Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 07, 1857, Image 2

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-9,000 in Specie Financial Affair in
Europt Bank of England, BBank of
Franc, 1Bank of Hamburg, 9 J Ame
rican Stocks Km Contoli, 88 1 a 881
Fatwrablt Harvest. ' ' "
Tbe steamer Indian bat arrired with Liver
pool date to tb 2 1st nil. ' Sh furniibei
nothing later from India.
; The iteamebip Arago, Capt Lines, which
left Havre and Southampton on the 21st of
October, arrived at New . York yesterday
morning. ,.
' She bring! 239,000 dollar In specie. --
Amog the pansengers by the Arago are
Angnde Belmont, U. 8. Minieter at the
Magna, Charles Looser, Consul to Austria,
the family of Colonel Fremont, Lorenzo
(Starr, Bearer of Despatches, from London,
nd Bishop Alaruhant, of New Orleans.
The Bank discoant at Hamburg had ad
vanced to per cent. At Dremo tha
tightness of the money market was more
Tha Legislative Assembly is to be con
voked about the end of Novomber. The
Council of State was to resume its lubors on
toe 20tb of October. (
Hreadstufls la Franco had fullen to ordinary
prices in consequence of the plentiful crops.
Lord Uowdon is said to have bad a long
piivate audience with the Kinpernr Napoleon.
The King of 1'ruseia was slowly improving.
A royal ordinance, signed by the King of
Prussia, is duily expected in Berlin, provis
ionally delegating the Regal powers to the
l'rince of i'rusiia. This would avoid a for
mal Kegency to which the consent of the twe
Chambers would be oeceeary.
There was a marked improvement on
'Change in Vienna, on the 17th ult. .
Information from Madagascar confirms the
report that the Queen had ei polled all Eng
lish and French residents. The reason as
signed is tbnt .the Europeans entertain
project of dethroning the Queen and placing
tier son on the tbroue.
From the Loudon Times, (City Article,)
The Bank of Etialaud have to-day raised
their rale of discouut from 7 per cent., wbicb
was adopted on Mouduy last, to 8 per. cent.
1 uia step is solely in consequence ol the
American news. According to the latest
dates, the rate or exchange even for the best
bills bad fullon t a poiut which would give a
very large profit on gold from England, and
although, owing to the possibility of a trodden
rebound, speculators on this side might hesi
tate to undertake the operation to a heavy
extent, the amount of bills transmitted from
New'York, with direct orders for returns to
' be made in specie, coupled with 'the sums
being despatched by our capitalists for the
purchase of securities, involve the certainty
of a further drain, against which tbo most
prompt precautions were requisite. The
public were aware that the question of an
advance to 8 per cent, would depend entirely
upon these advices, and if the Ariel bad
arrived at ber expected time, the movement
would doebtless have been adopted threo or
four days buck, since the latter accounts,
brought via Boston, are scarcely so bad as
those with which she started.
The rate now reached is equal to the, high
est known in modem times, and our only ex
perience of it was for four weeks from the
25th of October, 1817, when the railway
panic attaiued its climax, and consols were
down at 80, the bunk bullion having been
reduced to 8,312.000, and the reserve to
1, 547 000. In the present instance it is
unlikely that the pressure will last even so
long as four weeks, but, as our condition most
depend upon tho course of the American
disorder, and it is impossible to conjecture
. what may be tho next turn of frenzy, wc must
bold ourselves prepared lor oil contingencies,
According to the accounts to-doy every.
thing had been brought to a dead lock.
Debts could not bo paid between distant
cities because there were no safe means of
remittance, and produce ready to be converted
into gold could not bo forwarded to port,
owing to the absence ofauy power of obtain
ing advances upoo it. Every one saw that if
the machinery of ordinary custom could
gain be set in motion, all would instantly be
righted ; but in no quarter was there power
to brine nhnul such a result. nether C3
cape would be found through some final con
vulsion, or through a slow and fluctuating
convalescence, no one could predict, but it
was certain that matters could not continue
Ions; in their then State.
Amoug the considerations on the favorable
Bide was the fact tnat the stock or specie l
the New York banks still stood at 2,280
000, which is beyond its average amount, and
more than 500,000 in excess of tho total
held at the corresponding period of last year,
while their note circulation was less than at
that time. The California arrivals of about
' 250,000 each fortnight would also be re
' tained, and in less than a week the Vender
bill would be due from Havre, with, it was
believed, 200,000, to be followed shoitly by
the 820.000 lately despatched from London
and Liverpool. Against these prospects, the
ouly aluruiiiig point is the possibility of the
run upon the banks lor hoardmgpurposes,
Which had already assumed disagreeable pro,
portions, becoming altogether ungovernable
Krvrrfkof Fortune. Among the list of
those who were obliged to yield to the pressure
snd suspend payment there was tha name of
one geutiumuu published last week whose
case is peculiarly severe, homo years ago,
when gold was first discovered in California,
lie went out there, and by Ins exertions accu
tnulated upwards of 100,000, which he in
vested in real estate and returned to this city
and engaged ia active business here. A few
months ago, when there was a finuncial panic
in San Francisco, he sent out an agent to
look after bis interests, with orders to convert
everything into cush, at any sacrifice. The
result was that the agent closed everything
for $b0,000, with which lie started lor home
and took passage on board the Central Ann,
rica, ia which vessel he was lost with hit
treasare, and the owner from independence
Las been reduced to poverty. This is. a hard
case, indeed, Button Gazette.
Onto. Ohio is politically one of the mod
uncertain States iu the Union. Three rears
ago, at the first election after the passage of
the Kansas- ebrasua bill, uuio gave durii
Hwan, Republican, 60,000 majority; and in
1833 uov. unaae naa oa.uuu majority, wniit
ex-liovernor Trimble, the Americao caudl
date, had some 25.000 votes. In lttO Uov,
Corwio received 16.000, and Geo. Harrison
20,000 majority. At the next State election,
Shannon, Dumocrat, was elected over Gov,
Corwin by some 8.000 to 12,000 majority,
In 1848 Gov. Ford. Whiff, was elected by
loan than 400 tnaiority over Wcller, now of
California. In 1851 Governor Wood had
erne 75.000 ever . F. Vinton, the Whi
candidal. In 185l it gave Fremont 80,000
majority, and now, in 1857, it only gives
Chase, Uepublican, 1,'Jiiu.
