ARRIVAL OF THE BALTIC. TRRKK 1AV LATER FKOAt KUIIOPK. LA TEH FROM INDIA. CoteTa! ttavelock itill at Cowopt-re The mo ney Crisis in England- Diicount Hates ad vanced In 7 per Cent Triumph of Prioress -Death of Lecompte. Vrlr Vnnir fid 9' ' The steamship Btltio 1ms arrived, with Li verpool dates to Wednesday, the 14th init., foor days latof. 1 " ' ' - . The Baltic brings 72,000 sterling and 160 passengers. The race for. the great' Cznrewilch Handi cap, at New Market, resulted in tbe triumph of Mr. Pen Broock's "Prioress." Tbe suc cess of the American horse was recoived with great cheering, and she immediately beenme tbe first favorite in tbe butting for the Cam bridgeshire stakes, to bo ruu for at New Market, on the 27th of October. Bolero tbe race. 100 to 1 was laid aeainst Prioress. The American horso I.ecompte died from ao attack of cholic. Prior bad been strick en out of all his engagements for tbe present! In the race with Saunleer, the ' Babylon paid forfeit. Lator dales from India have been received , nt London by telegraph from the overland mail. The Calcutta dates are to the 10th, nnd from Bombay to the 17th of September. The siegn train was expected to reach Del hi on the 3d of September, when the assault would be commenced. . i Lord Elgin had loft Calcutta for China. The China mail failed to connect with the overland mail at Ceylon. An excessive money pressure prevails in London, and a further advance in the rate of diacount by the Bank of England is anlicipa tod Consols have fluctuated greatly. They doclined to SC , but subst-qnontly rallied. Tho Bank of Dublin boa advanced the rate of discount to 7 per cent., and the Bank of France to 6 per ccut. Mr. K. M. Archibald, a native of Nova Scotia, and formerly Attorney General of Newfoundland, has been appointed British Consul at New York. The Karl of Titzhardinge died on the 10th inst. - The London Times, in a leading article on the supply of cotton, says : ' It appears that if one America is not sufficient and we want a second, we can hardly do better than tako the first for our model. We know of scores of spots where tbe soil and climate are as good as in Georgia, and though, porhaps, cot ton of the very best quality is not to be rais ed everywhere, or upon the inBtant, we have great faith iu the powers of cultivation.' But soil and climate are not enough. Capital, enorgy and organization will be called for still, or we shall get no cotton to speak of; and it happeus that in none of tbe conntries otherwise fitted for the purposes in question are these requisites to be found among our native possessions. Tbe qualities which ena ble tbe Americans to send out millions of bales every year aro not discoverable in Hin doos or Borneans, and as tliey are not indige nous, they must needs be imported. England in short, must Cnd money, machinery and wits and if these are carried to somo well selected territory, where there is good lund and abun dant lubor, we mny soon be able to discuss oar claims about tbo production of cottun." SPAIN. The ministerial crises, at Madrid, contin ued, Bravo Murillo refused to lorm one of tbo minority of tbe Cabinet, and anticipations of further disturbances were entertained. ITALY. Tbe King of Prussia was slightly better, but his condition is still very critical. Report wero currant of apprehended dis turbances in some parts of Italy, ar,d the au thorities were on the alert. RUSSIA. A telegraph despatch annonuccs that Prince UortcbakofT bad addressed a confiden tial circular, relating to the Stvttgurdt inter view, to tho Russian Ambassadors at foreign courts. It is said to be exceedingly pacific, and to recommend the maintenance of exis ting treatise. The Kmperor and Empress had made their entry into Warsaw, and it is said that the re ception on the part of the population was more friendly than any Russiuu monarch has ever mot with in tbe Polish Capital. PERSIA. Herat was evacuated by the Porsiau troops on the 27th of July. INDIA. On the 1st of September, Gen. Outram was at Alluhabad with strong reinforcements and expected to reach Cawoporu ou tbe ninth. Oen. Ilavelock gained the ninth victory on the ICth of August, driving the rebels from a strong position near Betbor, which they do fended desporately. After the battle he re tired to ( 'awn pore, where he awaited rein forcements before advancing to tho relief of Lucknow. Tho garrison of Lucknow held oat bravely, and uo doubt was entcrtuined of their beiug able to do so until relief arrived, which was expected to bo about tbe middle of September. TLe garrison bad made a se cond successful sortie, iu which two guns and a large quantity of provisions were captured. At Agra all was well. Tbe intelligence from Delhi extends to the 20th or August. On the 20th of August, a body of the rebels, which left Delhi for the purpose of intercepting the seige ttain, was attacked by General Nicholson atNoyafghar, and utterly defeated, with tbe loss of all their guns. Tbe Iudian mail was expected to reach London on the 15th. A despatch to tho ' London Pobt says, "The British forces, taking the offensive, at tacked the batteries at Lucknow Orotic, cap turing and spiking the guns, and inllicting a heavy loss upon the enemy. Tbe rebels are dispirited; cholera has broken out fiercely among them, aud dissensions and daily deser tions from the city were taking place. Tbe Hindoos and Mabommedaos were quarrelling everywhere. Tbe 70th Native Infantry, at Barrackpore, have volunteered for China. Fitosr axd Snow. On the 20th there was a severe snow storm in Ouuidu and llermiker counties, New York and on the 23d, in Pre ble county, Ohio a similar storm was experi enced. On the night of the 20th, where was a hard frost at Towsoutowu Md., freezing tbe bean and pumpkin viues tomatoes, Ac Towsontown is seven miles