! ir.v;..,:::,;".;7V-.v--; '! i V y. .:. .-tiLguiriied thr:., v.hcu
... ... . .. ' ' i f i ' ' n i- i.t.u .i.i i. u i. .,.:.:-. it ; i'' ' a ' :C. fi , vtvrfl ' 'j,
' ' ' ' ': '....-v;- '.."" ' ' '!''' I I faJIe-iN...1.-':' Vi "i,',V ."JV,.V!i..' i'.,,"'''"""" "'" I (i '' ci iii-ii. 1 t.) ihe .Virr.i-.rsctcrv, Ne. 4 ! i
' ' " y. ..- rVt,..r! tV'j .ivil, .u lc:r:;, (:d. Hi.)
1 1 1. I, I.', A t:.,..i..i- :.'.-i .'- atis'ii.'wi'.'-erf.rT. r.u:r,r.z. . t ....a:c.j.!.i... w,,l re n.-r p-v;-: by
i ii,,i... (...." 1 i L-J'.-i.':v CAH 1 'ocurll 1.. 1IDV i.l. Maiiulacluier.-
I,i ' ... ii ... , .. . , ,. i h riiinsi., -'.-fxi-. I p. i., it... ispiu .o,
.:.!. 1 i. ' I- ' : ' - , ' . 1
, .... ... .;. , .. . . , ,. : ... . ' ir.ti.i i .'!-.'!, '.r'w -''r'" "
.! - ' :. . I (,., .j .e.iv j Gi-r.r:g txfr Eit'iiraer ycf.bior: fcr Ihot
;.ry - i ' - - ; .'i: ip. a-jyzT'G
koi'::j &r.L lot rcn balk. . r. t. -.- .,
') . . ; . . . , - .... (, .... . ... , , . , , , ir.'i,n,i i;u i uuuLioiUiii;.
r ....:..;:.:.., i n, ,,:. . . j situ.-..,.! ;.j I "d l et ii ... tt,t i. i I v i.nitr.. h. sumi'tfi cm , , Xuutc. wQ..arc, v.n..n'ry.
' '-"' " i , ( ,..,t, i ... t i, .r.l i tvi ' " Hivi.i am! 7;!i..eit-eriv trei-. J-'u:i- " O'.V rcieiv?.! and v,iU ce:.:.!!'t.c lo tescfiva
::fT l.u! S i.!:IT'!!( AM I I.iM'f ' ( y ' , .' .. . y , i l-t.y 'lne i:iij i,1(f a le.v, sucy - ' thi li,:ett alcJ b,l eelcrtrd rit.-! of
-..v;.r: .it-: ; u.ut "7!;U? Tu r' niVvi:. : ikam myki uvc. - -:,rm,.
,1' ;', i.1;";; "i;:;. ''X;.";;,:.1':;:::! ' ' ' v. 1.. v.u i,., ... - a we-i,.,n-s end v.-..a.-,,a t i n:.fl l'"'fii in-'c. .-.'.I . ,. at.-im. J Vati.-l i. I'hi! .a. i f.iJ sta-.e. ,'. :i exe. I.ei.t t n ul . i .'. n r.f.j.-l .'.'.'. cf I.'riM "...::",., . ir : Fancy
h t..i u t. 'Iiff-i.-j.' n -i..i mr i.iiu' i i.-.i mjy iu.1 li- ,),,.,,, a,., i,. i . j...,- T.-r-o i nh.a eii tiie ha a eii. ii o . u;i;'v !, ,:i:;i,. (V:;; j.i, (..':!'.. ti: i:.:c.i l.i.t lo i.r.m".
i- ..ill..;... I it . i -ll r I ' tt.lh 1..:.- . ll..- 1. itl- iiy. 1 I . ... i . . . I . . . . i . I ;-, , 1 1 T,. I" . f. .. I , t . T ' . . . - , . , ...
CAM,;K,AM, flM.n;S. ! l-cm-',iT ..ui.-... '.!.-. er h la'. .e. f:....-,e . ' .- 'X't, " ' ! 'a.''"' Z": ;.".. ---umeit., l,pa. e, i.r.
P. .:,::,-cr, v -.. -v..., .:.,,,., if,m.,.i '''..m.,,..,-. Mv. cl .' . I!.,,.,, , '? ..... j , ,..,.1, I .u.-n,, c.
I l..t l!:.-r:c.... .1... 1--I...V... ..,.,tc- l.-nviif, I, ill, : l'CH NllN. IV.H h.. ' r I. ! . 1 I I. I'.s, .'v.:. , ( . ' '-'-' - ' !.!.". i i .', N t V. 1 . 1 ! ft COPT.
lltu.XiWX'-l (T:;!:;;':;:t:M..;:T;:,",!!.vr ! uhr,tt" i-ir,s i "r w,,k r,ir-" :ii:a J--, ; ' '";f";7j'. ! i.:.ita. !.f.--'.-:r.mitr.vvn Dii.iia,,y.rai
tiiiiM'.Ht.i ini- nt -ii. ..! jwrViMVi nf 'i,n -e.e.1 l'al' '' ..... , . . , iur, i'iliowcaii mi;, Ata.
vci. le....... i - t:..: Iiv.l.-s!: -infill, err, five XT' tJl8 -ld ell e-lllllilBeica fcr I !!.. i "VJ iii'r UC.JJ-vi;Jtj.iXj. mr, ..Vw.. r.. . . . -rrt , : . .