'o Shall Notks. Mississippi ia to be
added to tho list of States which have prchi
bited the circulation of bank uotcs of a less
denomination lll&O five dollars. A law tO
. tbiseflr.jcl goes jnto operation the first day of
NVMt t.U bank
raw . . . -
Et. B. MASSElt, Editor and Proprietor
To AnvMTiiitm . -Tlit circaletloa of the Banbury
kimncu amour, the different towne on the Suequehanna
not exceeded tfeqnelled by any piper pabtiefced in North
era reiinevfvmin. , v
OT Lost. A' lady's breast pin of large
sire and filigree work, with designs of fruit
was lost in this place, on Thnreday evening,
The finder will be rewarded by leaving it at
this office. ' . . ...
" Ul i j
63" Malicioi-s Mtscmrr Some boys in
this place, end others who consider themselves
young men, often conduct themselves as if
there was no law, to restrain them in their
depredations and rowdy proceedings. " It
woold to, perhaps, well enough to make an
example of some ef them, to convince them
that the law! are still in force. ,r .
C3r Admitted. On Monday Inst, on mo
tion of Seymour P. Ball, Esq.. A. Jordan
Rockefeller, Esq., was admitted to practice
iu the several courts of this county We
cordially extend to bur young frieqd the right
hand of fellowship and welcome him into the
ranks of the profession. Mr. Rockefeller is
a young gentleman of good character, and
excellent abilities, the richest inheritance a
man can possess in this free country.
It has been rumored in some of the papers
that Wm. U. Foster, Esq., Vice President
of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company in
tended to resign on account of ill health
We are pleased, however, to see this rumor
contradicted. The management of the Penn
sylvunia Railroad is alike creditable to the
late and the officers and board who conduct
its affairs. When Mr. Foster was a candi-
ate for re-election for Canal Commissioner
we opposed him, for reasons mainly of a local
character, but which subsequent events have
laced in a different light. We have ever
ntertained for bint a hieh regard for Lis
fficial abilities and integrity of character,
nd trust tho company may long retain bis
valuable services.
An editorial article under this head, ap
peared in our columns last week, daring our
absence at Philadelphia, which should pro
perly have been inserted as a communication.
Mr. Allibone, it is true, has always been re
garded as a men of good character and busi
ness habits, bnt we do not wish it to be tin-
erstood that we approve of the presont
Banking system, and the manner in which the
Pennsylvania and other Banks of Philadel
phia, have been conducted, of late years.
RAIL. no. 111.
On Monday last the Sheriff of this county
sold the Philadelphia and Suubury Railroad,
extending from Sunbury to Mt. Carmel or
whero it intersects the Mine Hill extension,
together with seven tracts of coal land, con
taining abont 3000 acres, on which is erected
the "Lancaster Colliery" and other improve
ments, aud also all the locomotive engines
and cars. The Lancaster Colliery tract was
bid up to $600. The other tracts to 100
each. The sale was made by the holders of
the second mortgage bonds, and was, of
course, subject to the first mortgage, which
amounts to $700,000. We understand that
the second mortgage bonds, S'00,000 in
amount, will be cancolled and converted into
stuck. The property was knocked down to
12. S Wheelen of Philadelphia, who repre
sents the parties interested iu the first und
second mortgages. The bond holders of the
third mortgage may, perhaps realise some
time out of a tract of land covered by the
latter mortgage.
The road is in excellent condition and
must always prove ono of the most produc
tive in the country. The coal lauds and im
provements, are alone worth, perhaps, $200,.
000 or $300,000. If the new Company would
dispose of these lands, the proceeds would
enable them to make a through connection
with the Miue Hill cxlensiou, and stock the
road, aud make it oue of the most valuable
improvements in the country.
There is a general complaint, and very
properly loo, of the high price of all tbe ne.
cessaries of life. Flour and bread is perbapa
higher in this neighborhood, than any portion
of the Slate. This bears severely npon tliofe
who can least afford it, and has compelled
individuals, io some places, to form leagues or
associations to protect themselves.. Good
wheat could be procured and sold here by
oar millers, at SI 40 to $1 CO per butLib
and flour at $3 50 per 100 pounds. As a
general thing 100 pounds of good Hour will
produce 133 pounds of bread, and when ba
kers in cities do a largo business, they can
afford to give a pound of bread for one of
flour. In the country 25 per cent additional
would, perhaps, not be too much. And a
flour ran be obtained at 3J cts., per pound,
bread'might be sold at 4 with a profit of
over 50 per cent. Tbe inflated prices that
have ruled for years past must come down.
Things must ait u me a standard mora iu ac
cordance with the common sense view of
oldeu time. There is 00 reason why beof,
butter, tit., should sell at almost double price
while potatoes aud many other article re
noarly the same. A for wheat we must ex
pect to pay something more than city price,!'
In consqaeoc of the failur of th crop.
17 On Thursday afternoon, the 23lh ult.,
th Niagara Express Train, in rounding a
carve about a half mile below Milton, ran
era man named Michael Shell, who wa
' "i tbe track in a tate of intoxication,
ry cut him in two, Th Uillonian
- year past Shell b beo
court prtocEcpisaa. -
Cummon'h vs. Edward Knoeblt Cherg,
Fornication and Bastardy. - Defendant bonad
ef r to appear tt nest sessions.
Some r. Chath$ Kutt Charge, Fornica
tion and Bastardy. Defendant boand ever
to appear at next sessions.
