i a t i rg "WOBKtNQ TOGrBTHEB. V esuat, D. ! mU to Mary . ton years egot Nearly all at a tore of wealth , ' Consists of will, and strength, tnJ health Bay, will yo marry roe new or not ' an work well for our dally bread; If yna will share my earnest toil, And make tt light with word and smile, W can b sappy, tho' lightly fed. Dot It w witt till t tarn mora gold, Many long yeara may wear . One may become the tetnptsr'e prey, Or both grjw selfish dull and cold. Hope ia before us, borttonlng on, Faith alanJa beside ua patiently, Earneat effort la born with me, And the goal wa aeck oVall yet be wan. , JTwo haartt and heads are better than one. What, tho' there be more moutha to fed, 'Tis hut the croaking of petty greed To find excuses for living alone. You will be the bright atar of my home, ; G tiding me to a raven of rest Think how little, with hope eo bleat. My idle fancy will care to roam.' 8aid Mary, nut of her large, kind heart i . "I will go w''h Jou' UP ' down, Whether Our fortunes smile or frown We will Dot ahare or licar them apart." And eo w entered the world of strife, Tofieht our way with kindied will, And tho we found the path uphill, We never flinched from the carea of life. Andahe had smite for fortune'a frown, And I had strength to work my way. And seldom we paused a weary day From down of light till the eun went down, And tro' our trials came not alone, Still we had plenty and to spare. And every little store to ahare With those who had nothing of their own. And now we can breathe little while, To loek back on our troubles past, Aud know that mutual help has cast A lustre of love on utir daily toil. Jarnur's gtpntlment. From the Oeimnntowu Telegraph THE MOLASSES CROP. 8i: Knowing yon feel intereetad Id the Cbineae Sugar Cnue, 1 concluded to send jod iomo account of an experiment which I have tman mabinir. I havH about one acre of the cane which I think is very fine. I therefore had a mill or press with eom boilcra put op in the field by the side of the chop, for the purpose of having it convenient, and have mud about one hundred galloo of as good simp I tuiuk as can bo obtained id imiauel nhin. My first experiment was to find oot how much luice one hundred canes would produce taking them as they run and cutting off thrtu feet of tho top with the seed, nnu l ootaina 13 gallous. I Hat ooiieu oown 10 iiiiriy-tn da,.rdoa mnila 24 pallons of excellent sirup. I than tried what Quantity of iuico I could rrnt frnm tho mill iu a eiven time and found the qoantity to be one gallon per minute i nrnnnrlv attended, to and if tinshed one and i half eallons. I then made some calculations nf tha nnmher of stalks which I have on tb peico of ground. Thoro ore 68 rows three fast anart bv 100 rows two and a half feet anrt and thov run from five to sixteen stalk to tho bill. 1 therefore put them down to eight stalks to the hill which would ue obuu Mine, .nt .irbt. tn tha hill would eive 54.400 s'.alks, Tnklnrj alrrht atilks to a irallon of j"!, the would bo 6800 gallons ; and se'so gallons of Juice to one of sirup would yield 900 o- gni lone. Puttinr? the orice at 60 cts.. would be 8477.65. Add to this the seed which being rery fine, and supposed by jndges to be from 60 to 70 bushels, I pot that down at 60 bu shels and at 50 cents per bushel would be 830. The leaves I entimete to bo worth 820, making in all 507,65, as the value or an acre, Now, as to tho expense : With large boil ars, properly constructed would not cost over one-burth of the above amount for raisins and all other expanses. This may seem like a Urge calculation to yon, but I ara satisfied that this acre will do all I have stated j and 1 am well coovinre J that an aero planted with this cano and properly managed, would yield more profit than with any ofAer crop with which Iamanquainttd. J. F. Lckins. HealthfulnesB of Grapes. In an article on tho grape, the N. Y. Com aaercial states tbut this fruit is one of tho host and most wholsouie medicincos. In the vineyard districts of France, Spain and other wiuo growing countries tho medical qualities of tlio grape are known and highly prized. The frve use of this fruit as we are advised, has a most salutary effect opon the animal system diluting the blood, removing cbttrui'tions ol the liver, kidneys, spleen, and Other im ortant organs giving a healthy tone as circulation and generally augmenting the animal economy. I n disease of the liver and especially in that montter compound affliction dyspepsia the salutary and potent influence of the "grape tliul" is well known iu Franco, The iuhuhitauts of the vineyard districts, are never uQlicted with these diseases which fact however alur.e would not be conclusive evidence of the medicinal qualities of the fruit which they freely partake, since peasant life is rarely marred with this class of ailments but hnu'lrcdi who ure thus a!H cted, yearly resort to the vineyard districts, fur the sake of what is known as thu "grape euro;" aud the result proves to be a cure, except in very long ; protruded and inveterate cases which are beyood the reach of medicinal remedies. The invigorating influence of the ripe grape, freely eaten upon tha feeble aad di-bilitated, is vary apparent supplying vigor and the hue or health iu the stead of weakuess and pullor, and this by its diluting property which ena bles the blood to circulate in tho remMor ves sels nf Ihij akin, which before received ouly. tha r-orous or watery particle. In