1 .mj JoTffift Bngld, .0 poverty ami in pain ; tears Jiang boaty In my ye, Bathers can down lik rato, I fray bar half ef all! had Repressed the rising sigh f For tnfHkltig of the day to cow, I kept myconrago high. Farewell I I said, if seasont pen, And sunshine follow rain, And morning dawns on darkest bight, You'll tee me back ogaio. t left my love Id England, And tailed the. stormy , To ear my bread by daily toil, Ad honest man and free. I wrought and itrov from morn to Bight And taTed my little ttore i And every tummer pave me wealth, And made tbe little more. At longth I bought tbe 6eld I plough J The tunaliine followed tho rain j The morning duwn'd on hear Dight, And 1 went back again, I tought my love In EnglanJ, And brought her o'er the tea A happy man, a happy wife. To bless my home and me. Uy farm it Urge, my wantt are small, I bid my care depart, And tit beneath my own oak tree, With proud yet grateful heart, The children smiling round tbe board, Ne'ur ask for bread in vain ; 'Ti8 balmy inortiinfr after night, 'This sucsUine alter rain 1 (fnvwr's ?ftpnnvf limit. Thrashing Oats. The almost universul pructice of grain grower! is to tlirath with machinegene rally a traveling machine, accompanied by four horses and three men. If tbe farmer bat no burn tbit is, perhapt, the best way he can adopt, at hit labor mutt be done in fair we.itber. IJut many of the farmert of this State can pursue a much more economical and profitable method of thrashing. In a climate such as onra, wheie Arctic winter roigns during a goodly portion or the year, the straw of outs is an important item in esti mating tbe value of tbe crop. This it nsually much wasted by using the thrashing machine. Stacked in the yard it enriy becomes weather beaten and alinoBt valueless for cattle. If the furmer has his own, one of the railroad horse-powers this waste may in part be reme died by thrashing at different times during tbe wiuter, but, all things considered, the flail it tbe bust implement with which to thrash oats. With this thrashing it done at the season of tbe year ?hen, if ever; tbe farmer has leisure, and consequently it need not be performed in a hurry ; and also when the ttock of cattle most ueed, in ite belt condi tion, the straw, the lougest of which may be bound in bundless and stored for se. while tbe loose and until to bind will supply the wantt for food, bedding or litter for a fair ized herd of cuttle. Treading ont oats with horses it a much more economical way than thrashing with a machine, and if the straw it only wanted for cattle and litter is as good and fully as econ omical as with tbe flail. Mais. Plowjhman. Foot Rot is Surei'. Tho predisposing, that is tbe essential causo of this disease, is a virus or poisonous matter which is generated in and issues from the toret upon the feet of diseased sheep, and is quickly communicated to sound sheep by coming in contact with their fuet. The "fuuls" is a lameness; similar to but entirely distinct from the foot rot. It it caused by pasturing on low lands, and will disappear without medicinal application if the aheep are removed to high, dry ground- As remedies, either of tho following will probably Beet a cure : 1. Tuke i lb. of alum, 2 oz. of blue vitriol; boil them iu one pint of water ; when quite cold, add J of a piut of aquafortis, and it is roudy for ue. It ia equally eQicacious for the foul in tbe feet of all classes of nuimuls. 2. With a sharp knifo cut away the infec ted part aud then with a clean wooden skew er apply ouce a day some muriate of antimo ny. This will stop the disease and efl'oct a euro. A strong solutioa ol sulphate of cop per would answer tho purpose, applied with a brush ; but it it neither to speedy are to ef fectual. 3. Take a six -pennyworth of quicksilver, dissolved iu six-penny worth of nitric acid, add the tame quantity of good vinegar; pare the the hoof well, shake tbe bottle and apply to the parts effected; one or two applications will bo sufficient. Rural New Yorker. Bueltkb for Stock. Many farmert ttill neglect their animals io wiuter, feeding them from tbe stack-yard, io the open air. This jiractico is not only barbarous, but very ex pensive. It takes a third more of bay to car ry a cow through the Wiuter by this method, and with tho beat of hay she will not come out in good couditiou. Warm stables are a substitute for fodder, and an animal sheltered in them is much more easily kept in high Ce9h. Then, by stabling auiuiuhy we ean save all the manure, which is quite toe large an item for fanners in tbitagetothrowAway. Mauy who have large farms. .ajidrderoot wish to build a barn Urge enough to bold all the bay and grain, build several small barm iu d i tie rent meadows. These save the carting, both of hay and of manures, la do case tbould hay be foddered out to cattle without tome kiud of abetter. A hovel opening to tbe South can be made very cheaply, and with light walls aud thatched roof, it will keep cattle quite comfortable. They will save the cost of building in a eiogle Winter. Now it tbe time to put them up. Mteriai- for a RoiiiKCo. A letter from a friends informs nt of the marriage at Balti more of two of the rescued from tbe "Central America." Uolh parties became mutually attached to one another on board the steam er and ou the very evening preceding the dis aster sealed their uQVction with the uauul "vow." When tbe gale came on and the panic was at its