Samt .. Michael Ftnttermacktr Charge,
Fornication and Bastardy.. Defendant boand
over to appear at next eesslon. '
Sam ri. John CJrvan Indictment, Lar
ceny, for stealing from Owen Magce, of Mt,
Carmel, $110 la gold.' Defendant plead
guilty and enbmitted to the Court. Tha
Court sentenced the defendant to Imprison
ment for 12 months in the Eastern Peniten
tiary, to be removed In 20 days, and the
Sheriff allowed one assistant. ''
, Same v. . Athbg Lawrence' Indictment,
Malicious Mischief. Bill
Ignored and tb
prosecutor, O. W. Stroh, to pay the cost of
prosecution. . ' - J .
Same vs. Charltt Can Indictment, Al
sault and Battery. True bill. Verdict, not
guilty. 1 -.. . -;
Same n Phleger.-Indictment, Assault en
William Stoiver. True bill, verdict not goil
ty. ' Prosecator for costs.
Same n John and Jacob Crawford-Assault
and Battery on John Pad. Bill ignor
ed. Prosecutor for Costs.
Same v Michael Cocoran Indictment Lar
ceny of a five dollar bill, tha property of Mi
chael Haley. . Verdict not guilty.
Same vi Jerutha Cunrad Indictment Lar
cenry: Bill ignored. : .
Same i-t Jacob Beyer Indictment Larceny
Bill ignored. . -;v. - .. ' . - ''
Same vs. Michael. lidach Indictment, Lar'
ceny. Bill ignored.
Same r. George Snyder and Peggy Snyder
Indictment, Larceny. - Bill ignored.
In the Cbmuwn Plea the Case of William
IIeiUmani$. Jacob Hilbith occuniod most of
the time of the Court. The plaintiff claimed
over $100 for plastering , defendant's hon?e
Defendant pat in a plea that the work was
badly done, and claimed damages' This was
the second trial. Verdict for plaintiff for
$50. . .
' ' PtlVflVLVA!IA DUTCH.. .
Friend Racch of the Mauch Chunk Ga
zctte, is treating Lis readers,' weekly, to a
column of what he calls Pennsylvania Dutch.
At a Fremont Republican be serves up iu
Dutch the following' old exploded -10 cent
story on Mr. Buchanan, to which we have
replied in tho same classic style :
"Wie debt ovver der old Demekratish
Buck gleicha for 10 cent der dag sei living
ir.ocba, aestot $25,000 a yohrt Mer dehta
lhn gleicha amohl senna en dag bolts bocka
for 10 cent, no don betiahlt werra mit an
Jimmy" shin plaster. Es deht ilini ferleicht
gutb wan er amohl rech dorcb an dorch
ehwitza mist en gontzerdag, forlOeent. Sell
deht ilia ferleicht fun seiner 10 cent notion
Des obige is fon der Mauch Chunk Gazette,
Sis about zeit das leite woo garo andlich aei
wolla, so ein dreckiche sthory of geva data.
Loser J resident hut selebdag nix so recora
mendirt as 10 cent der dag for shafflite. Der
10 cent sthory is about ufen par mit den
"wooly borse" or wollena guul sthory, woo
der Fremont gefanga but in de Rocky Moun
tains. Die Fremont leite hen hat gebroveert
daa woll iver die aga fon die leite zo ziege,
aver sie hens net comma kenna. Was mer
notewenig havva sot is ein tariff, das mir net
ouser gult und silver aus em landt sbicke
mus, fur eise und ondera such, as mer de
home macka kenot, and unsera leite arbeit-
63)rTiiE Times axd the Tariff. A sub
scriber who was a workman in tbe Furnace
of Mr. S. H. Wood, at Red Point, requests
us to discontinue Lis paper a be ia about to
leave. Ho says
"Our wages is broke 25 cents on the dollar
now, and to be paid in store pay altogether.
Su 1 think J caouot pay for your paper any
more, for I think by this time next year there
is not a working mun but will bo head over
heels in debt, aud 1 think you and your party
and your free trad is tho cause of all our
we think our mend has not read our
paper very attentively, or he would not
accuse us of favoring ''free trade." We have
ever advocated a tariff that would exclude
foreign iron and other leading article that
should and could be manufactured at, borne.
Death of Valkntike Best. The last
Danville Intelligencer, comes to as in mourn
ing ior me neatu or the editor or that paper,
Col. V. Best, who departed this life on Wed
nesday evening the 28th ult. Col. Best was
an active, energetic, useful, and highly re
spected citizen, and his death will be much
regretted in tbe community in which he has
resided nearly all his life, and whose interests
he had deeply at heart.
He died in the 57th year of his age, and
leaves an interesting family to mourn the loss
ef a kind and indulgent husband and father
C3" Official Vote on tub Cokbtitctiosal
Amendments. The following is the aggie
gate official volo 00 tho Amendments to the
Constitution, cast at the late State Election.
The Amendments, having gone through all
the required formalities, are now, of course,
a part of the fundamental law ef tha Com-
uiouwealth :
Fur '
Majority for 100,A3 VS,VJl U4.KH 104,73
(ST Dkatu in a Lime-Kiln. We regret to
Iburu .that John. Manser, sou of Ferdiuaud
Masser, of Jordan township, in thi county
waB suffocated by tho gases of a lime kiln,
which he cute rod on Saturday last. The de
ceased was a worthy and industrious young
man. He was engaged in burning lime 00
his father's farm, aud had incautiously entered
the kilu, under which he but a bhort tiui
previoualy started the Cre. ...
r The iovestigatious into th affair of
tue nau oi i enosyivaoia (how a balance ia
lavoroi me caoK or uu,ooo aner all their
iiauiiiuc are paia proviUea tUey r.iake all
their collection: thi will divid about 821
a share to lb (lockboldert aixty day ago
thi stock told at t)110.
ar ma tucTiON. Jo Kew York tbe
Blate is claused DJ tb JJemocrat by a ma-
loritv of 20.000. . . . I
- - '
la Baltimore tb. .l.ctioa came 00 with but
mu. iiuruaocw. a um Amrwiix oav ear.
tied tb city ly about 6,000.