north of Baltimore and some 200 feet above tide-water. The same night there was so bard and stiff a frost in the vicinity of Culpepper Court House Vs., ooo deiree south of Washington city, that no drilling in of seed wheat could be done there after 9 o'clock the following mor ning. Se severe a frost there ro early in the season is very unusual. The Baltimore I'spers say that iu the mountain region cf Maryland as well as Virginia, winter has fair ly set iu. Capt. John Snjdor, of tbe Balti more and Ohio Railroad, slates that wheu his train passed Atamount on Mouduy night the snow was coming down in regular old fashioned ftyle. Ice of considerable thick ness had also formed on the poois along the line. The mountains beyond CutubeiUud also presented a white mantle. . Roubino a Fa until. A farmer, named liomgarduor, while on his way to market, ou Bturday morning, ws stopped iu Market street, Han ieburg, Fa , by two or threa fel lows, H;o plundered his wacon of ti c creator 1Ril cf its contents, ccnit!t'g of XulUr, duil'-, thickens, THE AMERICAN. SUNBURY. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 81, 1867. " ' H. B. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor. To ADvnTissitt Tht circulation of the Sunrniry American among the diferent towns da tha Purqnehaniia not exceeded if equalled by any paper published ia North ern PennsvlTsm. Or Lost. A . lady's breast pin of large size and filigree work, with designs of fruit, was lost In this place, on Thursday evening, The finder will be rewarded by leaving it at tins office. ' fir Jamks Vandyxb, the newly elected SherifTin this county, took up his residonce ntlhe and entered npon the duties of tbe office on Wednesday last, i ' ! .i CiT Exprrss Aqknt. Mr. A. W. Fisher bus been appointed Express agent in this place for Adams & Co.'s Express. Packages Ac. will be recoived and sent from his drug store. This will be a great convenience for many of our citizens, who havo experienced much trouble and delay In the stoppage of the articles at Northumberland. C5T While looking at some fine grapes on the premises of Mr. Scapham, some days since, wo were attracted by a handsome piece of mechanism in his shop, palled a 'Phaa ton Rockaway,' tbe handiwork of him self and son. We were not aware that a carriage conld be got op in this place in such style. Mr. Scupham, Junior, is said to "bo not only an ingenious workman, but skillful in design and drawing. MUSIC IU PVULIC SCHOOLS. The Rev. Mr Uougler proposes to give weekly lessons in music to the children, at our public school house. His first lesson will be given on this (Saturday) afternoon, ut 3 o'clock. Ilia instructions are given gra tuitously. Mr. Gougler has been a professor of music and taught it successfully for a number of yeais. His proficiency in performance, as well as bis skill in imparting tbe knowledge to others is well knows Our citizens are fortunate in having this opportunity of placing their children under his charge. This branch of education has been much neglected in this State. In New England it it regularly taught in the public schools. Its influence over the child, tho man and society, is well known and appreciated. There is do calculating the benefits its cultivation in early childhood may carry through a lifetime. We hope our citizens will take advantage of tbe opportunity now afforded. We are con vinced that music will soon become a branch of instruction in our public schools. Mr. (J. proposes to tench in the public schools of Northumberland. THOS. ALL! HOME, ESQ. Mr. Allibone, recently President of the Bank of Pennsylvania, sailed for Europe on Satarday lust, accompanied by his wife and daughter. We trust a few weeks absence will restore Mr. Allibone to ns again in renewed health, prepared again for tho active duties of business. No man connected with the Banking In stitutions of Philadelphia possessed more sa gacity and sounder views than Mr. Allibone, and uo one was surronnded by more numer ous and devoted friends. His policy as a Bank officer was always liberal and enlarged aud all classes of the community, especially tho mercantile, never failed to find iu him the most efficient sympathy and friendship. If all tbe Bank officers in Philadelphia hud been mado wise, the present unfortunate con dition of the Bunks might have been averted. The life aud character of Mr. Allibono has won the esteem and confidence of all, who know him and there is no oue whose loss will be more felt In Philadelphia than Mr. Alli bone. Wo wish a prosperous and happy lour to mm auu a sale return, to bis nume rous friends and to the community, which he has so much benefitted. tST The Yalck of Si-kcik. Nothing shows more clearly tbe comparative soundness of the finances of the country at this time, than tbo fact that the price of gold has already uiien irotn auout six to one and two per ceut. I a some cases in New York, the gold drawn in Urge sums from tbe banks, has been already deposited again there being no salo for it, at a price worthy the mention Tho rate of exchougo still continues against Europe, and specie is flowing in upon us. The last steamer from California, it will bo noticed, also brought over a million and a half in specie. In 1637, the rate of exchange with Europe was heavily agaiust us, and coin was shipped out of. the coon try by the mil lions. The more the present distress is look ed into, tho more it seems to differ from a great financial revulsion, reaching down to tho basis of things. The fouudutious of the great fabric of trade seem as sound and strong 03 ever. Everything betokens fair weather not very far abend. . . ClT"VnAT in a Tout" Chief Justice Lewis, of this State, has given an opinion deciding that the luw of Pennsylvania making 2000 pounds a too was constitutional, that although tbe