,,i,.,,..f:..-1., r... ..I jit.,.,i a n.l I'eahra. j i:.-.,;.'i;:;..V.-.V. J.,f... .I.....t,3.a.ii.l vttlUv-
IM'!..U!'lA 'lii.s 'K TIIK r-KIN.. October 21. 18' 7 t - , . , ' , , Pneta aid til. "-a
A"r:,.!f, :,:.,.-.l:..,-v..r,.,.,.', .. I l rrhl 1 1 1 'X 1: 'r 'f1'-"-''. IU'.. ..nd C-i,
A, lie ..-...r.. -:,il in. ,1 11.-, ,1. K.lf Hl.rini,, .. . . ,", . j, ... , .. the lihliC li If. r:.i! .'. li. il he lllli- Jllst reCCIV- ,.,'
Ui-r. !;! ll.-it. ir , a.e ier...vU t-.y a lew -' MUatlf!,..!. ...-.. . rj ,.i,u k ( (iil(i!;s, r.l Ida luw I'ere. tt . '.e.-rare.
,,,l . nr :i :, .,. r Hi: if : i I'll ' lllf't: 1 . ,, ,,;i 1 if, : . - . . ,. ' , . . . , 1 ... ,. ' V-J . ,. .,
ape, I .. a, .:,,,,.;,,. tMrnn., PAnrM liKOTUnn. 'C I'ZL'Xi 1 U i.'' ,
oi -.!,, r-r . 1.I...MI.. n-t-ia ami i.a.n are iirn lowmit S,,an AOuJ, iw c-t t 11, -. .,
I iiitii-.t . ii -i.-.-.' i n i 'v'iciii i. Inc iitHaiuiiia- . , ' . . , f.'.TT i" ' FlfK Chctte Cr-.-ke' $-ettt
i i,..,. ...i'l ...Ci li. i. v.-r e...l i- ;...,. mr .i. vfi.i,..l, fi fT V fii rr inn. cd to their new a'ere, .V. li u .. con.-rl-. in J irt of ... ,' . " ' .r ,.' '
.,! ,;, n" ,. r, . ut I :,,, .,.t.,.H, ,l,e ,. il ,,,., c,,,lti ,l tl, t-f.-ti. end: MM-i-.u A. M Mvp. ctO'.'.w ' . ' ' ' '
' i-.-M . .. 1, ir . ' a '. c i.i, .:.-: !. , . , ..... . . ,- , I I C r . iv HI) , JJI, . ...i.ii. i.;,i Ui,:ilUll!l, l,:ii
I - . hif.ei'itciie,! ll,.-,. ,,,! .I,..., .,.e.. el . n- . ,
n,t!:t. i,i,'.,.r,,t ..! --.'. le ed ' '" ',.:er ... V ' "! .:'. "-'7 . "--' V'.;." "V . ' J . , , A:.! friends' m,' ihu, ,
r. t! a-! ,,-.,,..., a. very l..w I heir ft . im-ic. , s ;' '- '-l . I- a "".!; ,.'.; ;! (., , ,rt u u
? '.' ;'-". s i.i '' ' s'-r "'' l' V,;.,.,,, ,., , ,. . .'.. e-! .v,:r j a'.i.cj 1.5.
I'--- ' ' ' r" ... ; " . ,." " P. W.Gi'.AY.
v i ' ' -! ' "; , ' !''' ''''' i jfilii-.'J C. rlt.-': t fv.; ry .;-. 30 ,l?rT. tf
'' I ' ' ' " " I - :.'.ir '.- -. i .NO , ii i; ; j , , :v.;i ,'..,t f,c cr
1 ... ' '-. . ... .. . . .'.,:,!y ,V .1. .1 !;'.'. iv.ii.t ...rv. T-rr-V nTT-'
a. a . .i.-i ... . . .,. .-..' ; .-. -..,.-.:,- , i.i y l..i !''.) r . ...... y ...... .
:,...,....,.....:-,- .:... ... ,.t. , . ..;.: j the .T.ihJi.r.Li .-i .1. .1. .'. i t I riIXIK I:J.D.
h. Ufivi .1 1 ' 1. : r. ':-..."- . ... i" .I...:,.,.,., f.. ,i 1 ' ' ' . N 1 ' ' ' ! Y" ' i. ....... . u . ,....- i ....