these remarks however wo Jmust bo un derstood as speaking of tho fruit as perfectly ripe. Unripe grapes, like all onripe, fruits are detrimental to health and derange the dis festive org t its, and those independent opon aad sympathizing with tbetn. Wim at Two Millions a Dottle. Wine at two millions of dollars a bottle is a driuk that iu expense would rival the luxurious taste of barbaric spleudor, when costly pearls were throwo iuto the wine cup to give a rich flavor to its contents. The French Courier ipeaks of a wine which graced the table of lbs King of Wurteniburg on a late occasion, was desposited in the cellar at Uiemen two centuries and a half ago. One large case of tba wiue, containing & oxhoft of bottles, cost 600 rix dollars in 1024. Including tha expenses of keeping np the cellar aud of the contributions, interests of the atnouuts, and interests upon interests an oxbul't costs at tha pre bent time 055, 657,610 rix dollars ; a glass or the eighth part of a bottle, is worth aM76rix dollars, or $272,380; or at the rate of 640 ris dollar, or $272, pat drop A burgomaster of Bromea is privileged to have on bottle whenever be antertainsa dis. t ogoisbad guest, who enjoys a German or European reputation. The fuct illustrates tbt operation of interact, it it doos ost shew tha ecrtt of laiarj. A CALL TO FARMEEB. Pormeri, drop your 7Ult, Fans Kith, Jitad this and Reflect I TS PARMER'S rBOMO.TION BOOB, A m and SetealiSs Manaiina "yetem, t" Cattlva. Hon m mi klmts ol Uraina, liraeece, f iwaef eiw r. sua all aiiiueef SoUi Proved by aetnal r'.ioeriinmits aud bound uu evident Irotlis Design improve Ajrtleuluira lit all lie tauuhre retireaenteu uyupwnrue f one hundred and Bfljr aiiaruvinxa nf the moat valua ble tirmw wal fkuita eonnecied with the systeos. Ily Dr. C. G-CnLIXHOLD, BOALBBl'nO, CKNTRK CO., PA. " M u r.a h m ill be Mm that the oMeet hot bare I i.a tl.a Furnjir that kitid of information whisk eiinbiss him to nmve prociienl application to fertilise his etna and iiwrauw kia irain. fodder, and nertHraee. The Ooctrtoee ns taught by this manuring;, ami fodder and pae tu cultivation vtrm are minimi, clrat end evident, and suggest an improvement In the modauf agriculture hither, tn unknown ti our fanners, and which. If adopted and earefully practiced, cannot fail to advance the intereata of the terming community, mica a won una seen muea wonted, aa K Rile a void which has Mig been felt, but which there has hitherto been n attempt to supply , and si farmers of Centre and Huntingdon Bounties, wa recom mend ttie wurs ma every homer, as ws iniry oenevs inai I bey will renp tha greatest postibls benefit frtm it rjaniel Muaaer. Philip Moyer, . Chriatiait Uala, -George Boal, Jneob Miaai John Bttiley, &tmuel DuneSH, Jona. McWilliains, Oeure Uuyer, Jr. John Cnrpcr, John Iinam, ftirniuel Wilwm, Oenrea V. Meek. Jaeoli Moyer, Henry Myer, tVimuel Uillilaind. -eeorge Jnclt, John Harinan, Genpe Uuctuinaa, Froin-ia Alexaunar, John Neff, Sen'r. John Holler. 4 ChtiSiinu llnffer, Joarph Buker sale hf Rev. J 0 . McKl'B W The above work ts fot riA.V. Milton, Noithumberlaud cwunty, Pa. Prwe Anu 1, 18.17. aino TI3I) LAICCaCMT ESTABLISHMENT IN THE CITY UF BALTIMORE. MATIIIOT'n Oay Street Warrrnoms Dot U3 aud ii North Gay street, neur Fnretie, Baltimore : whero is kept always on hnnu, or nvnle to nnler, every style of French TKTIv-A-TKTEc), in flush, Hair, Cloth or urocele a. French Fall Ptim and Medallion Parlor Arm Chairs. Ill riuau. ll.nr, uioin or urtniene. Franen Full Slufl 'Cat veil Parlor Chairs in sets, with Pluih, Hair, Cloth ur ilrocatelle. ' B O JP AS Hnlf French Spring; Mahogany and Walnut Parlor Cimira. in lliur. Cloth and IMuih. Rockina Chairs various ueaieas, in Hair. Cloth and Pluih. stud Spline ImiHTes a large assortment altyajs an hnnd, or an) 'pattern nude or covered with any gooda to order. o ii a iii n e n suits. ln'Mahoanv or Walnut, complete, from 35 no. - Cane Chuira nnd Hocking do. the largest assortment rernly nmile iu any one house in the United States from gl'i a dozen up. Ilnr Knoni, Ulfice and Diniiis Chairs, in Oak, Walnut Or Muhoa-uny, wiih Cune, NVikhI or tftufled Seats 4111 assortment euihiaring over 5C dozen. Wood sent Chairs and Settees and Rocking Chairs. over 100 dozm. Uilt aud Pluiu Frame Lookim-Glassee, of every variety. All Kinds 01 Deas. iiair ana tiusv niattniaacs A. MATIUOT. Noa. 9!) nnd 25 N. Ony st , neur Fayette St., Ualumore. August i,it7. ly HUSSEY'S "AMERICAN REAPER, FUR CUTTING BOTH GRAIN AND GRASS, GREAT improvements for 18ft7. This Ma chine was put in sucessful operation in 1833 and continued to be the only Reaping and Mow ing Machine in the World, of any practical value up to 1845 twelve yeara alter its introduction. Oilier Reapers are now offered with glowing; ad vertisements. Certificates. Diplomas, Gold and Silver Medals, dec. Dut the Farmer in search of the beet Reaper, an I not posted in the matter. had better see a lil'le turther. It there la any value in SI years experience in building Reapers, and using tliein in the har vest field, and in the improvements made during that long period, OBED HUSSEV.lhe Father of Reapere, can claim it. All who are satisfied with the best leaner and Mower, aon be sun. plied by sending their orders esrlv in the season, as the crops indicate a large demand, and we can not have over 200 Readv for the vast harvest ofl8.7. We guarantee that this Reaper aud Mower can not be beaten on fair trial