Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 14, 1857, Image 3
Otfl. Benton on tBo Independent Troa . Bury System. Whenever men talk of the currency, lha tiamtofTbotnaiH. Beoton comes up. Hit vigorous and tonorout eloquence during (Jen. Jackson't Administration will sound through centuries of time hi ttronp, massive rhe toric will be reed by generations to come, and the truth be hag spoken or the Indepen dent Treasury will never be forgotten, Impe rious end naughty as ho is, his-is a character that has outlived detraction, and at this time commands respect, even where his opinions re objected to. We cannot read these 6 oe hearty passage from one of hit speeches, twenty ycart ego. in support of the Indepen. dent Treasury, which is now a law, and wbicb be to boldly pushed opon the statute-book, without feeling proud of such ttatesnmn: Phila. Press. ': "I am for restoring to the Federal Trea tory tho currency of the Constitution. 1 am for carrying back this government to tho solidity of its founders. This is a great oh iect in itself a reform of the Gist magnitude a reformation with healing on its whips, bringing safety to the povernmcnt and bles sings to the people. The currency is a thing which reaches every individual, and every in Hitntion. From the government to the wash-woman, all are reached by il, and all concerned in it j and what seems paradnxicnl II are concerned in the same degree ; for all ore concerned to the whole extent of their property and dealings ; and all is all, whether it be much or little. Tho government with its many ten millions of treasure, suffers no mora in proportion than the humble and meritorious labor who woiks from sun to sun for the shillings that t'ue food and rainment 10 his family. Tho Federal Uoverntnetit 1ms deteriorated the currency, and carried mis chief to tho wholt) community, und lost its own revenues, nnd subjected itself to be trampeled upon by corporations, by departing from the Constitution, and converting this Government from a hard money to a paper money government. The object of the nuiendnienl end the bill is to reform these abuses, and it is a reform worthy to be culled a reformation worthy to engage the lubor T potrioW worthy to unite the exertions of diflerent parlies worthy to fix the attention of the age worthy to excite the hopes of the people, and to invoke upon its success t'ue blessings of Ileavou. "We have hud three unneral stoppages of the local banks in the short apace of twenty two years. ItU ot an average rata of one in Helen year, and who is to guaranty us from another, and from the cniieeqneut losses if wo continue to receive their bills in pey ihci.t of public does? Another rtoppape must come, and that, reasoning from all ito ulugies. in less seven years from the re sumption. Many must perish in the attempt to resume, and would do better to wind np at once, without attempting to go on without adequate means, nnd against appaling obsta cles. Another rtitnhiou m.t ,. The hunks recommenced payment in lt-17 in two years tue failures were more disastrous than ever. Thus iu Kngland, after the long sus pennon of twenty-six years. I'aTrutwU re cnp,n,enccd in 1323 in 1:325 the most deso li'tinif crash of banks took place which hud iverbeen known in the kingdom, alt h often ihe bank of Kngland had imported ill les than four years tweiity thUiintis sterling in gold about one hundred millions of dollar U recommence upon. Us eU'eot reached this country, crushed the cotton Ihiii.hoi in New Orleans, depressed the money market, and injured nil nuances. Kosumu when they will, or when they shall, and the hiliger it is delayed tho wnr.-e it is for themselves, the epoch of resumption is to be. a perilous cri.-is for ninny. This Mopping and resuming by banks is the reali zation of the poetical description of lle'tb'-M-ent into hell and the return from it : Fucili lieceisim Acmti siil rtniharr yradum hU' ; , hie labor est. K.isy is tho descent into ilie roaioiii below, but to return! this i work ! this is lulinr indeed ! Our batiks have in u!e the descent ; they have gone down with ease: but to return to ascend the ruggetl .steps, and behold again the light utiove, ht.v, jinny will falter, ami fall buck in the gloomy regions below. Hanks of circulation re banks of hazard nnd of failure. It is an incident of their n. lare. Those without circulation rarely fail. That of Venice has stood seven hundred )ers ; thoio of lluiii'iui r, Amsterdam, and i.tlo rs, have stood for centuries. Tho Hunk of Kiif land, thu great mother of banks of cir culation, besides on actual stoppage of a (piur ter of a century, has had her crisis and con vulsion in average periods of seven or eicl.t vears, for tho last half century in I'lti'i. 't)3, "J", Itfll, '19, '2". "oi and hus only been itv fcrt plots a-ST roa a ladt.' The New York Tribune of Friday publish es the following t ' A Uam.ant CowntDRD tr a AVomak. A singular affair which bas given rise to good deal or scandal occurred yesterday afternoon, In Broadway. About 1 o'clock, handsome Carriage drove op to the curb stone, at tb corner of Morris street and Broadway, just above the Bowling Uroen when a lint looking young woman sprang to tht tidewalk and collared gentleman who was passing. He was apparently ory much "excited nd at tempted to release himself but the hold ' him with an iron grip and drawing a short, stout gutta-percha whip from the folds of her robe, lashed him over the bead and face Without mercy.' lie roared out lastly and with a des perate effort wrtnehed himself loose ; but she sprung after him agaio and Catching by the skirts of his coat, renewed the castigatien. livery blow stuug to the quick and brought up a livid wle causing the victim to writhe tid tell with pain to the infinite amusement ofa large crowd of bystanders. At length, her vengeanre satiated the lady gathered all her slreogtb for a finishing stroke, and, loos ing her hold brought dowu ber whip with a force that tent the uuhappy gallant spinning aloog the sidewalk, - At the next moment, she was ih her carriage and dashing op IJroud way ot headlong speed. The uufortuuate fellow Ced in the opposite direction amid the jeers and merriment of the mob and took re- lugu in the Southampton nud Havre steam ship office No. 7 Broadway. Who the lody was our reporter could not