''i.-'iii'i .'i.-.i-. v "ui. i.. -i .- - - v , - ' r ! ' "' ' ' ' " ' ' "' ' " "' ' ' ' " ' ; ''' ' 'e I ' 4. J. Jt i'.'S f; "i'l It w 'i'.'. a ibpluir.a waa r warded ft lb'
,.'t. ,i.. " j ...i, ...... :j. i " "Vl' I""! l-.'c!.ti. l;vi.i;!,i,.:i .-t tl.c Maa. ('I.aiii.h,
v"," ..'".':".' ' '!' ' .t-. :...... i. !....- r.c,,,;,e; . . :.; f:,., : ; m. , ..
Y,'! .1 -1 - .-.I ' '. .' i ' .' i - -. : .' ' t - :'-.."' '." . ;." ' "-'" ' ' ,';!".'",' Vv ! , .' 1 !" :i tin .- e I. ii..i- i i i 1 1-. i . I : T r. irr 1 . . '; . i ii '. . 1 . 1 ii cl . , , :-. e- i.i.Rtit:'.! er-iifna
la .vi a j "' '',: ;; - " ' ' . i- -ti ; .!.. i ,..,-r;Pl j,, '.t! v-u, , i p , A. H- .:' ..: .' t-' ! . niaU.ns a nteie ..iii'.'ilaaie. pe.u -
lift i. J "'.."'.. !'. ., " ' ,, ' -1 . ' M it. ' I - : r.) will ui1;-t t.!I lil Lll.ll i ' i . '..'- 'lli. i e ' l 1 ' ' I'' '.re: fi"in I'd Ih.iil l-'iK I 1-.-.11 ii.!.-. c t
I5" "' ' , ' " : lirtn. ' ,li'-'. i'ii I Il.i'. - ' I.' I .ij-li. '..! ta elJ a well a lt-
tm " i N 11 - " i ; t ' - -4" '. ' bli.'Lt-i-V i I'.kLI I'LOVKlivO l-lli L : .1 ;: i'. i-u;: I V. . ' -.-.'".-.i. ...
I '''o',",'' i.'ii. ' 'i -ui-ciil-er reeell'ii!!y aiiiincine t.. l!.o ; f i'.;r.i?..iii, Ji.iy 1 ". i'-!.i.-'.f I 1 " T' -'"1 c ' '' '1 ''tiii? iuv! ti.e
JJ " ' ... ...hi.c, ihai their new !-itei."i Fi. Hiring 'ili! . ' ' - ' ' '' ' t....iug the troah;!) uf L..:hi:ig
M " li.S'viw.Oi. Cl J i.l'.LCr'!'.iri. in lhi .i.u-e, Iiik Lien r.unpleied. aii-.t will jro j ILA.TX CUK LCAl.J-.X i .. . li.- ivi t ', , ; i a
, , ' . !"'i , . into iti-crti!if.ti om M-Mi.ltiv (he 3t.t ui .tu- -. Vi-v I'.-.f-i' ,:'i:- t '.' ' i.i.:,,-.d i V'.te fen.' lfci k.ic. i.-, in.". eic.y I
8s :: r.:;; x.';.;:';;;:::':;, . . th.. -- ,..ce.u,
6'S in., , ,.. d IV.-' Ii,. i,.. ... II..- i.w.i i.i l,e ''"'". eoicpeienl an-J carefi,:
,. , ..iiici inry hum nicy ic a'-ie. wuu an I . , ,v,-ry ecu If H piiarciiioel c :...t. r-ilil a.trr , " .-"
jaj ii i,, .1 v Wrl'If'; miMniH.n..t....m.-iii ii...ii.i in uu ii mi :. la nn ,,.J:i,i Bili.ij; r iv ,a.t . c ie.ur,.r 1 wu:-, , ; -' .--
' tlili. M' li Kt il. IIKIt B euu.r tmi.if.. ii. ui iu uu w ,iu may i.ur ti.riii t,ut eliiii-j, :'r
;' ,, ,., vmi ' ' will. li. ire nui. l'a: i..iv..'-. thr Ohl --t.ii..", ct.-.i.iifhr-I l0r n.c.t ' l"
. J-NYi... 11. KIM. 11 A H f A H tUltl-O.N.
i- -il .':; :i . !il-:'S ':: ..i.i.. i. ..l" .If.lii.kHi- -i.i.:iirj. Aubhi-I tJ. IH.'.7. ll
, U i-f.9.- H V. Khll.l.Vf:. pulMTI
R7ESPK0TrTl,I,Y informs the ritir.ehs of
K5i. ot Lower Augusta lownsliip and the pub
lic gei.etallv- that tie has purctiaFed the Mine
lately kept hv Usae Marts, in Lower Auctuta
township near Kmcrir.h'a Tavem, aail bus just
opeuoj a splendid stock of
Fal. and Winter GfOl.