.'.TO following List of Discredited Noten
corrected by Drexel k Co., are booght by
the brokers of Philadelphia, at the price
fixed opposite to the name of each Sanitation
not at so much discount, bit at to, many
cents on the dollar". The lift possesses much
interest for avert' man in business "at these
times of sadden changes in the value of bills.
Cot it cut and pott it op ia soma convenient
place fur reference :
no tale
l " (
Bank of'neltowell, llallowell,
Canton do., China, t; ' . '
Uiiewortb do., Kllsworm,
exchange do., Bangor,
Hancock do., Ellsworth,,.1 , , . M
Maritime do., Bangor, ' ..'' .
moasaoi Hiver oo., cauioro, , ; -Stanford
do.. Banford, ' . " -
. , ,v
ueafar at a wtaaiu t not .
anaiTV s o u a
Exeter do., Exeter, - -' . t . 25 p. ct.
tcrvoxt. '
Bank of Rovalton, 60 "
Dauby do., Daoby, 25 "
Missisauol do.. Sheldon. 60 " '
South Koyalton do., South Rovalton, f0 "
St. Alban's do.. ' . ' CO
Stark do., Beouington, . ,50' "
Cochitnate do., Boston, . bo sale.
Grocers' do., Boston,
Western do., Springfield, "
Bank of tho South County, Wakefield, "
Bank of the Republic, Providence, "
Farmers' do., Wickford, - "
Hopkinton do., Westerly, ' "
Alonnt Vernon do., i rovidence,
11. I. Central do.. E. Greenwich. , "
Tiverton do., Tiverton, . "
Warwick do , Warwick, "
All other R. I. Banks taken at 60 p, ct
Dank of HarJford County. Hartford, 70 "
Bank of NorTh AmericnVeymour, 60""
Bridgeport City do., Bridgeport,
70 "
tO "
Charter Uaa do., Hartiord,
Colchester do., Colchester,
Eastern do., W. Killiogly,
Exchange do., Hartford,
Hatters' do., Bethel, ' . -
no sale.
70 p. ct.
Merchants' Exchange do., Bridgep't, 40
Mercantile do., Hartford, ; 70 '
Pawcatnck do., Pawcatuck, . fcO
Pahquioqne do.. Banbury, . ' - 75
Qniuebaug do., Norwich, . .... 70
Unuas do., iNOrwich, .: ,U
v indbam County do.. Brooklyn, - 50
Woodbury do. Woodbury, - 60
Wooster do., Danbary, i . 80
Agricultural do , nerkimer Co., 65
Batik of Orleans. Albion, no sale,
Central do. of New York, of Utica, 70 p. ct
uairyman do., ivewport, Co
lUmilton Exchange do., Greene, 63
llolliuter do., Buffalo, 75
Huguenot do.. New Pal tx, 70
Medina do., Medina, f5
Niagara River do., Tonawnnda, 65'
O. Lee & Co.'s do., Buffalo, ' 75
Ontario do., Utica, 40
Reciprocity do., Buffalo, 30
Sackett's Harbor do., Buffalo, ' SO
I roy Cily do., Troy. .70
xates County do., 1 en xan, , uo sale,
America do., Trenton,
Bank of New Jersey. New Brnns'k, 50 p. ct.
Bergen County do., Hackensuck, ' 76 '
Cataract do., Patterson, : 70 "
Union do., Frencbtown, 90 "
tanners' & Mechanics', N. Bruns'k, 50 "
Morris County do.,
Buck of Pennsylvania, Philuda., no sale.
Erie Cily do., Erie, "
Hank or Newcastle, Newcastle, b.) p. ct.
Lancaster do., Lancaster, ' 35 "
Merchants 4 Menufact s, Pittsburg, 90 "
airu uounty do., Warren, ' SO "
Cumberland de., Alleghany, .- 85 "
Cumberland Savings do., 65 "
farm. & Mechanics do. of Kent Co., 90 "
Farmers '& Mechanics , Ureeusburg, no sale,
Frostburg do., Frost burg,
90 p. ct.
Mineral an., Cumberland,
do sale.
Valley do., Hsgerstown,
Rank of Kanawha, Maiden,
Trans-Alleghany do.,
Miamn Yullev, Dayton,
30 p. ct,
ao '
, 30 "
20 "
20 '
Dayton do., Dayton, . ,
City do., Cincinnati,
Cauttl do., Clevelaud,
Seneca County do., Tiffin,
Sandusky City do., Sandusky,
Jliutoo do., Columbia,
CaT The following account of the murder
of Mr. Carter, of Tamaqua, we take from the
Philadelphia North American of the 6th inst:
Tragedy aV the St. Lawrence Hotel
M cmn oe a ' Baku Pbmidkkt. Tbe quiet
uud good order 01 tbe above botel was broken
up yesterday by tbe murder of Mr. Uichard
Carter, President of the Anthracite Bank of
Schuylkill county, by a man named Thomas
Washington Smilb, who is a travelling agent
for De Bow's Review. .. The uffuir was on
of extreme suddenness. The prisoner simply
entered the frout silting room, where the
deceased was seated in conversation with bis
oephw. No other persons were In tbe room
al tne lime. 1 he nephew reined upon bear
ing tbe prisoner request a interview witb
his ancle, a few momenta after which the
prisoner drew a revolver and fired at least
four bullets into Mr. Carter' body. The
deceased expired witb a tingle groan, hi
heart being completely perforated by a bullet,
; The primmer passed into the street, where
he wa lullewed and arrested. Wbun this
occurred, be surrendered to th officers a
revolver aud bowie knife, and suffered himself
to be led quietly to the Central PoliceStation
tTJf The Hfnntnnr American ia dnnn on tha
iotlerT dealttr of tUa gouth wbo annoy
people by teuding their schemes through the
mail. Frieud Brower should call on the
President of the lat Editorial Convention
to aid in the suppression of this evil.