learn nor why she had taken this singular mode of redressing her, wrongs. He could only ascertain that she was very clcgoutly ot- tired iu black appeared to bo young, and was hundsome somewhat above the nioditim size. and that she had followed the young man in her carriage from the rppcr part of Broadway. Her vehicle was a stilish concern linod with blue sutin got op regardless of expense and her coachman wore a blue and tiltibr livery. The hacUaien in the vicinity wero in ectasies with her horses and declared that they were a puir of spanking bays nearly as high-blood-ed as thoir mistreat. As to the lecipicnt of hi r favors it was variously adirir.ed that he was both tall and short J but all concur in saying I hut he was of dark complexion spare liyire nod well rl reefed ; that he woro a very siyli .h moustache and wus altogether what is termed a "very nice young man." His name however could not be obtained. , . rt-ORA MtPLIMIIT WOODMAaT. If there could be found in American socle ty a person closely resembling Mist Flora McFlimtey, and if her character and career could be watched closely and critically, she would doubtless develop into very much such a person at Mr. Caroline Woodman. Drees and man's admiration were the two groat objects or her life. Iu the pursuit of thorn the sacrfBced everything, and the wreck of ber honor and her health should be a let ton to any weak minded women who may have begun life with ideas similar to hers. There could be no' mora tolcmn lesson ad ministered to young girlt than that contained in the deplorable narrative the gives in thh affidavit lately made public. Such abject de gradation, tuch hutniliating slavery to the de stroyer of ber hdnor and happiness, were pro bably never confessed by any other womau in the world. -- The little traits otthis lady'i character are gradually coming to the light since the has become the hero of a fevrfui drama. Muny persons recognize ia bor a lady who has been known at the fashionable wateriug places for the immensity of her wardrobe. Oue de scribes ber at "the lady with tevcnty-Cve dresses." Another speaks oT her as having 'thirty trunks and a new dinner dress for every day Of the season." Passengers who came over iu the Iteamer Arago in Septem ber, 1855, discover that the heroine of Sanfurd Hall and the New York Hotel was feilow passenger, and tbey remember tho tall slender figure, the fretful, discontented countenance, the rather futniliar manner, the idle conver sation and tho snubbing remarks to her hus band, that attracted wore notice than admira tion some of them remember how she talked or her scoro of huge Parit traveling chests, her fourteen Foris bonuets and the multiplici ty of articles proper for a ludy with "Noth ing to Wear," which had to past tho ordeal of the New York Custom House officers. We rejoice to be able to suy in spile of the rematkt of u very vulgar anonymous English lady corrsepondent who bas been tounfortu ii a to as never to get into the society of re sprctablo American ladies that Mrs. Wood man is the ouly American woman we know ol who faithfully represents the character or the want of character of the Miss Flora McFlim tey. Let her young countrywoman who love finery tuku warning by her fute. Evening Bulletin. As E.volisu Railway Acribsst. The English liuilway system has confessedly some advantages in the way of safety over that pur sued in this country Cut iu others it is strik ingly deficient. For instance there it, no means ol coiniiiunicuting from the rour of the t ruin ,tli tfie engineer and unless the latter looks buck us well us uheud a serious accidoiil way happen to oue of the cars in his traio without hia liccoioiiig awuie ofit. The Loudoti Times oi a late dute gives un instance of tin's. Wlijlu a train on theUreut Western Ivuilway wus proceeding ul the rate of forty miles un houi one of the cars or carriages took lire. An English car is totally unlike ours. The passengers ure placed in separate compart ments with doors opening on the side, from which llole is no escape tint by jumping out, nud this whilst thu truiu whs proceeding at so rapid a rate would of course be Certain UuiiHu The passengers in tlm burning car riage aided by others attempted to attract tho uttelitiou of the engineer, but Tor twenty minutes the train prcceeded with the suffoca ted olid imprisoned pueseligers. When it slopped at u Station Sumo of tl:u pusseogers in tne carriage had fainted and others had been tilt by the splinters of the glass which tli heat hud sent tlyiug about. Iu ono min ute mure the fiauits weru darting out or the windows. The carriage burut furiously for liaifuti hour end three out of its four cum partuieuts were cutiiely destroyed. A Clergyman Caprotkii. On WfCm-'Hay evening last, us the .'.lev. Mr. l.ord. Pastor (Jr the Itulch Reformed Church at Harlem, wna passing through the ITecond uvi nue, neur U91U street, a desperate ruffian mddenly sprang upon him, and struck, him a, . violent blow on the neck, following np the attack by another blow iu the face. Mr. Lord, being very uthlotic, and the highwayman finding thu t U blows hud net produced uny efi'cct, ran otl at greul sp')'l. He was, liowever, followed by Mr. L., who, after chasing him two or three blocks, finally secured him in a grocery store, iuto which ho had ruu with a view of escuping. The reverend gentleman collared the J-Mlian, and handed him over to the police, who locked hitn up. This is Mr. Lord's second introduction to a gartoter. A few necks since, he was passing tlirough I '.milfoil it when 11 liii'lia.'iivniHii ul rui.b ,1 L:m saved from repeated failure by the powerful aml slr'U(;1; h;in two t,lun before "ho had an From tub Salt Lakk Expedition. The Boston (Mass) Evening Journal, of Satur day, has seen tho following letter from a member or the Salt Lake expedition, duted September 22d. from a point 225 miles from Salt Lake City 'Dear Sir 1 am, as you see by the above, ueat the great Salt Luke City, with every expectation of having to tight the Mormons er stirve j the former will be my choice. The CIi-yentio Indians, as vou huve perhaps been infuruiedj ure becom- i ing very bold. They have taken a train j loaded with Government stores. Three men j wero killed, and ull the cuttle diiven olf. j They hoveulso captured a wagon of ummiiiii liou and unother of Sharp's rifles, Which will afford lliem a good supply tor tliu winter. The express that brought us '.ho news wus chased by the Indians. The rider was Obliged to drop bis saddle bngs to save himself. It is now sundown. Our train continues its mutch at niue o'clock to-night. . LINDSAY & BLAXISTON S .Cheap book tore.' Book i told at price to luit f timet. All Bank Nottt taktn at' par. ; THE following useful and Beautiful Books are for sale at this Establishment. Wataon't Camp Fires of the American Keve - lulion, with Fifty Original Illustrations by Crooine. 