His sloeU consists or Cloths, Caistiacrss, Cs.-i-netlsuf
all kinds, linen, ctton and Wuisteil.
A!f, (,'alirors, (ilnshauip, liowns, Moepsttline
Its I.Hinrs Slid all kind of Ladies LVesu tioud.
GROCKI?IK, llardwarr, yueensw aie ol Va
lium stylenntid pitliThw.
Also, so nHeoTlmenl of flra'ly-Maile ('lolhiiiff
(full Oi serii, lions. Ittiits slirt Nhoev 7ls nod
.O l I'l
n J 1 . tvc. and a vniraly of
n nre noitiihle in- the trade,
-nit! tit the lew-rut prices.
.; .( .f.iiiMi in eti'liaiiie at
.o.i '0, aj.- tf.
' i. N i! i MA IKE WOKKS.
. . 'i in-.'i . iff .S-.coii'i Ailrf,
( i, i'. il Mi' ii Siiti,
3- LI V t'.S, Kiitdlr-k, Krreens. Woven tirc of
V all mrshrs and witl.liK, woh all kinds of
(ilfiiri and fancy wire work, irsvy Twilled
V ire fur S Hik (.'ateliers; dual, ond and (ittt
el Mrreens; I'uprr M al.ei's ir ; Cjleider
and D.nidi Inl. covered in the benl rnnir.rr;
irp and ita Leiiciiig.
A very snprrinr a'licle of caw ronllilM
Seiies. 4II kinihinl Irnn (Ire ire !-ritrB.
ItYl.lK.l, IM1IBY ft L MS.
riiilailclphin, Sept. 19. I8i7. c3m.
Ettntc of FETEB. II. MOORE, dee'd.
'V. OTIOH is lirreby Riven, that letters of nd
i tii'iiiatratioii on the relate of I'elpj II Mooip
laic nf Lower Angiialu liim-iiip, Norllmmheii'd 1 -
iiririPitil, IIKTP lil'VII ;i LI II I I'M III 1110 SUfl-
K lik-I A II l,t.,r..ti. I. ,1.1. 1.. I u ill .,1...... .....I
. - 'I " ""T ''
iintneiltaie payment, and Ihosc haiii-; iluims
present tl.rm duly aiitheiilieatrd for srlllcmrnt.
MAU ANN MdOIUi. Adiu'iiix.c. a.t.
(j'ctohrr 17, 1 rt.-.7. fit.
lSi ilaili! Etiiilillnr.
Aos. I i!l. ".01 and 20.1 lUtl' t .fi let'.
S j;-v;
Iiii'.v III st ir., j iwirtlv n! Ihc
.ifl" i,l I.i IL- I; ','s., .Ij,,
i i I'.- I i:';l. -' .'I... ! .;,
own nr
'!.. i curn
iflii? i I ! re-:-;
I. ).!
i slic
.'ICLfl.'. I' XI
cell i.o dl
'- lc
. O f.
( icuiler,
.liii.i K'aifir. en tne e..r.ti ai d third
II, IS:7. 3m.
suit s E. DH. iU17iU.
! fh'c on Smith Seniad, r.'enr d.'n7. Strut,
i " L K u Is it i; i;c , p a.
i l'i.if tiees in ilia ( out. lira if l iiiun, Northum
I l.' ii md und iti . iitnur.
! All I'lun i.i.iNai. Kcsixfss !,tre:cJ (j
li-s.aie will icceive lompt and Miihlul itlm
i.Mi.'.cr S, iH.'.T. ly
KO!t SALK li Y
M. ('. PEA 11 II ART
y.mherv. 5.sf.t 'Jfi. 1 1 t 7,
V. riill l.Xi;. hattnir ot-t-iiiied the ngeiiry
f.r r.4 h'K I i'S (i I F I lit. )l liv I'.l'.Jri imsc
is lion- nTri..i;r.'d tu ftiritisi miv licit tiii'.'i. hi
as retail pine v illi a mil e.-nili tri.-ni '' cni'.ii I.i
o.m: iii'Mni:; i,o,.i .-
(i..ti1'i.' s Nnitviiir.'f tl' li-iea I'-prViV.
h. ..ii .! in eio'h. price J. I '-villi (. ii ) tirur,
in pip'r (.Wihtiit i"ft) Ti" cents.
H iril nt Ihe Ti.iira fur tale hy
li Y. FKii lNli.
Aut!tl I, 1"7.