height tbe young lady threw herself in his arms aud with a gallantry quite becoming tbe romantic occasion tho gentle man impressed her brow with one of Teuny ton't patent "soul sent" kisses aud "slid" her ever luto tho first boat that was lowered. He saved himself ou a plauk. Upon arriving at Norfolk the lovers met. But the young nan appeared strange. II bad lout his valise aod all his money, Tbe young lady as sured bin) that mouey was nothing. The yonng man shook hit head and looked tad, as much aa to say ; "uow, maybe you think to." lint, laid bis deToted orie. l have enough. ifear not. Father has two hundred thousand. Ab I gasped tho aflianeed bridegroom, (we peak novel fashion to give Uonner to inuke u chance to make a point,) and he looked ft remely philosophical, but said no more Tbey suddenly vauiahed, and we suppose are now enjoying all the blessings of matrimonial JC, c fttrtourg a. ..ejrt$t. male LaiortR 15 Caltorhu. The San 'cq (Cttl.) pt-pers y that ther nr dt of serritut uirU in that city worth litoten thousand dollari each. Ihiir "Y wagei boiDjr no twenty-fiva dollari Jo tha PpleQilor tf ihtit dieesei " Heir njibtrfcpes. and aa tbe ewra,, A CALL TO FARMERS, Fanners, drop your Tools, Faust m HltU, ' lliatl this anil litjtect I TI1B FARMl.R'9 PROWO.TION BOOK. A new end Pcientitic Manuring Urate, Cot the Culllve. IN) ol nil iiihJs m On.hu, UrnM, Fujldcr and Pasieie, ana eU Simla of eVul i Proved by actual Kaoeriirmnts aud sueed oh evident trntha JJesisjited to improve Afiionltur. in altila bianeheai represented bjrupwanlt rf ane hundred and filly eiigraviiiRS of the sua valua ble Grama and Peiete couiiected with tha eyaienv IU Or. C. 4fiREIl'IIOLD,' ' . BOALSBl'nO, CKNTRRCO, PA. IN this trentise it will be see that the object baa Wn to jive tht Farmer tint kind of information which suable him to miike practical application to fertilise hie lurid anil Inerwse hit gnin, rodder, and paetaroge. Tha doctriim a tnuirht by thin innnuline, and rudder and pas ture cultivation "system ere rnlluiwl, -clem and evident, and surges! en improt-emeut In the modaof agriculture hither to unknown to nur farmer, and which, if adopted and carefully pi art iced, cannot fail to advance the interests nf the farming community. fucli a work haa been much wanted, aa it bill a void which haa long been felt, but which there haa hitherto been no attempt torupply , and as farmers of Centre and Huntingdon countiea. we recom mend tha work to every furmer. as we fully believe that they will reap trie greatest posaiiite Dencnt in;aa it Dnnicl Mtawr, Christian Dale, Philip Mover, Jue'b Bloyer, lino roe Linn I. - Henrv Mover, Jurob Mnraer, , tamuei Millitaud, ' Jiihu Uniley, George Jack, (ttimuel Uutiran, . John Hiirmntf, . join. MeWillinms, Uearge llnchnrian, Ocorge (iuyer, Jr. Franris Alexander, John Carper, John NciT, 9enr. John Hiipwhi, ' John Hotter, H'inine. 'Vilpnn, Christinu llofler, lenree V. Meek, Jeeph Hnker tr The above work is fo? ante by Hev. S 0 . McK F R IlAM. Milton, Noithuniberland county, Pa. Price 8e. August I, 1S.17. 3ino 111 i: I.AIM.INT ESTABLISHMENT IN T II E C IT Y OF BALTIMORE. " T ATHIOT'ft ny Street Worrroomi Not V3 iv I and A3 Ninth (Jay ilreet, iieur Fayette, Haiti more I where it kcptalwuv mi Imiid, or made io order, every tylewf French TETI2-A-TETES, in I'luili, Hair, Cloth oriroeni.-Me. Frctvch Full Sin IT and Medullion Tartar Arm Chaira, in Plurh. Hair. CUdli or Dncatelle. French Fall Stuff Cm ved Farlcr Chaira iu acta, with rmaii, uair, CKin ur urocaieue. 8 OiF AS Half French tyring Miihnpnny and Walnut Parlor Chain, in Hair, Cloth aud 1'luth. KiH-lting Chaira variuua dcsigm, in ITair, Cloth and Pinch, Stutftyriiig Iounpf a lorpe assortment alvaa en hand, or an pattern made or covered with any gooria to oruer. CHAHBua suits; In'MahntzaiiT or Walnut, eoinnlete. from 35 no. Cane Chaira and KocLinjz do. the larent assortment ready made iu any one houie in the United Siatei from l? I -2 a dozen up. Bur Koom, Office and Pmiiiir Chain, in Oak, Walnut or Mahogany, wilh Cane, Wood or Stuffed Seata un aMortment emlitneinff over 50 dozen. Wood tent Chairs and Setttea aud Rocking Chaira. over iuu onrn. Gilt aud Plain Frame IjOokinf filansei, of every variety, Ail Kiuoa oi ueuBj uuir uuu xiubk ninurnBBi. A. MATHIOT. Nob. Q1 aud 29 N. Gay at , near Fayette at., Halt i mo re. Auguat i, its. ly H U S S Y ' S AMERICAN REAPER, FUlt CUTTING BOTH GRAIN AND GRASS, bTIREAT improvements for 1857. This Ma " chine was put in sucessful operation in 1833 end continued to be the only ieutuntr and Mow ing Machine in the World, of any practical valuo up to 18la twelve years alter us introduction Other Reapers are now offered with elowine ad. verliscments, Certificates, Diplomas, Gold and Silver Medals, &e. But the farmer in search of the best Reaper, and not ported in the matter, had better see a little furtlier. It' there is any value in 21 years experience in building Reapers, and using them in the har vest field, and in the improvements made during that long period, OBED HL-SSEV.lhe Father of Reapers, can claim it. All who are satisfied with the Best fieaper and Mower, aan be sup plied by sending their orders early in the season, as the crops indicate a large demand, and we can not have over SOO Readv for the vast harvest ofl8f7. We guarantee that this Reaper and Mower can not be beaten on fair trial by any other Reaper that may be brought into the harvest