Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 31, 1857, Image 3

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' Srastoa Or 1858. ' , -Wi
hava nrenarei from the returns r
ceirnd the following list of the members of
the next Legislature or this atsta t
. . SKNATM. ' ,"' '
(New membert marked ttitk a tlar.) .
rminJtuhiti City Samue1 J. Randall, d
- Philadelphia County LUrlan Ingram,' d.,
. K. 1,. Wright, a., "i. n. r'" "-,.
Chtiter and Delaware 1 bomae 9. Bell, d.
' JIbnfi7omry--TboroM P. Koox, u.
Merit John 0. Evans, d. . . : , -'.-
Pucks Jonathan Ely, d. -
Carbon, Monroe, -c I hotnss Craig, d.
Northampton and LehtghJoMph Lau-
hj(dam and Franklin Geo. W . Brewer, d.
Northumberland, Montour, jC Chorle
R Buekalew, d.
, moerand oW 'rry ITenry Potter, d.
Somerset, frc William V. Scbell.d. ;
Washington and Greene Oeo. W. Mil-
laTLawrnr, 'c. William M. Francis, op.
,j Schuylkill O. M. Slraob, d.
7aiim oiirf leoanon John B. Ruther
ford, op. - , .
Lancaster Bartram A. ShaeDer, op.,
Robert Baldwin, op. .
Centre, e Andrew Gregg, op.
lilair, gc John Creewflll, d.
Luzerne, frc George P. Steel, d.
Bradford, jc.ri. Reed Myer, op.
Tinga, -c Henry Soother, op.
Mercer, c Glenn! W. Scofield, op.
Frie and Crairfordl). A. Finney, op.
Prater, flc John R. Harria, op.
Allegheny William Wilkin, d , Ldword
1). Oazzam, op.
He(more?n;i( arid Fayette Jacob Tur-
ncy, d.
.'liwfnwiflP, c Titian J. Coffee, op.
loi-A- William II. WeUh.d.
Democratic majority, -
ritilarteWia City J. C. Kirkpntridt,
C. M. Donavan, d., John Ramsey, d., Ueo
11. Artnstronp, d.
Philadelphia County John Wharton, d.,
Oliver Evans, d.. J. H. Askin, d., .1. II. Don
nelly, d., rUvid R. MuClase. d., lowngend
Yearalev, d., Joshua T. Owen, d., John M.
Wells, d.. Henry Dunlap, d., John M. Mel
loy, d., A. Arthur, d., John II. Dohnert, d.,
Jan. Donnelly, d.
Delaware Thomas 1 owell, d.
C7,f,,erM orton Garrett, d., John Hodg
son, d.. Ebnr W. Sharp, d. .
Montgomery A. 11. Eongaker.d., Josiub
II illegal, d.. George llamc-l, d.
Pucks John Mangle, d., John II. Lov-
ett. d. . ,
Northampton Mas Goepp, d., Joseph.
Wooilring.d. . , ,
Lehiih and Carbon Charles S. W illmtns,
d., Herman Il'ipp. d. - f
jlAiiro ofi" yUe-Lafoyetta estbrook, d.
II jyie II- I'- Stevens, d.
Luzerne P. 0 (Jritinan, d., Steuben Jeu
khis, d., Samuel G. Turner, d.
,usniuhanua Simon 1J. Chase, op.
Print ford ehn U. U. Babcock, op., Cul
Ion V. N icboN, op, , . -' '
IIhii;i,7, Solhcan, c I uter Ent, d,
Jolni V. Smith, d. . , , , '.
Lycoming and Clinton V. K. Jackman, d.,
Thomas V. Lloyd, d.
Centre Samuel Uillehmd, d.
Mijtin-Vr. Bower, d
f 'iioh, SiiytUr and Junxuta Daniel it
mer, op., Thomas Hnyes, op.
Xurthnmherlaud Joseph C. Rhodes, d.
Schuylkill T. U. E. Ebur, d., Chados
Hippie,.!., Michael Weaver; d
lJavpltin l'dward Luuman, d., m. L. A.
?.nwreiice, op.
Lebanon John George, op.
yixEdmund L. Smith, d., Amos sel
ler d.. Beuj. Nunnumucher, d.
Lani-aitu- V. D. Roth, op., Jonathan II.
R.di.nd, op., Sumuel II. Price, op , Jos. D.
J'uwnull, 'p.
)Wt William M. Woir, d A. Hiestand
Glut., d. ; o
Cumberland and Perry Hugh Stuart, d.,
Charles C. Brandt, d.
Adams Charles Will, d.
Franklin and lilton James Nil', d., A.
K. MiClure, op.
Ped ford and iointrsii Samuel J Castucr,
op., David Hay, d.
JIuntingdoii David Iloutz, d.
Plair Christy, d.
Cambria G. Nelsou Smith, d.
Indiana John Bruce, op. ,
Aimstrona and 11 cstmortlnna Jonn iv.
(Jalhoun, d!, Matthew Shield d., Robert
Warden, d.
Fayette John Biercr, d.
theme William K-incaid, d.
Washington James Donahoo.d., John N.
McDonuhi, op. .
AUegheutj John M. Irwin, d., Daniel
Negley, op'., J. B. BtickhouBo, op., Nicholas
Voeghiley, Jr., op., J. Heron Foster, op.
Putter wl l.urcrenct) Eorinu Iiubrie,
op . George P. Shaw, op.
j-):.,terX. W. Crawford, op.i W. W. op.
M.-reer and Venango William U. Rose,
op., U. P. Ramsdell, op.
Clarion and M. Abrams, d.
Jejierfon, Clearfield, vVc Joel Spyker, d.,
V l Wili nx. d.'
Crawford anil ll'orrfn Robert P. Millor,
nn Tluiinfia Ktruthers. on.
,V;eVorehaui Waruer, op., David Him-
rod, 1 itl. op.
Potter and Tioga Isaac Benson, op., E.
P. Williston, op.
Democratic majority,
House of Representatives,
Diim. majority on joint ballot, 47
Asothrb Ebuptio or Mount Vrscvils.
The Loudon Times of October 10 has a letter
from N tides, which gays :
Oa Thursday we bad one of the finest
eruptions of Vesuvius possible to be seen.