br anv other Reaper that may be brought into the harvest fields in 18.i7. and we also insure it to be the strongest aud most durable machine in use. We would re-pectfully invite Farmers to examine the machine thoroughly before purchasing, and satisfy themselves oi its superiority over all others. During the last 'bur years, the suhcriliera have sold between SOU and 600 of these Machines, to the best and most successful Farmers in Montour, Union and the neighboring counties, (whose names are too numerous to insert) to whom we respectfully reler. The subscribers have the exclusive light thelolloning counties: Montour, Union, Snyde, ortnumuenanu, ioiuuitua, Luierne l'trrv u iJitomlnir. All oruura luauaiuiiy received and promptly attend ea to. UCIJJJUS. AlAHSii A Lewisburg, Union county. Pa. July 11, 18S7. HERRING'S SAFET" THE ACK.NOWi.KUUKJ) CHAMPIONI1 THE RECENT THIAL8 at Reading; uuve eiidoiard the uorreut ol ,ul,hc opinion, and contuuK-il tn ventict ol more thuit 200 cvi daaul liris, proving conclnaiveljr t .at HotnuK " it tiieunK Sift: Jiut will not t,uiu. Kxtruut fiom the Committer's .tenon oil ilia Trial st Iron f.. ar tieuding : 'On the 'Jtlih of February all tlie meinliers of Ihe Coin mittee met to witnens the Satea iumI t,oka and upera, (,liu ed in tliein) and were -rloclly satiaticd liuit ull was right. The day following, the Imrning took pliM?a. under the auperiuteiidriice of the Committee. After a lair mid iinpaitiul linrnii.g for nvc houis, the ts.fe of Mrsnra. lCvuns tc Watson wna first oKrni-d, the SNiie being on fira inside, und the oonlentt, imrlially conaume.1, while the eon teuts in ihe iuie.of Measra. Farrels a Herring weis in good condition, and no are inside." Iteuiling, March 2, IHA7. (Sigued,) II F.FKI.1X. ) V.N COI.KMAM, iCommltles. A. II. I'KACOCH. And en toranl Ly over 60 of the lieat men ( Reading. 'I'haiilMn eSnfeseaii lie inspected ul U4 Walnut riireet, where the puiilie cun sutisfy theinselves of the crcut aiipe. riority nf the "ileiring'a I'utent Ctiaiiipioii.o ver ths defeated and used up "inside lrou lioor Suliuandet." Farrels & Herring, 31 Walnut St., Philada. Only makeia in this Stats of Herring's rulent Chamiiioa bmcs. Theattempt muria l,y other pariiea to bolster up the repuution of a Sua whu h hna failed so miriully li ueci de.itiil hrea in Philndrlplnu, (Ituiiatead Htuk,) I,) Mking one out of an agent's store. (II A. iJtntz.) made d.iul.l tlilcklleas. (ruTrrent from thse I hey sell) ta -Imril up' one of 11,-rriiie'a (hnlf ue thick) has met with ils true re. word. Herring's Sale enu'd not be burnt, proving umrlu' sivelv that the only rehalas Safe uuw nude H"lltrr nit ol which oyer 15.UKI ara now in aciunl use. and mor' Ihmi lii IU have leen Irinl by lire without a singls loss. Ili In .Jmievt). I-AT Iv 6TORB. tISS LOUISA 6H ISS I, ER, respectfully in. form a the citizens of Trevorton and eur rounding county, that she haa opened a new store of Millinery and Fancy Gooda, at Trevor, ton in S'hamokin streett nearly opposite Knnuso's Tavern, where all kinds of Bonnets and Fancy Goods can be bad at the lowest terms. Dress making alao attended to in the beat manner and lati st style. April 85, 1857. tf NEWS FOB THE MILLION I B' MbHSONS United btates Maguiine. 8a. turday Evening Post. N. V. Picavuna. Magistrate, Mck Naa and Yankee Notiona for salaly II. Y. FRII.INQ. IS". D. Persona living at a distance cau have a list of prices forwarded by addressing as abova. Magazines, Paper and Book uot ea band, conaUally ordered. mavnry, July 18, J MTV- tlia iiia.iasTliria'fVr fir kmm ED. V. DXIIOIIT & sorr, ' exmAXTRTt rJOHTTIT7M:i3ETlI.Alvrr COT73STXTT, XJ.t . IIAVK JU3T KEUEIVEU A LAR013 SUPPLY OF Dry Good, It end y made Clothing, Dools tintl Shoes. Hard ware. Groceries, filas iluecnKunrc, Vc. Among onr present Slock may be found French Lawns, Poplins, Fancy Silks, Plaid Ducal. Tissues, Bereges, Uebegee, Challi, Black Silks, Alparce, Cinehame, Swiss Mull, 'J'arllon, Cambria. Nain sook, Urlllianla, Dimity, Book Muslin, Bcbinett Collars, fiwise , Flouncing, Inserting, Laces, Kib- Bona, Hosiery, ana a general eeeoruneiit oi r niw www. SB:iL'WL3,-SS:AVLa,-SSA77LS,- Erabraclna the moat beautiful atylea, all qualities and Oil Cloths and Carpets. Summer Gooda for genta all kinds of building material, Carpantera Tools el lion, Cutlery, Shoe I indings, Lasts, 4c. Toruier IIurla turpaited In addition to our former Store Room, we have fitted up the second etry nf eur establishment which vou will fihd well stocked with Heady Made Clothine. Boots and Shore combining beauty durability and cheapness. We ahall continue to assortmeut at all times complete, another inducement to all whe wish to purchase. . . , , . - NEW Q00D8 AT LOW riilOKS. , We return our thanka to the public fur their lilieral palrenage, and respectfully invite an Uapes tion nf eur Goods, we deem it a pleaaore to wait on all whe may favor ua with a call. COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEiN IN EXCHANGE. r . , S ' v9 S . ' Bar Iron, Steel. NalU, Picks, Grab Hoes, Efaiort Hamroerg, Mill Saw, Window Sash, Urindstoneg, Ulasa, rainta, una, xisn, salt, Hunbury, May 8", l67. If New Goods for the People I BENJAMIN IIEFFNER RESPECTrULLViiiforma the public In gen. eral that he haa just received and opened a splendid stock of . ' SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS at hie New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His atovk consists in part of ' Cloths. Cassimers, CaesineU. of all kinda, of linen, cotton and worsted. . AI.8O1 Callcocsj, Gingham, I.aT, ' RIoUMNellae He lalua and all kinds of Ladies Dress Oooda. Ciroccrlca, Alao an assortment of Hardware. I rasa and Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENS WAKE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of BOOTH tt SIIOES. HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, Kc. And a great variety of other articles such aa ara suitable to the trade, all Of which will bo sold at the lowest prices. IT Country produce taken in exebange a the highest prices. Lawer Augusta, June 6, IBS 7, Wall Paper & Window Sbadc. A. ISAACS, Ao. 163 North Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. HAVING completed their large assortment of the above Goods for Spring and Summer Trade; would respectfully invite the attention of Purchasers to. the same. I heir slock lor beauty, cheapness and variety cannot te surpas sed. Tlir.v have constantly on hand every descrip tion of Gold and Painted Miades, BulT Hollands, and Shade Fixtures. Wall Papers, (Juitoius, Fire Board Prints, Borders. Ax , all of which they oiler at lower rates than can be lial at any other establishment. Call and examine. A. IS. A US. 1C3 North becond Street. March 7, 1857 6m w lOOO lbs of C!ai H t Itugs W ANTED at the store of E. Y. Bright A Son, who are constantly receiving a fresh supply of Goods, thus offering to the publie the largest and most desirable assortment. July 11. 1857. ISAAC M. WILKERSON, MANTI F AOTTJBE OP " FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Sofa. Dlvuiin anil L.oiittgcK Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboarde, SOFA, BRKAKFAST AND lll.MNO TABIiKS and also VENETIAN U LINUS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. UEHSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPBOARDS, WOUK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILF.T TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In ahort, every article in this line of his business. THE subscriber respectfully calls the attentiai of the public to bis large and splendid as sortment of every quality and price of . CAIIlKT-VAi:U which cannot fail to rcommeml itself toevery eur who will examine it, on account of its durable workmansliiu and splendid finish, made up of the best stock tube had in the city. No ellort is spared in the manufacture of Ins ware, aud Ihe subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being Ha alae manufacture all kinda and qualities , CHAIRS, eluding varietiea never before te be had ii Sunbury, such as Msuoeinr, Black Wuui mi Cdhlku Mtri.E Umeciax ; avi Winiiroh CHAIKS, ab r!icr Piao jSto.ils, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere, The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purcha.se furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and liuish of his ware and Clhaira. These articles will be disposed of on aa good terms as tliey can lie purchased elsewhere. (Jsun try Produce taken in payment for work. VW' UNDERTAKING Having provided a handsome Hutaaa, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi, entity, or at any convenient distance from this place. IV ThjWare Room is in Fawn Blreet, ba ew Weaver's Hotel. I'M AC M. WILKEKSON. Bunbury, April IH, IH57 tf. BALD EAGLE HOTEL. No. 234 !. 416 N. Third St., Philadelphia. JOUN CLYIIEU, Proprietor. (Successor to Uakikl DsLBtr.) rTHE Proprietor returns his thanks for the liliertl patronage bestowed on this well known house, and respectfully asks a continu ance of the sune, assuring his many f. iriids of Aorthumherrand anil adjoining counties, thut no paina shall lie spared to render comfort aud plea sure to all who may give hint a call. TEBMe- fil.OO PER- DAY, Philadelphia, July ft, 1857 3m SMITH'S Isence of Juiiialca -liirr. rplUS article ia carefully piepared from Ihe heat Jamaica J. Ginger, all tha v.iluulile meniclnal iM-upeiliM ol tvlnck II is wur muled to posatw iu a cuuceutiutcd sad souvo nieut form. It is sn excellent rcmedv In dyspepsia, A'llulenee, eho. lie and illlpuireil and fcelila stute of Ihe diealivs I'une lions. From itsrefieshuie stienxth and m,iImI pioperliea aa a aemle Miuiuluuns tonic it is wall adnmt io eonuier. act the drhililntiiitf iumieiK'a s the extreme bents of sum mer, the eftecU u sudden ehuiiftes, A;e. No family should lie without u, as its timely use will savs them from many an aerioaa attack (if illness. fries 45 eenre per bottle. For aula by June 20, 1857 i,a BJJ ATCHOl'LV, JOCKEV CLUB. 8PRINO 1 FLOWERS, & e., of the best quality ; a fresh supply jtwi received and for ssle at the Drug Store of A.W.FISHER. Sunbury, Aug. I, 1857. PJOUNTY ORDERS. County orders taken as cash for good a, and on note or book ac count by E. T. BRI6HT SON'. Nt. H. UN prioea. 