8vo. Price, $3 00. Proctor's Illuatrated History of the Crussdmi, containing over 150 illustration. 1vol. 8o. Price 3 00. Stoik's illustrated Lire of Martin Luther, IS II lustrations. Royal vo. Price, $ I oO. Miss May's American Female PoeU. with Bio raphical and Critical notices and selections from their writings. Octave edition, nine steel plates. Price 8 00. Dr. Urlhlihe't British Female Poets, with Bio graphical ttid Critical notice and selection from their writiiijc. octa edition, nine steel Plate. Price, $ Ott. , . ' . Watson's New Dictionary of Poetical . Quota tion, consisting of elegant i tracts, oh ever subject, compiled from various author, and arranged auder appropriate heads. Octavo edition. Nine St. el Plates. Price. CO. Weld's Sacred Poetical Quotations, or Pcrlptnre Theme and Thoughts a paraphased bjr Ihe Poets. Octavo edition. Nine steel plalra. Price, $2 00. The Women of the Brripturet, eight illcslratioiis on steel, octavo, full cloth, gilt backs. Price 1 1 SO. The Christian's Daily Delight, with eight illua tration on steel, octavo, cloth, gilt backs. Price'. 60. Scene in the Lives of ill Apnitlr. with eight illustrations on slech Octavo. Cloth, gilt backs Price 1 50. 8cene ih the Lives of the Patriarchs and Pro phets, Illustrated I7 eight itcrl plate. Ociu vo, Cloth, gill backs. Price, 1 50. GKEAT INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS. The most liberal inducement are offered to Agents td rhgng in selling any of tlili aliova (looks, or the numerous others publiEhcd by them Catalogues with terms furni.licd 011 ap plication to LINDSAY A BLAKISTON. Publisher and BooktelleM. S South filh St., above Chcsnut.Phtltdclphia. October 24, 1857. 6c4l WHEATLEYS AECH ST. THEATRE. ARCH ST. ABOVE SIXTH, PHIL AD' A. 'TMIESttr Company, compandor the first - Artiste iu the world, and exceeding in Strength and Talent anv Drumutie combination heretofore offered to the Theatrical Public, tviil appear every nijtht in Comedy, Tragedy, Serio comic Drama, Vuudevilles, Musical Burlettat, ic, Ac. When visiting the city, go there. Oct. 24. 1857. ly lnlii ISniMfhtd: LIFE PRO I. OSG ED. DNTEW STOBE. ELIAS EMERICII, RESPECTFULLY inform the citizen of of Lower Augusta township and the pub lie gei.erally. that he ha purchased the tjtore lately kept by Isaac Marts, in Lower Augusta township near Emerich' Tavern, and ha jual ojieucj a aplendid stock of Fall nnd Winter GOODS. Hi stock consists of Cloths, Cassittieres, Cassi Delta of all kinds, linen, cotton and Worsted. Also, Calicoes, Gingham, Lawn. Mouaselin De I. sines and sll kinds of Ladies Dres Uooda. GROCERIES, Hardware, Qtiecnlware ofva tiou styles and pnttern. ( Also, an asaortmrnt of Ready. Made Clothing of all descriptions. Boots and (Shoes, 7ats SnH Caps. Ai.T FISH. Ac, and a variety of other article such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest pilce. Country produce taken In eichangb at the highest market prices. Lower Augusta twp., October 10, 1857. tf. rEKKSYLVANIA WIEB WOKKS, A'o. 246 Arch St. btt. Second J- Third, (PP0'il Brt-ad Street, riillallplitn. CJEIV ES, Itlddlra, Pcreens, Woven Wire of tt all meshea and widths, with ll kind ot plain and fancy wire work. Zeavv Twilled Wire for Ppark Catchera -r Coal. iSand and lira velMcreensi Paper Maker' Wiie; Cyleidar and Dundy Rolls, covfcrcd in the bbst tnannerj W ire and Wire Fencing. ' , A cry superior article hf ffeavy Folihilera" Beives. 11 kinds of Iron Ore Wire feives. ' BYI.ISS. DvtRBY LVlNN. Philadelphia, fept. 10, 1857 c3m. TAVFFCn &, KAllLKT. CHAF WATOHRS AND JEWKIAY. WIlOt.KflAI.K AND RRTAIL, Hi "rhiMalphl Wairhs anddewli)r fl.tro" No. 14 l,l No. V6; Nnrtli Swonil Street, Coiimw of (Quarry, Phtativljia. Onld Iiever M'atehm, fall JswalM, It carM n, tt,e liotd Lepina, lb earct, . lit BU PiWer lrer, full jewelled, I J w Hileer iiine, jewels, .1 - '.-, t 00 taerkir luarficra, ' . ' ' 00 Onld 8perU"la, Tine Silver lo., ,. . ; . . I to OolH Hraceleta, ... W l.vdy'iOuld rencih, ' " Silver Tea Spiiora. set, "" Onlct Tena, with l'etieil anilMver knitter, , I CO Omd Finaer lltnasart clrliiSfV: Waleti tirt, rl"' I9J ell , patent 11, Usl SS I olliel arlirlra lit propufltoit All footla warianled 10 be hni they are "M fur. STAUKFiat IIAUI.IY. '"' On tiaml aime 0,W and stiver Levera and l.rpnit" atlll l'wer thsn the ahove prieea . rhil.lrl.hi, )rti.her to, teMI. iytW hi - NOTICE. Tn the MatUr of the Sttllrment vf the Estate ftf Ftllt Ferch, nf itt. Cai rnt. TWOTICE is hereby (riven that Catharine Letch, widow of Felix Lerch deceased has made her selection of the persftnul prop erty of said dnceased, according to the Act of Assembly of Ulh of A pril, IpoT, which will be presented to tho Orphntis Coutt for ap proval oa Thursday, the 5th day of Novem ber next. AMOS VAST INK, A dan's. October 3, 1357. Estate of FETES H- MOORE, dee'd T OTICE ia hereby given, that letters of ad it niinistrution on the estate of Petei H Moore, late of Lower Augusta township, ISorthuinberl'd county, dccedsell, have been granted to the sub scriber. All persons indebted will please make immediate payment, and those having claims present ilicm duly authenticated for settlement. AUiY ANN MOOHE, Adm'uix.c. a.t. Gitoler 1", 1857. Ot. J. WEICHSELBAUM. OPTICIAN AND OCULIST! FROM rillLADKI.riliA,, . . , . Wft E8PECTFCLI.Y inform the citizens of IV t-'uiiliuiy and vicinity, 'hat he has opened ul Twin at the Lawrence House whert he olltr fur aula EnOCKBRfc WAR 8 If, iiclluiii.'fr) AND COMMISSION MKRCIIAAT!, SOt, Xurth Thirit Street, 1 door btlote rilll.ADKI.I'HU. Vine, SAl.KSnf ft'HUs and Shore, Dry ir, ftnna. Hard ivsre, Wutctiea, Fancy tionds, Ac, tVl;KV l.Vii- IV Country feloirkeepert anil others will alwaya llni! at t I" our r.vcnina mesa large attu desireine akaortitieitl el tlia atxtve gis.da, to he auld la tint in suit htiyrra. tiivida jmcked im tlia premises i'r Country Traile. Sepl. !. 