Towards seven at night the crater appeared
nil ou fire, long Games suddenly arose from it
thn tha lava ifushed forth ou a very broad
surface, and with very great ropidity, in the
direction of the Fosse delle Faraone, and in
t than three hours it had run over all the
distance that crater from the A trio del
f'avallu the Dlace where stand the Vesuvian
Ohservatorv aud the famous hermitage which
uirps ii a refuire for travellers of all coun
tries, for no foreigner comes to Naples with
out mak'ms the ascent of Vesuvius. Thanks
to the fine mountain road the government
has bad made, you can ascend it easily in
All the uuavs of Naples were
thronged with people, admiring this beautiful
Bl-eiku Texascri Covtisa to Liqbt. The
reniusuUr(DeL) News says : The people
of the lower part of Sussex, continue to pick
up silver eoius aiong in coast, a iriena in'
forms as that, acoorjing to the best informa
tion be can collect, there have been from
eight to nine thousand dollars collected alto
aether. The coin dates 4 Jar as 1718. and ii
in circulation all over Baltimore Hundred.
Tlie prevailing opinion is tbat it Is the money
'which was buried ty uidos aud waimeiey
vlie two notorious pirates, who, after, eon
'yirti ill coiitVcacd tliat tney bailed mosey in
the nu ill mat iieiituoiBQou..- ;
me crtAis rnop or tLi.tioia.
'An estimate of the grain crop of Illinois
for the year 1857, which has obtained exten
sive circulation, fixes the nomber of bnshels
at 280,000.000, upon the opposition tbat the
number of acre under cultivation' was 10,
000 000, and the yield per acre twenty-eight
bnshels. This estimate, bated opon the sop
posed iacrense In the area of cnltivatioa and
the average yield of the land since the sta
tistics of the census of 18.fi0 were published,
is pronounced by the Prairie Farmer to be
grossly exaggerated. "According to the cen
sus Of 1850, the number of acres under culti
vation in that year was 5,035,545, of which
not more than 9,500,000 were planted in
grain, and the yield was 77.232,184 bushels,
or about twenty-two bushels per acre. - In
order, therefore, to realize the estimate of
280,000.000 of bushels, the area nf cultivation
most be nearly three times as great as that
of 1850, and the ratio of Increase per acre
more than 35 per cent greater. I be follow
ing Is the estimate of the Prairie Farmer t '
"The number of acres under cultivation In
this StAte bas not kept pace dorlng the last
seven years with the increase of population.
lint an unusual Quantity oi land was ptantea
in grain last autumn and lot spring : and so
did an unoaual quantity of that which was
planted have to be planted a second time.
Nor have we yet mentioned the other fact,
tbat since 1850 the town and city population
of IlliDois has increasod at least 50 per cent,
faster than the rural population, thus still
further reducing the proportion of grain
raisers, and, as a consequence, the number of
acres sown. Subsidiary to all this array of
testimony, stock-raising has, during the period
alluded to, Increased much faster thnn grain
raisinir. But, that there mav be no room for
quibbling, we shall call all things equal ; in
othor words, we shall admit that the number
of acres planted in grain in Illinois has, since
I8.)0, kept pace with the increase or popula
tion. And what has been the increase of
population? Abont 70 percent. Kthennm
ber of acres of grain harvested in 1850,
amounted to 3,500,000, the number this year
was 5.950.000. Suppose we cull it 6,000,1100,
and the average yield 28 bnshels per acre,
the sum total will be 1G8.000.000 bushels, or
nearly 14,000,000 bushels more than double
the crop of 1850."
Artesian WMIi In f lie Drarrt.
The French papers haveinteresting accounts
of newly-bored Artesian Wells in the Sahara
Desert in Algiers. , 1 Ley are six In number,
and some of then sre 275 feet deep. The
appearance of the water in each case produ
ced the grentest excitement among the deeert
tribes. Their joy over the first well was un
bounded, and news of the event Bpread to-;
wards the south with unexampled rapidity.
1'eople came from long distances in order to
see the miracle. The Marabouts, with great
solemnity consecrated the newly-created well
and gave it toe name ot "the well or peace."
At another place os soon as the reimcmg nut-
cries of the soldiers had announced the rush
ing forth of the water, the natives drew near i
in crowds plunged themselves into the bles
sed waves and the mothers bathed their chil
dren t Ihti'ii. The names immediately applied
by the peupre such as "the well of bliss" aud
Ibn well of gratitude, saniciently at let t
their fuelings. It is etatnd that these wells
will work an important purl it a social r vo
lution of the tribes in their ne 'ghbot hood.
Having been obliged like their ancestors, to
wander from place to place as the do ert
springs dried up, they will now remain around
the ' constantly (lowing wells cultivate tie
land and take the first steps towards civiliza
Discovfrt or a IU'Uan Cranicm 180 Feet
Uxdf.k Groi:np. At the first October meet
ing of the Boston Natural History Society,
Dr. A. A. liavesread a letter from Dr. L.
F. Winslow of Troy, presenting to the Socie
ty n supposed fragment of a human cranium, '
found iu California, 180 feet below the surface
of Table Mountain. It wus found in tliecl lim
of. Colonel Hubbs and was brought)up with
the "pay dirt." Remains of the n aitodon
bare been found in the same locality but not
at so great a depth
Several of the clerks in the Surveyor Gen
eral' office at Great Suit Enke City have
been driven from the Territory by tbeSuints
who are rallying to the defence of Zion.
New Advertisements.
Dissolution of Partnership.
S herehv given that lh partnership heretofore
exhjtinfr. between the undersigned, in the
Flour and reed Uusineu, in the town of 7'ro-
vorloD, has been dwiolved.
Trevorton, Oct. 17, J857. oct 24 3t
In the Common .'.ea of Korthum
berland County.
Joseph Kessler.
vs. SSubptent in fiivorce.
Elizabeth Kesider. j
rilHE undersigned appointed by the said Court
Commissioner to take deposition! in
above case, will attend for the purpose at
office in Sunbury, on Saturday the 31st of Octo
ber, iut., between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M.
and 4 o'clock P. M.
Sunbury, OcUS4, I6S7. .
Sotcfcssoa ts
(Formerly No. IS North Wharves.)
GETABLES, No. 4 North Wharves, 4ih door
Market street, Philadelphia.
Oranges, Apples, Dried Fruits Butter,
Lemons, Onions, Mercer Potatoes, Cheese
Raisins, Tomatoes, Hweet Potatoes, beans,
Pea Nuts, Peaches, Cranberries Ekes, dec
Orhersfor Mapping put up with care aud dis
tr ouuua ssld en commission for I armors
and Dealer.
October 24, 1867.
Nevr Philadelphia Dry CioodaM
Lira TowxstKD Shabfless i"Suit,
f AVE removed to their new store, N. W.