'Domestic Gooda, Windsor Shades, wear nf every variety. Hardware embracing the bast maaufecture, Filse of every dsesrtp In qaantlljr Beiel Quality. receive Goods Benii-Monthly, thus readsring our wnetse, Jneat, &c, aiwayi on nana E. Y. BRIGHT aV RON. SALAMANDER FIRE - THIEF-PROOF SAFES. The laigeat assortment in the United States. Warranted to be equal to any now made, and will le aold on as Good I'erms, as can be obtain ed from any oilier houe in ihe Country, at EVANS & WATS'i.N'S 16 South th Street, Philadelphia. Truth is Miglity, and Must Prevail. Heport of the Ctmmittee appointed to luperin tend the Bttrning of the Iron Scfet, at Read ing, February It, 1857. RtiDixe, March 4. The undersigned, members of the committee, do respectfully report, that we saw tha two Safes originally agreed upon by Farri lait Herring and Evans tt Wntson, placed side by side in a fur nace, viz: The Safe inusebythe Paymaster of ths Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Uomna ny, in his ollice at Reading, manufactured by Farrels Si Herring, end the Safe in use by II. A. Lantz, in his store, manufactured by Kvaus fc Watson, and put iu books and papers precisely alike. . The'Gre was started at 8) o'clock, A. M., and kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry ouk and hall cliesnut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under tho auperin leiideuce ol Ihe subscribers, members or the Com mitlee. The Safes were then cooled oil' with water, after which they were opened, and the books and papers taken out by the (Jommituo and eul to 11. A. Lantz a store lor public exam ined and marked by the Committee. The books and papers taken from the Sale manufactured tv r arrets a Herring were in our judgment, damaged lullv nlteen per cent, more than tlio taken from Evans & Watson's Safe. We believe the above to have been a fair aud impartial trial of the respective qualities of both bales. JACOB II. DYsH Eft, DANIEL S. HUNTER Having been abscat during the burning, we fully coincide with the above autenie nt of the condition of the papers and books taken oat of the respective bales. G. a. met: I.I.N. 11. H. MUHI.ENBERO, JAMF.SMILHOLLAND. March tl, 1857. " ' N F. W A It R I V :A L O FALL AND WINTER GOODS! Ira T. Clement NO. I, CORNER OF MARKE'l SQUARE, Adjust received a larys supply of Kali and Winter Goods. He will continue to aell Dry Ooods and Gro ceries CH EAPEli Ihnu ever, as hie gooda are bought cheap they will be sold cheap. He feels confident with his experience and ability, that he can compete with the World at large and Sunbury in particular. He would enumerate articles if lime and apace would permit. It is enough to asy that he haa everything in the line of Dry Goods, Groceries, A large Ptm-k nf Keady-Mutle CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, J-c, that ia kept in any other atore in Iowa, and His banner is omhe breeds. And long may it wave O'er land of the free, Aud tha uo,ne of the brave While her Vtara and her Sulfas Shine out like the Sun, Telling ail nations That e'rfwHkHM'a lieg tfa. 1 his is a free country as was proved election of 15 uihanan over the Wool by the Horse, iiicicioio ii ia iree lor an in uo ini'ir trading wtiere Ihey can UUV he CHEAPEST. All are invi led to call and see. THE COUNTRY, aa well st the town ara respectfully invited, and every M'rson, rich or poor, high ur low, bond or free ure invited to cill at No. 1 Murkket Square, opposite ihe Court Horn. P. S. He ia not to lis undersold by any man or combination of men. No charge for showing goods. All kinda ef produce taken in exchange fur goods. .Sunbury, Dec. 20, I65A. .1 ... t. e...e ... ... EE0ADWAY FAMILY GROCERY! Flour, Feed and Provision tore. llrmdwuy below lilaclberrt Street. LEVI SEAS1IOLTZ, rESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of eiuiitiury and vicinity that hu hus removed to Ihe store lutelj occ. pied by C. Gehringer m Uroadway near the Rail Rjad, and is receiving a choice supply uf ' consisting in part of Hams, (shoulders, Muikerel, Herring, While I'i.h, Cod Fish, Malt I'reieived Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Hire, Sugar, Coffee, (urevn, rousted and ground,) Im perial. Young Hyson, Ounuowdur and Uiurk Tea, Cedar-ware, 8t-ne-ware, Soaps, brushes plow ami wasn lines, hoot and shoes, tobacco, segars, &c, together with every article usually found in a first class llroccry Store, all of which will be aold al the lowest prices, either for cash or country produce, lie baa also tircnured to im ply thu citizens with Ireslt bread, twiat, lolls, pies. piciu'ia ailu cukes oi every Mnu. N. 13. The highest rash prices will be paid for butUir and eggs, corn, tuts, rye aud wheat. Sunbury, April 11, IB57. P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, JU8TI;i; or TIIK PEACE, sxjjsrsxju-s-, pa. OjJic in Veer Street, immrijwuly oppotitf the ' Publie School House. All business promptly attended to. Mm,i. cellecled and all ordinury writings doue. fcunuury, April S!5. 4857- If OORTand MAlE!li.1VtNE8. Schiedam Kchnspps, Wild Cherry brsndy, Blackberry and Lavender braudiea for medicinal purpoaes al March II, '67. A. V". PI8HEK. UOAR CURED HAM. A lot fust received aad for sale ky. LEVI fEA6HOL'i"3. TUB LARGEST UTOCJt F.VU OfFBBED Fahluali0. CUeui nnA Wmtfai Til E suinlcrlber, long establlsUd ae Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer lu Bunbury, thank ful for paat favora, eoUclta a eoutinuaoco of tue publie patronage. It is slock 01 vaousat-" a.fj Chaira, 4e., embrace , KVf.BT TAIttETV, taCPVL AR ORHA. aKIvTAb In houaekeeDioc. It is unnoceeeary te enume rate, aa anything that may be required in hie line can be had at moderate prices. Cheap for Cash, or Country f ruducetaken la exchange Establishment . - 6'ouf iiojt Osrner of Market Squar: OT Thesa knowinc themselves indebted te the subscriasr wuld oblige him by making pay meut. 8RBA8 TIAN HAUrT, Hunburv, April 4, 15T. tf fluundl Gnanolf CnaaolM ALL KINDS. LXINAVSBUrF.n PHOSPHATB OP LIMB. 7000 TONS. DP FARMERS! .A3 P or your whml erftpt, nt !,R1N AVft Supef FhoBHt. iMi .a lb. or HO a Ton i or Use