fields in 18S7. and we also insure it to be the strongest and most durable machine in use. We would respectfully invite Farmers to examine the machine thoroughly before purchasing, and satisfy themselves of it superiority over all others. During the Iji.I four years, the subscribers have sold between SOU and COO of these Machines, to ihe bestand most successful Farmer in Montour, Union and the neighboring counties, (whose names ore too numerous to insert) to whom we respectfully refer. The subscribers have '.he exclusive tight the following counties : M ontour, Union, buy do, Northumberland, Columbia, Luzerne, 1'erry MiUliii, Centre, Clinton and Lycoming. All orders thankfully received and promptly attend ed to. GEDDEs, MARSH & CO., Lcwibburg, Union county, Pa. July 11, 1857. HERRING'S SAFE. Tilt: ACK.NUWI.KDOKD TIIK RKCENT TRIALS Reading Unvts cudtiistril Uitt curieul ot' pul'Iiu opiuton, uitU continued tlie verdict ol nioi tiiaii 200 cci dcutul brt', pniving conctugivr-ly t nit 'iluuinHM u lite only bAt'E UriU will mL hum. KxirHft f lot the CoinmiUet-'a ilaiHiiLtiii the Tfiui vi Jiou tiui'ea ui Ucailing : On tht 2Gth of Fol.ruarv all lite mt'interi of I lie Com mittee niei Ui wUuru tbe Ssife hmI li-Miku uml japcr( (tjlitcvtl in tltttm) ui id were icH'tM-tly miticfitjd tliut ull was cigtit. Tlie diiy itillou'iii Hie imrnni 1-mh pluce. undt-r the atuperiitteiidfiisjtf u( tlm ComiuiUee. Alter fair uitd miiiurtml hjn.iitc tor h'a liuit, the ;il ol AJti. tvani tc Waiaoit was first ;iictl. the SulV heihg tm tue inndff, ml the cuiirnti imriutiiv tjtniiuiutil, witiltj the enn- tcut iii the rafef Meri. Karrcltlr. llcrtuig. wai m fww coiHiiunn, ami iui wit insiuc." ftsieuetU H K. VKIJX, V.N COIJ-.MAN, S&mmlttM. A. II . I'KACOCK. And e'tdred hvuver 50 of the best men nf Roadine. ThettbsiveSetlt-Mcuii lie impeded tit 31 Walnut Street, where tlie pnhlu- run nahNt y theiuswlvrs of the creut aupe. riority of the "Hettine'i I'alent Cliamnmii," ver tlu defatted and uied up "innUe Iron Ui-ur ISahtuiiider.1' VarrcN X lferrfu?, 34 Walnulff., PhUada. Only rmikui in thi State of llerring'i Paltnl Chantpioa EHUfsl. Tlie attempt nmde by rtther partitsi to bolster un the reputation oi u Hife wliiefa hue futleJ si sijruuUy n mvi denial tiff in Fliilndelma, (Ituiisceitd Vtiiuk.) hy Uikiuv one nut of an sgettt's store, (II. A. Lautz.) uuile douhls Miir.tnfs, (nnerent frimi tlmse they sell) l "tiurn up' oueoi iirtnn" s (nun ut uitrk) hus met with us true re- wiird. ilerru.sfs Sufe eou'ri int tie Uutiit, pri.vnif eoitclu' sivclv that the only Mifthir Hufe how nude isl'ilorritig''. of whir h over 13. Odd are imw lis nrtual usm, and woe1 ttmn Ni have been tried by fire without a aiugla It mm. rniin...iuit4 sfo. iv7 tv. hew imi,!iHmir STORE. TtriSS LOUISA SHISSLER, respectfully In forms the citizens ef Trevurtort and sur rounding county, that she has oiiensd a new store of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor- ton inohatnokin street, nearly opposite Knouse's I svern, where all kinds or Bonnets and Fancy uooua can ie nau at me lowest lenns. Dress making also attended to ia the best manner and latest style. April S. I8!S7 tf NEWS FOB. 1'IIE MILLION ! TJ7VMEKSON3 United States M a saline, 8a BLIA turday Evening Post, N. Y. Pkavuim. Magistrate, Nick Naz and Yankee Notions fur sale by H. V. 'RILING. N. B. Persons living at a distance can have a list of prices forwarded hy addressing as above, . Magazines, Paper and Book urn en baud. Mnsisnt'y ordered. " 1, lUvT.-tf a- . ...sJJlelGKT & SON, ' r ' BXJ3TBTTXl-5r, X ORTirTJ'MrBEIlL.A.N-XJ OOUNTY, 3?-A, ' HAVE JU3i ItKUKlVttU A LA Kit K SUPPLY. Of- 1 Dry Good, It end ninde Clolliiny, Iloota nml hoca, IHnrd ware, uroreries, lia Among oar present Stork may be foonil French Lawns, Poplins, Fancy Silks, Fluid Dural.Tisaues, Beregea, Debeges, Challi, Black Bilke, Alpncca, Gingham, Swiss Mull. Ttrlton, Cambria. Nain sook, Brilliants, Dimity, Book Muslin, Bchinctt Collars, 8wUs Flouncing, Inserting, Lacea, Kib bona, Hosiery, and a general assortment of FANCY OOODd. Embracing the moat beautiful styles, all qualities and prices. Domestic Goods, Windsor Shades, Oil Cloths and Carpets. Summer Goods for gents wear of every variety. Hardware embracing all kinds of building material, Carpenters Tools of the best manufacture, Filrs of every deecrtp tion, Cutlery, Shoe f indinga, Lasts, 4c. , . Former eHurl surpassed In addition to our former Store Room, we have which you will find well slocked with Heady Made durability and cheapness. We shall continue to assortment at all times complete, another inducement NEW GOODS AT LOW PK10KS We return our thanks to the public for their liberal natronnee, and respectfully invite aa Inspee tion of our Uond,, as we doom it a pleasure to wnit UUUKTKY FKODUCE TAKEi Ifl EXCHANGE. Bar Iron, 8tcel. Nails, Picks, Grab Hoes, Mason Hammers, Kill Saws. Window Sash, Grindstones, Glass, Paints, Oils, iisn, Salt, Bunl.ury, May 80, 1857. tf . - New Qoods for the People ! - BENJAMIN IIEFFNER RESPECTFULLY informs the public in gen eral that he has just received and opened a splendid stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS st his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stock consists in part ot Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton aud worsted. ALSO !' ; . Callroon, Glie!iAiita, Lansi, ftlousNellue He Lalucs . and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. . Grocer