-'corner of Chcsnut and 8th Streets, snd
have opened their usual full assortment of Au
tamn and Winter DRY GOO US. which they
oner at very low prices. 1 ueir stock includes
Shawls, Ulsck aud Fancy Silks, Merino's aud
olber Dress Uoods, Men and Boy s
Wear, Blankets, Housekeeping
. Goods, and Goads for
'Friends Wear."
Oct. 54, 185T 6m2c
Bt T. 8. ARTHUR.
nrtHlS isa large Hmo. volume, Price Si. 00
i with a fiae mezzotint sngrsving, and is one
oi the most thrilling talea ever written by the
author. It shows how a man mav seem to the
world all that is good and noble, aud yet be a ty
rant in his family, aad dually send his wife to a
We publish all Mr. Arthur's new books, also
works of History, .Biography, &e., for which we
want Agents iu all parts of the Uuitsd States to
whom the largest commission will be paid, also
an extra coraiiition in the way of gifts.
48 North Fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
N. B. Specimen copies sent y mail, free on
receipt of the price of book.
October i, 1857. 3te .
THR War Trail or the Hunt of tha Wild
Horse hy ( 'apt. Mayna Keid, for sale by
August 157. . 11. V. FK1MNU.
THE STOCKHOLDERS are herby aoiiSed
to meet at the Banking house en Thursday
the Sth day of Nevrmber next, at one o'clock,
P. M., for the purpose of deciding on the expe
diency of accepting or rejecting the law legali
sing suspension of sperie payments, passed the
lth dsy of October; 167.
By order of the Board of pifeetors. '
J. R. PRIESTLY, Cashier,
; Northumberland, Oct S4th, I86T.
, For Northumberland County, for the No
vember Term, A. D 1857. .
' 1 Goo Baker, Milton, , . ,
3 Samuel Dader, Cbilisquaqne,
3 Daniel Bastian. Lower Augusta, 7
4 John Eckman, Upper Augusta, v
6 Silas S. Eanow, Sliamokin,
6 Samuel Elar, Jordan, .
7 Jacob Evert, Upper Augusta, '
8 Henry K. Martz, Shamokin,
9 Henry Kline, Upper Augusts,
10 John Wync, Lower Augusta,
11 Isaac Keiser, Zerbe,
12 Daniel Reitz, Washington,
13 Wesley Clark, Lower Augusta, , -
14 Samuel Zitller, Northumberland,
15 Petor Reigler.Turbut,
16 Geo. Ilensyl, Lower Mabanoy, -
17 John Arnold, Sunbury, '
18 Robert Ammerman, Coal, '
19 Benjamin Troxel, Cbilisquaqne,
20 Samuel Bachner, Lower Mabanoy, '.
21 Samuel Folk, Upper Mahauoy,
22 David Shaffer, l-laware, -
23 Jacob Rhimel, Mt. Curniel, ' .
24 Thomas Gearinger, Milton. -
1 Wm S Long, Mt. Carmel,
2 John T McFerson, Lower Augusta,
3 John Smick, Lower Augusta.
4 Daniel Yost, Coal,
5 George Bastiua, Sr. Sunbury,
6 Daniel Kaulman, Lower Augusta,
7 George Emericb, Lower Mahuooy,
8 Andrew Bucher Washington,
9 George A psley. Shamokin, ' ,
10 Michael Lahr, Lower Mahanoy,
11 John Cornell, Lower Augusta,
12 Isaac Lilly, Delaware,
13 George Renn, Sunbury,
14 Samuel Malick, Washington,
15 Samuel S Fullmer. Turbut,
16 Christian Eister, Delanure,
17 George Seller, Lower .-tugusta,
18 John Reply Shamokin, - '
19 John W Mullick, Lower lngUBla,
20 Caleb Barrett, Lower Augusta,
21 Wm F Mendick, Cbiiuqimque,
22 I eter Y eaver, iiewis,
23 (esse Ilensyl, Sbamokin,
24 Philip Mercer, Lower Mahanoy,
25 Wm Smith Jr., Delaware,
26 Henry Rahn. Lower ylugusta,
27 Charles Helfenstein, Coal,
28 John Baillett, Delaware,
29 Joseph Shipe, Upper Augusta,
30 Duuiel Brown, Milton,
31 Wm Bartholumew, Lower .Inguata,
32 James Roed, Chilisrjuaque,
33 George Lahr, Jackson,
34 Joseph M. Huy, Northumberland,
30 Will Hluir, tjlillisquaqiin,
36 James Thomas, Mt. Carmel,
37 Thomas J Nesbit, Toint,
38 Deter Klock, Lower Mabanoy,
39 John Solken, Rush,
40 Voter Ferster Jr. Washington,
41 Daniel Follmer, Turbot,
42 Samuel II Walliser. Iewis,
43 Jacob M. Follmer, Tarbut,
44 Wm Caul. Point,
45 R. M Frick Milton,
46 Jocob Stitxel, Delaware,
47 Christian Fugely. Upper Augusta,
48 Daniel Hollenbach, Lower Augusta,
1 Joseph Frederick, Zerby,
2 Wm Strino, Milton,
3 Epbraim Zimmermun, Shamokin,
4 George Harrison, Suubnry,
5 Daniel Arnold, Upper i4ugusta.
6 A lvercher, Lewis,
7 Joseph IIolTa, Northumberland,
8 Robert Smith. Lower Augusta,
9 Israel Winner, Lower Mahanoy,
10 Peter Klock, Washington,
11 vlbraham llowuiter, Upper Mahaney,
12 Elius Emmerich. Lower .-togusti,
13 John M Smith, Delaware,
14 Soloman Prnckemiller Jr. Delaware,
15 I sail s R hhufler, ('hilisquaque,
16 Samuel Eckman, Turbut,
17 Benjamin Boyer, Lower Mahanoy,
18 Joseph Hayes Jr. Delaware,
19 Henry Wolf. Jordan,
20 Sebastian Haupt, Sunbury,
21 Peter Borrest, Chilisqnaquo,
22 Samuel Shive, Lower vlugusto,
23 Jacob Bloom, '
24 Nicolas Peifer, Lower Mahanoy,
25 James Smith, Point,
26 John Bohner Shamokin,
27 Jacob Scibert, Delaware.
28 Solomon Diefl'f nderfer, Milton,
29 James Strean, Chilisquaquc,
30 Thomas Stierner, Miltoo,
31 George lluoy. Lower ylugusta,
32 Gideon Beam, Lewis,
33 Samuel Ressler, Upper Mahanoy,
34 Hntnuel Hoffa, Tuibut,
35 Frederick Fox, Lewis,
36 John Hofia, Turbut,
riY virtue of a certain writ of LivIbi 1
6 9 cms, issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Northumberland county and to me di
rected will be exposed to public sale at the Court
House in Sunbury, on MONDAY, the 2nd day
ol NOVEMBER next, at one o'clock, P. M., the
Railroad of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Hail
roid Company, from its terminus at Sunbury to
its intersection with the extension of the Mine
Hill and Schuylkill Haven Railroad in the coun
ty of Schuylkill, with its corporate franchises and
appurtenances, together with all its Locomotive
Luginrsand Cars.