ltil o( NAU'S am ; AU'rt AMI'.ltlC iN KKKTII.I.KR.at 3.S0a bU. or (MS a tun. Una bund oi either is sufficieut for sn Aere TIIKSK AKK rKHMAWliM .USSfl'M, mH nf relinhla Chemical Klements. and hsvs leea la successful use for the past Six Years, improving ths soil ml it.rMut ll,f vulue of tha land Four I)iloins from the Suite Agricultural wwi'iy at reiinsylvnmii i Wew Jersey ; Delaware ami me v.i v.uo palace AmuKhiiioii ihe Citv of New York, have bee a nwivMl r,, these Vnhml.le Fertilisers. amnhlru in ths p.ueliah ami oerinao usnaasgs caa aa had iiv arpiicaiion at me intce. ThenlKiea Fertilixrra. delivered FKKt of CarUsa te a ithn, iiif..int to wnoieania ueaiera. any wlmrf in the old C.ty Proper. tllitcrs sent ny niun sccimimioeu won . Will be promptly Slopped In any pnrtol tna .vorio. (tKtinr.K A. I.HNAU, Proprietor. No. 1(1 Snath Front Street, Philadelphia City, Jnlv .. lf.17 In . I'ennsylvanta. Saddle ".and; Harness Maker. HENRY HATJPT, JR. Succemor to A. J. Stroh, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Banbury and the pub- lie generally, that he has taken ths establishment lately ocsliuied A. J Stroll ar.d is related to turn cat work In is line of business equal to any made in this, section of the country. Orders promptly execu ted and all kinds of produce taken in Exchange Bunbury, May 9, 1H07. ly DEi TISTRT- GEORGE KENN, A NNOUNCKSto theciliiens of Sunbury and vicinly, that he haa opened an office in Sun burv. above H. J. Wulverton'a office opposite C We'aver's Hotel, wiicra he is prepared te attend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession in the latest and most improved style. All work well done and warranted. llcccmber 13, IS56. R. DECOU & CO. Clothiers, No. 141 Chsitnvt St., asovi octitn, PHILAOaLrHIA, Kscp camftarity on ha ad a fpleadiJ afortnuat .of Rcadj-madc Clothing. (iooSS MAOI TO ORMR AKD WAPJtAKTSai TO SIT. Nov. 18, 1156. y Citrate of Magnesia on TA8TELE88 SALTS. f'fHI3 preparation ia recommended as n ex - cellenl laxative and purgative. It operatea mildly, ia entirely free from aiw unpleassnt tsste reseniwing lemonade in flavor, prepared and aold k, A. W. FISHER. Bunbury, March 14, Ida. AM:X4.DHll RCRK Importer and Wholesale Dealer in SALT. S3 Ssulh Wharves, Philadelphia. "VA A 8 II TON Fine, Liverpool Ground, rw-iiiVv '''u'' '"land and Dairy Salt, eon--J J tjfr'stantly jon hand aud far sale in lots LS3 to suit the liade. April 4, 1857. m new coisrrEoxloiatA-KTr. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEAKIIART, nAS just received e new end excellent assort ment of goods at hie Corrfeetieitary and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Jiunburv, where he manufactures aud keeps on hand, al all times, tha mest choice Confectionary, 4c, T holeaale and Retail, at Pbiladelpuia prices. Among his slock of C'oiilecliouarica, stay be found : Prench Secrets, Cam Drops, all kinds ofse.nl, lumen nimonae, tvre i.ioiib. Cream Whits, Mint Drops, rd aad wkila, " lmoa Jelly Cakea, ' Roaa, FiuilPropa, Vanilla, flick Candies, ( al kmm Common gesisla. Kack Candy, Liquerice, Almond Caady, muiT. Bnnsnas, Prunes, Uutea. e'iits, Cnrraiils diied, Cilrona, Almauda, Raisnns, Nuts t all kiae LEMON BYUL'P of a superior quslity, by tho single or dozen. A anterior quality ot began and I oliacco, and a vurirty of Coufectinnaries, fruit, Ac, all of which is ollered cheap at wholesale or retail. ICE CREAM. Ha has alio opened an 'ce Cream Saloon, and will at all times be ready to aerve his customers with Ice terrain. Bunbury, May 11, 1857 ly Hew Drugs, Paints, &c. Ar' I EW aupply of Drugs, Paints. Oils, luid, ate, just received and for sale by A. W. FISUKR. Runbury.May , I85T. FTJENITURE POLISH. 8. RAE'8 Premium Patent Enamel Furniture Polish. Thia polish ia highly valuable for restor, ing the polish on all kinda of Furniture, Glass, Carnage bodies. Hair Cloih, Ste. Also, for re moving spots; hiding scratches. See., &.c. War ranted to dry immediately and retain its gloss. Price 50 cts. per bottle. Seld by ' A. 'W. FISHER. March 14, 1817. S0AT AND MULES FOR THE subscriber offers al private sale, RIX GOOD MULES, and a good fell A WNE BOAT, with tUturee. Tha abova will ba aeld cheap, and on reasonable terms. JACOU 8EAHH0LTZ, agent for JOHN UI.ACK. Sunbary, March 88, 1857. it T AND WARRANTS Tba highest price '-'will bo fivea for Land Warranu by tho sub- avibai H. U MAfeirSER. P bar bottles for aala by H. B MAtSER. anbury, July It. ISIS. OKOWVS and Breiuig'a Eaaeneo oi Cinger - and liuslisad'a Msgneeiaat March 14. 'AT. PISHERH. K'iBhtag Taoklo. Red Cork, Ion and Linen Likes, Out Lim Grass, Cot es. Uut Lines. Dea liiasa by tba yard, .Snoods, Flies, Kirby, Limeiick aud Cssrliala Hook. Bods, far sals by tve n, a. w. riwrau TIB evlNrrlbM respectfully lifera tke eld Mna ef Sanbary and th publla generally. that be naa eoaasaucad tM aaanaiactur oi au kinda sjf .