JT Sn.KKUiD Um-ts See U. U. . Evan'
advertisement in auothercolumn. Our county
friend who may happen to visit Philadelphia
during the Fall aud Winter, should embrace
tbe opportunity to call at Evans' Star Gift
Book Store, 439 Chesoat street, to get
bargain. Andevep if they don't want to
buy, tbe sight is worth th trouble of calling,
and Evans will take pleasure ia showinc
them hi immense and varied stock of goods.
tjT Mobk SrEC!, The steamer "Si.e 01
th Wet" arrived at New York on W.,ln....
day witb 1,64.000 ia Gold. Th receipt o
B0ld witbin a week uast-bava b... r... - .
fly million of dolUr,
CP; Latest raox Lcaorn. Tbe arrival of
tbe Canada bringa another Million io Specie
from Europe. - Tb money pressure is ahat-
I ing. Cotton, and EreafUtuO are decliaioc
I TaeTurkiab Miuntry m avertbrowa.
I rm. A T I- I . I . V
B.-f"Z" 1 'kX l".. "
jQ tb IU war at Of th? tea wer
(7 The operations of tho L i.
Mint to Philadelphia, daring the
October, were as follows t
M.B62.14A r fc03,arfl
Deposit!. tK
$3.ML40 L
The number of nieces was as follows
Doable Knglea 119.C82, Qoarter Eagles 07,-'
400. Half Dollars 320.000. Quarter Dollars
2,400,000, Half Dimes 760.000, Three Cent
pieces 24S.O00. Cents l.fiGP.OOO 5,472,982
This is the largest month's work dona at the
mint lor a great while. J v r - . f ; '
The U. H. Treasurer t statement, ftoblish'
ed to day states by return received op to Oc
tober 26th, there was subject to draft in the
diQerent depositories the sum or ril,802,22i.
The principal amennts were as follows t
Treasarv. Wasbinaton. D. C
$230,633 01
Assistant Treasurer, New Yom, Dlt.zib ad
Assistant Treaaurer. PbiUde1phiav26,f35 93
Assistant , do., St Lonis, Mo, 1,168.009 63
Assay Office, Now York, 1,844.500 06
Mint or tbe u. States, rune, j.ytw.zu iu
Branch Mint, New Orleans, . 1,489.267 40
Branch Mint, Sao Francisco, 1,500,000 06
In New York mnnev ia easier, and stock
operations are reported without change, ex
cept ia Reading, Which fell off slightly.
( The re-establishment of a National
Bank is advocated by the National Intelli
gencer, New York Times, and other Journal.
Likewise a re-organization of the whig party.
DAOL'RRREOTTris bt LioiiTSiNO. A coun
trywoman has recently arrived in Pari from
thtdepartment of Seine-ct-Marne, who should
be presented to tbe Academy or sciences.
She was a short time. since watching a cow
in an opea field, when a violent storm arose,
She took, refuge under a tree, which at the
instant, was struck by lightning j tha cow
was killed and she was lei led to the earth
senseless, where she was soon after found, the
storm having ceased with the storm which
felled her. Upon removinir her clothintr, the
exact imatre of the cow killed by her side
was found distinctly Impressed opou ber bo.
A New est roa trx Chisese Sugar Cam?.
The Boston Jourttal has seen a specimen ef
wra-Dnin naner made from the ftbre of the
Chinese soirar Cane in Newtof). Mass. It
lay tbe specimen prove conclusively - that
paper an be made from that plant.
There is a rlerk who has been in the New
York Post-office forty years. He formerly
carried the whole Shootherir mail io a bag
under his arm across the river to Jersey City.
The same mail now amosoti to tea thoussnd
pounds daily!
A Frek The New York Port slates
that at tbe late benefit of Miss Charlotte
Cushman, in that city Miss Harriet ffosmer
the eccentric Yankee sculptor, figured on the
stage in th play of Guy Manncring as one cf
the gipseys.
Hon. Gerrit Smith is lying quite ill of ty'
nhoid fever and neuralgia at the residence of
lion. John Cochrane in ew York city.
Everybody will regret this for Uerril is one of
tbe excellent or the earth. .
Atwjitk; TiLEnaArn Cable. An English
correspondent of a New York paper writes
that the condemned paying out machinery,
which cost $:tM7UO, now lies on the wharr a
mass of nseless otd iron. At the lust meet
ing of Directors, Cyrut W. Field, of New
York, was to travo been appointed sole man
The Irish depositors of the Savings Bank
at Lawrence, Massachusetts becoming alarm
ed, withdrew their desposits to the amoantof
SIj.OHO. and placed them in tbe band of tbe
Priest for safe keeping who took tbe whole
sum directly back to the liaiik and re-uepos'
lied it,
Queen Victoria' Crown weighs three lbs.
three ounces and five penny weights, Troy-
It contains 3093 jewels, one of which, a ruby,
was worn in the helmet of Henry V., at the
buttle or Agiucourt.
It is stated that a marriage-took place io
Fairfax county, Vn, en Saturday last, of a
couple who were divorced nine year ago. In
the mean time the man has been married and
bis wire died, and on aaturday be was eguin
married ta his tormcr wile.
A Tnot'OHTrot, Wife .ts a Priceless Trea
surer. Such u one has Mr. Peetn. proprie
tor of th Phoenix Hotel, in Lanaingburg, N.
Y., which was destroyed by fire tbe other day.
lie has learned to his surprise, that his wile
had effected an insurance of fifteen hundred
dollars on his property, with her "pin money,"
anKOOwn 10 Dim.
The Boston Westimat s ihculire wealth
of the United States, as au estate, at S22,
000,000,000. This includes real, personal
property, stock, gold und silver, bullion
The following sebtimenl was given at a
recent railroad festival held in Cleveland,
Ohio: "Our mothers Tha only faithful
tenders who never misplaced a twitch.'
"When a man is too luzy to work," says
Sain Slick, "he paints his name overthedoor
aud calls it a tavern or grocery, and makes
the wume neighborhood as luzy as btmsell.'
Cclcgrapjjic l'cto$.
' Washixotoh, Nov. i.