And also, all those seven several I ractsnf Land,
situate, lying and being on the waters of Shamo
km Creek In the counties of Northumberland
and Montour in the Stato of Pennsylvunia, one
of them called "t'atland, surveyed in the name
of Wm. Gilbert, containing 4124 acres and al
lowance of six per cent for roada, Ac One other
of them called 'lreenhell, surveyed la the
name of Isaac Taylor, containing 422 J acres and
allowance of six per rent for roads, Ac. One
other of them called "H rook Held," surveyed
the name of Jesse Brooks, containing 4 1 3 acres
and alluwance of six per cent foe reads, &c. One
other of them called "Walnut Bottom." surveyed
in the name of Jesse Evans, containing 45.j
acres and allowance of six per cent for roads, A c.
One other of them called "Oxford," surveyed in
the name of Sarah Lane, containing 422 j acres
and allowance of six per cent for roads, A c. One
other of them called "Hartford," surveyed in the
name of Mary Lane, eontuining 455 acres and
allowance of sis per tent for roads, ice, and the
other of them called "Plsinfield," surveyed in the
name ef William Lane, containing 351 acres and
10 perches and allowance of six per cent for
roads, Ac, being part of a larger body of land
commonly called the "MeCall Lands," and the
same seven Tracts of Land which Wm L. Hel-
fenstein, by deed dated the 12lh day of August,
A. D. 1852. granted and conveyed to the said
The Philadelphia &. Sunbury Railroad Company,
together wilb all and singular the buildings, im
provements, wave, woods, waters, water-courses,
rights, liberties, privileges hereditaments and ap
purtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or
in anywise SDoertaining.
eixed taken into execution and to be sold as
the property ef the said The Philadelphia dc
Sunbury Railroad Company.
gheriCTs OQtfe, Sunbury, )
October U, 1857.
HOLDER HYDE'S Expositioa of Mormon-
I lain. Trice, J5, for sale bf
Srft. 19, I887.-3I. ' H..Y. RILING.'
IV CTICE is hereby reh to the stockholders
that an election will be held at the Banking
house, en Monday the lflth day sf November
nt)Xt,.hatw,een the hours of 10 o'cloeh A. M and
8 o'clock P. M., for the purpose oT electing 13
Directors to serve for the ensuing year.
1 The annual meeting of the stockholders will
be held at the Banking house on the first Tue.
ds in November at 10 eVIoek A. M .
J. R. TRIE8TLEY Cashier,
. October 17, 185T 4t. r
""'Estate of PETER H- MOOSE, dee d.
OTICE is hereby given, that letters or ad
il ministration on the estate of Pstei H Moore,
late of Lower Augusta tewnship, Morthumberl'd
county, deceased, have been granted to the sub
scriber. All persons indebted will pleas make
immediate payment, and those having claims
present them duly authenticated Art settlement.
MAUY ANN MOORE, Adm'uix.c. a.T.
. October 17, 1857-6t.
rrtoM rniLDSi.rHii,
Wp ESPECTFUI.LY informs the diliiens of
J Sunbury and vicinity, 'bat be bas opened
a Room at the Lawrenco House where he offers
for sale
Oferery variety, size and quality, A nsw In
vention of Spectacles, f-t distant or close reading
with gold, silver, steel, and tortoise-shell frames,
and a new and improved assortment of perifocal
ground flint Glasses of his own manufacture
He would particularly call the attention of the
public to his spectacles for Near Sighted Persons
and for persons who have been operated upon
for the cataract of the eye, and to his new kind
of glasses and Conserve of the sight made of
the best flint and szure Glasses. Good Glasses
may be known bv their shape, exact centre, sharp
ana nigiuy pointed surlaca. J lie qualities are
to be fuund in a high degree in bis glasses.
Highly important The very best Brazilian
Pobble I so universally proved to be far superior
to any oiher glass.
ALSO I Microscopes, Ppy and Quinine
Glasses of every size and Quality ; Telescopes.
Magnifying and Opera Glasses, with different
powers, together wi.h every variety of articles in
the optical line aot mentioned.
EC Optical and other Instruments and Glas
ses carefully repaired at short notice. lie eta
always select Glasses to suit the vision of the
person, as he lees tbem, upon the first trial. He
will remain in this place during November Court
and thoso in want of the above articles will please
give hinr a call.
He will, if required, so to anV resectable
house where his services may be wrnted.
1 lie very best tie-Water and the best Hunt;
ing Glasses aiways for sale.
October 17, I8fi7
new Marble Untitling,
Not. 100, 201 and 203 Baltimore Street,
ffAVE now iu store (mostly of their own im
portation) one ot the larsst and m,it com
plete Stocks in the United Stales, embracing
Silks and Silk goods of everp clans ; Dress
Goods a very large stock i Irish Linens: Lin-
en Goods and Housekeeping Articios of every de
scription i Meurning Goods; Cloaks, Mantillas
and Shawls; Embroideries. Laces. Hosiarv.
Gloves, Blankets, Quilts, Domestic Goods : and
every article generally rexuired by Farmers and
rianien lor servants use.
0" Retcil Rooms en first He or tha mica
afTixa I to each article, from which tie deviation
is made.
Kir Wholesale Rsoms on the seeond and third
floors. y .
Octdber, 11, 1857. 3ra.
Joseph Kessler, ) No. ft8, August T. 1857
ve . Al. Subpoena in Divoce.r
Elizabeth Kessler, ) Ts Mrs. Elizabeth Kessler.
You aro hereby commanded to be and appear
before the Judgas of the Court of Common Pleas
of JSorthiimberland county, to be held at Sunbu
ry, on Monday the 3d day ef Movemlr, 1N!7,
to answer to tlie above subpoena in divorce or
show cause why a divorce should not He obtain
ed agaiiist you from the bonds of niatrimoay.