United States Constitution had given Congress the power to regulate weights and measures, making a uuiform law through out the United States, yet, nolil they did exeicise the power, each State had jurisdic tion over the subject within her own borders. Thus Judge Grier't decision that nothing less than 2210 pouuds could form a ton, is overset. KIT In PottsvilU farmers come armed to tho market. The editor of the, I'ottsville Anicrckanither Jiepublekaner sa;s, that on Monday last he met a country-friend at tho beef morlet with a loaded double-barrelled guu lyiug on his stand. Things are really uniting to a desperate point, when our people are obliged to go ai med lo protect theiuslvs from bciiij.' plundered oil the public higlmuy, CnoCODILK atlas CODFISH TEARS. The Codfish branch of the democratic par ty, particularly those in Suobnry who set up s candidate for the amusement of knock' ing him down, iprss tender Sympathy at the defeat of Hkkrt J. Readkr, jr. They even go so far as to say they would have given a thousand dollars to the election of Reader, had they dreamed of the defection in the party. This ia very nice, and may be consolation to a candidate, who has sense enough left htm to appreciate tbe insincerity of such talk but, we are very tnncb mistaken, If the gullibility of Reader Is great enough to swallow pretenslons io hollow. Promises of "better luck next time' may, however, do much to heal the wouud inflicted upon Rea der through tbe treachery in the codGsh camp. .." r ' . . f3Low Birtii and tnott FoRtuKK Hon. Andrew Johnson, who has just been elected to the U. S. Senate from Tennessee, to suc ceed Hon. James C. Jones, presents in his own person one of tbe most remarkable ex amples of what proper ambition may attain under Republican institutions. ' His origin was very obscure, and 01 educational advan tages in early life be bad nono. .After he married, his wife tangbt him his letters, and while he prosecuted his calling as a Journey man tailor, tosnpport his fumily, he acquired the simplest rudiments of education. But advancing step by step, reading with avidity, studying closely, and striving constantly to improve bis condition, he has at last attained one of the most eminent positions iu tbe gift of his countrymen. "- It will be remembered be served in the U. S. House of Representa tives several years egn,. Asa legislator be was industrious and practical, rather than brilliant; but wielded a powerful influence in tbe deliberations of tbe body. His faults probably consists in excessive partisanship, and that tendency to illiberality in the public expenditures which oftentimes under the name of "economy," is disastrous to the in terests of tbe conutry. In the higher and broader sphere to which he ia now elevated, these faults mny be modified and softened) but in any' event, Mr. Johnson can hardly fail to be a uaost useful and laborious public ser vant. 83" Deatii ok George Washington Parke Ccstis, of Arlington. The venerable Mr, Custis, of Arlington, died at his residence in Alexandria county, Vs., on tbe 17th instant, The whole country kmw him, and his fntii cti8ro will long be remembered. Closely al lied to the Washington family, fond of calling himself tbe child of Mount Veruon, he was never so much in his element as when he was talking or writing of the great chief aud tbe men end times of tbe revolution. He had been fondled on the knee of the Father of his Country, and received from him the kindness of a parent. He repaid that car and aflec tion with filiu! devotipn, and to the day or ois dealn ail tbe recollections of bis life cen tred around and radiated from the time he was one of Woshington's family. He lived to good old age, (seventy-seven years,) retaining his mental faculties to the last. His funeral took place on Tuesday at Arlington (7 Morris B. Joiikso.v, a printer, employ ed in the office of the St. Louis Democrat, twenty-one years of age, and married but few weeks sinca died suddenly on Friday lost- He was suffering excruciatingly from the toothache, and resorted imprudently lo chlo roform to allay his distress His wife having left him a short time, returned and found him dead. He was from Harrisburg, Pa., where he has friends, who wfll learn the strange tidings of his death with poignant sorrow, His habits wero those of sobriety and in dustry. ry Rksimino Work. The Alleutown Democrat says that operations are about to be resumed at many of tho iron Works in Lehigh county, which had suspeuded a few weeks ago. Tho Thomas Iron Company and the Crane Company, it is said, will both eon tinuo their furnaces iu blast during the winter. The Allentown Iron Company are going on uninterruptedly. This will aflerd employ ment to many a man along the Lehigh who would otherwice have an idle dreary winter before him. C3T Lebanon Coi'ktt. The Lebanon Cou rier states that tbe Board of Directors of the Lebanon Valley Railroad Company met at Hummelstown on Wednesday, the 21st inst., and made arrangements for the completion of the road to Harrisburg by tbe first of January next, and at that time, we are assured, the cars will commence running through. The cars will run to Hummclstowa in three weeks. This will be cheering news to the large number of workingmen who were thrown out of employment by the stoppage of this work a few weeks since. CJ" A young lady of Colchester, near Chi cago, was told by her father, a few days, ago, that he would rather follow her to the grave Iban see her wife of a man wdio was pay- ing his addresaejs to her. She shortly after, wards was seized with an alarming illness, and in three hours was a corpse. - Just before dying, when sho was beyoud the reach of remedy, she coufessed to having procured and taken a large porliou of arsenic. LYNCH Law on tiik Missouri Rive. On one of the Missouri river steamboats, not long since, a passenger was suspected of im proper intimacy with a youag lady of four teen, whom be represented as uis sister. 