1067. C 3m " - - ;.V i - M--q lvtxjsia i iditTBta i Vn. (). K1MU ALL, 11 oT Elmira, bavins become a re.ident of t'unbury, reapeetfnlty informs thacilirent and othrra, thst lie intend to form a Pinging Class, bulb secular and . tact. t and will impart instruction to all who may Vtr to place themselves nnt'er bis charge. . ', K, B MreO. Kimlmll i prepaid to gi4 iaatructions to a few more pU lis on th 1'iaiie Forte. " ,; tsuubury, Bplmber 19, 185T. tf " 1 FANCY FURS Toil I.AD1KS. JfUIN t APKIRA A Cf., (New Nr..) 81", rt" Mer-t 81. ntwve r.ij'M, l'hiliiHl,ifiia linprlers, MNiitifuriuifa and ilitil-a in Lhrtifs, ll"ullrnien aud CliiMrni Kaney Ftitf. Wh.. lp aud Keunl. I.V.Ik Ce,WrtiWiali the nttt-nli'll .f ji'ii!i-ra ttii'i the luKir een. tnlly l' their iiniiiiii.i. S.-K-k ft Kme y Knrs I'er Jrfiitiea lli-nth-mm an1 C i'-'ii-n: thfir nMnrtteenl eih e,-B eyi-ry erlicle suit kind uf t's.iry Kuin, thnt wtit he wnrtt dtttia's this aenaon "Sil.:h s Full Mi'iH tliili" L'niii't (jimrtex Ciij.fts, Ti'IniMa, Vicl'iTtnei Ildiis, Mmr. A Melfiiire,. frnie the tinest ftaa stint Sifilile to the Inn-fat l'ri,-e fl"initir Furs. I'm tieii'.li-in-rt the Ntrtfst usiwrtim-tit ot Fur Cellare, Olfivi-l Unuiitlets A c, Im i.ip ill. t'lri-it linpnrlpisnf allimr Fnrs anil Mnnurin-turprs i f thrni niuirreut iwn.autervi st'tn we feel satisfied we etnt .flit better. Urftiit-pmeiita tt rs and tha itillte pi.iternlly thntt anv ii'her hnrae, hnvinfr an Rf-ortini-iit tn vHert frnvt ami at ike Msnufaetur en price. We only ask a will JOUN I' ATI KIP A A Cf. NatlMstl'l Street al Cijlttli, I'r.ilad'a. PhiU(t'liihi.i, S -r.. Ill, to1. W illi. EAlM.K'.s GAM.Knir.S OF PAINTINGS, Xu. flG Chi-mut Slrert. ojoiite the GirarJ T inLADELPHIA. Ol ilv I. (J'ilnss Warerooins'and KeposiM A of A:t. i'liL-rhvini; Paintings, Porttail si.d l'i'tt;ri Ftsntee. in' ft cry variety, of tho law originals nnd Koropranf I'atU.rfcS. FuT Ttblr. Consul, liifchets and Cornices. The most ex tensive and rlcgjnt assuilinetit of I.OukiiiR Clas ses, of sulistu:itiul v crl.n.aiit-hip, ai.d ut Atictieii . A sutiDurt of the Hritiih Covei mueiit, und pro- t.ise supplies ot exencquer oms in me banks ol the United States ore banks of cir culation ; they are subject to tho iuhereut dangers of that class of banks, und are betide subject to ucw dangers ptcnlivr to them selves. t he power of tho few bunks over the whole prcauntt a uew fraturo of danger iu our Kjstein. It consolidates the banks or thu Uuiun into one mass, and Subjects thuui to one fate, uud that fate to be decided by a I'utr, without even tho knowledge of the rest. ju unknown divan of bankers sends forth un edict, which sweeps over the empire, crosses iliu lino of tho Silate with tho facility of a Turkish firman, prostrating all State uutitii l ions, breaking up ull engagements, and lev eling all law before it. This is consolidation ofa kind which the genius of Patrick Henry had not eves conceived. Hut while this Dr inan ia thus potent aad irresistible for pros tration, it is impotent and powerless for re surrection, ft goes out iu vain, bidding tho prostrate b'auka to ri:-e. "A't'aiu'froiii t'ue uiodo of doing business lunor.i the b'auhs using euch other't paper lo bat.k upon, instead f holding each oilier to weekly settlements, nnd linuidutioa of bul- auces iu specie, and from the t'ulul practice of issuing notes,utonu pluce, payable at another our banks huve ull become bauks ol oue chain, the strength of the whole being depen dent on the ttreugth of each. "A few govern all. Whether it it to fail, or to resume, the few goveru ; aud not only the few, but the weak. A few weak banltj fail; a panic ensues, aud the rest thnt up; many strong ones are ready to resume, the weak are not ready to rsunie, and the strong must wait. Thus the principles of safety, and thu rules of govercmeut, ure reserved. The weak govern the strong ; the bad goveru the good; und the iusolveut goveru t'ue gol veul. This is our system, if system it can be called, which has no feature of consistency, no priueiple of tafety, and which it nothing but the Uoatiag appendage of a foreiu uud overpowering system." opportunity ofdelcndiug hiuijilf. He recov ered himself in a moment, und gave the ruffi an a powerful blow, which sent him reeling into the gutter, whuro Mr. Lord left him king insensibly, nnd wet;t cu his wov. A'. F. 'tiyrr. A interesting question which has been agl Utiug the Hpiscopaliaus here not a little of late, has been settled, namely whether the IS. -hop f thu Diocese could bo induced to py a visit to the famous Puseyite Chapel in .Madison street, anu tnus by his onicial pres ence, junction, directly or indirectly, the pe culiar rites and ceremonies there. The Ilishop, on the evonin" or All Paints Day, uot cuiy visited the Chapel, and held confirmation and preached, but conformed to the rites and ceremonies aforesaid ; aud after the services wero overdid not hesitate to ex press hit warm approval or them all coupled with a hnpo that other churches would follow the example. The Madison .Street Chafcl being looked upon at a seiiii-l'upUh establishment by the low churchmen of course the Disbnp's course bus excited much feeling among the clergy and luity of thut party, and ir rumor be true that feeling will sek open and public expres sion before long. At all evei.U, so it is said. Tnt Pknnsyi.vania Bank Mkktiso or STnrKttol.rirns. A mectinr of the stock ln.ldors of the Pennsylvania Bank wus held yesterday, which was largely uttended. The entire board of directors resigned their ifli ces, and a committee was appointed to te organizo the bfard. This hoard, when so re organized, are requested to report the true condition of the Lank and to whut extent its cnpital has been impaired by the ' fraudulent acts" of the luto President. There seemed to be a great deal of feeling manifested at the meeting, and liifses and other marks of disapprobation greeted unv attempt to palli ate the couduct of Mr. Allibone. The meet ing also resolved to accept the late act of the Legislature. Public t.edijrr. Proposed Rkucctiox. Mr. Twichell, pre sident of the Boston and Worcester Kailruod, has addressed a circular to tho employees on the road, in which he proposes, in view of