M M Hi W fclSIS, Sheriff.
Sncairr's Orrica, )
Sunbury, Oct. 10, 1857. J
OJJlct on South Second, near Market Street,
I. E W 1 8 B V R G , PA.
Practices in tho Counties of L'nion, Northum
berland and Montour.
All l tsuMUKss entrusted to
Irs rare will receive prompt and faithful atten
October 3, 1857. ly
Sunbury, Sept.Jfi, lfe7.
If Y. FRILINO. having obtained the agency
for PRKEKS GIFT BOOK Enterprise
is now prepared to furnish any Hook published
as retail price with a gift worth from 25 cents to
Godfreys Narrvtive of tlie Kane Expedition
bound in cloth, price $1.00 (with Gift.) liouad
in paper (ilheut gift) 50 cents.
Dr. Livingstone's 18 years' Explorations and
Adventures in the Wilde of Africa, 250, N vo
pages. One hundred splendid Engravings,
bound in cloth with gold, price $ I 0U (with gift.)
Paper edition 50 cents (without gifi).
Sept 19, 1867. (H.
Miss A. !T. TO.TIEU,
Successor to Mrs. M. Hill,
Fashionable Straw and Fancy Milliner
No. 463 (old No. 321) North Second Street, lie.
lovr Noble, opposlto Red Lion Hotel, Plulad'a,
VW Pattern Bonnet made to order. Milli
nery in all ita various branches. A call reelect
fully solicited,
October 3, ' 657 3wr3iu
rHE subscribers respectfully announce to tha
public, that their new Steam Flouring Mill
in this place, bas been completed, and will go
into operation on Monday Ihs 8 1st ojj oi Au
gust, inst.
Having engaged a competent and careful
Miller, they trust they will be able, with all the
modern improvements adopted in their mill, to
give entire satisfaction to all who may favor them
with tlinr custom.
Sunbury, August 2'J, 1857, tl
PORTER'S Spirit of tha Times for sals by
Augast I, 1857.
sPIAME to tha premises of the subscriber on
v Monday, the 7tU of September, inst.,
CRAY HORSE, about U or 14 yearsold. The
owner is reauested to come forward, prove pro
perty, pay charges, and lake him away, otherwise
be will be diapoeed ol accoruing 10 isw.
Ru.h lp., Brpt U, 1857-tm
'T'HB Glasgow- Poisoning Case Particulars
in the National Police Caaette, for eale b
Augul.', .. H. Y. rKILlXvO.
mixed with water, thereby saving the soet
of oil, fur sale by
March 14, '67. A. V. TIDIER
J ' UL.Li. 1 -i-i1-
RE&PECTFtlLLY informs the cilizehS of
of Lower Atgtita township and the pub
tie generally, that he hks purchased 4he btore
lately kept by Isaao Marts, in Lower Augusta
township near Dmerich's Tavern, and bas just
opeuej a splendid stock of ,
1 all and Winter dud9.
His stock coo sis ts of Cloths, Casaimerea, Cassi
netts of all kinds, linen, cotton and Worsted.
Also, Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, Mousseline
De I. sines and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods.
GROCERIES, Hardware, Cjucensware of va
rious styles and pitierns.
Also, an assortment of Resdy-Made Clothing
of all descriptions, Blots and Shoes, Mats and
Gaps. SiH.T FISH. Ac, and a variety of
other article such as ere suitable to the trade,
all of which will be sold at the lowest prices.
tSf Country produce taken in exchange at
the highest market prices. . .-
Lower Augusta twp., October 10, 18G7-tf.
1VOT1CB is hereby given thnt the several
" Court of Common Pleas, General (Quarter
Sessions of tlie peace, and Oprhane' Court, Court
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,
in and for the county of Northumberland, to
Commence at the Court Hiuse, in the borough ol
Sunbury, at 10 o'clock. A. M. on Monday, the
2d day of NOVEMBER next, and wifl continue
The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta
bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are
requested to be then and there in their proper per
sons,, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and
other remembrances, to do those things to their
several offices appertaining to be dono. And al
witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Commonl
wealth against any prisoner are also requested and
commanded to be then and there attending in their
proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall
be just and not to depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their
attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to
their notices. . .
Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 1st day of
October in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and fifty-seven and the Inde
pendence of the United States of America the
God save the Commonwealth.
Sheriff s Office, Sunbury,
Sept. 10, 1897.
fJOR trial in the Court of Common Pleas ef
-- Northumberland County, to be held at Sun
bury, on the first Monday of November t
G. Leisenring vs G. Morris
L. Machan . Vs Hegins & Donnel.
J. B.-Sn-illi's ex'rs. vs same.
same vs same.
same vs ame.
Abott for Justice vs S R Wood
Wm Hcltzmm, vs Jaob Ililbish,
Abiahnm Bener vs John Bartholomew,
R. D Sax'.un vs John Simpson
WmKMarlt vsJBMuaser
Eckel Raigusl & Cd vs II Maaser's Ex'rs.
John Bower ct al VsS J McCormick
Philip Faust
M M Sober
Ragucl & Co
John Hess
E Helfenstein
vs Joseph Hogendobler
vs F Mutcliler
vs D Stewart and wife
vs Catharirie Pollock,
vs H B Massc'r
vs Jacob Guss
va Wm Sheaffer,
vs Henry Vangaokin
C Yarger
Ira T. Clement
F. Fryer and wife vs P Sulsback et al
Sarah Swenev, Adm'r., vs Samuel Teas
John Fry vs Commissioners of Koribumb'd Co.,
1'uilip Sams vs same
Geo. Sboll & Co vs C. fnith
Henry Latsha vi M. Kluck
George Haruer vs Mary Harner.
A. Kissingers, Ex r, vs John W Sranme
Ira T. CIsmerIt va A C Noyes,
llelfsnstein for Prothono- . w.
Nicholas Biocious vs Catharine Rrocious
I.eib for 7amiuer vs SunSury Catial It Ce.
Samuel Savidge vs John iiuiitb
Mowrey 1 eter, vs Bell, Lewis &. Co.
Henry Weise, vs Thoa. Baumnrdner,
Jos. Trago, vs Northern Central R. K. Co.
Mrs Derr vs Frymire and Stout.
Jshn Young vs John W. Pealo,
Catlwrine Stroh, vs Cbss Stroh,
Ann M Seitz vs Henry Lain
Jacob II ilbh-h vs John Weaver
Henry Giant vs P. Montague's adm'r
Kriegbeum William vs Samuel Julia,
Samuel John Vs V. Gibson and tvifo,
Franklin Potts vs Bevd, Ifosaor & Co.