1 be fuels of tbe case having been verified, th crew and passengers livlu a meeliug an voted that the couple should be married When the pair were culled to receive tb verdict, the irirl seemed very much pleased but tbe man rather hung back. The captain however, settled tbe matter by drawing bis pistols and declaring that the thing must be done, aud at the uext landing a Justice of the I eace was brought on board, ana toe marriage was celebrated witn great lesuvny. Toor Crawford the sculptor, is probably ere tins no more. letters from bis lamiiy. dated the 8tb and 9th instant cipress tbe opinion that h would not live more than day or two. Though utterly prostrated by clousness nnimpared and bore bis sufferings, which are beleived to be very acute, with true Christian fortitude. It is feared that the ! nest steamer wilt bring intelligence of th , dentil ol ourgiitsu couutryiuan. , ritTNSYLVANIA ELECTION. Tka Pall Official Vote far Omrnir. We hav j received the official returns from very County of tbe State, and subjoin tho tote tt Uoverner in full together with vote for President last year : tT"-j-i t r s tf & fa. P " . n S -to fi P IE I Berke, ) uars - 4310 H B7V4 7.K S4 Cheatrt . (ISIS " W8 S3Hfl , M9 go) Itelawit,,'' aios. IMlt .iMMJ!' 1814 ' 019 Franklti :uS) iOTKI 10 -34 3(XtS . 01 tebfUKS.'- lt Will t I'" WWI -18 MtdllTv 1491 13115 SI "153 1317 I(H Moiitoir, 1471 804 .- II HfO 80S 71 Narlhiaptniri S3ftO 1613 I1IM 4107 111! tniO Phltad.W 3tK Sl 10 11S 97749 l(Ml 14441 Schuylkill, 7UW - 4SH3 007 !30 WI7f SHI I'llion,! imi lOlO IS 1)71 1H75 1(10 Dnaptiit, m 3"47 107 3109 is tit) Cumber and, 349 3nr - 14 3U78 94HS o Bucket,'. 6517 6101 316 6747 4K11 101 I-rhlgh, ' 41SS 8.13 31 3CU5 BWS7 9 Dhir, " 9iS 9IP9 ' SOT 1619 HS0 660 ClaarSekt, 1H7S l.'Xfl V3 1451 7lU 11 li N.UiawBettM,3ll59 Idfl-i 944 SS-39 . 074 4!0 Wmwnrrlaml.SI?! 4j4 6 AMI 3141 97 Allenheny, IKKI lls!f3 ti BIKlO 78-7 SS8 I.yoenaiig ,' 0-104 9H3I 70 - 9f7S 17(11 34H Kria, 9SC4 61(11 8'Q UM 3KIS 143 lAZcrne, Dint 615S 5tM ' AjOti 3.VM 814 Lancaster. . B7:ll llla 977 SIM) . 7'.l9 lji-W A ami. 8017 SIMS 21 2Wi3 1000 68 Fulton, ' 970 7(13 ' '., 817 S70 9 Montreal r, T,'U 3337 1773 - 6448 SII8 13VS Wayaa, , . 89J9 t-MH 37 lltli 1H 60 Warreiw , 1MI smtf 47 SMI 131,(1 9 York. - 7S 3 1001 S3I4 177S 13TM Bedford, 1!4M '0Uil 1S-A S3W 130 3118 Snyder, , - - u&) 49 U99 . 9H ( Columbia, ' . ' 1433 6 2110 1144 flo Huntingdon." SIM jkM 737 1749 l7S 948 Cambria, 1HA.1 107 9:1711 - 104 103 Mercer, SIM) 3701 103 9: WiS 49 ljiwionce, 1911 3II7S PS W8 I'1 60 Indiana, 17fi , 3h(3 3 1438 96)0 SO Waehmgton, 4SS8 - 4374 198 37.'i ' 3I4 149 Heuver, I0OS 9781 13 K.r7 llMW oo Boraerarl, I7M B8 I 1711 W7 6 Tioga, ' 13H6 4568 90 )l!3 3M - Wyoming, 1171 mi 67 129- W'5 1 Suaquelmiuiah, 9j4S -(W 43 9119 334 9 reny, 913.5 l7f 857 1!KW .V4 101 Armstrong, SO"n i7S 75 8109 SHKI 111 Carbon. IXi", 1110 139 I3S7 07 153 Centre, St-US 17C0 80 2003 214 S 31 Clarion, VtOO 17:1 813 W7 V3 Crawford, 1191 6384 41 8576 3SH Greene, V747 I.W) II HO H"K) S Jeffcram, 1483 ll(l 34 108 , lI'M 54 Juniata, IMS III7 150 1109 11135 811 McKean, rSM B19 40 4 6 1 Monroe, . S-f. 617 1 84 SOI 6 Pike, H HI 5 758 100 1 Potter, 647 J 909 8 3 937 4 Sullivan, 6J8 35 6 401 BflJ 8 Bradford, 8314 8168 71 208 6fll . 6 Clinton, 14N3 1966 34 1184 11163 IS Fayette, . O.W4 317 48 3I( 953H 80 Batlcr, 9818 3115 07 8381 9.1l 63 Venaugn, 9157' 9100 7 1IKK) 1790 9 Elk, . 4176 30 7 GO 270 9 Total, ( IT304VI atWtS 98338 1S66S0 146147 38100 Packer rarer VVilmot, .... Pucker ever Wilmut and Hazelliurat, Canal Cominlesloneie. Nimrod Wrlcklaiut, D. . 'Willirun Millvnnl, K. . " ' . Joliu F. Undermaii, A. Snprehtti JUilgcti M'iltinmeitNHifr " . - . Jamca Thoripaon, !, Joaepb J. lwlt, It, - - - . -- . J:unea Veecl K, Jnctib Broom, A., Jasper K. Biudy, ..... Anicnrihrilt to the teuiltt!eii 44,743 14,683 lf7,10S 14l.4'38 a,G38 1S0.W3 Ih7,(i3 149.59S 14-2 27.9-10 86.94 lat l,r8 13,U3 2nd .117,14 11,11 3d. 114.666 o;3os ' 4ih For Aguiuat, 118,2113 103,873 Majority for 109,003 95,730 9l,7t MURE MURDERS. , A man nam4 John Fee living near Bullock Creek S. C, in a fit of anger shot his horse and some cattle aud noes and on Sunday se nre to hut bosss which be had previously lock ed. His three motherless children aged from 5 to 14 years of age are supposed to have perished lo tbo Humes. A. peace warrant was isvued agaiust him by a neighbor and au ohicer went to serve it ; but lie was loun fortiGed in one of his barns aud swearing to shoot any onejrho .should jiUompt to ap proach him". " Fiually he was captured by stratagem. Mr. Lewis Bishop an old citizen of Tallo dego Ala., recently shot and killed Mr. J. O, Maxwell a man who resided on his lurin, an had been cropping with him during the pres ent year. - M-r. tsishnp claims thut the shoot ng was justifiable and Irnmediulely delivered himseir up to tbe authorities. At Old Crtmn Coleradn, Brown county Texas, on the 21st ult., a diUicuiiy occurre between two brothers named Watts on th one part aud a father and son on the other, i'lrearms were used and Ueorce alts on the yonnger Holland were killed on the snot. John atts was mortally wounded and died a week afterwards. A Mr. Curtis recently shot a Mr. Collatino near Fort Mason Tests with a double-barreled shot-cun for accusing him of larceny. Colluntine died a few hours afterwards. The Second Day's Run on thk Banks of New Orleans was worse than the first. Tho Crescent, describing the scene at the Citizen's Bank, says: - I "When the door opened a scene of the wildest confusion followed. The crowd acted lik. Bedlam broke loose scrambling, fight ing, shonting, losing hats and coat-tails and densely