' j li I'i War er the Html uf the Wi'.d
lliirae In ( 'n. l. Ma. ue ude he
II Y, rull.lMJ.
rtf Y.'riOl.ri'M PA1VTH.- Tht. puii.Kii.e
a. r.ii.inl Willi avatar. Lhttahv auxitif. i!m B..a
ef oil, fr salt hf
I retail niee v illi a mil w-miIi (rem cent 1.) : i tv.o..,, . tT,",, ... - 77 . i i J iiihij.-'i !:;, I.i. i i :"!... r i 1 t
I (...tltieys nttv;nr .'I lee l.-i'-a r:-: ee : ijM r,..t e ..., . ( ;.; . u:.!i, . itiitn (!-. lltrit it Contain t.n .ielct. '.-
b..:,! in eio'h. price fl M vitl. (.-II ) Hru-nJ j . lilrli'.T"' " 'VM'-' irc.;e'.:-. at.J cv ie id v.i'h itiii-c ,!'. ,.
in (.M'll.riit i-ti) .'." cent'. ; . L' il-,'i .'''' "..'i",'V"" V'V irr"! ' I si.d i.i.h t'..e Uiiti!..-. u.:i.!. i,e and si- cets.'
1'r. J,i innstonc's ' .' fill' KpVral!en and '. V '-.-... i.. s ',",."'''' V. 1' I.i..' 't ivi M 1
.v!vr.,.,.s i ,i,e v.v.-.i f yf.-,.. vs.-. ..... L .;;.;r; r; ;y ::r,:';:r,T KCVi.-e vVI :,., i-'.-au rX,'
pace-. dif !i.;mbc.l si r ,;i,i li n ... i n. .. . , ' " ':'... u..3 ,ui. , ,. -v w " -"o iw..-.- 1:. .
h.u.-,.I ii, it...:, wit:. !.!. wiT :i:.'(...v..n,..:- - I" 111 ! V. ..'.,., .a,-,-,.,.,, ... ..,,., At' "Rd w:.l.d Iti;wi., as t.. c r.t.i. .'.ue. ton', ii.i. i.t ' I i 7. L' ci VV."i' '.iV"i..wi.'l ' ': """ " V 'V ""i'' '' !' -!i! tlt.vsa. . Ij .ay,
i IK.,. I ! l-.7 ll! ! ' .l.-l' o C li:lr. 1. 1 ;...:...... Omti.t 1 l' ' I '-' 'C i H il'" 1 ,P ? ih: :.-.:.::... t I...
- - :.....i. . .1.,
M.frli 14, 'AT.
A V r'i.MlER.
isa.niimfaiii iMiisnu'mat
8TAS1 Id: i KV.
-Vtn'l'hl.tMU: ANI RliTAII,, at IliK "Vliilmtf'phis
Vf l rtU-h-i unit Jrwi-ll) ft.irft" nu. 148 (Old N'. IS1
Nnit'i Hi-etMiit Stiei'l, Culiicr nrQuMii), l'tiilMUf.ititn.
O1S1I lvw Vstf, full Juwelll, IB curel S".O0
.epnit, In rurut,
HiIvht l.rver. full Jwclfed,
f .! ea
s I'l i
1 in i
yttvfr lupins, jrwr.i,
Hiperi'ir CiiHimif?,
Ci-nfl hpM UlttlPII,
Fnm eiitirr to ,
"!d Hrarflt,
l.vd) 't (iwld liiei!,
Silvir T-n !"ii, i.f.
tl'.iiil f"-..T. Wllh I'i'ii.-i! Of:i!Fl!TC hjl.trr.
I n:
t i-.i
i nc
Mil rii.prr ItlncK JTJ et ti I'SU ; WntrJt f9:t. p'.l n
I'.'l nil , pi ijit l.u irt tf. t nil. -if nrli.; n tu pr-'iit! n
Allgvuli tour nrattt t lie v.l:it ll.iv nrc fi1' f' '".
Kr .Mf a. it.uu r v.
On hfi irt l.'iiif Cl'il.i mitt tilitr l.nvura anil J.i'ieh''
til! I nvri Iti Mt l lie 1. n e .t n i s
MillnJ. I !iiu, (li-t.ilicr 111, 1-rltl. t) V
r it.. 3.. ii... ,j . ci.,' i . r it f.'.i-i- ,
Ait ina j'l'iiff-i i'j iir ti i . 1 1 ii. rru ly tin,'i
"f I'l-lix I.trrh, pf Mt. Cumtt.
V"() Pit'" is hereby tivtn that, Catliprine
I.ereh. n idow of lelix Letch deceased
has made her tje'i ctioij-of the peii-otfal plop
crty of suiil irfeeaM'ti, tn-cordine to-thi Act of
Assembly of Hth of April, b-", wlioli will
be prt-sent'il to t lio .Oiphat s Ci,t,tt In-up.
proval on Thursday, the ." 1 1, ih-y of Nuvciit-
oer next. , -
October .1, 1H;i7.
tif f iuiK c t a
2C1. .YurA TAirtt Street, 1 dour It'.ov Vim,
OAt.l'.ISef tl'iits snJ bli.n-n, Drv ll uilt, Ount, ITi.r,!.