I ha been decided to await the reception
of official advice from Gov. Walker before
acting further in reference to hi rejection of
the Oxford returns. I he question of Illegal
voting, a understood here, appear to have
been one for the Legislature to decide npon.
and it is even stated that the instructions of
Governor Walker were to this effect. The
matter is a delicate one, mere particularly as
one or two members of be Cabinet ar ae
vere in their denunciations of Walker's conr. a
but the President will undoubtedly take a
bold stand in tbe matter, and as is believed,
sustain Walker.
' i ' Frani Havana.
Arrival of the Quaker City at Aet I'orl-
The Steamer Star of the l'e J 1,600,000
in fJofif Coming, frc.
New Yobb. Not. 3.
The United State Mail Steamship Quaker
City, from Havana on the 29th ult., arrived
hert tbiserVning. ' ' " - '
The steamer Htar of the West, from As-
finwalt, bad arrived at Havana, and would
eave OB tbe 30ih alt. for New York. Klie
has fl. 600, COO ie gold on boaid, besides a
balf million for England. Thirty-five of ber
passengers, including Uenator Broderick and
Col. Fremont, arrived here by tbe Quaker
City. - -
The connecting steamer, Garden Gate, left
Ban Francisco oa tbe 6th. ' Her machinery
became disabled, and she returned to that
port ao the lOtb.
The steamer Golden Age left in her ettad
on the Utb ult., and arrived at Panama on
the 24tb. ...
Tbe sloop of-war Et. Louis Uft Havana, for
Aspinwall, oa the 19th ult.
' The "Steamer Herald," of San Francisco,
of tb 6tb ult., i tba only California paper
broegbt by th Quaker City. ' Tbe new
therein i of an nniuiportant character.
Kirk' Wagoo Road party bad bn at
tacked by th Indiana, but tb latter were
repulsed withoat lo. ' '
It i said to b tb Intention of tha. W or-
mons to go Into th Kissian possession
should matters prov serious.
vices from Havana art unimportant.
..eulth of Havana bnd become good,
is reported that the appointment of
S.irasol, to relieve Concha ts Ooteruor-Oen-
ernl was not aceeptabto to tbe people. .
nxcnnnfce ru nfw i ore ena augers vers
nominally lower. Holder of sogers prefer
red to ship to tbe United States. Gold re
mained three per cent premium." '
Tbe shipments of small cargoes to Europe
were active, but there are do freights for bee
ry cargoes. f
The Quaker City brings $173,000 la spe
cie. V
i Tbe official returns of the recent election
(a nearly all the counliet gira Weller, the
Democratic candidate lor Governor, a oinjor
itf of 11.600 over tbe candidates.
Tbe majority in favor of the payment ef tie
State debt is 30,000. Tbe Senate consists of
25 Democrats and S Republicans, and tho
Assembly, er Democrats and 16 opposi
Tbe crop of cereal is largely ahead-of tho
demand for the home consumption,
Tbe news of tbe panic in New ltork bas
created but little lurDrise. '
I he trial of Treasurer liales lias resulted
io a verdict in favor of the State to the full
amount of bis boad, $100,000.
Tbe Mormons in Carson Valley were to
leave there for Utah on the 25tb of October,
Brigham Young has ordered them to form
secret cavalry company, equipped with
year's provisions and clothing.
The expedition Irom i crt isucnnnnn ogam?
the Apache Indians killed 50, and look 130
Urent excitement prevailed between the
Sonoriuns and the inhabitants of Arizonia,
and no Americans are allowed a passport into
The Pimo Indians have killed 150 umas
and Apache, fur outrages committed on
Farther frm Kaaut-.Tb Vol In MK-'kre
t naly Tbnvi Out bjr bovrrnor Walker.
St. Lofis, Nov. 2. Dates frem I.ecompton
to October 22d states that Governor Walker
hu issued another proclamitiou in relation to
1200 votes returned from .MeUliee cotiwly
which are thrown out for the same reasons
that governed bis action in relation ta the
Oxford district iu Johnson connly. Tbe
proclamation states in neither rate has begone
"h"'d tha rctorn. and be disclaim all right
to do so bnt the vote were rejecUd 11. couse.
hurrc".0' ruUI e.?a 10 ror"'-
McGhee county it appear was returned as
giving 1202 "National Democratic" to 24
l'e State vote.
Tho Lecompton National Democrat's re
turn of vole for Congress add up
1 orroft,' 7.J.U JUansom, isli
' ParroUaheud, 2739
But this includes the voe of McGhee coun
ty, lejected as above. Striking out that Par
rot t'a marjority ia iuCreascd to very nearly
4000. . .
Eastos, re., lYovembcr 5. -The locomo
tive Robert Morris 00 the Hazleton Railroad
buret her boiler this morning in Huzk-ton,
killing her engineer arid Cimah and scalding
two brakesmen very badly.
A Friend in Need. The bat-uin rtf Wild
Cherry will core all who ore afflicted with a
cough or bronchial trrnble. It singular
power over these diseases ha rendered lr.
Wistar rum 011 a wherever pnlmouary com
plaints are known.'
Ilolloicau Pills. The medical attendant
gives to his pulient the dm; which he sup
poses proper for the complaint. Mark! hi
treatment is based on supposition only. He
does not recognize the ereal that all the
forms of disease result trom a sinple c-;tus.
the profenco of a destructive principle in
tho fluids which should sustain and vivify ti e
solid pnrtiods of the body. It ix then on the
very elements or vitality on the secretin
und the blood that lloliowfit'H Pills exer
cise the disinfectant and conservative influ
ence. The unseen fountains, s noil ns the
pulpable issue of disease, are availed ly
this mighty antidote ft affects the bite, the
gastric juice, the lymph, the blood, and purges
them of everything pernicious to health and
vigor, which may have contaminated their
natural purity. Where symptoms itro mere
ly supposed, a relapse nmy he anticipated,
but when the seeds of the disorders are de
stroyed or expelled, the cure is radical.