Prothonotary's Office, )
Sunbjry, Oct. 10, 1857. J
No. 246 Arch St. bet. Second Third,
(Opposite Bread Strest,
gJEIVES, Riddles, Screens, Woven Wire of
Lc all meshes and widths, with all kinds of
plain and fancy wire work. Jeavy Twilled
Wire for Spark Catchers; Coal, Sand and Gra
vel Screens; Paper Maker's Wire ; Cylei der
Wire and Wire Fencing.
A very auperior a-tide of ffeavy Founders'
8eives. .411 kinds of Iron Ore Wire Seives.
Philadelphia, Sept. 19,1857 c3m. .
VTOTICE is hereby givcu tbat application has
been made to the Court of Common Pleas
of Northumberland county, by the members of
the tierman Kolorined and fcvangencai i.uincran
ChurcUea in Upper Manonoy lownsuip, lor
Charter of Incorporation under the name and
title of the Trustees and Church Council el St.
John's United German Reformed and Evangeli
cal Lutheran Church, in Upper Mabonoy atid
that the same will be presented to i-ouri iuc a
hearinn. the first Monday ol loveinuer nexi.
neanng. JAMES BEARU, Proth'y.
Prothonotary's Office. )
Suabury, Sept. VJ, ivoi, is
(Gould's Puieid, September 2i lS.IC.)
IOR which a diploma. was awsruiu i m.
? Kxhibition of the Mas Charitable
... ... .
!"-- " .
tf.aaniA A aniiiMallon.
inriiv. - -)
ri.i- li an entirely nf w uppucauon 41 myumi
MLiss a rvtnrst rnti.fnrtllnle. Ileal
uringn w oeua, i"a 'n. .
r . - ....1 has Kat.-n Mril
er, ana cneaper sprum u ...... ....
to the public, applicable to old as well as new
The peculiar position ef the springs elevate the
head slightly, saving the trouble of building up
ii,. h..l avith extra bolstera.
Tbt construction is ao simple, ana every pari
so exposed, that bogs have no hiding places, and
tl. most imexDerienced can take out each for
..r,irT aa thev are only fastened by a button
The Springs used are made expressly fur these
berta on a Patent Siiiral Spring Machine. The
public need ouly see this bed lo appreciate IL
The aubscriber has purchased the right of
manufacturing, and selling, in iortnumrKrianu
county, aud will furnish the article at reasonable
Springe put in old bedsteads for three dol
Sunbnry, Sept IS, 1857. tf
BLANK Deeds, Mortgsges, Bonds, Warrants
A itachmenta, Commilinents, Summons, Bu
poenaa. Executions, Justices' and CouatsbUV
Pee Bills, 4., etc., can be had by apply Ing at
Ibis office.
T1ICKLE3 of yatiaua kinda, lobsters, Bar-
dines, 4e-, to., luat received and lot aa
it lh Hrug Store ef , A. W.FI81IER.
anbury, Angust 1,' 1857. ,. . .
WHOLES ALB ANO RRTA tl M th. rhilcllri
WiilciK aurt ifiwelif Won'! Ha. Hi (OM No. i)
North SfWMKl Snnt, Cwtnwi nf CJusfrv, rtiilwlelpliia.
QoM Levsf tTalehas, fall Jswslktd, 18 elirst eons, tn,m
U'lld lonintt. 18 earut.
Sliver Iver, full Je wslled, ...
9ilrsr lupins, inwsls, ....
Superior nsrtiers, . . . a .
OoW HrwetaclM,
19 DO
T 00
t 0
1 so
t ve
s on
1 00
Fuio Hilvot do.. , "
ld llrseslns, . -" .
I.ydy'i Child Prnsils,
Bilvsr Tas Bnno, set,
OoH Pens, with pencil snd Mrr holiter,
184 ets., rlnt 16f , Cujet as 1 ollwr articles III proportion
All goods warranted to be whnt ilisy are sukl for.
woil p iiifl or Kln?i 37 els to PMM v aim I !
. ei aitr p e.n iiai !
On band soma rlolil aurt 8ilvsr Levers snd Lepinsa
still lower than ibe above prirs
riniairiiMia, uctticr in, lfso.- iyv -
In the Matter of the Settlement of tli EsteUe
nf Felix .ere, of Mt. C& rmel.
NOTICE is hereby given that Catharine
Lcrch, widow tf Felix LerCh deceased
has made ber selection of tho personal prop
erty of said deceased, According to the Act of
Assembly or I4tn of April, 1807, which will
be presented to the Orphans Court for ap
proval en Thursday, the Sth day of Novem
ber nest.
October 2, 1857.
2C1, AorfA Third Street, 1 door below
SALF.Sof snd Shoes, l)rv Ounds, Gum, liars',
wars. Wsubes. Fancv Oooda. As.. KVKUV .KVK.
tV.Conntrv dtorrkeenera ami others will nhvnra Snd at
our Evening Sulea a larga and desirahle anortmeut et the
Bimve, m ne aold in lota in anil huyeis.
wwitiKina nacKeu on ina premiaas lor i;ouniry i raaa.
8ut. 1, 1857-C.3m
Se Ageicultueal waeehotjse,
Not. SI and 23 South Sixth Street, near 'the
Statt House, Philadelphia.
Tea floora of this Snaeioua IrailJIng, erected exprnaly
for the Proprietors' trade, aro stored with Seeds aud im
plements of interest pi Furmeraand (Jnrdeners.
The aubacriliers deairs to call the attention of everv one
intereated in Farminaan . Uardeniiii. to their well eelect-
ed atock of Agricnltmal Implementa and Machinery.
Crrat variety of Horlicultural Toola, wnrranted harden
and Flower Seeds, Oresa aud Field Seeds of tlie must re-
iitioie qtiauiy. , ,
The Agricultural Implements sold by na are mostly
manufactured nt our Steam Works, Briabil, Pa.
Having fitted up tliia estahliahment without regard to
expenae, with the moat cnmplele nachinerv, for the man
ufacture of vnriuua kinda of Agricultural iiniilementa, ws
sre now prepared to supply nil nrlii-les in this litis fully
emial, if uoi anpertnr, to any thing of tha kiud ever before
offered to the public. .
Have baen before tho nuniic for un warda of aixrv vnira ;
their wide-aptend popularity, and the ronatioitiy' increaa.
ing demand from year ui yeur, is t'i beat evidence of their
superiority over all others.