I i iv
are, Wnlrlirfl. Kanci (innir. A r.. 1, I.KV i. II.
py? Ci.mitry Flcitln-'prrs ftai' ctLrrif wi" nin-nyi fi (' r.1
u f V. veil ini; Pnl ii Ifitfje nml iffirv! li- pff i imci.t et liis
above cm. tin, In r fl ilit in i In Ir, n.U I : : y c i F .
(i,in,ls par-kfil mi Hie plenums I'm i.'ountry
Sqit. SO, 15''.--C Oia
iliAHDaEiKS' i
fW- A RTJTPTTI TTTTJ A r iv 1? t rr",v--r- 1
MlM WAlll,V4.tVl,rtil If OjWlUUUwi., j
iYos. 21 and 2.1 SoutJt Sixth Street, tiear tht !
State Hituse, 'l,iluilr!jil,ia. j
Ti ll r.lnrs I.f this Sp1ri..t:n I, nil 1'iijr, ri'fiN.I erj.rrtWy j
f.'i I'm rr.iprii.-l l.-ii 'p, nre iKur.-.l will. Scnls o.-... imi- '
lc:i:ciilfl nl liilfirs! I-, ! ti: in. isn.iil ..mi, nt rl.
SIX TV VPAI'il !'l'.vl.!.!.-HI.;i.
T'ti- gulisirti.ris .!e-iie tc f C fin i.:ti.i..i. -if fvc ry . :
ifil' if'Ktn! in f .'irini-iLt i.i. lli.i.', . :. id, ir .1 ..... :
iV. nt.i'1,- i,f A-f'iii-f.-.ii.l l:i.,.,i il. .il i.'i.i i,. i.
Iii'1.1 wiuny i.t II. ill. uil.irtil !... .:.rt til ' a..!,.
I I'J.iwi -rctun.ljiit-s an! 1. 1, :,t -..ui!: ,.f u;. ai. t.
I lll.liir .(.f-ilily
I 'I'l-i- Acr.eiilittiM! tti.;!itir-.ia .'t I.-,- i" nicn. s '
j n'-.iffi.i.ii!ii,t . IT -f.t,::i v.,n,r. I'ii; ..;. p-i.
III. lli.l! I:'
i l u; I. -is i! ..; -Inn nl v.'C't i:l r-r.-r ! t
... iif.,.,
Illt.lClil.) t
i i
tr in :-i ... ' it -if i-t.-rv. r 'tl.cruit-.
t'.i.i.ii "f Xi-rii-iii'itml li'i.!i;.n.;ir-.
w.ii'l m I'', ''.)' nil iirlt..,s ni tin. Ii .n t-i 'v
,'.': ;' I'- uiiv nl ti.e i.iti.i cv. Not fit
ci .
r, I
il. il
f li' HM f-. t-i.' ,i;.,!f -.
l AMHtll'l:-.' 1 Alt
lice ! i.t.-n !.. ir. t ... n
n.. ir i.:. -J.i i:.. i,t; n:-c.-iit
ifni iri III '-tif In
ui' .. f.iiriit iill i.!!i,.
!hNTr.n CAKDKX !'. 1 .1. -P.
i.;-.1 I' r iii',c:tu:i nt iixii ,-ni i,
t il . ni'i'.l t'i cuiiifni i v' nl.'ii.ii
. ..I'l in i'il t...f CVIllliltft'
tlr?' l'.- tliitiv irtcrrl :ii.! c.-fl )n ditit;'!;
:.;. -is. ..r I n'l, , fii l :i. in Ii'.cii.l iri :i,
le li.if. em. lln.M. P.... nir II ii,
1 V.
ill f.t'ila in
c -tir. t. ut ci i.ini mi i:' f.-tr
t -v. .!u' : i:.r.i;i,i i,i ii l.i.i.l m ii , . v .
li. I.AM III.
TV" Cl mr! : tucM s mh.-
S'TIi 11:1 IT '.'I', Ir .7. l.iljlil.
:. iiiili ik tin: Kt
I i li ,V SO,
. I'i..;:;il.lj..,a.
it iMNF. si it t i i pi: nil n;.i: vi: r.-jxrc
i-r ll..,
t f'y il.i vi'tl i! 1c- li. y lute pr
i: n i.t. ... i t-i ,' :I-f ., ,
I . lli. r N.-tv.i"! :.:. ti nr..
i r t; J. I
li T. '...:,.H.v:Li::-i,
P..; .In lif. n'.1pi:i..
r.-.ln II nirt-. l:I.
n; . r . ,.-r ,
in. L.t .ft ;
tf. .-.ti. s i
I l!i- K M-i: 'i .! t
!:'.. nit. I t i:ivi,ii.i,:,:.j
Willi vii,'Rit.'.i :n r.ii
lc tt.lili hC'.t to IM. iti'
ii inli. o..e Itctilr is rrac if t.l in lit
l'irivtii.-!tiii!.,i!i,u-tt. C. l'..f.. '.ilo i
nil par' i. . f l!,p I'ni ,n.