leu, Also an assortment of Hardware, I rots and Steel. Nails, &o. Also an excellent assortment of tWEENSWARE, of various styles and patterns."" -Also an assortment or HOOT tc SHOES. H ATS & CATS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, i'c. And a great variety of other articles such as sre suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. t7 Country produce taken in exchange a the highest prices. Lower Augusta, June A, f857. Wail Paper & Windnvr Shades. a. is ISAACS, Jo. 1G3 A'oifA Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. TTAVING completed their large assortment of tlie above Goods for Spring and Summer Trade; would respectfully invite the attention of Purchasers to the same. Their stock for beauty, cheapness and variety cannot be surpas sed. Thev have constantly on hand every descrip tion of Gold end Painted Shades, Duff Hollands, and Shade Fixtures. Wall Papers, Cmtains, Fire Board Prints, Borders, fcc , all of which they ofl'er at toner rates thsn can be hal at any other establishment. Call and ei amine. ' A. ISAACS. Ifl3 North Second Street. March 7, 1857. Gin w IOOO lbs of Carpet Stags) WANTED at the store of K. Y. Bright Si Son, who are constantly receiving a fresh supply of Goods, thus offering to the public the largest and most desirable assortment. July II. 1867. ISAAC M. WILKKHSON, FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Sola), III vh us iiikI l.uuiiKt-s) Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BKI.kF,lST AMI DINING TAMES and also VL.NETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern R-nd Mice CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE. STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of bis business. '"PlIE subscriber respectfully calls the attentioi - of the public to his large and splendid as sortment of every quality and price of aiii-av aici: which cannot fniltoreiommend itself toevery one who will examine it, on aecount of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in tlie ciy . No effort i a spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvement which are constantly being made. H e alse manufacture all kinds and qualifies ol CHAIRS. ncludinf varieties never before to ke had tl Sunbury, such as Msuouim, Black Witacv AJin Coslkii MirLX Ghkciax ; Au Wisnsna C1IAIKSI, an d TAvev I'iao Stoiils, which sr of the latest styles, snd warranted to he excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere, Hie subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, ss every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. These articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Couii' try I rod in e tsken in payment lur work. liNDEIlTAKlMS. Having provided handsome Hssasa, he is now prepared fur Undertaking, aud attending funerals, in this vi cinity, or at any convenient distance from this place. Vv The Ware Room is in Fawn Street, be ew Weaver's Hotel. H.C M. WILKERSON. 8unbury, April 18, 1857 tf. BALD EAGLE HOTEL. A'o.234 onrV 416 X. Third St., 1'hilaitlphia. (, JOHN CLYMEIt, Proprietor. (Successor to Dakikl Dalbxi.) T'HE Proprietor returns his thanks for the liher-U patronsge bestowed on this wrl known bou, and respectfully asks a cunlinu ance of the sama, ssurig bis many fiiends of Nortluiiiilii slaHU and adjiuniug. counlies, that no paina shall he spared t render comlort and plea sure to all who may give him a call. TEBMe' Ifil.OU rEU DAY. Philadelphia, July 'i lJ&7 3is Esiaenre of Jamulcsa (ilnitcr. THIS article la carefully prepared frc.m Hie best Jamaica Ginger, all Uie valuable nitKlicuutl pnipeilica o vvliicli u te warnuiletl Ut (mssuis IU a SulieciUrulnl Mild cuuve U4elltfHiu. It is ail excellent remeihr in dyspepsia, Haluleiiee, etio- lie auo impairetl mihi leeuia alule ! lite tliireative fui liiiue. Krin itereTreahiiktf aneiifflb-aiid nuilial pitieriies aa a gentle atiinulntiti toma it is wet! adapted to counter . eel Uie debilitating influeiiee the exireuie Seals ui" sum iner, Iheelteels ,r sudilen elAligee.Ae. N'iftniilvsli'mM be willfcHjt it, as ita timely use will eave lliein from many an serema attack of illnesa. Price ii cents per bottle. For sale by JuncDU, ItM (iu IJATCHOCLY. JOCKEY CLUB. SPRING FLOWERS, Ac. of the best quality 1 a ireab supply just received Drug Ktore of fiunbury, Aug. 1, 1857, and fur sale at the A. W, FWHEB. OUNTY ORDERS County orders taken v-' as cash fat oods, and on note or book ae oeuntby E. Y. BRIGHT tr 0N. , tlS. i(uennmirc. tve, In Quantity nnd Qualify, fitted do the aeeond trv of eur ealaldiehmnnt Clothing-. Boots and Shoes combining- beautv receive Goods Semi-Monthly, thus rendering our to all whs wish to purchase. on all who may-Javur us with a call. Chetse Meat, &c, always on hand. E. Y. BRIGHT . 