the j financial crisis, and the falling oB' in receipts of over S20.0U0 during October, us compared with last year, that all the Salaried ofi'u ers oT the company, .Iii:;i3e!f among thu number, should submit in a reduction of ten per cent, iu their pay. In this way no hands need be discharged, and yet the expenses or the road be reduced to corre3ioud with the condition of the times. Horrors of War. A British clergyman' in a recent discourse, mentioned, as illustra tions of the extent of the bereavements caused by the ludian mutiny, that a gentleman of his acquaintnnco had lost twenty-two relutives iu India within six weeks ; and thut, out of thirteen of a family purty, which met last year at St. Andrew's, only ouo itt now living twelve having gone out to India aud fallen victims to the mutiny. HOLLOW AY'S FILLS Tt anuVr the pains and peitaltit-s f sickness when the certain meant of cure ate aecessittle to all, ia positive liiuduesa. The vetnlile ri'tueily. actiliff powerfully iits-lt Ilie enttses nf discuse in all the fluids, lletvra, tniil tifsut-l f the IsKly, exdel the and noisoaotia mutter from ns lurktiif; ptarea in the rytem. cleanse and puiny eveiy secretion, tehiitld the ihrtrtf-retl consliiut , trttore the vigor otsl virility nf the euleehled ftnitie, and tend to pro long life lal beyond its otdiimty linns. MILLIONS IlKLY U.N TIIKM ! In every quarter of the globe, emonp all aaiiont, civil ized and ravnge these Fill' ute used with eriualahil unva rying su-rc--. They aic advertisi-d tit ryery printed Inu euitge. nnd whrreever coiiuniace ha ftcMvlralud, Ihey ate iu continual dctnnud. ALL INTERVAL DISFASK3 Yield in their action. Dypepin, Liver Complaint. Af fections nf the Howeis. the Kidneys, the Nerve, the Limes, the Thnot msl the lirain, thst have previ-wslv ih tied ull human skill uud ull other reinediea, aie axpeilt tiousl) uudliilulibly cured hy tlm all-c oequrnng inedtclue 111)1)1 t.V PROSTRATION F.ven when the nutiints ate reduird to the t;t dere I of feebleness, thry tuny be recuperated hy Ihe ri'sisttss' toutc ami alleriintive properties ol llollowiiy's fills. FICVIALKS OF ALL A OF., From whatever vntiely of Ihe uilirienla pecultnr to iheir j aex they may besnftViing, inny rely with entne eonhtlrni-e on the etfi et ef lliia SiiciiKlhiUK, leviving, fctuieuiidim- mediate remedy. Uollovuiji Pith are th best remedy known, in the wuiltl for the fullmcing disease: Aathmn, Fever nnd Artue Stone and Gravel I) wel Complaints Female Coinphiuta ttenuulaiy tiynin Cnualis Ileuiluehi'a luwsrd Wwiknt-M C .Mat Indisestioa Liver Cottipliuite Chest Diteaaas lnttucnza 1 waeaa l' Sjiii ita Jiitlamin.-ition I ilea Venereal AlTi-elinll Wurnil, of all Kinds SPECTACLES 1 1 Of every variety, size and tuulitj-. A new in vention of Spectacles, f-r reading with gold, silver, steel, and tortoise-shell J I'm men, and a new and improved asxurtmeiit of perifocal around flint Glasaea of bia own manufacture. lie would particularly cull tlie attention of tWk public to his eprctacles for Near Sighted Persotna aad for persons who have been opcrufvd upon for the cataract of the eye, aud to Ida new kind of glaesrs and Conserve of the Night made of the beat flint and azure (ilaaecs. Good Glauses may be known bv their shape, exact centre, sharp and highly poinded surface. The quaiilie aie to I c t'uUnd in a high degree in his glasses. Highly important : The very beat Brnzillian Pebble ! to universally proved to bo far superior to any other gluMt. ALSO: M icrufcopes, Spy and Quizzing Glasses of every size and Quality j Telescope. Magnifying and fitter a I. lame, with diltvrent powers, together wiih every variety of articles iu the optical line Hut mf Mioncd. . CV t)itical and other Instruments and Glau ses carefully repaired at abort notice. 21o can alwa) a select Glasses to suit the vision of Ihe person, t he sees them, upon the firit trial. He will remain in this place during November Couit uud those in want of the abote urllclcs.wiil pliuo give hin a call. Ho will, if required, go to any trepcctabl house where his services may be wanted. Tha very best Eye-Water and the beat Hunt ing Glasses aiways for sulu. October 17, I8ii7 LANDKETHS' AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE, ! aVo. 21 onrf 23 South Sixth Street, ncur tU -Slate House, Philadelphia. 1 Ten floors of tins apaeloita huilUiuf , erei-ted eapre!)- , for the Proprietors trude, are stored vtlh Heeila and ttu- : "lenieuta of luteiest to Farttteisand tiatdeti'-rs. ; SIXTV YF.AItr3F.STAHI.IMti:D. The anhscriberi desire to call the attention of ererv ine i Interested lu Farming nn Gardening, to their wt II select ed atnek of ABrirullinal ltnpleriti-nla and Machinery. OreHt vnucly of Horticultural Tools, warranted tjardun and Flower iecds, Gruss and Field d nf tlia ne si re lishle quality Tlie AgriL-ulturul Implfmenta sold by its are mesllr ruaiiitfaclurrd at our Hteutn Works, llristol, 1'a. Iluvtng fitu-d up Ihis entablislnneiit without reeard to exjiense, witli the ntosl complete taui-lnnery. for the nian ufticture of rariom kinds of Aericultiltul ll'linlenieuts, Wf are now prenared to supply all tirln-h-a iu this line lolly eti'inl, if not superior, to any thing ul the kind ever before oilr.rcil to the public. I LANDRKTIIS' WARRANTED OAMDF.N SKI-DS. ; Have hern befors the public for upwards of sixty yenrs; ' their wide-sbtejtd popularity, and the cnnitantiy ineri-:is. I tnff demand front year to ycur, is the best evidence of their I superiority over ull others. IV Cenntiy merchants can be supplied wilti tceds iu papers, or bulk, on the most Ithernl tiMius , ItliMimsdnle, ittnr Rrislol, Vs., ourtiniiten $r-ed srotmds ' eoiiuius three hundred ami fevenly acrr. at.d is the lar- j jest vstuulialiinehiof its kind in th world . V. I.ANDKKTII A WIN. Ns SI aad 23 Suulh Sixth Sireet, Fh.!adcliI.U. epiember tit, IKS7. prjtn. FEVER AND AGUE! QUININE SUBSTITUTE OR NKRVF. TONIC. Thia well known remedy discovered by my Is'e rtsrr ner Doctor O. J. Leeds, is a sure cute for the a'xivedisr der, Sick-Ilfiiduehe, and all other Netvous riffections. l contains no Quinine, Arsenic, or other injurious ineteoi ems It strengthens the system, fives tone to the stoin- ; ach, and is iuvalnable to Dyspeptics aud these allLrtrd j with weakness in anv patt of the systetu. It is esper-iully ) reomincutled to females troubled with FtUlire: of the ; Vomh. One liotllc is sufficient in most cusps, where the XlirtH'tinassre followed. Ccinficale can be furnished from i all parts of the Union. Sild bv the lrtii;rists generally sad bv J. ft. Hrtzrird, '. Vholt!a Druggist, aud l'mpriclor 1I U.uJcu : l.ane, New York. ' Nawr York, Sept. 19, 187, 3m i tit.ld Mt dul awsrded by the Mar!and luali. tote, v'n. Highcft rrrmiutn awatded by t'.. I' l.:-.lllulo 1855. JAMF.3 S. r,IRI.E. St ( leiiiher 10, IS.