jamming tbe interior of the bunk in an instant. The bank officers, finding them selves besieged by a crowd of madmen, se cured the vaults and mounted tbe counters to keep the crowd from sciambliug over. Others, outside, tried to clamber in at the windowa, but ware burled back. Intelligence of this being sent to the Chief of Police, that officer dispatched all bis specials to the scene. They arrived, fought their wjy through tbe crowd to tbe counter, and then turned against them. They got an iron door-bar, with which they faced the crowd, having to fight freely with their lists at tbe same time, some of the besiegers being highly belligerent. Finally the Mayor bad to send down sixty additional policemen, who managed to pre serve something like order, when the work of redeeming the notes commenced. As Good as a Nxw Book. The London Leader mentions a new trick of the book trade in Englanit It says : "When, after all forma of pulling have been exhausted in vain, a book remains unsold, a fresh title psge is printed. The Xlume formerly called 'The War hrthe Jfb,' is now called 'The Ben gal Mutiny.' ' 'Misery,1 a tale of appalling interest, reappears as 'Woe ! Woe 1' a work which should be In every young lady's bauds. It will come out next .year as 'Kualine ; or, the Story of an Anguished Heart.'" ltdoes not much matter, as far as the reader ia con cerned, how much the booksellers resort to this practice. The readers of such books onlv pursue them to kill time, and a book with a now title is just as good as a new book. The Lawyers appear to be suffering in New York from the crisis. Many large merchants and business men, who havaeeo in tbe ha bit or employing lawyers at fixed salaries, to attend to all their necessary legal bisiness, have failed ; and those who bave not, either through motives of interest or humanity, de cline to press their ' delinquent creditors in such times as these. " If they go to law now, they are likely to recover little or nothing ; bv postpoinsr their claims, tbey may dually obtain payment in full, or a much larger per centage than by forcing to an immediate set tlement. So those lawyers who are not lucky enonch to be made aasignees, trustees or. re ceivers, reap but little bunts fit from the com mon catastrophe. When the lawyers get skinned th timet ara hard indeed. Public Ledger. . .. ;' , , IJion Waoks for Girij. The Lako fia prrior Republican says : "Any amount of fe male help is wautad MtVTaa girls to do work are scarce. Good girls gel from f 12 to Ian.. . pet uioniu. Tni Coal Tap. The anontitt sent by I Railroad thiswtek Is 24,803 07 by Canal 81,644 18 for the week 56,448 05 tons against 53,930 14 the last week. The shipments for the corresponding week last year were 84,- yzo ions. .. - Tbe demand for prepared Coal Is good par ticularly stove Coal but broken is a drag in tbe market and can be purchased at reduced rates. This is caused by the itoppage of so many Iron works, 4o., ko. Miners Journal. Art Ai.i.kof.d Certain Cork ro a Friar The Buffulo (N. Y.i Com. Advertiser has received the following, which is said to be a certain enre for a felon : "Take a pint ol common soft soap,' and stir In it air slaked lime till it is or the consistency or Blaster s pntty. ' Make leather thimble t fill it with this composition and insert the fincei therein. and change the composition once in twenty minotes, and a core is certain." We happen to know that the above is certain remedy and recommend it to any who may be trou ble J with that disagreeable ailment. One of our colemnoraries is insisting that there is tnngio in the number SRVKtt. It remarks that the years 1817, '27, '37, '47, and o7, bavo been remarkable lor tboir financial revulsions,, the alternate decades being the most severe, until superstitious people nave como to regard the seven as an unlucky num ber, and 77, it Is supposed, will round the history with a most convincing Illustration. Counterfeit dimes are in circulation in a considerable extent. They are an excellent Imitation or tbe genuine containing tne requi site ring and color. In the present scarcity or specie, look out ror tuem. Gnu. V. Best, Editor of tbe Inteiliqencer of this place we regret to announco is lying very ill under the power of thatinsiduousdis- easo, Consumption. Mr. Best is one of tho oldest J: nnters In tbe state, and tho private relations of life, has ever maintained a high character t and many warm and sympathizing friends mark bis decline with paiuful solici- tude. Montour American. CoNTRAtTS for Pork have been made in Montgomery county, Ya., at 6,50, and iu some or the connties west or there at 5-. A horse fair will be held in Harrisburg on tbe 20tb instant. The Philadelphia Morning Timet has ceas ed to exist. The Bank of England has lent 5000,000 to tbe bast lnaia Company. - .. . Tbe London Times says it will cost five bun dred million dollars to put down the insurrec tion in inuia. Operations on the Lebanon Vnlloy Roil road have been suspended end five hundred and fifty laborers aud mechanics thrown out oremploymeut. Last year only one person in 16,108,440 who traveled by British railway was killed Iroin causes beyond his own control, Thomas Alibone Esq., late President the Hunk of Pennsylvania has sailed for Europe with a portion of his family. Cause ill health. Cclcgvaj)j)ic ITelw. Inlrrratlos from the Weal St. Lovis Oct. 24. Cuptain Van Vhit, who started from Utah on the 14th ult., arrived iu this city lust night Ho furnishes some interesting information in regard to the Utah Expedition, aud the state of affairs at Salt Lake. On September 22d he cet a body of TJ. S. troops, two hundred and thirty milos eust of Fort Lawrence. He also mot Governor Cu minings on October 81 b niuety miles be yond Fort Kearney. Somo supply truius were within uu hundred aud forty