80N . . SALAMANDER IIRE THIEF-PROOF SAFES. The laigest assortment in the United States, Warranted to be equal to ativ now made, ami will be sold on as Good IVtnis, as can be obtain ed from any other house in the Country t at EVANS & WATSON'S 26 South 4lh Street, Philadelphia. Trttth is Mighty, and Must Prevail. Report of the Committee appointed In snperin tend the Burning of the Tron Safes, at Rend- xng, February 27, 1857. RiADixe, March 4 The undersigned, members of the committee, do rcspecttully report, that we saw the two Safes originally agreed upon by Farrels it Herring and bvans at Watson, placed side by side in a fu r.ace, via: The Safe inuse by the Paymaster of the Philadelphia and Beading Ilailroad Oomiia ny, in his ollice at Reading, manufactured by .barrels oc Herring, and the Safe in use by H A. l.snlt, in his store, manufactured by r.van & Watson, and put In books and papers precisely alike. The.fire was started at 8) o'clock, A. M., and kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and halfchesmit top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the sn,"erln lendeiice ol the subscribers, member of the Com mittee. The Ssfes were then cooled off with water, after which they Were opened, and th books and raners taken out by the Cominitti and sent to H. A. Lantx's store for public exsm lued and marked by the Committee, t he book and papers taken from the Sale manufactured nv Parrels ir Herring were in our juilgmen damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than those taken from Evans & Wstsnn's Safe. We believe the above to have beim a fair an impartial trial of the respective qualities of both Bale. JACOB lLDYSlIEt, DANIEL S. HUNTER. Having been absent during tbe burning, we fully coincide with the above statement of the condition of the papers aud books taken out of the respective bates. G. A. NIOOI.LS. II. H. .ML'HI.K.XBEHfJ, JAMES Mil, HOLLAND. March SI, 1857. NEW A R It I V A L 0 F FALL AND WINTER GOODS! Ira T. Clement XO. . CORXER OF MARKE'l SQUARE, AS ju.st received a large supply of Fall an Y inter l.ootls. He wiil continue to sell Dry fioods aiuMircr- ceries CH EAPEIt lhan ever, as his iruoda are bought cheap they will be sold cheap. lie feels ciiiilident with Ihs experience and ability, that he can compete with the World at large and Sunbury in particular. lie would enumerate artichs if tiiuo and space would permit. It is enough to day that he has every tliitiB in the line of Dry Goods, Groceries, A large Slock of l.'csdy-MaJs CLOTHING, BOOTS AM) SHOES, j-c, jr., that is kept in any other Store hi town, ar.d His banner is on the breeze. And limy nv il wave O'er bud of the free, And thu te'iiie of the liruvs While tier Stursund her Stiipsi Shine out bice the un, Telling ail nations Thnt Freedom's liegua. This is a five country aa waa proved by the election of Uuch'iuan over the Wooly Hon, therefore it is free for all to do their trading where they can BUY he CHESPEST. All are mvi- ted Ui call and are. THE COUNTRY, as well k the town are respectfully invited, arid every person, rich or poor, biji'n or low, bond or free are invited' to call ar No. I MarVkef rtimare, opposite the Court House. P. 8 He is not tn be underse'd by any man or combination of men: No'charge for showing goods: All kinds of produce taken ill exchange for good si bunbury. Dee. SO, 1858. BROADWAY FAMILY GROCERY !' Flour, leed and Provision tore, liroadway below Blackberry Street. LEVI SEASIIOLTZ, LSTLUl r L I.I.Y inform the citizens of e.e Munhurw and vicinitv thai b haa r,n,,,u.l to the store lately occupied by C. Uehringer in Bsnudway near the Hail Koad, aiAl ia receiving a choice supply of FAlXLT GFsCCEPJES, consisting in part nf Hams, Shoulders, Mackerel. Herring, White Fish, Cod Fish, Salt Prexeived Fruit, Pickles, Crat keis, Cheese, Molasses, liice. Sugar. Cud'ee, (trreeu, roasted and ground,) Im perial. Young Hyson, Gunpowder and Black Teas, Cedar-ware, tttoiie-wara, Boapa, brushes plow snd wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco, segars, &c, together with every article usually found in a first class Grocery Store, all of which will be sold at the lovrest prices, either for cash or country paoduee. He haa also prepared to sup. ply the citizens with fseah bread, twist, rolls, pies, preUeU and cukss of every kind. N. B. The lugltest caah prices will he paid for butter and eggs, corn, oats, rye and wheat. Bunbury, April ! I, 1857 P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, JISTM H F TI1K PEACE, SUDBURY, PA. Office in Veer Stretttimmediattly opposite the J'uhlic School House. . , All business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writings done. Suubury, April VS. (657 tf pOHTaud MADERIA WINES, Schiedam Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry aud Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes el March 14, 57. A. V. FISHER. UGAB CURED HAM. A lot iu.t received aad lor sale by. LEH BEASUOLTZ. April 1T. THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFBik- LN SUN BURT, I'uithlonable, Cheap and tJiefal rilllE aubseritr, onf aertshlisbed aea OaWnel A and Chair Manufacturer in-Hunbary, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the pnhlte patronage. Hie ttock ol cabinet. wart), Chairs, 4c, embraeee ' Kvr.rtT vabiett", tscrot.. aud orna- in housekeeping. It is unneeeeeary to ename rate, as anything that may be required in bis line can be bad at moderate prices, vneap lor Cash, or Ceuntry Producatakeit la exchange, Eetabltnhinnl South Eatl Cotntr of Market Squart. ty These knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige bim by snaking pay me ut. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Punburf, April 4, 1S57 if ftiiauo! Guano! I Guano!! I ALL KINDS. LEINAU'S SUPER PHOSPHATE OP UM. 7000 TONS. CfrPARM&RBIt rnr your wheat crops, use LEINAU'S Super Phrarptiata i-f Lime, ar 21 Cts, a lb. or (MO a Ton; or Use I.K1 NAU'! A.MKKICAN KKRTII.rER. at S3..W a bW. or JS a ton One band of either ia sufficient for sn Aers of Whent. THESE ARE PERMANENT MANURES, mnde of reliable Chemiral Elements, and have been In siirressful use fur the past Sis Years, improving the SH.il ami rncreasiuprllievuluciH the loud r nur uinlomaa irm Ihe Jlnre Affricuitunii cnreiry ni Pennsylvania ; New Jersey Delaware and tha Crystal Palace AsniH hiiiiin -f the ('ity of New York, have been rereiveil 0 ihese Vnlunhle Pertilisera t'aiiiiihlets iu tlie Knsbsh mid German Lansasi. esa be had liv nnplimtmn nt the Oftlce. A i hern! fliffcnmit M v hnteeu e Dealers. ThenlKive Fertilisers, delivered FREE of Cartage to iv whari in the old ijiiy rruper. Orders sent hy Mnil aeeompniiied with Cash or Drafts, rill be promptly Shipped to any nnrtofthe World. GEORGE A. LHNAU.Prnp AU.Froprietts-. Nn. 10 Sonth Front Street, Pliiladetphia City iphia uny, Petnisylvanis. Jule SI. 1R.17.-4m w Baddlo land; Harness Maker. HENRV HAUPT, JR.. Successor to A, J. Strnh, RESPECTFULLY Informs the stliaia ttf Anhiir ami lha mih !''LSriA. lie. Eenerslly. that he has tsken the establishment lately occupied A. J Plruh st d is prepared to turh cut work in is line of business equsl to any made In this, section of the country, Orders promptly eiecu tad snd all kinds nf produce taken In Exchange Suhbury, May 9, 1HS7. ly GEORGE KENN, A NNOUNCES to the citlsena nfSunlJury and vlctnty, that he has opened an ofticeih Sun bury, above H. J. Wolverton's ofllce opposite) C U'mm,'. H.itvl vSrfeha ie nrenared ta attend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession, in the lutest and most improved style. All work well done snd warrnnted. December 13, 1856. R. DECOU & CO. Clothiers, No). 141 Chestkvt St., acovi Fovhtw, Philadelphia, Keep coTulantry 911 haitd a fplendiJ affbrtment of Readj-made Clothing. Goods madi to OaDta awv VYAaajoiTi TO FIT. Nov.t9, 1856 y Citrate of Magnesia on TASTELESS 8 ALTS. TMIIS preparation is recommended aa an ex " cedent laxative and purgative. It operatee mildly, is entirely fre from any unpleasant tnste reSeinblir( lemciisde in flavor, prepared and sold by A. W. FISHER. Bunbury, March H, fS'5. AI.:XlIl II KERR Importer and Wholesale Dtaler in SALT 3d South Wharves, Philadelphia. ASH TON Fine, Liverpool Ground, a Island and Dairy Salt, eon -aS"lanll) I.n.l a.,,1 frt, .'.I- in Inta ri fTTtjaa to suit the trade. April 4, 1857. 61W NEW CONFECTIONARY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARIIART, nA3 just received a new and excellent assort, incut of gcmls at Mia Confectionary and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunburv, where he man&fucturce ai d keeps on hand, at all times, rTi'e most choirs Confectionary, dtc, Wholesale and Ivetall, at Philadelphia prices. Among hia stock of ConlcclionaYiea, may be found : Prenrli Secrete; Cum rirnps, al! kinds of scent, I.nvc tiroes. Mini Drips, red sad whits, Jelly Cakes, Tluil Drops, &iek r,-hUes, ( sH seeirta Rofk Candy, Almond Caarfy, Ifurneit Ahntaals Cream White, " timts) Rie, Vanilla, Coiurraiu leetebi. Lie,utiice, JfJKUXT. BaiiBitnaj Prunes, Dales. fis. Currants drietf, Citrons, A inlands, Ruisone, Nuts ef sll kiads LEMON SYRUP of a sttprlribr quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality ot ctegars and Tobacco, and variety of Confectioneries, fruit. Ac, all of which is ollered cheap at wholesale or retail. IOE C REAM. Ha has al opened an 'ce Cream Saloon, and (Vill nt all times be ready to serve hia customers with Ice Cream. Bunbury, May S4, 1857. ly Ken Drugs), Paints, &c. NEW supply nf Drugs, Psints. Oils, Fluid, &e., just received snd for sale hy A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, May S, 1857. FURNITURE POLISH. 8. CAE'S Premium Patent Enamel Furniture Polish. This polish is highly valuable for restor, in(r the polbib on all kind of Furniture, Glass, Carriage Bodies. Hair Cloth. &c Also, for re moving spots, hiding scratches, Slc, Ac. War. ranted to dry immediately and retain ita gloss. Price 50 cts. per bottle. Sold by A. W. FISHER. March 14, J 8.17. BOAT AND MULES FOB SALE. THE subscriber offers at private GOOD MULES, and a good SH le, SIX SHAWNEA" BOAT, with futures, '('ha above will bo eold cheap, aud ou reasonaMe lernie. JACOB HEASHOLTZ, agent foe JOHN BLACK. Sunbury, March 88, ls)57 tf AND WARRANTS. The highest price '-'will be given for Land Warrants by the sub eril. H. B MASHER. P4. STOPPERS fo B MASKER. bar bottlea for aale by H. Sunburv. July It. I MM. KOVV.N'S and BreinkV Essence 0 Ginger - and Husband's Magnesia al March M.'M. FrSHER'S. fishing Tackle. Red Cork, Grass. Cot. tou and Li ueo Lit.es, Out Lioes, 80a Giaas by the yard, $noods. Flies, Kirby, Limerick aod Carlisle Hooka, Rode, A, fcreale by Merah 41, 5V. A- W. TtSflZ B. vjasnrorAiin. Ur respectfully in'erme the eitt jnbury and the publio generally, -t. sommocd tkai tnanofacture of all kinds ef ' 1ARTHENWAU1E, at his manufactory (n Whortleberry Jrret, ews squsre east of tbe River. He has engaged the services of Mr. Ha a r. and yea ca therefore depend on having a good article. The pub.te are respectfully invited to aalL All orders from a distance wilt be prsraatly attended te. . 