--5 - c3mJ TLo $10 and $15 Single and Donate Threaded Empire Family Sewiug , Machines. AN AfiENCTfor the aslc of these Sewttia Machines enn l o secured on hbetal terms fox the County of .N'orthumbcrlnnJ. No ono ncej apply without capital stifiii lent to conduct tiro business properly and who cannot bring refer ences as to reliability and capacity. A personal application will bo neresrary. The peculiar adaptation of these Machines for all purposes of Family Sewing, will, wr.rto ever they are oferod for sale command a ready and unlimited demand. JOHNSON iV GOOD 1 1. 1.. S. E. Curwr of nth and Aroh fc'tt;., Philsdol'a. August 15, 1857. tf VIIO H AS UEEN ( TKED OK (1KB AT .bhiuii! lit.uil.lil, alter many ycora of misery, dfsircs to niukc known to til fcllDW-sulfciers the auro mcatif of relief. Addtww etirloiing aUmp to pav return poatae, M: MA It V E. UEWITT.'Uohlon, Maaa., and tha prcsci'ption will he sent free, by next post. August 8, IS57. 3m I't What au enormous Variety of Toys and Fancy Goods h? has! Vho? Our Friend DOLL, At Xj. .11 1 .WM 2nd St , abare Arch, Phita., I IK has just received direct from Europe a - very large assortment of Toys of all kinds, fancy i'aoketa, I'ipea, Canes, Scgur Cases, To bacco Uoxra nnd an endless variety of loncv ar ticles. Call t'pon him before purcha.iug else where. Philadelphia, August SJ, 183'. Smlivr Tmk Illness of tub Kino of Pki'ssia. The Klberfeld Gazette 6tutet the physiciarui ure not agreed among thetnBclves as to the niture of the King ot t'russias uisortier. The Kine'a iutellect is stuted to be as sound at before, but bis memory is represented at having given way under the inUuenca or cere bral coucestious. Many turiuiset are in dulged in as to the political cuuDjres which tniL'ht be the consenuenve of a recency, and un Anerwuld ministry it talked of as likely to tucceed the present oue i tat tbo fcloer- feld tlazctte thinks that the Prince of Pius sia will respect hit brother! choice. The Daily News' Puri correspondent pays : ' 1 have teeu private loiters Iron Uerlin, which ttatt that there it uo chance of the King's recovery, the royal patient ral lied a little, and haw been- reported better but he still bst three or four fill b day, and ' nana of hit tibysiciant think that h can live tk moD'.h. lu auticipatiou of the deuiita of the crow a, there is a good dual or agnation lu many ptrtt of the eonntrj. A tcjecey is "Beius ok Thkkok" m Baltijiosk Md. flie liallimoio (Md.) Suu tlatet that on Weduesday eveuiug, a ganc of men went to the house bf a colored man named Alex ander Johusou, who kept a sailor boarding house, in Caroline street, in thut city smashed iu the door, ttole everything they could lay bands on, iticintlitig eighty two dollars in cash then demolished the fartiititrue. J he lost is about five huadred dollars in ull. On Friday evening, a man uaiued Thomas Pierce, while plujtng curds at the bouse or Catharine hn ver, in Carolina street, was instantly killed: by some persou unknown, who fired from out tide the door putting three bulls throngb hit neaa uo me tunie evening as Mrs Margaret Wehing was assisting her husband to close hit store, ut the coruerof Iioud and Shakes peare ttreet, three men who were patsing, fired ut ber ur.d her husband, indicting 9 dangerous wound upon Mrs. Welling. In none of these cases of outrage aud murder have any arrests been made The I.atr CATASTnnf!r. in the Baltic. letter from Croostudt, or the 14th October, states that the total number nn bourd the l.efort. lino-of-hattle-hip, which lately foun dered in the Vfultic, amounted to 21100, inclu ding her crew of 608, and not 10U0 men, us was stated iu the tirst report. Una man alone has been saved ; he was washed ushore on the Island of Iloehlaiid. Mrs. V'oodmak, the lady who wai'con fined in a private madhouse by her husband for her peccudilloes, was known at Saratoga as the "lady with seventy-five dresses." Such a his tory or vanity and weakness, which her affi davit discloses ft rarely written. Tho man who it it alleged plundered ber purse by the power v.bich be had nccquiried over her iu consequence or ber indiscretions is tuid to be an applicant to Ooveruuient for a foreign mission of some kind. SWKKT PoTATllKS. I.V M APSAfllfSKTTS. Lieut. Whiting, of Tisbury, Mass., bas been very successful In raising the sweet potato on hit farm, near thul town, tho present season. Costiveucss l)vswtia Diarlxra Urousy ry CAUTION ! ne are genuine unless the words oii.ainvviiv. N,-w York tind I rfniilon." tire difcr-i-nuhle ns ns a wuler rrtuk iu every Ital of the Isxik of around ettoh pot or lio ; the sutue nmy lie plainly seen by holding the luil to the liRlit A nannsonie ri-waru win le given to any one rendering such information its mav lend to the deteeiion of any iwriy ot uart' isaintcrfciunir. Iheim-diciKtSoi vrn.luig the same, knowing them tubs spurious. ' ,,- n j t Solo M tlie .viaui.ti.cioiii- 01'i iii'i iwn.i an Mjiiilen Ijn.e. New York, and lilt Mron t. liudon, by- all respectable Urtij-uists aiel Dealers in Medicine Uiroueh- out the I lllteit r-llil-s, alio ine etvoiAUi woi.u, in u.i, at 89 er iUS.B.'J cents, nnd 1 entc'l. 'llrercts a constueru.ns imvuig oy uisior o,w w'S" SHU'S. ...... N. II Directions ror the iinT.i;ice ot portents 1 every disorder are affixed to eueh box. October 17, IW? lyca New Advertisements. A Steamboat NtwsrArtH. Among other innovations which the mammoth steamer Great Knstern it about to inaugurate will be tho publication of a daily paper on board for tbe benefit of the traveling pobltc, the regular public 01 travelers, whom tb may be bearing across the ocean. Hut tbit startling feature it anticipated cu the western waters of the New World, fur the New Orleans end t. l.ouit packet steamer Jamet Woodruff uow tails equipped with the force and mate rial for the publication of a regular daily paper on board duiiog ber trips up aud down the river, i'h a job office attached for the printing of bills or far and other work. Ad independent man is one who Hacks nit owi boot and shoes. bo cto i;v with FUKNITUEE POLISH. 