"Nary IIkd to Nakt Broker" This
quaint inscription was put up near a batik in
western town and a bucLlI of tar nnd a suck cf
feathers were placed convenient tuitasa hint
of what brokers might -.prt wl.o would
venture to run the institution. In this part
of the world the rule is,"Arey red to anybody
entitled to it" provided I bey can get it
and instead of helping strangers to a coat of
tar and feathers we invite them to step np tn
the Brown Stone Clothing Hull of Ilockliill
& WiIhoii, Nos. C03 and 003 Cbc?nut stieot,
abovo Sixth Philadelphia, and obtain more
comfortable and becoming garments than the
extract of Pius tree ami a goo'e fleece will
furnish ibum. .
Billiou Cholic und Cfamn in the Stomach
can be releived in 10 minute, in rvvry disc.
by using from 5 ta 30 drops of I'U A LI.'S
Ait fob 1 Vaix's Oaitki On . TTiliiif ft
Grant, A. W. Fuller, V., C. Wu, 11 t).
Mioze, U-rt;uewcr ft Hull.
ryat.000 R KWARD will 1 mi'l fir kuv MeJicina
thnt will eirel PRATT ft 11 U Till KICK MA'. 10 OIL.
fur I he f llnwiiia; tiiamm: Rlirunmlirm, Knirulgiu,
tiiiial AITevUuii, C-ontrncud Jointr, Clioltc Painv, r.iiiis
In tl Side im Hack, llriifiiibha, T,-Mh;ic-lit. Spmu,, !
Tlirtnt, Cuu, Uiuit Burnt, and all riifrnara v( the rkiu
MuaL-lea and lb (juindt. Nine yenuin without ilia tig
natui of l'ill ft HtTCiica attached to rarh l.alwl
I I'nncipni offu-e, ao Wuiiiingt-ia rtet, Uruokiyii, New
York, friki l,v
Allnit W. FiAliet, DiufRiit, Marct atrcat, Sunbury,
5J This is to certify, that I hove made
but one application of the Magic Oil on my
fingers, which have been drawn from contrac
tion of the cords, brought on by rheumatism.
It was of seventeen months standing, and I
now entirely cured. I cheerfully recommend
it to all afflicted likewise.
- Harrifburg, 72 Locust street.
July 23, 1837. Iy.
At Potfsville on the 3d inst . SARAH
II. SCHUYLER, daughter of tbe late Jo
seph Schuyler of Northumberland in the 36th
year ef ber age.
One by one they are passing away, and
mournfully fast the shadows are falling among
th memories of our youth: A little ' while
go, and she aver whose untimely grave we
are weeping now, stood amongat us, full of
health and life, and radiant witb intellact aud
beauty. But like a tbief, in the night tb
Destroyer came, and health withered and life
weut out, and all her rare gift ar lost to
those who loved heron earth to ba gained in
their multiplied effulgence by tbos who ara
batter fitted to lor her io Heaven.
Tomorrow tb will b laid io tb (ileal
arlb, beside the loved one who bar goo
before, and tier ' bier will b honored witb
tear from heart that ar sorely stricken.
For the dead have many moaner, and mora
monument than th grave sloe that U
reared above them, "the bosoms of thot
wbo lod tbnbt". . .. .,. ; !
May Qod n bi great mercy bring console-
I lion to tba widowd mothi' heart, and by
the love v
to bear ber
"Alasl P'
eh U
forgotteo, bat in life the.. .
otter as to feel everything is unchanged ex
cept the one being who was the soul of all,
to unow lb trorw I (ha same, bat that its
iu'ithine li departed." . ..
Philadelphia Market.
" ' . -"- Not. 4. 1B57.
Gr.AtX. The receicts of Wheat rantin.a
qalte large, though the market I inactive
ooo reo is neid at gi 25 a $1 26, tad $1 SS
a i u ior gnoa winte. Sale or choic
Kentucky al $1 50, and very superior Roan- . '
oke at $2 25. Bye 1 Me.dy at 75 cenU
Corn is dull, and light sale are nuking-et
83 cents per bushel
fM r, 1 a . '
ioTerccu oaie or rriir at $5 rer
64 lbs. 1
Whi.key Sales at 11 els. In bbl. and
in hhds., at 21 cents.
Wheat, $ (flit
By.-. - . .
Corn, .
Oalt, . . . .
Burl wheat, - .
Totatnea, - .
1'laxtted, -
I fl I Dried Apples, - 1
New Advertisements-
rpiIE Books of subscription ti 8iock of the
.. ," Bask, will be opened at Wil.
Iiam Wravrr'a Hotel in the town of Bliainokin,
on Monday, the SOth day of November. 1857.
Secretary to C'ommisnionori.
Shamnkin, Nov. 7, 18.'7
l'vi-wardlng aud Transportation.
trom I'hxladelpha and Tnvorton.
yERCHAN18 and butinem men of Trevor-1T-B-
ton and vicinity, can have their Merchan
die and other Geods ehtpped through Irom
Philadelphia to Treorton and Port Trcvortun,
and alt intermediate place on the 4lii,e, by eii.
ing to the Central JVpot Hotixa of FREED.
WARD & FREED, No. Bit Market St , abor
Eighth 8tre t, Philadelphia.
Uoiida carefully attended ts and promptly de
livered. rREED, WARD 1 FREED, Agenti.
November 7, 1857. 3mo3$
AKER'S "A"U ti.w iiaro
I The t'heaprtt in the WorlJ.
. ; 'reinium to each Subscriber.
Every farmer in'ereitrd.
Ainu, every email J'Jot Owner.
J To meet the iurtetsf J value of
KKI!'S consequent upon the "furd
jj()jr'Ei('l'imcii," the publisher of li e Ami.-
jna.i niBlcl-.Ti:UlT IU 11B'('V
!10 srmouticr that he has increased
jib pagea ot Ihin Ktauucli old jeur
. jnal one-third, and dmibled tht in
jtrtnsie alu. Karh uuinber will
.hereaficr contain 32 double (juart.i
pi-i;e, filled with plain, practical,
B tKKH'!S!"''"'','e '"frnlal'0l' of exceedinj;
1))7.FS ialue '"every one who roiiMi
-;a Farm, a Garden ;or but t .e mul
leat plot of grouti,).