uulos of the valley, while others were far behind, and not likely to arrive this season. Mr. Van VIeit travelled over 2,400 miles since August 1, and was treated with much consideration by the Ivading men at Salt Lake City ; but ho heard the expression of only one opinion, that the troops under the command of the officers of tbe United States government should never gain a foothold in their domiuious. A heavy snow full at Fort Bridges on the 15th ult. - ' Hon. John M. Beiuheisel, delegate to Con gress from Utah, accompanied by Captain au leit, s tutted Tor N ushingtou City to day. Messrs Nichols and Reber, engiueers on Magraw's section of the Wagon Road Expe dition, have also arrived iu this city. They left Pucilic Springs on the 7lh alt. 1 bey are of tbe opinion that the train will stop at l'ort l.arimie during tbe ensuir.g winter. The cattle belonging to the government train were dying fast, aud tbo mules were breaking down. Grass was very scarce. Colonel HofTinuo, commander at Fort Lar amie, denies having caused a Mormon , train to be overhauled. The Kanaka fclei-tloa. Incitement Jlentived Gov. Walker Defer miued to Htjevt the vote of Oxford. St. Lou ik, Oct. 26. A protest, signed by several prominent citiseus of Kansas, was filed oo the 15th inst., against the fraudulent returns of Oxford precinct, in Johnson county. Iu reply to which, after a personal investiga tion, Governor Walker and Secretary Stan ton publish a proclamation in tho Herald of i i ecdom, of the 20lb mat., expressing a deter mination to reject the entire vote of Oxford, aud give certificates to the Free Stale Can didates. The proclamation produced an intense ei citemeut among the pro-slavery men, and threats of vengecance were made agaiust the Governor and his Secretary. On tbe 19th inst., a protest was made against the assembling of the Constitutional Convention, by a Mass Convention of the people held at Lecompton. Exareeelou efHoaUlity bjr Ilia Mamea Elders Discourses by II tier C. Kimball and Drighuin Young The H'onitn and Children to It Armed Preparations for. a Siege. St. Louis, Oct. 26. Tbe Republican o this city publishes a discourse delivered by Elder lieber C. Kimball, at Salt Lake city, oo August 30. Strong grounds are token against tbe United Stales Government, aud a determination expressed to resist its troops to the lust extremity. The women and children are called upon to arm themselves, and tbe people generally exuoriea to lay up lueir grain auu oioerwiae prepare for tbe conflict. 'During tbe dis course Kimball said, "We are tbe kingdom of Ued tbe State or Desert and will bave Brighatn Young for Governor just as long as he likes " Biigbam Young mado a speech equally Doid in declarations or hostility against the IIarkisuI'bo Oct. 24. A large meeting of citizens was held this eveniug at tbe Court lloase, to request the Town Council to issue small notes for the convenience ofbueiness mes in making change Judge Dock presided, and Messrs George Bergoer and John Wallower were appointed Secretaries. A eonimitteo was appointed to eonfer with the Town Conucil on tbe sub ject. - ' - Nxw Yl, Oct. 25. Tbe brig Mountain Easla. from Sisal, re ports that tbe Indiaua had massacred pearly all the inhabitants of a village about sixty miles from Merida. - Over 600 bod ire bad bees found, and more were being discovered daily in the woods, shockingly mutilated. Frem Weehlngte." ' -. , WAsmnoTou. Oct. OS. The President having learned that ex-President Pierce con templates viniting the Island of Madeira for tbe beneBt of his health, has tendered a pas sage, through the Secretary of tbe Navy, in me u. a. steamer 'owbattan,-which is on th eve of leaving for the East Indies, touch ing ai .Madeira. - - A letter received at the War Department states that the Fifth and Tenth Regiments of lnrantry and Flumps' unllery left 1' ort Lar amie on tbe 9th of September on the way to uian. Lt. Col. Alexander, commanding the 10th Regiment, says that tbe march across tbe prarin country from Fort Leavenworth to Platte River, was within the line allowed by Uen. H ajney's orders, and wis perbsps the most exempt from loss aud accident ever known. No serious sickness has prevailed, though four cases of billions fever, produced by the great alterations of the temperatnre and the miasma of the Plait bottom, have occurred. - He confidently expresses the bn- lief that, unless some very onforscen accident occurs, his ree ment will roach L tali in s condition of perfect efficiency and discipline, The Peineeraey and tha Currency. Boston, Oct. 23. The Democrats, at a meeting held this evening, passed resolutions laying the blame of tne financial revulsion on the bauks, and condemning paper currency altogether. The resolutions advocate the gradual abolition of all bills nndor ten dollars. Maasncre ly the Indiana C'entraillclrd. St. Louis. Oct. 23. J. C. Stuck. U. S Surveyor, contradicts the report recently published in the New York Tribune, that several companies of Surveyors had been sur rounded by the Cbeyeohes and Sioux muiuns in the northwest corner ofNebrsBka. Death ol Mr. Dr. B.uah. Saratoga, Oct. 23. Mrs. Dr. Rush, of Philadelphia, died here, this forenoon, after a lingering illness. (0iMmmicatciL Far tbe Banbury Ainericiin Agricultural Meeting. In pursuance of public notice, a mooting of the citizens of Milton and vicinity was held in the Odd Fellows Hall on Saturday, the 24th of October, for the purpose of devi sing means in regard to purchasing ground in the neighborhood of Milton, to be used as a Fair Ground for the permanent use of the Northumberland county Agricultural Society. Wm. Ii. LaWson, Esq., was nppoibted President of the meeting. Tbe meeting was addressed by Gov. Pol lock, wbo in a very able and eloquent man ner stated tho benefits, &c. arising from Agricultural