"li! by iliv Uriimip's peticraVy ri
VTIi:!t.f.!i. Ilrtf.-'.n, null S .If, I'ii
I.ul'.p. ,..v "i ..rt.
Skw V.itk., M.'.pt. 10, I3S-. vjni
1-v .1.
ti. II:::'..'.'
1 r veil
. Nit rcl.uii.ii'e cn,. : ,
i .wry ecijli- i etisi-
ti nil. ii-'l I..U1..1 B&l:.
out chai);.',
l'a: i.. iv..''. thr 01.1 't.11..'
than tn-ft'y vfet fT'ifi I
.lreia, "l.i.inJ'-lj I1.4.
Aniiorr J. co.
c.rrrtQrs t.i plia-ntl i: AM'it.
fi.ii:' ljltiii. h. If 17. fc'iUl.
J.H KbliC uf vaiiou ;;ii.ii. Knhnrra, Hjr
liniea, c., d. iint t' ami h.r aa!e
ai ihe I'uu- Stiuv of A. W
Kuu'.'urv, A,.;;uii 1, 1IS67.
:VV.V. CllM'I'M HA I KU I.VlittWSt-
l'tl.Ml llil.Mor H,e at I'irilfiK' 1 raj
Sinre. I'rice ili t'.
(Ictoi-ei SI, Is'V,
i-l!j-'':'u:-!::'.v-': r- ! "' 'l- -u s h'n i.i t , run ;.
i-ffir Ana ismi'ii
MTjeiTOJ jVT.T7F3.ICi 1
,Tn."0. KLVIii.-tLL, l.t ef Kiioirfi. v -
infi'TWia tin? eilirens and otlifrn. tht be iS'ei U
In form K Singina Claea, both remits audi mw.
and w ill impart I'mruetion to tl wlio uiav
to (live tin m;i lva tiuirr I is iluriie.
JV. li. Mrs. O. Kimlli is. prrpare4' v
iicHuitiiins Id a .'ev, mo.e puatis on r fur
l-.-j ' I oftr.
; t-aiiuiuiy, ft,-. s,w : o, i sat. if
row !.Aiiii:.
JOMM r,'"l;Ml A .V t" . (Vtw ??...) ft'. .Mo.
P. aSiva VAf- I MV I. :,; ta ir -i,oiir, y.w'-
hut i!ut'-Hi In l.r..'l(i. ln.nU' lllfll Slut I liitlitil'I
1'iiiM. Wliil. i-ui' tni.l Hi uu , .1 V. ,v C.ti., vi
I (.'.'hlill' I f MJ, ! anil lie ft li '. -...i..:!v f
tlel.e I s "1 Knii-y hm ftr I tid 'Hsvi'lni
! (, I .km; li'fcT avi-ii;::. ii i 1. Tin s cvi--
t I'l;". ' Fiji J, '
It IVl.l 1,1' iv.irn ltull',.;l P
1 a
Pit . J! ill Civ (.liliuli-l I rit.M. Ti'
i-i-i-. Jv ', tnlT-,V .!. f-' ,'i s. if ..ri tl.f Vif'.l i,
Stele in U e Inivint eh"? ';. iripio Knis -
i limUi'timi t . ii lii" --il i-!iirtiiii.iit i.f Viir r c
hi n)
a:' i
1 v t ll.-iii't fit R A i .. 1 i 1 1 ' Ci' cl Ir.p' riuii i 1" '.' i "
-.1.1. mi.l M til-nl 'CO, ,Tv cl th. n ni-i'TOlTi ve tfr :'r
ii vi t-! i: ll' "'t Wf C'Mi U-i In ' - f r iiillm"
li'TH tl' ', 1 1 p-l'ilif ceni.-l"y -',i r-iv e l i-l I. r.s.
: vl it An i.s. ii OS . at I-' i. 1. 1 1 lu-ll. Oll.l at lh Ms.., niacin
s rur.i, We i .y e.k n '-pi t'
J'O'V rAPt f! A .- rft.
T't f, 'h'. ' 't S"f l fjl cvr ktj;'; ; , ij fi
ri!'!!iii.ii,bf4t. 10, IS.'. ? nl m.
l.c C
F 'AIM i.'.i.'V
t ..-t.' ,'. I.i ii ci t
Yc. h;C
TT (.,;; i.
U ol A-t.