1. M.BH1NDEL. Snnbory, Feb. , ISMetf JOIIIV II. AILEIf A. CO. Noe. t and I Chestnut Street, (amUl aids, below Tett J ' (Tern Olbist Wooa-wsaa Horn ia tas Citr ) MANtiF ACTURERSand Wholesale dealers in Patent Machine made HROOMft.t'etenl Orwived Cedar- Ware, werreiited not to shrink, Wo,al and Willow-Ware Cnnla, Brushes, Ao ,uf all doecriptieue. fleaaa sail sad examine our etnek, February S3, 1857. ly w VALUABLE PBOPERTYFOR SALE. flHE aubscribers, Exeerrtors of the esUte o JL Henry Mssser, dee'd., offer at private sale tbe following property via t A large two story trams dwelling house, together wub about 60 ACRES OP LAND, . Situate In Lower Augusta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and others new in the occupancy of John R. Kauftnan as a store and dwelling. The house is new and the location a food one for business. Also aTRACT OF LIMESTONK LAND. in said township on the river about 6 miles be low 5 unbu.y, adjoining lends of J. T. M'Phernoh and others, containing, about 90 acres. Tha soil is productive and contains limestone acd other minerals. Also a tract ef Land, containing about 31 acres on the hill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining lands of the heiis of the late John Cenrad and others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For farther particulars supty to the subscribers. H.B. MASSKR, ) P. B. MASKER, ExecUers. FRANCIS BLT.'Hfcn. J Bunbury, January 19, 1856. tf 3TEW ARKANOEMENT 1 Fresh Arrivul of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, &c. rilHE undersigned having taken the store for A merly kept by William A. llruner, is now ready to till orders and prescriptions at a mo menta notice, lie has a large and well selected stock of fresh and pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Dye-stuffs, Oil, Paints, Glass, Putty, sad all kinds of Patent Medicines. Fruit and confectionary Tobacco and Imported 8egsrs of the chnirest brands. Fancy Notions' toilet artirlea, and Per fumery of all kinds. Tooth and Hair Brushes Tbrands. ef every variety. CampMnt nnd Fluid always on Hand. Customers will find his stack complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to enu merate, and all sold at moderate prices. Kcmember the pises, next dear to E. Y. Bright's Mammoth Store. A. W. FISHES. Bunbury, March 14. 1857. MOUNT CARMEL HOUSE, MOUNT CARMEL, ffnrthwniertanH Coxinty, Pennsylvania. THIS large and commodious Hotel is situa ted nearly half way between Sunburv and Potlsvllle. The scenerythe salubrity of the atmosphere arid the cool mountain breezes, mske it one of the most delightful summer retreats in the country. The Hotel, is a new structure, four stories high, fitted up with all tha modern cen. veniencea. I he pure mountain water is miro duceu into every chamber. 1 he plare Is essy of access, being but one snd a halt hours lies from Sunbury, aver the Philadelphia and Sun' bury Kail Rosd. From Poftavilte, it ia 17 miles. Every attendance will be paid by the proline. tor to make guests comfortable. .Charges mode. rate. JESSE RICE, ML Csrmel, May 14, 1856 tf 3. 3TEW2LA.3Mt cts CO: -Leeklug Ulaases, Picture Frames, Kugravlogs aau Pnlnllegs, No. 128 Arch Street, abovo Sixth,' (Late ofSls) North Second St.) PHILADELPHIA. GstLsaiss orsN DtiLT Tn TisiTeaa. Merchants and others visiting the City who may want anything io our liae will do well to give us a call. February 2S, 1857 8m i. .visa, . CHRAP WATCH AND JKWKLRY STORE N 72 iSorfA Second Street, (rppositi th iftount Vtfnon House ) Philadelphia. GOLD Le-rer Watches, foil jeweled", 18 K, es ses, !8; Silver Lever i, do., ifi; Sil ver Lepme, do., 4"9: Quarlier. 3'5 te -77: Gold Spectacles. $4 5U to $ 10 ; Silver do., $ 1 60 ; Silver Table Spoons per sett, 411 to $18 Silver Desert do., do., $9 to SI I ; Silver Tea da., do., ifTl 75 to $7 50 ; Oold Pens and Gold Ca aes, $7 23 fo $5 ; Geld Pens and Silver do., ft; together with a variety of fins Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods wsrranted to be aa represented. Watches and Jewelry, repaired in the best manner. Alse, Ma sonic Marks, Puis, Ac, made to Order. N. B. AH ordera sent by muil eir etlrerwiee, will be puncfuslly attended te. Phila., Get. 4, 1858. lyw. PHILIP He PTJPsaCY. WMOLtaALS ill BSTSlt Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. E. cor. IVatnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be fteiaptly aupplied ar the lowest pricss. October 4, 1856 tf BR0DHEAD &r6bERTS Xo. 131, X. 2d Street, PHIXADEZ.PHIA, INVITE the attention of country aaercbanta ' and others, to their slock of BOOTS.& SHOES, which they will dispose of oil Ihe moat reason able terms. Nov.. 1851.- ly C. SElTEEPaT'O . WUfllkSiLS IIS Rs'Tltl BOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S.t, above Chesnnt, PhiTa. BOOTS, Shoes,Gsiters, 4c, promptly made to order ia the very best style, aud ef tbe beat material. Philadelphia. May , I8S7 Leather! Leather! Leather I IIKISRY W. OVtR.MAIS, IMPORTER nf French Cali"8iinand general Irfsthar dealer, No. lh Third street, Philadelphia. A eueral aaauiuueut uf all luuds ot Lealtaef Meroeos, 4e., ire. Red snd Oak Sole Leaiker. February W, IH.'; Is w PAPERS & MAGAZINES- THE Now York Ledger, Parlor Casket, Flsg of our L'nion, Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, Ballou's Pictorial. National Police (azeiio, Weekly Nosellstte, Waverly Magaiine, and Harper's Weekly Journal of Civilization Also, Harper' Magaiine, Godey'e Lsdv's Book and PuMnam's Msgatine, just receitedsnd fo sal by JJ , Y. FKILIN U. Suunury, July 11, 186T. A LMOND3, RAI8ON8. FIGS, LEMONS. Ac, cks, just reoeived fresh enpply and for eel at th OonrVotiontry store of M. (X CEAJUURT. twbury, May II, Shanokln Whltt Ash Anthraeitsi From Uu Vest." tn th Gap CoW J H. ZIMMERMAN & JNO. I. PI" eueceesorsto Ksm, K.eJ Co., M con