La iea, each volume of the Agii
ii iWiuriM will cental!) hundrra nr
JCcllai.t prautir:il bum upon every
Wrt'V " io-u.'or, or riou,-
. . . . r I . I . . .
........ ,
held Work.
liestdea fuTiiifliinjf the larsejt
amount of really iti-eiul
irepsrtil by a great number of prac
tical working aien anil women, lhn
.Ignculturisl is new the. largtml
Journal uf itt character in ilia
world, but owiiig tu tliu iniineioa
circulalinn. it eau mill be uH'ordnl
!.t one dollar a e, or lor cility
.'nM each lo clubii i.l leu t inoir.
'.or 14 month will be tent lor tiie
tuaual price of 12. lo all aubaertbei
l"..r l68,(Vol. XVII), Hint i. all
,iiig!o or club aubsinbrr f r InOM,
who' subscriber now, wiil ,rtcaifl
the two very vuluabls nuinbera fir
November and December, ot lUta
year, without extra charge,
Valuab r srri I'miiliinu
;To every .'ubicnUr fir ISS.a.
j A large lisf of aluatl Kielil.
jliarden and flutter ttvri will be
.prerentrd tj the mbsc.i' era fjr vol-
' , e . . , , , .
uiiic 1 1 , iroin wnu n every cuDxcrt
ber will be allowad to rhooe thfeii
packojea witlii'Ut charge! 'J'b
Seada wiil alane be north tha ub
cription price to many perona.
Send in your natuea al once, b.kI
the succeeding numbers promptly
upon the firat atay of each m.'iali.
until the end of 1KSS.
The best remedy fir the "
1'iuiea" will be to learn fiom Aji-
culturiatlhe beat mojea of incir
in,; the producta of your field-i,
tjirj.ns, Orchard, Ac.
'J'ihms is AnVANca. H a tear
(or 14 month now). Six copie
'for $9. Ten copiea lor JS.
lOUANCE J I'M), PubtMer.
189 Water-alreet, .N. York.
The Penmylvania fann Journal hus bcrn
merged into tbe American Agriculturist, and
the Agriculturiat ia now peculiarly Hie paper
for Pennsylvania Farmer.
- Novembar 7, 1807.
The Original Gift Book Store.
O. O. EVANS would Iiirnrinkiafriendaand tha public
that be baa removed hia !Hur Gill itooa kioie and Pub
bklimg llouae, tii the aplendid atore hi Hrown Iron liinid
ma;, Cheamit tfueet, two dmNB helvw Fiilh, wliero
the urcbaaer ol each bNk will receive one ul the l'liiw
lug gifta, viluc.l al from W ceuta k HW), roiiaiituig uf
UolJ Walehea, Jewelry, c.
630 Patent F.ugliah Irer Oold Watcbea (100 00 wch.
660 futeut Alienor do do 60 UO
4uO IMitt' li.ild NN'atehea la eaaea, as 00 "
oo tilvtr Ixver Waiobee, waruuied, 10 00 "
600 I'uilur 'l imeiiiecra, 10 0 "
SOU Cameo Sn, Vjit Drop, an Vina 10 IO
Sou Indira' liold Uriweleta, ea 00 to I 00 "
6U0 Genla Veala Chama, 10 HO "
LOuOOidd Lockeu, huxe Hie double ewr.) S 00
,UUd (ield Lveketa, (anudl aiat-,) a 00 '
1 ,0011 Ooul failed Caaea, with Guld Pena, IK) "
1.000 Kxtra bold Pena u-ilh raiea and huldtra 10 HI
4,400 U.iui IW-iU (l-adi-V)
o0ld I'eni, n-nh Silver Tencila,
.6oO MJie ' U,JJ I'ena, wilk cur',
609 CoU It iiia a. (I jidini')
9 50
I 60
1 00
I 60
S nu
a to ,
. Oenf a G-ld Kia,
lirn) I-adiia' O'M llrtaatplrw.
100 M leeea' 1 dd Breualpon,
1,000 luckal Kuivea,
t.ooO bcia (icul'a Uull Boeom Ptnda.
,U0U do d ttlceve Biitluaa, '
t.wa) Palre Lediee' Ett l)n-)ia,
i,0oo Ladiea' Tearl Curd Caai a
16,000 l-ndtre' Cameo, Jet or Mnanle Fine
I.SOO I-ediee1 Tamen Hhawland KllJuit I'lua,
,000 Fetridge'a Halm ufa Thouaiad Kl weia 60 "
LVANS' new Ceialue omuma all tbe inat portulei'
bnoaa uf Ilia day, and the neweai luillieal one all ra wi ara,
will be eold aa low aa can be ib:auird al cither lArra. A
emnplet eallwaa of buuka eeat tree, hj appliawiou
Ihrough ibeiaail, byeddreaauig Q. O. LVA.NS.4-S Cue. -aul
ttircel, Paitidelphia. , -
Aieala wanted iu everv tnwa hi lb Vailed tan--.
Te .aiiHW ao la act aaa ubtiui full partu-ukua br .
addreeaiaa aa aliov.
N. a In eumeoaeoeeoTlhe mnney ernra.aua amcr.
ua Aularea, the aubaoriher haa bean enabled an puff -at
tfoaa aaauj tare an ianaanee Mock ul bauka, eiuUinejng
area auulineil of literature, at pricea which will ena
ble kirn u aire 50U won eC Ike abova (tfta oa anery
ilOOW wan hef honk eold. . .......
Aa extra book, with a tin. will be aeat lo earn parera
ordcnuf TEN hooka to be earn to one View, bjr tUnreaa.
Kf Mid 1 1 a Cetalof ae
K-Ttia'.-er 7. laV'Tli