Societies, and strongly urged the propriety and utility of adopting some place to obtain tho necessary funds to carry into operation lue object oi ttio meeting. On motion, Resolved, That a committee of five appointed by the President to lay before this meeting, some plan, to obtain the means, and to devise measures for the successfully csarying into operation the object of the meetinir. The chair appointed S. D. Jordan, S. T. Ilrowo, John Miller, John Ronsh and John S. Finney, fur that purpose. tpu motion it was, iiesolced, 1 hat t. ol. .las. Camoron, J. 11. McCormick and J. P. Jor dan be appointed a committee to confer with tho citizens or the lower eud ol the county, and to invite them to co operate with us. iu regard to establishing a perniauenf f.iir ground in tho vicinity of Milton. On motion, liesnicetl, I hat u committee consisting of James Cameron, Amos E. Kapp, Benjamin Hendricks, .Tamos Forrester. J. 11. Davis, John mcl.'ormicK.scn., l. r. raisin, Fredurick Wilhelm, S. I). Jordan ond John Nicely bo appointed to view tho different grounds in tho vicicity of Milt.-n. nscortoin the price, and best location for n fair ground, and to make report to a meeting to be held in the Odd Fellow's Hall on tfntnrdny after noon the 7th of November next. Tbe committee to cxamiue the ground to to meet in Miilon on 1 hursduy tho MU or November, at 10 o'clock A."M. lt was Jlesolved by the meeting thut Ihe shares of stock bo 00 each, the first in stalment $5 00 to be paid on tho first day of April next, and the ballance in four'quarter ly payments, on Ihe first days of July, Octo ber, January and April. S.I). Jordan. J. B. Davis, lnac Brown, John V. Goodlander and D. W. McL'leery were appointed a committee to solicit sub scription to stock. Adjourned lo meet iu the U.ld t-uiiows Hull on Saturday tho 7th Nov. niber next nt 2 o'clock P.M. "N'Anv. liRD to Nary l!noKxn." This qnuitit inscription was put up near a bank in a western town and a bucket o' tar und a sack of feathers were placed convenient loitasa hint of what brokers might r.p,ct who would venture to run the institution. In this part of the world the rule is, " Arey red to anybody entitled to it" provided they con get it and instead of helping strangers to a coat of tar and feathers we invite them to st -p up to the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Uockhill & Wilson, Nos. C03 and G05 Chusnut strout, above Sixth Philadelphia, and obtain more comfortable and becoming garments than the extract of Fhe trees and a goose'e fleece will furnish tbem. A Jleuudyfor Dytpepsia. The Oxygena ted Bitters have been tested by scientific men and proved to combine the most valuuble tonic properties. Being free from alcohol, no reaction is suffered by the niost delicate con- stitBtions. Jlolloway's Ointment and Pills. The tsiut of.scrofula has been known to run through the blood of half a dozen generations. The seeds of all virulent eruptions and ulcerous distempers exist in the animal fluids, ond will be inevitably transmitted from parents to children unless rooted out of the system by a preparation capable of utterbly neutralizing the virus in the channels of circulation. Hoi loway's Ointment is suck a preparation and there is none like it iu tbe whole range of pharmacy. Tbe poison which produces and perpetutates external disease cannot resist its dilligent and antiseptic properties. When scrofula cancer, tumor, sali-rbeum, &c, have become hereditary, it litterally cuts off' the entail. It is desirable that tho Pills should be given occasioaally in all cases which re quire the Ointment. ' If yon hare sore or paiuful disease, po and got a bottle of lu 1 all's Guhanic IHI, and will not rue it no 1 yoo will buy more; this has been the case, aud will be so in time to come. AaiNTs ro Da Vn i'i Csuvsai Oil. Friling A Grant, A. V. Fialier, W., C. Wank, II D. Maize, Bergstresaar k Hull. rai,000 RBWARO wiH be paid for any Medielne tlial will uual fKATT k. bLTl lll.ll'S S1AU10 OIL for the following diseases: Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Rpinal Affection, contracted Jomta, Chnha Paina, Fuina in lias Side M Hack, Uawlahba, Tuothache, Bpinina, tVira Throat, Cuts, Hiuieca, Uarns, and all diseases of Uis skia Muaca-s and the tilanda. Notie genuine w lllioul Ihe eig nslure of PasTt A HorcHea attached to each lhel Principal oihee, tut VVaauuiyUat street, Urouktyn, New Yark. kWM br Albert W. r isker, Diagfist, Mai Vet street, SubWtt, y This is to eertify, that I have made hat one application of tha Magio Oil on my flagers, which have been drawn fmnscontrac tton of the eords, brought on by rheumatism. It was of seventeen months siandiofr, and I now entirely eored. 1 cheerfully recommend it to all afflicted likewise. .:.. t i J. M.fiNiirwOOK. " Ilardsborj. i l.tcust stivfti-, July 2 H iT. ly. MARRIAGES. lo Shamokin. on VVedneadav. the 9th nit.. by tbe Rev. P. Bird. Mr. Mathias Emm to Miss Rrbecca A. Wii.ciks, all of Sbamokin. In this place, on Thnrsdaf evening, the ' 1,5th inst., by tbe Rev. P. Born, Mr. Arikb Iooan to Miss Hrrrirt Rahdamji, all of this place. . . ' Philadelphia Market. ' ', , Oct. 23.185T. Oraix. The receipts of Wheat continue qnite large, though the market is Inactive " uood red is held at l 25 a $1 26, aad 33 a $1 86 for good whit.- Sales of choice Kentacky at 81 50, and very superior Roan oke at $2 25. Rye is steady at 75 cents. Corn is dull, and light sales are making at 76 a 78c. Oats are in demand at from 32 a 33 cents per bushel.. .''"" Cloversecd Sales of prime at 5 Per 64 lbs. Whiskey Sales at 21 eft. in Lbls. aad in hhds., at 21 cents. , 1 s BUMBTJRY PRICE CURRENT. Wheat, , $1 BOal 10 Rye, ., - - . . 75 Corn, .60 Butter, SO EgR. ' l 'fallow, ... 13 Lard, - - 5 Tork, fl Tlerawax, 9 J Dried Apples, - 1 25 Oali, . . . . - 40 Buckwheat, . 