tinue mining, shipping and etlliag tdal froas the) above well known Colliery, ander the firm at Zimmerman A. Purael. The poinl of shipment is at tbe lower wharf in Bunbury, Northonbee. i.nu e....j, r a waere all ordere for Ihe variolas kinds of coal, sit I Lump, Broken, Egg, fctove, and Chestnut Coal, wiU be thankfully reeeivod anil promptly attended to. . ouabary, Jaly H, 1854, ' 8o8uar, Iwit t, IIM. The firm of Kase. Reed A- Ca. h..i. .t.i their lease In the Gsp Colliery and interest in too wharf at Bunbury, to Messrs. Zimmermen i ursei, would take great pleasure in recommend ing our customers and others t the new firm, aa they will be able to sell tiiera prepared eoal a, the best quality, KASB. RKEDA CO. HAYDOCK & FIDDLER, TJEALERS In W.tches and Jewelry, will a-r continue the business at the eld aland of' James B. Fidler, iVo. 12 South Second Street. PHILADELPHIA, , Where they solicit an examination of thsir large and varied atoek, feeling assured that the ep rience both of them have had in the business, and the facilities they possess for procuring goods on the most advantageous terms, will ena ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment in the city. They have Ovw hand a 6ne assortment ef WATCITES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver, Plated and Ijrittania Ware, CaiUry . Fancy Oeods, Ac, 4c. N. B Repsiriua of Watches and all k - Jewelry attended te with promptoesa and tlsa greatest care. Phila., April 7, 1859. tf. WHITE HORSE HOTEL. rOTTSVILLE, PA. 111 E subscriber respectfully announces te kj aid friend and the public, that he has Ukeai that old ehd well known establi.hment, the white :Horse Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mahant.. ... . the Borough of Potlevillo. The hou.e hss'ra cently br ea very much enlareed and otherwise unproved, reudering it quite as comfortable as ,ny ether Hotel in Schuylkill eoumy-bil the stables are large, in aood enr diiin ,a ... tsad by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. -re. eiier any other. Who may stop ul hi bouse, he proaiises every attention cslculuted U render tlisra csBfertsblk and saiisBed 1. ,ai. JOS. M. FECES. April I, 184'.. sf HENRY D0KNEL. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ijncs opposite tr.t t Hurt lloust, Eefluury, Iforthnihberland Coutty Pn. 1 rem pi atieullon to bustaess 111 adioiaia ,ounties. EAGLE HOTEL, OI'POWTK WKST BRANCH BANK, "WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. WILLI in 11. U4I, rioiritr. C. A. Stsiss, Assistant. N. B. An Omnibus will tii to aad from rSe Depot and Packet Landings, to Ibis Hotel, far of charge. September I J. I HAS tf , DANVILLE HOTEL. eTOIIlsr DEBN, JH., Xfarlet Street, Dunvillt, Pa, rpHI8 is one of the large! and most somas a -A dioos hotels in the interior ef IVimslania it has been recently fitted up, in eicelleat sis la, with nil ihe modern conveniences. Dativillsd, SepL 22, lit55 Clicup Watches fyJewelr YyilOLESALE and Retail, at the "rhUadele T phia Watch and Jewelry Wore," No. North Second 8treet, corner of Quarry, PnilABELPlIIA. SaW LVtr Watches, fall jeweul. Is carat ease.. M CO 0"id Lepuia IS, til tifl, Fine Silver finetiaclea. li Sileer I-o. fuU jswllad. J0 Unlrl Biucelets. i SO Ullvei Leter, fall jewl'd PJ t adiea' G..I.1 I'miatU I OU Uiip.iior Quartiers, 7. Silver Tos smtoua, sei, s'se 6ald flpeeiarlrs, T,se OolS r, with reneM aaS Silrer Hukler, . !, Gold Finger Rings, 37 J cents to $H0 ; Watek Glasses, plain, 1 24 cents; Patent, lei; Luuel, 15 ; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what tbey are sold for. STAL'FFER dt HARLEY, On htad, sortie Gold and KfNer Let era ad J .spines, etill lower thsn the above prixee. Oct. 4. I Ron y. A RNOLD'S WRITING FH ID and Adko aive and lefal envelupea, for sale bv II. B. MA.su EH. Hunhsnr, Tan l. la.Mt. GEORGE SCHALL & CO. rtAMtracrt nut . . . it BtASTIlMGI- POWDBIl, Mt. Carwiel, Northumberland Coui.ty, Pm. May 10, I8S6 TILANK Parchment Taper Deeds and blank .lortgsgs. Sands, Execirtiane, Somra,s Vc, far sale V II. B. MAHMKK. Sunhary Apr! s. iasfl STOVES- 7H)R 9 ALE an oxcellrnt second hand ( oak.' SL ing Store, also several Cylinder Oeal Stoma Enquire al thia nnV. GOLD PENS with snd without eaacs, of a very suiierinr quality, jost recnived. Also a fresh supply ef Writing Fluid, far sole hy IT. U. MAselKR. Sunbury. Dec 57. IR.'rt- GOSURN CHEE6E. Jy.l received and for sal by LEVI SEASMOLTZ April 11, lr7. SILVER WATCHES. A few double ca ftneli.K Hll.a. W.lek.. f... la 1. prices by Sunbury. H. B MASSE R, April 11. I R.'fi. AMERICAN IlOUSla, WILLI AM SPOUT, PA.. J. II. KILTOV, l'repi lelor. Jis. T. 11 ai.u Ass t. Sept. 13, 1856. tf )L'RE OLIVE OIL for table use,-two sis - at and 82J cents just received bv A. W. M3HER, March 14, '67. stationery. A large supply of fancy li Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Lstl aad Cap Paper, Pens, Iuk, Sand, Ac, at March 14, '67. A. W. FISHER'S. ut tie. PORT MONAIES, Tooth and Hair Brush all qualities, and any qusuti y, fr sale by A. W. FlfHER. Mareh 14. 'S7. A 8I1AXTY FIK( K4I.B. THE subscriber offers for sale bia SHANTY. Cook-Stove, tVc, on the Rail-Road brlust Trevorton Bridge. Apply soon 10 H. B. M ASSSIL Sunbury, April 3 1857. . FOR SALE. A Good socoad-hand Buggy. Apply et th! ollice. FOB BENT. fllHB flora Room im Market alreet, occupied JL by P. W. Gray and th dwelling bona sd joining. A pply to tb asacutr of H. Maasar, Jiu.ury IT I(oT.