8. RA"H Premium Patent l'nouiel Furniture Polish This polish is highly valuable for rrato ring Ihe polish on all kinds of Furniture, Class, Cariiage Bodies, II. ir Cloth, kc. AImi, for re moving spot, hiding (cratches, Ac , A c. w ar ranted to dry immediately and retain its gloss. J'nce LO cts. per bottle. Sold by A. W. r lsHEK. March 14, 1857. LAh'UE DliY LOODS ESTA BMMI.TIEXT. HAMILTON EASTKK A CO , KeiV .Marble Ilulldltip:, Xv3. 1 9 1, 201 and 203 Jialtimote Street. BALTIMORE; HAVE now iii store (mostly ol their own im portation) one ol thu Inrgist and mns com plete Slocks in the United Males, embracing Silks and f-ilk goods of everp class , Dices Goods a very large stock ; Irish Linens; l.iu en Goods and Housekeeping Articles of every ite- Bcrihtian ; Meurniug Goods; Cloaks, Mantilla I and Pharv'.s; Kiubruid.-rie, I, ate?. Hosiery,') Gloves, lilar.kcls, Quilts, Domestic Goods ; and I every article generally reiuircd by Farmers and j Plauiera fur sirants use. 1 V' Ketuil Hooir.a un first fli or the price affix I to each article, from which lie deviation is mudu. ((-:' holesale Rsoint on the second and third floors. ! Octdber, II, 1957. 3ni. j Til. Oa to ' t'orrlnw FrsiSi, Tst.'. As tm .l"?.l. 7 Csa sr., a,vii,t..l. " s lrfsfN) pntn stau. It rsasiM. so w.i,8ollr msi. tnalftntlv, sbS is rv- .n.Cf Msl-t kisrts sf wi tsd Cmw, M mosU, dasgorasbls fti.S wsrtlilMS to liar Is pr.Mrti.if t4, ,UeU In Its rwstl., e luv.nt-v ."".I" wrl'l Is sn Inrsllltlle. Stmt,!., Ks? I a.i'M ITM.M of Hsrmues! Sosllnir. PsdlU. lr.lTOat.d in O, . n. InaHor Cana ma to itsrar.ctsl. l.l, ,M.U hy fslas rtsionMiit- i bm sh t. nUS Sad nraaiiaal ftn Lo knvo amu-Uad it La. U is wilsts foiat. it ia alt oola-l an ka.n all not -. a.n,.MB w ax.'Hni,. , .j ana in an raia. " n. ie a i, iui ta fsnltaf fcka Can Ih. ,a.. will t. .af.-r.!. I Tb raakrt la Pu0 Uus-ttiWralo Tnrta'aM Oats, .-'-. 1 lua. 1 r , oQan.iva ooa uoaa ot f . 1 r. scs!ug i. n sn n.w uau O r Ouk.l ISTt liOTkMll. still, aod rsnoa, Mrliia. r i nM 11, s. Pur Ohio gtka!, w.-uld ,1s au any o:h.r Curl- I tif Olnins u laraa an,-u..'li to a ' a S-!Ai.d isstk. Tkir ia no bi,adsb.ait U lo tl.torio-Bla e-a lk ,r.OlOl,U : t- t. n.a la .).t.I of Tin. Tot. i-rinain'a f SaalUiz ha. .t-oJ tr.t f-rTkros r -sr., and tli.os wbw hava Uioitli.ui eUl in so air or t ao.. A LlUKCit niSCOCNT TO THE TBAUE St So at S A LI LUDLOV CAN CO. II HlnsM., N.Y. HOVER'S LiaUID KAIR DYE. riMIE fi llowing, from that iiineiit Physicias of Phildciphi:i, Dr. II nm k'c, adjad ti the testiiiniiiy of fiofe-sor ttoo!:', only confirrris what is evidenced hy !i.uaids ,vl.o have Used Hjver'e Dye. tiiainn 1'str, f.'ur.-TNr r Stbset, I Philadelphia, Dec. u!.er t,W. l"fJ. "In regard to Ilovta's Ji-iiit Dri., I can sieta ur.licsiUlingiy, that it contains 110 dcli trious in gredients, and may he uved with cniiie aafety, und eilh ihe utmost coiifiJt nce and success." W. V. lini.NUKI.l'., M. D. Hover's Writing & Indelible Inks, Are aowell nnd widely known, as to require no etdopy of the ir mcrita, it is only necessary to sey, : thai the and increasing demand, gives tho ! beet evidence liiat thry maintai:i iheir ihsractisr fur rttf i riorily, which di-tinguished them when j first iittredured, years ago. I (lr.!crs addressed to the Manufactory, No. 416 j HAt'K street, iilove Pouith. (old .o. 1 44.) , Philadelphia, will receive prompt a tetition, by JOSEPH E. HO". EU, Manufacturer. Krp. IV, lt-.i- .4prilS", " Se;.t. 18. 1557. Dissolution of Partnership. 18 berebv given that the partnership heretofore rxintiiiz. between, the uudcrsinued, in the Floui and Feed llusitteas, in the town of Tie vortou, has been dissolved. Jtltl. pm, JOHN p-C'HIiOKDER. Trevorton, Oct. 17. 1837. oct 24 3l OtlifSBRT ETJLSC1T, KcCCtSSOB TO J. O. CAMI'BB-L & (O , ASD L. V. IVEi, (Formerly No. 16 North Wharves.) DEALEUIN PRODI'CE, FRIT P AND VE GETABLES, No. 4 North barves, 4lh door Market street, Philadelphia. r Oranges, Apples, UuedrrnU uuiter, I ,e 111 one, tltnoiis, .Vercer J'otalocs, t,neee Kaisins, Tomatoes, Bweet Potatoes, Deans, Pea Nuts, Peaches, Cranberries Esgs, Ac. Orbetafor ISbipping put up with cafe uud dis patch. "V GOODS sold en commission for Farmer and Dealers. October 24. 1857. SIMM I. If. OltWIti. ATTORNEY AT LAW, i OJJlct un South Second, near Market Street, j . E WIS BURG, PA. j Practices in th Counties of Union, Northum berland and Montour. j All PiiorKasioML enlru.lej to ' b;s care will receive prompt and faithful alien 1 lion. October 3, 1857. ly HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. riViE suuscriber oilers at private sale tbe house 1 and Lot now occupied by himself, situated on the corner of River and ii'lderbcrry streets, 6uu bu'ry The iinprnveincnts oro a two story FRAME DYVULUMC, nearly new, a Wash-house and Wood li:ue and a good stable. Also an excellent Well of W a ter.. There is also on tho lot, a choice variety of good fruit. 3'cruis easy. i'or further parti cular tpplv tc CHAHEEs uUDIN. Sunbuiy Sept. IS, 1857 :f FLOUR1 rLOTJItt FORSA1.HUV m. u. GEAR HA .IT, Sunburv, 5pt 5o, I Nit 7. TUB WITH Ell KD HEART, 8 T. 8. ARTHUR. THIS Is a la'rg limo, volume, Price $ 1,00, with a fin mezzotint engraving, and is one of tha most thrilling tales ever written by the author. It shows hot a mf nitv seem to th world all that is good and noble, and yet be a ty rant in hit family, and finally send bit wife to a mad-nous. W publish all Mr. Arthur' new books, alao works of History, Biography, A e., for which we want A genu in all part of tht United Mates to whom tbt largest commission will be iiaid, also an extra commission in the way of gifts. J. W. UR vDLEV, S North rurtb 8t., Philadelphia, Pa. N. B. Specimen Copies sent 'y mail, fret oa receipt of the pric of book. October 4, 1857 3t e THE Glasgow Poisoning Case Psrtieuitrt In tbt Nations! IVIire Gaiette, for sal bv Xcw l'hliadclplilil Dry Ooodst!) 