62 Potatoes, -. - . 60 t laxaeed, - - 1 2ft i New Advertisements. The American.Horses in England Triumph of Vrinrcss in the Czarewitck ITandicvp. Pull particulars of the raco in ' Porter's Spirit of the Times." For ale by 11. Y. FUILINCJ. Sunbury, Oct. 31, 57. lt fORN at 50 cents per bushel, cnh. for n'e by.- J. 1J. MASSER. piIKK CONCENTRATED I.YK OR S.4 1 rONIKIEH. for sale at FISHER'S Prug Store. Price 20 eta. Ocloher at, 1856. WHEATLEY 8RCH ST. "THEATRE. ARCH ST. ABOVE" SIXTH, PHIT.AD'A. rPHE Star Company! composed or the firat Arltr In the world, and exceeding in Strength and Talent anv Drpmatic combination heretofore offered to tli Theatrical Puhlic, will appear e verjr uinlit in Comedy, Tragedy, Scrre Comic Drnmn, Vaudeville, Miijita! llurlrltae, &c. &c. When visiting the city, go the'e. Oct. 54, 1S57. ty ruin Kniiivljcfl: . ' i : pro l v x a i : r. m ru HOLLO WAY S PILLS T ) auiiVr lilt! ikiuih ami nnnltiri 'f ielnies when cerium iiieiui of cure me uccefjiiitjln tn all, in pttirtve tit KiiiM"i j ii Vfp'tnijic rinitiy, n fillip powerfully " Iht fuuPfB or ()i!ii,;e in !l the llmita, neiveHiut iin-uru i the lnHiy, exorlilir und noiaviiinuri inutlcr I'r-'iii ii lurktHie plnrrrt, iu the tyrtiMn, eWfitutu nntl puiily cvmv rTj(.iim, rchtiill the ilmrlrrH rMhtuiiution, iff tore tin! vigor uml virility nt the rnf lcl frnme. and trud t' pro long lil'e Itu bey.. ml ila tmliimty liinis. MILLIONS KKl.Y OX Til KM ! tn riw quarter of Oie globe, nttumc nil nation, civ:!- izil uiul ai-age thcie Pillai are used with ffpial unit unvii ryiiiB vui-inr,. They nre ntlvertiiwil in rvtry print d Ihii (rii 'B. mill whrretver cuumi-rce hits pruetnitcil, tliy ytc in L'OeJiiiiuni iiruiuiKi. AM. INTERNA!. B1SKASKS Yii-M todtir tti-linn, T)yfcietsrt, l.iver Cninpbint. AC fcrtione ,,1" Ihe llowria, the Knlne)i, tire Ni-rivn. tlte I.miL'a. 1 lie Tlinmt tiiul tlie llrnin. that have nrevi.n' a!v iMii"! all Itiimnn i?kill ami all illier remedies. :ire exn-,li. hourly unt iul'iilitiiy cured hy tins uH'CtMiqiii-niig iiitilivine UOD11.V I'ROSTItATloN I'yni v!ien ihe iviticnls aie rejiieed lo the l.-ist dere'' f r.teieiu-ai'. lin-y may be reeuter:itel ly the reainle.-11 t Hiiu iiaitullermitive pr'iperltea it( llclluray's Titis. l'KUl.l:S OK AM. ACKS, Frum wluilt-ver vliiietf i4 the nilinetits eiaii liar t tlieir mx Ihry niiiy l n-iirerinrr, may rely with entire roiilideii-e t'll die i-lirt-t of tins Jtreiigll;"ii!j;, levivuig, puie.-ilid mi med iatL remedy. Ilullvuay's Pills ure th If. t remedy Innini, in the world for the fnlloiriug disease: Attthirm, l-'tver and Acne rttnc and flrnerl ll.twel Ciiuipliiinta l-'emnle Cunijil'tintS Sretmdrtiy ri- 'i'llL'li nenuuenes liulniertinn InHtunzn liilliiinnritnn Vtjiireiil Afli-clions Worms, ut' all kuuls Inward WenWtiera l.iver Ctilrli-lnints i.ivtiehbgrSi.nita riu-s fold! dli-at PiSelaes C- istiveiK-ss PyspepMia Onirhiru Ur.ipy W CAt.'TlOX Naue are genuine unless lite v,r'!s 4tlliillovay. Nrw Yitrk uiul lrfullhl,, are dibi-erinhle i.a as a watef-murlr in every leaf ol" the 1ok of direetin is nround eaeh (lot or tiox ; the aume nuiy lie plainly eean ty hiiltlint; Ihe lenl' til the littit A liunds, -me reward will he a'ven tn any one rendering such information aa mar lend to the detection of any airly nr parties couiiti-rfeiliiiK the medicines or veudlng tlie same, knowing them to be apurioua. Sold at Ihe Manufactories if rrofeasnrlloLt.owAr PO Maiden line, New Viirlc, anil 214 Strainl. IimIoh, l,y alt respectable Pruircists atMl Dealeis m Medicine llir.iupli out the I'niterl States, and the civilised world, in boso., at S3 cents. Oj pcuts, and 91 each. 17 There is a considerable saving by taking the Lirg, r ai2ea. N. R. Pirecliona for tlie guidance f paaietita ia erty disorder are alTtxeit tu each box. October IT, If 57.lyca LINDSAY & BLAKISTON 5 CHEAP BOOK 8TOIIK, Boots sul d at pi'ires to suit the timer. All L punk Xutes taken at pur. fJIHE folluwing useful and lii'suliful Cooks -I- ore for sole at this Eatablishnient. H Watson's Camp Fires of the American Hero lution, with Fifty Original Illustrations by Croomc. 8vo. Price, $2 00. Proctor's Illustrated History of the Crusades, containing over 150 illustration. 1 vol. Bvo. Price $-i 00. Stork's illustrated Life of Martin Luther, IS Il lustrations. Itoyal 8o. Price, $1 oO. Miaa May's American Female Poets, with 11 io graphical and Critical notices and selection from their writings. Octavej editiutt, nine steel ' plates. Price t 00. Dr. Bethune'a British Female Ports, with iiio grsphical and critical notices and sclei lions from their writings, octavo edition, nine steel Plate. Price, $2 00. Watson's New Dictionary of Poetical Quota tions, consisting of elegant extracts, on every subject, compiled from various authors, and arranged euder appropriate hesde. Octavo edition. Nine Steel Plate. Price, $2 CO. Weld's Sacred Poetical Quotations, or Scripturs Tliemes and Thought as paraphtsrd by tha PoeU, Octavo edition. N in steel plates Priie, $2 00. Tha Women of the Scriptures, eight illrstrstions on stel. octavo, full cloth, gilt backs. Pries 1 1 50. Th C'hristian'a Daily Delight, with eight illus tration on steel, octavo, cloth, gilt backs Price ft 60. Scenes in th Live of th Apostles, with eight illustrations an steel. Octavo. Cloth, gilt back Price l. 50. ... Scenes ia tha Lives of th Patriarch and Pro ptict. ' 1 1 lustra t J by aigbt sWel plate. Oola to, Cloth, gilt back. Price, (1 50. GKBAT INDUCEMENTS TO AGENT). Tha auoet liberal inducements are - offered to Agent to engage in selling any of lih eliov Book, or tha numerous others published by tlienu Catalogue with terms furnished on sp plicalioa to ... ' , ..LINDSAY eV BLAKISTON, ""'-'-'.-3 , ,' Publishers and Booksellers. 3S South Ctli St., above riiestrijt, Pltiradeljiia i.f)iiei ii, ia. 1 mil