I v Lmintry merriinnu can be supplied with sceda iu
papers, or bulk, on the moat liberal trnia.
llliiotnailale, tirnr Briatol, Pa., our Garden Seed srrounda
eontnins three huirdrrd and seventy aerce, and ia the tar-gu-at
oatablialunentof ita kind in thewnild
Noa. ei and Vi South Siath Slroet, 1'hilndelphis.
Seplcmber 26, IH7. pr3m.
Thii wrell kunwn rcmcdv diH-overcd bv mr lain nart-
iicr I)mlor G. J. Ieeds, is a sure cine fm the nlKve disor
der, Sick-JIeiulaclie, and ail other Netrous aiTectitit It
contains no (Quinine, Arsenic, or nttirr injurious inetwii
ents. It strengthens the System, gives lone to the stom
a,cli. find js iiivnluuble to Dyspeptics Hud tluins nfU-cted
Willi weCKness fn nliv patt or the nyfetem. Jl is eapecmllv
tf com mended til females, troubled with Fulling of th'
Worn1). One ttll is surTu-ient in most nmci. where I hat
DirtsBlKi:isafe followed. Ceitific&Le ran he furnished from
all iiarts of the Union.
mlrtlT the DriictTists frenerally and by J. If. Hnzsrd,
Wholemle Hruegist. and Stde. Proprietor 121 Maideu
LnncNew York.
New York, Sept. W, 1867, v3m.
W a rT,I Pr-wl fautei. It rruuirsa no Wai.Soldw
' 7 rra nutei. It rruuirsa no Wat.floldet'
" -".. .estia irMtamiv, anaj U more sssllj MalfJ
T4.ttMrl than My other Tan Tr hivoutoJ. All
lo prtrMiikftta tf,!, mjtiet tettia fmtHr, ha fnTnW
riallMiKsM lb woild in tm Infalllbie, SimrJ. Eay aaU
jn-i iwm f Harmsjliftal lUalirit.
rdli intralsal in ikaas a f k.'.m. i..
M dnraiaU Uia art'U l.y faW ttaianiilri ( bat afl
ac ml 1 and tracti. tuaa a tw hava axanusad it ar
U willow, a fault.
llta w MrtutUd to ItMn all artleUsi pttt a aMwrrJvBc
to dirorboa. Try U, attd ia all rtwi hr a faiinr is.
Via ibhiis ansj ( afjii ID moDf Will M TOTnOdBtf
Tb) CSWkvt lal Hum tTnsuiu llsSLtsisl Taabk.
d!ITrt,Bt frosn tht ofniy otrtjuswd Us otlwr. '
u. arsa,unK IB so M HUrVIJ DW fUJU). Uia) .(WKat
lay parisxlJy SUU.aod cannot Kriniicor iirctatul, aa
Fur Uuia intketB w,u)d do on ny uUirCn-
rh. Thuraii no Load 1.
iT "rrj"" iarir anoutfti 10 aamii a fau-iaI
IvUrloraU lit
ThU 1-Tl,,ci,.l. of Sa.llsc hu'at od Oi. Iwl ForTbrM
urn utjf wao b.v. trwa ui.ia
ao ll, Caua.
Sept. IS, ISit.
f I17E suuacriber oilers at private sule the house
-L and Lot now occupied by himself, situated on
the corner of Kiver and ilJurberry strvots, Sun
bury The improvements are a two story
nearly new. a Waah-houso and W ond house and
a good stable. Also an excellent well ol vi a
ter. 21iere la also on the lot a choice variety
of good fruit. Terms easy, i or further parti
culars apply to
Sunbury Sept. it, 1857. tf
RESPECTFULLY' infarms liia frienfls, and
the public generally, that he has just recciv-
ed a New Stuck of GOODS, at his new store, at
David Miller's Mill, in Lower Aucu.ta 1 own-
ship, and that be is prepared to sell goods at the
lowest prices.
II is Stock consists in part oi
Groceries, Qneensware, Hardware, &c.
and every Variety Usually kept in a country
Trevortorl prices paid for all kinds of produea.
Lower Augusta twp, Aug. 8, 1857. tf
,P 1 VTV li K C4 .4 IXK It V.
"EO. Y. WEISE has again commenced snd
will continue to lake AMB KOTYPEM, ifcc,
at his Room aliove tlie Pott Office. Persons
wishing to have good likenesses taken, will please
call and see us. We will take pictures at reduced
prices and take trade 111 payment fur tho samo.
All kinds of pictures copied.
Sunbury, August 82. 1867 tf
Dissolution of Partnership.
NOTICE is hereby given that tha fir. of
Bird. Douty & John, of Uig Mountain Colliviy,
was this day (luly 1st, 1857,) mutualjy dissol
ved by the withdrawal of J. J. John.
J. i. JOHN.
The business of Mining and Shipping Coal
from the above named Colliery will hereafter be
carried on in the name of Bird & Douty, who
will adjust all the unsettled accounts of thol e
Bhamokin, July 18, 1857. tf
Of every description, suitable for railroad,
Ac, for weighing Hay, Coal, Ore, and
Merchandise geuerally. Purchasers run ne rik
evsry scale is guaranteed correct, and if alter
trial, not found eatisfactoty ouh be le! timed with
out charge,
Factory at tha Old Siand, established fur mors
than twenty years corner of Ninth and Moloa
Streets, .Philadelphia. '
" '' fuccr(ira to EHicnit & Abbott.
rhlladejphia..fepl. S, l57 sSiuj . -
ivtrroro 1 juttrsTCJ r . ""
1VTR. O. KIMBALL, late of Lhnira, haVing
J--- become a resident of Sunbury, rfspvetfelly
en forms the cititena and others, that hi lnte)i')
to form a Sihgint; Class, both secular and Safrrd
Snd will impart instruction to all who may Oiirt,
to place themselves tinder his charge.
1 N. B. Mrs. d. Kimliall ia prepared to givl
instructions to it few more pupils on tha fitifiO
unburr. September 10, 1 857 tf
JOHN PAR Pirt CO.. New fin.VBIf. No MarVei
St. almve Kfaht, Philndelphin. Importer", Miniufaelurers
snnucaiera in irfinies, ficniicmen anu v uiKircna raury.