- . avAuTniN YT AIlI, at hW ataBufaetory In Whortleberry Brreet,ie soaara east of the River, Ue hoe encsg ad the MM teas mil Mr. liaar. an yon can tbarelure depend oa having a goad article. The unite are restwciiuiiy invited to call. All orders front a i attetaae will be oraaaatly attended ta r.M.BniKDEL. Haahary, Feb. t, tf JO II. ALLEN Se. CO. Noa. t and 4 Chart a at atraet, (eoalh side, eeiaw VTatai,) (Taa Olmst Wowa-w.aa Hoaaa in Taa Citv.) MAN UF ACTURF.RS end Wholesale dealers InPatant Mauhin. made URUUM9. Patent Grooved Cedar- Ware, warreutad uottoahiink. Wood and Willow-Ware CnriU, Tirusliea, As ,of -all dMWiMt.aa. flaae aall and aaarnine our stark. r Fsbrusry 18, lM7-lf w VALUABLE PE0PERTY FOR SALE HE subscribers, Execntors of the estate L Henry Masser, dee'd., olfer at privata sale the following property vial A large two story Iraae dwelling bouse, together with akeut SO ACRES OF LAND, Situate in Lower Augusta township edjoinia lands of Daniel Kaufman and others new in th occupancy of John 11. Kaufman aa a store an dwelling. The house is new and the location good one for business. .Also a TRACT Or LIMEoTONhT LAND. in said township on the river about & miles be low Sunbuiy, adjoining lands of J. T. M'Pherson and others, containing, about 88 acres. The soil ia productive and centaine limestone and other minerals. Alao a tract of Land, containing about St acres on the hill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining lauds of the hells of the late John Conrad and others. There is, ea this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. Far further partirulara apply te the subscribers. H. 13. MASSER, ) r. B. MA8SER, Btesaters. FRANCIS DUClIER. ) anbury, January 19, 1856. tf. . NEW ARRANGEMENT 1 Fresh Arrival of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, 4c. FIIHE undersigned having taken the store for 1. nierly kept by William A. Hrunsr. is now ready to till orders and preacriptiona at a mo ments notice. He bss a large and well selected sleek of fresh and purs DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Dye-stuffs, Oil, Paints, Glass, Putty, aad all kinds of Patent Medicines. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONA RT Tobacco and Imported Hagsrs of the ahoirsst brands. Fancy Notions' toilet articles, and Per' fumery of all kinda. Toelb and Hair Brushes of every variety. Camphine and Fluid always on hand. Customers will find his stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to ens aierate, and all aold at moderate prices. Remember the place, next deer te B. T. Bright'e Mammoth fctore. A. XT. FISHER. Sanbary, March 14, 1817. MOUNT CAItMEL IIOUSB, M0TJNT CARMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. HIS large and eomniodioua Hotel is si ma ted nearly half way between Hunburv nd Jotuville. The sctneiy the salubrity of the atmosphere and the rnnl mountain breexes, make tt one of ths most delightfal summer reheats ir. the country. Tha Hotel, ia a new structure, four stories high, fitted up with all the modern can. venteticee. I ue purs mountain water ia intro duced into every chamber. The place ia easy of access, being but one and a hail haurs ride from Sunhnry, over tha Philadelphia and Kun bury Rail Road. From Pottaville, il ia 17 miles. Every attendance will be paid by the propria tor to make guests comfortable. Charges mode rate. Jl. BSE KICK. Mt. Carmel. Xfay 14, 1866. tf 33. NEWLAND S CO. Leeklag tilassss. Picture Frames, Bngrsrlajs aaU PkIuiIuks, 5o. 118 Arch Street, above lxta, (Lata ef llll North Secoud til.) PHILADELPHIA. Amsaiis oris siiur to tisitoss. Merchants and others visiting ths City who may want anything ia oar lias will io wall to give us a call. February 38, 1857 8m 1C. CHEAP WATCH AND JKWIXRT &T0RE Ne 72 Hortk Second S'net, tovfisits Ik Mount Viruon House ) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Watehea, full jeweled, 18 K, ea ses, $U8 ; Silver Lever do,, do., $11; Sil ver l.enine, do., $9 : Quarlier. $5 to 97 : Gold Spectaclca, $4 60 to 10 ; Silver do., $1 60 j Silver Table Mpoona per salt, 14 to T18 Silver Desert do., do., $9 to SI 1 ; silver Trade., do., $4 75 to $7 60 ; Gold Pens and Gold t :a sea, $3 35 to $5 ; OcM Pens and Silver do., SI; together with a variety ef fine Gold Jewelry Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted to lis as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repaired in the beat manner. Also, Ms sonic Marks, Pins, ic, mads to order. N. I). All orders sent ky mail or otherwise will ba punctually attended la. Phila., Oct. 4, 1868. lyw. PHILIP H. PTJIsiOT. WllOlIStia 40 BSTAIl Grocery, Win and Liquor Store, S. E. eor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and familiee will ba preasptly supplied at I lie lowest prices. October 4. IN66 tf BR0DHEAD & ROBERTS, No. 135, N. Zd Street, riIII.ADBI.rHIA. INVITE the attention of country rnerchaats ' and others, to their stock of BOOTS Sc SHuES, which they will dispose ef an the mest rsssoa able terms. Nov. 9. 1858.- ly C. EElTEEPsT'S . . waotksita its Kstaii BOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S.t, abooe Chesnnt, Phil'a. OOTS, Shoes, Gaiters, Ac, promptly mads HJF to order in me very best style, aud of ibe tis.t matsriai. Philadelphia. May , 1857. Leather I Leather I Leather I IliCNHV . OttRMlv, IMPORTER of French Call 8li,ia and fsnaral Leata dealer, No. 6 South TliirJ ttraet. rhiluelina. A aentisl auoiluiant uf all kiwis of Leather .Jaroaos, Ac., e. Kea and Oak Hal LeaLb.f. February US, IS67 I, w PAPERS 9t MAGAZINES. riHE New York Ledger, Parlor Caaket, Flag 1 of our Union, Prank Leslie's Illustrated newspaper, Dallou's Pictorial. Natiunal Polics tfaxeite. Weakly Novelletw, Wsverly Magazine, and Harpar'e Weekly Journal cf Civilisattou Also, narpora Maaaiina, Godey'a Ladv'e Book and Putnam's Mairaune. iust received and lor sale by H.V.FK1LINU. Buuoury, July 11,1857. A LMONDS, RAI8ON8. FIGS, LEMONS. Ac. Ate. Inst rsreived a fraak sumJv muJ for aala at tba Confectionary store of M.O. OEARFTART. uiwory.May t, ISTt.