Isd'iiii.ii W'trorco'i,".!.!! rerrss'ic-
i.i'Fravinae, 1 .lii.iiifir, poiii:. I'ltinrc Fr.uots. its'etnry VMistf. -f :l-e isK
ri.'iii'.lo and Lcrepci of fntlervs. JJt '! a!.i
('f'c... v. li rat kits at d ('.vi i.i, lb. 'l'lie mi-t ei
tensivp Mi.-I clegsnl aiwoitniciit ef I.ei kir.
f. . o! 3:il:!iaut..:l wniknikiisliip, a .d tt .Aiiiiim
ti.. hi J.f.-i"ii! p'Tr.ri'.cd I y Ihe Maryland Iiuli
tut... iS',',. II iij'..,-ft I'rrir.ium insnliJ 1 y till
I 1 u lik ii u Ilir.'.i;i,lu IS .'..'.
i;:c -li-iTi
The ft.l.O end t!8 'Ckgla nv.'l iiorsl
Threaded Emiilro Tfiiuily Ectvii-
N ACrNCY for'' the rile ef Cirtc
ir-s f .r
; a; t.i::rr- pa: I t ."!--,! en h
' I'ii. v. o note nf N iriluiffin riEf:'. No one
' apply w ith.-.ut r,i;.i'i:l sulikient t-i rr -,ci
i l--i. s pr.-; crty e:d v. ho c.itnii.t L:'ni i
etiee as I.. ri-lia' . at.. I r ir- cur. A
. !i; pil. nil ull v. ifl I c l.ct ffltl v.
; Tile pecniiet i cn ist-.'u ..f ijice ra.-.!.t!ie; '
nil i,'p .:a .-: of ! i : i ' ! h-t v.'u:-, vi'i, whe'rr
, lii.v atii "hcre.i h;i sh'm com maud a ready l
I uiiii.i.iie.l ii : n .
;,N (;oc.j m -
I S. V.. Carurr effUL and Ail'.i ti: ,.rfciiadu.i.
I A'u.-'. i,;, L'07. -If
j XjurLITiStT.
I Ti'.n hah r.KKN ci-i.Ti) o;' r.n
I v Mll.VUi'S MiilMIIY. m-rr
i years ofni::rv, iVi-irts la v.r. ) " I.rr.e.n to !'
iVIliu-siill'i 'en thf i nre r.: :. . f r.-lirf. A tb'tept
i ne-at-iii.": nt.n:!)". In pnv r 'c::'
MALV F. l.'IIU 1 I 'f 1!,
. and
l-'rc.sci ij-iii.ii wili ho ccr.l (ire. h' re
August H, U.jV. J.-.i I't
vYLat cn crioraious Vtricj cf Toys rS.
I'aacy Cco-iis he l;r.- f Y'ho ? Cvr Friend
At Xj. Mi .Y.'j'.': :;! x:, uIuh c Phii.i.,
tj V. ha-jilt,: re. -iive.1 iliin l 1 ...ui Ktiri po
BL i-ry !ii,c ii.i.ttii, ;.( cl Toy of nil kiin:.
I.. lie
b...r i:-.a. '.
tsMiii.iv i f inncv ar.
oi'.i pvri..u ,1,15 aife-
. inr.T --f.m:vr
I " , TV r-VP
". . ' .".;:'l cn.. ..
t.'i.'l iiiuii. li;:.i Le
I'ltlieiil J l:yi-i..;ri
'le, edded la tha
i. ic !y cMiI'timi
ii v. I.t, have titc l
i th. Lie aUy l..o'.eiu d !v a h iit.n:
'is nrd are e: jTely fir Ihi-ati
l'..U".il IS .iral piu. 7"..
II. I'll OII.V EC tills lid It. MVl.T.V.C It
The ..'..Ti.ier has vurrhsat-d the naiit f
' if, i niihiciiii. and iclling, in .uii!iiiiut,.T.i:4
i .... 1 1 1 v . and w ill laritun l!it- article Bt ri ..anuatde
, I if yja-i.(;t pat ill nid bedstead fur tare d:l.
I ;
I ISAAC M. VI!;f'.Y.
j, Srpt. la, I (.57 - tf
; iis.-ti;i
, Bil.ANK Ure.', M i.rl,Ei, liu.tii, Varit
' A ita. pine nta, ( Oiiili.lla.i iil, i-'un.m. r.i .i i
-anii, l'c'j'.i..i:a. Ji.tin' Bill ('..i.b.hI
! fee HilU, A.- ic , ii had t-y jJ) itt;
' il.i.. ..flicc.
1:0 v ti'.; ii LUi'Jl
t? :i t. I. ii'.ivinr, trui.i tii .1
vi' n.ile-ielpi.u. lr. 1' i' jt..:. s-i.r be
lut i e i'., in j i j i ;. I..-.- -.
, fivr i1 l.'ye.