Tura. Whnlesul and Rewil, J. F. Cn.j would rail
the SIteiHlrii of j)cnlnra and llie Publ'e urnraHy to .llietr
lintnenM Hwk of Fam-y Flira for lyiilies Oenllrmen Sud
Ciildreni their saattrtmeut emit acea every article snd
kind of Fancy Ftire, that will he worn dnrinfr this senaou
such ss Full Capos, Half Canes Quarter Cnpes, Talmas,
Virtmines Dona, AIulTs A; Afuffntees, ftum the Sliest Kua
shin ftnhle to the lowest p'lce Domeatic Fnrs.
For Geirtlemen the largest aaaortment of Fur Oilers.
Olnvea OnuntWa c., lieniRIhe direetlmporteianf allmit
Kors and Maniifaclurera of thorn under our own aupervi
ainn we feet sntiafied ws can 'Her h-tter iitducementa to
deali-rs ami lha puhlie generally trail sny other house;
navlnir an aaaorimeni tc seiRCiiromaiiaauneiviannTaruir
eis prices. Ws only ask a ealll
NoStl Mait-et Street almvt KititK, I liilod'a.
Philadlrhia, ,-pL 1; lS37-w4m.
Benjamih Chandlef
anulef )
a, etat. )
Ke. 40, A'rtcusl Term,
857, August elH, 1857.
Bueher, Ayres,
On motion or William M. Kockrfcl'er, I-.sti.,
attorney for plalntlfTs rule on the above defend-
ents to appearand plead by the first 13y of tiext
term to the above octipn or ejectment for all that
certain tract or pidce of land, situate in Slinmoltln
(now partly in Coal and partly in Zerbe town
ships,) in the county of Northumberland, con
taining two hundred and seventy three acres,
more or less, adjoining lands in the name of Wm.
Wilsoht re'.cr Mowrer, Michael Kroll, Frederick
Kramer and others. Surveyed on a warrant
granted to Mathias Zimmerman. P. rur.
Extracted from record and certified September
3J, 1857, .
JOHN S. BEARD, Deputy Proth'ry.
Prothonotary's Office
Sunbury, Sept. 4, 18!7. f
No. 816 Chcsnut Street, apposite the Qirari
I louse,
JT OOKING'Glnss Warerooms akid Iteposilo
2 i of Art. Eiiirravinnu, Pointing', . Portrait
and Picture Frames, in every variety, of the lata
originals and European Pattcrp.s. J'ier Tables,
ionaois, brackets and Lorn ices, l he moat ex
tensive jind elegint assortment of Looking (.las
ses, of substantial workmanship, and at Auction
Gold Medal awarued ny tho Maryland Insti
tute, 1856. Highest Premitiiii awarded by the
Franklin Institute 1855.
September 19, 1856 c3m3
Ihe $10 and $15 Einele and Double
Threaded Empire Family Sewing
AN AGENCY for the sale of there Scvrlnfc
Machines can be secured on liberal lornis f r
the County of Northumberland. No due nocd
apply without capital sufficient to conduct tho
business pmperly and who cannot bring refer
ences as to reliability and capacity. A personal
aiipucauon win so necessary.
I he peculiar adaptation of these Machines for
all purposes of Family Sewing, will, where evor
they aro oQered for sa'.o command a read" aud
unlimited demand. .
S. E. Corner of6th and Arch Sts., Fhiladel'a.
August 15, 1857. tf
NERVOU8 DEBILITY, after many
years of misery, desires ts make known to ell
tellow-sullerers the sure means ol relief. Addrecs
cncloriing stomp to pay return postage, Mt.
MARf E. DEW ITT, Boston, Ma.s., and th
prescription will be sent free, by next pott.
August , 1857. 3m Pt
What an enormous Variety of Toys and
Fancy Goods he has ! Who ? Our Friend
At No. Ui North 2nd St., above Arch, I'hila.,
T1K has just received direct from Eumpo a
very large assortment of Toys of all kinds,
fancy flaskets, Pipes, Canes, Segar Cases, To
bacco Boxes and an endless variety of fancv ar
ticles. Call upon him before purchasing else
where. Philadelphia, August 39. 1857 3m2jw
rgMlE following, from that eminent Physician
of Philadelphia, Dr. Urinckle, added to the
testimony of Professor Booth, only confirms
what is evidenced by thousands who have used
Hover's Dye.
"GinAitn How, Cbehtjit Stbtet, )
Philadelphia, December 22d, 153.
"Iri regard to llovta's iAia Dvx, I can state
unhesitatingly, that it contains no deleterious in
gredients, and may, bo used with cntiie safety,
and with the utmost confidence and success."
Hover's Writing & Indelible Inks,
Aro so well and widely known, aa to require ho
that the steady afid increasing demand, gives tha
best evidence that l!iey maintain their character
for superiorly, which distinguished them when
first iutreduced, years ago.
Orders addressed to the Monufactory; No. 41ti
RACE, street, cbove Fourth, (old No. 144.)
Philadelphia, will receive prompt a'tention, by
JOSEPH E. HOVER. Manufaetuter.
Sep. 12, 1857. i4prilS5, '57, ch.
rpobacco and Segars- 20,000 Imported
A ISegara of various brands. Eldorado, Fig,
Cavendish and fine cut tobaebo at
Runhury, March 14, 1857,
JOIi: . REAtttt,
Ojjict in Macket St., opftotite the Court Home,
Ciillrrtians maila and Prufessionnl BusiusaM
generally ot'.cnded t Tromptly and Carcfulljv
P1111.4nEr.rHiA Rr-FT.alxca :'
Bullitt Fairlhorne, Diehl 4- Werta,
Davis A Birtwy, F. Tyloi &. Ce.
Sunbury, Juno SO, 1?57.
Sprir.g ar.d Siunnaer rnaluons for 1S57
Market Square, Sunbury.
OW itceivcd and will continue to reesira
i-' the largest and best selected Stock of
Plait Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinettt etnd
Vesting-', &c.
An assortment of Dress Good's, y is: Fancy
printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, De Laiits
Uareges, Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapacus, Dress
Silks, Ginthains, &c.
Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling. Shee
ing, J'illowcaseing, Ac
Dross Trimmings In Groat Variety.
Boots and Shoes
Hats and Caps,
8ALT and FISH, Cheese, Crarkera, Segars,
Tobacco, Knuff, Ac-, an assorsmenl of olher
Goods too tedious to mentiob.
Feeling grateful fer past favor we beg leeve t
assure our eld friends and 'the public that n
ettort on ow part shall 1 wonting to merit a
continuance of our patronage. ,
Country produce taken 111 fichsnge at Ike 1
highest market price.
' runbnf , May 30 , 1 857.- t( c