- Eharaokln WlviU Atlk Anfiraelt) OodC the -Old Voiti A Gap fWi.err. T H. ZIMMBRMAN ic JNO. P. PLBIl aeceeaers to Kaaa, Reed Co., will tsk nose saining, ablpping and selling coat from Its bov wen anown t-alltery, ander the Arm at Zimmermaa St. Pnreel. The noint of aliin.,.mf a at tha lower wbarf in Jonbur. Norlburukea. land eeanty, Pa where all orders fur the varioosa kinda of coal, via t Lamp, Broken, tf g, fctova. anq nestnui (joai, will bo VUa&kltui j reoaiTtaT and preasptly atUnded to. ' . Banbury, J sly H, Iia, ' fJcaavav, Jtr I, ISO. The Brm f Kss. Reed 4- Co. havias- sl their lease in the Cap Colliery and interest In lite wharf at Sunbury, to Mess re. Zimmerman Js .. rursel, would take great pleasure in recommend ing our castomera and others tn the new Arm, aa toey win oa able to aell thsm prepared coal af the best qaality, . KASB, RKED sk. CO. HAYD0CK & FIDDLER, T "ThEALERS In Watehea and Jewelry, wUI " eonlinue the business at tha aid asand as' James B. Tidier, , No. 11 South Second Areef, . PHILADELPHIA, ' Where they solicit an examination of their largo and varied stock, feeling assured that the expe rience both of them have had in the business, and the facilities they possess for procuring guoua uii tin inoev auvamageous terms, will aua- lile them to compete fsvorably with any etket establishment in the city. They have aew aa ' hand a fine assortment ef .WATCHES, CLOCKS. JIWELRT. Silver, Plated and Britlania Ware. Cslisr, Fancy Oeods, &c, dee. N. B Repairing of Watches and all kiss's of Jewelry attended te with promptness ajtd the greatest care. Pbila., April 7, 1 80S tf. WUITE HOUSE HOTEL. POTTNVILLK, PA. rriHE sabscrihsr respectfully annnnness Is has old friends and the public, that ha kas taksa) Ikat old and wall known establiahment, Ike White JHorse Hotel. At the earner of Centre and Mahantoge ess. la . , iu, aou.e has rs cently been very much enlarged and otherwise tinprovsu, rsuuering it quits aa coa.fgrtaals as any other Hotel in &cbulkill csunty while the atahlesara largs, ia good corditisn, aud a. tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. is travellers ana others wbo may slop al hat kouss, ks proatisss evsry attenlien caleulated is rsnder tksra stmfsnsbls aud satisf mi. . ' Jos. m. racix, April 8, 181'.- if HENRY D0NNEL. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ujpes opposite tM Lourt House, Banbiuy, Northumbeilaad Conty Pa. Prompt situation le auaiaess iu adiaiaia oantira. EA.O-T-.E HOTEL, orrOAlTK TVFET BRANCH BANK, WILLIAM6PORT, y.A. WILLI tM II. Ull, rrsprUtsii. C. A. rtyaisa, .Issistaai. N. t.Ao Omaikua will ran to aad frsaa kbs Depst aad Packet Leadings, ts skis Mslea, tmwj ef ckarge. fJeplsmber 18. 186f. tt DANVILLE HOTEL. 'OHN JR., iiorkst Street, Vanriile, Pm, rpniS is ene ef ths largest and aaoet aasuaaa l dioas hotels in the interior ef rvnBlaaU' it has been reeenlly filled up, ia eissU.al s b,' witball .lie modern conveniences. Dauvilled, Sept. 12, 1855. Cheap Watehea JjJeweir lyHOLKSALE and Detail, at Ike "fhiUdsV Phia VTatck and Jeelry S)i.r," N. If North 8eaond Street, earner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. ) I svsr Watehss, fuU jawelM, Is aaral mu,mm SMS ss 0lfl I.;pm. lak. -il.noiKuisbilertlpe.laa I 9S , vsr Ip. fall jswlled, B. Oslil Bi.e-.ii, I a Silver Lever, fall j.wl'd 14 aa.ea' 6ald rmmm, I ea auneiior Cia.n.M., 7. nv T sawss, ms, sj S.IS ,wiaclee, 7,Sa ulS Tana, wits Tenetl sua Silver HeUar, ,tl Gold Finger Kings, S7J senls to 0 ; W.te Clsssas, plain, 12 asms; Patsal, IS; Leaot, I ; other articles in properlioB. All gosds was rantcd Is be what they ars sold far. RTALPFER A JIAKLIT, Oa hand, asms Geld and aJilver Levses mmi Lepiaes, still lowar.tban tha aksvs uriess. )cl. 4. 1N5S 1,. ARNOLD'S WRITING FLIIU aad Adas aivs aad legal envelopea, far asis ky H. B. MA da) IB. Banbury. Ian m, nn OE0EQE SCHAIL k CO. tAitracTi'ir.it sr BLA8TINO POWDBJt, Aft. Carmel, Northumberland I sm, ft. May 18, 8S TJLANK Parchmen. Paper Used, aad JJ Mortgagee, Bonds, Kieentioaa. ttaa. sl.a. Ac, far sale b Hkaei. H. Sunbury Arri 1. STOVES- IOR BALE an excellent second ksad t'ssk ing Stove, also several Cylinder C'sl Hto.ea Rnquirs al Ibis nil ice GOLD FENS with and without cans, aTa very susrior quality, jnst rereived. Alao a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, far eaJr 7 H. id. M A Mis IS K. Hunbury, Dec. 87. iai COSldEN CilEKBE Jat recited .,,d l sals by LEVI KKAaMOl.'l Z April II. 117. SILVER WATCH EM. A tew double e.- Knvli.k Mil... W.,,1... f... ..1 t prices by stiinbury. H. 0 M AMKr'K. April It. AMERICAN JIOUSE. WILLlAMSrOUT, PA.. J- II. HI.LIOV l'ipilisr. Jas. T. Hai.l, Ass't. 8pt. 13. 1856. tf IJL'RE OLIVE OIL for ta bis use, two arse al 7 aud C2 cents just received by a. w.fishich, March 14, '47. stationery A large supply or lency Not. Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Latter, aad Cap Paper, Pens, luk, Sand, Ac, at March 14. '47. A. W. FIMIEK'H. POUT MONAIE8. Toolh and Hah Brush A all qualities, and any tiuanli y, for sale by A.W. FIHER. March 14. '87. A allAKTY FOU ktLK. 'PUE subfcriber offers fur sale bis 8HAXTT, I Cook-Siove, Ac. on the Kail-Koad L,l Trevorton llridge. Apply soon te M. U. MASHJtR. Suabury. April .., 8ft7. FOB 6ALE. A Good second hand Bajgy. mtvrm. Apply st tkal FOR IElsTT. ri'iHB eiors Koom in Market atrast, osoupisd J. by P. W. Gray and tha dwalltna Liu. joinuiB. Apply lo tks sassmor tt H. Maaaw. sceerd. Janaaxy 17 Her,