81IARPEES3 BROTHERS, laTt Towxasao b'HAUtLEts & $o. UAVE removed to (heir new store, N. V. corner ot t'hetnut and Hth KtrccU, and have opened their usual full assortment of Au tumn and Winter DRV (iOOl)Si which they ofler al very low price. Their tock include Shawls. .Black and Fancy Hilks, Merino's and 1 other Dress Goods, Meu and Hoy t Wear, Blanket. Housekeeping Goods, and Goads for "Friends; Wetr." Oct. 24, 1857 6111.0 9 I Y. FKII.INfe. Iiaviog ot.taincd lb agency for PiaKKECS Ulf'T HOOK Enlerpiiae is now prepared tu furnish any Book pohltnhcd as retail price v.iih a gift worth Irum 25 cents lo ONK HUNDRED DOI.l.AUo, Godfreys Nanvlive of the Kane. Expedition hooml in "cloth, once $1.00 (with Gift) liound in paper ( itbut gift) 50 cents. I Dr. Livingstone' IS years' Explorations and j Adventur6 in the Wilds of Ulrica, 260, 8 o., t .,..1 Knro villl-S. i UllgeS. VJIIC IIUHUI.U a...B.- -...a,-, bound in cloth w ith gold, price $ I -tin (v. iib gift.) j Paper edition 50 cent (without gii ). Sept. 15, IK 57. Ct. 8TUAV ltOltSE. CAME to the premises of the subscriber on Monday, th 7th of September, inst.,- a GRAY H0R8E, about U or 14 years old. The owner is requestej to come forward, provt pro perty, pay charge, and take him away, otherwise bt writ b disposed of accoMhig to law. ' ISAAC 8AYIDGE Rush tp., Stpl. IS, 1857. m m As m. ton eh, j 5uccesor to Mrs. M. Hill, FasMonatle St?aw and Fancy Milliner No. 463 told No. 321) North Second Street, be. low Noble, opposite Red I. ion Hotel, philad'a Pattern Bonnets made to order. Milli nery in all it various branches. A rail respect fully solicited, ., October 3, '857. if wr3ia iuNBURYTEAM FLOURING MILL ntHE anhseiilier resiieclfullv announc lo th public, that their new Steam Flouting Mill . ! . . . ' " 1. . 1 1 .. in ill this place, Das oeen coiiiuinru, ... sui u into operaliou on Monday the 3 1st day of Au gust, inst. Having engaged a romtclent snil . careTuI Miller, they trust they will be able, with all tht modern improvement adopted in their mill, to giieenliie satisfaction to all who may favor them with their cv. atom. , KNYDER. R1NEIIART 6c HARRIsOtV. Suubury, Augu-t 23. 1857. U OUTER'S Iswiril of llit Time i'or al hy ii. Y. FRIUNO. August 1, 1857. RESPECTFULLY inf ,r hid, ai,J the public generally, that he has just recciv- , ed a New Slock of GOODS, at his new store, at ' David Miller's Mill, in Lower Ancustt Town-i ship, and that he is prep and to sell )tds at the lowest prices, J Ilia Stock consuls in purl of SPRING SUMMER GOODS, Groceries, Queensware, Hardvare, &.o. and every vtricty usually kept in a country Siorc. j Trevrtiin prices paid for all kind of ro-3u-.e. Loner Augusta twp, Aug. 8, t tft 7. tf Dissolution of PflttrcrsUp. 1 NO TICE is hereby gi'en thai the f.r: ef Bird. Douty & John, of Bii? Mountain Col:ic,y, was this day (luly i.t, mutually disol- : ved by the withdrawal of J. J. John. JOSEPH PIIID. JOHN II. DOUTY. i j. j. John. The business af Mining aud shipping Ces! . Irom the above named Colliery will hereafter l! j carried on in the name of Bird & Doety. who : Spring and Summer Fashions for 1857 J'F IP. -w. a .R-A.-'S FANCY DRY GOOD STORE, TJnrket Square, Sunbory. ()V received and will cm.linue to retelv the iri l and best selected cuoth of Ulc-k Clo'J.t, I'MtiiHtrs;, Cauimttt end Yt J e. A" asovln:ci.l f Drcts tjnids, vis: Fancy printed l.Vii O ',C'hi!i, printed Laivns, Do l.nias llaregi -, Merinos, C;o,limois, Alapacas, Diss S.llti, (i:i'i--!i.ii:M, ic LINEN AND WHITE GOODS, frish Limn, hlciched and brown Driliiat', SUsat i iu', iMlowcasrinj, &c. . Kress Triramingr, in Grec. Viriety.- Bonis and Shoes Hals an I Cij. iiiidtsars, CtLalware. Grocciies, lued.".swjta. SALT si'-l USH, Cheese, trackers, Sejar, Te'Co, Snull, &c, an asiorsriieiit of other Goods too U'd.ous to ineuliolt. Feeling giatclul for pa. t f.-vor we br j leave-to a.ifjie our old friends und li e public thot nn ellort on our I shall Lu wanting t3 Merita continuance of our patronage. 1'o'je.l.ry produce lalfU hiij'.ii.l m .'Uet p'i'.e. C iliol ts St tl P. W.CRW Si'..r.ur-- 1VDR0LEUM PAlNTe1 The paints ar J Js. mixri with watstr, iheteky aaviuu Uit eoM f eil, fur aatt bv . Msrch m. . A. W. FIMtEM. rpilE War Trail or th Hunt of the Wild J- Horae by Capt. Mtyne Reid, for ale by August 1. '57. H. Y. TRILING. LDER HYDE'8 Eifoiioof Moruion- isut. Price, VI S, for ! M O1 will ailjust all the uiiseltled account of thai e firm. JOSEPH BIRD. j JOHN B. POL TV. i fehamolin, July 18, 1857. tf I PLATFORM SCALHS. F every description, suitable for railrotd. Ac. for Hav. Coal, Ore, and Merchandise generally. Purchasers run no rbl; (vary scale is guaranteed correct, and if tiler trial, not found aatisfactory can be lclurned nil'.. out oharge, Factory at tht OIJ Stand, established for more than twenty year comer ol'NiV.h and Mcluu Street,' Philadelphia. ABBorr&ro. Successors to Ellicolt U All j'.i. Philadelphia, Reit. 6, 1857. dm. PICKLES of vatioti kind, I.ob.ters, Sar dine, Ac., A., ju received md l.r sale at ihe Drvtg Store of A. W. FISllEK, Suubury, Augutl, 1867. ' pi' RE CONCENTRATED LYE OK S.. A PONIFIER. for l FISUSK'j L'rug 6lor. Piic SO eia. Oct iter l, ISM.. EXCELSOIK 4rRINC BED. f.e.'." i'it, Si;'.: - ifrf ' SJ 18."o SOIT u hit h a diploma was a.vatj.d at th ' Smt'lh Exhibition of the Mas, Charil-.'ila Mcrlusi:-' A ssociati' T. 'j'his w an entirely nr. v application of spit ul i prills' t,J bed-, inakini; a more cotiiforta.tle, neat er, end cl-erqior spring ncd ihatt ha-i been ullercl to tlie pul'.'.c, epnlicablu tj olJ us wed as ncti ! bedsteads. I 'i he peculiar position el ll. apriuga elevate th j head slmhlly. suing tii troulk ul building up j the head with eilra bolster, 7'l.c ronslruaioii is so simple, and every ' so exi ted, t':i:it bugs ltae no hiding places, and 'tbe most inexperienced rail tale out each lor ' washing, as they are oi ly fastened Lf a button, j 'i'he Spri.Mi used ate ma.le expressly forlht sa I lieda on a Patent S.iiral Spting Machine. ! public need only see thi bVd to appreciate it , The subscriher hs purchased the right ol" I inanui'aciuriorf. and s. lltoir, in NorthunitH-flauJ 1 couii'y, ad will'.i the article l reaaonsW ! la'.es. j Swings pet in old brdsteads for thru did ! lars I5AC M. WILKEKjiO. Suiibmy, Ii, I so". if m.AXRM IU.AVKS! 1I.ANK Deed. Moitgase. Bonds, WtretiH Attachment, Coinmilmauu, Summon, tu preinta. Executions, Justice' and Cu.tttilr' Fee Bill. Ac , iXic, can he-tind K Tr1','S ttus otHc. more ihtn ever talkid cf. j out akitkay tod tobsceo. j "g-nsi 1, 01, Rej. 19. INS.7.- lit. H. T. ritlMAH-